#meet stanna :)
vigilantdesert · 2 years
@zoragrace liked for an au starter
"Broken swords and dragon's bones
Scattered on the way back home Beating to the sound of clashing steel When they're on our heels Now chant the tales and legends told Strengthened by the hymns of old Weathered as this winding road is long So we sing our traveler's song"
The bard finished, the dulcet sounds of her lute fading into the soft, dripping sounds of Zora's domain. Her yellow eyes slowly opened, turning upward to see a few ruppees tossed into the soft bag at her feet. She smiled, brushing a few short, stray hairs from her lips. It was a fairly good turnout, given the rain (did the Zora really mind it, though? They slept in water, she couldn't imagine rain being so different from air). She probably wouldn't need to stay in town for more than a few days before she had enough to hit the road again.
Stanna wasn't much for cities, but she did enjoy stopping by Zora's domain when she was in Lanayru. It was quieter than most Hylian towns, probably because there was no need for horses, and the architecture was second to none, if she were asked. She didn't make as much as she did in smaller towns - she imagined they had more traveling bards than most, thus diminishing the need to ensure they returned next year. She liked it all the same.
As she finished, bending over to pick up the slightly damp coin purse, her yellow eyes turned to a similar set - though, as she'd learned, when Hylians said some Zora had yellow eyes, they really meant amber. The Zora wasn't quite a child, but she certainly wasn't an adult yet. The young woman gave a small, closed-lipped smile. Her lips had a considerable scar across them that made people nervous if she smiled too fully, especially those from outside the nation.
"Did you enjoy the show, notrai?"
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“My duty is to my people.” For Stanna
Fantasy Starters
That she maintained a mask of disinterest was testament to her diplomatic skill. She did not seek out Master Kohga; she tried to stay as far away as possible, to be honest. She could manage everybody else in the vicinity. She was the one to smooth out her wife and King Rhoam's disagreements on parenting more often than not, and she could listen to King Dorephan go on for hours about seaweed cultivation. She'd even learned languages to attend meetings between diplomats from countries far to the West and North. She would gladly throw herself through a billion tedious meetings if it meant never having to speak to the man again.
Tragically, it seemed he had some sort of Stanna-seeking radar. For the life of her, she couldn't understand why. Everybody else at camp at least tolerated him. Her wife put up with his chicanery more than she believed possible, and the princess herself had some sort of affection for him. Never had she met someone with such a pathological need to be liked.
Though the adult thing would have been to make an acknowledging noise and walk away, she couldn't help herself. Without looking up from her loom, she replied dully -
"Ah, of course. Without your people, who would be around to worship the ground you walk on?"
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hard-times-paramore · 2 years
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AU where Pike is still a Starfleet Captain after his Delta radiation accident, and he has a loyal crew and good disability accomodations and it's awesome.
Also, meet Stanna Dashi, my oc:
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In honor of Disability Pride Month and the finale of Strange New Worlds tomorrow, I am reposting the intro to my AU! You can see all my content for it (there is a lot) in this link!
I've been making this AU since before the Strange New Worlds release. I hope you guys still like it, even though it's no longer canon. It's become my comfort project to make art for, and I'm not stopping any time soon.
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liljakonvalj · 4 years
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I thought I'd start out with a brief summarization if the story. I plan to use this as a index of kind as well. (This is basically translated from the lyrics booklet because I'm not good at summarising).
Just a few notices: I've never actually seen this musical, despite having been in love with it for over 10 years, so if i get anything wrong please tell me :)
This will be based on the swedish version, and based around the official CD recording. Some songs are called different names in the CD and the musical, but I'll use the CD names here in the index and specify for each song if it does have a different name in the musical.
I'll use both the little booklet that came with the CDs and a booklet with the lyrics for audiences that was printed for the show when it was put up in Stockholm 1998.
Story act 1
We are in the 19th century and Nils has been spending the last 25 years struggling with removing rocks from his farm, Korpamoen in Småland, when one day a rock falls on him, shattering his hip and leg. He can no longer farm the land and his eldest son, Karl Oskar, who is barely of age, convinces him to sell him the farm. Karl Oskar knows having a farm is not a one man job and sets out to meet the person he has in mind (Prolog).
