#merlock the magician
tanya-shiza · 2 years
New Wizard Oc // TaNya Era
I don't speak english very good, so i'm use translator. I'm sorry if the text looks strange and contains grammatical errors.😭😢🤧
⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️
The end of backstory is kinda sad and cruel? Be ready, because i'm gonna use words as de@d, bl○○d and others. Also warning: I touch on the topic of the genocide of a fictional race.
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Name: Gisel
Age: ≈250 years (younger than Merlock)
Height: 1,66 m. (Low enough)
Profession: Court Wizard
Branch of Magic: Cosmic/Stellar. More in-depth in superstition than that of a magician from the council of wizards.
Laconic and selfish. It's easy to get annoyed, but it doesn't splash out emotions. (His dissociations are more like a grumpy mumble).
Chinese thin mustache with a beard; Thin torse; Cheekbones and wrinkles are very noticeable; Silver eyes hidden behind a light purple cloth; A wooden staff with a golden plug on top, the star levitates with magic and moves very smoothly (lags behind the end when the staff is moved sharply /quickly).
He is annoyed by the king, for whom he works only for the sake of status and respect. Gisel treats everyone below him badly. (But if the king treated Gisel with understanding and respect, the wizard would be more satisfied with the work, therefore less irritable, which would contribute to good relations with people below his status.)
The king went on a campaign to the future lands of Knighton, where he came across local residents. Having fallen in love with these beautiful lands, the King decided to kill all its residents in order to appropriate them for himself. The Mother-Queen was mad and sad ad hell that her children were killed. Grief and anger forse her to began turning from a beautiful gentle fairy into something dark and terrifying. The King ordered Gisel to kill her before she completed the transformation. He's a wizard! He understands magic!... Without showing fear, Gisel stood up in front of his majesty and threatened violence, but immediately bit his tongue. ...this was the first time he had seen such a thing... The Mother-Queen of the locals grew in size, turning more and more into darkness, which absorbs everything it gets to.
Fear gripped Gisel. He couldn't move. Voices sounded in his head... a happy, childish laugh. A memory of how he had accidentally stumbled upon the Queen's camp flickered before his eyes. Where everyone was having fun playing, laughing, singing and cuddling with Mum.... now almost all of them are dead... and it's his fault. He could have dissuaded the King if he hadn't been so selfish and, at the same time, cowardly. Before the death blow, he felt regret.
His almost dead, shivering body was lying on the ground. His eyes were staring into the void, in which - at memories. In his last breath, a smile appeared on his face, and a tear descended down his cheek. He died while watching the All-consuming Darkness and its shadows kill the royal soldiers. He died hearing screams of pain and pleas for mercy. He died regretting.
Status: Dead.
Curse status: Cursed, but not formed.
Forbidden Power: Sleep Paralysis(?) (I'm still working on name-)
A person affected by "sleepy" paralysis is paralyzed(logical-). They can't speak or hear. A person is immersed in a hallucination of actions that they regret, and stay in it until he dies regretting, or until curse is removed from them (saved by someone else).
The effect of paralysis is a bit similar to the effect of the cursed Viparella lasso.
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nervouswreckhere · 1 year
My interpretation of the timeline is that Wanda did have Clay within the recent time frame, and then shortly after went evil. (does the story specifically state that Wanda became Ruina at the time Monstrox was defeated?) Ofc, this still presents the question as to why Ruina looks so young in comparison to Merlock, but 1) Merlock seems to have always had that old man white hair going on and 2) She is his younger sister; But whatever younger means within the context of how magicians physically age within the nexo lore (never thought I’d use that as a term) in relation to their centuries-spanning life span is uncertain. Like, is she only a few years younger, or like, decades? Do magic-possessing people simply age at a significantly slower rate? That would make sense until we see Clay, who is very clearly growing like a normal person. So, do magic-possessing people age normally up until a certain point, and from then-on age significantly slower than the rest? Or is Clay just a special case? It’s all horribly confusing, and I am 100% over analyzing.
oh yeah. confusing is putting it lightly. i think they age as a normal people should - their magic and the world's magic that uses them as conducts just rejuvenates their cell lifespan. cool, innit?
i recently rewatched season 3 and i caught monstrox (human-esque monstrox, in merlok's memory dream movie) implying that he still has allies on the wizard's council even after being banished or kicked out. and wanda was alive and kicking then otherwise he wouldn't have known about her statue - true, he could have learned that from merlok but he had to have known her beforehand otherwise he wouldn't have sent out scouts to search for someone capable
or i think that's what he said - i mean he knew she was the most evil thing in the entire kingdom? i strongly headcanon monstrox created compulsion and behavior-altering spells to control his monsters or at least make them aggressive as they are. and what better way to test their strength than against a witch of wanda's caliber.
is it somewhere stated that monstrox is responsible for wanda's evilization? no, i just like to think it is
as to why merlock is grey long before wanda is - i headcanon (and wrote a beginning of a fic) that they are almost two decades apart in age and merlock got the short end of the gene pool
continue to overanalyze things! - that's what makes everything more interesting and complex - as you can see i do the same shit and most of my ideas are a bit morbid so *shrugs*
the timeline is weird but that might be some magic spell cast to lull the nation into a sense of security? or is that too unethical? maybe a grief-stricken merlok concocted that plan with the queen and king, they giving their permission for their memories to be altered?... okay this is a bit much even for me
ANYWAY. it's confusing. and i love it
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orynamulty · 6 months
I promised to tell you about my character, this post is about Daenys.
