#i feel like the older she got the more she resembled her dad
I don't understand why TLM 2 tried so hard to emphasize and clarify how much Ariel is like her mother in terms of personality when she is, in the movie, quite frankly, written to be more like Eric in character. She was really primarily introverted, shy, awkward, tomboyish, mild-mannered and more serious, which is more like her father. I guess it was her impulsive, curious, rebellious and reckless nature that made the characters in the movie go, "Ow, she is so like her mother!", but I don't know, whenever I see Melody, I see her as closer to her dad. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who sees it this way. I don't believe for one second that NO ONE in that universe was able to notice the similarities she had with her father. C'mon, she even has his doggone smile! 😂
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vivwritesfics · 4 months
Three Apples Tall
Lando and the readers son is insecure about how short he is. But he got his height from his dad and it was one of the reasons reader fell in love with him.
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Lando Norris had never expected to become a father at 24. But life was odd sometimes. It threw curve balls when you least expected it. What counted was how you handled it.
Lando married his girlfriend, the mother of his child. He was going to do it anyway, whether there was a baby involved or not. He moved out of his apartment in Monaco and they got a proper house together, the perfect place to raise the family.
Robert 'Bobby' Norris was the spitting image of his father. Like Lando had made a little clone of himself. He was a little heartbreaker as a baby and had all of the women in his life fawning over him.
He was a mommas boy, but he looked just like his father. As he got older, the resemblance to Lando only got stronger. He didn't start karting, that wasn't in his future. He wanted to be a footballer instead (and Lando was going to support him the entire way).
When Bobby was eleven he expressed to his momma just how scared he was of growing up short. "Girls don't like short guys, mum," he said as they ate dinner together. Lando was away at a race, but Bobby and his mum had stayed home so that he could go to school.
"Trust me, Bob," his mother said as she grabbed his plate from the table. "Girls don't care about height. You've seen me wear heels around your dad, right?"
Bobby wore a frown, but he still nodded.
As Bobby Norris got older, he only got more insecure about his height. His friends all shot up around him, the boys on his football team were all much bigger than him. Bobby hated it; he couldn't help but feel as though people were staring at them. Of course, nobody was, but he couldn't help the way he felt.
He didn't say anything to his father, but he did speak to his mother. His mother that worried about him. His mother that had to speak to his father about it.
Bobby Norris might not have understood this, but his father had felt all of this before. He understood how Bobby felt, better than most.
"Lan," she mumbled as they laid in bed together, holding each other. "He feels really shitty. Do you think you can talk to him?"
Lando couldn't help but feel like this was all of his fault. The short genes were his, after all. He hadn't felt insecure like this since he was a teenager. But Lando didn't care about his own insecurities. He knew how to deal with his own insecurities. Bobby didn't.
I must say they had another child in this time. A daughter, Eleanor Norris. She was a daddies girl, followed in her fathers footsteps. As soon as she could she begged to get into karting, and Lando did all that he could to make that happen.
She was small, but she didn't care. It didn't affect her in the way it did her brother.
Now, back to Bobby.
His friends towered over him. He hadn't been picked on for his height, nobody but him cared about that, but he still felt shit. As a five foot nothing sixteen year old, he hated it. His friends were all nearly six foot, some taller than that, and he wasn't.
Lando knocked on his bedroom door. Booby normally left it open, but he was gaming with his friends so his mother had shut his door since, like his father, he tended to get a little loud.
"Yeah?" Bobby shouted as he pulled his headset off.
Lando pushed open his bedroom door and walked in. Bobby paused his game (it was call of duty - he didn't pause but hid somewhere on the map, a map that Lando remembered playing several years before) and spun in his gaming chair to face his dad.
"Hey, Bob," Lando said, trying to keep things light. Bobby raised his eyebrows at his dad. He just wanted to get back to his game. "Your mum and I have been talking."
Bobby's neutral expression dropped into a frown. "Fuuuuuck," he groaned as he leaned back in his seat. "What did she tell you?" His head was still against the back of the gaming chair as he looked at his dad.
"She told me that... you don't feel great about your height."
Bobby didn't say anything. He simply looked at his dad. How to you admit that you're insecure about your height to the person you inherited it from?
"I used to be insecure about my height," Lando admitted, linking his fingers together. "When I was a kid I really cared about what people thought about me and my height. My friends at school were all tall and I wasn't. I was really embarrassed when I was at school."
Bobby let out a groan. "Seriously dad, do we have to do this?"
"Just listen," said Lando. "I tried not to care, but I really did. Even in my 20's I still cared. But Then I met your mum. She made me realise that nobody cared about my height. It was all in my head and nobody cared but me. Your mum is taller than me in heels, and that made me insecure at our first FIA prize gala, but I realised I shouldn't care so much. I might be three apples tall, but nobody cares but me."
"Okay, I get it," said Bobby as he turned back to his game. His controller had turned off and he pressed the button to turn it on.
Lando stood and laid his hand on Bobby's shoulder. "I just don't want you to wait until your twenties to realise this."
It may not have looked like Bobby was listening, but he was. He took in what his dad was saying, and stopped caring about his height. It made him a lot happier, his friends could tell, his family could tell.
Robert Norris was three apples tall, just like his dad.
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seawing-vibes · 2 months
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Decided to fill out a template from @/falling-skyzz I feel normal about . The dragons ! List of characters & design & dynamic thoughts under the cut <3
Also If anyone else fills out thus template feel free to send me the post,, I would love to see other people filling this out!!! I love templates !!
Secretkeeper & Moon • I understand theres a lot of reasonable hate for Secretkeeper but!!! I find her & moon to be a very fascinating pair! To make a long ass thought short, I think Secretkeeper is the embodiment of “product of her environment & deeply traumatize & projecting”. I think she genuinely really loves moon but obviously expresses that through being “”protective””. But I think shes genuinely a character with a capacity for change & realizing the autonomy Moon has over her own powers. Also from the perspective of Moon I think her arc around her relationship with her mom could be really interesting, especially as Secretkeepers authority becomes challenged in Moons life & she has to confront the bullshit her mother has put her through. Overall very very interesting pair I think about them a lot.
Design Note: Secretkeeper is duller in color than Moon & has less stars due to lack of moon light on the island! Also the scales around her mouth are almost completely black, making her mouth barely visible, giving her the name “Secretkeeper” as she “has no mouth to tell others secrets.”
Tsunami & Starflight • Just one of my fav siblings! This specific illustration is from the Arena Scene in Dragonet Prophesy! I really really love Tsu & Starflights dynamic of looking up to eachother & their development together just. So neat!
Design Note: Starflight has very few constellation marks in this illustration as he hasnt spent much time under moonlight quite yet!
Shark & Abalone • One of my more out-there ships! I based this on the thought that Shark was once close with Abalone (cough. Husbands.) and that relates to why he was willing to give Tortoise a lunch-break from watching the eggs. He already saw someone close to him die from being overworked to watch the clutch, he didn’t want to watch another dragon die from his sisters selfishness. I could write an essay on these two I swear
Deisgn Note: Shark is based on a tiger shark & abalone is based on real abalones! hes one of my fav designs here
Six-Claws & Ostrich • He’s just a sweet dad! the little we see of him he seems to really love her & vice-versa <3 they’re just neat
Design Note: Six-Claws is based on a king cobra & is a specific sub-“species” of hooded Sandwings ! Burn found his hood mutation & six-claws super interesting
Tamarin & Pike • My fav background friendship! They’re just fun. I like Pike just chillin out around Tamarin & describing flower colors to her to the best of his ability (she just likes to hear him ramble about a shared interest)
Design Notes: I updated how I draw Tamarins eyes to properly resemble a blind-born dragon ! Also Pike’s deisgn got some yellow in it and I really like it <3
Whiteout & Thoughtful • I just think they’re neat!! They just seem like a sweet pair love them
Design Note: none really! Just experimenting with a rando Thoughtful design that I tossed together for my “ships tier list”
Tsunami • Its just her :) my fav dragon <3!!! I definitely dont think she upholds the “princess” title once she gets older, her only link to the throne is by Coral insisting monthly visits but Tsu otherwise wouldn’t be any interesting in royal life I would imagine
Design Note: Shes caught a waaururrghh something im going bonkers I cant remember what fish that is and my reference photo seems to have dissipated into the cosmos
Anemone • I LOVE HER. SO MUCH ! Anemone haters BACK OFF!!!! Her relationship to her powers is so fucked man. Something you’d think would give her power & control is just a key by which others use to manipulate and abuse her like . Man :( shes literally never had any autonomy over her own identity & intermingled her powers into her identity So Much only for that aspect of herself to also be revealed to be a facade for someone else’s desires like. GUH I love her so much I hope shes having a good day I dont care what anyone says she deserves to be a brat and I support her for it
Design Note: none really! The stars in her talons are just metaphorical though
Snowflake & Snowfox • THE OGS!!!!!! MY FAVORITE PROBLEMATIC LESBIANS <3 Ahhh remember in the early days when they were considered the #1 most problematic ship because they were gay and also evil. I love the evil lesbians so much they’re so shitty sorry Darkstalker Snowfox should’ve been queen I would’ve loved to see that go down it’d be so silly
Design Notes: Snowfox is based on an arctic fox shedding into their summer coat!! I know its p . Away from canon descriptors of her but it was sm fun to illustrate so shhh <3 Snowflake is just grey & blueish per-canon but shes sooo fun. love her.
Okay thats all here are the individual illustrations now !!!!! Because why not !!! If these aren’t transparent its all over
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 9 months
Little Ghost
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader Drabble
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Thanks so much to @puff0o0 for drawing this and feeding me more ideas for GirlDad!Simon "Ghost" Riley.
(I didn't give the baby a name, I would've opt for Charlotte but idk what y'all want to name your children)
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Your little toddler asking you, her momma for help. She had several drawings of her dad, you and her. She's been pointing non-stop while babbling at her drawing of her dad, with his mask on.
"Yeah love, that's dada.." You said to her with your head tilted, trying to understand what she was telling you. The little one whined in frustration, she wanted so bad to communicate what she wanted but she was only able to say a few words.
She had to demonstrate to you what she was referring to in the means of actions, she took her baby blanket on the couch and placed it over her head, somewhat resembling a mask.
You further encouraged her later on by giving her one of Simon's older masks and it seemed to have cheered her up, even though her head was too small for it and the mask's eye hole goes through her head perfectly like a shirt.
That's when you had the bright idea to surprise Simon, taking inspiration from the baby carrier you and your husband bought for your baby (he couldn't do anything but grumble about the fact that it was pink), you decided to make her a mask tailored to her.
It wasn't hard finding the materials, you already had a pink stretchy fabric from your old shirt and that plastic skull decoration you got from last Halloween. Oddly enough you got it because it was similar to Ghost's mask, it was time you repurposed it.
• ──── ✦ Time Skip ✦ ──── •
Ghost finally found himself home after being on a mission for almost two months, he opened the door, prying his keys off them and gently nudge it closed.
He looked around throwing his duffle bag on the ground near the shoe rack, he found himself smiling at the two pairs of shoes there. Yours and what he thought was the tiniest pink shoes, a space unoccupied at the right side to be completed by his pair of combat boots.
Simon turned his head, looking further in towards your shared home to see his little girl stumbling towards him. Only to his amusement, she was wearing a pink version of his mask. Simon let out a chuckle, a proud boisterous one.
"Lovie, did you make that for her..?" Simon asked you after seeing you turn the corner to almost tackle him in a hug, the amusement in his voice still quite clear. You nodded your head before replying "Well I only helped, our mini Ghostie did most of the work". That earned you a forehead kiss from your husband.
He lifted your little one up after she looked at him and said "Up-py dada, uppies please", her tiny arms gripping his shirt while he carried her. The little mask reminded him of the time you surprised him with baby mittens with skeleton hands printed on it.
You kissed both their cheeks sending your little one into a fit of giggles while she tried to kiss her momma back. Simon just stared at the sight, feeling happier that he's home to his family.
Yeah he's definitely going to bring that pink mask along when he takes the little one to see the Taskforce again..
(The Taskforce interacting with little baby Ghost...)
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Please write something for my man Aaron Hotchner like him being jealous or something girl I don’t know just something anywayyy love yaaa
hi thank you so much for your request! <3 jealous!aaron under the cut!!
you were trying to keep your relationship as quiet as possible, considering the two of you were coworkers and he was significantly older — or more literally, he was your boss.
you had agreed upon minimal romantic interactions around the team, settling for discrete pinky touches, or an occasional love struck smile.
it wasn’t until you had come back from a rather tough case that everything you had built came crashing down.
returning to the bau, you and the rest of the team had decided to get drinks, because lord knows you needed them, so you had picked a bar to congregate at until everyone was sufficiently wasted.
aaron and david had chosen to be the team’s chaperones for the night, opting for a singular glass of liquor.
you, jj, emily, and penelope were all squished into one side of the booth that you were sharing with the team, giggling and laughing, keeping everyone’s spirits high.
you sucked down two fun and fruity drinks and still were not satisfied with your consumption — seeing as you and the girls had your hearts set on trying all of the flavors the bar had to offer.
standing with a bit of a tipsy wobble, you offered to get more flavors for the girls to try, which they happily obliged to.
aaron watched as you made your way over to the side of the bar, chatting with the bartender as she made the drinks.
everything was going smoothly, but he thought about how much you were going to hate your hangover in the morning. as he got lost in thought about taking care of you, he didn’t notice a man approach you…until derek’s loud mouth made it known to everyone at the table.
“damn! looks like you girls are about to get some free drinks!”
aaron’s head snapped over to where you were standing and noticed the signs of your discomfort — the way you crossed you legs, the picking as your nails, and the polite, tight-lipped smile you presented.
aaron could feel his jealousy rising. he didn’t know what happened, but it was like he blacked out, because one moment he was sitting with the team, and the next he was up at the bar next to you with his large hand on the small of your back.
you leaned into his touch and the man talking to you looked aaron up and down.
“what? are you her dad or something?”
“i’m her boyfriend.”
aaron moved his other hand to his waist, his coat jacket moved to reveal his fbi badge. the man’s eyes went wide, looking from the badge to you, then from you and back to the badge.
“you know on second thought, i think we should skip those drinks,”
aaron grinned smugly at the man, “i think that’s a good idea.”
as the man scurried off, you turned around and gave aaron a chaste peck on the lips, “i think someone got a little jealous,”
“me? never!”
you smiled at him as he pressed a slow kiss to your temple. the girls’ and your drinks finally were ready, placed in front of you on the counter. aaron helped you carry them back to the table.
as you approached the table, the rest of the team shared the same look, a look that very similarly resembled the one the man at the bar displayed.
setting the drinks down, you both slid back into your seats. rossi was the first to break the silence, patting aaron on the back, “so..?”
“alright then!”
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bonefall · 4 months
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Cat? Gray. Eyes? Blue. Hotel? Trevago.
Design babble stuff below
Good god it's been over a year since I last drew her. I can do so much better now
I give her a wolf motif for BB, because in my mind it's about the myth of the lone wolf. Lone wolves aren't normal, they're pack animals. At first, Firestar sees her as this ideal, strong leader who stands independently of everything... but he's wrong!
She's NEVER acted fully alone! She's always been devoted to her family, even as it dwindled. Her ruling style is to protect other Clans, unlike any leader who's come before her. In BB, she even had a mixed-Clan friendgroup called the Forget-Me-Nots.
She helped to depose ShadowClan's tyrant. She sent Firestar to fetch WindClan, even against the wishes of the other two. She even fought Nightstar and Crookedstar when they tried to drive them out again.
She even takes the code SO seriously that she refused to kill Brokentail, extending a mercy that ended up backfiring.
And Firestar learns everything about leadership from her. Grace, diplomacy, fairness... and she was fair to a fault.
Both her and her apprentice would eventually face down Tigerkin, Bluestar during the coup and Firestar even lost a life after defending Hawkfrost for several books.
The only time Bluestar ever became a "lone wolf" was in her cruelty arc, when she was dragging everything she ever stood for down with her.
Her wolf motif shows up in her entire family, to connect them. It's in her nephew Whitestorm, her uncle Goosefeather, her daughter Mistystar, even all the way down into Curlfeather and Frostpaw who are descended from Reedwhisker in BB.
The scar comes from her fighting a badger to rescue Darkstripe and his sister, Cricketclaw, when they wandered off as kittens.
He's a mix of spiky and swirly, as a cross between his dad Deadfoot and his mother Ashfoot.
He's older in BB to change that he was an apprentice on the Great Journey, and also to fix an inconsistency where his dad would be dead when he was conceived.
I think it was a huge missed opportunity that Crowfeather's bond to his mentor, Mudclaw, is barely mentioned in-canon. In BB they were VERY close and Mudclaw was incredibly influential to his personality.
