#mehrak project
flowerful-doodles · 3 months
Day one of turning this
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Into Mehrak (Kaveh’s toolbox) from Genshin Impact!
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Started on figuring out how to evenly scale down Mehrak’s design to my own briefcase today (I’m maybe about a third of the way done with the math?). After I finish getting all the dimensions of the details to scale, I’ll draw them in Procreate and then I’m going to attempt to laser cut the shapes with the Glowforge machine at my workplace! I’ve never tried laser cutting smth so detailed or files from Procreate before so I’m excited to see how this project turns out :D
Math from today :P
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My next step is going to be finishing the math (mostly figuring out the scale of the curved parts of the design lol) and then I’ll begin drawing out the details! Hoping to try laser cutting sometime next week!
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invertedspoon · 11 months
i love having the ability to write anything i want and the only one in my campaign who plays genshin because im making my guy's backstory so kavetham coded it's crazy
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gengwasted · 1 year
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Guess who’s back drawing this man on a daily basis?
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tragedy-of-commons · 6 months
when somebody needs you (+ baklava)
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kaveh & gn!reader | wc: ~1.5k
In a much-needed moment of respite, you and Kaveh both learn not to give so much in the pursuit of others' happiness.
tags/warnings: hurt/comfort, mild angst, written platonically but can be interpreted as romantic, description of disassociation (reader), and nail-picking (kaveh)
notes: n/a
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A voice calls your name, dangerously soft.
You want to snap out of the stupor you’re stuck in, but white noise rings in your ears. It threatens to drown out the singsong of daily life as the seconds tick by. Maybe you didn’t even hear it at all, because the sunlight feels fake upon your skin, and the line between reality and the pit of your mind blurs further.
Your name again, louder. Ah, well, no excuse now - do something.
“Hm?” you hum. A small part of you realizes that you’ve been staring at the same market stall for at least an hour, but it’s easier to remain transfixed on an inconsequential target than your own thoughts.
“I asked if you’re alright,” they place a hand on your shoulder and squeeze. “Ahem, that brute stole my ke–uh, something important of mine again. I was heading back here to kill time, but you’re still in the same spot as when I first saw you.”
Kaveh. His hand is on your shoulder, and you can picture his brow furrowed in concern that you don’t deserve. You take a deep breath.
“Yes. I’m alright.” You don’t dare face him.
The silence that follows your lie is comforting. However, the architect must not agree. Kaveh finds his words after a too-long pause. “..In that case, could I sit with you? It’s beautiful out today.”
You nod mechanically, and a blur of blond and white settles in your peripherals.
“You know,” he starts, and you strain to hear him. “I haven’t seen you around much lately. If there’s something you want to talk about, I can listen. We could get lunch,” he offers kindly.
You wrench your head to the side to take a good look at your friend. He’s breathtaking, and it’s almost criminal that he doesn’t realize it. He’s looking at you with his bleeding heart on display, and you know that he knows. He must, right?
“With what mora?” you joke. Kaveh lights up like he just won the lottery when you bloom at his behest. “Why, Alhaitham’s, of course.”
That’s right; he’s more inclined to let go of his pride when you’re around. One usually can’t waterboard his living situation or reliance upon his roommate out of him. It’s not that he’s arrogant, you think, but that he has to shed his Light of Kshahrewar persona - and you’re grateful for the privilege. He certainly deserves a reprieve, even if it’s better spent with someone else.
��And that wouldn’t be too much trouble?” “Nonsense, don’t be silly. I could also use your opinion on some of my revisions,” his bravado softens. “I’d love your company.” 
He’d love your company. It’s dangerous for him to say things like that - sweet conjectures that haul you to your feet and make you agree to spend the afternoon with him. 
Walking down Treasures Street with Kaveh is a familiar activity, sure, but this time he’s merciful enough not to comment on your sluggish movements or lackluster replies, when you’re usually matching his intellectual wit head-on. Another thing you owe him.
“Something sweet is a must,” he mutters, holding the door of Puspa Café open for you. “What do you think? Baklava?”
On second thought, maybe you’ll save your debilitating guilt for after dessert.
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When Kaveh’s teeth are sufficiently sticky, there still has been no heart-to-heart therapeutic conversation. Something awful gnaws at him when you stare blankly down at your portion. So, he talks at you like you’re a client, even if it feels wrong. You’re his friend, someone who has seen him at his worst - and he finds himself lacking the right words to get you to open up. As he rambles about his recent projects, his work on Mehrak, and the trips he’s taken to the desert, he’s reminded of how little you’ve talked about yourself period.
He can preach about tact to his roommate all he likes, but this is a contender for one of his more humbling experiences. How many times have you wanted to leave early before this, but you were too wonderful to say anything? How many hours of your life has he wasted by making everything all about him? 
Inviting you here was supposed to be an attempt at listening to you for once, and he– You snap in front of his face. “Hey. You’re not making any sense.” “Oh! Sorry, I must have gotten caught up in my thoughts,” he chuckles sheepishly. “I know the feeling. Also,” you rap against the table near his lounging hand, one of his restless index fingers picking at the adjacent thumb’s cuticle. “You’re messing with your nails again. Something on your mind?” His heart is about to overflow whether he likes it or not. “I want to help.” You blink twice, eyes now glossy. Since when did you perk up? “You are helping.” “I’ve been rambling this whole time–” “–And I’ve been listening,” You cross your arms over your chest matter-of-factly, now chuckling. “Clearly you haven’t, because in the latter half of that spiel, you started reciting shitty poetry instead of whatever filler you had prepped.” The soft expression he wore morphs into abject horror. “I did not.” You’re grinning evilly, and it’s beautiful. Oh Archons, he did. However, had he known making a fool of himself frees you of your pain that you guard sacred, he would have screamed purple prose from the rooftops like a madman at the earliest opportunity. “That aside, what I’m trying to say is.. you are helping, Kaveh. Dragging me here, away from all the noise, and keeping me company means a lot.” The mist haunting your visage has been warded off, accidental soliloquy aside. “I’m sorry for not being upfront about my situation.” “I know the feeling,” he parrots. The scope of his empathy extends to everyone, himself be damned, but it shouldn’t have taken this long to realize what’s been festering in plain sight. “No apologies. Please allow me to lend an ear, even if I’ve been difficult about it myself. I insist.”
A sip of cold, neglected coffee can’t taste too good. You tough it out and then nod stiffly. Details emerge cautiously, muddled by hesitancy and exhaustion, but he listens with rapt attention. Kaveh feels closer than a seat away from you, backing you with all the support he can muster - and when you choke up in front of him for the first time, he swears that he’ll make sure you feel safe enough to do so more often, starting with Baklava pick-me-ups every week.
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Regrettably, the world moves on. Tabs are settled, the tear tracks on your cheeks dry, and the sun begins to set, casting the district in a citrinous orange. Though your mind is clearer than it has been in days, there’s still a niggling urgency as you walk your friend back to his Not-Home.
You’re not alright. You’re not alright, and Kaveh knows more than you ever planned to tell him, but at least there’s comfort in the fact that he’s the exact same way. He never planned to tell you about his mother, or the monumental regrets he’d do anything to put to bed. When he let you in, you should have made yourself at home also. Now there is no idle chatter. You pick up the torch. “I like when you talk. Just because you felt like it wasn’t helping me is no reason to go all quiet on me now,” you nudge him with your elbow. Carmine eyes narrow in suspicion. “B-But I literally ‘recited shitty poetry’ when I was–” “Oh, about that..” Kaveh’s strides stretch wider, his many accessories bouncing in pursuit of a space safe from your teasing. A playful scoff. “..I’m never living that down, am I?” “If you don’t want your experimental free verse plastered on the nearest message board, I’ll be expecting a bribe prepared by next Wednesday.” You think the architect is endeared enough by your noticeable uplift in spirit to let it slide. You love him very much, and he must love you too. “Extortion is a serious crime,” he slows down, taking it like a champ. “But it’s a deal. We could meet again then, same spot? I’ll have ample time in the late afternoon.” It hurts to swallow. “Yeah. We could.. talk.” His head eagerly swivels towards you, one hair clip almost dislodging. There’s no missing the glimmer of hope present in each almost imperceptible warp of his features. Alhaitham’s house looms in the distance. “About what’s on your mind?” he hopes. “Yes,” you make yourself say it. “And yours too. Then the revisions you’ve agonized over the last two months.” Kaveh releases the breath he was holding, unabashed in his smiling now. “It’s a promise then.” Such a promise with your best friend is something you’ll try to stop feeling guilty about. As you watch him break from your side onto the porch of his temporary residence (and pound on the door irately), you believe that it will get easier. After all, who else will buy you dessert?
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the-writer-arrived · 7 months
Lonely Birthdays No More
Synopsis: in alhaitham's opinion, birthdays are like any other days, ordinary. on this year's february 11th, alhaitham starts to think it's not so bad to treat one's birthday as a special date once in a while.
Character: alhaitham.
