#mentions of near death
selineram3421 · 7 days
*finally has a day off* Fucking hell.
I'll Be Here
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Previous: Coming Apart
Human Alastor X Human Reader Oneshot
Warnings ⚠
⚠ she/they for reader, italics = thoughts, blood, mentions of stalking, shaking head = no, mentions of near death, fluff ⚠
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"While in your sleep.."
You started in your journal entries.
You've been writing in a journal for your fiance to read when he does eventually wake up.
It's been a few days since the incident. The local paper had printed out most of what happened but you asked to keep your names out of it and they were respectful enough to listen.
You finally learned what your stalker's name was and how many other women he had gone after. You were glad it was finally over and that he couldn't hurt anyone else now.
The night Alastor was admitted, you were so worried about him and rushed to ask the doctors why he wasn't waking up. They reassured you, saying it was quite normal and that he would wake up soon once he was well enough.
You stayed by his side most of the time.
Knowing better than to leave yourself uncared for while taking care of him.
Brushing his hair, cleaning his teeth, and overall just making sure he was comfortable while he slept.
Whenever your thoughts became too much, you'd clean his glasses or listen to his past recorded Radio shows.
Now, you've finished writing about what happened last night in the journal, sitting near his bedside in one of the chairs provided.
Putting away the light brown book in your bag before letting out a sigh and crossing your arms, resting your upper body on the bed as you stare at your love's sleeping face.
You missed him.
You know he's just resting but you still miss him.
Brushing a strand of hair away from his face, you let out another sigh.
I'll have to eat breakfast soon.. You thought and continued to run your fingers through his hair. Maybe I can just get a sandwich or something from the liquor store across the street.
Taking a glance at the window, you see that it's raining.
It's been raining since last night. You woke up to a loud clap or thunder and thought it woke Alastor up too. But he was still sleeping when you turned to look.
You shifted a bit to get comfortable, still playing with strands of his hair.
"You might be dreaming right now for all I know..", you mumbled, moving your hand to hold his. "I'll take a nap and dream with you for a bit."
Slowly, you felt yourself drift off into sleep.
At first you saw Alastor covered in gashes and blood.
With a shout, you ran over to him, but when you blinked he was fine.
He smiled at you and pulled you into a hug.
God did you miss his hugs.
You practically melted in his arms as you hugged him back. The warmth and comfort the hug was providing was something you needed. His arms around your waist, squeezing you with just the right amount of tightness before relaxing.
He was mumbling something in French but it was hard to pick out.
You were just happy to be with him.
"Ma amour." (My love.)
You felt yourself wake up to soft humming and someone gently rubbing your head.
Still feeling sleepy, you stayed put. But then you realized that no one comes into the room without knocking. Quickly, you sat up and found him awake.
Smiling gently, looking at you with a soft gaze.
"Alastor..", you said in a whisper, a bit scared that this wasn't real.
He just continued to smile and said your name. "Good morning.", he greeted and wiped away a tear running down your cheek. "I hope I didn't worry you too much this time."
"Alastor.", you felt more tears build up before you carefully reached over and held him close, being mindful with his injuries. "I missed you so much."
"Missed me?", he let out a soft chuckle. "I didn't go anywhere."
All you did was shake your head and kiss his forehead.
"I'll go get the nurse, have them check on you and-", you let go and went to stand.
"Wait.", he tugged your shirt. "I..I missed you too."
Confused, you sat back down and let him pull you close, wrapping his arms around you. "I thought you said you didn't go anywhere?", you hugged him back.
"Hmm.. I was still here.", he nodded. "But I couldn't hold you."
What did he mean by that?
"She likes you by the way.", he mumbled, burying his face into your shoulder.
"She?", you asked, even more confused.
"My mother."
Then it clicked.
Alastor was on the brink of death. Not only that, he got to see his mother again. But he stayed around.
"Told me not to keep you waiting and to hurry up before some male nurse tried to hit on you.", he said and chuckled.
"I would never acknowledge them.", you replied and pecked his lips. "For they have perceived me with their eyes but you have met me in depth."
"I love you beyond time."
"I love you more."
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*brain, saying I have to write more human Alastor* You know what? You're right.
~Seline, the person.
@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @willowshadenox @aria-tempest @alastor-simp @nonetheartist @gallantys @i-3at-kidz @luxky-aish @ceafighter @xalygatorx @xangel-8 @big-brother-problems @mistpurpl3 @chewbrryarts @willowbrookhoot @briethekitsune @alastorthirsty @sir-aadiboii @+?
ML II Alastor🎙️
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indulgentdaydream · 6 months
Can you write something where the reader is badly injured in some way and jason rushes her to the manor for help and everybody is confused on who she is bc they didnt even know he was in a relationship (despite them being together for awhile) but they see how soft and cute he is with her. (I’ve never made a request so sorry if it got kinda rambley)
anon you’ve got me TEEMING with ideas I LOVE the trope of nobody knowing jason has a girlfriend and they find out but it is NOT by Jason’s choice nor reader’s.
Also omg? Your first ask is to lil ol me?? That means this is a special occassion. And you’re doing great I’ve def sent worse asks.
Out of the Bag
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Jason Todd x Fem!Reader || Hurt and Comfort.
Word Count: 1,862
Warnings: Injuries, swearing, near death experience, blood, knife mention, stabbing, canon-typical violence, use of pet names (princess, baby), drug (pain med) use
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You were sat in an alleyway, vision going in and out.
“Tell me something, princess. Anything.” Jason’s voice rang out in your ear.
That’s right. In your right hand, you held your phone, to your ear. Your other hand was pressing the fabric of your coat to the side of your stomach. The blood had soaked through, becoming sticking on your palm and fingers.
You should’ve listened to Jason. You shouldn’t have walked home alone, at night. Luckily your phone had been in your pocket and not your purse, which had been stolen from you by the same guy who decided to stab you.
“Princess,” he sounded panicked.
Right. “Wish I had kicked him harder.”
You heard a sigh of relief leave him, “That’s my girl.”
The phone slipped from your grip a little as your head swam. The sight of blood coming from your own abdomen made no help in quelling your nausea.
You fixed the phone. You had called Jason the second the guy ran off, leaving you to bleed out. He was driving, you think. Tracking your phone to try and get to you. “How far?”
He said something you didn’t hear. Your vision was swimming, your side was aching, and you couldn’t help but keep this funny understanding out of your mind that you were dying.
That this is something Jason had come back to your apartment with a few times, claiming it was nothing. It was something.
You heard him call your name, “What’s around you?”
“I’m tired,” you mumbled.
It seemed to happen in a blink of an eye. Jason was trying to tell you to stay awake, to look at the alley around you. To look out towards the street and tell him what you saw. Then he was there, standing in front of you, his helmet hiding his face.
“I’m here. I’m here, baby.” He cupped your face, tapping your cheek to get you to open up your eyes. He crouched down, pulling your hand from your side to assess the damage.
You smiled lazily and leaned forward, resting your forehead against his shoulder.
Jason muttered a slew of swears as he pressed something soft yet hard against your agonizing wound. You let out a yelp before Jason was picking you up, placing you on his bike.
He’s talking fast, “Fuck. Okay, listen to me. We’re going to go somewhere new, okay? There’s nowhere around here except there for me to get you safe.”
You passed out nearly as soon as he started the bike.
Jason’s freaking. He had tried to keep you safe from anything like this. From everything less than this. And here you were, bleeding out in his arms as he carried you through the batcave. He beelined for the cots and the medical supplies off to the side. He knows his motorcycle couldn’t have been the smoothest of rides for someone in your condition, but it’s all he had in such a short time span.
