kira-sucks-lawlipops · 4 months
well howdy there partner. i just had to take a quick break from the ol daily grind because i read the words 'tight male meatus' on a document and immediately lost my shit. now how about you pull up a chair and tell me a tale of your own.
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gynandromorph · 4 months
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The bateleur that I drew is banded for tracking, which I think makes more sense than tracking a squirrel, because bateleur eagles are endangered
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lackluster-draws · 8 months
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Bumpkin wolves eating old meat
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barthel · 7 months
Reading a book about psychoacoustics and learned that any tube in your body with an external opening is called a MEATUS
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spiritunwilling · 1 month
ur kidding. the tip is called the meatus?
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vvindication · 5 months
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aropride · 2 years
you're in her dm's i'm on the wikipedia page for penis we are not the same
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surrender-souls · 2 years
black jack would know what a meatus is...
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thethcministry · 1 month
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king-bones-the1st · 2 years
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blorbo from my lost media
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
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HUS manifests with microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and acute renal injury that occur around a week after the onset of gastroenteritis. It primarily affects children and patients will often present with hematuria and lower back or flank pain. Shiga toxins are the causative agent and are produced by Shigella or some serotypes of E. coli. Shiga toxin causes direct damage to the renal tubular cells and results in microthrombi and vascular turbulence that causes thrombocytopenia and hemolytic anemia. These microthrombi and the general inflammatory state leads to the predominant clinical features.
Bottom Line: Hemolytic uremic syndrome results in the triad of hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and acute renal injury and is more common in children.
Shiga-like toxin = verotoxin
Cystine kidney stones - due to a genetic defect in the renal transport of certain amino acids and is consistent with a positive family history of kidney stones. Cystine stones are the least common type of kidney stones. Cystinuria is an autosomal recessive defect in the reabsorptive transport of cystine and the dibasic amino acids ornithine, arginine, and lysine from the luminal fluid of the renal proximal tubule and the small intestine. The only phenotypic manifestation of cystinuria is cystine urolithiasis, which often recurs throughout an affected individual’s lifetime. Surgical intervention may be necessary, but the cornerstones of treatment are dietary and medical prevention of recurrent stone formation.
Patients with cystinuria usually present with renal colic. Uncommon presentations include hematuria, chronic backache, and urinary tract infection. A total of 25% of symptomatic patients report their first stone in the first decade of life, and another 30%-40% have their first experience as teenagers.
T10-L2 is where the sympathetic viscerosomatic reflex for the urinary bladder is located.
Excess laxative use will have the same electrolyte effects as chronic diarrhea, which includes low potassium (hypokalemia) and acidosis. This is due to loss of potassium and bicarbonate from the colon.
T10-L2 is where the sympathetic viscerosomatic reflex for the middle and lower gastrointestinal system is located.
Bladder cancer is the most common malignant tumor of the urinary tract. It is usually a transitional cell carcinoma affecting males over the age of 65. Risk factors for bladder cancer include smoking, diets rich in meat and fat, schistosomiasis, chronic cyclophosphamide treatment, and exposure to aniline dyes. It usually presents with gross hematuria, but other urinary symptoms such as frequency, urgency, and dysuria may be seen. However, most patients are asymptomatic in the early stages of the disease. Cystoscopy with biopsy is diagnostic. Urinalysis often shows hematuria, and cytology may show dysplastic cells. Treatment of bladder cancer depends on the extent of spread beyond the bladder mucosa. Carcinoma in situ is treated with transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURBT) and at least one dose of intravesical chemotherapy.
A pt in a question had blood at the urethral meatus, pain with ambulation, and perineal ecchymosis after a skiing injury. Posterior urethral injury that is consistent with a complete urethral disruption, as evidenced by failure to fill the bladder on contrast administration. Establishing safe urinary drainage is extremely important for all lower-urinary-tract injuries, and blind passage of a urinary catheter is inadvisable when an injury is known or suspected. The most appropriate and accepted next step in complete posterior urethral injury is the placement of a suprapubic catheter to allow safe drainage of the urinary bladder. Some authors advocate for immediate endoscopic realignment and insertion of a foley catheter; however, numerous studies show worse outcomes using this technique.
