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musicalyeetreblr · 5 months ago
Do you know that one Dexters laboratory meme
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torchickentacos · 6 months ago
Finished another :)
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spotaus · 8 months ago
Hello guys! Today I'm posting a super self-indulgent lil drabble based on @ancientschampionau 's RealAge AU! (This is non-canon!! Just a silly concept!!)
This is 90% just me playing around with the idea of the boys story from the perspective of a random monster who lives in town! Light is a flame elemental who runs a small garden of their own, but mostly works for Grillby in his restaurant. They don't know nearly *half* of the gang's story, but they're fascinated by what they do learn over the course of a few weeks.
Uhhh. No proof-reading or anything here since it's just me being silly- Thank you Ancients for not minding me butting my grubby lil hands in and doin a goofy with it!
   The day wasn't too busy. At least, it was never too busy in town, but sometimes it got busy in the little restaurant that they called their home away from home. Grillby's was the go-to spot for everyone in town, and some nights they'd have to bring out extra chairs just to seat everyone. Those nights were always the most charming, hearing all the familiar voices of their neighbors rise and fall like waves as they recounted their weeks.
   Of course, Light liked unbusy nights just like this one too. Nights when they only had a few customers getting a drink or a late-night snack before they went home and hit the hay.
   Right now there were just a few regulars who Light recognized. A bird monster, and a dog specifically were sat not far from them on the otherside of the counter. Light was awful with names, but knew that these two were here every night. ...And they knew the two always had some sort of drama they were eager to share. Grillby was less inclined to let them spread rumors in his earshot, but Light was always curious and willing to humor them.
   "Ladies!" Light greeted the pair as they sidled up to the space before them, only the counter separating them. "How're you two doing tonight?"
   Both monsters looked up at the excitable greeting, and they both seemed to perk up a bit at Light's presence.
   "Oh, we're doing just swell, dear." The dog monster replied eagerly, her smile growing a bit. Light didn't miss how their flames reflected and highlighted the Grey that was growing around her muzzle. "We were worried we'd be stuck with your spoil-sport boss all night!" She teased then.
   Light knew everyone was fond of Grillby. He was just likable like that. So when the bird laughed a bit, Light joined in.
   "Hardly! Couldn't imagine a nice night like this without a good chance to hear the tea." Light assured them, which made them perk up even a bit more, "What do you have for me tonight?"
   The ladies looked between eachother, before the bird monster made a little sing-songy whistle. It drew Light's full attention.
   "We have a few newcomers to town!" She chimed, and the dog monster nodded her head in agreement. "They're staying with Sans at the moment. At least, that's what my son says he overheard!" She added. "That boy overheard a phone-call that nice Papyrus boy took from his brother, and it sounded sudden!" She sounded proud.
   Light had to admit, they were surprised. Normally the ladies would tell them of a new batch of sheep brought in or a baby foal being born. On the more exciting days it'd be a scandal having to do with some young strapping man coming to town, but often that just ended up being the plot of a movie they'd watched that day.
   Hearing names, though? Sans and Papyrus lived a little ways away, but Light knew of them. Hell, everyone in town knew them. The ladies had never tried to make a fake story about them, and Light was interested. New people staying in town with the brothers? Light had moved in from the city a few years back and they remembered being lucky they knew people here. If these newcomers were real, they were lucky to have the brothers to watch out for them.
   "New folks you say? Have they been into town at all?" They asked curiously.
   The two ladies shook their heads a bit, "No. Sounded like they just moved a few days ago." The bird monster answered.
   The dog monster leaned forward, "I heard from the grocery that Sans was definitely buying a few extra things, though. Seems like they'll be staying a while." She deduced.
   Light wasn't quite sure how right the ladies were, and they could tell they were going to try and dive into a guessing game that would most likely end up more insulting than insightful, so Light laughed a bit.
   "Well, we'll just have to do our best to make them feel at home, right ladies?" They insisted a bit pointedly, and recieved nods of agreement that Light hoped were genuine.
   They sighed, glancing around, already losing their focus as the women started thinking of exactly how many visitors there were, how they knew Sans, why they'd moved. The whole nine yards. And, admittedly, they too were curious. Light imagined they were probably just old friends stopping by to see the town before they headed on their way again.
   It felt like hardly a minute had passed when they felt a hand pat their shoulder. It jolted them from their thoughts, and they realized that Grillby was back. They didn't need him to say anything to know it was getting close to closing time, and they scurried back towards the kitchen so they could start cleaning up for the night. And among their chores, the thoughts of newcomers in town faded, overlapped by just how many dishes they had piled up.... curse their laziness.
   It'd been a month or two since the ladies in the restaurant had brought up Sans' new house-mates. At first Light had been sure they were temporary, but the assumptions of them staying seemed to be true. Light had heard just about every update on them directly from the ladies, anytime Grillby gave them the chance to ask.
   Apparently it was five new skeleton monsters, all of them staying with Sans. Or, Crop. They were calling him Crop now, something about skeleton naming conventions. Four of them were adult guys, and from what Light had been told, they were a bit imposing. The fifth, though? A babybones. From what they'd heard, it was a little boy that the four adults had showed up with. That kid seemed to be their pride and joy, and maybe even what brought them to stay with Crop.
   Light had seen a few of them out in town a few times, just in passing. The one with the hole in his skull was the first one they'd spotted out in the wild, helping Crop with errands. Then there was the one with the dark magic leaking from his sockets. His soul being on display was a bold choice, but Light hadn't had much time to oogle him, as he'd just been walking out of the market as Light was walking in.
   They heard a rumor about the one that always seemed serious, a red scar under one of his sockets, but Light hadn't had the opportunity to spot him yet, and they'd seen the babybones across the street once, tucked in the arms of the one who always seemed to wear a hood.