Deadfoot is dead-- Mudclaw was like a father to him.
Crowfeather is torn between the influence of his mother, who was a Forget-Me-Not in her youth, and the hard ideology of his mentor. All the while, the ego boost he got from being selected to go on the Great Journey massively affected him, in a bad way.
He ended up taking Mudclaw's side in the rebellion-- not because he believed that ThunderClan had told a lie (in fact he defends his friend's honor) but because he believed Mudclaw would be a better leader.
But eventually, he found himself surrounded by cats he didn't want anywhere near WindClan. Good intentions or not, Mudclaw was willing to work with cats like Blackclaw and Hawkfrost-- people who want a second TigerClan.
Crowfeather betrayed the rebellion, running to fetch Brambleclaw and ThunderClan reinforcements. In the fight, his nose was scratched in a chevron, the shape of Mudclaw's stripes.
I like the idea that he carries it with him, but always tries to put it off his mind. He mistreats and misuses other people, ignoring the reminder that he is a fallible person that's carved onto his nose.
died of infection. Sad!
All of his kits resemble him in some way. Lionblaze inherited his tail, Hollyleaf has the spikes, Breezepelt has the build, Jayfeather is a miserable git has the ear swirls
He was head of Kitchen Patrol until BB!OotS, but I'm actually planning for him to NOT be deputy in BB. His character growth feels a lot more satisfying in realizing he really doesn't handle power very well, and should stay away from it.
He has old relationships and burned bridges to mend, and staying part of Kitchen Patrol seems like the way he should plan to do that.
I talked about him a lot in Nightcloud's summary and he's going to be coming up in the outline of Nightcloud's Pannage a lot. Much as I love taking potshots at him, he's got a very kind arc laid out.
She is the daughter of LIONHEART whY don't you people give her A MANEEEE
let her be THICK
In BB, the Frostfour are actually from two different litters. Cinderpelt and Brackenfur were in the older one.
Frostfur was head of Kitchen Patrol at the time, and very overworked lmao
So Cinder and Bracken both have an "older sibling" energy. Their mom was usually involving them in every little activity to get some help. Brackenfur is over-responsible, and Cinderpelt was always trying to help out other people and prove herself.
Of course, it also lead to her running right into Tigerclaw's trap which was set for Bluestar-- she wanted to be helpful.
The injury didn't heal right and she has chronic pain. She has severe mobility issues in the hip, and usually keeps the leg bound to her body so it doesn't drag or hurt.
She could have still been a warrior if she wanted to, but discovered while healing that she loved working with Yellowfang. I also interpret it this way in canon, to be fair, but TNP decided to remember it completely differently.
After saving Littlecloud's life they became absolute best friends. They worked on a mobility device for Wildfur together.
They style their manes in a similar way, pushing it up into that "spike" on their heads and out of their faces.
Moonkitti's blonde Ashfur remains iconic, I fear
I draw him like a cheetah so he has the funky cheetah cub hair
I'm a HUGE fan of what the Erins did with the direction of Ashfur's story, with him being an obsessive spurned lover, but that's not really the sort of story I tell in BB!
So I approach his obsession on Squirrelflight as being very... Judge Frollo-esque.
Frollo's ultimate goal isn't to possess Esmerelda. He wants her, but it's a wrench in his plans to commit ethnic cleansing using his religious justifications. Hellfire is about how he finds a way to shift the blame for his own lust onto her, and offers an ultimatum; "She will be mine or she will burn (along with everyone else I plan to slaughter)"
In Frollo's mind, he "forgives" her for what she's "done to him." For what she is. He sees what he's doing as giving her an "escape."
It's not for her benefit. It's for HIS. By giving her this "escape," if she takes it, he gets to think of her as redeeming herself (and thus being worthy of him).
If she does not... then it's no skin off his back. He's Done His Part. Everything was always her fault. He is blameless.
Either way he gets to walk away feeling justified.
All that to say-- that's how I approach BB!Ashfur.
He wants to punish codebreakers. He wants the Clans to suffer for how far they've fallen from where they should be. They've become vulgar, ungrateful, unworthy of StarClan's grace.
He tried to kill The Three because he'd learned of the Fire and Tiger prophecy, and was only trying to protect the Clan. If Squirrelflight had CHOSEN HIM, then none of this would have happened.
He was righting a wrong, you see, and StarClan understood, in his eyes.
When Hollyleaf slaughtered him, violating the Code, it only confirmed he had been right all along.
And again and again and again, he offers Squirrelflight what she needs to redeem herself. He wants her. He wants her to "be better."
When she lets him down... then it's not his fault. She's forced his paw.
SO the blonde hair isn't totally just a fun reference, I also find it fitting because aside from the cheetah motif, he sees himself as angelic.
It's also why I don't portray him as "grubby" like some folks do, BB!Ashfur is much more vain than Canon!Ashfur, caring immensely about his appearance. Thinking about it, he probably won't even let his Bramblefake vessel fall into disrepair, he'd feel more grossed out than usual.
He also gets a very cool boss fight form at the end of BB!TBC which I still need to design lmao.
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princesscolumbia · 10 months
Star Trek Captains, A Review and Categorization
Star Trek is a show about a Neo-military organization that has rank structures, ships, and fights wars, so naturally there's plenty of captains to talk about, but for this post I'll be highlighting specifically the main cast captains, in something resembling chronological order. (But, I mean, this is Star Trek, so even that's kinda up in the air)
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Captain Archer
That Guy who had to hand crank the warp engine up-hill both ways in the blinding ion storm. We don't need no stinkin' Prime Directive! Remember The Alamo Pearl Harbor 9/11 Florida! But...uh, maybe don't be dicks about it, not everyone who looks like the ones responsible for that thing we're never going to forget actually wants us dead. Got transformed into an alien, got possessed by another alien, slept with a couple more. Never got pregnant, though (that was his chief engineer)
Ships commanded: 1
Wars started: 0
Wars ended: 3
Times on screen naked: 1
Nazi facilities destroyed: 1
Category: Grampa
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Captain Pike
Midlife crisis? What midlife crisis? Everything's fiiiiine. Now eat something, it'll make you feel better. I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. Number One, don't tell me I can't adopt more kids, I don't care that they're from the future they're mine now. Besides, we've already got a whole ship-full, what's two more?
Ships commanded: 2
Violations of the Temporal Prime Directive: -3 (yes, it's an irrational number, we're talking time travel, people!)
Musical Numbers Participated While On Duty: 3
Hair: Really Great
Category: Dad (or DILF if you swing that way)
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Captain Georgiou
You will be captain when you can snatch the stone from my hand.
Ships commanded: 1
Protege's who required a redemption arc: 1
Awesomeness: Transcendent
Category: Gone too soon, also, MILF who can kick your ass
(Edit: Courtesy of @cheer-me-up-scotty for pointing out an oversite on my part)
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Captain Burnham
Cosplays as a Vulcan 'cause she's jealous of her adoptive brother. Accurately called an audience-stand-in-self-insert-mary-sue (shut up, Star Trek fandom invented the Mary Sue, it was a term coined by women fans, so shut up!), but by season 2 she actually gets interesting.
Mommy Issues: Has a subscription
Moms: 4
PTSD inducing life events: Like, all of them
Ships commanded: 3
Mutinies led failed: 1
Category: That One Cousin who married surprisingly well and made something of herself in spite of all expectations
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Captain Kirk
Golden retriever energy, would be the Useless Bisexual Himbo if he didn't have so much game. Probably smarter than he lets on. Polyamory King and certified Alien Fucker. Boyfriend is a half-space-elf, main sometimes-girlfriend will go on to create the deadliest super-weapon ever built by humans by accident.
Number of Klingon Bounties on his head: [CLASSIFIED]
Number of women he's slept with: [CLASSIFIED]
Nazi regimes toppled: 1
Number of times he should have had a test that determines if you can stick your dick in it that got named after an upstart from that other science fiction show instead: 1
Ships Commanded: 3
Ships He's Stolen: 3
Category: Slut(affectionate)
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Captain Kirk (the other one)
Golden Retriever that got left behind when his family moved away and had to lead a ragtag team of a crotchety older dog and a wet cat on a journey...
No, wait, hold on...
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Right! That's the one!
Times he should have been kicked out of Starfleet: At least 4
Ships commanded: 3
Ground transport destroyed: 2 (that we know of)
Number of middle fingers given to Admiralty: 2
Category: Bad Boy
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Captain Picard
You know that guy who you see going to the library all the time and always seems to have his nose in a book and always seems to be telling people off for breaking the rules and doing dangerous shit? You'd never know it but he used to be That Guy in college who got, like, ALL the girls and is going to be the Hot Grampa that you don't know how he has that much game, but he got it.
Ships lost in the line of duty: 2
Number of times he married and then estranged his best friend's wife who named their son after her dead first husband: 1
Number of toxic omnipotent and omniscient boyfriends who are obsessed with him and spends their spare time playing with ponies: 1
Category: Inexplicable Sexyman
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Captain Badass Sisko
The Cool Dad with baggage. He's got game, but he's got priorities as well, and DON'T mess with his son or you won't even exist anymore to regret it. BLM before it was cool. Led a civil rights riot two centuries before he was born. Space Jesus who can make the best jambalaya you've ever had. Fought and won a war, punched a god, then became one.
Civilizations saved: 4
Native Cultures Treated With the Respect They Deserve: Many
Times He Bent the Rules so his CMO could get some nookie from a Cardasian spy plain, simple tailor: The counter broke
Successful black-ops assassinations completed: 1
Category: BAMF
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Captain Janeway
THE single most decorated captain in Starfleet history. Successfully dropped the hammer on dozens of petty tyrants, oppressive regimes, roaming mass murderers, and the Borg. What Prime Directive? Your Mom. Also, probably slept with your mom, that's how much she is the Domme-est of Dommes. She told the Borg to use the safe word...and they DID!
Borg Daughters: 1
Times she told the Borg to step off: 3 (or 4...or 5? Honestly, with the time travel shenanigans it's hard to know for sure)
Nazis she's personally shot: 1
Category: Mistress, but it's "Ma'am" to you
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Captain Freeman
She's angry AND disappointed! She's just as good as all the other captains in the fleet, and the good ones know it, but all the rest? They see "cali class" and assume all they're good for is the jobs nobody else wants. But jokes on them, because thanks to that attitude her crew are the flippin' Jacks and Jills of all trades and are more capable of fixing AND fucking AND "fucking" shit up than damn near anyone else!
Times the ship has nearly been destroyed but she and her crew got through it: ...uh...how many episodes are there? And then there's the times that get casual mentions that we never get the details on!
Daughters who should probably be captains now if they were at least a LITTLE more respectful and didn't actively try to piss off Admirals: 1
Times the Cerritos has had to be rebuilt to the point it might as well be called "The Ship of Cerritos Problem": At least 4
Category: Your mom...get back here, I'M NOT DONE TALKING TO YOU!
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Captain R'El
Cinnamon Roll, just let m'boy into Starfleet! He just wants a home and a family! I'd like to see full-grown captains who can keep up with half of what this Best Boy is capable of!
Number of species his genetic code is made up of: All of 'em. Even the GODDAMN Q!
Number of Janeways he impressed the socks off of: 2
Quality of his Janeway impression: Bad
Number of Ferengi he out-Ferengi'd: 1
Nazis punched: Give him time...
Category: Teenage Boy Who's NOT GOING THROUGH A PHASE, MOM!
Should I do Captains Shaw and Seven? How about Alternate Timeline Tripp or Future Chakotay? (Going too far down that rabbit hole will eventually lead to Imperial Kirk and Captain Spock from the movies.) Let me know in the comments.
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 99
Part 1 Part 98
Steve spends a short three days in the hospital before they start the discharge. It’s surprising, somehow, that spending time slowly dying in the Upside-Down is more traumatic on the body than literal possession. Eddie can’t wrap his head around it. 
He’s sitting on Steve’s bed, hopefully for the last time, hip to hip as he kicks his feet out over and over again at the same tempo of his beating heart. Steve’s got their fingers interlaced on Eddie’s thigh, flexing his own fingers to that same rhythm Eddie’d started up. 
“You think it’ll be much longer?” Steve asks, slumping his head to the side and atop Eddie’s shoulder.
His hair tickles Eddie’s cheek. Eddie wants to reach up and smooth it back, but Steve’s still holding his hand, and the other one doesn’t quite reach. 
“Nah, the old man’s good at getting what he wants.”
“That’s because he’s got the same big, sad eyes as you.”
Eddie squawks in fake affront even as warmth pools in his cheeks. Few people have mentioned a resemblance, and it makes him go soft and gooey every time.  “I don’t have big, sad eyes!” He shakes Steve’s hand around gently in his - he’s always, always gentle. “I’m too tough.”
Steve snorts, small and tired. Even with relatively minor injuries, neither of them have been sleeping well in the small hospital cot. It’s starting to show in the circles beneath Steve’s eyes. Eddie wants to bundle him up in the backseat of Wayne’s truck and tuck him into their bed at home.
They won’t even have to come back. All they’ve got is some sort of cream for Steve’s burns, and Eddie’s bruised ribs and broken nose  are supposed to heal all on their own. His concussion’s already behind him, even if things still go a little wonky if he moves his neck too quickly. 
They can just convalesce. Maybe Wayne will bring them soup. Or burgers from the diner and a strawberry milkshake to split. Anything will be better than the mind-numbing sterility of the hospital, as long as they’re together. 
If only Wayne would hurry the hell up. 
It’s not Wayne who walks in. It’s not any of their friends, or family, or an unnamed doctor in blue scrubs. It’s not anyone he recognizes at all.
It’s a perfectly matched pair - like salt and pepper shakers at a fancy diner. Eddie feels his shoulders curl, a silent question mark to their upright forms. 
The woman looks like a mannequin, in her gray pencil knit skirt and matching cardigan, belted tight enough to make her look like a wine glass. Her hair is a windswept brown and her chin’s raised just so. 
The man’s suit is a pewter gray, matching her skirt perfectly. He has his hands stuffed into the pockets of his slacks, like he’s posing for a catalog as he looms imposingly on the threshold. 
She knocks on the frame of the door, calling a quiet, “knock knock,” as the man strides in. 
Eddie feels Steve’s hair brush against his cheek as he sits up and twists, to look at the new arrivals. Eddie doesn’t look toward him, can’t tear his eyes away from the pair, as the woman comes to stand beside the man, photogenic smile plastered to her face, even as the man glares down at them.
“Steven,” he says, eyebrows furrowed in an expression Eddie knows intimately. He’s seen it on Steve’s own face enough times. It’s less charming on the older, meaner model. 
Steve drops his hand covertly and shuffles slightly to the left and away, leaving Eddie’s hand to flop to the mattress, bereft. 
“Dad,” Steve replies.
Eddie turns, can’t not when Steve’s voice comes out so even, so lifeless, so dead. It’s just like when the mind flayer was running the show. Like Steve’s not there at all.
He is though. And that feels worse, because as Eddie stares at Steve’s perfect profile, he can almost see the years of distance and berating stacking themselves into the clench of his jaw and that familiar furrow of eyebrows. 
“What do you have to say for yourself?” His Dad doesn’t shout, but the hiss somehow still feels like it’s echoing off the bare walls of the hospital room.
Steve flinches back. Eddie sits on his hand as it twitches without his permission to grab onto Steve’s own. 
“For what, sir?” Mrs. Harrington’s perfect face scrunches up into a wince as she looks sidelong at her husband’s stony face. He opens his mouth, eyebrows angrier than ever, and Steve blurts, “I’m sorry.”
It doesn’t help. 
“Sorry,” he says evenly, like his fist wasn’t clenched in preparation for a strike. “Do you even know what you’re apologizing for?”
Steve sits, wordless, as he stares up at him, unblinking. 
Mrs. Harrington sighs. “Oh, Steve.” It sounds sympathetic, but Steve’s back curls in, arms wrapping around his ribs as he looks down at his own hanging feet. 
Eddie sits on his other hand.
Steve remains silent while storm clouds bloom above Mr. Harrington’s head.
Mrs. Harrington sighs, crossing arms and tapping perfectly manicured fingers against her own forearms, that same familiar beat that Steve gravitates toward without any of the soul.
“Sweetie,” she starts, no warmth in her voice or eyes. “I understand that you might have been feeling a little sick, but that’s no excuse for the state you left the house in.”
Eddie looks at Steve out of the corner of his eyes, and sees Steve looking right back, eyebrow quirked up in a silent question Eddie doesn’t know how to answer with witnesses.
“I’m sorry,” Steve says again, looking back down to the linoleum between his feet. 
“You’re sorry?” Mr. Harrington demands, voice raising with each syllable he utters. “You flooded the house, Steven!”