He’ll apologize when you wake up.
When. He repeats. When she wakes up and when we can get the hell out of this place again and when I can remind her I love her.
No one was back from patrol yet. He set you down on the cot before tearing off his helmet. He tossed it aside, pulling out a med bag and ripping it open. He pushed up your shirt, examining your side and where he had placed the military-grade gauze pad. He curses at the amount of blood.
His hands are shaking. Jason’s hands don’t shake, but you’ve proven to him a lot of things you could make him do that he hadn’t known he was capable of in the last year and (almost) a half of your relationship.
Jason nearly drops the suture thread before another hand is reaching out from just behind him. It catches the thread and Jason looks back over his shoulder. Alfred’s there, moving up to you.
“Allow me. You keep checking her vitals.”
Jason hadn’t even heard him come up. He’s nodding, stepping back to let Alfred take over the stitching. He moves to the other side of the bed.
That’s when he catches sight of the dark figure moving closer from behind Alfred. Jason immediately fixes him with a deadly glare, pointing at Bruce, “Do not come closer!”
Bruce stills. He’s in his bat suit, his cowl hanging behind his head, exposing his face. He looks down to your body, “Who is she?”
Jason doesn’t want him here. Rather, he doesn’t want to be here. You should’ve been home by now. Getting ready for bed and sending him a goodnight text. He turns his gaze back to you.
There’s some hair across your face that he hadn’t noticed. He moves it out of your way without a second thought, “My girlfriend.”
“Finally feel some remorse for sending someone to their grave, Todd?” Damian’s voice spoke up, walking up and stopping beside Bruce, “He’s probably trying to just reverse what he did.”
Jason ignores him. He wants to yell, scream, and maybe shoot the little bastard, but he was right. In a way, this was his fault. He didn’t look after you. He should’ve offered you a ride. Called you a taxi. An uber. Anything.
Jason grips your hand into his. It’s a way to count your heartbeat, and another way to ground himself. To reassure that you’ll be okay. His other hand stays on your cheek. His thumb gently moves back and forth, stroking your skin.
He barely registers Bruce telling Damian to go wash up. When the brat is gone, Bruce speaks up again, “What happened?”
Jason doesn’t take his eyes off of you, “She was walking home from her friend’s. A mugger got her purse, she fought back. He stabbed her.” Jason takes a deep breath, “She still had her phone. She called me. I brought her here because it was closest.”
A beat of silence. Still stitching you up, Alfred speaks, “How come we’ve never been introduced?”
Jason shakes his head, “I didn’t want her near any of this. She’s bad off enough sticking with me.”
Once you stabilize, Jason brings you up to his room in the manor. He walks past Dick, Tim, Duke, Cass, and Steph without looking at them. They sit around the batcomputer, watching Jason gently carry you out ot the cave.
He changes you out of your dirty clothes once he makes a run back to your apartment to grab you some of your own spare clothes.
Asides from that, he doesn’t leave your side.
He lets you have the bed to yourself. He pulls up a chair beside it, waiting for you to wake up. He didn’t want you to be alone when you did, in a strange place after a traumatic event. It was a recipe for disaster.
The sun’s been up for a long while and Jason hasn’t budged. He sits there, your hand gripped in both of his, held up and pressed against his mouth. His lips brush over your knuckles whenever he speaks up. Uttering a “I’m sorry.” every now and then.
There’s a light knock at the door before it’s cracking open. Jason turns his head to find Dick poking his head in. Jason glares at him.
Dick steps further in, presenting the tray he was holding. There were two glasses of water, some solid foods, and lighter ones, probably for you. Jason looked back down at you, letting his older brother enter.
“Just… figured since you’ve been cooped up in here all day,” Dick begins, setting the tray down on the beside table beside Jason.
Dick moves back around. He stands at the end of the bed, leaning against the tall bed post that was meant to hold up a canopy. “I heard…” he trails off, before nodding and your body in the bed, still unconscious, “Who is she?”
Jason looks up at his brother, not letting go of your hand, “So you haven’t heard.”
Dick rolls his eyes, “You know what I mean.”
Jason raises his brows a little. He looks back down at you. His hand reaches out to brush along your forehead, moving away imaginary stray hairs, “My girl.”
Dick nods in understanding, “How long you two been together.”
Jason pauses in thought, “Over a year. Our anniversary was in December.”
A small, choked sound comes from outside the door, in the hallway. “A year?”
Jason looks up at Dick, who makes a face that shows he’s knows he’s been caught.
“Are they seriously listening right now?”
Steph poked her head in first, an apologetic smile on her face, “We wanted to know!”
Duke pokes his head in next, just above Steph’s, “And we wanted to meet her.”
Tim’s head in next, above Duke’s, “You can’t carry a random bleeding woman into the cave and expect the family of detectives to not be curious.”
Cass’ head appears below Steph’s. She nods in agreement.
Jason let’s one hand go of yours to wave his hand through the air, “What the fuck? She’s not even awake!”
“Well that’s why we sent Dick as bait.”
“For the record,” Dick held up a finger, “They built off of my original, innocent idea of bringing you snacks.”
“Jesus Christ,” Jason stands up, taking a few steps forward. He points them all back towards the door as they start to filter into the room, “Get—“
“What’s going on…?”
Jason’s whole body whipped back around at the sound of your groggy, rough voice. The others watch as he’s back at your side in a millisecond, his whole demeanour changed. “Hey, you’re okay. Everything’s okay. Remember how I said we were going somewhere new? You thirsty, baby? Here, I got you some water.”
“Oh, you certainly did not get the water,” Dick piped up.
Jason glared back over his shoulder as he held the glass of water for you, keeping the straw Dick had added placed in your mouth.
You stopped drinking, your eyes now on the other people in the room. You turned your head, propped up against pillows Jason had put there for you. You weakly raised your left hand to wave, “Hi… oh?” your gaze turned down to your hand. A heart monitor clip sitting on your finger grabbed your attention. You gave a confused pout at it, “I feel funny.”
Jason set the water aside again. His glare was gone. He leaned in, kissing your forehead, “You’re hopped up on pain meds. That’s why, princess.”
“Damn,” Steph spoke up, “I wish I got the literal princess treatment.”
Jason turned back around, pointing out the door, “Get. Out. Leave my girlfriend alone until she’s better.”
You looked at the strangers, pointing at Jason with your left hand, “I’m his girlfriend.” Your head tilted back against the pillows as you stared up at Jason, pursing your lips, "I’m tired.”
“I know,” Jason said softly. The others began to filter out of the room as he leaned down and gave you a soft kiss, this time on the lips.
From the exit, a collective, “Awwww,” sounded out.
Your drugged up voice came after his, once they were all back in the hall, “Nice to meet you!”
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ponury-grajek · 1 year
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happy birthday light yagami you deserved all of this that happened to you <3
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jaytalking · 8 months
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Hiiii have I told you guys he's my favourite guy. Have I told you. Can we talk about him for the love of god please Hi hello. <- has not shut up about him in days.
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sonocomics · 9 months
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I know it was the Tutorial
...but still :(
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turtleblogatlast · 7 months
[ cw: ptsd / ]
The boys (and April!) would have loved to have their own Space Arc like the other iterations. Being such avid fans of Jupiter Jim, I think they’d have a blast just taking in the fact that they’re in space.
