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thedancingsoulblog · 9 years ago
How do you create breathing space? What is it that creates space for you to listen to your soul speaking to you? Check out my latest Periscope on creating breathing space. It's on periscope here https://www.periscope.tv/w/aKYLwDk1NTkxNzd8NjU2NzY4ODbFy0GZbOD9G0AFl81RtK2B9WCrclVMySJl2Aw2vpae3g== Or over on my blog at www.thedancingsoul.com/blog . . . I love to create breathing space by getting into my body. MELT Method is one way that helps me to create this soulful space. You can find me on Sunday mornings at Downtown Dance, and I have some great events coming up at @binduyogastudio Check out my schedule at The Dancing Soul and If you want to get a small group private together with friends or family, or you have a studio and want to host a MELT workshop, please don’t hesitate to contact me here to “GET IN YOUR BODY AND GET OUT OF PAIN” Love and Light “All that is necessary to awaken to yourself as the radiant emptiness of spirit is to stop seeking something more or better or different, and to turn your attention inward to the awake silence that you are.” ― Adyashanti #meltmethod #meltpalmbeach #meltedselfcare #spiritjunkie #carolinemyss #thedancingsoul #happiness #health #wellness #pilates #yoga #videoblogging #vlogging #periscope #breathingspace #soul #meditation #bliss #instalove #instafamily #entrepreneurs #sharingiscaring
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thedancingsoulblog · 9 years ago
Do you know why himalayan salt lamps rock? 😊😘☺️ Well, you can find out here in my latest Periscope! Just in case you are not on Periscope, go to my blog www.thedancingsoul.com/blog to see the full video. Otherwise, you can follow me on Periscope under the handle @dancingsoulblog ... See you there! 💛💛💛😁😁😁💛💛💛 Of course, a MELT Hand Treatment is in order after a live broadcast to rebalance the nervous system! 💙💙💙 I'll try a MELT Rebalance Sequence before the next Scope for calming my stage fright! Do something to step outside of your comfort zone today and notice how invigorated you feel after it is over. Pay attention to the empowerment that is present and if you choose, notice how it is centered in your solar plexus chakra. This is the area between your heart and your belly button. This is the home of Manipura - our seat of personal power, personality, self confidence, and responsibility. Today, ask yourself, what have I wanted to do for a long time that I have been procrastinating? Then, take a small step towards action! Let me know how it goes! I'll be behind you cheering you on! 👏👏👏👏👏👏💖💖💖💖💖 Love and Light, Tanya "Thinking will not overcome fear but action will." - W. Clement Stone #meltmethod #meltnation #meltpalmbeach #meltedselfcare #thedancingsoul #periscope #videoblogging #vlogging #selfcare #sharingiscaring #stepoutofyourcomfortzone #practice #instalove #pilates #yoga #wellness #grow #fear #faceyourfear #himalayansaltlamp #negativeions #moodenhancers #feelgood
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thedancingsoulblog · 9 years ago
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Well, I had to chill in a hammock at least one time before I fly out today! It will be a long 11 hour travel day for me as I head back to WPB at 12PM! I've had another AMAZING MELT training here at Red Mountain. Going to soak up some more MELTing before I head out, and I'm so stoked to begin moving this week! Looking forward to sharing my work with you and settling into my new apartment! Feeling blissful! ☺️ Love and Light! #meltmethod #meltnation #meltpalmbeach #meltedselfcare #meltforpilates #thedancingsoul #loveandlight #selfcare #training #travel #utah #westpalmbeachbound #westpalmbeach #florida #gratitude #bliss #continuingeducation #heart #instalove #instadaily #instalikes #inspiration #instafamily #relaxation #pilates #redmountainresortandspa #happiness #health #fascia #change
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thedancingsoulblog · 9 years ago
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It's official! I'm a level one MELT for Pilates practitioner! I couldn't be happier! I am so grateful for our amazing and inspiring teacher, Hallee Altman @hpitter, for my rockstar teacher and mentor, Sue Hitzmann @suehitzmann, and for our fabulous TA, Debbie Karch @debkarch, and last but not least, all the brilliant and compassionate women in our training! I feel as though I've been reintroduced to the original intention of Joseph Pilates beautiful work. Combined with MELT, the essence of this invaluable method shines bright! Feeling so blessed and even more excited than when I first began teaching Pilates over a decade ago! Now dinner and then horseback riding!! Love and Light! #meltmethod #meltnation #meltpalmbeach #meltedselfcare #meltforpilates #meltnewscience #movementismedicine #movementisalifestyle #thedancingsoul #therapeuticmovement #pilates #pilateslovers #pilatesinstructor #josephpilates #inspiringteachers #inspiration #loveandlight #passion #training #travel #bliss #bodynerd #bodywork #breathing #instadaily #instafamily #instahealth #instafitness #redmountainresortandspa #horsebackriding
