quiltofstars · 7 months
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The Lambda Orionis Ring surrounding the star Meissa (λ Orionis) // Göran Nilsson
The name Meissa comes from the Arabic phrase "al-maisan" meaning the shining one.
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lucent-nargacuga · 1 month
you know what day it is?
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skylight-family · 1 month
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I finally have a design for Meissa!! Cute bunny
I will draw her sometime and also think of what her personality is like, but I'm thinking she stays with grandma often and helps with the food for other sky kids!
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freak alert‼️
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spacepiratenemo · 4 months
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#mochi1_kdtiys !!! Imma post this now, because here in Germany it's early morning and Mochi sure ain't awake yet, so she check this out when she wakes up ❤💙💜
I had a lot of fun doing this DTIYS, cuz that stuff right there is right up my alley. It's my drugs, my essence and drawing dear Meissa, head-star of Orion, one of my favourite constellations is an honour 😍
I hope I could do Meissa justice and the holo-effect is just right ^^ And ofc, I had to add the actual Orion Constellation as a detail. Meissa be creating stars like a space goddess 😘
Some space facts: It's actually a binary system; classified as an O8 III star, indicating it is an O-type star with giant luminosity, approx. 1100 LY from Earth. Lambda Orionis Ring or the Meissa Ring is also a large molecular cloud complex that is also an H II region, showing active formation of new stars. So, Meissa creating new stars here, ain't even wrong 👽🖤
Meissa is by @mochigyun 🤍 Art by me 🖤
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If it's not a spoiler to ask this: what sort of science does Meissa enjoy most? And how much of it is stuff that's related to the magical abilities they were born with + how much of it is stuff that they picked up by learning/studying on their own? :0 (I just played the Nottingham route and I am ESPECIALLY intrigued by the shapeshifting btw)
Medieval science didn't really separate itself into categories like we do nowadays, so Meissa does a bit of everything. They particularly enjoy growing and crossing plant species (they're probably a little jealous of druids and their ability to alter plants magically!) and doing physics experiments related to the concept of tension.
Like anybody who is naturally gifted, Meissa picks up new concepts readily but their actual knowledge had to be learned. Thanks to the line of scientifically gifted 13th sages, Nibiru is the most scientifically advanced society in my world. Meissa has physics knowledge similar to Leonardo da Vinci in Earth history, and Nibirians also have a basic grasp on the concept that we are all made of tiny particles that cannot be seen by the naked eye. Meissa understands a rudimentary form of germ theory, as well.
Meissa can only perform basic shapeshifting that changes a being to a different form of the same being. They can't turn somebody into a horse or anything, but the Great Sage with a shapeshifting gift probably can. I'm excited to introduce them in Game 3. :D
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Meissa's cabin is one of my favourite backgrounds. Their bedroom is also lovely, but it's more sexy than sciency. ;)
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at-liberty-news · 2 months
Galactic War Status: Days 52, 53, 54
On Day 52, the Ministry of Defense announced that emergency recruitment had finally reached the numbers they deemed necessary. As such, they have converted the SEAF training facilities on Heeth and Angel's Venture into Democratic Youth Scout campgrounds, throttling the throughput of new SEAF soldiers for the time being.
Wasat and Vega Bay suffered simultaneous attacks, with Helldivers rushing to complete the liberation of Meissa first. Luckily, they were quick enough to not only secure Meissa but repel the attacks on both other planets, firmly establishing the defensive line and cutting the Automatons off from X-45.
Throughout the next day, the Automatons made their typical advances, attacking first at Meissa, then Vega Bay. Although most attacks were confidently repelled, the steel menace pulled a dirty trick, pushing their forces onto Aesir Pass, hoping to exterminate the SEAF building up on the planet, jeopardizing their hopeful push towards X-45 before it could even start.
By the end of the day, both Vega Bay and Aesir Pass were lost. Without Aesir Pass, SEAF is very unlikely to make their way towards X-45 to provide relief. All active Helldivers in the Ymir Sector have been ordered to fight to the last man in defense of the battle station schematics.
On Day 54, the Helldivers uncovered good news. The previously purported weapons cache within the research facility had been fully uncovered. It has been revealed to be a massive stash of MLS-4X Commando rocket launchers, or rather an unused 'disposable' variant of the original weapon, despite the identical name. All Commandos have been immediately distributed to all remaining Helldivers on the planet in order to secure its safety.
X-45 received yet another Automaton attack, but the Commando proved its worth, pushing them back yet again. Later in the day, both Vernen Wells and Wasat came under attack. While Vernen Wells is a guaranteed loss, Wasat has a shaky chance at success. Despite this, the Helldivers have foolishly split themselves across both it and the source of its assault, Vega Bay. While, usually, gambits such as this are encouraging, it's complete discoordination means the only result is thousands of Helldivers fighting a losing battle on Vega Bay while Wasat slowly crumbles. Hopefully, they will regroup soon.