Kristina from Duvemåla sits on her swing and dreams of her beau, Karl Oskar. She sing about the road she knows him to walk towards her and their meeting place (Duvemåla hage). When Karl Oskar comes he tells her of his new investment and proposes to her. They wed at Duvemåla (Min lust till dig).
Karl Oskar's younger brother - Robert the dreamer - is sent off by his parents to serve as a farmhand at another, bigger, farm. During his walk to his new employer and home he stops by a brook and thinks that as the brook long for the ocean he longs for freedom in the New World (Ut mot ett hav).
The first two years go well for Kristina and Karl Oskar. But during the third year all crop is drowned in rain and the fourth year's crop is ruined by drought. It's hard to feed the growing family and Karl Oskar longs for a nation where wheat rises high on the fields, not like it is at home where he constantly has to struggle (Missväxt).
Robert comes to Karl Oskar and Kristina. His master has given him a hard beating and he wants to get his inheritance so he can leave for North America. Karl Oskar is happy to announce he too have gone with similar thoughts, but Kristina stops their plans (Nej).
Kristina's uncle Danjel holds a forbidden prayer congregation in his house (Lilla skara). They are found out by the authorities who forbid them from meeting anymore, and they forbid Danjel from preaching (Aldrig).
Food is scarce and everyone is hungry. Kristina has birthed a new baby and gathers ingredients for "christeningporridge". The eldest daughter Anna discover the porridge, however, and cannot resist eating it. Starved as she is her stomach cannot handle the abundance of food as it bloats her stomach and she dies. Kristina despairs- she cannot keep her children safe even on dry land, maybe her husband is right in that they'll fare better crossing the ocean? (Kom till mig alla)
Kristina is terrified of the journey, she's never even seen the sea before, but Karl Oskar only sees possibilities. Joining them is Danjel, his family, Ulrika the local prostitute, her illegimate daughter Elin and Arvid the farmhand (Vi öppnar alla grindar).
The trip is terrible (Bönder på havet). Kristina discover she has lice and wrongfully accuses Ulrika as the one to blame (Löss). There are horrible storms and Kristina gets very sick with scurvy. Karl Oskar despairs at her bedside, afraid of losing her (Stanna, Begravning till Sjöss).
At last the emigrants reach New York. There they see people in beautiful clothes who pays them no mind (A Sunday in Battery Park). They are given an apple and Kristina remineses over the apples at home (Hemma).
The journey continues by boat and train by many days and nights (Från New York till Stillwater). One rainy night they are left at a dock with nowhere to go, but the baptist pastor Jackson shows up and invites them all to his house. The women are amazed of how well he takes care of them, as well as a woman might (Tänk att män som han kan finnas).
They reach the lake Ki-Chi-Saga where Karl Oskar and Kristina intend to build their new home (Kamfer och lavendel). But Robert and Arvid wants to travel to California and the gold fields to find their fortune, despite Karl Oskar's reservations (Drömmen om guld). Kristina gives birth once more and tells her baby of how it won't get to experience her homeland (Min astrakan).
Act 2
Kristina seems to be alone in being homesick (Överheten) but Karl Oskar sees how she feels and show her Anna's shoes and they remind them both why they left Sweden (Ljusa kvällar om våren).
It's Christmas and Karl Oskar and the children surprise Kristina with a new iron cast stove (Präriens drottning). Guests arrive to celebrate the holiday but the party ends with a row between Karl Oskar and the trapper Nöjd about who really is the owner of the lands (Vildgräs).
Robert returns from the gold fields a broken man and tells Kristina of how he has come to grips with his destiny (Jag har förlikat mig till slut) and how he lost Arvid (Guldet blev till sand). The money Robert gave Karl Oskar turn out to be counterfeit and he becomes furious with his brother (Wild cat money). Hurt by his brothers words and sickly Robert leaves. He stops by a brook and lie down to die (Ut mot ett hav).