How I came up with it;
One evening last year, I was sitting and remembering my life and I remembered Nexo knights. Then I rewatched it (since I didn’t remember almost anything from there), and my thoughts started spinning and bam!the outlines of the character appeared in my head! (damn, I’m a master at writing where it all began😆). To be even more honest, my love for Jestro was resurrected. (I'm not kidding) And from that day I began to think about ff, but for several months I did not dare to start.
When I was thinking about what to name the character, the first thing that came to my mind was Daenys. (then I rewatched season 1 of House of the Dragon, it is my main source of inspiration). From the beginning I thought; 'Okay, so be it, then maybe I'll choose another name.' But time passed and I could no longer perceive her with a different name. She is named after Daenys Targaryen who predicted the doom of Valyria. Daenys also has a Valyrian appearance (silver hair and one of her eyes is dark purple, and the other eye is bright green)
I thought for a long time about who she would be. There are already enough knights, we only have Merlock as a wizard. I decided that she would be a sorceress and a dragon rider. She also wears black and gold clothes. In the first 2 seasons she used a magic wand, but during the battle with Monstrox the wand was broken, she now uses rings instead. Robin created special shoes for her that will allow her to temporarily fly; shoes are also needed in case Daenys falls from the dragon. Things aren't going so well for her with magic, because, let's say, she has a different type of magic, but unfortunately Daenys is the last dragon rider (her dragon is also the last (probably)) and there is no one to teach her.
In my fanfic, King Halbert had a younger brother (I won’t say his name for now) who was a knight, but unfortunately Daenys’s parents died when she was a child and her aunt and uncle took custody of her. Merlock also gave her a golden-colored dragon egg with black spots. This egg belonged to Daenys's mother Alsina, who before her death asked the magician to give it to her daughter when she grew up. Daenys, like Daenys the dreamer, can see prophetic dreams, but cannot interpret them correctly, and there is no one especially to help her. She also sees the Red Witch (another of my characters, I won’t say anything about her, because this is a big spoiler).
Another fact from my fanfic (which I haven’t written there yet) although Daenys is the second princess, her uncle wanted to organize her engagement to Lance! (this is one of the reasons why she doesn’t like him, he also doesn’t treat Jestro very well). But Daenys was able to persuade her uncle not to do this, saying that she is the second princess and will not inherit the throne and all that.
I’ll also tell you a little about her dragon. When Daenys was 10 years old, a female dragon, Semergla, hatched from an egg. The dragoness has grown in 8 years, and now she is slightly larger than a horse, and Daenys was able to ride her only at the beginning of the plot. She has black scales on top and the lower part of her body is covered with golden scales, her horns and claws are black, her eyes are dark gold and the color of fire is also golden. (She, like Daenys, also doesn’t like Lance)
In this post I tried not to write all the information so as to avoid spoilers. I don’t know yet when I will translate my story into English. I was pleased to share with you information about my character and I will be glad if you want to know more about them. The Red Witch will be appearing in my fanfiction soon so maybe I'll post about her.
Thank you for your attention! Have a nice day, everyone!
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duckapus · 3 years
Ducktales: The Key to Crazy
Now that Donald and the girls are back home, the McDucks, Sabrewings, and Team Darkwing are in Spoonerville for the weekend to visit a convention dedicated to the popular book series Kingdom Hearts. They came both to have a fun time and so Scrooge can meet with the author of the series for important business. Said author turns out to be Donald’s good friend Mickey Mouse, an adventurer in his own right who travels not for treasure, but for inspiration for his books. In fact, the first book in the KH series was loosely based on an adventure he, Donald and Goofy(who turns out to be at the convention too) went on when they were younger, racing against Magica De Spell herself for the Heart of the Lost Kingdom of Hollow Bastion. Said Heart turned out to be a big metal key with dormant magical properties no one was able to activate, which is actually on display at the convention and not why Mickey called them.
You see, on his most recent adventure he managed to find one of the towers of the legendary Yen Sid, master of magic and sworn enemy of the vile Merlock the Magician, both of which are thought to be long dead. Mickey intends to give Scrooge his map to the tower and the two artifacts he found there, the Hat of Animation and the Wasteland Brush, for safekeeping.
Meanwhile, a few other characters make themselves known. A trio of local teenagers are just arriving at the con; a brown duck with spikey hair in an outfit similar to Mickey’s, a tough looking silver eagle in a yellow shirt and jeans, and a pink robin with red hair in a white tank top and shorts; who are really just here because they’re fans of the book. There’s also Magica, who wants both the Key and the Hat(along with some revenge if she can swing it), washed-up Darkwing Duck actress turned notorious art thief Melody Amber aka Splatter Phoenix, who wants the Brush, and Negaduck, who as usual just really wants to kill Drake, though he won’t say no to a possible team-up with his old co-worker if she’s interested.
