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Movement #1
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Friday March 31st!🌙🌞✨ Exploring the lyrical body & Music made through experiencing the muse Inviting you for a blended story of improvisation, poetry, dance, and absolute presence ••••••• #atlantamusic #atlantapoetry #atlantadance #improvdance #improvmusic #multimediaart #multimedia #poetrycommunity #atlantaspokenword #spokenword #spokenwordpoetry #rhythmic #somatic #movementmedicine #movementmeditation #vocalist #atlantasinger #liveband #atlanta #atlnightlife #atlantanights #undergroundatlanta (at Underground Atlanta) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqcJkZLg2m2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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(via M A R A 🌞 | Yoga Teacher on Instagram: "open heart & open eyes ✨ . . . . . . #yogaflows #yogavideo #backbends #heartopener #wheelpose #wheelvariation #mindfulm… || Curated with love by yogadaily)
#yogaflows#yogavideo#backbends#heartopener#wheelpose#wheelvariation#mindfulmoment#mindfulmovement#yogateachers#aloyoga#yogaoutdoors#yogaitalia#ukyoga#movementmedicine".#ekapadaurdhvadharunasana#yogadeck#yoga#yogi#yogini#yoga poses#yoga pose#yogapose#yogaposes#asana#asanas#yogainspiration#yogamotivation#yogadaily#yogaaesthetic#aesthetic
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Esse é um dos vídeos mais surreais que eu já postei por aqui. Poderia muito bem ser uma cena de um filme de efeitos especiais, mas é a realidade. @choodumaria e @quentingreco arrasando num duo sensacional! Deixe nos comentários qual o seu nível de surpresa com esse truque, de 0 a 10. O meu é 10, sem dúvidas. (Enviado pela @lisageorgievna - obrigado pela dica!) #malabarizese #juggling #jugglersofinstagram #acro #makingtheimpossiblepossible #circus #circo #malabarismo #malabares #ija #pratiquemovimento #movementculture #movementmedicine #art #makegoodart #radical #radicalsports #extreme #extremecircus #flic #flicflac #maisquearte #aprendamalabarismo #malabaresparatodos https://www.instagram.com/p/B_xF61dASbi/?igshid=r9hgxqzq9szp
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Week 7 of running. . I have straight up HATED running my whole life. I hated it because I was trying to force it. To run further than felt comfortable, to run faster than felt comfortable. . What if instead of constantly pushing for more we were just grateful to ourselves for showing up and let the magic happen organically? . I ran 5 miles last weekend which I honestly would never have thought possible. I didn’t set out to do it, I just set out to run for an hour and see what happened. . What happened was magic. My effort over time paid off. My body did what it was born to do. Move. I didn’t force my breath, I didn’t chase a distance or speed, I just showed up. . Where can you soften? Where can you show up just for the sake of showing up? . #runningonom . . . #practiceoverperfection #progressoverperfect #progressoverperfection #movementculture #selflovejourney #runningmotivation #running #runningcommunity #movementmedicine #runninggirl #sweatybetty #lululemonleggings #sweatlife #newbalance #girlsbestfriend🐶 #lifecoachforwomen #anxietycoach #lifecoach (at Denver, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Qe3u-Db2g/?igshid=10mxvlcuiyeco
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.:. Wild woman – do not be afraid to dance alone. (the earth has been waiting for you) ~ April Green 🧡
#nataraja#movementmeditation#cosmicdancer#intuitivemovement#danceflow#wildwoman#divinefeminine#kundalini#creativeflow#heartspace#ofearthandlight#movementmedicine#my photos
