#melody daughter of ariel and eric
hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Melody of Atlantica headcanons revamped;
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Melody's full name is Melody Athena Athanasiou of Tirulia.
She is Ariel and Eric's daughter.
She has two sisters—a girl named 'Elle' who her parents adopted after hearing the young girl was abandoned after she lost the ability to walk, and a little girl named 'Harmony.'
She is the 3rd oldest grandchild—right behind the two kids Alex (her now ex) was friends with in the movie (who I've named Cordelia and Míngźe).
She advised Arabella, Elle, and all of her godly cousins around the vks' age to be nice to them when she heard they were coming to Auradon.
She is the 2nd oldest Ak, right after Chip and just beat Zephyr in being born.
She is a daddy's girl and often doesn't see eye to eye with her mother, who she loves very much.
She never grows out of the tomboy phase.
She is one of the oldest 'aks'.
She didn't have many friends growing up but clicked with Zephyr, Jane, Jim, and Chip immediately when she met them and became their bestfriend.
She has a puppy named 'Maxie.'
When she was going to Auradon Prep, she got in trouble alot because of her rebellious streak.
She is an environmental activist and a vegetarian.
Melody is a good artist (when it comes to Marine life and sea related things) and a champ at building sea castles.
She loves sunbathing, reading, treasure hunting, urban exploring, sailing, sword fighting, painting, collages, old music, water sports, vintage things, learning languages, and learning about different cultures.
She's bad at dancing.
Melody is dating Zephyr and is still friends with her ex, Alex.
She studied Marine Biology while in college as well as languages—She knows 14 of them. She loves translating for people.
She vandalized Beast's castle as well as the castle and house of everyone who supported the isle several times growing up.
She has bad social anxiety and social skills, leading her to be a bit blunt at times.
She jokingly formed a club called 'The social anxiety club ' in Auradon Prep. It stuck. As did her activitism club.
She dated a pirate wannabe once—Eric and Ariel were not amused. Triton lost it.
Melody has a few tattoos and loves collecting sea shells.
She lives with Zephyr, Chip, Jim, and Jane in a house by the sea with their pets.
She also loves silly bands, slap bracelets, water balloons, and water guns. She has sprayed King Beast in the face with a water gun several times. Along with Mr Deley.
She loves Stargazing and collects sea shells.
She calls Mrs. Potts, Madellaine, and Esmeralda her aunts/aunties, and Phoebus and Quasimodo her uncles.
She is allergic to Coral and jellyfish.
She loves mushrooms and seaweed. She said what she said and she has no regrets.
Her favorite cousin is Hadie with Uma being a close second.
She was ready to throw hands with Mal when she found out what she did to Uma.
She was the first of her family to welcome Uma, her siblings, and her cousin to Auradon without any reservations.
She thinks the magic ban is stupid and has protested it several times.
She is a wild child but well-mannered and friendly.
Her favorite band in Notre Dame is the same as Zephyr's, Noir Désir.
Her favorite band in Auradon is the Sea bears.
She is 24 by d1.
Melody's favorite colors are green, pink, and yellow.
She is very protective of the younger kids in her family—especially Hadie, Edie, Harmony and Elle since they are the youngest of the family.
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riseofamediocregemini · 4 months
Descendants Character Fancast
Navia Robinson as Melody Neptune daughter of Princess Ariel and Prince Eric
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Happy 24th Anniversary to The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea
Everyone, today marks the 24th anniversary of...
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The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea since it came out on Disney VHS and DVD!
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It already has been 24 years since we got to see Ariel and Eric's daughter, the child born of sea and shore...
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Princess Melody on her adventure dreaming of life under the sea, for a moment.
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That is, until Ursula's crazy (and jealous) sister, Morgana used Melody to steal her grandfather, King Triton's trident to rule the seas.
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But with help from her new friends, Titanic Tip and his trust sidekick, the Daring Dash, Melody was able to bring land and sea together again.
Tagged by: @hoshi-neko-hikari, @the-world-hopper, @spirits-of-nature16, @bluemajingirl, @keysofthekingdom, @heartscatcher, @daringtosing, @fins-and-feet, @themultiverseheroines
This will be an open roleplay starter for Melody, Ariel, Eric, Flounder, Tip and Dash. Today only!
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I don't understand why TLM 2 tried so hard to emphasize and clarify how much Ariel is like her mother in terms of personality when she is, in the movie, quite frankly, written to be more like Eric in character. She was really primarily introverted, shy, awkward, tomboyish, mild-mannered and more serious, which is more like her father. I guess it was her impulsive, curious, rebellious and reckless nature that made the characters in the movie go, "Ow, she is so like her mother!", but I don't know, whenever I see Melody, I see her as closer to her dad. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who sees it this way. I don't believe for one second that NO ONE in that universe was able to notice the similarities she had with her father. C'mon, she even has his doggone smile! 😂
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riveramorylunar · 2 years
𝔅𝔢𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔅𝔢𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤
Series Masterlist (Chapter 1)
Pairings: Ariel x Eric, Ariel x Reader (Mother), Prince Eric x Reader(Father), Flounder(Human) x Reader (Platonic), Sebastian(Human) x Reader (Platonic)
Warnings ⚠️: Not really any just fluff
Pet Names/Nicknames: Sweetie & Dear
Word Count: 2,609
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Y/N was a shy girl the only people she talked to were her mother, father, sister, Flounder, Sebastian and Scuttle. The only ones that she was closest with were Flounder, Sebastian and Scuttle because they knew most of the stuff her parents and sister didn't. Like how she was a lesbian and liked older woman. But of course her parents knew ever since she was little she'd always say how pretty the women were in dresses or suits but never the men. Her parents wanted to come out on her own time though. She had beautiful red hair like her mother and the most beautiful light teal eyes. Unlike her mother she had a black and white tail instead of a green one. It was the day before her birthday and she was really excited since the next day after tomorrow she would be leaving to go to the school for good and evil. She was turning 18 tomorrow which meant she would be crowned princess at her party. Her mother Ariel was handing down her crown that her mother Queen Athena gave her when she was crowned princess.
Y/N was sitting near the ocean with her feet in the water. Her grandfather King Triton had made a special amulet for her letting her turn into a Mermaid and back into a human whenever she wanted to. She was reading one of her favorite books. Her mother Ariel was watching from afar while smiling as she watched her oldest daughter. Max the dog was prancing around Ariel making her chuckle. After a few minutes Ariel spoke up. "Go on boy go get her" she said and Max ran off occasionally hoping until he reached Y/N. Y/N had looked up when she saw Max standing beside her. "Hello max" Y/N said as she scratched under his ear causing him to pant. Y/N looked over to see her mother standing a few feet away. "It's lunch time already huh" Y/N asked Max and he nodded making her smile. She stood up and brushed off the dress she was wearing. "Come on then" she said as she walked to her mother who was slightly shorter. "God it looks like you've grown even more since I saw you last" Ariel said as she looked up at her daughter. "Mama I didn't grow maybe you just got shorter" Y/N said causing her mother to gasp before smacking her arm causing the two to break out into laughter.
They linked arms before heading back towards the castle. "Are you ready for the big day tomorrow sweetie" Ariel said as she looked at her daughter. "Yeah but I'm a bit nervous you know with all of the people I don't really know coming from different kingdoms" Y/N said causing Ariel to smile softly. "That's completely fine just know I'll be here for you and so will your father and sister" Ariel said making Y/N smile. "Everyone will" Ariel added as they walked up to steps to the castle. "Thank you mama" Y/N said as she rested her head on her mother's shoulder. They walked into the castle and everyone greeted them as they walked by. Max had run ahead almost tripping everyone that was getting the party ready. "GET OUT YOU RASCALS" someone shouted right before the kitchen door opened. Flounder, Sebastian and Melody all ran out giggling while holding stuff in their hands. "What's going on" Y/N said and the three of them stopped and looked over to see her and Ariel looking at them. "Oh you guys are back" Flounder said as they hid the stuff behind their backs. Y/N looked at her mother with a raised eyebrow and she looked back. She let go of her mother before walking towards the three of them. "RUN" Sebastian shouted and they dashed off as Y/N chased after them followed by Max. They ran through the halls of the castle as they giggled and laughed. "MELODY HURRY UP OR YOUR GONNA GET CAUGHT" Flounder shouted back to melody who was a couple feet away from them. Before Melody could go faster she was swooped up by Y/N who started tickling her. "Gotcha" Y/N said as Melody squirmed and giggled loudly. She dropped the stuff that was in her hands to the ground making Y/N smile. "So you stole some jelly tarts from the baker huh" Y/N questioned as the other two rushed over.
Y/N pulled away from Melody before standing up and helping her sister up. "You know I used to steal the jelly tarts all the time when I was little" Y/N said making Melody look up at her. "You did" Melody asked and Y/N smiled as she nodded her head. "Used to steal them with Max I'd always get on his back before he ran off while I carried the jelly tarts in my hands" Y/N said and Melody giggled. "Those were some fun times" Sebastian said and Flounder nodded. "They sure were" he said as Y/N smiled. "Come on let's go have lunch" Y/N said taking her sister's hand before heading to the dining hall. They walked into the dining hall to see their mother and father already sitting at the table. "Glad you could finally join us" their father said causing the two girls to giggle before sitting down.
"So Y/N dear what are you going to wear tomorrow" her father Eric said and she stopped eating. "That's a secret" she said before looking at her mom who smiled before winking at her. Eric looked between the two before frowning while raising an eyebrow. "I hope it's nothing revealing" he said causing Y/N to chuckle before shaking her head no. "Of course it isn't papa" she said causing him to sigh in relief. "Just know we'll be there for you" he said and Y/N smiled softly. "I know mama already told me that" she said and he smiled.
After lunch Y/N headed to her room. Once she got there she collapsed onto her bed while looking out the window. She slowly closed her eyes wishing that her grandmother and grandfather would be at her party tomorrow. As she fell asleep her necklace glowed brightly.
She woke up the morning of her birthday. Her eyes fluttered open as she looked down to see she was under her blankets. She threw the blankets off and saw she was in her nightgown. She got out of bed and stretched before walking to the window. She opened the curtains before opening the window. She closed her eyes and breathed in the fresh air. It was finally the big day and Y/N was already getting a bit nervous. She decided to take a shower to help a bit and it did. After she stepped out of the shower there was a knock on the door. "Hey sweetie can I come in" she heard her mother say. "Yeah yeah can come in" Y/N said and the door opened a couple seconds later. Ariel walked into the bedroom before shutting the door behind her. Y/N was sitting on her bed as she looked out the window. Ariel sat down next to her daughter and looked out the window as well. Y/N put her head on her mother's shoulder and Ariel rested her head on Y/N's. Ariel grabbed Y/N's hand and held it in-between her hands. "Are you ready" Ariel spoke after a couple minutes and Y/N frowned. "I'm still a bit nervous mama" Y/N said as she lifted her head off her mother's shoulder. "That's completely fine sweetie everyone's nervous" she said as she stroked Y/N's face. Y/N smiled and leaned into the touch. "Alright now let's go get you into that beautiful dress" Ariel said before standing up and helping Y/N up.
