sammyofold · 3 months
Here are those fic recs I promised you @incesthemes ! I hope there's some in there that you'll really enjoy <3 I split up the recs into overarching tropes to group some together, but I'll start with those that don't fit into any of the groups.
The list got a bit long, so I decided to split it up into two parts.
(Part 1 | Part 2)
Courting Death by theproblematique.
Summary: Sam Winchester lived the first six months of his life in a happy family; the next twelve years as John Winchester's only son, and the last decade as an orphan. He's supposed to die at twenty-two trying to save the woman he loves from a fire, because he doesn't have a brother to pull him back. But the night Sam meets his Reaper he discovers that Death is overly fond of pop-culture references, too beautiful to be real, and reluctant to kill him.
Servant of Servants 'verse by klove0511.
This is a two-part series (though I think it might've been intended to have more fics, its ending doesn't leave you feeling snubbed), posing the question: "what if it had been Sam who'd been mortally wounded at the end of Season 1?"
love potion no. 9 by according2thelore.
Summary: Dean drinks a love potion. Sam is falling apart at the seams because he's been in love with his brother for more than a decade.
keep me in a daydream by according2thelore.
Summary: After an accidental kiss makes a hunt go suspiciously well, Sam and Dean decide to try it again. And again. And again. It's no different from wearing lucky socks, right? A 5 + 1.
for you and me (i got no alibi) by remy.
Summary: There are people hitting on Sam wherever he goes, and Dean is doing weird things like holding doors open for him and touching him way more than is necessary, and it's all driving Sam up the wall. It doesn't help that he's been in love with Dean for just about forever, and all of it feels like a mockery of something he'll never get to have. Meanwhile, Dean is at his wits' end trying to figure out how he can make Sam realize that he is, in fact, trying to get into his pants.
Ben Has Two Dads by regala_electra.
Summary: When Ben turns thirteen and learns that Dean Winchester is his father, he runs away to join his father (and uncle). A tale where boys are boys, Vikings are Vikings, unicorns go to Candy Mountains, Dean and Sam are in big gay love, and Ben becomes a Winchester.
Last Temptation by merle_p.
Summary: Sam is running a fever again, the kind of fever no Ibuprofen or cold compress will bring down, the kind of fever that is eating him up alive, eviscerating him from the inside. He is too hot and too cold and too pale, delirious and shaking, resonating with whatever divine energy the trials are subjecting him to, and Dean is not sure how much longer he can stand to see him be in this state. Because Sam is quite possibly dying, and there is nothing Dean can do to stop it. Because Sam is dying, and he just. Won’t. Shut. Up.
Five Times Dean Forgot and One Time He Remembered by elsi.
Summary: Rowena warned him the obliviate curse might have “aftershocks.” That Dean could relapse to his amnesiac state without warning—though only temporarily, she assured. But this? This goes beyond calling a lamp a “light stick.”
Whatever It Is by theproblematique.
Summary: Both Sam and Dean get sent to the year 2014.
Take My Hand (Take My Whole Life, Too) by TeacupUnicorn.
Summary: Sam and Dean get handcuffed together during a hunt. With a werewolf on their tail and a proximity to each other they haven’t had since they were kids, their unstable relationship is put to the test and their trust in each other is pushed to the limit. Set sometime after 5x16 and before 5x20.
Not Her Sam by Yuval25.
Summary: Future Dean goes back in time to change the future and saves Jess. Future Sam tags along unexpectedly. And Jess is okay. No, seriously. She's fine.
Mistaken For a Couple
101 - mythology by ani_coolgirl.
Summary: As Sam, Dean, and Kali flee Lucifer's slaughter, Kali makes an assumption. The boys try to clear up any misconceptions. They don't do a very good job.
I need you so much closer by cherryvanilla.
Summary: five times they're mistaken for a couple plus one time they actually are.
Paisley by samsexualdeancurious.
Summary: After his mind wall was broken and was healed, Sam knows he can’t be a hunter anymore, so he and Dean retire, and Sam ends up finding a homeless dog who was abused and together they heal.
The Chicago Verse by compo67.
This is a series spanning a whopping 169 fics. I've read only a few of them and I enjoyed Sam and Dean retiring in this town together. It's still updating, looks like, since the latest fic added was in May of this year.
a few things worth saying by hathfrozen.
Summary: “So this morning,” Dean ventures as they blast down the highway in pitch black night toward a probable werewolf case. Sam looks over at him, thin eyebrows raised, eyes clear and calm. He’s not even difficult about it, doesn’t ask what Dean is after, doesn’t deny what had happened. Instead he says, very simply, “I just figure, why lie?” Alright then.
All The Way In by hunters_retreat.
Summary: Sam never did know how exactly it happened. One day, he and Dean were run ragged, exhausted from yet another disaster of a hunt, no money and no gas, no prospects and no allies left alive to give them a hand. The next, they owned a store with a shooting range and Sam was a professor of religious studies at a local community college.
Pre-Series & Season 1
To Blow Against the Wind by dreamlittleyo.
Summary: After Oasis Plains, Sam and Dean can't. Stop. Touching each other.
Star-Crossed by Agent_Hellcat.
Summary: Before Sam departs for Stanford, he writes a letter to Dean, begging him to come to Palo Alto with him.
Birthday Suit by wincestation.
Summary: On the morning of Dean’s eighteenth birthday, Dad takes him to buy a suit. Sam is… interested.
house song by according2thelore.
Summary: “The werewolf.” Sam says, quick. Hushed. Scared. “I don’t know how. I was—He was standing above you and then he wasn’t. And I think I did that.” Dean keeps whispering stuff to Sam, banal reassurances that Sam soaks up like a sponge, but he feels sick. Sammy did something impossible. Sammy’s been doing impossible things. For years. Or: Pre-Canon/Teen!chesters AU in which Sam develops powers at age eleven, Dean will do anything to protect him, and they have to live with the consequences
Outsider POV
What I've Done by Amoreanonyname.
Summary: He wasn’t going to say anything more about it. He could tell, Dean was happy to see him, but wasn’t going to humor this topic. Dean, young Dean would jump to obey John, to answer John’s questions, but this was an older Dean who was more loyal to someone else now. More loyal to his brother. John wasn’t the priority here, and he realized with another guilty jump in his stomach that he never should have been.
something you love and understand by monsterq.