   Light really didn't like to pry into people's private lives, but there was just so much talk swirling around that it was hard to not get at least a hint of new news daily. Like, when they were shopping for a new shirt (they ripped their old one trying to climb up a tree and grab a piece of their laundry that had escaped the drying rack) they heard the shop-owner talking about how adorable the new little family in town was to the person in-line before them. When they were hanging out with some pals, their buddy said the hooded one had fixed his janky-ass cash register in just a few minutes. That thing had been broken longer than Light was in-town! And just lately they'd heard that Gerson was giving all of them high-praises.
   Of course, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. No one knew where they came from, and they didn't tell either. Some people were weary, monsters with injuries like those? With the tired looks on their faces when they weren't really thinking about it? Monsters like that surely spelled trouble... but Light wasn't there to judge. They felt like an outside observer just piecing things together haphazardly as new information was thrown their way.
   ...and then they broke their lights.
   Okay, in their defense it wasn't actually the lights themselves. Something in the wiring had fucked up while they were at work, and they came back to a pitch-black farmhouse and a shitty housemate who'd scared the hell out of them by jumping out from under the table as they passed by.
   N, their awful (or Funny, as she'd put it) housemate had apparently gotten back from her own work and found the house like that, and she'd changed out all the lightbulbs before sunset. But, they didn't keep matches. Or lanterns, really. And she didn't know where to find the flashlight or her phone in the pitch black, so she'd decided waiting in the dark for her walking-torch of a friend to return was the best plan.
   And, apparently, N had somewhere to be in the morning, but she'd already phoned in an electrician to come figure out where things had gone wrong and fix it by the time Light was awake to find the note she'd left about it. Joyous day, Light loved those electricians. Not.
   One dreamless sleep and a tired morning. Light was in the kitchen, dressed in their work uniform and tiredly shoving a piece of fresh cantaloupe in their mouth, when their door knocker banged against the wood of the front door.
   Weird, the electricians always dragged their feet. One glance at their phone revealed that this one was only a few minutes behind schedule.
   They wandered to the door, gulping down their hasty breakfast before swinging the door open, and-
   That was not a big city electrician. That was, in fact, the new guy in town with the hood that fixed Gerson's, like, entire house. Wow. Light wasn't expecting him, N could've at least warned them!
   "Oh, good morning!" They unwittingly shifted gears, turning up their energy levels a bit, as to be welcoming. "I'm guessing my friend N called you about our electricity issue?" They questioned, holding the door open.
   It felt like they towered over the skeleton. They couldn't see his eyelights from under his hood, but he seemed tired and slouched. Unenthused to be here at the very least, and at the most he seemed deeply offended by having to stand on Light's rickety old porch. His vibe check was not passing.
   "Mm, yeah. Something about the wiring." He confirmed, seemingly begrudgingly. His voice was a little... quiet? That could've just been Light, though. They were used to the loud hollers of country-folk these days.
   Light sighed in exasperation. "Yep! I'm sure she probably told you all about it, but the entire lighting set-up went dark yesterday while we were both at work." They agreed, stepping to move out of the entrance to their house, "Come on in, I'm sure you'll know better than either of us did."
   The guy slipped in past them with a slight hum of confirmation, and Light noticed the toolbox clutched in one of his hands.
   They trailed him after closing the door, and watched as he honed in on the nearest light-switch. Unsurprisingly he toggled it, clicking the switch on. Off. On. Off again.
   Something felt a bit surreal. Light was convinced this guy and the other folks Crop was hosting were something like a urban legend, or a celebrity. They'd never been so close to them, and maybe it was a bit silly of them that they'd thought the guys were so imposing. I mean, this guy was in their house, and in just a few minutes he reminded Light more of a wet cat than anything the rumors about him or his friends had conjured up.
   He seemed tired, and he did everything with this off-putting systematicness. He'd seemed fine with Light trailing him through the house, pointing out where the wiring went and connected and which switches did what. It'd just given them more of a chance to observe him.
   In hindsight that was a little weird, but Light wasn't exactly the most normal monster in the world, so whatever.
   But truly. This guy seemed small, and a bit thin compared to the others they'd seen from afar. He was ultra quiet, probably the quietest person in town, and even though Light never saw his eyelights, it constantly felt like they were the one being scrutinized, and not the other way around.
   And, just like that, the skeleton had hummed and begun unscrewing a lightswitch plate just outside of N's room. Light watched curiously as he peeled the old cover back from the switch, and he poked at something with a nod to himself.
   "The wires here are frayed, messed up the circuit." He voiced, and his words made Light jump a bit. The only sound for at least 15 minutes had been their steps and the crackling of Light's flames.
   "Oh, seriously?" They asked meekly, seeing as he was already pulling some stuff out of his tool kit. Wires, it looked like. Maybe electrical tape too?
   "Yeah. Rat probably chewed through it." Was all he responded with, and Light was once again left in that silent gap as they watched him work. And he was skilled, that was for sure. Light had half expected him to dismiss them so he could fuck around for an hour to waste their time like the city electricians used to, but in about 5 minutes flat he had the wires attached, and in a few more minutes the cover was screwed back in place.
   A simple flick of the switch had the hall lights on in a split second. The shadow that fell on his skull darkened, but Light was too busy being impressed by his handiwork.
   "Holy shit, they don't even flicker anymore!" They said in mild amazement, missing as the skeleton packed his supplies back up and seemed already prepared to go.
   He led the charge back to the door, double-checking each light as they went, but they all worked better than ever now.
   "Here, your pay!" Light suddenly broke their silence, digging into their pocket before producing a roll of cash that N had left behind. "Thank you for the help, man." They added, though they swallowed their need to offer him a cup of coffee or a quick snack. It seemed to them he wasn't compelled by the need for a classic southern-farewell.
   He plucked the cash from theur hand, slipping it into a pocket on just jacket with a mumbled 'No problem.' before he was already on his way back out the door.
   Thirty minutes or so, that was really all it had taken. He was like a spectre, in and out in near complete silence. Not abrasive, but not friendly... cautious? Yeah. In hindsight he did seem cautious.
