#medicine side of tumblr
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forgotten-daydreamer · 1 year ago
alright doctors of tumblr, let me know if i need to see a doctor or if it's just normal.
so. i had bronchitis (2nd one in less than two months), cough and shallow breathing and all that jazz, didn't bother taking antibiotics because i'm antibiotic resistant. it went on for a little under 10 days. now the cough is gone and my airways aren't that clogged anymore. but. but. when i inhale, there is a low wheezing sound coming from under my sternum, around the solar plexus area circa, to be more specific. and it just keeps going. if i cough, it doesn't go away. why tf is that? can i manage on my own or do i need to book the umpteenth appointment?
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falloutfallout · 7 months ago
Can someone knowledgeable on how color and sight work explain to me why I pass online color blindness tests 100% but my family swears to me I can't see certain shades of green.
I got confused when my sister asked me to grab her green jacket from her bedroom and got legitimately frustrated with me when I came back out and said I couldn't find it and she went in and saw it lying on her chair in plain sight, but it looks bright blue to me, same with my carpet, it looks green to my family and a dirty cyan blue to me. My dad recently asked me if I saw his old green car in the garage, I said no but I saw his black one, he said he didn't have a black car, I lead him to it and pointed to it and he called the whole family out to come look at the car and ask them what color it is, they all said green. It looks like a lighter shade of black/really dark gray to me. I can see green so I don't know if I'm being pranked and this is a family inside joke or what. I guess it's not too concerning because I can see green traffic lights but I'm still wondering if I legitimately can't see certain shades of green and why online color blind tests are telling me I have perfect vision.
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beakers-and-telescopes · 1 year ago
New Deep Ocean Virus Discovered
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Life on Earth can be found even in the harshest of environments.  But wherever there is life, you can find regulators of that life- and by that, I mean viruses.  A group of researchers at the Ocean University of China have isolated a new virus from sediment collected from the Mariana Trench, some 8,900 meters below sea level.  This is the deepest discovered virus ever.
The virus in question is a bacteriophage- one that infects and replicates inside bacteria.  Bacteriophages are thought to be the most abundant life forms on the planet (that is, if you even consider them to be alive.  But that’s for a whole other post).  This bacteriophage infects bacteria in the phylum Halomonas, which can be found in deep sea sediments or in hydrothermal vents (Fun fact: one member of this phylum, Halomonas titanicae, was isolated from the ruins of the titanic, and helps to decompose materials such as shipwrecks on the seafloor).  
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When the researchers analyzed this new bacteriophage, they realized that it is part of an entirely unknown viral family that has been lurking in the depths of the ocean.  Now, they will investigate the molecular machinery that defines interactions between deep sea viruses and their hosts, as well as continuing to look for new viruses in the most extreme of environments.
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stemandleafdiagram · 5 months ago
ive had horrendous hiccups all day today and i had a quick search online about them
and so today i learnt (according to the nhs) that gps can prescribe you chlorpromazine to treat ur hiccups??? the medication commonly used for schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders???
that's quite cool i think
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annabellesarchive · 5 months ago
me doing a cerebellar exam: can u say moo deng
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elkkiel · 3 months ago
"shy" anon,
hehe good. im glad you feel special. it is a very big project, and ive made a little bit of headway with writing it. its a 12 book series, multi-chapter, NOT short stories. i have the entire thing planned out from front to back. no need to be intimidated by that. im just me. unless youre talking about the project, then i get it. it is a lot to look at all at once. it kind of took on a mind of its own and became something i wasnt really expecting. on top of that, i also have plans to go to film school within a few years, with the goal of making all my own books into movies someday. hopefully at NAIT in edmonton. if they have the course that ive been eyeing.
we are fairly familiar with each other, yes. ive been hyper aware about my tags and how i word things, wondering if youll catch any similarities to my messages lol and this is definitely fun. a lot of fun.
as for music, i also listen to bit of everything. recently its been a combination of metal (at the moment a lot of deathcore and metalcore specifically) and blues/jazzy sexy stuff. dont really know how else to describe it lol. same reason you mentioned, it scratches that itch just the right way. other than those its hozier, bad omens, teddy swims, yebba, sooooo many others my mind is kind of blanking. this is super random, but i found a youtube page that makes versions of songs as if it was the medieval times. the one they did of eminem is fuckin fire lmao its called "bardcore". i do listen to some pop artists but these days they just dont hold my attention like it used to.
i am so excited for you to go to your first one!! thatll be so exciting.