Summary: In heaven, Mary makes an unwelcome discovery about her sons’ relationship.
a skeleton terribly restless by remy.
Summary: Mary knows she doesn't fit right in this strange new world she's woken up in, with these grown men masquerading as her sons, but she tries her best. She really does. She closes her eyes to all the things she does not want to see, and she lies to herself until she's convinced. Until she can't.
Flowers on the Window Sill by orphan_account.
Summary: Sam and Dean Winchester's relationship as observed by the good people of Star's Hollow.
Fix You by non_tiembo_mala.
Summary: After their encounter with Famine, the boys are in dire straits. With Dean left shaken by the horseman's taunts - which rang truer than he'd like to admit - and Sam juiced up on demon blood again, Dean is at a loss. He has no idea how to move forward, or where they're meant to go from here. Then again, they’ve always had each other - perhaps their salvation isn't as far away as it seems.
All Too Familiar by sammichgirl.
Summary: Sam's new hobby has consequences they never saw coming. Turns out, that's OK with Dean after all.
What We Do by BleedingInk.
Summary: Castiel catches Sam and Dean in a compromising position.
since feeling is first by queenklu.
Summary: That he wants to think this is Dean yanking a leash should make his blood run cold, not aching hot. It should make him sick, angry, it should get his fucking hackles up and make him fight. He does want to fight. But there’s a skin-thin line between primal things, and fighting isn’t all he wants to do.
if the dam breaks open many years too soon by deirde_c.
Summary: Sam’s soul springs a leak, and Dean’s the one who can repair it.
In the beached margin of the sea by rivers_bend.
Summary: Sam and Dean black out on a hunt, and when they wake up, Dean's having visions and Sam can't get new, strange feelings out of his head. When John finds out about the side effects, he'll do anything to get rid of the "curse". But Sam and Dean don't want to go back to the way things were before.
I Don't Need A Symbol by amoreanonyname.
Summary: It hadn’t meant that much to Sam at first. A warm glow at being able to do something nice for Dean, to give him something for once, to make him as happy as he seemed when he put it on immediately. It was what it meant to Dean that made it mean something else to Sam.
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fandom-hoarder · 3 months
I'm currently watching season 12 of spn for the first time and oh my god, samdean are so married. Wow. Y'all were not exaggerating.
Do you have any late seasons (doesn't necessarily have to be season 12) wincest fic recs?
I'm so happy to hear you're enjoying the late seasons domesticity! I love them so much.🥰🥰🥰
Your ask has made me realize I really need to make a masterlist of my rec lists, because my tag is a mess right now lol. I do have some recs for you! IDK if you care about spoilers, but I tried to avoid s13-15 fics just in case. Many of these skew angsty with a positive ending, because that's my jam.
Mid-Late Seasons Wincest (through s12)
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Let’s Do Some Living After We Die by AmyPond45 (post s11 canon divergence)
Darkness, Darkest by themegalosaurus (ep 11x13)
Bleeding Out by themegalosaurus (ep 11x13)
Wire Inside Me by merle_p (post 12x07)
Bullet for my Valentine by merle_p (ep 11x05)
the apprentice year by deadlybride (between s7 and s8)
what lasts by deadlybride (gencest s8 canon divergence)
Getting Down And Out by verucasalt123 (post ep 10x12)
timshel by deadlybride (ep 11x20 + early seasons retrospective)
a few things worth saying by hathfrozen (s10 canon divergence)
the blood in your mouth by hathfrozen (s11 biting, cannibalism kink, sweeter than that sounds lol; I recorded podfic for this)
Camp by LaughableLament (s11 era fake relationship case fic)
Summer Film Festival of Death by OldToadWoman (case fic, canon compliant through s11; includes a side pairing for Mary)
almost rosy by shiftylinguini (post-ep 12x02)
The Starving Time by Sintari (s12 case fic)
Memory Box by smalltrolven (post 12x08/12x09, Sam has powers)
presumption by deadlybride (post 12x05)
so let it out and let it in by nowhere_blake (12x02, I made podfic for this, too)
All Things Series by sonofabiscuit77 (s12, s12)
Rec Lists:
Caretaker!Dean in the Bunker is a rec list of bunker era hurt sam fic
Mary Finds Out is mostly s12, I think, but leans Mary critical due to the request.
Self Recs:
his body is his but he gives it to me (11x09 pwp, possessive/protective exhibitionist Dean)
To Reclaim Love's Obsession (11x13/11x14 love spell)
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i-hate-peas · 2 days
The Old Guard Fic Recs
So I've been a long time lurker within the fandom without ever getting particularly involved, but I wanted to show some appreciation for some of the super talented people who go here, because I have read a lot of incredible TOG fic.
Most (probably all) of these authors have loads of other amazing fics, but I've tried to just chose one from each, to keep the list a vaguely reasonable length. Although then I cheated and did some honourable mentions.
** just a note to say I started this list year (s) ago and forgot about it until literally today when I saw fic recs going round. Any of these fics I haven’t put a description for it’s because I didn’t do it at the time, and if I go back to reread them all this would never be posted, not through any lack of affection or enjoyment **
If any writers want tagging/ untagging etc please let me know! (i knew/ could find some blogs more easily than others lol)
Within Canon
Old Olives by aeli_kindara
Garden of Gethsemane mention = instant tears
Death in Her Hands by superblackmarket
Nile's growing relationship with Joe and Nicky. All of their fics are so beautifully written, but I especially love Nile's relationship with the boys and her facing her own immortality.
Honourable mention: Station to Station
Between the Hour and the Age by hauntedjaeger (@hauntedfalcon)
Andy! Nile!
Ouroboros by CypressSunn (@cypresssunns)
Set after the film, literally just read it.
compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience by Jack_R
A pair of early days Joe Nicky fics that reminds me of 'my wife is a bitch and i love her so much'
let's give them something to talk about by lacecat
When The Cherries White With Blossoms, Be Ready & Be Brave by chapstickaddict
Unearthed by merle_p
I think this is one of the most kudosed fics in the AO3 tag, but it deserves the hype!
Kidnapping for Dummies by Amiril
Similar to above, already very popular, but great and very funny!
