#men's solution
celestial-clownz · 6 months
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I love scarian a lot but I also have to acknowledge how abnormal grian is abt that mustache
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carpe-mamilia · 6 months
someone. appears to have uploaded the entireity of the terror to youtube?
if you want to bully people into watching it your time is now, I guess?
Hot diggetty pig!
Everyone watch this or I'll come to your house and make slightly hurtful remarks about your storage solutions. But I won't be held responsible for any subsequent obsessions relating to Men Suffering on Boats. It's a life-changing series and you'll just have to deal with the consequences of that yourselves.
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lokh · 1 year
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artofthero · 10 months
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bucklin' them swashes
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whatawonderart · 5 months
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Reposting this bc I was going through my old art and realized I never posted that third doodle pic here … I’ve been rewatching the holly pn2 vods at work and it’s been massaging my brain
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sosuigeneris · 11 days
why is being feminine seen as catering to patriarchy?
I enjoy putting on my make up, heels, I like looking good, I enjoy traditionally “feminine activities” like baking and cooking, I love a good gossip session with my girls, I’m empathetic and warm when I want to be, I can be very nurturing if I choose to be, I want kids someday and I want to be married. I can do all these things and still work my ass off in my business, close massive deals, be invited to speak for interviews, and conferences, be perceived as a leader without emulating alpha male behaviour.
By saying that doing feminine things caters to the male gaze and patriarchy, you’re putting women down. You’re inherently stating that being masculine is “correct” and “cool” and enjoying being feminine is “weak” and “vulnerable.”
oooooh buT YoUre doInG aLL tHiS fOr a MaN-
and even if I did, sometimes, do those things because I like a boy - what’s the issue?? If I’m invited on a date and I like him, and I want to look great, what’s the ISSUE? If he’s going to show up dressed well and groomed to look good for me, why won’t I? And if you’re going to choose to go out with a man who is an absolute dusty rat that doesn’t care about his appearance and hygiene, sorry but that’s on YOU. The first date might be a human error of judgement which happens, but going on a second date with said rat is unforgivable.
“meN aRe NeVeR subJecTed to tHesE stAndarDs”
by YOU. I sure hold men by the same standards that I hold myself. My standards are high. Just the way I hold myself to a certain standard, I hold men to the same. I’m not going to muck around with a guy who clearly does not meet my expectations. I’ve told off men for bad breath, bad manners, I ensure that my brothers and my closest guy friends are always looking good when needed, and I tell them when they do and don’t. I surround myself with good male friends I know I’d be ecstatic to marry my sister off to. Don’t pretend like your shitty low standards and mine are the same.
I don’t believe in blame game and low standards and it shows.
You guys really need to understand that it is alright to be multifaceted. Just because I enjoy baking doesn’t mean that I don’t like adventure sports, just because I enjoy doing my self care and meditation doesn’t mean I don’t understand politics and history and “Big Boy Subjects.” I may not enjoy F1 and sports but there are girls out there who do, and they also enjoy wearing dresses.
stop the unnecessary labelling and categorisation of people.
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gayforminatozaki · 5 months
sometimes men talk about twice and sometimes i throw up. idk about you but there’s a very clear correlation
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thefisherqueen · 5 months
Miss Morstan’s demeanor was as resolute and collected as ever. I endeavored to cheer and amuse her by reminiscences of my adventures in Afghanistan; but, to tell the truth, I was myself so excited at our situation and so curious as to our destination that my stories were slightly involved. To this day she declares that I told her one moving anecdote as to how a musket looked into my tent at the dead of night, and how I fired a double-barrelled tiger cub at it. At first I had some idea as to the direction in which we were driving; but soon, what with our pace, the fog, and my own limited knowledge of London, I lost my bearings, and knew nothing, save that we seemed to be going a very long way. Sherlock Holmes was never at fault, however, and he muttered the names as the cab rattled through squares and in and out by tortuous by-streets.
I don't know exactly why, but the image of Watson trying to impress miss Morstan by telling tall tales and Holmes meanwhile just sitting there, naming the streets and squares they are passing by, is very amusing to me
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ramblebramblefun · 19 days
Izuku bounces on his feet as Kacchan steps off the platform, unable to keep the smile off his face as red eyes catch sight of him. He waves, a tad manically.
"Kacchan!" He yells, ignoring the looks he gets. "Over here!"
Kacchan is followed over by several other, familiar looking people. A man that can only be Chargebolt leans forward.
"Oho! Who's this?"
"My pet stalker."
"Kacchan, that's not very nice," Izuku says absently.
Kacchan ruffles Izuku's hair with more force than necessary.
"I'm not very nice."
"That is true!" Chargebolt grins, stroking his chin faux-thoughtfully.
"So," Kacchan says next. "What's new in nerd-land?"
"Oh! Um, well... Did you read that paper I sent you?"
"That thing on fuckin' Freezerburn?"
"Yeah, about the indicators! Like how you've got your mom's skin-"
"I don't want to hear about my mom's skin." Kacchan groans.
Too bad.
