#mejorar speaking
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telephoneteacher · 1 year ago
📨Cómo decir tu email correctamente en inglés:👩‍🎤
📨Para decir el correo electrónico o email en inglés es necesario saber como se dicen dos caracteres: 💂‍♂️ 1. La arroba = at @ 2. El punto = . dot que se pronuncia ( dat) 💌Entonces ejemplo si el correo es: ´´[email protected]´´ 📧Diríamos: My email is: xyz@ (at) hotmail   . (dot) com Guión bajo (_) o guión (-): Aunque menos comunes, también se pueden utilizar guiones bajos o guiones en nombres de…
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sgiandubh · 3 months ago
Anon rebelde
Tardes lo que tardes en asomarte por aquí las cosas no cambian o eso puede parecer a un lector ocasional. Lo que ese lector no tendrá en cuenta es la escalada en amenazas y ataques a blogs prominentes en el lado shipper como es tu caso. El nivel de bajeza moral de ciertos mal llamados blogueros y anons no tan anónimos, cuando su verdadero nombre debería ser carroñeros, ha subido varios escalones debido al cambio de actitud sobre todo de Cait en esta promoción. Hemos pasado de la madre superiora con gesto serio, adusto y justo con su compañero de trabajo, casi hermano a la novicia rebelde que no puede parar de tocar, poner cara sonriente y hablar un lenguaje no verbal pero muy sensual con ese mismo compañero desbaratando la retórica vieja y manida del lado oscuro. La ausencia pública de ese nombre que figura en cierto documento añade la dosis necesaria de nervios a cierto sector que se ha vanagloriado de tener la certeza absoluta e indiscutible de la verdadera relación personal que no laboral de Sam y de Cait. Siempre se ha dicho que las cosas tienen que empeorar antes de mejorar y si ese empeoramiento viene en forma de ataques, bienvenidos sean porque eso demuestra que estamos en el buen camino. Fuerza, paciencia y adelante, que son pocos y mal avenidos.
Dear (returning) Anon Rebelde,
Gracias por tu mensaje reconfortante. Era muy necesario y muy, muy apreciado. Y ahora, adelante con la traducción:
'However long it takes to drop by in here, things don't change, or so it may seem to the occasional reader. What that reader won't take into account is the escalation of threats and attacks on prominent blogs on the shipper side, such as yourself. The level of moral baseness of certain so-called bloggers and not-so-anonymous anons, when their real name should be scavengers, has gone up several notches due to the change in attitude, especially Cait's, during this promotion. We have gone from the mother superior with a serious, stern and square attitude towards her co-worker (almost a brother), to the rebellious novice who can't stop touching, putting on a smiling face and speaking a non-verbal but very sensual language with that same co-worker, that destroys the old and trite rhetoric of the dark side. The public absence of a name that appears in a certain document adds the needed dose of tantrum to a certain corner that has boasted of having the absolute and indisputable certainty of the true personal, not work, relationship between Sam and Cait. It has always been said that things have to get worse before they get better, and if that worsening comes in the form of attacks, they are welcome because that shows that we are on the right path. Strength, patience and keep going, because there are few and they are not well-matched.'
I am watching Purv's desperate efforts to remain relevant to her dwindling, credulous minions with an enormous eyeroll and a smirk. What this toxic nincompoop with a HUGE ego never took into account is the reaction my landing in this corner of the fandom has triggered in here first, and then everywhere else. The kerfuffle, the speculation, the Chinese whispers games and then the ones who started to openly and directly question, more or less aggressively, my timing, my purpose, my identity. I will never blame people for merely questioning, of course: however, I am human and judged and blamed I did at least one prominent shipper blogger who shamelessly and tastelessly did so without having the basic courtesy to ask me first and then persisted with the bullshit. However, all the circus made me realize very quickly that shrouding myself by fiction was unnecessary and ridiculous. And I chose to answer all those more and more pressing questions by patiently and deliberately playing my own hand at this poker game, in full honesty.
This is how this fandom has been treated, very quickly, to...
...my own diplo car plate, or heh - a carefully clipped version of it (https://www.tumblr.com/sgiandubh/723038171325169664/you-know-shw-usually-illustrates-her-cryptic?source=share - July 17, 2023)...
