#mentioned error sans
annaraebananawriter · 2 years
(Part One) I Wish
This is part one to a two part special for their birthday, thought the second part won’t be done until next week, probably. Curse my brain and it’s need to procrastinate on important fic ideas. 
Especially considering I have three gift exchanges to get done...
Anyway. I don’t have too much to add, so happy reading!
Fandom: Undertale/UTMV
Characters:   Dream, Nightmare (Who belong to Joku), Blue (Who belongs to P0pcornPr1nce), Ink (Who belongs to Comyet), and mentioned Error (Who belongs to CQ) and mentioned Bad Sanses
Warnings: Implied council members being generally toxic bosses, implied abuse from villagers, and I think that’s it. Let me know!
Summary: “It’s Dream and Nightmare’s birthday today. As per usual, they exchange gifts, though this year they can’t meet in person. They still have the gifts, though. (UTMV, Dreamtale Twins Centric)”
Word Count: 3603
He's late. Dream curses to himself as he stumbles over a stray piece of wood on his trek to the tree stump that was once his mother.
It wasn't necessarily his fault. Ink and Blue had roped him into their annual party for his birthday, even though every year he keeps telling them that they don't need to celebrate it and he really didn't need anything. Ink just laughs, slapping him on the back as if it's a joke and Blue just raises his eyebrow, looking sympathetic yet determined. And they invite some of their other friends, the few members of the council that they actually like, and he really can't say no and board himself up in his room when they arrive and seem so excited, now can he?
He gives up once his friends start coming and plasters on a smile, feeling happy for the company even if he doesn't particularly enjoy why they were there. Luckily, no one but Blue (and Ink, but Ink forgets sometimes, which isn't on his friend, not exactly, but still) understands his conflicted feelings and therefore isn't able to see through the act.
He doesn't hate his birthday. In fact, it's just the opposite. He loved—loves—his birthday, and would get so excited when he realized what day it was.
The villagers used to throw such a big celebration, too, with banners and streamers and balloons, and even sometimes treat it like a festival for someone of the highest honor. They would lock elbows with him and push him from stall to stall, making him try foods and showing him art, and giving him gifts. They had seemed so…expectant, almost, as if they knew he would love it all and wouldn't believe otherwise, and he was too scared to know the repercussions for denying such generosity, so he accepted it all, the same words of thanks falling from his mouth on repeat. It may sound bad, but it wasn't, and it started out fun even if it grew stale.
(Thought they never did remember to celebrate Night's birthday alongside his. They seemed to forget that they were two halves of a whole, born at the same time for the same purpose, just guarding two things. Whenever he reminded them that they had two people to celebrate, something dark would flash in their eyes and they would plow through as if they had never heard him.
He stopped asking after an important 'talk' with the mayor of the village, and just learned to avoid their eyes, keep his head down, and never ask questions. And of course to never say no to anything the villagers give him or want to take from him. That was a lesson hard earned too.)
The fact was that the date just grew to have certain negative feelings tied to it, bitter memories and harsh words covering the sound of laughter as their younger selves made snowballs and threw them at each other all day until their fingers were numb and they decided to cuddle together under Mother's branches to warm themselves up again. They never picked up the gift-giving aspect of it until the villagers moved in nearby and taught him about their traditions, and he then taught Nightmare, relishing the spark of untouched innocence and curiosity that only the aspect of new knowledge could give his brother. It’s a little bit funny, really, how even then Nighty had the look of a king in his eyes—that knowing, interested look when being told something he found interesting.
Maybe that was why he labeled himself as such, and why Dream found a castle where the village used to be and a garden surrounding Mother and his statue. Maybe it was all a reminiscence on the past, a nod to something only they would understand. A way to say ‘I know’ without saying the words.
Or maybe Dream was just putting words in other people’s mouths again.
Nonetheless, it had been especially hard to peel himself away from the party this year. It seemed as though everyone invited had realized he always left early and had some kind of vote he wasn’t aware of to keep him there as long as possible. It also seemed as though people were having a competition of who could keep him entertained the longest. He’ll have to talk to them about that, let them know that he did, in fact, notice the glares they shot at each other whenever someone else took his interest. It was like those shows that Blue likes to watch, where multiple people date one person and fight for the ‘right’ to their hand in marriage, only this one was far more uncomfortable because he never signed up for it.
