#meanwhile im sitting there like. PARDON?
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driftwooddestiel · 4 months ago
art class is so strange because i practically roleplay being a generic cis guy during it on account of who i sit with (3 generic cis guys). like we talk about the most ‘normal’ stuff its wild…
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barbaracleboy · 5 months ago
Bugtober Day 2024 7: Pride
Pardon me for being as late as I am with this, I was just slow with my drawing and whatnot. That said I like how it came out, especially this fic associated with it!
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That's right! Just like all the way back in...what was it, 2021? I intend to write a little fic to go with every seventh day of Bugtober! Hope you lot enjoy my writing, if you read it, and in general I hope you enjoy what I've made! Either way, have a great time!
On the western edge of Arthrope laid a small settlement, a town in the intense heat of the Desolate Flatlands, mainly inhabited by Firebrats that don't mind the temperature. In this town was a saloon where a wide range of Firebrats laughed and drank, sharing a rowdy fun time when they had nothing better to do.
Lanky Firebrat:...So I tells 'im, "It weren't my fault yer head's shaped like a pile o' frass! Smack yer parents if it gets ya that ticked off!"
With that, he and the others sitting at his table shared a hearty laugh, some drinking a little once they've calmed down.
Burly Firebrat: Afterward the guy decked 'im in the thorax, 'cause apparently that kinda talk's real offensive-like to his people.
Lanky Firebrat:...[Alright, but ya didn't have ta tell 'em I got decked...
Stout Firebrat: Hehehe...say, what's that little lady over there doin'?
He pointed to the edge of the bar, and there sat a Gravel Ant sitting on her own, looking away from everyone else, deep in thought.
Burly Firebrat: Errr, I think it was called...medididating or somethin' to that effect.
Stout Firebrat: Why's she doin' it?
Lanky Firebrat: 'Cause she can't afford a drink, bahaha!
Burly Firebrat: Naw, she's tryin' to remember somethin'. Not sure what on account of her refusin' to tell me.
Lanky Firebrat: Hey, gal!
Burly Firebrat: Dammit, wait!
The lanky bug got up and started walking towards the Ant (despite his burly acquaintance's demands), whistling to get her attention. However the Ant continued looking away, so the skinny gentleman reached to place an arm on her shoulder.
Lanky Firebrat: Hey, gal, you dead-
The Ant clenched his wrist in an iron grip.
Gravel Ant: You are not to call me "gal", my name is Kiri. You are also NOT to touch me, especially not whilst I clearly show my intent to be alone. My breaking your wrist now is but a warning; stay away or I intend to break more of your feeble carapace.
Burly Firebrat: Ugh, Charlie, look what ya've done now...(To Kiri) Look, miss Kiri, I apologize for my moronic friend, please just let him go.
Kiri let go of Charlie's hand and shoved him away before turning back around like nothing happened. Meanwhile, the stout firebrat got up and stomped towards her.
Stout Firebrat: Hey, that was my brother's hand ya just squished like a grape!
Kiri: Leave. Me. Be.
Stout Firebrat: Apologize to 'im first.
Kiri: Not one of you is worthy of my tolerance, let alone my apologies.
Stout Firebrat: Damn it, just say sorry!
Charlie: What're ya, a nymph?
Burly Firebrat: Charlie, don't- DON'T!
Just as Kiri turned around to insult his brother to his face, Charlie pulled out his revolver and pointed it straight at the Ant's face. She noticed it just soon enough to then dive at the Firebrat, dodging the shot he subsequently fired out of fear. As Kiri tackled and pummeled the skinny insect his rounder brother pulled out a gun of his own and started firing it at her as well. Kiri dodged both of his shots and bounced off of his head before kneeing the burly Firebrat in the gut.
Burly Firebrat: The hell'd I do???
Kiri: All of you are weak!
The burly Bug elbowed Kiri in response, knocking her to the ground and allowing Charlie to start stomping on her back. Kiri managed to roll away right before Charlie's brother fired at her again, the shot taking out a chunk of Charlie's boot.
As Kiri got up in the middle of the bar various other Bugs started getting ready to fight her as well, though she looked as angry and confident as ever. Meanwhile, the large, intimidating Firebrat that ran the saloon shouted to everyone, calling attention towards her.
Firebrat Barkeep: Will y'all calm down already? Gods, how many times have we had to clean up because you-
Kiri: I need not your protection, you miserable hexapod!
Firebrat Barkeep:...Alright. (To everyone else) Bust her up, then.
At that point just about every patron in the bar ran to Kiri hoping to attack her. She was swift and strong enough to dodge their shots and knock most of them away, but many still managed to get a punch or a kick in, and at one point an especially large Bug grabbed her arm and started twisting it. Kiri cried out but was still able to throw him off of her.
Kiri: You fools! I'll crush ALL OF YOU!!!
Despite that, she was clearly starting to get worn down, and when she was caught off-guard with a table being smashed onto her she was brought to her knees. At that point Charlie had his gun pointed straight at her face, and he was just about to fire when something flew straight through the saloon doors...and into the bar. Everyone turned their attention to this clumsy Bug, and as he got up Kiri began looking back down...
The Insect revealed himself to be a Tiger Beetle, wearing a striped cape and clawed metallic boots. As he clutched his head in pain and everyone got a good look at the metal claws covering his hands.
Tiger Beetle:...Th-that's enough of that.
Firebrat Barkeep: Either of you two ever gonna just come in and buy somethin' like an ordinary Bug?
Tiger Beetle: Sorry, miss, I'm not the drinking kind of guy.
Charlie: Damn it, Bill, why're ya always comin' back to save her hide?!
Tiger Beetle: It's "Blur", actually, and I just like helping people.
Charlie: Then help me by sitting there and lettin' me-YIPE!!!
In what felt like a nanosecond Blur had zipped over and sliced the Firebrat's gun in two, getting gasps and gossip throughout the bar.
Blur: I don't like helping people like you.
Without saying anything else Blur hoisted Kiri onto his shoulders and tried to run out the bar...he bumped into the wall by the door at first but then he flew out and left town before the doors could even close back behind him.
Carrying Kiri on his back, Blur ran through the Flatlands in the hopes of finding shade. Normally, even in a scenario like this, Kiri would attack whoever thought they could just carry her on their back in such a manner, as if she needed so much help...For Blur, though, Kiri just sat and let him run.
Eventually, they found a large rock that casted a big enough shadow for them both to just sit. Blur ran right past the rock at first, but then he backtracked a little and let Kiri down in the shade before laying down himself.
Blur: Hoo! Y'know, Kiri, believe it or not I don't enjoy running around in the hot sun, over the hot ground.
Kiri: I realize...Blur, you do not need to come help me.
Blur: When you've gotten into your-what is it, fourth?-barfight where you're the center of attention I start feeling like I do.
Kiri: It is not my fault that the brutes of that town show no respect to anyone.
Blur: Yeah, well, you say everyone's a brute that shows no respect-
Kiri: That is because they are!
Blur: What, including me?
Kiri:...No, not including you. You are the only Bug who would grant anyone in my home a challenge.
Blur: Okay but I don't know where your home is. And you don't know where your home is. So I'd love to challenge all your sisters or whatever but I can't. And you can't call on any of them for support, so you get me.
Kiri: I would not want to call on any of them for support!
Blur: That's the point of a colony, isn't it?
Kiri: The point of the colony is to ensure that the colony prosper, but I or any other Ant is to be her own savior. If one Ant needs another to survive they are dead weight.
Blur:...That's not a way to live.
Kiri was started to get heated but somehow managed to calm herself down. If there was any bug she didn't want to insult or yell at, it was one that helped her like Blur had in the past.
Kiri:...We are proud. My colony, each and every member of it, is proud, and with that pride comes a drive to best any and every obstacle. What is there to be proud of if we require the assistance of other Bugs just to survive?
Blur: For a girl that hates getting help you sure don't hate me as much as you hate most other Bugs.
Kiri put her head in her hands and sighed tiredly.
Kiri: Please, Blur. I respect you but I also must ask that you stop trying to rescue me. I do not need rescue.
Blur:...Can't promise anything. But I'll tell you this...
Blur got up and started stretching a bit.
Blur: Being proud of your power doesn't, or at least shouldn't, mean you're an idiot that tries to fight a mountain because you think you can. Also, and this doesn't just go for you colony Bugs, flying solo is a farce. I know that sounds rich coming from me, but I'm serious: everyone needs help. Some need it given to them, and some need to give it. But we're all connected in that way, and the sooner you get over this idea that you gotta take the world on by yourself, the sooner you'll be able to just live life. Wish you well, Kiri.
With that Blur rushed off, leaving Kiri's vision off in the distance before the dust he kicked up could settle. Kiri could only sit and hang her head low for a while, shaking and groaning to herself. After a bit she shouted and punched the rock she sat beside, knocking off the upper half of it. Kiri had to lay down in order to rest in the now smaller shadow, and so she did, leaving herself to her thoughts once more...
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alistair-phoenix · 3 years ago
Prompt #8: Adroit
Tales of the Wayfaring Mage
Depending on who you ask, you will either have a positive or negative response. Loud drunks with rocks for brains or brilliant metalworkers with hearts of gold and livers of steel.
But after a hard day's work, they settle down over a pint... or keg. A sort of experience of camaraderie you wouldn't find anywhere else. Anyone that has either fought or worked alongside dwarves are treated like brothers and sisters of their own.
Arm wrestling matches were a favorite pastime for the miners. Most strength tests were. That and drinking. ---
Another day had passed for the mining crew and it was time to relax until next time. A small group of dwarves approached their Bar in the Wall with an amber-eyed human in tow.
“Not bad fer a gangly beanstalk's first month down 'ere.” One dwarf with red beard elbowed the human's side. “Didn' hafta pick up any slack in th' last week. Progress!”
Another dwarf that had a blonde beard laughed, “Aye, an now e's got sum meat on 'is bones. Ain't no beanstalk no more.”
A dwarf with a brown beard shook his head, “Nope, e's more a, cornstalk now, aye? Aye?”
The group as well as the human laughed as they approached a table.
“I tell ya what, son, ye certainly surprised me.” The black bearded dwarf smirked at the human. “A whole lot o' us didn't think ye'd last down 'ere. Goin’ back t' yer namby pamby nobleman's life from dust in yer eyes.”
“Surprised th' lot o' us.”
“Sure did.”
“Who'd 'ave thunk!”
The human smiled at the dwarves and their words. “We are most glad that we were able to exceed expectations.”
All of the dwarves looked at each other and snorted at the response, one even thumbing to the human, and all with smirks on their faces.
“Now if only ya'd drop th' fancy talk.” The red-bearded dwarf smacked the table with his hand before turning to the barmaids. “Need a couple mugs o' ale 'ere!”
“Please.” The human quickly added afterwards, which got a laugh out of the other dwarves.
“Least one o' yas got some manners.” The dwarven barmaid teased before turning to the taps.
Once the dwarven miners pulled up a chair, the blonde-bearded dwarf turned to Alistair. “Alright, lad. This time, yer gonna drink like th' rest o' us.”
“Pardon?” The amber-eyed man questioned as he sat down in a chair that was slightly out of spec with his size.
“Ye heard 'im, lad! Drink with yer brothers!” The brown-bearded dwarf answered. “After all yer hard work, why wouldn't ye?”
“Well...” The human had trouble trying to gather his thoughts.
“Don't even try t' talk yer way out of it.” The black-bearded dwarf interrupted. “Ye've been flakin' out on drinkin' with th' guys since ya first got here. Ye only drink one mug! Not nearly enuff.” He smacked the table with his fist. “Ye even miss out on arm wrestlin', too! Can't 'ave that either! Yer workin' with us!”
“But... you are stronger than us.” The defeatist human tried to excuse himself.
“That's quitters talk!”
“Come off it!”
The dwarves continued to poke fun at the human until the red-bearded dwarf smacked the table one more time. “Alright, lads, let's not give th' nobleman a hard time. He's obviously above our cultural traditions. Let 'im sit it out.”
This comment did not go unnoticed by the only human at the table. Such words stirred within his heart and mind, irritating him the more he sat on it.
“Alright, lads, ale's 'ere!” The barmaid approached with a serving tray held aloft, cutting off any more jabs at the human patron.
With a loud cheer, the group tended to their mugs with fervor as though it would be the last mug they would drink in a while. Meanwhile, the human watched his consumption as well as plotting something in the back of his mind.
After everyone had been through 3 mugs of ale, the revelry truly began. A couple of them started singing songs with others clapping along. More dwarves had even started showing up to join in after work. Soon there were dwarves dancing about and arm wrestling matches all around. The place was filled with merriment and joy.
“Say, boy!” The red-bearded dwarf from earlier approached the human, sitting across from him. “Come on. Ya gotta, do it.” He placed his elbow on the table and raised his arm along with his brow. “Come on! Show me what ya got!”
Some of the other dwarves nearby tugged and shoved the man around in a light roughhousing manner.
“Come on!”
“Do it! Do it! do it!”
“Give it a shot!”
The human sighed and squared up, putting his elbow on the table. “Fine. I can try.” He lifted his arm and he gripped the dwarf's hand.
The spectating dwarves cheered, some even laughed as though already expecting a certain result. Another dwarf placed his hand over the competitor's hands and looked between the two.
“Ready!?” He looked between the two.
Both the dwarf and human competing tightened their muscles, waiting for the moment to start.
The dwarf and human both started pushing against the other either with all or some of their strength. The dwarf did not appear to be using much of their own muscle to hold the human back. In fact, once he found out how much stronger, he decided to get cocky.
He let the human struggle to push his hand to one side only for him to push back to center. He was just going to mess with the human a bit before he could snatch his clear victory.
“Oh, so close.” The dwarf taunted before pushing back and slowly being pushed against. “Oh no, I think... I lost me strength.” He stopped his arm just half way. “I think I could use some more ale.”
The human struggled but never gave up trying in spite of everything. They were a part of the spectacle and he was the fool. But... he would be a fool no longer.
Suddenly the dwarf found his eyes watering up, an urge was rising within him. It felt like something was rubbing against his eye. He wanted to dig it out but he was still stuck in his arm wrestling match. He couldn't afford to rub his eye now!
Within that instant, the human swiftly pushed their hand down, the back of the dwarf's hand met the table.
Silence reigned around the table.
“Did we win?” The human asked as he slowly released his opponent's hand, dumbstruck as everyone else.
A loud cheer erupted all around them. Several of the dwarves were shoving the human around and giving rough pats on the back.
“Got somethin' in me eye...” The red-bearded opponent raised his hand to rub the corners of his eyes. “I think? But yeah, ya won. But don't let it go t’ yer head!”
The amber-eyed man laughed and waved his hand dismissively. “Promise not to.” However, he did not have the heart to tell him he cheated a bit. He had magically accumulated dust as well as dirt and gradually pushed them into the dwarf's eyes.
However, once that match was over, more dwarves wanted to challenge the human that bested a dwarf in arm wrestling.
The boy needed to figure out new clever methods and quickly...
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tarantulas4davey · 4 years ago
my stupid ass thots for youtuber au:
after als first video with face cam, people noticed a keyboard in the background and now he gets multiple questions abt and requests to play something and hes so embarrassed that he doesnt even acknowledge it
race will randomly barge into als room while filming and despite the fact that its literally his career to play horror games, it scares the mess out of him every single time
once either race or als stream accidentally started with out them noticing but instead of it like idk revealing some other big secret its literally just them simping for each other and al being like “idk i just know that im ugly” and you can see race just going ???
al has a tiktok account but it only has one video on it and its al hiding behind a wall and inching out to reveal race in their kitchen with very minimal lighting wearing a blanket as a cape stirring mac n cheese at 3 am while humming the 1812 overture. it got really popular
al cant take a compliment to save his life and denies being strong so race posts on twitter “albert: im not that buff! also albert: *a video of him doing the salmon ladder*
- people originally ask if it’s race’s, and he’s just like “uh- yeaaah totally not mine or anything” cause he’s Shy™️ but they call bs and ask him to play something. he changes the subject every. single. time. race eventually just tweets a video of him playing that he took and deals with albert pouting about it until he reads all the super positive replies (cause all of their fans are literal angels i said what i said)
- oh race is TERRIFIED of all things horror. he barely sat through the IT movie when al and jack begged him to go see it. literally just the idea of it being a horror game scares him, but he’s also an adhd nightmare (same) so he forgets and bursts through the door in the middle of filming anyway, already talking about whatever, just to promptly freeze, scream and sprint out of the room like a child who saw a tiny spider
- all of stan twitter tried to fight al that day <3 he has a really unclear and negative mental image of himself so he genuinely says stuff like that constantly AND actually means it meanwhile absolutely everyone simps for him. also race’s brain just,,, cannot?? compute??? this??? like he literally shortcircuits whenever albert says anything like that cause pardon me beautiful boy say w h a t. the ‘racer.exe has stopped working’ meme is slightly overused but also totally isnt cause it’s always 100% accurate.
- i have absolutely nothing to add to this one you nailed it perfectly. race also has a tiktok, started right after al’s face reveal, where he just posts his backlog of snapchat videos of albert doing dumb or cute things. he has more tiktok followers than albert and makes sure everyone knows it cause of course he does it’s all exclusive red content
- albert is just,,,, very fit? and like??? that unclear mental image we were talking about earlier? 100% applies to this as well. like 195 bench 1 rep max, 320 deadlift, etc etc. (i’m a crossfit nerd sorry y’all. don’t exercise, just have a weird amount of knowledge shoved in my brain about it, if you wanna hear more about athletic al lmk) and he just NEVER seems to talk about it??? so yeah race is just constantly posting al doing the most athletic, outta pocket things with sarcastic captions just so everyone can see how amazing al is (also i hc that albert was a gymnast for most of his life but got injured so he stopped competing but still can do most of the tricks and race will randomly post albert throwing back handspring-back tucks while everyone sits around like 👁👄👁)
✨this was so therapeutic everyone please send me all the things i love this✨
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years ago
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes - Chapter 2
Gwilym!Prince Charming x Reader
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Summary: After losing your parents, your step-family makes your life impossible. That is, until Prince Gwilym holds a ball. It’s your one chance for everything to change.
Word Count: 3.2k
Tag List: @psychosupernatural​, @someone-get-a-medic​, @bensrhapsody​, @deakyclicks​, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession​, @minigranger​, @crazyweirdocalledfriday​, @the-moving-finger-writes​, @assembledherethevolunteers​, @rose-writes-prose​, @queenlover05​, @26-7-49​, @drowsebaby, @im-an-adult-ish​, @queen-paladin​, @rogerina-owns-me, @mirkwoodshewolf​, @namelesslosers​, @headl0ng​, @captvianswaan, @xviiarez​, @baltimoresweethearts​, @killer-queen-87​, @haileymoreolikestupid, @itsametaphorgwil​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
A/N: Once again, I apologize this update took so long. As y’all know, I’ve been going through it with my break up and sad. But! My motivation has returned enough for me to continue and I hope y’all enjoy!
Warning(s): None!
Prologue  Chapter 1
Chapter 2 here we go!!!
No one else seemed to notice him walk in, but to you, it was as if time had stopped. He started toward a table, moving in slow motion, followed by two other men apparently in his class, and he took a seat at a corner table. You were frozen to the spot as you watched him. 
“Earth to Y/N,” Zelda snapped. “Are you going to just stand there or go greet our customers?”
“Right, sorry,” you said, shaking your head to pull yourself out of the reverie.
“And turn on the charm,” she instructed under her breath. “Those men have clearly got money.” 
You straightened yourself and headed over. You began to hear their conversation as you approached. 
“So, your father didn’t say what it is he has?” questioned the blonde one to Gwilym’s left. 
“No,” Gwilym said with a shake of his head. “Just that he’s ill. He really didn’t talk about it.” 
“I’m sorry to hear that,” said the dark-haired one across from Gwilym. “Your father is a good man. You’re lucky you still have him to guide you.”
“I’m more than ready to take on my role,” Gwilym said. “It’s just all this marriage talk that’s got me worried. Say I do marry and start a family, what then? Will he think it’s okay to just give up?”
“Believe me, once he has grandchildren, he’ll have all the more reason to fight,” the blonde one said. “My parents can’t get enough of the twins.”
“It’s still hard to believe you’re the father of twins, Ben,” Gwilym said with a smirk. 
Gwilym’s back was to you when you reached the table. 
“Good evening,” you began shakily, but then cleared your throat. “What can I get for you, gentlemen?”
The blonde one, Ben, addressed you first. 
“A pitcher of ale is fine,” he said. “I’ve got this round, and Rami will get the next. We’re treating the birthday boy.”
He clapped Gwilym on the shoulder. 
“That’s not for another two days!” Gwilym insisted. “You’re the guests, I should treat.”
“Yes, but we’re guests to your birthday ball,” Rami replied, as Ben was already handing you some coins. 
“How exciting,” you said, trying to contain your curiosity. 
A ball? With rich out of town guests? Gwilym must really be somebody. 
“Aren’t you going to wish him a happy birthday?” Rami asked. 
You shook your head. “Sorry, but it’s bad luck to say it before the day.”
Gwilym finally looked at you. You saw his brow crease as he searched your eyes for recognition, but you quickly cut your gaze away. You didn’t want him to know you. Not truly. 
“Well, you can’t argue with superstitions,” Ben said.
“You just say that because you’re friends with pirates,” Rami teased. 
You smiled, and allowed yourself to look at Gwilym once more. He was paying no mind to his friends, and was still gazing at you. His eyes were so clear and blue. 
“I will wish you good luck,” you said sweetly. 
Gwilym felt his heart skip a beat. “I...well, thank you.”
You looked away and at his friends. “I’ll be right back with that ale.”
You turned on your heel and swept away from the table, taking deep breaths to steady yourself. Your heart was hammering against your ribcage. 
“Y/N, are you alright?” Zelda asked as you came into the back, her face drawn with concern. “You look pale, child.”
“I...I think you should take that table, Zelda,” you said. 
“Why?” she demanded. “Were they being disrespectful? Because I don’t care how rich they are, I’ll kick every one of their sorry -”
“No, nothing like that,” you cut across her with a small laugh. “They’re perfectly polite, I just am a bit intimidated.”
“Intimidated?” she questioned. 
You couldn’t really make her understand. There was something about Gwilym that made you want him to see you as elegant and refined. Not a helpless orphan and waitress.  
“Well, I’m sorry,” she said. “But as your friend, I’ve got to make you face your fears.”
“But, Zelda, I -” 
“No buts,” she cut across you, handing you a pitcher on a tray with three pints. “You’ll be just fine.”
She gave you a little push and you stumbled out of the kitchen. Zelda watched you make your way back to the table with a sigh. The truth was, she saw how lovely and charming you were, and she hoped that one of those men was your ticket out of this life. 
“Here we are,” you said cheerfully, donning the mask you usually wore, and placing the drinks down in front of each of the men. “Anything else for you gentlemen just now?”
“We’re alright, thank you,” Rami told you. 
“Perfect, just shout if you need anything,” you said quickly.
Again, you scurried away, but still felt Gwilym’s eyes on your back.
“Did she give us her name?” Ben asked. 
Gwilym didn’t answer. He was watching the door you’d disappeared behind. 
“Hello?” Ben said to his friend, exchanging a concerned look with Rami.
“Gwil!” Rami barked.
Gwilym started and looked at his friends, straightening his shirt. “Sorry. What?”
“What’s got you so hung up on her?” Ben asked, jerking his chin toward the kitchen door.
“I swear I saw that girl earlier today,” Gwilym answered. “While Father and I were out riding. She looks different, but something about her face, I just…”
“Oh, no,” Ben said grimly.
Gwilym’s brows came together. “What?”
“He’s got it,” Rami added.
“Got what?” Gwilym demanded. 
“The love stare,” Ben answered.
“I beg your pardon?” Gwilym questioned. “Love? I don’t even know her name.”
“Doesn’t matter, you’ve got the stare,” Ben said. “I’ve had it, Rami’s had it, and once you’ve got it, it’s the end of your life as you know it.”
Gwilym frowned. “What on Earth are you talking about?”
“The first time I saw my wife - well, the second time actually since the first time I was barely conscious - I looked at her and nothing else mattered,” Ben said. “I couldn’t stop looking at her. Tell him, Rami.”
“It’s true,” Rami agreed. “With my wife, it only took our first meeting for me to become sort of obsessed with her. All I wanted was to be close to her.”
Gwilym rolled his eyes. “You’re both being absurd. I was just trying to place her from earlier, nothing more.”
“And I was just trying to find the girl who rescued me,” Ben said. “You tell yourself whatever you want.”
A beat passed as Gwilym considered this. He did find you rather attractive earlier. Your pretty eyes - so sad, but so beautiful - shining in the sunlight. The way your cloak framed your delicate face. Sure, you were pretty, but that didn’t mean he was in love, did it?
“Do you want to see her again?” Rami asked. 
“I don’t know,” Gwilym said. “She’s probably a perfectly lovely girl, I just -”
“Invite her to the ball,” Ben said. 
“My father is planning on introducing me to dozens of ladies that night, I can’t show up with a date,” Gwilym said. 
“Then invite everyone,” Rami suggested. “The whole town. That way, she’ll turn up if she’s available, and you can be introduced to her as well.”
“I’m not sure my father would approve,” Gwilym said. 
“Listen, mate,” Ben replied. “If there’s anything Rami and I have learned, it’s that you’ve got to bend the rules a little to get what you want. And let’s say that’s not the girl of your dreams, some other girl might be. But you can’t know that if your only options are other nobility.”
“I did tell Father I wanted to give everyone a chance,” Gwilym conceded. “I think that’s a brilliant idea. The castle should not be off limits to the townspeople. Everyone will be invited to my ball.”
The three princes grinned and clinked glasses.
Meanwhile, you were busy running food and more drinks. You found yourself constantly glancing over at Gwilym and his friends, and they eventually waved you over to order another round, which you handled just as briefly as the first time. Although they were so pleasant, a large part of you wanted nothing more than to sit down and join them. 
They left after about two hours, and you watched them go, feeling heavier somehow. You sighed as the door began to close, casting one last glance Gwilym’s way. The night wore on, you continued in your work, and then closing time came, and you and Zelda began to clean up. It was well after midnight. 
You were wiping some clean mugs when Zelda approached you. She put all the earnings for the night into the safe and then she stretched backward and groaned. 
“Better take it easy soon, Y/N, or you’ll end up with a back as bad as mine,” she joked.
You half smiled. “I’m afraid Frank allows me no time for taking it easy.”
Zelda paused, looking long and hard at you. You stopped your cleaning and met her eyes.
“What?” you asked.
“Y/N, don’t you think it’s about time you got away from Frank?” she wondered earnestly.
“Of course I do, but I haven’t any money,” you replied. “Or a place to go.”
She bit her lip and looked at the ground, hesitating on what she wanted to say. You wrinkled your nose and fixed your gaze on her face. 
“Zelda, what is it?” you pressed.
She looked at you again. “You’d have those things if you got married.”
You blinked, as shocked as if she’d slapped you. 
“Married?” you questioned. 
She nodded. “Yeah. I mean, goodness knows, you’ve gathered the heart of almost every single man who comes into this place. Any of them would make a fine and loyal husband.”
Your heart sank at the mere thought. True, the men you served here were sweet and fun, but you had no real attraction to them. At least, nothing beyond a friendship. You had your heart set on falling in love, and being as passionate as your parents were. What else made a marriage worth having?
“I don’t love them,” you replied plainly. 
Zelda struggled not to roll her eyes. “Romantic as the notion is, most people are not as lucky as your parents were. Most people find a good person and settle down, and make it enough.”
“I’m not most people,” you returned. “I could never promise myself to just anybody to get out from under Frank.”
She heaved a sigh. “I’m asking you to be realistic, Y/N. It might be the only way out.”
“But that’s a horrible foundation for a marriage!” you argued. “Besides, if the whole point is for me to get my freedom, then what good would it do to go from my stepfather to a husband?”
“Y/N, think!” she cried. “Any of the men here would be much kinder to you! It’s true, you wouldn’t have complete independence, but at least you would no longer suffer this abuse!”
You paused, heart cracking at the idea. She wasn’t wrong. Your life would be fairly pleasant as the wife of a farmer or a merchant. But love…
“I can’t, Zelda,” you said levelly. “I just can’t. I’ve clung to the hope of love for too long. If I give up on it now, I...I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed each day. I can’t compromise.”
She sighed again. “At least think about it, Y/N. Please.”
You gave her a curt nod. She walked away and you watched her go, mind reeling with her suggestion. 
The next day, Gwilym sat at the breakfast table with his father. As he spread some butter on a fresh piece of toast, the prince looked at the king, debating how to tell him of his idea to invite the townspeople.
“Father,” he began. “I’ve been thinking.”
“Oh, here we go,” the king grumbled. “What is it?”
“I’d like to invite the whole town to my birthday ball,” Gwilym said, pushing down the urge to snap at the insult. “And I mean everyone, from the gentry to the servants.”
The king shot a glare down the table at Rami and Ben, who were looking pointedly at their own plates.
“Is that so?” the king questioned. “You do realize how much more work we’ll have to do in order to accommodate that amount of guests?”
“You’re the king, surely you can make it happen,” Gwilym said. “It would mean a lot to me, Father. Please?”
He held Gwilym’s gaze, and he softened. As gruff as he was, the king lived to make his son happy. And if the prince wanted it, he was almost always granted it.
“Very well,” he sighed. “We will send out the invitations this afternoon.” 
“Thank you, Father!” Gwilym exclaimed, standing up to hug the king. “You are a most gracious monarch.”
The king squirmed away from his son’s grasp and mumbled irritably under his breath. Gwilym chuckled and looked at his friends. 
“Shall we head out?” he asked. 
“Absolutely,” they agreed. 
The three of them were going hunting today to get out of the palace while the ball was being put together. Ben clapped Gwilym on the back as they exited the palace and walked toward the stables.
“Well done, mate,” he said. “That wasn’t so bad.”
“He did agree surprisingly quickly,” Gwilym remarked.