   Light decided in that moment that they'd be asking Grillby to give that man and his friends a discount the next time they stopped in.
   They were really moving into Gerson's old farm. Light hadn't seen that one coming in the slightest, but when Dani had driven past them with a load of lumber in her truck, with another few following her, Light had realized they were heavily out of the loop.
   Luckily for them, their boss knew what was going on already, and he was already telling them before they got two steps in the door with the latest crate of their supplies.
   "A delivery?" Light questioned the fire monster as he heated the crate out of Light's grasp. Light was young and spry, but Grillby was miraculously strong.
   They eyed him curiously, eyes skimming his flames, listening to the crackling pops that danced away from him. Was he really...?
   "Gerson's old place? Those guys really moved in there?" They questioned, though they knew that Grillby wasn't one for gossip. He was dead serious when he said he needed them to run an order out to the place.
   Apparently, Ellie had insisted Grillby contribute to their little gathering, celebrating the new neighbors and helping them settle in for good. Of course, he'd obliged, but he didn't want to leave the restaurant unattended for too long. So, Light would be taking the orders that way instead.
   "Alright, okay!" They laughed a bit as Grillby nudged them using the crate in his arms. All the supplies were stacked out back, and it seemed all the food was ready in the kitchen.
   Light gathered the food carefully, stacking it securely in their passenger's seat as Grillby kept moving in and out of the building, each time with another load of supplies.
   And then they were off. With only a slight detour past their own place, they made it no problem to the place they were meant to be.
   ...Luckily, the crowd wasn't big, and it wasn't hard to find a place to park on the driveway. Light could see a small group gathered in front of the building, and found that a few more were already on their way back to theur trucks. The Sun wasn't quite setting, but Light hoped they hadn't taken too long.
   Swinging out of the driver's side, they rounded to the passengers and gathered the food along their arms... having four sure did help them with the load.
   They kicked the door of their truck shut and moved as hurriedly as they could towards a familiar bunny monster. She and her partner were the only reason they were out here.
   "Food delivery, still warm!" Light called out when they got close enough that it felt appropriate. Only once a few faces had turned did they grin and continue, "Fresh from Grillby's, he sends his regards to our new neighbors!"
   One of the few of the group that was gathered was that skeleton with the magic leaking from his eyes. Light had, once, wondered whether they were tears but had since dismissed that idea. He always wore a wicked grin whenever they crossed paths.
   It was that skeleton and Ellie who approached them, breaking off from the little group who'd seemingly been helping out. Though, Light suspected by now that it might've become a social hour as the sun kept dipping lower.
   "Huh, today is just full of pleasant surprises," the skeleton voiced as he got within rang to stop and stand before Light, "And to think this is just in time for dinner. Now Horror won't have to cook!" He... seemed to be thinking aloud.
   Ellie came up beside him, smiling at Light, "Oh I was worried that stubborn monster wouldn't send anything at all!" She voiced, "Thank you, Light, for bringing all this up here." She was already moving forward, and Light let her scoop one of the covered plates off their arm.
   "It's no trouble at all. Least I can do to return the help is ferry some food to you hard-workers." They replied easily, though they didn't miss how the skeleton was looking at them now.
   I mean, he'd been looking before, but now Light felt that same weird feeling of being watched as they had at their house. A glance revealed that the skeleton had an eyebrow quirked at them.
   "Return the help?" He questioned idly.
   Oh, right, "Yeah! Your hooded friend was a big help to me a few weeks back. Fixed up my house's entire lighting circuit in a fraction of the time the city folks usually take." They said honestly, "But, based on what I've heard I'm probably not the first one to say that." They laughed a bit.
   The skeleton seemed to relax a little. When had he even tensed? Light hadn't noticed there was any tension in his form until his shoulders slumped a bit.
   "Ohhhh, right. Geez, Dust's met half this town and doesn't tell us anything." He mused. Light just tried to file away that the hooded one was Dust. "Well, speaking of Dust, he's probably already inside with the others." He said then, tilting his head towards Ellie, "You mind fielding the rest of these guys? Meet us back inside for dinner?"
   Ellie assured this guy that she could handle it and passed off the plate she'd taken to him.
   Light wasn't exactly informed on what was happening, but the skeleton just nodded for Light to follow him, and they did.
   They passed the last few folks catching up and cleaning in the lawn before climbing some steps onto a porch. Then the skeleton swung the door open, and Light slipped in behind him easily. It felt like any other delivery to any other residents of the town. Familiar and practiced, even though they'd never even gone past the drive on this old property.
   Inside the house was a bit barren, and pretty quiet, but that serenity only lasted for a few seconds before there was a call from the skeleton who led them inside.
   "Guess who brought back the grub?" He called, recieving various voices hissing the name 'Killer' in various levels of frustration to his calling.
   Light traveled into a separate area, a kitchen/dining room it seemed, following Killer with the meal, and they suddenly understood why they had so much.
   Sat and stood in the space were the other three skeletons who'd moved in, along with Crop, Straw, and Dani. It felt like a family-reunion of sorts. The skeletons all seemed to be leveling Killer with frustrated and exasperated looks as he sauntered inside and set his one plate on the table before him.
   "Killer, you gotta be more careful, Night was trying to get in a nap." Scolded one of them quietly, the one with the red scar under his eye.
   And stood in the doorway, Light spotted exactly what he was talking about. Killer moved quick to approach the hooded skeleton, Dust, and Light initially missed what was curled up in Dust's lap. No, not what. Who.
   There, tiredly blinking up towards the approaching Killer, was the babybones. He looked so comfy tucked in Dust's arms, and Light didn't envy him when Killer leaned and gently poked at one of his cheeks. "Sorry tiny boss, but we've got dinner to eat." He seemed to quietly amend as the little guy seemed unphased by the prodding.
   Light had been a bit shell-shocked. Maybe it was the kid being so cute? Maybe it was exhaustion from a long day? Most likely it was just that they felt like a bit of an intruder on a nice family meal. Like there was an invisible wall separating them from the fondness permeating in the room.