Ink, who did sometimes take notice of Dream’s tense posture and was usually the one who (unknowingly) gave him the opening needed to take his leave, was distracted this year. He also up and disappeared shortly after the party started, leaving everyone in a state of confusion, though they shrugged it off after a few minutes.
It was Ink, after all. That should’ve been enough of an explanation.
Dream did privately ask Blue if he knew where their friend went, but Blue just smiled and said Ink was fine. “Just had something important to do, that’s all. He’ll be back before the party’s over.” He wouldn’t elaborate any more on it, no matter how much Dream prodded him.
As the party progressed, Dream found himself constantly glancing at a clock. Or more so trying to even find one. It seemed, in addition to vying for his attention, the guests had gotten their hands on all of the clocks and hidden them away somehow. He had no clue what time it was, but he felt the growing dread that he would be late. His attempts at leaving grew more and more obvious, until his frustration grew the more and more one guy keep blabbering in his ear about whatever nonsense was going on in his AU—probably really just an excuse to cajole Dream into visiting and helping out, even if nothing was needed.
Just as Dream had opened his mouth to snap at him to just let him leave, Blue swept in with as much grace as an angel sent to save him from devastation. If they were alone, he would’ve given his friend a big hug, maybe even a kiss on the cheek for extra thanks. His friend gave him a secret wink and seemed to shoo him off, and Dream tried his best to obey, politely shoving people out of the way.
Once successfully on the outskirts of the party, Dream let out a breath and prayed with all his might that he’d be able to finally leave. It seemed someone was listening because he was saved from further obstacles when Ink finally returned from wherever he had been, sopping wet clothes and what looked like a pile of snow in the shape of…something on top of his head, a dry and plainly wrapped present in hand. At once, he was the center of attention and Dream could run into his room to grab the present and leave as quickly as he could.
And even though he is late, at least he left that dreaded party. Nightmare wouldn’t mind him hanging out in the garden and talking to Mother as he waited until enough time passed and he could deem it safe enough to head back, would he? The place was off-limits to his gang, and he was fairly sure they had all left to have some holiday fun, too. Maybe they’d even dragged Nighty along for the ride.
Hopefully. Nighty did need to have some fun every now and then. With this thought in mind, Dream pauses and reaches his senses across the AU. He listens for any souls and gets silence—not one peep of any kind of emotions—which makes him smile. They did get Nightmare to join them, how kind of them. Once things eventually come to a standstill in their ‘war’, and that truce Ink is arguing with the council to implement finally gets through, he’ll have to ask them for pointers.
Maybe he could finally get Nighty to join him for some hangout sessions. And some sparring sessions. Blue was a good fighter, but Dream had to keep his magic usage to a minimum, which meant handicapping himself. It would be nice to fight against someone—that is, fighting without actually fighting, if you get his drift, and it would be nice to be able to not worry about holding back and test out some of his abilities he hadn’t had the chance to practice in a long time.
But, ah…he was getting ahead of himself.
Today wasn’t about what could be, though those thoughts were nice to think about on occasion.
Today was about their birthday, and right now was specifically about retrieving the present Nightmare got for him and placing his present for Nightmare in its place.
Usually, they’d just exchange gifts in person, but because he was late, he is hoping that Nighty just set the present down on Mother and left it there for him to find. He’d do the same with his present. His brother will no doubt check that he had received his present and, seeing it gone and a new one in its place, he could relax for the rest of the night. He was probably so worried when Dream didn’t arrive at the agreed-upon time.
Dream sighs, finally turning to Mother and the present that rested upon it. It was a light blue gift bag, and golden paper stuck out of the top of it. A card addressed to him with his brother’s looping handwriting was taped to one of the handles.
Same as always.
He replaces the present with the one he brought. And before he leaves, he stays there for a minute, debating with a thought that spawned into existence. Rolling it over, he glances up at the castle, peeking up through the trees in the garden, and he seeks out the window he was fairly sure led to Nightmare’s office. He looks back at the present and down at the bag, tightening his grip on the handle.
Well…it has been a while since he’d been able to break into a building. Maybe this was something to be corrected (though, it wouldn’t be the same without anybody to catch him in the act, but he could certainly just act like there was).
