#mentions of rusame and fruk
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Anything Germany or Gerita related? Im sorry I dont have a clear idea i just am desperate for germany content lol
This may be *checks watch* …. Year(s) late, but here you go Anon… some pure Germany + Gerita get-together fluff <3
He’d been scolded repeatedly at this point to ‘just make a move’. The issue was he had. Everyone had implied Italy may be interested in him… romantically, and encouraged him to ‘just go for it’!
Germany was beginning to feel like he was being made fun of. The times he had attempted to show any sort of romantic interest (after arguing with himself and his own fears for far too long), had honestly ended in disaster.
There was that first time on Valentine’s Day all those years ago… that had nearly sent him crawling in a hole to never return from…
He brother had very bluntly said “Just go right up to him and go ‘oi! Italy, you're going out with me now!’ Cut the shit and just demand what you want!”
He didn't’ like the forcefulness, but he supposed knowing Italy he’d scream and run if he hated the idea, so he had done it, he’d approached Italy after work, gathered up all his courage…
”O-Oi! Italy, You’re going out with me n-now! If that’s okay…”
Italy had jumped out of his skin but had agreed quickly. “AH okay!”
Germany was riding high until he realized he was once again on a ‘date’ and had no idea how to initiate ‘romance’. Italy was more of a romantic sort than he was, and yet their interactions were as platonic as ever.
They ended the evening as friends… as they had always been.
America had suggested “Do some huge super big gesture! So obvious and romantic there’s no way it could be interpreted as anything else!”
When asking for examples he had gotten “Make a super big feast, blast his favorite music, say something like ‘I can’t live without you!’”
So he had invited Italy over, tried his best to cook Mediterranean pasta, knowing Italy liked it… only for Feliciano to end up hovering, micromanaging, and then shooing him out of the kitchen, leaving Ludwig dejected in the dining room. He knew he should have just stuck with what he knew but he’d been told ‘cook your dates’ favorite food’ was a good mood. He should have known Feliciano was too particular about how certain things were cooked, as the evening ended up being flipped with Feliciano cooking for him instead. He’d remembered the last bit of advice after the meal he had spent pitying himself and blurted out…
”I can’t live without you!!”
Feliciano had looked up, stared at him… then quietly chuckled and took his wine glass away.
He hadn’t even drank that much… he liked beer a lot more anyway…
France had given him lines to read in French along with appearing with chocolates and good wine.
He ignored that advice completely.
No… he had decided this was a worthless endeavor. If Italy felt anything for him it would have ‘happened’ already, he was better off not ruining a good friendship with his foolish and annoying feelings that had surprised even himself. He seemed completely incapable of romance, and in his darker moments he suspected he was incapable of being loved in any romantic way.
Japan had honestly been trying to think how to get Italy and Germany to stop… hovering… around each other. It was as obvious to him as anyone that they had some sort of romantic feelings for each other, little glances between the two, the odd content smile from Ludwig in Feliciano’s presence, the way he’d notice Italy tracing his finger around the brim of a wine glass completely enamored with whatever Ludwig was talking about…
He’d been called a third wheel before, he didn’t quite feel that way himself but he also wished his two dear friends would stop torturing themselves over each other. Through a few conversations it was clear Ludwig had been trying to figure out how to ‘make a move’. He didn’t consider himself very romantic nor very intrested in it when it came to his own life… but to be honest, the advice he had overheard given to Ludwig was awful. Germany was just… himself, and expecting their own romantic successes to immediatly apply to him was a little insane. He understood where they were coming from, but still.
He had invited Ludwig out for a night out, he’d been meaning to see what the German thought of Japanese beer or sake anyway. They had lulled into a calm, just according to plan.
”Germany… your relationship with Italy…”
He noted how Germany froze mid drink, wide and sometimes terrifying blue eyes darting to him, he kept his gaze plain and non-judge mental, especially because he wasn’t judgemental at all.
“I think you shouldn’t give up just yet, I’ve heard you’ve wanted advice, but in the end, if you two are meant to join together, the only way you’ll be able to communicate your desire for a different kind of relationship is if you do it your way. No one else can tell you how to best show your care.” He said very straightforwardly.
Ludwig stared, and began fiddling with a napkin. “But I don’t… know how to…”
Japan hummed. “Mr. Germany, when you’ve noticed Italy is not ‘as sunny’, what is it you do?”
Germany blinked. “Er, well the last time that happened, I brought him some Kuchen I made and set up some blankets for him, he gets cold when he’s down…”
”You showed your affections naturally, without even thinking about it.” Japan said very firmly. “Now, you want to make it clear to Italy, that if he’s in agreement you’d like to be romantic with him. That is your goal. So you must do this with your own methods, no one else’s, otherwise the message will never come across, as it will not be your own.”
”That… Er… seems very wise. Do you have much experience??” Germany questioned, coughing a bit.
”Not personally, but think of it this way. America suggested a big romantic gesture, with the “I can’t live without you!” Line. That’s a purely Alfred move, you couldn’t imagine him doing anything else, so of course it worked for him with Ivan, because as much as Ivan claims to be irritated with Mr. America, in the end he finds the way he is endearing. For France, I’m almost certain that’s how him and Mr. England ‘make up’ every single time, and then of course your brother’s bluntness and boldness gets him far with those who like that personality trait.” He explained. “If you wind up truly rejected, it would be sad, but at least you would have true clarity because you asked your way.”
Ludwig considered Japan’s words, glancing down into his beer glass… downed the rest of it then nodded. “Thank you Japan… as always, your advice his appreciated.”
”….I would also like for you two to figure it out and be less distracted with each other during important business… We would be much more productive.”
This time, he had asked Italy if he could visit, and had prepared an Italian Cream Cake… in past he had lied about desserts he had provided, a bit embarrassed to admit he enjoyed baking as a hobby, but in recent years he had gotten over it at least a little bit, and he did want to take the risk and let Italy know he had specifically and meticulously made it for him, by himself.
Italy as always flung open his door to greet him. “Germaa-n-ieeee Ciao Ciao!!” He chirped, standing on his tip toes to kiss both of his cheeks to greet him. “Come in! It’s been too long since we could visit!”
Ludwig smiled slightly. “It’s been five days.”
”Too long!” Italy insisted with a grin as he pulled him inside. “Ooo! What sort of sweet have you brought this time Germany? You always bring such good ones.”
”I er…. I made this one, Italian Cream Cake, I’ve been practicing a bit.” Ludwig confessed, holding out the covered dish.
Feliciano’s eyes lit up. “You went through all that trouble! Ohhh just at a glance it looks beautiful! A work of art! Here! Let’s make it a centerpiece!”
Italy gently took the glass covered cake and set it in the middle of their dining table, Ludwig flushed but looked on proudly, he only hoped he’d achieved the taste and texture he wanted…
He joined Italy in the kitchen and helped with cleaning up as he always did as Feliciano served them up.
As particular as Italy was about food, there was no denying his instincts on flavor were masterful, he supposed Feliciano had much more time than he himself had to explore different flavors and types of food, and then France had even longer.
He paused as he took the first bite, noting Feliciano had included german sausage in his sauce rather than Italian… the meat from his home and the slow cooked carefully seasoned sauce from Italy blended beautifully, he made sure to praise Italy on the choice.
They ate, then cut the cake, he was nearly bombarded by compliments from Italy, and pleas to “please share more of your baking with me!!!” He felt light, cheerful, happy. It was domestic, almost, he was scared to ruin it. But even so…
He cleared his throat. “Italy, I wanted to… tell you something, and find out your opinion on it, so I hope you’ll take what I’m about to say very seriously…”
Italy sat up straight in his chair. “Of course Captain! I’m all ears!” He said with a salute and a bright grin.