   Of course, that wasn't the case, and their arms were still keeping a few plates Wirth of food warm as they stood idly by. Watching as the room seemed to grow warmer at the presence of the babybones reawakening.
   "Oh, Light! Should've known Grillby wouldn't come himself." They were jolted out of their thoughts by Crop. He acknowledged them, which brought a lot of eyes directly onto them. They hoped their flames didn't burn brighter in embarrassment.
   They took a few steps inside, which brought them to just before an open seat at the table. "Great to see you again, Crop! You know how he is anymore about leaving the place un-manned." They voiced, trying to shake the gazes they could feel digging into them as they expertly laid the plates across the dinner table, sliding a few down the way with a practiced arm. "Besides, I would've been bummed if I hadn't gotten to greet the newly-moved in folks properly!"
   They stepped back once the food was all arranged, but finally took a moment to meet the stares watching them. Killer seemed unbothered, already moving to sit. Dust would've likely been uninterested, but Light could see how the little one was staring at them. And the other two? The big one was alright. He didn't seem to mind once Crop had greeted them, but the one with the scar still seemed weary.
   "Of course, I'll get out of your guys' hair so you can eat, but I heard people were bringing gifts, and my farm's not in season right now, so I had to improvise a bit." They said with a nervous grin as they popped open their inventory. A moment later, a simple black vase settled in their hands, and the room was lit up just a bit more.
   They hadn't expected the surprised hum of surprise from one of the skeletons.
   "Are those flowers, but on fire?" He asked, and Light caught that it was the one with the scar. They hoped that meant they could woo him a bit and make things less awkward.
   "Basically!" The agreed. "Flame flowers, they're my speciality item I grow in my garden. They'll keep burning as long as you leave them in the sun and don't water them." They explained, before holding the little bundle of them out above the table. "They're non-flammable and the flames don't get hotter than an average spring day. The vase is stone too, better for them to last longer." They almost got lost in a rant about how exactly the plant worked, but reigned it in as they realized just how long they'd been talking.
   "Mm, they seem pretty neat. Thank you." Came the voice of the one with the hole in his skull. "Would ya mind setting them on the counter there?" He gestured towards the counter behind them, and as they turned to place them, they realized Dani had begun talking about something. Maybe them, even? But they'd overstayed their welcome.
   Dani or Ellie would get the plants back to them to get back to Grillby's, they knew that much.
   They passed Ellie on their way out, only exchanging quick pleasantries before they split ways. The lawn was dark now, vacant besides Light's glow against the grass abd trees, abd their truck was the last one, parked a few paces from Crop and Dani's trucks.
   They stopped by the restaurant to check in on Grillby, but he dismissed them for the night, so they simply went home. But, those guys... something about them was oddly familiar. Or, oddly unfamiliar? They couldn't place it, not with words, but all that really mattered was that they seemed to really have found a home here, just like Light had.
   The town, with its many faults and troubles, seemed to attract the strangest people to call it home. That's what it was meant for though, right? This town looked out for its own. Maybe that was why it felt so right to have those five skeletons now living up on that previously vacant plot after so long.
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crabs-with-sticks · 3 months ago
At the suggestion of @pennabeast I call upon the council to help settle the matter of this ship name because as far as I can tell, nobody knows what to do.
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four-pointed-leaf · 9 months ago
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topology on this thing if anyone's curious. frankly they could stand to be a lot higher definition but i have disease of 'if i model something with more than 10k polygons i get scared' (joke)
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arachnidcakery · 10 months ago
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Here's a quick peak of my Sparklecare self-inserts 2nd redesign! >:3 ♡ (A drawing of them before I finish their ref sheet! <3)
Awhile ago, I said I wanted to finish Nea's intro card before I posted their (now former) ref. But as you can probably guess, I never rlly finished that intro card- (╥ ╥) But I'm actually almost done w/ the new one now! I'm going to have it done in a few days, I just need to finish writing a section, and polishing a few things. So if all goes to plan, I'll be posting the ref and card soon ♡
(I'll have Nea's previous ref utc, also! ♡ :3)
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devondespresso · 11 months ago
new fic has been titled and is now officially real nevermind the 7k already written for it
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(i think im so funny ashdjfghafjk)
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killjoy-prince · 2 years ago
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soldierandawar · 6 months ago
wtf is up with these unprofessional ass journalists. have you no shame??
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pricesprincess · 5 months ago
smut mdni
werewolf! simon who posts videos of him fucking other creatures such as other werewolves, vampires, pixies, really anything he can get his paws on that get really good views that is until he meets you, a little trinket fairy.
he sets up the tripod, and you're standing next to him, only ending at his massive hip. you're waving and smiling so cute and sweet too.
you're plump with extra to grab and simon loves that.
que ten minutes in the video and you're being bounced up and down simon's fat cock, the knot nudging against your gaping entrance.
the camera was high quality, able to get an excellent view of the way your pussylips swallowed his impressive girth.
your slick gushing making simon's glistening dick and fat sack that was swollen and drip with your creamy cum that made a mess between his thick and powerful thighs.
simon had his hands tucked underneath your knees to keep your legs spread open as he used you for his own pleasure like you were a toy.
and in a way you were.
the way his tapered tip kissed your cervix you squealed with pleasure and pain that blended together in an intoxicating haze as you gripped his biceps letting your head bounce around.
he fucked into you so deep that you swore he was in your throat, simon was everywhere and there was no escaping his hold or his dick.
comments and hefty tips flowed in the more your pussy gushed that sweet essence which wafted up to his snout that he pressed into your neck. each thrust jingled your trinkets noisily.
your sweet cries brought in the most viewers simon has ever had, sure everyone else he fucked was good but you? you're better.
the way you cling to him trying to tap out after your third orgasm but simon wasn't done. "you promised me love to finish this video, now be good and let me cum in your wet hot cunt "
his knot swelled before he pushed you all the way down making your pussy swallow him whole. "simon! fuck!" you wailed loudly.
a thick load of cum filled your quivering cunt which only added to the wet sticky mess between your legs as simon read the comments petting your hair and kissing your cheek.
