#mental doctor
sneakysand · 10 days
I wrote some unbelievable things which happened so fa in my personal life here.
There were doctors who were mental doctors I used to have their examinations and I do remember that they were using pretty old ways for patients that I felt.
In my country, even in such medical technology is much belayed than the other countries, well, I'm not a specialist of such thing, but, anyway they don't have any idea or thinking for treating patients, they probably don't care the patients until their sicks would be recovered.
The reason of becoming doctors for them in this country, they just need their occupations, they probably don't think about helping or mending sick people.
And probably they can have money while just being doctors.
Furthermore they are probably good only at calculating on paper tests or exams, don't have any minds to move or take actions to let sick people better.
They always need manuals.
Well, here I just write about doctors in this country, but such the same things would be said about almost all the highly educated people in this country.
You shouldn't be a person of this country, you're gonna be killed by those stupid people.
Thank you.
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alternativeulster · 7 months
dont let anyone ever tell you the doctor who tv movie (1996) sucks. this is literally the best scene in all 60 years of doctor who
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Listen, you should never film strangers in public without their consent, but I swear there need to be fines or something for people who do that shit in some spaces. For example: I had to go to the ER last night, and some jerk filmed a woman who just came in and was clearly having an asthma attack. She immediately got to go back, and he was unhappy about that. Believe me, I get that it sucks having to wait when you're in pain, but you don't get to pick who deserves care when. The medical system in the US is a nightmare, and the ER could be the worst moment of someone's life. No one deserves to be recorded because some jack ass believes someone doesn't look like they need care.
This is fine to reblog. People who film strangers should be shamed if nothing else.
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categories-9 · 1 year
Psychiatrist in Pune Dr. Ankit Patel.
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spaceacerat · 8 days
I see you disabled people who don't know your family medical history because your family members couldn't/wouldn't/weren't allowed to go to the doctor and never got diagnosed, or don't know your family.
I see you disabled people who didn't know you were disabled growing up, physically or mentally, maybe because your parents didn't have insurance and couldn't afford it/wouldn't take you seriously/didn't think it was a problem because they had it/doctors couldn't figure it out.
I see you disabled people who have bouts of an issue that you grew up with, that are/were infrequent enough that you never really thought about it and dealt with it on your own, and when you have one in front of people who weren't medically neglected, you wonder why they look so horrified as you describe it.
I see you disabled people who didn't/haven't had any amount of care or accommodation for their disability since it started, because you couldn't get diagnosed.
I see you disabled people who grew up thinking everyone had the same problem as you and that it was normal and so you accepted it, because you didn't understand how the human body worked and had no real frame of reference nor the language to ask for help, or the people around you saw it and just ignored it.
I see you disabled people only now understanding that what you experience is abnormal, and that there are things that can be done to help it, make it easier, or at least help you understand yourself better.
I see you disabled people that will never be able to get diagnosed or get the help you need, whether from being poor, lacking insurance, or any number of reasons.
This shit is hard, and there are people who will never quite understand your struggles. It doesn't seem to get talked about as much, but I wish it was. Please know I love you, and you aren't alone.
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aq2003 · 9 months
imagine you need to get away from the house and your responsibilities for a hot second and there's this bus driver/tour guide you meet and he invites you on a one-time big sightseeing trip (what the bus driver is telling himself. don't worry about that). and at first you think it's like a date and he's into you but this dries up maybe half a day in when the sightseeing goes wrong and he starts angsting about his dead girlfriend. anyway the trip gets extended and he's still the worst most disappointing tour guide in the world so you do the emotional equivalent of poking at him with a stick and asking what the hell is wrong with him. bus driver relents and reveals that his whole family is dead and he's been trying to avoid thinking about it by being a bus driver. you listen to him as he talks about how nice his town was before it exploded and you suddenly realize that the bus driver is furiously grieving/homesick/depressed and you're like the only thing stopping him from driving off a cliff and into the sea. especially bc the next day you run into the mafia and the bus driver starts screaming at them to kill him. then he hugs an electric fence. and then he tells you to take the bus keys and leave him and screams at the mafia to kill him again. and like this is so obviously horrific but what can you do besides stay with him on more sightseeing trips and hope you're doing enough to keep him alive. bc one of the responsibilities you ducked from was your job of saving people and this stupid fucking bus driver is a person in need of saving so bad. even if he starts shutting down when he manages to catch that you're directly onto how unstable he is. anyway, on an unrelated note, ten and martha from hit tv show doctor who,
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fairycosmos · 10 months
being on your period is the closet any human can ever get to turning into a werewolf
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ninemelodies · 7 months
this scene. this fucking scene. when i watched this the first time it really struck me how much 14 has grown. 10 wouldn’t have let that argument go. they would’ve kept pushing buttons until one of them stormed off. but 14 stops, cuts himself off mid-sentence and walks away to take a breath.