Ulrika has had many suitors (Vill du inte gifta dej med mej). But she tells Kristina (Ett Herrans underverk) that she has decided upon the pastor Jackson and that she'll become a baptist like him (Down to the sacred wave).
Kristina suffers a miscarriage and the doctor says if she falls pregnant again she'll die (Missfall). For the first time in her life Kristina feels her faith crumble with doubt. How can God take away her child, her native land and now her husband (Du måste finnas)? After some time (Skördefest) she overcomes her doubts and resolves to put her life in God's hands (Här har du mig igen). She falls pregnant once more (Red Iron/Kära Herre, hjälp mig trösta). The other settlers flee for their lives from the war that breaks loose (Var hör vi hemma?) But Karl Oskar and Kristina remain. They've sent for apple seeds from back home. During its fourth year the flowers manages to survive the frost and just as the fruit becomes ripe Kristina dies (I gott bevar).
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locktobre · 4 years
I had the MoP pc game, so whenever I see the name Shiver I just hear “follow Shiver, Shiver knows the way” and honestly, it’s triggering. Also, what do you think of the Aiden and Annika storyline? Do you think they did it justice? Or at least better than Anna and Kristoff (since the movies get compared so much? Or is it not worth comparing? I loved MoP and the outfits, the scenery and the ice-skating I always found so beautiful!
I’ve never played any of the movie games, but I watch play-throughs sometimes! Mostly to see if there’s stuff I can pull out for headcanons, but usually there isn’t. Maybe I’ll look into the MoP game, I want to watch all of them eventually. (I would play them, but youtube is free and games aren’t. Maybe one day.)
I actually LOVE Aidan and Annika! They’re one of my favorite Barbie couples, and I love the way they banter! The thing with couples that bicker, the thing that makes it work, is if they can hold their own against each other, and I think they definitely have that. Annika certainly never backs down, and she never takes Aidan’s shit even for a second. He, on the other hand, thinks she’s nuts but also learns very quickly that she gets shit done, and I love how he seems to fall for her MUCH faster than she does for him. I think they’re an excellent couple.
What kr*stanna really lacks, in my opinion, is the fact that they don’t hold their own against each other. He says rude things, and Anna kind of shrugs it off bc she’s secure in her choices, so I don’t think it’s really the give and take that such banter requires to make it work. I also can’t really pinpoint the moment where he starts to trust and believe in her, vs aidannika where you can see it RIGHT AWAY--the second Annika mentions second chances, he starts to listen to her. He was already impressed by her escaping Ollie, but that clinches it. His personality is just a little gruff and guarded.
In my opinion, aidannika is leagues better in every respect, bc I never really felt like Aidan is disrespecting Annika specifically. Like, if anyone walked into the Forbidden Forest, he’d call them a fool. Same with anyone trying to build a Wand of Light, he’d just roll his eyes and dismiss it as a fairytale, no matter who it was. The only reason he ends up believing in it is bc he thinks Annika is crazy enough to do it, and that’s MINUTES after meeting her.
But Kr*stoff really spends a lot of his time just talking about Anna specifically, like her choice to marry Hans, and her plan to talk to Elsa. And I can’t ever really pinpoint the moment where he changes his mind about her. I’ve tried, and I just don’t get it, when the switch happens. My opinion on him and kr*stanna softened rather a lot after F2, I guess bc I know where it’s going to end up, but I just can’t figure him out completely. He does end up quite devoted to Anna, so at least I understand that.
Anyway, I think it’s a valid comparison, especially since the movies are already compared. Both relationships involve a really determined, optimistic princess and a sort of gruff, guarded dude. I just think MoP did the idea much better and illustrated what they needed to much more clearly. I feel like I understand Aidan much better than Kr*stoff, and he was only in one movie! But I am also just biased toward Barbie, so there’s that. Comparing the movies as a whole is also valid (I mean, I do it myself) but they’re quite different. Comparable, especially in tackling some of the same concepts, but different.