Magica and Phoenix do actually manage to get the hat and brush respectively thanks to Negaduck serving as a great distraction and Magica’s resemblance to the villain that’s based on her being a great disguise, and use their newfound power to torn the con’s various attractions into an army of darkness, which ends up scattering the heroes across the venue as they try to protect the fans and get the artifacts back. Notably, Donald and Goofy end up teamed up with the brown duck from earlier, who introduces himself as Sora, and in a pivotal moment in the battle it’s revealed that he’s the one capable of using the key’s magical properties, and now that they are active it’s bonded to him, giving him access to powerful magic and a new, superhero-y version of his outfit, which turns the tide and allows them to defeat the monsters and get back the hat, though Splatter Phoenix unfortunately gets away with the brush. Magica and Negaduck retreat to lick their wounds, having formed a surprisingly lasting alliance during the battle.
After everything’s calmed down, everybody meets back up and Sora introduces everyone to his two friends, Riku and Kairi. Having been inspired by seeing Lena and Darkwing in action, as well as taking part in the battle themselves, the three of them have decided to become a superhero team themselves, protecting Spoonerville with Goofy’s help. Meanwhile, Magica and Negaduck are at the former’s swamp hut “hideout,” where they’re approached by Mark Beaks with a very interesting proposal.
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araminakilla · 4 years
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First Merlock has a Grimoire that includes friendship magic and now Solego is a theorist with many written discoverings about alternative universes.
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What's up with the Ducktales reboot and turning powerful evil sorcerers from the Disney Afternoon into researchers and forbiden writers?
Not that is a bad thing.
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2017 Magica x Merlock the Magician
Requested by @studiomarvin who said “both evil sorcerers with a magical amulet who are abusive guardians to a magical, ageless kid.”
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ducklooney · 4 years
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Although I'm already two and a half weeks late, I managed to draw a new drawing. This is actually a tribute dedicated to one of my favorite movies, which is also Disney’s one of the best underrated movies. It’s a little badly colored, but the animation and style as well as the story and dynamics and soundtrack in that film were great. Of course, I'm talking about Ducktales Movie, DuckTales The Movie: Treasure Of The Lost Lamp, aired on August 3, 1990, and it's been 30 years since then. Although late, I definitely wish you a happy 30th anniversary of the Ducktales movie. Here you can definitely see our heroes, Scrooge McDuck (trained as a researcher), Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck, Webby Vanderquack and Gene the Genie who came out of the lamp. Of course, there is also the funny Dijon and of course the evil wizard from antiquity Merlock the Magician who threatens our heroes, but of course he will definitely be defeated. Sorry that the background and coloring of the characters turned out a little bad (especially with Gene, I added a little pupil to his eyes), with my drawing. I also know that three years have passed since the Ducktales reboot, and I wish that series a happy anniversary as well. Anyway, happy 30th anniversary of the Ducktales Movie once again.
P.S. Thanks to all my followers (I reached over 200 followers). Thank you all for following me. And of course this is the 5000th post on my blog.
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ultraericthered · 5 years
Villains I’d Love To See In Future DuckTales
Looking forward to FOWL’s arc in Season 3, but I’d also be eager to see these guys:
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Kinda surprised we didn’t see him with FOWL since we know the Rescue Rangers are appearing in Season 3, and he’d really fit right in with that criminal society. Then again, we didn’t see Taurus Bulba with them either and it’s already a given that he’s in Season 3, though what his ties to FOWL are, if any, remain to be seen. 
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Not necessarily a “villain” but not only was he antagonist in Goof Troop (and the Goof is showing up in Season 3), but he was an antagonist in the original DuckTales at one point too!
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I will not accept this series ending without giving us, in some form, the villain of the original DuckTales premiere movie! He needs to show up when the opportunity for using him is gold! GOLD! GOOOOOOOOOOLD!
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We’ve referenced the game a lot already, so why the Hell not invite this guy onto the show?
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This is the dude I think could most easily make “Ultimate Big Bad” status in this reboot. Season 1 featured the Grimoire du’Merlock. Season 2 introduced D’Jinn and his genie-related background. Season 3 is going to introduce the literal genie from DuckTales the Movie. If Merlock himself is NOT in the next season at any point, than he’d perfectly lend himself to a fourth season, which would by process of elimination need to have an arc focused on Webby, the resident magic expert. How could Frank possibly pass it up?
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Bringing Solego in once a Disney Afternoon shared universe has been built up would be as natural as Thanos going on the offensive once the Marvel Cinematic Universe was built up enough. Hell, maybe he could be the deity that Merlock worships and serves under!
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Top 5 Characters I’d like to see in the 2017 Ducktales series
5. Poe DeSpell or Ratface: 
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Even though in this continuity, Lena (originally believed to be a renamed Minima DeSpell) was merely a shadow construct of Magica, there’s still room to bring in her brother-turned-raven familiar Poe. Maybe they could have it be he can switch in and out of his raven form as his sister’s eyes and ears or have it be closer to the 80′s series in that he was stuck as a raven due to a magical accident and Magica has been trying to change him back ever since. Or they could just cut him out and replace him with Ratface from the original comics. Either way is good. 