"- Your mom's skin" Izuku continued, "as well as your quirk in your palms and-"
Izuku cuts himself off this time. Red Riot (his hair's not that bad, Kacchan) is waving his hand in the air like a student. So was the Alien Queen, with a shit-eating grin on her face, and then Chargebolt also started to flail about and nearly hit-
"Oh my god! Are you Cellophane?!"
"Not if he knows what's good for him." Kacchan mutters.
"It's an honour to meet you! I'm a big fan! I really loved what you did last week in that fight with Athenium- actually, um, wait, I think I have-"
He starts to rummage through his bag, but Kacchan is faster and snatches his notebook out with a hiss.
"No. They don't know you. We're not doing this."
"Kacchan." Izuku frowns.
Red Riot seems unable to contain himself any longer.
"Bakubro, who is this guy?" he shouts, at the same time as Alien Queen cheers.
"This must be that guy that Katsuki's always-"
Kacchan whirls around and slaps Izuku's notebook over her mouth, because he is an oaf with no respect for other people or their property. Izuku is what, Kacchan?
Whatever. Izuku brought extra notebooks today, just in case. He pulls one out, and a pen, and then Cellophane takes the pen? And Izuku's notebook? Oh, he's signing the notebook, that's nice of him.
"Here you go," Cellophane smiles, handing it back.
Izuku already has three Cellophane signatures that Kacchan mailed to him through Auntie, because Kacchan is the best but also weird, but this is cool too. Izuku will have to cut it out and paste it in his album later.
What he actually wants to know is-
"Um, what's your name? I can't call you Cellophane when you're on vacation..." He flips open to a new page, ready to start writing...
The silence stretches too long. He looks up to find Cellophane looking at him uncertainly.
"Actually..." Cellophane starts slowly-
"That's what we wanna ask you!" Chargebolt shouts excitedly, and then Kacchan steals Izuku's notebook, again, and his bag, and Izuku has more important things to worry about than social niceties.
"Bakugou Katsuki!" he screeches. "Get back here!"
He starts running after Kacchan, who must have lost his mind on the train ride over if he thinks Izuku is going to let him get away with this. He'll tell Auntie! He will!
Auntie will just laugh at him if Izuku tells her that Kacchan has taken up purse-snatching but she'll laugh at Kacchan too, and then Kacchan will be really annoyed, just like Izuku is right now, and he's taking up running as a hobby first thing tomorrow because he's tired now already and curse Kacchan's longer legs, Izuku is going to cut them off-
They leave the Bakusquad blinking in their dust.
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leviathanswingman · 9 months
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diavolo will never beat the gay allegations good for him good for him
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hexxxcapades · 1 year
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i just felt like drawing the old man
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elbiotipo · 4 months
I can't stand the "Cute Girls Doing Nothing" kind of anime or any other media, but I also can't stand a male-only cast (or worse, a cast with a couple of women characters written awfully). Can you be ...just... normal about your characters. Write them... like people...
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A lot of people really don’t care about men’s mental health just want to talk about the problem all day . They don’t want solutions
Ask for help and get resources stop coming up with excuses when presented the solutions .
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c0yotestories · 4 months
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Couldn't decide on wether or not to add the jacket so I did two versions !
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Two things that are simultaneously true:
1. Gender and sexuality are complex and can be fluid. An identity isn't always fixed and can change with time for many reasons
2. It is not acceptable to force others to change their gender or sexuality and the mantra that they (queer people) can change if they only "try hard" is both cruel and homophobia and/or transphobia
#queer#lgbt#lgbtq#homophobia#homophobia tw#transphobia#transphobia tw#when i first came out as trans i was told this story about how my dad's therapist had a lesbian client with homophobic parents...#...how her parents were *so close* to coming to terms with her lesbianism and she got a boyfriend and look! she changed so why couldn't you!#the thing that was so fucked up about that story was that it was presented as 'oh you don't know who you are! you'll change!'#and i was never listened to until i went 'so far' in my transness that changing was impractical...#...it never enforced that my sense of self is dynamic but that who i was is something to be 'fixed'#i think a lot of queer people are hostile to the idea of gender/sexuality fluidity because it's framed in such a way...#...that tells them that their queerness will eventually be 'cured'...#...so any notion of 'identity can be fluid' reads like 'your queerness is a flaw and a horrible thing'...#...but that's not the solution to people whose identity has fluctuated and changed...#...it isn't their fault that queerphobes latched onto them as 'case studies' to prove that queerness is curable...#...a queerphobe would latch onto ANYTHING in order to prevent you from living...#...'oh lesbians married men in order to protect themselves? why can't you do that?! why must you insist on marrying a woman?!'...#...that's an example of how they'd just latch onto something else if 'identity is dynamic' didn't exist#the context of 'identity is dynamic' is often one of the most important factors in if it is meant as queer-afirming or not ime
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gawrkin · 5 months
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What an interesting lady Morgause is.
She only wants what's best for her family, even if she chooses to side with a brother she barely knows over the husband she clearly loves and is pushing her sons to go to war, with everything that implies.
I sure hope she doesn't get demonized (flanderized) or something...
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