"i think you'll just be a regular from now on."
comments and relogs with tags are really appreciated <3
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novelistwriter · 1 month ago
The Undead Shop Owner
DP x DC Prompt
The shop, Nightingale Services, has been around since the start of Batman's Vigilante work. The owner, Daniel Altair, is a young man who has stayed looking like he is in his early 20s, despite the many years that had passed, with the appearance of the newest Stabby Robin, Nightingale Services is going ti he requested by the Bat to help with training him, like with all the other times he was requested to do so with the other birdies and sidekicks and the Bat himself.
The Bats and even the Rogues of Gotham had tried to figure out who Daniel Altair was before he came to Gotham. When the Metahumans started appearing, the Gothamites just thought that Daniel Altair was a meta with powers related to aging, none of them questioned his pale skin, sharp fangs, and a Thermos that's always filled with a red liquid.
Nightingale Services is a neutral zone, given that Daniel Altair has stated so many times while escorting beaten goons, rogues, and occasionally a vigilante in the past, the most memorable ones were Daniel tossing the Joker in a dumpster after the Clown tried to do something to the store owner, and Batman being calmly escorted off of Daniel's property with a warning, with Batman having some visible injuries, despite the night just starting that day.
Danny had escaped his home, leaving it for the Infinite Realms/Ghost Zone, and found his way to a new dimension. His parents didn't accept him being a Halfa. He wanted Jazz, Sam, and Tucker to be with him, but they had to stay behind to keep his parents and the GIW from trying anything.
He changed his last name to Altair, the brightest start in the Aquila constellation, and opened a store that would help fulfill his obsession, Nightingale Services. He would basically offer almost any type of service, cleaning, tutoring, business advice, managing group efforts he is paid to do, and training are some of them.
His first year in the new dimension had his biggest event being the Batman coming after him because of falsified evidence the Penguin left that painted Danny as the culprit for smuggling illegal stuff into Gotham. After that, Danny used some of his Ghost King inheritance to buy the Iceberg Lounge from the Penguin. He still has it, but the Penguin has a fraction of the place to earn some money from it when the Penguin stopped his attempts at ruining the new life Danny had after Danny showed the Penguin that he can and will kill the man if it continues, which he rewarded the man with the partial ownership of the Iceberg Lounge.
Then the Joker tried to get him to do things that would go against his obsession the next year. When he rejected the Jokers job offer, he had to beat up the Joker and tossed him into the dumpster next to his store.
Danny learned from Clockwork that his body is still connected to his home dimensions time flow, so he ages a lot slower in his new home, and the fact that he is compared to a vampire by the Hero community doesn't really bother him, he already proved he isn't one of the malevolent ones with the help from a British Magician that is the source of his headaches from his Ghost King paperwork.
Danny had to deal with each new batfamily member when they appeared. He gave closure to both Bruce and Dick with their parents, gave Jason a charm that would protect him from a fatal incident, gave Barbara a concoction that could heal any wound, slightly messed with Tim whenever the kid tried to learn about his past, out pranked Stephanie whenever she tried to prank him, plays a version of tag with Cassandra that involves them both sneaking up on each other, gave Duke some advice for his powers, and now he is tasked with both being a training instructor to Damian and getting the kid to be less high and mighty about himself.
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tbaluver · 2 months ago
𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐊 𝐇𝐈𝐌 𝐃𝐑𝐘!- 𝐒𝐲𝐥𝐮𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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pairings: sub!sylus x fem!dom! reader warnings/ tags: MDNI, male receiving overstimulation, p in v, reader riding sylus a/n: hihi lovelies ! <3 this is inspo/ based on KNOCKING him out after we did the boomshakala freaky deeky with him in his memory (•̀ᴗ•́ )و enjoy reading ! special thank you to @ilovemitsuya and @deusfoundry for beta reading! MWAH ILY BOTH cr to the gif. @ilovemitsuya
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“unfortunately i can’t give you control, not yet at least.” 
he said with such confidence, taking the lead with heated kisses and teasing touches that roamed all over your body. he’d simply lick his lips the moment your bra slips away, taking all his might not to absolutely ravage them.
delicious noises escape his lips as he swirls his tongue along your bud while he slides his index and middle finger in the dampness of your underwear. “tell me..what do you really want? won’t you be honest and tell me like you just did?” he gazes up from the valley of your breasts, his crimson eyes meeting yours. you could feel his warm breath brushing over your bare skin 
you narrow your eyes at him, shifting your positions and rolling both of you over effortlessly. from your new vantage point, you look down at him with a smug smile tugging at your lips as surprise flickers across sylus’s face. “i told you that a hunter doesn’t like being passive.” maybe he would’ve been a little more nicer with the teasing if he had known what he was getting into.
did his precious dove become the crow this time?
it was truly a beautiful sight to see him like this. laid down in front of you with his eyes hooded, his lips swollen, and marks littered all over his body. his muscles glistened from the soft glow of the fireplace mixed with his sweat and your saliva. it took you no effort to bring him his release after another. he’s a mess in your hands and in your mouth and surprisingly he was the one begging this time.
his eyes clenched shut the moment he felt your wet cunt wrap around his cock, squeezing him tightly. almost letting out another release in you, just from the sight alone of you on top of him. he wanted to fill you up to the brim and watch it ooze out once you got off him.
curses and groans fall past his lips from the absolute pure pleasure flowing through his body. his eyes flutter shut, rolling back as you bounce up and down on his cock. your pretty hands trailed down his chest, tracing every line and defined edges of his body.
