#metal screaming
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theendofthetunnelbitch · 3 months ago
praying my bf's dad isn't home cuz I just got done trying to learn how to metal scream
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rivet77 · 1 year ago
do you have opinions on spiritbox?
also do you have any advice on how to get started and practice metal vocals?
Spiritbox is decent! Not my favorite band, but I can see the appeal, and I really liked Holy Roller & Blessed Be back when they came out.
As for metal vocals, I would recommend making sure you have a solid foundation when it comes to clean singing. Breath support & control, sustaining notes, warm-up routines, and becoming *very* familiar with the mechanics and anatomy of your mouth and throat. Once you have that down, I would start looking into one of two schools (you can do both eventually they're just slightly different): false cord, or fry screaming.
Experiment with tongue placement, mouth movement, etc and don't be afraid to make silly noises. You will look and even sound silly, it's kind of inevitable. Make a goal to be able to do ONE scream consistently and in a RELAXED fashion. Like, not much above talking volume. Screams don't need to be loud, you shouldn't need to push really hard, and if you experience any pain take a break and approach it differently.
The strain, anger, and loudness you perceive on the faces and necks of metal vocalists is almost all a performance. That, and vocal effects/mixing do a lot of heavy lifting. So be kind to yourself, practice a little every day, be patient, and you'll get there! (Also drink a LOT of water lol)
If you want a specific place to start, this may sound weird, but try to learn kargyraa throat singing. It gets you used to activating your false cords and has helped me immensely with my vocal quality.
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just-otter-thoughts · 6 months ago
Here's me screaming some Meshuggah :3
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cute-pluto · 1 month ago
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❤️ magnetic shipping charms! available in my shop next month :)
❤️ also mix and matchable into shadamy, sonamy, and metonic! let your shipping heart run wild!
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kitamars · 2 months ago
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taking a minute
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inkyvoidd · 10 months ago
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Thought it really suited Metal! ^^
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theribbajack · 12 days ago
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The Scarlet Valkyrie
Marika • Malenia
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eggfriedricedwasian · 3 months ago
Tim can do a death metal scream and if his family annoys him enough or if he can't sleep or focus because of them he'll wait till they're all in a room together and screams bloody murder and watch as they all get into a fighting stance while looking equal parts terrified
It gets better when he does it with YJ and they all start listening more because they hate the scream, Lobo loves it though and does it with him and they have scream offs
To make it even better he acts like he doesnt know who did it with the bats and continues to do so until Dick walks in on him having a scream off with Lobo and clocks him.
"You're the one doing the scream!?"
"What? No? Why would you think that?"
Dick is absolutely baffled and Tim has to contain his laughter.
Once the rest of the family finds out our best boy Duke asks him to sing King For A Day like the cultured baby he is.
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toorvu · 5 months ago
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Panicked bravery
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yellowvixen · 5 months ago
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week 39: the sonic symphony experience
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itsonlypolite · 2 months ago
does your Smitty's design change after he just nopes outta LQ and becomes an echo in HEA? if so, can we see it folks
I like me a goth smitten
Goth Smitten! Goth Smitten! Goth Smitten!
First, a Smitten before everything comes crashing down for comparisons sake:
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So, I really think you can tell that my Smitten design is a pre-HEA release design because I just draw him way too cute!! But that ended up only adding to the fun of designing a look for when he's at his lowest
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That's only how he looks at first though! The more torches are snuffed out, the more his form shifts back to something more familiar, if not still marred
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Poor Smitten! Poor HEA Princess!! This chapter is easily one of my favorites, thanks for the ask!
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months ago
Prompt 333
I once more believe Battinson Batman needs to be given a child. Or multiple. Multiple children. I am also once more rotating Ghosts Have Wings Au. 
So Batman, still early in his whole vigilante career ends up busting a shipment, nothing too surprising there. Pretty usual honestly. Except for what was in one of the crates already open. Because it looks like some sort of gemstones but… perfectly spherical. Strange. Suspicious. 
But it’s also late, er, early in the morning, and the GCPD is notoriously corrupt, so like, he’s not going to just leave the weird gemstones, each about the size of a plum or so. (Dear Gotham he’s apparently hungry, and might inwardly vow to never let anyone realize what his tired mind decided to use as measurement) 
So he, unknowingly spurred on by more than just a slight bit of ecto contamination, takes the strange spheres back home. Just puts them in his pockets and heads back to the manor that they moved back into after the whole Riddler mess. (He even found a cool cave! With a bunch of terrifying bats, but they made a glass separator! For safety!) 
But in Bruce’s defense of forgetting about them, he’s more than a little tired and hungry and just wants to sleep for a bit, y’know? So maybe he forgets about the gems as he falls asleep in the chair in the cave (Alfred was not pleased!) until he starts digging around for them. Erm. Did they fall out somewhere?? There’s no holes in his belt pockets… 
And maybe these sort of things shouldn’t slip his mind, the spheres had felt Weird with a capital W, but he gets forced to a circus and there’s an… accident. So maybe he pushed it away as not important because there’s now an angry grieving eight-year old living with him and he’s panickedly reading any and all sort of parenting books he can get a hold of because he has no clue what he’s doing. 
Yeah, maybe his back is itching like crazy no matter what he tries, and maybe he threw up the other day, but it’s fine. This is fine. 
Oh dear Gotham those are feathers, this is not fine- ALFREEED!
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blanchebees · 7 months ago
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Quick Vessel doodle
Tip jar
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just-otter-thoughts · 10 months ago
This kinda sounds like her right?
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cute-pluto · 21 days ago
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❤️ Lovey Dovey Shop Update ❤️
Check out the new items in my shop!
(Everything is in $CAD)
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the-jonestown-holotape · 8 months ago
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