This will be fun.
Dream closes the door to the house and finally lets himself relax, leaning against it with his eyes closed. His soul was still beating fast from the adrenaline of breaking into his brother’s castle. It was kind of silly, considering he could’ve just waltzed in the front door like a normal person and nobody would even know he had been there, but that just wasn’t as fun. And this way, Nightmare gets a laugh as well as a present.
A present he hopefully likes. He had worked at getting it for a few months, keeping a close eye on their AU, seizing the chance whenever everybody was out to sneak himself in and scour the woods around the castle and the ground around Mother for any of the pages left from before the incident. And he wrote what he remembered and couldn’t find down as neatly as he could, many sleepless nights spent pouring over a blank page of notebook paper and nibbling on the top of a pen. Once he felt satisfied with what he had, he then asked someone from the council that he knew could do it to bind it all together properly. They had just gotten it done at the start of the month, which was perfect timing, leaving him with a few weeks to find a couple of other things to include in the gift as well.
And now that it was delivered, he could only wait and hope that Nightmare liked it. He’s sure he will. He knows his brother quite well, joined as they were to be two halves of a whole. This present will be something Nighty treasures, he’s sure of it.
Doesn’t stop part of him from doubting that confidence, though.
He sighs again and pushes himself up, walking into the (thankfully) deserted living room. Well, he says deserted, and it is devoid of the party guests, but not of his friends. Ink sits upside down on the couch, dry clothes on and the present ripped open beside him. He’s playing with a piece of wrapping paper, shredding it into smaller pieces with his hands. He’s rambling on about something he saw earlier, and Blue walks sound with a rag in one hand and a bag in another, picking up trash and wiping up spilled drinks. He’s listening to Ink, making comments when necessary. The TV is on and the volume has been muted.
Ink finishes his story and the paper in his hands falls to the floor as he turns himself to sit cross-legged. Reaching for another piece of wrapping paper, he finally notices Dream smiling at him and he beams back, waving. “Hey, Dream! Welcome back!”
Blue looks over as well and smiles. “Hey.”
“Hi,” Dream says, setting his present down on the coffee table. “How’d the part go?”
“You mean the party that was for you and you abandoned?” Ink leans forward to prod at the bag. “It was fine. Great to start with, as always, but then once one member starts bringing up business, the rest seem to all believe it’s a meeting instead of a party.”
Dream frowns, batting his hand away as it tugs the bag forward. “I’m sorry. I keep telling you I don’t want a celebration.”
“I’ll change your mind one day, I promise.”
“It’s not your fault, Dream,” Blue says, setting the garbage bag down for a minute. “Maybe we just need to stop inviting the council. Just have a night with us and a few others, like Lust and Outer.”
“That would be better,” Dream admits, thinking it over, but he shakes his head. “But the council would throw a riot if we stopped inviting them.”
They all sigh and sit in silence for a minute.
“So, who gave you the present?” Ink asks, changing the subject. He rests his chin on his hands and grins. “A secret lover, perhaps?”
Dream scrunches up his face and shakes his head. “No. Just a friend.” He tilts his head, pointing to the present beside Ink. “What about you?”
Ink shrugs, smiling. “Early Giftmas present from a friend.”
Dream lowers his hand, humming to himself. Glancing at the present, he can see a few balls of yarn and a pair of knitting needles, and a small doll version of his friend sticks its head out from behind the red ball. Another arm, this one black with a blue string wrapped around it jokes out bedside it. A letter rests on the side, and some of the letters on the page are just visible. This makes him pause a bit, recalling seeing the letters before among a few other versions of the dolls in the brief moments he’s been to the Anti-Void and seen it in a portal behind Error.
Error, the Destroyer. Error, who gave Ink an early Giftmas present.
He looks over and meets Blue’s eyes, who just gives him a knowing smile, and after a moment, he smiles back. Any concern he might’ve had is swept away as he imagines his friend and Error doing the same things his brother and he does every year for their birthday. He would be a hypocrite, kind of, to be worried about his friend meeting his enemy when he does the same thing.
Besides, it was Giftmas in just a few more days. Who says enemies can’t be friends for one day?