Warnings: gender neutral!reader; established relationship; fluff with no angst *gasps*, down bad haitham is the best haitham.
A/N: something sweet for my first hubby, love you my pookie <3
A/N 2: i'm sorry i promise this is the last time i repost this fic idk why it's been giving me such a headache 😭
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Birthday celebrations were something Alhaitham never quite understood the appeal of. Why would you do all that work just to commemorate the day you were born? And why make only that day special? Wouldn't it be better if people used that excitement for something productive and avoid bringing trouble to others?
But alas, not everyone (or anyone in that matter) would share this particular opinion.
It's not a secret that Alhaitham isn't the most social butterfly in all of Sumeru. Even when he was a child, he didn't have any interest in partaking in some meaningless conversations with people he had no desire to interact with, going as far as prefering to stay at home with his grandmother and be self-taught.
Knowing that, it's not surprising that he has never celebrated his birthday with anyone other than his only family. And after his grandmother passed away, the date of his birth became just another ordinary one for him.
Others may consider it sad, but Alhaitham isn't bothered by it nor does he want other people's pity. He'd much rather pass the day in peace and quiet than having to deal with strangers saying happy birthday the whole day and disrupting his work. After all, that was one of his grandmother's wishes: for him to live a peaceful life.
This year, however, he will learn that having a less peaceful day isn't as bad as he believed.
Alhaitham stands at the entrance of his living room, staring at his roommate with a deadpan look. It's far too early in the morning (in the grumpy scribe's opinion) for him to deal with the blond man's sudden desire to redecorate the place.
"What's the meaning of this mess this time, Kaveh?"
"Huh? Oh, you're up already?" The architect steps down the ladder after noticing the other man's presence, leaving to Mehrak to hang the other tip of the decoration on the wall.
"As you can see, I'm putting up the decorations for the party."
"Party? What party?" Alhaitham frowns and takes a proper look around the room. Many colorful adornments fill the space, creating a festive look that seems quite out of place when compared to the rest of the house, the big 'Happy Birthday Alhaitham' on the wall giving the answer he was looking for.
Oh, right. Today is february 11th, his birthday. Is that what all this is for? Kaveh was never one to do such a thing on years prior. No matter, he should put a stop to this before it gets more troublesome.
"Kaveh, I don't--"
"Before you say that you don't want it, I should inform you that this wasn't my idea, but rather of a certain someone's lover. Surely you're not heartless enough to ignore their wish to throw you a party? One which they have been planning for weeks, mind you."
Alhaitham purses his lips, whatever it is that he was about to say being thrown out of the window. He should have known, your behavior the last few days had been quite suspicious, always hurrying from one place to another, meeting many people. You had told him it was for a project, so he didn't think much of it.
He attempts to hide the smile that wishes to bloom in his lips with a sigh. Kaveh, on the other hand, doesn't make any effort to surpress his grin, finding amusing that his roommate folds so easily at the mere mention of you.
Of course, the scribe won't let him have his fun for too long.
"What I meant to say was that I don't think the decoration is nice enough for my tastes." He walks to one of the shelves to get a rather... peculiar ornament (one of many that his roommate tried to convince him to not buy it). "I believe this would be the final touch it needs."
"Are you kidding me?! No way! This thing would throw off the whole aesthetic!"
"Oh? Surely you're not heartless enough to ignore my wishes today of all days?"
This time, it is Kaveh's turn to fall silent. Using his own words against him, how childish can he be?!
With a glare, the architect snatches the ugly statue from Alhaitham's hand while the other leaves to the kitchen with a satisfied expression.
For a house that has been considered a tad too big for two people to live in, now it seems a bit too small to host a total of seven people. Fortunately, the guests are too preoccupied having fun to be bothered by it.
Cyno has managed to snag Kaveh to his team for a two vs two round of Genius Invocation TCG, the opponent pair being Tighnari and Collei. Meanwhile, Dehya and Nilou watch the intense match from the sidelines, cheering and chatting about various things.
As for Alhaitham, he's much too busy thinking about the one person that hasn't arrived to the party yet. You're the one who planned all this, there's no way you have forgotten about it.
After noticing the scribe's restlessness (something he would deny, despite his shaky leg being a dead giveaway), Nilou told him that you were finishing something important, so that must be what it is keeping you. Still, it has been some time and even the dancer has begun worrying about your whereabouts. You're not one to be this late to an event you've been so excited about.
With one last glance to the clock, Alhaitham raises from his seat, determined to find you.
"I'll be right back."
Ignoring the offers of his friends to accompany him on his search, he goes straight to the door of his house... Only to find you about to open it with your own copy of his key, a nicely wrapped box in your other arm.
You two stare at each other for a few seconds, before he huffs a complaint.
"You're late." He crosses his arms to show you he's upset, but it only makes him look adorable in your eyes, his frown being more of a pout.
"Sorry to keep you waiting." You grin apologetically.
Alhaitham can only sigh in defeat as he brings you inside, this whole situation being a reminder of the strong influence you have over him.
The party was full of life, laughther and good food the whole time.
He received many gifts, even from the Dendro Archon herself, who apologized in her letter for not being able to attend the party but still wished to show her appreciation for all that he does for the Akademiya and Sumeru as a whole.
But, if he had to pick a favorite, it would be yours: a pair of Aranara statues, carved in wood, that resemble you and him. You explained to him that the reason of your tardiness was that you were finish painting them and, considering they would be a gift for him, you had to make it perfect, which made you lose track of time. Despite your efforts, however, the statues ended up looking a bit weird, much to your dismay. Alhaitham didn't mind at all, arguing that the imperfections were what made them perfect in his eyes, not to mention that it's a gift from you, his beloved, there should have been no doubt he would like them.
As the festivities come to an end and the last guest leave with one last 'happy birthday' to him, the scribe can finally relax. As punishment for arriving late, he said you are to stay over tonight, something you were more than happy to agree with.
He finds you in the kitchen, putting away the leftover food in the fridge and finishing cleaning up. He tried to convince you to leave the mess for tomorrow, but of course you wouldn't budge, claiming that it'd be worse for the tomorrow you. Besides, everyone helped cleaning before they left, so there wasn't much to do anyway.
Alhaitham wraps his arms around you from behind and your hand goes straight to his hair, caressing his silver locks so gently that almost makes the man purr. He only allows himself to be more touchy when it's just the two of you and there's no risk of Kaveh accidentaly interrupt the moment since he has already retired for the night, feeling quite tired from waking up quite early to decorate the house.
"Did you have fun today?" You ask, enjoying the warmth of your beloved hugging you.
"I'd give a 8 out of 10, a good score for your first time being a party organizer."
"Well, that was higher than I expected. Still, what made you deduct two points?"
He takes a moment to hum in thought.
"The location is one thing. While it was nice being in the comfort of my own house, having to deal with the clean up at the end was a bit of pain. But that only takes half a point."
"Then, what was so bad that it took me a whole point and a half?" You drop the hand from his hair to turn around to look at him with a frown.
"The fact that you made me worried."
After you arrived, Nilou and Dehya pulled you to the side while Alhaitham was distracted speaking with Collei, to tell you about how your lover had been anxious for your whereabouts. (At least, that's what they thought, not noticing the man glancing at your little group from time to time, having a good guess of what they were telling you).
"I'm sorry, Haitham..."
"It's fine, what matters is that you're okay." He takes one of your hands, observing the small cuts on the skin due to you making the wood carvings, before giving it a kiss. "Thanks for party, I had fun."
He speaks quietly, as if sharing a secret for your ears only. The warmth of his kiss and words travel all the way to your heart, feeling glad that you could make your boyfriend happy on his birthday. Even so, that doesn't stop your playful side to show up.
"I've heard that earnest thanks should be given thrice, so--hmph?!"
He interrupts your cheeky words with his lips, thightening his arms around as he feel you melt under his touch.
Today, Alhaitham has learned that birthday parties were noisy, messy and quite troublesome, but also quite fun. He thinks he won't mind having another next year, the year following that and so on, as long as he has the people he cares about by his side.
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thanks for reading <3 likes, reblogs and comments are very appreciated <3
heart divider made by @/cafekitsune
pink alhatham banner (fluff) made by @/the-writer-arrived aka yours truly ;)
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strxnged · 6 months
400w. warnings: minor vent, i wrote this on my phone—may be typos
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"I'm so tired, Kaveh."
Ruby eyes met yours, slightly widened, but concerned. "I know, Y/N. I know."
You grasped the railing of the lookout, and clenched it. "Is it really just going to be one week after the other like this? For the rest of my life?"
Kaveh took one of his own hands off the railing, and hovered it over your shoulder. "I won't lie to make you feel better." He set it on your back, a bit awkward but well-meaning.
You felt a downward tug on the corners of your lips. "It wouldn't work anyways," you sighed, looking over the evening view of Sumeru city. It was a comforting sight. There was, however bitterness in the beauty. There was bitterness in how you missed having time to revel in it.
"But you chose this life, didn't you?"