MoP really feels unique among Barbie movies I think, bc it just feels... quite serious, I think. I mean, not really adult or anything, it’s still a kid’s movie, but the situation is treated quite seriously the whole time. And I love the lighting (I always say so), and the costume design is excellent! Plus, we get ice skating, and I love ice skating! (I can’t do it myself bc I have terrible balance, but I love to watch it.) It’s so strange to me that we got 4 ballet movies, but only 1 ice skating movie! It just feels really unique and special, unlike any other Barbie movie I think. It’s definitely one of my top favorites.
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kristallers · 4 years
Det är dax att åka hem (SWE–ENG)
Most people learning Swedish are refugees who’ve come here in hopes of a better life. The people on tumblr who are learning Swedish are probably interested in the cottagecore vibes of the Swedish countryside, or maybe the city life of Stockholm or some other very white Swedish cultural phenomenon. However, 20% of Sweden’s population is made up of people with another ethnic background than “Swedish” and as a learner of Swedish, you’re gonna have to meet that culture, too. Learning Swedish without this part of Swedish culture is like learning American English and expecting never to meet an African American person. It’s just... no. This song was created before the 2018 elections as a response to alt-right nationalist party Alternativ för Sverige (AFS) cheering outside the airports when immigrants from Afghanistan, Turkey, Eritrea and Morocco were being sent home from various places around Sweden. Their message to these people was: “Det är dags att åka hem” – It’s time to go home. The alt-right nationalist party Sverigedemokraterna (SD for short) had also been gaining a lot of momentum and could’ve become the ruling party of Sweden, which it takes no sociologist to imagine that racism would spike as a result of having a racist party ruling the country. SD wants to send immigrants “home” to countries they’re not safe in. They talk about so called “imported crime”, when this crime is not imported; rather it is created by societal structures in Sweden. This song was created as a call for people to not vote SD, so that we can stay in this country we’ve made our home.
Hehe, Mandems Hehe, Mandems
Kom närmare Come closer
Kom närmare Come closer
Har ni hört vad som händer nu? Have you heard what’s going on right now?
Kom närmare Come closer
Kom Come
Hör på, hör på Listen up, listen up
Okej, Adjej Okay, Adjej
Okej, okej Okay, okay
Grabbar, jag måste säga, jag har dåliga nyheter Boys, I have to say, I’ve got bad news
De som får stanna i landet är sånna som heter Peter Those who get to stay in the country are those called Peter
Som jag ser på saken står vi mellan dessa valen As I see it we have these choices
Vi ses i röstlokalen eller ses på terminalen We’ll see each other at the polling station or at the (airport) terminal
SD, de sa det är dags att åka hem (säg på Gud) SD they said it’s time to go home (say on God)
SD, de sa det är dags att åka hem SD they said it’s time to go home
Ja, åka hem Yes, to go home
Ja, åka hem Yes, to go home
Ja, åka hem Yes, to go home
SD, de sa det är dags att åka hem (säg på Gud) SD they said it’s time to go home (say on God)
Mammas, de sa det är dags att åka hem On my mom’s death*, they said it’s time to go home
Första dan i Sverige var jag ganska optimistisk First day in Sweden I was pretty optimistic
Mamma sa: "Min son, det är ingen här som är rasistisk" Mom said: “My son, there’s no one here who’s racist”
Men jag satt på tåget och en man kom fram och sa mig But I was on the train and a man came up and told me
Bäst jag åker hemåt för jag kanske färgar av mig (va?) (That) I better head home because I might spread my color/stain** (what?)
Jag har en fråga, snälla sig mig vad som händer I have a question, please tell me what happens
Om vi lämnar landet vem ska laga era tänder? If we leave the country, who’s gonna fix your teeth***?
