#merlin prompt challenge
kinkalot · 1 year
Bonus Challenge #2 - Kink Link
The second of our Kinkalot 2023 Bonus Challenges - this challenge is open to EVERYONE.
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Welcome to Week 2, Kinkalotians! If you’ve always wanted to participate in the infamous Kink Link but couldn’t because you weren’t signed up, well, this is your chance. That’s right, it’s time for our old fan favourite from @pornalot, but with a fresh, new Kinkalot twist! And this year everyone who wants to can join in and link your kinks! Rather than assigning you a prompt ourselves, this time we’re going to let you build your own, like a porntastic game of mad libs. Your entry for this week must incorporate a toy from Column A, an act from Column B, and an Alternate Universe from Column C. That’s TOY + ACT + AU = PROMPT. Sounds simple? Just wait until you get started… For the kinks you need to link and an explanation of the challenge, head on over to this post. REMINDER: This challenge is open to EVERYONE. You don’t need to be a participant of the fest to join in. So if this challenge has turned your head, why not come along and share your entry over on our LJ Post / Over in our Bonus Challenge channel on our Discord server (18+ only)!
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justaz · 1 month
just imagining the knights who have grown used to treating merlin like arthur’s consort, letting him get away with all these things, and introducing new knights to the unspoken rules - merlin may not be the consort in title but you better treat him like he is - and carrying that into arthur’s reign as king only for one (1) feast to go horribly, horribly wrong and the knights of the round table are trying to put out these all these fires and calm all these lords and ladies feelings and trying to talk arthur down from waging war and trying to get merlin to talk to the king dammit i don’t care that you’re upset, arthur is drafting up a literal declaration of war please slap talk some sense into him all the while drafting up new rules that HEY actually let’s treat merlin like the queen instead
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merlinmicrofic · 8 months
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January '24 Prompts
Hello lovely people, it's time for the first round of prompts! From today until February 14th, you have time to write for one (or several!) of the following prompts:
Awake | "Your turn." | Masquerade
For info on how this works, please check this post.
When posting to tumblr, please name ship/characters/gen relationship, the prompt(s) you're filling, and, if needed, rating + warnings (so, for example: "Fill for @merlinmicrofic prompt 'Masquerade', Morgana/Gwen, Explicit, MCD") at the top of your post!
Prompts can be interpreted loosely, although if you pick the dialogue prompt, the line should make an appearance!
Remember, your fic has to be 500 words or shorter! For an additional challenge, make it an exact drabble (100 words to the point!) When you post to tumblr, we'll check wordcounts with wordcount.com
Places/ways you can post: only to tumblr, to our AO3 collection, or to both. Whichever way you choose, do make sure to make a tumblr post of some kind and tag this blog directly, so that we can reblog it, and log it for the masterlist!
If you have any more questions that aren't answered by the posts linked in our pinned post, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Most importantly, have fun! We can't see what everyone comes up with <3
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nightimecoyote · 3 months
Tonight -- Arthur/Merlin May 24' prompts
I'm finally contributing to another challenge! It's been so long but I'm really happy with how this one turned out :3
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themerlinlibrary · 1 year
August Writing Challenge
This August, TML is hosting a little daily prompt challenge in which the idea is for participants to write a fic a day! For questions, you can visit the fest-channel directly on the Discord, where Elena (who is the primary host for this challenge) is happy to help you out!
This challenge encourages stories about all Merlin characters, ships, ratings, and genres.
We follow DLDR, SALS, and YKINMKATO. Tags are your best friend. Please read and use tags accordingly.
This is a free-stress challenge. Don’t force yourself into writing or drawing. It is only for fun!
Write a fic (500-1000 words) using the prompt of the day! You are NOT required to participate for all 31 days. Write a couple, a bunch, or all 31 prompts. Skip some, switch them up, or combine multiple prompts at once.
Don’t like today’s prompt? Use one of our 5 alternate prompts.
Draw a sketch, a complete art, whatever you feel like. Same as for authors, you are not required to participate for all 31 days. Write a couple, a bunch, or all 31 prompts. Skip some, switch them up, or combine multiple prompts at once.
For posting fanworks, there is an AO3 collection here
For reblogs tag this tumblr @themerlinlibrary so we can share your posts
We can’t wait to see what you create!