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thedancingsoulblog · 9 years ago
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Day 1 is about to begin!! I'm such a movement and body nerd ... I'm excited just to get my training manual, and it hasn't even started yet! LOL! #bodynerd #movementnerd #science #sciencenerd #meltmethod #meltnation #meltpalmbeach #meltedselfcare #thedancingsoul #pilates #pilatesbody #pilateslovers #pilatesinstructor #meltforpilates #meltnewscience #travel #training #movementisalifestyle #movement #movementismedicine #movementisalifestyle #selfcare #selflove #therapeuticmovement #loveandlight #happiness
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thedancingsoulblog · 9 years ago
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My view till Sunday! Feeling so blessed! I made it to Red Mountain Resort! MELT for Pilates training starts tomorrow and I'm stoked! So tonight, a little R&R in calling ... Unpacked and off to do a much needed Hand and Foot treatment! Love and Light! #mountainviews #meltnation #meltpalmbeach #meltedselfcare #meltmethod #thedancingsoul #selfcare #selflove #rsd #crps #pain #passion #pilates #yoga #fitness #health #heart #utah #redmountainresortandspa #instadaily #instalikes #instafamily #instafollow #loveandlight #happiness #feet #hands #travel #wanderlust #continuingeducation
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thedancingsoulblog · 9 years ago
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I love Rib Side Bend! I'm running through my plan for my small group private tonight! This one frees up my breathing and allows my shoulders to feel lighter! How have you cared for your body today? Love and Light! #meltmethod #meltnation #meltpalmbeach #thedancingsoul #selfcare #selflove #fascia #rsd #crps #chronicpain #pain #painfreeliving #naturalpainrelief #breathing #breath #pilates #yoga #sports #wellness #instafamily #instahealth #instafitness #fitness #loveandlight #bliss #bodywork
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thedancingsoulblog · 10 years ago
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A little of my own MELT therapy before my first PT appointment this afternoon! With the hydration and neurostrength work my body is now set up for efficient and proper movement. A little MELTed tip: remember, the secret to a shear force is to wait! Connective tissue is like a sponge, we worked the fluid into the tissues by shearing, now we wait, like squeezing out the sponge so we can draw more fluid into it! Don't rush when you MELT, your worth the time it takes to do it correctly! Love and Light! #MELTedSelfCareforthesoul #MELTedtip #meltpalmbeach #meltdoesabodygood #melt #meltmethod #thedancingsoul #innerthigh #connectivetissue #fascia #neuropathways #stability #involuntarypathways #hydration #yoga #pilates #physicaltherapy #rehabingankle #ankle #PT #healingarts #instahealth #instafitness #selfcare #rootedcore
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thedancingsoulblog · 10 years ago
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MELT Neurostrength is a huge part of my healing process! Even now after I can walk without the crutches for the most part, there's a huge imbalance between the two leg lengths! I'm trying to wear a higher shoe on my right foot to even out with the boot plus not being able to articulate at the ankle, well needless to say can do a number on my body! I love how I feel more stable after the work!! Love and Light! "A little proactive self-care goes a long way towards living an active and pain free life." - Sue Hitzmann #meltmethod #MELTedSelfCareforthesoul #meltpalmbeach #thedancingsoul #suehitzmann #painfreeliving #naturalpainrelief #healingarts #healingbody #healingtakestime #loveandlight #lowbackpain #hippain #ankle #selfcare #fascia #Physicaltherapy #rsd #crps #inspiredyogi #inspiration #instafitness #instahealth
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thedancingsoulblog · 10 years ago