in the last two years ive gone to quite a few concerts/events with live music. in 2022 i saw shawn mendes in edmonton, which was a big deal, his music got me through a really hard time. and last year was the most jam packed concert wise. i saw ed sheeran in toronto, halestorm and volbeat in saskatoon, and then went to pride-fest in edmonton and saw hyphen hyphen. theyre more of a pop-rock group form france, and the vocalist is insane, i highly recommend checking them out. then in december of 2023 i also saw talk at winterfest. i was in the front row for that and it was so worth the -10 weather.
some of the details are sounding familiar, I just can't quite pin down what and for who... you're safe for now anon ;3
having full creative control over your stories like that would be the dream, hey? like getting to write AND take the lead on your own film adaptations? PRODUCERS HATE THEM for this 1 SIMPLE TRICK (film school). also I didn't know that NAIT offered courses like film!! I've met people that have gone through graphic design over there, but it's cool that there's more accessible creative courses like that available. I'm doing my degree at [the other large university in town that is not UofA], and sometimes I feel like it would have been more practical to go the technical college route ;w;
you're really in it for the long haul then!! a 12 novel series sounds like a hell of a time/creative energy investment, so I'm sure it'll be incredibly worth the final outcome!
ALSO YES I'VE HEARD OF BARDCORE LMAOO ITS ACTUALLY GOOD!!? I played d&d in high school, so I appreciate the kinda shitposty chaos vibes lol.
Do you have any live music plans for next year? Sounds like you're down for a pretty large variety in artists/experiences, so I'm sure there's something that'll catch your eye :P
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foreskinniest · 7 months ago
I think I might be developing lactose intolerance.... pls dont tell anyone. I don't want my lover Cheese to find out this way 😖
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radioactiveradley · 1 year ago
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So let’s talk about yer bones! Yeah, that’s right, Captian Holt. I said –
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An adult has (roughly) 206 bones (I say ‘roughly’! You can have non-pathological anatomical variation, such as lumbarised sacral vertebrae (an extra bone in your back) or accessory sesamoids like the flabella (a little bone at the back of the knee!))
A newborn has (roughly) 300 bones
That's a big difference! Almost 100 bones of difference! Where do they go?
Well, you see - as you get older, every time you come into the hospital we steal more of your bones...
Just kidding.
...Or am I
As an embryo, your skeleton is completely composed of cartilage. This gradually ossifies as you age, until, as an adult, you have a full skeleton, with only the interactive portions of joints being capped with hyaline cartilage.
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[Paediatric normal whole leg radiograph, showing epiphyseal plates around the head of the femur, the femoral condyles, the proximal tibia, the distal tibia and the lateral malleoli that can mimic fractures. Courtesy of radiopaedia]
See all those weird blobs? Those are bones in the process of fusing together! The transverse lines that could be mistaken for fractures are actually epiphyseal plates – hyaline cartilage bridges between the shaft of a bone and what will become its tip, which don't attenuate x-rays, and thus appear black on our radiographs! This is where bone growth occurs - the cartilage forms a sort of template matrix that then ossifies into bone.
Compare our paediatric radiograph to the AP knee radiographs of an adult with no visible pathology:
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[Adult normal AP knee radiographs, showing fully fused bones. Courtesy of radiopaedia]
See how all those ragged pieces have joined up? That’s endochondral ossification, BABY!
This is how we can figure out the age of a paediatric service user from their bones! Certain bones form at different times.
Let’s check out the carpal bones – all those fiddly little bones in your wrist! Anyone who’s binged Hatecrimes MD – sorry, House MD as often as I have will know the classic acronym for remembering the names of these bones. Moving thumb side to pinkie side, we have…
Scared (Scaphoid - red)
Lovers (Lunate - dark blue)
Hate (Hamate - green)
To (Triquetrum - yellow)
Try (Trapezium - orange)
The (Trapezoid - light blue)
Coolest (Capitate - purple)
Positions (Pisiform - pink)
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[Normal adult wrist radiograph, shown with and without coloured carpal bones. Courtesy of radiopaedia.]
But did you know that these bones form at different times?
The Capitate ossifies at 1-3 months
The Hamate ossifies at 2-4 months
The Triquetrum ossifies at 2-3 years
The Lunate ossifies at 2-4 years
The Scaphoid, Trapezium and Trapezoid ossify at 4-6 years
And the Pisiform ossifies at 8-12 years
So, I can look at this picture, and tell you that this child is approximately 3 years old, because their Capitate and Hamate have ossified, and their Triquetrum is just visible, starting to ossify below the thumb (circled!)