He folds up his cape and drapes it over the chair to his desk in his room. Dream takes off his gloves and does the same thing, changing into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt Ink had made for him. Turning on his desk light, he sits down in the dim light and pulls the gift bag into his lap.
First things first: the letter.
Carefully pulling it off, he flips it over, his smile widening as he runs his fingers over the wax seal, a purple thing with an engraving of a crescent moon painted gold, holding the letter closed. His brother was so dramatic sometimes, using wax to seal a letter like some old-fashioned librarian. Then again, that was what he once wanted to be, so maybe this was just him achieving his dreams. It did feel like something more important than a letter for a birthday present, in any case. Opening a drawer, he grabs his letter opener and cuts the letter open, unfolding the paper to read it.
Dear Dream,
Happy birthday. Things have been busy for me this year, just as much as they have been for you, I’m sure. My boys are as hectic as ever and I can tell that Ink is still the same chaotic Creator he’s always been. Though, I do hope you are handling him better than I am handling the boys—I don’t think I’ve had a full night’s sleep in months.
Nonetheless, I did find time to get you your present. As always. This year, I went for a more expensive brand, as I remembered that last time you disliked the sweetness of the cheaper brand of wine I bought you. This one was recommended by me for its more bitter taste, described by the seller as ‘an acquired taste for only the best kind of people’. I think they were a bit biased, though, and wrong. After all, who in their right mind actually seeks out bitter-tasting things?
Ah. That’s right. You do. My point still stands, as you are lovingly special in your opinions. As wrong as they are…
I have also included something special for you. Please be careful with it. I paid good gold for it to be made, so if you break it before the year is over, I will know and I will hunt you down again and finally kill you once and for all. Okay? And as per usual, I’ve included a book I think you would enjoy. You’re very lucky to be given it. I think the copy in my library was the only remaining version of this edition.
I’ve spoiled you far too much this year already, so I will end things here. I wish you well, hope you have a good Giftmas, and everything else I’m supposed to say.
Write to you next year.
With as much hate as possible,
Still chuckling, Dream sets the letter aside in the box full of the other ones from other years that sits underneath his desk. Then, he reaches into the bag and pulls out the bottle of wine, setting it aside to bring downstairs with him later. He flips through the book, reading the dedication and description and finding himself interested in it. Of course he would be, Nighty was good at knowing what books he’d like. He pulls out the small long box, a blue felt thing, and sets the now empty bag on the floor.
Curious and excited, he opens the box and gasps at its contents.
Pulling it out, he holds the thing reverently, turning it over slowly to look at all the details. It’s a small dagger, about the size of his forearm, and it’s a beautiful thing, more so for decoration than fighting, with all those golden leaves as accents and the engraving of a tree on the blade itself. There’s a small purple gem inside the handle, too, paired with a yellow one, both in the shape of an apple. And his name is engraved on the handle among the leaves and branches in small lettering. It’s so pretty, and the fact that Nighty got it made specifically for him almost makes him cry.
He sniffs and blinks away the blurriness, something wet slipping down his cheek.
Scratch that, then. It did make him cry.
He sets it on top of the box and sets it by his bed, right next to a picture of him and his brother from before the incident he had saved, the creased and ripped thing now framed in a simple brown wooden frame. Picking the picture up, he looks at it silently for a minute, before looking out his window, at the barely visible sunset and the few stars coming out of hiding. Clutching the picture to his chest, he closes his eyes.
“Dream!” Blue calls from the living room. “We’re ready to start the movie!”
“Coming!” Dream calls back, not moving.
He inhales and makes his wish as hard as possible, standing in place for a few minutes to ensure it was heard. It’s something he always wishes for, and he’s quite certain it works because it’s been granted every year. Once he’s sure, he opens his eyes and searches for the star, watching as it twinkles brightly for a minute.
I wish things continue to get better. I wish we stay friends for as long as possible. And I wish the best for my brother and his family, because for all his faults and actions, he is my brother, and that is all that matters. I wish this lasts.
I wish.
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fl00mie · 2 months
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something i did when i saw a post of joku talking about this topic: it's an interesting concept but practically impossible because nothing stops artists from continuing to create (this is convenient for ink), based on this i tried to adjust the words of the creator of dreamtale herself to her characters under an objective truth— there is no limit to the multiverse
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here's the post and the translation
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nonlethal-au · 7 months
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Cheer up, asshole. We just got started with the series!