The Last Man on Earth by Survivah (@optimismology)
I will admit I don't normally go for Booker/Nile, but this fic sold it to me. Looking at them and their developing relationship as the newer immortals.
Canon Divergent
Retrograde by Pinkninja
I mean this fic is the Big Bitch of the fandom for me, if you haven't already read this, where have you been? But also if you haven't already read this I am so jealous, read it and take your time with it and bawl your eyes out over it and appreciate the joy of reading it for the first time. The level of detail and planning in this fic is indescribable. It follows Nicky trapped in a Time Travellers Wife style life where he jumps back and forth throughout his own timeline, whilst Joe lives his life in chronological order. Exquisitely written.
If Never Again, If Every Day by gallifreyburning and takiki16 (@gallifreyburning, @takiki16)
Another absolute Titan of the genre. I know you’ve already been recommended this 500 times, what more can I say.
though I'm dying to (fall in love with you) by yusufsmoon (@babygirlyusuf)
Travellers from an Antique Land by kaydeefalls (@kaydeefalls)
Andy, not Quỳnh, trapped under the sea. I love all their fics.
Makes Me Want You More by Sixthlight (@sixth-light)
Perhaps not the typical favourite choice from Sixthlight, one of my absolute favourite TOG authors, but one that is funny and lovely and sweet that I keep coming back to. Shorter than many of theirs but perfectly formed.
pumpkin gnocci verse (series) by Liadan14 (@bewires)
I mean it's got estranged family, suspenseful chronological structure, cooking, spies, intimate and honest sex scenes, hilarious misunderstandings involving keeping halal, lovely found family moments, and the actual recipes used. What more do you want.
The Reality of Everything by Marbletopempire
One of the fics I desperately waited for each instalment for. Very funny, lots of sexual tension, plenty of Cate Blanchette spotting opportunities.
sine qua non by mellyflori (@werebearbearbar)
One of the first of their fics I read, with a very sweet build up of misunderstanding to friends to lovers, involving growing up, discovering sexuality, trying to be nice about your best friend's bad boyfriend, and a long suffering sofa.
The Brooklyn Verse (series) by GayLittleEarring, yusufsmoon, nicelytousled (@marwankenzarisgaylittleearring @babygirlyusuf @nicelytousled)
I saw the creation of this on Tumblr before it was a fic, and it lived up to every expectation. Very sweet and sincere, with lots of great discussions about art, whilst also very funny (Lamp the free loader, Joe sending thirst traps out of irritation) and hot. ItalianAmericanNickyfromBrooklyn and Joe my beloveds.
a good (eighth) impression by deaniker
I love a good hook-up to 'oh shit I have feelings' fic, and this is even more entertaining because Nicky is Lykon's ex, and Joe has very much seen him at his worst.
You do not have to be good by emjee (MerryHeart) (@emjee)
At one point a tumblr post about Joe the Professor and Nicky the Priest got very popular, and I'm not sure if this fic was inspired by that, but is one of the great fics with similar concepts. Such a lovely, gentle fic about love and also identity, featuring also Nile and a very sweet snail.
it's such an almighty sound (series) by raedear (@raedear)
A secret service AU that goes full enemies to lovers, with lots of tension, plotting, betrayal, frustration, and tenderness.
Honourable mention: take my hand (you got me rockin' and rollin')
fight 'til the day that i die 'verse by incurableromancer
Suspenseful, noir, super hero AU that has such a great writing style and is very atmospheric.
if you do take a thief by knoepfchen (@knoepfchen)
Cluedo style AU with lots of fun twists and slow building of backstories, with the whole gang.
Honourable mention: life is not the things that we do (it's who we're doing them with)
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preseriesdean · 1 month
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for @spnficrecfest day seven: tropes 🧡 also check my case fic list which has some more curse-y case fics!
Speechless by candle_beck 11.2k words, rated T, published 2008 Dean loses his voice and their rapport is only moderately impaired.
Crying Talking Sleeping Walking by FrancesHouseman 3.3k words, rated E, published 2016 The witch dies laughing at Dean. It's never a good sign.
Talk around it by @goshen-applecrumbledore 12.8k words, rated E, published 2021, underage “It’s just a truth spell,” Sam tried. “It could be worse.” Dean looked at him like he was stupid. “Yeah, thank God we don’t have a giant, life-ruining secret that we really, really don’t want our dad knowing. Good thing he’s not on his way here right this second.” He scoffed. “Could be worse. Jesus. Good to know you can still lie.”
Heart Shaped Balloon by winsive 18.6k words, rated E, published 2022, underage Sam and Dad are fighting. No surprise, but it's the weekend before Valentine's Day and Dean isn't missing out on the chance to bang a cheerleader just to console his bratty little brother. He does bring back a heart shaped balloon for him, though. It's not supposed to be cursed.
Flood of Water by sevenfists 9.9k words, rated E, published 2006 "Please tell me you know how this happened," Sam said. "Yeah," Dean said. He sat down on the closed lid of the toilet and let his arms fall away from his chest, his clasped hands settling in his lap. His t-shirt clung to him, worn thin from too many washings, and Sam could see the heavy weight of his breasts, his nipples hard in the cold air.
All That Sam by Catchclaw 10.4k words, rated M, published 2012 Dean thinks of himself as an innovator. A sex god. A professional problem solver. And then Sammy gets hit with some hoodoo and all of that shit gets shot straight to hell.
The Talking Cure by Mollyamory 2.4k words, rated T, published 2013 Dean tries to keep his mouth shut, but as much as he wants to keep quiet, he also wants to say--
Desiderata by @dyed-red 45.2k words, rated E, published 2023, incomplete Dean is hit with a curse. It shouldn’t take that much to resolve, could be a gift under other circumstances, but life’s not that simple for the Winchesters.
Out of Context by doctor_idiot 7.2k words, rated E, published 2017 When Sam and Dean keep waking up naked, all over each other, and without recollection of the previous night, the first thing Sam does is dig into the lore to find out what's going on. Dean is more concerned with the question why he always seems to be the one who bottoms.
And Baby You Can Sleep While I Drive by merle_p 8.6k words, rated T, published 2021 “So,” Dean says, hesitantly. “This is a dream then?” Sam blinks, confused. “Well, obviously.” “Huh,” Dream-Dean says and scratches his neck. He shifts awkwardly from his right to his left foot but otherwise stays where he is.