“Well, it is your birthday,” Rami joked. “You should have whoever you want at your party. I invited the whole village to my wedding, and it was great!”
“I do want to be more involved with my people,” Gwilym agreed. “And who knows? This may be my best birthday yet!”
They laughed together as a footman brought them their horses.
You spent the morning cooking with Elise before going up to get your step sisters dressed. Part of you hoped they’d soon get married. That way they could have breakfast in bed and give you some reprieve in the mornings. Your step sisters were okay enough women, and you were certain Frank was plotting some advantageous marriage for them as soon as possible. And it seemed they were also eager to be away from their father.
You walked with Eleanor down the stairs, but parted ways to go to the kitchen. You brought them fresh tea and poured it into their cups.
“Y/N, I need you to mend my coat that’s hanging in my room today,” Frank said as he took a sip.
You were on edge this morning, especially after the events of the previous day. And you were nervous about your conversation with Zelda. You felt that somehow Frank knew how badly you desired to leave now.
“Yes, sir,” you said quietly. 
“And I won’t be going into town,” he said. “I’ve got to update the books of the estate today, so I’ll be in my office all day.”
You nodded. It was always a disappointment when Frank had to stay home during the day. He seemed to find random, pointless tasks for you, lest you find yourself with time to read or eat. But, if it was to balance the books, then he likely would be cooped up in his office.
“Would you like me to bring you your lunch when it’s ready?” you asked. 
“Yes,” he said. “The girls have their music teacher coming so take theirs to the music room. Other than that, we are not to be disturbed.”
The only exceptions to the “do not disturb” rule were fires and injury. You nodded again, understanding.
After breakfast, you cleaned up and did the dishes. Then you headed to the fireplace in the parlor. It was in desperate need of cleaning, so you agreed to take it on. Elsie’s knees just wouldn’t be able to bear it. Before you began, you looked at the chair that your father used to use. When you were a little girl, and your parents hosted parties, the men gathered in this parlor after dinner for brandy and cigars. But your father always told you goodnight before you went to sleep, so you’d slip into the room, to find him in that chair every time. He’d smile, scoop you up, and put you on his knee to give you a big good night kiss. You could still feel the little scratches from his facial hair. 
With a sad smile, you got to work. 
The fireplace turned out to be a bear of a project. It had not been cleaned in years, apparently, and the soot had really built up. After hours of sweeping and scrubbing, you finally got to your feet and admired the clean brick. You were covered in ashes now, and smeared a little on your forehead when you wiped your sweat away. You decided you’d better change and rinse off before mending Frank’s coat. 
You walked out into the entrance hall with surprising timing. Just then, there was a knock at the door. You glanced around, but Robert wasn’t close by. With a shrug, you went to answer it.
The door creaked open when you turned the knob. There stood a young man in a handsome suit, with a huge bag slung over his shoulder. In it, appeared to be hundreds of matching envelopes. 
“How can I help you?” you asked politely.
“Good afternoon, madam,” the man replied, grabbing a letter and holding it out to you. “An invitation from the king.”
You gasped. “The king?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said. “The whole town has been invited.”
“Invited to what?” you wondered, taking the letter.
The man offered a short bow, which you returned, and then walked back to his horse. You closed the door and looked at the envelope. It was addressed only to “Residents” and then the address, so it wasn’t technically wrong for you to open it. On the other hand, Frank was particular about things like this. You had no desire to set him off again. 
In another remarkable moment, Elsie was coming with Frank’s lunch tray. She offered to take it since you’d taken on the fireplace. 
“Elsie,” you said as you approached. “This letter arrived from the palace. I’m sure Frank will want to open it.”
“Right you are, Y/N,” she agreed.
You placed the letter next to his plate and offered her a little smile. Whatever it was - if it was royal business - likely had nothing to do with you. Still, you were a little curious.
You forgot about the letter while you changed your dress and washed your face. When you came back down from your room and opened the door to Frank’s chambers, he burst out of his office so suddenly, it startled you. His eyes were crazed, a strange burning behind his irises. 
“Y/N, fetch my daughters!” he demanded. “This instant!”
You didn’t hesitate to hurry down the stairs to the music room. You opened the door without knocking.
“Y/N!” Eleanor cried, hands on her hips. “We’re in the middle of a lesson!”
“Your father says to come quick!” you urged her.
The two of them picked up their skirts and ran with you all the way back up to Frank’s office, leaving their music teacher stricken at the piano. Your heart was thumping with excitement. What could this be?
“Father?” Miranda questioned as the three of you entered the study. “What’s the matter?”
He held up the letter. 
“There is a ball at the palace tomorrow night,” he said slowly. “And we’ve received an invitation.” 
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krissy-kat · 5 years ago
PJOverse Headcanons Pt 4:-
(Sorry my hand slipped)
Peter age 15 Harley 16
• Peter doesn't go back to Camp due being busy patrolling Queens as Spiderman
• Harley is really upset when he hears that Peter won't be coming to Camp, he had finally gathered all his courage and was finally going to ask him out but never gets a chance to
• That year Harley's father came to visit him
• "Why are you here, you abandoned us, didn't even tell us that you were a God"
• "Harley listen I'm sorry but I had to"
• "Then tell me the goddam reason"
• "So do you know about our Roman counterparts and children "
• "Yes, they live in New Rome now along with few Greek demigods and don't talk to me in circles"
• "You know that Greek and Roman demigods have recently found out about each other and before that we weren't allowed to tell you, your sister was daughter of my Roman form Vulcan and if Hera or Juno had found out, I don't what she would have done"
• Harley didn't know what to think about it, he knew his sister was a demigod when he found about his dad being a God but he didn't expect her to be a Roman demigod
• "Ok, but I still haven't forgiven completely "
• "I didn't expect you would, but it's a start right "
• "Maybe"
• Peter would still IMs MJ, no matter how much she'll deny it she considers Peter a friend, she also tells him about the on ongoing fight about how his half siblings says that his superhero persona can't be trusted and how Flash with his whole Cabin will come to defend him
• Some time later Civil War happens, Peter didn't tell Tony about him being a demigod because he thought it wasn't relevant when he comes to recruit him
• Tony takes Peter under his wing and they get close
• Tony is absolutely furious when the events homecoming occur
• "Peter, I thought we were close, why didn't you tell me that you were chasing after a murderous psychopath"
• "But Mr Stark.."
• "A building fell on you, you could have died"
• "But.."
• "I don't want you moonlighting as spiderman for atleast a month"
• "Ok, but what am I supposed to tell Aunt May about the internship"
• "You know what from next week you're going to be my personal intern, real intern this time and I'll able to easily keep a eye on you"
• "Ok, Mr Stark"
• ( Infinity War and Endgame doesn't happen because this is my Au I'll do what I want to)
Peter age 16 , Harley age 17
• Harley decided to tell his mother and sister about being a demigod and his father being a God and going to the Camp since he was 12, a month before summer vacation
• They thought it was an elaborate joke
• Harley looked up and says out loud "If you want me to forgive you, help me out here"
• Hephaestus appears out thin air
• "Aaah! What are you doing here "
• "You asked for my help"
• "It was more along lines of sending a Celestial bronze dog or dragon like Leo's"
• "You know Tony Stark, she would have thought it was a prank "
• "Ok, you're right she would have definitely thought that"
• "She's right here, you both are talking about me like I'm not here. Harley I'll talk to later about hiding this stuff from me. And you, you don't think it would have easier to tell me you were a God when you left, I would have been a lot less of mess than I was "
• "I'm Sorry "
• "I'm sorry doesn't cut it, did what Harley told us about Roman counterpart and Abbie being a roman demigod is true"
• "Yes"
• "Ok, I understand your situation but you aren't forgiven "
• "Understood "
• "Now Harley, you are grounded until your graduation except your summer vacation because of the summer Camp thing"
• "But it will be my senior year next year "
• "No buts and you (pointing at Hepheatus) will you be staying for dinner"
• "Gods don't.."
• Hepheastus steps on Harley's foot
• Harley glares at him
• "Of course "
• "What were you saying Harley"
• "Nothing "
• In Summer vacation Harley goes to Camp Half blood and asks Abbie if she wants come too
• "After the Giant war, many roman demigods come to Camp Half Blood during summer, and I'll be staying first week at Tony's are sure you still want to go to Camp Jupiter "
• "Mom's still angry at him for not telling her I doubt she'll let me stay there, I still think it's miracle she allowing you to and I'm a Roman demigod I'll be fine in Camp designed for Roman demigods"
• "Are you sure, you'll get a tattoo there and it's quite painful from what I have heard"
• "I'll be fine and I'm sure it will look badass"
• "Do you want me to come with you to Camp Jupiter, I'm sure they won't mind"
• "I'm 13 Harley, I can take care of myself besides Mom will be staying in New Rome for the first week"
• Harley was still upset she won't be staying with him at Tony's and going to Camp Half Blood
• Harley always stays the first week of his summer vacation with Tony, so he was looking forward to meeting Spiderman, no matter how much Athena Cabin said you can't trust him
• "Sorry kiddo, he's grounded and I still blame you for the lecture I received from your Mom"
• "What do you mean he's grounded "
• "His Guardian found out he was moonlighting as Spiderman, so she grounded him, he's not even allowed to visit the tower"
• "Wait he's a teenager, now I want to meet him even more"
• "Oh no I know that look, I won't be introducing you two anytime soon, you both will make my hair grey twice as fast as they already are"
• "Aww, you're no fun at all Old Man"
• Meanwhile at Peter's home
• "Please Aunt May, I need to meet Mr Stark's other protege, how else am I supposed to know whether I can be friendly with him or I'll have to compete against him "
• "I told you are grounded so no Tony Stark and Ned for three weeks and no spiderman for a month and it has only been one week so you are still grounded"
• "But he won't be there then"
• "What part of being grounded don't you understand Peter"
• "Why am I not allowed to hang out with Ned anyway"
• "He should have told me when he found out and I know it's as much punishment for him as is it for you and you both know it"
• After his grounding is over Mr Stark hugs him tightly since he missed Peter and he's like a son to him
• Peter shifts to Tower part time because there is a shortage of employees at May's work place and she has to work overtime
• Peter while IMing MJ complains that his last Camp t-shirt was torn and he misses it, three day later he get a package with 2 new t-shirts saying that she couldn't bear Peter complaining anymore
• Rouge Avengers are pardoned soon after and since Tony still hasn't forgiven them completely and doesn't trust them with Spiderman's identity he asks Peter to tell them he's his personal intern when anyone asks why a civilian was with him
• The first time he runs into Captain America he gives him the death glare that MJ taught him, suffice to say Captain America never have been scared so much from a teenager
• Peter was in the kitchen and peacefully eating his cereal when Mr Barton comes in and see him and looks at him in confusion then his face turns into a determined look
• "FRIDAY call Tony into kitchen right now tell him it's a emergency and please make a excuse if anyone tries to come in"
• It was Peter's time to confused
• "Why the hell to call me at this ungodly hour this better be important "
• "Why the hell didn't you me a warning that you adopted another demigod"
• Tony stares dumbfounded at him
• "What to you mean by that?"
• "Come on Tony, he sitting right here eating cereal in Camp T-shirt"
• "Excuse Mr Barton, Mr Stark didn't know that I'm a demigod also he didn't adopt me"
• Tony and Clint didn't know what to say
• Finally Clint broke the silence
• "I think you both need to have a conversation so I'll just leave"
• "Sooo.. you are demigod huh?"
• "I'm literal brain child of my dad and athena, so yeah I'm a demigod"
• "Wait a sec, aren't children of Athena are supposed to scared of spiders"
• "Who said I'm not scared shitless of them, it's just I have spider powers that's why I go around as spiderman"
• Uncomfortable Awkward silence
• "So I was thinking of making you a iron spider suit with nanotechnology "
• They quickly change the conversation and pretend the previous never happened
• Meanwhile at the Camp Harley was thinking how many nicknames can be given to a superhero
• The nicknames used to discuss Spiderman were getting more and more ridiculous because every name is banned as soon as it is has been heard by Chiron
• The names which have been banned till date include Spidey, the web-slinger, the wall-crawler, the arachnid and after this the people stopped feeling creative and thus SM, SpiderM, the Man of Spiders and worst one yet Sipdeydude
• The name they were referring to Spiderman right now was S-Man
• Flash was arguing with Annabeth who has been part of two Great Prophecies but Flash didn't give a dam about it because nobody says something bad about Spiderman and get away with it
• Suddenly a voice breaks the fight apart
• "Annabeth, we should get going if we want to catch the train in time, so stop arguing with my sibling about Spiderman"
• "But Pipes, a person associating themselves with Spiders can't be good, why can't he understand "
• "Yes they can, this is your irrational fear for spiders speaking "
• "I have fought Arachne I assure you it is not irrational "
• "Yes, it is now let's go we don't need to miss the train unless you want to get to New Rome a day late"
• Piper and Annabeth leaves
• The next Chiron asks Harley to do a supply run in Queens and asks him to take any two campers with him
• He was asking MJ to go with him when Flash overhears him then forced Harley to take him too because he was determined that they might able to see Spiderman
• Unfortunately while on supply run they encountered a full grown cyclops so they lured it into an alley to fight it
• Peter was just patrolling in his neighbourhood, he didn't expect to run into demigods fighting a cyclops
• Since he had a tendency to go headfirst into danger, he forgot that it might reveal the fact he's a demigod to them
• It was only after he webbed the cyclops's eye and both his legs together that he sees the demigods fighting the cyclops were MJ, Flash and Harley
• When the cyclops was trying to take web out of his eye he webs his hands to his face
• "I hope you guys will handle this situation from here"
• He swings out of there
• Harley was in a daze, Flash has turned into a overexcited puppy and MJ was suspicious because she was like 67% is was Peter
• I mean come on he could see the monster so either he was a demigod or mortal with the vision and mortals tends to ignore the demigod stuff. Also the fact that he didn't came to Camp last year when Spiderman started appearing and this year he came up with a flimsy excuse
• So after getting back at Camp while Flash and Harley were busy telling about their encounter to everyone MJ slipped out to IM Peter
• Peter was in his room in Stark Tower, and thinking back it was a big neon sign about Peter being Spiderman
• "Hey MJ"
• "You're Spiderman "
• "W-What?"
• "You're Spiderman and you saved Harley, Flash and me from cyclops"
• "Nice one, MJ"
• MJ gave him her stop-the-BS glare
• "Ok, ok, but don't tell anyone "
• "I won't but you are a dumbass who revealed that you are either a demigod or mortal with vision by coming between our fight and now the whole camp knows some one will soon join the dots and find out you are Spiderman"
• "Would it hurt you to be a little positive MJ"
• "Yes and who else knows "
• "Aunt May, Ned, Mr Stark and now you"
• "Good, try to keep that way"
• "Ok, any other questions "
• "Well aren't scared shitless of spiders, how does that work for you "
• "Don't remind me, I still have nightmares from when I was bit by the radioactive spider at OsCorp during our field trip"
• "Interesting way of telling me how you got your power and I should go before someone comes to find me and overhear our conversation "
• "Do you have to scare me about accidentally revealing my identity to everyone, it's hardly been 10 mins since you found out"
• "Yes and bye loser I gotta go"
( I have some more ideas so there definitely will be a Part 5 just don't know when)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 7
Part 6
Part 8
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ladywinterwitch · 5 years ago
Run Away (One - At the beggining)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Avenger! Reader
Summary: You and Steve complete each other. Your love is that strong and devoted kind of love that pushes people to things like marriage, making a family. You couldn't imagine that a baby would be something you really wished, until the possibility wasn't your choice anymore.
Warnings: mentions of sex, swearing, pregnancy talk, sadness, LIKE A LOT, badly written medical diagnosis, FLUFF, cheesy af, feels (im sorry this one's a little emotional k)
Word Count: 3316
A/n: I don’t know why this idea came to me, honestly. One day I just stopped and asked myself, why do actually people decide to have kids? At first I didn’t really understand, I always saw around that parents made a big deal of the idea of it. The whole pregnancy, having a baby to ‘show’ around and such without realizing that said baby will become an actual human being that you’ll have to educate. Which I still think is the case for some people, I’m not gonna lie. But then, thinking a bit more about it, seeing people really in love, and that want to spend the rest of their lives with each other wish to form a family because that’s something that they want to kind of experience and grow together. But honestly Idk, I mean, I don’t have any experience so I could be saying a lot of bullshit. Something that did inspire me tho is the song ‘Run away’ by Ben Platt, so being a little undecided on how to name this, I decided to pay tribute to this beautiful song. But still, I hope you’ll enjoy this. Also, making a multi-chapter series it’s a first for me, keep that in mind.
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                                                   (gif not mine)
Steve will always remember the first time he saw you. You were a new recruit for the avengers team, you came from SHIELD and were one of the best, so Fury decided to add you to the heroes’ team.
You didn't need any superpower because you already were a force of nature of your own. Skilled in combat, a perfect spy, spoke eight languages, could aim a target and get the middle of it with closed eyes.
That day Steve was going to the gym with Bucky and when they arrived to the gym, they saw you. There you were. You wore a catsuit like Natasha's, all black and tight. Damn tight. Your fit but shapely body wrapped around that leather like it was made for it. And that's what Steve saw first, mainly because you two girls were moving in a sort of quick but graceful dance, shooting at simulation targets around the room.
And then all of a sudden you stopped, the simulation ending, and started to laugh. You gave Nat your guns and turned around. That's when Steve knew, he just knew that he was doomed. Your smile was the most beautiful thing that he'd ever seen. Your sharp but sweet features, your hair hair tied up in a ponytail with just a few strands of hair down in the corners of your angelic face.
When you saw them you stopped laughing, not having realized their presence, and smiled shyly. Steve was literally melting.
-Hey fellas. I'd like to introduce you to one of my best friends and best agents I know, Y/n. She's the new recruit sent by Fury.- Natasha came back without the guns while the two men edged closer.
-Hey there. Welcome to the team, i'm- - Bucky offered his hand, which you took gladly.
-Bucky Barnes, yeah not exactly a stranger.- you joked smiling, he returned the smile.
Steve was still looking at you, not realizing that it would've probably scared you off, but instead you offered your hand to him too, locking eyes.
-Y/n. I guess you must be Captain Rogers.- you teased with a smirk. He cleared his throat and shook your hand.
-Uh, yes. It's a pleasure Y/n.- he breathed out giving you a little smile.
-All mine.-  you responded, he chocked on his spit widening his eyes for a moment. Bucky was trying not to burst out laughing for how awkward his best friends was being, meanwhile Nat was looking at him like he was an alien.
-P-pardon?- he coughed out. You frowned a little biting your lip to stop smiling.
-The pleasure to meet you, captain. All mine.- you explained.
-Yeah, obviously. Uhm, alright see you, uhm.. later I guess. Welcome, again. Oh, call me Steve, please.- he blurted scratching his neck with his hand. You smiled sweetly.
-Thank you, Steve.- his name rolled on your tongue so perfectly that made him think of a few different scenarios, but before he could embarass himself further he gave a slap on Bucky's back, making him jolt forward in surprise.
-What the f-- he looked at the blonde with confusion.
-C'mon Buck, we have to take take of that business.- he basically dragged him towards the door.
-What business?- he furruwed his eyebrows.
-Fury's goddamn business, now hurry the fuck up.- he smiled through gritted teeth and whispered the last part.
And like that they left the gym. The two girls looked at each other and bursted out laughing.
-They seem nice.- you commented, cossing your arms.
-They are. But i'm gonna be honest, i've never seen Steve so flustered before. You must have left him quite, interested.- she marked the last word. You looked at her confused and she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
-Oh, for god's sake, Nat. He just met me, and i'm really nothing special. He's fucking Captain America, c'mon.- you rolled your eyes. She rose an eyebrow.
-Okay, if you say so. But it's true, what I said before. Also, you're a bomb, so shut it.-
Yeah. You gave that day exactly a month before you found yourself pressed against the wall, with Steve’s lips on your neck and moans spilling from your mouth.
-I've wanted to do this since the moment I saw you in that goddamn suit in the gym.- he muttered in between kisses. You smiled, taking his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you.
-Well, i'm glad you finally took a stand, cap.- he groaned and kissed you feverishly.
You ended up spending the night together, and when in the morning you woke before him, you started to dress yourself up, but he grabbed your wrist gently, making you turn to look at him.
He was really a sight. Dirty blonde hair a mess, bright blue eyes still sleepy, mouth curled in a smirk and his features soft. And cherry on top, he was stark naked, the sheets covering just above his groin. It really took all your mental strenght to not jump on him right then and there.
-Hey handsome.- you said lowly before continuing to get dressed. You put on your nude lace bra and panties before slipping on the simple dress that you wore the evening before. Tony had organized a little get together, nothing too fancy luckly.
-Where are you going?- Steve said, getting up. He put his boxers on, walking close to you. You looked down.
-Back to my room?- you asked rethorically. Steve stayed silent for a couple of minutes. You looked up again and saw that he looked a little hurt.
-You regret...tonight?- he muttered and your heart sank.
-What?- you asked.
-Did...did I do something wrong?- you shook your head. You were kind of confused by his behaviour. He just wanted a one night stand right? Or that's what you thought.
-No!- you exclaimed quickly -No, no, why do you say that? I mean..you don't- you don't want me to go?- this time it was his turn to be confused.
-What? No! I..I mean if you regret it or just consider it a one time thing, then I'm never gonna talk about that again, but-
-Was it, for you?- you interrupted him. He looked at you.
-Not for me, no. But if you want we can forget ab- you interrupted him again, this time with a kiss. You latched your arms aroud his neck and he hugged your waist tight. You kissed for a few seconds and then parted to breathe.
-I take it as a no?- he smirked and you chuckled.
The team almost threw a party when you said that you were officially together a copule months after. They all saw the chemistry between the two of you, plus Bucky and Nat were finally free from both your rambling about the other. Months passed and you and Steve became closer and more in love every day, so exactly one year after, he proposed to you. Needless to say that you said yes.
After a few months from the wedding you had some things in your mind. You and Steve always used protection in the first six months of your relationship, but then you just stopped. At first it had been a silly and quite risky decision, but then you noticed that no problem had come up, so you didn't thought about it anymore.
But now, you were actually married, in love, and you both wanted children. You didn't actually decided to try, but it was in the air. And the fact that neither of you came up with the prevention stuff actually confirmed it.
So while doing a little reckoning you realized that it was a bit more than a year that you were having unprotected sex, and nothing happended. Sometimes all it takes is just one time to 'fuck up', but...you didn't knew what was bothering you. So one day you decided to ask Bruce for advice. He was a doctor after all.
So you did just that. You went to the labs’ floor in the avengers tower and asked Friday in which one he was.
-Doctor Banner is in the biology lab with mr. Stark right now, mrs. Rogers.-
-Thank you Friday.- you headed to the biology lab and knocked, then came in. The two men smiled at you.
-Hey Y/n. Friday informed me that you wanted to see me?- Bruce asked sweetly. You nodded, stepping closer. They were busy with some papers and Tony was handling some files in hologram form.
-Yes. Uhm, can we talk alone? Or maybe I can come back later if you want.- Tony closed the files with a swirl of his hand and shook his head.
-Don't worry sugar, it's nothing that can't wait. I'm gonna grab a coffe in the meantime. Banner?- he squeezed gently your shoulder before heading to the door. The doctor shook his head, removing his glasses.
-I'm okay.- Tony nodded and closed the door after him. Bruce invited you to sit on a stool near him. You did and then took a deep breath. He was waiting, and also a little worried from the look you had on your face.
-Okay, first of all, I know that it's not your field and I actually came to you for medical advice so, uhm..if you're not comfortable- you started to ramble a bit, and that's when he placed his hand on yours. You looked up at him.
-Y/n, I am a doctor, but first, I'm your friend. Also, in the last years I dealt with many things that weren't exactly in my field, so there's a little left to surprise me.- he gave you a lopsided smile.
You bit your lip nervously. You weren't this shy and awkward usually, quite the opposite actually. You trusted Bruce with your life, but speaking with him about your sex life wasn't really on top of the list. Also you wore a sort of armor made of irony and cold minded decisions, but the truth is that when things came to a more personal level it made you uncomfortable. That's why you were going to leave Steve after your first night together in the first place. To try and protect yourself before others made you.
-Okay. Uhm.- you swallowed hard before talking. -I'm starting to wonder if there's, you know, something wrong with me.- he frowned.
-A little more specific, please.-
-I'm starting to think that I'm infertile.- you said just above to a whisper. Bruce remained quite surprised. He didn't really know what to expect, but he didn't expect that. His features softened and he concentrated, trying to remeber the few lessons that he attended in college.
-Oh. Okay, first of all, how are things between you and Steve?- he asked, knowing that you would understand what he meant.
-We are fine. We were using uhm.. condoms until a few months before the wedding, but since then we stopped. I made a few countings and it's a bit over than a year, circa.- he nodded, narrowing his eyes a little, thinking.
-Okay. And nothing happened? Like a false alarm, symptoms of some kind? Your periods are regualr?- you shook  your head.
-No, nothing happened, and that's actually the reason that I'm here. And no, I'm quite regualr, I suffer a lot the first cuple of days, but that's normal.- you shrugged. He nodded again.
-But, are you two actually trying to have a baby? Or it's just a doubt of yours?-
-Well, we did talk about kids a long time ago, and it's kinda why we stopped taking precautions, but no, we are not organized or nothing.-
-But you want to.- he says, more like a statement than a question. You bite your lip, realizing that you might cry.
-Yes.- you confess.
-Okay, listen Y/n. You're right, it's not exactly my field, but I can ask to a trusted person that I know for advice. I know already that we'll have to do at least a couple of ecographies, and It must be while you have your period.-
-It should arrive in a few days actually, next week maximum.- you say, looking at your hands in your lap. You were already feeling a little pain in your lower belly and you were hungry all the time, so it was quite certain.
-Alright. I'm gonna make a call, and then I'll tell you what we have to do.- you nod and raise from the stool.
-Thank you, Bruce.- you smiled a little, trying to hide your worry.
-Of course. If I can ask, does Steve know?- you feared that he would ask, but you shook your head anyways.
-No. I want to know first. It may be just a preoccupation of mine and I wouldn't want to upset him. Also, please, this stays between us.-
-Don't worry, this is safe with me.-
Bruce asked you to come in the infirmary five days after your conversation. You were in the first couple of days of your period, like he asked. You came down from your room to the lab and Friday let you in.
-Hi.- you saluted Bruce that turned from the ecography machine and smiled.
-Hey sweetheart. You okay?-
-Yeah, just feeling a little shitty. Usual pain.- you shrug.
-I'm sorry.- he said softly -Please open your hoodie, raise your shirt and unbutton your pants.- he asks calmly. You do as he says while he puts on latex gloves. You hop on the medical couch and wait, hands resting on your chest.
-Okay. So, I spoke to this old colleague which is a gynecologist. She told me that, like I said, we have do to two ecographies. The first at the beggining of the period, and the second at the end. Then I will send her the results, and if there's something else to do, we will. Or it may be that everything's fine and it will end there. At that point you should talk to Steve about an ovulation schedule, that  doesn't sound romantic at all- he chuckled a bit -But it could help.- he explained. You nodded, silently.
-For now let's stick to this. Sorry, the gel's a little cold.- you didn't really felt it when he applied it though. A trained spy sure isn’t scared off by some sold gelatine. He started to examin your lower belly, remaining silent. A few minutes later he cleaned the tool and put in his place.
-Here are some paper towels, clean up and you can dress up.- he palced his hand on your shoulder for a second. He had a calming effect, and you couldn't be more greatful for it.
You cleaned yourself from the gel and stood to button up your pants. He was writing something on the laptop, but then he directed to you his attention.
-You okay?- you nodded.
-Good. Well, that's it. We'll have another in...four days?- you responded with an okay, thanked him and went out.
While you were going towards the kitchen, you heard a few laughs and considered to turn your heels, not in the mood, but a voice stopped you.
-Hey doll, how you doin'?- Bucky jogged towards you smiling. He always called you that, for affection and also to piss Steve off, but you didn't mind at all. You loved Bucky.  You became fast friends in the moment you arrived. That's why as soon as he was less than a few feet away you started to cry. His smile dropped and his brows knitted in worry. He came to you and enclosed you in his arms. You face on his chest, sobbing.
-What happened? Sshh, honey. C'mon, let's go somewhere a little private.- He looked around and you both stepped in the elevator and he pressed the button for the private rooms floor.
You arrived and he lead you to your and Steve's shared room, you press your hand on the handle and it opens automatically, thanks to your fingerprints.
Bucky closes the door and you sit on the bed. You hold out a hand for him and he takes it. You both lay down on the bed while he hugs you.
-What's wrong honey? Uh?- he asks softly. Someone could say that it's not that normal for you to stay that close to him, being married to another man, but it wasn't the case. You considered Bucky like a big brother-best friend, he cared too much about Steve and you to even do something bad. He even cried like a baby the day of your wedding. You all teased him for months for it and he just said that pollen was making him lacrimate. But he actually told you that he was happy, and that no one more than you two deserved to be happy.
-I'm just a little stressed. Also, my belly fucking hurts. I need to cuddle but my husband's away on a mission. Again.- you sniffed, and snuggled closer to his chest, he tightened his grip a little.
-I'm sorry sweetheart.- he said. After a few seconds he tried to move, and your head snapped up.
-Where are you going?- he got out of the bed.
-I'm just going down to grab a few things, It'll be a minute.- he kissed your forhead and headed out.
You took a deep breath and took off your shoes, changing in your sweatpants and Steve’s sweater. Then you procedeed to take off your bra, ‘cause your boobs hurt like hell. You played a little with your phone, upset that you couldn't call Steve.
The rule on mission was that the one away should always call first, that means they have time to talk. He had been away for two days and it was expected to return in three days along with Nat, Tony, Wanda, Thor and Sam.
You just needed to cry. You've never been one of those cry babies, it came to you just when you were really really upset and angry. And now you just needed a break from all the thoughts in your head.