...my own voice in a short video (in Romanian, ROFLMAO), while I was filling up above car at the BP pump of Mesogeion Avenue/ Karatheodori street, in Athens (https://www.tumblr.com/sgiandubh/725983370933354496/jeez-louise?source=share - August 18, 2023) - all this after really, really heavily hinting I was an Eastern European...
...my office, my passport and my former daily cup of Greek frappé (https://www.tumblr.com/sgiandubh/732329266407243776/and-in-real-time-from-my-office-in-sorry-no?source=share - October 27, 2023)...
I'll mercifully spare you the rest: the list would be really too long. Suffice to say nothing has been left into the shadows, spare my name. A very easy charade, if one would have spared literally half a minute and two clicks. But that was never offered as such for public consumption and saying otherwise is a LIE. Not surprised.
I am laughing even more when I am reading that I 'recently doxed myself' - a short stroll through my archives shows this:
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[Source, LOL: https://www.tumblr.com/sgiandubh/725913426953715712/when-boredom-strikes - August 17, 2023: how is this recent, that's beyond me].
It took the Queen of SOURCES, FACTS AND PEOPLE SHE KNOWS Nothing one year and a half and a self-written Anon to finally spill the beans and triumphantly trumpet 'mystery solved'.
She has been sitting on this for a long while, of course. She kept it as a Plan B, for those moments when shite hit the fan. The real reasons of this desperate choreography are S's recent quip about Shatner and his minion, C's subtle shift during this promo, the unbearable idea shippers are neither stupid, nor scattered in fright and of course, the realization that some blogs are more successful than hers (I seem to share this dubious vainglory with other usual suspects, sorry Marple).
By the way, how comes she never showed up at any Californian promo event or con (and there have been many) in a long while? Doctored pics of the peaks do not count.
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the-offside-rule · 2 years ago
Pedri Gonzalez - Until I Found You (FCBarcelona) ft. Ferran Torres
Requested: tumblr
Prompt: Y/n is friends with Sira, the girlfriend of Ferran. The couple have an idea to introduce their two single friends in an attempt to get them to date.
Warnings: fluff
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"I just think you should give this date a try, that's all." Sira said, walking alongside her friend to the car. "I am never going on a double date." Y/n replied, hopping into the passenger side of the car. "Oh come on! Why?" Sira asked, yet again. "Because it's not my thing." Her friend replied. "So what is your thing? Being lonely?"
"Being single, does not mean I am lonely." Y/n snapped. "Just give it a chance. You may actually enjoy yourself, and who we pick." Sira smiled. "We? Who's we?" She asked. "Me and Ferran. He has a few single friends but don't worry, we'll find the one for you." Sira assured her. "Playing cupid, huh?" Sira nodded. "Exactly. Now, we have twenty minutes to get there."
"Wait, twenty minutes to get where?" Y/n asked. "To the date? Ferran text that they're waiting." Y/n's heartbeat quickened. "No! You could have given me warning!"
"So, who is she again?" Pedri asked, playing with the ends of his hoodie strings. "Her name is Y/n. She is Sira's friend. That's all you need to know before you meet her." Ferran replied. "Yes, but I would rather hear a bit more about her." Pedri said. "You can ask her on the date." Ferran chuckled. "No, because we're both going to be in your conversation. A couple date, is such a bad idea for a first date."
"Get out of the car." Sira demanded for the sixth time in the minute. "No! You tricked me!" Y/n exclaimed. "Would you have come if I said you had a date?" Y/n was silent. "My point exactly! Now get out of my car!"
"Hola, bebé." Ferran smiled as he pecked Sira's lips. Y/n looked visibly uncomfortable. "Where is he?" Sira asked. "Oh, Pedri." Pedri? The footballer? "Pedri, Y/n. Y/n, Pedri." Ferran said. Y/n's eyes fell onto the all too familiar stranger. "Mucho gusto. Pedri." The man smiled. Her legs turned to jelly looking at him. "Oh, she doesn't speak much Spanish, P. I-"
"Hablo español, Sira. Simplemente nunca me hablas en español. Te gusta asegurarte de que tu inglés sea siempre bueno." Y/n said, shaking hands with Pedri. "Sira arched a brow in amusement. "Well, if its all the same, I would like to speak a mix of both. Just for everyone to understand everything." Ferran smiled. "Necesitas mejorar tu inglés, verdad Pedrito?" Pedri chuckled. "Es una profesora de inglés." Pedri turned back to look at Y/n. "Really?" He asked. "No, I'm a student. My mother is an English professor in the university though." Pedri nodded. "That makes better sense." Ferran snickered at his miss-matched English. "It's better English than how yours was." Y/n said. "My English was good-"
"It's usually not right." Y/n muttered, loud enough for Pedri to hear. "Are we going to go in or stand out here all evening?" Sira asked before the four agreed to head inside.