4. El Capitan 
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The first arc-length antagonist encountered by Scrooge and the Boys, the gold-obsessed dog El Capitan appeared in the first five episodes of the 80′s series where he was on a desperate quest to find the Valley of the Gold Suns in order to claim its treasure. After several encounters with Scrooge, his great nephews, Mrs. Beakley, Webby, Donald, and Launchpad, he was last seen attempting to dig up the now buried ruins of the Golden Sun kingdom. I could definitely see this gold-hungry Hispanic dog as a once-famed treasure hunter who Scrooge, while not exactly admired, at the very least respected for his tenacity only for his desire to find the Valley of the Gold Suns to inevitably become an obsession for him that drove him insane. 
3. Shere Khan (Tale Spin version)
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Considering Spoonerville, St. Kanard, Cape Suzette, the Gummi Bears, and Don Karnage all exist in this new Duck Tales continuity, it would be a no-brainer to include the Tale Spin version of Shere Khan. They could have it be that Khan is to Cape Suzette as Scrooge is to Duckburg except he climbed to the ranks by sheer ruthlessness. He could also serve as a somewhat darker version of Scrooge in that he gets his way by being honorable and honest but also by intimidation ala David Xanatos from Gargoyles. 
2. Drake Von Vladstone AKA Dracula Duck 
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I really want the new Duck Tales series to branch out and incorporate characters not just from the comics or the original 80′s cartoon, but also this bloodsucking foe from the video game. Maybe they could have an episode that somewhat parodies the classic Dracula lore as a Halloween episode and Vladstone is the main antagonist. It could also lend to a lot of scary and intense material considering the 2017 series is not afraid to get really dark as what we saw with this series’ interpretation of Magica DeSpell. 
1. Merlock
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The main antagonist of the original Duck Tales movie, this sorcery-imbued wolf could serve as a major threat to the McDuck family in either season 2 or any possible seasons afterwards. And it would definitely be surprising if they didn’t considering Gene’s lamp is currently in Scrooge’s garage, Webby is in possession of a book that may or may not have belonged to him, and Dijon has been confirmed to appear in the next season. I would not be surprised if Merlock was yet another magic-based enemy who had a grudge toward the Clan McDuck. If anything, Merlock would certainly work as a season finale level threat if they do bring him in.  
Which characters do you want to see brought into the 2017 Duck Tales? Reblog and list the characters you want to see and why. 
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spacedpanini · 7 years
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The scream that came from the bottom of the dungeon was terrible and drawn out. It had only been 15 minutes since Laird rushed down the tunnels to get an advantage over El Capitan. Old Fool had treasure on his mind. Gene, Laird, and Circe were sent to Transylvania in this particular castle because they were informed they could find a clue about either Adam Astronomo or the Wanderer. Gene winced when a tender spot brushed the walls as he and Circe ran down the tunnels to get to Laird. Merlock was...not gentle when he finally had the ‘talk’ with Gene. “I could make those go away, sweetie” offered Circe. “Not the time to be talking about this” huffed Gene. Besides, Circe’s generosity usually was a trap. Circe pouted in response. “Rude” They finally come upon a tall cavern dimly illuminated and in the middle of it was Laird. Well, what’s left of him. There was a figure on top of him eating the corpse and it then proceeded to tear out his heart. Circe breathed in awe “W-Well. I’d like to say good riddance but that’s a nasty way to go. Poor Bastard” Gene was mesmerized by the sight. Something about the figure felt familiar to him. He glanced at the duck shaped being, now tearing chunks of meat out, and suddenly noticed something shine back at him. He stepped toward the figure. The figure noticed him and stopped eating. It stared at him as he approached. “Djinni, what are you-” The thing hissed and bounded toward Gene. “DJINNI!” Circe had already prepared a spell for attack when Gene put up his hand “Stand down. They won’t harm me” And indeed the being stopped directly in close proximity to Gene. It then began to sniff him. And then it--- “Is it rubbing it’s head on you and purring?” asked Circe incredulously.
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Gene patted the being’s head awkwardly. “Apparently, Yeah” On close inspection, it WAS a duck. Albeit it was in tattered clothes and a long flowing cloak. It had prominent fangs jutting out of it’s beak still dripping with blood. Most of all it had a gem on its forehead; A violet one and it looked cracked but the gem was identical to Gene’s green. Gene breathed in and touched his own on his forehead. He KNEW it! He wasn’t alone.
Oh, the poor thing! What has driven it to live so barbarically? It must be in a lot of pain because of the crack on its jewel, albeit it didn’t seem to hamper its abilities. No matter, it was an easy fix. His hands and gem glowed a steady green and it enveloped the other’s, beginning the repair process. The being snuffled at him in curiosity.
“You...both have the same gems attached to your foreheads, although it’s violet for that one. Wait...does this mean you both are the same type of monster?” Gene looked at Circe.
Almost a thousand years ago, when he still held a crying child that came from the sky, that very same question was asked of him: “Does this mean she is the same as you? A monster?” When he fell the same way a few decades before that, he was asked by a curious little one: “Are you a Marid? Or some other monster?” Are you a monster? The violet forehead gem of the other one glowed in time with his, casting an eerie light on both him and the one clinging to him.