Bucky came back knocking a few minutes later. When you opened the door you saw his hands stuffed with things. He had brought choccolate, some water, latte, knowing that you prefer coffe over tea, a few aspirins and at least four or five movies. You smiled at him fondly and when he had finally put down all what he had brought, you jumped on him, hugging him tightly. He just chuckled and reciprocated the embrace.
You both go on the bed, surrounded by all the food that he brought, sipping your drinks. You had taken an aspirin right away, so now you were feeling a little better. You had decided to watch Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet, but you weren't really paying attention to it. It was one of your favourite movies, you could basically play it by memory line for line, but right now you realized that you had to talk to someone or you would explode.
So you told Bucky about all the stress, the fact that Steve was often away, not by his choice, on missions, and that you missed him terribly. With a little of courage you even told him about your doubts and the exams with Bruce. He looked a little taken back by the reveal, and said that Steve never mentioned anything about trying to have a baby, but he said that he would accompany you to the next ecography. That's because you didn't want to tell Steve, even if he said that you should because he would want to know, but he didn't push you.
He was really understanding and sensitive about it. He told you that no matter what there wouldn't have been nothing wrong with you, and that anyway there are other options to have a baby. You cried a little more until you fell asleep on his chest.
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End of part one. How is this so far? What do you think will happen? Could it be interesting? Please let me know. Even tho I sure hope y’all are bc I already have some more parts ready, but it’s not finished yet. 
Also, I’m REALLY trying not to write the reader too affectionate with Bucky, but it’s making me literally sweat. I just love him too much.
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capricornus-rex · 5 years ago
Two Sides of the Coin (7)
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Chapter 7: Comfort in the Midst of Irony | Jidné Sheedra x Cal Kestis
Summary: Hell-bent on exacting revenge and retrieving the Holocron, the dreaded Darth Vader is now on the hunt for the young Jedi Knight, Cal Kestis. Under the assumption that he still possessed the artifact, while fueled by the intrigue of the boy’s strength and skill with the Force, the dark lord hires the bounty hunter, Jidné Sheedra, to track him down and have him delivered alive. However, the task becomes a trial for young Jidné, as she faces a conflict that tests her beliefs of a scarred past she had hidden for so long.
Also tagging: @silver-is-in-too-many-fandoms
Also in AO3
Tags: Fem OC, Jidné Sheedra, Force-Sensitive! Fem OC, Bounty Hunter! Fem OC, Jedi! Fem OC
Chapters: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 | Previous: Part 6 | Next: Part 8 | Masterlist
7 of ?
Cal had just gotten back out into the open and found the river that divides the town from the jungle where he came from. He knelt by the bank, scooping up cold freshwater and splashing it into his face, scraping himself clean off the sweat and dirt. He used the last handful of water to comb his scarlet hair using his bare fingers.
He finally crosses the bridge, upon his entrance into the town, he was greeted with the colors spread across from each end of the street, hollers of vendors and haggling buyers rung loud between the walls of the buildings. Stall owners gesture at Cal to at least look at their wares, he politely dismisses them as he passes them by.
“Be careful not to overheat your scanners, BD!” Cal beamed, knowing that the curious little BD-1 is going to scan everything left and right as they go.
“Woop, trill! Chirp.”
“Yeah, this place sure is pretty,”
“Boo! Trill, beep!”
“Oh, you meant Jidné? Yeah, she is kinda pretty,”
Cal wandered off farther into the town, the thought of the Force ripple and Jidné ran tirelessly around his mind. He recalled the nudging sensation that he’s gotten ever since he and the crew landed, then the feeling spiked when he discovered Jidné—more so when she took his hand to help her stand up. The image of her constantly flashed behind his eyes—the shy smile that responded to his awfully awkward one-liners and quips burned into his memory, the melody of her voice, and the way she moved with her lightsaber.
Looking back, he rarely—in fact, never—encountered another Padawan who wielded a purple blade. The only person he knew who did was Master Windu.
Cal found himself into a modest-looking pub, light instrumentals filled the establishment as its patrons chattered amongst themselves over their drinks. He regretted that he didn’t wear the kind of poncho that had a hood; fortunately for him, no one seemed to have noticed the boy come in the bar. Cal scanned the place and saw no sign of Stormtroopers doing patrol, he sighed in relief.
“Something mild,” he orders to the bartender.
While waiting for the bartender to work on it, Cal surveyed the place again—the cantina was filled with so many species that he couldn’t name them all. The humans were also bizarre-looking: cosmetic implants attached to certain parts of their bodies, hair dyed in outlandish colors that match or complement their facial tattoos, with matching makeup on their eyes and lips to boot—especially the women.
The bartender slid Cal’s glass towards him, to which the boy halted the sliding with the cushion of his palm. The first sip was always the strongest one, no matter the alcohol level, a hot sensation seared his palate; he smacked his tongue against the insides of his cheeks until the fizz leaves his mouth. In the corner of his eye, he spotted a Haxion Brood hunter and the HURID droid; before they’d spot him back, Cal slightly angled his body so the back of his head faces them—though it doesn’t help him much because his red hair was the only defining feature they know to identify him.
Cal scooted a bit closer next to a Talz, hoping that the size of the creature would shield him from the hunters’ sights. It worked, but only for a moment. He had to move quick. He left his glass half-empty, slipped a gold credit to the bartender, and attempts to vanish in the pub. Little did he know that the hunters noticed him turn his back to leave the bar; he sensed them following him, so he briskly walked towards the denser crowd to blend in and lose the hunters at the same time.
“There he is!” the human hunter pointed with his bionic hand.
Both hunters shouldered their way through the crowd in the marketplace, especially the HURID droid who practically plowed his way through the people—it’s highly likely that the people he’s shoved and push will have a bruise pop out of them any day after that—meanwhile, Cal was careful in going through the crowd, matching their pace, regretting some more that he didn’t wear the hooded type of poncho.
“Out of my way!” the HURID droid bellowed, pushing away a local who stumbled upon the stall he was browsing at.
Cal picked up his pace while continuously mumbling “Pardon me” and “Excuse me” to the people he shoulders through. When he got into a wide space, enough for him to run, he bolted through the market’s streets—it didn’t take long until he came across another wave of people filling the road. He didn’t slow down for that though, he continued to run, looking over his shoulder from time to time—as consequence, he bumped into a stranger as he ran and they stumbled to the ground together.
From the fall, the cowl revealed its owner to be Jidné.
Jidné groaned as she rubbed the back of her head, Cal’s brain was going haywire—deciding whether to bolt away and miss Jidné or simply hide with her tagging along against her will.
“Where is he!?” the HURID droid roared, drowned amongst the crowd.
There was no time for questions, Cal chose the latter option that his brain made in the last minute. He snatched her wrist as soon as she sat up and dragged her along. They crawled towards a market stall, sitting into a tucked position as their backs hug the wooden planks that make up the kiosk’s wall.
“What’s going on?” Jidné whispered.
Cal braced her with his entire arm, both of them huddled together to the dust—just so they’re in the same height as the short-fenced market stall. Jidné was startled with the entire rough-and-tumble but she immediately knew what Cal was trying to pull.
The stampeding footsteps of the Haxion Brood hunter and his HURID companion approached their spot, they stopped just a few inches past the stall; both the young Jedi and the bounty hunter stuck their backs against the wooden planks more—both youngsters were frozen in place as they couldn’t look away from their pursuers, Jidné’s eyes fixed on the two goons, the human hunter was scanning the area. Not waiting for that hunter to turn his head to their direction, Jidné clutched for Cal’s arm on her shoulder and then put all of her focus on using her ability.
“What was that?!” the hunter snarled, abruptly twirling to face Jidné and Cal’s general direction.
Cal’s felt his heart fall to his feet when he met eyes with the hunter, but it occurred to him that the hunter apparently cannot see them. He swears that he’s face-to-face with the Brood hunter right now! The hunter is literally one step away from him, he shuddered at how close he is with the enemy but the Brood agent isn’t doing anything.
Cal looked to his side and saw the steely expression in Jidné’s face, he felt her hand around his, she afforded a quick side-eye as she caught him staring at her—he was beginning to grasp that she was doing this.
“You see ‘im, Fazer?” asked the bruiser droid.
The human hunter, Fazer, squinted his eyes and panned that one empty nook right beside the market stall.
“Argh! Nah, probably just a vermin or somethin’ I heard,” he grumbled.
“He must’ve went that way!” the droid pointed to their direction up ahead and then darted through.
Soon the footsteps receded, Jidné didn’t remove her hand from Cal’s until there was no sight of that pair. She scrambled to her feet, still crouched to the same level as the market stalls, and then peeked out into the street while ignoring the startled locals looking between them and the two hunters running ahead.
“I think they’re gone,” she turned around to Cal, still seated on the dust, mouth gaped open as he still tried to comprehend what happened seconds ago.
“How did…?” he mumbled. It was so quiet that Jidné didn’t hear it as she checked out their surroundings.
“You seem like you have a knack for attracting trouble.”
“Yeah well, there’s a bounty on my head for being a Jedi. The group that’s after me isn’t exactly the friendliest bunch,”
Jidné bit her lip. The whole thing is so uncanny that it hurt her on the inside.
“Right,” she hummed as casually as she could.
When the coast was truly clear, Cal brought himself up his feet and dusted off the yellow sand that clumped on his jacket and pants.
“Sorry, I kinda dragged you in there for a moment,”
“Wait, did you think those Haxion goons were gonna come after me too—that’s why you pulled me in with you?”
“Yeah, I…” Cal was patting off the dust from his sleeve until it occurred to him, he jerked his head to face Jidné. “Wait. How’d you know they were Haxion?”
Oh fuck! Jidné’s conscience screamed so loud that her mouth nearly replicated the words.
“I had my own run-ins with them,” she shrugged her shoulders. She nodded at the alley on her left. “Come on, this way should be safer. Less open, more hidden.”
Jidné led Cal into the narrow annex of the main road, doors lined the walls—assuming that this was another residential area that sits behind the business establishments—and worked their way out of the crowded part of town.
“You got yourself into a bar fight or something?” Jidné blurted.
“No, I was just out to get a drink until I spotted them—I guess they spotted me when I was about to leave,”
“Sounds like you haven’t truly mastered the art of subtlety,” she clapped back.
“Hold on,” he pressed. “What was that just now?”
“The what?”
“That!” Cal gestures at the space behind him, but Jidné knew what he exactly meant. “You saw the hunter, he was literally right in front of us! But… he didn’t see us? That couldn’t be me—I’m sure as hell that that’s not me!”
Jidné was calm, completely the opposite definition of Cal’s hysteria. She sighed. There’s no escape for her with these kinds of questions again.
“I don’t think this is the best place to explain, don’t you think so too?” quipped the young hunter.
Cal surveyed the area, residents standing outside their homes—for reasons unknown—and children playing in the narrow annex with their balls and playthings laid out on the road. Some of the folks have already noticed the two of them standing awkwardly together by the wall.
“Alright, I suppose you lead the way then?”
“Just stay close,” she sternly instructed.
The intricate network of roads, annexes, and alleys in the town of Ombari was confusing, but if one knew the landmarks and kept it in mind, then it would be easier to navigate through the town. Jidné and Cal passed through some intersections here and there, they were looking for a spot that wasn’t too crowded—a few people wouldn’t be a bother, Jidné only preferred to have less people around and Cal concurred with that.
Cal kept his questions to himself. As they go along, more and more questions pile up in his mind—particularly, questions about Jidné herself.
They found themselves in the base of the hill where the town was situated. There were more small-time businesses lining up the path just right in front of the main entrance, but farmers and tillers mostly resided at the stretch of landed where they had plotted their modest farms and vegetable gardens. Their harvests were already in display for those who wanted to buy, they were no different from the vendors in the town proper though—except the noise wasn’t a factor in their part.
“That spot by the riverbank looks okay,” Jidné nodded at her north, gesturing at the river gleaming underneath the afternoon sun.
She and Cal sat on the other side of the river, across the hill where they could observe the farmers till and plow their crops, underneath the shade of the trees that framed along the winding river.
Both of them were getting tired—or perhaps, fed up—with the same old silence that always hung heavily around them, no matter the space in between, it’s always there. Neither of them saw it a sign for either of them to start a conversation.
“So, about what happened back in the marketplace?” Cal prompted.
Jidné exhaled and prepared herself.
“Can you like… cloak anything or anyone?” he added.
“When you put it that way, yeah,” she looked at him in the eye, then her eyes wandered to her own hands. “At first, it was simply just activating and deactivating it—in a way—it was hard for little ol’ me that time. I was fresh out of the Initiate Trials back then.”
Cal didn’t avert his gaze from Jidné, he shifted between examining her hands and then to her whenever she spoke.
“But now that I’m older—even back then when I was still a Padawan—I learned how to wield it better. I can manipulate how transparent I want things or people to appear, whether they’d be as thin as smoke or as invisible as the air we breathe.”
“Do you really need to touch in order to make things almost or completely invisible?”
Jidné clenched her fist, “It makes it easier for me if I do, and the area of effect varies too. Not touching them but still focusing on my target can have them be under the influence of my Force Shroud, but only for a time. Whereas being in physical contact, it’s the same—except twice or thrice as better. It all boils down to a matter of distance, really.”
He let all of that information sink into him, trying to grasp how Jidné’s Force ability worked. It wasn’t difficult to understand, though he could imagine the possibilities if one could master such a power.
“I don’t think I’ve heard of another Jedi with an ability like that,”
“My master thought the same thing,” her tone became more somber at the memory.
Cal’s next question might be one of the most personal ones, but he had a feeling that his master might have known hers. Regardless, he put that question for another time—he figured it might have been a topic too heavy for her, considering that she was also a Jedi who must’ve lost everything.
And lost everything she did.
“So, you got anything special in you too, ginger?” she initiated.
Instead of using words, Cal searched for a target—any target. He spotted a pile of shards from earthenware that beached onto the shore of the river, hidden well between the reeds; he scooted closer to the shard pile and hovered his hand over it. Jidné watched and she could feel the slight ripple send out a weak shockwave and a gust of wind.
“These pots were used by farmers to ferment the grain and wheat into some kind of liquid. They collected water to continue the fermentation process, but some wild animals jumped on them and broke them,” Cal explained.
Impressed, Jidné flicked her eyebrows up at Cal, who seemed proud of his little demonstration and proved it with a smirk across his lips.
“I think I’ve read about a power like that a long time ago. You touch an object and you get a glimpse of its past… A Force Echo.”
“Interesting,” she hummed, a smile involuntarily curled along her lips.
For a moment, Jidné forgot that she was a bounty hunter. The feeling of having someone to connect with something familiar from a distant past was intoxicating. She and Cal continued to banter about topics that weren’t exactly correlated with one another—for instance, their own droids.
Jidné told Cal the story of finding ID-3 in a disposal bin. She was expertly vague in leaving out some details that could go unnoticed. She recalled the time when she took a look at ID, he was apparently still in tiptop shape—all he needed was a circuit wire replacement and a good power recharge.
“The poor thing wasn’t exactly given the right attention,” Jidné cooed, petting ID-3’s flat-topped head. “So I patched him and now he’s mine!”
“What else did you do to ID-3?”
“Oh, just added some little perks and tweaks that might come in handy sooner or later. The little saucer never failed me so far,”
The black droid chirped happily, absorbing all of the compliments that poured out of Jidné’s mouth and she truly meant them.
Cal and Jidné whiled away the afternoon bantering some more and letting their droids get to know with one another. This was one of the rare moments where Jidné allowed herself to let loose—although the moment was lighthearted and happy, she couldn’t ignore the irony that gleamed blindingly in front of her face: the irony that such comfort is coming from the exact person that she is hunting down.
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minjoonalist · 5 years ago
Predilection | Chapter Four
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Pairing : Jikook x Reader [Feat. Taehyung]
Words: 1.7k
Genre: Angst, eventual Smut, fluff 
Warnings : explicit wording
Description: you want him, he wants you, but he also wants him, and him wants you- but him hurt you. So You hate him.
In the middle of a much needed relaxing bath, The sound of the apartment’s front door opening and slamming shut could be heard from the master bathroom. It's been a stressful and yet long day for Jimin, so He didn't bother to peek outside of his view when the presence of his highly flustered and confused boyfriend appears In its doorway. Unknown to him, jungkook walks straight in and takes a moment to stare at the content boy before beginning to strip off his clothing.
A slight shuffle is momentarily heard and jimin whines softly after being lifted forward to make room for him. “Jungkook? What are you doing?” he asks just wanting to be left completely alone. The hot water shifts between the two as jungkook’s hard chest comes into contact with his back and the usually silent male doesn't say a thing, Only wrapping his muscular arms around jimin’s waist to pull him back further.
Dammit...he curses inside his head, unable to resist the light urge of titillation that makes him shiver whenever jungkook touches him. giving in, Jimin then sighs contently and after what seems like 10 blissful minutes of the unexpected, silent embrace “Kookie?” He calls out rather softly.
“...Yeah? ” The boy answers a bit hesitant.
“ what has you so worked up?” Jimin’s eyes slowly flutter open, lazily watching as jungkook’s toes fidget under the water next to his. Even better, because the male’s head laid comfortably onto the other’s chest. He could hear the alarmingly fast pace of Jungkook’s beating heart.
“I'm not worked up. Im relaxed.” Jungkook swallows, now trying to will his body into not being so tense. Jimin then chuckles at him “ sure if relaxed means nervous”. He then moves, his head lifting up so that he could turn to look his boyfriend in his face. Once he does, Jungkook’s eyes switch away immediately, focusing fondly on the small mole that sits at the bottom of jimin’s neck. The smiling boy then slowly pouts at him.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that? I didn't do anything.” Jungkook says once he notices the change of atmosphere and the way that his boyfriend kept his piercing eyes on him. Jimin however did not appreciate how defensive his boyfriend had suddenly become. He was acting completely out of his character…
“I...didn't say you did…” he says slowly after staring at him for a moment. He then pulls back a bit “Kookie we don't hide secrets from each other right?- I mean, at least that's what I thought before I found out about your previous situation with y/n…” jimin then mumbles and the sound of uncertain disappointment tugs heavily at jungkook’s heart. The boy only then finally bringing his hurt soaked eyes to meet the other’s.
He didn't trust him…Jimin doesn't believe in his word anymore.
“ Jimin-”
“ No... no, Its okay” the silver haired boy quickly interrupts jungkook with a fake giggle, making him snap his mouth shut immediately. Jimin then takes a deep breath, thinking carefully about what to say next.
“ I know I’m just overreacting…” he whispers silently, so low he wished jungkook never heard him say it. Of course, that wasn't the case.
“Its just- y/n, she’s beautiful y’know? and I can't believe I never noticed her back then, and with you?... I feel so guilty, I hurt her before I even knew her.” jimin pauses, staring into space. “You know...I tried to approach her in the library today? And when she didn't notice- I chickened out and pretty much ran away” he confesses bitterly with a scoff, a pitiful feeling settling within his weak stomach. He could remember this exact emotion when he turned away from you earlier, feeling defeated at the thought that you really might not want anything to do with him.
When the hell did the tables turn?
Jungkook could only sit and watch as jimin tries to pull himself together and suddenly stand up from their bath. Inside his mind , he continued to scold himself. Angry at how much of a terrible choice he made years ago, was somehow able to cause such a huge shift within his current relationship.
If you were angry that I kept you from y/n , could you forgive me for indulging in her?
a long excruciating silence.
While your feet patted constantly against the hard floors of taehyung’s dorm, he on the other hand sat still as stone on top of his bed. Your arms perched upon your chest, as a hand pulled constantly at your now swollen lips and On your hundredth turn back towards your best friend’s direction. Only then do you find yourself growing tired of his lack of words.
Your eyes suddenly move to him. “So?”
The gesture snaps him from out of his silent thoughts. Taehyung’s arm tightens slightly around the soft pillow, holding it closer towards his chest and he pushes up the square rimmed glasses on his tired face.
“right…” he starts, coming back into reality “ and you’re sure you werent dreaming this? because you know you tend to fall asleep while studying a lot.” He questions rhetorically while squinting his eyes, making you pause in the middle of your pacing. This wasn't the time to be making jokes, and yet you weren't surprised by your best friend’s lack of concentration.
“I think I can tell the difference between reality and being asleep Tae…we were not in some crazy dream.” you frown impatiently, just wanting any kind of help for your current problem. You then try to take in a deep breath, your hands shaking and stomach squeezing itself together at the thought of what had happened earlier. screw your life... What the hell was Jeon thinking , suddenly kissing you in the middle of the library like that?
But more importantly, why do you keep thinking about it?
“well at least you can do that! I can barely tell if seeing two of you is normal...” he starts to grumble under his breath, creating a small pout while rolling his eyes in sleepy irritation. Once again showing you how lightly he was taking all of this.
“ ugh Taehyung!” You suddenly whine out his name before stomping your foot like a child. This makes the man hold up his hands in surrender, not realizing how aggravated you really were becoming. “Alright, alright! ” your best friend exclaims suddenly, interrupting your mini tantrum. He chuckles slightly, watching how your face screws and unscrews from it’s adorable pout- sometimes you really seemed like his cute little sister. your red puffy cheeks and lost puppy eyes. his brow then lifts...Honestly, he wouldn't think passed it if that same cute expression, was the reason that snake suddenly couldn't deny his obvious attraction towards you.
The thought suddenly has the boy glaring... “ y/n, I'm just trying to understand this. Ever since I first met you, you’ve hated Jungkook with a burning passion and now you’re telling me you kissed him-”
“Woah!...Emo boy kissed me , I did not kiss him.” you correct tae immediately, offended that he would even assume you made the first move in the first place. Hell if that weren't insulting enough, then it was definitely the skeptical look he gives you in return to your claim.
The gesture then makes you roll your eyes while letting out a deep sigh. “I didn't kiss him…” you practically plead, the soft words accompanying your tiny voice.
“I believe you.” He nods and you sag in relief.
That being said, While his voice was sincere, the way Taehyung had begun to walk circles around you, told you that you wouldn't be so at ease with where he was leading this conversation.
“Did you kiss him back?” Tae stops, turning towards you.
And you’re not, you’re completely uncomfortable.
“Pardon?” You swallow visibly.
Tae tilts his head while narrowing his eyes, he then crosses his arms together. “did you...kiss him...back?” He repeats the question a bit slower, leaving no possibility for you to not understand what exactly it was that he was asking you. For some reason it catches you completely off guard and Your stomach squeezes itself in even further at the highly fresh memory.
It probably took way longer than normal for your body to realize what was happening at that moment. Your heart had jumped entirely into your stomach and On the table below you, your hands quivered in shock. With your eyes wide open, you stared up into jungkook’s face. Your cheeks flushed, breathing uneven, and an unwilling sigh of pleasure is let loose when...his incredibly soft lips begins to mold cautiously against yours.
Within a matter of seconds, you had gone from screaming out your anger towards him, to the boy himself suddenly stepping around the table to come a bit closer. His tongue then running across your lips , somehow managing to pry it’s way pass your weak attempt to prevent it. Your mind then goes blank With a huge pull of arousal and you allow your eyes slowly slide shut as he dominantly takes your mouth for his.
“Mmm” in moment of carelessness, jungkook hums out his satisfaction of something he’d dreamed of doing many times and as much as you hate to admit it, it sounds pretty damn good. It could've been the drought of sexual activity in your life or simply that you've never experienced anything like this… but you couldn't remember the last time anyone has ever kissed you with so much passion and hunger. But then again, no guy was just as selfish and greedy like jungkook…-wait.
Jungkook??...Jeon Jungkook is kissing you and you’re kissing him back?...oh no.
Immediately your eyes snap open and you abruptly pull away from the unsuspecting boy. Jungkook could barely blink. The dazed raven following your quick movements with his eyes and not long to follow, the harsh sound of your hand connecting with his face could he be heard throughout the entire library. Jungkook’s head violently snaps to the side and as if to process what exactly had just happened he stays that way for a few seconds. Meanwhile all you could do was sputter a handful tasteful curses before somehow grabbing all of your things and dashing down the library’s isles.
Blinking away the scene that played in your head, you find yourself crashing back down into a harsh reality. The realization hitting you like a cold wave, that you in-fact kissed your sworn enemy back. While standing eerily quiet before your best friend, taehyung shifts his head just a bit lower to catch your reaction. His awaiting stare turning into one of surprise once you give him his  long overdue answer.
“Of course not” you lied.
Chapter Four | Next Chapter | Masterlist
Taglist: @rkivemagic @peterrogers15 @sessi03 @brokencrownqueen @cainami
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valkavavaart · 5 years ago
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no one asked but i wanted to do all of this in one sitting lets go.. this is long im sorry
1. favourite character 
jyushi, kuukou, ramuda.. i will not pick between them
2. least favourite character 
jyuto.. also saburo but he’s growing on me
3. favourite division
nagoya, baby!
4. favourite buster bros member
legally adopting jiro.. thats my boy i love him
5. favourite mtc member
rioooOoOOoOOoOoOoOOo i dont care the other two but like id give my life for riooOoOOOo
6. favourite matenrou member
doppPOOoOOOoOOOoo but also dr jakurai jinguji if ur out there...
7. favourite fling posse member
r a m u d and a.. whos that
8. favourite character song
UMMM drops and moonlight shadow both slap...?
9. favourite rap battle
its gotta beeeeee battle battle battle? i dont rlly listen to them much i just think abt the art where ramuda and jakurai are like face to face except we KNOW ramuda is barely like 5′0″ and jakurai is a big tall 6′4″ish man so how are they this close is ramuda sitting on his knee?? is jakurai kneeling?? is ramuda on a box
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10. favourite tdd member
again.. ramuda lmao.. like esp tdd ramuda his outfit is so cute hes just so tiny..
11. your otp
UMMMM i like getting into a lot of ships?? id say my favs are probably like.. gendice or riodice maybe?? and ichikuu.. rn im like rlly into hitoya/jakurai too i want those old men to hold hands (i wanna draw them but idk any good poses for old dudes who r also boyfriends)
12. your notp
anything involving saburo uMmMMmm.. im not rlly a fan of samatoki/ichiro & tdd era samatoki/ichiro ESPECIALLY rubs e the wrong way.. i also dont rlly like jyushi/hitoya or kuukou/hitoya they just rlly rub me the wrong way
13. how did you get hooked on hypmic
ok so on twitter all my friends and the artists i follow got rlly into fire emblem three houses and i didnt own a switch at the time but i was like "cool i'll like find a bunch of artists that draw this and i'll UHHH maybe get hyped for it idk" and one of the artists was riryou_ on twitter who was posting like mochi blyeth and i was like omg so cute... and they spoke abt like hypmic a bunch too and i was like "oh i vaguely know what hypmic is (based off of all the samatoki memes and sasara fanart i’d see), maybe i should get into it??" then they like posted jyushi and i was like "oh he looks so dumb i need to know more" and i HEARD jyushi and i was like "actually he's adorable and i love him!!" bc i have a soft spot for like.. crybaby chuunis, and then downloaded the game and was like "wtf!!! where is jyushi" and thats why im here..
14. a character you identify with
im not assigning myself a hypmic kin!!!!!!!!
but i’ll pick doppo bc 1. never trust a doppo kinnie and 2. i too need a therapist
15. favourite character design
KUUKOU was designed specifally to cater to me here is exactly why
-his hair. i cant draw it but i like it
-hes like >:3 all the time 
-he has?? fucking fangs
-cat boy energy
-the like contrast of him being a monk and then him also just being a little bastard.. love that
-i like his jacket
-his dumb fucking boots..
-he comfy
-radiates chaotic energy
-one of his eyes is usually like slightly squinted?? i dont know why he does that but i like it
-he wont hesitate.. bitch
-i forgot this was supposed to be like based on his design and went on a long ass ramble abt his personality but like sshhh you wont see that.. delete
-piercings... the big one looks like a stretcher? i like that
-his speakers that look like the dragon w the bell are cool
-again short king rowdy boy
-he has long eyelashes and wears eye makeup.. thats cute..
- >:3
16. a character you'd cosplay
again kuukou looks comfy but thats a lot of layers.. itd be rlly warm right..
id say maybe jiro! ichiro would be my next choice idk i like their jackets
17. a character you thought you'd like + 18. a character you thought you'd dislike  
ok so i just put these together bc like actually.. before i got into hypmic when all i rlly knew was vague fanart of the characters and that jyushi is my man i did a tier list to like get my opinions on them down.. and sometimes i look back to it and im like.. AHAH...
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as u can see i was on board for jyushi as soon as i got here... but i thought sasara and kuukou were rlly neat and like i figured i'd like ichiro bc mmm... but honestly im not that big on ichi SFGKHDLF...
meanwhile in the bottom tier... jakurai, jiro, dice, rosho, ramuda, hifumi... the irony that i actually rlly like all of them... rosho took a while to grow on me but he's really good.. meanwhile hifumi probably still isnt a character im like SUPER into but i do like him..
heres my current tier list tho LMAO
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19. buster bros or mtc?
hnn.. its gonna have to be buster bros...
i like jiro and rio a lot and dont rlly care for the other 4 but like.. i think i like bb and their dynamic and find them more sympathetic than mtc lmaoo... like ichiro went through a lot for his bros..
samatoki also went through a lot for nemu but hes stinky as hell and i think he's stupid. but i will not write an essay on that.
20. fling posse or matenrou
fling posse BABYYYYYY i love those funky little lads.. i like matenrou a lot too but like fp just appeal to me a lot more and i rlly love their dynamic.. i could talk for days abt fp...
21. mtc or matenrou
matenrOUuUuuUUuUUuu again i do not care mtc aside from rio.. i dont rlly have strong thoughts on matenrou lol i like their friendship tho :)
22. favourite hypmic seiyuu
saito soma or takaya kuroda.. saito soma bc i generally love his voice and also he voices other favs of mine (yamaguchi hq, 2wink from enstars..) and takuya kuroda bc im literally a simp for kazuma kiryu from the yakuza series,
also ive been insulting samatoki so far but i actually like his va like the man has the range?? between voicing samatoki hypmic and leo enstars?? HELLO????