"Please, have a seat." Pedri said, pulling the chair out for his 'date'. Y/n smiled at the gesture and took the seat gladly, placing her jacket on the back of her chair whilst Pedri took a seat before her. Ferran stared, not knowing what to say or how to even react to how his friend was acting; like a gentleman. Sira kicked her boyfriend under the table, indicating him to stop staring and have a look at the menu instead.
Throughout the dinner, Pedri and Y/n....well they became a but more distanced from Sira and Ferran. Sure, the conversations would start off with all four involved, but it would quickly change to just Y/n and Pedri speaking and laughing together, leaving Sira and Ferran to talk amongst themselves. They clicked. Both hated to admit it to their respective friends but they clicked. From the moment they sat down, right down to splitting the bill, they barely stopped talking. Pedri stood up and excused himself to go to the bathroom. Y/n sat smiling go herself before a quiet giggle snapped her from her thoughts and she turned to see Sira grinning at her. "What?"
"Nothing, I just think I told you you'd enjoy this." Sira chuckled. "Yeah, whatever. I'm just getting along with a man, that doesn't mean we like eachother." Y/n replied. "I don't know. He was a boy when he came in and he went into that bathroom a man." Ferran joked. "Oh the both of you just be quiet, please. I don't want to go all out on the first date." Y/n mumbled the last part. "I'm sure he'll ask you for a second date. Don't worry." Sira reassured her before they all quietened down for Pedri to return. "So, what are the plans now?" He asked. "Well, Sira and I are going to take her far home. We thought maybe it would be a good idea for you to take Y/n home?" Ferran suggested. "I was going to suggest that we do that actually. It just makes sense." Pedri smiled. Y/n felt her heart thumping inside her chest, simply from looking at his smile. "That's it settled then. I say we can all go our separate ways now."
Y/n smiled as she got into Pedri's car and looked around. The car mlled fresh, as if it had just been cleaned or as if it were brand new. She looked over to the driver door as the spaniard climbed in and put the key in the ignition. "Seatbelt." He said before Y/n reached for it and pulled it across herself. "So, do you need my address?" Y/n asked putting her seatbelt on. "No, not yet. I actually have a last minute plan I came up with in the bathroom." He said, making her confused. "How do you feel about theme parks and arcades?"
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Según esto Caro a jugado un poco más de la mitad de los partido. Vi a muchos ayer decir que se a vuelto a lesionar por falta de rotación, pero aún estando de acuerdo en que falta rotación en portería y con Aitana, Patri y otras, el caso de Caro no me parece que sea por eso. Venia de no jugar contra el City (ya con alta médica) y luego tuvimos el descanso de las fiestas y en el anterior partido jugo 10 min. Aunque las rotación deben mejorar, darle la culpa esta vez de los problemas de Caro me parece de pensar poco. Y vi cuentas muy grandes en X hablando muy mal de todo el cuerpo técnico.
a ver. si miras los minutos del club + la selección, sigue siendo bastante para caro. y no olvidemos sus minutos de la temporada pasada. no podemos "reiniciar" el reloj del cuerpo cada temporada. recuerda que estos minutos son acumulables. entonces la crítica todavía es un poco válida. 🤷‍♀️
caro is still in the top 5 of barça players with most minutes. and look at her minutes from last season. it's not like we reboot the body of players every season. it's all cumulative year after year. so i still think it's been a lot🙏
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yes, i think this is a major area of criticism of pere. i just don't see a plan with the gks. now i understand that it took a while for ellie to get medically cleared as brain injury is a complicated topic. but it seems like she is all ready to go. and certainly, gemma font should be getting minutes with these lower ranked teams.