Ja, åka hem Yes, to go home
Ja, åka hem Yes, to go home
Ja, åka hem Yes, to go home
SD, de sa det är dags att åka hem (säg på Gud) SD they said it’s time to go home (say on God)
Mammas, de sa det är dags att åka hem On my mom’s death*, they said it’s time to go home
Ni får äta eran pyttipanna varje dag sen You’ll get to/have to eat your pyttipanna every day then
Om vi tar kebabreceptet med oss i bagaget If we take the kebab recipe with us in our luggage
Utan oss i Sverige blir det många tomma magar Without us in Sweden there will be many empty stomachs
Jag tror faktiskt att det är bättre om vi stannar kvar här I think it’s actually better if we stay here
Stanna kvar här, om vi stannar kvar här Stay here, if we stay here
Jag tror faktiskt att det är bättre om vi stannar kvar här I think it’s actually better if we stay here
Ja, åka hem Yes, to go home
Ja, åka hem Yes, to go home
Ja, åka hem Yes, to go home
SD, de sa det är dags att åka hem (säg på Gud) SD they said it’s time to go home (say on God)
Mammas, de sa det är dags att åka hem On my mom’s death*, they said it’s time to go home Den nionde september är dagen du bestämmer The ninth of September is the day that you decide
Om vi får stanna eller bli bannad från Sverige If we can stay or get banned from Sweden
Så bror, vad händer, för just nu som det ser ut So bro, what’s happening, because as it looks right now
Riskerar vi åka ut av ett parti som heter SD We’re risking to go out by a party called SD
Där parti-le-ledaren är sne Where the party leader is a bit dumb****
Ey boys! Mandems
Var det inte den här shunon som ville kicka ut oss eller? (Hay, idiot) Wasn’t it that guy***** who wanted to kick us out, right? (Aye, idiot)
Jo det är han, det är han asså, det är han Yes it’s him, it’s really him, it’s him
Vilken shuno, asså! What a guy, wow!
Han är värsta lallaren asså He’s really just plays around******
That man is wicked Ja, åka hem Yes, to go home
Ja, åka hem Yes, to go home
Ja, åka hem Yes, to go home
SD, de sa det är dags att åka hem (säg på Gud) SD they said it’s time to go home (say on God)
Mammas, de sa det är dags att åka hem On my mom’s death*, they said it’s time to go home
*”Mammas död”, here just shortened to “mammas” is kind of like wallah or “I swear to god” in English. Its said when you promise someone womething.
**”Färga av sig” means to stain, or for a color to spread onto other things. Like when you’re washing your clothes, you don’t want to put reds with withes, because they might “färga av sig”, spread their color and stain the other pieces of clothing you’re washing.
***”vem ska fixa era tänder?” It’s a stereotype that immigrants become/are dentists.
****”sne”, correctly spelled “sned” (but pronounced sne either way) literally means crooked, but in this context means someone is a bit off, like a bit dumb.
*****”en shuno” is slang for “a guy”
******”en lallare” is someone who just plays around, who doesn’t do the things they say they do seriously. “Att lalla” is the verb form. “Värsta” literally means the worst, but in this context it means the biggest, for example: “Han är värsta idioten. – he’s the biggest douche.” In other contexts it can be used to express positive emotions, like “sick” in English, for example: “Det här är värsta spelet! – This game is sick!”
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talk24ktome · 7 years
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Kisu fancafe update Remember to sign up for the fancafe if you haven’t already. The fancafe is the only place to see all the original posts and updates. Instructions for how to become a member available in several languages http://m.cafe.daum.net/official24K/5Pgo/250?svc=cafeapp 요즘 연습하고 있는 노래에요 김광석 - 기다려줘 가사가 너무 슬프다요 늘 기다려주고 응원해줘서 고마워요 앞으로도 지금처럼 내곁에 있어줘! 내일 만나서 우리 좋은추억 만들어요 잘자! Trans: This is a song I've been practicing lately. Kim Kwangseok - Wait for me The lyrics are very sad. Thank you for always waiting for me and cheering me on. Stay by my side in the future too, just like you are now! We'll meet tomorrow and create good memories. Good night! (GO TO CAFE TO WATCH VIDEO) Det här är en låt jag nyligen övat på. Kim Kwangseok - vänta på mig Texten är väldigt sorglig. Tack för att du alltid väntar och hejar på mig. Stanna vid min sida i framtiden också, precis som du gör nu! Vi ses imorgon och skapar nya minnen tillsammans. Godnatt! (VIDEO FINNS PÅ FANCAFÉET)
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trafiklab · 7 years
Dags för nya meet-ups med Trafiklab!