You swiveled your head to face him, brows furrowed as if to warn him not to continue. Kaveh saw your facial expression and ignored it.
"You chose this occupation—this lifestyle—this insane sort of every-second-counts mindset. You chose it because you have goals. You're ambitious, stubborn, resilient, and..." He paused, looking you over. "You're passionate. Even if you don't feel it right now, it's there, right beneath your skin, fighting for action. For the pleasure of doing what you love."
"Don't project onto me, buddy," you snapped.
"We're similar."
You didn't want to admit that Kaveh was right. It was like the view before you which you missed so often when all you had to do sometimes was raise your eyes.
"Will I ever get to rest?"
Kaveh shrugged. "I hope so. I think... I guess you'll adapt. You always do. You'll adapt, and remember what you're doing this for."
"Yeah," you said, eyes flitting over the bustling streets below. "Do they rest?"
A group of friends near a shop was chatting away. A woman and her child were sitting on a bench, eating some food from Puspa Café. A man, holding a briefcase reminiscent of Kaveh's, Mehrak, had paused on the street and was looking above the building roofs towards the sun. He looked to be in a trance. Much like yourself.
"I think they remember," Kaveh mused, "to look up."
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author's note. it's been a long week, and it's only wednesday. sigh!
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silvernyxchariot · 2 months
Hi :)
Please can i request headcanons of Kaveh x an artist reader who loves painting/drawing cute portraits of Kaveh <3 I love the image of Kaveh obsessing over each individual one
Kaveh x GN,Artist!Reader
⚠️Okokokok, I’m gonna get a little sappy in there, but is fine. It can be fluff if you want.
The architect is ecstatic to have someone with which he can share his own artistic ideals with, unlike with a “…certain Scribe who dismisses the value of artistry.” Yes, he said that with a sneer. Although it’s not the exact same as his work, buildings and inanimate objects he pours his soul into, he appreciates the detail you give in drawing people, other creatures.
To Kaveh, you see people. Kaveh admires that you show people’s identity through your work. In a world ruled by mora ($$$), hard coin, you show the world these people have individuality. To him, your art is that moment when you walk through a museum and find YOUR piece; the one that will make you stop and sit there for hours admiring it.
When it comes to your works about him, he’s more insecure than he lets on. “Oh! You’ve taken note of all my best features. The lighting, the angle, it just shows how determined I am,” are some of the things that he would say. But deep down, he wonders if you saw how tired he was that day or if you omitted any wrinkles he has developed.
It’s not that Kaveh doesn’t appreciate your gifts, he appreciates every little doodle and portrait you have of him. He admires them with you sitting in his lap, his head resting on yours (if you’re significantly shorter than him or otherwise on your shoulder) and Mehrak is looking over his shoulder, almost as if his floating briefcase were truly alive. You are the embodiment of beauty and goodness in his eyes.
Al Haitham notes that Kaveh has a collection of your works in a chest in his room. It doesn’t get lost in the clutter because Kaveh purchased a very distinct chest with a color scheme and design that reminded him of you.
On occasion, Kaveh will invite you on one of his expeditions, mainly within the forest areas of Sumeru for inspiration. This man cannot withstand the heat. He WILL complain each second, you’re out there or convince you not to go out into the desert with flattery, says something cheesy like, “But you are my muse.” And then, he places a padisarah behind your ear.
When Kaveh feels particularly empty, out of motivation, or dealing with a rough client, you can find him in the Mausoleum of King Deshret, his comfort spot from his hang out. He’s suddenly forgot his discomfort traveling through the desert to come out and draw, sketch, and distract himself. Seeing you when you follow him out there, he invites you to stay and camp with him under the starry sky and shares a blanket with you as you stay close to the fire that illuminates your drawings.
Although the last drafts of his newest project are done and the two of you can return home, he withholds this judgment. As you sketch him, who is distracted with his "work," he looks up and sketches you. It’s a silent moment yet comfortable feeling, and the two of you are always alternating looking at each other for reference. On the off occasion the two of you make eye contact, Kaveh will laugh, feeling that you two are on the same wavelength and will share with you his progress of your portrait. He will often say that your portraits are more accurate than his own because you capture the life of your subject, something that he claims to be rusty at.
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A/N: Someone requested HC from me… 😯 I dunno how to deal with this./j
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thormanick · 6 months
All the Kavetham/Haikaveh ideas I don't have capacity to currently write, a very detailed list:
(Which I am humbly placing here before you. Be warned: this post is an incredibly long one!)
1. Fatui!Kaveh AU, where the night before the meeting happens between Kaveh and Alhaitham at the tavern, Kaveh gets a deal from Fatui representatives to work on a huge project in Snezhnaya. Kaveh is sceptical about it, but decides to accept the offer during the dialogue with Alhaitham (seeing himself as a burden, Kaveh decides that he will cause more trouble to Alhaitham than the Fatui, thus he decides to accept their offer even if it seems too good to be true). He tells Alhaitham about his decision to leave for Snezhnaya, and so the two relatively amicably/peacefully part their ways (not without Alhaitham testing Kaveh's reasoning a bit, but Kaveh's resolve remains strong).
And so, Kaveh leaves for Snezhnaya, where he gets to work on several huge projects for the next several years under Sandrone. Most of them are related to construction, engineering and reverse-engineering of Khaenri'ahn and Khaenri'ah-inspired technology, and he gets barely any time to work on his personal projects (he's overworked and exhausted and doesn't get much time and opportunity to be creative; however, the payments are good and he's on his way to getting out of debt, which is practically the sole reason driving him forward. The projects get progressively more complicated and, in a way, unhinged - engineering military equipment is alright, but working with the remains of Khaenri'ahn technology, dead gods and such proves to be... mentally taxing. Everything happens very gradually though, so Kaveh does not immediately notice the true scale of where the Fatui are ready to go to achieve certain goals). Kaveh doesn't really like the work environment of the Fatui, but he does his best (the Harbingers creep him out whenever he gets to see them on a rare official occasion (he might specifically dislike Pantalone because the Harbinger keeps picking at him for his debt, given a chance), but Sandrone's a decent boss who is somewhat encouraging and invested in his work and personal projects. She might be especially interested in Mehrak's existence and operation). Overall, everything goes quite smoothly for Kaveh, even if he doesn't feel quite at home in Snezhnaya and is aware of how dangerous the Fatui can be. He does not consider himself to be paranoid, but the other shoe has to drop at some point - and that happens when the new Acting Grand Sage of Sumeru gets to visit Snezhnaya on a diplomatic mission (aka: Kaveh reconnects with Alhaitham & Co for the first time in what feels like forever). The situation gets complicated when Kaveh realizes that Sandrone encourages the reestablishment of his connection with Alhaitham specifically - and she never encourages an action if she doesn't directly contribute from it.
Feelings, emotions and shenanigans ensue.
TLDR: Kaveh's doing his best despite being restricted in his ways of work, prevented from realizing most of his creative projects and slowly but surely building emotional walls around himself because Fatui and Snezhnaya; Sandrone being a kind of decent boss with sorta good work ethic but horrendous morals who is not exactly a good influence on Kaveh's idealistic tendencies and guilt complex; Fatui being contextually horrifying but kinda normal coworkers if you don't look at them too close; Alhaitham trying his best as a political figure (Nahida help him) while also trying to get Kaveh to return home with him (because he misses him); the main conflict revolving around Kaveh and his life choices with Sandrone and Alhaitham being kind of foils to each other (with Sandrone gradually destroying Kaveh's idealistic morals and playing on his guilt to get the most out of his potential as an innovator, and with Alhaitham actively trying to resolve Kaveh's guilt and show him that, despite their arguments, Kaveh's idealism still has place in the world and can co-exist with other philosophies). There might or might not be some macguffin-esque Deshret relic that both Akademia and Fatui hunt for that eventually brings the whole crew back to Sumeru. Kaveh might or might not get a chance to meet a fragment of Deshret's spirit within the mentioned relic. But there definitely will be a happy end for everyone here (Deshret will make sure of it).
2. Calamity!AU. The new Cataclysm comes, enveloping all Seven Nations, and so Sumeru does its best to survive. The cities are ruined, and the people gather together in random places to survive. Alhaitham gets to live within one of the settlements, established by the Akademiya. While trying to survive the first wave of the new Calamity, he is also looking for Kaveh; after an argument between the two the architect left for an expedition to the Desert, right before the new Calamity began. Unfortunately, the news comes that his group should have been around Tunigi Hollow - one of the spots in Sumeru where the first wave of the new Calamity hit the hardest. There is no concrete information on whether Kaveh's group survived or not. Alhaitham, not loosing hope, does his best to find any information on Kaveh's whereabouts, but due to Sumeru becoming extremely dangerous to traverse and disjointed as a result of the new Calamity, the search stretches out for almost a decade.