Steve flinches at the sound of his name. Eddie reaches out for the connection between them and plucks it, thrumming it like a guitar. Steve smiles, just a little, down at his socked feet. 
It’s a mistake. Mr. Harrington’s nostrils flare. Eddie sees the resemblance in the way his nose leans just slightly to the left, almost charmingly crooked. But there’s none of that familiar light behind Mr. Harrington’s eyes. He’s an empty pit, a bottomless well.
“We’ve had to replace all of the carpeting on the second floor,” Mrs. Harrington cuts in, looking down at her nails, uncaring as Mr. Harrington’s incensed further by her words.
“We wouldn’t have even known if the Allen’s hadn’t called us!” He’s shouting now, gesturing wildly toward the open door like whoever the Allen’s are, they’re waiting right outside, watching the show.
Mrs. Harrington sighs. “Oh, Richard. Don’t make a scene.”
As if spurred on by his wife’s chastising words, Mr. Harrington’s voice only gets louder. “You soiled the carpet beyond repair.” He punctuates his words with a raised finger, like he’s counting down all the sins he’s ready to lay at his son’s feet. “You made a spectacle of yourself in front of all the neighbors.” Another raised finger. 
He points both fingers  at Steve’s face, finger close enough to his nose that Eddie wants to snap out and bite it. “You left the garage open to be ransacked!” And here comes raised finger number three. 
Steve’s curling further and further into himself, creating distance between his Father’s wagging finger and his vulnerable face. 
“Leaving the door open, Steven?” Mrs. Harrington asks, just as aloof and uncaring of the scene in front of her, even as she says, “we could have been killed.”
Eddie can’t help the snort that comes out. It’s all just such a cartoonish display, almost unbelievable even as he watches it play out in front of him. He slaps his hand over his mouth, but both their gazes have already snapped over to him. 
Well, better him than Stevie. Stevie, who Eddie’s seen with that same curled posture hiding in his closet, and looking up at his own goddamn house from the passenger seat of Eddie’s van.
He’d been straight backed facing down a demogorgon but just the sight of his parents has him fading into himself. No fucking way. Not on Eddie’s watch.
Eddie slaps his own thighs once, sharp enough that it stings. Mrs. Harrington jumps, just a little, at the sound. Eddie stands, shifting on the balls of his feet until he’s just slightly in front of Steve, ready to defend. 
“Wouldn’t you have to actually be home for that?” Eddie asks.
Mrs. Harrington gasps, hand over her cheek like Eddie had slapped her. “Excuse me?” she asks, at the same time that Mr. Harrington demands, “who are you?”
Eddie puts his pointer finger to his chin, pouting like he’s really thinking this through. “You know, I think you’d know that if you were ever actually around.” 
Steve stands, shoulder to shoulder with Eddie as his Dad takes a threatening step toward Eddie. 
“This is Eddie,” Steve says, voice flat and cold. King Steve’s come out to play. Eddie grins, manic and wide in that way that’s always worked to rile up cops and teachers alike. It works just as well on the Harrington’s. He sticks out his tongue and almost laughs again when Mrs. Harrington takes a startled step back. “You’d know that if you gave half a shit about me.”
Mr. Harrington scoffs as he looks Eddie up and down, eyeing the rips in his jeans, the frayed hem of his t-shirt, the unkempt length of his hair. He turns away, dismissing him without even a word as he looks back at Steve. 
“It’s time to go,” he says, glaring down at his son. “We’ll talk about this at home.”
Steve takes a step away from Mr. Harrington’s grasping hands. Eddie reaches out, interlocking their fingers again and squeezing tight. The splint on Steve’s finger sticks out awkwardly, digging into Eddie’s own hand as Steve squeezes right back.
“Eddie is my home,” Steve says, like that isn’t the most romantic thing he’s ever heard.
He almost swoons, even as Mr. Harrington rages, looking between the pair of them, making connections Eddie desperately hopes are true and even more desperately hopes the man won’t go spreading around. 
“Last chance,” Mr. Harrington says. “Or we’re-”
He doesn’t get to finish. Wayne chooses that moment to walk in. His stance goes loose immediately, gaze sharp. 
“Richard,” he says. Calm, cool, and gruff as he meets both their enraged eyes, one after another. “Nora.”
Mrs. Harrington sucks on her teeth, mouth pursed as she holds her silence. Mr. Harrington has no such compunction. 
“Who the hell do you think you are?”
Wayne raises his eyebrow before turning his back on them to run his eyes over Steve and Eddie in turn. “You boys alright?” Steve nods, but Eddie raises his hand to flap it back and forth in a wishy-washy gesture that Wayne grimaces at. “Ready to go home?”
Richard scoffs, taking a threatening step forward. “What do you mean home?” Steve flinches as the last word lands with derision. Steve doesn’t respond, just looks down at his own shoes with a clenched jaw. 
Mrs. Harrington sighs, and it lands in the room like a blow. 
Wayne’s eyes have gone hold and hard as he turns around and steps fully in front of Steve. “Steve’s been staying with me for over a year,” Wayne says, tone modulated and controlled even as his hands clench. “And you didn’t even notice.”
“Steven,” Richard says, a warning hidden in his tone. “Last chance.”
Eddie leans around Wayne to look between the pair. He resists the urge to pull Steve behind him. Eddie squeezes his hand and is floored when Steve’s shoulders immediately straighten, chin raised just so, like he’s keeping his crown straight atop his head. 
He stands, shoulders back, head held high. Eddie stands right along with him. 
“I’m not going with you,” Steve says, boring holes into his Father’s head with the force of his conviction from behind Wayne’s shoulder. 
Mr. Harrington’s  jaw clenches with whatever he sees on Steve’s face. He reaches his hand out, palm open and beckoning. “Give me your keys,” he demands, curling his fingers like he’s in a cheesy karate movie and begging his opponent to make the first move. 
Steve laughs. “You want my car?” His laugh is hollow. “You’ll have to go get it from the trailer park.”
Mrs. Harrington eyes Eddie and Wayne like she’s putting pieces together he’d rather she not have. Even still, she turns away with an airy, “Come on, Richard.” When he doesn’t immediately follow her directions, she continues, “this isn’t the place.”
Mr. Harrington’s snarling like a dog, finger still raised in threat as he hisses, “this isn’t over,” before turning and striding through the door with enough careless force that his shoulder hits the frame with a meaty thwack. 
“See you next year, then!” Eddie calls, waving bitchily at their backs. 
They all stare at the open door, waiting for an attack that never comes until Mrs. Harrington’s heels stop echoing down the corridor. 
“What the hell was that?” Wayne asks gruffly. 
Steve’s jaw is clenched, as he glares out the open doorway, but at Wayne’s question, he slumps, stepping closer to Eddie until he can lay some of his weight onto Eddie’s shoulders. It hurts his ribs, but Eddie takes it gladly, wrapping his hand around Steve’s waist. 
“Just the usual,” Steve says, sounding exhausted. 
Wayne eyes him critically as Steve avoids his gaze. Eddie squeezes Steve’s side, flickering his fingers against his waist just to feel him wriggle against the feeling. 
“Alright, kid,” Wayne says, reaching out to squeeze both their shoulders comfortingly. Steve slumps further into Eddie who gladly takes his weight. “I think it’s about time we all get home.”
Eddie smiles, bumping his hip into Steve. 
He was already home. After all, Steve’s right here. 
Part 100
Taglist: @deany-baby @estrellami-1 @altocumulustranslucidus @evillittleguy @carlprocastinator1000 @hallucinatedjosten @goodolefashionedloverboi @newtstabber @lunabyrd @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @manda-panda-monium @disrespectedgoatman @finntheehumaneater @ive-been-bamboozled @harringrieve @grimmfitzz @is-emily-real @dontstealmycake @angeldreamsoffanfic @a-couchpotato @5ammi90 @mac-attack19 @genderless-spoon @kas-eddie-munson @louismeds @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @pansexuality-activated @ellietheasexylibrarian @nebulainajar @mightbeasleep @neonfruitbowl @beth--b @silenzioperso @best-selling-show @v3lv3tf0x @bookworm0690 @paintsplatteredandimperfect @wonderland-girl143-blog @nerdsconquerall @sharingisntkaren @canmargesimpson @bananahoneycomb @rainwaterapothecary @practicallybegging
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effervescentbee · 11 months
Hobie loves baking and has always wanted to bake with family (someone like a parent, a grandparent, or a sibling) after hearing people around him talk about baking/cooking with their family. Seeing as Hobie didn't have any family he could bake with he gave up on the idea but he never stopped wanting it
Fast forward years later he meets miles and they start dating. Hobie meets his parents and at first is nervous and a bit scared, after all these are the parents of his boyfriend, these are the people miles went against the whole spider society for, these are people important to miles, and Hobie didn't know what he'd do if they didn't like him
Hobie is pleasantly surprised when miles parents adore him. He pulls at Miles dads heartstrings with how much he resembles his brother and he just can't dislike him, especially since he sees how absolutely in love he is with miles
Mrs. Morales is no different, she immediately loves Hobie and how respectful he is towards her and her son and clearly sees the love and adoration Hobie has for miles
Slowly Hobie starts to relax around hobies parents and isn't on edge all the time when they're around. One day when Hobie comes to visit miles he's isn't home, it's only his mom.
Hobie gets told miles won't be long and he can hang out with her while he waits. Miles does in fact take a long time to come back. Nearly an hour later Mrs Morales asks Hobie to help her with baking something for dessert just so they have something to do
Hobie is literally vibrating with joy as he makes his way around the little kitchen getting everything he's asked to get and mixing what he's told to mix. When their creation comes out the oven and Mrs Morales gives him a piece to try Hobie cries
Mrs Morales chooses not to bring it up and hobies glad, he just wants to enjoy the moment without having to explain how much this means to him
Since that day Mrs Morales is always asking for hobies help in the kitchen and he couldn't be happier
Except I am going to make him happier because he hasn't met the whole family yet and thats just more fluff waiting to happen
When miles and his parents invited Hobie to the family reunion because they told him he's family now, Hobie didn't know what to expect
He was nervous all over again like when he first met miles parents, so nervous he was actually early to the reunion and not late like he usually is to big events
To his surprise though, he isn't the first one there. When he climbs through miles window he immediately hears the laughing of multiple people in the kitchen, for a second he considered leaving but his spider sense had gone off telling him that Miles was here, and if miles was here he knew miles knew he was here
Hobie spent a few minutes mentally preparing himself to meet some more of miles family. But even after all his preparation he did not feel nearly prepared enough when he walked out of miles room and all eyes were on him
After the initial shock of Hobie coming through miles room everyone got along great with Hobie and they insisted Hobie help in the kitchen (miles and his mom may have told them how much it would mean to him)
Hobie feels that buzz of joy he did when he was first asked by Mrs Morales to help in the kitchen. This time he can say with certainty he couldn't be happier
He's asked by miles aunts to help decorate cakes and they praise him for his skill
He's asked by miles older cousins to help mix some things together and they make small talk and they tell embarrassing stories of miles childhood
He's asked to help take things out the oven and he's fawned over when he accidentally burns himself even when he insists he's fine
By the time they're done cooking and the reunion officially starts Hobie is positively glowing
His clothes are a bit messy and he's sweaty from spending so much time by the oven and stove with so many people in close proximity and his eyes are a bit red from cutting onions (and crying tears of joy) but it's the best party he's ever been to
And since then he's never had to bake alone, he knows he has his large family and at least one person is going to be happy to bake or cook with him
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wonjns · 1 year
uncanny ii. resemblance ∯
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♡° pairing. . .  lee heeseung x male reader
♡° genre. . . smut, fluff, angst
♡° summary. . . so you ended up with your twin sister’s boyfriend... what a turn of events. heeseung is definitely your dream guy, but little did you expect all of what exactly would unfold once you got him.
♡° includes. . . bottom!reader, even more horny bisexual hee!! lmao, lots & lots of kissing, dry humping, possessive heeseung, finger sucking, car sex (almost), blow job, orgasm prolonging, unprotected sex (dont irl!!)
♡° wc. . . 7k
°A/N. . . requested by many !! months & months later... finally 😮💨, i am so happy to be posting this!! i had no idea that so many of you would enjoy Uncanny, & i never intended on adding a second part. im just so mad it took me so long to write— so i’m sorry guys, i really hope its not awful !!!
                                  . . . .% Part 1 ♡ % . . . .
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“so.... you two are now... dating...?”  
three pairs of very beady yet confused eyes lingered before you in your family living room. their glances examined you head to toe, along with a certain 6' ft male who stood beside you. 
you could feel your palm growing clammy in heeseung’s hold as you both timidly nodded, desperate to read the intent behind the deadpanned expression on your parents’ faces.
despite heeseung’s tall and stronger build, he almost felt his weakening knees give from beneath him as he caught eye contact with your sister-- his ex-- who had an ominously suspicious look on her face. he had seen this expression on her quite often, but was never the recipient. it was less than ideal. 
“well, y/n, do you really like him?” your mother chimed, her puzzled tone cracking the silence. 
all you could do was nod once again, slightly more fervently at the question. if only ‘like’ was enough to describe your feelings for the equally-as-nervous boy who stood fiddling with your fingers.  
“and heeseung? do you really like my son?” your father spoke up this time, eyebrows transfixed as he sunk deeper into his leather recliner. 
heeseung found himself only able to offer a shy nod as well, the soles of his shoes feeling as if they were hovering over lava from the heat of the atmosphere. 
“words, son.” your dad sternly quipped. 
it was unbelievable to heeseung how these two adults, whom he'd usually seen as secondary parents, suddenly felt like stone cold, life-sentencing supremes.
“yes–” the poor boy coughed, clearing his throat. “yes sir.” 
the fluttering of your heart after hearing his confession out loud threatened to distract you from the anxiety that surged through your nerves, but one glance up at your sister snatched you back to reality.
you couldn’t believe any of this was actually happening. normally, you and your twin shamelessly spilled everything you thought and felt to one another without a second thought - but you could only feel like shit as your mind resurfaced flashbacks of heeseung working your body in ways you’d only dreamt about, while your sibling, who just so happened to be his former lover, lingered cluelessly outside your room.
you and the older male had debated often after your first hookup whether or not this was something you guys should make public, out of fear of what your sister would think. 
but you knew you were too in love with heeseung– and always have been, to keep things suppressed. especially since neither of you showed signs of leaving what happened as a simple one night stand. so you chose the route of honesty, which lead you to the painfully awkward confession in front of your high council of family members.
“okay.” your mother, sister, and father chirped in a perky unison.
the air shifted, the imaginary weight your shoulders bore suddenly vanishing into nothingness. 
“okay!?” you and heeseung blurted in an equally perplexed harmony.
“yeah, okay!” your sister responded, on her own this time.
she uncrossed her folded arms, picking up the laundry basket she was previously interrupted from lugging to her room. “whatever keeps mr. clingy out of my hair so often. he’s a lot like an abandoned puppy at times, you know... was starting to get a bit draining.” 
“i’m... right here, you know.” heeseung mumbled out in response to your sister’s teasing. you noticed the tint of his cheeks growing red and couldn’t help but softly chuckle.
“honey, don’t be a bully.” your dad replied before your parents emitted a couple giggles themselves. 
“i’m sure what she meant to say was,” your mother started, standing to grab her purse and approach heeseung. “we love having you around. you’ve been a part of this family for some time now, so as long as you take care of our son as well as you did our daughter, there’s no reason for us to not give you our blessing.” 
and with that, she gave heeseung and yourself a quick peck to the cheeks before sauntering out of the room. she was followed shortly by the others, leaving just the two of you motionless as mannequins; both dumbfounded. 
that was... easy. too easy.
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the back of your head landed gently against your pillows as heeseung pressed a deep kiss into your lips, giddy giggles escaping the both of you. 
the taller male’s hands casually roamed under your tank top as his mouth nearly swallowed you whole, pliantly groaning as he felt your fingers dance into his locks. his confidence was through the roof, the adrenaline from the confession still running ramped through his bones. 
he rolled his hips flush into yours, smirking into the makeout after absorbing one of your small whimpers. 
“what... even just happened?” you sighed out as heeseung moved to nip at your jaw. 
“i have no fucking clue.” he chuckled between nibbles on your sensitive skin, tracing over the area under your ear with his eager tongue.
you moaned, tugging his head back to reconnect your lips and feel that very tongue glide over yours. you reveled in the feeling of his hands massaging you beneath your shirt, not even the slightest bit surprised when he lifted it high enough to place kisses on your tummy.
“i just don’t- seriously... how did we pull that off??” you babbled, genuinely baffled while heeseung adjusted between your legs into an easier position for planting pecks along your hips.
he hummed into your skin, propping one of your legs around his torso. “i don’t know, i guess we’re way better than we thought.” 
heeseung’s kisses started growing hungrier, and he took the liberty to suck a few marks on the surface of your stomach amidst your confused rambling. your hips started instinctively rolling into his chest, and you bit back a moan from the friction of your member grinding against his solid pecs. 