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wawrthur · 1 year
fic requests welcome!
hi! in celebration of my tumblr being re-vamped (best viewed on desktop) with the downright magnificent art by @anaquariusfox gifted to me by the most blasphemous (tone id: reverent) @savantegard , i am accepting fic requests in the following fandoms:
scream (billy x stu)
stranger things (eddie x steve)
bbc merlin (surprise me :D)
okay: nsfw, mild kink, sfw, t4t, trans characters, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, pwp, praise kink
won't write: non-con/dub-con, mommy/daddy kink, hard kink, any sort of misgendering stuff, petplay, anything i would not be comfortable with writing (i'll let you know)
please drop your requests in my inbox! these will be short and published only on tumblr but you're always welcome to check out my ao3 for more stuff!
feel free to reblog this because i'd love to fill some writing prompts!
and here's the gorgeous art!! (click for higher resolution!)
thank you Savante and thank you Fox! i am so happy and fortunate to know both of you <3
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cynthia39100 · 1 year
@themerlinlibrary August Writing Challenge
Prompt 3: Royalty
Merlin & Arthur
Arthur x Gwen (They break up at the beginning.)
AO3 link
(A little Modern Royalty AU fic. I had little knowledge and imagination of royalty so bear with me... and I swear I'm not purposefully using Gwen and Arthur's broken relationship as an opening every time. )
Arthur should have seen this coming. 
He was in his bedroom in Windsor, holding a sobbing Gwen. She was saying how she loved him and how hard she’d tried and that she couldn’t do it anymore. 
“ I’m not royalty, Arthur. I thought I could learn to become one, but I will never be. You deserved a better wife who can support you through all odds. People… ” She trailed off, but Arthur knew what she didn’t say. People deserved a proper queen. They always did. Arthur was born to serve the people after all. 
Arthur comforted her with random words while feeling hollow and unreal. Everything was like a scene in the movie. He was just an observer. 
His whole life was like it, wasn’t it? There were always rules, traditions and scripts to follow. Every word, every action was properly designed and calculated by a group of “writers”. Because there is always someone watching. Because it’s his duty to be the perfect Prince people expected. 
It’s better now, of course. Rules became more flexible, and some old traditions no longer applied. He could date a peasant girl and even consider marrying her, as long as she adapted to the culture and duties of a royal family. 
He didn’t realise that was the most difficult part. 
Whenever Gwen stood by him, He felt that he finally had a little freedom and control in his life. Gwen must have felt the contrary. Arthur could only offer her wealth and title, neither was what Gwen needed in life. 
And so he let go of Gwen, told her it was alright, and sent for staff outside the room to escort her out. Arthur didn’t bother to chase out Merlin who silently sneaked in. He just lay on his bed, determined not to react to any of Merlin’s comforting words. Surprisingly, Merlin didn’t do his usual cheering or rambling to distract him, only standing beside the door like a security guard. 
Arthur supposed Merlin still knew when to leave him alone. Or he for once just didn’t know what to say. 
“ Don’t stand there like an idiot. Don’t you have more productive things to do? Writing my break-up announcement for one.” Arthur finally spoke up, couldn’t tolerate the silence. 
“ I already asked George to do it.” 
Another silent moment passed. Merlin was still standing beside the door, and Arthur was still lying on the bed. 
“ Am I wrong not to listen to Father and marry Elena?” 
“ It’s 21 century. Even the prince is allowed to choose his partner.” 
“ Gwen backed off. I’ve refused all the legitimate noblewomen in the country. What if I can’t find another one? What about the succession?” 
“ I’m sure Morgana will be happy to succeed. Actually, it should be Mordred. Have you met him recently? He has grown quite a lot.” 
“ And I’m just going to become this lonely old king?”
“ Well… on the bright side, you still got me.”  
Arthur finally surged up from the bed, looked at Merlin incredulously. 
“ Is that supposed to cheer me up?” 
“ Thought it might.” Merlin shrugged unapologetically while showing his iconic goofy smile. 
“ You really are an idiot,” Arthur said exasperatedly, but he turned to cover the smile he couldn’t quite suppress. 
Merlin seemed to sense the smile anyway. His voice became lighter and more cheerful. 
