#mentopolis episode 2
marlinspirkhall · 1 year
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This is so fucking funny
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saingirl101 · 1 year
Mentopolis Episode 2 Liveblog as Gifs (SPOILERS)
ello everyone I am back on my live watch gif along BS. I forgot that the new season came out last week + work being insane so I missed doing the first episode. However, I watched it and loved it and want to do the new episode tonight. As always spoilers under the read more
Hunch full on tasting the dead thugs blood to confirm they worked for the avaricce family:
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The fix vs Hunch Curio Look at Youing each other:
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The fix getting his chair Albert as Nostalgia:
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The fix going from relunctantly wanting to kill conrad and then wanting to adopt him probably:
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Dan Fucks full on guzzling pancake syrup at the dinner:
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Danny fucks taking every moment to reinforce his rivalry with Conrad:
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Anastasia also not being able to say Dan Fucks full name:
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Dan fucks creating a distraction:
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Anastasia finding out that The Big Guy has sustained a traumatic head injury:
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The Fix getting the heebie jeebies from Conrad's 'home':
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Okay but actually the fix really adopting conrad:
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Hunch Curio failing to convince the library university bouncer that he's a student but somehow surviving getting wailed on:
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The PIs getting ambused:
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Anastasia and Hunch being able to act first THOUGH:
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Brennan as always because hes a wily man who loves tormenting us all:
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katoninefandoms · 1 year
I couldn't stop thinking about it because it almost rhymes and this is where I learned what the word means
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hamable · 1 year
I didn’t realize how deep the itch was until now, but Mentopolis is scratching a narrative/meta narrative itch that’s one of my favorite things as a reader and writer. Like they all have roles in the human body and in the brain and everything they do in their little body society correlates in real time to Elias Hodge’s body and getting to decipher what each relationship and interaction means both for the characters and for the mentality of Elias is mmmmm scrumptious delicious I love it I eat it up
More thoughts in notes
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raemeh · 1 year
finally watching mentopolis and had a thought
if Conrad is Elias’s conscience would Elias look like Conrad just older?
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quevadilla · 2 months
"it's time to unlearn that lesson" what if I cried.
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brainrockets · 1 year
Brennan's favorite kinda place. A diner.
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workingwhileidream · 9 months
Okay Burrow's End had me thinking some thoughts... So here are my favorite Dimension 20 moments that rotate like a rotisserie chicken in my brain (in no particular order other than the order I thought if them).
- Riz goes into the butthole of the Corn Ooze Monster (Fantasy High). The first absolutely insane shenanigans move anyone makes on D20, setting the tone the show will have forever.
- Raphaniel kills Queen Pamelia (Ravening War). I think I saw Brennan's soul leave his body briefly when he got that How Do You Want To Do This from Matt. Time was an absolute flat circle that day.
- Hank convinces Brennan to let him role savvy instead of sneak (Mentopolis). Hank is one of the most famous content creators, having him on the show was phenomenal to begin with. Then right out of the gate, he pulls this move in his first episode. And it just works. Hilarious, instantly iconic.
- Jet Dies (A Crown of Candy). When Lapin dies, it is shocking but I wasn't attached to him as a character. Lapin was a bit antagonistic and his death happens early in the season. On the other hand, Jet is instantly likeable. Emily and Siobhan are amazing as siblings, their performances this campaign are some of my favorites. I have siblings and I am very close to them, so this hit me like a ton of bricks.
- The entire epilogue of Burrow's End. "Are you pitching and Air Bud ending?" is one of the instant hall of fame quotes from this show. I started crying I was laughing so hard.
- Ylfa's bottleneck and the TPK (Neverafter). There are so many close calls for total party kills in Dimension 20 history, but this is where it finally happens and it's only 3 episodes in. I was on edge, expecting another TPK at any turn, for the rest of the campaign.
- 3 nat one initiative rolls for the battle that literally opens the season (A Starstruck Odyssey). The beginning of a new season is always full of excitement. This season was extra special, having everyone back in the dome after the pandemic and the season being based off Brennan's Mom's comics. The zoom energy is still in the air and I still think about this season opener a lot.
- Mother Timothy Goose breaks Snow White's concentration with a cantrip (Neverafter). Only Ally Beardsley could and we all damn well know it. Still didn't stop me from being so far in disbelief that all I could do is laugh.
- Hob's "You will never know another lonely day" speech to Rue (A Court of Fey and Flowers). I will still cry about this if I think about it for too long. Rue and Hob's romance is the heart of this season to me. I won't be over it ever.
- Gertrude convinces Nyruth to give the Questing Queens very powerful boons after the Queens tried to rob them only a few hours earlier (Dungeons and Drag Queens). The fact that this season exists drives a level of serotonin into my brain that is unimaginable. This is the definition of a big swing and when Bob rolls well, Brennan has no other choice than to honor it. This is one of the moments I have made a meme of. I cannot wait for season 2.