“seunggie, wait, literally everyone is still home...” 
“so? we got the green light, didn’t we?” the boy taunts before playfully tugging on the waistband of your shorts. 
you chuckle before nudging his hands away, scooting yourself back to sit up against your bed’s headboard. “i think so... but let’s talk about that first.”
heeseung huffed while blinking his gorgeous lashes at you, dramatically hovering above the empty silhouette of where your body was. 
“talk about...?”
“well, the word my parents used. dating.” you uttered as if it were a curse word. 
“you... want to talk about the word ‘dating’?” he questioned, shifting to prop his head up with an elbow. 
“not the word itself, stupid- i just..... i think-” you stumbled, laughing to yourself while also resisting that familiar rosy blush from spreading on your cheeks. "i think if we’re officially a thing...”
heeseung hesitatingly nodded along with your words, his beautiful brown orbs watching you intently as if he was trying to read your mind. 
“then shouldn’t we, like, do the things people who date do before we keep messing around? like,, don’t we have to do that sappy couple stuff before sex?” 
heeseung couldn’t help but release a loud chuckle at your adorableness, attempting to muffle it in a nearby pillow. god, you wanted to at least pretend to be aggravated, but his laugh was just too damn cute. 
“you’ve never dated anyone, have you?” he asked when he eventually finished his cackles. 
“...is it that obvious?” you chime, your signature blush undeniably as present as ever. 
the older boy cooed at you, quickly sitting up and pulling you into the empty space between his lap. he pecked your lips, running his thumb along the bridge of your nose and fondly examining your flustered face, a little too long for your liking, before finally speaking up. 
“i mean, if my baby boy wants a date, then that’s what we’ll do. you’re right, we should get to know each other more first.”
you wanted to melt into a puddle and trickle all over his lap right then and there, and absolutely would if you physically could. you felt small, but protected, under heeseung’s gaze. something about the way he looked at you made your insides ignite with a feeling you’d never felt so intensely before, and you started to realize you were down… bad.
“okay!” you triumphed brightly.
you cupped your hands around his neck, leaning forward to place a soft kiss on his forehead before staring back into his eyes. 
“where do you wanna go?” heeseung inquired, nonchalantly leaning back on his arms propped behind him. 
“i don’t know? we just established i’m the one who’s never done this before!” you admitted while shifting your eyes down to his prominent adams apple, grazing your finger over it. 
“fine, it’ll be a surprise. and you’re gonna love it. this friday.”  
everything just sounded so cool coming from him, and he spoke in that careless manner that was just too hot to keep you focused. 
“perfect,” you feigned confidence, having transitioned to fiddling with his hoodie’s drawstrings. “and... no more kissing until then.” 
heeseung let out an exaggerated gasp, eyebrows furrowing at you.
you could only chuckle before being completely tackled back into your mattress, your boyfriend’s lips as relentless as ever. 
so much for that rule. 
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two weeks later, you and heeseung were sickeningly attached by the hips— and lips— more than ever. 
the boy had swooped you off your feet in every sense of the term. he took you on your first date, a dual movie-picnic date on his front lawn wrapped in warm blankets (all too cliché, but still didn’t fail to spark a storm of butterflies in your stomach), which led to your second. and then third. and then fourth... and they only got better each time.
after living a long, agonizing year of being secretly infatuated with him, you weren’t sure if it were physically possible to even fall for this guy any more.
yet, you were wrong. 
through solely a few mere weeks, myriad of walks around town, and late night drives, you were seeing so many more sides of heeseung than you could’ve imagined. his charms, humor, honesty, chivalry, and even his flaws. you were taking in all of it. and he was learning so much more about you, beyond the fact of being the former love of his life’s twin brother.
you were growing obsessed with each other, and it showed. at no point in the day could heeseung keep his hands to himself anymore, and you were hardly complaining.
it even came down to the time you had to actually pry his lips from your neck in a public restaurant so that a stunned waitress, the unfortunate soul to serve your table, could finally take your order.
he just loved to show you off;
no matter where you were. 
his tinge of possessiveness was a bit embarrassing at first, but god it was kinda hot. you were so caught up in the total package of lee heeseung that you hardly had sense to worry about anything else; not caring if you were in the seclusion of your rooms or a grocery store parking lot when he would snake one of his hands down your pants to greet your erection.
every little thing he did drove you crazy, and even more so vice versa.
little did you know, heeseung was operating from a slightly different source of obsession.
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you sat in the passenger seat of heeseung's red mercedes, soft rnb music playing through your boyfriend's speakers as one of his hands securely held the back of your neck while he lathered your lips in passionate, lustful kisses.
you moaned as heeseung swirled his tongue in your mouth, taking his sweet time in tasting you and using his free hand to guide yours down to his crotch. you were hesitant, but couldn't resist pressing your palm to his member to feel how hard he already was.
heeseung exhaled from the pleasure, wasting no time in maneuvering your hand beneath his waistband. he swallowed a gasp that escaped your lips once he started shamelessly bucking his hips up into your hold.
it took strength, but you willed yourself to break apart from the kiss and give him a nervous look, considering the two of you were parked in front of his parent's house in broad daylight.
"babe," you spoke, catching your breath. "we're about to go inside, we shouldn't."
your boyfriend smirked at you, hearing your warning but noticing how you still hadn't retracted your hand from inside his pants. his eyes also caught the slowly forming tent in your own jeans.
"exactly, that's why we should get this out of the way now." he half whined, needily leaning over into your space and tugging at your hips. "my mom takes forever to get dinner ready, you know I can't wait."
his plush lips were immediately on your neck before you could rebut, him aiming straight for your weak spot. damn, he knew exactly how to kill your resolve in an instant.
you rolled your eyes, partially from annoyance but also from the way he groaned while sucking on your soft flesh. you fumbled a bit, climbing over the center console and settling atop of his thighs. his satisfied grin only grew wider before rushing to capture your lips again, his kisses as addicting as ever.
heeseung's large hands roamed up and down your back as he widened his jaw to deepen the kiss, and quickly settled them on your hips to grind you forwards on his lap.
your arms found purchase on his broad shoulders as you molded your mouths more fervently. heeseung repeated the action in a rhythm, pleased by how simple it was to get reactions out of you.
jolts of excitement tingled through your legs as your clothed bulges ran along each other, the feeling heavenly as you began bucking your hips on your own accord without his assistance. heeseung's hands snuck their way under your shirt and returned to roaming your back. he gently dragged his short nails along your skin, causing goosebumps to grow array all over you.
your own hands began unbuttoning his flannel and dipping under his collar, the familiar smoothness of his shoulders warm on your fingertips, helping settle your anxieties of being seen by the neighbors, or worse– his own parents who were inside the house mere steps away.
you couldn't understand how heeseung always had you in these sort of positions, but judging from the rock hard length pressing between your thighs, he was clearly into it.
heeseung could still feel your nervousness, and leaned back amused as he watched the embarrassment and pleasure battle for dominance on your face. he kissed the tip of your nose and chuckled.
"your sister used to love making out to this song." he mumbled in a low tone, dipping down to wrap his lips around your adams apple while simultaneously turning up the radio's volume.
you could barely register the odd statement as you threw your head back, eyes fluttering closed when heeseung started suckling and licking on the column of your throat in sync with the melodic tune that filled the car. 
it was bliss, but just as you felt yourself drawing close to your high, the sentence rang through your head again.
your sister? this song? in this car?
suddenly, the image of your sister being in your exact same position– which she undoubtedly had been in several times before, flashed through your mind.
it caused you to jolt a little bit. heeseung paid no mind to the sudden action, thinking it was another one of your cute responses to his ministrations.
"uhm... hee?" your hips slowed to a halt, a bit of that familiar guilt settling into you again.
at first you thought it was just mindless sex talk, but as you had delved deeper into your official relationship with heeseung, you caught on to how often he would still talk about your twin, consistently making comparisons and recalling similarities between the two of you.
he wasn't necessarily wrong, but it was getting weirder as it progressed. you had just convinced yourself it was natural due to how similar you were with your sibling, and kept things pushing without dwelling on it for too long.
"hee?" you spoke again, opening your eyes when you hadn't gotten a response.
he hummed against your neck, sloppy kisses never ending in the crook of your neck. you managed to draw back, gently pushing his shoulders to disconnect from his lips. he looked at you quizzically, yet adoration still beaming in his eyes.
"i've been meaning to talk to you about-"
you were cut off by the abnormally loud ringing of his cell phone, which sat lodged in one of the car's cup holders. he sighed, telling you to wait just a moment when he read the caller id.
"hello? yeah mom, we just pulled up. we're coming in now." he exhaled, gently rubbing your thigh.
a huff of disappointment left your nose, but you were semi-grateful you didn't actually have to have the awkward conversion right before meeting his parents.
you gathered yourself back together, clasping the first few buttons of heeseung's shirt back together for him as he flattened the small wrinkles on yours.
he opened the car door, helping you climb out of his lap and onto the pavement, where you readjusted yourself in the reflection of the car's glass.
"after you, prince." heeseung gestured to his home's front door.
"but, it's your house." you responded.
"yeah, but... mom likes it when people make strong first impressions." the older boy grinned.
you took your bottom lip in between your teeth, a pool of nervousness returning to your gut as you realized you really had never met heeseung's parents before.
sure, they were all too familiar with your sister from their year together, but you were an entirely different story - an entirely more complicated story.
you knocked on the large glass front door nervously, heeseung standing just behind your shoulder. he leaned down to whisper.
"they don't take to strangers very well. if you get scared, tap my leg. they can be pretty tough."
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heeseung was a liar. 
you had received nothing but beaming smiles and suffocating hugs as soon as you stepped through the door. 
you had prepared to walk into a homophobic hellfire, not knowing what sort of glares and comments would be thrown your way. setting the fact that you were a boy aside, you still had plenty to worry about.
heeseung left a committed relationship, albeit not by his own choice, just to end up with his girlfriend’s brother was quite a unique situation - yet it seems his parents hadn’t even thought about that as they chattered away through dinner table conversation. shit, the wholesome smile you were met with the second his mom opened the door would be tattooed in your mind forever.
“so, y/n dear, heeseung hasn’t been giving you too much trouble now, has he?” his mother asked as she cut her steak into tiny pieces from across the table. 
“our son can be so lazy sometimes,” his dad chimed in with a chuckle. “gotta make sure he’s not constantly slacking off.”
you laughed, feeling like heeseung was being regarded as your new employee. you caught a slight frown on his face from his parents teasing, and you reached up to run your hand through his hair. 
“i guess you could say he isn’t too bad.” 
he looked to you quickly, an adoring smile growing, seemingly grateful you hadn’t joined in his parent’s shenanigans. or so he thought. 
“except for when he takes forever to get out of bed. or to go run errands. or to-”
“alright!” he huffed, frustratingly spooning some food together on his plate.
you all erupted with laughter, he was so cute when he pouted. it was nice seeing lee heeseung, the confident athlete, get all blushy and shy around his parents - his usual commanding demeanor nowhere to be found as he sheepishly shoveled broccoli into his cheeks. yet another side of him you hadn’t expected to see, but made you fall just a little more.
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you found yourself in heeseung’s room after dinner, a surprise to no one, after helping his parents clean the dishes afterwards. 
you had taken the opportunity to spend more time laughing and teasing heeseung alongside his parents, so it was no shocker that he quickly whisked you away to his own private space - desperate to have all of your attention fully on him.
you giggled as you were ushered into his bedroom, his hands never leaving your waist until the door was securely shut. 
“your parents are so much fun.” you beamed at the taller boy whose blush still lingered on his face. 
“yeah, probably a little too much fun.” he huffed, walking over and plopping on his bed.
your eyes fondly gazed around his bedroom, surprisingly still somewhat childlike, figurines and pictures of his youth still lining the shelves. a genuine smile grew on your face. you really shouldn’t be shocked, he did often have the tendencies of a big baby.
“you know, mr. lee, you’re not all that of a tough guy.” you commented, reaching up to examine one of his action figures.
“oh, really? what makes you think that?” he chuckled back, discreetly unbuttoning his shirt while you were distracted.
“yeah… i don’t know why you put up the act so often, you’re really just a little softie. like i remember whe-” the words halted in their tracks when you turned to taunt him more, but froze at the view of his toned abs glaring right at you, jeans slightly lowered on his hips. 
“is that so?” he responded lowly, tilting his head to the side. “why don’t you bring that little ass over here and see how much of a softie i really am?” 
his words sent a wave of arousal straight to your cock, which you immediately tried to will from springing to action so quickly.
you let out a half-spirited scoff, trying to appear unbothered as he sat there and widened his legs while staring you down. but damn, the golden evening light that shone through his window was hitting him in all the right places. his solid abdomen lured you in while he lolled his head back, teasing you with the prominent grooves of his neck that had you practically squeezing your legs together. 
damnit, he was temptation personified – too effortlessly hot for you to resist.
before you knew it your legs brought you to stand between his. he cocked an eyebrow before giving you another annoyingly sexy smirk and nodding his chin towards your own top. 
your face instantly surged with heat, but you couldn’t help but obey with the sudden authority he spoke with. in seconds your shirt was discarded and on the floor by his feet, a chill crawling across your topless chest. 
“you know, i’m not really a fan of how much you used my parents to tease me tonight,” he said monotonously, raking a warm hand up your exposed torso. “i think you were enjoying it wayyy too much.”
his thumb found one of your perked nipples, rubbing in firm circles. you moaned at the sensation, just to hurriedly cover your mouth with your own hand, the realization that you were at his parents’ house hitting you once again. 
“hee… wait.” you responded, attempting to take a step back. 
heeseung only chuckled before catching you still with his free arm, continuing to play with your sensitive bud. 
“where’s all the laughter now? you were having so much fun earlier, remember? let's keep that fun going.”
your boyfriend then leaned in to run his warm tongue over your other exposed nipple, causing you to hold back another whimper as your hands flew to his hair. he pulled your body closer as he started suckling on the bud, and you didn’t have it in you to fight it anymore. once he started working his mouth on you like this, you were puddy.
you cursed how weak you were to his actions, but even he could sense how badly you wanted him at all times.
“s-someones the jealous type, huh?” you stuttered, sounding way less intimidating than you wanted. “even over your parents, hm?”
he released your bud with a wet pop, dark eyes shooting straight up to yours before returning his lustful gaze to your body. your limbs started to quake with desire.
“how could i not be? when i have all of this just for me…”
both of his hands held your hips as he licked a long, teasing strip up your torso before finishing it with a peck to your chest. he locked eyes with you again, his determined pupils staring deep into your trembling, desperate ones. he enunciated his next words slow and smooth, like honey.
“just… for… me…” 
you pounced first. you couldn’t take it anymore, the alluring mischief in his eyes and addictive touch all over your physique had you grinding your topless bodies together like animals. your limbs entangled with his as your mouths waged war together, the possessive bites against your lips sending your mind into a daze. 
he effortlessly flipped you over, taking the advantage to grind down on you even stronger one last time before working the zipper of your jeans. he stripped the both of you down to your boxers in record time, licking his lips as he watched you begin to palm your own growing bulge - putting on a show for him. 
“you’re going to absolutely kill me.” heeseung muttered, trying to control the raging need surging throughout him.
“your parents might do that for me, if they catch us.” you speak with a newfound confidence, hiding the fact that you were completely mortified of that exact occurrence. 
heeseung chuckled before shimmying your last layer of underwear off, leaving you fully exposed for him as he lowered his own and started pumping his unbelievably large member. 
“we won’t have to worry about it if you can stay quiet, prince.”
you thought heeseung was about to just dive into you raw as he lowered his muscular body to yours, but relaxed when you felt him reach under his pillow to grab a bottle of lube. your eyes grew wide. 
“you planned this!” you gasped, fauxing a complaint.
“shh shhh.” heeseung hushed you, tapping his fingers against your lips. 
narrowing your gaze at him, you didn’t hesitate to trap his fingers between your lips, emitting a low groan from your throat as you ran your tongue over his digits. you successfully caught him off guard, if his quiet gasp was anything to go by, but a sly grin crept on his face.
“naughty boy, trying to do my job for me. are you that excited?” he commented before yanking his digits from your mouth, chuckling at your pout. 
he leaned down to swiftly place a flurry of pecks on your plump lips while lubing his fingers up, right before he reached down to push them into your entrance. you moaned into the air much louder than before, causing his other hand to toss the bottle of lube and clamp your mouth shut. 