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✨Capturing the capture✨ . Yesterday @topopino and @toad_hill went on a five hour adventure on bikes🚴🏼♀️🚴🏻♂️ Started with monarch 🦋s, hummingbirds, mountain views, dreaming up future plans for Chatham NH, cheers’ed over tacos and beers @sacoriverbrewing and then had a pre-birthday party all evening. 🍻 . What a blast 🥳 . . . #sundayspecial #cyclista #igersnh #newengland_igers #castellicycling #whitemountains #joyride #fitnessjourney #mindfulliving #summervibes #movementmedicine #cyclethewhites #thewaylifeshouldbe #healthcoach #mindbodygram #wellnesscoach #castelligirl #optoutside #garmin #risetoride #trekgirl #peloton #womenwhoride #fitnessjunkie #healthylifestyle . 📸 by @toad_hill (at North Fryeburg, Maine) https://www.instagram.com/p/B147W1BAQMK/?igshid=1kssgnrl1nbfy
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Are you experiencing any of these? ♦️Chronic Pain in the arm, neck, or shoulder ♦️pins and needles or reduced sensation of touch ♦️sensitivity of the fingers, headache, muscle weakness, or swelling. 🔥 Common causes of thoracic outlet syndrome can include physical trauma from a car accident, repetitive injuries from job or sports-related activities and certain anatomical defects. ♦️ This 20 minute #SportYoga flow addresses and releases the constricted blood vessels and nerves while #stretching and #strengthening the attached musculature🙏 Come into the @sportyogaspot for a class or find me online @goburnalong 💪💪#healyourself #yoga #functionalmedicine #movementmedicine #stretchandstrengthen #baseballconditioning #tommyjohnsurgery #prehabnotrehab (at Sport Yoga Lady) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bypny0ansMv/?igshid=g6qnxrtev38e
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I've allowed being busy with writing another cookbook to let me neglect my yoga practice 😬 I haven't been able to make it to class except a handful of times the last 2 months and I've struggled to make the time for my home practice. This is the first headstand I've done in prob 2 months and while I see (and felt) that my form has suffered I am SO GLAD I got on my mat today. Even a 15-20 min routine is better than nothing and has such a positive impact! Inverted postures especially are so helpful for me when I'm feeling stuck or agitated. If you're not a yogi it may surprise you that shoulderstand and plough and especially pinched ear pose (swipe for 2nd video) are all so very calming and are great to do in the evening. Do you have a yoga practice? Tell me about it!🧘🏻♀️And if you want to know more about mine check my IGTV video about it! - #headstandpractice #shoulderstand #movementmedicine #inversions #omshanti #memphisyoga #stressmanagement (at Memphis, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxi7poMAydD/?igshid=1mii0yx4dh5ew
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Wait for the dab . . . __________________ #cork #dab #tricking #movementmedicine (ved Norges idrettshøgskole) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtfzKIxC1q_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1sc5zm9h0fi8t
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The double helix The twisted ladder structure “This remarkably clever structure, involving two complementary strands of DNA that each provide the template for making the other strand, provided a key insight about how it was that DNA could serve as the information molecule of all living systems.” -Dr Eric Green I feel like there’s a profound parallel to movement in that quote about DNA, and an importance to our shape and locomotion. Background drafting image from @rafaelaraujo1618 brilliance, best drafter I’ve ever seen #coil #coiling #spiraling #spirals #spiral #spiralline #fascia #fascial #myofascialmeridians #anewlook #adaptablepolarity #dna #doublehelix #powerofthecoil #locomotion #movementismedicine #movementmedicine #movementmeditation https://www.instagram.com/p/CmrS5S0rEkQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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MOVEMENT✴︎MEDITATION (踊る音瞑想WS) danceや踊りなど初心者の方もご参加いただけます☺️ @u.mi.ta.ma.an YUKO OPAL + @kenji_amuza kenjiくん+ @wuma1 ウマくんのトリオ編成で お届けいたします✨☺️✨ ✨✨✨シンプルでゆっくりゆったりとした動作の中で我を溶かし〜からだ〜こころ〜たましいを調和させ、森羅万象と一体化してゆく心地よさを全員で体感するような時間をみんなで創りましょう✨✨✨ グラウンディング力を強化し、 呼吸も深くなってゆくことでしょう✨☺️✨ dance��する、踊るということへのハードルがさがり、 日常の動作もしなやかになることへ繋がります🧡❤️💚💙 ✨2022年12月19日(月) ✨13時30分〜16時 ✨WS会費6,000yen ✨集合場所は、秋谷うみたま庵 ✨開催場所は、晴れたら秋谷海岸にて、 雨の場合はCrystal Domeにてをイメージしています🔮 🌿WS導き手のご案内🌿 @wuma1 ✴︎武馬壱 (舞踊家 / 忍者 / 心体表現家) 様々なレベルでの『コネクト』をテーマに踊る。