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Day 9 of #nourishwithyoga is a strengthening pose , and it is #​ParipurnaNavasana - #Boatpose ​I love​ ​Brene Brown and truly LOVE her research. S​he​ ​​has​ the conversations​ ​our society wants to skirt around - vulnerability,​ ​​blame, ​fear, shame,​ ​​and​ ​​how​ at the heart of wholeheartedness and true connection is the ability to make yourself vulnerable​ ​and​ ​​to ​allow your true self to be seen​ - ​to take off​ ​the ​armor that you wear​ ​​while around others​! ​​Uhm, did I say I love her? Oh yes, I did already . . . ​ ​​She​ ​​says shame​ ​and ​addiction, violence,​ ​depression, ​etc., are so intertwined they can't tell where one begins and one ends. When you shame someone for their behavior they will​ ​​most likely​​ ​engage in more of that behavior​. ​The person you just shamed, will likely have the self talk of, "I'm so stupid. I'm so worthless,​ ​I always do this" . . . etc. So today, I wonder what would happen to our relationships, every form they come in , if we actually show​​ ​up​,​ allow ourselves to be completely vulnerable​, and to be seen, truly seen with all our flaws and all​.​ I believe the more comfortable we are with ourselves, the less likely we are to want others to feel uncomfortable with themselves! ​ ​Lets be the change we wish to see in the world! Love and Light! ​ ​​“We live in a world where most people still subscribe to the belief that shame is a good tool for keeping people in line. Not only is this wrong, but it’s dangerous. Shame is highly correlated with addiction, violence, aggression, depression, eating disorders, and bullying.” ― Brené Brown, Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead​ ​ Namaste to ​the hosts​ @momwhatsfordinner @sandra_thornburg​ ​@paisleyanneyoga and sponsors @karmaladesigns @shencreations @lineagewear @lunajaiathletic@glowgirlfitness @indolovejewelry @rebelaffair@barefootyoga #yoga #yogi #yogini #yogaheart #yogamedicine #yogapractice #yogisofinstagram #yogaeverydamnday #thedancingsoul #meltpalmbeach #happiness #heartandsoul #healing #painfreeliving #naturalpainrelief #soulbeautiful #vulnerability #compassion #brenebrown #breathingspace
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thedancingsoulblog · 10 years ago
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​"GET IN YOUR BODY GET OUT OF PAIN GET MELTED" One of my favorite things about MELT is it gives us permission to go inside, to get out of our head, and connect to what our body is trying to communicate to us​. When you heighten your Body Sense, you actually alter the way your body functions, and you will become super savvy at this consistent and reliable dialogue! So what are you waiting for .... GET MELTED! Go to http://www.meltmethod.com/finder to find a TRAINED MELT Teacher and Workshop/Class near you! Your body will thank you for it! Love and Light! #meltnerd #meltmethod #meltwithme #meltpalmbeach #MELTedSelfCare #meltdoesabodygood #RSD #crps #thedancingsoul #arthritis #fibromyalgia #headaches #backaches #inspiredyogis #movementmedicine #happiness #selfcare #selflove #selfcarerx #practicedaily #breathe #inspiredyogis #yogisofinstagram
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thedancingsoulblog · 10 years ago
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MELTed​ ​Self​-​Care Challenge Day 6: Calf Glide and Shear (Calves) Snap a pic of the MELT Calf Glide and Shear from the Lower Body Compression Sequence or your favorite calf stretch! ​I love the calf work. It's always been an area of restriction for me, so I pay special attention to them. Take note if you are more sensitive in the lower area of the calf than the upper . . . this could be indicative of hip instability. The MELT NeuroStrength work is briliant for stabilizing the joints and improving muscle timing! Happy Calves = Happy Girl!! ​ One way to rehydrate connective tissue and reduce the sticky spots or barriers in your tissue is through gentle compression moves like the MELT calf glide and shear. The calves are an important area to address, because they play such an important role in functional movement. When our calves are stuck, it’s harder on our hips, knees and back to access good squatting and walking mechanics. Regularly opening your calves will make daily motions more efficient with less stress on your joints! Tag #MELTedSelfCare and @indigokinetics and @thedancingsoul ​For my local peeps use hashtag #meltpalmbeach​
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thedancingsoulblog · 10 years ago
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MELTed Self-Care Challenge Day 5: 3D Breath Breakdown (Diaphragm) Snap a pic of the 3D Breath from the MELT Rebalance Sequence or your favorite breathing/meditation exercise! ​I LOVE the Rebalance sequence, which is where the 3D breath is done in MELT! We are encouraging more mobility to the 3 dimensional movement of our Diaphragm, which is like the conductor of our nervous system. This sequence helps to rebalance the stress reflexes, helps to maintain optimal organ function and gut support. Remember, the connective tissue is supporting EVERYTHING inside of you, so treat it and you can improve the overall function of your body's systems! ​ Did you know that your diaphragm is more than a breathing muscle? With every breath you take it works with the pelvic floor and deep core muscles to protect and support your spine. Sometimes our diaphragm can become inhibited or sticky around the rib wall. We love the MELT rebalance sequence, because it restores proper diaphragmatic function and also helps our body gain a better sense of where we are in space. It also helps us tap into our parasympathetic nervous system for better stress regulation. What’s your favorite way to find your breath? ​Don't forget to check out my co hosts expression over at @indigokinetics ​ Tag #MELTedSelfCare and @indigokinetics and @thedancingsoul. ​For local peeps use #meltpalmbeach Love and Light! ​ #loveandlight #RSD #crps #meltmethod #suehitzmann #instalove #instahappy #instahealth #instagramchallenges #instalife #yoga #yogisofinstagram #yogaeverydamnday #yogaheart #selfcare #selflove #selfcarechallenge #meditate #meditationsoul #heartandsoul #igyogafamily #instafitness