“god, baby, do you want them to hear us? control yourself.” he smirked, finding all too much pleasure in the way your eyes rolled back when he began pumping his digits in and out of you.  
a mantra of muffled sounds flew from your mouth into heeseung’s palm, and thankfully so, since your body had already compromised your self control. when he finally pulled his fingers from your ass, you whined at the loss of contact. 
“heeseung, please fuck me already. please.” you breathlessly begged once he removed his palm from your mouth.
again, heeseung mercilessly chuckled down at your state. 
“such a needy boy… so fucked out and i haven’t even done much.” 
you wanted to banter back like you usually would, but this man had already reduced you into such a desperate mess with nothing but a couple minutes and his hands. he learned so quickly how your body worked, and how much of an affect his words had on you. once you were turned on by him, you wanted– needed every ounce of him as soon as you could have him. 
feeling merciful, heeseung lined up his girth with your entrance, pushing in slowly. this time, it was an equal struggle for both of you to keep yourselves quiet, the size of his length and intense look into your eyes causing you to melt while your hole sucked him in so desperately. 
“fuck, fuck. still such a tight ass. my boyfriend really loves my cock, hm?” heeseung grunted, trying to keep himself together when he saw tears of pleasure form at the corner of your eyes.
you nodded your head, unable to form words at the pleasurable pain you felt. your fingers curled into his dark locs as he lowered his head to sink his teeth into your neck, sucking marks there in order to keep quiet. you were fighting with everything in you to not scream and beg him for more, for him to fully consume you. 
“h-hee,” you whined, trying to keep it a whisper. “more.”
your hands sprawled along his toned back, feeling his muscles ripple as he began rutting his hips into yours, releasing deep moans into your neck. the vibration had you feel like you were levitating, a sensation only heeseung seemed to bring you. 
legs sliding along his strong thighs, you wrapped them around his torso as he picked up in speed, your vision blurring over at his power. 
“you’re so sexy, baby. sucking me in so well, making me lose my fucking mind.” he commented between the harsh nips along your jaw, sweat starting to bead around his forehead.  “what if my parents came in here and saw me wrecking you like this? would you like that? my mom seeing me do all of this to you right here after breaking up with your sister.”
you squeezed your legs tighter around his torso as he spoke, causing you to moan out loud once feeling your leaky cock rub against his solid abs. before heeseung could shush you, you clenched down on his fat length while your liquids shot out over his chest - him finding the moment so hot that it was only a second before he was emptying out in you as well. 
he collapsed on top of you after as you both silently gasped for breath, but you welcomed the crushing feeling. 
you couldn’t believe you just screwed him in his childhood room, with his parents just on the other side of the door, praying they didn’t hear you. but knowing how turned on heeseung was by risks, you should’ve known this was gonna be how the night would end.
after just sitting in eachothers embrace for a while, you finally sat up, heeseung leaning over to place even more kisses on your glossed over lips, never getting enough of you. 
“lets get cleaned up and head to bed, prince. my parent’s already know you’re staying the night.” 
“staying the night?” you questioned tilted your head. you saw another sinister glint in his eye as he kissed you one more time.
“yeah, you still gotta meet my grandparents tomorrow.”
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you drug your feet through the threshold of your home, utterly exhausted. it had been a long day of class, filled with a suspicious amount of exams and lectures compared to normal, but you were relieved to finally be done with the day. 
heeseung had texted you just as you had begun driving home, telling you he was already at your place helping your dad with chores around the house. you smiled to yourself, still giddy over how perfect he was and thankful for the loving relationship between him and your family – you couldn’t wait to finally see him after such a draining day. 
it was oddly silent as you walked through the house, failing to have found heeseung when visiting your parent’s room in hopes to collapse in his arms as soon as possible. 
you heard giggling rise in volume as you crossed the house and neared your room. you drew closer to your door, hearing muffled sounds just behind it. when you curiously turned the doorknob, the sight of heeseung looming over your twin sister, mouth practically devouring her, caused you to stand frozen - blood running cold under your skin. 
you stood speechless, tears beginning to well as you watched their lips passionately interlock in a noisy makeout just like they had done months before, tongues brazenly running along each other as wanton moans filling the atmosphere. 
you tried to speak but could only choke out a sob, your knees threatening to betray you. heeseung and your sister paused, turning their heads towards you after hearing the sound. they both stared at you pathetically, and simply chuckled before heeseung returned his grip on your own headboard, continuing to thrust his tongue into your sister’s mouth - the latter resuming to claw at your boyfriend’s naked back and moaning smugly.
you were stunned, and wanted to scream, cry, or throw anything you could get your hands on at them… 
but instead, you woke up. 
your body jolted up in bed, met with a dimmed room and a ray of moonlight beaming onto you - reflecting a sheen of sweat on your face. 
glancing around the darkened room, your eyes found the clock at read 1:25 am. not far from your line of sight was heeseung himself sprawled out beside you, softly snoring away with an arm draped over your waist. you noticed you were in one of his baggy shirts, the previously comforting smell almost causing you to grow nauseous. 
you couldn’t control your breathing, stinging feelings of betrayal and embarrassment still burning in your gut from your dream - rather, nightmare.
you let out a deep sigh once you finally realized everything you had seen in your sleep state wasn’t real… everything except the tears. you felt salty droplets drip from your chin and onto heeseung’s arm, who began to stir. 
humiliated, you tried to shuffle back down into your prior position in order to avoid waking up heeseung, failing to soften your fast breathing or stop your flow of tears. 
but alas, as if your uncomfortability set off an inner alarm of his, heeseung had awoken. you felt him lean up on his elbow, arm lazily pulling you towards him. 
“whats wrong, y/n?” he asked in a groggy voice. 
immediately, another stream of tears raced down your cheek at the sound of his voice. it was embarrassing how worked up you had managed to get from a simple dream, but you almost felt sick even being this close to him, although he had done nothing wrong. 
it had finally become too much; your insecurity and constant comparisons to your sister had caught up to you. the continuous chipping away at your rose-colored view of heeseung had ultimately found you, and it hurt like a bitch. your intrusive thoughts were convincing you that you were nothing but a rebound-by-blood, a second best option.
refusing to have heeseung see you like this - a sobbing mess in the middle of the night, you remained facing away from him, not answering his initial call. 
“y/n.” he spoke again, a little more cognisant. he turned your body over, squinting at you through the dim lighting, before his eyes gently widened. “what happened? bad dream?” 
he was right, but it was more so your subconscious so cruelly giving you a visionary of what you had secretly been scared of this whole time. sitting up, you wiped away the wet streaks on your face. 
“heeseung… do you like me?” 
the older male furrowed his brows. “babe, what? i-” 
“im serious. do you like, me?” you insisted, doubt slithering its way onto your expression. 
“where the hell is this coming from?” heeseung sighed, pushing himself to fully sit up. 
“everytime we’re together, you always talk about her. how much i look like her, sound like her, the things i do… the things we do…"
as much as it pained you to finally ask this question out loud, you couldn't keep it in anymore.
"you’re not over my sister, are you?” 
your beady eyes held a tundra of anxiety in them, with heeseung’s almost bulging out of his head. 
“you make me feel like i’m not even my own person, hee.” you continued, voice cracking between sobs. “you’re still hung up on her and you just use me, don't you? just to feel like you’re still close to her.”
heeseung was baffled at your accusation, and was ready to rebut everything, until a wave of awareness crashed over him. his gaze softened, hearing the doubt and self-consciousness in your voice. he turned his body to face you directly. 
“y/n. i won’t lie to you. when your sister dumped me, my entire world felt like it was shattering. i had gotten use to a life with her, and i did have genuinely strong feelings for her… i thought she was my everything.” 
you could feel yet another dam breaking behind your eyelids, closing them shut in order to keep the waterworks from flowing. 
“but,” he spoke firmly, taking both of your hands in his before you could retract them. “i love you, y/n. i love you. when i started seeing you, i did think it would just be a way for me to move on, but you are amazing. so fucking amazing. everything you do, all you've done for others,, i’ve fallen so fucking hard for the person that you are. you’ve made me feel things she never did, and never could. i’m sorry i’d been so caught up on your sister before, i guess i just wasn’t ready to move on as soon as i thought. but there is absolutely nobody i’d rather be with than you… right now, in this moment. i promise you that with every fiber of my entire being.”
with that, the well overflowed, streams of tears treading down your skin and landing on the interlocked knuckles of you and heeseung. you knew telling the truth, his words smashing down and easing away each wall of doubt you had in your mind. 
you were so unbelievably in love with this man, and a tender wave of relief radiated throughout your body when you caught the reassuring smile he gave you, closing the distance to attach your lips in a loving kiss.
the kiss deepened as you grabbed the sides of his face, pouring all of your emotions into the gates of his lips, melting into the comfort of his affection. his long arms wrapped around you and pulled you under him, meeting no resistance. 
he moaned into your mouth when you licked at his lips, letting you in easily. he kissed you sensually, slower than any other time before, refusing to detach your mouths until you absolutely needed to breathe.
“never gonna make you doubt how much i love you again,” he whispered into your neck as he started laying sweet kisses to your soft skin, hands gently roaming every inch of you. 
his supple lips felt like heaven as they followed his path down your body, taking his time to suck marks into every inch as he lowered himself. when he reached your hips he left wet open-mouthed kisses along the waistband of your boxers, looking up at you with his beautiful orbs for permission as his hands tugged at the seams. 
the butterflies returned when you nodded at him, running your hands along the grooves of his biceps. he removed your underwear, not wasting any time in placing kisses to your shaft, chills shooting up your spine at the sensation. his nose poked at your pelvis as he lightly dragged his lips up to your tip, before taking your length whole in his mouth. 
you gasped as the warmth of his mouth, hardly having the energy to react to the pleasure. your head fell to the side of the pillow as your erection was soothed over by heeseung’s talented tongue, flattening along your member licking up and down before he started bobbing his head. 
his large hands kept your body still from squirming as he showed your cock attention, occasionally humming and sending more waves of electricity through your legs. 
“feel s’good… gonna come.” you muttered not long after he started, only causing a satisfied groan to rumble through his throat. 
he released your member and lowered just to prod his tongue at your rim, before suckling gently on your balls and recapturing your cock in his mouth in one swift motion. a couple more strokes of his precise tongue and you were spilling into heeseung’s mouth, shuddering when he didn’t waste a drop. 
he repositioned back above your body, and you had only then noticed he’d slept in just his boxers, his neck chain dangling in front of your face. you ran your hands up his toned torso, once again growing obsessed with the feeling of his skin on yours.
the look of utter adoration in his eyes felt heavy on your form, and you could already feel yourself wanting more when he dipped down to place searing kisses to your jaw and grind your hips together.
“i love you baby, let me keep making you feel good.” he spoke, nipping at your earlobe while reaching down to stroke your member back to attention.
“please, baby. i love you too. and i want you so bad, forever.” you admitted, feeling the breath of a light chuckle against your cheek.
just as you wished, his thick length had entered you, gliding along your walls in no time with a delicious friction that you never got tired of. except this time, more than just desire and arousal, the friction brought a comfort, a feeling of love you could feel surging throughout your whole body.
“you can have all of me, whenever you want, prince. i belong only to you.”
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© 𝐟𝐥𝐰𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐢 — all rights reserved
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koitarou · 1 year
|| fatherhood. ||
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girldad!kiyoomi x fem!reader; wc: 1.2k of pure struggle; cw: reader is not present in the picture, imagine whatever happened to her, mid 50s kiyoomi, sad ish?, im thawing out cut me some slack, kiyoomi is a gorl dad missing you a/n: fuck you kevin hart, i wanted to watch a comedy movie and not BAWL. alexa play daddy issues
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Kiyoomi guesses it’s been a while since he has missed you. 
Kokomi takes up every minute, every second he has to offer— not that he minds it. Maybe sometimes he hates it, hates being so preoccupied with her that forgets to miss you. The last thing he wants to do is forget you, even when he is old enough that his already greying hairs start to fall out.
You’ve been gone for long enough that he has forgotten what you felt like in his arms, how you smelled when he hugged you close to his chest. He hates that his senses are giving up on him.
But he hasn’t forgotten everything about you. He hasn’t forgotten the way you rolled your eyes at him whenever you disagreed, how you always latched onto his arm whenever you got scared watching a horror movie, how you kissed his forehead twice for each mole he has— because she does the same.
Kiyoomi is glad to have Kokomi in his life because everytime he looks at her, he sees you. It’s not a stretch when someone asks if he misses you and he says no, because he never will. He might forget what you feel like but he will never forget you, the you who gave him the best gift in the world, his daughter, his baby. 
The more she grows up, the more she resembles you. As he grows older, he sees Kokomi growing older and it’s bittersweet. He’s proud of her for everything she’s achieved in her life and proud of himself for bringing up his amazing daughter. It was tough at first, balancing his career and her, but with everyone's help, it was possible. It takes a village to raise a child, but what good is a village if it has no head. That’s what he felt like when he was just starting out, he felt lost without you to help him. He had his team, his village, to support him through thick and thin but he used to miss you. 
As the team grew and so did your daughter, he realised everything was indeed good. He feels proud of them as well, Atsumu, Bokuto, Hinata, Komori, everyone. 
He likes to believe you would’ve been proud too— of Kokomi, of the team. 
But he especially misses you today. Seeing your daughter off to college, he remembers your face glowing when you used to talk about milestones of your baby’s life and her going to college.
“Kiyo, she’s gonna be amazing I know it.”
“Yes baby, she will be,” “You have to lay off her though.”
“I know you'll be crying the day she goes to college and fussing all over her. Ugh, especially with boys”
“No, I won’t. Except boys, I don’t trust those hormone ridden monsters”
“Of course you don't, darling. Because you never were one, right? You were a toddler and straight up went to being an adult.”
And then you rolled your eyes at him the same way Kokomi is doing right now, “Dad, I’m going to be honest with you, I can’t swear off boys. I just can’t–”
“Yes, you can. Promise me.”
“Promise me that you’ll be my little girl forever, never leaving me, ever.”
“We’re literally standing in front of my dorm room. You’re gonna have to leave at some point.” She narrows her eyes at him, still holding onto his hand.
He notices that. There were a lot of things he saw of you in her but she was his daughter too, he notices the way she’s picking at her nails, a nervous habit she’s has had ever since she was 5. She doesn’t want him to leave, not with the grip she has on his hand. 
“You know I am here for you, right?”
“Yes, dad and I love you too.” Never good at words but they both managed, understood each other even though you weren’t there to do the talking for him.
“He’s bein’ mean again, y/n!”
“Tsumu you know he doesn’t mean that, he appreciates the thought you put into this gift.” “Yeah, I’m surprised he could think at all”
“Kiyo!– Tsumu, he means it’s great, he’s just affectionately dumb.”
He takes in a deep breath, the tingling sensation at the back of his throat feels familiar and he lets out a chuckle because he’s really going to cry now. Standing at her dorm room’s door, his heart feels heavy, and he’s looking at her now, ready to start a new chapter of her life, all on her own.
He cups her face and plants a kiss on her forehead, “One for me–” He kisses her temple, his hand holding the back of her head as she reaches out for a hug, “–and one for mom.”
She’s holding onto him tightly now, her fists balled up with the back of his jacket balled up in her fists, she mumbles, “I’m gonna miss you so much, dad. Promise to visit me, please?” 
“Every weekend, Kokomi, I promise.” He smiles and wraps his arms around her, cradling her head as he lets his jacket soak up her tears. He feels happy and he knows you would’ve been happy too and that’s all he needs to know.
Kokomi starts to draw back but he tightens his grip on her, and with a shaky voice, he whispers, “Give your old man a few more minutes more, please sweetheart.” 
Kokomi hums and they both stand there silently, until she breaks the silence with a ‘hey dad?’ and this time Kiyoomi hums in response, pulling away to look at her and finally let go.
“Mom would’ve been really proud of you.” 
Kiyoomi doesn’t realise he is crying until he tastes the salty tears in his mouth and Kokomi wipes his cheeks, “And I am proud too. One more thing–” With a smile as she goes on her tippy toes to kiss his moles, “–One from me and one from mom.” 
Kiyoomi guesses it’s fine he didn’t miss you a lot, he never had to.
“And dad?”
“You weren’t serious about the ‘here every weekend’ thing though, right?”
“How much do you wanna bet at least one of your uncles will be here every weekend?”
Kokomi begins to whine in defiance to his response but is interrupted by a wailing Atsumu rushing towards them with Hinata, Bokuto and Komori in hot pursuit.
“Our baby’s all grown up!” Atsumu cries from behind Kiyoomi, sniffling and pushing him out of the way as he rushes to bring Kokomi into a bear hug and pats her head rather desperately, “Don’t forget about us, yeah?? And don’t forget us, we’re all here for ya. Also boy’s are disgustin’, ya won’t like ‘em anyways–”
“Why’s everyone obsessed with tha-”
In a flash, she’s squashed between 4 middle aged men bawling their eyes out and preaching they’re thoughts and views and promising to lay their lives down for her as she starts tearing up with them, telling them to take care of each other as well as her father since she won’t be there everyday.
