#meng shaofei
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thisautistic · 3 months ago
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#trapped5yearfest Day One: Favorite Character
"Let me tell you, someone once told me my fortune. She said the fates are on my side and I will live a long life. Only a cannon can kill me," - Meng Shao Fei
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historytrappedrewatch · 5 months ago
hey so. I'm looking for at least one other person to help me run this fest! (history: 3 trapped 5 year anniversary rewatch)
if there is anyone who has run (or helped to) run a fest/event and is also a huge fan of trapped please give me a dm here or @thisautistic
I'm hoping to run it beginning of January so being free at that time to help run things would be ideal!
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coquelicoq · 11 months ago
i bought a six-pack of root beer on a whim the other day and since then i've been drinking one every time i eat something spicy because the carbonation punches the spice tingling that's already punching my mouth...it both cancels it out and enhances it at the same time somehow. just occurred to me this must be what meng shaofei was talking about. genius man.
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castial · 1 year ago
OMGGGG I really can't stop smiling :D
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My translations of the character profiles from the “The Making of HIStory 3: Trapped and MODC book. 
Tang Yi’s unwillingness to fill this in made me laugh. Also, Shaofei’s biggest fear is Tang Yi going missing, which… 😭🥺❤
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His last known documented source of information
CW‼️ childhood abuse, child molestation, necrophilia, taxidermy, killing, murder, blood, manipulation, mutilation and mentions of suicidal tendencies. ‼️
patient # 21479
➣FULL NAMEː Feng Ezekiel
➣AGEː twentyfive
➣D.O.Bː unknown/04/09
➣NATIONALITY: American/Taiwanese
➣VOICE CLAIMː between Suga with the
pauses, mumbles & fluctuations and
Harry Styles accent,with more baritone.
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ˼
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➣WARDː 57
➣TRAITSː split personality, psychotic,
sad/mas, narcissistic, schizophrenia,
deranged psychosis, severe ptsd, ocd,
➣AGE OF DIAGNOSISː most in childhood
4-13yrs. recent one after 21
➣VIOLENTː 10 /10
ASYLUMː Killing a roommate.
The patient had a roommate, at first
they seemed to get on well. Then one
day the roommate taunted a bit too
much, talked a bit too much, teased a
bit too much and touched a bit too
much for Z's liking. The patient made a
make shift shank and tied the other
down with his sheets in his sleep. As the
other woke to speak, the red haired
patient shoved his hand in their mouth
grabbed his tongue and cut it out of his
mouth. The red haired patient took the
tongue and shank and stuck it into the
wall above the others head. Laughing
maniacally as the mumbling patient bled
out onto the bed. The patient tore apart
the tongueless patient's throat with his
teeth. "Now you will speak no more." the
man explained softly as he carressed
the others face smiling insanely as the
guards came rushing in to attend to the
dead man. The red haired male got
taken away and put into ward 57 on the
far side of the island. Straight into
solitary confinement. Z also, can't help
when he's happy he looks insane. He
was unconditionally happy at the time.
➣OVERALLː The red haired male has a
rather angelic, infectious, inviting smile.
Don't let his angelic smile and facial
features fool you. His stare is one of
blankness the lights are on but no one
is home. He can be charasmatic,
cunning, patient, and chill. He bides his
time and chooses his battles wisely.
Once he begins to smile like a madman
and chuckles become bouts of insane
laughter, please beware once he stops
all sounds. Approach with extreme
caution, especially when he stares out
into nothing and begins humming to
himself. His IQ is a 158.
➣LIKESː sometimes nature. reading.
➣DISLIKESː just about everything.
➣PET PEEVESː his list is long.
➣HOBBIESː collecting insects.
➣OVERALLː he is lean, muscular in his
arms and abdomen.
➣HEIGHTː 1.88m
➣WEIGHTː 62 kgs
➣TATTOOSː several.
➣PIERCINGSː ears and nipples also his
scalpulas. the piercings have since been
taken out upon his arrival at the asylum.
➣ROM. ORIENTATIONː non labled.
➣POSITIONː s/v/d. none admitted
➣TURN ONSː not for you to know.
➣TURN OFFSː an army full.