Ludwig couldn’t help a soft smile before he folded his hands together and cleared his throat to be ‘serious’.
”You’ve been a very good friend to me for a very long time, we’ve had moments where we’ve been at odds with our understanding of each other, where I’ve pushed you too hard, when I’ve resisted your attempts to have me ‘relax’, but in the end your the only person I’ve ever been able to call a dear friend.”
Feliciano looked him up and down, eyes shining as he beamed. “Awwww Germany!! Your my dearest friend too!!”
Ludwig nodded firmly. “But that’s not all… It’s… taken me a very long time. I’ve felt… ashamed, honestly, of the way I’ve felt, our culture and bosses haven’t been exactly friendly to the sorts of things I’ve felt… to the way I am, so its been difficult for me to get to the point of true honestly.”
”Germany….” Italy began, almost standing from his chair, but Ludwig put a hand up, asking for Italy to hear him out.
”I know you’ve dealt with much of the same. But now… I must be honest, because… It kills me to be deceptive, especially with you. I’ve… …. I…..” Ludwig swallowed hard. No, he had to just say it, he could almost hear others laughing at him for being so serious, but this was serious. Italy meant a lot to him, so he’d treat it as such.
He inhaled sharply and began again. “I feel for you as more than a friend… I care for you, find myself wanting to do sappy romantic things with you even if I mess them up.” Ludwig avoided Italy’s gaze as he confessed, wringing his hands together in front of him. “So I have to ask you now… if you feel even remotely the same way… and if you don’t, our friendship means too much to me to ruin so if…!”
He was cut off by Italy suddenly grasping his sweaty clenched hands, and pressing his lips suddenly onto his. He was sure he didn’t look at all very attractive with his wide open and stunned eyes and stiff stunned lips… but Italy… Italy… Feliciano looked so beautiful he couldn’t look away, eyebrows furrowed, almost pained as if he’d been holding back, a close up view of his sun-kissed skin and freckles, and his closed eyes that seemed to twitch with dried tears. Finally he got himself to move and tried to give a kiss in return… before they finally parted and stared at each other.
Feliciano did tear up at that point and cupped Ludwig’s cheap. “Ludwig… my Ludwig… always so formal and direct and scared at the same time, I adore you so much! I just never thought… I thought that… maybe I was misreading things!”
Ludwig reached up, finally feeling free to do so and ran his hand along Feliciano’s face in return. “Do you know… how often I thought I was making a fool of myself trying to confess only to be rejected?”
”Huh??! Luddy! I was doing the same! I asked uncle France for help, my brother… even America!” Feliciano confessed in a panic. “I thought maybe I didn’t understand the right way to show you I liked you!”
Ludwig couldn’t help it, he started laughing, deep and bubbly. “I did the exact same thing, right down to a similar line of people!”
Feliciano joined in with laughing, and they wound up kissing in between giggles at the rediculousness of thier situation, before finally, they touched foreheads, and Italy’s deep honey gaze met ice blue.
Ludwig pulled Feliciano close to him, more content than he had ever been, having just laughed more than he had in his life.
”In the end… I’m glad we did it our way.”
Feliciano kissed the corner of his mouth in agreement. “I wouldn’t have understood any other way.”
#gerita#itager#hws Germany#hetalia Germany#hws Italy#hetalia italy#fic#prompt fill#request fill#fluff#mentions of rusame and fruk
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Damn, this is hard... I like my short stories better than the long ones, to be honest.
1943 FRUK/UKFR- It's probably one of the few I really think came out as I wanted it to. I wrote it quickly and it came so naturally but didn't suck so I am proud of it. It's just a dramatic story with a good end. We need good ends, and it doesn't feel way out of character, which is a good bonus.
The flying woman FRUK/UKFR- I am editing the second part of the circus AU, and it was fun, and I am proud of it. I really like how the first chapter came out, and I do hope people will enjoy the second when I post it.
The Russia omega series RUSAME/AMERUS- My OTP, so of course I had to mention it. I wrote it way before bottom Russia was a thing, so of course I like the series.
Of love and faith FRUK/UKFR - I have to say this one because it was a huge project that I loved writing. I haven't finished yet because I have more than 40 pages to edit, and I've been dreading it for some reason. (I hate endings, and since I lost someone while I was editing the last chapters, I am a little reluctant about grabbing it once again.).
Secret Deal RUSAME/AMERUS was my only big story in the old fanfiction days so I have to mention it right? I reposted it so it’s there among the others I took off anonymously. I remember having fun writing it.
Since I only posted one chapter and only have 3 written, I will only mention Apart. I truly think this will be one of my best ones, not only because it’s a personal one but because people are really into it which surprises since it’s another dramatic one and I am not sure how it will end.
The mood dictated the choices so take it as you will.
Thank you for asking.
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hi ^_^!!!! Im sorry if this has been asked before.. but I was wondering what are some of your favorite ships other then rusamecan/rusame! and what are the reasons?? Or if thats difficult then what are some other parings you like with america, russia and can? Ps love ur art <3
Hello!! This hasn't been asked before, dw! ( ◜‿◝ )♡ Anyway I guess I should also preface this with a note: I know I usually focus around RusAme/RusAmeCan, but I do not mind any and all ships. I do not have that hater mindset lmao.
Sorry - this is probably going to be a boring answer because my brain mostly just focuses around Rus, Ame, and Cana so... I'll put it under a cut just incase I end up writing a bunch of stuff.
You didn't mention RusCan, and I gotta say... I love RusCan!! It's underrated imo.. We really need more content of them. They're hockey rivals to me. And honestly they're on much friendlier terms than RusAme, that's for sure. I can see them getting along really well, what with both of them having lots of similarities (Cold climate, both are relatively quiet, both are.. creepy(hc) etc.)
Another one would probably be FrUk... I am a big fan of FACE Family and I scrolled through the entire ask-aph-fruk blog. That blog is a FrUk goldmine.. I love it so much and I'm sad it doesn't update anymore, but I get it, I get it. All good things have to come to an end.
Last one would probably be RusPru. I don't know much about it ngl but there's this one artist on twitter who draws them really well. Like really really well and I love it so much augh.. (dnkfuaka1 is their twt handle)
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I’m serious guys I will be making charms, and yes I will draw an alt for production where Alfred looks “normal” (well, as “normal” as I’m willing to make him-)
Once America is finished, I plan to make England, France, and Russia.
Yes they will be separate charms and not together so if you like FrUk or RusAme… have at it I won’t stop ya.
Oh and I’ll also be doing male Corrin from Fire Emblem. I know non of tumblr followers are into him… but figured I might as well mention it anyways.
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New Background Picture
Time for you guys to not just have some lame silhouettes. Have some actual color and a decent background picture (or at least, I think it’s pretty decent...).

Rusame: “You’re right, this is a pretty view.”
Itamuney: “You think so as well? I fall asleep all the time here; it’s quite nice.”
Unified: “Yes, yes, and that mural, there, in the sky just gives it a nice touch.”
Rusame: “Das, Kingstate and Ameliet have been fighting for hours.”
//If you didn’t get it, all American ships can fly. Ameliet and Kingstate made the sky mural XD. Haha, I changed this picture so many times. I realized that Itamuney doesn’t wear pants but a skirt, Unified’s color scheme’s weird, and Rusame’s 50 that’s on his back is white, not brown, as I thought. Plus, he has this slit down the center back of his coat that I keep forgetting. I completely forgot that Uni and Rusa’s are even green! Darn.
Hope you guys like it! Tell me what you think.