“ Since Your Highness feels better now, your father wants to meet you whenever you are ready. Do you want me to notify His Majesty?” 
Arthur sighed and got off the bed. He didn’t want to face his father, but the sooner it was done, the better. 
Merlin opened the door and was about to leave, but Arthur called him back. 
“ Aren’t you coming with me?” 
Merlin winced. “ The King is horrifying.” 
“ And you’re going to leave me alone? Right after you swore to serve me forever?”
“ I did not!” 
“ Yes, you did. Anyway, It’s your prince’s order.” 
Merlin mumbled some inaudible insults under his breath, and Arthur smiled again. It seemed that whether he could find a new love or not, he would always have his best friend hanging around. It made the future just a little less horrifying.
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poisonedfate · 7 months
54 with pretty much anyone you like and Morgana romantic or not
okay. so. here's the thing. i struggled with this one a little bit, wasn't quite sure where i wanted to go with it and somehow landed on inner turmoil rather than conflict/exchange? there's still a sort of conversation happening, but i guess it's more my interpretation of morgana's thoughts, feelings. sorry if it's not what you wanted, though i still hope you'll like it,
54. “I don’t hate you. I could never hate you. That’s the problem.” (merlin and morgana/no explicit romance)
send me prompts!
The two of them had gone back and forth for a while, never quite mentioning anything out loud, though it was clear that Merlin knew what was becoming of her, as much as Morgana knew - at least partly - what was becoming of him. It was bound to come to a breaking point, so it wasn't really a surprise when Merlin followed her as she snuck through the castle, as she left, as she headed for the woods. Once they were far enough Morgana stopped, waiting only a moment before speaking: "What do you want, Merlin?" she kept her tone steady, quiet.
Merlin approached slowly, though she could not call it hesitation - caution, perhaps. "Just wanted to make sure you don't do anything stupid." She closed her eyes, something of a storm behind her eyelids with its dark clouds, furious thunder, and waves crashing against the shore. Morgana was never quite sure what to hope for - that her anger would take over completely, making her blind to those she could never deem evil on her own accord, or that the blood-red sharpness in her head would let up just a bit, allowing her the reminder of love, of what she once thought was most important, permitting her to seek out those dear to her again, hoping to make them understand. The thoughts of it never seemed to last long enough to reach a conclusion, however. Something in her would build until there was almost a tangible voice, awful close to her own, telling her that she should not be hoping for utter misery or senseless weakness. There was no use dwelling on it, and yet: "I don't expect you to understand, but I am asking you not to stand in my way," she said, careful not to let it sound like a plead. "Morgana-," "No. No, I don't want to hear it. I cannot let this continue, Merlin, I can't, why won't you see that?" she stepped closer to him, skin tingling. "And you think this is the way to do it? Do you honestly think fighting fire with fire will make things better? Like your hate isn't going to burn the same as-," Merlin stopped himself, though it was clear what he was insinuating, Morgana's eyes growing wider. It wasn't anything she hadn't considered before - her anger, the way it reminded her of flames, bright and hot and quick to spread once they started. As much as Morgana understood why it had to be this way, why her anger was so important, the idea of comparing it to fire made her sick - so she tried to think of it as water instead - a flood, a wave, drowning, pulling. And yet. "It is not the same," she snarled. There was something almost sad about the way Merlin looked at her. "Yeah? Then why do you carry such hatred for people you used to love? People who have not had a hand in the things Uther has done." Morgana could only stare back at him. "I don’t hate you. I could never hate you. That’s the problem.” Merlin did not seem to have a response to that. She wished she could ask him if he knew what she meant. If he could understand the two sides, if he could honestly tell her which one was better. Merlin was always someone who knew more than was assumed of him, she had come to learn that. Maybe if the situation had been different. Maybe if she could bear to be honest for a little while longer, she could ask - is it better to live with the hurt or to not feel anything at all?
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tiodolma · 1 year
You know that moodboard you reblogged of Merlin and Morgana not being able to sleep? You know what occurred to me?
I'm thinking of season 3. These two with their love/hate thing and UST going on and their fights about evil plans, and you know... What if in one of those heating discussions, Morgana accidentally blurts out that she felt something and a lot of things for Merlin before the poisoning fiasco and then Merlin admitting the same.