Ariel helped Y/N get ready when there was a knock on the door. "You can come in" Y/N said letting the person in. Both Y/N and her mother looked up through the mirror when their eyes widened in shock. "MOTHER" Ariel shouted as she turned around and looked at her mother. "Grandma" Y/N shouted as she rushed over and hugged Queen Athena. She hugged back before looking up at her daughter who was still standing next to the vanity. Y/N noticed it and pulled away from her grandmother before walking up to her mother. She grabbed her mother's arm and pulled her towards her mother. "I'll leave you guys to talk" Y/N said as she walked over and grabbed her dress before walking out of her bedroom. Y/N headed to Melody's room and walked in after knocking. "You don't mind if I finish getting ready in here do you" Y/N said and Melody shook her head no. Y/N shut the door behind her before walking into the room.
They got ready together and Y/N was putting her dress on when the door opened. They both turned around and Ariel and Athena froze in place when they saw the dress that Y/N was wearing.
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"Looks like you shocked them sis" Melody said and Y/N chuckled as she smoothed the dress out. "Hey are you guys re-" they heard Flounder say making them all look over. "What's taking so lo-" Sebastian said but stopped when he say what Y/N was wearing. Eric arrived and was about to say something when he spotted Y/N. He froze with his mouth opened and his hand up. Melody and Y/N looked at each other with raised eyebrows before giggling while covering their mouths. "What's taking so long come on" Scuttle said as he flew through the door and landed on the bed. He looked at Y/N and whistled. "You look smokin Y/N" he said and Y/N smiled"I don't really think I do" Y/N said as she looked down at the ground. He jumped down from the bed and onto the floor before walking over and hitting Y/N with his wings."Do not say that your absolutely gorgeous Y/N" Scuttle said and Y/N smiled softly. Melody hugged Y/N from the side as everyone walked into the room and hugged her. "Alright let's go" Y/N said as she pulled away from everyone before walking past all of them and towards the ballroom and throne room. She sighed as she fiddled with her fingers. The others had arrived and walked in before Y/N. Melody stopped and stood right beside Y/N. "You can do this Y/N" Melody said as she held her arm out for Y/N to take. Y/N took her sister's arm before walking into the room.
The music stopped and everyone looked up before bowing. The two sisters walked down the stairs and walked past everyone towards the throne. Melody let go and was about to walk away but Y/N grabbed her hand and yanked her towards her. "Stay please" Y/N whispered and Melody nodded before interlocking her fingers with Y/N's while squeezing tightly. Y/N looked around and spotted her grandfather standing next to his wife. He smiled "just breathe in and out" he mouthed and Y/N did what he told her to do before looking up at her mother and father. Her mother and father smiled softly at her and she smiled back as she kneeled to the ground. "We are gathered here tonight for a special occasion the birthday of our oldest daughter Y/N and her coronation" Eric said and as Ariel took the crown that was behind them on the throne. She walked up to Y/N before holding the crown above Y/N's head. "If any of you object speak now" Eris said and everyone was quiet. Eris looked over at his wife and nodded. Ariel lowered the crown on Y/N's head before helping her up. "I now present to you Princess Y/N of Tirulia" he shouted as Y/N turned around. Everyone cheered and clapped as Y/N smiled. They all bowed before standing up. "Now let the party begin" Flounder shouted causing everyone to laugh.
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King Triton walked up to Y/N who was standing near the food table far away from the others. "You did amazing Y/N" he said and Y/N hugged him tightly. He hugged back as he patted her head. "Thank you grandpa" she said and he leaned down kissing the top of her head. They pulled away when someone coughed. They both looked over to see a girl with white hair and blue eyes standing in front of them. The girl was wearing a blue and white suit with snowflakes on it. Y/B's eyes widened in shock when she realized who it was. The girl smiled before waving. "Long time no see Y/N care to dance" the girl said as she held her hand out for Y/N to take. Y/N took the girls hand before shivering at the ice cold touch. "Your hands are still freezing cold Skadi" Y/N said causing the girl to chuckle. "Well my mother is Elsa and my father is Jack Frost so" Skadi said causing Y/N to giggle. They moved to the center of the ballroom and everyone made space for them. The lights had dimmed and a spotlight shone onto the two of them. "Breathe in and out princess I'm here" Skadi said and Y/N nodded.
After they stopped dancing everyone clapped or whistled causing Y/N to blush slightly. They walked off to the side and sat down on one of the benches as they watched the others start dancing. "Have you told your parents or grandparents yet" Skadi said as she looked at Y/N to see her lost in her thoughts. "Y/N" Skadi said placing a cold hand on her bare shoulder. Y/N shivered causing Skadi to drop her hand. "What did you say" Y/N said looking at Skadi who was putting her gloves on. "Did you tell them yet" Skadi asked again and Y/N shook her head no. "I don't know if they'll expect me after I tell them" Y/N said as she rested her head on her hand. "Y/N you can't be serious of course they'll expect you, they love you and if they don't I'll threaten to freeze them" Skadi said causing Y/N to laugh as Melody walked over. "Hi Skadi" Melody said causing the two older girls to look up. "Oh hello Melody" Skadi said smiling softly. "I'll be back I'm going to go tell them" Y/N said and Skadi nodded. "Good luck" She said as Y/N walked off.
Y/N walked over to her parents and grandparents who were talking. "I have something to tell you guys can we go somewhere private" Y/N said causing the four of them to stop talking. "Of course hon is everything alright" Athena said she Y/N nodded. They all left the throne room and headed to one of the empty rooms. They walked in and Y/N paced back and forth trying to muster up the courage to tell them. "Y/N sweetie whatever you have to say we won't get mad we promise" her mother said and she sighed before taking a deep breath in. She looked at the four of them who were waiting patiently for her to speak. "Well um I'm gay" Y/N said as she fiddled with her fingers before looking away. When she didn't hear anything she looked up and frowned. "Are you guys mad are you going to throw me out of the castle becau-" she was cut off when the four of the smiled widely. Her grandmother walked over before pulling her into a tight hug. "We would never do that Hon we're very proud of you for telling us this" she said and Y/N hugged back tightly. "Plus we already knew" her grandfather chimed in causing her to pull away quickly. "What how and when" Y/N started to panic but her mother came over and calmed her down. "Since you were 5 dear" her father said as he walked over and put a hand on her head. "You would always say how beautiful the women were in the dresses and suits Every time we would go into the town" he added making Y/N blush. "Well it's true they were all pretty" Y/N said causing them all to laugh. Y/N felt really happy knowing that her parents and grandparents supported her. She could finally relax knowing that she wouldn't be thrown out of the kingdom.
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galwithalibrarycard · 2 years
Halloween parade in my neighborhood right now. Highlights include
- entire family of ghostbusters with homemade proton packs and a baby dressed as the green goopy ghost
- small boy in a circus ringmaster costume with a golden retriever (or yellow lab?) dressed as his circus lion (dog was almost taller than the kid)
- sleeping baby yoda
- dad dressed as Fred from scooby doo, holding toddler Velma
- mom and dad dressed as Pooh and Tigger with their toddler as Piglet
- baby Very Hungry Caterpillar with mom dressed as an apple
- several small Anna and Elsas
- sisters Maleficent and the Wicked Witch of the West
- many children dressed as hot dogs and cookies and waffles and Cheeto bags and other food
Anyway I now want to have children solely so I can put them in cute halloween costumes and cry about how precious they are.
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lady-embers · 2 months
Gwyn and Azriel 😘
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You legit can't tell me Gwyn and Azriel aren't Ariel and Prince Eric coded. I will die on the hill their story will be a Little Mermaid retelling.
Also, Gwyn and Azriel future daughter is 💯 little Melody coded 🥰
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yen-sids-tournament · 6 months
Animated 4: Kronk's New Groove v The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea
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Kronk's New Groove {original-The Emperor's New Groove (2000)}
I love me some more Kronk
The Little Mermaid II {original-The Little Mermaid (1989)}
The Little Mermaid was my favorite Disney movie when I was little, so when my mom got me Little Mermaid II for Christmas I loved it almost as much as I loved the original! It follows the story of Melody, Ariel and Prince Eric's daughter, who (due to nefarious happenings shortly after her birth) has no idea her mother was a mermaid, and her journey to find out her heritage and why she's so drawn to the idea of life under the sea! I can still remember some of the songs, and while the animation isn't nearly as good, it's still a worthy sequel.
idk how the broader population feels about this movie but i watched it a TON on vhs as a kid. stan melody!!!!!
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my-plastic-life · 4 months
Behind the Scenes: Making Melody
Ah, Melody. The daughter of Ariel and Eric. Ariel, the only princess to have a child (Descendants doesn't count). Since the sequel to The Little Mermaid launched in 2000, I've wanted a Melody doll. To this day I can't believe the Disney Store hasn't made one.
Technically, one was released back in the day. I remember going to Toys R Us to get it, and upon seeing it, put it back on the shelf. Why? Because it looked nothing like my favorite princess's daughter.
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A bit scary, right? Her eyes, for one, are brown and they should be blue or at least greenish-blue. And her face overall just gives me an uneasy vibe. I can't explain it, but she just doesn't look right. Even back then I couldn't fork over the money for her. Now, try to find her on eBay, and I swear she's ranged in price from $400-$800. Definitely out of my price range for a sub-par doll. Yes, I'd like to have the clothes, but no way am I forking over that kind of cash for clothes that I'm sure I can have someone make. And while I've come a long way with customizing and could easy change her eye color, it doesn't change the fact that she looks... off.
And thus began my journey of creating my own Melody doll. Again, Disney Store should really make one. A lot of us fans and collectors want one, and we know they have the ability to make smaller dolls because we've gotten Alice, Wendy, and Tinker Bell. Come on Disney Store...
But when a company fails to provide a doll you desire, you do the logical thing - you make your own!
The first step was determining the best candidate to transform into Melody. Obviously I wanted her to have one of the aforementioned Disney Store bodies designed for smaller characters. It would match the Ariel dolls I have, and I'd been eyeing an outfit made for that exact body (Melody's primary outfit, her bloomers).
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So the body was simple. Next was the face. Obviously either of the three heads that came with the body would have sufficed. Skin tones were a good match to the Ariel dolls I have, so another easy step. The face, though... Melody is often portrayed as having a very large, toothy grin. I've seen people create Melody dolls using Ariel's face, and while that does make total sense, I felt her smile was a bit too "small" for this girl.
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If I wanted to keep the original head with the body, Tinkerbell was out because of her pointed ears. That's one thing I can't fix LOL. Sculpting and drawing are definitely out of my area of expertise.
That left Alice and Wendy:
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Great candidates, but their smiles definitely aren't right. Melody rarely had a closed mouth smile, if ever, and while I've seen some people customize these dolls into Melody and other characters and add painted teeth, the original issue still exists - the smile isn't big enough.