Imagine them gravity being turned off while they’re in space, and they’re floating and having fun in the spaceship and they look out into the darkness of space and-
Leo’s floating, staring out into grey blankness, and everything hurts and he’s alone and this was his choice but he’s scared-
Things get less fun after they realize they already had a small taste of what space had to offer.
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mugloversonly · 14 days
What Happens Afterwards?
I read this post by @acowardinmordor and was obsessed with what happened next. Written with their blessing.
also on AO3
tw: overdose, drugs, near death experience, mentions of HIV
Famous Eddie doesn't touch drugs...too bad Steve does After Steve ODs at a Corroded Coffin concert, he wakes up in the hospital.
Steve woke up groggy and confused. Is he in a hospital? Suddenly the night rushed back to him. He did a line, borrowed a needle. He’d meant to go back to the dressing room, but he hit the deck before he could. Shit!
He shot up and frantically looked around, hoping beyond all hope that he was alone. Luck was not on his side though, because Eddie was asleep in the hospital chair next to him. Steve took a long look at the love of his life. His eyes were red and puffy with deep bags. His hair was a tangled mess as if he’d been yanking on it. And his clothes were rumpled as if he hadn’t changed them in days.
Steve sighed. He really didn’t want to have this confrontation right now. Before that thought could even leave his brain, Eddie opened his eyes and met Steve’s. The pools of chocolate were filled with a myriad of emotions. He leaned forward and took Steve’s hand.
“Hey, Stevie. How’re you feeling?” He asked softly as he reached over and pressed the nurse call button. Steve was confused by the softness, but he wasn’t going to complain.
“How did I get here?” He asked instead, dropping his gaze.
“You were brought in as a John Doe after the concert baby.” He whispered, his voice thick. “They said you overdosed.” He didn’t sound angry, Steve would have preferred that. Instead he sounded guilty. Steve forced himself to look and felt bile rise up at the expression on Eddie’s face. “I’m sorry baby.” Eddie said. “I’m so sorry.” Tears ran down his already tear coated cheeks. Steve expected yelling, berating, and ultimatum. Anything but an apology.
“Sorry for what, Eds?” He asked. “You didn’t do anything.” That turned out to be the wrong thing to say as it turns Eddie’s cries into sobs. Something sour built a home in Steve’s chest.
“Exactly! I didn’t do anything!” He said emphatically, gesturing wildly. “You were missing! And i didn’t do anything! I let everyone else handle it while i panicked. I still played the show. I didn’t follow my gut and looked who the junkies were that night!” Tears streamed down his face, but the words rattled something in him.
“How long have I been here?” Steve asked hesitantly. Eddie took a stuttered breath.
“Five days. You’ve been here for five days. You were missing for over 24 hours.” He bit his lip trying to stifle more tears.
Steve was floored. Five days?! Wait…missing? “Oh, baby.” Steve said, mournfully running the hand not hooked up to anything along Eddie’s cheek. He melted into the contact and put his hand over Steve’s. “I’m sorry for putting this much stress on you.”
“For a minute there, I’d thought it came back.” Steve knew exactly what Eddie meant. The upside down. “But when I found out you ODed…I almost wish it had.” Eddie admitted. “This is all my fault.” He whispered unable to hold the tears back any longer.
Steve felt like he’d been on top of the world from what he could remember of the high, and he thought about chasing that rabbit. But the look in Eddie’s eyes, the deep well of pure devastation and guilt swirled together, made Steve pause. He couldn’t do this to Eddie again. “This isn’t on you.” Steve insisted. “I told you I quit. You had no reason to assume I’d be in that bathroom.” Eddie just shook his head.
“If I hadn’t forced you on the road, you never would’ve had access to this kind of hardcore shit in the first place. If I spent more time with you, if I never left you alone, you wouldn’t have felt the need to do this.” Eddie trembled. “I should have protected you better, I knew what that shit could do, I’m so sorry baby.” Steve knew then that there wasn’t anything he could say. Eddie would blame himself for this until the end of time.
That more than anything else, broke Steve down. “I’m sorry, love.” His voice trembled. “I shouldn’t have lied. I just didn’t want you to worry.” He flipped his hand up in offer. Eddie immediately filled it with his. He squeezed it as he continued. “You had so much to worry about, I didn’t want to be another. But I should have known that you’d worry anyway.” Steve looked away, ashamed.
“Baby…” he was cut off as a doctor came in.
“Well, Mr. Harrington. You’re lucky to be alive. The cocktail of drugs you took was extreme.” The doctor said.
“What do you mean?” Eddie asked.
“The heroine appeared to be laced with meth. And the line he did was cocaine and ecstasy.” The doctor said calmly. Eddie gasped a shuddering breath and his hands shook in Steve’s grasp.
“I didn’t know the heroine was laced.” He said. “It wasn’t my needle.” The regret was finally showing up. At this the doctor’s eyebrows rose to his hairline. Eddie yanked his hands away and covered his mouth.
“I’ll send in a nurse to grab some blood so we can run some tests.” He said. “In the meantime Mr. Munson, I recommend limited physical contact.” He directed that to Eddie with a look of sympathy. He nodded and the doctor took his leave. Tears sprang to Eddie’s eyes and ran down his face.
“You shared needles, Stevie?” He asked in shock, his voice quiet. His fear was clear on his face. “Have you been…doing other things for the drugs?” Steve had to come clean.
“I’d do pretty much anything for them.” He admitted.
Eddie stood up quickly and made to leave the room. “I’m going to go let Robin know you’re awake.” He dashed out before Steve could say anything else.
He fucked up. He always felt guilty after the high wore off, but this time it was horrible. He’s in the hospital, after disappearing for over a day. He should have been more careful. He knew sharing needles wasn’t the best plan, but at the time the high was worth it. But the look of betrayal, sadness, and the tiniest glimmer of disgust on Eddie’s face just now, was enough to make him never want to touch another pill. Sleep snuck up on him and he prayed that Eddie would be back when he woke up again.
His prayer went unanswered. The next time he woke up, it was Robin by his bedside. She was staring at the TV but she wasn’t really watching it. “Hey Robs” he said. She whipped her head around so fast he wouldn’t be surprised if it popped off.
“Steve! You’re awake!” She exclaimed. The smile on her face fell quickly. “You’re an idiot. If you weren’t in this hospital bed right now, I’d smack you.” He shrunk down in the face of her ire. “What were you thinking?!” She shrieked.
“I didn’t think it’d be that bad.” He admitted. The fire in her eyes could set the arctic ablaze.
“Not that bad? Not that bad?! You ODed at Eddie’s concert.” She began counting on her fingers. “You lied about being clean. You shared needles with some random junkies!” On the last point she threw her hands up. “How often have you done that? Don’t lie to me Steve.” Her eyes narrowed.
“Every once in a while when I get the itch for it. Maybe once every few months or so.” He admitted grimly. Robin’s eyes narrowed.
“So however many months you’ve been doing this, you’ve been sharing needles?” She clarified. At Steve’s nod she sprang up and paced the room. “Every time?”
“Not every time, but not rarely either.” He said as guilt started to creep into his stomach. She ran her hands into her hair and yanked on it softly.
“Have you been getting tested at least?” She asked.
“I’m not cheating on Eddie, Robin!” Steve yelled, hurt that she’d even imply that. She stopped pacing and turned to him.
“Okay, first. I didn’t say that. Second, your word has no credibility right now. I know you wouldn’t, dingus. That’s not why I was asking.” She grabbed his hand. Before she could continue, a nurse came in.
“Oh good! You’re awake. I’m going to be taking some blood okay?” She asked but really was demanding. She glared at Steve as he held out his arm for her.