And like both are in their minds... 😳 Oh, crap, what did I just said? So, both flee from each other, because this isn't good at all and neither can now sleep because of the whole situation. 😂😂
..... ok meta time
I think morgana has been honest enough even in s3 though (heck through s4-s5). Merlin is the more guarded one.
Based on Colin Morgan’s interpretation in many interviews, Merlin was the one who was self-aware enough that he loved her and deeply cared for her at some point. The show confirms that sort of acting decision coz he’s also always revealing his true feelings for her in front of kilgharrah and gaius. (plus the other character/actors have talked about it)
Meanwhile Katie Mcgrath doesn’t characterize Morgana in that way: that Morgana was self-aware enough that she loved him. I am of the opinion that Morgana was still on her way to falling in love with him when Fires of IDirsholas happened. All we know is that she deeply feels for him to the point where even Morgause didn't seem to know the whole depth of her feelings. KM insists that Morgana only wanted Merlin’s honesty and trust. We can see it In the show. Morgana had always told Merlin what she felt about him.
So if there was one who should admit their feelings then it should be Merlin.
Morgana already laid out everything she felt for him from S1-S3: “you are the actual hero here!” “I am your friend” "i don't feel so alone here," "i trust merlin” "you’re a good friend” “i have magic, merlin” “I now know what i am”. “i am afraid merlin” “i get that you only wanted to protect your friends” “i am upset that i was poisoned and you hurt me” “why should i care about people who dont care about me?” “Uther hates me and everyone like me” “you dont know how it is be be an outsider” “i thought we were friends then why are you against me if you understand me like what you claimed” “how can you hope to understand” “i dont really get you.” “Make me understand, merlin” "you're just a pathetic lowly serving boy to me," "you're a thorn in my side," "you condemned me to live in this poor state."
Meanwhile merlin is always like "i care for her", "i trust her," "she should be told that magic can be a force for good and it can be a gift" "she has a good heart," "she’s my friend," "i know her," "i feel sad for her," "she’s undergoing a hard time," "i understand her most of all," "i shouldnt have trusted her," "i dont wanna be bitter, angry and so full of hate like her," "i will never be like her," "i thought we were the same”
---but he says these only To the dragon and Gaius.
See how they contrast? With regards to to his feelings for Morgana, Merlin is only honest to his bosses, meanwhile Morgana is honest of her feelings for Merlin towards Merlin himself.
Merlin and Morgana were never meeting/fighting on the same ground.
It's honestly heartbreaking, especially since Merlin never holds back on saying the same wonderful words of affirmation to Arthur, to Gwen, to the Knights, to Freya, to literally everybody else.. but he could never say them to Morgana's face.
btw saying only "i understand" and not much else sometimes isn't enough anymore.
I honestly do not know what else Morgana could say that will push Merlin to honesty. I think she might as well strip herself naked and he still wouldn't give in (and s4 showed us that he can and will use that kind of weakness against her. he already used her nightmares against her after all).
All I’m saying is that Morgana had always been so so so vulnerable and raw in front of him. Normally that would give an opening to the other person to let down their guard and rely on her. (see agravaine, helios, aithusa, mordred)
But Merlin never did that. He had so many chances to tell her the truth and be vulnerable himself but he never allowed himself that kind of right in front of her. We know that he desperately wanted to but he couldn't because had been repeatedly and ceaselessly warned/conditioned/brainwashed/manipulated that it was the worst idea, that going against his job orders will have consequences.
But as they are in s3? where they are just free to pursue whatever goals they have independent of each other... with how radicalized and extremist they both already are? With how Merlin has already lost at least 4 loved ones for the sake of protecting camelot and destiny (sunken cost fallacy and all that)? nah. I can't see him being honest to anyone, especially enemies who have done and said things he morally detests, anymore.
Personally i think the only way for merlin to finally tell her his truth is to trap both them in some situation where they have to work together, or where morgana’s magic isnt enough , or where they both have no magic, or where the have joint responsibility of another life. THEY HAVE TO BE TRAPPED. TRAP THEM TOGETHER.
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alexagirlie · 1 year
30 day song fic challenge
I'm participating in a 30 day fic challenge this Sept and here is a wee lil sneak peak at whats coming!