#mun speaks#rusame#itamuney#gerita#unified#fruk#mentioned kingstate#mentioned ameliet#mirror hall - suriva tower; sea of stars#ships#background pic#full color
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As an addition, I think the proportions would also be different if it were a yes/no question, “do you like usuk? Y/n”, rather than a pick your preferred ship, just cause multi shippers may like rusame, fruk and usuk all at the same time, but that won’t show up in the results as much, either by them picking the ship they prefer or one of the other options about them being himbos
True! Obviously they weren't especially serious polls and simply the presence of more silly options could have skewed results as well. It's just interesting to me that it got so few votes because there absolutely was a time in this fandom where USUK would have been the unquestionable winner hands down - like you wouldn't have needed a poll to decide that.
I mentioned that I had the tag blacklisted and the reason for that isn't because I hate the ship especially, it's because back in 2014/2015 that was really the only way to be in the fandom without scrolling through miles of USUK art. Even if you didn't go into the America or England tags, even if you tried not to follow USUK shippers, the only real way to avoid it was to block it.
That has fundamentally changed in the last few years. I still regularly see fanworks tagged as USUK, but it's much more heavily interspersed with other ships and even just individual character analysis than it used to be. I no longer have a problem checking the aph America tag and finding ships that I like better.
So like, there are a lot of reasons those praticualr polls aren't great data (I didn't make them with the idea that they would be), but I think it does unintentionally provide an interesting data point around a shift in the fandom that I've been noticing for a year or two now
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Favorite ships?
The current faves: FrUK, RusAme, PortEng, NedCan
Honorable mentions: GerIta, any ship from the Frying Pangle or it as a whole, LatLiech, CanUkr, Turkey x Ukraine,,BelaCzech, LietBel, SpaBelg, SpAus,SwissAus, BrUSA (America x Brazil) SuFin, SuNor
#I used to like prucan but nowadays the interest died down so idk#same with polczech#I used to be big on it when i was young but nowadays its just ehhhhh ok#as always my interests always change#whats inside the basket#tbh im fine with most ships except a select few#but I won’t delve into that
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What are your favorite ships?
RusAme, SovAme (disclaimer: not from the Sovime AU. Those two hate each other), MexAme
As you can tell, I like having America kiss people lmao
Honorable mentions include FrUK and IreScot
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I do not think rusame is really a tone deaf ship unless you're portraying it as abusive which isn't generalized rusame.
On what basis are we labeling this as tone deaf? Cold war?
The two nations used to have really good relations. Cold war doesn't erase this.
Multiple nations have had conflict and have went to war with each other and still get shipped together and get a pass. No one ever mentions FRUK.
USA has terrorized multiple nations and still gets shipped with them.
Like please just because the nations are on bad terms doesn't mean it's bad to ship.
I do agree with most of that list tho. Like USA X NK
The way USA treats North Korea is disgusting. I can only see this ship abusive.
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A Simple Misunderstanding FrUk
This was supposed to be just a writing warm up... but it turned into it’s own, complete story; I have no control of myself... Also, because I can’t control myself, I tossed some RusAme in there, too.
Read this on my A03
One moment, Arthur was standing in the doorway of their patio door of the suburban home he and his husband owned. The next moment, Arthur Bonnefoy-Kirkland stood menacingly, in the middle of the kitchen, with the elaborate and decadent cake held fiercely in an angry grip, promising that his threat was not a hollow one.
Arthur couldn’t remember, in that moment, the last time he ever felt so furious.
“Arthur...” A horrified looking Frenchman began, his gaze darting worriedly between his husband’s enraged expression and the cake he’d dedicated a whole day to preparing, “Honey...” Francis started, attempting to hold his hands out in the most non-threatening manner he could manage while trying to save his hours of work and, possibly also, his marriage. Francis took a slow, cautious step forwards, only to be shouted at by his lover.
“Take a step closer and I swear to god I’ll drop this cake!” Arthur roared. Arthur’s grip stiffened and his shoulders shook as his husband almost took another step closer, “I’ll do it!” Arthur shouted, taking an unsure step backwards, causing him to bump against the counter of their normally cozy and inviting kitchen, “Don’t test me!” Arthur growled, his breath coming in angry heaves through clenched teeth.
“Arthur! What’s come over you?” Francis cried, looking at his husband in dismay, “Every--”
“Don’t. Pretend!” Arthur interjected before his lover could get a word in, much less a full sentence. “Arthur!” Francis proclaimed loudly, “What’s wrong? Please, tell me what’s wrong!” Francis was almost begging, eyeing the delicate form of the cake while trying to properly tip toe around his husband’s delicate mental state at present.
“You’re a low life, a creep, and a pervert!” the cake captor bellowed, eliciting a sigh from his love, “A-And you should be ashamed of yourself: that’s what’s wrong!” the blonde finished, his shoulders lurching with emotion.
“Ooh, Arthur. Please.” Francis said, his expression softening and a prominent frown forming on his face as his lover began to cry. “Tell me what happened?”
“D-Don’t pretend to be th-the problem solver wh-when you’re the problem, Francis!” Arthur cried, hiccups interrupting his explanation, “I, I saw you flirting- flirting with one of our adopted sons; what is wrong with you Francis?” Arthur howled, tears clouding his vision, “A-Alfred is your son Francis; you aren't’ supposed to wart to get into the pants of your children!” before Arthur could completely finish explaining his anger, sobs wracked through him and his arms buckled.
Using Arthur’s lapse in attention, Francis swiftly went to his husband’s side, grabbed the cake securely before prying it out of Arthur’s grasp, and set it safely on the counter top.
Only seconds had passed, but the Briton was quick to dig into the Frenchman once more. “S-Stupid frog!” Arthur spat venomously, bringing out his infamous, age old, insult for the occasion, “Y-you care more about that s-sodding cake than you do about your family!” He hollered, cries escaping him with only increasing intensity. “Y-You’d rather screw one of your children th-than your husband; a-am I just not good enough for you?” Arthur sobbed pounding a clenched, angry fist against Francis’s back, then his chest as his husband turned to face him; Francis, at present, was functioning as a barrier between his furious lover and the cake.
“Arthur. Arthur.” Francis tried to soothe, capturing his lover’s fists one after the other, “My love: none of what you say is true!” He said in his defense, pulling the crying Briton into a tight embrace. “I love you so, so much; you’re the only one for me.” Francis murmured, “And my god- screw Alfred?” Francis echoed before shaking his head, holding Arthur tight, “I would never.” Francis said firmly. “Never, never, never.” he repeated for emphasis. “I love this family and I love you, Arthur.” Francis consoled, pressing a kiss to his love’s forehead. “Why would you think I would want something like that from our children?” Francis asked, looking at his lover questioningly.
“I saw you flirting with Alfred, a-and the way you were l-looking at him, and how r-red in the face he was just now-- p-probably because of some lecherous, lewd thing you told him.” Arthur spat, sobbing against his husband’s chest when he couldn’t escape the other’s grasp. “J-Just now in the yard.”
Francis thought for long moment before letting out a chuckle and, before Arthur could berate him with insults again, Francis began explaining himself as well as the situation they were currently in. “Arthur. I was only teasing Alfred; he has a boyfriend now. I couldn’t help but poke fun at him. I was hugging him and I did kiss his cheek, but, you know you do that too, right? Parents are allowed to, you know.” Francis said, pleased to see that Arthur was listening with his full attention, “And he was only red in the face because I was telling the story of when he was little and thought your garden was going to kill him in front of his new boyfriend.”
Arthur listened and, despite the fires of suspicion burning in his belly, everything seemed to be adding up as Francis explained away all of his questions and suspicions which were replaced quickly with hot, burning, shame.