And yes, Tinkerbell, of course, has the open mouth smile - but the ears!!! Why?!
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Another issue with using a Disney Store doll is the head itself. Disney Store doll heads are significantly harder than Mattel and Azone dolls, meaning it takes extra strength/work to reroot them. I could try dyeing the doll hair or using fabric markers on it, but A) that could possibly stain the doll, and B) I've tried fabric markers before and it makes the hair feel like straw.
I was convinced I'd inevitably have to use Wendy or Alice and have someone else reroot her for me, but then I thought of something else. Mattel has reacquired the rights to make Disney Princess dolls. That, of course, includes Ariel. I've made hybrid dolls before (my Inuyasha dolls combine two or three different dolls into one amazing creation), and I remember seeing the princess dolls when Mattel brought them back - particularly Ariel, who had a large toothy smile.
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Plus, because she's Mattel, I know how the mechanics work with swapping heads and that the head is a lot softer and easier to work with in terms of rerooting. So I ordered her, but I wasn't yet sure if she'd work. Would her skin tone match either of the Disney Store bodies? What about the head size - would it be too big or small compared to the Disney Store Ariel? And of course, Mattel = pixelated faces... though I'd be repainting the lips anyway for sure because Melody's lips are a more natural pink shade rather than the bright red Ariel has.
Well, luck was on my side - the Ariel head not only matched the skin tone of the smaller bodies (which were also very close to the Disney Store Ariel), it was actually smaller than the original Wendy and Alice heads! I don't know what's up with that, but what a happy accident!
However, there was still another step. I've put Disney Store heads on Barbie bodies before, but not vice versa. And these are smaller bodies. How would it work? The verdict was a bobble head, but some rubber bands around the neck peg took care of that. I think it completely works!
The next step was the rerooting process. I don't know why it's so satisfying to pull all those little plugs out of a doll head, and then poke new hair right into it. :D Of course, before the poking, I had to use acetone to remove the factory paint on the scalp, then paint back over it with black and seal it. This time I was determined not to use too much hair, as in making it too long. When I rerooted my Azone Kagome, I didn't trim the hair until it was completely rooted, and not only did it make a huge mess, it was very wasteful because of how much I had to trim off to get it to the right length. Melody's hair isn't that long (it seems to hit just past her butt I think), so I felt fine cutting each piece I plugged in half. In the end, that proved to be a good decision because I only had to trim a very small amount to even it out and get the look I wanted. Yay!
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Once that was done, I gave her a boil wash, allowed the hair to dry overnight, and then added the special glue inside from The Doll Planet Hair (I also got the hair from them). After that dried overnight, it was time to start on the face. I decided to start at the top and work my way down to lower my chances of messing up something that was finished. So I did the eyebrows first. Melody has significantly thicker eyebrows than Ariel, and of course they're black rather than red. Surprisingly enough, I was able to get them thicker and still even... this coming from the person who spent two hours on eyebrows on a different doll. >.<
Next was the eyes. At first I wasn't sure if I should leave them or not, but in the end I decided they needed to be changed. They were way too blue, and they're really supposed to match Ariel's and Eric's. She is their child, after all. Plus, thanks to Mattel, they were also pixelated. BOOOOO!
Many of the scenes in the movie show Melody as having green eyes, so I started there. But then I thought, I better make sure they match Ariel. So I got an Ariel doll out and used her as a guide. Let me tell you, matching that color was insanely difficult. Too green, too bright, too blue, too dark, etc... Then I kept going back and forth because, again, she seems to have green eyes. But then again, they should match Ariel's eyes. Remember, being a perfectionist can be super exhausting.
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I finally had what I thought was a good color, so I used that to help shape the eyes. I kept the original white part of the eye and just painted over what was already there, trying to match the Disney Store style (large portion in the darker color, small ring in the lighter color, and then the pupil). But then, after holding it next to Ariel, I was still dissatisfied with the color (way too bright). I kept looking at Ariel, and then I even saw some other custom dolls with blue eyes and some shots of Melody do depict the eyes as being more blue than green (Ariel, too):
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So, after literally a week of just trying to get the best color, I finally got it!!! Victory dance!
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Last was the lips. Should be simple, right? I like the color of my Barbie self's lips. They're a natural shade of pink, and I have the combo of paints I used to pull that off saved, so I could just replicate that, right? WRONG! I didn't factor in the original factory paint, which serves as a base coat and affects what goes on top of it, plus this doll has a warmer skin tone than Mini Me, so the color turned out to be super bright and very unnatural-looking. So I did a ton of mixing and modifying the paint recipe until finally I was satisfied with the shade. I had to go over the teeth a couple of times too because A) pixels and B) I went over the white a bit with the lipstick.
Once her face was done, I could start styling her hair. Melody just has a simple ponytail with large bangs like her mom. The hardest part was definitely those bangs. They're not straight or flat bangs, but they have kind of a "poof" to them.
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The part was a little off - it should have been more to the side and less to the center. However, I was following the original factory root line, so I didn't really pay attention to where it was. That was my fault lol. I took a few strands of hair and held them out of the way as I tied the rest into a ponytail. To give the bangs their ideal effect, I tied that hair back separately with a hair tie I'd bought that resembles Melody's green one. Then I started pulling them out little by little, hoping to achieve the desired look. This was the first result:
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Not bad, but I thought I could make it a little better. I noticed some small bald spots around that area in the scalp (oops), so I added some more hair to those areas to make the bangs a little fuller. I re-tied the bang strands (didn't boil wash the second set of hair because I didn't want to risk messing up the paint and I wanted them to stand up somewhat anyway), manipulated the positioning a bit, and came up with this:
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I think that's a little better and gives the desired effect. I may still try to manipulate it some more, but I did put some of my special doll hair spray on it to hold it in place. The ponytail bottom just needed a small curl, and while I tried my curling iron on it, I found it to be better to just curl it by hand and spray it.
The final part was the outfit. I got the outfit from malanedoll on Etsy (she makes gorgeous Disney outfits!) The outfit also came with Melody's symbolic seashell locket.
I know what you're thinking - where the heck is her tail? Well, I can't sew that well (I can make little pillows, relatively decent curtains, and maybe some garden flags, but outfits? Nope lol), and I haven't been able to find a tail that would work with this body in the right color. By next year I might have her tail, but for now, she'll stay in her signature bloomer outfit. That is what she's wearing most of the time, and she did ultimately decide to stay a human in the end. :D
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And with that, Melody was complete! Probably not 100% perfect, like most of my creations, but satisfying enough for me! Of course, if Disney Store makes an official Melody doll, I'll buy her - and totally do a comparison LOL. And I do intend to eventually get her that iconic red tail!
Thanks for reading my journey on creating Ariel's daughter! To this day, she's still the only Disney princess to ever become a parent lol.
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valiantroyalty · 1 year
200 years. It’s been over 200 years since She’s lost Eric. Her other half. Her soul mate. Just ripped away Right in front of her eyes that fateful day. She managed to save Melody, but not him. That was one day She’s truly seen red, and gotten revenge. But After the rage faded, She’s been more than depressed after the loss.
Ariel barely let Melody leave her sight, much less be an arms length away. She’s scared she’ll lose her daughter if she strays too far away. In a way, the Child was like a security blanket throughout the terrible, countless decades. She watched Melody grow, as both mermaid And human. Ariel kept Most If Eric’s belongings despite it bringing pain. Half her days she’s hidden away in her grotto, or other days, staring longingly ojt at tbe palace her Love use to reside in. There wasn’t much change until.. one day.
The siren instantly perked up from her spot kn tbe large rock She’s claimed eons ego. Lottle Melody was exploring nearby sl sne wasn’t worried. She caught sight of Someone She Never thought She’d See again. Eric. It was Eric! It had be. Similar profile, black curls. Killer smile. She knew it was him! Her hopes were suddenly sky rocketed.
“Eric! Eric!” The siren called out, propping herself ip completely For a better Look. In a way she’s exposing herself as a mermaid, scales iridescent and catching the sunlight. If she was sorely mistaken, ber mind playing tricks on her… she’d be heartbroken all over again.
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everafterwhat · 1 year
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More of my weird idea to mash Disney and EAH, I mentioned it a bit ago with Aurora and Briar but here we go again with a lore dump! (Ignore the art style, this is very old😩)
Alright so I may get some hate for this but Meeshell annoys me so much so I kinda bumped her to less important in the story of the little mermaid, she’ll serve as an older sister to the next Ariel who is now my oc Delphine. Ariel’s canon daughter in the Disney animated film, Melody is still present but despite her being younger than Delphine, she is not on track to take the role of the little mermaid. Why? Because Melody also annoys me lol
Anyway the two are half sisters and Delphine’s dad is unknown (to everyone but Ariel obvs, it’s one of the lesser known cleanings so no one in the og eah cast would be related to her) whereas Melody is still canonically the daughter of Eric and Ariel. Delphine grew up with Eric being very supportive despite her unknown origin lol (don’t think about it too hard lol). So yes Delphine and Melody consider each other “full” sisters despite having different dads because they were raised together! Meeshell on the other hand is the daughter of one of Ariel’s older sisters and the two are the same age.
(Ignore the drawing of Ariel and Goldilocks talking bc idk what it is and I hate it lol)
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hannahhook7744 · 10 months
Descendants name headcanons;
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Elle Athanasiou (daughter of Prince Eric and Ariel).
Arabella Athanasiou (niece of Prince Eric and Ariel).
Henry (de Vil) Crowley (the kid with white hair that may or may not be related to Carlos from Carlos' Scavenger hunt).
Hayden 'Hadie' Athanasiou.
Hyllus 'Herkie' Amphitryon Tiryn-Theban-Athanasiou of Argolis.
Benjamin 'Ben' Florian Léandre.
Maleficent Bertha Fae || turns to Malanie 'Mal' Bertha Fae-Athanasiou || when she is able to change her name.
Princess Geneviève ‘Evie’ Evelyn Grimhilde-Westergaard Of The Southern Isles.
Jakeem 'Jay' Al-Jazira.
Jadeana 'Jade' Al-Jazira.
Harrison 'Harry' Hook.
Chadwick 'Chad' Charming.
Audrea 'Audrey' Rose.
Uma Athanasiou.
Jehanne 'Jane' Fae.
Li 'Lonnie' Lan-Lei.
Li 'Li Shang Jr/Lil Shang' Shaiming.
Pino 'Pin' Liddell.
Allison 'Ally' Liddell.
Gillian 'Gil' LeGume.
Gaston 'Bronze' Legume III.
Gaston 'Junior' Legume Jr.
Frederique 'Freddie' Facilier.
Cecelia 'Cecelia' Facilier.
Rubina 'Ruby' Fitzherbert.
Samson 'Sammy' Smee.
Ginevra 'Ginny' Gothel.
Diego Ramirez-de Vil.
Richard 'Rick' Ratcliffe.
Skipper 'Squeaky' Smee.
Sterling 'Squirmy' Smee.