One day Alhaitham helps a caravan, traversing the forests to get to one of the settlements, to fight off the monsters. Unexpectedly, Kaveh turns out to be one of the members of the caravan. Their reunion is almost cut short by the caravan's need to keep going, but Alhaitham convinces Kaveh to join him instead. The two return to the new Sumeru city settlement, where Alhaitham lives and works under the watch of Akademiya and Lord Kusanali. It appears that during his years of travels around the destroyed Sumeru Kaveh learned new ways of architectural construction that would be more efficient against the monsters, born by the Calamity. He also seems to behave quite differently, hardened by the experiences of the past years. Alhaitham proposes for Kaveh to stay with him in the city, and Kaveh accepts. The feelings, new routines, dealings with the changed versions of each other and attempts to find new pace of life in the new world ensue.
TLDR: The world might be ending and impossible to live in, but even so each new day is brighter when the person one loves is by their side.
3. Another Cataclysm!AU, where Kaveh and Alhaitham get assigned separate missions in the grander scheme of things created to prevent the coming of a new Calamity. The plan succeeds and the world remains safe, but not without heavy losses: amongst many others, Kaveh does not survive while carrying out his mission.
Decades pass as Alhaitham goes through his grieving process. Eventually, one evening on the anniversary of the Calamity's prevention, Alhaitham wanders to a place he and Kaveh used to visit together. A Ley Line disruption occurs, and he gets to see a glimpse of Kaveh through it. They have a conversation; the Ley Line apparition (a memory of Kaveh) is convinced that Alhaitham is from the future, and so they talk a lot about the Calamity, whether it was prevented, and about each other's futures. Alhaitham can't bring himself to tell Kaveh that he does not survive the Calamity, but he does tell Kaveh that his architectural legacy lives on. Kaveh commends Alhaitham on his achievements (though not an acting grand sage for a very long time, Alhaitham kept playing an important role throughout Sumeru's history, helping to keep it safe).
Eventually, their time runs out. Ley Line disorder starts gradually disappearing. Alhaitham urges Kaveh to be careful and stay safe, knowing that the Calamity (on Kaveh's side) is yet to come. Kaveh laughs and tells him that on his side, Alhaitham just told him the same words after they finished the debriefing session, related to the Calamity. He says that he was feeling very nervous, but that seeing future-Alhaitham made him convinced that they are on the right path.
And so, the Ley Line disorder disappears. Alhaitham spends some more time at the spot before returning home. Despite painful memories having been brought up, his heart feels a bit lighter.
TLDR: closure comes unexpectedly, takes many forms and does not erase the pain in an instant, but, nevertheless, it heals.
4. AU! where Kaveh and Alhaitham are both magical birds that can transform into humans (and half-humans).
They live together in the depths of Sumeru forest - a domain of a long lost God of Wisdom. Kaveh's feathers are rumoured to bring blessings, while Alhaitham's feathers, on the contrary, are said to bring bad luck or even curses. Humans, living at the edge of magical forest, kinda worship them, but also prefer not to interact with them, primarily because Alhaitham is not happy when others trespass on his lands, and because searching for Kaveh is extremely hard (he's often off working on his projects deep within the forest), and the magical forest is very dangerous on its own. So, the humans build their cities outside of the Sumeru forest, and Alhaitham and Kaveh peacefully live together in the depths of it.
Despite Kaveh and Alhaitham living together for a long time, their opinions on humanity are diametrically opposed: Alhaitham barely tolerates humans, finding them to be reckless, meddling, cowardly and deceitful; Kaveh, on the contrary, finds humans to be creative, inspiring, free and beautiful in their own way. Throughout the years, Kaveh manages to build somewhat of an amicable relationship with the humans, living at the edge of the forest: he learns more about their traditions and arts, while the humans receive his guidance and blessings in various matters of living, craftsmanship and arts. Eventually, Kaveh's knowledge and magical powers catch the eye of Lord Sangemah Bay, who resides in and governs one of the bigger settlements at the forest's border. She makes a deal with Kaveh that, despite providing him with valuable (in his eyes) experience of working with humans on some of his grandest architectural projects, costs him a lot - meaning he has to give away lots of his blessed feathers, which makes his remaining magic much weaker (and generally undermines his health for a bit). Alhaitham is not a huge fan of such approach (in his eyes, Kaveh is wasting his powers and time for nothing, endangering himself), and so a conflict between him and Kaveh breaks. As a result, Kaveh flees their home, secluding himself while he's focusing on other projects he finds curious. Kaveh keeps working with humans, and though Alhaitham certainly keeps an eye on Kaveh's wellbeing, he does not make it easy for humans to reach him. So what if there are new random magical seals, obstacles, almost-traps and riddles appearing here and there when people try to get to Kaveh? It's a magical forest, things happen! (Kaveh knows that Alhaitham does this on purpose, and Alhaitham knows that Kaveh knows, and it leads to them indirectly, and then directly bickering and arguing. The magical forest quite possibly grows very tired of them. Their friends Tighnari and Cyno certainly do, but alas.)
The new equilibrium, found by Alhaitham and Kaveh, is challenged once more when Kaveh leaves to the Lord Sangemah Bay's city to direct yet another one of his grand projects. They do not see each other for a long while. Despite all the challenges, Kaveh's relationship with Dori gradually grows stronger - the two value their partnership - and Kaveh ends up making friends amongst humans. However, not everyone is happy about Lord Sangema Bay's growing friendship with the "deity of blessings" personified. As some people come to despise her for her wealth, influence and ever growing power, so do they come to despise the bird of paradise.
When the project is complete, the time for celebration comes. Kaveh gets to attend a feast by Dori's side as a guest of honour, and is invited to stay the night in her palace before returning to the forest. Kaveh agrees: he's been spending all his days and nights at the building site, and resting a night before returning home would be nice. As the night goes on, however, Kaveh begins to feel weary and unwell - the new type of wine he was served did him no good. He excuses himself early for the night and, as soon as he gets to his bed, he's out cold.
After an undetermined amount of time (in what appears to be the middle of the night), Kaveh wakes up because of immense pain in his back.
As he gradually comes to his senses, he has a horrible realization: one of his wings was cut off when he was asleep. Alerting the guards and Dori yields no results: the intruder escaped, presumably with Kaveh's wing, and there are no traces of them left. While Kaveh gets immediately attended to, he goes in shock and, eventually, loses consciousness.
When the messengers form the city arrive to the forest, Alhaitham receives them reluctantly at first, but as soon as he hears of what happened, he rushes to the city. He ends up taking Kaveh back to the forest, hoping that its healing magic will help restore his wing. However, nothing seems to work: neither spells, nor the powers of nature, not even Tighnari's medicine. Though the wound is slowly healing, Kaveh remains unconscious for days. To get more information on what happened, Alhaitham returns to the city to question Dori together with Cyno (who's also to continue the investigation within the city once Alhaitham returns home), while Tighnari stays with Kaveh.
Though the questioning concludes that Dori knows nothing and is willing to assist in the search of the perpetrator, Cyno concludes that she was not thorough enough in ensuring Kaveh's safety and overall security of the celebration in general, revealing that Dori recklessly cut corners here and there. Furious, Alhaitham leaves Dori his cursed feather, giving her an ultimatum: she has to find the perpetrator and give them to Alhaitham to deal the final punishment. Until then, her city is doomed to slowly crumble into decay and oblivion. Dori accepts the deal.
Alhaitham returns to the forest to look after Kaveh, while Cyno remains in the city to continue the search. When Alhaitham comes back, Kaveh is finally awake. However, he remains extremely closed-off, practically a shadow of himself. The recovery process is slow and challenging, but Alhaitham does his best to support Kaveh in all ways that matter. Kaveh struggles with healing: the loss of a wing affected not only his body, but also his mental state and magic. He cannot transform, he can barely use any of his magical skills, and he cannot fly anymore, which hurts him most of all. It takes a while for Kaveh to get on his feet (quite literally), even longer to finally leave his room. He also feels guilty for being in Alhaitham's care, because he remembers all of the Alhaitham warnings about the humans he didn't listen to, and so lots of internal conflict ensues.
Meanwhile Alhaitham does all he can to try and navigate the situation. He looks after Kaveh's healing process; brings back his blueprints and equipment from Kaveh's place so that he has enough to work with if he wishes; he also (to the best of his ability) remodels their home to make it more accessible to Kaveh. Given that their natural method of moving around their house was flying (whether in form of birds of half-humans), Alhaitham now implements more adjustments for walking or climbing. (When Kaveh feels good enough to leave his room, he's amazed by what Alhaitham managed to achieve. He also helps fix some of the constructions, given he's the one with the experience in architecture.) Alhaitham and Kaveh grow closer, slowly unpacking and mending their relationship, turning it into something new and beautiful.
At the same time, Alhaitham continues to watch the forest borders - to make sure that no intruders interrupt Kaveh's recovery and their peaceful life together. One day he notices an interesting sight: a small, but beautiful shrine appeared right by the forest. He decides to investigate; upon approaching the shrine, he meets Nilou (whom he saw in the palace when he visited Dori). She explains to him that, after he and Kaveh left the city, a group of people decided to organize a shrine, dedicated to Kaveh, to pray for his recovery. Nilou explains that in their eyes it's the least they can offer for all the help that their city received in the past and as amends for the pain they have caused. Alhaitham warns her not to get any closer to the forest, but the action of people leaves a lasting impression on him.