“Is everything okay?” Robin asked. The nurse turned to her and gave a small smile before glaring again at Steve.
“With the patient, everything is looking like it’s returning to normal.” She snapped the tourniquet into place but when Steve flinched she didn’t look remorseful. She drew a few vials of blood, stuck a bandaid on, and pulled off the tourniquet all in silence. As she got cleaned up to leave, she finally spoke. “Look kid, it’s not my place. But that boy out there? I can take a guess as to what your relationship is with him.” She flashed a tiny pride flag pinned inside her scrubs. “He cares about you so much. He was beside himself when he came in and saw you, he had you moved to this room, he asked us if there was any kind of experimental treatment, anything to help you.” She turned that glare on him again. “He loves you to the ends of the earth and he will never leave you. You better clean up your act to be worthy of that devotion, because make no mistake. He would let you drain his veins and apologize for not bleeding out faster.” She stalked over to Robin and handed her a stack of papers. She jabbed a finger in his face, “don’t you dare break up with him in a misguided attempt to save him from you. You clean up your act. If not for yourself, then for him.“ With that she stomped out of the room and practically slammed the door behind her. For a moment neither of them said a word. Steve was filled with regret and Robin was a bit smug. She looked down at the stack of papers. Rehab clinics.
“Should we pick one?” Robin asked.
“I think I want to do it with Eddie.” Steve replied. “The nurse was right. And so were you. I’ve taken him for granted and my word means shit right now. I want to prove to him that I want to get clean.” Robin hesitated.
“Do you?” She asked. “You don’t seem particularly regretful about the actual drugs.” Her tone was soft even though her words were harsh.
“I do!” Steve exclaimed. “You didn’t see the look on Eddie’s face, Robbie. He was devastated and blamed himself for all of it. When I told him I’d do anything for the drugs he got up and left. I don’t think he’s coming back in.” He trailed off into a whisper. Robin took hold of his hand.
“Stevie, he’s right outside.” She said. At Steve’s confused look she continued. “He’s sitting on a bench right next to the door. He wanted to come back in, but I asked him to let me talk to you alone.”
“Why?” Steve asked. Robin’s eyes hardened.
“Because what I’m about to say, he wouldn’t like, but as your best friend I have to tell you hard truths. And Eddie's my best friend too so I have to protect him.” She took a deep breath. “You deserved his love once Steve. I truly believe that. But right now, his love for you is hurting him. And the only one who can fix it? Is you. He hasn’t slept or eaten practically at all since you disappeared.” Steve flinched at the word disappeared. “When he called me he was sobbing so hard I thought you died Steve.” Her eyes watered. “He kept repeating ‘it’s all my fault. I did this to him’ and Jeff had to take the phone to explain what was going on. When I got here, you were still touch and go. You died on the way here, Steve. They had to resuscitate you. The sound he made when the doctors told him that…” she shuddered. “I felt his heart shatter. The nurse is right. He will forgive you and he won’t ever stop loving you and he won’t ever leave you.” Her eyes got intense again. “So you need to promise me. Promise me! That you’ll take care of yourself. Because I don’t think I could survive watching him wither away if you leave him.” The emphasis she put on leave tore Steve apart. She didn’t mean break up with him. She meant leave him. “You don’t deserve his devotion. Not after you lied to him for months. But you have it. So now, you need to cherish it. Got it?” She asked. Steve could only nod as the dam finally broke. They held each other’s hands as they cried together.
“Can you get Eddie? Please.” He asked after his eyes dried up. Robin nodded and dashed out the door, waving Eddie inside.
Steve’s heart broke at the sight of him. He looked exhausted and his eyes were red rimmed as if he’d been crying for hours. Steve held a hand out to him and Eddie rushed to take it. Steve slid over in the hospital bed, yanking Eddie in after him. He curled around him and held him close being mindful of the wires in his hand as he draped it on Eddie’s chest. Eddie took a deep breath but Steve could feel the anxiety still thrumming under his skin. “I’m sorry, love.” Steve whispered. “I shouldn’t have lied.” He halted when he heard the sniffles. He sat up, peering at Eddie. His cheeks were wet again and Steve reached up to wipe them clean.
“Stevie, I have to ask…” he began. “And I hate to even think it. But…” he paused. “Did you…when you said you’d do anything for the drugs. Did you sleep with people for them?” He finally spit out. Steve wanted to be mad. He wanted to hiss and spit and rage at the accusation. But he knew that wasn’t fair to Eddie. He was within his rights to ask.
“No my love.” Steve promised. “Never.” Eddie nodded and sighed with relief. “I don’t know how much my word is worth right now.” He admitted. Eddie pressed a finger to his lips.
“I trust you.” He said. Those three words broke Steve. How could Eddie trust his word after everything? He asked him as much. Eddie just smiled softly. “I trust you because I want to. That’s all there is to it.”
“I’m sorry for everything.” Steve repeated desperately.
“I forgive you.” Eddie promised. “Now, let’s forget the past for a minute and focus on the future.” Eddie said. Steve looked over his shoulder to the door to the room and saw Robin and the Coffin boys. The boys were glaring at Steve but he knew it was because he hurt their friend.
Steve grabbed the rehab brochures and the two went over them until they found one that had a branch in DC. “I don’t want you to cancel the tour Eddie.” Steve was adamant. He ruined enough of the tour so far and he wouldn’t be the reason it ended. At least in DC he’d be close to Robin who would keep him in line. She promised Eddie daily updates (real updates) once Steve got out until the end of the tour. Eddie finally agreed after the boys convinced him he’d need the distraction so he wouldn’t be pacing around the house all day.
Steve leaned up to kiss him, but Eddie pulled away. The regret in his eyes was almost enough to soothe the hurt. “Not yet Stevie, okay?” He asked. Steve nodded but his head tilted in confusion. “Not until the blood tests come back.” He explained. Suddenly, Steve understood. He put himself at risk and Eddie too. The virus going around was deadly and Steve had been careless. Playing russian roulette with not only his life, but Eddie’s too and by extension the band’s.
The shame that filled him was so intense he reached over and retched into the nearby bed pan. Robin ran over with a trashcan and he kept heaving. Eddie rubbed his back as he emptied his body. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I…” he cut off by dry heaving. He finally understood why Eddie ran from the room earlier and why the nurse glared at him. He’s a monster. He put the love of his life at risk of contracting a deadly disease just so he could get a fix. What the hell was wrong with him?
When he was finally done, he was exhausted. “Sleep baby.” Eddie whispered. Steve clutched tight to his hand.
“Will you stay with me?” He asked. As his eyes drifted shut.
“Forever.” Eddie whispered as Steve floated off into a dreamless sleep. His last thought was that he needed to prove he was worth forever.
The next time he woke up, Eddie was still there. Asleep curled up beside him. But in the chair next to him was someone he hoped not to see. Wayne. Their eyes met and he didn’t say anything, he just raised his right eyebrow and Steve folded. He apologized for letting Wayne down, for hurting Eddie, for lying about it. He begged Wayne’s forgiveness, but the man didn’t respond. His gaze flickered to his sleeping nephew and softened.