Claymore 'Clay' Clayton.
Madeleine 'Maddy' Mim.
Reza Vizer of Agrabah.
Harold 'Harry' Badun.
Jason 'Jace' Badun.
Yzla Sorcerer of Enchancia.
Zevon Sorcerer of Enchancia.
Yaz 'Lil Yaz' Sorcerer of Enchancia.
Tiger Poeny Rossí.
Hermione 'Hermie' Bing.
Blake 'Big Murph' Murphy.
Edmund 'Eddie' Balthazar.
Opal Facilier.
Douglas 'Doug' Bergmann.
Derek Bergmann.
Robert 'Bobby' Hood of Locksley.
Artorius 'Artie' Pendragon.
Drizella 'Dizzy' Tremaine-Westergaard of the Southern Isles ||.
Jedoun 'Jordan' Ayad.
Aziz Bint Aladdin Bin Cassim Al Hamed of Agrabah.
Sophie White.
Glauco White.
Daniel 'Danny' Darling-Cooper of Darling Coast.
Róisín 'Red' Hearts.
Zhu Yi-min (based on @queercendants ' naming post).
Arabella Athanasiou of Tirulia.
Melody Athanasiou of Tirulia.
More to be added if I can think of any more first and last names.
@cleverqueencommander thanks for the help coming up with Elle's new last name!
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isleofdarkness · 5 months
Warnings- medical procedures, near-death experience, medical info, gun pointed at child, blood, murder, slight body horror, war, swearing, gang violence, trauma, flashbacks, slavery, chronic pain, selling souls Implied/referenced; genocide, starvation, character death, noncon, minor noncon, childhood prostitution, child sexual abuse, child abuse, torture, grievous injury, massacres, terrorism, gang violence
Part one
Sultana Jasmine was pacing.
That was what struck Li Shang first. Before he even noticed the books stacked on the table or the pale, drawn look on Aladdin's face, he noticed that Jasmine, eternally unshakeable Jasmine, was pacing.
Whatever they had been summoned for, it was going to be bad.
A glance around the room confirmed that suspicion. Everyone was there- Heracles, Megara, and Hryhoriy, King Arthur and Queen Guinevere, Tiana and Naveen, Kida, Milo, Sweet, Audrey, Vinny, and Whitmore, Aurora and Phillip, Snow, Rose, and Florian, Esmeralda and Phoebus, Ariel, Eric, and Melody, Elsa, Kristoff, and Anna, Moana, Merida, Ella, Christopher, and Anthony, Jabari and Dahlia, Anita and Roger, Hank McCoy, Logan, Kurt, and Charles Xavier, Alma Madrigal, even Oliver Warbucks. Everyone was there, even those who rarely came to these meetings. Something was very, very wrong.
Jasmine spotted them and stopped, hijab swinging as she whipped to face them. "Welcome to Jahannam! Please, don't linger in the doorway, come in and suffer with the rest of us!"
Ancestors protect them.
"What's going on?" He asked, stepping further into the room. There were a few murmurs of assent- everyone else was just as confused as he was.
Jasmine gestured sharply to the beaten books on the table. "The Isle kids snuck these across the barrier and had Jabari deliver them to us. These books are all about the Isle." She grabbed one and tossed it to Mulan, then one to him. "Shan Sarangerel, daughter of Shan Yu, and a written record of Shan Yu's efforts to keep the Isle alive with one bottle of medicine a year." She tossed one to Heracles. "That one's all about the suffering of Hades. I would advise you not to read it on a full stomach." She tossed a massive book to Naveen. "That's about the efforts by Doctor Facilier to help the children of the Isle." One to Kida. "Would you like to read about Rick, the son of Helga? He's a lot like Kaldur. And this-" She threw one to Anna, "Is about a little girl named Anna, daughter of Hans. Don't read it on a full stomach. The good done by Madonna Tremaine-" she tossed one to Ella, "The life of Anthony Tremaine II," to Anthony, "The life of Mal," to Aurora, "And our dear Claudine," to Esmeralda. "And more! Any requests?"
None of them had the nerve to answer.
"Diego de Vil, Belle LeGume, Harriet Jones, Jay, Riah, Harabolos, Evie, Uma, Yzla, Mischa, Reza, Sammy, Davin- prostitution, torture, abuse, rape, death, and more!" She held out to Rapunzel. "This one's on your daughter, Ginny. She's doing well, even has her own EMS- well, except for the fact that she's been raised by Mother Gothel, not by Cassandra." Rapunzel gasped, but Jasmine wasn't done. "You're about to be a grandmother, because she's nearly due with a baby. Of course, that's not mentioning the two children one of her loves already has-" she whipped to face Anthony, "Possibly the children of Anthony Tremaine the second! Congratulations.
"Riah," she continued, whirling to face Aurora, "Got that limp and all of those broken bones when he was ten, when six grown men broke into his house, raped him, and tried to beat him to death. He was only saved because Hades had a gut feeling and managed to escape a session with Maleficent halfway across the island. They had to do surgery where all he had was half a bottle of whiskey. Claudine," to Esmeralda, "Has been sexually and religiously abused her entire life, to the point where Ginny is almost certain she has dissociative identity disorder and to the point of permanent, irreversible damage caused by trauma she doesn't even remember! And just you wait until you read what her older sister has done to try and protect her!" Jasmine threw another book to the table. "Meet Lydia Snoops, who sold her soul at the age of five to save lives and has been turned into a monster. She's been sexually abused her entire life, she started her period when she was three, and she has to regularly go back to the cult that abused her to keep Claudine from getting hurt, even though it means taking the abuse herself. Our dear Mal," back to Aurora, "Is asexual, as fae tend to be. Her mother knows this. Maleficent has been selling her asexual daughter to a brothel whenever Mal fails her impossible explanations, she's been doing so ever since Mal was ten. It's to the point where the brothel is checked every night just in case. And Jay-"
They were spared her horror by Jasmine slipping into Arabic, but her fury and horror were catching even with the language barrier. It took nearly an hour for Jasmine to cut herself off, spinning on her heel to face one of the mirrors and pulling out a tube of eyeliner. Oh, she was beyond angry.
No one dared say a word as Jasmine wiped off and reapplied her flawless makeup, calming herself down. Her rage was gone when she turned back to them, replaced by grim determination. "I've already spoken to Fairy Godmother about my concerns, but she refuses to listen. We'll have to take this into our own hands." She grabbed a large stack of paper and dropped it onto the table. "Julieta was kind enough to send the files she collected on the six and Katherine Pulitzer has conducted multiple interviews about life on the Isle. Charles, would you be willing to conduct more extensive exams, as most of these six are genetic variants?" Charles nodded. "We should also conduct psychological evaluations. Ginny has assumptions but, without any proper medical training, nothing is certain. A word from you or Dr McCoy may be enough to petition for these children to be allowed regular and unrestricted contact with a therapist and a psychiatrist. These records are not to be released until Beast does something truly stupid and only within reason. I'm starting to look to remove children from the Isle." Woah- "I'm setting up a system here, but shelter and food will not be enough to help these children. I will need doctors, psychologists, paediatricians, medical specialists, and childcare specialists. If any of you are willing, I would readily welcome your help. If you are unwilling," she shrugged, "You may leave. No grudge will be held."
None of them left.
"Thank you."
Two weeks later, Riah started the worst day of his year by falling down the stairs.
October twenty-ninth was the anniversary. Not just the weeks surrounding it, when his symptoms built up and eased back, but the exact day It had happened, the day he'd nearly been killed. The day six men had broken into his home and made him know he would never be safe anywhere. The day... The day. He hated the day.
With his sixteenth birthday coming up in two days, his curse was getting worse. He'd woken up to spots dancing in his vision and thick fog filling his mind. It had taken a hellish fifteen minutes for him to remember where he'd hidden his oxygen concentrator, then another fifteen for him to get to it with how he was wheezing and coughing. The machine did its job, but just barely. It was a day where he absolutely needed the machine's help, but there was no way in hell he was letting the others or the Auradon kids see him relying on a machine to breathe. If he was lucky, he might have been able to get thirty minutes between each use. He just had to properly time a few bathroom breaks throughout the day. Unlike he would on the Isle, he made sure to wear it under his shirt, using a jacket to further conceal it. His brain protested not using it, but he wasn't letting anyone figure out he needed a stupid oxygen machine.
On top of everything else from the date, it was a bad pain day. A storm was rolling in on a cold day and his bones let him know about it. Even the bones that weren't usually a problem, his arms, good leg, ribs, jaw, and pelvis, ached. His skull felt like someone had buried a knife in his temporal hard enough to crush the side of his head. He could barely move his hands, couldn't even properly hold onto his cane. And his bad leg? His bad leg hadn't hurt this much in years. Hell, it had only hurt this badly when it was actually broken.
And he had class.
On the Isle, a day like this would be a day he wouldn't get out of bed. He wouldn't mind Hades and Seph worrying over him, and he wouldn't worry about them thinking he couldn't do anything for himself. This should have been a day where he curled up under the warm blankets and went in and out of sleep, his parents waking him every time a nightmare started to take hold and making sure he ate when he couldn't even walk. A day where he wouldn't mind who saw him relying on his dog for even the simple stuff. A shitty day, sure, but less shitty than it could have been. A day where he didn't have to do anything, because he couldn't find it in himself. But not in Auradon. In Auradon, a day like this meant class. And class meant walking down thirty stone stairs.
He knew he was going to fall. It was just a matter of how bad the fall would be. He'd hoped his arm and leg could at least hold out to the middle of the staircase.
They didn't. Not even two steps down, his bad leg collapsed. His bad left arm, his cane arm, folded when he put too much weight on it.
He went down.
His foot slipped out from under him as he lurched back on reflex, putting his elbow behind him to take the impact on it instead of the back of his skull. His bad leg caught on one of the stairs as he slid, forcing him into a tumble, and he tried to curl in on himself to protect his face and stomach from the worst of it, just like he would on the Isle.
Of course, that had been a routine for a simpler time, when he didn't have two very snappable bones coming out of his skull.
His horns were the first crack he heard. But they weren't the last.
Horns hand fingers leg skull-
He wasn't sure who screamed when he fell. He was pretty sure it wasn't him.
Spine leg leg hands-
He hit the ground hard enough to wind him and slammed into one of the heavy, cushy chairs. His head cracked back against the side table and he saw stars, going limp.
When he blinked the darkness from his vision, his first instinct was to scream. His second was to start swearing. He managed to refrain from both. He still had shocked scared tears in his eyes when he looked up to see his friends racing down the stairs. And to feel the gaze of every Auradon kid in the building on him, concerned gazes cutting into him like knives. Fucking fantastic. They were all going to see him as weak and helpless just because of a bad day, his friends were going to see him as weak and helpless because of a bad day, Jay and maybe even Ben were going to see him as fucking weak and helpless and he had to show that he wasn't-
Refusing to show weakness, he forced himself to his feet, putting weight on his bad and now-broken left leg in the absence of his cane. The smile he gave his concerned friends definitely looked more like a snarl or a grimace, but he didn't care. "Fucking... just tell Fairy Godbitch I'll be late to class. I'm gonna see the nurse cause I just broke my leg in three places. Where's my cane?"
