393 posts
Reese - 30 - she/her - probably 18+Hi there and welcome to my Sims blog! New Simblr, but not new TO simblr. It's been a few years, excuse me as I get things set up!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
thatsimreese · 3 hours ago
I had WAY too much fun making this lil clown unicorn...
Clowncorn? 🦄
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ok sorry im off to bed now hehe
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thatsimreese · 4 hours ago
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nighttime activities with jamie 🌕
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thatsimreese · 4 hours ago
omg literally saving the game lol
Rabid Rodent Fever Ghost Override
Requested by @nefarrilou. Those ghosts do indeed look less terrifying now!
This mod isn't really complex, it just overrides one buff and swaps out the others, so that these ghosts aren't wearing that rodent costume that's probably someone's sleep paralysis demon. Instead, they'll wear this cute shoulder hamster.
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You need Lot51's Core Library and @j3lly-fish's Hamster Accesory for this to work.
Enjoy, all!
[Simfileshare Download] | [Mod Masterpost] | [Send Weird Mod Requests]
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thatsimreese · 1 day ago
I see something cunty on my dash I put Morgyn in it, that is the law.
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Don't ask about the lack of pants, couldn't find any.
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thatsimreese · 1 day ago
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Willow Creek
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thatsimreese · 1 day ago
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👽⭐ Haven't you noticed that I'm a star?
I'm coming into view as the world is turning 🎵
Antenna - Hair - Earrings + Necklace - Top - Acc Sleeves - Nails - Skirt - Tail - Shoes
Thank you CC creators ❤❤❤ @gloomiegalaxie @sunivaa @strangegrapefruit @trillyke @joliebean @j3lly-fish @saruin
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thatsimreese · 2 days ago
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What does this Mean? No idea...
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thatsimreese · 2 days ago
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Run ~ Contemplate ~ Selfie!
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thatsimreese · 2 days ago
Friendly reminder that you should
Write that fic
Draw your OC
Redesign that blorbo
Plan that comic how you want
Create the content you want to see
Be cringe
Be free
The only thing that matters is you having fun! Not what others think!
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thatsimreese · 2 days ago
what we need to remember
Simblr is vast place, there is more simblrs than fishes in the ocean, You cannot please everyone, not everyone will like your sims, style, story of anything. Do not take it personally. There will also be those who love everything you post.
You don’t need to tolerate hate ! Don’t publish hateful, rude anons, talk it off simblr and block them, turn anon off and continue doing thins that give you happiness with you game or story.  Life is too precious to fight against the windmills of hateful anons, there is no other way to win than just completely ignore it all. 
Remember that this is a game we are playing, none of this is real it is all fiction. Let people be creative with their game how they want to be , it is not your business to be judging anyone.
Stop stalking and observing other’s blogs to find something that could be pointed on. Why not just enjoy the story legacy, if it not your style , not to your taste, don’t follow. There is lots of simblrs, you will find those you like. 
No one owes you anything, not  sims, not next part of their story, not answering wcifs not anything. This is a hobby, not anyone’s job. Harassing and pressing will make no one push put anything creative any faster. 
You cannot assume others will know everyone’s traumas or fears and tag them. If they didn’t tag that post of topless sim nsfw maybe they didn’t think it was necessary. Nudity is not same for everyone.If the blog says they are occasionally nsfw then don’t follow if you’re underage you are not one for bare pixels.
Have fun ! Do what you love with you game , it is your game, your blog , your story , do not let anyone tell you otherwise, you make the decisions, you write the story, You decided to share it with us. ♥ Thank you for that!
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thatsimreese · 3 days ago
Noted, will continue playing offline even though I just updated all my mods lol
So apparently kids get pregnant with the newest patch... Yeah I don't know either. EA what is u doing 😭 Edit: Examples from reddit! Credit to the redditors. Edit2: Apparently there's an article about it 🤣
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Also my queue might run out - I've not gotten to playing today because I've been doing home chores - my apartment desperately needs a cleanup.
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thatsimreese · 3 days ago
I've been watching/participating in the Inzoi AMA on their Discord tonight, y'all I am so excited for this game!!
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thatsimreese · 4 days ago
Going through it y'all.... If only life was as easy as The Sims 😢
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thatsimreese · 4 days ago
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Ready to embrace spring 🌸
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thatsimreese · 4 days ago
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Everyone who uses poses, makes poses, shares poses..
Can you please share around that we want to have EYELIDS fixed. 🙏
There is a new topic opened because the old one was buried deep due to the move to EA forums. So please upvote this new topic!
And we REALLY want EA to see it
Topic here:
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thatsimreese · 5 days ago
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These questions were asked by @memoirsofasim -- Thanks for asking me these questions/giving me these suggestions.
Originally I asked about what kind of videos I could maybe make on my Sims YouTube Channel, but I couldn't really wrap my mind around it in a way that the video wouldn't become confusing or drag on. So I decided to make a post about it instead. Anyway, here goes...
Note: I just wanted to mention these two things below for anyone who might worry about starting to write/story-tell, before I answered the questions. And also, this goes for any Sims Game not just the Sims 4.
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Write Without Fear
Remember to "Write Without Fear". What I mean by that is to develop a story based off of an idea that is your own. You can for sure look for inspiration (more on what will follow in this post), but the point is to not feel as if you have to tell a story someone else is already telling or you have to tell the story in the same way someone else is telling -- or that you must modify what you're writing in order to please someone else in fear of judgement.