“You listen to me boy.” Wayne said. “My nephew is a gentle soul, quick to forgive and let things go. You should know that based on how he was after that spring break.” They both shivered at the memory. “So, he’s not going to want to hold you accountable. He’d rather just move on and take your word for it. But lucky for him, and not so lucky for you, I will be holding you accountable.” He leaned in. “I love you like one of my own Steve, I really do. But I love my brother too and he ain’t seen Eddie since they locked him up. Eddie forgave him within days, trusted him. I learned then, that if Eddie loved someone, he’d forgive pretty much everything just to keep them around. So I’ll tell you the same thing I told Al. Eddie is my boy, first. And I will protect him from anything that will hurt him, even if it’s himself. So I’ll be holding you accountable. You’re going to rehab?” Wayne asked. At Steve’s nod and explanation of where, he continued. “You’re going to give the rehab my information as someone who they can talk to. I’m going to call to check up whenever I see fit. Got it?”
“Yes sir” Steve replied. The nurse from before knocked and opened the door quietly. She paused as she saw Eddie curled up in the bed next to Steve. She gently shook him awake.
“Mr. Munson? We have both of your blood tests back.” At this Eddie was wide awake.
“You got some blood tests done Ed?” Wayne asked.
“Yeah, just um…just in case you know?” He trailed off not making eye contact with his uncle.
“Good news or bad news first?” She asked.
“Bad news first, always.” Eddie and Steve replied in tandem. They shared a private smile.
“Bad news, Steve you have moderate kidney damage. It won’t take much more to send them into failure.” She said with hard eyes.
“And the good news?” Wayne spoke up.
“Good news, you both are negative for any STDs. Including HIV.” The three men breathed a huge sigh of relief. The nurse turned to Steve. “You got lucky kid. Don’t forget that.” Steve assured her he wouldn’t and she left with a nod. He couldn’t believe he’d been so reckless. He turned to Eddie and was immediately pulled into a soft kiss.
“They said you’ll be discharged soon.” Robin said later. “Then what?” It was just the two of them.
“Then, Eddie drops me off at rehab and I get help. I stay clean. I do everything to be worthy of him.” He declared. Robin nodded her approval. Eddie came back from the hotel with all of their things packed away in a rental car. He slid into bed next to Steve.
“Hey, baby. You ready?” He asked. Steve nodded and they all left the hospital. The three of them piled into the car and drove Robin to the airport. She was going to fly back to give the boys some time alone. She hugged Steve and then Eddie. She whispered something in the his ear that had him tearing up. She went into the airport with a promise to call Wayne if she ran into any trouble.
Then it was just the two of them. They spent the first hour or so making idle small talk before the curiosity got the best of him. “What did Robin say to you?” He asked.
“Nothing important.” Eddie answered far too quickly.
“Oh, come on. You can tell me.” He knew he was being annoying but he didn’t want to think about what was awaiting him at the end of the ride. Eddie sighed, he never could keep something from Steve.
“She said if I could forgive you, I should forgive myself.” He admitted.
“You still blame yourself, love?” Steve asked. Eddie bit his lip as he nodded.
“If I hadn’t dragged you on tour, you never would have found that stuff.” Steve couldn’t let this stand. He knew he had to finally come clean.
“I was already doing it.” At Eddie’s questioning noise he continued. “As soon as we got to LA, I was looking for it. I did it at those events because it was free from someone else's supply.” He took a breath and glanced at Eddie before he admitted the next bit. “I didn’t get into this shit because I was on tour with you. I wanted to go on tour because I didn’t want to be away from you. That it would be way easier to get my hands on shit, just sweetened the deal.”
Eddie was quiet for a while after that. Steve glanced over and saw his cheeks were wet. He’d made him cry again. “So, you didn’t start them because of me?” He whispered.
“No love. And to be clear, even if I started on tour, it still wouldn’t have been your fault. You didn’t hold me down and force a line up my nose okay?” He reached out and wiped away a tear. “This was my choice. Just like going to rehab is my choice. If I didn’t really want to go, I wouldn’t.” His conviction was clear. Eddie pulled to the side of the road to kiss Steve softly before they drove the rest of the way in comfortable conversation.
They arrived at the rehab center and Eddie walked him inside. He checked in, Eddie handed over his credit card, Steve handed it right back and handed his over. The attendant smiled and swiped Steve’s card giving the boys a moment alone. They held each other close and kissed not caring at the moment who saw them. “I love you, baby. Don't forget okay?” Eddie whispered leaning his forehead to Steve’s.
“I know, love. I love you too. More than life.” He replied. He gave a final kiss to Eddie’s lips and followed the attendant into the center. He was determined to come out a new man.
Six grueling weeks later, Steve was out. He had a sponsor and group therapy sessions. Waiting to pick him up was Robin. Eddie was on the last few weeks of the tour. They had to extend it a bit to cover for Steve’s hospital stay. Robin gave him a long hug. “Ready to bust out?” She asked and they both got into the car. He lasted barely five minutes.
“How is he?” Steve and Eddie didn’t speak at all during his rehab. The center thought Eddie being on the road would be triggering to Steve. And to be frank, Wayne thought Eddie needed to distance himself from the process for a bit. Wayne and Robin had kept them both informed on the other.
“He’s okay. I mean…he misses you terribly, but he’s been coping on tour.” Robin said. Thankfully the drive wasn’t very long. Steve wanted to be in a familiar place, even if life outside of rehab was scary. They pulled up to Robin’s building and Steve stepped in after her.
There was a loud pop and confetti raining down on him. “Welcome home Steve!” Came several voices he was not expecting. The entire party was here. Wayne, Hopper, and Joyce too. But what brought him to tears was the sight to his left. Eddie was there, holding his arms open. Steve ran into them, nearly knocking them both to the ground.
“I thought your tour didn’t end for a few more weeks?” He asked in between kisses.
“I lied about the end date to surprise you.” He admitted holding Steve close. “Are you surprised?”
“Very! A good surprised!” The two pulled apart so everyone else could greet Steve. Eddie didn’t go far, not letting go of Steve’s hand the entire time. He’d felt better in rehab once the withdrawals subsided. More clear headed, more aware. But he didn’t feel completely healed. Feeling the warmth of Eddie’s hand in his, Steve felt hopeful for the future. As he made eye contact with the man again, Steve silently promised to stay clean. Not for just Eddie. But for himself too.
He skipped the next tour as recommended by his therapist. The two men decided it would be better if he wasn't alone, so Wayne stayed with him. He'd been retired from the plant and wanted to move out to LA with Eddie anyway.
He and Eddie had a hard time, but they make due with calls and letters. On one memorable occasion Steve sent a racy Polaroid. That night, Eddie called already worked up and they had a wonderful time. The reunion was so sweet. They were locked in their bedroom for days, coming out only for food and water. The rest of their friends knew better than to come visit until the love birds made the first move.
The band wrote a new album and started a nonprofit for drug addicts. It helped those who couldn't afford to get clean and see therapists, providing them with clean needles and clean drugs to help ween off them. Steve didn't shy away from his overdose, or the affect it had on those around him and he encouraged the others not to either. Eddie did several interviews on how helpless he felt when his "best friend" was taken to the hospital as a John Doe. This spurred the nonprofit to add resources for loved ones of addicts too.
Steve had been sober for three years when he went on tour with the band again. For real this time. He got clean and he stayed clean. When he was offered something at a party, he couldn't say he wasn't tempted. But he'd look over to see his love laughing and knew he'd do anything to keep that sound in the world. He never wanted to jeopardize Eddie's happiness again and he finally accepted he was his happiness.
And the next time the band played The Garden, Steve was on the sidelines cheering for Eddie and the band. He made sure Eddie could always see him and know he was safe. That look of guilt and devastation he saw in the hospital never returned to Eddie's face and Steve was determined to keep it that way.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 months
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,191 Words
Summary: Ruin fails. Furrily?