Meanwhile, Cyno's investigation progresses. Cyno writes to Alhaitham that together with Dori they managed to find and capture the perpetrator. Questioning reveals no useful information, but Cyno suspects that there might be more to the attack on Kaveh than they anticipated. To uphold his end of the deal Alhaitham goes to the city to deliver the punishment to the attacker and to undo the curse he put on Dori's city. Before he leaves, Kaveh, scared of what might happen to Alhaitham, sews into his cloak a blessed feather for protection (because Alhaitham wouldn't accept it outright). While Alhaitham is away, Kaveh begins working on a new project: a mechanical wing.
When Alhaitham gets to the city, he is led to the cell where the attacker is being held. Cyno and Dori are by his side for the final questioning. The man - a mere mortal (with strange red-ish eyes), one of Dori's citizens - keeps talking in circles, making less and less sense with each new word. Alhaitham lets Cyno and Dori go before rendering the punishment. When the curse (one of Alhaitham's darkest yet) is finally prepared, suddenly, the tables are turned. The perpetrator attacks Alhaitham, but his movements seem unnatural, almost like those of a puppet. Alhaitham realizes, that the man is being controlled by someone with prowess for strong, incredibly dark magic that seems similar to that of the Desert. The strange puppet manages to overpower Alhaitham in a fight, but cannot harm him (due to the protection from Kaveh's feather). The perpetrator manages to escape, taking with him Alhaitham's cursed feather (they seemed to be pleased to receive it. Alhaitham fears to think what they will use it for).
Dori and Cyno pick up the investigation, with Cyno going straight to the Desert. Dori begins reinforcing the city (her people discover that Alhaithams curse (now lifted) awakened Miasma deep under the ground. The Miasma begins to slowly spread, seemingly in the direction of the Sumeru Forest). Cyno sends back a message, confirming that strong and dark magic seems to be gathering within the Desert, possibly for the purpose of destroying the magical forest.
Alhaitham manages to get back to Kaveh and tell him of what happened in the city. In order to be able to protect the forest together with Alhaitham, Kaveh doubles down on his efforts to create a mechanical working wing. Everything works, besides the golden feathers - they need to be blessed in order to allow the mechanism to work as intended, but Kaveh does not have enough power for it. Alhaitham takes a risk and brings the feathers to the shrine, created by Nilou and other humans, so that they could bless them for Kaveh. (They are short of one feather eventually, and Alhaitham gives Kaveh one of his own, his first blessed feather, to complete the wing.)
TLDR: Kaveh works on restoring his wing and faith in himself and humanity; Alhaitham learns that humanity is not always evil. Dori and Cyno discover that the escaped perpetrator (caugh controlled by Dottore caugh) used Kaveh to get to Alhaitham to gain his cursed feather for completing some sort of ancient ritual to unseal the forbidden knowledge magic deep within the Desert in roder to unleash it on the magical forest, slumbering God of Wisdom and human cities. Kaveh learns to curse his feathers (while opposing Dottore in a final fight), and Alhaitham learns to bless his. Humans and Sumeru Forest continue to coexist peacefully. Alhaitham and Kaveh live together happily ever after.
5. Pacific Rim!AU, where Kaveh and Alhaitham used to be pilots of a Jaeger, but during one of their battles they suffered too much damage. In order to save Alhaitham and what remains of their Jaeger, Kaveh takes most of the damage by severing already unstable connection between Alhaitham and Jaeger's system. Both barely survive the encounter, but meanwhile Alhaitham manages to recover fast, the damage Kaveh has taken leaves him in a critical condition, eventually resulting in him being unable to ever pilot a Jaeger ever again (and putting many new restraints on his usual daily life).
As soon as Kaveh comes to his senses, the two have a huge fight about Kaveh's rash decision, and eventually break off their friendship. They don't see each other for a long, long time.
As the time goes on, Kaveh learns how to live with the changes that his body sustained with the help of his service dog Mehrak. Eventually he takes on a job at one of the Jaeger construction facilities (together with his friend Tighnari), studying Kaiju and creating new Jaeger modifications - though no Kaiju has been seen in the past several years, the world is still afraid of their return.
When the suspicion of the new Kaiju appearance arises, new pilot recruits and ex-pilots are summoned to the facility. There, Kaveh meets Alhaitham for the first time in years. After their fallout, Alahitham resigned from piloting Jaegers, yet now he had no choice but to return to train new recruits (and possibly resume his role of a Jaeger pilot). Now once again the two have to work together as a part of a team in face of approaching danger, trying to resolve their past conflicts and overcome their fears and insecurities along the way (when deep down they simply want to keep each other safe).
TLDR: Kaveh & service animal Mehrak is a neat concept I'd love to see more of, just as a concept in general. I think this one could be an interesting story idea centered mostly around Kaveh's day to day life. Additionally, Alhaitham who used to be only drift compatible with Kaveh but now suddenly discovers he's drift compatible with Cyno. I need more Cyno & Alhaitham camaraderie I think it would do them lots of good (at least in this specific AU setting lol).
6. Oxenfree!AU where Kaveh and Alhaitham are two ex-best friends turned reluctant coworkers (photo-journalist and journalist respectively) working on writing a piece about the disappearances of a group of teenagers that happened at the Edwards Island several years prior (timeline somewhere between the first and the second games). The radio shenanigans ensue, making the two face their past, possible futures and, most importantly, their present. (In Oxenfree tuning into certain radio sequences can temporarily mess up time-space shenanigans, just fyi).
TLDR: I just think that this setting could facilitate some character exploration that would be very fun.
7. Modern MermanKaveh!AU, post-fallout, where it's a little bit more about haunting Alhaitham (and the narrative), than being a merman. Due to an unfortunate set of circumstances, Kaveh drowns one day, trying to save someone from the water. Due to an unfortunate set of circumstances, he doesn't really die, being stuck in between (existence and death, normal life and the necessity to live in water). Kaveh manages, for quite a while even!
But of course Alhaitham has to come back and turn his world upside down once again.
TLDR: can you tell Alhaitham's quote about drowning stuck with me huh (and I made it literal lol). On a serious note... Idk, vibes??? I want to see the "stuck in the middle" Kaveh, whatever that entails. Some existential explorations. And the development of his relationship with Alhaitham, of course. // Kaveh is a merman unable to fully live the life he used to have, and Alhaitham doesn't know that he survived (for a while), alternatively "let me help to save you from metaphorical and literal drowning" Alhaitham and "I learned to live like this, this is what my norm now looks like" Kaveh.
8. Another Modern MermanKaveh!AU/DrownedGhostKaveh!AU, because I apparently have no self-control (I feel like I should also clarify that whenever I mention a mermaid, I think of them more as of ghosts of drowned people and less as mermaids-mermaids, the half-human half-marine creature ones). This idea was initially prepared for chili/zhongchi but it's been sooooooooooooooooooo long and I still haven't done anything substantial for it so I'm borrowing it from myself for myself and tweaking it for kavetham because I figured it could fit them. So here it goes,
Alhaitham is a scientist/marine biologist that moves from the city to a much smaller port town, getting himself a place in a local partially repurposed lighthouse. Kaveh is a merman, who has been dead for a long while and who's been living within local waters ever since he drowned. Alhaitham leads a very isolated life, going through a rather rough patch emotionally (maybe a badly ended past relationship and relocation from an established group of friends to a remote place brought up past negative emotions related to loss that were bottled up for a while. who knows, not me). Anyways, Alhaitham's not doing too well, but seaside walks help him unwind, even if for a short periods of time. During one of such walks, he finds an old pendant washed ashore. He picks up his find, hoping to do some research on it outside of his work time (because research is his fun-time).
He expects this to be a brief excursion into local history. He does not expect to become haunted by the ghost of a man to whom this pendant belonged to way back when.
Kaveh, in turn, is extremely excited to finally, finally be able to get out of the sea to the surface. He intends to stay ashore as long as possible and, well, if he just so gets to amuse himself by haunting a grumpy marine biologist that refuses to believe in merpeople, ghosts of drowned and other supernatural occurences - who's he to say no?
TLDR: this AU can go two ways (in my eyes): the happy ending way and probably more gothic-horror-story-esque ending. So, Alahitham is cursed to be haunted by Kaveh: for a while he's the only one who can see him, with Kaveh being something akin to a ghost. However, the longer Kaveh haunts Alhaitham, the more human he becomes (others can see him, he cannot phase through walls anymore, etc.). The curse in itself goes something like this: the cursed thing, after being picked up/taken in, cannot be thrown away and will always come back. The ghost, tied to the haunted thing, shall haunt whoever picks the cursed thing (the thing should be tied to the ghost, but may not necessarily belong to them) and drain their life energy. The ghost can become free and human again if the haunting goes long enough and they kill the human who picked the cursed object in the end during a very specific time that doesn't occur too often (proverbial blue moon, idk). If they don't kill the human and decide to let them go, then the ghost will seize to exist and the human will regain their strength. (An alternative option to the ghost dying for a less angsty au: the ghost voluntarily takes back the cursed object and returns to the place where they died, but then they will never be able to haunt anyone ever again. The effect of the curse on the haunted remain, but much weaker).