Looking at this scene, Kiyoomi thinks his village did just fine. Plus he guesses it’s okay he didn’t get to miss you a lot because he believes it’s better to never not stop thinking about someone than miss them.
And he thinks– no he knows, you’re proud of him.
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☆⌒ (ゝ。∂) ©️ all credits belongs to @koitarou 2022, do not repost, modify or translate my work on any platform. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden.
☆reblogs, likes and comments are super appreciated!
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suffarustuffaru · 2 months
Looking at your past art has me really loving your drag king Natsumi, do you have any more thoughts on them? I'd love to hear them. Also just your genderbend ideas in general. They are very interesting!
for future reference, here is where i drew some drag king natsumi + sapphic ottosuba :) i definitely plan on making more genderbend au content in the future thats for sure! :o i have another older art post on this here also (i am. too lazy to find it rn but its there somewhere!!) but i have some in depth thoughts about fembaru for sure yes :3 ty for finding my genderbend ideas interesting!! :D !! id be happy to talk about them more :o
im gonna start with outward design stuff / gender presentation first!! :D bc in my head, afab subaru probably looks almost exactly the same. in general, canon subaru’s most likely at least a little androgynous (and i think he probably is judging off of how much he passes as the opposite sex!!), and we know hes got his dad’s spiky black hair and his mom’s mean eyes and general facial shape, has a long torso, that sort of thing, so i think afab subaru would look similar :o
plus i like to treat fembaru as basically just the mirror/foil/inverse of canon amab subaru anyway, so yep natsumi schwartz is gonna be her male persona!! canon amab subaru was mistaken as a girl when he was a child, and he also went to high school (iirc it was high school but at the very least he was about the same age he is during arc 1) for three days as natsumi yes and passed for three days. iirc he would put on the girl’s uniform and wig and stuff on the way to school and out of his parents’ view and then put on the male uniform and take off the wig before he got home!! plus you know he’d generally practice makeup most likely and wig styling and all sorts of things in private.
so definitely afab subaru is doing similar stuff but in the opposite direction now—looking more masc and presenting as a boy. while amab subaru can put on and take off a wig, in my head, afab subaru would probably have to have shorter hair. so one day she just got a haircut thats short enough to where she could style it masculinely but longer enough to where it could still be kinda considered feminine enough!!
im not 100% sure how to draw her hair yet but in my earlier post and a few of my sketches it kinda looks like either a long mullet/wolfcut or a messy bob :3 i think you could probably say that her hair looks more like a wacky bob when shes more feminine and a wolfcut when shes styling it more masculinely?
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(^^ my take on fem wrathbaru is here also LMAO)
i also base my fembaru design off of canon natsumi!! with the side bang (though i sometimes draw it on the wrong side akdnd)!! meanwhile fembaru’s male natsumi would have canon amab subaru’s hair :) (which you can see in my earlier post as well!!)
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(i like this illustration actually <3)
i also like to hc that on top of subaru wanting to look and act more like his dad in canon, he did also kinda want to resemble his mom when hes presenting more femininely :o also for genderbend aus it depends on whether you ONLY want to genderbend subaru or if you wanna genderbend everyone along with subaru too, that sort of thing. i like to play with both possibilities :o
but in general, i like the idea of subaru either way trying to honor both her mom and dad. maybe to subaru her mom is what an ideal woman should be perhaps, and her dad is the ideal man, bc subarus parents are her biggest role models, so she tries to emulate both at different points in her life. she tries to be the perfect soft sweet girl like her mom and it doesnt work. she leans into being a bit of a delinquent and it doesnt work. then she cuts her hair and learns to present more masculinely and tries to copy her dad only to fail again. :((( then she gets isekaied……
i feel like afab subaru might get a bit more shit for getting into trouble too :(( or for being too loud. shes not very traditionally ladylike, i think!! boys will be boys and of course your daughter takes after you, kenichi, but dont you think shes a little too rough around the edges now?
anyway otherwise in general, i also like the idea that over the course of each arc in the fantasy world, subaru grows her hair out!! and once its long enough she can put it into a ponytail like her mom again :,)))
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(male rem is here too <3)
also i like to give fembaru the maid dress instead of the butler outfit!!! probably not with the garter and stuff but 😭😭 its a pretty dress and fembaru should get to express herself both masculinely and femininely :3 in my head, i think subaru would be shy bc AGHH THIS DRESS IS SO REVEALING THERES NO WAY ID LOOK GOOD IN THIS IM NOT PRETTY AT ALL and rem and ram (genderbent or not) are probably like nonsense just try the dress. its your uniform to work here. and subaru does and huhhhh. maybe i dont look half bad ? :,) (bc of course subaru’s insecurities either present themselves the same or slightly different when genderbended). and of course when rem and ram warm up to subaru eventually ram can be like “you dont look as bad as i thought youd look” or something and rem can be like “subaru-kun youre very beautiful anyways!!!! <3”
and also i do think subaru would cut her hair a bit again or style it different for natsumi adventures later in arc 7 <3 just to have that symmetry again. the situation probably might go a little different but yep this is how id handle it 👍
and of course you can give subaru the canon natsumi hair bow sometimes when shes feeling fancy :3
OKAY and now im gonna talk about more character stuff!! lets talk about subarus whole thing with isekai and genre savviness and all that.
one of canon subaru’s many many Many parts making him up as a character and making up his story in general is a deconstruction of the isekai genre!! power fantasy and characters being cardboard cutouts for the male mc to triumph without a struggle—that sort of thing. but afab subaru is a female lead now, and female isekai is different.
id have to do way more research into this and watch more female isekai and shoujo and stuff (ive been Really wanting to watch im in love with the villainess…… someday i will…..). buuut from what ive noticed so far it seems like for male lead isekai the fantasy here is the Power and Prestige, but female lead isekai’s fantasy seems to be the Romance!! not that you cant have OP abilities in female lead isekais and not that every isekai is 100% the same of course. but that seems to be the common tropes from what ive seen so far? male isekai protags have girls throwing themselves at him as trophies, female lead isekais have their male romantic interests and the evil evil villainesses are defeated somehow and perfectly out of the way <3 the fantasy is that youll be loved by The One—the perfect boy(s) <3
and i think amab subaru is less likely to check out much female lead isekai but i think itd be fun if afab subaru would probably focus on female lead isekai but also a bit on male lead isekai as well!! she wants that absolute path to glory AND love. (and ahahhahahaha please ignore the gazillion ikemen anime figurines in her room hahahahahhahhahahahah AND DEFINITELY IGNORE THE SILVER HAIRED ONES. ESPECIALLY THE ONLY GIRL FIGURINE SHE HAS THATS BEEN GATHERING DUST UNDER HER BED—)
but also bc i think amab subarus more likely to go nah i wont look at girly media while maybe afab subarus like godddddddd i want instant OP abilitiessssssssssss and godddddddd i want hot girls around m—WHAT. WHAT. WHO SAID THAT WHO SAID THAT—
anyway so subaru gets isekaied and shes like SWEEETTT A NEW BEGINNING AWAY FROM NOT BEING ABLE TO MEET EXPECTATIONS HAHAHAHAHA IM THE ISEKAI PROTAG!!! THIS IS AWESOME!!! (is about to get her shit rocked). and shes like ooooh do i have any abilities (nope) and oooohhhhhh shit do i have a villainess. AM I THE VILLAINESS???? no way right. anyway lol wheres the ikemen who’ll ill marry one day. the ikemen that falls in love….. with a commoner……… like myself teehee… and they get married…… and the villainess is CONQUERED….
anyway so what im saying is. ………….fembaru is a femcel. AND a pick me. AND a disaster bisexual. you could practically imagine a vine boom after each of those.
i think the biggest most important to me with genderbend aus is keeping the humanity of the characters the same the best i can!! and fembaru is STILL subaru, of course shes fucking cringe!! of course shes got a heart of gold but its under layers of cringe!!! of course shes a nerd who doesnt have any friends at first and trips and stumbles through all the shit being thrown her way!!
also if male subaru is bi then so is fem subaru okay. we’re equal opportunity here. and also amab subaru has issues with his masculinity and uhhhh slight things with women (see: his boob comments in season 1…….. subaru i love you but cmon man). so. afab subaru i think has got a terrible case of internalized misogyny / homophobia / PROBABLY SOME COMPHET TOO LMFAO 😭😭
i think general plot beats (whether its only genderbending subaru or genderbending everyone) goes mostly the same but again, slight differences. im gonna go with only subaru being genderbent atm bc thatd have more differences i think :o
yes ok so subaru’s gonna see reinhard and go GASPPP oh my god. pretty ikemen. ohhhhhh oughhhhh hes so pretty. hes clearly main lead material… ohhhh what do i do ive never talked to people in so long and hes so PRETTY FUUUCKKKKK BUT I DONT WANNA BOTHER HIM EITHER AND PUT HIM IN DANGER. um um um um mmumimimm HE CLOSED THE DISTANCE BETWEEN US TOO???? what the hell what the fuck what the fuck shit shit um think THINK SUBARU THINK YOU HAVE CHARM RIGHT?? YOU CAN DO THIS. YOU CAN CHARM A HOT GUY. ARGGHHH— *explodes*
but also subaru sees emilia and gets that “do i wanna be her or be with her” feeling 😭😭 bc emilias so….. cute…. pretty… and NICE TOO?? WITH A FUN PERSONALITY??? SHIT SHES GOT EVERYTHING!! she went out of her way to save me 🥺🥺 and im just dragging her down 😔😔 BUT FUCKKKK I HATEEEE HOW GOOD SHE IS. and then :,)))) theyre both dying in the warehouse… and the first time subaru feels the touch of another girl in a more intimate light is her and emilia holding hands as they die…………….
SO YEAH THEN SUBARU RBDS :,,)))) so like. do you get what im saying. emisuba and remsuba and satella are subaru’s first sapphic heartbreaks and heartaches. muahahaha!!!! insert more evil laughter here!!!! bc since subarus a girl her relationships with emisuba and remsuba are definitely gonna be perceived (both by other people and rem emilia subaru) more so as friendships first and foremost.
so….. subarus getting the codependent homoerotic teenage friendship bright and early HAH. but i cannot blame her!! i too would go insane if i was put in a new unfamiliar world and i met this cute girl i was both jealous of and a little into and then we both died and the last thing i felt was searing pain and her soft fingertips!!! i too would go insane if i thought this maid was my friend but then she tortured me and—and—
but yeah you know how amab subaru has his whole weird complex bromances with reinhard and julius and otto?? now itll be like that but with emilia (the julius and reinhard…) and rem (the otto….). emilias the girl subaru’s having “do i wanna be her or be with her” weird rivalry shit with (subaru’s internalized misogyny probably also adding to this bc Obviously theyre rivals) and rem’s the girl who brutally betrays subaru personally (worlds worst homoerotic teenage friendship breakup of all time 😭😭) but then she later becomes subaru’s loyal best friend???? crazy shit.
and like emilia and rem are totaaally villainesses in subaru’s way (except emilias sweet af and misjudged by the entire world and subaru doesnt have the heart to fight rem and also shes chugging copium and trying not to think about failed loops. or about her gay feelings). toxic yuri is toxic yuri-ing. subaru doesnt wanna be explicit about it….. emilia isnt sure of her feelings other than stuff like caring a lot abt subaru… and rem is. Rem. so theyre all in gay situationship limbo HAH.
also as an afab person too rip subaru for also having periods while the whole world is ending on repeat 😭😭 LMFAOO. im sure theres medieval fantasy remedies though (and rem is 1000% spoiling subaru on her period)
also no one can tell me that echidna and rem WOULDNT still be into subaru as much as they are in canon. subaru regardless of gender fascinates echidna and her greed. subaru regardless of gender is someone rem will grow very very attached to. and if anything, rem would get way more bold with afab subaru.
bc the thing with female relationships is that i feel like theres a higher level of intimacy that you gotta go to for it to be considered more romantic or homoerotic. with guys it could be like holding hands and other people might be like WOAH THATS GAY, but if girls do the same thing its like aww youre such good friends. i think rem would take advantage of her and subaru being the same sex and she’d probably keep trying like “hey um um wanna cuddle together?? in the same bed?? and bathe together teehee?? i can help do your hair and dress you up? and make lots of cute dresses for you ? :) <3 🥰 and i can even massage your bo—I MEAN YOUR BACK. YOUR BACK!!” or it’ll be like. rem gets a little too happy that her and subaru’s periods get synced up or something 😭😭 shes Not Normal (and unfortunately subarus probably a little too into that)
also unfortunately the other time a girl touched subaru intimately was satella squeezing her heart :(((( and hahahah between that and rem and emilia and later echidna…. ohhhh poor subaru and her terrible toxic yuri 😭😭 her sapphic experiences and experiences with women have not been 1000% great.
but also of course subaru is so very not normal. you have the canon typical “lol every memory is a good one <3 even rem torturing me teehee <33” and also i just think itd be funny if you as an audience is lead to believe subarus jealous of emilia and rem’s boob sizes and no. no shes just gay. shes GAY.
and stuff like everything going on with julius and otto gets recharacterized too. bc subarus a girl and the guys are guys its probably gonna get perceived more both in and out of universe in a more. Quite Literally Straightforward light. esp bc subaru’s still gonna be into reinhard and julius lbr HAH.
i want arc 3 to still be an absolute fucking disaster with fembaru. let fembaru be flawed and ugly!!!! so in my au thoughts here itd be like. subaru feels jealous and threatened by lots of people. emilia, though its subsided a bit after becoming friends and after learning a bit more abt emilia as a person. but also i think subaru could feel so so jealous of the royal candidates!! esp crusch priscilla anastasia even though subaru will 1000% think theyre bitches at first during arc 3. bc theyre such strong determined women who seem way more confident than subaru herself is…. and also im sure there’ll be complex thoughts from her on felix too bc crossdressing… gender presentation… is a complex thing for subaru.
and subaru with julius is like. “get away from emilia!!!! shes mine!!! shes MY best friend that im homoerotically codependent on and obsessive of!!!! and also youre just trying to steal reinhard’s ikemen male lead spot huh!!!!! bastard!!!! (i hate that youre so pretty too)” and everything of course blows up in subaru’s face. im sure at some point in the story subaru might get slutshamed for having all these connections to people and romantic threads (especially since shes afab) but also its like. wow shes such a stupid girl lol causing a racket.
and uh being a man beating up a girl looks a little worse due to gender roles and stuff but lot of the knights are still gonna want to go after subaru and julius is still gonna want to save subaru. :,,)))) arc 3 emisuba breakup….. worlds worst sapphic breakup of all time…. and later rem will be the one that got away also :(((((
but yeah i think in general this subaru’s connections would be a little more. subtexty with the girls bc she’d be more hesitant to be explicit. but a bit more explicit with the guys bc itll be easily perceived as romantic in and out of universe. and of course subaru i think will be flustered in different ways between the girls vs guys—with the girls its OHH GOD I CANT BE GAY I CANT BE GAY NOOOOO I HAVE A RIVALRY!!! IM SO JEALOUS OF THEM!! BUT. BUT I LIKE THEM!! OHH GOD. with the guys its OH NO. GOOD LOOKING GUYS???? FML. FML!!!!! WHERES MY MAIN CHARACTER CHARM??? HOW DO I TALK TO GUYS???? JULIUS STOP MAKING FUNNOF ME!!! >:(((
also brief note on otto bc things are probably gonna go different here qkdnd. like i definitely am of course of the opinion that otto fell in love with subaru. in every damn arc in every damn main route otto side content hes getting unhinged over subaru in a way that i think makes a little less sense if you dont view it as otto just Not Being Normal About Subaru in a perhaps vaguely homoerotic way.
but subarus afab now!! and ottos still a guy!!! and reinhard and julius are friendly with subaru right, but at around arc 4 things they dont show explicit romantic interest. (i think arc 5-6+ julisuba and juliemisuba would be 👀👀👀 though.) but otto?? in a universe where subaru is a girl??? well now its more acceptable for him to be grow openly head over heels for subaru. but also its probably also more pathetic bc now its probably gonna be more obviously taken as otto having a crush on subaru.
and subarus had her arc 3 development right. but here its like. you wanted a male character who’d fall in love with you and be loyal to you and do Anything for you???? here you go!!! but also given otto is Like That and gets worse by arc 7-8 i think hes gonna seem a bit more sinister. not that canon otto with canon subaru isnt sinister but theres different connotations to male otto paired with female subaru. bc it sort of follows straight dark romance rules, right, with the cunning possessive male love interest and the female protagonist…
i doubt anything explicit would go on between otto and subaru in an au like this bc 1. otto and his avoidant attachment LMFAO and 2. subaru and her issues also and 3. subaru in main route is Not as into otto to the same extent or degree otto is HAH.
and fembarus probably like. i think itd be funny if she was a little disappointed otto wasnt a girl 😭😭😭 but then later hes weird about crossdressing and shes like why dont you wanna do it huh 👁👁👁👁 why are you weird about it 👁👁👁👁 im staring at your glass closet right now—
and also its like. “WHY ARE YOU THE FIRST BOY TO ACTUALLY BE IN LOVE WITH ME WHAT???” which i think is hilarious but i also think it could be fascinating in terms of playing with gender!! bc otto may want to be in control of things, but hes also so subservient to subaru anyway. otto and subaru are both androgynous; otto can pass as a girl and subaru can pass as a boy. if you wanna simplify things further you could also explain this as—otto is a man who looks like a woman who’s pledged his servitude to a woman who looks like a man. very intriguing imo!!
but of course ottosuba power dynamics are Always shifting over and over like a game of tug of war, but the most common thing is that otto will bow his head to subaru but under the surface ottos trying to be in charge. that sort of thing!! and the idea of male otto servicing female subaru is an idea rezero ao3 seems to like also but :,) lets just say its not fully to my taste haha :,,))
and otto is definitely not gonna beat up subaru’s ass so easily this time around bc itd look so bad and he’d know that lmfao 😭😭
but i think theres a lot of potential to play around with gender roles and such with all of these dynamics!! im very passionate about making my genderbend au ideas as wild and layered as possible :o !!
this is all my main ideas atm (and id love to draw stuff like more drag king natsumi or fem reinsuba :) ) but yes i hope this all makes sense :D !! thanks for reading this far and thanks for the ask!!