Patients who present following urethral trauma should be initially managed in the context of other injuries as these are often more severe. This patient does not have significant pelvic fractures (isolated rami fractures are minor and nonoperative), but if there was pelvic instability (multiple fractures) or damage to vascular structures, surgical repair of these fractures would take precedence. Occasionally, open repair of the urethra can be done during laparotomy, but often this is still deferred until later. Placing a suprapubic catheter allows time for a more formal surgical repair to be carried out several weeks later under controlled circumstances and after resolution of the injuries or associated hematoma. Delaying surgical repair in this way generally produces better outcomes with less neurovascular injury.
In the question was a retrograde urethrogram showing complete disruption of the urethra. The contrast can be seen appearing like a cloud as it extravasates into the surrounding tissue.
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wastingmytimehere · 5 months
Orin: slut! WHORE! I cannot WAIT until Father punishes you!
Durge: *slams fists down onto the table* You don’t understand! He’s a handsome man with an easy smile!
Orin: he’s a tyrant with a paunch!
Durge: *flips table* I’m not discussing this with you; you’re just envious because I’m able to bang someone without killing them! I mean, look at all your past “girlfriends”!
Orin: *puts her hands over the external auditory meatus of a skull she’s holding* How DARE you! Hush, don’t listen to him he doesn’t understand love.
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yisony07 · 6 months
Real Target
A few hours after noon, Oskar was watching from the bushes a couple standing in front of a metal bench talking in the middle of a somewhat crowded park. One of them was Jake, the smallest of the two, and with a somewhat tired look. But the one who interested Oskar the most was the other, Christopher, who spoke to Jake with a carefree smile that gave him an involuntary sex appeal, with the curious way his tight shirt fit against his pecs.
Oskar, eager to prove what was hidden under there, couldn't help but stir inside the bush, although he didn't care at all. The unusual blizzard hid his presence. They were the perfect conditions for the being to enjoy that view. And how to blame him? Oskar had spent the afterlife wandering around the park near the university looking with envy at the shameless way in which others enjoyed his sensations; He really missed being able to feel pleasure, being able to kiss, experience carnal desires, and when he discovered that he was capable of possessing by chance when he took the form of a dog that wanted to urinate by placing itself where he was a few days ago, with someone as attractive as Christopher, Oskar knew what he wanted to do. Oskar slid his semi-blue, semi-transparent body across the black asphalt until he reached the bench so he could hear what they were saying and see if he had a chance.
“So, what did you decide to do with Carla?” Jake asked, as if the topic didn't matter to him that much.
“I broke up with her and honestly, it didn't hurt at all…” both men laughed lightly.
So he is without commitment, Oskar thought, increasingly convinced of his decision. But it can't be now, Oskar thought. He never liked attention, and he suspected that taking possession of Christopher wouldn't be so easy under those circumstances. If his mind is as strong as his body, it wouldn't be the best, he told himself.
“So… will you come to my apartment now to play?”
“Well of course, bro,” Jake replied, “although I'll go later, maybe in the evening, I have to finish some things, you know…” he winked and Christopher snorted.
“Well,” he said, adjusting his backpack. “I'll take a nap while you arrive.”
“Got it.”
Oskar watched his loot walk away, blending into the crowd. The ghost grimaced and looked towards Jake, who seemed to slink away. Curiosity overcame the spirit, so he found himself following it. Jake walked towards the nearest shopping center and entered one of the cubicles. Oskar crept over to the toilet where he went, and watched stealthily as Jake unbuttoned his pants, pulled down his boxers, and revealed his not very erect penis.
Jake peed for a few seconds while letting out a loud sigh. He took a piece of toilet paper, wiped his meatus and was about to put his pants back on when he felt his phone vibrate.
After throwing away the paper, Jake proceeded to take out his cell phone. He checked it and instantly his cock became erect. "Hell already, these pussies look very sexy, ready to take a good hammer," he commented, biting his lip for a moment.
Faced with such a cock right in front of him, Oskar did not waste the opportunity. "Here we go!" he said before launching himself headlong into that pinkish glans.