he couldn’t stop cumming. each orgasm after another was better than the last. you would let him take a breather, making sure he was okay. “one more baby yeah? can you do that for me? make me full of you?” and with a lazy smirk and a soft ‘okay’ from him, you’d coo and whisper sweet encouragements before slamming your hips down back on his length. your hips would be harshly marked from how tightly he was holding on to you.
you’d continue praising him, skin slapping against skins fill throughout your shared bedroom as you both cry out of pleasure. with one final drop, you bury yourself completely in him as he groans out your name loudly, recognizing that familiar high again.
his thighs were drenched with your arousal and his own cum. it would’ve been easy to flip you over and take control but now it was difficult to get on top of you with exhaustion weighing down on him. you crawl slowly onto his chest, exhaustion weighing on you as you try to catch your breath. “how about i clean you up in the shower Sy?” you whisper softly but the sound of his quiet breathing answers you. you lift your head to find your nocturnal lover in deep sleep.
you’d smile down at his tired and marked up body as you bring the washcloth to wipe off all the mess on his body. once you were done, you curled up beside him, pulling the heavy covers over both of you. his strong arms instinctively wrapped around you while his leg slips between yours. bare chests pressed against each other as you join him in deep slumber.
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fushiguruuzzzz · 2 months ago
KAGEYAMA is not a clingy boy.
At least… not until he’s sick. Or tired. Or in this once in a lifetime occurrence, he’d fallen victim to both circumstances.
“Hey,” he mumbled, a raspy edge to his voice caused by both dreariness and the sore ache within. “Where… where’re you going?”
His arms tightened around you almost instinctively, strapping you down into the plush cushions of the couch as if you’d fade to dust otherwise. He lay at a 45° angle, legs tossed casually over the edge of the couch but body bending in impressive ways to get closer to you. His black hair was rubbed every which way—the tufts defying gravity itself, tickling your exposed skin as he shifted to get a better look at you. Even in his barely-awake state, his eyes held an intensity that would unnerve most, but only made your heart thump louder in your ribs.
“Was just gonna get a drink, Kags…” you said softly, a hint of amusement swirling around the edges of your words. “Am I allowed to do that?”
It took him a moment to process the tease, but when he did, his eyes dropped to the way his arms were locked around you and he was suddenly all too aware of his cheek pressed to your shoulder. A light pink dusted over his cheekbones. “Yeah,” he replied, mentally scolding himself afterwards for how defensive it sounded as it left his lips. His arms loosened in the slightest, but your hand placed gently on his bicep made him halt the movement.
You chuckled. “M’just playing around. I don’t mind when you get all sucky like this.”
His lips parted, inky brows knitting together and the red on his face deepening. “I’m not-“ He cut himself off with a second glance at your positions. He was clinging to you like some sort of marsupial, limbs intertwined in knots that would take ancient masters years to detangle. “Just… shut up.”
You laughed again, and if it weren’t for the gentle squeeze you gave him, he might’ve glared harder. But your touch was tender and your laugh silky smooth, sugary sweet and flowing through his veins. It was a soft whisper in his ear telling him that maybe, just this once, he could be selfish. He could be clingy.
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a/n: 1:18am rn we 🆙 forgive me if this is cheeks because obviously my brain is not at full capacity. Posting later in the day though because I just posted that Kenma smau thing and I don’t wanna mess with the algorithm too much.
Gen/hq tags: @sh0ot1ngst4r @azinniyaa @kashee-h @fiannee @bubybubsters @lizbix @mayyhaps @adoresia @aldebrana
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dollishmehrayan · 3 months ago
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a/n: so basically this is a request by a anon (here) and anyways I’m gonna try to be very active from now on actually and like try to post 3 times a day too and answer requests too!
Tags: ( batboys x reader)
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The overthinker final boss: Dick keeps a stash of everything you might need pads, tampons, heating pads, chocolate, and tea. He probably Googled “best snacks for periods” and stocked up on all of them.
Mr. Optimism: He tries to cheer you up with jokes or funny stories from his day. If you’re too grumpy, he’ll settle for giving you a massage instead.
Walks it Off with You: If cramps aren’t too bad, he’ll suggest going on a short walk to “get the blood flowing” (pun not intended he swears).
Endless Compliments: “You’re glowing. No, I’m serious. Period or not, you’re stunning.”
Silent Supporter: Jason isn’t the type to fuss over you, but he’ll quietly do everything to make you comfortable like bringing you your favorite snacks, handing you the remote, or lighting a candle in the room.
Cramps Battle Plan: “Heating pad or Tylenol? Pick your weapon.” He’s very no-nonsense about getting rid of your pain.
Comfort Food King: He’ll whip up your favorite comfort meal, and if he doesn’t know how to cook it, he’ll spend hours watching YouTube tutorials to get it right.
Protective Mode Activated: If anyone so much as annoys you while you’re on your period, Jason’s ready to pick a fight. “You’re messing with her today? Leave her the fuck alone.”
The Researcher: Tim has read every article about periods and cramp relief. He’s got tips you’ve never even heard of, like drinking tart cherry juice or lying in a specific position to ease the pain.
Sleep Enforcer: “You need rest. I’ll handle everything.” He’ll make sure you get enough sleep, even if it means carrying his laptop into the bedroom to work quietly by your side.
Subtle Humor: When you’re cranky, Tim knows how to make you laugh without crossing the line. “I guess Batman didn’t prepare me for this kind of monthly chaos.”
Midnight Run Specialist: If you casually mention craving something like fries or ice cream, he’s already putting on his shoes to go get it.
Efficient and Direct: Damian doesn’t dance around the topic. “What do you need? Tell me, and I’ll get it.” He’ll ensure you have everything from snacks to painkillers.
A Little Awkward at First: If it’s his first time dealing with your period, he might be slightly flustered but determined to be helpful. Expect a lot of practical solutions.
Healthy Solutions Advocate: He’ll try to make you herbal teas or suggest yoga stretches that can relieve cramps. “This pose is known to improve blood flow. Try it.”