Arthur had accused Francis of flirting with their child with no solid evidence to back it up; Arthur had almost destroyed their family and his marriage with nothing to back it up. This realization fell upon him like an anvil and he cried once more.
Francis saw the way his lover’s face contorted, regret washing over him and he couldn't help but feel for his husband.
“I’m sorry, Francis.” He heard Arthur cry into his chest as he buried it there. Francis held him close, bringing a hand up to gently run his fingers through his upset husband’s messy locks.
“Oooh, my love. It’s okay; all is forgiven.” Francis replied reassuringly, a loving softness to his voice, “You simply did not have all of the pieces for the puzzle and saw the wrong picture, mm?” he hummed, pulling Arthur back to kiss his forehead and wipe at his teary eyes, “I only wish you had said something first before threatening my cake and our lives together.” Francis chided gently, jest present in his tone.
Silence reigned over the two lovers for a few minutes. During this time Arthur was brought back to composure by his husband’s soft whispers of reassurance and gentle caresses. Arthur sniffled softly, allowing Francis to leave their embrace to retrieve him a tissue, which Arthur accepted gratefully.
After blowing his nose, Arthur wiped at his now reddened, puffy eyes before looking down at the linoleum of their kitchen floor and muttered quietly, a slight tremble in his voice when he spoke, “I... I’m a bad husband.”
Upon properly registering the comment, Francis came back into action and pulled his saddened lover into a fresh embrace, “You’re not a bad husband, Arthur.” Francis corrected, rubbing soothing circles along the other’s back. “Do you think I’m a bad husband?” Francis wondered, resting the side of his head against the side of Arthur’s.
“N-No.” Arthur huffed firmly.
“Ooooh, but don’t you remember the time that I was certain you were trying to give the children and I food poisoning?” Francis asked, receiving an almost instant response.
“I-I wasn’t.” Arthur responded, resting his head wearily against the other’s shoulder.
“And I accused you because I didn’t know the whole story, isn’t that right?” Francis said more than asked, receiving a nod from his partner. Francis nodded as well and continued, “Everyone makes mistakes, Arthur, and we’re not bad people or bad husbands for making them. I forgive you and now everything’s okay.” He said, nudging Arthur’s head out of the crook of his shoulder to give him a proper kiss, “We stay together through all the mistakes and the bad times because we love one another.” Francis said, kissing Arthur once more and caressing his cheek lovingly. “I love you, Arthur.”
“I-I love you too, Francis.” Arthur responded, his voice weak from shouting.
The two husbands stood there, embracing one another and giving each other occasional kisses, looking away from each other only when they heard a familiar voice and the door opening.
“Hey so is he ready to meet the boy...friend.” Alfred began with assurance that quickly tapered off as he caught sight of what could only be his father calming his dad down. Blue eyes locked with his dad’s puffy, green eyes and tear stained cheeks and Alfred panicked.
“Alfred-” Arthur began, but Alfred was already halfway out the door before he could get a word in.
Wasting no time in closing the door, Francis and Arthur both heard clearly as their son made a quick retreat across the yard, shouting, “Dad didn’t take it well, Dad didn’t take it well; Ivan we gotta hide you er somethin’!”
Francis and Arthur watched through the open doorway as their son made a beeline for a very tall man on the other side of the yard giving to him, what appeared to be, a very frazzled and truncated explanation. Despite yet another misunderstanding, Francis let out a laugh.
“See? Alfred does it too.” Francis said, referencing their recent discussion about acting before having the full story.
Arthur let out a lighthearted huff and nudged Francis lightly, “You know all that means is that he learned it from us.” Arthur jeered.
“Well I suppose so.” Francis admitted with a chuckle, “But, I also suppose that that’s fine.” Francis said before pressing a kiss to Arthur’s lips. Arthur smiled, enjoying the kiss while it lasted and letting out a contented breath as it ended.
Arthur hummed softly as they parted from the kiss, “Mm, boyfriend...?” Arthur wondered, looking to his husband for clarification, at which Francis smiled. “Aah, that’s right. How would you like to meet Ivan?” Francis wondered, adding after a moment, with a chuckle, “That is, if Alfred hasn’t hidden the boy away by now.”
“Oh, Alfred wouldn’t be able to hide him from us.” Arthur replied, taking Francis’s hand into his as they approached the door to the front yard. “We’ll meet his boyfriend and then we can all enjoy this birthday cake of his together.” He added.
“Oh, that’s true. Alfred is a horrible liar.” Francis remarked and pushed Arthur gently, playfully, “He got that from you.”
Arthur was smiling when he let out a scoff, “I’ll have you know I am an extraordinary liar.”
“Oh, I suppose you think I don’t remember that ‘surprise birthday party’ of yours that I discovered a week in advance.” Francis retorted, giving the Briton a sideways grin.
“All, uh, well that was part of the plan.” Arthur tried to say as smoothly as possible as they entered the yard, giving the area a look around, “More importantly...” Arthur murmured while looking for their son, “Alfred where is that boyfriend of yours?” Arthur called out to his son who, at the moment, he could not see, but knew was listening.
Francis wore a knowing smile as he released Arthur’s hand to, instead, wrap it around his husband’s waist, “I love you.” Francis murmured against his lover’s cheek after pressing a quick kiss against it, adoring the way the man’s cheeks still flushed, even after all the years they’d spent together.
Arthur looked down, yet he was still unable to hide the joy the simple gesture gave him. “...I’m still sorry.” Arthur said softly after a moment.
“I still forgive you.” Francis replied easily, smiling warmly at his husband when he dragged his gaze up from the ground to lock eyes with him.
Arthur returned the smile slowly to the other, saying quietly after a moment, “Could I have a kiss?”
At this, Francis was grinning, “Oh, you think you need to ask for one?” the Frenchman wondered and, within mere moments, the search for Alfred had ceased, “I think, as a matter of fact, that I might give you two kisses.” Francis hummed after kissing the Briton and before pressing another kiss to the same lips, “Perhaps even three.” Francis added, enjoying the chuckle that bubbled out of Arthur’s throat as he delivered the third kiss.
“You know, the fifth kiss is an... exceptionally long one.” Francis hummed, giving Arthur a purposeful stare coupled with a mischievous smile; Arthur was quick to match his tempo.
“Is it?” Arthur questioned with mock innocence, returning the smile after giving the Frenchman a quick peck on the lips, “How long is it?” he whispered, withdrawing his tongue to glide it across his waiting lips.
“Well, let’s find out.” Francis replied lowly, pulling Arthur close against him and drawing Arthur’s lips into a kiss. This kiss would likely have evolved into something more, had their son not interrupted.
“Oh god: they’re kissing!” The two fathers heard their boisterous son holler. The two lovers pulled away from each other, smiling despite the interruption.
“Well, there’s Alfred.” Arthur said, allowing himself to be guided by Francis who took his hand and began the short trek to where their son was.
“I love you, Arthur.” Francis said, giving him a smile as they both ignored Alfred’s japes.
“...I love you too, Francis.” Arthur said, caressing his husband’s hand with his thumb. He enjoyed the feeling of his lover’s hand in his and he said quietly, under his breath, “More than you may ever know...”
“Hey so this is Ivan.” Arthur registered Alfred say before the introductions began and the worst problem Arthur had faced in months boiled its way down to a simple misunderstanding.
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Do you have any ships you like but ever only in a very specific way? That’s the kind of relationship I have with rusame. Cold War dark and edgy antics with hate fucking? nah, lame, overdone 🙄😤🤮 Two people who are really just himbos making fun of each other for petty reasons and shit 🥺😍🥰
God I love RusAme himbos like that like what was the post I reblogged a couple days ago...Russia stealing America’s model airplanes and claiming them for Russia. That’s some good shit.