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[Normal wrist radiograph of a paediatric patient, triquetral ossification centre circled. Courtesy of Radiopaedia.]
Your bones continue to form and fuse until you reach about 25! Your olecranon (the bump of your elbow) starts to ossify at 6-11 years, and fuses at 13-16 years! We can look at the base of your fifth metatarsal to age afab folks who are approx. 10 and amab folks who are approx. 12, as this bone fuses in the 2-4 years following these ages! The medial end of the clavicle can be used to assess your age from approximately 18-22, and your facial bones continue to ossify into adulthood! How cool is that?
If you’re over 25, fret not – there’s still plenty of funky stuff happening to your bones. But we’ll get into all of that next time, when we take a look at the function of osteoblasts and osteoclasts and explore all the cool little jobs that your bones perform within your body - it's more than you might think! So, tune in next time for more Bone facts...
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And thank you for reading!
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dasloddl · 1 year ago
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13thpythagoras · 5 months ago
i wanna give a shout out to all my tumblr people who don't have living parents / contact with their parents... orphan gang ride or die all ages... if you got questions or ponderings then I for one am here for you... doctors just wanna make a buck off us, the system they represent blocks cures, doctors are just like cops to me. i'm in that anton chigurh school of medicine, i heal myself and i don't ask for permission to do it, and i am glad to teach others about real cures that don't fit the patent system, so the french kissers of boots hate me and i say let em, let em see me as their villain and one day they'll look in the mirror and see a lap dog on the porch of the establishment barking at people saving lives staring back at themselves
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beakers-and-telescopes · 2 years ago
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This is ferrofluid- a liquid substance that responds to the presence of magnets with these really cool reactions!
Ferrofluid is actually made of tons of tiny tiny particles of iron or another magnetic metal suspended in water. Each of the particles are coated in a surfactant to keep them from all bunching together, and that's why it looks like a cohesive liquid.
This compound is paramagnetic. That means that it won't automatically stick to iron or other magnetic materials, but when a magnetic field is applied, each of the tiny iron particle becomes a magnet and moves and reacts to the field. Depending on how you apply the magnetic field, this can create some pretty cool effects!
Ferrofluid was actually created in the early 1960s by Steve Papell, a NASA engineer that was trying to come up with a type of rocket fuel that can be easily moved around in zero gravity.
Today, ferrofluid is used in products like loudspeakers and hard drives, but they could potentially be used in the biomedical field as a way to help deliver drugs to certain areas of the body. The drugs would be attached to small amounts of ferrofluid, and then selectively released magnetic fields could help guide them to where they need to go.
You can also just... buy a bottle of it to play with like in the gif at the top. They sell it on Amazon (just be cautious and take appropriate precautions handling it if you have an unsealed container).
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lightblueminecraftorchid · 7 months ago
Medical side of tumblr help me out here
Is there any reason to be concerned if I’m chronically tachycardic, but everything else is aggressively normal?
- I’m on an ADHD medication. I expected this to cause my high heart rate. Initial hypothesis: 100+ bpm is caused by my Vyvanse
- Results: On Vyvanse, at a clinic, my lowest resting BPM was 125. Off Vyvanse for a week, at same clinic, my lowest resting BPM was 116. That number was also after sitting still for ten minutes listening to calm music with noise cancelling headphones.
- Conclusion: The ADHD med, while contributing, does not solely explain the tachycardia
- Further data: every physical I’ve had since high school lists my heart rate as over 110BPM. At said physicals, my blood pressure is always normal (close to 120/80), and no significant results show up from blood tests. Everything they measure is in normal range, except my heart rate is constantly hovering between 110 and 130.
- I was able to get my heart rate below 100 by laying still for several hours doing nothing, after waking up from being asleep for a full night. It was at 93BPM.
- Possibly relevant information: I’m diagnosed with autism, which means sensory stimuli are often disproportionately stressful, and I’m actively receiving EMDR therapy for trauma and anxiety symptoms. This could be a psych/physiological thing.
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What’s it called when a crumb/drop goes down the wrong pipe and you caught it back up but it feels like it’s still there?
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i-am-a-secret-ssshhh · 7 months ago
I slept nearly 14 hours and woke up feeling like I was about to pass out everytime I moved my head. I feel like that's a sign I slept too much.
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queer-of-diamonds · 10 months ago
Does anyone know how to get rid of a headache plz
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scenicphoenix · 2 months ago
Once was I restless
Restless I am no longer
Free from the burden
Of a curse given to me
Thought to be blessing
I do not feel scorn towards
Those who thought to help
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