23. a song you didn't like
basically anything by mad trigger crew SBJFGKJHLDSF the only song i actively remember by them is whats my name.. i only play it for rio..
UMMM otherwise i guess like??? new star.. sucks bc i actually rlly like saburo's va but i feel like he doesnt rlly get the best parts/songs...? that being said i like songs w him in it so
24. a hypmic headcanon
ummmmmmm i cant think of anything lol snnzzz.. i saw the hc that ramuda was the one that like dyed jakurais hair and it was so cute..
25. favourite solo song
wasnt this already a question or can i not read.. whatever my brain is like gya gya gyaran gya gya gyaran bam gya gya gyaran bam gya gya gya gya gyaran bam
6. favourite mc name
they all fucking suck LOL
evil monk is very literal and i like that. i also like that 14th moon ties into jyushi's name and everything..
UHHH i guess doppo cause its literally just his name LMAOO and i think doppos a cute name
7. the most attractive character
i know i said that kuukou is designed to appeal specific to me but gentarou? pretty boy. love to see it thank you saito soma. also tdd era jakurai.. maybe its just cause i like the manga art a lot but... dr jakurai jinguji if ur out there
28. a kink
29. favourite life quote & 30. favourite rebuttal or punchline
i dont wanna give a serious answer to either of those so on a completely unrelated note, i think abt this a lot
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thelastspeecher · 5 years ago
Not bothering with a title because I couldn’t think of one.  Anyways, on the Discord recently, we added a bit more to the Spy AU and retconned a few things.  Two major things that were changed/added are that the spy agency that the Squad works for (and is run by Ma Guck) is now called Gravity Falls.  Meanwhile, the rival spy agency is called the Cipher Corp and is run by none other than Bill Cipher.  I’ll probably make a separate post later detailing the specifics of these changes.  The second major thing added/changed was that now more Gucks than just Angie, Fidds, and Ma Guck are involved in the spy world.
But you’ll see that here, in this ficlet that takes place during the time when Ford was hit by a de-aging toxin on a mission and turned into a three-year-old.  Enjoy.
              Basstian crouched down next to Ford and smiled at him.
              “That’s some mighty fine colorin’,” he said gently.  Ford looked up, beaming broadly.  Just last week, Ford would have bristled at Basstian’s paternal tone, but he seemed to slipping into a childlike mindset more and more lately. Basstian did his best to ignore the heartwrenching implications of this and just enjoy Ford’s new willingness to take naps.
              “It’s a dinosaur,” Ford said proudly.  Basstian ruffled Ford’s hair, still smiling at him.
              Lord, he looks so much like Stan ‘n Angie’s babies.  The door to the agency daycare opened.
              “Basstian,” a voice said.  Basstian stood and turned around.  Stan stood in the doorway, out of breath and clearly simmering with barely contained anger.
              “Stanley!” Ford chirped happily, getting to his feet.  Stan shot Ford a quick grin.
              “Hey, pipsqueak.”  Stan looked back at Basstian.  “We caught ‘im.”
              “Who?” Basstian asked.
              “The person responsible for this whole clusterfu…dge,” Stan said, quickly censoring his last word.  Basstian’s eyes widened.
              “You mean the person who…”  Basstian glanced at Ford, who, blissfully unaware of the tense nature of the conversation, had grabbed his coloring book and toddled over to Stan.
              “Yeah,” Stan said.  “I know you mostly just work with the kids here, but think you could stand in the corner all menacingly while I interrogate the guy?”
              “Sure,” Basstian said.
              “Stan,” Ford said, tugging on Stan’s pants.  “Look, I colored.”  Stan looked down at Ford.
              “Good work, bud.”  Stan ruffled Ford’s hair.
              “You didn’t even look at it!” Ford whined.
              “I’ll look in a bit, okay?  Basstian and I have to go talk to a bad guy first.”
              “How about you color another thing while we’re gone?” Basstian suggested. “Then you can show off two colorings when we get back.”  Ford frowned thoughtfully.
              “You drive a hard bargain, but okay,” he said after a moment.  Basstian gently nudged Ford back to the play area of the daycare.  Ford toddled over obediently and took a seat on the floor.
              “C’mon,” Stan said brusquely.  Basstian followed him out of the daycare, forgetting to close the door behind him in his haste.
              “How’d you guys track this guy down?” Basstian asked.  Stan stared straight ahead, his jaw clenched with anger.
              “We got a tip through one of our regular sources that the guy responsible for shrinking Ford was going to be making a dropoff at the park on Johnson. We got there, saw exactly what we were told to expect, knocked the guy out, and put a bag over his head to bring him back here.”
              “Who is he?”
              “Dunno.  We didn’t get a good look at him before we put the bag on his head.  We wanted to move as fast as possible.”
              “I can tell,” Basstian said, beginning to feel slightly out of breath from talking and keeping up with Stan’s frantic pace.  “Who’s ‘we’?”
              “Me and Angie.  Angie went off to go tell the boss that we finally nabbed the guy.  That way, she can step in if we need him to.”  Stan grinned viciously.  “No one’s better than your mom at getting people to sing like a bird.”
              “Amen,” Basstian mumbled.  They arrived at the interrogation room.  Stan slammed the door open and marched in.  Basstian looked over at the person sitting handcuffed to the table.  Like Stan had said, there was a bag over his head. Basstian silently entered the room and closed the door behind him.  Stan stormed over to the enemy agent.
              “Get ready to talk, you piece of shit,” Stan snarled.  He ripped the bag off the man’s head.  His jaw dropped.  “Harper?”
              “Howdy, Stanley,” the man said cheerfully.  Basstian stared.  Sitting at the table, grinning broadly at Stan, was his older brother.  “This is one heck of a how-do-ya-do, by the way.”
              “You son of a bitch,” Stan growled.  Harper raised an eyebrow.
              “That’s not a very polite thing to call yer mother-in-law.”
              “Fuck you, man.  You work for the Cipher Corp?  Do you have any clue what they do there?”
              “What can I say?  It’s a tough job market out there,” Harper said with a shrug.  Stan moved to stand across the table from Harper.  He crossed his arms.
              “You don’t seem very surprised to find out I work for Gravity Falls.”
              “I knew.”  At Harper’s casual statement, Basstian’s blood ran cold.  He looked at Stan, who had stiffened, the color draining from his face.  “Y’all had an agent that quit and came to work fer the Cipher Corp.  She told me ‘bout ya workin’ fer Gravity Falls.  It ain’t common knowledge, don’t worry.  We’re the only two what know.”  Harper cocked his head.  “And I ain’t told anyone Angie works fer Gravity Falls, neither.”
              “How the hell do you know that?” Stan hissed.
              “She told me the two of ya met at work.  But like I said, I ain’t told anyone.  I might be workin’ fer the Cipher Corp, but I protect my own.  I wouldn’t want anyone to hurt my baby sister.”
              “You protect your own, huh?” Stan demanded.
              “Your family.”
              “Bullshit,” Stan growled, placing his hands on the table and leaning forward. Harper leaned forward as well.
              “It ain’t.  I protect my fam’ly.”
              “Then why the hell did you do that to Ford?!” Stan shouted.  Harper blinked.
              “If you protect your family, why would you mess with your brother-in-law?”
              “I…didn’t,” Harper said, befuddled.
              “Fuck off!” Stan roared.
              “Stanley, I honestly have no clue what yer referrin’ to,” Harper said calmly. “I haven’t seen Stanford in some time. Isn’t he sick?”
              “He’s not sick, he’s-” Stan started.  The door to the interrogation room creaked open.  All three men looked over.  Basstian groaned quietly.
              Shoot.  He must’ve followed us.  Ford stood in the doorway, staring at Harper with wide eyes.  Basstian quickly walked over to Ford.
              “C’mon, kidlet, this ain’t the place fer ya,” Basstian said gently.  “Let’s get ya back to the daycare.”  Ignoring the startled look from Harper, who had just noticed him, he took a hold of one of Ford’s hands.  Ford shook him off and walked to Stan.
              “Bud, you can’t be here,” Stan said quietly.  Ford frowned at Harper thoughtfully.  “Go back to the daycare with Basstian, okay?”
              “No,” Ford said.  Stan sighed.
              “Who- who’s this lil feller?” Harper asked.  “And why’s he here?”  Stan glared at him.
              “Don’t play dumb,” Stan snapped.  “That’s Ford, and you know it.”
              “I- what?”
              “You’re the reason he’s like this!” Stan rumbled.  He slammed a fist on the table.  Harper’s eyes widened.
              “I…”  Harper took a breath.  “Explain.”
              “No,” Stan said flatly.  He scooped Ford into his arms.  “I’ve gotta get Ford back for naptime.”
              “My colorings,” Ford protested.
              “All right, all right, you can show me your colorings.  But right after, you’re taking a nap,” Stan said.  He headed out of the room.  “Get your finger out of your nose, you’re gonna give yourself a nosebleed.”  The sound of footsteps faded.  Harper stared at Basstian.
              “Basstian, what’s- what’s-” Harper stammered.  “Yer here, and that’s Ford, and-”  Harper closed his eyes.  “What’s goin’ on?”  Basstian walked over to the table.  He sat down across from Harper.
              “Yes, I work fer Gravity Falls.  I ain’t a field agent like Stan or Angie or Ford, though.  I mostly just work in the daycare.  Sometimes I help out with makin’ up backstories fer covers. And when they want someone stand ‘round lookin’ intimidating fer an interrogation, I get asked to come in. That’s why Stan wanted me here.” Basstian rubbed his forehead.  “I should’ve asked someone to keep on eye on Ford.  He’s started wanderin’ ‘round HQ lately, lookin’ fer Stan or Fidds.  Should’ve known he’d follow us back here.”
              “How is that- how is that Stanford?” Harper asked weakly.  Basstian met his eyes.
              “Like Stan said, don’t play dumb.  Yer the one what did that to him,” Basstian said firmly.  Harper paled.
              “He’s the agent I gave that toxin,” Harper croaked.  Basstian nodded.  Harper’s head drooped.  “Oh, Lord above.  I swear, I had no idea it was Stanford.  If I was, I wouldn’t have done it.”
              “I doubt Stan ‘ll believe ya.  Or forgive ya any time soon.  Ford’s condition is gettin’ pretty dire.  He’s in kid mode almost constantly now.”  Harper continued to pale further as Basstian was speaking.  “The folks in the lab say that if we don’t cure him soon, we won’t be able to.”
              “I- I know the cure,” Harper said.  “I can- I can make it.  I don’t want Stanford to have to grow up again.”
              “But you were fine with it when it was a stranger,” Basstian said. Harper was quiet.  “Why would ya work fer the Cipher Corp?  That movie job don’t pay ya enough?”
              “I don’t have a movie job,” Harper said.  “It was a cover.  Just like Stan and Angie’s terrible lie that they work in sales.  Well, Angie’s terrible lie.  No one would ever believe she’s a halfway decent salesman.”
              “We’re not talkin’ ‘bout this right now.”
              “Right.  Take me to the lab, I’ll whip up the cure.”
              “Not yet,” Basstian said.  “The boss ‘ll want to talk to ya first.”  Someone knocked on the door.  “That must be her.”  The door opened.  Harper looked over.  His jaw dropped.
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lovelylogans · 7 years ago
lavender for luck: chapter five
see warnings here
art by neil
previous chapter | the timestamp/sequel
“Bit dismal, isn’t it?” Roman asks pointedly, as Logan’s car trundles past the pitiful excuse for a welcoming sign.
“Lots of parking, though,” Logan says dryly, gesturing into the nearest lot that, aside from about three cars scattered throughout, had their pick of spots.
“This is where Virgil grew up,” Patton says, a tone of quiet disapproval in his voice. “Where he lives.”
“I’m starting to see why he was so emo when we first met him,” Roman says in an undertone. “If I lived here I’d be miserable too.”
A pause, as they examined their surroundings, and Roman looks at the map again.
“So,” Roman says. “Do we start at the grocery store, or the tiny excuse of a library, or the gas station? Or whatever number of closed-up shops there are? Or, oh, look, a bed and breakfast—”
“It’s a Sunday in a small town, stands to reason things are closed,” Logan says, tapping lightly at the dashboard. “Could use a bit more gas. Besides, they might have instructions. Maps. Directions. They might even know where he lives, it’s a small enough town—everyone must know everyone here—”
“Gas station it is,” Patton agrees, shifting in his seat. “I could use a good stretch. I hope they’ve got snacks.”
“—then I suppose we’ll check into the bed and breakfast. I have a suspicion that if Virgil ignored all of our calls and texts, he might not be quite so open to seeing us all in person. It may take a while.”
“We’ll just curl up on his doorstep and refuse to leave,” Roman suggests, and Logan lets out a slight huff that might have been hiding a laugh, pulling in to the gas station and parking by one of the two pumps, setting it to fill up before going inside.
A man, their age, or perhaps a year or two older, stared at them, smiling a kind of aggrieved customer-service smile.
“Sorry,” He says, not sounding particularly sorry as he stands from where he’d been sitting and scrolling on his phone. “Not often we get out of towners. Sunday’s normally a slow day—”
“It’s no trouble,” Logan says, and then glances around the small excuse for a gas station. Fridges line two of the walls, and there’s about three aisles worth of snacks, which Roman and Patton are already perusing, and then back at the counter, where the man (whose nametag read JIMMY KAVANAGH in cursive white stitching) gawks at them openly. “If I could pay in here—”
“Yeah, sure,” Apparently-Jimmy says, waving a hand and squinting out to double-check the pump number.
“What’re you doing in Ligerion?” he asks, as he’s punching in the information. “I think the last visitors we had was over a year ago, now.”
Logan tries his hardest not to wince at the use of a singular verb with a plural subject, and busies himself with glancing through yellowed, old maps of the town. “We’re visiting a friend of ours.”
“Oh, yeah? Bet I know ‘im.” He says to Logan, who laughs politely, well-versed in small-talk and all of its intricacies, even if he wasn’t particularly genuine about it.
“Place like this, I suppose you have to,” Logan agrees, setting what looks like the most in-depth map on the counter. “I’m paying for all their snacks, too, plus this—anyways, we’re visiting Virgil. Virgil Fae.”
It’s like saying his name flips a switch. The color practically drains out of his face, and gone is the look, the conspiratorial one that seems like he wants to be first to know the business for the visitors. Now, he looks like he’s seen a ghost—like Virgil’s name alone shook him to his core. Apparently-Jimmy looks around the station, scandalized, before bending his head towards Logan.
“All right, look,” he says to Logan in an undertone, an edge of a laugh in his tone. “I get that you’re, like, city boys, y’all’re new around here. But don’t go shoutin’ it out—guess if you’re seeing a Fae you haven’t got much sense, though,” he adds, and Logan stiffens.
“Beg your pardon?”
His voice is louder than expected, and he can practically feel Roman and Patton’s questioning gazes on his back. The soft padding of Roman and Patton’s feet as they approach the counter, silently putting their things on the counter. Patton’s fingers brush soft, subtle, down the steel of his spine.
Apparently-Jimmy sighs, and looks at them. “Look, bit of free advice?” He says, as he’s starting to ring up the snacks.
“Faes aren’t friends. They’ll do a good job convincing you of it, sure, but that’s the way they are. They’re good at it. That’s how they get you. You’re not from here, I get it. But I am. People in this town… they’ve seen people like you get all wrapped up in the Faes and what happens to them. You’ll think they’re your people, they’re parts of the town, that they’re your friends. They are not.”
Logan did not particularly care what this person thought. He didn’t know Virgil. He didn’t know the quiet, earnest Virgil, the one who made his own garden in their land-locked, green-bereft apartment. The one who grew from snarling and grouchy to someone who tried, all the time, learning how to fit and change and be with people who cared about him.
Because if Virgil had lived his life—in a dark, dismal, small place like this, with people like this who suspected his every motive—Logan could understand why he had been so shut off to them, before.
Because of people like this.
Logan draws himself up to his full height, and feels his best well-bred sneer cross his face, disdainful. He puts down enough cash for the snacks, their gas, the map with perhaps a bit more force than necessary.
“For your information,” and his tone was acerbic and cold, “which I’m not entirely sure will sink into your thick head, Virgil is one of the best men I’ve ever met. And we don’t particularly care about whatever horrid, false warnings you want to give to us.”
“Your funeral,” Jimmy mutters as they finally head for the door, and Patton has to grab Logan’s arm and practically shove him outside, lest he double back and—what? Punch him? He wouldn’t punch someone.
Would he?
He needs to calm down. He needs to keep a level head.
Roman, meanwhile, has stopped in his tracks.
“We’re idiots,” Roman says, and swivels to look at them. “We… we’re idiots.”
“Why d’you say that,” Patton prompts, and Roman gestures down the main road.
“You guys. Cora.”
They all freeze. Cora. Virgil’s great-aunt.
Who owns the only restaurant in town.
“We are idiots,” Logan breathes.
Patton checks his watch, and says, “Early dinner, then?”
They scramble for the car.
It turns out to be barely a minute’s drive, and Logan pulls into the first available spot, before they all head straight for the diner door.
The diner’s small, and neat. It’s kind of… cute, really, with a soda counter and booths, everything done in shades of red or white. Everyone in the diner is staring at them, though, and they swiftly slide into a booth.
“What is with this town,” Roman says in an undertone, stealing a glance towards an old man, who’s squinting at them suspiciously.
“It’s not exactly a hot spot for tourists,” Logan says dryly, and reaches for the menus—pieces of paper put into a plastic holder, as if the menu’s swapped around often, all tucked behind a condiments container.
Patton takes the menu, and observes it, before he pauses, stricken.
“What?” Roman asks.
“I—nothing,” Patton says. “Just—butterscotch milkshake.”
The scattering of butterscotch candies in the care packages that arrived twice a month, the ones Virgil claimed and shoved in his backpack and sucked on when he was studying.
“Well,” Logan says, “at least we know we’re in the right place.”
“Yeah,” Roman says, with a nod to the Auntie Cora’s printed on the window, “there were no other hints, at all.”
“Have you just decided to pick up the snark in Virgil’s absence, then?” Logan asks Roman, and Roman rolls his eyes at him.
“Hey there,” the woman starts, looking at her notepad, and then looks out with a smile. “What can I get…?”
She trails off, staring at Patton, who’s staring back.
“You’re… that nice boy,” the woman who must be Cora says, tucking her pen behind her ear, invisible in her toss of white curls. “Patton, isn’t it?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Patton says softly. “And this is Logan, and this is Roman. Thank you for your recipes, I know Virgil—” he falters, and continues, strangled, “I know Virgil really loves them.”
She clears her throat, tries for a smile, and fishes her pen back out. “Can I get you boys started with a drink?”
“We were wondering—” Logan begins, leaning forwards, but Patton’s hand closes around his wrist.
“We’d love to,” Patton says. “I’ll start with a butterscotch milkshake. Rome, Lo?” He says, glancing at them.
Roman meets eyes with Logan, shrugs, and says, “I’ll just get a water, thanks.”
“Water as well,” Logan says, and Patton rubs his thumb over Logan’s hand as Cora notes it down.
“Be right out with those, fellas,” she says, and goes back behind the counter, presumably to the kitchen.
“People were staring,” Patton says, and nods his head to the side, where a child is openly gawking and pointing at them. “Still are. If the way our friend at the gas station acted is any indication…”
“Virgil isn’t popular,” Logan says with a sigh. “Well spotted. I don’t know why I’m so off today.”
“Yes, you do,” Roman murmurs, and puts his head on his arms, letting out a gusting sigh. “Anx—I mean, when Virgil wrote to me back then—I thought he was exaggerating.”
As the meal goes on, and they each try to the butterscotch milkshake, which makes Logan think about Virgil even more, the people turn more towards their own meals and ignore them. The food is hearty and filling and warm; Logan thinks that Virgil’s constant praise of Cora is well-earned.
As they wind down, Cora brings over three plates balanced on one arm, dishes them out, and slides in the booth next to Roman, who hastily scoots aside so there’s room.
She’s brought them jam tarts, and a brownie for Patton. They all murmur their thanks.
Cora nods, gestures for them to dig in with a thin, strained smile, and says quietly, “You know, Virgil was named after my late husband.”
Logan isn’t quite sure what to say—he never is, in these kinds of situations.
“I’m sorry for your loss,” Patton says somberly, and Cora gives him the same wan smile.
“It happened years ago,” she says. “Before you were born. We had a good life together—started this diner, moved to Loch Ligerion. Raised Virgil’s mother as our own, after his sister and her husband died. We knew, of course. When she came home from kindergarten all atwitter about the Fae boy in her class. We knew what it meant.”
The other three exchange glances, and Logan says politely, “I don’t think we do.”
Cora smiles, pats Logan on the hand. “Oh, I know,” she says. “He wouldn’t have told you about that. Any of it. Got too much flack about it here, poor thing, I think that’s part of why he went off to school. Didn’t phrase it to us quite like that, but Dee and I knew.”
It takes a while for the name to click, but Roman gets it first. “Dee’s… Virgil’s uncle?”
“Mhm,” Cora says. “He didn’t want Virgil to go at all, really, in his mind the fact that James—Virgil’s father—ever left town is what caused him and Violet to pass away so suddenly, before—” She cuts herself off.
“Before?” Roman prompts, and Cora laughs a little awkwardly.
“It’s… traditional, for there to be two Fae children. Occasionally more, but most commonly two. Virgil’s the first only Fae child in two hundred years.”
Patton lets out a low whistle. “Wow.”
“It’s… unusual, certainly,” Logan says, “but—”
“There are things at play here that you don’t understand,” Cora says kindly.
“Okay,” Logan says. “Would you tell us about those things?”
“It’s not my place.”
“No, but it could be Virgil’s,” Logan says. “Could you—could you just let us know how we could see him?”
She’s visibly hesitating, and Roman adds hastily, “Just to see him. Just… we want to make sure he’s okay. We didn’t even know he’d left, we thought something awful happened—"
Their desserts lay forgotten, and Cora glances nervously over her shoulder, before looking back to them.
“You seem like very nice boys,” she says. “Every time Virgil came home, he smiled more and more, and I know it was because of you three.”
They all brighten, a little, but she holds up a hand.
“But I saw James smile more and more because of my Violet, too,” Cora says. “Boys, I’m sorry, but… I’ll let him know that you’re in town, and that you want to see him. But I’m not going to be part of what leads you to it. He’ll be the one who makes the choice. I think the fact that he left town should tell you what he’s going to choose.” She nods to them, says even softer, “Eat your sweets,” and slides out of the booth, going straight for the kitchen.
“Well,” Patton says quietly, dipping his spoon into the melty brownie, “that’s… something, at least.”
“Something confusing,” Logan says. “I don’t know why she’s acting like us seeing Virgil again would be the end of the world.”
They eat their desserts slowly, dawdling over the last of their meal.
Almost theatrically, the door dings open, and a hush falls over the diner. Logan blinks at Roman, and they look to the door.
A man stands there, and Logan nearly chokes on his last bite of tart.
He looks like an older Virgil.
Except for the part that he’s scowling at the majority of the diner, wearing a cape and a bowler hat, and has unfortunately selected yellow as an accent color, rather than Virgil’s usual purple.
“That’s Virgil’s Uncle,” Roman says in an undertone. “Has to be, right?”
“Has to be,” Logan agrees, equally quiet, and they watch as Cora emerges from the kitchen with a brown paper bag, as the Uncle takes it and leans over the counter to chat with her, the way her eyes stray towards their table, how his grip tightens on the takeout bag.
And he turns around, facing them full on, and by Patton’s poorly-bitten off gasp, the other differences between himself and Virgil are made immediately apparent.
He practically glides over to their table, and unlike Cora, doesn’t slide in to sit next to Roman—he hovers over them, drawing himself up to his full height, glowering at them all with his yellow, snakey eye, a smirk straining the scar tissue on his cheek, the scales catching the fluroescent light.
“You must be the boys I’ve heard all about,” he says, voice quiet and precise and drawling in a way that Virgil, even at his meanest, could never quite manage.
“The boys who’d like to see him,” Patton says politely, and his smile turns even nastier.
“I’m afraid Virgil isn’t at home.”
“Tell us where he is, and we’ll get right out of your way,” Roman says, tilting his chin up proudly.
“I wouldn’t know what to tell you,” Uncle says. “Virgil leaving town, I’m sure it has nothing to do with you three.” He smiles at them, nods, and says, “Goodbye, boys.”
He sweeps out the same way he came, and Logan can see the other diners relax, as if all of them had been holding their breath.
Logan’s usually disinclined towards such metaphoric statements, but it’s undeniable, the sudden release of tension as Virgil’s Uncle leaves.
“Charmer,” Roman remarks quietly to them, and Logan pauses, touching his own cheek.
“Skin condition, maybe,” Logan murmurs. “Not sure which. And the eye… contact, maybe?”
“He looks a lot like Virgil,” Patton says. “Aside from, you know. The weird snakey stuff.”
At last, they pay, and tip, and venture to walk the main road of the town; it’s really not all that much to look at. The grocery store, a tiny library, Cora’s diner, the gas station, a couple other little, tiny shops that probably wouldn’t do them any good.
“Bed and breakfast, do you think?” Roman asks as the sun begins to set, and Patton, very suddenly, gasps.
“Cat,” he says, and moves to approach it. The cat looks to them, meows at them loudly, and trots over, purring noisily.
As the cat approaches, Logan can tell more—it’s an entirely black cat, the only bits of color being its large amber eyes and the twining of flowers around its neck. Logan’s no Virgil, but he can pick out anemones, a single daffodil, and purple hyacinths. Some he doesn’t know—Virgil would, he always did. Does.
Virgil, Logan thinks, and in that moment misses him so terribly he can barely take in his next breath.
And there, a little scroll of paper around her neck, as she lays on her back, showing her belly and tipping her head back, as if to ensure that they’ll see it. Patton takes it, hands trembling.
“Thank you,” he tells her, and the cat blinks slowly at them with their amber eyes, and sits back on her haunches, before licking at her paw and starting to clean her face.
“What does it say?” Roman asks, hoarse, and Patton fumblingly unscrolls the tiny piece of paper.
you need to leave, it says in Virgil’s spiky handwriting, and, I’m sorry.
“That’s it?” Logan says, taking the paper and turning it over. Nothing.
The cat meows, butts into Patton’s leg with her head, and sits back to scratch at the flowers with her hind paw, before giving him a look. Logan knows that Virgil’s good with cats, but he hadn’t known it was possible to train them this well.
“Oh,” Patton says, and carefully pulls the flower collar off of her neck. “Here you go.”
She meows at them, dips her head as if nodding at them in acknowledgment, and stalks away.
There’s a pause.
“Do you think she’s going back to Virgil?” Roman asks.
“We should follow her,” Patton says immediately, slipping the flowers onto his wrist, and without waiting for a response, following the cat towards the woods, Roman hot on his heels.
Logan sighs in exasperation before he follows his two boyfriends, who are following a cat, into unfamiliar woods. There are so many ways this could go wrong.
The cat often looks back at them, too, as if to say could you keep up?! and Logan has to take a second to remind himself that cats are not actually capable of such communication. The woods are dark and smell overwhelmingly of dead leaves and pine; there does, at least, seem to be some kind of path they’re following. Logan wonders how often Virgil walks it, when the last time he walked it was. Had he been scared of something? What had made him uproot himself from his life, a life he’d given no prior signs of showing malcontent with, a life that had been… good?
They break through the trees, and Roman whispers, “Holy shit.” Patton doesn’t even lecture him for language; the three of them are too busy staring.
Virgil’s house—manor?—looks straight out of a storybook. It’s black, dark woods, iron, green glass Logan can only barely see the suggestion of light through—the garden’s extensive, and the bluestone path leading to the back door seems to glimmer in the moonlight. There’s towers and spires arching up into the moonlight, and the cat keeps moving, seemingly ignoring them, and moves to the backdoor, yowling and meowing.
“Down,” Logan says, once his brain starts to work, “Get down, behind the bush—”
Logan shoves them, and they crouch behind the bush in time to see the door open, light spilling onto the lawn, Virgil’s Uncle backlit by the glow of the… kitchen, maybe? He says something undiscernable and gestures for the cat to come in, and she does. He looks out into the yard, squinting, before closing the massive door with a bang.
“That is,” Roman says, “a ridiculous house. You know, I’m starting to get Virgil more now. Dressing in all black all the time just makes sense when you live somewhere like that.”
“D’you think that his Uncle lied?” Patton says, soft. “And that he’s really home?”
Logan and Roman are both nodding before he even finishes the sentence.
“I don’t think we can trust that man at all,” Logan says darkly.
“Whenever Virgil mentions him, it always seems… weird,” Roman agrees. “Back when we were penpals, I remember just kind of feeling off about Virgil’s descriptions of him.”
“He’s clearly not going to let us in to see him,” Logan says with a sigh, and turns to his left. “Patton, what do you…?”
He isn’t there. Roman hits him on the arm, and hisses “Patton!” loudly.
Because Patton’s striding up the bluestone path, straight to the door.
Patton takes a breath to steel himself before knocking on the door, and glances over his shoulder to see Logan yanking Roman back to the relative safety of the bush and turns back in time for the door to open.
“Well,” Virgil’s Uncle says. “If it isn’t… what’s your name.”
“Patton,” he says, and digs in his pocket, before unearthing the cat tarot cards that Virgil had left behind, holding them up for his inspection. “Virgil’s usually the one who does this for me. I was wondering if you’d be willing to give me a reading.”
Virgil’s Uncle stares at the cards, and Patton swears he can see something flicker in his eyes before he smiles. He steps aside, and Patton walks into the house.
The décor’s all dark wood and greenery strung haphazardly through the room, a bit like how Virgil keeps his room at the apartment. Patton sits at the kitchen table, and Virgil’s Uncle clatters about in the kitchen.
“Tea,” he says. Patton gets the feeling it isn’t a question.
“Mint, if you have it,” Patton says, sitting down and glancing into the doorway that leads to the rest of the house, the stairs—Virgil’s room must be somewhere up those stairs. Patton, for a fleeting moment, wonders what would happen if he ran up the stairs while Virgil’s Uncle’s back is turned—but a teacup’s set before him before he can act on it.