"How'd the ground taste?" Jay joked on what had to be reflex, holding Riah's cane out to him before withdrawing. Riah saw red. "Wait, you shouldn't-"
"Shouldn't what, Jay?" Riah snapped. Gods, his day sucked absolute dick and he'd only been awake for an hour. He needed to get to the nurse so that everyone wasn't staring at him like he deserved pity or something. "Walk with a broken leg? Newsflash, my leg's been broken for five fucking years and I got along just fine without someone carrying me to and from like I'm some kinda princess. Give me my godsdamn cane or I swear on my father that I'll be removing it from the hands of your corpse."
His eyes went black to prove his point, but none of them were impressed. Mal was giving him a shocked, worried, pitying look and Riah's blood boiled. "You shouldn't walk on a broken leg, cane or not, so-"
"I'm going to be walking out of here with or without my fucking cane so you'd best give it to me if you're so concerned." He reached out his hand, using magick to pull the cursed metal in his cane out of Jay's hand and into his. "I can manage by myself, I don't need help. I especially don't need pity. Stop acting like I'm fragile or some shit." He turned sharply, levelling a murderous glare at the Auradon kids between him and the door. "Is there a reason you guys are in my way?"
The Auradon kids practically dove out of his way. He stormed past them.
Just to prove his point, he forced himself to walk without his cane. The rage gave him enough fuel to walk sort of normally, but the fading adrenaline meant that he felt every. Single. Step.
The second he ducked around the corner of the building, he folded, leaning hard on both his cane and the wall and trying desperately to breathe on his own. Stupid leg and stupid curse and stupid everyone who thought he couldn't do anything and stupid Auradon and fuck, he was going to pass out-
There was no way in hell he was letting anyone see him like this after what had just happened. Fuck it. If Fairy Godbitch wanted to throw him out of school she could. He wasn't getting across campus without it but he sure as shit wasn't going to let anyone see it, so he had to. He whispered a spell, calling on magick from his grandmother, to make himself invisible to those he didn't want to see him. Once he was sure that was done, he pulled the flattened plastic mask out of his shirt, fixed the metal edges over his mouth and nose, and pulled the elastic bands over his head to fix it to his face. He didn't bother to lift his shirt to see the buttons on the machine hidden at his side, just flipped the power switch and sighed in relief as the oxygen concentrator started working.
Fucking sixteenth birthday. Bitchass spell couldn't even wait two days to kill him.
Claudine was a lot stronger than Mal thought. When she and Jay started after Riah, Claudine held them both back without effort. "Don't. You'll only make it worse."
"What are you talking about?" Riah had fallen down the stairs and was walking on a broken leg without his cane. How could they possibly make that any worse?
All too aware of the eyes on them, Claudine dragged Jay and Mal back up the stairs, leading the gang to the closest of their rooms and locking the door behind her. Wasn't she supposed to be Riah's friend? How could she be so calm? Mal would've lost her shit if Jay tried what Riah was currently doing. "You can't try to help him. It's not a good idea in general and it's definitely not a good idea today." Claudine bit her lip and sighed, clearly trying to figure something out. "I can't go into too much detail, but today is the anniversary of when his leg was broken. There was a lot of stuff that happened. Those breaks are all from today, as well as most of his scars. Have you guys seen the scars on his arms, collarbone, and jaw?" They were hard to see but yeah, they'd all seen them. "There's more of those across nineteen of his ribs, on his spine, on his pelvis, and down his good leg, and those are from where they managed to operate on his to put the bones back into place. He was awake during that and that was five years ago today. That's why he's been so touchy these past few weeks and he's going to be touchy for a few weeks after this, he always has been. Today is always a bad day for him, he usually doesn't even get out of bed. And it's a bad idea to try to help him in general, but it's one of the worst things you could do today."
"If he needs help," Mal argued, "Why's it so bad to try and help him?"
"Because none of you know how to ask and none of you ask anyway," Claudine explained patiently. "If you want to help Riah, you've got to ask if you can help him, not if he needs help. And if he says no, you have to respect that. Riah tries to be independent, he hates when people assume or act like he can't do something. It makes him feel as though people see him as less than and when you do that, he goes overboard to prove you wrong. I've seen him scale a brick wall using just his hands to prove that he could get up the stairs and I know Hades has seen him do a great deal more. Riah is very capable of a lot of stuff and he's usually really good about sticking to his limits, but he'll push himself too hard if he thinks people are going to think less of him for what he can't do. Riah was probably extremely embarrassed about falling down the stairs in front of everyone and I probably didn't help by screaming and drawing attention. What he needed us to do was act as though someone like Jay had just tripped. When he falls down the stairs, unless he's saying something is wrong, it's best to make a joke like Jay did and move on. You give him his cane and if he puts his hand out, you help him to his feet like it's no big deal. Don't even put your hand out to help him. I know you meant well and you just didn't know, so I'm telling you guys now so that this doesn't happen again." Huh. Claudine could definitely be a nurse. "Never, ever, try to take his cane away. That would be like taking Agony's arm or leg-" There was a collective wince. They'd all seen what happened when someone did that and how severely upset Agony had been. "Because that is like Riah's arm or leg. Plus, he can walk without it. He can run without it. And he will. Believe me, I've seen him do both and the aftermath of both is never pretty. If he doesn't have his cane he will hurt himself. He'll walk and run on that leg and if the bone breaks the wrong way it's an emergency trip to the hospital and several blood transfusions from the three people he can receive blood from and who aren't in Auradon."
"What about his breathing?" Evie asked. Shit, was there something wrong with how he was breathing? Mal hadn't even noticed. She was supposed to notice this stuff to take care of her crew. "His lips and fingernails were blue and he was breathing too fast and not deep enough."
"His curse." His fucking what? "Riah has a curse trying to crush his lungs, he's had it for his entire life. He wears an amulet to keep it from killing him, that blue stone he doesn't take off, but..." Claudine gave Mal a nervous look. "It was cast by Maleficent and you know how her curses are. They kill on the sixteenth birthday. And Riah's sixteenth birthday is in two days."
"Hold the fuck up," Mal raised a hand to cut Claudine off. "Are you telling me right now that Riah is cursed to fucking die on his sixteenth birthday, which is in two days, and neither of you told me or any of the gods know how many magical beings we have access to?"
"He thought he could handle it and I thought he could, too. Mal, Riah wasn't cursed to die when he turned sixteen, he was cursed to die before he turned thirteen. He's lived with a spell trying to kill him for three years. He thought, with the magic he would have access to here, he would be able to keep fighting it. But..." Tears started to glitter in Claudine's eyes. Claudine never cried. "He can't. He only has so much left to use and once it's gone, he's going to die. But he won't take more. He can't. He would rather die."
"Take what?" She needed someone to draw a diagram so she could keep track of the punches. Riah was going to die in two days. Great.
"Life." What?! "I don't know how it works. Riah drained the life energy, the souls, out of four people almost fourteen years ago. That's how he's stayed alive. With that abundance of life magick, he's been able to extend his own life. But it's been so long, he's running out, and he can't get more."
"Can't he just drain someone else?"
"And get us all kicked out of Auradon?" Good point. "Even if that weren't a problem, he's not capable of it. He's got something keeping him from using it. Someone would have to willingly perform magick to transfer their life, their soul, into him, knowing that they would be destroying themselves. Their lives would be gone and so would their souls. Their souls would be destroyed, taken apart for magick, and they would cease to exist in even the afterlife. No one would be willing to do that. There's... there's no way to fix it."
No. No, Mal refused to believe that. Her crew had survived dozens of things that couldn't be fixed. If Evie's heart could be fixed, if Carlos's lungs could be fixed, if her brain could be fixed, if Jay's spine could be fixed, Riah could be fixed. They just had to think outside of the box. There had to be a way and they were going to find it. "Claudine, I need you to stay with Riah today. Don't leave him alone. We'll get you excused from class." Think think think, there had to be someone or something that could help. "Jay, get Jordan to bring her dad to talk to us. Evie, get Adam Constantine and see if Snow White can get us in touch with Aurora. Carlos, see if Audrey can get us an audience with Kida, or if Kida has any kids we can talk to. I'll talk to Jane and Doctor Sweet. If you have the chance, ask if they can get us in touch with Maui, Elsa, Heracles, Te Fiti or Moana, Rapunzel, Sofia the First, anyone who knows a lot about magic. No Merlin and no Fairy Godmother. There's an answer to this, we've just gotta find it."
They had to try.
Thank God Doctor McCoy had been visiting. If he hadn't been, Julieta was almost certain the Isle boy would have died.
The boy with the cane- Riah, she remembered- had only just managed to stagger through the doorway before he had collapsed, clumsily throwing a hand out to catch the edge of the desk and slow his fall. Julieta, as fast as she was, had barely managed to get to her feet before Riah's hands went to his chest and spread out just under his neck, pushing down slightly. It was a strange sign, almost like a failed attempt at a choking sign, but his intention became clear when she got a look at him.
His lips and fingertips were blue. Each tiny exhale came out as a strangled grunt. His chest was falling far too deep, as if his body was trying to suck his ribs to his spine. His nostrils were flared behind his oxygen mask and he was mouthing something as he curled in on himself. He went down before Julieta could kneel in front of him.
"His lungs!" She grabbed him by the shoulders and laid him on his back, undoing the magnets in the shoulders of his shirt to undo the magnets of his binder before starting chest compressions. "He's in respiratory arrest-" she wasn't doing any good, only forcing more air out of lungs that couldn't expand. "Take over chest compressions so I can call 911."
"It won't do any good," he argued, handing her his phone as he took over. "An ambulance won't get here in time. Call Kurt and tell him he needs to teleport to your office and that there's a medical emergency incoming. Cecilia needs to set up the life support machines for respiratory arrest."
The three rings of the phone were the longest few seconds of Julieta's life. She didn't give the person on the other end of the line time to speak. "This is Julieta Madrigal we need Kurt to come to my office at Auradon Prep immediately and we need Cecilia to prepare McCoy's equipment for respiratory arrest."
"Charles!" The voice on the other end shouted, accent thick even in one syllable. "Tell him what you know, I will be there in two seconds."
Another voice started to speak. She didn't give them the chance to. "The patient is a fifteen-year-old transgender boy in respiratory arrest. He has a curse constricting his lungs and his lungs cannot expand. He's on oxygen but it won't do good if he can't breathe."
"Slow down," the man ordered gently. "What do you know about the curse?"
"It crushes his lungs. He has an amulet to create a barrier between his lungs and the spell but the amulet doesn't always work. He wouldn't say much about it."
"So the spell is a physical thing?"
"The way he explained it, yes." She knew nothing about this kind of magic. The Encanto was a blessing, a miracle, not a curse. She didn't know anything about curses.