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Vi vill att det ska bli enklare att välja att resa hållbart. Därför tror vi att det behövs vassare och roligare digitala tjänster som hjälper till att navigera rätt i kollektivtrafiken. Under hösten har vi arbetat tätt med UL och Östgötatrafiken för se hur vi ytterliggare kan vässa vår leverans av data för kollektivtrafiken i Sverige. Måndagen den 29 januari i Linköping och tisdagen den 30 januari i Uppsala vill vi träffa dig för att berätta mer, vi bjuder på en wrap och något att dricka till det!
UL och Östgötatrafiken är två av aktörerna bakom Trafiklab där vi tillsammans jobbar för att öppna upp data och APIer från kollektivtrafiksverige. Nu vill vi bjuda in till två meet-ups med dig som är intresserad av att utveckla tjänster på kollektivtrafikdata eller är nyfiken på vad andra har gjort. Vid dessa tillfällen kommer du att få höra mer om den data vi tillgängliggör genom Trafiklab, hur andra utvecklat tjänster på kollektivtrafikdata och få träffa oss som jobbar på UL, Östgötatrafiken och Trafiklab. Dessutom vill vi presentera ett par nya spännande datakällor för dessa regioner…
Information om Östergötlandsmeet-upen
När: Måndagen den 29 januari klockan 16:15. Vi startar med lättare förtäring och börjar programmet klockan 16:30 och håller på till ungefär 17:30. Efteråt får du gärna stanna på en stunds mingel med oss som jobbar med Trafiklab. Var: Creactive,  Eventarenan, Teknikringen 7,  Linköping   Anmälan: Anmälan sker på meetup.com Kontaktperson: Emma Skille, 0722328122, [email protected]
Anmäl dig här
Information om Uppsalameet-upen
När: Tisdagen den 30 januari klockan 16:15. Vi startar med lättare förtäring och börjar programmet klockan 16:30 och håller på till ungefär 17:30. Efteråt får du gärna stanna på en stunds mingel med oss som jobbar med Trafiklab. Var: Regionhuset, Storgatan 27, Uppsala Anmälan: Anmälan sker på meetup.com. Kontaktperson: Emma Skille, 0722328122, [email protected]
Anmäl dig här
Trafiklab är en community för öppen trafikdata. En plats där du som utvecklare kan ta del av data och API:er för kollektivtrafiken i Sverige och enkelt kan få den information du behöver för att utveckla vassa tjänster. Vi vill också göra det lättare för dig att visa upp vad du gjort och att få inspiration från vad andra redan skapat. Östgötatrafiken och UL utvecklar och bedriver kollektivtrafik i Östergötlands län respektive Uppsala och är två av aktörerna bakom Trafiklab.
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vigilantdesert · 2 years
@warriorsofxwild liked for a starter
Since the birth of their daughter, Stanna seldom left the Capital. It was odd, as she'd spent several years in Hyrule before meeting her future wife, and even before that she'd never been in one place for long as a nomad. But Gerudo Town needed her more often than not when Urbosa left on business, and the call of a newborn was even louder than those of their subjects.
Little Etanna was nearly five now, old enough to either be left alone for shorter trips or taken with them for longer. As they would be in Castle Town for less than a week, she'd been left in the care of her vashtani while her mothers finalized a few peacekeeping agreements. Urbosa and the queen had been sequestered for several hours, leaving Stanna to her own devices. Tired of mingling with courtiers, she instead settled in the courtyard, legs folded, and strumming lightly on a Gerudo lyre called a stirnal.
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vigilantdesert · 2 years
@warriorsofxwild plotted starter
When Urbosa was young, one of the things she looked forward to most were trips to Hyrule. She and the then-princess were close friends from the moment they met, and she loved seeing her mother's work in action. This had waned in her teen years, as the novelty wore off, but she had always hoped she would be able to do the same for her daughter.