It took Jake several seconds to realize what was happening. The sudden low temperatures he felt on his dick made him look down and he was surprised to see a bluish mass snaking in his pisshole.
"What the...!!" he shouted, but was cut off by a moan coming from himself. Oskar entered little by little while Jake waved his hands around his penis to grab or scare the ghost away, but to no avail. "Get… out… fuck… ah yeah… no…get… of… me!!" 
He screamed and crashed back into the door. A feeling of repulsive pleasure ran through his body as Oskar entered him. It was nauseating and yet exciting, sensual, pleasurable... Jake could do nothing but moan until all of Oskar entered him.
Jake's body began to shake uncontrollably, hitting the walls of the cubicle. A cold, gelatinous sensation spread and spread inside the man's body. Only screams and grunts of pleasure came from Jake's mouth, and as all of Oskar occupied every inch of Jake, his body fell to the floor with a thud, missing the toilet.
Jake opened his eyes slowly, but they had taken on a bluish hue. He was no longer the same: Oskar was in control.
"Whew... that was a battle..." Oskar whispered between gasps. He took Jake's cell phone, put it in one of his pockets and stood up, fixing his pants. He watched his new arms, a little hairier and thicker than before, his chest rising and falling as he breathed at an increasingly regular pace, and the way his clothes (especially his pants) fit around his body, giving a suggestive connotation to Jake's casual clothing. "But it was worth like hell," he added, running his new hands over his new abdomen, his bulge slightly noticeable.
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Someone knocked on the cubicle door.  “Hey, man, is everything okay? You were yelling and there was a lot of noise…”
 “No, no, don't worry,” Jake said through Oskar;  the feeling of his new voice running down his throat was warm, though not entirely perfect. “I saw a huge insect and I have a phobia of them, so I went crazy, hehehe…” he explained quickly.
 “Okay, happy rest of the afternoon!”
“Yeah, bye…” Oskar bent down to check that no one else was in the bathroom so he could leave safely. Once he verified it, he opened the cubicle. “Now, to the main plate,” he added before leaving the public bathroom.
Christopher had never been the type of boy to believe in spirits, ghosts, or paranormal activities. He lived his life with complete tranquility without thinking that those kinds of things could affect him, being a university student a few semesters away from starting his thesis. He didn't have many friends and had ended an unsatisfactory relationship, but that's how he preferred it: he didn't want to get involved with anything.
He was curled up in his bed just minutes after saying goodbye to Jake. He was hoping to get some sleep before his video game night with his pal Jake. He just closed his eyes when he heard someone knock on the door. A shiver ran down his spine as he stood up.
“Who will it be at this time?” he wondered as he got out of bed. He only had on shorts and sandals. He walked to the door and was surprised when, upon opening it, he found Jake leaning on the threshold.
There was something different, it seemed to Chris, because he didn't remember his friend looking like that... well, like he had upgraded. And there was something about it that seemed strange to him.
“Jake! I thought you would be here later,” Chris said and stepped aside for Jake to enter. “I haven't prepared anything.”
“Oh, don't worry,” Jake responded as he looked around Chris's apartment as if for the first time. “My matter ended earlier than expected.”
“That's nice,” Chris said as he closed the door. “Sit over there and settle in as I prepare everything.”
“Oh, no need,” Jake said. He curled his lips into a lopsided smile before slowly approaching Chris.
"What's up dude? You look strange,” Chris said, confused by Jake's way of acting, but before he could ask anything else, Jake launched into kissing him on the lips. He had been very passionate, more than he would have received from any girl, and yet, Chris couldn't help but push Jake, causing him to fall on his ass on the floor. “Bro, what the fuck!!” He shouted, looking at Jake with a mixture of disgust and intrigue while he “wiped” his mouth.
"What's happening? I didn't think you'd take it like that,” Jake replied, standing up, observing Chris's face and body with unusual intensity. “I always wanted to do it… I love you!”
That statement made something shake in Chris' mind. Who had been his friend since they entered university, with whom he shared classes, laughs and afternoons of games, who had even been there for him when he talked about his experiences with women, was in love with him? That same person who had kissed him like that out of nowhere, joining his lips with his and tasting his tongue?