Musicやfashionに始まり、Martial Arts、Dance、C.IなどあらゆるARTの道を歩み、現在は『感じたまま』を体現するインプロ表現をメインに活動中。 自身がクリエイトした『GROUND ART (GART)』の構築の過程には、幾度となく繰り返された怪我や最近の皮膚トラブルからの学びの影響がある。この過程を経た今、非言語コミュニケーションを介して心身ともに健康になる踊りを追求しながら自身のWSなどでGARTメソッドを提供している。 ありのままに感じ、受け入れた先に起こるシンクロ。思考を超え、本来の人間の身体性を呼び覚ますプロセスをともに楽しみましょう。 @kenji_amuza ✴︎Kenji Azuma 2017年よりアンビエントを中心とした音楽活動開始。 Steel tongue drum を片手にオーストラリア原住民の村を巡り、自然界との調和の音を学ぶ。 その後、海外各地での演奏、サウンドバスワークショップ等の活動を経て、現在はネイチャーサウンドアーティストとしてヨガイベント、カフェやホール等で演奏している。 主な楽器はSteel tongue drum、Hand Pan 、Kalimba、Drone Synthesizer 、Pianoなど。 雨音、波音、鳥の鳴き声などを表現し、その空間に適した癒しの音を奏でている。 @u.mi.ta.ma.an ✴︎YUKO OPAL 10代の終わりから舞台に立ち、 様々な国の、様々な年代の音楽に影響を受け 原始から電子まで幅広く愛する🤍 特にRoots Music伝統音楽(ルーツミュージッ���)人々が古来から暮らしの中で、大自然の中の生命の繋がり全体として響きあい 歌い奏で踊り、祈りとともに受け継がれてきた音から沢山のひらめきを授かり、降りてきたインスピレーションに導かれて即興で唄う今現在のスタイルが生まれている◯ 音としての声で遊ぶ宇宙から、歌詞のある唄の世界観まで、 森羅万象を自由自在に遊泳することを愛する◯ 大地と繋がり天へと声を放ってゆくVoice Lesson〜声のWS〜講師活動や、宇宙的音響体験Crystal Dome Akiya うみたま庵も日々宇宙ピピピ運営中◯ #umitamaan #うみたま庵 #yukoopal #kenjiazuma #武馬壱 #movementmedicine #movementmeditation #soundmeditation #soundmedicine #soundbath #soundbathmeditation #忍ばない忍者 #GROUNDART #踊り #ninjutsu #ninja #dance #experimentaldance #contactimpro #isolationdance #contemporarydance #コンテンポラリーダンス #忍者 #connectdance #contactdance #グランディング https://www.instagram.com/p/CmPTfW_SGF4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Flinging things around like a #boomerang #pilates #pilatesbody #movementmedicine (at World Gym Wantagh) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsrPeVknEZ3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ftf6quqqav57
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Some days when I get too tired and take a rest day, or two, from the gym, what always gets me back into it is seeing my nerdy shirts and stick of my favorite pre workout. 😂 but the shirts always get me more ready when I get ready right off the bed. How do you all get ready for the gym? 🙃 On that note: If you need a good pre-workout, try Bucked Up and I know you will love their flavors and products. Definitely helps during my longer days of working out. Peep the discount code if you’re interested. 👍🏻 Bucked Up Ambassador code for 20% off: f1471b #buckedupambassador #buckedup #exercise #workout #movement #movementculture #movementismedicine #movementmedicine #move #moveyourbody #drohsie https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl_cP6-r8Hk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Join us for a free Heart Dance Meditation intro workshop at Mind Body Spirit Fesival, Birmingham NEC this Friday. All you need is an open mind or an open heart. (And entrance to the festival) 🔆 @yogisaffi 🙌🏽 @acroyogacoach 💫 @mbswellbeing #heartdancemeditation #connection #movementmedicine (at NEC Birmingham) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkF-nR2jwjx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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My 2018 goal was to touch these orange routes. . My 2019 goal was to get more comfortable on them. I started and sent this one in one day. I’d say #goalaccomplished 💪🏼 😜 . It’s amazing what happens when you consistently show up for yourself. Feel free to watch until the end to see my pride and joy beaming out my face. . . . #boulderingbabes #boulderinggym #bouldering #climbinggirls #climbinggirl #climbinglife #climb #climblikeagirl #movementculture #movement #movementismedicine #movementmedicine #consistencyiskey #consistencymatters #habits (at Movement Climbing and Fitness) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1w081OndFf/?igshid=1v8fevtcz4dci
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