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我最愛嘅自助餐+最愛嘅人都係齊度🥰💕 mezza9 💯嘅自助餐💕 點解要早半年訂位?mezza9 「與廚共饗」超抵食海鮮自助晚餐。 今晚嘅重頭戲 mezza9 「與廚共饗」自助晚餐,幾年前同屋企人食過一次,已經畢生難忘,今次極力推介閨蜜一齊食,包佢滿意🥰 點解咁推薦?因為佢除咗有無限量嘅海鮮之外,仲可以自由決定用咩方法煮,即叫即煮,夠晒新鮮!例如龍蝦🦞你可以蒜蓉蒸、芝士焗、薑蔥炒、牛油果焗,炭烤、避風塘、好味辣汁,蒸、煎、炒由你話事。成餐飯食龍蝦都食到飽。😂牛油果焗龍蝦喺新口味,超好味呀! 只要有展示嘅海鮮或菜,你都可以自選煮法。大約10分鐘就會送到你張枱,即煮即食夠晒新鮮。 大大隻波士頓龍蝦🦞,隻隻都手掌咁大。超級新鮮彈牙鮮甜。仲有肥美鮑魚,隻隻新鮮爽口。 唔好以為只有海鮮吸引,仲有其他熟食都相當美味。千祈唔好錯過燉湯,好足料。鍾意食日本野,仲有刺身、壽司、茶碗蒸、天婦羅任食。不過我差不多尾聲先行去日本部,差不多收晒了。之前屋企人拎咗好多返枱食。 不過嚟得呢度,緊喺食海鮮為主。 除咗龍蝦、鮑魚仲有大沙白、沙白蜆、花甲、蝦、扇貝、黃腳立、黃花魚、九肚魚、魷魚鬚、白鱔、龍虎斑、石斑魚、螄蚶、一點紅 一樣有8個煮法,清蒸、白灼、鼓汁蒸、蒜蓉蒸、香煎、避風塘、薑蔥炒、美極、鼓汁炒、椒鹽 菜都有唔少選擇,仲有8種煮法。 白灼、清炒、上湯、薑汁炒、魚湯、豆豉鯪魚炒、蒜蓉炒、椒絲腐乳炒。 種類有秋葵、西蘭花、菜芯、涼瓜、芥蘭、勝瓜、唐生菜、娃娃菜、油麥菜 熟食選擇都唔少,蒜香排骨、XO醬西芹炒蝦球、燒肉、燒鴨、石斛燉豬展、椒鹽粟米、香蔥燒鵝粒炒飯、銀芽菇絲燘伊麵、沙丁魚、沙爹雞、雞腿、特色龍蝦包、豬肋骨配燒烤醬、法式龍蝦湯、紅酒燴牛肋條、海鮮意粉、咖哩雞、凱撒���律、其他沙律、葡式蛋撻、腰果酥、蜜汁叉燒酥。 飲品有菠蘿賓治、港式凍奶茶、苦瓜檸檬茶、蘋果蜜桃茶、杞子龍眼水、各式汽水等等 無論幾飽都有第二個胃食甜品。呢度嘅蛋糕真係好香滑,好正。仲有Tiramisu、心太軟、橙皮朱古力撻、季節蛋糕、焦糖椰皇布甸、椰汁珍珠紫露,最後食埋海鹽焦糖軟雪糕,好滿足。 多野食到咁,絕對超值。仲要款款都好美味。 呢間餐廳要提前半年預訂,真係Full得好緊要。 今次好彩有特別安排先訂到位。 地址:澳門新濠天地君悅酒店3樓 電話:+853-8868-1920 自助晚餐時間:18:00 - 21:00 成人價錢:MOP$699;小童價錢: MOP$350 星期五及六 成人價錢:MOP$729;小童價錢: MOP$365 另設加一服務費 著裝要求 端莊便服 好似3月加咗價,訂位時記得問清楚啊! #夏沫遊記 #夏沫環遊世界 #澳門景點 #澳門君悅酒店 @grandhyattmacau @mezza9restaurant #grandhyattmacau #stylish #香港女生 #打卡 #hkinfluencer #hkkol #topcitybites #打卡景點 #澳門打卡 #macau #travelblogger #mezza9 #girlsssstory #澳門美食 #hkfoodies #澳門必食 #澳門吃貨 #美食推薦 #美食日記 #自助餐 #澳門 (在 Mezza9) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqX-s7vSCc2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Kernig Kraft, nestled in the heart of Rajasthan, stands as a testament to unparalleled craftsmanship, celebrating the rich artistic heritage of the region. Our commitment to merging art and design into bespoke creations sets us apart in the world of hospitality spaces. We embark on a journey of refined luxury by starting with our adept 3D team, who meticulously customize furniture, ensuring a…
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香港酒店優惠 -【澳門 8 大自助餐介紹】優惠 / 預訂方法 / 套票一覽
香港酒店優惠 -【澳門 8 大自助餐介紹】優惠 / 預訂方法 / 套票一覽 https://www.jetsoday.com/%e9%a6%99%e6%b8%af%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97%e5%84%aa%e6%83%a0-%e3%80%90%e6%be%b3%e9%96%80-8-%e5%a4%a7%e8%87%aa%e5%8a%a9%e9%a4%90%e4%bb%8b%e7%b4%b9%e3%80%91%e5%84%aa%e6%83%a0-%e9%a0%90%e8%a8%82%e6%96%b9.html 澳門自助餐嘅質素向來都係性價比高,好易爆滿,如果想食的話就要盡早預訂喇!近期最熱門一定是上葡京酒店內的 「自助山」,自助午餐折實後 HK$301起、自助晚餐折實後 HK$591 起、如果想睇靚景,澳門旅遊塔自助餐 360°旋轉餐廳自助午餐折實後 HK$258 起、自助晚餐折實後 HK$451 起,即睇有邊間啱食! 