to be honest, this is an issue i've had over the past few years. it's not only a criticism with pere. 🤔
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well, i can't speak to how pajor was managed at her previous clubs, and certainly the overall minutes load is something to pay attention to. but i don't even want to talk about hypothetical injuries and if something happens, then we can discuss then.
in any case, barça has always had players with chronic injuries. and if we can figure out how to win the champions league the year that alexia did her acl, then we can figure anything out. the thing about barça is that there are always players to step up and spread out the loud. there were 6 different goal scorers in the last match alone. but the main thing is that players are getting the adequate rest and recovery, and i'm glad that we are giving players multiple days off post matches🙏
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funfettified · 2 years ago
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- ̗̀‎𖤐 ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴‎ ୨୧ ∴∵𖤐 ̖́-
❦ welcome to my blog sweet thing! ❦
❦ i’m lola, nice to meet u! ❦
- ̗̀‎𖤐 ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴‎ ୨୧ ∴∵𖤐 ̖́-
more abt me under the cut :> 🧠 🍨 🍩 🩰 🍪 🧁
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basic info!
- ̗̀‎𖤐 i’m 19! i don’t have any age limits as this is a sfw blog and i don’t interact w ppl much further than likes & reblogs ^__^
- ̗̀‎𖤐 silly girl boy thing ; any pronouns are okay but i prefer she/her
- ̗̀‎𖤐 i’m american & live in the midwest wooo yea trees & fields :D
- ̗̀‎𖤐 i’m apprenticing to become a tattoo artist! i currently do handpoke tattooing and will learn machine work later on ꒰ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ ꒱
- ̗̀‎𖤐 i speak english ofc as well as spanish, y ¡tengo muchas ganas de hablar más con nativos de la lengua! siempre puedo mejorar :) i can speak russian conversationally but am not fluent
- ̗̀‎𖤐 please no flirtatious or otherwise creepy interaction. ty!
- ̗̀‎𖤐 moderately irrelevant but i work @ claire’s
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my interests!
❦ progressive post-hardcore, swancore, math rock, deathcore, industrial metal, folk punk, ska punk
arsonists get all the girls, hail the sun, the fall of troy, eidola, AJJ, dwellings, dance gavin dance, nine inch nails, veil of maya, to the grave, properties of nature, escape from the zoo, days n daze, the devil makes three
❦ cartoons! mostly early 2000s
scooby doo, the marvelous misadventures of flapjack, chowder, adventure time, ren & stimpy, the midnight gospel
❦ art! i went to college for fine arts for a year (withdrew bc the apartments we were required to live in got shot up #slayamerica) as mentioned b4 i do tattoos, i adore collaging and my fav traditional medium is charcoal!
❦ dance- i have ten years experience with focus on ballet, kick, and lyrical, and periodically did tap, salsa, tango, hip-hop, and jazz as well ^__^
❦ hoarding collecting things- i have collections of
four leaf clovers (i’ve found over 400!)
stuffed animals
vintage rubber face toys
monster high dolls
hello kitty memorabilia
and soooo many journals!
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navigation: #luckystars - all my original posts #goose - my face / self #nom - cute food pics
find me also: @angelicflirt - manifestation & pink it girl pretty blog ♡ @princesastudies - studyblr @honeypalmbeach - gal / kwk beach girl @winteressa - pastel goth @w4fflecone - dollblr
that’s all tysm for reading!!
sorry that was a lot LOL i hope u at least feel like u know me better now ‪(՞ .ˬ.՞)"
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artsyitzy · 2 years ago
🇺🇸🇲🇫🇧🇷QSMP 🇲🇽🇪🇦🇬🇧
Yo soy, Artsy Itcy . Un Chicana artista que vive en los Estados Unidos por el momento. Yo siempre, desde mi niñez, me eh sentido única en creciendo en la vida en lo E.U. No soy güera como las del televisión ni tengo los ojos azules como las "americanos" que yo veo todo los días. Y nunca vi que era necesario saber mi lenguaje de español. Entonces yo no podía hablar español y ser como los otros que son muy educados en su lenguaje ni tampoco ser como las otra chicas de mi escuela porque no soy "blanca americana". Creciendo con el sientemiento que no tenía lugar, me eso muy sola y triste pero poco por poco, empecé a amar los todos lados de mi. Y Quackity me ayudo con eso. Sentía tan mal por no saber mucho mi propio idioma pero mi inspiró Quackity en mejorar mi español. Y amar me por siendo chicana. Y con el proyecto de QSMP me he emocionado y me inspiro en prender más idiomas y prender más de otras culturas! Muchas gracias a todos los que han ayudado con el QSMP. Muchísimas gracia por uniendo comunidades de diferente idiomas y culturas juntos. Y quebrando ese barrera y unir todos. Halgo que va ayudar muchos.