Cupid's Got A Gun by geckoholic 13.5k words, rated E, published 2012, non-con Fuck-or-die, set in early S4. But they've been fucking for years, so that shouldn't be a problem, right? Wrong. Ever since hell, Dean's in no hurry to get that show on the road again. They've tried, and it doesn't work, too many bad memories from what's been done to him downstairs. A case that involves a cursed cross and a vengeful witch takes that choice away from them, though…
(for you and me) i got no alibi by remy 23.4k words, rated E, published 2019 There are people hitting on Sam wherever he goes, and Dean is doing weird things like holding doors open for him and touching him way more than is necessary, and it's all driving Sam up the wall. It doesn't help that he's been in love with Dean for just about forever, and all of it feels like a mockery of something he'll never get to have. Meanwhile, Dean is at his wits' end trying to figure out how he can make Sam realize that he is, in fact, trying to get into his pants.
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bombingqueen · 1 year
I might make a rec list of all my favorite wincest and j2 fics. I wouldn't mind receiving some recs if anyone is interested. I decided to just list my wincest recs because I read more sam/dean fics then J2. I have no idea how many parts I'm gonna have.
Wincest Recs Part 1
Favorites (these are pretty much rated E):
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the blood in your mouth (5306 words) by hathfrozen Chapters: 1/1 Summary: Dean wishes he could sink his hands right through Sam’s skin, his ribs, wishes he could touch straight down to Sam’s heart. He’d feel the strong muscle of it, the clench and release of every beat, the thick heat of blood. He could take a bite, all for himself. (In which Dean starts experiencing cannibalistic thoughts about Sam, and Sam just needs his brother. Season 11.)
take the things you love (4784 words) by hathfrozen Chapters: 1/1 Summary: The thing is, Sam’s reinforcing every bad behavior Dean’s ever had with this kind of shit. Fucking Sam stupid over the hood of the Impala? Dean’s wet dream—unfortunately also Sam’s—but more importantly the implicit validation of every claim Dean thinks he has on Sam—unfortunately every claim Sam’s lizard brain wants Dean to have. (Sam knows his brother wants to possess him. It's a point of internal conflict.)
brother only wants (64098 words) by hathfrozen Chapters: 11/11 Summary: Sam breathes like it takes effort, and then he says, "Wanting you was the very first thing I realized was wrong with me. It was how I knew there was something sick inside." (One of them had to fall first. A story about devotion.)
an act of faith against the night (5953 words) by hathfrozen Chapters: 1/1 Summary: When Dean kisses him again, he tastes like Sam's tears. "I hate you," Sam whispers into Dean's mouth, still trying to get Dean to fuck him faster. No one should ever love this much. "It's your fault, this is your fault." Dean gave him this, everything that Sam never wants to lose, and now Dean's just going to tear it all away. He's going to throw himself away, like he's nothing, if Sam can't save him. (Angsty porn set sometime in Season 3. In lieu of actually talking things out, Sam and Dean have a lot of sex. Sometimes, like now, Sam breaks down.)
Bullet for my Valentine (8840 words) by merle_p Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural Summary: Stupid. He is so goddamn fucking stupid. Running his mouth like a fucking idiot, not knowing when to leave well enough alone. Bad enough that he just practically talked dirty to his little brother, which, Christ – he must be more stressed than he thought if his self-control mechanisms have started malfunctioning that badly. But no, no, he came up with a scenario straight out of a bad slasher film, as if that is something normal people talk dirty about, as if that is something Sam would seriously enjoy. As if – As if Dean hadn’t hunted his own brother through the maze of the bunker, eyes black and hammer raised to strike, not even a full year ago. As if Sam hadn’t, just a few weeks back, knelt at his feet, neck bared, waiting for Dean to deal a fatal blow with a fucking scythe
Sam has a serial killer kink and Dean indulges him. There is no explicit consent discussion prior to the kink exploration. But there is a safeword that Sam is fully able to use.
With Your Dreams Untold (10157 words) by waywardelle Chapters: 1/1 Summary: For the past ten years, Dean has been bookmarking porn on the laptop for Sam to watch. Sam figured it would never go further than that, until one night, not long after killing Hitler, Dean decides to be brave. One thing is for sure: Dean is never going to let Sam live down the fact that porn is what brought them together, in the end. Set between 12x06 & 12x07, but not necessarily a coda.
Walkin' the Tightrope (24702 words) by non_tiembo_mala Chapters: 1/1 Summary: It’s 2036, and twenty years since Sam and Dean called it quits on hunting to take up a secluded, quiet life. Maybe Jesse and Cesar gave them the idea, but after Amara, they realized they’d done enough. And they wanted a proper life together even more. Known as Sam Wesson and Dean Smith to the residents of the nearby town they call home, Sam and Dean keep mostly to themselves, their immaculately kept ‘67 Chevy Impala, and their cabin in the woods. That is, until someone from their past tracks them down, desperate for help. Sam and Dean can’t say no, not when it’s their dear friend Jody Mills in deep trouble – she’s missing – but the wedding bands they wear make going back to their old life just that little bit more complicated…
because you want to die for love (27299 words) by hathfrozen Chapters: 1/1 Series: Part 1 of Heaven verse Summary: He almost misses it. “Seventy-eight days.” A beat passes. “What?” That’s the face of twenty-four year old Sam staring at Dean with the eyes of the thirty-six year old Sam he left behind. Dean can’t get a read on him, on the expression there when Sam clarifies, “It was only seventy-eight days. I lived for seventy-eight days without you, and then I ended up here.”  (Sam and Dean settle into their Heaven—and into each other, too.)
Just about everything by hathfrozen is awesome. The author really knows Sam and Dean and hathfrozen explores their unhinged dynamics well.
Strange How the Night Moves (2282 words) by dollylux Chapters: 1/1 Summary: Sam and Dean talk about Sam's night with Piper.
Kings of Christmas (4987 words) by brokenlittleboy Chapters: 1/1 Summary: During the holidays at the bunker, Sam and Dean engage in a tense competition over who can decorate the bunker the best. Things get out of hand, but in a good way.