Protective Little Bean: If anyone upsets you while you’re on your period, Damian will glare at them like they’ve personally offended his family. “Apologize to her. Now.”
Regular guy: Bruce has handled every kind of crisis imaginable and he does have daughters/ female colleagues and close friends so he isn’t truly like clueless, so this is no different to him. He’ll make sure you’re stocked up on everything and keep the Batkids in check so they don’t annoy you.
Comfort King: He’s surprisingly good at creating a calming environment dim lighting, soothing music, and plenty of blankets. (But please never ask him to decorate for the love of god😭 h/j)
Subtle Affection: Bruce isn’t overly emotional, but he’ll quietly make sure you’re okay, checking in on you with a simple, “Do you need anything?”
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nymphoniah · 5 months ago
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mercy, mercy me | logan howlett
pairing: old man!logan x younger!reader
AN: lordddd i can’t stop thinking about old man!logan and younger!reader. literally had to pace my room and smoke a cig just thinking about how i need him to baby me.
content/tags: old man!logan, implied age gap (reader is in their 20’s), angst, pet names (doll, princess, etc.), logan can’t say no to you, you make him an absolute mess!
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he knows it’s wrong to be with you—he has a terrible, gut wrenching feeling about it, but logan ignores it all. you have him wrapped around your finger.
you’re his doll, his everything.
logan can’t wrap his mind around the fact that a sweet little thing like you loves a flawed man like him. he’s rough around the edges, a man who’s lost his way, but you seem to look past that.
your innocence clashes with his abrasive, standoffish demeanor. he hurts the people he loves, and manages to push them away before they get too close.
but you’re stubborn, it’s almost childish. you love him at his worst, and always will. nothing can deter you from being with logan, even if it’s himself.
“i’m too old for you, doll,” he coos, pressing a chaste kiss to the back of your hand, intertwined with his own, his skin rugged from all the fights of the past. “i don’t deserve you.”
you pout, tightening your grip around him. “don’t push me away, logan”, you murmur, pressing your face against his chest, burrowing yourself as close to him as possible.
“you don’t know what you’re sayin’,” he quips, his words sounding bitter, but his body showing otherwise. logan’s free hand moves to the back of your head, rubbing slow, soft circles that soothes you.
“i know what i want,” you whine into his chest, cheeks turning red from a combination of frustration and neediness.
“i want you, logan. i want to be with you,” you add hastily. and the heat of the moment finally gets to you, and you feel tears forming.
you stain his white button down with splotches of a faint gray; tears flowing endlessly as you continue to sob.
you’re lost in your own mind, uttering complete nonsense. don’t do this, i know what i want. i know you want this too, don’t deny it. don’t deny me.
logan’s heart completely shatters at your words. he’s silent for a brief moment, unsure how to respond.
you’re absolutely right—he wants to continue this relationship, it’s the only thing he’s got going for himself. he doesn’t want to let you go. if he did, he’d be letting a part of himself go.
he pulls you into a tight embrace, his muscular arms caging you in. logan presses a kiss against your temple, one hand pushing you further into his chest, and the other finding purchase at your hips, giving you a comforting squeeze.
“if whatever we have is wrong,” you barely manage to whimper out between your sobs, “then i don’t wanna be right.”
logan lets out a small chuckle, and you can feel his chest vibrating against you. the moment is bittersweet, but you can feel him ease up.
his mind’s now set on one thing, and he knows for certain— it’s you. and he’ll do absolutely anything for you.
“don’t worry, princess,” he lulls, leaning back so he’s able to wipe the tears away from your face.
“i’ve got you.”
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spatialwave · 3 months ago
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aches and pains.
➸ ask: "“Tell me to stop and we stop. I don’t care what’s happening. All I care about is you” with Viktor please 🥹👉👈" - @lillycore ➸ pairing: viktor x fem!reader ➸ word count: 1.7k ➸ tags: mdni! nsfw, pwp, smut, hurt/comfort, no use of y/n. ➸ notes: ty for the ask!!! <3<3<3
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Viktor’s lips on your skin took away all that weighed you down. His touch or calm words mediated the worst days—you were so lucky to have his comfort. A man who loved you so much that he would do anything he could to keep a smile on your face.
Or to see your face contorted in pleasure at the gentlest of breaths along your body.
You were easy to please only because your lover was a quick learner. A few ghosting touches to your thighs taught him that you preferred taking things slow. Your legs spread and lips trembling when he would dip fingers between your rounded thighs, fingertips brushing along the fabric of your underwear only to drag back to your skin.
When his fingers returned to your heat, you were a mess, soaked through the fabric between your legs and onto the bedsheet below.
Viktor aimed to learn your body, to understand every ebb and flow of your emotions, and to want nothing more than to support all that was you.
His eyes flickered under the candlelight as he read the pages of a rather lengthy novel. Resting back on the couch with you, legs tangled, reading under the dim light as you drifted in and out of sleep after a long day at the academy left you exhausted.
You left so early and came home so late that you had only seen the sun through the few windows of the lab you were in. All for science—not much for your well-being.
He smirked behind the pages, face hidden from your view, “You’re not sneaky.”
You thought you had been, but your foot between his legs had rubbed a bit too hard against the hardening bulge in his slacks. Of course, he wasn’t at all oblivious to your advances. 
“Oops,” you giggled, sinking further into the couch as you watched him coyly. Smiling when he peeked over his book and directly at you, a brow quirked.
“I thought you were trying to rest,” he chided playfully, closing the book and resting it atop his lap. He shifted beneath your touch, your foot still offering gentle rubs against his growing erection that showed how much he wanted this, too, “If I keep you up, you aren’t going to complain that you’re too tired in the morning, are you? So I have to make breakfast and bring it to you in bed.”
A sickeningly sweet smile spread across your lips, combating the tired look in your eyes. “Don’t act like you don’t prefer cooking breakfast. You said yourself that I’m a horrible cook.”