“Which spread?”
Patton steels himself, and says, “The true love spread.” His voice is much steadier than he thought it’d be.
Virgil’s Uncle nods, as if it hasn’t affected him, and says simply, “Drink your tea,” as he begins to shuffle the deck.
He knows how this goes—cuts the deck without Virgil’s Uncle prompting him at all. It’s almost familiar, a warm drink, a tarot reading—but the surroundings are entirely unfamiliar. Virgil’s Uncle instead of Virgil, Loch Ligerion instead of the Busy Bean, mint tea instead of hot chocolate.
First and second, under them third, fourth, and fifth, sixth in a row alone at the bottom. You, your partner, what brings you together, what keeps you apart, what needs work, and outcome.
But then Virgil’s Uncle sits back and stares. “Tea,” he says, and sips at his own. Patton finishes it in three scalding gulps and sets down the teacup. Virgil’s Uncle takes it and tilts it, squinting, before looking at Patton, level-eyed.
“I must have calculated it perfectly,” Virgil’s Uncle muses, and Patton frowns at him. The room’s getting darker. Why is the room getting darker?
“I—what?” Patton asks. His tongue feels numb.
“You’ll have a bit of a headache in the morning,” Virgil’s Uncle says, and Patton’s balance faults, as he falls off the chair and to the ground. He tries to sit up.
“What did you do to me,” Patton gasps, head spinning, and tries to sit up again.
He can hear thunder—is it thunder? It sounds like thunder, and then someone’s hand on his face, and he forces his eyes open.
“Vurge-uhhl?” Patton forces out around his numb tongue.
“Jesus Christ,” Virgil says, like his voice is coming from the top of a well, “what did you do to him?”
“Virgil,” Patton tries to say again, blinking, fixating on Virgil’s eyes. His eyes are so pretty. Such an unusual shade of brown—like there’s bits of gold, like amber, like—
And Patton’s sinking, sinking down into the water.
“…hospital, or something, he’s been out for hours—”
“—and where do you propose we take him? The nearest medical help is a vet, which doesn’t seem—”
Patton groans and the voices stop and pick up again.
“Patton?” The first voice says, and that’s definitely Roman, and Patton tries to turn his face towards him, except that it feels like a herculean effort.
A hand on his cheek, a thumb over his cheekbone. “Patton, can you hear us?”
“Lo’an,” Patton manages, and adds, “Ro—”
“Hey there, sleepyface,” Roman says, soft and soothing, and a hand strokes through his hair. “Can you open those pretty green eyes for us, honey?”
With herculean effort, Patton forces his eyes open, trying to blink the sleep out of his eyes.
He sees his boyfriends’ faces above him, crowded together, and he sees the looks of relief blossom across their faces.
“Hey there,” Roman says, and runs a hand through his hair again.
“Do you remember what happened?” Logan asks.
Patton blinks as the memories come back, bubbling sluggishly to the surface of his brain, and he tries to sit up in bed.
“I saw him,” Patton says, and both Logan and Roman push him back onto the pillows. “I saw Virgil, he’s at the house, he was—”
Patton’s cut off by a noisy yowl. They all blink and look to the window.
The black cat from before is scratching at the window, and, to put it bluntly, screaming at them.
“Let her in,” Patton says.
“Patton, your medicine—”
“She might have something from Virgil,” Patton says, and Logan sighs, nudging Roman to go to the window, before going to Patton’s bag and digging out his medicine as Patton pushes himself up onto his elbows.
When Roman opens the window, the cat launches herself at Patton, landing on her chest, and meowing in his face, making Patton thump back against the pillows.
She’s kneading his chest and meowing the cat equivalent of some kind of lecture—it’s a lot of angry-sounding mrorororwwww!!!! Mrrrrow! and occasional poking of claws as she kneads against his chest.
“I—” Patton says, and sneezes into her fur, causing her to make a disgusted hiss and leap a little further down the bed.
Just a little, though. Patton accepts his glasses and allergy medicine from Logan, as Roman coos at the cat, who gives him a Look.
“She has one,” Roman says, and takes the scroll, unrolling it, before frowning.
“What?” Patton asks, adjusting his glasses on his nose. “What does it say?”
“I—I don’t understand,” Roman says, and reads off, “The empress, the hanged man, two of cups, the devil, reversed two of swords, the lovers.” Roman exchanges a confused look with Logan, but Patton softens.
“It’s Virgil,” Patton says, soft. “He read it, he—give that to me, and my phone,” he says, and adds hastily, “Please.”
He’s awful at reading this—Virgil’s the one who knows how to read it. But—
Patton begins googling some kind of tarot card reading site, and Logan says, “Patton, what does it mean?”
“They’re tarot cards,” Patton says unthinkingly, before he flushes and clears his throat. “Um. I mean—”
He tries to think of another excuse, can’t, and sighs.
“Yeah, they’re tarot cards,” he says. “He asked me not to tell you, because he thought you guys wouldn’t believe him, but—you know those fliers around campus advertising for tarot readings?”
Logan’s eyebrows are lost somewhere in his hairline.
“That… was Virgil?” Roman says slowly.
Patton shrugs. “It’s how we met,” he says. “And I asked his Uncle to give me a reading, before he—I think he put something in my tea, but. Virgil ended up doing the reading, and these are the cards. Or at least I think so. So.”
The website loads, and Patton starts to cross-check meanings.
“Virgil,” Logan says slowly. “Was the one advertising his. Tarot services.”
“He’s pretty accurate about them, too,” Patton says.
“It’s all power of suggestion,” Logan begins, and the cat meows at him irritably, before curling up on Patton’s stomach.
He looks up each card. Empress, which is apparently him, represents a nurturing, caring, and supportive person with those around them, which certainly seems nice. But apparently when in a spread with the devil card, it could suggest that he’s causing damage to someone without knowing it, which is much less nice. Hanged man, Virgil, as he’s another person, potentially represents someone who is not who they appear to be, and could very well cause a big disruption in your life, which is… a little unnerving, especially when he sees an illustration of the hanged man. Then the two of cups, what brings them together, apparently means potential for a wonderful relationship in front of your eyes, and for an attached lover, the two of cups means something big will be happening in your relationship in a positive way. He can really only hope so. The devil, what keeps them apart, serves as a warning, and can point to lying or hidden motives, and could show someone whose association with the wrong crowd will ultimately be your undoing. And the reversed two of swords, what they’re meant to work on, could show a reminder that you have all the tools necessary to make the best choices you can for yourself, and you can be sure you are making the right decisions, which is reassuring. And the outcome—the lovers—Patton doesn’t think he has to look, but he does anyway. A resounding “yes!” to having a happy and fulfilling love life, but at the same time, since the devil’s in the spread too, it could mean that you and your romantic partner are not going to work out regardless of how hard each of you work on the relationship. Patton sets his jaw, but he can only focus on one thing.
He sends a text to Virgil, the latest in a long line of unanswered ones, I know you, okay? Any disruption you bring I’d love and sends it before setting down his phone at last.
“So,” Logan says, sarcastic, “what do the cards tell you?”
Patton disregards the sarcasm. “That Virgil probably isn’t what he appears,” he says. “That there’s going to be something positive happening in our relationship soon. A warning about hidden motives, about Virgil potentially hanging around the wrong crowd. That we’ve got all the tools we need to make the right choice. And—” Patton blushes, just a little. “That we’ll have a happy and fulfilling love life.”
He leaves off the warning of the devil and the lovers—he’ll keep it to himself for now.
“So,” Roman says, “What now? Cora’s not going to help us, and if Virgil’s Uncle’s delicate approach shows anything, it means he definitely doesn’t want us to see him either.”
“What now,” Logan says, “is we get some food from Cora’s, give Patton a filling breakfast, and let him rest. I’ll go to the library and research—maybe there’s some kind of house plan on record, or family history that’ll give us some kind of leverage.”
Roman groans.
“You’re welcome to stay with Patton,” Logan sniffs. “Or conduct some of your own research. Subtly.”
He pulls on his coat and leaves.
When Logan enters the library, his eye’s immediately drawn to the warped, twisted metal of some of the shelves, the dents in the walls, how small and outdated it is.
“Oh, wow, you’re one of those newcomers, aren’tcha?”
Logan turns and nods at the girl at the front desk.
“Would you be willing to point me towards some kind of archive?” Logan asks politely. “Newspapers, city hall meetings, something.”
She gives him a knowing look. “You’re looking for stuff about Faes, right?”
Logan hesitates, but figures it wouldn’t exactly hurt. He nods.
“They’ve got their own section,” she says dryly, hopping over the desk. “Ruth,” she adds, nodding at him, and leads him over to a beat-up little corner, with an uncomfortable-looking chair, a collection of filing cabinets, and several old journals.
“Microfiche is against the east wall,” she says, and turns to go. She pauses, before she turns back.
“I was in Virgil’s grade in school,” she says. “Went to school with him for eleven years. Is he really as weird as they say? He was mostly just quiet, round me, but by the way Jimmy Kavanagh talked, he’s the devil incarnate. Plus, well,” she says, and points to the warped, twisted metal. “Margot never really talked about it, but the whole town knew it was him, so—”
Logan blinks. The damage doesn’t look like it’s even natural—it’s as if it was left out in a storm, torn asunder by wind and rain, or maybe some kind of sculpture.
“Virgil’s one of the best men I’ve ever known,” Logan says honestly. “Excuse me.”
He turns to the file cabinets, and, after some meddling, pulls out the file of the oldest information—dated back to the 1800s.
He braces himself for a long day of research.
Logan’s deliberating going to get lunch and checking in on Patton and Roman when someone’s boots thunk down on the table, dangerously close to the Victorian-era excuse for files.
Logan looks up to glare and sees an only slightly familiar face grinning at him.
“Heya,” the woman—Gillian, he remembers—says to him. “What’s your name?”
He’s about to say it, when he remembers Virgil telling Gillian that Patton’s name is Puck, for whatever reason. Maybe she uses personal information for fraudulent purposes?
“Logic,” Logan says instead, and Gillian snorts, rolling her eyes.
“C’mon, I only used that trick to rile up Virgil,” she says. “You can tell me. Too much work to steal a name, anyways.”
Steal a name? Steal his identity, most likely.
“I trust Virgil’s judgment,” Logan says coolly.
“You’re looking through the family history,” she notes. “Where are you at? Maria, or have you gotten to Regina? Ida? You’re definitely not up to Cecelia yet.”
This was an interesting thing too—the Fae line’s matriarchal, rather than patriarchal. It seems to be, entirely, a Fae quirk, amongst the period-typical misogyny of the rest of the town.
“Got any questions?” She asks, and Logan looks at her. The combat boots, paired incongruously with an ankle-long skirt, ripped around the hem with tears going up to her thighs, the even more incongruous glittery top, her hair chopped messy and short, like she did it herself.
“Why should I trust you?” he says, and she hoots with laughter.
“Hey, you got the townie attitude already! Or, wait, did Virgil warn you about me? Say he did, it’d be the sweetest thing he’s said ‘bout me since he was six.”
“He never spoke about you,” Logan says. “Before or after you visiting our apartment, unannounced.”
She pouts. “You’re no fun.”
“You’ve got the usual attitude surrounding me already,” Logan says dryly, sifting through wills and town records (apparently Virgil’s ancestors were quite the delinquents, though at least half of them tended to be targeting them for being women, as most of the accusations were witchcraft, though there were a few concerning parallels between Faes and the mysterious deaths of those around them) and adds in a monotone “Ha,” just to clash with her laughter from before.
“Seriously, though,” she says, knocking her ankle against his, “no questions? None?”
“No,” Logan says.
“Not even about what Dee put in your friend’s tea?”
Logan pauses. There must be something on his face that gives off his hesitation, his curiosity, because she grins.
“You want to know that, don’t you.”
Logan gives her a level look, and says, “Do you know?”
“Course I know,” Gillian says. “Virgil’s not the only one in the family who understands plants, you know? Plus, where d’you think I’m staying? The B&B? You’re in the only room.”
Logan pauses, and says, “Will there be any ill effects?”
“Nope,” she says, cheerful. “Should just make him sleepy, a bit out of it. Should be wearing off by now.”
Logan lets out a soft breath, before he nods, and turns back to the old files.
“What, that’s it?” Gillian says, and she’s definitely irritated now. “Nothing about what Virgil might be hiding from you? I saw the cards—hanging man, devil, and lovers in one—”
Logan closes a journal with a crisp snap and a roll of his eyes. “Great,” he says. “The superstition’s hereditary.”
She laughs at him, then, conspicuously loud in the desolate library.
“Superstition,” she says, and cackles louder. “Superstition?! Wow. Wow, Uncle told me the gist of things, but I can never really be sure if I’m right with things with him—but wow. You really have no idea what you’re walking into, do you?”
Logan pointedly opens the old journal. Not by a Fae, by someone named Kavanagh, like the rude man in the gas station. He’s not going to engage with her anymore. He starts reading about Kavanagh accusing Maria of witchcraft, which seems fitting for the time period.
But then she starts shuffling a tarot card deck she pulls from her bra, and Logan lasts about five seconds.
“Is it a family tradition, or something?” Logan says irritably.
She grins. “Or something.”
“You know, this Kavanagh man accused your ancestor of witchcraft,” he says.
She grins wider. “A tradition that’s continued through the years,” she says, and offers him the deck. “I could do a reading for you if you want.”
Logan wrinkles his nose. “I’d rather not.”
She shrugs and stands. “Fine,” she decides. “I may as well tell you all the warnings. Virgil isn’t gonna break down and see you, because he’s terrified of what’s gonna happen if he does. And Uncle’s more protective over Virgil than he is anything else. If you keep trying to get to him, Uncle’s gonna put worse than those herbs into your system,” she says. “Because Uncle’s capable of some dark shit that you clearly wouldn’t understand.”
“Warning heeded,” Logan says coolly, “and disregarded.”
“Your funeral,” she shoots back, and strides out of the library. The girl who’d showed Logan around before—Ruth—peeks hesitantly out from the desk, once she’s safely gone. And Logan can’t help but overthink.
What is it with the people in this town, Logan wonders, but then his mind turns to Gillian’s warnings. Uncle’s gonna put worse than that into your system.
Logan frowns. And frowns some more. Before he shuts the journal again and picks up his coat, heading straight for the bed and breakfast, mind whirling.
“This is going to sound crazy,” he prefaces immediately, “and I’m still trying to piece together the whole of the theory.”
Patton and Roman look over at him, from where they’ve cuddled together on the bed, laptop balanced on both their laps.
Logan sits on the bed, takes a breath, and says, “I think Virgil’s Uncle, and thereby the family business, is in organized crime.”
Roman and Patton share a glance, and Logan winces—because him and Virgil are usually the ones sharing that glance.
“I know how it sounds,” Logan adds. “And I’m not saying it’s certain, but—but look. He put something into Patton’s tea to knock him out, and no one seemed fazed when they saw us walking back with him. The whole town is terrified of him. Virgil’s cousin—Gillian—she was at the library, and she told me that if we continue to meddle, Virgil’s Uncle would, and I quote, put something worse than those herbs into our systems, and that he’s capable of dark shit I clearly wouldn’t understand, and that if I disregarded the warnings it would be my funeral. Gillian told me outright that she’d steal my name if I gave it to her, which I can only assume is some kind of shorthand for stealing my identity, and—look, the crime counts for Virgil’s ancestors are ridiculous, I’ve barely made it through two generations without fielding several counts of mysterious deaths surrounding their lovers and those who are noted to have wronged them, and dozens of accusations of witchcraft.”
“Okay,” Roman says, “can we back up to the part where Virgil’s cousin threatened you? Like, outright told you it would be your funeral?”
Logan waves a hand irritably, and says, “I’m fairly certain she was just posturing.”
“You just mentioned the mysterious counts of death, though,” Patton says thoughtfully.
“In the eighteen hundreds—I haven’t gotten much further than that,” Logan admits, “I was going to see if you two wanted lunch before I went back to it, but then Gillian came.”
“Aw, Archi-nerd-es,” Roman says, grinning, “you took a break from research for us? We’re flattered.”
Roman ends up going to grab the easiest thing possible from Cora’s, and Logan takes Roman’s place, curled up against Patton’s side, and he runs a hand through his hair.
“How are you feeling?” Logan murmurs, and Patton snuggles into his side.
“Better, really,” he says reassuringly. “I took a bit of a nap while you were at the library, fixed me right up.”
Logan breathes a sigh of relief, and pets Patton’s hair again, because Patton enjoys such physical, comforting contact. “Good,” he murmurs. “Gillian said that would likely be the case, but. I wanted to be sure.”
“Meeting Gillian really didn’t bother you?” Patton asks, and Logan pauses.
“She seems like a difficult person,” Logan admits. “She tried goading me, I think. It didn’t really work for her. She mentioned—”
Logan pauses, and what Gillian said about Virgil finally catches up.
“What?” Patton asks, squinting up at him.
“I,” he begins, and sighs. Keeping this from either of them would likely poorly impact their approaches to Virgil. “She said that Virgil… that Virgil was terrified of what would happen. If he saw us again.”
Patton’s arms squeeze tighter around him, and he whispers, “I’m so worried about him.”
“I know,” Logan says.
“Why do you think he’s scared?” Patton asks plaintively, and Logan can only shrug.
“We can theorize,” Logan says. “Maybe Virgil’s Uncle dislikes the fact that he’s gay. Maybe the family business is something relating to organized crime and Virgil wanted to go clean, which the family didn’t like, and he thinks he’s protecting us by staying away. Maybe Virgil’s isolating himself and his family’s falling in line to support it, even if it isn’t entirely healthy behavior. Maybe it’s something entirely different. We don’t know. We can only continue to reach out.”
“What if,” Patton says, and he takes in a shaky breath. “What if we see him, and he says he never wants to see us again?”
Logan fights the instinct to say that wouldn’t happen, but he lets out a long breath. “If he does—which I believe is unlikely,” he adds. “Then I suppose all we can do is accept it. Go back to school. Move on.”
“What if I can’t,” he says in a whisper, and Logan tightens his arms around Patton, because Patton clearly needs comfort.
“You can,” Logan says. “Not—it’s not likely that he will. But if he does, you can. Roman and I will be there. Okay?”
He’s bad at this. Not debatable. He is bad with emotions and emotional confrontations.
Patton turns his face into Logan, and essentially maneuvers them so he’s practically laying on top of Logan, nose pressed at the juncture between his neck and his shoulder. Logan, fumblingly, places his hand on Patton’s hand, scratching at his scalp, doing the best he can. Roman’s better at physical contact than he is—
When Roman walks in with two takeout bags, Patton’s breathing is snuffly and soft and evened out against his skin, in a way that kind of tickles.
“Hey,” Roman says, soft, setting down the takeout bags and nudging off his shoes, before he carefully clambers onto the bed, against Patton’s other side. “He okay?”
“Napping again,” Logan murmurs softly. “And—well, he got a bit upset, because I—well. To put it bluntly, Gillian said that Virgil’s terrified of what’s going to happen if he sees us again. Which was upsetting to Patton, who seems to think that Virgil will decide he never wants to see us again.”
“Aw, Pat,” Roman says, spooning up to Patton’s side, and Patton makes a contented humming noise, buzzing against Logan’s skin.
“Logan,” Roman mumbles.
“Yes?” Logan asks, and Roman twines his fingers with Logan’s, so their hands rest on Patton’s back.
“I just,” Roman begins, and falters, closing his eyes before he opens them again. “I don’t want you to get hurt, okay?”
“Roman,” he murmurs, and Roman squeezes his hand.
“He drugged Patton, Logan,” Roman says, and there’s an undercurrent there, an undercurrent of Roman’s voice shaking with rage. “He probably knew we were right outside. What—if he treats us like that knowing there’s a witness—”
Logan’s already squeezing Roman’s hand back, shaking his head as much as he can without dislodging Patton.
“You know what Cora and Gillian said,” Logan says, soft. “He’s protective over Virgil. I—I wouldn’t think he’d hurt him. Hurt us, maybe, to keep us from potentially hurting him. But Virgil’s okay.” He has to be.
Roman pauses, and lets out a shaky breath, before his eyes focus on Logan again. “Do you want me to log into my old email and show you the stuff Virgil said about his uncle and the family business? If there’s some kind of hint I missed when I was twelve?”
Logan rubs his thumb over Roman’s knuckles. “That would be helpful, thank you. If you or Patton would like to go over those while we’re in the library, while I read through Fae records—"
“Ugh, just me, I think,” Roman says, and shudders theatrically. “Twelve-year-old me. There was… an abundance of copy-paste emojis.”
“Why am I not surprised,” Logan says, and Roman shoots him a playfully injured look.
After Patton wakes up, and they eat the lunch Roman brought from Cora’s, they all go over to the library. Patton takes over reading some of the journals as Logan sorts through city records; apparently, the massive house of Virgil’s is the house Faes have been living in since they came to Ligerion. The counts of witchcraft only fade slightly with the entrance into the twentieth century, which surprises Logan; history, admittedly, is not his main area of interest, but he’d thought the counts would fade in historical comparison to Salem.
Patton frowns a lot at the journals, likely because someone’s ancestors are writing mean things about Virgil’s ancestors. Roman’s scrolling constantly through his laptop, often wincing or putting his face in his hands before he continues reading. There’s the occasional break as they read something interesting, mostly Roman, but Patton does read in the journals about how Virgil’s ancestors could, apparently, appear from out of nowhere, and morph their faces, and more.
Mostly the city records are accounts of crime. Apparently, Virgil’s ancestors got up to some stuff; they apparently just outright ignored prohibition, and there were several counts of public drunkeness, lewdness, and the like, along with the continuous deaths of spouses. By a variety of very odd ways that just provide more evidence towards the organized crime theory. Drowned in the well, lightning strike, freak horse accident. One dropped dead in the midst of the town square.
The librarian introduces herself to Roman and Patton, eventually, and tells them much o the same spiel she told Logan—that she went to school with Virgil, if they need any help or have any questions—
Patton looks up from the journal, and asks, “Why do the Kavanaghs hate the Faes so much?”
Ruth grins, sudden, wider than Logan’s seen in his two days at the library. “Oh, that,” she says, almost gleeful, before she looks around and sits down at the table.
“So, like, Maria Fae was one of the two women of the thirteen founders of the town, right?”
“Right,” Logan says, because he’d read that. She’d been a woman with a baby and no husband, dressed in black, who wore sapphires until the day she died, commissioned nearly all of the capable people in town to build the house.
“So was a Kavanagh,” she says. “And, like. Maria was an unmarried woman with a baby, super scarlet letter, but she dressed in black, so I think a lot of people assumed she was a widow. Anyways—” she leans forwards. “John Kavanagh tried to instigate, like, a punishment for adultery, because she couldn’t prove that she’d been married, and it could’ve been adultery. So he moved the townspeople to try to shut her in the pillory.”
Roman frowns. “Pillory?”
“More extreme version of the stocks,” Logan says in an undertone. “Usually they were standing, on a platform, so they’d be publically humiliated. Please continue.”
“The day came, and they rushed the house,” Ruth says. “And, well, sexism, so it was supposed to be brutal. Throwing rotten food and dead animals and mud and… excrement, and stuff. A few theories think they were going to try to stone her. Maybe even whip her. But they tried to lock her in—and John Kavanagh got locked in instead.”
They all blink at each other, and Logan says incredulously, “How did they make a mistake of that magnitude?”
“It gets worse,” Ruth says. “So Maria walks away, home free, and Kavanagh’s just screaming after her. And all the townspeople try to unlock Kavanagh—but the device broke. So he was stuck in.”
“Stuck,” Logan repeats.
“Mhm,” Ruth says. “One of the town founders, locked into the pillory with no way to escape. Outsmarted and tricked by a woman, shame of all shame, and the town was ready to stone someone. So they try to get him out but realize that, one, the mechanism’s broken, and two, they can’t exactly cut him free without endangering him by a lot.” Ruth takes a breath.
“So he stays there for days. Stuck. Can barely eat broth, can’t excuse himself to go to the restroom, screams until he’s hoarse, threatens anyone and everyone into getting him to go free. It’s awful, but there’s some accounts in the old newspaper if you want the grisly details. Eventually, though, Maria wanders into town again, to get some supplies. The story goes, she walked up to the pillory, and didn’t say a word. Just stared at him, square in the eye. Those amber eyes of theirs—Faes, I mean—apparently, she just stared at him. And he died. And suddenly they could unlock it again, to take him away and bury him.” She leans back in her chair. “And everyone in the town started to learn that messing with a Fae was a horrible, horrible idea. Especially for a Kavanagh. But they do it anyway, and it never ends well for them. I’m surprised Jimmy’s only gotten spiders, really—”
“How did she do it?” Logan asks. “How did she manage to get John in the pillory instead—and lose the key? Break it so that he couldn’t get out until he was dead?”
“Spiders,” Roman says, at the same time, and types intently on his laptop.
Ruth shrugs, and spreads her hands. “Magic.”
Logan scoffs.
Rather than laughing it off, as if it’s a joke, Ruth shrugs, grinning.
“Yeah, I know how it sounds,” she says. “But I’ve been around this most of my life, so I’ve seen Virgil do some weird stuff, and those cousins of his are super obvious about it. Anyway, I should probably check the desk, but—if you wanna know more town history, let me know, that’s kind of my thing.”
“Magic,” Logan says dismissively, already standing. “I’m checking that microfiche. There’s a logical explanation that must have gotten tangled up in the superstitions of the time—”
“Wait,” Roman says. “Spiders. Virgil told me about the spiders—”
Logan pauses, and reads the email over Roman’s shoulder, Patton on his other side.
—i mean, I guess I’ve done a couple pranks. my cousins are way better at that kind of thing, though, but my older cousin g helped me flood gaston’s house with spiders once because his family and mine have hated each other for YEARS—
Roman scrolls over, to his own question in the next email, how did you flood his house with spiders???? that’s so scary, omg, I’d be terrified, I’m sure he deserved it though ⊙﹏⊙
I was six, it was really mostly g, she’s good at that kind of thing, was Virgil’s evasive response.
Logan glances, nods, and says, “Microfiche, then. You two, keep doing what you’re doing. Please don’t get into trouble.”
“How dare you,” Roman says, straight-faced, as if he and Patton have never gotten in trouble in their lives.
Logan manages to find the article in the microfiche, but it’s just a little snippet, mostly with the brutal, grisly details; nothing about Maria Fae, herself. After reading it, Logan can see how it’s a point of a family feud. Though in his memory, Logan can’t recall Virgil mentioning Jimmy Kavanagh at all.
He returns, and digs slowly through the journals, working slowly up until present day, until there’s the last one, that’s the most recent. Logan traces the embossed name on the front.
“Is it another Kavanagh,” Patton asks wearily.
“I—no,” Logan says. “No. It’s—it’s Virgil’s father.”
This had been what he was after the whole time—a source from a Fae, not from the townspeople observing them. And Virgil’s father, his Uncle’s brother—
“Oh,” Patton says. “Oh, wow.” Even quieter, “do you think Virgil’s read it?”
Logan hesitates, and Roman says, “Maybe. This section kind of seemed… untouched, though.”
Logan takes a breath and opens the journal.
It starts approximately, according to Virgil’s timeline, five years prior to Virgil’s birth; it’s a thick journal, and not a daily one, and Logan wonders if it’ll go to that point.
For the first couple years, it isn’t exactly scintillating material; he is, after all, a fifteen-year-old boy, even if he is a fifteen-year-old boy in a potential crime family. There’s complaining about school, and chores (even if the chores seem to be a bit unusual; Virgil’s father spends a page or so talking about how he’d had to trap a crow or his mother, which seems… unusual, to say the least. Perhaps the crow was a pest?)
But he talks about how much time he spends at Cora’s, though, and about the girl in his grade, Cora’s niece, Violet, his eventual wife.
—D seems to think that Violet’s just awful, though, so I tend to sneak off whenever he’s in the garden with Mom, which is really the only time she pays attention to us, whenever we can do the work for her with family stuff. I know the curse took dad away, but we’re right here, you know?
Logan frowns, reads that line again. I know the curse took dad away.
Fifteen’s a bit old to believe in curses, isn’t it?
“What’s that face?” Patton prompts.
“Oh,” Logan says. “Just—fifteen is too old to believe in a family curse, isn’t it?”
Roman’s head snaps up, and back down again, as he furiously starts to type.
“What?” Patton asks him, then.
“It’s just—I asked Virgil why he never talked about his friends, once,” he says. “And…”
He spins his laptop so they can see.
you asked about my real life friends. to be honest, I… well I mean I have auntie c and my uncle but they’re family so they don’t count. my friends are mostly the cats, haha, most of the other kids in town on’t like me much. it’s a pretty long story but basically I’m kinda like. stanley yelnats? from holes? except instead of just affecting me and uncle, it affects the whole town too. but also kinda zero too. it’s a really really long story, but basically most of the town hates me. hates us, I should say, my dad’s side of the family. I think the main reason we aren’t, like, chased out is bc they need the family business, otherwise we’d be like. super gone. plus I guess they’re kinda scared of us, that too. but, uh, I guess to answer your question—I don’t talk about real life friends because I don’t have any.
anyways, I’ll talk to you later, or whatever. tell me more about the backstage drama.
“Poor Virgil,” Patton murmurs, once he finishes reading.
“They need the family business,” Logan reads aloud. “People have mentioned going to Fae house, but they never talk about what they actually get there. Even Virgil—the closest he’s ever gotten is anything anyone needs, we can provide, for a price. Which—” He scowls.
“Is vague,” Roman fills in helpfully.
“Is vague,” Logan agrees, cracking open Virgil’s father’s journal again. “What business needs a teenage boy to capture a crow, and grow a garden of that size, and has available the drugs in Patton’s tea?”