"They'll be there in one-" There was a strange sound as three people appeared in a puff of smoke. "Moment."
The older of the two women, a Latina woman with brown locs pulled back in a bun, knelt next to Riah and put her fingers to his neck. "No pulse." She pulled the shirt and binder off the rest of the way, making access easier. "McCoy, move on three. One, two, three-" McCoy jerked back and she quickly got his clothes off and pulled the strap for his strange oxygen machine over his head. "Resume." McCoy went back to chest compressions as she tore the corners from the wax paper covers on the electrodes and poured a clear gel into her hand. "McCoy. One, two, three." He moved back again and she quickly applied the gel across Riah's chest, then applied the five electrodes. "Resume."
The young woman with red hair put her fingers to her temple, brow wrinkling. "I can't move it much, but I've given him maybe an inch of room. There's something really wrong with the shape of his lungs. I've never seen anything like it. It looks like some kind of ILD, but I can't find an exact diagnosis."
McCoy frowned. "We'll have to do an imaging scan." He didn't say it, but the way the atmosphere was quickly turning grim told Julieta how dangerous the situation was becoming.
The machine came to life, showing a pulse that was far too slow and far too shallow. But it wasn't a flatline. Cecilia let out a small sigh of relief, turning over his arm and quickly finding a vein and swabbing the skin. "Julieta, Jean, hold him down. McCoy, in one, two, three-" McCoy stopped compressions again as Cecilia pressed a needle into his arm and injected it.
Riah jerked hard, eyes flying open for just a moment as he gasped and choked. He wasn't awake for long, only a few seconds, but the added space gave his heart and lungs a chance to start working again. When he went back down, he was breathing.
"Keep him down," Cecilia ordered. She quickly set up the ventilator she'd bought with her and got a breathing tube down like it was easy. No one dared to breathe as they waited a few minutes, making sure Riah wasn't going to back into immediate danger. He didn't. "He's not stabilized yet, but he's fit for transport. Call his parents and Kurt can bring them back to the institute."
"His parents aren't available." It was horrifying to think about. Riah had nearly died and they couldn't so much as call them to say what had happened. "He's one of the Isle children. I can contact his friends and the family taking care of him here."
After a beat of horrified silence, Cecilia nodded. "Do that. Hopefully, we'll have good news to send to his parents."
How had none of them noticed? That one question played on repeat in Jay's head as everything kept getting worse and worse.
How did we not notice he's cursed? He'd wondered as Claudine explained Riah's situation. They all knew Riah had an issue with his lungs, but he'd brushed it off as some lung condition, said it was no big deal. And they had all believed him. How could none of them have noticed that his "condition" was a curse, a curse that had been actively trying to end his life for three years?
How did we not notice him dying? The thought had been agonizing. Jay took it upon himself to notice everything about his friends. If Evie looked a bit too thin or perfect, if Mal looked a bit too desperate, if Carlos was just a second off- Jay was supposed to notice this stuff. He was the one who watched out for the crew even if Mal already was. If something got past Mal, he was supposed to catch it. How had he not caught the fact that Riah was dying? How could anyone hide something so well, knowing they were going to die in just a few days? Had there been something he missed? Had he overlooked something? Had some sort of negligence on his part led to this getting this bad?
How could he hide this from us? Yeah, they hadn't known him for long, but this wasn't something you hid from your allies. Why would he do that? How had he been able to? How the hell could someone be so good at lying that he could hide a curse and his impending death from them?
What else is he hiding?
What if he dies?
Considering how often his mind went to worst-case scenarios, Jay was no stranger to praying he would be wrong. He could count on one hand the amount of times he'd been hoping it this hard. Riah was tough, after all. He wasn't going to let some stupid curse kill him. When the blue demon (he would worry about that later) grabbed him by the shoulder and made them appear in some sort of hospital room, Jay had almost convinced himself he was going to be wrong.
The second he saw Riah, that growing hope died.
How the hell had he gotten so bad without any of them noticing?
He knew Riah was thin, they all were, but the lack of a jacket and long pants let him see that Riah was skeletal. He had some muscle, sure, but it was all flat and dense and right underneath the skin, as though he didn't have even the thinnest layer of fat. His skin was clinging to his muscles and bones. What Jay had thought were just high cheekbones and a sharp jawline suddenly became evidence of severe starvation- how had this guy managed to get out of bed, let alone walk the quarter-mile to the nurse's office? He had picked Riah up, how had he not noticed the guy being a bag of bones? How could Riah, who easily ate more than any of them, be so skinny?
The paper gown revealed just how bad his leg was. He'd known the bone was curved, but thick jeans had hidden the worst of it. The skin on his left thigh was bumpy, as though the bone had healed in spikes under it. His leg wasn't merely bruised, it was almost entirely painted in shades of black and blue. Bruises painted his thigh entirely in patterns that meant breaks, and most of those bruises were old. His knee was bent in a slightly weird way, as though the lower part of the joint had turned a bit, and the swelling and bruising showed both dislocation and breaks. There was even a slight but unnatural indent to his calf, with bruising that looked like it had broken a few weeks ago- the entire leg was an emergency on its own. How had Riah been able to put any weight on that leg, let alone walk on it without his cane?
The third thing he noticed was the least important, but somehow it surprised him the most. They'd all been wondering why Fairy Godmother insisted on calling Riah Rhiannon, a girl's name, and why he'd been put in a girl's room. Despite everything, he felt a hot flash of anger. What was wrong with this place? Riah had made it abundantly clear that he was a guy, so what did it matter if his body didn't match? There was no way they hadn't known about him being a boy. Were they trying to make some kind of point? Allah, that was so messed up.
Claudine wasn't surprised. She darted to Riah's side as the rest of them paused, squeezing his limp hand. "How bad is it?"
Another one covered in blue fur, this one built like a gorilla, shook his head. "The damage is too severe to be fixed and his blood type makes a transplant impossible. There's no way to make his lungs function again. I'm so sorry."
Jay nearly staggered under the weight of those words. Riah... no, Riah couldn't die. He'd been fine yesterday. They'd been joking and complaining just like normal only yesterday. Riah had been a bit stressed, yeah, but he'd been fine. And now he was going to die. He was going to die and Jay would never see his smile or hear his laugh or trade insults with him ever again. He was only fifteen and he was going to die. And they would have to send his body to the Isle with the barge as though it was garbage, and there was no guarantee Hades would get his body before anyone else because Hades wouldn't even know Riah was dead-
Claudine jolted, face going hard. "There is. We need to get him to the Isle. Right. Now."
"What're you talking about?" Mal asked. Was it something about letting Riah die with his family?
"He's had transplants before, his heart and kidneys. A lung transplant is possible, but we need to get him to the Isle for that to happen." She shot to her feet. "Mara Winchester is a complete universal donor and her tissue changes to match whoever it's transplanted into."
"Winchester?" Jay shared a confused look with Mal. Mara Winchester as in that weird girl who lived in the forest? The one who smoked, drank, swore every three words and insulted someone every five? The firstborn daughter of Madam Mim and the Horned King, with the-
The pure white skin, curly black hair, and glowing red eyes.
Holy shit.
"He's Matilda Mim," Evie whispered. Matilda Mim the Third was a bit of an urban legend on the Isle. The secondborn kid of the Horned King and Madam Mim, born three months premature, cursed, and left to die at only a few hours old. Legend was that Matilda had actually survived and was still alive-
"Don't call him that," Claudine corrected. "His name is Riah. But yes, he was."
Holy shit!
"We're wasting time," she continued. "The longer we wait, the more damage is done. If we get him there within the next hour he might be able to survive long enough for the transplant-"
"What's going on?"
They all whirled to Ben standing in the doorway, Aurora and Audrey with him. His eyes were tight with worry, his muscles tensed and ready to move. He looked worried, but there was no way he would let them take Riah back to the Isle at the drop of a hat-
"We're taking Riah to the Isle to save his life," Claudine said, squaring her shoulders and giving him a look as if daring him to argue. "And we're taking him there right now."
"You'd better believe they are."
As if this couldn't get any more confusing-
The man who stepped out of the shadows was Isle, it was obvious even if Jay hadn't known who she was. The scars on her skin and across her face- he could match so many of her features to Riah's- the tattoos painting her arms, her light turquoise hair, buzzed at the back and sides but long at the top in a way no one on Auradon used, her black armour-
Maverick fucking Mim.
She gave them a crooked smile, just like Riah's, and stepped further into the room. She was only a few inches taller than Ben, but she seemed to tower over him "Let me make this clear, Benny Baby- if Riah dies, everyone dies. Riah is not supposed to die yet and if he does, it fucks the natural order sideways in a way that reality really can't afford. I ain't in the position to kill myself so that his death wouldn't upset the natural order, so you're going to take him to the Isle so that I can continue playing cleanup for the absolute fucking disaster your daddy created. Now." She turned back to them. "There's a specific way you have to do this."
"How the fuck are you here?" Mal asked, finally finding her tongue in her shock. Maverick Mim didn't have any way to be in Auradon. She was powerful with magick, sure, but if she hadn't broken the barrier yet, she wasn't going to. So how had she gotten to Auradon?
"Technically I'm not," she shrugged. Yeah, because that made sense. "I'm astral projecting so that I can talk to you because I don't want the world to end. And, by the way, ask King Beast how I know Riah's dying because that fucker knows, and he also knows why Riah's death before my death would upset the natural order of everything. We ain't got time to unpack all that. Now, are you gonna listen to me or are you gonna let him die so that the world ends?"
If any of them had a response, she didn't give them enough time to say it. "As I was saying, you guys need to follow directions because there's a certain way this needs done. Get him to the barrier but don't open it and I'll take care of the rest. You're going to need to drive."
"The Blackbird can get there faster," some bald guy in a wheelchair said.
Maverick shook her head. "Not gonna work. Number one, the hospital is underground-"
"Since when?" Mal sounded frazzled. Well, it was nice to see he wasn't the only one who had no clue what was going on.
"If one of you idiots interrupts me one more motherfucking time I swear to the gods," Maverick snapped. "We moved it because of I'll explain later. Point is, shit's underground now. There's no way for an aircraft to get to it even if we could get an aircraft through the barrier safely. So, you need to drive to where the bridge breaks. I'll handle everything else. I'll explain once the world is no longer in danger of ending. Get my little brother to the barrier and bring Benny Baby with you." She turned again, giving Ben a grin that was all teeth. "We need to talk."
"Who are you?" Ben managed.
"That answer will have to wait until we're face-to-face, golden boy, and none of you are allowed to tell him. I think a demonstration will drive it home better than me just saying it." With that cryptic statement, she turned back to the five. "Just get my brother to the barrier. I'll explain everything once he's stable. You guys willing to do that or do I have to do something that's going to bring Auradon's fist down on thousands of innocent children?"
Jay was so confused he was practically dizzy from it- he was almost certain he was physically swaying from it. Mal grabbed his hand, squeezing hard to try and ground him. "We'll get him to the barrier. Everything else can wait."