“no,” he says. no we’re not doing this. no it’s not my fault. no it’s not your fault. it’s a shitty situation and they’re both stressed and afraid.
and then he apologizes even though he didn’t start the argument and he didn’t spill the coffee. and it was definitely donna’s fault but sometimes being best friends means you let things go and you lie a little because your friendship is more important than being right
AND THEN HE COMFORTS HER. without her asking and without her initiating it.
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starlight-bread-blog · 6 months
If Neil Gaiman and David Tennant are having Imposter Syndrome, you're good.
(Transcript Below)
Neil Gaiman: The first problem of any kind of even limited success, is the unshakable conviction that you are getting away with something, and that any moment now, they will discover you.
David Tennant: For me, that's what being an actor is about. Sort of going, this is all, it's all on one level, it's all just a bit silly. And I can't really believe I'm getting away with this. And at some point someone's gonna tap me on the sholder and go 'Come on, you've had your fun. Move on. There are some people who can actually do this. There are some proper actors in the world. Stop pretending, and move on. You're a little wee nae from Paisley. You don't really get to do this.
Neil Gaiman: In my case I was convinced there would a knock on the door, and a man with a clipboard – I don't know why he had a clipboard, but in my head he always had a clipboard – would be there and tell me it was all over, and they've caught up with me, and now I would have to go and get a real job. One that didn't consist of making things up and writing them down, and reading books I wanted to read. And then, I would go away quietly. And get the kind of job I would have to get up early in the morning, and wear a tie, and not make things up anymore.
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arkitiore · 7 months
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New master just dropped 😛
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genderqueerpond · 2 months
We don't talk enough about the fact that Amelia Pond, s5 Amelia Pond, before the timeline is reset, isn't just a normal orphan. Her parents didn't die, didn't abandon her, and didn't send her away. They never existed in the first place.
And if her parents never existed, then Amelia cannot exist. She is a causal impossibility.
"People fall out of the world sometimes, but they always leave traces." A photograph. A face carved into an apple. Yes. Sure.
A child.
Now that's too big, surely.
But that's what she is. She is exactly the same as these things. A trace. An echo of something that could never be, never was, never could have been.
And the universe should never allow it. A whole person, that's just too much. She could not have continued to exist indefinitely, in normal circumstances, after her parents never existed.
In normal circumstances.
Because the Doctor didn't just save her from things coming out of the crack in her wall. He saved her from going into it. And he didn't just save her from the threat of going into it simply because of its vicinity.
No, by arriving when he did, he interrupted a process that was probably already in motion. And then by arriving again only moments later on a cosmic relative timestream (too quickly for the process to complete) and yet in the local relative timestream, years later --- years of a potential future caught midway through the process of rewriting -- he solidified that existence. Amy is a creature from another timeline, caught in amber. The Doctor prevented her from never existing, but only after she could already never exist.
And so, no one around Amelia thinks about it. Neither does she. There's some kind of consciousness block, because if you thought about it, really thought about it, for two seconds you'd realize she cannot exist. And the human mind can't deal with that. So, to protect itself, everyone's brain simply slides off it before ever noticing. They just assume that her existence makes sense, and don't question it, and don't notice what they don't question, that is staring them in the face.
But of course, to some extent they do notice. They can't think it, but they notice subconsciously that there's something they can't think. They notice there's something wrong with her, something uncanny. And they don't like it, and they alienate her even more because of it.
"Does it ever bother you Pond that your life existence doesn't make any sense?"
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expelliarmus · 8 months
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"Remember that time you were in that car wreck and almost died, but we saved your life and you told everyone it was God? You're a dick."
He's the one who tried to kill you in the first place.
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slfcare · 8 months
dealing with embarrassment is not about erasing the moment, but rewriting its impact. consciously decide to not care as if it's really that easy and after enough practice, you'll find that it actually will be.
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lastofgallifrey · 10 months
twelve spending 4.5 billion years punching through a 20ft thick wall of azbantium, a material apparently 400x harder than diamond, dying repeatedly in the process, all so he could get clara back... like whether you see them as platonic or romantic you cannot deny that he quite literally loved her to death
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yennao · 2 months
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Yk this actually started as a second pass at @ratblazer 's DTIYS but I got a little bit excited about light pens and ended up here. At least, I think that's what happened. I got the memory of a gnat, you know how it be
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