0.4 - [ ♥ PREVIOUS ] [ ♡ FIRST ] [ ♥ NEXT ]
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mblue-art · 11 months
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sans au sexyman polls doooodle
congrats to the kings<3 🫶🫶🫶
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wickjump · 2 months
it’s always really funny to me when people make sans(es) tall because like. this dude is as tall as a literal child. he is a little teapot short and stout. he can’t open the cabinets without help. that’s the real reason he lives with papyrus—he can’t afford that many stools. like with fresh i get it, he’s canonically tall, and im a sucker for tall horror so i can let that slide, and reaper as well i guess
but DUST??? he’s just sans with his hood up. he is fat and short. he also can’t reach the cabinets without help!!!! cross can be lifted up by the scruff EASILY by some random stranger nearby if they wanted to. everyone towers over him AND THE REST OF THEM!!!!! killer crawls up on the counters like a wild animal to get to the cabinets. ink needs step stools. error uses his strings to get things because he doesn’t like using his tippy toes. i would literally be over five inches taller than cross. im 5’5.
they’re short. most of the people i know would tower over them all. please make them short more often. please
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inksplotch00 · 1 month
@crittercatt asked me to make a 'sketch' of how I envision the Doodlesphere, soo,,
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Here it is in all its glory.!!! I imagine it to just be very.. full. Full of colour, music, texture. Life, in general. I would've added more but I got a little tired eheh,, the two doors I decided to do are the original Undertale and Something New, theres little details when you zoom in!!! Click!! CLICK IT PLS :3
I'm aslo really ivnested in the idea of the Multiverse itself, so I did a little additional diagram to how I think it all kind of connects, in a way. Also additional idea dump. Look!! ↴
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It's like an onion skin essentially, and theres little bits and bobs all around.
The arrows on the left symbolise circulation between worlds, basically Ideas, Creativity and Artblock go through into the Doodlesphere, but nothing from the Doodlesphere can go into the real world. Then between the Doodlesphere and Multiverse, things like ideas and code can move between each other (code being the 'fictional' things we know, like objects and characters in the Multiverse)
I made a line to show that AUs are connected to both their base world (Undertale/Deltarune) and the Doodlesphere, but in my eyes everything is connected. That's how outcodes travel between AUs, and in rare cases the connection can be severed for places like Error404's domain, and no one can go there except him.
I also think that even though not every idea forms into an AU, Ink can still travel to most of them. I see him as more of a concept, not bound by a physical form and code. They can go anywhere, and he could even immerse himself in something such as a song or physical painting, whether you see him or not.
To add onto that, I like to think Ink and the Doodlesphere are the closest things to the Creators world, possibly alongside Error and some other outcodes. Error himself can hear the Creator's voices, but Ink directly uses their emotions to survive, he fights off their Artblocks and does their best to inspire them. He has a direct connection with the Creators, something not many characters have. I think that's really interesting.
I'll probably make an entire seperate post on all my ideas about Ink and the Doodlesphere at some point
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 6 months
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Ink: wake up Ink: get up Ink: sunbathe for a few hours Ink: make sure Dream isn't still in bed Ink: pretend to try to eat paint so Dream puts food in the food bowls Ink: bother Error and protect other cats from harm Ink: (mostly bother Error) Ink: make sure Dream remembers to give Blue food Ink: sunbathe on Dream's window Ink: find somewhere to sleep
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abstractdogwolfthing · 5 months
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Wooagh that’s carzyyyy
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xullian · 6 months
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Its finally DONE!!
(Click for better quality PLEASE)
Ok so first excuse the bad anatomy and overall artstyle these are all (except for the passive night one) from somwhere 1-2 years old. Most of them come from incorrect-undertale-quotes on instagram or someone else from somewhere else, some of them i was just being funny and awsome as always. Inks design will be next! ..maybe. Ink or error idk yet
Anyway i really need everyone to look at error. Hes so silly. Close ups and transcript under cut.
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Ink: Z is just N but sideways.
Error: Stop it.
Ink: Zo.
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Ink: I wanna change the world!
Dream: For the better?
Ink: uhhh-
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Ink: Im a Creative person!
Nightmare: And what have you created?
Ink: Problems.