- Wuuvy shows up to the duel and she did not come to play (A Court of Fey and Flowers). Aabria has talked about how Wuuvy is one of her favorite NPCs and I feel the same. Wuuvy and Rue's relationship has such a great arc and this moment is so pivotal.
- Fabian's no good very bad day (Fantasy High Sophomore Year). An iconic moment in D20 history that was truly wild to watch live. For everything to go so fantastically bad for Fabian and Lou was unprecedented. There is a reason why people still talk about this moment to this day.
- Amathar survives being pushed off the castle (A Crown of Candy). Brennan tried to kill Lou so many times in this campaign. I really thought Brennan had gotten him with this one, my stomach sunk. But Lou pulls it out and Amathar lives once again.
- Pib plays "Smoke on the Water" (Neverafter). "I stepped out to play 'Smoke on the Water' " is also a hall of fame quote to me. This list could be all Pib moments if I'm being honest, he's my favorite Zac character. And the fact that Zac doesn't roll well makes this moment funnier to me.
- Buddy Bear gets planted with the All Blossom (Dungeons and Drag Queens). Jujubee and Brennan owe me a therapy session for this one. I sobbed. My cat is my baby and I will be ruined the day she leaves me, so I get it. I really do.
- "Eat your dice, Brennan" (Fantasy High Sophomore Year). A great bit made physically possible by Siobhan. I hope Siobhan gives him gummy dice or something like that so that Brennan can continue to eat his dice for Junior Year.
- Orange Top Hat Fairy (Neverafter). It's a horror season and the cast is doing bits about how hot a mini is the entire finale and the Adventuring Party that followed. I felt the stress and off the walls energy through the screen. The Smooth Criminal pin was the first piece of Dimension 20 merch I bought.
- Viola's epic takedown of Phoebe (Burrow's End). Watching Rashawn absolutely crush it her first time in the dome was amazing. I loved Viola from the jump, her arc was so satisfying and fun to watch. Also the idea of a tiny stoat kicking a gun just the right way to get it to fire is hilarious. No notes other than please have Rashawn come back on every season she possibly can.
- Evan Kelmp warns the Rosemont student not to duel him (Misfits and Magic). Brennan's deadpan warning matched with the reactions of the other players and Aabria really make this scene. An underrated Brennan moment for sure.
- Stacey Fakename turns out to be real (Mentopolis). This was such a good reoccurring bit, so to have Stacey be real at the end of the story was too funny. In a season of bits, tropes, and puns - this one has the most payoff to me and is definitely my favorite.
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thisisnotthenerd · 4 months
ok: the spreadsheet is updated [thisisnotthenerd's d20 stats]
so is the other spreadsheet [D20 Episode Randomizer]
both will continue updating throughout the season, with character data and episode data, so keep an eye out.
random stats for you to enjoy:
brennan is in the dome for his 20th season, 16th as GM
ally is tied with lou for most seasons in the dome as a player (11) and will overtake him in episode count by the end of the season, with 173 to lou's 170
rekha and izzy are tied with brennan for seasons as players (4), and tied for episodes (36). they've played two of their four individual seasons together (T7 & NSBU).
ify moves up to the 3-season group, with a total of 20 episodes.
alex is back for their second kids on bikes season, capping out at 16 episodes
jacob is in the dome for the first time! we're so glad to have him
R2 is officially ally's seat, given that they've spent 5 seasons and 77/173 episodes in it
in terms of the players, we're at a completely even gender split: 2 female, 2 male, 2 nonbinary.
with this season, we break 250 episodes of dimension 20
we're up to a total of 523 hours, 41 minutes, and 54 seconds. that's roughly 21.8 days, or three weeks of dimension 20, before the season starts. the average episode length is 2:10:23, and median is 2:09:08.
as for the season:
i love the concept--d20 does genre pastiche really well; they're taking an already campy concept and making it campier. they're digging into the comedy sandbox in a fun, chaotic, balls-to-the-wall way this go-around. and what a cast to do it with.
this combines multiple forms of 80's nostalgia in a way that the cast can play in easily; there are a lot of elements to play with on multiple character levels
we're back with a kids on bikes reskin, much like mentopolis. i think it's going to continue to be a staple because the system is simple enough for people to jump in quickly, it's easy to reskin with varying stats, and it has a lot of room for improvisers to play with. right now it's functionally d20's second system, with three seasons on the docket. everyone say thank you aabria for introducing kids on bikes to the dome.
the dual layer of characters is a fun flavor to add--it's just an extra filter that we get to see the cast work with, and not something we've particularly seen them do before. they aren't just playing the movie characters, they're playing them in the way that they think their original characters would perceive the archetypes.
in conjunction with that: kids on bikes lends itself well to playing with archetypes--we saw it in both mentopolis and misfits & magic. we're looking at a few here in NSBU: the action hero [car and gun variants], the femme fatale, the debonair spy, the mob boss, and the hacker.
in other words, i can't wait for june 26th!