Voy a publicar esto en mi Twitter (X), así que si quieres ayudarme a hacer llegar ésto a todos en QSMP, te lo agradecería mucho!
TWT(X): artsy_itcy (Café Olé)
Muchísimos amor y besos a todos.
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[English Translation]
I am, Artsy Itcy . A Chicana artist living in the United States at the moment. I have always, since my childhood, felt unique in growing up in life in the United States. I am not blonde like the ones on television nor do I have blue eyes like the "Americans" I see every day. And I never saw that it was necessary to know my language of Spanish. So I couldn't speak Spanish and be like the others who are very educated in their language, nor be like the other girls in my school because I'm not "white American." Growing up with the feeling that I had no place, I was very lonely and sad but little by little, I began to love all sides of me. And Quackity helped me with that. I felt so bad that I didn't know much of my own language but Quackity inspired me to improve my Spanish. And love me for being Chicana. And with the QSMP project I have been excited and inspired to learn more languages and learn more about other cultures! Many thanks to everyone who has helped with the QSMP. Thank you so much for bringing communities of different languages and cultures together. And breaking that barrier and uniting everyone. Something that will help many.
I'll be posting this on my Twitter (X), so if you'd like to help me get this to everyone on QSMP, I'd greatly appreciate it.
TWT(X): artsy_itcy (Café Olé)
Lots of love and hugs to all.
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thebestofoneshots · 1 year ago
Aaaaah no sabia q hablabas español 😭
La fluidez q manejas con el ingles me sorprende un montón, te juro q si no te escribian en español no me daba cuenta q no eras gringa 🥲
Pero posta llegar a escribir una serie entera en ingles me parece increíble, la vengo leyendo desde q la empezaste y me parece increible como escribis!
AAAaaaaaaaah! Gracias! Es uno de los mejores cumplidos que me pueden dar ૮꒰⸝⸝>  ̫ <⸝⸝꒱ა
Estudie por muchos años en una escuela de ingles privada en las tardes, desde que tenía como 6 creo (por que era malisisma y en la primaria le dijeron a mis papás que me urgian asesorias), el caso es que con tantos años + mi obsesion con youtubers en 2015, logré mejorar muchísimo.
Y que increíble escuchar de ti, no sabía que tantas personas que leen GC hablaban español, me parece increíble, sobretodo porque la comunidad de los mereodaroes en español no estan popular como en ingles.
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AAAaaaaaaaah! Thank you! It's one of the best compliments I've received ૮꒰⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝꒱ა
I studied for many years at a private English school in the afternoons, since I was around 6, I think (because I was terrible, and my elementary teachers told my parents that I needed tutoring). The thing is that with so many years + my obsession with YouTubers in 2015, I managed to improve my fluency a lot.
Also! It's amazing to hear from you! I didn't know that so many people who read GC spoke Spanish, it seems amazing! Especially because the community the Marauders in Spanish is not as popular as in English.
Read Gilded Constellations
PS. Some people have been asking if they can send asks in Spanish, and you are all most definitely more than welcome to do it. I also speak a bit of German and French and while I might just reply in English for the last one, I'd love to see you ask in whichever language you prefer. I also speak a tad of Russian but I'm so bad at it now I'm sure I'd make you cringe if I attempted to reply in that one.
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cherrynwinesk · 2 years ago
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Hello, don't let my main streamers make you think badly about me, I consume content from multiple CCs. Fan who does not get carried away by the hate of communities and with her own criteria. 0 hate on this blog.
»Master List«
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Hello, I write what my followers ask for without judging or pointing out, an apology if there is content that you do not like, I ask for your discretion and I invite you to block me.
Account dedicated to Spanish-speaking and English-speaking content creators (Request from any CC)
On this blog you can find nsfw and sfw writings, requests for any writing are completely open, ask for what you like without any fear. All orders are published, I ask for patience if I take time to respond to your request. If you don't specify the gender of the reader (female, male, neutral or other) I will always make it a female reader.