澳門自助餐折扣價 | 預訂網址 酒店 自助午餐 自助晚餐 預訂網址 上葡京酒店 - 「自助山」 MOP301起 MOP591 按此 澳門君悅酒店 - 「mezza9」 NA MOP799 按此 澳門JW萬豪酒店 -「名廚都匯」自助餐 MOP345 MOP625 按此 澳門金沙城中心喜來登 - 「盛宴」自助餐 NA MOP439 按此 新濠影滙 - 星滙餐廳 NA NA 按此 澳門十六浦索菲特大酒店 - 海風 Mistral 自助餐 MOP205 MOP238 按此 澳門旅遊塔自助餐 - 360°旋轉餐廳 MOP258 MOP451 按此 澳門皇冠假日酒店 - 藍灣全日自助餐廳 NA MOP331 按此 上葡京酒店 – 「自助山」 「自助山」提供全城最優質豐富的自助餐,採用新鮮時令食材為賓客即席烹調超過 600 款環球美食及海鮮,更設有澳門自助餐首創的戶外燒烤,賓客可品嚐由專人烤製的大餐。「自助山」近日推出自助餐優惠,自助午餐折實後 HK$301(已連服務費 )起、自助晚餐不連現場享用活海鮮折實後 HK$591(已連服務費 )起。自助午餐食物方面有時令刺身、壽司卷物、正宗台灣美食、滋補燉湯、烤羊腿等等。自助晚餐食足 4 小時18:00-22:00(最遲入場時間 21:30)食物方面有即開生蠔、時令刺身、壽司卷物、加拿大長腳蟹、黑毛豬火腿、蒙古烤全羊等等。 用餐時段:自助午餐 12:00-15:00 / 自助晚餐 17:30-22:00 預訂網址:https://www.klook.com/zh-HK/food-and-dining/package/82192-grand-lisboa-palace-resort-macau-grand-buffet-273291?aid=16&aff_ext=Macau ▼上葡京酒店「自助山」 澳門上葡京自助山地點: 澳門上葡京三樓 ▼ 預訂網址 ▼ https://www.klook.com/zh-HK/food-and-dining/package/82192-grand-lisboa-palace-resort-macau-grand-buffet-273291?aid=16&aff_ext=Macau 澳門JW萬豪酒店 -「名廚都匯」自助餐 澳門 JW萬豪酒店「名廚都匯」自助餐都有優惠,自助午餐折後 HK$345 ,成人自助晚餐折實後
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Thinking of the Sunday brunch at Mezza 9 already 😚 - - - #hyatt #mezza9 #singapore #eatforlife #foodie #foodlover #throwback #later #alacarte #locallife #2020 #foodphotography . . . . . . . . . . . (at Mezza9) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGRq2rbB_32/?igshid=rus31pg6tc5k
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Beautiful waiting area. . . . #waiting #instagram #photography #dinnertime #mezza9 #djsyear2020pic https://www.instagram.com/p/B9rJp_rAz1z/?igshid=rcwfdmd1l0lr
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Thai Style Spicy Chicken with Green Papaya Salad, Holy Basil and Peanuts in Mezza9 of Grand Hyatt Singapore 😃#thetravellinggourmet #gourmetsansfrontieres #mezza9 #thaichicken #chilli https://www.instagram.com/p/B6xxsIMHUjX4-4zBQCPk1ZORbjJhQM2XjP9_7I0/?igshid=x6kz35uy8qrv
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🎊 Birthday Feast VIII • 🥘🐄 Meeza9 • ☺️ Thanks to my very friendly colleague, Mr David • Yummyyy; awesome, xiexieni! 😋🙋🏻 #triciapariseiffel #happiness #joy #awesomemoments #beautifulmemories #love #lifegoals #lifecolours #happybirthday #birthday #smiles #cherish #mwacks #xoxo #meaningful #celebrations #foodie #foodlove #foodporn #foodstagram #favourites #fatdieme #yummyfood #mezza9 #qualitytime #funtimes #throwback #exploringsingapore #grandhyattsingapore #makesmehungry (at Grand Hyatt Singapore)
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What: Classic Cheese Beyond Burger
Where: mezza9 (Grand Hyatt Singapore)