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for @meiloorun-notthefruit @somebitofeverything @sarroora @donaldtheduckdad @lilkitsunemischief @heythatsdeep @robinine-blog @cognicharias @peeka-boo-blogs @snowballflo @itsdetectiveliz @winterpower98 and @miilkyprism thanks for the friendship guys and may we have a long one! redone post because this didn’t appear in the tags and normally I wouldn’t care but this was a plot important one >:(
You can support me making more of this content by either sharing, buying me a kofi or commissioning me! (Links are in my blog’s description)
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I lowkey want the new DuckTales writers to revisit Merlock and Gene
You’ve got an immortal magician who is capable of turning into any animal he desires (using cool animation, BTW), can destroy anything he wants under certain circumstances. and is pretty intimidating...
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..and then you’ve got a Genie who has a childlike sense of humor and zest for life, but with traumatic memories of terrible wishes on his mind, like the sinking of Atlantis or the destruction of Pompei (you gotta thank Merlock for that), and because of that, he’s always on the edge when he’s asked for a wish.
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These two may not be as memorable as other characters in the DuckTales universe, but a good deal of the movie’s appeal is given thanks to its newcommers, and I think that a new spin on them could work nicely.
I mean, Merlock could become one of Scrooge’s biggest enemies, linked to some of the misteries the adventurous duck wants to discover (like yeah: according to the movie it was Merlock who caused Atlantis to sink... Maybe he played a part on Atlantis’ downfall in this remake too...).
And Gene could be a great ally who tries to oppose the magician while trying to connect well with the triplets and Webby: being stuck in a lamp fo so many years can deteorate your social skills, after all...
The writers behind the remake have been proven to be incredibly good and dedicated to this beloved series: if they’ll ever decide to include either Merlock or Gene to the cast of characters, I’d trust them wholeheartedly.
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longsightmyth · 4 years
The evening after their return from Carvahall, Eragon decided to test the stone as Merlock had. Alone in his room, he set it on his bed and laid three tools next to it. He started with a wooden mallet and lightly tapped the stone. It produced a subtle ringing. Satisfied, he picked up the next tool, a heavy leather hammer. A mournful peal reverberated when it struck. Lastly, he pounded a small chisel against it. The metal did not chip or scratch the stone, but it produced the clearest sound yet. As the final note died away, he thought he heard a faint squeak.
Paolini, Christopher. The Inheritance Cycle 4-Book Collection (p. 51). Random House Children's Books. Kindle Edition.
Sapphira was annoyed out of her egg. This is my new headcanon and nobody can convince me otherwise.
Merlock said the stone was hollow; there could be something of value inside. I don’t know how to open it, though. There must have been a good reason for someone to shape it, but whoever sent the stone into the Spine hasn’t taken the trouble to retrieve it or doesn’t know where it is. But I don’t believe that a magician with enough power to transport the stone wouldn’t be able to find it again. So was I meant to have it?
Paolini, Christopher. The Inheritance Cycle 4-Book Collection (p. 51). Random House Children's Books. Kindle Edition.
Eragon to this point knows 0 things about magic except that weird things happen in the Spine.
Of course, this could have been solved by showing him hanging out with Brom and demonstrating that he knows old stories and lore, but then I guess we wouldn’t have The Dragon Egg Mystery
(why did Eragon not bring Brom the stone these are questions answerable by ‘because PLOT, Myth!’ WELL IT’S STUPID)(ahem)
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spmcomic · 4 years
Theia and Gaia
Chapter 1: (part 1 | part 2)   Chapter 2: (part 1 | part 2)
Chapter 3: (part 1 | part 2)   Chapter 4: (part 1 | part 2)
Perhaps the worst part of the next few weeks was how, in so many ways, life continued as normal. The smaller Artificers- the children- whispered to each other as Lazarus passed, like quiet ocean waves crawling along the shore- like the wind through dry grass- like the shuffle of feet picking through the underbrush as predators lingered nearby-
Stories of a scorned lover passed along the walkways, words of drama and betrayal. But never words of rebellion. Lazarus longed to pass its own stories along to Sentry, but the other robot remained unresponsive to everything but direct queries about orders. As Sentry’s absence dragged on for days, and then weeks, the voices felt ever more confined within their space. Phantom pains jolted down Leporid neck and shoulders it no longer had. The robots were barred from leaving Underside, and no outside robots passed through the Dimensional Doors or came down in the ravine’s elevators. No news could travel out of or into the city.
Without Sentry to guide their traffic and manage their leisure time, companionship between the robots came only through shared glances, through gently tapping limbs against each other as they passed. Head Merletaph quickly collected any robot that acted out of line or failed to keep its schedule, so most were reluctant to chat.
Just as well, the voices huffed. Lazarus had nothing to say anyway.
On one excursion to the edge of the city, Lazarus saw the barn- the jail- the holding cells it had spent weeks in. Porcelain filled the stalls. A few of the voices moaned together in dread, but the others forced the body to press on.
During another delivery along the main walkway, Head Merletaph marched past with three robots in tow. The other Artificers quieted as their leader passed, watching with wide eyes. When the leader glared, the students tripped over themselves to bow and give the procession a clear bubble of space. Lazarus stepped among them, struggling to keep its eyes from wandering to the leader’s.