➣KINKSː Blood. However his most
favourite is auto erotic asphyxiation.
Sheets are no longer allowed in his cell.
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The patient use to go by Ezekiel, his birth
name. Now he is just called Z or 21479 his
patient id number. Some guards call him
sharkboy. For the simple fact he uses his
teeth for everything. But, that's another
His backstory is horrific at times and
comes out slowly in his writings. We do
know that he was terribly abused at a
young age. His father tried killing him
multiple times. His mother doted on him.
His parents eventually separating, the
patient going to live with his maternal
grandparents as safety precautions from
his father. The safety was not so safe. We
don't know the details as somethings do
come out in his supervised writing
sessions with the nurses. And one
particular Doctor. It has been written that
an uncle was into necrophilia, pedophilia
and taxidermy. His uncle was a mortician.
The patient tried killing himself at ten,
thirteen and fifteen, only to be stopped by
an unknown source. Moving out of his
grandparents home at seventeen he
joined a gang. After that not much is
known. He just stares and smiles when
asked. He may look soft and harmless,
but we have seen otherwise. To tease
him, touch him or to talk too much to him
is not advisable.
The patient did experienced a love
once, at least he thought it was genuine,
sadly it was not. He is no longer a believer
in the emotion called love. He believes
people only use others to make them-
selves happy. He can do that all on his
own accord, if he so chooses. He does
not speak of the love, but there have been
his writings about it.
Author's Note:: more backstories to come.
❧ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᵇʸ [ᵈᵃʸᵃ|http://aminoapps.com/p/1jes2uz]
At the age of twenty-five after escaping with his trusted guard Xao from the ward. It is known that Ezekiel met his end in his turbulent life. It is said that Ezekiel. Had unknowingly met a vampiric master at a cathedral somewhere within the hills of Thailand shortly after his escape.
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rin-moved · 1 year ago
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I, Meng Shaofei, am not afraid of getting sued by you again. If you don't come clean about what happened four years ago, I vow I'll continue to watch your every move.
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bunnakit · 1 year ago
your top five favourite soft scenes in bl <3
ask me my top 5 bl anything 🌸
AAAA I LOVE SOFT SCENES THANK YOU AL (and happy new year beloved!)
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i could just make this entire list scenes from Be My Favorite, to be honest. Pisaeng and Kawi are so, so fucking soft, but this is one of my absolute favorite moments. you just know Pisaeng's heart was crawling up his throat.
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your former enemy now lover, one of if not THE most powerful man in Taipei, stopping in the middle of heated kissing to kneel at your feet and reverently press a kiss to the wound you received while protecting his sister? FUCK. i didn't consider this one of my favorite BLs but i literally can't get this scene or them out of my head, so i might be wrong about that.
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Is that the sound of your heart beating? Thump, thump, thump, thump.
GAWD. what the FUCK man. i feel like crying just briefly rewatching that scene alone, it's such a gentle reprieve from everything going on in their lives, an impossibly soft moment captured between them. and seeing White so playful in love? AUGH.
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i could also fill all 5 of these just with Moonlight Chicken moments but i wanted to include a moment that wasn't necessarily between a couple. i love this moment of family and peace at the end of everything, the way everyone comes together and things are different but that's okay. there's so much i always want to say about MC but i feel so much for it i can't ever really properly put it into words (shocking from me, i know.) this show is just so special to me.
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I was so nervous.
it's Sangwoo's acceptance and Jaeyong's palpable relief. it's how Jaeyoung looks like he still can't believe this is happening. it's how they fit so perfectly together like they were always supposed to find each other. I NEED MORE OF THEM.
because it was so hard to pick just 5 here are 3 honorable mentions:
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i'm still here. i'll probably be here for a while. i'll probably never forget this.
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the reunion was so incredible and soft and UGHHHHH. the way i felt so fucking relieved like it actually affected me at all
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it was so nice to see them so soft after all the shit they had to go through to get together. they're so comfortable and at peace with just about the only people they can be that way with and it makes me want to bite someone.