That was why Mal was the leader. She had a gift for keeping her head in even the worst situations.
Maverick nodded. "I'll be waiting. And, no matter what, you guys need to not interfere with what I'm going to do unless I tell you to. If I don't tell you to do anything, you do nothing. That goes for the X-Men, too." She gestured at the adults so that there was no question who the "X Men" were.
"I'll keep them in line," Mal promised. With one final nod, Maverick stepped back into the shadows, melting into them. Just as inexplicably as she had arrived, she was gone. "Let's get moving, fast. If she's involved, we need to believe her because she never gets involved unless it's the apocalypse."
"Who was that?" Ben asked, struggling to sound composed. The poor guy looked as confused as Jay felt.
"That," Mal gestured at the shadow Maverick had vanished into, "Was our sign that the world is going to end and a way to keep it from ending. On the Isle, her word is law. If she orders you to jump, no matter what gang you're part of, you say 'How high?' If she's saying we need to get Riah to the Isle, we're getting Riah to the fucking Isle. Now let's get moving before he dies."
Ben had no idea what was going on. It turned out that the Isle kids didn't, either.
The entire journey in the X-Van was spent listening to Claudine explain everything. No matter how bad Riah's physical conditions had seemed, they were only the surface of the issues. Riah had been born nearly three months premature. He'd been blind when he was younger and had needed surgeries and different treatments to fix this, but his eyes were still sensitive to light and he struggled with processing visual information. He'd needed multiple organs replaced- his heart, his kidneys, his intestines, and even two vertebrae. He'd had brain surgery when he was three to lessen severe epilepsy, but he was still epileptic and had seizures triggered by stress (which he was on medications for, but still.) His left femur wasn't simply broken, it had been eighty-five percent shattered. Fixing it had been impossible for reasons Ben never got but they all seemed to know. He had chronic pain from dozens of broken bones and this pain was sometimes so severe that he couldn't get out of bed. Today had been one of those days, and Riah had still forced himself out of bed and tried to walk down the stairs.
The only area Claudine didn't know much about was his lungs. That was where Doctor McCoy stepped in.
"Getting an imaging scan was far easier than you think. Equipment for mutants with ice, fire, and electricity abilities worked like a charm. This is why these six must see a provider used to working with genetic variants- if this had been detected earlier, we would have been able to act before it was an emergency." So they needed mutant doctors. He would have to see if the Xavier Institute would be willing to treat them moving forward. "Riah's lungs are extremely malformed. If I had to guess, I would say they were the size of an eight-year-old's lungs, and a small eight-year-old at that. Their growth has been severely restricted by the curse. As a result, they've grown into an extremely dysfunctional shape. The walls of his lungs are inconsistent, some parts are far too thick while some parts are as thin as tissue paper. The insides are almost eighty percent scar tissue, I suspect due to the way they've been forced to grow. It appears he's had some sort of laryngotracheal reconstruction surgery, surgery to fix his windpipe, at least twice in his life, but there's still a great deal of damage and malformation with his windpipe."
"He shouldn't be alive," Audrey whispered, eyes wide with horror. "How can he still be alive?"
"It appears he has some minor form of immortality. His body seems to adapt to any issues that put his life at risk. I noticed in the scans that he has scar tissue across his intestines, right under the scar across his stomach. An injury like this should not have been able to heal and should have required removal and a great deal of medical intervention, but his body was able to heal the damage and restore function. Scans of his brain, stomach, heart, liver, and spinal cord reveal similar scars and similar healing. If I had to guess, I would say the tissue in his lungs has mutated to function despite the damage. The real question is why this ability suddenly stopped." The Isle kids shared a minute, knowing look. "I hope to speak to someone who knows more about his medical history."
"Hades should know," Claudine whispered. "He's been taking care of Riah for Riah's entire life. He knows everything there is to know about Riah's medical issues and he'll probably be at the hospital."
"Fantastic." McCoy looked almost like a child at Christmas.
"We're bringing his dog back with us," Aurora said. Ben looked at her, puzzled. Since when did Riah have a dog? And why did they need to bring a dog with them to Auradon? "He has a service dog, Lydia, and he wasn't allowed to bring her with him. He needs her."
"She does a lot," Claudine added. "She helps him get around, grabs stuff for him, keeps him from falling or helps him get up after a fall, opens and closes stuff, wakes him up from nightmares, alerts for his panic attacks, meltdowns, shutdowns, flashbacks, and dissociation, and she helps him feel safe. She can even alert them to his seizures before he has one, sometimes an hour before they happen. I've seen how much she helps him. She's as important to him as his cane, maybe more."
"If she's so important, why wasn't he allowed to bring her?" He'd never said anything about the Isle kids not being allowed to bring pets, and he'd certainly never forbidden service dogs. If Riah had a service dog, he should have been allowed to bring her with him. And why hadn't he been told about this? At the very least he should have been made aware that Riah had an essential service dog he'd been forced to leave on the Isle.
"She's a Tibetan mastiff." A what? "According to Hades, her breed qualifies as giant, like a Newfoundland or Great Dane. She's heavier than Riah by around twenty pounds and when she stands on her hind legs, she can put her front paws on her shoulders. She looks like some kind of lion, too, or a bear. She's just a massive dog, and I guess they thought that her size made her dangerous." Claudine gave him a pleading look. "But she's not. She's so gentle, she doesn't have a mean bone in her body. She's not friendly, yeah, but she's not aggressive. I swear, she won't put anyone in danger. If anything, she'll keep bad situations from happening."
"If he needs her, I don't see why he shouldn't be allowed to have her. I had no idea he had a service dog that he wasn't allowed to bring with him." Maybe not having his dog would explain why Riah seemed to have gone downhill so fast in Auradon. He was the only one of the Isle kids who had lost weight, and he'd lost a lot- maybe the dog reminded him to eat, or helped relieve stress so he could eat? If she kept him from falling, his leg probably wouldn't be as bad as it looked. Maybe she could have calmed him down before he snapped under his anger or anxiety. Maybe a lot of his anxiety was from not having his dog- not having the comfort, not having an early warning for seizures, not having something that could remind him to listen to his emotions and take care of himself- it would make a lot of sense. He couldn't believe this had never been brought to his attention. "Do any of you have service animals you left behind? We can collect them while we're here."
Mal shook her head. "But I know I've got some stuff I left at home, and I know the others probably do. Would it be okay if we went home and grabbed some things we forgot?"
"Absolutely. Just don't bring any weapons." He felt stupid saying it. The Isle kids might have been rough, but they weren't dangerous. They weren't going to bring weapons into the school.
Jay snorted into his hand and Evie bit her lip to keep from laughing. Mal elbowed both of them, but it was clear she was trying not to laugh. "No problem."
With those plans made, Ben looked back at Riah, still unconscious in the gurney that had fit perfectly into the X-Van. He was so thin, far thinner than he'd been when he first came to Auradon, and covered in black bruises. It was hard to believe he'd been in Auradon for two months. While the other five had healed up and gained weight, he'd lost weight and gotten injury after injury. "Has he been eating?"
"He eats more than any of us," Jay frowned. "Sometimes I think he eats more than all of us put together. I don't get how he lost so much weight."
"Maybe we should ask Mara." Who was Mara and where did she come into this? Seeing Ben's confusion, Mal went on. "She's his biological sister, around a year older than him, and they look like they could be twins. If anyone knows how Riah managed to lose this much weight, it's her. Maybe she'll even know how to help him get back to normal... Well, normal for his weird ass. She'll be the one he's getting lungs from, so she should be there."
"His sister is really going to die for him?" That was a very impressive amount of sibling dedication, but God...  How could they talk about that like it was no big deal? How were they supposed to talk to this girl knowing she was going to die so that Riah could live?
"What?" Mal gave him a strange look, then seemed to understand. "Oh- Mara's immortal. She sold her soul to the woman you saw earlier because Mara needs to be immortal for now. She'll just regenerate her lungs and she'll be fine."
"There isn't any magic on the Isle." If there was no magic, how could anyone sell their soul to anyone? How could they become magically immortal and get to magically regenerate without magic?
"There's names," Mal explained. "If I were to ask someone to give me their name- never have, by the way, except in emergencies when someone won't be able to live unless I do it, and I always free them the second they aren't in danger- and they were to say their full name, I would own their soul. It's a rare practice, but people do it. Some people use it in very bad ways, but some people, like the person from earlier, use it to help people. Mara's currently the only thing keeping some of the adults in check, so she sold her soul to M- that person from earlier, because she needs to be immortal for everyone's sake. For what it's worth, she's has never forced any of the people who've sold their souls to her to do anything they don't want to do. Actually, I know at least two of them are freed from their contract if she tries to order them to do something they don't want to do."
Back to the mystery woman from earlier. Even the memory of her made Ben feel small. He could still feel her bright turquoise eyes piercing his soul, seeing every wrong he'd ever done. She had obviously been a lot older than all of them, twenty-one at the minimum, but he couldn't tell which villain she was. Of course, he hadn't been able to identify anything about her. If not for the Isle kids, he wouldn't have even known she was a woman. "Who is that woman? How do you know her?"
"Don't call her a woman. She's fine with she/her pronouns but she prefers titles for a guy or gender-neutral- so she'd be a man, not a woman." That didn't make any sense to him but he wasn't going to police how someone identified. Okay, M was a guy... ish? "As for who she is, she's..." Mal shook her head. "If she said we can't tell you who she is, we won't. When that one gets involved, she's in charge. When she gives us an order, we listen. We know her as Destiny, basically." Destiny as in Destiny of the Endless? The oldest of them, with a chronicle of all time chained to his arm? The most powerful being on the planet? "She's not, obviously, but we treat her like she is. She knows everything, knows what'll happen if something else happens. She has a really good intuition, or some kind of magical schooling, and we listen because she's never been wrong. And she rarely gets involved. Usually, she stays on her part of the Isle, doesn't interact with anyone outside of her gang. When she gets involved, it means something extinction-level needs stopped, and she knows how to stop it. If something is bad enough that she gets involved, we listen to her because she never gets involved."
"She's the Pope of the Isle," Claudine said. "She doesn't give orders often but when she does, her word is absolute law."
"How is she going to get us onto the Isle?" Ben felt like he was trying to put together a billion-piece puzzle with no edges and no picture. He wasn't going to let himself dwell on anything, just learn what he could so that he could figure out the bigger picture.
Mal shrugged. "No idea. But if she said she's going to get us onto the Isle, I believe her."
Ben glanced out the window, at the wide expanse of blue ocean, then at Riah.
Whatever happened, he hoped it happened fast.
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princess-ibri · 2 years
Do you have any ideas/headcanons for what Melody's relationships with her grandfather and six aunts are like? Also, do you have any ideas/headcanons about Ariel's Sisters/Melody's Aunts and whether or not any of them got married and had kids of their own?