A couple passages later, it reads, that Kavanagh girl’s accused me and D of witchcraft. I mean, it’s tradition, I guess, but all we did is curse her ears to fall off, and not even permanently! They were back in a week! D says we should have made it permanent but Vi said it probably wouldn’t be a good move. I think D’s gonna try to sneak something into Violet’s water bottle at school or something as revenge, but 1. He’s tried that a dozen times now and 2. she’s got a good eye, she’ll catch him.
Logan reads this passage aloud, incredulous, and Roman shrugs.
“Maybe ears falling off is some kind of slang?” He offers.
“For what?” Logan grumbles. “I’m more concerned about the potentially dozens of times Virgil’s uncle tried to poison Virgil’s mother.”
“There’s also the point of Virgil’s Dad never using Virgil’s uncle’s full name,” Patton points out, from where he’s contorted himself in his armchair so his legs stick in the air and his head tilts back to the floor. “The closest we’ve got is Dee, so.”
Logan shakes his head and mutters, “I’m starting to think Virgil’s the only normal person in this town,” before he turns back to the journal.
That is when things go from slightly odd to very strange.
Violet asked me out on a date today, is the only sentence written, the rest of the page blank. By Logan’s calculations, he must have been sixteen—and he turns the page to be confronted with cramped handwriting.
She’s beautiful, and she’s my best friend. I can’t do this to her. But God, I want to, I want to so bad. D’s running interference, for now, because he’s really the only one who gets it more than me. I don’t know what to do now. Do I avoid her for the rest of my life? Violet would never stand for that, she’s gonna march right up the tower to demand an answer from me. Do I turn her down? She knows how much I care about her, she’d know I was lying, and Violet doesn’t want to be protected from herself. She’s young, we both are, I can’t—I can’t let her do this to herself. Loving a Fae is a death sentence.
Logan reads that line again. Loving a Fae is a death sentence. Is this what Virgil thinks? Is this what Faes are raised to believe?
Mom’s no help—she’s actually talking to me for once, but it’s just all about Dad and how she had the best times of her life with him. I might have yelled at her, a bit. Okay, a lot. But she gets that I’m not like her, she has to. I don’t want to do this to Violet. I can’t do this to Violet. I don’t want to know how the curse is gonna get her. The well? Lightning? Car crash? Something entirely new? I don’t want to know. I never want to know.
Logan closes the journal crisply, looking over at Roman and Patton, before he asks, “Dinner?”
As they leave the library—Logan isn’t sure why—but he puts the journal in his bag and smuggles it out.
He can’t stop staring at the wall beyond his boyfriends.
They’ve all crammed into one bed, that night, all crowded around Roman, who’s laying on his back with an arm around both Patton and Logan. Judging by the snuffling noises, the inhaling and exhaling, his boyfriends are both fast asleep.
Logan isn’t. He can’t.
And he’s about to try to do something incredibly stupid.
He slowly extracts himself from the bed and puts on the clothes he’d worn during the day, glancing at the bed periodically as he tugs on his boots and writes a note.
Roman and Patton—
Couldn’t sleep. Went for a walk.
It suffices. He shrugs on his coat, slings his satchel over his shoulder, grabs one of the sets of keys, and walks out, treading softly outside.
It’s cold here, and even colder at night. Nowhere is open at night, either; well, Logan wagers the gas station might, but knowing what he knows now, he’d doubt a Kavanagh would welcome him back in, lest Logan transmit the Fae cooties by proxy, or some such ridiculousness. He wonders distantly about doubling back, holing up in his warm room, reading the journal he’s brought along with him.
Instead, his feet turn him to the woods.
He does, of course, understand how some people become afraid of the woods, especially at such a time of night. But such a thing would be foolish; the town’s high crime rate had been, after all, primarily due to Fae outliers that shouldn’t have been counted.
And then stupidly, stupidly, he starts to walk down the bluestone path.
Logan raises his hand and knocks on the door.
Almost immediately, despite the late hour, the door opens.
Virgil’s Uncle grimaces. “I was so sad to think you’d left town,” he sneers, before he steps aside, offering Logan a path in. Logan walks in, and says brusquely, “You’ll understand if I deny your offer of a nightcap.”
“I wouldn’t, actually,” Virgil’s Uncle says, and sits at the kitchen table. Logan sits across from him, back to the rest of the house. He wonders, only for a moment, if Virgil’s awake too.
Logan pauses, staring at him, before he takes a breath in.
“I know the appearance of your face is likely a skin condition coupled with either an ocular abnormality, or you decided to lean into the snake metaphors and added a contact,” Logan says bluntly. “I know that you have, quite literally, locked Virgil up into a tower for most of his life to prevent him coming to any perceived harm. I know that for whatever reason, tarot cards and similar occult activities are part of the family history. I know that you,” Logan says, and fluidly removes Virgil’s father’s journal from his satchel, even as he sees Virgil’s Uncle look as if the air’s been knocked out of him, eyes widening. “Apparently the curse keeps him from saying anything he actually means, but I get him pretty well. The rest of the world, however, does not.”
“Where did you get that,” Virgil’s Uncle breathes, fists tight. Logan ignores him.
“So I understand that I cannot trust a word out of your mouth,” he continues. “However, the repeated application of curses, and witchcraft. That’s what I don’t understand. Cora has seemingly decided to leave things up to you. So I can’t ask you, clearly, because you will lie to me. I can’t ask Gillian, because I don’t trust her. There is only one Fae who I actually trust. I figured I would start with the polite route. I would like to Virgil, please.”
“This is your attempt at a polite route?” Gillian snorts, from the cover of darkness, emerging just enough so the light could hit her red hair.
“Your attempt at a polite route was attempting to steal my name, telling me my boyfriend had been drugged, and minimalizing my efforts to understand,” Logan says. “If we’re going based on comparison—”
“Harsh, braniac,” Gillian says, and glances at Virgil’s Uncle. “You want me to, ya know.” She wiggles her fingers.
Virgil’s Uncle surveys Logan, tilting his head. “You said he’s—”
“Yeah, I know,” Gillian says. “Your empathy’s pretty low there, Logic. Might just max me out to make you feel something. Hope you appreciate it.”
Logan frowns. “What—” he begins, but he can’t say anymore when Gillian’s icy cold fingers brush against the back of his neck.
Roman’s woken up by the sound of sobbing.
It’s enough to immediately strike out any sense of sleepiness that he could have had, and he sits up immediately, and blinks.
He’s never seen Logan’s face get that blotchy before.
He’s never actually seen Logan cry before.
“Whoa,” Roman says, scrambling out of bed, which is enough to wake Patton, “whoa, whoa, hey, Logan, Lo Lo Lo. Are you okay?”
“I,” Logan chokes out, and gasps, “I don’t know what she did to me,” and bursts into a fresh round of tears.
“Can I touch—”
Logan’s already yanking Roman in, though, burying his face into Roman’s bare chest as Roman wraps his arms around Logan tight, exchanging a panicked look with Patton. This was never how it worked. Patton or Roman were the big criers in their relationship, he had never, not once, seen Logan admit that he was feeling any emotion other than frustrated or stressed. It feels downright unnatural, hearing Logan cry, cry genuine and deep, crying with his whole heart.
Logan’s hugging is clumsy, just like how his sobbing seems to be clumsy—like he doesn’t quite remember how to cry and breathe, so there’s sobbing jags which ends with him gulping in a desperate lungful of air. He chokes on it, a couple times, and can only cry more.
Roman hates this. He hates Patton crying, and he’s only seen Virgil cry once, sulky and self-loathing and furious at himself, and he’d hated it then too, even when he’d still half-hated him. Logan’s upsets were small and difficult to see, sometimes exploding into outbursts, but never outbursts like this. He can only lean to pick Logan up and distribute him gently onto the bed, where he immediately clings to Patton as Roman slides in behind him, as Patton makes nonsense shushing noises coupled in with it’s gonna be okays, scratching gently at Logan’s scalp, and Roman presses himself against Logan’s back (cold) and wraps his arms around his waist.
The only things that move are Patton’s hands through his hair, his mouth with the soft murmurings, and Logan when his body’s wracked by sobs, coming in irregular and intense, like tremors, shaking Logan all up inside so that he couldn’t even speak.
Roman’s grip tightens around Logan’s waist, and he presses a kiss against the back of his neck.
And, all at once, Logan slumps, spent, and Patton asks “Logan?” panicked, shoving his hair out of his face.
“That’s exhausting,” Logan says, hoarse. “I hated that. How do people actually enjoy emotional release?”
“Because it’s an emotional release,” Roman says, propping himself up on his elbow and looking closely at Logan’s face as Logan scrubs hastily at his face with his sleeve.
“Are you okay?” Patton asks, soft and concerned. “Did something happen?”
Logan hesitates, and says, in the same hoarse voice, “I don’t know how she did that.”
“Who?” Patton asks. “Gillian? How did you run into Gillian?”
Logan curls up tighter, and Roman tugs the covers over them, thinking of how cold he’d been.
“Well,” Logan says, weakly. “I didn’t exactly. Run into her on accident.”
It takes a couple seconds to click.
Patton gasps. “You went back alone?!”
“I didn’t eat anything,” Logan continues, the same weak, thready, exhausted undertone in his voice. “Or drink anything. I tried to… I tried to talk to him. Virgil’s Uncle, I mean, I brought the journal, but she—” he shakes his head. “I don’t know what she did to me.”
“Go back to the start,” Patton advises.
Logan shudders, but he speaks.
“I couldn’t sleep,” he says. “So I decided to go for a walk. And I ended up… well, I ended up going down the bluestone path. Knocked on the door. He was up at this hour, for whatever reason, and he let me in. So I started… addressing him, I suppose. I told him that I knew he’s a pathological liar—there’s something accounting that in Virgil’s father’s journal—and… a couple other things. I brought out the journal, to show him. I don’t think he knew the library had it. And Gillian came out of the darkness, and she said—” He takes a breath. “She said, your empathy’s pretty low there. Might just max me out to make you feel something.”
“Logan,” Patton murmurs, but Logan shakes off his attempts at comfort.
“And then she… she put her fingers against the back of my neck. Like this,” he says, and reaches up to brush against Patton’s nape with his fingers. “And I just… I couldn’t stop crying. I couldn’t—” he shakes himself, and says in a hoarse whisper, “How did she do that?”
“I don’t know,” Patton says. “A drug wouldn’t do that, would it?”
Logan’s already shaking his head. “Not with the sudden come down I had,” he says, and twists his head to look at Roman. “I think it’s because…” he grimaces. “I know how this sounds, but I think it’s because you kissed my neck. Something about the affected area.”
“What, like true love’s kiss?” Roman asks, and immediately kicks himself. True love’s kiss, they’ve barely been dating for not even a month, it’s way too fast—
But Logan’s cheeks tinge pink, and he turns his face into Patton’s chest.
Roman grins, despite the fact that Logan had been sobbing hysterically just a few minutes ago and leans to press another kiss to the nape of his neck.
Eventually, Patton’s gently coaching Logan into trying to sleep again (“crying drains you out, okay? trust me, I’d know”) and Roman slides out of bed.
“I’ll grab something to eat, if you want,” Roman says. “After Logan’s nap.”
It’s a sudden swap of how it’d been a couple days ago; Patton had been the one snuffling into Logan’s chest, and now it was the other way round.
“Not tired,” Logan mumbles into Patton’s chest.
“Sure thing, nerd-coleptic,” Roman says, reaching over to rub his back. “I’ll get something that’ll taste good even if it has to wait a while to be eaten. Keep an eye on him, Pat, okay?”
Patton winks at him, and says, “Eye-eye, captain.”
Logan groans, and Roman chuckles, tugging on a shirt and his coat before heading over to Cora’s.
Only to stop in his tracks.
“You,” Roman declares furiously, storming up to the counter Gillian’s leaning against. “What did you do to him?!”
Gillian rolls her eyes, and says, “Did either of you figure it out yet?”
“I kissed him on the back of the neck,” Roman snaps, “What did you DO?!”
“No need to get shouty,” Gillian says. “You look less hot when you’re shouty. I’m an empath, theater-for-brains.”
The wires in Roman’s brain shorts out. “What?” He says, frowning, and Gillian rolls her eyes.
“Here’s the—” Cora falters, and glances at Roman, before she tells Gillian, “Here’s the food, Gillian. And the receipt.”
Gillian frowns. “No Fae discount?”
“That only applies to my favorites,” Cora says. “Which you ain’t.” She turns to Roman, and says, much warmer, “How can I help you, honey?”
Roman can’t help but shoot Gillian a smug grin.
“Yeah, yeah,” Gillian says, and reaches out, cupping his face. “Laugh it up.”
She strides out of the diner as Roman finds himself bent double, laughing so hard it doesn’t even make a sound anymore.
Cora quickly reaches over, brushes a hand against his cheek, and Roman stops.
“What,” he gasps, trying to gain his breath, wiping under his eyes, “was that.”
“Leave it to her to let the cat out of the bag,” Cora says. “She told you, hon. She’s an empath.”
“That’s—” Roman begins, before it hits him.
That Kavanagh girl’s accused me and D of witchcraft—
“—Look, the crime counts for Virgil’s ancestors are ridiculous, I’ve barely made it through two generations without fielding several counts of mysterious deaths surrounding their lovers and those who are noted to have wronged them, and dozens of accusations of witchcraft—”
“—Magic,” Logan says dismissively—
“—I didn’t know you knew coin magic too.” Pearl’s piping voice echoes down the hall.
“I know all kinds of magic,” Virgil says—
“Okay. All right, hon, that’s it, right on the barstool, there ya go.”
Roman looks at Cora, and says hoarsely, “Magic?”
Cora worries her lip between her teeth. “Yes,” she says, at last. “Magic.”
Roman gets out his phone, and he makes a call.
Cora explain it to tell Logan at least fifteen times before he accepts it, but the more and more Roman thinks about it, the more it makes sense. The tarot cards, the weird spacing out, the family business, the way Virgil’s coffee never seemed to get too cold and the cats seemed to love him and Virgil knew exactly what to do with the cat who gave birth in his bathtub—the boy he loves is magic.
And cursed. That part… makes more sense of why he ran away from them, now. Roman couldn’t imagine living with that kind of fear.
“We have to tell Virgil we know,” Roman says immediately, once they’ve taken lunch and grabbed a booth.
“How,” Logan says, irritably. “Gillian’s there, she’ll—and Virgil’s Uncle—and if they really are magic—”
Roman takes a napkin and starts to sketch.
“Okay,” Roman says. “Here’s what we’re gonna do.”
Virgil’s starting to lose count of the days.
He’s eating because Uncle shoves bags of food from Cora’s at him. He’s sleeping because he rarely leaves his bed. Most of his social communication comes from Crow, who rarely leaves his room and has formed a semi-permanent rumbling warm spot on his stomach.
It’s night, that much is clear. The candles in his room are lit. He’s not sure if he did that with a wave of his hand or if Uncle came into his room while he was napping.
Virgil only lifts his head when there’s a crash that comes from downstairs, but only slightly. Virgil frowns, hesitates, and lays his head back down in his pillow.
“Do you want me to check?” Crow asks, leaping softly down from his bed and stretching.
“Please,” he says hoarsely, and she jerks her cat-chin towards the glass of water on his nightstand before she slinks out of his room. He takes the glass, and takes a sip, and then starts to gulp it down when he realizes how dry his throat is.
He wipes his face with his arm, and frowns at the empty glass, before he starts to rifle through the latest (cold) bag of Cora’s food. She’s sent him extra sweets instead of extra vegetables, which is truly just a sign of how bad she feels for him. And little written updates about when any of them step into the diner (usually Roman.) He can bear to read them sometimes.
He might even shower, soon. The world’s his oyster.
There’s a banging at the window, and Virgil frowns, before looking back at the food. Probably the wind.
More banging. Virgil sighs, before he heads over.
Immediately he gasps and throws open the window.
“Roman, you idiot,” Virgil says furiously, “what are you doing?!”
Roman looks up again. “The magic boy, all locked up in his tower,” Roman said, trying to smile like none of that sentence affected him at all. “And you teased me about being too overinvested in fairytales. I don’t wanna hear it from you ever again, Eugene Fitz-hurt-bert.”
“I—” Virgil says, before he reaches down and grabs the collar of Roman’s shirt, hauling him inside. He might be trying to separate himself from them, but magic help them, Virgil still loves him.
“Woo,” he says, shaking out his hands. “Thanks, it’s chilly out there.”
“Roman,” Virgil says, and his voice breaks. “Roman, what are you doing here?”
Roman licks his lips, hesitates, and says, “You said you wouldn’t do this again.”
“Leave me without an explanation.”
Virgil closes his eyes, and turns away, wrapping his arms tightly around his middle, trying to defend against the wave of emotion that washes over him just then. God, being in love sucks.
“Virgil,” Roman says, and he coos, “Virgil” and steps back into his line of sight. “Virgil, it’s okay, I—we know what’s going on now, okay?”
Virgil snorts.
“That you’re magic,” Roman elaborates. “And that you have a curse on you. We know. Okay?”
“Then you have your explanation,” Virgil says hoarsely. “That’s why I left. That’s why you have to stay away.”
There’s another, louder, crash from downstairs, and it suddenly clicks.
“Oh my God,” Virgil says. “Oh, my God, are Logan and Patton wrecking my house?”
“I actually don’t know exactly,” Roman says cautiously. “They’re just supposed to distract your Uncle and Gillian—”
“They’re going to kill them,” Virgil says, and flings open the door, and steps straight into the living room, nearly running straight into Patton’s chest.
“Virgil!” He squeaks. “Oh, Virgil—”
“Wait, this is—this is downstairs, your house is magic too?” Roman demands, stepping after and shutting the door behind him.
“Logan’s right behind me,” Patton pants, “I—”
Patton is nearly knocked over by the force of Logan running into his back, and Virgil has to catch him.
Logan looks at him. “Virgil,” he says, and falls immediately silent.
“Hi,” Virgil says hoarsely. “So, um. How did that. How did that realization go over?”
“Honestly,” Logan says, “it wasn’t until your Uncle sicced the snakes on us until I actually believed it.”
Virgil has to bury his face in his hands again, and groans, before uncovering his face.
“You guys need to leave,” Virgil says weakly. “I—I get that you might have been… concerned, but you guys realize I have good reason now, right? So you need to go. Right now.”
“Have you been eating?” Patton says, disregarding him entirely, and Virgil drags his hands down his face.
“I’m fine,” he says. “You three will continue to be fine if you get out of town. I—go back to school, I’ll pay my share of rent, you can find a subleaser, but—”
“You are not fine,” Logan says, frowning, “the bags under your eyes are much heavier than usual.” “Will you three listen to me?!” Virgil explodes, and there’s a knock at the door, and he turns to see his Uncle, expressionless.
“Should I,” he begins, and falls silent.
“I was just telling them to—” Virgil says.
“Sorry, but that’s not happening,” Roman bursts in. “We’ve had this conversation before.”
“You don’t get it,” Virgil says.
“Could we have some privacy, please?” Logan asks lowly, and Uncle turns to Virgil.
“I—just for a bit,” Virgil says, at last. “And if you see Crow, send her here. Please.”
Uncle frowns. “Don’t remember your history,” he says at last, before he steps away, closing the door behind him.
Virgil takes a deep breath and looks at them.
“I’m going to kill you,” Virgil tells the three of them, voice only a bit watery.
“That’s not true,” Patton says, soft.
“It is,” Virgil says tightly. “Back to the nineteenth century. I can’t—I can’t stop this.”
“Has it ever affected three people at once?” Logan says fairly, and Virgil swallows.
“It might if—” Virgil hesitates, but plows forward. “It might if a Fae did a true love spell.”
Uncle had been furious when Virgil had gasped out the explanation when he’d gotten home. The yelling had nearly shaken the dust from the rafters.
They look at each other. “True love spell?” Roman says.
Virgil takes a shaky breath. “One of the only rules growing up was not to do a complicated spell,” he says. “I ignored it. I found a true love spell when I was seven, and I—I tripled the ingredients. I thought I was putting in things that would contrast in just one person, but—” He gestures feebly to the three of them.
They look at each other, surprised, before they turn back to Virgil.
“You wished for us,” Patton says, sappy.
“I made you,” Virgil says. “I twisted you into creation, I doomed you to—”
Logan frowns. “There’s records of our existence before we were seven.”
“Magic is powerful,” Virgil says, hoarse. “Maybe I put those memories in your head. How would you know?”
“You might have power, Virgil,” Logan says, “but I highly doubt you were that powerful at seven.”
Virgil’s shaking his head, though, because Logan doesn’t understand. Logan’s smart, but he wouldn’t understand. Faes understand Faes. No one else.
“Okay,” Patton says. “I—Virgil, staying away from us isn’t going to make you love us any less. It isn’t going to make us love you any less. It’s just going to make everyone miserable.”
“We won’t know unless I try,” Virgil says, hoarse.
Patton reaches forwards, but Virgil steps hastily out of his reach. If Patton tries to touch him or hug him right now, he’ll fold. He can’t do that.
“Virgil,” Patton says. “Trust me. I would know. Staying away from someone does not make you love them any less.”
Virgil’s eyes close, and he wraps his arms around himself again.
“Virgil,” Roman says, his voice soft. “We’re out of balance, without you. We were right last year. We work, but not as well. I—we can’t—” He breathes, deep, and says, “Please come home.”
Virgil squeezes his eyes shut. He resists the urge to clap his hands over his ears.
“Please come home,” Logan repeats, soft. “I—it’s impossible to run herd on them alone, Virgil. We miss you.”
“Plus,” Roman adds, “you know how stubborn we all are, we’re just going to keep having this conversation over and over and over again.”
“How would I—” Virgil says, and shakes his head. “No. I’m not giving in. You will die if I give in. I couldn’t—” There’s a lump in his throat. “I couldn’t survive that. My first three friends in the world, I can’t—you can’t make me be what kills you. Please don’t make me be what kills you.”
“Virgil,” Logan says, voice soft. “We’re different. The curse has never worked on anyone gay, let alone anyone with multiple partners. If it truly is a curse for your true love, singular, then—then the fact that you used a spell to make yourself have three might have outsmarted it.”
Virgil’s shaking his head. “You can’t outsmart it,” he says. “You can’t. That’s how my father died, you can’t—”
“We’re not suggesting outsmarting it,” Logan backtracks. “We’re suggesting… circumventing it. Do you know how the curse was placed?”
There’s something absurd about Logan using his usual scholarly voice to talk about magic, something in Virgil’s brain thought, but he’s too upset to acknowledge it.
“No,” Virgil says. “Great-great-whatever-grandma took that secret to the grave. And some Faes have skills inclined towards necromancy, but no one’s—no one’s managed to contact her about it.”
“Necromancy,” Logan says blankly, before he shakes himself. “Right. But—if you don’t know—it could have had terms. Singular true love. Opposite sex true love. Your family operates in the gray area, doesn’t it?”
Virgil grimaces, because, well, it’s true.
“Virgil,” Patton says, eyes at full puppy power, “please. Please. Can we at least… try? We don’t know if it’s true love. Not yet. Can’t we just try?”
Virgil’s eyes close. He knows, though. He knows it is. The spell says so.
“Anx,” Roman says, and Virgil’s eyes swivel towards him. He steps closer. This time, Virgil doesn’t back away.
“Please. Please, it’s hurting all of us if you stay away. If you stay with us, at least—at least we can be happy now.”
Virgil looks away, and blinks hard, and at last there’s the tears coming down his cheeks.
“Can I kiss you?” Roman whispers, and Virgil’s eyes snap to him. Barely, imperceptibly, he nods.
Roman’s hands cup his cheeks, and he uses his thumbs to wipe away Virgil’s tears, before he leans in.
It’s soft. Gentle. Nothing like what Virgil imagined Roman would kiss like—his lips, soft and lush and a bit cold against his. He pulls away, and Logan steps forwards next.
“May I kiss you,” he says formally, and Virgil chokes on a laugh, but nods.
Logan tips his chin up a little, before kissing him the same way Roman kissed him—soft, and gentle, and his lips are just a bit chapped, but warm.
Patton, last, and they both laugh wetly at each other, Virgil at last reaching up to wipe at the tears on his cheeks.
“Can I—” Patton begins, before he rushes forwards.
This is, however, exactly how he figured Patton would kiss—eager, and fullhearted, all clashing lips and feeling the curve of his smile against his mouth.
They pull back, and Virgil laughs a little.
“Okay,” he whispers, before he nods. “Okay.”
There’s still a question, though, and one Virgil won’t be able to answer for all the long, happy years to come.
He has no idea which one of them got the good kisser part.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years ago
more dead apple stuff and others
 ango: .....
murakoso: um...ango-
*Chuuya emerges from the shadows, glaring*
ango: chuuya. i suppose you know why i called you here?
Chuuya: "You have to be pretty desperate to call in this debt."
ango: indeed. perhaps it's our folly for allowing shibusawa to live.
Chuuya: "You think? If it wasn't for you and that bastard, they wouldn't be dead!"
ango: .....we thought that by bringing shibusawa in, we could prevent an ability user war amongst the gangs of death city, and possibly beyond, but we didnt expect-
Chuuya: "That your precious tool Shibusawa would kill 6 of my people at Dragon's Head?! That Shibusawa would go on to kill all these ability users, you sick fuck?!"
ango: we were trying to do what we thought was best for death city-
Chuuya: "They're dead!" *slams his fist into Ango's jaw*
ango: GRK-
murakoso: ANGO! *draws sword from it's holster*
Chuuya: "The Sheep. Six at Dragon's Head. Rain...This mess that Shibusawa created allowed Mori to escape...with my daughter!" *slams his foot into Ango's side*
ango: NGH-
murakoso: *aims sword at chuuya's neck* beating ango up isnt going to make it any better!
takeuchi: worst case scenario, we can try and locate mori and your child.
Chuuya: *glares at them all* "...How?"
takeuchi: this is the special abilities department, and mori _is_ an ability user, we can locate him and bring your daughter back.
ango: please. if you help us, we'll do anything you ask of us.
Chuuya: "...Anything?"
ango: yes, if not for our sakes, then for the sake of the city, and your child.
Chuuya: "...If it wasn't for Sonia...this city could burn for all I care..."
ango: .....
Chuuya: *holds up fingers, counting down* "First, you will pardon all crimes, alleged and otherwise, by the members of the Port Mafia."
ango:.....very well.
Chuuya: "And second...You get Sonia back safely."
ango:....it will be done.
Chuuya: "Then get me to where Shibusawa is."
Dazai: *looks at the crystals* "..."
Fyodor: "All according to your plan."
Dazai: “Yes...So, why did you go along with me on this?”
Fyodor: “In the end, I want a world without Abilities.” *grins* “That doesn’t mean I don’t want an entertaining interlude first.” *holds out two crystals* "One brings all visible Ability users to one location. The other crystallizes Abilities."
Dazai: *pauses* "..." *touches both*
-a vortex forms in the center of the room, sucking up all the crystals in the process-
Dazai: “Now to touch this vortex, and it’ll be the end of all of this--”
Dazai: "URK!" *coughs*
shibusawa: *has stabbed dazai literally in the back* didnt i tell you, mr dazai? there's nothing that surpasses my expectations~
Dazai: “But the door--”
Fyodor: *small laugh* *twirls a key on his finger*
Dazai: *trying to sigh, but in pain* *in Russian* <Typical…Heh...This is new...>
Fyodor: <Cliche, but still--entertaining.>
Dazai: *collapses, struggling to breathe*
shibusawa: in the end, there was only one target, mr dazai~
Fyodor: *smiling*
shibusawa: tell you what, i'll let you in on a little secret. that knife was laced with a slow acting poison. so now you can savor your death, like you've wanted for so long.
Dazai: *opens his mouth, but can't talk, coughing blood*
Fyodor: *slowly approaches behind Shibusawa*
Dazai: *passes out*
-something begins to appear, a clear crystal-
shibusawa: *huge grin as they reach out*
-however, the crytal joins the others in the vortex, creating a singularity-
shibusawa: !!!! WHAT?!
Fyodor: *searching through his coat* “Unfortunate. Even if you acquire Dazai’s ability, Shibusawa, it won’t help you regain what you lost: your memories.”
Fyodor: “Let me jog your memory--”
shibusawa: GRK- *their throat begins bleeding*
Fyodor: “--of the time when you died.” *holds up a knife*
shibusawa: *collapses* fa....ther....
{shibusawa: *a young child* ....}
{Shibusawa's Father: *reviewing notes*}
{shibusawa: ....}
{draconia member: hey, isnt that shibusawa's kid?}
{draconia member 2: yeah, the one with that ability, right?}
{draconia member 3: just a tool for daddy's work. can that thing even think for itself?}
{-that's right. for as long as i could remember, i had always been in my father's shadow. i was nothing more than a tool-}
{Shibusawa Father's: "Come here."}
{shibusawa: yes, father?}
{Shibusawa's Father: "Follow me...We have to discuss the next step in this research."}
{-of course. my father's research. my _father's_ legacy...-}
{shibusawa: .....}
{Shibusawa's Father: "You will carry on after me...Find what I have not."}
{-even after he died, i carried _his_ burden. i never truely had anything to call my own....and yet.....the feeling of death.....feels familiar...-}
atsushi: *facing a door in his mind*
odasaku: you sure you want to do this?
atsushi: (i have to.)
odasaku: ...you know once you see it, you wont be able to unsee it again.
atsushi:...(i know.....) *he opens the door*
{shibusawa: so, mr nakajima, was it? how are you feeling?}
{*tied to a chair is seven-year-old Atsushi*}
{Young!Atsushi: *paralyzed*}
{shibusawa: from whay i heard, you have quite the unusual ability. and i havent been able to obtain it like normal. curious. very curious. nothing a little shock therapy cant fix, right? ^^}
{Young!Atsushi: "N-No...Please...Stop..."}
{shibusawa: now, this may hurt quite a bit. *hits the switch*}
{Young!Atsushi: *convulses, too stunned to make any noise but a small squeak, his body twisting under the electricity*}
{-a small blue crystal begins to form-}
{shibusawa: *wide grin* yes, that's it, come on...}
{Young!Atsushi: *SCREAMS*}
{*some light shines out of Atsushi's head*}
{shibusawa: ??}
{*the tiger forms out of Atsushi--and slaps Shibusawa's hand away from the crystal*}
{shibusawa: *holding their hand, yelling out in pain* GAH! w-WHAT?!}
{*The tiger takes the crystal in its jaws--and bites down onto it*}
{shibusawa: NO!!}
{*The tiger faces Shibusawa--and brings down its claws--*}
{shibusawa: !!!!!!!!}
shibusawa:....i......i died......
atsushi: i.........i killed them.......
shibusawa: im...dead? no...nonononono that's not possible! i returned to the castle that day! i know it!