He swatted at your leg, a guttural hum of disappointment coming from him, “I didn’t say that… I said you weren’t, eh,“ he battled through proper wording for a moment, ”the best cook.”
You rolled your eyes at his sheepish smile. “Same thing,” you giggled, biting down on your bottom lip as you retracted your foot and moved to sit up, extending a hand as you stood.
Viktor allowed himself to be tugged along by you after he blew out the candle, following you slowly to the unmade bed that looked inviting at the late hour. With how exhausted you seemed, he almost wondered if you would fall asleep.
The heavy bags under your eyes were a bit concerning, reminiscent of his own days when work took priority over himself.
“Don’t force yourself if you’re too tired,” he reminded you, his voice was soft as you both lay in bed, much of your clothing already removed from each other’s bodies. His lips were pressed to your bare shoulder as he lay on his side, peppering you with soft kisses while his hand grazed over your lower stomach. It ignited flames inside your abdomen.
“Not tired,” you mumbled. It had been over two weeks since you were last intimate with him, you couldn’t help but feel like you needed to do this—you hadn’t gone this long without sex with Viktor ever. 
It had been on your mind since you arrived home, a new insecurity wrapping your psyche. Would he lose interest in you if you didn’t?
Your brain wasn’t kind to you when you were tired.
Viktor trusted your words and continued. His lips left lazy, open-mouth kisses along your skin while his hand pushed below the fabric that clung tight to your hips. Long fingers brushed between your already wet folds, and Viktor smirked.
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” he whispered lowly, lips brushing against the shell of your ear, “You’re already so excited. You must have been waiting patiently all day for this.”
Squirming at his touch, you looked into his yellow eyes, which illuminated under the soft lighting offered by a small bedside lamp. Specks of gold swirled through them as he admired you, analyzing your reactions as your lips parted into an ‘o’ shape and eyes fell shut at his careful ministrations.
Viktor enjoyed taking his time with you, fingers rubbing slow circles against your clit—dipping into your tight cunt to curl against your g-spot. His thumb continued the pressure against your bundle of nerves, leaving your back arching and quiet mewls escaping your lips.
“Viktor,” you breathed his name out, his practiced touches already pushing you to the edge. The heat in your lower stomach grew bigger with each pump of his fingers inside you, his hot breath on your neck pushing you so damned close.
You hadn’t thought your release would come so soon and easily, and your mind eased at finding solace in rest soon.
“Not yet, love,” he murmured, relishing in the whine that came from you when his fingers pulled from its spot inside your tight walls. Leaving you empty and unsatisfied, wondering how you would make it through this before passing out into a deep sleep.
You were completely spent by the time his head was between your legs, exhaustion overwhelming you with each passing moment. Yet, you didn’t want this to end—not when you’d craved his touch so desperately. When you felt like you were so far in, you’d only disappoint him if you stopped now.
So, you kept pushing yourself forward. Focusing on the pleasure filling your veins as he settled into the bed below you, and you straddled him.
His cock pushed deep inside you as your hips dropped, your cunt wrapping so deliciously tight around him. You gasped as you rolled your hips, nails dragging along his chest as you looked up at the ceiling and rode him with tired movements. Your stomach was full of heat, pleasure filling all of your senses, but it wasn’t enough to get lost in
Your mind was a storm of negative thoughts. Clouded by overexertion.
Nimble hands held your hips, soft moans coming from Viktor as you bounced yourself up and down. Fucking yourself on him—though not with the fiery passion you often had.
Your thighs had already begun to tremble, aching so soon.
Viktor took notice.
“My love.” Your eyes dropped and widened, watching as your lover shifted up on an elbow and looked over your face. His hand moving to caress your cheek, thumb rubbing at your skin, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you lied after a few beats of silence, feeling your stomach twist tightly.
Viktor’s brows furrowed together as he moved to sit up, allowing you to rest back on his thighs. Your eyes had begun to water, glistening with unshed tears as your emotions heightened.
“No, no,” he whispered, his eyes softening, “You’re not okay, and that’s okay. Tell me if this is too much, and we’ll stop. I don’t care about this—I care about you.”
You wiped your eyes with two hands, forcing the tears away. “But we’ve just been so busy,” you sniffled, embarrassment crawling up your spine. “We haven’t done this in a long time, and I don’t want to disappoint you. It’s not too much—I’m just so tired.” You pouted, sulking at the reality of the situation and avoiding his gaze.
Viktor’s arms wrapped around you in response, holding you to his chest as he pulled you back. Now laying amongst the pillows, your ear pressed to his chest and listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat as tears spilled down your cheeks.
“Don’t ever feel like you have to do this for me,” he whispered, fingers combing through your hair, “I’ll love you no matter what. You could take an oath of celibacy, and I would still love you. I would only have to find time to tend to myself now and then.”
You heard the smile grow on his lips, and you couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled up your throat. Tilting your head back, you peered up to meet his gaze. All the worries in your mind melting away at his sincerity.
If there was anyone who knew you better than yourself, it was Viktor. The man who knew what you needed from a particular look in your eyes, or knew exactly what you’d say next when you spoke so passionately about something you loved. He could tell how overworked you had become lately as you navigated your final years of schooling. Somehow, finding yourself busier than him, who was assistant to the dean.
“You’re too good for me,” you murmured, burying your face into his bare chest, “I feel bad. Now you’re all worked up, and I’m just crying on you like a mess.”
”I’ll survive,” he chucked, fingers trailing along your spine.
Slowly, he moved you both until you were on the bed next to him. Face still hiding against his chest, but now with your arms wrapped tight around his waist and a leg thrown over his hips. Clinging to him tightly.
“Promise me you’ll get some rest tomorrow. Proper rest.” 
You yawned against his chest, “I promise.”
Viktor held you, arms wrapped around your shoulders as his chin rested atop your head. His eyes fixated on the open window, watching the moon in the distance that had risen over the skyline of Piltover.
You snored once you fell asleep, each soft sound easing his heart as he thought about what he’d make you for breakfast.
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