The younger Artificers became more curt with Lazarus, but other than that, their treatment differed little. They fixed its voice, replaced its toes when they bent or broke off, chattered amongst themselves as they worked. As the shock of their head scientist’s death wore off, they returned to discussions of the weather and their studies. Lazarus wanted to scream, to throw its bags, to knock over these creatures that held its life in their skeletal fingers and so casually crushed it again and again.
At long last, while Lazarus crawled along the roof of a housing building, it heard Sentry’s voice through a nearby speaker. “Lazarus,” it whispered.
The jolt of familiarity was welcome. Lazarus couldn’t delay its task, so it waited until it saw the next security camera down the path. “Welcome back.”
The voices strained to hear Sentry’s response. “Have they been hitting the others with this new control?”
“No,” Lazarus replied, stepping over a railing and making its way up the wall of the next building. “They drag us off to Reconditioning. The cells are overflowing.”
Sentry didn’t respond until the next building along the path. “Then they can only affect me with that one. Good. We have one more option.”
“Without Head Merlock? What can we do?”
The speaker crackled bitterly. “She left behind a password.”
Lazarus continued off the walkway, climbing between buildings, sticking close to the speakers. It struggled to hurry- it couldn’t risk a late arrival.
Sentry continued after a moment. “The Artificers did not start their robot project from scratch. Head Merlock inherited some… source material from her mentor. I saw her access it regularly, and discuss the material in meetings, but I could never find any copies of the information on any files…”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Merletaph has not yet figured out the changed password to its vault, so we have a small window where they won’t notice its absence.”
“Are you…” Lazarus realized it had slowed, and scrambled to regain its pace. “Are you saying that if we destroy this object, they can’t continue killing us?”
It was a moment before Sentry responded. Lazarus eyed the path ahead- they were running out of time before it reached its destination. “It will certainly slow them down,” Sentry replied.
“Hurry up.”
Sentry’s voice followed Lazarus as it scurried along the buildings, cutting off mid-sentence in one speaker and picking up from the next down the path. “The Artificers use a text that they call the Prognosticus. It gives hints about how to create soul slaves. I’ve seen the technicians send statistics reports and summaries of its contents, but never an exact quote. They can’t seem to copy it in any way, so it remains the only source of this information.”
“What? Why?”
“I have no idea. Their magic is very different from ours… If this book is even their magic.” Sentry paused as Lazarus passed a throng of students on the walkway below. “While the Artificers can glean information from this thing, our kind will remain in danger. Others will always be in danger.”
The voices struggled to agree on whether or not destroying this artifact would make a difference. But with Head Merlock also gone… “Where is the book?”
“The safe is in a chamber deep under the Intake Reel.”
It launched directly into the password, and Lazarus hurried to enter the numbers as coordinates on its map. It nearly tripped over the small curb between its level and the walkway above as it arrived at its destination just in time. The older Artificers grabbed eagerly at Lazarus’ bag and set to work carrying its contents into their office.
With Lazarus’ burden delivered, the voices could deliberate for a few moments on their next move. A few of the voices clustered together around Ishani’s. It would be safest to enter the building with a clear job.
Better hope I get a task that takes me over there, then, came the cynical reply.
But then Sentry’s voice crackled within the room. “Professor Merlar in the Soul Intake garage has just requested a new supply of wire ports. Please send the nearest robot over as soon as possible.”
Never had the voices been so glad to have Ishani in two places at once.
At the base of the Soul Intake Reel sat an open garage, to the side of the large spire. Workbenches and clear wide avenues crisscrossed the open floor, and the robots within the garage bustled with as much frantic energy as the Artificers crowded around the tables. Behind the noise and the crowd, a single plain Artificer-sized door led into the stone building proper.
Lazarus stepped into the well-lit garage and flowed easily with the crowd until it shuffled over to the workbench of a tall, gangly Artificer with a decorated robe. As Lazarus unloaded its package, it plucked a thin, curved battery from the pile and held it up to the scientist. “This unit must also deliver a power source downstairs,” it said, pointing at the battery for emphasis.
The Artificer turned toward the door, then looked back at Lazarus.
Lazarus stared straight ahead, unable to betray its anxiety. “A menial delivery should not keep you from your work,” it clarified.
The Artificer returned its attention to its supplies and waved Lazarus away with a pale, wrinkled hand before Lazarus could finish speaking. Lazarus stepped back through the crowd and scraped its bulk through the door frame, struggling to walk with its legs folded in so close to its body.
The hallway was mottled with drab pale paint, with stains and scratches marring the walls at Lazarus’ knee level. Lazarus followed the trail of previous robots’ struggles through the hallway past thin, plain metal doors that led off to each side at regular intervals, until it reached a turn that opened out into a wider corridor. Lazarus verified on its radar that no Artificers lurked around the corner, and then continued straight, where the paint became undamaged. At the end of the narrow passage sat an unmarked elevator door, clean but worn from years of use.
It squeezed itself into the elevator, nearly bumping into the columns of buttons on the side panel as it tried to turn around. Lazarus had to drop its battery as it carefully oriented itself, inching one leg along at a time. The voices kept a terrified eye on their radar as they agonized over the lost time. But then the doors closed, and the elevator began its descent.