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thedancingsoulblog · 10 years ago
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MELTedSelfCare Challenge Day 2: MELT Hand Treatment (Hands) I LOVE the MELT hand treatment. Its so lovely to do after I've been working a lot on the computer - it helps to clear out the congestion in my arm lines. I also always do it before dance or yoga so my body has better communication at a neurological level! Hands are a the place to start if you have neck pain. What do you love about the hands and how do you care for yours? Be sure to check out my co hosts expression for day 1 @indigokinetics 😍 Use hashtag #MELTedSelfCare, and tag myself @thedancingsouland @indigokinetics. For my local peeps use #meltpalmbeach Snap a pic of the MELT Hand Treatment or your favorite hand/wrist stretch! It’s easy to take our hands for granted, but we use them for everything from small tasks like typing to larger tasks like carrying our little ones and supporting ourselves in advanced moves like handstands and backbends. Since the hands have so many nerve endings, when we treat them, we can indirectly create positive change in other areas of the body like the mid back, shoulders and neck. We LOVE the hand treatment (and hope you do too!), but what’s your favorite way to give your hands a little TLC? Love and Light, Tanya #‎meltwithme‬ ‪#‎meltdoesabodygood‬ ‪‬ ‪#‎thedancingsoul ‪#‎meltmethod‬ ‪#‎suehitzmann‬ #‎yogisofinstagram‬ ‪#‎yogapractice‬ ‪#‎yogalife‬ ‪#‎yogagram‬ ‪#‎yogafun‬ ‪#‎yogini‬ ‪#‎yogi‬‪ #‎yoga‬ ‪#‎instagramers‬ ‪#‎inspiredyogis‬ ‪#‎igyogacommunity‬ ‪#‎igyogafamily ‬‪#‎instafitness‬ ‬ ‪#‎igyoga‬ ‪#‎selfcare‬ ‪#selflove #‎palmbeachyoga‬ ‪#‎palmbeachfitness‬ #westpalmbeach #instadaily #igchallenges #instafamily
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thedancingsoulblog · 10 years ago
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Day 1 is finally here!! I have two favorites ... My Dancing Soul mug for my hot lemon water every morning BEFORE my food or cup of coffee! Go ahead, look up why it's so good for you ... Too many ways to put on here, but your body will thank you!! Second is one of my glass water bottles. I never leave home without one! Good for me and the environment!! Be sure to check out my co hosts expression for day 1 @indigokinetics ... Keep in mind she's west coast time 😍 Use hashtag #MELTedSelfCare, and tag myself @thedancingsoul and @indigokinetics. For local peeps use #meltpalmbeach Love and Light, Tanya MELTedSelfCare Challenge Day 1: Get Hydrated Snap a pic of your favorite drinking receptacle! We all know that being hydrated is SUPER important. It allows for better metabolism, improved energy and can even brighten your skin! For optimal hydration, worry less about drinking larger volumes of water and more about sipping it frequently throughout the day. Tag #MELTedSelfCare and@indigokinetics and @thedancingsoul ‪#‎meltwithme‬ ‪#‎meltdoesabodygood‬ ‪‬ ‪#‎thedancingsoul ‪#‎meltmethod‬ ‪#‎suehitzmann‬ #‎yogisofinstagram‬ ‪#‎yogapractice‬ ‪#‎yogalife‬ ‪#‎yogagram‬ ‪#‎yogafun‬ ‪#‎yogini‬ ‪#‎yogi‬‪ #‎yoga‬ ‪#‎instagramers‬ ‪#‎inspiredyogis‬ ‪ #‎igyogacommunity‬ ‪#‎igyogafamily‬‪#‎instafitness‬ ‪#‎instadaily‬ ‪#‎igyoga‬ ‪#‎selfcare‬ ‪#self love #‎palmbeachyoga‬ ‪#‎palmbeachfitness‬ #westpalmbeach
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thedancingsoulblog · 10 years ago
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After MELTing my small corner from Boca to Palm Beach, and making some great connections today, its time to treat my own body to some TLC! I gained a new client today that has the same chronic pain disorder my mother had (she learned about MELT from the Nightline segment and contacted me), and its only too cool that its my second one now. I know my mom is at work guiding me to help as many people as I can to not suffer as she did. Thanks Mom! I love you like the universe! Love and Light! ​ #meltwithme #meltdoesabodygood #meltpalmbeach​ ​#thedancingsoul​ #meltnation #meltmethod ​#yogaeverydamnday #yogachallenge #yogisofinstagram​ ​#yogaforeveryone #yogaeverywhere #yogapractice​ ​#yogalife #yogagram #yogini #yogi #yoga​ ​#instagramers #inspiredyogis #igyogacommunity​ ​#igyogafamily #instafitness #instadaily #igdance​ #connectivetissue #fascia#painfreelivingpalmbeach ​
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