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bl-bracket · 10 months ago
wait can we still submit propaganda?? if so I have some for Meng ShaoFei (if not just ignore this then)
(this is from memory so some may be wrong)
he's a cop who has been investigating the murder of one of his coworkers and a mob boss for the past 4 years (despite being told to drop it) and has been harassing/stalking the mob boss's adoptive son/successor bc he doesn't believe he is telling the whole truth (the guy was there when they were murdered) to the point where the new mob boss fucking SUED him over it and he still won't back off so the mob boss has just been using him to get rid of other gangs he doesn't like instead
anyways he winds up FALLING IN LOVE with the mob boss he's been harassing for years after they get kidnapped together and lost in the woods (handcuffed together) for a night and he decides they're friends now(????) and actually manages to get the guy to fall for him too by being the ridiculous dork that he is (also saving him and his sister) but also?? solves the case???? he's a disaster but it's endearing
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ginnymoonbeam · 9 months ago
Tagged by @wen-kexing-apologist - thanks! I'm gonna do all QL for this one.
Tagging @phneltwrites and @giraffeter if you wanna play!
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geekygirl24 · 1 year ago
MisTresShawnie - 2nd. Taiwanese Prompt for HIStory 3: Trapped.Tang Yi and Meng Shaofei.Vampire AU, hurt/comfort. Chapter 32 sequel. Based on the events in episode 16.Tang Yi's persistent calling wasn't just fueled by simple worry but increasing desperation since he can now only feed from Shaofei, who has gone missing for over a day. Shaofei's initial teasing turns into regret/guilt when he finally takes a good look at Tang Yi and realizes the effect of his mistake.
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thisautistic · 3 months ago
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#trapped5yearfest Day 6: Love
"So every year from now on you'll celebrate my birthday with me?"
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bisexualboysbroadcast · 11 months ago
me screaming and shaking and crying and snorting my lungs out every time they ask meng shaofei if he wants ANOTHER restraining order/sue case/ complaint against him because all he does is stalk tang yi and bother him endlessly I LOVE THEM SO BAD YOUR HONOUR
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ykceb01 · 1 year ago
Meng shaofei is the cutest ever
He also pretty scary
And smart
And perfect
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HIStory 3: Trapped | 心上人 / Beloved [insp.]
只要你肯,只要你還要我。 我可不可以奢求一會,與你白頭偕老?
As long as you’re willing, as long as you want me… Can I make an extravagant request for a minute, to be with you until we grow the white hairs of age?
《天涯客》 / Faraway Wanderers Extra 2 — (trans. by chichilations)
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chrisjake-cp · 11 months ago
[Interview] A look into the <Trade War’s> Jake Hsu’s treasure book list
PUBLISHED: 2024/04/30 in Harper's Bazaar TW
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Jake Hsu, who graduated from the Drama Department of the National Taiwan University of Arts, started his acting career by participating in works of the ‘Q Series’, and then successfully gained popularity by taking on roles like Meng Shaofei in the 2019 BL series <HIStory3: Trapped> and the heart-warming twin brother Lin Zhenye in the 2022 Netflix series <Shards Of Her>. In 2024, Jake Hsu set his first steps in the suspenseful business-war themed TV series <Trade War>, in which he played a manservant with a complex personality, showcasing not only different aspects but also allowed the audience to witness his acting power. 
As a new generation actor, Jake shared that he maintained his reading habit, ever since his studies. Not only can he keep the fun of browsing through books that way, but it simultaneously is of great help to his acting skills. Let us now take a look at the reading world of our “considerate reader” Jake Hsu. 
Q: What was the book that started nurturing your reading habit? Do you have a daily reading plan?
Jake:  Looking back on it now, the first book that I was crazy about reading is <The Power of Film> (by Howard Suber). It was also the first book I read about movies. It introduced the complicated elements of movies in a simple way. At that time I had just entered University, and that book was like a treasure trove to me, with every page filled with amazing knowledge. 
A memory that is still vivid to this day is when I was waiting to go on [stage] in the black box theatre, snuggling up to the smallest of lights and roaming leisurely through the book. Although I don’t have a fixed reading plan, reading books still fills me with delight and is irreplaceable. 
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Q: Do you have any special habits while reading?