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Passive Nightmare: I didnt do it!
Dream, crying: Then why are you laughing.?
Passive Nightmare: Cause whoever did is a fuckin genius.
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Error: I hate you with every inch of my body.
Fresh: No offence brah-
Fresh: But that aint a lot of inches
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Paperjam, Error: Thats disgusting.
Paperjam, Error: ...
Error: JINX-
Paperjam: Dont do that.
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"Gotta film in a hour, we fucked up 🍃😭😝🥳💯"
Dust <- brought weed
Ink <- rolled blunts
Killer <- smoked everything
Cross <- hit it wrong
Ink belongs to comyet
Error belongs to loverofpiggies
Fresh belongs to loverofpiggies
Paperjam belongs to 7goodangel
Dream belongs to jokublog
Nightmare belongs to jokublog
Cross belongs to jakie
Dust belongs to ask-dusttale
Killer belongs to rahafwabas
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bluepr1ntyy · 8 days
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Them bonding,,, again,, I think theyre sillyy
++ Omni + Raven bonding moment
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Raven by @echoiarts
PaperJam by 7goodangel
Omni by Cereusblue
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mintychisps · 2 months
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They're my favorite 😍😍😍😍
I actually enjoyed drawing Dream the most, he's so cute 🥰😘
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echo-starflower · 29 days
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(Pattern by @ghost-cinnamon)
He’s perfect and I love him
But Echo! some of you might ask, isn’t the body supposed to be red like his bones? To that I say! 1: I’m impressed you saw it under the layers of clothes! /silly and 2!
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Embroidery!!!!! (I’m so proud of this hehe it turned out way better than I expected. Also faceless doll jumpscare>:3)
And of course, credit must be given to my amazing little sibling whose immediate reaction to seeing my doll was “ooo he’s spooky! He needs a top hat!!!!”
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(She proceeded to make not one but two top hats hehe)
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joonebugg · 3 months
Ink would have an art style like this I think
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This artstyle is kinda epic imo
Anyways I yap in the tags if you wanna read that
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thiccsys · 4 months
Looks in
You have any utmv ocs?
i was gonna answer this and say nuh uh. but that’d be lying. i rummaged through some old art andd found these guys
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the first one is some little ink variant i made. hes a lava lamp. he has no purpose i just like his colors a lot andi lovd the concept of his torso being a little lava lamp that moves around
the second one is an error named cry (or something) . originally his design belonged to my partner, but they gave me his design and concept and now hes judg a silly guy i have sitting in my folder :3 (he was based off melanie martinez crybaby stuff or something idk i dont really listen to her)
the third guys are swad and swan but theyre moths!! @fishfrypi came up with their concept and i made these designs a few months back. there not entirely MY ocs, i just put their designs together. i consider them shared between me and that friend of mine :))
the last isnt very original… Its just a doll error … i had some sort of lore with him where geno slowly made himself into a crazy doll (trying to rid himself of the pain of determination) but he just became error over time. i think the only thing that was still actual monster on him were his hands; they’re the most sensitive part on his body (haphephobic loser).
anyway those are some ocs ive contributed to/made myself. i dont really expand on them because i enjoy writing error and glorifying crayonqueen’s ocs more than anything GEHFJSJA
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cas-spirit · 12 days
Have some of my utmv headcannons
Dreamtale is, in universe, called ‘The Tale of Emotions’. Over time, however, It got ‘Killertale’d. This upsets both twins, but there’s an infinite number of au’s with an infinite number of people. Everyone close to the twins, however, calls it the correct name.
While everyone in the multiverse went from calling it ‘The Tale of Emotions’ to ‘Dreamtale’, Ink originally called it ‘Dreamtale’, because that’s what the creators called it. He switched after realizing how upset it made Dream.
After leaving his AU, goopy 6 year old Nightmare wanted to establish himself as the scariest, most dangerous threat in the multiverse. So he followed around Error, the most dangerous threat in the multiverse. Error had a dad arc.
Ink and Error are best friends.
Error’s goal to destroy the multiverse is impossible (that’s canon, I just think it’s really cool). It’s a sunk cost fallacy, which is when you invest so much into something, you can’t stop, or else why for you waste so much?