The Exodus (14189 words) by waywardelle Chapters: 1/1 Summary: So. Dean left with Cas over a week ago on some sort of recon mission, and yeah, Sam has been trying to bury himself in research, but he's just not coping all that well with the long-term separation. He wakes up early one morning, expecting the day to be like all the rest, except it's even worse than all the rest, because he's completely and totally alone on his (brother-less) thirty-fourth birthday. His bleak outlook quickly changes with an unexpected phone call, and he has to admit that maybe someone, somewhere answered his embarrassingly needy birthday wish, despite his lack of candles to blow out.
Promise Me (9281 words) by brokenlittleboy Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel Additional Tags: Soulmates, Fluff, Romance, Marriage, Marriage Proposal, Men of Letters Bunker, Domestic Fluff, Domestic Winchesters, Canon Compliant, Top Dean, Bottom Sam, Frottage, Anal Sex, Sleepy Kisses, Minor Character(s) Series: Part 4 of Commissions Summary: Dean makes a promise to Sam. He'd already made a commitment to his brother in a church, but this time is more significant and meaningful. Their lives are already weird enough that one incestuous marriage proposal won't flip things upside down.
Sweet Sin, So Naked and Bare (16105 words) by HandsAcrossTheSea Chapters: 1/1 Summary: “Have you ever thought about us doing it bare?” Sam pauses with his coffee cup halfway to his mouth and brings his gaze up. “What do you mean?” “You know. Fucking bareback.” Dean’s not looking at him and Sam really, really wishes he would. Sam sets the cup down and exhales slowly. “Maybe.”
the need to choose (4542 words) by deadlybride Chapters: 1/1 Summary: Castiel tells Dean something he never expected to hear.
This is an amazing fic. It does involve Mpreg and Non-traditional A/B/O dynamics. Dean is told he is pregnant. It also discusses the possibility of abortion due to the possibility of Sam and Dean being vessels and their war with Heaven and Hell. I think the concept is utterly brilliant. Sam and Dean having a child would really make it so that Heaven and Hell hunt them down or they give up their child.
reclamation (4152 words) by deadlybride Chapters: 1/1 Summary: Once they're finally on the same page again, once things are okay, Sam realizes there's just one thing missing.
femme (4460 words) by deadlybride Chapters: 1/1 Summary: Rummaging around the internet, Dean finds a kink he hadn't seen before; Sam explains, and demonstrates.
the beams of our house are cedar (7864 words) by deadlybride Chapters: 1/1 Summary: While they're still cementing the bunker as theirs, Dean remembers something he used to play with, when he was younger. He decides to give Sam a surprise, whenever he gets home.
there will be better days (9430 words) by deadlybride Chapters: 1/1 Summary: Sam and Dean settle into their heaven.
ambiguity (4155 words) by deadlybride Chapters: 1/1 Summary: Sam has a fantasy that he's long wanted to see realized. Dean misunderstands, at first, but Sam sets him straight.
a gift; win-win (967 words) by deadlybride Chapters: 1/1 Summary: Sam wants to watch; Dean obliges.
oh so good, oh so fine (7580 words) by deadlybride Chapters: 1/1 Series: Part 1 of it started with the kinks Summary: Zachariah gave them their memories back, but he didn't erase what had happened in the time they were other people. Dean Smith made a mistake, and Dean Winchester--well. He's still living with it.
kansas city (4231 words) by deadlybride Chapters: 1/1 Summary: Sam dies in a barn, and Dean tries to live, after.
deadlybride is one of my favorite wincest authors. everything they write is certified gold. Also, I'm a simple woman, I enjoy reading about Dean in panties.
Good Clean Fun (6050 words) by nigeltde Summary: Loose lips sink ships.
Fair warning, if Sam and Dean having sex when Sam may not be fully with reality squicks you then proceed with caution. It is not stated out right and it is left ambiguous.
Lips That Unlock Doors (2668 words) by AlulaSpeaks Chapters: 1/1 Dean may have the lips that unlock doors, but it’s Sam’s mouth that drives Dean crazy.
Dean just wanted a taste.
You Have Always Been a Fire, Burning Under My Skin (6037 words) by faequeentitania Chapters: 1/1 Series: Part 1 of Sharing is Caring Summary: The first time Sam woke up to the sound of Dean jerking off, he was twelve. Hearing your brother stroking himself in the middle of the night shouldn't be a turn on at twelve. And it definitely shouldn't be a turn on at twenty-two, either. But here he was.
The entire series is awesome. There is hetero sex but Sam/Dean has a pretty established thing going on throughout. Sam and Dean enjoy sharing their sexual experiences with women and they enjoy having threesomes.
Giving Thanks (23271 words) by chiquititasnewsong Chapters: 1/1 Summary: Sam forgets it’s Thanksgiving until he finds Dean in the kitchen at the bunker getting ready for a huge holiday spread. Whether it’s the day or the atmosphere or some kind of odd cosmic synchronicity, Sam takes a chance that turns out to change his life in ways he never dreamed possible.
I love this fic so fuckin much. The mutual pining and the increasing sexual tension is everything to me.
To Have and To Hold (3668 words) by fallingintodivinity Chapters: 1/1 Summary: It’s while standing in the middle of the vegetable aisle at a Wal-Mart, a slightly wilted head of lettuce in one hand and a six-pack of beer in the other, that Dean Winchester realizes he’s married.
A Warm Respite from a Chilly Night (1854 words) by doilycoffin Chapters: 1/1 After spending a good chunk of their evening freezing their asses off, Dean decides to warm him and Sam up with some good old fashioned spiked hot cocoa. And if it results in him getting to have a little fun with a very tipsy and horny Sam, then who is he to complain?
It's all consensual.
In the Chair Next to Mine (14407 words) by chiquititasnewsong Chapters: 1/1 Summary: This was written for this prompt from the SPN Masquerade Round 10: WINCEST - CAMPBELL BROTHERS, MARRIAGE KINK from: (anonymous) they really do love their little life in lebanon; the cozy quaint togetherness, the domestic bliss of coupledom, and they definitely get off on fooling the townspeople—letting everyone think they're mr. and mr. for real. (matching rings, the occasional pet name slipped, no one around them realizing they're getting an eyeful of incest every time a kiss is shared in public.)
Sam has a serious and intense incest kink. Dean gets into it.