Jake: I don’t know if everyone has the same experience as me, but when I start a book, I can’t read another one before I finish the first one, otherwise I would get confused. If I’m reading a novel that has many characters in it, I even draw character interrelationship diagrams, otherwise I would easily forget who is who. 
Q: Do you pay attention to certain rituals when reading?
Jake: I have to play instrumental music while reading, especially Lo-Fi style music, which can make me concentrate better. 
Q: Apart from work-related books, what kind of books do you prefer?
Jake: I was fascinated by world literature at one point. I would often go to the university library’s translated novel section to look for treasures there. I still remember that after I closed the last page of <A Thousand Splendid Suns> (T/N by Khaled Hosseini), I sat beside myself (from excitement) in front of my writing desk for a long time. These days, most of the books I read are materials related to movie creators or famous people, or knowledge reference books. 
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Q: Have you ever starred in an adaptation of a literary work that you liked? Or have you ever become a fan of the book because you acted in an adaptation?
Jake: When I was studying drama in university, I performed in the classic <The Mousetrap> by famous British writer and playwright Agatha Christie. From then on, I started loving the deductive logic of this queen of detective (writers). Her most representative character Hercule Poirot has been adapted into television works that I enjoy ardously, such as <Murder On The Orient Express>, <Death On The Nile> and <A Haunting in Venice>.
Q: Please share with us the book that has had the most profound impact on you with respect to your life, and your acting.
Jake: The book that left the deepest impression on my life is <Just Like The Speed of Walking: My Daily life, Creations and the World> by (movie) director Hirokazu Kore-eda in which he describes several philosophies in life. 
(T/N: Jake then shares an excerpt from the first chapter, but I won’t attempt to translate a Chinese translation of a Japanese original book into English). 
The director’s perspective on the world, on roles/characters and on a person has had a very big impact on me. 
And the book that influenced my acting the most is <A Challenge For The Actor> (by Uta Hagen) which I studied while in University. Even though I have developed my own thoughts on acting at this point, the exercices and homework for actors in <A Challenge For The Actor> laid a lot of foundation during my first venture into acting that are still useful today. 
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Q: If you have to go live on an uninhabited island for a year, and you could only bring one book with you, which one would you choose?
Jake:  Since it would be a deserted island, I would like to bring the whole series of <One Piece> (Eiichiro Oda), which I hope to finish in due time. If I can’t bring multiple books, I would like to take with me <Freeing The Natural Voice> by Kristin Linklater, practice it diligently for a year and see what happens. 
Q: Finally, please share three of your favourite recent books? 
Jake: First, the two-volume manhua <Shen Ming Convenience Store> by Xie Donglin that I rediscovered at the Taichung Comic Museum. [The author] has turned Taiwan’s traditional gods and deities into characters and tells the stories in a clear and humorous way. I couldn’t stop laughing and really love it. 
The second book is <Selected Film Reviews of Steven Tu: A Decade 2012-2022> which collects his masterpieces of ten years of film criticism. It’s like browsing a map of the film world of the past ten years through the eyes of Teacher Tu, which is close to reaching nirvana. 
Finally, the book in my hand called <Voyage With Kiki Kirin>, which covers the period from 2007 until Kiki Kirin’s passing in 2018. During those twelve years, director Kirokazu Kore-eda and Kiki Kirin conducted scattered interviews in different situations and different times. I feel like I have spent countless wonderful afternoons with this book. 
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coffeebookslovegt · 2 years ago
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Meng Shaofei, espero que puedas seguir viviendo tu vida. Hazlo por mí.
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bunnakit · 1 year ago
bunn watches history 3: trapped
so i wasnt sold, like it was fine i was having a good time but the show didn't hook me until episode 6.
meng shaofei eating with tang yi at the restaurant HE'S JUST LIKE ME FR.
this is exactly how i eat with my friends, i'm so annoying and have to share ALL my food with my friends and try little bites of everything they get. it's the big reason my husband took me to a brazilian steakhouse for our anniversary bc that's like, the thing is you just eat a lot of little bites of everything. that's my JAM. going to dim sum with my friends is like my favorite fucking thing (and i havent gotten to do it in over a year bc all my friends moved out of state)
we love a cringefail whimsical autistic king, fuck. okay, you have my attention.
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