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Write For Yourself
Remember to always "Write For Yourself" because at the end of the day, even if someone isn't reading along to your story, you're creating something that is satisfying some part of you. It could easily be something that you wish to read yourself, but can not find it in any medium (even outside of the Sims community) and so there's no where else to turn… except to yourself.
Question: How do I find plots for my stories?
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Reality / Dreams
Reality: Everyone has access to this. Whether it's lively, depressing, or somewhere between -- reality is reality.
Dreams: Sometimes you just remember your dreams and even if you can't remember the entire thing, there's something that sticks out to you that makes you remember it long after the dream. It could be something about their physical features, something you might have remembered they said, or even the colors within your dreams.
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Sims Jobs / Hobbies
Are your sims working a job that aligns with their greatest passions/hobbies or are they just working to pay their bills? It doesn't matter either way, but sometimes just knowing this small thing is enough to get you to think of what they would do in their spare time and who they would do them with. Would they become members in a club? Would they share their hobbies with their family members? Would they have any enemies that could possibly lead to competition?
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Spend Time With Your Sims
I don't mean in CAS. I mean literally turn your game on and put them on Free Will -- and watch them. See what object they interact with first or which Sim in their household they interact with first. See how they respond to Sims that randomly knock on their door (welcome wagon and all that jazz). Notice their experiences -- what makes them happy, what bothers them, what makes them angry. Also take notice to their speech bubbles.
Send them out into the world. Have them interact with other Sims or just place them on a public/community lot and see who they start talking to first. From there -- take notice to the speech bubbles from both your Sim and the Sim they're talking to. Take notice to your Sims mood while in conversation (or even while they're alone).
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Movies and TV -- Or Books
This one hits extremely close to my longest and on-going story because that's exactly where the main character came from -- a movie.
So much of my stories stem from some favorite character of mine or some favorite actor/actress of mine that play such and such a character in something from a million years ago or to the present day -- and everything literally in-between.
My thought when leaving them behind at the movies or after watching them in a movie at home is… how can I flesh this character out? How can I give them a better personality or extend their personality? How can I imagine what their lives are like outside of the worlds they were created in?
And there is how the story builds. One thing literally leads to another.
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If you write somewhere in a chapter that your Sim is crazy about grilled cheese sandwiches -- then that Sim is crazy about grilled cheese sandwiches. The only way they'll stop being in love with grilled cheese sandwiches is if they suddenly had something happen in their lives to make them change their opinions about it. Like they've aged up and gained the lactose intolerant trait. Now -- dairy will make your Sim terribly sick.
Remembering these little things makes your Sims differ from one another, but also allows you to flesh out their personalities and with doing that will open more opportunities.
This Sim may have loved cheese and not all dairy, but guess what? They can't have any dairy anymore. How are they going to survive? Well -- they'll have to change their lifestyle as far as what they choose to eat and with that will come the mental torment that they can't just go and eat cheese like they once used to be able to so now they're in a bad mood and they're terribly jealous of every Sim that can freely eat cheese as well as all the dairy they want…
And so they begin writing in their free time, to get all of their angry and saddened emotions down -- because it helps them with all of the mental stress.
And then they decide to publish their writings and suddenly -- the grill cheese loving Sim who wanted to open a Grill Cheese Shop is now an Award Winning Novelist instead.
Who will they meet along the way? Well -- they may very well fall in love with another Sim that may or may not be lactose intolerant. If they are they have a common ground and if they don't… there's going to be a lot of differences in food options between the two which will turn into food outings needing to be a place where there's both non-dairy and dairy items on the menu.
Make it make sense -- you know what I mean?
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Consider Occult Plotlines/Characters
When it's occult stories the themes usually deal with magic and fantasy and what not so I literally just make up things out of nowhere and make them make sense because it's so easy to explain something in the name of magic or fantasy. I can add whatever I want to their lives and their houses and come up with reasons for it which then lead into storylines.
That witch down the street decided she didn't want to work a real job, so she used magic to make her dream house.
Seems like a quick-telling story, but if you start to think on it more you'll think about how she's maintaining her dream home. Clearly -- she's probably an entitled personality type and even lazy, but is she someone who wants to live alone in her dream house? Will she marry? Will she have caretakers to do the gardening and the cleaning… or will she just use magic to handle all of that because she rather be left all alone?
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Question: How do you screencap for your story?
I usually know the plot before I take the screencaps, but sometimes I don't. Usually when I don't I end up taking a lot of screencaps that end up going nowhere but being deleted or they end up just as quick edits that I randomly post on my blog because the moment where I had a storyline or a new chapter I let completely pass me by (or it came out of nowhere because I turned my game on to just gameplay and suddenly everything started unfolding whether a Sim prompted me to create more chapters or because I just had something rush to me out of a moment of total imagination).
Still -- I try to remember that I have the ability to use words to continue the story just because I may not have a screencap available -- and that's okay, too.
This will help if you start paying more attention to the speech bubbles I mentioned above and would like more of a variety.
Diverse Speech/Thought Bubbles: here (CurseForge | modder: Sims 4 Me/bienchen)
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thatsimreese · 5 days ago
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I don't care if you build, gameplay, story tell, create custom content -- or all of the above. If you're over the age of 30 -- reblog!
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