{shibusawa: *stumbling into the castle* ......}
shibusawa: it was that day that-....that....
{lux: *freaking out* MASTER SHIBUSAWAAAAA! t-t-the witch!}
{shibusawa: ??}
{Lux: "Th-The Witch...Master..." *shaking*}
{nox: the witch...the witch has given birth.}
{shibusawa: ?! }
{-in a room, a young woman with white eyes is holding a small infant-}
{woman: *looks up and smiles* look tatsuhiko, it's our daughter, miyuri.}
{miyuri: *opens her eyes and smiles at shibusawa*}
shibusawa:....ha...hahaha....so that's it.....that damn witch....she put a curse on me...
-meanwhile, in the draconia room-
Fyodor: *picks up a skull from a bowl of apples* *grins* "Now, for the finale..."
-the skull is sucked up into the singularity, causing the fog to turn red and the singularity to mutate-
-the vortex seems to pull dazai in as well-
Fyodor: "How selfish of you...Even in death, you wish to watch the city go right to hell..." *turns away, smiling*
-the vortex seems to be mutating into...a dragon?!-
Fyodor: "Had you considered, in the midst of the Dragon’s Breath, my ability never once tried to do me harm?"
-a figure appears, resembling fyodor, with a light purple tone to its coloration appears, a red crystal on it's hand and holding an apple-
Fyodor: "I am crime."
CP: i am punishment.
-the ability shatters the red crystal and returns to fyodor slowly-
Fyodor + Crime and Punishment: "And crime and punishment, are quite good friends..."
dragon: *ROOOOAR*
Fyodor: "Soon, the fog will expand and consume this world. The dragon of the fog that consumes all abilities...like a dead apple..."
miyuri: *walking along and humming* hmmmmm......are we there yet, sana? Owo
Sonia: "I'm not certain..." *looks around*
miyuri: hmmm, i remember she lived in a tall building....but i dont remember which one. ^^;
onia: "Who was this person?"
miyuri: oh right! it was a while back when miyuri got lost in the outside the first time. everything looked so big and scary, and she couldnt find tacchan anywhere.
{miyuri: *sitting in an alley in the rain, crying*}
{-but then, the nice lady found me!-}
{???: um....e-excuse me?}
[miyuri: *looks up*}
{*a young woman in a yellow sweater jacket, red hair and glasses is there*}
{rain: are you alright?}
{rain: wah! i-it's alright! i-i wont hurt you! i promise!}
{miyuri: *sobbing* TACCHAN! TACCHAAAAAN!}
{rain: o-oh goodness....umm...oh! here! *hands her a cracker packet from her bag*}
{miyuri: *sniffles*....}
{rain: you can eat that.}
{miyuri:.....*tiny nom*...*hic* t-thank y-you miss nice lady...}
{rain: *smiles* please, call me rain.}
miyuri: miss rain let me stay with her for a while until tacchan found me again.
Sonia: *stunned*
miyuri: she was really nice and had yummy food. miyuri really wants to thank her for being so nice. ^^
Sonia: "You can't."
miyuri: *head tilt* miyu?
Sonia: "...Mama is dead."
miyuri: ??
Sonia: "The woman you saw...She is dead."
miyuri:........where's she sleeping?
Sonia: "...H-Hook Cemetery..."
miyuri: yay! let's go there! ^^
Sonia: "Would you stop?!"
miyuri: hm?
Sonia: "She's not asleep--she's dead! She is no longer alive! She is not coming back! She is dead! Dead means you don't come back! You're gone forever! She died! She's gone!"
miyuri:....does your mama visit you in your dreams?
Sonia: "..." *nods, her eyes stinging*
miyuri: miyuri's mommy visits her too. so they're not gone completely, right?.....do you think our mommies became friends where they are?
Sonia: "...I hope so."
miyuri: *holds sonia's hands and smiles* then they can be friends like us, sana!
Sonia: "..." *too stunned to respond...just crying*
miyuri:....sana? why's water coming out of your eyes?
-a plane is now flying to where the dragon is. the hanger door swings open as if to let something, or someone, out-
Chuuya: *stands at the door*
ango: *over earpiece* chuuya, are you sure about this? your daughter-
Chuuya: "If I don't survive...Find Sonia. Bring her back to Kouyou. If you can't...make sure she has a good home."
ango: i understand, and dazai isnt there, so-
Chuuya: "He is. I can feel it..." *holds up his fist*
Chuuya: "And even if he isn't responsible for this mess...I have to punch him in his goddamn face."
-high heels can be heard clicking along the floor of the hangar-
tsujimura: this is insane! ability users, we're human beings, and that things a damn monster! it's suicide!
Chuuya: "I'm not about to let a little thing like fear make me run away scared. When would be the best time to back out?"
tsujimura: i dont know, when?
Chuuya: "There's never a time." *leaps out the door*
dragon: *ROOOOOOAR*
Chuuya: ("If this does kill me, at least….then I'll see you again...") “Oh grantors of dark disgrace….do not wake me again.” *his eyes widen as rocks around the Dragon start to glow*
dragon: *FIRE BREATH*
Chuuya: *dodges, flinging rocks and other debris at the Dragon*
dragon: *ROOOOOOAR*
*something is shaking the ground at the foundation of the castle*
dragon: ?!?
*is that...a building rising?*
Chuuya: "AAAAAAAARG!" *slams the building down onto the dragon*
dragon: *mouth fulla building and trying to release a fire blast, but it's stuck inside and causes the dragon to explode*
Chuuya: "..." *starts falling...*
-in the remnants of the dragon and rubble, dazai is floating peacefully-
Chuuya: *growling *falls towards Dazai* GRAAAH!! *punches him in the face*
-the pill in dazai's mouth breaks, letting its contents release in his mouth-
Chuuya: *growls...coughs up blood*
-please......dont scare me like that anymore!-
Chuuya: "Rrrr...Ra...in......" *closes his eyes...the dark energy around him dissolves, as he regains control* *he opens his eyes, drawing Dazai down carefully with control over his gravity abilitie sand lands with Dazai...then collapses onto the ground, panting*
rain: *letting him rest his head on her lap, gently stroking his cheek* you did so well.
Chuuya: "??? Rain? How..."
-she wasnt there...-
Chuuya: "..." *cries*
???: come on, it should be this way...
Chuuya: *struggling to hear* "Wh-What..."
???: ok sana! hehe.
???: and i told you, it's _sonia_ -.-;
Chuuya: *his eyes open wide* "S-Sonia!"
sonia: ??? papa?
Chuuya: "I'm coming..." *gets up, running towards her*
Dazai: "Zzz..." *smiles lightly*
miyuri: oh, that's your papa?
sonia: yes. hi pap-
Chuuya: *tight hug*
sonia: !!!!
Chuuya: "Thank God...Thank God..."
sonia: papa? are you alright?
Chuuya: *nods* "I am...Where were you?!"
sonia: i'm sorry. it's a bit of a long story, but i was with miyuri.
miyuri:...sana....why's water coming from _my_ face now? *she's got tears in her eyes*
Chuuya: "...Sonia...Where did you find her? Where are her parents?"
miyuri: miyuri's mommy is gone, and tacchan's back at the castle.
Chuuya: " 'Tacchan'? I don't understand--"
miyuri: oh no! the castle's all broke! tacchan might be hurt!
Chuuya: *looks at the castle's remains* "..."
Dazai: *sniff* "That was so touching back there..."
Chuuya: -___-#
sonia: -.-#
miyuri: ??
Dazai: "Did I inspire you to overcome Corruption, Chuu-Chuu--"
Chuuya: *slams his fist into Dazai's face*
miyuri: OxO
Dazai: *knocked down*
Chuuya: "Do not compliment yourself. You made this mess, you piece of shit...I should've figured you can't die that easily."
miyuri: sana? who's that?
sonia: a good-for-nothing mackerel.
Dazai: *sits up, with a black eye* "My, my...Such a violent way to awaken Snow White~"
miyuri: *giggle* he doesnt look like a fishy! silly sana! ^^
Chuuya: "Go back to sleep!" *starts trying to stomp Dazai's head, but he keeps dodging*
Dazai: "Fufu~ I suppose it's good Ango approached you~"
Chuuya: "?!"
miyuri: *notices something* hey! that pin looks like miyuri's necklace and hair pin!
Dazai: "..." *looks* "..."
Chuuya: "...Dazai...Whose are those?"
miyuri: are you friends with tacchan?
Dazai: "...Just wait. This isn't over yet...It's up to Atsushi now."
Chuuya: "..." *looks at the castle*
Fyodor: *sets a crystal to the skull--*
-the skull glows and summons shibusawa, now in a somewhat more monstrous form-
shibusawa: so. i've become a lich, eh? damn that witch.
Fyodor: "Welcome back.”
???: "So, that's it. An ability user who regains their ability..."
shibusawa: oh? and who's this?
*Akutagawa steps forward*
Akutagawa: "Evidently, the support team."
shibusawa: so, you've regained your ability? i must say, i'm quite impressed.
Akutagawa: "I suppose I have you to thank for this ordeal..."
shibusawa: hmm?
*a kunai passes Shibusawa's face*
Kyoka: *steps out*
shibusawa: well, _that_ was quite rude.
ango: damn, the fog's beginning to spread outside city limits.
murakoso: we got a phone call coming in from london!
ango: oh dont tell me-
agatha: good evening, dearies~ i see you're having a tad bit of trouble~
Ango: "What do you want?"
agatha: it would be problematic if the fog spread to other parts of the globe, so i've sent reinforcements to nip it at the bud as it were. there's a plane flying over with an ability user with an incineration ability. i'm afraid the city will have to be evacuated if you wish to survive.
Ango: "Evacuate an entire city at this rate?!"
agatha: but im sure you'll find a way to do so, cheers love~ *switches off* *on phone* how's everything on your end, franny dear?
frances: quite well. the pistol comes quite in handy.
agatha: indeed. i'll be sending a teleporting ability user to collect you and bring you back.
frances: you'd go to that trouble for lil old me, aggy?
agatha: *nods* if i let you be killed, i would never forgive myself.
vita sexualis: *slashing at mori* huhuhu~ *taking on shizuka's face* i love you, rintarou~
Mori: *sneers* "Hard to believe that--seeing as you're dead and all..."
vita sexualis: *opens its mouth to bite his head off*
fukuzawa: ...
Mori: "...Well, hello."
fukuzawa: *chop* you've gotten sloppy. what ever happened to the doctor mori i know and at best, tolerate?
Mori: T_T "It's been a rough patch..."
fukuzawa: so i've noticed...
fukuzawa: ...
???: jeez rintarou, i swear. you're really helpless without me.
Mori: "...Elise."
elise: *in a sailor dress with heart-shaped sunglasses* well DUH, who else _would_ it be, genius?
Mori: "..." *hug*
fukuzawa: *sigh* i guess some things never change.
Plague Doctor: <I just need to bleed it out of you...>
pushkin: *hiding on the roof, holding a cinderblock* (come on, just a liiiittle further now.)
Plague Doctor: <I can practically smell you...Where are you, you sick murderous monster?>
pushkin: *lets go of the cinderblock*
Plague Doctor: *looks up* <...Oh, fu-->
pushkin: <SUCCSESS!> *victory dance*
zhanna: *over talkie* <alexsey, how's everything on your end?>
pushkin: <victory!>
10 Seconds: *TICK TICK TOCK*
katya: *hiding, gun in hand* .....
-she's...not there?-
katya: *has slid herself up with the grappling hook* *aims her gun at the ability's face with a murderous grin on her face*
10 Seconds: *goes down...*
katya: hehe~
leo: .......
*A woman in a maid outfit appears*
leo: ........
Woman: <Hello.> *holds up a gun*
leo: ............you're.....
Resurrection: <Yes.> *aims the gun--at her own head* <It hurts...>
leo:.....it does.......being unable to die......
Resurrection: *crying* <It's never going to stop, is it?>
leo:.....<no....no it's not....>
Resurrection: "..." <But if you lack your ability...I could end this now.> *aims at Leo*
leo:....you could....
Resurrection: <Then...why aren't you stopping me?>
leo: ....it's strange.
Resurrection: <What is?>
leo: for so long, i've wanted to die. to be free from my loneliness and sorrow, to see my mother, father, and siblings again....but im _not_ alone. i have friends, a wonderful fiance, and small baby inside me. i finally found something to live for. *smiles*
Resurrection: "...It's not fair..."
leo:.....*hugs her* the world can be truly cruel and frightening. but i've learned it can also be so beautiful.
Resurrection: *holds onto her, as she puts the gun away* "..." *sobs and shoots the crystal off herself*
???: *soft growl*
atsushi:....i killed them.......i just wanted to live....and i killed them.....*sniff*
*the tiger walks slowly, never taking its eyes off Atsushi as it approaches*
atsushi: *not even looking* no matter where i go, you're always right there....arent you?
Tiger: "..." *sits in front of him*
atsushi: you're like a part of me, like blood, a lung, my brain....right?
Tiger: "..." *slaps a paw across his head*
atsushi:...*weak chuckle* you're more than my ability....you're my will to live....
Tiger: "..." *nuzzle*
atsushi: ....*smiles and hugs* come on, buddy. we got a job to do.
Akutagawa: *pants, wiping blood from his mouth* "Damn you..."
shibusawa: AHAHAHA! is this really the best you have?! a shadow beast and a samurai ghost?!
rashomon: *snarls*
demon snow: *blade out*
Kyoka: "And all you have is conditioned hair." *assumes battle pose with her own blade*
shibusawa: tch-, cute. now die. *charges at them*
shibusawa: hn? *looks up*
*It's Atsushi, now in tiger-man form, as he swipes his claw at Shibusawa, putting some distance from them and Akutagawa and Kyoka*
shibusawa: *knocked back* well! isnt _this_ a pleasant surprise! will you really kill me again, atsushi nakajima?
Kyoka: *eyes widen*
Akutagawa: *raises an eyebrow*
Atsushi: "..." *shakes his head* "I just have to bring back a thing where it’s supposed to be.”
shibusawa: very well, GIVE IT ALL YOU'VE GOT!!
Atsushi: "..." *rushes*
Kyoka: "..." *leaps with blade* "Demon Snow!"
Akutagawa: *sends Rashomon to create a ring around them all*
shibusawa: *attacking them, slashing and blocking*
*Rashomon grows spikes, closing in on the three...*
Kyoka: "Demon Snow--slash them!"
Demon Snow: *rushes at Shibusawa from above*
shibusawa: *PUNCH*
Demon Snow: X_X *knocked back*
Kyoka: "?!"
Akutagawa: "Damn it..."
Atsushi: "...We can't do this alone..."
Demon Snow: *collapses on the floor--dissolving*
Kyoka: "Demon Snow!"
atsushi: you're doing good, kyouka. use your phone!
Kyoka: *dials* "Demon Snow... ... ...Sh-She's not appearing..."
shibusawa: *smirks*
Akutagawa: "What's wrong with you? Summon your ability--"
Kyoka: "I can't!"
atsushi: you dont _want_ to hate her, do you?
Kyoka: "..." *shudders* "What I saw..."
{mrs izumi: demon snow, please.....protect kyouka}
Kyoka: "I'm conflicted...But I know this power is mine...And I want it to protect others..."
atsushi: then im sure the demon snow you dont want to hate will respond to your feelings.
Kyoka: "..." *inhales, shivering* "..." *calls into her phone* "Demon Snow...I need you."
demon snow: ~i am here.~
Kyoka: *smiles* "Then let's stop this."
demon snow: *charges and stabs shibusawa down*
shibusawa: *laughing* YOU THINK _THAT'S_ ENOUGH TO STOP ME?!
atsushi: AKUTAGAWA, NOW!
Akutagawa: *smirks* "No." *stabs Rashomon into Shibusawa* "I think you need to suffer _more_..."
*a sphere forms around Shibusawa*
shibusawa: -eh?
*the only other one in the sphere is--*
Atsushi: "..."
shibusawa: *laughing* well, isnt _this_ ironic?!
Atsushi: "How so?" *flexes a tiger claw, practicing crouching with tiger legs*
shibusawa: you're trying to kill me again, and im already dead! break me all you please, it doesnt mean a goddamn thing to me!!
Atsushi: *slams his fist into Shibusawa's jaw*
shibusawa: *laughing and bleeding* oh to hell with it! to hell with it all~ nothing matters! nothing! i have nothing of my own! ALWAYS MY FATHER'S FUCKING PUPPET! IM NOT EVEN CONSIDERED A HUMAN BEING BY THEM!
Atsushi: "...Yes. I know..."
shibusawa: im dead! dead, dead, dead, dead, deeeead~! *intensly focusing, blood, dripping from their mouth, nose and eyes*
Atsushi: "..." *sighs sadly...* *rushes at Shibusawa, punching repeatedly* "Just stay down...Stop...Please..."
shibusawa: just give me your ability, then i'll have something to call 'mine'!
Atsushi: "IT'S NOT 'MY ABILITY'--IT'S ME!"
shibusawa: ah-ahaha....AHAHAHA! so that's what dazai meant.....an angel that would save me....an angel of death....the one who killed me....that's....really ironic....
Atsushi: *his fist charges with energy--his mouth grows fangs as the tiger's power overwhelms him--* "I'm so sorry..."
-the skull appears in front of shibusawa-
shibusawa: …no…..i...i cant die here again.....miyu-
-the red gems on lux and nox's foreheads shatter-
nox: lu- *fades to dust*
Lux: "No--!"
ayla: *gem shatters as she fades to dust*
lydia: <what the hell?!>
Ivan: <?!!!!>
zoey: oh?
ango: the singularity just...it vanished!
tsujimura: the fog is receding!
murakoso: we just got an update from the clock tower, they're turning the plane around!
agatha: *sips tea* hm. a real shame. the smell of a burning city always goes so nicely with tea.
shibusawa: ah......im....still here?.....but how? you- *slowly fading* oh.....its not for long.....how am i still alive?
Atsushi: "I thought that perhaps there's something you wanted to live for."
shibusawa: what could i have-......*eyes widen as tears fall* ryoko.....our baby.....i....our child was born that day......perhaps....i wanted to see them....
{miyuri: tacchan! ^^}
shibusawa: *small pathetic laughter* that damn child....even with how cold i was to her. even with faked affection, even with how i rarely spent any time with her, she would still always greet me with a smile on her face....*laugh crying* i dont get it....
Atsushi: "..." *tenses his jaw*
shibusawa: if it wasnt an ability that kept me alive? then what was it?......perhaps it was sheer willpower? but why?
Atsushi: " 'Faked affection'? That doesn't sound 'fake.'"
shibusawa:.....i see......that willpower, the will to keep living......it wasnt the result of a curse, or an ability, it was something stronger. a power much stronger than any curse......it was love.
Atsushi: *clenches* *nods*
shibusawa: *laugh-crying* i'm a real damn fool, arent it? just as i finally realize that, i had something of my own; my child....my family....and now, i have no time left to spend it with her....im a real damn fuck up, huh?
shibusawa: !!!! m-miyuri!
Atsushi: "??" *looks up* "!!"
miyuri: miyuri's sorry she went out without telling you, but she wanted to thank the nice lady and-
-chuuya, and sonia arent far behind either-
shibusawa:...^^; child, child, please. settle down.
miyuri: *INHALES* okaaay. are you hurt, tacchan?
shibusawa:.....*hugs* miyuri...im afraid i cant stay long.
miyuri: what do you mean, tacchan?
shibusawa: im going to where your mother is...and im afraid i wont be able to come back.
miyuri: !!!! no! you cant go, tacchan! *clings*
shibusawa: *sad smile* i wish i didnt have to...*strokes her head* but im afraid i have no choice in the matter...
miyuri: but if you go away, then so will lux and nox and ayla, miyuri will be all alone! *sobbing* mi-miyu-miyuri doesnt wanna be alone!!!
Chuuya: "..."
shibusawa: *pats her back* it'll be ok....im truly sorry....i wasnt a better parent to you, miyuri....i just hope, you forgive me for being selfish.
miyuri: b-bu-but you arent selfish, tacchan! y-yo-you're my favoritist person in-in the whole world!
shibusawa:...i appreciate that, little one...
Dazai: "..."
Chuuya: "..." *rests a hand on Sonia's back*
miyuri: b-bu-but where will miyuri go, tacchan? *sniffle*
Chuuya: "Sonia...This child..."
sonia: if she really wont have anyone left....we can take her in.
miyuri: ?? y-y-you'd do that, sana?
sonia: *nods* we're friends, right? and friends look after each other.
Chuuya: "Of course."
shibusawa: .....would you...really be willing?
Chuuya: *nods* "Yes."
shibusawa:....then i'm happy......please....for miyuri's sake....be a better parent for her than i was.....*small kiss to miyuri's forehead*
miyuri: *sniffles*
shibusawa: it's ok now....even if you cant see me, i'll still be with you....always.
-with that, shibusawa fades to dust-
Chuuya: "..." *lowers his head*
Chuuya: ("...This one took too much from me...") *approaches Miyuri* "..."
miyuri: *hic* a-are you....n-nice?
Chuuya: *stares at her* "I...don't think it's fair for me to make that judgment myself."
sonia: it's ok, he's nice, even if he has his moments.
miyuri: *sniffle* t-that's good. m-miss rain was really nice.
Chuuya: "...What did you say?"
miyuri: oh! t-that's the lady miyuri and sana were looking for! *sniff* she had red hair and glasses and she was really nice! she fell over lots though.
Chuuya: "..." *nods*
Chuuya: "..." *pat pat*
atsushi: ......*watching the sun rise*
Dazai: *limps over* "Hey there."
atsushi: dazai!
Dazai: *in his old suit* "Hello...I'm missing a shoe. Have you seen it?"
atsushi: .....*hug*
Dazai: "..." *blink* "..." *pat pat*
atsushi: ....crazy night, huh? Haha
Dazai: "Yes...Look, Atsushi, I was only--"
atsushi: you were trying to protect death city, right?
Dazai: "...More than a city..."
atsushi: yeah.....being able to live with everyone here.....it's really wonderful, huh?
Dazai: "Well, there are some people who aren't all bad. I could take or leave a few of them--"
atsushi:.....hey.....dazai?.....can i tell you something?
Dazai: "Oh?"
atsushi: now, i need you to promise you wont freak out on me.
Dazai: "Okay?"
atsushi: you see, it's-
atsushi: FJNKDJIJIPVLNDLJIK! oh right! phone, phone! *picks up* h-hello?
Dazai: "..."
atsushi: >x< a-at the castle ruins by the abandoned high-rise? ^^;
???: "YOU IDIOT!"
atsushi: ??
Dazai: *turns, looks behind him* "..." *takes the phone* "Kunikida. They already found us."
*Lucy, her dress torn and scuffed...looking pissed*
atsushi: O-O l-l-lucy!!
sylvia: *peeeeeks from behind lucy* Q~Q;;;
Kyoka: "!!! Sylvia!"
Tanizaki: *limping up the debris* "Wow...Doctor! Up here! We got injured."
yosano: lovely! *cleaver out* line up everyone~ ^^
Dazai: =_=;
atsushi: um....i can explain-
atsushi: im sorry, things came up. if it makes you better, you can punch me in the face as hard as you want to.
Dazai: "..." ("I am so thankful Yosano can't heal me...") *smiles* "Kunikida, I'm going to turn you over to my assistant--" *shoves the phone back to Atsushi, walks past Akutagawa*
Akutagawa: "..."
Lucy: "..." *blushing, puffed cheeks* "I'M GOING TO DO MORE THAN THAT!" *grabs his arm*
atsushi: O_O *gulp*
Lucy: *pulls back an arm--then wraps it around him* "I DON'T WANT TO BE LEFT BEHIND!"
atsushi: !!!....*hugs her back*
sylvia: m-m-miiiss k-k-kyoukaaaaa! *hugs* Q~Q;;;;
Kyoka: *pat pat* "I'm so glad you're safe."
Lucy: *sniff* "I'm going to catch up..."
sylvia: it was so scary i just hid in the closet the whole time and i peeked out once and my ability was hiding in the kitchen all scared and i ended up panicking and hitting it with a frying pan.
Akutagawa: "Chuuya. We need to run before we are caught--"
Chuuya: *hand up* "I took care of it. We're no longer under threat of arrest."
Akutagawa: "??? How did you strike that kind of a deal?"
Kyoka: ^^; "Congratulations?"
sonia: papa. *holding up chuuya's hat* you almost lost this.
Chuuya: "!!!" *pats her head* "Thank you."
Chuuya: ^^; "Miyuri..."
sonia: oh boy.
Tanizaki: ._.; "Who’s the small child?"
Lucy: *shiny eyes* "D'aw..." *grabs Atsushi in a neck hold* "DID YOU TRY TO HURT THAT CHILD?!"
sonia: that's because it's morning.
miyuri: more-ning? what's thaaaat?
Akutagawa: "...How are you going to do this?"
Chuuya: -_-;
sonia: *pap pap* it's ok papa, i'll help out with her.
Akutagawa: "...Sonia, where were you this entire time?"
sonia: it's a very long story. we'll tell you on the way home.
-meanwhile, with mori-
Mori: ^w^
elise: where the heck are we even going? -3-;
Mori: "Home, of course~"
elise: home's the other way, you dummy!
-footsteps running up-
Mori: "Hmm?" *turns around*
Mori: *knocked down*
katya: *holding a knife to his neck* ALRIGHT YOU NABAKOV WANNABE, WHERE'S THE GIRL?!
Mori: Q_Q *points at Elise* "There?"
katya: *looks*... ._. who the FUCK are YOU?!
elise: who the fuck are YOU?
katya: i asked you first brat!
elise: well _i_ asked you second!
Mori: "This is my ability, Elise~" ^w^
katya:......<what the everloving fucking shit?>
pushkin: *pant pant* oh...thank goodness....*phew* um...wait, you arent sonia.
elise: who the hell is HE?!
zhanna: alexsey? are these two...friends of yours?
pushkin: well...you see-
katya:...oh yeah, about that-
elise: he's a lolicon.
zhanna:....*dialing 911*
pushkin: OwO;;;;;
Mori: "I AM NOT A LOLICON!" >~<
zhanna: then what are you?
Mori: "The leader of the Port Mafia, Ougai Mori!"
zhanna:.....yes, i'd like to report that i've found the mafia boss, ougai mori?.....wait....what do you mean 'all port mafia crimes pardoned'?
katya: FUCK YEAH!
elise: wait, these two are mafia? SINCE WHEN?!
zhanna:.........*hangs up phone*
pushkin: OwO;;;;;;
zhanna:.....aleksey.....may i have a moment with you, dear little brother~? ^^#
zhanna: *drags him into the alley*.....<THE MAFIA?! YOU JOINED THE MAFIA?!?! HAVE YOU GONE CRAZY?!>
Mori: "???" *looks at Katya* "...Wait, who are you again?"
katya: new mafia recruits. now tell us where the fuck sonia is-
Mori: "??? I have no idea?"
katya: THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU- *talkie buzzes* WHAT IM IN THE MIDDLE OF-....oh....wait really?.....huh.....*hangs up*....*KNEE TO THE FACE* you got off easy today.
Mori: *knocked down*
elise: you got knocked the FUCK out, rintarou!
Fyodor: *at a cafe, sipping tea*
tsujimura: *in a waitress uniform* enjoying your drink sir? ^^
Fyodor: "Very much so. I find it tastes best when you know you have only that short period when it's not too hot, not too cold."
tsujimura: would you like me to recommend our special of the day?
Fyodor: "I'm listening."
tsujimura: today's special is....*snaps fingers*
-several government officers posing as staff and customers pull out their guns, including one popping his gun out of a baby stroller-
tsujimura: you're under arrest. again.
Fyodor: "..." *smiles* *puts his hands up*
officer: you know the drill, let's go.
Fyodor: *stands, keeping his hands up* *smiles* ("All according to plan...")
higuchi:......!!!!!!!!! they're back!
leo: *patching up kajii's injuries* that's wonderful!
leroux: hello all~ ^^
hans: leroux! walter, etta, kafka! you're ok!
Motojiro: ^^;
Walter: "Yep! Guess what? I won at Smash!"
Kafka: *guiding Etta* "We need medical..." *he's bruised but healing*
george: *running back, covered in twigs and drenched* *cough cough cough*
hans: oh-oh goodness! right this way!
Gin: "??? George? Where were you?"
george: lost in the woods, wandered for a bit, got attacked by some crazy homeless kids in the woods.
Gin: "...Oh."
george: strange bunch...
sonia: *wave*
higuchi: SONIA! you're ok!
Q: ~?
Chuuya: *following*
kouyou: ??? who's this?
Chuuya: "Everyone. This is Miyuri."
miyuri: hiiiiyaaaa! miyuri's super happy to meet everyone!! ^w^
higuchi: so i take it she's staying with us?
Chuuya: "She's staying with me. Now, let's get out of here."
higuchi: ??? chuuya, we cant exactly-
Chuuya: *hands over a piece of paper*
higuchi:..... !!!!!!!!
kouyou: my stars.....
Gin: "...H-How?"
Chuuya: "I cut a deal."
naoya: well hot damn!
Tachihara: "We get to leave here? Damn. Just when I was getting used to it..."
Motojiro: QwQ "...My teaching..."
hans: hey, you're always welcome to visit any time. our home is your home, whenever you need it.
