#mel's drive in
motherfuckingcat · 3 days
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simonh · 7 months
Green Eyes by Thomas Hawk
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williammarksommer · 6 months
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Diner Sunrise
Route 66 series
Hasselblad 500c/m
Kodak Ektar 100iso
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blood-starved-beast · 4 months
Do you think Nemesis fantasizes about being the Knight to Melinoe's Princess and being quest-given to fight Chronos for her or something. Then she sees Melinoe out on the Run somewhere covered in blood and bruises and such and it fills her with unfathomable rage.
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naarlar · 5 months
Okie so hot take: I don’t think Melinoë is as good of a protagonist as Zagreus. And here’s why.
It all comes down to motivation. Why did Zag go through the events of Hades 1? Because he was living in an abusive and volatile household and had to find some way to make things better for not just himself but his house. Otherwise he surely would have lost his mind having to deal with the abuse he got (remember at the beginning of the game basically only Nyx and Achilles were helping him. Everyone else is either neutral towards him or outright hostile). He needed answers, he needed to find out who and what he was by trying to find Persephone. And in the end he succeeded and was able to create a better life for himself and his house. Hell, even his relationship with his dad improved.
Now let’s look at Mel (yes this criticism is only addressing Early Access Hades 2). Why is she going through the events of Hades 2? Because… she’s been groomed since basically birth to kill Chronos. She doesn’t really have any other motivation than because it is what is expected of her essentially. She even says during her confrontation with Chronos, AFTER HE THREATENS TO HURT HER FAMILY, what do I care I barely know them (yeah sure she could just be bluffing to Chronos but that is still a very chilling thing to say when supposedly all of this is to save them and it makes her reunion with Hades lowkey ring hollow or weak). In another scene she even says the same thing to Hecate and says Hecate is more her mother than anyone else. Heck even in the flashback scene with young Mel and Hecate (which was very cute I’ll admit) she says she would want her mother to come back so Hecate isn’t sad. This makes all her motivations to kill Chronos and save the Underworld seem very… disconnected from the main component of the game? Being saving the house of hades and her family??
Like it’s expected of her and she was raised at birth to basically be prepared for this but she doesn’t have any personal reasons for doing any of this than just not letting Hecate and the others in the Crossroads down. Hell when she comes back from killing Chronos for the first time it honestly feels like Hecate is more interested and invested in what happened than Mel herself.
It makes her a really weird protagonist especially when comparing to her brother and how effective he was as a protagonist. Think about it, with Zag we got really in depth and character revealing moments where as the player we understand why he is doing all of this and so it is easy to go along for the ride because we like Zag and want to help him. Mel says she cares a lot about what is going on and wants revenge, but it all feels surface level (and which is understandable she doesn’t know these people, all she can say is “the titan took my family” when let’s be real she sees the people in the crossroads as more of her family). It honestly just seems like because she is expected to kill Chronos since she could think, she feels she has to do all this. It feels weird how she is disconnected from the core point of the game being to save the house of hades when Zag was so integral to that same core point in the first game.
I dunno, just my thoughts, I’m curious to see what everyone else thinks.
Edit: just fyi cause I feel with the comments I’ve been getting from my posts, I like hades 2 I am excited especially for the official release. I recognize my criticism/analysis could be wrong or out of date since the game isn’t finished yet. These are just my initial thoughts.
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John Milner at Mel's Drive-In
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melissa-titanium · 19 days
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he's 13 and has just discovered the internet via ginger boy leave him be
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sophsun1 · 1 month
I find it really interesting that the writers had lindsey admit that she had been harbouring a dream fantasy about being a family with brian and gus in some form of a relationship back in S2. Then when the time came to address her obvious bisexuality and attraction to men in S4 with the cheating arc they instead decided to go 'bisexuality? who? what? we don't know her!' What was the point of all these glaring signs across the show to then backtrack so hard and go, no she cannot possibly be attracted to both. She is a lesbian, full stop.