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mxheaven · 3 months
Ramon's Birthday!
A Ramon Focused Fic
(With bits of hideduo/fitpac, of course!)
Ramon doesn't have the custom of celebrating his birthdays, perhaps due to how lonely his first ones were. However, today is different. The bright lights and happy laughter bring him a type of childish joy he didn't allow himself to feel for a long, long time.
(Crossposted on AO3, Wattpad and Twitter. English is not my first language, but i hope you all enjoy!)
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         Ramon remembers his first birthday. It didn't have anything special, as far as he could remember. His first month alive was much of a blur, to be honest. He slept more than he'd have liked to.
Spreen wasn't there. Ramon, at the time, had hopes he would be.
It was a simple day. Just like most of his birthdays.
Now, an entire year later, he's still unaccustomed to the bright lights, balloons, songs, people… it was a dream come true, yet he feared it could change to a nightmare.
He and his two siblings, Dapper and Leonarda, celebrated their birthday on the same day. Chayanne, their brother, was only a day older than the triplets, but decided not to celebrate as… “glamorously” as them, claiming that he didn't need it.
Leonarda asked her dad to build a very nice place for their one year birthday party, and he did not disappoint at all. It is a beautiful place with beautiful towers that no one has no idea how Foolish built in two days.
As a courtesy of Dapper's dad (to be honest, mainly Dapper), the place was guarded by intricate, dangerous and technological security assets. Dapper made sure that nothing would go wrong today.
The decoration, however, was the part that Ramon was the most proud of. He and his family spent so long decorating everything just like his siblings deserved - just like he deserved. 
It was full of balloons and pretty lights (which he expected to have, but never expected Fit to be the one to put all of them), beautiful tables with a place for everyone on the island, entertaining songs that Pac (and his rats) chose… Everything was so thought out and Ramon was so proud of his family for doing all of that so well.
He felt especially proud of this decoration, because Pac made sure he wouldn't forget any of the children that would commemorate their birthday today, meaning that the decoration resembled all of the little ones that had already passed, a little altar for each one of them.
Tilin's altar had a few pictures of her, her red bow, drawings, her signature flowers… Pac took the time to talk with all the parents of the eggs that had already passed so he could respect their memories properly.
Trumpet's altar was rainbow colored, it had his little hat, and a few pictures he managed to find with the federation's help. Unfortunately, Maximus had been gone for so long, Pac couldn't decorate it properly since he had no one to consult with his questions. Every part of this decoration was made with Bagi's help, since she spent the Dia de Los Muertos bonding with the little boy. One of the pictures in the altar was one of Trumpet and Leonarda.
Juannaflippa's altar had been the last one to be decorated, since neither Mariana nor Slimecicle had woken up for weeks. Her altar was green-themed, with plenty of pictures of her and her parents, and a few pictures of her and Tilin.
Bobby's altar was the first to be made. Pac gathered all his courage to consult both Cellbit and Roier, unfortunately not being able to ask Jaiden anything since she disappeared. For some strange reason, Cellbit was the one to answer more questions, whilst Roier kept a distance from the topic.
The boy's altar was blue-themed, there were a few drawings that Richarlyson made, his signature gun (don't ask Pac how he got it), a bunch of pictures of him with his parents, with Richarlyson… all of that.
In all of these, there were messages that people put, hoping that the happiness could reach the four that weren't there anymore.
Ramon got distracted looking at the altars. He would be lying if he said he didn't miss those four. They were always making a bit of a mess, that's for sure, but… he'd be happy if he had the opportunity to share a cake with them again.
Speaking of which, we shall not forget one of the most important parts. The cake- actually, the cakes, made by Chayanne himself, were individually created thinking of who it'd belong to. 
Leonarda's cake was purple and somehow even shiny! On the sides, there were some silly faces - made of frosting and fondant - that she requested, just like the multiple hats she's always wearing. The three pieces of chocolate on top of it were painted with food coloring, going from light shades of purple to- yellow? There was one, lonely, yellow piece… Ramon wonders why Leo requested such a specific thing.
Dapper's cake was, of course, black. It still seemed delicious, though, just like Leo's, since it was made by Chayanne. The cake looked amazing because it had some little ghosts - also made of fondant -, some decorations of things that Ramon couldn't quite recognize, everything that exhaled his brother's personality. Chayanne really outdid himself this time.
His cake, well… it wasn't any different. He almost cried seeing it? Well, sure. No one needs to know that though.
Ramon's cake was mainly white, but Chayanne managed to make amazing representations of Ramon's interests, such as the multiple create machines (machines that he info dumped about multiple times to Chayanne), his mustache on one of the sides, the meathead, his glasses…. And a little yellow Pac-Man.
Ramon looked at his parents. Pac and Fit were talking to each other on a corner, probably having some silly conversation, as they always do. Ramon smiled. He was so lost in thought, thinking about how proud he was of his family, that he didn't realize someone was approaching.
— Hey, Ramon! Happy Birthday, king. — Ramon got scared when he heard Tubbo talk, not expecting anyone to come talk to him so early.
What he didn't expect though, was Sunny appearing out of thin air and hugging him tightly. He wanted to answer Tubbo, but couldn't as Sunny restrained his hands while hugging him and basically shaking him. Eventually she let go, leaving Ramon dizzy.
— Happy birthday, my mustache boy!!!!!!!! — She spoke while she signed.
— “Thank you, Sunny” — He signed back a bit messily, forgetting how strong his sister was. 
— Where should we put the gifts? — Tubbo asks, holding three different gift boxes. Ramon couldn't deny how excited he was for Tubbo and Sunny’s gifts, since they had so many create stuff.
Ramon points to a little table that was slowly filling up with gifts.
Tubbo ruffles Ramon's hair before walking up to the table, placing the three boxes there.
Sunny gives him one last, tight hug before running up to her dad again.
Ramon giggles. He's so happy to have them both here.
He was so excited, too. Everyone he knew was going to be there, for the first time! Sure, maybe it's because it's finally the first one year birthday out of all the eggs, after all this time- after everything they went through, they're still alive. They survived.
This thought could rapidly become darker and sadder, were it not for Leonarda and Dapper showing up out of nowhere to bother Ramon and snap him out of these thoughts.
— “Stop thinking about create, Ramon, you're gonna end up overworking the gears of your brain.” — Ramon found himself looking at the hands of his brother, Dapper. Dapper was wearing, obviously, his signature top hat and  little black and blue suit, and alongside him was Leonarda, wearing a dark purple dress and red sneakers, with her red cap backwards, as always. On her cap, though, was a little crown sticker.
— “Así es, tus neuronas se freirán si te quedas ahí. Vamos a hacer algo divertido, ¡es nuestro cumpleaños!” — Leonarda signed. Dapper and Ramon didn't mind speaking in English with each other, but Leo keeps Spanish as her main language when talking to anyone, using the translation tool to speak with people who couldn't understand. Speaking of said tool, the translation apparatus translates her sentence to the following: “That's right, your neurons will fry if you stay there in the corner. Let’s do something fun, it’s our birthday!”
None of the three needed translations, since all of the triplets spoke English, but it helped – the surprisingly silent – foolish to understand their conversation better from a distance.
— “I will! I'm just… waiting for everyone to arrive before I go.” Ramon explained, and Dapper crossed his arms.
— “Casi todos ya están aquí, wey. Sólo faltan tio Cellbit, Roier y Richas, ellos se perdieron en el camino.” Leonarda answers her brother, who fidgets with his hand, anxiously. The translation device, although a bit late, reproduces Leonarda's phrase in English, “Almost everyone is already here, dude. Only uncle Cellbit, Roier and Richas are missing, they got lost.”
— “Okay… if you guys say. What should we do then?”
Dapper and Leo looked at eachother, then shrugged.
— “I don't know. What do you want to do?” 
Ramon seemed just as uncertain as his siblings. The three of them had the same thinking face, showing how connected they were on this, all triplets being confused.
— “We could…. I don't know… maybe-” — Ramon feels a shiver when someone touches both his shoulders, whispering “boo.”
Ramon screams due to the suddenness of it, and can quickly hear the loud laugh of Richarlyson, followed by Leo and Dapper.
— Opa, Ramon, feliz aniversário. — Richarlyson was one of the few children that talked while signing, most of them resorting to sign language basically most of the time. He liked being heard, that was for sure. — Scared ya?
Ramon felt his heart beat extremely, unusually fast. If anything, Richarlyson almost gave him a heart attack. He's also extremely embarrassed for screaming, as he called attention from everyone at the party.
— “Hi, Richas. Obrigado…” — He signs, pulling up his bandanna ever so slightly to hide his embarrassment.
Richarlyson seems way less noisy with the other two, waving and saying;
— Feliz Cumpleaños, Leo. Happy Birthday, Dapper. — Richarlyson congratulates them on the languages the two speak the most, and both smile, Leo more so than Dapper.
Behind Richarlyson were three figures;
Tiny Pepito waved to the three, wearing his little striped shirt with his big glasses and little red shoes. He was so cute and small. 
Roier had a grin, looking at Leonarda. He was the first to speak. 
— Eh, Leo. Ya estás muy vieja, pensé que ibas a morir antes. — Roier teases, and Ramon can see Foolish squinting his eyes on the corner to read the translations that said: “You're already so old, I thought you were going to die sooner.”
Leo hits Roier, who both laugh. They both take the death thing as a joke, clearly, so no one minds.
Behind Roier, was a slightly off putting figure to Ramon. Cellbit.
He hasn't talked to him in a while, after knowing what he did to Pac is…. It's a little bit scary. Ramon waves, and Cellbit's serious face softens into a smile.
He crouches down to Ramon's height, like he did that one time they were together at the boat race.
— Feliz Cumpleaños, Ramon. — He says, and Ramon can't help but smile. He doesn't understand how the man that hurt his father so much was so sweet to him and the other children. It just didn't seem like the same person.
— “Thanks, tio Cellbit.” — He signs, and Cellbit smiles.
— You still have to choose your paranormal room, you know. When we find a way back to the old spawn, we'll find some time for you to choose. — Ramon is very clearly happy with the suggestion. He and Dapper helped Cellbit decorate the ritual room, but he never had found the time to choose one of the paranormal elements that Cellbit talked about.
— “I promise I'll find some time!” — Cellbit smiles when Ramon agrees, getting up and walking over to Leo and Dapper, probably to congratulate them too. 
Little Pepito walks over to Ramon after talking with Leo, handing Ramon a little paper and a painted rock.
— Feliz cumple, Ramon! — Pepito says, he apparently tries to mimic Richarlyson by talking while simultaneously using sign language, but he, just like the many others eggs, seems to have a little bit of problems while talking. Nothing unintelligible, though. For his age, he speaks very well. Ramon remembers he barely talked when he was Pepito's age.
Oh, god. He's feeling old.
— “Muchas gracias, Pepito.” — Ramon thanks the little boy, who quickly got distracted by a butterfly and almost walked away, being grabbed by Richarlyson so he wouldn't get lost.
Ramon smiles seeing everyone, looking as his siblings get distracted with Cellbit's and Roier's presence. He takes the opportunity to leave discreetly, trying not to call much attention. He just wanted to be on his own for a little bit, deep in thought and quietly appreciating his happiness.
While trying to leave without being spotted, he bumps into something, almost falling before feeling like being caught.
— Oi, Ramon! — He hears Pac's voice, and smiles widely, hugging him without any hesitation. — Are you enjoying your birthday?
Ramon lets go slightly of the hug, shaking his head in agreement. When he's with Pac, he barely talks or signs, only communicating through movements and actions, because his Pai understands him so well they don't need words.
— That's so nice, I'm so happy to be here with you. — Ramon giggles, he gets so sillier when he's around Pac, it almost doesn't feel like himself. — Want to see something? Don't tell anyone, though.
Ramon gets a little bit confused, and agrees with a nod.
Pac, still holding the boy in his arms, discreetly walks over to the table with the cake. He looks everywhere around him, sometimes smiling and greeting somebody who came around, making small talk, seeming... suspiciously unsuspicious to Ramon. (Ramon is also slightly embarrassed to be seen this way, being held by Pac, but it doesn't matter right now.) Ramon then sees Pac reach for the table while still holding him, whispering a “Passa tudo”.
Pac, then, walks away from the table and goes to a corner with Ramon.
— It's our secret! — Ramon, confused with Pac's words, finally notices his dad holding a little plastic plate with sweets, mainly brigadeiros. Ramon's eyes shine, he really wanted one but apparently they had to wait for some reason.
Ramon quickly signs — “Obrigado, Pai!!” — before grabbing one brigadeiro and eating almost the entire thing in a bite.
Pac laughs, giving Ramon a kiss on the forehead, clearly happy to be with his neném.
— What are you two up to? — Ramon almost chokes on the brigadeiro when he hears his father's deep voice.
Pac turns to see his boyfriend, smiling happily. 
— It's a secret. A secret-y secret! Is that even a word? — Pac giggles when saying that, and Ramon shoves one other brigadeiro on his mouth.
— Hm, is it? — Fit asks, chuckling. He approaches Pac and Ramon, placing his hand on Pac's waist, to bring him closer. — Can't you guys let me in on this secret?
Ramon looks at Pac, who makes a thinking face. 
— Maybe… — Pac says, smiling. Ramon pinches him lightly, just to send him a sign, it didn't hurt or anything. — Do you think we should tell him, Ramon?
Ramon nods, and Pac smiles, looking back to Fit.
— We may or may not have taken a few sweets from the table… — Fit raises an eyebrow as Pac begins talking, being unable to contain a chuckle. — But no one noticed! You know, what the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't feel- or however it goes in English.
— Fair. — Fit answered with a chuckle. — Are there still some for me, or did you guys forget?
Ramon immediately grabbed the last brigadeiro on the little plastic plate, handing it to his father.
— “Pai and I would never forget about you!” — Ramon signed, and Fit smiled, a genuinely happy smile.
— That's true! — Pac confirms, quickly nodding to show Fit how Ramon was right.
— Aw, you guys are too good to me. — He says, caressing Ramon's hair and taking a bite of the brigadeiro. — Leo and Dapper asked me to call you two, they want to open the gifts with Ramon already.
Ramon didn't like opening gifts in public, he was the more reserved one out of the triplets when it came to that. Fit, however, already seemed to notice how Ramon got hesitant, and said;
— It's alright, Ramon. You don't have to open your gifts now, they just want your company. You can send letters thanking the gifts later. — Ramon smiles and sighs, happy that his dad understood.
— We have to go, then! — Pac excitedly said. — Everyone has to sing happy birthday to you, to Leo and to Dapper!
Pac has clearly always been very excited for birthdays. Back to Fit's birthday, he taught Ramon about the Brazilian tradition of the first piece of cake, and was so excited to go to the party, although he unfortunately couldn't in that specific day due to having passed out (spending the entire night farming for a trident may not have been the most healthy idea). 
In any case, he was always so happy with birthday celebrations, and this was definitely showing now, as he carried the boy over to the table where his siblings waited, looking at the beautiful cakes Chayanne made.