Day 1: a song you discovered this month - Drowned in Emotion - Caskets - Dune Canon Era- hint of Paul/Chani hint of past Duncan/Paul - Inspired by the Dune Part 2 trailer.
Day 2: a song that always makes you smile - Overdrive - Steam Powered Giraffe - The Last Kingdom Modern AU- Sihtric/Finan/Uhtred - Uhtred enters an amateur stripper contest as a bet.
Day 3: a song that no one would expect you to love  - Honeybee - Steam Powered Giraffe - Dune Modern AU - Paul/Duncan - Duncan falling in love with Paul.
Day 4: a song you know all the words to - Implied Sihtric/Finan/Uhtred - Warriors - Imagine Dragons - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - Sihtric looking back at the dreams he had while growing up in Dunholm and how they and more have come true.
Day 5: a song that proves you have good taste - Hail to the King - Avenged Sevenfold - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - Sihtric/Finan/Uhtred - Uhtred is crowned King of Northumbria.
Day 6: a song that you hear often on the radio - i kissed a girl - Katy Perry - Shadowhunters - Clary/Izzy - They share a first kiss.
Day 7: a song title that is in all uppercase - SING - My Chemical Romance - Dune Canon AU - Paul/Duncan - An assassin sneaks onto Caladan to try and kill Paul. Duncan stops them and is seriously injured in the attempt.
Day 8: an underrated song - This is Home - I am Ghost - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - Osferth/Sihtric - A love confession.
Day 9: a song title that has 3 words - In the Dark - Flyleaf - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - One Sided Sihtric/Uhtred - Sihtric will do much to try and make Uhtred love him.
Day 10: a song from your childhood -You took the words right out of my mouth - Meat Loaf - Dune AU - Paul/Duncan - Werewolf / Little Red Riding Hood AU
Day 11: a song that reminds you of fall - Ghosts and Monsters - Saint Chaos - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - Sihtric can see ghosts and does not have a good night watching the grave of Bjorn.
Day 12: a song you feel embarrassed listening to - Whistle - glee version - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - Sihtric/Finan/Uhtred/Osferth - blowjobs blowjobs blowjobs.
Day 13: the first song that plays on shuffle - We all Turn to Dust - From First to Last - Merlin Canon AU - Implied One-Sided Marlin/Arthur - A contrast of perspectives.
Day 14: a song that someone showed you - take me back to eden - sleep token - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - Sihtric/Ragnar the Younger - Sihtric warms Ragnar's bed while they search for Uhtred
Day 15: a song from a movie soundtrack - surface pressure - Encanto - Shadowhunters - Alec/Magnus - Alec has a bad week.
Day 16: the first song alphabetically on your playlist - Beyond the Hourglass - I am Ghost - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - Post Seven Kings Must Die and Finan and Sihtric fight their final battle.
Day 17: a song about being 17 - edge of seventeen - Stevie Nicks - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - One sided Finan/Sihtric - Finan falling in love with Sihtric while watching Sihtric fall for Uhtred - Companion to Day 9.
Day 18: a song from the first album you bought  - I never told you what i do for a living - My Chemical Romance - Dune Modern AU - Paul/Duncan - Mafia AU.
Day 19: a song to drive to - Acadia - The Last Kingdom Modern AU - Sihtric/Finan/Uhtred/Osferth - Road trip and finding their old haunts to fuck around at.
Day 20: a song with a number in the title - No. 5 - Hollywood Undead - The Last Kingdom Modern AU - Sihtric/Finan/Uhtred - Boys at a frat party getting hammered/high and sexing it up.
Day 21: a song you listen to at 3 am - Castle of Glass - Linkin Park - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - Uhtred/Finan - Learning how to be whole again after being freed from slavery.
Day 22: a song with a long title - Get Busy Living or get busy dying (do your part to save the scene and stop going to shows) - Fall Out Boy - Shadowhunters - Alec coming out.
Day 23: a song with a color in the title - Back to Black - Amy Whinehouse - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - One-sided Sihtric/Finan+Uhtred - Sihtric is fatally injured while rescuing Skade from Beomfleot.
Day 24: a song that you’ve had stuck in your head - Bohemian Rhapsody - Dune Canon AU - Paul/Duncan - Duncan calling Paul to wake up from a vision.