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sneakerdoodle · 1 year
what i expected more people to talk about with Mentopolis is how it represents trauma. how Conrad hangs onto a core, defining memory that dwells in the depth of the subconscious (he lives in the Red District!), how that traumatic experience became internalized in a way that is very directly implied to have affected Elias' behaviour and personal choices throughout his entire adult life; how Elias himself literally does not have the memory of it, and the part of his consciousness that holds it is singled out and sectioned off and isolated, and forever stunted in its development. how Conrad holds the memory, and that's why the voice of conscience is so rarely accessed - because to come into contact with it would be to come into contact with the memory, and that would be excruciating, and so Conrad is neglected and forgotten because Elias cannot have one without the other. something so deeply poignant about a profound experience unconsciously influencing the way Elias moves through life, without him even being consciously aware of it, and without the option to safely reflect back on it
and then the lose-lose of a traumatic response, how the severing of his conscience was an expression of a self-protective instinct: get rid of this, don't act like this and you will be safe from experiencing such pain again. and holding the memory is part of hurting, and so repressing it is part of the self-preserving urge - but this unconscious choice, made by Elias as a hurt, scared child, led him to shut out an entire function of his conscious. how, in a way, his very employment choice could be considered reckless. how our responses to trauma, in a desperate attempt to keep us safe after a harrowing, incomprehensible event, often only expose us to more danger, with no option to escape it as we are unable to process the root of it and we're only 2 freakin episodes in
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dropoutdottv · 1 year
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This week on Dropout: on Monday, a new Make Some Noise with Rashawn Scott, Ross Bryant, and Wayne Brady; on Tuesday, the trailer for Dirty Laundry season 3; on Wednesday, episode 2 of Dimension 20: Mentopolis; on Thursday, the Adventuring Party talkback; and on Friday, a new Um, Actually with Saige Ryan, Omar Najam, and Persephone Valentine!
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marlinspirkhall · 1 year
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[ID] Brennan Lee Mulligan says I'll remember that you did a favor for ol' Johnny Gullible. [End ID]
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🚨TONIGHT! Episode 2 of Dimension 20: Mentopolis launches on @dropouttv at 7pm Eastern / 4pm Pacific - featuring Brennan Lee Mulligan, Hank Green, Danielle Radford, Alex Song-Xia, Siobhan Thompson, Mike Trapp, and Freddie Wong.
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cariocake · 3 months
dream d20 campaign blunt rotation in no particular order
>acofaf 2: winter ball
>acofaf 3: beach episode
>acofaf 4: hallows eve
>aso 2: a new crew
>unsleeping city 3: viva las vegas
>mismag 2: american wizards are just as weird as the other ones
>the seven 2: community college (sam & zelda kiss)
>mentopolis 2: anxiety riddled brain that functions like a groovy 60s spy movie instead of a film noire
>weird western cowboy side quest with mike trap in it please please please im on my knees
>cryptid side quest where everyone plays cryptids
>crown of candy 3 house of the dragonfruit (aabria dm)
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rollforfelicity · 1 year
I think I'm doomed to always be a little unhappy with non-D&D seasons of Dimension 20 because they tend to treat any system they're running like D&D.
I'm on episode 2 of Mentopolis (which I'm loving) but Brennan Lee Mulligan keeps treating the checks like D&D handles skill checks. If you miss, nothing happens, and if you hit the DC, you do what you're trying to do. He also keeps getting so close to how Kids on Bikes works by saying "The DC is 8, but if you get a 12, you'll get something extra." That's great GMing, except that's how all the checks work in Kids on Bikes. You're always succeeding and failing by degrees. For example, here's what the rulebook says about hitting the difficulty exactly.
The character succeeds, but just barely. Decidedly, nothing surprising happens — and the player and the GM should make this success as skin-of-the-teeth as possible.
By contrast, succeeding with a margin of 10+ means you succeed "smoothly and easily," and potentially get extra bonuses from this success. But what happens if you fail a roll? There are degrees to it. For example, missing the check by a margin of 1-4 leads to this result:
The character fails, but not too badly. There might be some very, very minor short-term consequences, but these won’t shift the story for more than a minute or two. The character has tried and almost succeeded.
Even if you only fail by a little, something should happen other than "you don't succeed." Sometimes that's the result that makes the most sense, but most of the time the narrative should at least shift enough that the character would have a reason not to try to do the exact same thing again. For example, you try to jump up on a box to get a better view. You fail by a margin of 2, the box breaks when you jump on it. It's not a huge complication, but the PC will have to try another method or move on.
That's also why adversity tokens (they charmingly call them Moxie in Mentopolis) are so interesting. You can spend a few to still fail a roll, but have results be less dire, or spend some to succeed by an even larger margin.
I get that Kids on Bikes is kind of similar to D&D, but it is a different game, and the differences make the experience of playing so much fun.
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fairer-tales · 1 year
Plot twist ending aside, the most shocking thing about Mentopolis episode 1 was Brennan ‘I read animal fact cards for fun as a child’ Lee Mulligan being shocked by the ‘snakes have 2 dicks’ factoid.
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