Warnings: Death (mentioned), Near Death (mentioned), Crying, Angst, Shock, Cursing, Trauma, Newborn Kitten Care (aka helping them eat and go to the bathroom), let me know if I should add anything else.
Multiversal Kittening?
"I don't wanna go…" Solar muttered as he felt his body deteriorating, changing, turning into something like dust.
"You don't have to!" Moon insisted, holding onto Solar's arms as they deteriorated and Moon's hands slipped through the air they used to be in as Solar felt darkness fall around him.
Moon stared at where he's slipped through, falling onto his face on the ground as he fell through where Solar had stood and ended him up onto the ground. Moon was hyperventilating still, body shaking as he tried to keep himself together, oil-based tears sliding down his face and staining the blue and silver surface of his faceplate with the clearish-amber tears.
Moon stayed on the ground, not wanting to get up as he heard Sun screaming something, Moon couldn't hear what Sun was saying, everything he heard was ringing, his audio sensors were muffled by something, his processors were buffering, something was wrong. Something was wrong and Moon couldn't move or think or hear.
Moon felt someone touching his shoulder and finally managed to pick his head up to see his twin shaking his arm to get him to respond, shaking Moon out of his shock. Sun was in tears too.
"Moon!" Sun urged his twin back. Moon looked to be in shock on the floor, face down and unmoving. Now that Sun had shaken him, Moon did look like he was recovering a little bit.
"Moon, sit up. Be careful." Sun guided Moon to sit up against the nightstand and Moon gazed at him, tears still not stopping but Sun knew it was better for his brother to just cry than bottle it up.
"Sun…" Moon muttered.
"I'm here. It's okay. Moon, it's okay." Sun told him.
"He's dead." Moon reminded his twin. Nothing was okay. Solar was dead, their brother was dead, Moon's best friend was dead.
"I know." Sun sighed softly. Sun then whipped his head to the side and Moon's head followed, looking at Ruin moving. "Don't you fucking move!" Sun snarled at Ruin.
"I will not. I surrendered." Ruin told them cheerily, sitting on the bed. While Sun was busy glaring at Ruin, Moon felt something against his right leg between his leg and Sun's. Moon looked down at it and saw a tiny little kitten. Did Sun get a new cat?
It looked like a newborn kitten with calico fur with the face half orange on the right and half black on the left with it's body swirled throughout with orange, black, and white fur. Its eyes were still closed, ears still curled and it was wriggling against his leg, bonking his leg softly with its tiny head to get his attention.
The kitten gave a tiny squeak of a meow and rolled on its side as it lost its balance and flopped onto its side on the floor, exposing the black and white belly it had with an Eclipse symbol on its belly. Moon's eyes widened as he saw the symbol. Solar? Was Solar a kitten?
"Moon? Moon!" Sun was looking at Moon again before looking down at the kitten and Sun's eyes widened too. "Solar?" Sun whispered as his hands carefully scooped the tiny kitten into them, cradling him away from the wood floor in his hands. The tiny kitten was so small that he fit into only one of Sun's hands and it squirmed a bit, squeaking and demanding attention and warmth.
"Is that Solar?" Moon asked softly.
"I think so." Sun admitted as he showed the kitten to Moon, whose tears began falling faster again as he looked at the kitten.
"What…?" Ruin muttered, looking over the kitten, who wriggled in Sun's hands as if attempting to get to Moon.
"Moon, he's getting cold and your engine is warmer than mine." Sun told his twin. Moon raised a shaky hand, terrified of hurting him and gently pet Solar's tiny forehead, making the kitten squeak at him with joy. Moon looked at Sun and back to Solar before taking off his hat and gingerly taking Solar out of Sun's hands.
"Good thinking, Moon." Sun told him, helping hold Moon's hat for Moon to safely place Solar in the warm hat. Once Moon had placed him int the hat, Sun wrapped Solar in the hat like a swaddle and gently placed him on Moon's chest so the warmth of Moon's engines would keep Solar warm.
"Be gentle. Not too tight holding him." Sun instructed Moon, placing Moon's hands to hold Solar up against him while Moon sniffled and held Solar as carefully as possible. Solar mewled softly, almost like he was whining.
"He's hungry. Come on. I have some milk for my cats he can have." Sun guided Moon up to his feet and then turned to glare at Ruin. "Don't you dare leave this room!" Sun hissed at him.
"I won't." Ruin agreed and raised his hands. Sun then guided Moon out to the kitchen and got out the kitten milk replacement for Solar and the tiny feeding syringe and nipple he had left over from finding Shadow a couple of months ago now.
Sun cleaned and sanitized the syringe and nipple and mixed together 2.25ml of the milk replacement before he drew the 2.25ml up into the syringe and put the nipple onto it and showed it to Moon.
"Do you want me to show you?" Sun asked.
"Yeah…" Moon admitted.
"Alright, put him on the counter if he feels human temperature." Sun told him. Moon felt over Solar's belly and he did feel warm enough, so moon placed Solar on the counter on a towel that Sun laid out for him.
"You just let him sit on his little butt and you put your thumb and middle fingers under his chin to hold up his head but don't squeeze because you're holding his neck, you're just holding his head up a little bit so he swallows." Sun told Moon as he narrated what he was doing once he unraveled Solar from Moon's hat.
"Then you get the nipple in his mouth and very slowly push down on the plunger. You don't want him aspirating because he's too tiny to cough it back up." Sun told him as he very slowly pushed the plunger and Solar greedily suckled at the nipple on the syringe, making little noises as he did so that Moon thought were adorable.
"I know it's probably going to feel weird, but kittens need help going to the bathroom until they're about a month old, so just use a washcloth and it'll help him go to the bathroom and clean him up." Sun finished feeding Solar and used a clean washcloth to help Solar go to the bathroom, Solar squeaking like a mouse with annoyance the whole time until Sun finished cleaning him off with a warm damp paper towel and a dry one to keep him dry and warm.
Sun rebundled Solar into Moon's hat and settled the kitten back into Moon's arms. Moon cradled him close and Moon watched the wriggling little kitten get comfortable and go to sleep against him, nuzzling against Moon's chest.
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slutforstabbings · 7 months
just once i'd like to see a pregnancy fic where the happy ending is the relief the characters feel after the abortion lol. just once.
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transjudas · 1 year
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"The question [whether or not he really survived the accident]… it's a moot point. Because this is the hand that you're dealt. And this is the "reality" that you're in." (x)
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birdsong-warriors · 1 year
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shsl-leader · 11 months
system doubt is so funny. i figured this out over a year ago. my family knows. apparently i talked to "voices in my head" as a child. i have had near death experiences and still could not imagine the body as anything except the current fronter. but what if too many fictive??? system fake because im all fictive????? i cant Enjoy Media and have Disorder, brain too Stupid.
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blackrosesandwhump · 4 months
Whump Prompt 129
Write something inspired by this concept:
Imagine a whumpee, strapped down and immobilized on a table, lying helpless in a darkened room. Weak and trembling, they can only manage a whimper of fear.
Imagine tubes connected to the veins in their arms, draining their blood away for some unknown purpose.
Imagine whumpee's blood collecting in vials that masked figures gather and remove without saying a single word.
And imagine whumpee's realization that, unless someone rescues them and soon, the extreme blood loss will surely kill them.
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Paring: Wally Darling x Abused! Male reader
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5 and Part 6
Summary: Wally was on his way Home to see Eddi rather distressed looking for... him? Why is that?