It was the craziest thing that had happened in his life and yet... he couldn't deny that he had liked him; In fact, he noticed that his penis had even hardened. And it wasn't until that moment, when Chris realized that Jake's eyes had a bluish tint.
“Jake… your eyes look different,” Chris said as if he were in a little trance, as if there was nothing else he wanted to do but admire his mate.
"So?" Jake said with a mischievous little smile and approached again. “Are they more… pretty?”
Something deep inside Chris wanted to run away from there, get away from that creep at any cost. But that desire was as foreign as if it were an intrusive thought. Jake suddenly looked attractive and, despite his build being inferior to his in several ways, desirable.
“They're so much sexier,” Chris whispered, surrendering to the man in front of him, and, surrendering to his own feelings, he reciprocated the kiss Jake gave him instantly. The part of Chris that wanted to flee screamed in his mind, but he was drowned out by the pleasure coursing through his body. Chris didn't react negatively when Jake put his hands on his chest, rubbing him gently, but instead wrapped his arms around his waist while they continued with their lips together, in that game of tongues. It was hot, comfortable and quite sloppy from all the saliva, and yet it was the only thing Chris focused on. It was too good, indeed, very good.
But suddenly, Chris felt a completely opposite sensation on his tongue and, out of shock, he quickly separated from Jake, opening his eyes after he stopped feeling his touch.
"What's wrong? I thought you liked me," Jake asked, with a hint of irritation that was missed by Chris.
"It's just that I felt something strangely cold and slimy..." Chris said as if he was coming out of a trance, and as such, he realized what he had done, reflecting on his face in the way his eyes opened and his mouth of shock.
At no point in his life had he been attracted to other men and yet he couldn't deny what he did or how he felt, although something inside him seemed to believe that it hadn't been entirely voluntary.
He looked back at Jake...was that his idea or had he gotten a little taller? Because he didn't remember Jake's eyes being on the same level as his own, did he?
Jake clicked his tongue. "No, I didn't feel it," he said, "but how about we continue in bed? If, of course, you wanted us to be something.
"Of course…” No… he wanted to say, but instead it came out: "yes, we could be a couple..." he said with a silly smile, almost unlike him.
"Thank you dear." Jake smiled and kissed him again.
They both continued kissing and undressed before jumping into bed. Due to the heat of the moment, Chris couldn't reflect on what was happening, he only cared about pleasure, letting out those feelings that were still somewhat foreign; Jake stopped kissing his lips but instead continued planting kisses as he moved down his body until he reached the tip of his cock. Chris felt a tingle and looked down at Jake, who was smiling at the prospect of having said member before him, as if he had been waiting for it for so long.
Without saying a word, just a clash of glances, Jake began to suck him. Chris couldn't suppress his moans while he pinched his nipples with one of his hands and with the other he massaged Jake's face and hair. Jake moved up and down, feeling every inch of that huge meat. Chris felt in heaven, comfortable with his cock inside Jake's warm core. But suddenly, again, he felt that cold, rubbery feeling again, so he moved Jake so that his cock was free.
"What happened?" Jake asked with a quick movement of his right eyelid and a hint of irritation more noticeable than the other times.
"I almost came," Chris said. "I'm sorry."
"It doesn't matter, dear... Are you ready for me to put it in?"
Chris's alarms went off, but the blue look Jake gave him once again tamed his nerves. He settled down a little more and stretched his legs, so that Jake had all the way clear.
"I like it that way..." Jake whispered, using his saliva to wet his own dick and shoving it into Chris's hole.
At first it hurt, but it only took a few seconds of getting used to it for the pleasure to take over. In fact, his moans were even louder than before. Jake thrust again and again as he kissed him repeatedly. It was one of the nicest, hottest things, and the act lasted several minutes when both Chris and Jake cummed squirts. Chris felt Jake's warm fluid move inside him, filling him little by little, followed by something cold.
Jake fell hyperventilating on top of Chris, as if he were asleep or unconscious while Chris regulated his breathing. However, everything looked more and more blurry and his sensations were more and more diffuse, more confusing, until suddenly... something changed.
What… Chris said, or rather thought, since nothing came out of his mouth.