Sadly, due to rising tensions in the world at large, it was unwise to do so.
If the Yiga were mad enough to assassinate the Queen of Hyrule herself, Urbosa was under no illusions that she was also not somewhere on that list - although, much lower, she imagined. The Gerudo were stable in a way Hyrule was not, and if she could say so herself, she was no easy target. Not only would one have to battle through the palace, they would have to face her themselves. And, unlike the gifts bestowed upon the Hyrulean royal family, Urbosa was largely able to summon her powers whenever she chose.
Even so, it was dangerous to have both Cegulan and Aquilifaan abroad at once. She had come on a few trips when she was very young, before the queen's death, but Etanna had only seen Hyrule a few times. Now that she had some control over her own powers, Urbosa wasn't quite so worried about her, and given that she was already seventeen, it was high time that she be introduced to outside statesmanship, instead of the strictly internal affairs she had been privy to until now.
Etanna was outwardly much like her mother at her age. She was tall, even for Gerudo, already standing at 8 and a half feet tall. She had striking green eyes that were a bit too narrow to properly be called beautiful. She wore golden eyeshadow and green lipstick, one in reverence to her position, the other a choice made after her other mother, Stanna. She was much more solemn than Urbosa. If she had been able to know her grandmother, Urbosa knew instinctively the two would have gotten on like thieves.
When Urbosa finished with Roahm, a terse meeting as always, she and Etanna left to the receiving room.
"You can go to Castle Town during the day, but if you want to leave the perimeter, you need to tell me or take Baarta with you, understood? "Yes Vavhi."
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locktobre · 4 years
are you planning on watching Once Upon a Snowman when it premiers tomorrow (Oct. 23rd) on Disney+? I feel like since this is the "in betweens" of Frozen 1 we might get a little more Anna (& Kristoff) love since they spent the most time with Olaf in the original movie
I am gonna watch it but I hope to god it doesn’t have kr*stanna, a) bc I hate that and b) as far as I know it’s supposed to take place between Olaf’s creation and him meeting Anna for the first time. if he runs into them before that it would break canon.
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locktobre · 6 years
Why do you hate kristoff?
He physically intimidates Anna when they first meet
He constantly belittles Anna’s choices. Yes, I’m aware that Anna rushing into marrying Hans is not actually a good thing, realistically, but it’s SO jarring to hear that bullshit in a fairytale!!!! Why is this movie so ugly and cynical?
He says at one point “But she’ll die on her own. I’m honestly okay with that. But you won’t get your new sled if she’s dead.” So like, cool, he would have just left her up there to die if he had nothing to gain from it.
Anna is the only one with any inkling of what to do about Elsa’s winter and when he hears that he wants to talk to her he’s like “That’s it?” like... do you have a fucking better idea? Are you going to do anything besides be an asshole the whole time? 
He KNEW what happened with Elsa when they were kids, he was THERE, he SAW THE TROLLS TALKING TO THE KING AND QUEEN, he grew up with the trolls... and yet he never outright tells Anna what happened? He was put in the intro to tie his story more to the girls’ and then... it fucking went nowhere! They did nothing with it! I still think Elsa should have told her in the ice palace, but at the very least Kristoff could have said something instead of some enigmatic “I’ve seen them do it before” bullshit that clearly PROVES he REMEMBERS what happened!!!
There was a previous version of him that was more of a hopeless romantic and I cannot fucking believe they scrapped that so that he could just be a fucking jerk the whole movie and not apologize at all to Anna for it. The Broadway show gives him a song about falling in love or whatever but saying “you’re what I know about love” doesn’t fix the fact that he drags her the whole time over the Hans thing like... okay you’ve known her for a couple days and THAT’S okay? For real?
Also this is just petty but like, he’s ugly lol he has a bad design
Anyway that’s off the top of my head I can’t believe ppl stan him and kr*stanna they are fools of the highest caliber
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