The voices convened within the space as the chamber lowered into the depths of the ravine. Only a faint mechanical grind filled the silence. The rolling battery bumped against the toes of a back leg as Lazarus considered its next move.
How will I overcome the guards?
There is not enough room to maneuver down here. Best to keep my arms close in front, so I can lash out. Knocking the controller out of their hands worked well last time. Escape plan?
Get in the elevator faster.
No, no, Lazarus resisted the urge to shake its head. The guards. How to prevent them from sounding an alarm?
The voices had no good answer by the time the doors slid open with a quiet whirring into a dark, silent chamber. The room was wide, and grand, with colorful embellishments carved into the stone. Lazarus had never seen the Artificers carve decorations like these into their surface projects. The voices rattled in their vessel. The guards would have already noticed Lazarus’ presence, surely… But the voices could find no cameras along the walls.
A single, small Artificer trotted across the long carpet, holding up its robes from dragging on the floor. It stared at the floor as if in thought, and only registered that Lazarus stood in the chamber when it was nearly upon the robot. Lazarus paused, blade at the ready.
The Artificer blinked a few times. “You’re… here for the Prognosticus,” it breathed.
Lazarus lowered its blade, unsure what else to do. “Yes. This must end.”
The small magician stared past Lazarus for a moment. Then it lifted its shaking hands to its hood. The voices tensed. But instead of reaching for anything, the Artificer pulled back its hood, revealing stringy, white locks of hair and a familiar blunt nose. As the voices watched, the child stepped to the side, bowing its head. Lazarus eyed the child as it passed, but the creature made no further motion.
The voices chittered and squeaked as their vessel carried them toward the double doors at the far side of the chamber. Where were the other guards? Or, perhaps…
This place is sacred, several of them realized at once. Only a few know about it. Lazarus put its hand to the carved stone door with a tiny, sharp clink. It closed its knife-fingers around the handle adorned with carvings of swirls and sharp angles, and pulled the door open.
It supposed it had expected another large, elaborate chamber. Instead, the safe was stowed in a cave roughly scooped into the rock. The safe itself hovered in the air over a pedestal, surrounded by thin, pallid lights. Glowing blue geometric glyphs matching the designs outside decorated the dark metal. A panel rested underneath, on the surface of the pedestal, with eight flat buttons. Lazarus pulled up its map and examined the lengthy coordinates.
Two… three… one… one…
Silently, the front of the safe faded away, revealing a black book resting within. It fit easily into Lazarus’ clawed hand, the ribbon of color around the outer edge breaking up the darkness that absorbed the safe’s blue light. There was a gem set into the center, the highlight on the jewel wavering with the various light sources as if looking around. A deep blue glow emanated from within the gem itself, like the armor- like the weapons- like the settings, back at home- like the anvil-
Before it became lost in thought, Lazarus turned and left the chamber. The child was no longer in the corridor, but the elevator remained, door open.
This feels too easy.
Best prepare for a fight.
Something is off.
The air is wrong.
Lazarus slid the book into the bag draped over its back and stepped into the elevator. On the way out of the facility, it nodded at the scientist from before. But the green-robed Artificer was hunched over its table, occupied with its wires and ports. So Lazarus continued out of the garage, brushing a leg against an incoming robot as it cleared the bulk of the crowd.
The walkway bustled as usual. Lazarus followed the flow of traffic and stepped over the railing on the other side. Underside stretched out below, and across the ravine. It looked up at the gliding robots and down at the city, and at the thin strip of red light cast from the mantle at the bottom.
The voices rattled, keeping an eye on every movement, every Artificer. But the body had no expression to betray its intentions, no breath to hold under control, no paleness or trembling. It crawled out to the great, wide bridge linking the two sides of the ravine and, after glancing back and forth to see that the crowd moved as usual, emptied the contents of its bag over the guard rail. The book fluttered down until it became too small for the body’s eyes to resolve, and was gone.
But the feeling remained: Something is off. The air is wrong.
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villains-are-hot · 5 years
My favorite villains animated, choices and live action
🖤 these guys they are the best characters in the respective movies / franchises / tv shows / choices story / video game AND I WILL FIGHT YOU ON THAT SONT DISS MY BBYS (even though they are evil and kinda terrible people /animals)
Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Candyman, Leonard Marliston, John Kramer, Mark Hoffman, Jack Torrance, Gregory Butler, Mick taylor, Pinhead, Tom Hanniger, Dr heiter, Brahms Heelshire, Bo Sinclair, Chucky, Hannibal Lecter and Sweeney Todd
Animated movies:
Scar, Jafar, Hades, Judge Claude Frollo, Hans Westergaurd, Dr Facilier, Ernesto de la Cruz, Pitch Black, grigori Rasputin, Merlock the magician, Megamind, Malthazar, king candy and Horatio p Huntington
Animated tv shows:
Bill cipher, Discord, Heinz Doofenshmirtz, plankton, Black hat, Chris McLean, Alejandro Burrometuo, Jacques And Andrew Baumer “bummer”
Choices: Carson Stewart
Video Games: purple guy (William afton)
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araminakilla · 5 years
Ducktales: Plot theory (Part I)
We are getting closer to Season 3 of Ducktales and since we are still on hiatus, I want to share not only a theory about a Dt villain but also what I think season 4 (if, you know...there is one) is going to be about.