A few yeah! I dont have anything really super thought out but I've always wished we saw more of Ariel's sisters in the sequal and honestly wish those three Mer-kids Melody met were written to have been her cousins:
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I feel like it would have given greater depth to both why Melody would want to stay a mermaid if she'd had actual time to bond with these mer-kids, (as it didn't look like she really had any friends her age on land) and then having them turn out to be her family she didn't know about would have added great pathos to the separation of the family.
(Honestly in my head the brunette girl and the Asian boy are her cousins, and blondie is Urchin from the tv show's son)
I also realized I never had shown my Canon Descendants design for Arabella, a Descendant who's mentioned in the books as Ariel's neice. I decided to make her the daughter of Attina as she's heir to the thrown and thus it makes sense for her daughter to have a more prominent role as well.
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And fun fact! Attina is actually the first sister we have (semi) canon confirmation is actually married! Another reason why I choose to keep TLM's 3 ordwr of the sisters birth, if nothing else from it. Attina always struck me as the oldest (It's the big crown ;) and having her be the first married just makes sense.
There was a short comic where Ariel helped stop Ursula from ruining Attina's wedding to this Prince Eric look alike (like seriously people you didn't even try xD also why are the merfolk wearing clothes under water??)
(Also sorry this is as good as the quality gets for this pic its very zoomed in)
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However shockingly we actually see the two together in the end of The Little Mermaid 2 (or at least two people who look shockingly like them) so yeah, I'll take Attina being married at the time of the first movie as canon for the DisneyVerse.
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Actually it makes way more sense for at least a few of Ariel's older sisters to already be married off or seriously involved at the time of the first movie. We'll just say their significant others are off screen xD
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riveramorylunar · 2 years
𝔊𝔬𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔥𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝔉𝔬𝔯 𝔙𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫
Series Masterlist, (Chapter 22)
Pairings: Leonora Lesso x Reader, Ariel x Daughter Reader, Prince Eric x Daughter Reader, Melody x Sister Reader, Flounder x Reader (Platonic), Sebastian x Reader (Platonic) & Skadi x Reader (Platonic)[Brief]
Warnings ⚠️: fluff & Melody teasing Y/N
Pet Names/Nicknames: Little Siren, Nora, Sissy, Dear & Hun
Word Count: 1,852
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It was the first Vacation for the students of the school for good and evil. Most of the students left early in the morning since it took them long to get home. Y/N, Skadi, Flounder and Sebastian's friends all had left at sunrise. Althea had Bear hugged everyone since she was the first to leave. She was excited and couldn't wait to show her mother and father her beast form. Y/N and the other four were packing up some of their stuff to go back home when there was a knock at the door. Skadi walked over and opened it to reveal Soren. "Hello bird man" Skadi teased causing Soren to blush. "Can you not call me that I know I'm a bird" Soren said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Nah I'm alright it's funny to see you get all embarrassed whenever I call you that" Skadi said and Y/N made her way over. "Stop it" Y/N said and Skadi rolled her eyes before going back to finish packing. "What's up Soren" Y/N asked andhe cleared his throat. "Leo would like to talk to you before you leave" Soren said and Y/N unfolded her arms. "Alright then let's not keep her waiting" Y/N said before telling her friends she'd be back soon.
Soren and Y/N made their way to the school for Evil when they saw Sparky messing with the wolf guards. "Sparky what are you doing here I thought you left" Y/N said causing Sparky to stop before turning around. "Oh uh yeah about that I'm not going home for vacation this time since my parents went somewhere" Sparky said causing Y/N the frown. Y/N thought for a couple seconds before smiling. "Why don't you come with me my family won't mind" she said and Sparky shouted in excitement before hugging Y/N tightly. "Thank you thank you thank you" Sparky shouted before she rushed over to go pack. The wolves looked at Y/N before bowing. Soren and Y/N walked past them as they made their way towards the Dean's office. Y/N opened the door without knocking and saw Lesso leaning against her chair with her legs on top of her desk.
"Oh Y/N just on time" Lesso said as she put her feet onto the ground. Y/N walked over and behind Lesso's desk. "Thank you Soren" Lesso said and Soren nodded before leaving and standing outside of the door. "So what did you want to talk about I still have some stuff to pack" Y/N said and Lesso smiled up at her before pulling her towards her. "I just wanted to say I hope you have fun and that I'll miss you" Lesso said as Y/N sat down on Lesso's lap sideways. "You're not going home to Neverland" Y/N asked and Lesso shook her head no. "I'm afraid not I have a lot of papers to grade and I haven't been home for years" Lesso said as she wrapped her arms around Y/N. Y/N looked down at Lesso's trenchcoat collar in thought before fixing it. "Why don't you come with me" Y/N said and Lesso looked up. "I would love to but like I said I have pap-" she was cut off when Y/N placed a finger on her mouth. "Wasn't a question you need a break so you're coming with us plus my family would love to meet you" Y/N said as she hopped off Lesso's lap causing her to frown. "Bu-" Lesso started but Y/N cut her off again. "No buts now hurry up the carriage will be here soon" Y/N said before she blew a kiss towards her lover. She left the office and shut the door behind her before looking up at Soren. "And you your coming to so pack whatever a bird man needs to go on a trip" Y/N said before walking off and back to the good castle.
"I can't believe you made Lesso join us" Flounder said as they watched Lesso, Sparky and Soren walk over to them. "If it was anyone else she would have turned them into something hideous" Sebastian said and Y/N rolled her eyes as she smiled. "You're a brat" Lesso said as she walked over to Y/N after setting her suitcase and bags down. "And you're stubborn" Y/N shot back causing Lesso too huff. Lesso pulled Y/N into her side before kissing the side of her head. They waited for a few until a carriage flew down and landed in front of them. Sparky was the first one to get in as she sat down and started joking with the Coachman. "Sparky stop messing with him" Y/N said and Sparky stopped before turning around and sitting down. Flounder and Sebastian say down next to Sparky as Y/N, Skadi and Lesso sat on the other set across from them. The other coachman shut the trunk before hopping onto the back.
"You have a little sister right" Sparky asked Y/N and she nodded. "Yeah her name's Melody" Y/N said as she thought about what her little sister will do when they arrive. "A little Siren like you how nice" Lesso said and Y/N looked at her before glaring. "She's not a siren plus she doesn't have any powers like me so be nice to her" Y/N said and Lesso raised her eyebrow. "Fine only for you" she said as she grabbed Y/N's hand and interlocked their fingers together. Y/N rested her head on Lesso's shoulders before closing her eyes.
"Darling wake up" Lesso whispered out as she tucked Y/N's hair behind her ear. Y/N stirred before her eyes opened. She lifted her head from Lesso's lap before sitting up to see they were about to land. Y/N looked up at Lesso and she looked back before pecking Y/N on the lips. The carriage landed and the coachman got off before opening the door. Y/N got off first then Lesso. "SISSY" someone shouted causing all of them to look up. Y/N smiled as she ran up as Melody threw her arms around Y/N's neck before wrapping her legs around Y/N's waist. Y/N wrapped her arms around her sister as Melody buried her head into Y/N's neck. "I missed you sissy" Melody said causing U/N to smile. "I missed you too Mel Bear" Y/N said before she set Melody on the ground. "Hello squirt" Skadi said as she ruffled Melody's hair up. "NO NO STOP I JUST GOT IT DONE" Melody shouted before she backed away bumping right into Lesso. She looked up and gulped when she saw Lesso looking down at her with a questioning look. He eyes widened in shock before she ran off. "GUYS Y/N BROUGHT A WOMAN HOME" Melody shouted as she ran towards the castle entrance. Y/N flushed in embarrassment as Lesso just raised an eyebrow.
The six of them followed Melody into the castle as she ran through the halls almost bumping into everyone that was walking through the halls getting ready for one of the balls. "What's going on" Lesso asked and Y/N looked up. "Oh I don't know" Y/N said as she furrowed her eyebrows trying to think. They made their way towards the throne room before Melody rushed in. "MAMA PAPA THERE YOU ARE" Melody shouted causing her parents to look up. "Oh Y/N darling your back" Ariel said as she walked over and pulled Y/N into her arms. Y/N hugged back as she nuzzled her head into her mother's shoulder. Ariel pulled away before looking her faugh up and down. "You sure changed your style" she said and Y/N smiled. Eric walked over and pulled Y/N into a hug. "I missed you my dear" he said and Y/N hugged back. "Missed you too father" Y/N said as her father kissed the top of her head.
"Who's the redhead in all black and the Jester" Ariel whispered out causing Y/N to pull away from her father. She turned around to see Lesso and Sparky standing there. Oh uh yeah right this is Sparky she's one of the Never students and a friend of mine" Y/N said and Sparky waved. "And this is we-" Y/N was cut off when Lesso took a step forward. "Leonora Lesso dean of the school for Evil and your daughters girlfriend" Lesso said as she winked at Y/N who blushed brightly. They heard a gasp causing them to look over to see Melody's mouth open in shock. "SHE'S THE DEAN OF EVIL" she shouted as she looked between her sister and Lesso. "Yes" Y/N muttered out as she rubbed the back of her neck. She looked up to see her mother and father looking at the Dean before smiling. "It's nice to meet you Leonora" Eric said as he shook Lesso's hand. "You guys aren't mad" Melody said and Y/N rolled her eyes. "No we're not whoever Y/N loves is her business" Ariel said as she looked at Y/N who smiled. "Alright I have to say something though Y/N picked one of the hottest women ever" Melody said before smirking. "I mean if I was in Y/N's place I'd be fainting all the time" she continued to tease her sister. "Melody" Y/N warned and Melody stuck her tongue out before rushing off. Y/N rushed after her while shouting her name.
The 7 of them watched as Y/N chased Melody out of the throne room. "I'm deeply sorry about that" Ariel said as she turned to look back at Lesso. "No need to be sorry" Lesso said as she smiled causing Ariel to smile back. "So Auntie what's going on and why is everyone decorating the place up" Skadi said causing Ariel to turn towards her. "Oh don't tell Melody or Y/N but their aunts and uncles are coming back from their adventures" Ariel said and Skadi's eyes lit up. "I have to say your sisters are hot" Skadi said and Ariel smacked Skadi's shoulder. Skadi laughed before dashing off as well along with the others leaving Lesso with Y/N's parents. Ariel turned around to face Lesso when the door shut. Ariel grabbed Lesso's tie before yanking her down. "You better not break my daughter's heart or I'll come after you with the rest of my family" Ariel said as her eyes glowed blue. "Don't worry Little Mermaid I won't ever do that" Lesso said as she pulled back causing Ariel to let go of her tie. "Better not" Ariel said as her eyes went back to normal the second the doors opened. "Nora come on" Y/N said as she rushed over to Lesso and her parents. She grabbed Nora's hand before pulling her away from her parents.
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paschameleon · 7 months
Here we have:
Melody (Ariel and Eric's daughter)
Gabriel (Belle and Adam's son)
Zena (Aladdin and Jasmine's daughter)
Matoaka (Pocahontas and John Rolfe's daughter)
Lian and Ping (Mulan and Shang's daughter and son)
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