In this case, let's say Kaveh and Alhaitham stay by each other's side from half a year to a year, idk. They grow closer, eventually becoming friends and maybe more (the usual kavetham shenanigans Kaveh falls first but Alhaitham falls harder). Alhaitham's mental state gradually improves, yet overall he becomes weaker because of the curse (to the point that it becomes a serious concern), which Kaveh blames himself for. The appointed time approaches (both Kaveh and Alhaitham are in on the details of the curse), and Kaveh, seeing it as an opportunity to set Alhaitham free, manages to separate himself from Alhaitham. Kaveh is ready to return to the sea/merge with it (ah yes the classic Little Mermaid influence does anybody feel it lol). However, Alhaitham sees through his plan and arrives just in time to stop him. They have a confrontation. Eventually, they manage to lift the curse (as you can see I have not figured out exactly how this can happen but! it definitely can!) with Kaveh becoming human again and Alhaitham regaining his health. The two continue to live together happily ever after.
The other scenario is practically the same, but it's more ghothic? and abstract (and probably more suitable for the og pairing it was made for, but i'll throw it in anyways). I have not engaged with gothic literature much and thus don't have much experience in how it works/how to write it, but the idea is that Kaveh is more of a projection of Alhaitham's grief than a ghost fo a drowned person (in other words, he's definitely a ghost, but his presence is also much more symbolical). The story follows quite similar beats, except the setting of the curse is a bit different: it's more of a "kill first or be killed" thingy with a deadline. Kaveh earnestly tries to drown Alhaitham at first through various means, but the more time they spend together, the more Kaveh sees of Alhaitham's life and pain and feels sympathetic for him. Despite the curse, Kaveh tires to help Alhaitham in various ways; and it works! Alhaitham gradually begins to feel better; the two grow closer to each other (more in a platonic way).
So now the precedent is that though Alhaitham's overall doing better, the curse still preys on him, hindering his life in various ways that become more and more serious/dangerous (the curse's deadline approaches, and it tries to survive the best way it can through Kaveh's influence on Alhaitham). Eventually, Kaveh lets Alhaitham go, merging with the sea (once again, yes, it was partially inspired by the Little Mermaid). Alhaitham realizes what happened and tries to look for Kaveh, but it is in vain.
Eventually, life goes on.
Bonus Elden Ring AU (because guess who suddenly went on a lore video watching spree): Kaveh is a craftsman and one of the inhabitants of Castle Morne who managed to escape before it was overrun by Misbegotten. He's a follower of St. Trina and Miquella (he doesn't follow Miquella at first, but slowly he comes to suspect that the two are one and the same). After escaping from Castle Morne, he finds his way to Jarburg, where he is welcomed to stay and be the new Potentate.
Alhaitham is from a distant branch of Carian royal family and a scholar at the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Quite possibly explored an area of studies similar to Sellen's. Eventually he separates himself from both Academy and his family, becoming a wandering scholar.
The two meet somewhere nearby Jarburg when Kaveh gets ambushed by the same people who were trying to get to Alhaitham. The two fight them off. Kaveh, trying to help injured Alhaitham, leads him to Jarburg. The two continue living together there ever since (not without hiccups, but they're doing their best).
TLDR: this one is short and very simple because I just started diving into the Elden Ring's lore, but I just. Really wanted to make some AU for them. I also desperately wanted it to be peaceful and happy one despite it being a seeming impossibility for anything dark souls/elden ring related, but one can dream. If I were to make this one darker I'd probably expand on the duality of their two characters here, and how Alhaitham probably used to conjure spells on humans (with gaining knowledge being his sole life purpose for a long time) and has challenges with comprehending the world outside of a framework of pure logic, and how Kaveh gets an increasing tendency of escaping to the dream world/wherever Miquella is in order to alleviate his mental turmoil (maybe he witnessed too much during his escape from the Castle), and how the two have opposing perspectives on the idea of worshipping gods, and- like, there's a lot that can be done. But I also just really really really want them to simply be happy together in a jar village, leading a peaceful life.
That's it for now! Thank you for reading all of this, I can't commend your patience enough if you got to the end of this list!!!✨🎉✨
Maybe in the future I will unpack some of these aus. who knows.
#if you made it till the end you're officially a hero#sorry for so many words lol#genshin impact#afinna explores teyvat#genshin impact kaveh#genshin impact alhaitham#kavetham#haikaveh#alhaitham x kaveh#genshin impact writing#genshin impact writing ideas#magical birds au my beloved (can you tell lol)#maybe one day#one day i might write it#i was sure i'd never write the inquisitioner x witch kavetham AU but guess what#istg the first chapter should be ready sometime this year. probably. i hope. i dream of it...#pacific rim au is also something i just cradle gently in my hands. weird apocalyptic-esque setting but make it more a piece of life thing#in order to better unpack the relationships between people and various internal turmoils#and the fatui au!!! i want fatui to be weird menacing coworkers that end up being weirdly decent!!! sometimes!!!#idk i just think kaveh and sandrone could be a great work duo#and just the interactions with others could be sooooo much fun#anyways hope these ideas are. decent#also lowkey i need more dori-kaveh-alhaitham shenanigans#like alhaitham is canonically banned from seeing dori as far as i remember [well. blacklisted from the market or something similar]#granted it's probably bc he's with the Akademiya but like. Are We Sure [glances at Kaveh's debt]#anyways i just think there can be some exploration done here lol#also a hot take probably but. we need more 'Dori the Scary Businesswoman that Seems Inhumane But is Actually Wise'#like I want her to push others to their limits for mutual/personal gain BUT doing so knowing exactly when to stop and not cross the line#she is The Monkey's Paw for people who come to her. anyways i just find her interesting#yay that's it thanks for reading all of it have a great day byeeeeeeeeeeeee!
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rouguang · 1 year
thinking about if alhaitham were to pass away and kaveh uses mehrak to project a hologram of him and play recordings of his voice to pretend like he's still there
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the-reddened · 3 months
Stupid brain idea and no energy to execute the ideas. Blehhhhhhhh!!!! Evil brain.
Important notes: I love Merhak(Genshin Impact), who is a quasi-sentient briefcase of a highly renowned architect(hi Kaveh. Love u bbg). Whose owner lives with hso ex-bestfriend(huge falling out fight over a thesis project) and is USA-medical-debt levels of debt. The roommate(hell alhaitham. You dusty, petty fucker.)wears noise canceling headphones in cannon(imo hearing aids is better).
Mehrak X Alhaitham's Headphones.
And like MerhMehr over here doing the most and doing cute little dances around Alhaitham's head while he is trying to read. It is annoying b/c she is just [[ovo]] [ [0w0] ] [[^o^]] [ [°u°] ] [[•u•]] while dancing and it is distracting. Kaveh would catch sight of it and have to use all.of his willpower to NOT bust a gut laughing so hard b/c he sees it for what it is(her trying to court the headphones). Alhaitham doesn't get it until he takes them off while she is dancing for them one time and she keeps dancing around them as he sets them down on the table before he just *wtf?* "KAVEH! GET IN HERE!" (Kaveh losing his shit in the heavily blurred foreground).
Bonus points if this what clue them both into realizing the has feelings for them but like not needed.
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lovelynim · 1 year
No more secrets
Genshin Impact - Tighnari & Kaveh
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A/N: Soo... this is a concept that has been going around my mind for a while and, now that I'm done with the milestone event, I decided to write it out! :D this picture will make sense, i promise
Summary: Kaveh finds out Tighnari is hiding something, but he doesn't plan to let it sit like that for long...
Word count: 1693 words
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Kaveh walked through the hallway at a fast pace, trying to not let any of the paper sheets in his hand fall across the place while using his other hand to carry Mehrak. He needed to get back to his dorm as soon as possible to finish this project, otherwise he was sure the professor would eat him alive!
He shook his head, trying to not let those bad thoughts take over him. ‘Focus, Kaveh, focus. You can do it’, he told himself inside his head, letting out a sigh as he kept walking. That’s right, there was nothing he couldn’t do, nothing that could make him stray from his road to victory and success, nothing that-
“Do you really need to go?”
The blonde stopped in front of a door as a familiar voice reached his ears. Tighnari’s voice, to be more precise. For some reason, he sounded a little melancholic, as if he was in some kind of pain.
What troubled him even more was the fact that this particular door didn’t lead to any room, just one of the balconies in the Akademiya’s main building. Kaveh leaned his head a little closer to the door, trying to pick more from Tighnari’s conversation. Not that he was the kind that would gossip about it, pfft, never, he just wanted to know how he could help a dear friend, after all.