Day 25: the last song alphabetically on your playlist - Zombies - Bad Wolves - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - Implied Sihtric/Finan/Uhtred/Osferth - Zombie AU.
Day 26: a song that helps you fall asleep - sleep - My Chemical Romance - Dune Canon AU - Paul/Duncan - About Pauls dream/visions - Companion to day 24.
Day 27: a song that helps describe how you feel right now - Malfunction - Steam Powered Giraffe - House of the Dragon Canon Era - Cregan Stark/Jacaerys Velaryon - Omegaverse AU.
Day 28: a song you used to hate but love now - Goodbye Waves - From First to Last - Dune Canon Era - Paul saying goodbye to Caladan.
Day 29: a song you have/want to download - choke - royal and the serpent - House of the Dragon Canon AU- Aemond Targaryen/Jacaerys Velaryon - A less people die AU
Day 30: a song you want to share - Monsters - Ruelle - The Last Kingdom Canon Era - Sihtric/Finan/Uhtred/Osferth - Vampire AU

look at me writing for some new ships/fandoms. be proud folks.
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Merlin prompt
Massive spoilers for all of it, i guess
The end kind of implies that Merlin has waited this entire time and still is waiting for Arthur's return, but what if Arthur kept coming back again and again? Okay so mostly I really want to see those two in basically every era there ever has been in between the show's time and now. Please?
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kinkalot · 1 year
Bonus Challenge #1 - Bare Basics
The first of our Kinkalot 2023 Bonus Challenges - this challenge is open to EVERYONE.
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Our bonus challenge for Week 1 is all about the bare necessities.
For writers, that means dialogue only! Your challenge is to get us hot and bothered without the use of dialogue tags, description or action of any kind (and yes, text format is welcome for this challenge!).
For artists, we want to see EITHER line art OR monochrome creations. It doesn’t have to be black and white, so long as you pick one colour and stick with it. The choice is yours in this week’s bonus challenge!
Just remember; for this challenge less is more!
REMINDER: This challenge is open to EVERYONE. You don’t need to be a participant of the fest to join in. So if this challenge has turned your head, why not come along and share your entry over on our LJ Post / Over in our Bonus Challenge channel on our Discord server (18+ only)!
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justaz · 3 months
king arthur getting swamped with work and burying himself in his responsibilities until his exhaustion creeps up on him and falls asleep at his desk. merlin comes in to find him slumped in his chair, arms crossed over his papers, and light snores coming from his mouth. he carefully, gently, and tenderly rubs arthur’s back and hair, softly calling his name, until he sorta wakes from his slumber though he is still half asleep. merlin pulls him to his feet and guides him into bed, tugging off his belt and boots before tucking him in - arthur already out like a light.
merlin then sits at his desk and works through some of the issues arthur had been dealing with, he’s stood behind arthur at practically every council meeting so he has a good idea of how to deal with things. then people start coming to the door and knocking, requesting the king’s attention. merlin ensures arthur is still asleep before cracking open the door and slipping outside. he claims that arthur is extremely busy and cannot be bothered and tells them to run any issues that require arthur’s attention thru him
then its messenger after messenger coming up to merlin with problems that need attention and merlin is striding thru the castle dealing with one after another. he carries some of the parchments from arthur’s chambers around to deal with those as well in the moments where he doesn’t have fifteen people complaining to him. after a few hours, arthur wakes up comfy in bed, staring into the blazing hearth, and a good chunk of his work has been dealt with and he feels refreshed and relaxed
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merlinmicrofic · 1 month
prompt: “tell me” • Arthur x Morgana • angst
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Tell me, did you not love him when you danced together at feasts and your eyes sparkled? Tell me, when you were ready to give your life to save him, what was it? When you gave him your token before the tournament, tell me, was it not a sign of a lady's deep affection for her knight? You dreamed only of him, you dreamed of the days when he would be king, you said you couldn't stand him but your eyes were always on him, tell me you didn't love him! And now that you hate him, tell me why?
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weiliepew · 2 years
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Merlina/Wednesday Addams!
Prints and stickers are available at my shop!
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novelelitist · 2 years
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Twitter for easier access to me and check my shit on AO3.
Day 2. Prompt: Stitched Fandom: Fate/Series Characters: Merlin, Merlin (Prototype) AO3 version.
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