While getting this lengthy broadcast out amid Super Earth's disruption attempts has been more difficult than usual, and it has led to several more missed personal order reports, we hope you all can understand the turbulence our position can sometimes put us in.
With that said, we're out of news for you today!
Give 'em Hell, Divers!
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saikyo-rat · 5 months
I don’t post about my other Vega clone as much.
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Meet Meissa (she/her)
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novahedron · 2 years
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-lures you in with fanart- oops, sorry! All OCs!
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kururu418 · 2 years
Unable to stop Galahad, the group attempts to try and focus on Meissa. But it proves to be just as difficult a task as dealing with her husband is.
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Vincenza belongs to @froppy-butterflyfan2000​
Sarasim belongs to @thepaladincosplays​
Flink belongs to Goody-II-Shoes (I forgot/lost track of your tumblr name)
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awlwren-writes · 11 months
Edgy ask game: for Maria! 1, 2, 19, 20, and 24
1: What memory would your OC rather just forget?
She'd say it would definitely having to watch her brother succumb to the scourge. There were hardly enough moments with the him who had been in between the pain and everything else to justify remembering it.
Honestly, it's having to put down the daemon. She knows it wasn't him. She knows it had to be done, and that's comforting when she can be logical about it. But most of the time she does successfully forget it until it creeps up.
2: What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
She's so no nonsense when it comes to so much, blood, injuries, gross animals, assholes, etc, and she looks like it, but she cannot stand vomit or poop or anything that smells too strongly of bad things without puking.
19: How does your OC behave when enraged?
For a quick threat, battlefields, insults and posturing from Insomnians, etc, she gets snarly and sweetly poisonous, whichever seems most likely to work, and then she gets the vulnerable (herself, her friends, her fellow glaives, etc) out asap. For long-term threats (scourge, Niflheim, slow-moving legal/political threats) she gets unfocused. There are too many angles and too many things to do and it's frustrating not being able to do something now. But if someone (Helen) can focus her, she gets cold anger and plans and plots and could honestly take any three experts in the chosen field of battle combined.
20: Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
Hmmm... not that she'd admit it. When she does, she tends to push herself harder to get better and better. If I'm my best self, after all, I can keep the position/my friends/Helen. If I can be perfect...
Of course no one can be perfect. And she loves her friends because they love the imperfect her, and they don't let her walk that road too long.
24: What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
If it weren't for her brother's slow death via scourge, Maria probably would have never left home. She wouldn't have discovered her magic, or her friends, but she would have tried until her last breath to hold things together at home. She would have maybe married, as expected, or maybe they wouldn't have lasted that long, but she would have died when Niflheim or the daemons came through eventually. It would have been a life she was proud of, honestly, and she would have done good, but she is so much happier in the life she gets instead. Her friends, the chance to wield magic, the chance to actually hold the line and protect other people? Priceless.
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rastronomicals · 2 years
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2:14 AM EST January 23, 2023:
Robert Fripp & Brian Eno - "Meissa" From the album The Equatorial Stars (March 28, 2005)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under: The True Beautiful Languid Ambient
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lucent-nargacuga · 21 days
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killing him friday
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escrevopralguem · 2 years
Ao Mundo que Nunca Conheci #3
Você tem certeza de que meu lugar é aqui? Tem certeza de que há espaço para mim em você?
Às vezes, em meus dia mais melancólicos, me pergunto se deveria estar aqui.
Não sei se deveria ter algum papel aqui. Me sinto inerte demais para qualquer coisa e não sei bem como sair dela.
Vejo a vida em movimento, mas não consigo alcançá-la.
O que em tese era para eu fazer?
Não consigo fazer nenhuma delas.
Acho que o movimento em câmera lenta me alcançou e não quer mais me largar.
Você com toda essa loucura de imediatismo me sufoca.
Deve ser por isso que acho que não nasci para você.
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attempted to draw her at an angle
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mitjalovse · 7 months
Some things did happen as some did not. I mean, Fripp and Eno collaborated, there's no missed opportunity present. However, I would've like to tell you about my personal wish – I long to see Brian Eno as a member of King Crimson. While I am not sure which version of the band would've suited him the best – I still waver between the 80's and the 90's variant –, I do ask myself about this actually being possible. Maybe Fripp saw Eno as someone he could work with solo-wise, whereas his band means his rules and no one else's. Perhaps he was also reminded of the reasons Eno had to abandon Roxy Music and decided against calling him to be a part of the group. Still, the mind reels from such a probability. The discs they did merely hint at what could've been.
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