“When… when will we see each other again?”
Kaveh couldn’t quite catch what the other person was saying, but it seemed rather… romantic. Truth to be told, he found it quite cringe to see Tighnari acting like that.
Wait, romantic?
Tighnari was dating?!
He leaned back in, now trying to peek at who was there with his friend, but the door wasn’t open wide enough for him to see it.
“Huhuh… I love you too, my big lummox,” Tighnari muttered, letting out a dreamy sigh before standing on the tip of his toes and kissing the unknown figure.
Kaveh’s jaw dropped, getting even more frustrated at the fact that he couldn’t figure out who Tighnari’s lover was. His friend - Tighnari, the prodigy botanist, forest watcher wannabe, Amurta’s student - dating?! And not telling him?!!
“Alright, get back safe,” the fennec fox said, watching as his lover jumped over the balcony’s edge, sneaking back inside the Akademiya through another balcony, on a lower floor.
Tighnari leaned over the edge, resting his head on his hand as his tail waggled slowly. He let out another sigh, feeling his heartbeat content. So this is what being in love feels like? As he was lost in his romantic thoughts, Kaveh walked in, letting the door close behind him with a loud sound.
The fennec fox turned around, scared, with widened eyes, but breathed relaxed when he saw who it was. “O-oh, it 's you. Hi, Kaveh.”
“Hello, Tighnari,” The blonde said, placing the paper sheets in a nearby table and resting Mehrak’s over it, holding his index finger up in front of his lips as he signed to his suitcase to not make a noise. It simply blinked, a little confused. “You must’ve been pretty distracted to not notice me coming with that sharp hearing of yours.”
“Y-yes, I guess so… and it’s pretty, ahm, noisy today, don't you think?” He continued, trying to look away as he didn’t want Kaveh to spot the faint redness on his cheeks.
“Hmm,” Kaveh didn’t take long to catch as the other student seemed a little wary about his presence. Yes, he was definitely hiding something. “So, are you not going to tell me?”
“W-what?” Tighnari gasped, his ears perking up as he turned back to look at his friend, “t-tell you what?”
“Who was it?”
“W-who? Hahah, I’m sorry, K-Kaveh, I’m not quite… catching what you mean, heheh…” He giggled sheepishly, his tail curling around his leg as he was getting obviously nervous.
“Oh, you don’t?” Kaveh hummed, narrowing his eyes in a way that made Tighnari flinch, “should I opt for a more direct approach?”
As the other answered with nothing but the silence, Kaveh decided to continue, grinning as he spoke, “well, I happened to be passing by and… I caught some of your conversation-”
“Y-you heard us?!”
“So there was someone else here,” Kaveh interrupted, making Tighnari’s eyes widen and a faint blush spread across his face while he slapped a hand over his mouth. “As I was saying, I could catch some of your conversation with this someone…”
“You shouldn’t eavesdrop on other people…” Tighnari tried to scold his friend, sighing as he watched Kaveh walk around in his monologue.
“And neither should you keep secrets from your friends, Tighnari,” the blonde snapped back with a cocky grin on his lips as he kept the fox cornered, “so, who is it?”
“Oh, come on, we both know you are not that dense,” Kaveh groaned impatiently, crossing his arms as the sly smirk returned to his face, “what’s the name of the person that stole your heart, Tighnari? ~”
“K-Kaveh, I… ahm, I’m not sure if I-”
“You are not going to keep something like this from me, are you? We’ve been friends for ages and you won’t even tell me about your crushes?” The blonde added dramatically, not giving the other any room to talk.
“It’s not like that,” Tighnari giggled, still looking uneasy about the subject, “I don’t think it’s tim- …huh?”
Before he could finish, the student felt something around his wrists. As he looked down, he spotted golden rings made of energy. As he looked back to Kaveh, the man was pointing at his hands, as if commanding that and, behind him, sitting on a bench, Mehrak, glowing with the same kind of light.
“Kaveh, w-wahahait!! Ahaha, n-nohoh, cohohome on!” He whined through his laughter while his hands being kept together in front of his chest, leaving his sides and stomach totally unprotected and - much to his demise - at Kaveh’s mercy.
“You can keep your secrets from those dumb classmates of yours, but not from me!” Kaveh scolded him, tweaking his fingers against Tighnari’s sides, making more giggles burst from his lips.
While Tighnari thrashed his head left and right, trying to pull his hands down as hard as he could, Kaveh continued to tickle him restlessly, scolding him about “how could he not tell this kind of thing to him” and other complaints along these lines.
“KahAHAhaveh, p-plehehease!” Tighnari gasped, letting out a shy squeal when the blonde pinched his hips, “I c-cahahant!”
“Of course you can,” Kaveh mused, using his thumbs to rub circles right over Tighnari’s hip bones, making the botanist try to twist his body away, only to be pulled back in place by Mehrak’s restraints. “Just one name, Tighnari, I always tell you about my dates!”
“I-it’s diffeheherent!!” He cried out, clenching his hands into fists as he felt Kaveh’s hands scribbling over his ribs, unable to press down his arms. “AhahAHAh, I swehehar!”
“Different? What do you mean?” Kaveh raised an eyebrow, looking at the other student, but didn’t stop moving his hands, moving one of them up to poke Tighnari under his arm while the other prodded at the space between his ribs. “Like, are you actually dating? It’s not a hookup?”
At that point, all Tighnari could do is nod in the middle of his laughter, feeling small tears form at the corner of his eyes. “K-KindahAHAh, c-can you stoHOHop nohohow?!”
“Hmmm,” Kaveh muttered, clicking his tongue as he answered, “no.” The blonde grinned, moving both his hands under Tighnari’s arms, making the fennec fox let out an embarrassing screech of mirth as he nearly melted under the tickling. “You haven’t told me their name.”
“K-KAHAHAVEH!! AHAHA, N-NOT THEHERE!” Tighnari howled, stomping his feet as the unbearable ticklish feeling spreaded across his body. He could barely think, but he was sure his cackles could be heard at least across half of the building. 
“Come ooon, I don’t have all day!” Kaveh continued to press his fried, not giving them a break from the ticklish torture as he waited for his answer.
Tighnari knew he wouldn’t last long under Kaveh’s interrogation. He squirmed like a fish out of water and his cheeks already felt sore from the laughter, but he and Cyno promised to keep it as a secret - at least, for a while.
“Tell me or I’m gonna tickle your ears,” Kaveh threatened, moving one of his hands away and reaching out for one of Tighnari’s ears.
“O-OKAHAY! Okay!” The student spoke in a hurry, making the blonde stop halfway. “A-ahah… I-I’ll talk…”
Kaveh snapped his fingers, ordering Mehrak to release his friend. “So?” He said, excited to finally hear it.
“B-but promise you won’t tell anyone, alright? We want to keep this down…” Tighnari said, taking Kaveh’s hands into his, “please?”
“You know I won’t tell anyone, I’m your friend!”
“Sigh, fine,” Tighnari took a few seconds to catch his breath, looking at Kaveh’s eyes, “it’s… Cyno.”
“What?! Since when? How did y-”
“Kaveh!” Tighnari hushed him, placing one hand over his lips, “Shhh, be quiet!” 
The blonde nodded. As Tighnari moved his hand away, he revealed a huge smile on his friend’s face, probably even more excited than himself about his relationship. “You need to tell me EVERYTHING about this.”
“I will, I will,” Tighnari chuckled, now leaning back into the balcony’s edge, sighing, “we… will make it public, eventually, he just doesn’t want to do it now… but I will tell you when I’m done with a project.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I also have some proj-”
And, finally, realization struck him. Kaveh looked back to where he left Mehrak, seeing the pile of paper sheets waiting for him.
“Shit,” he spoke him a hurry, rushing over his things and picking them up as fast as he could, “I-I’ll talk to you later, I need to finish some stuff or I am dead meat,” he said, turning to Tighnari one last time, “but you better tell me!”
The botanist laughed, shaking his head, “let’s catch up later then,” he muttered, waving his hand as he saw his friend leave.
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flowerful-doodles · 3 months
Day two of building Kaveh’s Mehrak from Genshin Impact!
Ik I said the next step was math but I couldn’t help myself from skipping ahead to animating a little face for Mehrak lol. Alongside animating, I made a holder for my phone (which still needs to be hot glued to the case lol) to show Mehrak’s eyes. (I also made a still version to print out so I can use my phone while in cosplay lmao.).
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A gif of the animated eyes
Moderately low quality video of my phone showing the eyes in the cardboard holder I made lol.
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And some pictures of my slightly terrible phone holder that I rushed to make during my lunch break today lol! (Also got totally distracted while crafting bc my coworker was showing me some really cute paper clip snails they made and I dropped my hot glue gun on my leg 💀💀💀). Might upgrade this to plywood but this works for now!
Next update should be finalized dimensions if I don’t get distracted and skip ahead to a new step again haha!
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dragonciphering · 1 year
Hey guys I just thought of a stupid idea.