Cri de Cœur [The Heart's Cry] (37817 words) by kelleigh Chapters: 7/7 Summary:
Sam and Dean could use a break after banishing God’s sister to the far reaches of oblivion. However, a new case drops into their laps when they receive a message sent to the Men of Letters using a strange old code. The name Campbell makes it impossible for them to refuse. The hunt takes the Winchesters back to Charleston, South Carolina, a city they haven’t been through in almost twenty years. It plunges them into the obscure and bloody history of an old plantation where ghost sightings and a consuming madness mean the clock is ticking.
Using every resource they have, including the help of the last Campbell ancestor in the South, the testimony of a powerless ghost, and the expertise of a handsome young historian, Sam and Dean need to uncover the truth behind the haunting before it claims another innocent victim. Based on the short story, The Yellow Wallpaper.
This is the second part of a series but it can be read as a stand alone. I love reading case fics and love reading ones that read like it could be on the show. This is awesome. Takes a divergence after Amara reunites with Chuck.
Sticking With You (10522 words) by smalltrolven Chapters: 1/1 Summary: Sam’s soul has been stretched to the limit after being attached to Chuck via the damn bullet in his shoulder. But now he has something to decide: whether or not to fill Dean in about what had really happened to Sam while Dean was off hunting on his own and killing his old buddy. It takes him the whole drive to Alaska, and nearly the whole way back to work up the courage to spill the whole story.
Dean helps Sam's soul heal and it is a beautiful thing.
nothing's gonna hurt you, baby (17652 words) by orphan_account Chapters: 1/1 Summary: “You get to have this, Dean.” The brush of Sam’s mouth against his own is the sweetest ache. Lips catch and drag and Sam whispers into his mouth, “You get to have this. If you want this, I’m giving it to you. Let me give this to you.” Dean wants to say yes. He wants to say please and I love you and thank you. For the trust, the devotion, the care. It’s not something that has ever needed to be verbalised but god, in this moment Dean wants nothing more than to tell this boy just how much he loves him. “Yeah. Yeah, Sam — I want this.” The words taste like the sweetest freedom and a thousand more years of damnation but Sam’s tongue soothes the burn of them. Long fingers cradle the back of his head tenderly, so tenderly, like he’s something precious to be taken care of, and Dean’s chest feels fit to bursting with how much he loves this kid.
I adore this fic. I really really do. and its sexy hot. This has Daddy kink. Sam calls Dean Daddy and it has undertones of subdropping.
Every New Beginning (1881 words) by remy Chapters: 1/1 Summary: one night you realize you love him, you love him in a way you shouldn’t, in a way you can never tell anyone, least of all him because he is not here. he is miles and miles and miles below your feet, so far out of your reach that you can’t even imagine it, and your chest hurts so sharp and vindictive you can’t breathe. and here’s the thing – without him, you don’t want to.
This is written in second person but it is an honestly beautiful depiction of Dean's feelings for Sam.
they were each other's toxic cure called codependency (2172 words) by nowhere_blake Series: Part 8 of codas for the damned and the brokenhearted Summary: Mary’s back, Dean is gone and Sam stops sleeping. She thought she understood how deep her boys' relationship goes, but when Michael takes over and Dean disappears, she needs to reevaluate just exactly how scarily codependent the two of them are. Coda to 14x01 Stranger in a Strange Land.
There's No Normal After That (6274 words) by Fenix21 Chapters: 1/1 Summary: Dean discovers the truth behind the words of what it really means to love his brother.
Dean's turmoil after Sam's non-death is good stuff. This fic is set after Red Meat.
O Heavenly Christmas (8124 words) by SmackTheDevil Chapters: 1/1 Summary: Reunited on a bridge in Heaven, Sam and Dean have much to catch up on and slide back into their close relationship as if they had never been apart. Sam is reflective about a life long lived, while Dean is his usual self; cracking jokes and teasing his brother. But without the weight of the world on their shoulders, for the first time, in a long time they are both able to relax and talk about their time together on Earth, relive a few memories and enjoy their first Christmas together in Heaven.
amazing work and the progress of their re-joining is beautiful
ain't it a gentle sound, the rolling in the graves? (ain't you my baby?) (3367 words) by pilotflyingj Summary: Five times Dean calls Sam "baby," and one time he doesn't.
Monsters Are Always Hungry (27458 words) by untraceablegirl23 Chapters: 1/1 Summary: He peers down at him for just a second, a second that skips on like hours, because looking at Sam is like giving something up, like air, like space, and being replaced entirely with devotion. (Nonlinear depiction of the time Sam and Dean are found out and how it all comes to in the months beforehand which are Heaven and Hell at once. Or an acknowledgement of just how far they’d go for each other, even when it’s beyond wrong, because how can you hide when you’re entirely made for someone else?)
Midnight Ride (2749 words) by ani_coolgirl Chapters: 1/1 Summary: Sam really just means to get some sleep. But if he wants Dean’s good mood to last, he may as well indulge and enjoy the ride.
Sam indulging Dean's cowboy while Castiel and Jack are in the next room.
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spider-mancan · 2 years
Starker Fic Rec
if you have already read my fic:
🔞 maybe different, but remember [15k+] 🔞 Prototype Protocol [80k+] here is a non-exhaustive list of starker fics that i love and want to keep better track of! 🔞 nsfw 🔒locked fic on ao3 ⭐ personal favorite ✏️ WIP
MCU/Canon Divergent
🔞 Wash Off the Dust by orphan_account [8k+] 🔞 The Leash by downjune [30k+] ⭐ A Matter of Habit by chelicerata [5k+] 🔞 hot chocolate and cookie dough ice cream by marin27 [4k+] 🔞⭐ No Hard Feelings by orphan_account [15k+] ⭐ Don't Look Back in Anger by orphan_account [30k+] 🔞 a game of telephone by vx2 [30k+] 🔞 Commencement by merle_p [5k+] 🔞✏️ you're not done yet by ursafootprints [135k+] 100-Point Restoration by Destina [5k+] A Constellation Engages by toucanpie [3k+] 🔞 Sweet For Me, My Honeybee by orphan_account [10k+] 🔞 In Defiance of the Stars by OchibaKonpeki [25k+] 🔞⭐ Obvious by LearnedFoot [10k+] 🔞🔒 I may be young but I will grow up strong by gunboots [3k+] 🔞 Closure by Dryerlint [10k+] 🔞 i never fully found you by bellabeatrice [5k+] Someone Who Makes You Happy by tuesday [5k+] 🔞 The Birthday Party by winterironspiderling [10k+] 🔞 Much Ado About Tropes by Dryerlint [55k+] ⭐ fell in love with no parachute on by yougottaletgo 🔞 Just Kiss Me by Unavis [10k+] Refraction by chelicerata [15k+] 🔞 My Fair Peter by Dryerlint [30k+]
🔞⭐ Such a softer sin by css1992 [15k+] 🔞 You Used to Be by orphan_account [2k+] 🔞 Can't Buy Me Love (But You Can Try) by TheStigsWriterCousin [20k+] Perfect Catch by TellMeNoAgain [5k+] 🔞 Disorder by winterironspiderling [215k+] Mr. Hurricane by spqr [5k+]
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ruinedsam · 1 year
@quinneleanor here some wincest recs :)
everything from merle_p. They write both supremely fucked up and fluffy wincest very well.