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galactikburzt · 4 months
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Virgil portal mel driving a car
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the worst part of doctor who fandom is how easy it latches onto a "consensus" opinion that then everyone assumes this is "obviously" the only way to interpret an episode, and also they also latch onto painting with a negative brush literally everything about an episode, questioning things that "don't make sense!!!" when like, they do actually. just because 1 part of the plot may be flimsy doesn't mean automatically all 300 creative decisions are too, by osmosis. this is not how stories work, karen.
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oilux · 5 months
mom: we got food at home you don't need mcdonalds
my sibling and I pretending in the back that we're dying and only mcdonalds chicken nuggets can save us:
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simonh · 9 months
She Wore a Platinum Blonde Wig
She Wore a Platinum Blonde Wig by Thomas Hawk
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williammarksommer · 6 months
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Mel's Drive-In
Route 66 series
Hasselblad 500c/m
Kodak Ektar 100iso
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literaryspinster · 1 year
Whether you enjoy the relationship or not…
Jayce being in love with Mel doesn’t seem like something the creators did just to squash people’s mlm fantasies. They’ve been set up as so integral to each other’s stories, especially with a Noxus arc coming up, that wanting to forget they ever happened and put them with other people feels beside the point to me.
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
Okay hear me out Missy/Donna
this came out so silly. it’s more pre-donna/missy but give them like a few weeks and missy will be earning herself so many kisses.
“Are you a friend of the Doctor’s?” Donna asks upon spotting the woman sitting on a bench in her garden outside the Doctor’s TARDIS. It’s far too warm out to be dressed in as many layers as she is, but at least she has her own umbrella for shade. She turns her head to look at Donna, and there’s something familiar about it that Donna can’t put her finger on.
“His dearest,” she says. Donna raises her eyebrows in disbelief, but really, the woman says it with so much conviction that she’s not even sure how to argue. “Why? Is there anyone else I could be here to visit?” Donna huffs a laugh.
“Not unless you’re paying for one of Rose’s toys in person.” She considers for the briefest moment that this woman could know Shaun and immediately dismisses the thought. Absolutely not. They’d be making up stories around the dinner table about what Miss Mary Poppins got up to every week if he knew her. “Or- No. Never mind. He doesn’t have friends.”
“Oh?” The woman pounces on Donna’s irritation. “Domestic problems?” Donna joins her on the bench, despite a small part of her mind still insisting there’s something terribly off about the woman. She makes room for Donna, her eyes never leaving her. Despite the umbrella’s shade falling across her face, her dark eyes seem to glitter.
“Not mine.” Donna rolls her eyes. “When the Doctor keeps that man on a tight leash, anyway. Personally, I think we’d be better off with a real leash to tie him up inside the TARDIS whenever the Doctor goes to the store.” The woman’s smile grows.
“Sounds like trouble.”
“You have no idea.” Donna shakes her head. “But you try suggesting we shouldn’t be housing a maniac. The Doctor’s eyes get all watery and he looks like a kicked dog about it. ‘He’s my oldest friend, Donna. He needs me, Donna. Blowing up Rose’s new shed was an accident, Donna.’ Believe me, I made him fix that himself. Only time I’ve ever been fond of him was watching him help Rose with stitching up replacements for what he destroyed.” Donna stops. “Sorry, what did you say your name was?”
Donna gets- Not memories, nothing so clear, but sometimes, little pings in her subconscious of the Doctor’s experiences through the remnants of the metacrisis that sunk safely and comfortably into the back of her head to stay forever.
Right now, that ping is more like an air siren.
“Missy,” Donna repeats. Missy puts a hand out, and Donna’s not sure if she’s expecting a handshake or a kiss to her knuckles.
“Short for Mistress.” Donna’s face falls.
Which is what the Doctor stumbles out of the TARDIS to, five minutes later, as Donna yells, “Absolutely not! Not another one of you! Not in my home!” He does not, on the whole, improve the situation, by breaking out into a grin and wrapping Missy up in a hug even she clearly isn’t expecting.
Donna, begrudgingly, allows one more Master to stay with them.
Donna, even more begrudgingly, grows fond of her.
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Riot Kings, page 147
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(would he have gone through with it? Yes.)
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