Anyway, to answer your questions: (tw for r*pe and abuse mentions btw)
Russia/China: I am SO fucking picky about rochu like--it was a notp for me for the longest time because I despised how everyone made it super abusive to China by making Russia this obsessed stalker who China would somehow fall in love with. Like, I have found fics where Russia r*ped China and after he apologized China would fall in love with him. God fucking no. And also, even when consensual, any time where Russia is a fucking hypersexual “seme” to a mewling, begging, hyper feminine China. People who ship it like this, get wrecked. SO anyway, loving and supportive rochu where China is a snarky asshole and Russia falls for him because China’s the only one who stands up to him and treats him like an equal and a comrade. They become each other’s rock in a rapidly changing world, and although they have their ups and downs, they understand each others suspicion, pain, and hesitance better than anyone.
Japan/China: I feel like it should be fairly obvious why the history surrounding this ship makes some people uncomfortable. Obviously people acting like the r*pe of nanjing was some kind of shipping scene is fucking disgusting. However, I have met many Chinese fans who like this ship. It’s kind of a “better world” sort of ship, where many of the people who ship it do so with the understanding that the two of them coming to terms with their pasts is about the only way it can happen. That being said, I think there is plenty of canon evidence that China wishes to have a better relationship with Japan, and that he feels a lot of nostalgia for when their relationship was better. I think a lot of fans of this ship just want to see them have a happy ending.
DenNor: A very popular ship that seems to have a couple of common shipping trends that rub me the wrong way. Number 1: really obvious seme/uke dynamics. I’ve seen several people say Norway is really “in touch with his feminine side” and idk if maybe I missed something in canon but I never got that sense from him at all? Not to say having a feminine side is a bad thing, but this ship does get the seme/uke treatment a lot, and kind of like rochu, people will make Norway super desperate for Denmark’s dick and then also make Denmark into this manly sex god. And then number 2: making it abusive. Norway pulled on Denmark’s tie in one scene. Now he’s gotta hit him every time he’s sort of annoying I guess and verbally abuse him. Can’t we just have the cute dynamic where you have one who’s basically a golden retriever and the other who’s a cat? That’s DenNor to me.
GerIta: You remember what I just said about people making Norway verbally abuse Denmark? Well, GerIta but with Germany verbally abusing Italy all the time. Canon is to blame for a lot of this because...like half their interactions are Germany yelling at him. But they were at war, Germany was frustrated with his ally being a dunderhead--but why do we have to go and make their romantic relationship the same way, especially modern day? Wouldn’t part of them getting together be them getting past this, don’t you think? And anyway, people in this fandom definitely aren’t afraid to throw out canon, so I don’t know why people are clinging to this element of GerIta and trying to spin it as “Germany’s just frustrated and yells at him because he cares about him!” People go on and on about GerIta being a cute and wholesome ship, but then they portray Germany as verbally abusive. Maybe it’s just my annoyance at people labeling ships like RusAme or FrUk as abusive because they have disagreements and less than stellar histories, but then those same people ignore obvious abuse in their own ship’s fandom because “rules for thee but not for me.” But yeah...GerIta is cute, when handled as a “best friends who were the last to get the memo that they were dating” sort of ship. Germany sighing in frustration at Italy saying something dumb but endearing, and just kinda being like “yeah...he’s an idiot...but he’s my idiot.”
Anyway, this is getting long, but you get the idea about what kinds of things turn me off of ships.
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Hey! Uhh, can I hear some of your cucan headcanons? Your Fruk and Rusame ones are AMAZING
HIII yes ofc 😩👍 CuCan is genuinely so goddamn underrated and there is absolutely no good reason for it
no warnings except brief mention of Weed
- They have beach dates all the fucking time and Matthew tans surprisingly well despite being pale as FUCK
- Carlos braids Matthew’s hair a lot like a lot a lot bc he thinks it’s the cutest shit
- Matthew got Carlos his own like. Homemade icecream maker thing one year for Christmas and Carlos uses it all the time ❤️
- they are Stoners ✌️ I just know they are
- Carlos is like one of the only people that can bring out a really snarky side of Matthew, but Matt is usually a little shit anyway it just gets enabled around his bf
- It took a while for them to actually get together bc of Carlos’ beef with Alfred (Matthews brother). Like he thought that they would both be the same type of asshole but then he realized that they’re not. Matthew spent years pining over someone who didn’t like him PFFT
- Matthew absolutely adores Cuban culture and loves loves loves visiting Carlos in his country. The food, music, language, he just loves everything about it and Carlos is MORE than happy to teach and show him everything there is about Cuba
- Similarly Carlos also appreciates learning everything abt Canada. He really enjoys the snow so every winter he stays with Matthew for like two weeks
- They try to teach each other their languages (French and Spanish) and they cannot become fluent for the life of them but they know enough to get by
- Carlos fucking LOVES baseball and Matthew likes playing with him bc he doesn’t throw the ball in his face as hard as he can (unlike Alfred)
- Matthew kicks his ass in hockey tho lmao
- Matt steals Carlos’ fucking button up shirts and since they’re too big he just tucks them in the front. Carlos Swoons everytime 😩
- Holding hands is their favorite form of physical affection, it’s so simple and not too like over the top so Matthew doesn’t get too embarrassed
- Speaking of which MANS GETS SO FLUSTERED when Carlos compliments him on like literally anything
- Carlos never forgets to include Matt in a conversation if he’s around and it absolutely melts Matt’s heart bc nobody else really puts in the effort to include him
- Matthew actually has a good relationship with Alfred but he cannot hang out with Carlos and his brother at the same time oh my god
I’m lvoe them :,) I need to come up with more shit for them bc I just. Ugh. They’re like in my top 3 favorite Hetalia ships
#hetalia#hetalia headcanons#hetalia hcs#aph canada#aph cuba#hws canada#hws cuba#cucan#cucan headcanons#aph cucan#kenshcs
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by itawakuu
1997 Manhattan, New York.
"Love is complicated, Alfred. But I think I understand what it is when I am with you."
Alfred looked to the floor, kicking a rock as he stood quiet, hands in his pocket and his posture rigid. Ivan's heart beat in his chest, eyes staring into Alfred's face, searching for any sign- anything that proved that Ivan wasn't the only one.
"With the way your twisted ass head works, it's hard to believe you," Alfred took a step forward and looked up at the slightly taller male with an uncertain gaze. "But if this is love, then I really, really do not want it from anyone else except for you."
Ivan doesn't know how feelings work, so when the stupidly attractive Alfred makes his way into his life, his entire world is flipped onto its head and he doesn't know whether to think with his dick or his heart.
Words: 3736, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: America (Hetalia), Prussia (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), North Italy (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia), Ukraine (Hetalia), Belarus (Hetalia), China (Hetalia), Japan (Hetalia)
Relationships: America/Russia (Hetalia), England/France (Hetalia), Germany/North Italy (Hetalia), Prussia/South Italy (Hetalia), Canada/Ukraine (Hetalia)
Additional Tags: Hetalia Countries Using Human Names, Brothers Germany & Prussia (Hetalia), America being America (Hetalia), Punk England (Hetalia), America Being an Idiot (Hetalia), Russia has Issues (Hetalia), Awkward Russia (Hetalia), Russia Needs a Hug (Hetalia), France Being France (Hetalia), Minor Germany/North Italy (Hetalia), Smut, Eventual Smut, Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Inspired by Friends (TV), Inspired by That '70s Show, Angst and Fluff and Smut, it's kinda angsty ngl, Brothers America & Canada (Hetalia), Switch America (Hetalia), Switch Russia (Hetalia), Alfred is a little shit, So is Arthur, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, Tags Are Hard, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, usuk dynamic is strictly platonic, they're funny asf tho, Tags Contain Spoilers, well maybe later idk, RusAme, FrUK
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Q & A
Another relationship I’m pretty confused on is FrUK. Not nearly as much as RusAme tho.When Himaruya writes these two its more like the ho yay between them is a joke and twice Himaruya has shot down the idea of either of them liking each other like that.France got freaked out over a fan pretending to be England in love with him. England got freaked out over the idea of France being in love with him. Of course you can ship as you please but I’m just so bewildered as to why you think they could happen.