Main Au (Illustrated Au), picture by @fandom-wreck-9000
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Wally's pov
I'm walking down the street to go Home, Sally really talked my ear off with her new play. I look around to see Eddi with something that looks similar to red paint in his hands, he looked frantic? Scared, maybe?
"Wally! Thank the rainbows I found you! Something happened to M/n and Home seems angered, I think I don't understand that house," sighted an exasperated Eddie leaving me confused. Home angry, M/n? What could happen?
"Eddie, please tell me that is red paint on you...," I said softly while Eddie looked at the ground sighting.
"I wish I could," was all he had to utter for me to ran back Home. Home's door was broken open and they seemed exasperated, right next to my red arm chair lay M/n holding his stomach while gasping softly for air.
"Hey pretty... boy," said M/n softly while he looked at me with those beautiful eyes of his only that now they looked dull. I had Eddie pick him up and take him to Poppy since she will help him out, I need to know what happened.
"Home... who did this?," I asked softly knowing Home would never hurt M/n on purpose. Home started squeaking and banging multiple thing in a rapid way. They were rambling but I only catched the words 'Josh', 'beat up' and 'M/n' which gave me all the information I needed.
"Can you see him?," I asked to which Home very slowly answered with a squeak of the door which made me smile.
"He ran to the woods? Silly, silly...," I said while walking to the hidden closet inside of Home's walls. I grabbed my axe and started walking away from Home but before anything I need to make sure M/n is okay.
I hide my axe in my pocket and run towards Poppy's house, to see her sniffing softly. She sees me and her eyes seemed to widen in regret.
"Don't tell me he is dead Poppy," I said softly to which she shook her head in an agitated way, I walked towards M/n to see him cover in bandages which made my heart sink slightly. I place a kiss in his forehead and look at Poppy.
"He is in something called a coma but he should wake up in a couple of weeks time," Poppy said making me nod. I get M/n a last kiss in his hand and walk outside and start heading towards the forest to where Home said he should be. He is trying to reach the division between words and that I'm not going to allow that.
The forest and his bloody prints lead me towards him to see him standing just over the edge. I charge towards him and grab him from the back of his shirt before he could jump and throw him against a tree.
His eyes widened in shock seeing me standing only a few feet from him and that shock soon turned to fear when he registered the axe which made me laugh. I bet he didn't feel fear that often!
"Oh Josh, silly, silly. You should have left M/n alone when you had the chance," I said before lifting up my axe and taking the first swing of what would be hours of suffering for this piece of trash.
Should I do a part four? Let me know and I'll tag you if I do!
Tag list:
@mythjustiice @distinguishedpuppyface @pr5is1ng @lunamonkeypower @waywardstardustcollector @thelostboys11 @darling-w
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3-2-whump · 21 days
The Auction Floor: Thomas Costa’s POV
Hi all,
In exchange for a chapter on the current timeline (a chapter I am still working on/fixing up before it is posted), I am posting a prequel chapter. Any and all prequel chapters will be found under 'Eternal, part 0.' They won't have nav arrows, but they will have an explanation to when in the story they take place, and a link to the masterlist to read more. Hope this system works for everyone!
This chapter happens slightly before, concurrently, and a little after The Auction Floor
TW/CW: death of a minor character (briefly mentioned), institutionalized slavery, pet whump, dehumanization, nonconsensual nudity (nonsexual), minor whump (at time of story), creepy/intimate whumper(s) (sort of a multiple whimpers situation), manhandling (nonsexual) (towards the end)
Mob boss Luciano Antonio Costa – Boss Tony - had died, leaving mafia to his grandson, Thomas, to control. The newly-appointed heir didn’t look much like a typical Italian mob boss. With his blonde hair, steely blue eyes, and freckled fair skin, he hardly even looked Italian. However, the old boss never had any legitimate male heirs to pass the helm of leadership to, having only one daughter before his wife died. Although he begrudgingly accepted his daughter’s marriage to Tom’s father, an inconsequential gangster from the Irish mob, he had always intended to pass the family business onto his surviving grandson.
“I’m so sorry for your loss” began to lose its meaning after the fourth well-meaning chump, and unfortunately, Grandpa Tony’s funeral had a good turnout. “That was a beautiful eulogy,” one of many nameless faces sniffled. “You two must have been very close,” they’d said to him. Were we ever close, though? Thomas wanted to ask, remembering only the time they last fought. It may as well have been a lifetime ago when he was a teenager who turned his back on the family to try and live a straight life, but the guilt hung over him like a curse no matter how hard he had tried to run away from his fate as the next boss of the Costas. It was always about what he wanted me to be, not what I wanted. Never once was it ever about what I wanted to do with my life, he bitterly remembered. Even now, it was all about Grandpa Tony’s wants, as he accepted his role in leading the Costas. He cast a baleful glance at the casket as it slowly disappeared beneath the earth.You won, old man.
His underboss and a few of the capos, men that he had grown up with and who now supported him in running the large criminal organization, caught on to their new boss’ sour mood. Admittedly, it wasn’t hard to notice how intensely he scowled at the freshly filled-in grave. They suggested celebrating Thomas’ ascension to head of the family with drinks and a night out, but their idea of a night out was attending a black-market auction and maxing out the organization’s funds on frivolous shit. Powerful drugs, illicit weapons, plundered antiques, and –dear god, did Jaime just buy an arowana?! Thomas looked over the side of his whiskey glass disapprovingly.
He glanced over at a corner of the auction house that seemed to gather a large crowd. He shrugged and decided to join them to see the display. The crowd surrounded an entire floor-to-ceiling wall of glass, behind which stood people from all around the world, each divided into their own little compartments within the glass wall, each of them completely naked. The way they were displayed in those little glass tanks was oddly reminiscent of how fish were displayed at a pet store.
Get a pet, people had said to him. It’ll be good for you, they said, help lift your spirits, they said, if you’re responsible for keeping one little thing alive, maybe you’ll be more motivated to take care of yourself, they said. Surely those people had meant a cat or a dog or a python, and probably not an actual human being. Although, Thomas remembered the people giving him that advice were part of the major crime families of the city, too. Perhaps this was what they meant all along?
Regardless of what those people meant, it was a whole different thing to actually commit to owning a person. He’d never seriously considered it before, but now he found himself thoughtfully observing the merchandise behind the glass. Though there were a few people who were obviously adults, most of them were teens, and most them were girls, though there were a couple boys, too.
Whichever one he’d pick, they would have to be relatively attractive, if he was going to have to bear looking at them at the end of every day. He eyed a glass cell with a stunning blonde girl futilely trying to cover herself with her hands and ignore the gazes directed within her cell. Thomas pushed past the crowd and moved on; pretty girls like that would be swiped up immediately, so it wouldn’t even be worth the trouble to place a bid. The next cell held a freckled boy who leaned into the glass, fogging it up with his breath and writing ‘HELP ME’ over and over again with his finger. Thomas passed on that one, too. One by one he would find something wrong with the human assets behind the glass cases. Too shy, too desperate, not my type, that one just stares ahead and doesn’t even move…
He finally stopped around the last few cells, where a crowd had dissipated from in front of a glass cell with discontented murmurs. Inside that one crouched a small boy, knobby knees drawn to bony chest, thin, tan arms wrapped around his shins, and a head of messy dark hair resting on top his knees. The boy dared to look up from his hiding place. Loose, unruly waves of hair and thick, dark eyelashes nearly covered his expressive dark brown eyes. Those eyes hid nothing as they shone with fear. Thomas gripped the whiskey in his hand a little tighter. The child cut a striking image inside the glass prison, reminding him of a time and a place and an incidence he never liked to think about for long-
To his misfortune, his subordinates caught him staring. “Got your eye on the little slave, Tommy-Boy?” Luca asked as he sauntered up to him.