Fit followed his family a little behind, smiling as he looked at Pac and Ramon having so much fun together. He felt complete with these two in his life.
Ramon tapped Pac's shoulder, wanting to be put down. Pac didn't take long to realize what the boy wanted, putting him on the floor.
— I'm going to call everyone, go stay with your siblings a little bit. — Ramon nodded as his Pai said that, seeing him walk away towards Fit. Ramon looked back at the cake table, seeing Dapper and Leonarda discussing something.
— “No, I'm pretty sure you give the first piece of cake before people start singing happy birthday, no?” — Dapper explains, and Leonarda shook her head, clearly disagreeing.
— “¡Pero no tiene ningún sentido!”
(But it doesn't make any sense!) — Leo argued.
— “How does it not?” — Dapper confusedly asks. As Ramon reaches his sight, both of the children turn towards him.
— “¿Cómo es la tradición del Pastel, Ramon?”
(How is the cake tradition, Ramon?) — Leonarda asked, assuming her brother would have a better understanding of said tradition considering he has a Brazilian father.
Ramon seemed slightly confused. He wasn't quite sure if he would be able to put it all into words. He thought for a bit, before signing back to his siblings.
— “Uh.. I'm not sure. But Pai said you sing happy birthday, then if you want you do a little speech on why you're giving the first piece of cake to this someone, and then you… just give it to them? I guess.” 
Leo and Dapper exchanged looks.
— “Can it be only one person?” — Dapper asked, and Ramon nodded. — “Oh… that's difficult… Can we make an agreement that we can't give it to each other, then?”
Leo shrugged, and Ramon seemed to agree. He wouldn't be able to choose between Dapper and someone else if he needed to… 
— Alright! — The three heard Pac's voice a little far away. Everyone was already gathered around the table. — Everyone sing happy birthday in your native language!!
— That'll sound a little bit like a mess. — Somebody in the back said. It was probably Tubbo.
— Mmm Yeah, probably, but it'll be nice. — Pac assured. Ramon giggled at his dad's answer.
And with Pac counting down from three, the guests began singing. You could hear any of the languages present on the island there, really. Some singing parabéns pra você, other joyeux anniversaire, even the mostly-asleep spanish speakers were there, singing. In the back, you could hear one voice in German, and a few in korean.  
As Tubbo mentioned, it was a little bit of a mess. It sounded nice, but you could barely pick out who was singing what. They were having fun, at least, but that's what mattered.
Leo is proudly standing in front of her cake, smiling widely. Dapper, although looking more collected, is smiling at his father. Ramon is standing there a little bit awkwardly, but he looks proud of himself nonetheless.
Chayanne was in the middle of everyone singing, as he didn't like this type of celebration to himself, but people were clearly singing it to him too.
The singing stopped, although everyone cheered. The triplets blew the candles, Ramon having to lower his bandanna to do so.
Somebody in the back yelled something in portuguese. Ramon assumed they were talking about the cake thing.
He poked Leo, as she wanted to start.
— “Ehem. Buenos dias.” — Leonarda talked while simultaneously signing with her hands. She didn't have trouble talking, she just didn't like it much. 
— “Ramon y Dapper están avergonzados, así que empezaré.” 
(Ramon and Dapper are shy, so I'll start.)
Leonarda began, and Foolish cheered her on the back, saying something along the lines of “Vamos!!! Mi niña!!!”
— “Como es mi cumpleaños, digo que los fundadores de Fobo cuentan como una sola persona. Todos ellos son muy especiales porque están construyendo mis riquezas. El primer pedazo de pastel es para ellos.”
(Since it's my birthday, I say that the founders of Fobo count as one person. They are all very special because they are building my wealth. The first piece of cake is for them.)
People seemed slightly confused, although Tubbo and Foolish cheered.
— Can she do that? — Somebody asked.
— Meh, who cares, it's her birthday. — Pac was the one to answer.
Leonarda cut one big piece of cake into three, and Tubbo and Foolish walked up there to grab the cake.
— “To Sunny too.” — Leonarda signed, and Sunny walked over, unable to contain her smile.
— I'm not building anyone's wealth, though. It's my own wealth! — Sunny said. She is one of the few eggs that talk more than sign. 
Leo rolled her eyes.
Everyone clapped as Dapper's turn began. Silent took over for about three seconds before he simply said, nonchalantly;
— “Pomme.” 
Although people were confused by the lack of speech, it didn't take long for people to cheer as Pomme walked up to the table, grabbing her piece of cake, clearly extremely moved by her brother's choice.
Ramon was getting anxious. He's not usually anxious but… he didn't want to, for lack of a better word, fuck this up. It was an important tradition to his pai, right? He can't fuck it up. Not right now.
He took a deep breath. Everyone was looking at him. That didn't usually happen. He's not often in the spotlight.
He cut a piece of cake.
He took another deep breath, and made an effort to say:
— I… Uh, since this is a very important Brazilian tradition… — He tried signing while talking, but talking more loudly took a lot out of him and it honestly made him sign a bit slower, to match his voice. — the first piece of cake goes to my pai Pac.
With the cheering that came with that, everybody could hear Pac, almost crying, extremely happy, running towards Ramon. Instead of immediately grabbing the plate with the cake that Ramon was going to grab, Pac jumped over the table to hug Ramon.
— Eu também te amo muito, meu nenê!!! — The Brazilian exclaimed, tearing up. Ramon tried to get out of his pai's arms, almost suffocating, but giving up as he decided to simply hug back.
The songs that were playing before this began again, everyone walking over to the table to grab sweets and cake. Ramon, however, didn't let go of his dad for a while, both extremely happy.
Fit is looking at his boyfriend and his son from a slight distance, smiling more than he ever did. Fit already knew Ramon was giving the cake to Pac, since the boy and him had already been talking about it for weeks.
He takes a happy, relieved breath. He can live like this for the rest of his life.
He hears something, a metallic footstep. Fit quickly looks back, seeing Richarlyson stand beside him, arms crossed.
— I haven't seen my dad happy like this in a while, tio. — Fit looks curiously to the boy, who seems to have some stuff to say. Richarlyson, however, keeps quiet for a while. — You know… he had been very sad these past months.
— I… yeah, I could notice. — Fit answered, waiting for the boy to elaborate further.
— You and Ramon made him happy. — He chuckles, tilting his head slightly to the side. — Thanks for that.
Fit smiled gently.
— You took part in that, you know? — Richarlyson looked at Fit, now curious to what he had to say. — You make your dad and… and well, everyone around you really happy. 
Richarlyson laughs a little, seeming embarrassed. Fit has come to notice how shy this boy actually is, even though he's so loud, outgoing and interactive with everyone.
— If you say so. I'd just like to thank you and Ramon for that, I like seeing my dad happy. — Fit places his hand on Richas’ hair, who fidgets with his hands, a bit embarrassed, but happy.
— Thank you to you too. Now go enjoy the party, Pepito's been yelling for you for a while now.  — Richarlyson looks around, confused. He seemed to be really distracted, considering how he didn't hear his brother yelling for him.
— Obrigado, Tio! Falou! — The translator didn't quite catch what Richas said, but Fit assumed it was a goodbye. He waved to the boy, seeing him grab Pepito, who had begun crying due to not having found Richarlyson.
━━━━━━━━━ ➴ ━━━━━━━━━
It was around 11pm when the party ended. At least for Pac, Fit and Ramon, since they were always the ones to leave early. Pac is carrying a sleeping Ramon in his arms, the poor boy having slept on a chair due to getting tired quickly. He has his head against Pac's shoulder, and snores softly as he sleeps.
— I can carry him, Pac, it's okay. — Fit said as they walked. He couldn't help but stare at Pac, the moonlit night making the yellow on Pac's eyes shine, absorbing every single drop of Fit's attention.
— Oh, it’s okay. I really want to carry him, I don't know if i'll be able to see him again tomorrow. — Pac answered, adjusting his arms so Ramon could stay comfortable.
They spent a few seconds in a comfortable silence, and suddenly, both spoke at the same time.
— Thanks-
— Obrigado-
They went silent again, looking at each other, before they eventually broke into soft laughter.
— You can speak, please. — Fit said, his tone oh-so loving. 
— It's just… — Pac began, before he eventually decided to switch languages, wanting to say it in the best way possible. — Obrigado. Obrigado por estar comigo, e por-... por poder me dar essa vida com você e com o Ramon. 
They stopped in front of Fit's house. Fit smiled so clearly reading what appeared on the translation device. 
“Thank you. Thank you for being with me, and for- for giving me this life with you and Ramon.”
Fit smiled. Such a genuine, loving smile. He couldn't have asked for anything better. Even after all the pain, even after everything he went through, he wouldn't change a thing. He would suffer it all again for these two.
Fit took a step closer, touching Pac's cheek.
— I love you, Pac. 
Pac smiled, and Fit could see his expression soften into what seemed like overwhelming, genuine happiness.
— Eu te amo também. 
Fit leaned closer to Pac's face, the hand on Pac's cheek moving to the back of his head, lightly pulling him closer. Pac closed his eyes, just wanting to feel Fit's presence for a few seconds. Fit did the same.
They didn't kiss. It still didn't feel like the time. But to both of them, what happened today was enough.
They spent at least twenty seconds just appreciating each other's presence, their foreheads touching. Some could say they'd spend more time there, had Ramon not shifted ever so slightly on Pac's arms, reminding them that they had to go. They separated, seeming to smile more than they did before, if that was even possible.
— See you Monday? — Fit asks, and Pac tries to nod, although stops mid way.
— If the rats manage to wake me up, yes. I can't promise, though… — Pac answered honestly, seeming a bit embarrassed. Fit chuckled.
— Fair. Hope they will, though. I already miss you, even if you're still here. 
Pac chuckled, seeming even more embarrassed than before. He slowly and carefully hands Ramon to Fit, trying to not wake up his son.
— Oh, I almost forgot! — Pac reached for his pocket when saying that, and Fit, now with Ramon in his arms, seemed confused. Pac takes out from his pocket a blue bandanna with a yellow Pac-Man on it. — Give it to Ramon for me. I didn't have the time to give him this.
Fit felt more in love with this man with every second that passed.
— Sure will do. Boa noite, Pac.
— Boa noite, Fit.
That night, Ramon slept hugging a different bandanna, for a different reason.
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starrymako · 5 months
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Someone on insta asked me if I would make another child for Tweek and Craig... so I did. Here's Celeste and her little sister, Halley!
Some facts about them :3
Celeste is a bit of a brat to others but she loves her family. She resembles Craig a lot but has Tweek's eyes. As a baby she spent more time with Tweek as he worked from home. Being his first baby, Tweek learned patience and different ways to manage his anxiety while caring for an infant. Celeste grew up spoiled by her dads.
Celeste gets into playing baseball like Craig, but ends up doing softball instead. She is a tough yet quiet child, and sometimes doesn't respond to her coach during games. She is the best player though, and wins the most games so her coach and teammates are used to her behavior.
At home, she loves being pampered by her dads. Her favorite bonding activity is baking with her papa (Tweek). Sometimes Halley wants to join, but Celeste gets a little jealous if Tweek has to take extra care of her.
Celeste didn't start sleeping in her own room until she turned 10. She used to crawl in bed with her parents because she got scared of the dark. Craig bought multiple night lights but Celeste would still turn up in their bedroom. Eventually he allowed their pet guinea pigs to reside in her room to fix the issue.
Celeste finds Halley annoying because she cries so much, but will beat up any kid that bullies her.
The second child of Tweek and Craig. She is terrified of everything despite her parents spoiling and reassuring her. She twitches and shrieks when she hears loud noises. At one point Tweek had a breakdown thinking Halley's fears were because of him, but Craig and Halley's doctor reassured him that she's just a timid child and requires extra care.
Halley wears a lot of Celeste's hand-me-down clothes because she loves her older sister and her things comfort her.
She tends to fall asleep on Craig's chest on the couch while he watches Red Racer. Halley is a huge fan of the show and she bonds with Craig the most when they watch it together. Craig even gave her his old Red Racer pajamas from when he was her age.
Before Halley began elementary school, she spent a lot of time at home with Tweek and Celeste. Celeste tries toughening her sister up but it never works. Tweek does take Halley to kickboxing lessons in hopes to build her character.
Halley is gifted in music. She learned how to play the piano by Tweek and was given a violin by Craig for her 5th birthday.
If y'all have any questions I might have left out, feel free to shoot me an ask! <3 I love answering them!
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lemonlover1110 · 7 months
Hey Lemon I have a couple of questions if you don’t mind me asking. I kinda got inspired by Anon question 😅
What would mrs Gojo do if Sayo turn out to be infertile or doesn’t want to have kids at all. What would her reaction be?
What would she do if y/n ever got married? and would she react? Here the scenario y/n got a nice job that paid well so she doesn’t need her help with finances anymore. She then meets some guy and they hit well and he knows her hold situation/drama with mrs Gojo and Satoru. They get married and lived a happy normal married life together and have kid together too. Like how would she held with seeing Ren call another man that not her son dad? or seeing Ren call that man mom grandma too? Seeing Ren playing with his new baby sibling. Getting along with his new dad family in general to the point he doesn’t care about his real father at all.
How would she keep Satoru finding out about Ren? Especially in the future when he older has social media etc like let say that Satoru create fake account to see what y/n has been up to and see she has a 17 year old son. See the resemblance and does the math and realise he the father that way.
How would she try to stop an older Ren contact with Satoru in the future?
Anyway love Change can’t wait for the next drama and Sayo reaction to the situation 
There's nothing that she would've really done since Sayo can't control that and she's somewhat understanding. She'll probably look for an egg donor and a surrogate but she would still want a child that's Sayo's in a sense.
She would feel a bit guilty watching how her grandson calls someone else dad, and Satoru is just clueless about it. She would still come around, and hope that Ren doesn't ask too many questions about it.
She really can't do much about it, her money holds influence but she's not God. She can't stop Satoru from using social media or stopping him from going places.
Ren would just be out of the loop with that side of his life. If reader does remarry, he would be more focused on his stepdad and new family to care too much. If he does grow curious enough, he wouldn't tell Mrs. Gojo because she shoots down any question that has to do with Satoru.
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ask-obt · 9 months
I feel like this question has already been asked but i can’t remember and I couldn’t find the answer by searching his tag, so: What was the role of Akio in the original OBT? From what i can tell he’s meant to be Rune’s son, but what about his father? Is there a chance he could appear in the current comic, or would he just be repurposed into a new character? (Sorry for long prompt btw)
// the explanation was a bit buried into this ask here (which also talks about other plot points from old OBT), but I'd be happy to give a more accessible version of an explanation as well as some extra context! so akio is the remnant of an arc I had in mind for rune from the very early era of preboot OBT up until I officially scrapped him in 2020. october 6th, 2020 in fact (happy die day you little freak)! in old OBT his role was to be the son of rune and some rando from the luxio tribe in a one night stand, mostly to stir drama between her and kodali. later on it turned out that luxio had the same name as one of my partner's characters (a mew named Xander), and we joked about Xander shapeshifting into a Luxio and blending into the tribe and getting together with rune... and then I made doodles of a vulpix with fun little mew traits, and got attached to the idea! around that time I was gearing up for the reboot of OBT, so he's... well, I was gonna say alolan, but this was actually my first doodle of that fire opal vulpix concept!
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and then I thought "actually it'd be more fun if he was kantonian and also will help differentiate his design from rune" which is where you get the current iteration of his design that I use for memeing purposes
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then with this being in the reboot timeline, it meant it started intersecting and butting heads with other arcs I had planned. I can probably go more into detail with that once we're a bit further along in the story, but basically rune was A Little Cringe for the circumstances she ended up with xander in the reboot, which would've ended up giving akio a bit of tasty insecurity as he got older and realized he resembled his dad in several ways he didn't like.
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one of those ways being that he was flirty, but didn't want to commit to having a family
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but that said... these were all headcanons for akio when he was older, aka either in the epilogue of OBT or in a potential sequel. which would've meant I'd have to carry around a baby character that I didn't really have any strong feelings about, a character arc for rune that was fitting with the story less and less over time, all for an epilogue or sequel that may or may not have seen the light of day. don't get me wrong, i still LOVE the idea of exploring this type of arc. but... does it have to be rune's son? she has a bunch of other arcs to explore, and her experiencing motherhood was just complicating the story in a way that wasn't fun to write. overall, it stopped fitting with the themes of OBT and needed to be cut in order to tell the story I actually wanted to tell. so nowadays, akio is a funny little in-joke with myself as a remnant of a long forgotten storyline, and is floating around my brain like a dvd screensaver. maybe someday he'll find a home in a story (he'd be more likely to find another life in my original project before OBT), maybe I'll use him in some sort of RP/collab, or maybe he'll keep collecting dust. only time will tell!
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