When: January 2019
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Saturday dinner - lamb chop. . . . . . . . #foodgasm #foodporn #instafood #luxe #foodpics #lambchop #mezzanine #mezza9 #grandhyatt #grandhyattsing #singapore #luxurylifestyle #luxelifestyle #luxuryhotel #luxehotel #lamb #dinner #saturdaynight #weekend @grandhyatt @grandhyattsing (at Grand Hyatt Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrIYWdgBrGn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1l9icc9ox2mry
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Breakfast #mezza9 #macau #grandhayatt #breakfast #omlette #salad #sausage #bread #dimsum #food #buffett #hotel #coffee #tea #foodie #restaurant #cuisine #photography #foodphotography (Grand Hyatt Macau)
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#muimuitravelmacau #Dinner #Seafood #Buffet 🍴Many ways for cooking #lobster 😎 #避風塘 #龍蝦 @grandhyattmacau @grandhyatt #muimuigrandhyattstay #grandhyattmacau #grandhyatt #hyatt #livinggrand #mezza9 (at Mezza9)
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Look up at me.. Aren't I beautiful? #lightingcanvas #djsyear2020pic #mezza9 #ahmedabad #dinner #nightshot # https://www.instagram.com/p/B9mifszglw9/?igshid=h8kitt8cdwud
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Counting down my days in Singapore and my weekly set lunch fix at #Mezza9 @grandhyattsing #TravelswithaGourmet #TWAGSingapore #yum #delish (at Grand Hyatt Singapore)
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Mezza9 Grand Hyatt Multigrain Loaf 😃#thetravellinggourmet #gourmetsansfrontieres #grandhyattsingapore #mezza9 #multigrainbread https://www.instagram.com/p/B4SFOaXnfUc0tj0tqctTw3sR49LOwNf5ifCR5U0/?igshid=iehkvqjkr774
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Thanks to my wonderful friend @mollymichalski I am now the proud owner of an original @mezza9_artist piece. Molly and I met at a Gallery in Carolina Beach both booked to support Mezza9 and coincidentally a few days after wards Molly came across this and bought it. Molly is now parting for the west coast. I am so happy and inspired that she is taking this huge leap and honored that she gave this to me as a parting gift. I've never forgotten of our beautiful friendship but this token will always remind me of her even when I grow old. #mezzanine #art #circus #grapefruit #ballet #ballerina #originalart #mezza9 #burningman #dance #clouds (at Carolina Beach, North Carolina)
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