The idea of it + my understanding didn’t just emerge in a vacuum. There is evidence suggesting a possibility of romance for them, even if the series does give off mixed messages.
For example: the second instance you mention (I think it’s the World Stars Chapter you’re referring to) shows England getting defensive about reciprocating his perception that France may have feelings for him.
“It’s not...it’s not like I like you all or anything!” (he’s referring both to the French people and France).
Source: Hetascanlations, World Stars Chapter 317.
There’s also the running gag where France laments about how England would be cute if he didn’t talk so much.
Sources: Hetarchive, England Caught a Cold! + Hetarchive (Bamboo Thicket, Feb 2nd, 2015).
Another example would be the Dream United Kingdom strip, which I covered already. Please look at my post directory before sending in asks.
Even though England vehemently opposes the idea of being married to France, he cites that he doesn’t want to marry him because of the economic desperation generated by the Suez Canal Crisis.
“I don’t want to get married for this lame reason,” is a rejection, sure, but it’s odd how it’s not an outright rejection. It leaves open the possibility that he would be open to marrying France for a better reason…whatever that is.
Source: Hetarchive, Dream United Kingdom.
My posts on the matter: [x] [x].
Do you really think so positively of a relationship like...RusAme?Its been stared time and time again that they don’t like one another,have an extremely tense relationship and the real life relationship between these two countries is very volatile and just as full of hate.Russia has even fantasized about destroying something as simple as America’s glasses.Sure Hetalia has messages of getting along and stuff but these two just barely tolerate each other at best.
I’m pretty sure this is the same anon from above.
If anything, I’m a bit bewildered as to why you claim that I view RusAme so positively? I haven’t said anything of the such nor have I only illustrated this side of their relationship. It would be unfair and inaccurate to claim that I have.
On the other hand, what I have done is prove that their relationship isn’t only hate—that they can and do get along. In the Shipping Series post I made of them, I claim upfront that there are no romantic hints of them and instead explain that the parallels I draw between them can be used as tools for those who ship them to use in their characterizations.
Both posts can be found in my post directory [x] [x].
Here’s a quote from the opening paragraph if you want to verify.
“Below will be a list of parallels between America and Russia that I think would benefit any RusAme writer should they wish to incorporate them into their works. While in canon there is minimal romantic substantiation, this post merely aims to provide writers with tools that highlight the similar chemistries and complexes that America and Russia both experience. In no way is this forcing the ship onto anyone either.“
Lastly, as mentioned above, while Russia and America get on each other’s nerves—as I have already acknowledged in a post documenting their rivalry— there are also many instances where they get along.
Ex: They’re spotted happily drinking together.
Source: Hetarchive, April Fools’ 2011.
Ex: Russia has visited America at his home.
Source: Hetascanlatons, World Stars Chapter 157.
Ex: There’s that café scene in World Stars, which while highlighting how they still grind each other’s gears, the underlying message is that they nonetheless get along in the end.
Source: Hetascanlations, World Stars Chapter 53.
I’ll be transparent in admitting that it’s a pet peeve of mine when people only focus on the glasses remark Russia makes in that scene while ultimately ignoring how said scene is wrapped up. It’s cherry-picking.
Not sure if you've been asked this before, but in your opinion what would you say the sexualities of the Hetalia characters are?
If you’re unsure if I’ve covered something, you can always check my post directory. I have done a post on ‘sexualities’, but I use that term for a lack of a better word. I also don’t believe in assigning labels when they haven’t been given, as I believe that the characters are open for interpretation, and instead show how some nations are canonically LGBTQ +.
Post [x].
What's the context for France getting shot???
He tries to strip Switzerland.
Source: Hetarchive, Christmas 2007 Event.
How do different nations deal with loss? (A friend dying, e.t.c..)
This post should help a bit [x].
You also have Greece, who copes with his mother’s loss by visiting her ruins and holding onto her relics, and Romano, who can’t be visited by Rome without bursting out into tears of happiness.
Sources: Hetascanlations, World Stars Chapter 99 & 100 Hetarchive (Bamboo Thicket, eng trans. April 5th 2011).
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A Barren Semblance of Love, a USUK angsty high school drabble; omega/omega
This is the drabble I promised, just shy of 1600 words. I tried to give it an actual happy ending, but a) it wasn’t gelling with the rest of the work and b) I wanted to leave it pretty open-ended because this will probably end up as a slightly longer thing at some point because I just don’t have enough projects to work on! But, @tetsuyapants told me that if you have at least five projects in your WIP folder at all times, then you can’t ever die because you can’t die until you finish them and I always believe everything Tetsuya tells me! XD
I’m gonna leave off a summary because it’s so short and it’s basically just what I said in the title of this post.
Rating: T for language and very mild sexual themes (no smut or anything near it, just mention of stuff) Also, FrUK and one-sided RusAme appear.
I hope you enjoy!
Like the clumsy, idiot omega he is, Alfred F. Jones drops his books and swears at himself. He averts his eyes from the scene unfolding directly across the hallway. Here he’d thought he’d been so lucky to have a locker straight across from the beautiful Arthur Kirkland’s, but it’s been nothing more than a curse.
Particularly since the other omega boy started dating the most charming alpha in the school, Francis Bonnefoy, who is currently pawing playfully at Arthur and kissing his cheeks as Arthur swats at him and tries to switch books for his next class.
Only for the thousandth time that day, Alfred condemns his own type. The whole thing has to be some sort of cosmic joke. Why else would Alfred, brash, outspoken, athletic Alfred be born as an omega while his twin brother, Matthew, quiet, studious, kind, Matthew was born an alpha? Somewhere in the cosmos, somebody screwed up.
Alfred supposes he’s lucky that the hallway is wide enough that they probably can’t smell him, but he’s always had an exceptionally sensitive nose and he can smell them just fine. It’s making him want to throw up because despite all of Arthur’s batting Francis away, he seems to be pretty interested in all the attention if his scent is anything to go by.
Alfred bends down to pick up his books, biting back tears. A new scent suddenly invades his senses and he’s almost relieved until he recognizes it as belonging to Ivan Braginsky. The alpha leans against the locker next to Alfred’s and smirks smugly down at him. Alfred doesn’t look up at him, but glances quickly over at Arthur and Francis, although he can barely see Arthur. Francis is covering him and they’re probably making out or something.
“Hello, Alfred,” Ivan says.
Alfred tenses up as he grabs his last book and throws them all into his locker haphazardly. “Go away, Ivan. I told you to leave me alone.” He stands up fully, trying to make use of his height, as he is unusually tall for omega, but definitely not taller than a virile alpha like Ivan. Alfred wants to vomit for a different reason now: Ivan’s arousal.
Ivan looks pointedly over at Arthur and Francis and then grins infuriatingly back at Alfred. “It is such a shame, isn’t it? For one omega to be in love with another?”