“Don’t call him that.” Even if that was technically what he would be, the whole concept still took a while for him to get used to. “I just think he’s cute is all,” he mumbled into his glass, draining it of the rest of the whiskey while he tried to convince himself the pink in his cheeks was only from the drink.
“Why don’t you place a bid?” Thomas whipped around to see Jaime lurking behind him. When did he get here? His eyes traveled down to the large picnic cooler on wheels, supposedly where Jaime’s new fish was. “Boss Tony, God rest his soul, left you quite the inheritance, I’m sure you can afford him,” Jamie snickered. He pointed to the sign above the glass cell, where the serial number and QR code were displayed prominently. “142225,” he read.
“Doesn’t he kind of remind you of-”
“You shut up. Right now,” Thomas warned.
“We’ll shut up once you place a bid, now come on! At least look up the little slave!”
Thomas sighed and whipped out his phone; the sooner he scanned the QR Code with the app the black market had made him download, the sooner his underlings would shut the hell up. A profile popped up on his phone screen, the men crowding comically around him to read over his shoulder. 142225 had been collected in Pakistan, was 5’1”, and weighed barely 90 lbs. at the last weigh-in.
“They like to starve the kids here,” Luca explained nonchalantly. “Makes it easier to control them.” Thomas glanced briefly at the thin boy inside the glass, frowning a little as he let that unsettling fact sink in. He quickly scrolled past the blood type, known allergies, and other information he deemed irrelevant to hover his thumb over the ‘PLACE A BID’ button.
“Well, go on, you know you want to!”
“He looks easy enough to take care of, and easy on the eyes, too!”
“We saw how enviously you stared at Matteo’s pet at the last New Year’s party, won’t it be nice to finally have one of your own?”
 Eventually, their peer-pressure resulted in the new mob boss placing a bid, becoming $30k poorer, filling out some ridiculous form about any last-minute body mods he may want, and waiting until the end of the night to collect his new slave and go home. His companions had left hours ago, and every other buyer had gotten their slave already, so it was just him waiting alone in an emptying warehouse, trying to make small talk with one of the event coordinators.
“So, does he have a name?”
She didn’t even look up from her tablet. “He’s named whatever you want to name him.”
“Where is he from? Besides the collection point, where’s he actually from?”
“We don’t know.”
“How old is he?”
“We don’t know.”
Thomas barely suppressed a groan. “Is there anything you do know?” he ground out impatiently.
“Yeah. He looks even cuter when he cries.” The woman smirked over her tablet, looking over Thomas’ right shoulder. “He’s here.”
Thomas turned around to see the boy, now clothed in a white T-shirt and bluish gray sweatpants. He kept his eyes downcast and his hands folded in front of him. “What’s your name, kid?”
The boy looked up briefly before dropping his gaze back to his bare feet. “Khaled,” he replied, voice timid and heavily accented, “but you may call me whatever you want, sir.”
Khaled. He silently rolled the name around on his tongue as if savoring an exotic sweet. Khaled. Thomas cast what he hoped was a reassuring smile, not that Khaled saw it with his gaze fixed to the floor. “Luckily for you, I like your name.” He strode decisively toward the exit, gently placing a hand on the boy’s shoulder to direct him. “Come with me, Khaled.”
In the nearly three-hour car ride back to Thomas’ home, the mob boss learned three things about his new purchase. Firstly, Khaled was shy, only speaking when spoken to and even then, using as few words as possible. Also, Khaled probably didn’t speak much English; how much of this was because he was shy, and how much of this was because he literally couldn’t understand him? And –finally, -Khaled could run. Since the moment the car parked, Khaled dashed out and sprinted into the street. He nearly got hit by a truck before Thomas could chase after him, pull him back, and drag him inside the apartment building. The scene of a grown man dragging a distressed kid who was screaming bloody murder probably shocked some residents, but fortunately the doorman was part of the Costas and did not bat an eye.
“It is too damn early for this!” Thomas complained to himself as he practically threw Khaled into the awaiting elevator. “Do you want to be leashed up like a dog, you little shit?! Cause that’s what’s going to happen if you keep trying to run away!”
“Let go of me, please!” the boy cried, his voice brittle and panicked like a scared, caged animal as he tried to twist out of the punishing grip on his arm.
“Like hell I’m letting you go, not after maxing out my personal credit card on you and pulling an all-nighter for the first time since Kandahar!” He violently jammed the buttons that would take them to the top floor of the high rise.
Soon the elevator dinged, doors swooshing open as they reached the floor of his penthouse. “Come on!” Thomas continued to drag the boy through the hallway, ignoring him begging in that endearing accent of his. Khaled’s complaints all but ceased as soon as he opened the door to his penthouse and let the boy step inside. His eyes widened, sparkling in awe, and his jaw dropped as he let out a reverent “whoa” that transcended any language barrier.
The living room to the penthouse itself was light and spacious, with large floor-to-ceiling windows that let in plenty of natural light, and minimalist décor to accent the living room. A large L-shaped couch dominated the living room and looked over the expansive rooftop and the cityscape beyond it. The rest of the room terminated sharply into a dining area with a large oak table and a wood-floored kitchen with two large granite countertops. An imposingly large door –the door to Thomas’ bedroom, -stood closed to the left of the living room. A hallway to the right branched off into an office on one side, and a guest bathroom opposite. A small staircase right outside the laundry room led to a storage loft spanning above the entrance. Thomas toed off his shoes at the door. Khaled, who wasn’t wearing any shoes, hesitantly walked in. Tom frowned when he noticed the dirty footprints left behind on his beige rug.“Would you like a bath, Khaled?” he suggested. The fact that Khaled didn’t reply made him again wonder how much English he truly understood. We can work on that. He sighed in exasperation as he gripped the boy’s arm and dragged him off to the guest bathroom. Once inside, Thomas deposited him at the entrance and turned on the lights and the fan. He got the shower head running next. Khaled stood silently watching him by the door as he tested the water’s temperature with his hand a few times. He nodded in satisfaction as the water finally reached an agreeable temperature. “Come on in,” he beckoned. Khaled inched closer to the bath tub. “Can I take off your clothes?” he asked. The boy blinked, then shook his head as he quickly took off the shirt himself. The drab sweatpants soon followed, and he quickly stepped into the shower. Thomas drew the curtain to prevent water from spilling and to give him a shred of privacy. As the boy showered, he soon realized Khaled had nothing to wear but that depressing little t-shirt and sweatpants. He took them to the laundry room and chucked them in the hamper, making a mental note to buy some clothes for Khaled as soon as possible. Cute as the small naked boy was, he was still a minor, and Tom didn’t need any extra distractions while he was adjusting to his new role as Boss of the Costa Family.
Le Tag List: @kabie-whump @rainydaywhump @whumped-by-glitter @skittles-the-whumpee @generic-whumperz @bamber344 @there-will-always-be-blood @morning-star-whump
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thejasontoddarchives · 11 months
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Possibly the only bit of characterization/backstory I like from this comic. Jason’s (biological) big brother joined a gang that employs kids as bait to try to feed himself and Jason, donned the red hood, and got killed. Bruce’s first encounter with Jason was in the middle of him attempting to avenge Danny. Then later when Jason crafts his red hood persona, it’s to honor his late brother.
Batman: The Adventures Continue #9 (2020)
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