English is not my native language, if you find errors in any writing please let me know so I can improve the quality of the content.
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En este blog puedes encontrar escritos nsfw y sfw, las solicitudes de cualquier escrito están siempre abiertas, pide lo que te guste sin miedo. Todos los pedidos seran publicados, pido paciencia si tardo en responder a tu solicitud. Si no me especifican el género del lector (femenino, masculino, neutral u otro) voy hacerlo lector femenino siempre.
Cuenta dedicada a creadores de contenido de habla hispana e inglesa (Solicitudes para cualquier CC siempre abiertas).
El inglés no es mi idioma nativo, si encuentra errores en algún escrito, hágamelo saber para que pueda mejorar la calidad del contenido.
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All published +18 content will have a warning at the beginning, if you are underage please scroll and ignore, otherwise it will be the responsibility of the reader to consume content. Discretion is requested and do not interact (dni)
Me but now about horror movies here
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creedslove · 9 months ago
I want to tell you that I love your stories with Pedro's characters. Heartless made me cry, I read the whole story in one day. I always come back to read it because I'm a masochist and I love to cry with the stories, besides Jack Daniels deserves love. I send you a kiss and a hug from 🇦🇷 What football separated, Pedro Pascal united. PS: I wrote the message in English because I don't speak Portuguese and I don't know if you speak Spanish or if English is your first language and you were of Brazilian descent.
¡Ay mi amor! Gracias por el mensaje 💗
Pues sí, yo hablo español, lo estudié por un año y medio y logré terminar mis lecciones, el Julio pasado.. claro que no lo hablo tan fluído cuanto inglés, pero amo esta lengual con todo mi corazón y aun que hablo mejor que escribo, sigo estudiando con libros de gramatica y pelis y series 🫶
a mí no me importa el fútbol entonces la pelea entre nuestros países son una gran tontería, hahaha 🤣 amo a Argentina, su lengua, la literatura y também las empanadas y los alfajores 🫶 daría todo para comer tu dulce de leche también; ya me encanta el brasileño, ¿imagina entonces el tuyo?
Gracias por sus palabras, me quedo tan contenta por saber que te gustan mis historias, las escribí con mucho amor y cariño y lo continuaria haciendo si no fuera por el momento raro que me pasa ahora, pero tengo esperanza de que todo se arreglará en el futuro...
Amo a Heartless, es una historia tan especial para mí y estoy de acuerdo: nuestro cowboy merece todo el amor del mundo, fue un placer hacerle justicia y darle una familia al fin 💗🫶
Muchas gracias mi amor, que tengas una semana maravillosa y porfa no dejes de mandarme mensajes, será un placer hablar contigo 💗💗💗❤️❤️❤️
Espero que no haya muchos errores en mi respuesta, estoy intentando mejorar mi español cada día más ❤️😘🥰
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telephoneteacher · 1 year ago
📨Cómo decir tu email correctamente en inglés:👩‍🎤
📨Para decir el correo electrónico o email en inglés es necesario saber como se dicen dos caracteres: 💂‍♂️ 1. La arroba = at @ 2. El punto = . dot que se pronuncia ( dat) 💌Entonces ejemplo si el correo es: ´´[email protected]´´ 📧Diríamos: My email is: xyz@ (at) hotmail   . (dot) com Guión bajo (_) o guión (-): Aunque menos comunes, también se pueden utilizar guiones bajos o guiones en nombres de…
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wawitahomicida · 1 year ago
(and PLEASE tell me if you've seen anyone doing that!!!)
you can take little things as inspiration and all that though, idk
my only languages are english and spanish so don't speak any other language (or do, if you want XD) because i won't understand it
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i use a 'my art!!!' tag for anything i drew!!!!!!!!!
will be updating if i start with something else :VVVVVvvvvv
hi i'm a wawa
i'm also a MINOR, don't say things that are TOO weird or i'll CUT YOUR HEAD OFF!!!!!!!!