everything from hathfrozen, though not all of their fics might be to everyone's tastes I think? My favorite of their fics was the blood in your mouth (in which Dean has canniibalistic urges towards Sam)
fallingintodivinity is very good at late season schmoop
if you want to go for the classics, check out astolat
Whatever It Is by theproblematique: Both Sam and Dean get sent to the end!verse (involves two Deans fighting over Sam)
How Many Floors to Realize by lazy_daze: A Terrible Life AU where Zachariah decides to string them along a while longer
If Gold Rusts... by ulexite: the Dean is obssessed with Sam fic
Extraordinary Measures, Now Lie I Like a King, and Easter Sunday (13x21 Coda) by interstitial
N-V by thecapn: early seasons, possessive!Dean
The Operative Word by road_rhythm: more of a Sam fic than a wincest fic, but it's sooo good
Deep Shit, Arkansas by anyplaceisbetter (Espoir): Sam is dying. Predictably Dean doesn't react well.
You miss too much these days if you stop and think by xzombiexkittenx: S4 but Dean is a demon
The Theory of Relativity by wutendeskind: curtain!fic
Same Color and Type (orphaned work): Red Meat coda
gods of chance by puckity: Red Meat coda
Grieving Jack by alwaysthrowsscissors: what it says on the tin
The Road to Hell is Paved with Our Intentions by RatFlavored: Sam gets turned into a vampire (and ends up drinking Dean's blood)
Lesser Evils and Pick up the Pieces by Dyed_Red
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Hello mayo lovers! Welcome to episode five of Mayo in the Morning: Crazy Love. Mayo in the Morning is a podcast all about Gallavich fic where we interview writers in the fandom, talk about tropes, the writing process, and give fic recs.
We are joined this time by the legendary @palepinkgoat (aka Karen aka pink_ink on ao3)! Thanks for submitting questions for this episode, we had a great time answering them all.
For our next episode, we will be talking with @suzy-queued (suzy_queue on ao3) -- our topic will be Alternate Universe fics!
Notes and warnings for episode 5 under the cut.
Sexual content
Mentions of mania and depression
Hosts & Guest
Leigh / she/her / @thisdivorce / vitalspark
Howl / she/her / @howlinchickhowl / howlinchickhowl
Karen / she/her / @palepinkgoat / pink_ink
Fanfictions mentioned
The Buzz Under his Skin
Life, or Something
Our Favourite Fics
Karen - let the bodies do the talkin' by Captain_Jowl (WIP) / The Boyfriend Experience by anomalously / wide-eyed walker and do not wander by spock
Leigh - Against Glass by AllThatMatters / a mountain at my gates by melwritesthings
Howl - Order Up by macymacymacy / And I Ain't Seen the Sunshine (Since I Don't Know When) by merle_p
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recliquary · 1 year
rec list: erectile dysfunction
up is down by archea2 Dean's terrible pun earns him a witch's curse, and it all goes downhill from there. Or does it? (sam/dean. 3549 words. s13/14, h/c.)
in good time by merle_p It shouldn’t bother him, he thinks as he limps down the hallway at a snail’s pace, the click-clack of his cane echoing in the corridor, the way Sam is so transparent about all the small things he does to take care of Dean. It’s just that Dean lived for so many years with the certainty that Sam was his to take care of that he doesn’t know what to do with himself now that the roles are so obviously reversed. (sam/dean. 6844 words. h/c, injury recovery, mistaken for being in a relationship.)
heat of the moment by gracerene Dean can't do anything about the Lucifer hallucination running amok in Sam's head, but maybe he can help with this. (sam/dean. 4753 words. s7, handjob, magical healing cock.)
the terror
unbecoming by wildcard_47 In Fort Resolution, the two captains shared a bedroom that had a little window.... (crozier/fitzjames. 3014 words. handjob, oral sex.)
shouldn't carry heavy things by bastaerd “You needn’t feel obliged,” Edward tells him quietly, as if Thomas is not guiding his hand, curling his fingers for him, and Thomas replies, “It’s not a question of obligation.” Then, he leans forward the scant few inches he can and kisses Edward again. (little/jopson. 3010 words. depression.)
if-then-else by architeuthis Bruce is all hopped up on painkillers and not at all ready for action. (clark/bruce. 1188 words. painkillers, prostate massage.)
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according2thelore · 6 months
OH and speaking of lucifer seeing dean as competition - if you wanna read a fic where dean is possessive over sam because of lucifer, you should look at Wire Inside Me by merle_p <3
ooh thanks for the rec, anon!
here's the link for the fic in case anyone wants to read it!
make sure to read the tags, though! it deals with some pretty intense subject matter. i had to skim the beginning a little because non-con pregnancy isn't something i'm super comfortable with reading personally, but i love the exploration of characters here!
merle_p is a great author, so you should def check them out! if you're interested in something lighter, last temptation, and baby you can sleep while i drive, and sweet as sugar, easy as pie are some of merle_p's other works that i'm also a fan of (unrelated to lucifer, but just as good!)
thanks again for the rec! i love!!! love!!! possessive wincesters!