“Shut up. You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Alfred digs his nails into his palms, fighting his submissive instincts which are insisting that Ivan is a very desirable mate and instead raising one of his clenched fists.
Ivan laughs. “Do I not? I can smell your jealousy all over you. It is only barely masking the yearning scent you normally have when Kirkland is around. It makes me sick.”
“Then leave me alone.”
Ivan suddenly rounds on Alfred, caging the omega in by slamming his hands against the lockers. The sound is loud enough to catch Francis and Arthur’s attention.
Alfred wants so badly to challenge Ivan, to get back in his face and beat the hell out of him, but being trapped sets his passive omega impulses into overdrive and he can’t fight them and he freezes in terror, hardly daring to breathe, knowing he’d inhale Ivan’s scent.
Ivan leans in close to him and breathes in deeply. “Ah, fear. That is a much better smell on you, little omega.” He presses his cheek against Alfred’s so that his words fall against the omega’s neck in a direct threat that he could make Alfred his mate right then and there if he chose to do so. “Little omegas like you need alphas to take care of them. I could take care of you, Alfred.”
Francis suddenly pulls Ivan back, knocking the air back into Alfred’s lungs. “Let him be, Ivan.”
Arthur rushes to Alfred’s side. He wraps an arm protectively and supportively around Alfred’s shoulders and brushes his hair back from his face quickly, checking him over. “Are you alright, Alfred? You’re shaking like a leaf.” He rounds on Ivan to glare him, the confident glare of an omega who has an alpha to back them up. “What the bloody hell are you thinking, Ivan? You scared him half to death.”
In a display of dominance that Alfred knows is more for Arthur’s benefit than anything else, Francis reaches out and pushes Ivan back. “Leave him alone, mon ami,” he says with a friendly smile on his face, but a dangerous glint in his eyes.
Ivan shoves his hands into his pockets, indicating that he is not going to accept Francis’ challenge. “So be it. But soon, Alfred, soon you’ll see the foolishness of your little crush and then perhaps you will reconsider my offer.”
Alfred jerks and tries to break free from Arthur at that point, fists raised and teeth bared, operating solely on his emotions and ignoring his instincts. “So help me God, Ivan, I’ll—” he snarls as Ivan laughs, turns, and walks away.
Arthur holds Alfred fast and rubs his arm soothingly. “Alfred. Don’t be stupid. He’s an alpha, you wouldn’t stand a chance. You’re still shaking. You smell bloody awful.”
Alfred barks out a laugh. He knows that Arthur means he can smell Alfred’s fear and doesn’t mean it as an insult, but he’s already been humiliated enough in the past ten minutes.
“Francis, love, could you give us a minute? It will be easier to calm him down without an alpha around at the moment.”
Francis keeps his posture open and relaxed so Alfred won’t feel threatened. “Of course, mon amour. I’ll see you after class. Alfred, do not let Ivan get to you. He is a brute. Not all alphas are like him.” He smiles in a way that is meant to reassure Alfred, but it doesn’t. He walks down the hall in the same direction that Ivan had gone.
Arthur throws both arms around Alfred, but since he is a more typical height for omegas, his head tucks perfectly under Alfred’s chin. “It’s going to be alright. Ivan has no right to be acting like that. Francis and I will look out for you.”
Alfred nods numbly, tears slipping out his eyes though he makes no sound.
“I often question the merits of this newer educational model, really. I suppose that omegas will never have a better place in society if alphas and betas don’t interact with us and learn to see us as equals, but it could really be quite dangerous sending us all to school together at this age, especially if no one is going to discipline alphas like Ivan.”
Alfred barely hears Arthur’s political views, though he has happily listened to them many other times. He’s much more focused on the scent of Arthur’s soft, flaxen hair pressed right up against his nose. For whatever reason, he can’t help but relax into the warm, gentle arousal it incites in him, which will soon be followed by a much more urgent, fiery lust if he doesn’t get away.
“Alfred? Are you feeling better? Your scent changed—oh. Oh. Um.”
Using Arthur’s surprise to break away from his embrace, Alfred scoops up his backpack and holds it between them. “Listen, I—I’ve gotta go. I’m sorry, I just...” He doesn’t bother completing his thought, he turns and runs toward the front doors of the school, tears falling freely. He bursts out of the door and continues running, cursing himself every moment for not having been born an alpha.
He should have been the alpha, not Matt. If he were, then he could be Arthur’s boyfriend. He could be Arthur’s mate some day. Alfred would take such good care of him. They could even have children one day, if they wanted, and Alfred would take care of all of them. He’d be the best alpha ever.
But no, instead, he’d been born an omega, destined to be weak, submissive, and needy. Destined to be unable to care for Arthur.
He doesn’t realize that he stopped running until Arthur catches up to him.
“Alfred!” Arthur calls out.
Alfred tries to start running again, but Arthur catches him by his wrist.
“Alfred, stop. Was that what I think it was?”
Alfred crosses his arms and folds up into himself, trying to hide his scent. “I guess that depends on what you think it was.”
“It seemed like you were aroused… by me.”
“Well then yeah, that’s what it was. I don’t want to talk about it, Arthur.”
Arthur steps closer and pries Alfred’s arms away from his chest. “We’ve always been friends, Alfred. I think we need to talk about it.”
“Yeah, okay. Sure. Let’s talk about Alfred F. Jones, the tragic omega who hates the thought of being with an alpha because he’s in love the most beautiful omega boy he’s ever seen instead. Let’s talk about how he can never be with the omega boy because it’s ‘not right’ and also that beautiful boy has an alpha and he loves him and I have to fucking smell it on you every time you’re at your locker with Francis. Let’s talk about how it makes me want to die. Please. Yes. Arthur. Let’s talk about how fucked up and broken I am.”
“Forget it, okay? Just forget it.” Alfred turns on heel on walks away.
“Alfred!” Arthur calls, taking few steps after him.
“Leave me alone, Arthur.”
Arthur stops then, stands bereft as he watches Alfred leave. Sighing, he whispers only to the cosmos, “If you’re broken, Alfred, then so am I.”
The end! For now!
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Why I ship the shit I ship
So,I know that shipping in general is a fangirl’s main thing.Basically,it’stwo people or characters that have a chemistry, fanon or canon that makes you super happy and giggly. I know that shipping characters is usually fine,because they aren’t real people, though people do fight over differnet characters.Then, there is shipping real people in the real world. I understand why morals are questioned, but if it does not directly affect you, then don’t bother. I realize that it’s hard to avoid people who ship IRL people, but that does not give you permission to be an asshole.
Fandom communities are wide, broad and very diverse. You have artists, writers, bloggers, people who do all three, people who spectate, newbies, veterans and crack shippers along with many variations. It’s designed that way so that everyone feels like they have a place in a community. Fandoms are a great way to meet new people, observe writings from young writers and look at incredible art from all kinds of sources. So, why should a ship ruin your time.
I have many ships,as I’ve been in many differnt fandoms. Some, I stayed in a little but left, due to a new interest. Others, I am still in because I am so involved in the fandom or that I can’t get enough of it. Some fandoms I was in or currently are in right now, are: Thomas Sanders, Jacksepticeye, Crankgameplays, Markiplier, Teamiplier, Hetalia, Free!, Attack on Titan, Harry Potter, Supernatural,Sherlock, Doctor Who and at one point, Twilight. As you can see, almost all of them contain real people, whether actors or not. I know for a fact! that YouTube especially, is kinda new in the whole Fandom thing, as it can be hard to create and maintain a captive audiance and keep that audiance to create a fandom around that. But,with it’s growing popularity, YouTube fandoms are growing bigger. And with bigger fandoms, come shipping fangirls.