idk what other thing i'm supposed to put in my epic epic presentation so i'll just throw in random things XD
things i'm obsessed with:
DANDY'S WORLD, dialtown, el cuarteto de nos, mitski, 大丈夫P, dsaf, fnaf, human anatomy, psychology 👊💥
(this will be edited when i start liking something new, meow)
all pronouns are okay for me, i don't care 🔥🔥🔥 though you'll probably see me using they/them and it pronouns because i'm crazy (genderfluid)
i like drawing, taking photos, screaming, making videos, making animations, sleeping, playing games and other things i'm not gonna take the time to mention 🗣️🗣️🗣️
lately i've been making exclusively doodles and sketches, i haven't been having the time nor energy to make ACTUAL drawings so i'm sorry if my whole page is kinda horrendous 😢
my favorite color is red, and my favorite animals are red foxes (INCREDIBLE)
and my favorite band is el cuarteto de nos..... and my favorite singer is riki musso.... and my favorite song is ya te vas a mejorar.... and my favorite thing to do is sleep (i'm constantly tired and my head hurts).... and my favorite time is night.... and my favorite number is 7.... and my favorite muscle is the sternocleidomastoid.... and my favorite element of the periodic table is nitrogen.... alright i'll stop now :(
i'm from ARGENTINA 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (there's no hornero emoji)
i'm STILL learning how to talk like english speakers do!!!!!!! DON'T BE MEAN PLZ!!!!!!!!!!
well, HOW could you expect me to not be awkward in another FULL LANGUAGE when i'm awkward in my OWN NATIVE one??????
(actually i'm autistic so that explains things now)
i'm gonna post random things idk
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cipherexists · 1 year ago
man. i need to improve my Spanish literacy. i have a shit tonne of vocab and usually im fine but then i find myself watching something in Spanish and there so many little bits that i dont even know how to learn.
Im like, Yeah! I speak spanish! (oh god please dont make me talk it to a native speaker cause goddamn i speak it so english)
consequences of learning a language via dictionary without any help ig?
hombre. Necesito mejorar mi alfabetización en español. Tengo mucho vocabulario pero luego veo algo en español y me doy cuenta de que hay muchos más detalles.
¡Sí! ¡Yo hablo español! (por favor, no me hagas hablar con un hablante nativo; mi gramática es horrible y muy británica)
Consecuencias de aprender con un diccionario y sin ayuda.
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vanwolffen · 9 months ago
As a Mexican living in Mexico I can say two things.
There are Mexicans of every color. One friend in High-school had long blond hair and he had eyes that were blue-green.
An aunt of mine is super blonde and tall. One of her kids has a lightet color of skin and he was called "güero" when he was young.
I am the one that has the darkest skin but my hair is curly because at some point some of my ancestors were black. And curly hair is not a very Mexican trait, we are called Chinos, which was the caste of black and indigenous people that was the slave servant that worked the domestic affairs, mostly the kitchen.
People say there is no racism in Mexico, that it's only classism, but I have been followed in malls and even accused of casing a house just for walking down the street in an affluent neighborhood.
What I'm trying to say is, there are issues that you would never relate to even if you were fully Mexican.
As a middle class mexican my problems don't compare to those of people living in poverty in the south of the country. I can pass as a regular Mexican and have a better treatment than some Afro Mexicans.
My life is quite different from that of the people living in the north, or the ones living in Mexico city.
Nor do I want to deal with the cartels like the people living in Michoacan do. I respect them and understand their struggle but I don't want to go in the mountains, nor do they want me there.
Your grandma is old-school. It's a problem as old as Mexico. There were dozens of castas, at the top was the white colonial, at the bottom was the black slave.
Since the conquest of the Americas, not just Mexico, the people under Spanish rule had the goal to "mejorar la raza", to better the race, it is a saying you can hear to this day. People wanted their children to marry whiter so their children could have "full rights".
They were aware of their struggles, and they wanted them to have a better life, even at the cost of their culture. This is one of the reasons why we speak Spanish in most of Mexico and not Nahuatl or Mayan.
I'm sorry you feel you lost a connection to our culture.
It is your culture too and you are right to reclaim it.
And finally, Mexico is not an exclusive culture, it is an inclusive culture, if you come with true interest and respect you will be welcomed anywhere.
As Chavela Vargas said, "Un Mexicano nace donde se le da la chingada gana," a Mexican is born wherever the fuck we want.
Want to be more Mexican?
Listen to Mariachi, and be open to Norteño and Banda.