Ink knows that too. He’ll sometimes fight Error if the au is pretty new, and because he knows their fights inspire creators. Most of the time, however, he leaves Error be. After all, who are they to intrude on Error’s story?
Most AUs fall because they’ve been forgotten. They crumble like a dry, dead leaf, which is when Core Frisk gets monsters out and into the Omega Timeline.
When a creator destroys their own AU, everyone in universe forgets that the AU existed in the first place, Gaster style. The only ones that remember are Ink and Error because they’re both connected to the creators. (For example, Fell knows he’s missing a drinking buddy, but only Ink and Error know that was Flowerfell Sans, or anything about Flowerfell in the first place)
Error and Ink are both Aroace.
The multiverse just… pops shipkids into existence. Most of the time, the parents aren’t even together. (Fr though, why are all ship kid’s origins that their parents are terrible and abusive? I thought we all liked these funky skeletons?)
Ink loves the shipkids. He views them as precious gifts from the creators and takes very good care of them. He’s almost the multiverse’s CPS. Any and all of his kids are absolutely and undeniably loved.
All the Swap universe Sanses know eachother. They take turns having a training day/movie night sleepover in the others AU’s and consider each other cousins.
Blueberry is Swap’s kid.
The Fell brothers are friends with Dust and Horror. They want to fight Horrortale Undyne so bad. They had to be stopped multiple times.
Classic, Red, Swap, and Horror because a friend group after Swap and Horror had began fighting with/for Dream and Nightmare. It was awkward at first, but Swap was determined to make Horror his friend.
Ink didn’t really have a house until he met Dream. When the 6 year old broke out of stone, Ink brought him to his Dad’s house for a few days while he made a home in the doodleshpere for them. Ink had his first father arc of many.
Geno, Error, Fatal Error, and Fresh are siblings.
Geno and Dream friendship my beloved.
Geno has been asked to babysit both Dream and Nightmare at the same time before. It was always very awkward, but no fights broke out (thankfully).
Outer is the youngest Sans. (In the og Undertale, they say all kids wear stripes, and Outertale Sans does wear stripes.) He’s still an adult, and the big brother, he’s just a little bit younger than most other Sanses.
Whether or not an AU has the events of Undertale Yellow is it’s past is entirely random. Most things that happen before Frisk falls down are.
Ink has the ability to look at other multiverses. He just dislikes doing it because other Ink’s unsettle him a bit. He did once, however, because Dream asked him if he and his brother were destined to fight in every universe. Ink chose not to answer.
Despite their being an infinite number of Underswaps, everyone knows the same Swap. Blueberry has, like, a hundred babysitters.
There are a few bittybones aus. Ink has a very firm stance that no one touches them because so many creators go into bitty aus/interact directly with them.
Every story that involves the outcodes on a non multiverse scale is its own AU within the multiverse. (For example, Seabound Souls is it’s own AU, as it’s not on a multiversal scale)
The end of the multiverse is kind of like far lands in Minecraft. It’s a wall with many large, traversable holes in it. The reason people don’t tend to go into other multiverses is just how big of a distance any AU is to the multiverse boarder. If someone did manage to go that distance, however, nothing really stops them from going into another multiverse.
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wickjump · 28 days
thinking about how mcq!error is also literally fucking disabled but everyone still fucking ignores and neglects him and then gets upset when he lashes out (as children do) because he’s witnessing his brother dying and views his other brother as an apathetic asshole because children don’t understand the complexity of disorders and he was not given the support system he needed and was left to fester in his own anger sadness and anxiety for his entire life, the only attention from his mother being chastising him for treating fresh terribly, despite how he doesn’t understand why she tolerates fresh making life harder (his perception) and nobody actually gave enough of a shit to try and help him with that or ever take him to the doctor for his, AGAIN, LITERAL DISABILITY AND PTSD DUE TO CONSISTENT PHYSICAL ABUSE FROM OUTSIDE FORCES AS WELL AS WITNESSING THE ONLY FAMILY MEMBER WHO TREATS HIM WELL SLOWLY DYING.
bro can’t touch certain people or do certain things without experiencing shutdowns that cause him serious physical pain and he is never once taken to a doctor or therapist or anything and then people wonder why he’s angry and lashes out at others. he is eight years old. jesus fucking christ.
also he is autistic probably look at him.
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