C’mon though, there are a lot of collabs and there are quite a few that make you smile, because there is a chemistry between the people. Little chemistries that blossom into amazinga nd pure friendships. These friendships lead to meeting IRL and collabing together in the same location. (I’m mainly talking about gaming channels here). Fangirls love a good chemistry, and they are pretty fricking good at finding a quality chemistry and blowing it out of the water. Soon, there’ll be fanart, fanfictions and posts about these encounters, ranging from fluff, to angst to smut and lemons. We all know it happens, so deal with it.
Then, come the realists, who start bashing ships with facts. “They aren’t gay”, “They have girlfriends” and “Why are you writing abotu REAL people??” So what?! It’s make believe and for fun anyways! FanFICTION! Fiction is not real / parallel universes, where this stuff can become a reality. Trust me, we know it’s not real. That doesn’t mean we can’t dream and create universes to make it real.
But, that is not what this is about. You all probably know this, since I’m writing this on Tumblr. This is about my ships (which I will list a majority of them) and then I will (try) to explain why I ship it the way I do without a lot of words.
My ships include the following:
Phan (YT) This ship is one of the most famous, but I don’t ship it as most do. I view this glorious ships as the cutuest and purest brotp ever. I’m talking plaonic I love you’s, forehead kisses and hand holding. This ship for me is fluff! Because they’ve known each other for a long time, I don’t doubt they tried dating, but I can’t see it working out. I feel with their bond, it’d be awkward for them, so they break up, and just stay as incredibly close friends.
Jelix (YT) A semi-rare pair of YouTubers jacksepticeye and Pewdiepie. This is also just an incredible brotp for me. Any collabs they do are super fun and engaging and they almost seem like brothers. The playful fighting and insults remind me of a brotherly feel to their relationship. I know that Jack is dating Signe and she is an incredibly badass girl with killer style, and I ship Septishu so hard! They are absolutely adorable together!!
Septishu (YT / IRL ) Oh. My. God! I can’t even begin to explain this ship. It’s super cute and super canon! Wiishu is an INCREDIBLE person, with the gall to keep up with the loud tennis ball that is Jack / Sean. She has an amazing sense of style and her make-up is always gorgeous. How can ANYONE hate this incredibly adorable Danish badass?! Plus, she has her own YouTube! Any videos she does with Jack are incredibly cute and sweet.
Tythan (YT) This one will garuntee get me in trouble... Tythan. Oh, the newest (kinda) ship of Ethan from Crankgameplays and Tyler from Teamiplier. Two guys who (maybe?) live(d) together and appear quite frequently on Markiplier’s channel. But, there is a chemistry between the adorable Baby Boy Blue and Stone-Face Tyler. With subtle glances, a couple hovering incidents and a bunch of adorable interactions, how can you not like these two boys. They botha re incredible and sweet people who just wanna spread kindness. How I ship this,I still don’t know. It’s mixture of lovey-dovey romance with platonic friends who just get along great! I just like seeing my bois together!
Crankiplier- A weird pair, but I like the weird ones. Basically, it’s just Mark and Ethan as their current relationship is. They get along great and Mark has said that Ethan impresses him, with his perservearance of not giving up on his YouTube channel. Plus, thei have great laughs together and their collabs are hilarious!
Cranksepticeye- Another odd-ball. I don’t know why I like this pair. It’s just, fitting? Both loud bois with colored hair with a dedication to making their fans happy. Plus, they have somewhat similar mannerisms, like constantly brushing hair out of their eyes, and their loud and hyperactive personalities, along with steadfast morals. To me, it’s a mirroring thing and besides, my bois are precious.
Septiplier-No, THIS one will definitelly get me in trouble... Okay, this originally wasn’t going to be on here, but I ship this. Now, before you get your panties in a twist, let me explain this. I love the friendship of Mark and Jack. The banter and the playful jabs are so funny. They have girlfriends and I only ship them as friends. Much like Tythan. The dynamic chemistry between them, plus the banter, their Prop Hunt videos and general collab videos are hilarious. I did ship it romantically at one point, but not the smutty lemons and that. Eck. I like pure things with dynamic characters that have great chemistry. Septiplier is dead, but their friendship lives on in my heart, because to me, that’s all they ever would be.
HETALIA: I should say this. All of these ships are based around Fanon only, as I’m not a fan of the show itself. I really love the fanon universe that’s been created.
RusAme- Shut up. I like a good, conflicting pair! A lot of good angst, and headcanons. These two are such a power couple.
FrUK- SIBLINGS!! I don’t ship this romantic. Their pasts are too deep and troubled for them to be romatically in love in my book.
USUK- SIBLINGS!! See FrUK for the explanation.
Spamano: A fiesty Italian matched with a lovey-dovey Spaniard who has a great ass? Sign me up! A pair tha’s dynamically opposed, hell yeah!
GerIta- It’s canon. You can notprove it too me othewise.
ScotEng- https://www.youtube.com/user/KamisWorld94 There ya go. These two (German??) cosplayers have created these characters so beautifully that I can’t help but NOT ship them.
AmeCan- Brotherly Love. Grown up together under heavy Native American influence until the British and French came, but still raised in similar ways and are the best bros ever!
DenAme- Two hyperactive, silly adults with the enerdy of 6 year olds? Yep! Two stubborn men with morals, a love for showing strength and then silly antics? Sign me up!
PrUK- Bros. I fully believe in the Head Canon that these two were twins. yeah.
SpUK- Pirate. Days.
Awesome Trio- Beer? check. Three men with childish energy levels? check. A home alone? check. Crazy, drunken antics? Sign me up!
SANDERS SIDES: Aka the zany personalities of the amazing Thomas Snaders
Polysanders- Because I love the idea of the aspects of Thomas loving themselevs and each other.
Drarry- Shut up. I can’t help it! I’m a slut for contradicting characters finally resolving all their hate for love instead, finding out that being gay is okay, and that they are happier. (I’m also a slut for 8th Year Drarry. Huh! be still my beating heart!)
Harmony- Come on! These two get along like brother and sister. Hermione always worrying about Harry, Harry making sure Hermione has some fun. He usually sticks with Ron on arguments, but he does side with hermione when Ron’s being and arse. They watch out for each other, and in thd Deathly Hallows, when Ron leaves and Harry tries to cheer her up? That was super pure and I love their relationship.
Ginny X Luna- Cute lesbians both underestimated by others? YES!! Luna helps Ginny be a little more girly and Ginny helps Luna with her hexes. Ginny definitely is the protector, but Luna’s in Ravenclaw for a reason. She’s super witty, and exceptionally clever, with music. Plus, Luna and Ginny having sleepovers where they braid hair and just chatter are my achilles heel!
WolfStar- What? Come on! I love Maruaders so much! I would pay a lot of money, to have a Maruader’s universe series, written like Casting Moonshadows. That fic is a blessing on this Earth!! Plus, the YT group, Mishcief Managers have a to die for Marauder’s universe and even a killer Drarry storyline!
Notice: I am not tagging any of the people mentione din this for good reasons. Many of them have said that they do not want to be tagged in shippy stuff that’s about their friends. At least, that’s what I’m trying to prevent. I love them all, because they are all amazing people, so don’t be douchebags and tag them. (What I mean is by @ ) I will tag the various ship names, and fandoms.
#shipping#why i ship the shit i ship#fandom drama#to clear the air#harry potter#fanders#hetalia#youtube ships#phan#tythan#jelix#crankiplier#cranksepticeye#septiishu#septiplier#rusame#fruk#usuk#spamano#gerita#amecan#dename#scoteng#pruk#spuk#awesome trio#polysanders#drarry#harmony#ginny x luna
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