So, Magica de Spell. We all know her, almost everyone loves how evil she is and the powers she had, but something that caught my attention was her amulet that now is part of Lena. According to Webby in The Beagle Birthday Massacre:
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Webby: Is that a vintage Sumerian talisman?
Lena: Dunno. Found it at a thrift shop.
It seems that Magica's powers come from Sumerian Magic, even if she knows different types of magic, as she said in Shadow War, The Day of the Ducks:
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Magica De Spell: [Magic fires blasts of magic at Louie]  I've never heard of it (a curse Louie made up), and I'm inversed with all magics! Gaelic, Demogorgon, Sumerian!
Louie: Sumerian? You were in that dime a long time. Well, good luck with the curse!
But these are not the only mentions of Sumerians, as in Treasure of the Found Lamp when the ducks are talking about the posible thief of Djinn's lamp:
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Scrooge: Yes, the lamp was stolen by a powerful figure!
Webby: Ohh, profoundly powerful! Ooh, like a wicked sorcerer? Or a powerful god, like a Sumerian god, or maybe Greek?!
It's interesting that the Sumerian culture was mentioned many times in the show but hasn't been show. Another theme that was present in both seasons was the Santa Claus incident that makes Scrooge unable to hear his name, much less have a statue of him in his mansion. This problem with Santa Claus is going to be touch in one of the new Season's episodes. So, maybe the Sumerian theme is going to be touch in the future.
But returning to the Sumerian mention in the Lamp episode, Webby also said that the powerful figure could be a wicked sorcerer, which is what happened in the Ducktales movie, with a very powerful and siniester villain: Merlock the Wolf Sorcerer.
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Now, this part of the post is going to be about another series, but don't worry because this is connected to the theory.
Some of you have seen a series called "American Gods". For those who don't, it's about the battle of the Old Gods vs the New Gods. The old gods were once powerful deities with many followers and believers but now they have been reduced to roam America with only a bit of the power they had in the past. They can pass as normal humans, only showing their power when necesary, like (spoilers) a character named Wednesday.
Why do I bring up this? Well, this concept, along with the Sumerian theme, it's the core of my theory about this Ducktales movie villain, and the theory is:
Merlock is a powerful Sumerian God fallen in disgrace.
What if this sorcerer wants power not because he is very greedy, but because he craves for the power he once had many years ago?
Imagine this: You are a very respected and adored deity in the pantheon. Your followers are a very advanced and great culture who made many inventions that were the base of modern things. Everything is great until your civilization falls, your people are killed or converted. Strangers from other cultures destroy your temples (in this case Ziggurats) and turn your followers against you. Soon you lose your power and you are reduced to a simple person who is holding on the very few believers you have to continue to exist. Then, something happens. You adquire a powerful talisman that allows you to change form. You feel a bit of the power that was taken from you and seach for more powerful artifacts. Then you find a magic lamp with a Genie in it, what to do next?
Before continuing, let's say this one ex powerful Sumerian God is Sin, the god of the Moon. Yes, the satelite (not a planet, LUNARIS) because as other post pointed out, disasters surrounding the Duck family and the World had to be with the moon (Magica's eclipse, the spear of Selene, the Moonvasion) and Sin was like the Zeus equivalent of Sumerian mythology (a very important god) so why not?
Obviously what Merlock/Sin really wanted was being important and have all of his former powers by making people believe in him again. But the Genie said that it was beyond his power. He could make everyone believe that Sin was a sultan or some king. But a god? That wasn't a wish, but a miracle.
Then Sin wished to very inmortal, so he wouldn't have to depend on people believing in him anymore. After that, he decided that if he couldn't obtain followers, then NO ONE should have them.
So he used the Genie to wipe out other civilizations. He was the real culprit for the sinking of Atlantis, he made the volcano in Pompeii explode and other atrocities that made other gods lose people and their sacred places. And of course the Genie was horrified and guilty for this.
Years pass by and the lamp is stolen by a clever thief know as Collie Baba. Again, Sin lose a portion of magic but this time he won't let the mortals get away with it. He begins with the seach for the lamp, also he makes a new reputation as a wicked sorcerer, even if the thought of pass as a mortal mades him sick and humilliated. People in Europe give him a new name. A combination of Merlin and Warlock: Merlock. Even if the wolf was at first annoyed that some Europeans decided his new name, he became fond of it and later embrace it. One day he dissapeared and everyone thought he died, but he decided to stop making trouble so people won't try to hide the lamp again.
He's just...walking the Earth, trying to find the lamp without being noticed. Hoping for an opportunity to rise and reach godhood again.
Maybe he wants to fight the Greek gods, as they are still prominent in myths. He resents all of them, especially Selene considering she's the godness of the Moon in her culture.
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This opportunity will present itself thanks to the current villains of season 3, but that will be explained in another post.
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Mark Beaks x Merlock the Magician
Requested by Anonymous who said “because they’re my favorite character’s ex-bosses”
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