txtsfroma-blog · 7 years
maybe it’s that new girl? the one with the motorcycle? she seems to enjoy a cigarette and....well, if you read the outsiders, you know what happened to ponyboy and johnny in the church.
she was lurking around the scene of the crime. and many towns folk did warn her about those pesky cigarettes. 
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txtsfroma-blog · 7 years
Was it lysander who set the fire?? He does have a thing for flames
if he did it means someone finally beat damien out for melodramatic teen angst. at least lysanders still actually a teenager so it’s less pathetic. 
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txtsfroma-blog · 7 years
Was it you who torched the crops
aw, someone’s thinking with their brain for once. no, it wasn’t me. but i know who did it. 
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txtsfroma-blog · 7 years
was it damien? he’s already destroying tombstones. maybe he decided to torch the fields too.
it’s not much of a reach to assume damien played a part in it. but would he risk pissing off clementine to spite her family? i’m curious to know how you think of him. 
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txtsfroma-blog · 7 years
Any thoughts as to who started the fire?
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txtsfroma-blog · 7 years
* A to Damien (UNREPLIABLE)
A: I'll see your smashed headstone and raise you something better. Stay tuned. -A
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txtsfroma-blog · 7 years
* A to Everyone (UNREPLIABLE)
A: I guess what they say is true. People who play with fire tend to get burned.
A: [Attached image: a burned body in the morgue]
A: Done a head count of your loved ones recently? -A
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txtsfroma-blog · 7 years
* UNKNOWN to Kennedy Moms
Lemon: Cash, I can do. Where do transactions take place?
A: Lucky you. Leave it in the mailbox of the abandoned farmhouse across from yours.
A: And from now on I want double.
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txtsfroma-blog · 7 years
* ??? to Harvey and Peach
Harvey: Fine, just trying to wrap my head around everything out right now.
Harvey: Do you know who had anything to do with this?
A: It's hard to say, my boy. Your mothers have made a lot of enemies for themselves over the years.
A: I just want to make sure you stay safe.
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txtsfroma-blog · 7 years
* A to Kennedy Moms
While everyone's attention was consumed by the fire, A had know trouble walking right into the Kennedy house and leaving a gift for the 3 heads of household. Sitting on a dresser in their bedroom was a brand new paper shredder with a red bow on it. Next to it was a police report detailing the smell of drugs in the fire and calling for a more thorough investigation of the farm once the fire was out. On top of the report was a Monopoly get out of jail free card and written on it in red ink:
"Dolls are less fun to play with when they're in prison. Don't say I never gave you anything. -A"
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txtsfroma-blog · 7 years
* ??? to Harvey and Peach
A, posing as their birth father: Just caught wind of the fire. Are you two alright?
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txtsfroma-blog · 7 years
* UNKNOWN to Kennedy Moms
A, posing as rival dealer: You'll pay more cash from now and payments will be made monthly from now on. Unless you want the house up in flames next time.
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txtsfroma-blog · 7 years
* A to Julian
A: [Attached image: a photo of Julian sprinting away from the fire]
A: I own you now. Remember that.
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txtsfroma-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
Plot drops can be reacted to through new starters (even if you have already made one), on your muse’s social media, or in a private journal entry/internal monologue. They can also be mentioned in the threads you already have as long as they fit the time.
ATTACK: In the middle of the night a large fire has broken out on the back end of the Kennedy’s farm. Slowly but surely the town is fogged with an odd smell. It’s smoke and with a hint of... well the rest of it is only familiar if you’re an avid drug user. It’ll take a while for the department to put it out but thankfully no one was harmed in the process.  
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txtsfroma-blog · 7 years
* A to Julian
Julian: jesus, do you know how long someone goes to jail for property damage?
A: Run fast and you won't find out.
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txtsfroma-blog · 7 years
* A to Julian
Julian: and do what
A: You're going to sneak onto the back end of their property. You'll find some... let's just say *interesting* product. Strike a match and send it all up in flames.
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txtsfroma-blog · 7 years
* A to Julian
Julian: What news?
A: You're going to rattle the Kennedy's cages tonight.
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