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burninface · 5 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday
thanks for tagging me @lingy910y !
name: face
age: 23
time zone: GMT+8
what do you do for work? OT (occupational therapist)
do you have any pets? no:(
what first drew you into the fandom? well I actually watched this show when I was in middle school (I think it only had 2~3 seasons at that time), but I didn't have much impressions on it. and last year when I didn't know what to watch, I just rewatched all the shows I hadn't caught up on back then, and I suddenly realized: how didn't I notice that the two of them had such an attractive relationship?! how?! and I just want to see more and create more!
are you a morning person or night owl? I stay up till the day light A LOT, so night owl lol
what are your hobbies? writing, drawing, cooking, playing video games, reading, watching documentaries, and playing volleyball.
how tall are you? 172 cm
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? probably one of the scandinavian countries or even in the arctic circle since I don't like interact with people in person, but emm I'm not sure...
favorite color? I can't choose only one so black, it contains all the colors
favorite book? I had different favorite books at different stages, but lately I think it would be How to Invent Everything by Ryan North
favorite movie? A Fistful of Dollars
favorite fic? erm it's hard to just pick one but if I have to choose... The Halfway House by Mintsauce I guess, I read it from the very beginning and it definitely affected my understanding of gallavich relationship. also I once dreamed the scene written in Feeling Sun(I'm no longer one) by merle_p and Love Will Guide Us Home by dancermk.
favorite musical artist? Adam Lambert
what is your average screen time so far this week? a lot lol
what’s the first app you open in the morning? it's duolinguo
how long have you been on tumblr? about 5 years in total I think, I used to use it for about 4 years when I was in middle school and high school, and last year I started using it again
finally (and i know this is hard) tell me a fun fact about yourself: I'm super good at memorizing routes (I memorize them by observing surroundings, if an area hasn't changed much, I can recognize places I've only seen once or twice, even years later), but suck at memorizing roads' names, so basically every time I give directions to others I only describe the objects around.
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ongreenergrasses · 1 year
I've seen you write some drabbles (I think that's the right word?) for this ship, but do you have any Andy/Booker fic recs? I love the way you write them
hello anon! it took me a while but first of all thank you so much 💜 i’m so glad you’ve been enjoying!
credit where credit is due, the vast majority of Andy/Booker fic is written by @goldheartedsky and she has written a bit of everything so i encourage you to go check out her fic if you haven’t already! here are some other recs as well, and everyone reading this, please feel free to drop your recs in the replies as well!
If you ask me, I will do it for you by @scorchedhearth, 3.4k, T
the following lines live in my head rent free forever and ever
“You’re good to me, Andy.” He says. “We keep each other afloat, living. That’s gotta be enough, right?”
this fic is poignant it’s painful it’s in character it’s wonderful it’s just. so good
Stronger Anchors by @captain-grammar, 2.3k, G
the description and worldbuilding in this is incredible for a shorter fic, and it hurts so good
Still Rocking Your Hoodie by merle_p, 5.6k, M
they are so in character in this and it’s a lovely fic that looks at how their relationship developed over time in a way that feels so incredibly organic
Secret Oath by @goldheartedsky, 1.6k, M
royalty/bodyguard AUs are practically catnip to me, i love them so much and this fic is an incredible example, there’s so much devotion and love and it’s also incredibly hot so 10/10
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preseriesdean · 2 months
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for @spnficrecfest day two: kinks/whump 🧡
Desiderata by @dyed-red sam/dean, 45.2k words*, rated E, published 2023 Dean is hit with a curse. It shouldn’t take that much to resolve, could be a gift under other circumstances, but life’s not that simple for the Winchesters.
*this fic is incomplete, but it's thee caretaking kink fic of all time. to me.
my heart's staying put by grim_lupine sam/fem!dean, 6.4k words, rated E, published 2016 It's like Deanna’s been asleep for four years, traversing the highways of her life on autopilot, every joy and every pain muted and numbed. In the months since she got Sam back she's been coming to life slowly, with the pins-and-needles tingling of a deadened limb awakening.
Last Temptation by merle_p sam/dean, 3k words, rated M, published 2021 Sam is running a fever again, the kind of fever no Ibuprofen or cold compress will bring down, the kind of fever that is eating him up alive, eviscerating him from the inside. He is too hot and too cold and too pale, delirious and shaking, resonating with whatever divine energy the trials are subjecting him to, and Dean is not sure how much longer he can stand to see him be in this state.
you're the only one that's mine by riyku sam/fem!dean, 3k words, rated E, published 2014 Dean gets injured on a hunt and Sam has to patch her up. Things get a little out of hand.
the blood in your mouth by @hathfrozen sam/dean, 5.3k words, rated E, published 2021, cannibalism mention Dean wishes he could sink his hands right through Sam’s skin, his ribs, wishes he could touch straight down to Sam’s heart. He’d feel the strong muscle of it, the clench and release of every beat, the thick heat of blood.
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thalialunacy · 1 year
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(back to rec index)
Bad Habits and Dumb Luck by laceymcbain
Bad Romance by jendavis
despite the abundance by Canon_Is_Relative
Down in Flames by glorious_spoon
The Epiphany Job by shrift
How To Seduce Your Geek by james
I Less Than Three You by james
Man I Used to Be by jendavis
Not Quite Florence Nightingale by walrusface
Problems and their solutions by merle_p
The Tin Man by james
(back to rec index)
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I did not successfully finish my @thehighfiveproject bingo, which is disappointing, but I feel like posting it anyways can't be bad! enjoy my childlike scribbles
Reblog art: this beautiful watercolour by @argido that made the rounds the other week! stunning
Reblog edit: this lovely soft samwena edit by carveredlund. christ above I love samwena
I'm deciding this counts, but: I requested recs and reblogged some faves, check out the notes and reblogs on this post for a real treasure trove of cool fics!
Comment on fic: the very beautiful and poetic fic "this certain desire (this car as a fracture widening through the dark)" by @hearthouses
Reblog a meta post: when @stanfordsweater talks about Crowley, I listen. lol
Reblog fic post: this lovely post @thesupernaturallibrary made for @redmyeyes' equally lovely fic Just Like Heaven. a must-read
Kudos on a fic: Any Witch Way by merle_p. God do I want to write a witchly Sam fic after reading this. feral for it
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cookiemom6067 · 8 months
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