bocadosdefilosofia · 2 years
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«A menudo se ha comparado a Sócrates con Jesús. Entre otras analogías, es muy cierto que tuvieron una inmensa influencia histórica cuando ejercieron su actividad en un espacio y un tiempo minúsculos con respecto a la historia del mundo: una pequeña ciudad o un pequeñísimo país, y que tuvieron un número muy reducido de discípulos. Ninguno de los dos escribió nada, pero tenemos acerca de ellos testimonios "oculares": sobre Sócrates, las Memorables de Jenofonte, los diálogos de Platón; sobre Jesús, los Evangelios; y, sin embargo, es muy difícil para nosotros definir con certeza lo que fueron tanto el Jesús histórico como el Sócrates histórico. Después de su muerte, sus discípulos fundaron escuelas para difundir su mensaje, pero esta vez las escuelas fundadas por los "socráticos" parecen mucho más diferentes las unas de las otras que los cristianismos primitivos, lo que permite adivinar la complejidad de la actitud socrática».
Pierre Hadot: ¿Qué es la filosofía antigua? Fondo de Cultura Económica, pág. 35. México, 1998.
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bryan360 · 2 years
Here’s to another memorable fanart taking out of Chowder scenes so far.
🥜Brown: Mhm. Though I would correct some quote that he added on “Schnitzel Quits”; where Chowder after eating cookies thrown by Panini. I think it was “good cookies, though.” Nevertheless, I’ll let that slide when checking his past fanart for Chowder; especially for that one good funny moment scene from the beginning of ”Burple Nurples”. At least to me. 🙂
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pemprika · 3 months
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a love so eternally bedeviled 🌏
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black-quadrant · 10 months
sometimes all you need is one passionate person who goes berserk for your work to keep you creating
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not-so-rosyyy · 11 months
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no idea if it's my hormones, what I've seen in the news lately, the weight of living the past few years, or just because it's Judi Dench...but this impromptu performance really made me cry for a good ten minutes, no kidding.
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nitw · 2 months
i've been waiting for gravity falls to become relevant again so i could share one of my favorite underrated bits from the entire show. like it's only episode 2 but this whole segment just makes me lose my shit. i think jason ritter's exasperated line delivery is what makes it
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deelovesbooks · 13 days
We all had fun with geography class now onto science! take this quiz to name as many elements as you can :) [edit: now with north american and british spelling]
obligatory rb for sample size <3
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raddestrose · 3 months
Shoutout to Shen Yuan the only man who actually read porn for the plot
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bumblebeebats · 11 months
I must say, as a non-american (who even LIVED in the US for several years), all these state polls really look to me like:
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bocadosdefilosofia · 2 months
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“Bien, pero es que claro está yo —dijo Aristipo— no me apunto tampoco para la esclavitud, sino que me parece que hay entre ésos como un camino medio, que es por el que intento yo guiar mis pasos, sin pasar ni por el mando ni por la servidumbre, sino por la libertad, que es la que más a la felicidad derecha lleva.” “¡Ah, ya! —dijo Sócrates—: si, lo mismo que el camino ese no pasa ni por el mando ni por la servidumbre, así tampoco pasa por entre los hombres, puede que tengas razón en eso; pero si es que, estando entre los hombres, no tienes a bien mandar ni ser mandado ni tampoco rendir a los que mandan pleitesía, bien sé que habrás de ver cómo los fuertes saben medios para, haciéndoles a los débiles mascar su pena, así en las relaciones entre pueblos como entre personas, servirse de ellos como esclavos. ¿O es que no tienes tú noticia de aquellos que, cuando otros han sembrado y han plantado, se dedican a arrasar los trigos y a talarles los planteles y a asediar por todas las maneras a los débiles que se negaban a servirles, hasta el punto de que los persuaden de querer mejor hacerse esclavos que tener guerra con los poderosos? Y asimismo entre personas, los valientes y poderosos, ¿no sabes cómo someten a servidumbre a los cobardes y desvalidos y se aprovechan de ellos?” “Bien, pues es precisamente —contestó él—, para no pasar por eso, que tampoco me encierro en comunidad alguna, sino que soy en todas partes forastero”.
Jenofonte: Recuerdos de Sócrates. Salvat Editores /Alianza Editorial, pág. 51. Madrid, 1971.
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gigizetz · 14 days
I can't tell if I need a Telemachus or a Athena in my life
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sprout-fics · 10 days
Fake dating AU with Kyle, who on a whim responds to an ad for a fake partner to convince you shitty and delusional ex boyfriend that you're no longer interested in him. His eyes fasten on the 'police or armed services experience a bonus' note at the bottom in curiosity.
He's not sure what he expects when he shows up for your first 'date' but is absolutely delighted to find a pretty bird like you in need of his...services.
You're blunt about the whole thing, stating what you do and don't want out of this. A 'date' once a week while he's home from deployment, some pictures together to post on social media, and being willing to run interference between you and your ex if he does show up.
When you hesitate, and nervously begin to discuss some form of compensation, Kyle waves you off with a charming smile that hides ulterior motives.
"Getting to spend time with a pretty girl like you is enough for me." He tells you, and watches the way you fiddle with the hem of your clothing shyly. Cute.
It works out. In fact, it works out a little too well. Your friends adore Kyle, charming and funny as he is. They constantly ask you about him, and Kyle is quick to ingratiate himself to you with carefully considered gestures. A coffee sent to your workplace just how you like it (How did he even find that out?) Showing up to tinker with your appliances when you complain about them to him, finding new places for you to try out on your 'dates' together, and even going so far as to post on his social media about 'his girl'.
It's hard not to fall for him. He's everything you want in a partner. Charming, considerate, kind, funny, gentle. Yet there's something about these gestures, his approach to you that sets off your fight or flight response. You sometimes wonder if Kyle ever remembers that you're only pretending.
Little do you know, Kyle's playing the long game. Slowly turning up the temperature so you don't notice. He'll smile and nod when you remind him you're just friends, even when you sit on his couch for a movie marathon as popcorn cooks in the microwave.
You just need a little more time, he thinks. You just need to learn what it's like to be treated properly by someone who respects you. He can be good, he can be patient.
After all, he's waited his entire life so far for someone as perfect as you.
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vampibutch · 3 months
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picking LINT off the SOFA????
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ladystoneboobs · 3 months
on this tully tuesday, fuck you ryan condal, i see what you're doing. merging kermit and oscar tully and killing off their dad elmo without even naming him, you're trying to hide the muppet-naming pattern by only including the more mundane names. people may have heard of the name grover elsewhere like nonconsective us president grover cleveland, and certainly would with oscar like oscar mayar, the baloney/weiner man, but if you hear the names elmo and/or kermit you're thinking muppets right away. smdh, if you can embrace the gothic horror of harrenhal, you should be able to embrace the whimsy of grrm naming his dance-era tullys after sesame street muppets.
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twisted-deal · 5 months
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Spreading my agenda that Ace Trappola might be the worst and best option for Heartslabyul's next housewarden
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snailianz · 1 month
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4-1 Turnabout Trump
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