Kaveh accidentally being a badass and knocking out (a clone of) Dottore.
Like imagine Prime sent one of the clones to Al-Haitham’s house to try to find out any info on weather or not he has plans to stop the whole ‘turning-Scaramouche-into-a-god thing’ and if he does what the plans are. Like, Prime figures out Al-Haitham’s schedule, behavior, etc. But does he forget to keep in mind?
Imagine Kaveh going back to the house because he forgot a blueprint or something and just finding a really weird and downright feral looking guy rummaging through everything in the house. Naturally Kaveh is panicked, but also pissed, like, what the fuck? He spent a whole week organizing the house! And decides to put a stop to that. How he stops the clone you ask?
And the clone just fucking goes down. Once Kaveh realizes what just happened he tries to check the clones pulse but surprise, surprise it doesn’t have one. He then calls Al-Haitham and tells him that he might of just killed a guy. Al-Haitham thinks he’s joking but goes over anyway and gets the scare of his life because, holy shit, that’s a harbinger.
Bonus: After the clone wakes up it starts looking to Kaveh for orders because of the damage done to it.
Kaveh, an architect, stylist, and sort of engineer decides fuck it and give the clone a new name, new behavior, new clothes, and changes it’s appearance. Like eye color (the eyes can be changed out) and hair style and or length.
This causes many, many things to happen. Because now Kaveh has a state of the art bio-weapon at his disposal. (He only ‘uses’ it as a construction worker or helper with his projects though.) However, this doesn’t stop a lot of people from assuming that he’s this crazy powerful guy.
Also, Prime gets pissed because one of his top experiments was out done by a panicked sentient suitcase swinging architect.
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natto-nel · 1 year
Waking up with Kaveh (ft. Mehrak)🌻
Summary: waking up to Kaveh and braiding his hair a bit (ft. Mehrak beloved)
Themes: gn!reader, whole fluff and lots of kisses too
Word count: 680
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You flicked your eyes open to see the bright sunshine penetrating your eyes. You instinctively brought a hand over your face and flopped to your side, finding a familiar sight of another sun. Your eyes trailed through Kaveh’s flowy golden locks, brushed against the edges of his pillow of your shared bed. 
You brushed your hand on his cheeks, removing the stray strands on his face while wondering how his face was so soft. I should try his beauty products.
Kaveh let out a lazy groan as he squinted at your expression. He moved a hand to your wrist and guided it towards his cheek, nuzzling it,
“Morning, flower.” He greeted you with a sweet smile, complimenting the rest of his features.
Kaveh then moved your hand to the top of his head and gilded it down his hair, gesturing you to brush it.
This had reminded you how much Kaveh loved it when you played with his hair, trying every kind of hairstyles which all seemed to fit him somehow. You remembered how cocky Kaveh got when you did his hair, showing it off to everyone who passes him. 
And of course as he wished, you ran your fingers through his hair, dividing it into three smaller locks before putting one on another making a braid.  A little giggle left your beloved’s mouth, adorable like a child as you moved to another strand. 
After finishing a few braids, you parted his bangs, lovingly kissing his forehead you rarely see because of how long his bangs were. Kaveh grumbled and squirmed disgruntledly as you continued kissing his forehead,
“Stop kissing me…” A blush creeped to his delicate cheeks. His hand abruptly grabbed your wrist and another went around your nape. Before you knew it, you felt lips on yours as Kaveh had pushed your faces together. He melted into the kiss and leaned more.
Kaveh started giggling in between breaths and finally let out a big laugh while sinking you into his arms, suffocating but warm,
“How can I kiss you, if you keep kissing me.” His loud laugh reverberated around the room,
“Then I’ll simply kiss you somewhere you can also kiss me.” You shoved your head into his chest, leaving a peck on his cleavage teasingly which he squirmed aggressively to. 
He pushed you away by your shoulders, face flushed red like his cloak. You held your laugh looking at his flustered face as he stared back at you.
Kaveh briefly observed the smile slowly appearing on your face before nuzzling his head onto the crook of your neck, making you laugh from his ticklish breath. He couldn’t help but laugh when he heard you. 
Suddenly a noise of something falling was heard from the door. Both of you sat up immediately to see what it was but you were blocked by Kaveh's taller figure. You peeked from his side only to see Mehrak floating in shock and guilt. She slowly backed away, assuming the two of you were busy,
“Mehrak, come here, it’s okay.” You gestured for her to come. 
She puts up an anxious face before floating in your direction. As she got closer, you pulled her into a hug, rubbing her non-existent hair on top completely ignoring that she was a suitcase. A pixelated blush appeared on her face as she snuggled into your arms, her edges poking them but it was fine. Other than giving affection to your boyfriend, you loved giving affection to Mehrak too, as if she was you and Kaveh’s daughter. 
Mehrak let out a sound similar to those of a notification bell letting Kaveh know something. A clock appeared on her face telling Kaveh that it was time to get prepared. Kaveh let out a long groan, still wanting to cuddle with you longer which Mehrak shooked to. 
Kaveh sighed annoyedly that he had to go do work since most of his projects were due. He looked at you pitifully, twirling the messy braids you made, 
“Can you do my hair first?” 
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Thank you sm for reading it! Also letting you know that requests are open too if you have any
(Note: as a Kaveh fan, yes we want to touch em titties)
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galdrgobrrr · 10 months
Dusting off the ol’ Fischl and Kaveh interacting brain cell, she would find Mehrak fascinating and Kaveh would be so stressed about oz. like he’s a bird made of lightning. He keeps eating all their nuts and fruits. He shows no sign of stopping. Mehrak has been distracting Fischl with project maps for the past ten minutes. Peak friendship to me.
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wheredreamsareforged · 11 months
☾ ― [ Angel ] ╰┈➤ ❝ [ Kaveh/Reader ] ╰┈➤ ❝ [ When he falls asleep in the Akademiya library after a late research session for a client, and you catch him sleeping as the sun rises. ] ╰┈➤ ❝ [ 723 words; 3890 characters ]
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With the sunlight flickering through the closed blinds, you felt something was off. The bed was colder, emptier. Reaching back behind you only confirmed what you already knew as you turned around onto your back, letting out a low groan and rubbing your eyes with the heels of your palms.
Memory hazy from sleep, you would have typically found yourself wrapped in the arms of your lover when the sun decided to try and stir you both from your cozy, comforting stillness, teetering between falling back asleep and begrudgingly getting up to welcome the inevitable start of your respective days. 
But that isn’t to say mornings like these aren’t uncommon, not when you’ve found yourself enamored with the Light of Kshahrewar.
A vocal architect with a heart of gold who’s looks only added to his appeal; gullible in his own right, but oh so empathetic…it was hard not to fall in love with your angel. Unfortunately, for your own heart that seemed to always worry for him first and foremost, that means you’ve learned of his less than healthy habits you were- and still are- more than happy to help with in whatever way you can.
One such being his habit of pouring everything he had into his projects, staying up for hours on end with little to no sleep just to complete them to gain the satisfaction of his clients over caring for his own health and wellbeing. So, after taking a few minutes to wake up you pushed yourself to finally get out of bed and get something other than one of his shirts and a pair of shorts on.
Lucky for you, since you didn’t hear the faint sound of charcoal scraping against paper or of Mehrak whirring to life, you had some kind of idea where he was. So as soon as you were ready to leave, you made sure to have Kaveh’s keys- no doubt only having been left behind on the day he didn’t even return home when you had gotten the okay from his roommate to stay the night. That’d be humorous, the one time he’d have them, and he didn’t even come back the night prior.
It wasn’t a long walk, or if it had been you just somehow learned to distract yourself from the time taken. Giving a slight bow of your head and wave in greeting to those around the Akademiya who might have still been awake or woken up who knows how early, you found yourself in the library at last.
You’d last seen him when you left him there at one of the tables once the idea of sleeping in a warm bed became too tempting, having joined him to keep him company and even aid in whatever research he needed to do this time to properly bring to life a client’s vision. It was something you hoped would have helped speed up the process for him, though it seems like he likely got caught up in his own head again.
With a sigh, you approached his sleeping figure, hunched over in his chair with his head on the table. One hand was on the back of his head, whilst the other still had a pencil held between his thumb and pointer as though he were writing notes or sketching ideas based on whatever he read about before his brain decided his basic needs were more important. Mehrak rested next to the chair beside his legs, seemingly ‘sleeping’ in her own way as well.
Rolling your eyes, you began to- first and foremost- organize everything into a pile that was just a little less messy, and ready to be put away before turning your attention to Kaveh. As you ran a hand through his hair, he stirred lightly, leaning into the touch and effectively melting away most of the irritation you felt at his careless action of testing his limits once more.
“Kaveh…angel. Come on, it’s time to wake up.” Warmth slipped into your voice as you moved your hand to his shoulder, gently shaking him until his ruby eyes began to open. Watching his pupils dilate, you smiled and knew that no matter how many times this happened, you would never tire of it.
Not if it meant you could see your angel waking up, no matter where it was.
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