"Hehehe... finally," said 'Chris' with satisfaction. He moved Jake to the side (without removing his penis) so he could massage his own body as if it were a new acquisition, a new prize... Still smiling, he added: "After so much, I finally did it... You're all mine, Christopher."
At that moment 'Chris' noticed Jake moving. Apparently he was waking up.
"I don't know what that was..." he drawled, almost drunk-like, "but it was amazing... Where are we?"
Suddenly, 'Chris' pushed Jake to the other side, so that this time Jake was on the bottom. 'Chris' pulled Jake's cock out of his asshole and put the tip of his own cock into Jake's hole. He saw that Jake had returned to his original form and it was he who saw in 'Chris' a bluish tone in his eyes.
"We're about to start round two, babe, are you ready?" 'Chris' said before kissing him intensely and inserting his penis and then starting to ram him with his huge cock.
"Oh fuck..." Jake moaned, clutching his arms behind Chris' back. "This... is... amazing..."
"Oh, indeed it is..." Chris groaned, seeing what he had achieved. "Of course it is..."
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insaniquariumfish · 11 months
At this rate I honesty wouldn't be at all surprised if soon we'll have people calling vaginas "innies" and penises "outties" and claiming that a penis and vagina are actually the same organ just inverted and when that shit gets rightfully called out as ridiculous people will say that the idea that male and female sex organs are meaningfully distinct from one another is a neocolonialist social construct invented by wealthy white men in the past 200 years in order to enforce gender essentialism and people will start claiming that actually penises self lubricate just like vaginas and the cervix is like the meatus of the vagina and the glans and the clitoris are exactly the same thing and vaginas get erections and women have innie testicles because ovaries are the same thing as testicles and testicle skin is just saggy labia skin and actually everyone has both a penis and a vagina and is both male and female at the same time when you think about it since it's all the same thing so why have any kind of social barriers or segregation or boundaries or safe spaces or legal protections or support systems based on sex in the first place let's completely desegregate prisons and women's shelters and bathrooms and sports and sororities and support groups and so on in the name of inclusion and equality and those of us who remain cursed with sanity are gonna wish we spent our formative years huffing spray paint and whip-its so we were too stupid to be bothered by any of it.
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I love the beastmen in Twist but every time I look at their ears my brain just cannot with my perceived anatomy of their skull. I know it can probably be explained very logically and stuff but in my head cannot unsee it as weird, like someone plopping some fluffy ears on top of a round skull and calling it a day T_T :'D
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I actually studied human hearing and ear structures so I can simplify it and explain it logically—
Mammalian ear structures are actually very similar to one another. Therefore, the hearing pathways for lions (or cats in general), wolves, and hyenas are like that of a human’s. It would actually be easier to understand the integration of, for example, human anatomy and physiology with that of a lion as opposed to that of a fish (ie merfolk) since fish operate completely differently than humans. (To this day, merpeople A&P still confuses the heck out of me 😂)
If you look at both diagrams above, the human skull and the lion skull both have external auditory meatuses in similar locations; the meatus is a channel that funnels sound to the auditory nerves for further processing as it gets passed up to the brain.
Since beastmen ears are usually placed on top of their heads rather than on the sides of their heads, I’d wager that there’s just a difference in the angle of the ear canal, as illustrated in the diagrams below. Cats and such have more slanted canals, whereas human canals are more horizontal. As you can see, cats and humans have the same structures in their ears:
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Brief aside: yes, there’s a teeny bony in your ear called the “malleus”. No, it will never not be funny to me that Malleus has the same name because my mind always defaults to the bone 😂
The greatest difference is actually in outer ear structures, where humans have the disadvantage due to how cartilaginous their pinna are. The placement of the ears is different, of course, but the real reason why, say, dogs and cats hear better than humans is because their outer ears are more mobile. Their ears are able to change direction and shape to adjust to where sound is coming from—and this helps with localizing the auditory sensations into the nerves that process “sound”. Humans can’t do this as easily, so their hearing range is smaller than some other animals.
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sleep-nurse · 6 months
apparently the place where the scar in my ear is isn't called ear canal but external acoustic meatus
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