Read about Mexican Folklore. Mexica gods are the ones we learn most at school, Mayan gods are very similar. Think Roman vs Greek gods.
Mexican history is quite simple. There are three periods of prehispanic history. Pre-classsic, classic and post-classic, all the civilizations fit in these three periods of time.
Don't fall for the colonialist review of history of these civilizations being behind in their advances.
After that it's 300 years of Spanish rule and then 200 years of one war after another, mostly liberals vs conservatives. People wanting rights vs people that want the church and a colonial rule.
Finally, the last colonial power that screwed us over was Netherlands, when they stole the only chance we had a the world cup. Pinches Holandeses, nos robaron el mundial.
Also. OP, love all of your comics and artwork.
No one made any distinction to me when I was growing up when a word wasn’t English. Andale was just another way to be told “hurry up,” and I was certain other parents told their kids, “Watch your cabesa,” when getting into the car. I laughed myself sick the first time I saw Dragon Ball Z because a ladies name was Chi Chi and I only knew that meant boobs.
All my moms family was brown and I desperately wished I was too. I wanted beautiful black hair like my mom and dark skin that didn’t burn. I didn’t like when people asked my mother if she was my nanny when they saw us together. I didn’t like that people told me I looked like my dad. They just meant I was pale.
I’d proudly announce to people that I was Mexican and become furious when they gaped or disbelieved me. My dads side has no cultural roots. When questioned my dad shrugs and says, “English maybe? I dunno.” I just wanted to be Mexican growing up. Alas, I’m only a quarter descendant of an immigrant family who vehemently didn’t want to be Mexican.
My great grandmother announced that we were American now, not Mexican. She embraced American culture as much as possible, while never learning English. My nana was put into school and punished anytime she spoke Spanish. She got caught halfway between both languages. Forced to spend her childhood raising her younger siblings she never learned to cook tamales with her mother and her friends.
When she had her own children she didn’t teach them Spanish. She used it to gossip with her own friends about them on the phone and resisted teaching them more than to come running when she shouted “Araña!” to kill a spider for her.
Thus came my mom, with her brown skin and dark hair, adrift from her culture but treated as lesser by her adopted one. My great grandmother would rejoice to see me as her descendant, white, ignorant of Spanish, the perfect American she wanted her family to be.
When I was born my nana shouted, “What’s that red on her?” only to realize it was my hair. She delighted in her palest grandchild, telling me often I was her favorite.
I’m used to the disbelief now when I tell people I’m Mexican. I can laugh and show pictures of my mom. My friend from work joked to me that I’m always coming out of the closet, over and over, because both my minority statuses aren’t as visible as her black skin.
I was recently lamenting this to a white southern friend the same one I cast psychic damage on during a DnD day. “I wish I could feel more connected to my culture, but I’d be such a fraud pretending my life is the same as other Hispanic people.”
“Skin color doesn’t matter,” he announced blithely to the choked outrage of our Indian friend in the kitchen, “You’re just as Mexican!”
I regarded him in astonishment and said, “I think skin color matters a lot. I am Mexican, but I don’t have the same cultural roots or experiences of people who are perceived as Mexican. My family didn’t pass the cultural heritage down. I think a lot of immigrant kids feel this way but it’s different for me.”
He rambled about how I’m just as valid and I quietly disregarded his advice. I could try to reconnect with my roots, but I know I’d just be another white girl pushing into a POC space.
Instead I make tamales by myself, sweating over the steaming corn husks, and I snap at people who make racist jokes about my family to me, feeling safe because my skin is the same color as theirs.
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emmasophia2025 · 19 days ago
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oliviaevie2025 · 19 days ago
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mariposamisteriosa-blog · 6 months ago
No Speak English
Me miran, cada vez que abro la boca
No se que hago mal.
“Sorry, No speak English '', se giró los ojos.
Me miran por tener el nopal en la frente,
yo no vine a estorbar, no mas quiero algo mejor. 
Mi culpa es no entender lo que me dicen, 
“No English” y me miran con la cara disgustada.
Cada vez tengo que salir sin saber que dicen, 
es mi culpa en no entenderles.
Mi vida no va mejorar sin saber su idioma, 
me tengo que poner las pilas.
Mi vida no va ir mejor si tengo que decir
“No Speak English”
I will learn it. 
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