Tachihara: "Cool. Could save on rent that way--"
sonia: *smiles*
Gin: *ear tug*
mito: *mew*
sonia: *picks her up* ^^
mito: o^o mii?
Chuuya: *yawns* "Let's rest...I could use some sleep."
sonia: *yaaaawn* yeah....
higuchi: !!! ryuunosuke!
Akutagawa: *waves* "Hello--"
Gin: *hug*
Akutagawa: "..." *pat pat*
higuchi: *wipes her eyes*
naoya: say, let's have a party!
Akutagawa: =_= "Okay...Could I rest first?"
naoya: by all means. *pap pap*
katya: ooooi, look what we found!
pushkin: *waves, a bit disheveled* (big sis is real scary when she's mad) TTuTT;
Akutagawa: "...!"
Mori: *waves* "Hello~"
Gin: "..." *glaring*
higuchi: -_- yaaaaaay.
Akutagawa: "Yay."
higuchi: pushkin, katya, we apprecate your heard work, but, it's mori.
Mori: "Now, I need you all to get ourselves packed. We'll also need to begin repairs on the building--"
katya:....i guess. he's a fucking loser.
Mori: ^^;;;
higuchi: um, about that, you technically arent the boss again yet.
Mori: "Oh? Says who?"
hirotsu: out of bed, i see.
Mori: "Hello, good sir. Thanks for watching over things while I was indisposed."
elise: wow. lamest, welcome back party, eveeer.
elise: Q! *HUGS*
Q: hehe! ^^ we have so much to tell you!
miura:.....if it's any comfort, _i_ was worried about you.
Mori: "I knew you would, my dear~"
miura: just 'miura' is fine, sir.
elise:....who're those guys?
Q: oh, those other people are part of 'sturm', they're cool. and that's miss leo, she's kajii's new fiancee!
elise:.....WHAT?!?! HIM?! ENGAGED?!?!
Motojiro: *waves* "Hello, Elise!"
elise: IS Q BEING SERIOUS?!?!?
leo: w-why yes.
Motojiro: "Isn't it great?"
elise: D8
leo: *rubs her stomach*
Motojiro: ^^ *snuggle*
Mori: ._.; "...Man, I was really out of it."
elise:....what....is- is she really....
Motojiro: "We're expecting!"
leo: ._.;
Motojiro: "D'aw, she's back to normal!"
naoya:...hey kid, have a candy bar.
elise: AHHHHHHHHH- *nom*
Mori: "Where's my candy bar?"
higuchi: *puts her hand into her pocket, then pulls her hand out, flipping him off*
Mori: ._.; "...When I am back in control, I'll reprimand you for that."
higuchi: just dont forget what got you into this mess.......i guess you really _do_ take after your father.
Mori: "...I think I'll retire for a few hours. Come, Miura, Elise."
frances: well, all's well that ends well, aggy.
agatha: *over phone* indeed.
frances: im glad none of my babies had to be burnt up! ^^
agatha: speaking of your babies, listen to your one violet a moment.
frances: *doing so*..... !!!! O/////O >////< a-a-aggy! please!
barrie: ???? jack, any idea what she's talking about?
Jack: *sipping from a flask* "I don't want to know."
ranpo: *sipping ramune* ah.......(i wonder if oguri's alright where he is....)
mii: *meow*
ranpo: oh, there ya are. *pets* guess the incident's over. *opens his safe full of snacks* cheers.
blair: wow, the hospital's sure full today, isnt it katai~? ^w^
Katai: .\\\\\. "..." *nod nod* "Th-Th-Thanks for treating me..."
blair: any time, hun~ ^^ *cheek smooch*
Katai: O\\\\\\\o "Nyaaaaaaaaaaaa..."
cervantes: ah, young love, aint it beautiful?
Katai: *not responsive*
Dumas: *grunts*
marquis: so luckyyyy~! fuwaaa~ i hope i get some intimate healing too~<3
Dumas: -_-# "Stop bothering the nurse and her patient--you'll be treated when they're ready for you, you weirdo."
twain: ayyy! marquis!
marquis: marky!
twain: *waves* you guys in the hospital too?
Steinbeck: *shifting uncomfortably* "Ah...Ah..." *struggling to walk, like a toddler*
oscar: poor ebie, dear. i hope she'll be alright. she got a lot of spider bites...
Hemingway: "I once bathed in spiders. I do not recommend it..." *bandaged all over*
emily:....how are you even alive. ._.;
Hemingway: "Perseverance. Calisthenics. Protein."
marquis: hehehe, your friends are so funny, marky!
Steinbeck: T~T "So many vines...I'm still picking out leaves..."
Dumas: -_-; *thumbing through his phone*
nurse: mr steinbeck? you have visitors.
lavinia: *staaaaare*
Steinbeck: "..." ^^; *waves*
lovecraft: we brought....flowers. *hands him an entire bush*
Steinbeck: "Lovely!!!"
lovecraft: lavinia, dont you have a present for uncle john?
lavinia:....*her eyes roll back in her head as her jaw unhinges and she coughs up a tree stump*
emily: ._____________________.
marquis: o,o
Steinbeck: "Thank you, dear." *pats Lavinia's head*
oscar: Q_Q
Dumas: "...WHAT THE ACTUAL F--"
lavinia:....i wassss.....hungryyyyy....
cervantes: how thoughtful!
Dumas: *grumbles*
stocking: alright, let's get searching.
Rin: "Right! We need to follow Shura's path. Fortunately, we got her GPS signal--"
Computer: *SIGNAL LOST*
Rin: "...OH, SCREW YOU!"
gilda: *signing and pointing to a picture of shura*
Rin: "???"
salaryman: <what on earth is with her hair? is she some kind of subculture girl? what are they called, 'gyaru'?>
Salaryman 2: <Wait--she looks familiar...>
stocking: <you've seen her?>
Salaryman 2: *nods* <Yes--she got into a cab after me.>
stocking: <do you know where she went?>
Salaryman 2: <She said she was going to Lake Towada.>
Yukio: "Which matches what we already know..."
stocking: <thank you very much sir.>
Rin: "So we're cabbing it to the Lake?"
*A nearby electronics shop has weather reports*
stocking: guess so.
Yukio: "Except the roads are covered in ice."
stocking: hmmm....
Rin: "Maybe a taxi has snow-chains or something--"
gilda: OxO;;
Taxi Driver: "Taxi? Need a taxi?!" *they've modified their cab with monster wheels and a plow*
Rin: "Cool! You take credit card?"
Taxi Driver: "Sure thing, kid! Hop in."
kirika: *grumbles and sits up* =~=
lord death: *pokes head in* hey there, sweetie! just checking in on ya!
kirika: well, im better than yesterday....i guess.....
lord death: well, nygus will be here later to check up on you, since the hospital's rather busy today.
kirika: *grunt*
lord death: oh, and your boyfriend is here to visit.
Gopher: Q^Q "..."
kirika: hey....y'know, after yesterday's shitshow, you being here is actually an improvement, goph.
Gopher: >~< "I was so worried!" *hug*
kirika: h-hey now, you're gonna get sick too, moron.
lord death: *exits*
Gopher: "I don't care--I take plenty of vitamin C and want to share my good health through my hug!"
kirika:...*chuckle* you're one weird kid, y'know?.......*sigh*
Gopher: "Do you feel better?"
kirika:.....i feel drained....a lot's happened this week....
Gopher: "Are you eating and sleeping? Did you see a doctor?"
kirika: -_-; yeah, a doctor was here...but yeah, i've been eating and sleeping and shit....
Gopher: *nods* "Yes, digestive health is also important."
kirika: *chuckle*.......*sigh*.....mind if i talk about everything? might help, i guess....
Gopher: "I'm all ears."
-she explains what all happened in shirase town-
Gopher: "Jeez...That's a lot for you to deal with. That punk didn't hurt you, did she?"
kirika: pssh, like i'd get owned by some rookie kid, haha!
Gopher: ^w^ "Good. As for the town itself...Will your sister be okay?"
kirika:...she seems to be doing well....it's so weird....everything feels...different now....it's nice but.....it's scary......
mocha: *nuzzle* ^w^
Gopher: *smiles* "...A lot has changed..."
kirika: yeah.....*hugs* thanks for being consistent, you little weirdo.
Gopher: O\\\\w\\\\O "Al-Always..."
kirika: *smug grin* now dont go getting any ideas. *tiny chop*
Gopher: O\\\\\\O "Wh-What on earth do you mean?"
kirika:.... 737;
Saria: "Hello! Two donuts, please!"
clerk: coming right up!
lukas: ._.;;;
Saria: ^^ "Anything else you want, Lukas?"
Clerk 2: "--and then the cake was gone! And five bucks was left!"
lukas:......im good, thanks....
clerk 3: i think your sleeping meds are messing with you again, dave.
Dave: "Shut up, Stewart--I know what you do with the leftover muffins!" >_<#
ochako: *playing some fantasy quest online with some other UA students* so then i saw like this big plane flying towards death city, and then it turned around! i guess they're doing flight practices or something.
jirou: could be.
eijiro: that does make sense.
kinako: dude, that's rad.
Aoyama: "Oui. They must not be revealing the reasons so not to alarm residents."
ochako: maybe. still, it was pretty cool to see. i would have taken a picture, but my camera was charging. would have made for a pretty cool background.
jirou: you could always ‘shop one up.
ochako: that's true.
eijiro: also wtf was that fog last night?
ochako: oh ya, that was pretty weird.
Mina: "Yeah, really--it came out of nowhere. It's not even fall."
jirou: probably one of those weird death city things.
Aoyama: *holds up a hand* "Begone."
kirako: morning everyone. ^^
Kyoka: *yawns*
Tanizaki: Q_Q
fukuzawa: indeed.
Dazai: *sips tea* "Hello~"
atsushi: i'm so exhausted T-T;;
aya: what's biting _his_ butt?
Dazai: *puts headphones on*
Kyoka: "Things were rather violent last night, Aya."
aya: did you guys do some super cool detective stuff and i totally missed out?! boooo. =3=
atsushi: ?? oh! l-lucy!
Lucy: *dramatic finger point* "Doppo Kunikida! I'm calling you out!"
atsushi: huh?
aya: eh?
Kunikida: -_-# "...Atsushi, get your girlfriend out of here. We have important business to deal with and no time for--"
Lucy: *grabs Kunikida by his tie, pulling him until his forehead slams into hers*
atsushi: D8
Kunikida: O_O;
yosano: oh shit.
Lucy: "LISTEN UP! I just spent hours trapped by my own ability in a whimsical psychedelic world of my own making, so I'm only asking this once..."
Kunikida: O_O;
Lucy: "..." *gets on her hands and knees* "PLEASE ACCEPT ME AS YOUR STUDENT!"
atsushi:.....wait what?
Kunikida: ._.;;; "...I have a lot of work to do today--"
Lucy: *looks up, glaring*
atsushi: lucy?
Kunikida: "!!!" *backs up* "Two-Two o'clock?"
Lucy: *bounces up, smiling* "Yes, thank you, sir." *bows* *smiles at Atsushi* ^^
atsushi:...^^ congrats!
Lucy: "...AND YOU! Did you get enough sleep?!"
atsushi: well....i dont think _any_ of us did.
sylvia: .~.
ranpo: dazai just snuck out.
Lucy: "Then get home early to catch up! ..." T~T "Because I didn't either...I'm going back to Anne's Room..."
*the window is open*
Dazai: "Ow...Ow..." *takes a step* "This was easier when I was younger..."
-on the roof of a building-
Dazai: "??? Oh. Am I late?"
???: took ya long enough.
Dazai: "Sorry--had something important to discuss."
-yana turns back and looks at him-
yana: rough night?
Dazai: "You would know." *sits on the ledge, kicks up his feet* "It was a real killer~"
yana: you dont look too dead to me. guess you took my advice and kept an antidote in your mouth. im surprised.
Dazai: "Yes, thank you. But next time, find one with better flavor and fewer side-effects--I've been itchy all morning."
yana: *chuckles* no promises......so you brought the info you promised?
Dazai: *holds up the file, fanning himself with it* "Of course~"
yana: *examining it* thanks........Olivia Wallace....she looks just like me....
Dazai: "Neat, huh? So, that's your DNA donor?"
yana: yeah...that's mom.....*smiles* thanks for doing this for me....
Dazai: "You're welcome. Thanks for letting me live."
yana: *chuckles* sure fam, sure....
Dazai: "Why do you want to leave?"
yana:....the rats.....it's a toxic environment. me being one 8th of dos, means i'm often compared to him...he's my DNA dad, yet he's never been a 'dad' for me.....i've only existed as a pawn for his own goals. i guess....i want to find something to live for, for me.
Dazai: "..." *nods* "Better than the alternative, huh?"
yana:..yeah....i guess....*takes her glasses off* you know......the sunlight...feels kinda nice.
Dazai: "Warm summer light..." *looks at her* "You're kinda pale."
yana: to be fair, i've spent way too much time underground.
Dazai: "Makes sense...But you're heading back there?"
yana: ....*shakes head* i had you look my mom up for a reason.
Dazai: "And how are you getting there?"
yana: i'll find a way.
Dazai: "Got it. Don't get yourself killed."
yana: hehe.....shame im leaving. i feel we could be real good friends...
Dazai: *smirks* "Don't sell me so short." *stretches--then winces* "Ah...You know how to reach me."
yana: yeah.....one more thing. if you ever meet a girl named Anya Hepburn. tell her that im sorry, and that i hope she meets someone who makes her happy.
Dazai: "??? What, that princess?"
yana:...yeah....we-...almost kinda had something....didnt work out.
Dazai: "...Relatable. Cursed?"
yana:...maybe, maybe it's just shit luck....but at the very least, she deserves some closure. she's a good person.
Dazai: *looks down to the street, where Atsushi is following Lucy* "Rare to find those kind of people..."
yana:....yeah....best of luck to you then.
Dazai: "Same to you, kid."
Fitzgerald: *his hand is bandaged* "Sorry for my lateness..."
louisa: Q_Q;;;;
daisy: what on earth happened to you?!
bram: *collapsed on the floor* *muffled groans*
Fitzgerald: "Evidently someone caused Abilities to turn against their owners." *frowns* "No amount of money could assuage my 'other half.'"
Toby: *nudges Louisa*
mary: marinara pop tarts were a mistake.
louisa: *pet pet*
Fitzgerald: "Any appointments?"
daisy: yes, you have a meeting with a mr danglars coming up later this month.
Fitzgerald: "Ah, from the shipping company. Any dirt you find on him?"
daisy: i beg pardon? ._.;
Fitzgerald: "Blackmail material. Illegal activities. Failed marriages. Children born out of wedlock. Unpaid parking tickets. Has Eckleburg been falling down on the job?"
daisy: -_-; i'll get right on it.
erina: .......
Jordan: "Zzz..."
Allison: "Hey, roomie!" *holding her phone* "Now, this may be triggering, but it's good news."
erina: .....?
Allison: "...Dostoyevsky has been arrested."
erina: !!!! r-really!?
Allison: "Really really!"
erina: that's great i-...i.....*shaking*
Allison: "..." *smiles, hugs*
Jordan: *yawns* "Hmm? Oh, hey, Allison. Erina, what's up?"
erina: w-w-what if he gets o-out again?! w-what if he comes after me?! ................*staring off into space*
Jordan: "...Allison?"
erina: ...........................
Allison: "He's not out now. He's locked up. So...Are you going to stay here forever?"
Jordan: "...Erina..." *holds her hand*
erina:....*blinks* hu-huh? w-what....what just happened? j-jordan?
Jordan: "...Let's get you home."
erina:.....im never going to get better from this....am i?
Jordan: "You don't know what the future has in front of you."
Allison: "You're going to get better--I promise!"
erina:....i....i need help.....
Allison: "..." *nods*
Jordan: "We'll call up a doc today."
Sansa: "Color of the vehicle?"
garage owner: kind of a navy blue?
Sansa: "I see. Let me check the datab--" O_O;;;;;; "...Um...I found a car matching your description."
-there is a car completely on fire-
yosano: .________.
naomi: holy shit kyouka.
Kyoka: "It was the most logical solution."
Tanizaki: "..." *sighs* "I'll get a gift basket ordered..."
ranpo: certified chaotic good.
Kyoka: "...Am I to be punished?"
fukuzawa: *walks up to kyouka....*head pat* everyone makes mistakes. try not to do it again.
Kyoka: ^^ "Thank you, sir."
-audience cheering-
creepy dude:.....
Announcer: "And now to perform 'Shabon Song'--you know them, you love them--Misa Yamamura, Ruri Tsubomi, and Lisa Iori!"
-cheering intensifies-
-the girls do their performance-
Announcer: *watching*
audience member: TSURURI BE MY WIFE!
creepy dude:....*slips into the shadows*
-the girls finish their song-
lisa iori: *waves*
misa: ^^
lisa iori: thanks for coming today everyone!
guy in audience: I LOVE YOU LILISA!
lisa iori: and i love _you_ random side character!
-in the backstage-
lisa iori: uuuuuugh, fuuuuuck, my heels are goddamn killing me. *chewing gum*
misa: wow, full house today, huh miss producer? .w.;;
Producer: "Not bad, kiddos."
lisa iori: swear, im getting too old for this shit....
ruri: ^^;
misa: i'm gonna get some sodas for us, ok?
lisa iori: bring me a morning rescue, ok?
misa: *nods and heads to the vending machines* ^^
creepy guy:....hello....yamamin.
misa: eep! oh, um...hi there. ^^ im almost done with the machine now-
creepy guy: im not here for soda...
misa: eh?
creepy guy: *approaching* sing for me...
-text on producer's phone-
Producer: "???" *checks*
misa: [hi miss producer! ^^ there was a creepy guy here @ the machines. scary! >~< ]
Producer: "..."
ruri: did something happen?
Producer: "Yes." *marches to the door--*
-text message-
Producer: *looks*
misa: [btw i think i have powers now]
Producer: "... ... ...What?"
misa: [what do i do??? D8> ]
Producer: "..." *texts* [scare the creep away with these powers]
misa: *trembling as vines have come out of the ground with dark purple flowers, which have drained the life from the creepy guy* m-m-miss p-producer? w-what do i do? *she's crying*
Producer: "..." *looks at the creep* "...First, can you reverse this? Second, we'll get you help."
misa: i-i dont know, i-it just happened! i-is is he...is he..
Producer: *checks* "...No pulse."
misa:....*screaming* ah. ah.....*throws up*
ruri: what's-? !!!!! misa!
lisa iori: what the fucking shit?!
tsugumi: and luck with fani?
mio: not that i see, no.
Meme: "She's...taking her time to get used to things. You know, new city, new school...New terms of imprisonment."
mio: pretty stubborn too. =3=
tsugumi: sounds like she's...a tough nut to crack. *finger guns*
mio:...no. you did not. you seriously did not.
Meme: ^^; "Ha."
mio: please dont encourage her. -_-;
tsugumi: ^^;
Meme: "For now, we just have to keep trying to reach her...I'm sure she'll come around."
sonia: *snoozing*
miyuri: zzzzzzz
mito: *sleep purring*
Chuuya: "Zzz..." *has his arms out, the kids sleeping on them*
kouyou:....*small smile and slowly closes the door*
Gin: *standing outside the door on guard duty* "..."
kouyou: they're all tuckered on out....
higuchi: yeah....its just.....hard to believe....*wipes her eyes* this is wonderful....we can finally go home.
etta: im super happy for you all! ^^
hans: i'd be lying if i said i wouldnt miss your company.
Gin: "We appreciate what you have done. I'm sure Hirotsu and the others would like to repay you."
hans: we're just helping out, from one group of ability users to another.
higuchi: goethe still drinking in his room?
hans: yes. *sigh*
-in his room-
goethe: *sips wine* ah....strange.....an ability that can turn abilities against the user...how strange.....ah...i wonder what you'd think about that, you crazy old genius...
preston: well, aint this just a predicament?
Patty: "I think they're masks? They still have tags on them..." *grabs one by the face*
Demon 1: "OW!"
Patty: "Nope--this one is real."
preston: *aims and shoots*
Patty: "Sis!" *transforms*
Demon 2: *dodging* "I just wanted the money--not this shit!"
liz: *shooting*
Demon 3: *somehow has a stick in the air with a white flag...no...a white shirt?...waving it* "We surrender!"
liz: *phew*
preston: mission accomplished.
Patty: *counting stolen money from the bank*
Kazue: *ribbon hanging off of sword form* <Tighten your grip, or I'll go flying.>
amelia: *holding on* right. *SLASH SLASH*
Black Star: *blocking with Tsubaki's Uncanny Sword* "Watch your right." *about to kick at her right*
Black Star: "Nice! Now your left!" *swings*
Black Star: *smirks* "Good work. What do you think, Tsubaki?"
tsubaki: she's really good at this.
Black Star: "Like she's used a blade before..."
Black Star: "Well, let's take a break. We'll get some tea."
amelia: thank you.
Soul: "...So...When's Spirit getting married, Izumi?"
izumi: i think sometime in june? i'll have to ask again....
Soul: "Hmm...Glad for him and your mom..."
Asher: "..."
izumi: yeah......
Asher: "...So, what're we doing?" *looks around the trees*
Soul: *points at Izumi* "You can't read souls, right?"
izumi:....*shakes head no*....
Soul: "Which puts you at a disadvantage for soul resonance."
Asher: "?!"
Soul: "I could knock Asher out of your hand, and they'd revert to human form like that--" *snaps fingers*
Soul: "So, you two needs to strengthen that bond." *puts on boxing punch mitts* "Aim the tonfa for my mitt, and keep striking. I'm going to try to break your bond."
izumi: o-ok then.....*gulps*
Asher: *groans, turns into tonfa*
Soul: *pats the mitt* "Right here."
izumi: *AIMS*
Asher: "Let's do it!"
izumi: HAAAH!
Soul: *absorbs the blow* "Harder."
izumi: HUOOOOOO!
Soul: *absorbs the next blow* "Is that all you got? I can't even feel it. What's your weapon even doing?"
izumi: grk-....HAAAAAAA!!!!
Asher: "We'll show you what we got!"
*Asher's tonfa glows*
Soul: "?!!!"
Soul: "AH!" *holds his arm*
izumi: ah-!
Soul: "Stop! Ah..."
izumi:....is your arm alright?
Soul: "Y-Yeah...Just numb. You struck a nerve..."
Asher: "...Sorry."
Soul: "Hey, it's fine. I told you to hit harder...And that glow shows something."
izumi: you did really great, asher!
Asher: "...I didn't do anything..." >_>;
izumi: neither did i, really ^^;
Soul: "You had a stronger resonating rate than usual. So now you need to figure out what you did differently...You either really got into it, or you both just got really pissed at the right moment together."
izumi: hmm.....
Asher: "...I was pretty annoyed with you, Death Scythe...But I felt something else coming off of Izumi...I don't know."
Soul: -_-;
izumi: really? i didnt feel anything come from me though... ^^;
Soul: "Well, I need to put ice on this...Ah...Go over to that dummy over there and keep hitting its mitts until I get back."
*The dummy has Stein's face drawn onto it*
izumi: *sweatdrop*
Asher: "...You could've taken one of that bear's masks?"
Soul: "I'd like _not_ to have Tezca talk to me. Ever." *walks away*
Asher: "..." *human form* "We need a break, too. How are you?"
izumi: ok, i guess..........did i make the right choice?
Asher: "...You want a new partner?"
izumi: no, im not saying that! i mean...did i make the right choice, coming to the DWMA?
Asher: "...What's making you think that?"
izumi: i mean, i dont really have any talent as a meister, and i barely know how to fight. i dont even have any real skills or soul perception or anything.
Asher: "Yeah, but did every student who came here know how to fight?"
izumi: i guess _some_ did? ......
Asher: "...Well, they aren't letting us do heavy-duty combat classes until we get through physical stuff..." *pokes her forearm* "Build up muscles, I guess."
izumi: =3=;
Asher: *smirks* "Maybe ask Death Scythe for a training regiment?"
izumi: can i even do that?
Asher: "Of course you can--you're Izumi Albarn."
Asher: "...So, ready to bash that dummy and build up some muscle?"
Tezca: "How're your charges holding up, Esther?"
esther: quite well i'd think. and yours~? ^^
Tezca: "Super! We got them on espionage training."
esther: oh, and how's that been for them?
Tezca: "I think they're taking well to the horse suit."
naho: *humming*
???: hiya miss naho!
naho: ?? !! ame!
ame: *HUG* hehe! ^^
Ame's Father: "Oh, hello." *smiles*
naho: hiya mr isawa!
ame: lookie lookie! my hair's growing longer again, see? *holds up her pigtails*
naho: oh that's great! you look so cute!
ame: ^w^
Mr. isawa: "Is that a school uniform, Naho?"
naho: oh this? well sorta, i thought i'd wear a more stylized uniform today. ^^
mrs isawa: oh right! you were in that fashion show recently werent you?
Mr. Isawa: "How did it go?"
naho: it was super fun, and i even got to meet yamamin in person! she's an idol singer btw.
Mr. Isawa: "I see." ^^; "We were taking Ame out to the park."
naho: oh that sounds nice. have fun! ^^
Saria: "Just focus on your aim..."
Saria: *smiles in her weapon form, closes her eyes, trying to resonate with him*
lukas:...*aims and strikes*
*Perfect hit*
lukas: !!! YAY! ^u^
Saria: "Great work! We were in sync there!" ^^
lukas: yeah...
higuchi: *knocks*
Chuuya: "Hmm?" *opens the door*
higuchi: hey, the party's just about ready. how're the girls?
Chuuya: "Getting ready. Thanks for finding a dress for Miyuri."
miyuri: WOOOOW it's so soft!
Chuuya: ^^; "Ready to head out, Miyuri?"
miyuri: *nod nod*
sonia:...yes papa.
Chuuya: *pats Sonia's head* "That dress looks great."
sonia: *smiles*
Chuuya: "Let's get going..."
-in the party room-
miyuri: *shiny eyes* WOOOOAH!
Walter: *turns on the remote for the disco ball*
miyuri: *GASP* WHAT IS THAT?!
Walter: "A mirror ball! Perfect for getting down to boogie!"
miyuri: oooooooh.
sonia: ^^;
Motojiro: *putting snacks onto a plate*
miyuri: *sniff sniff* !!! *looking at the snacks* *drools*
Motojiro: "Anything you want, Miyuri?"
miyuri: *staaaaaring at the snacks* *spots wasabi* what's that?
Motojiro: "Wasabi. It's kind of spicy?"
miyuri: *nom*.... OuO ...... QuQ;;;;;
Chuuya: "!!!" *hands Miyuri some punch*
miyuri: >XP the green stuff is yucky!
sonia: *sweatdrop*
Motojiro: "Maybe something sweet?"
miyuri: yes please!
Chuuya: *offers a cupcake*
miyuri: *nom* MMMMM!! >w<
Chuuya: ^^;
sonia: uncle kajii, if it's not too much to ask, do you think you can come over sometimes to help tutor miyuri?
Motojiro: QwQ "Of course! I was hoping someone would want me to help..."
sonia: thank you.
higuchi: ^^; (from terrorist bomber to teacher. this mafia sure is something else...)
Gin: "Ichiyo. May I speak with you?"
higuchi: um s-sure! whats up?
Gin: *pulls her aside*
higuchi: ah-
Gin: *they are in a separate room* "We need to speak privately about something important."
higuchi: ._.;;;
Gin: "While we are now pardoned of previous actions, the threat we faced also exposed our previous residences."
higuchi:...yeah...it did....
Gin: "Since we are all finding new places to live, I do not want you and your sister to be unprotected..."
higuchi: gin...
Gin: "..." *reaches into her purse, and removes a key*
higuchi: oh!
Gin: "I'm sorry for not asking you first...but I found a place for Ryu and me. We would be happy to have both of you live with us."
higuchi: i would love to!
Walter: "How's it going, Etta?"
etta: doing better. my wrists are a little sore still, so i'm taking it easy.
Walter: "Yeah. That was crazy...Good thing you and Kafka survived it."
etta: yeah....im glad franzy was there...
Walter: ^w^ "You told him that?"
etta: hm?
Walter: "I think he'd like to hear it--he was really concerned for you."
etta: *nods* ok! ^^
Walter: "Speak of the devil!" *flips over the couch, sneaking away*
Kafka: *walks into the room, looking around*
etta: *waves* ^^
Kafka: "!!! ..." *wave*
Q: and this is elise!
elise: hi everyone!
tom: hi!
bessy: your hair is pretty!
elise: ^^
Wilhelm: "Where are you from?"
elise: well it's a bit of a long story.
higuchi:...hey gin? how big is the new house?
Gin: "1 master room, 1 bedroom each for our siblings, 1 guest room..."
higuchi: do you think the guest room can be for a 5th person?
Gin: "Someone you have in mind?"
higuchi: ...i think we should adopt Q.
Gin: "...I see."
higuchi: he's been through enough, maybe we could rehabilitate him in a loving home?
Gin: "..." *small smile* " 'Loving'?"
higuchi: .////.;
Gin: "I would be happy to...if it's with you." *holds her hand*
higuchi: =///////=
Gin: "Let's speak with Q."
katya: speakin of loving homes, dont you and lev have a wedding to plan, kajii?
Motojiro: "..." O_O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
leo: ^^;
Motojiro: "My mind just reeled from the expanded options now that we are no longer confined to this location--so many more options for the ceremony, reception, honeymoon--Too much--"
leo: *pats his shoulder* it's ok, <love>.
Motojiro: ^\\\\^; <I promise--first thing tomorrow, we'll find a place for the ceremony.>
atsushi: *passed out on the futon* =~= longest.....day.....ever......sleep has never been more needed.
Kyoka: =_= *yawns*
sylvia: *asleep*
Kyoka: "..." *tucks Sylvia in* "I think we all need sleep..." *yawns*
atsushi: yeah....
Kyoka: *lies down...* "Zzz..."
Odasaku: Still not sleeping?
atsushi: (trying to...)
Odasaku: (Sorry--I didn't mean to interrupt.)
atsushi: (it's fine...)
Odasaku: (...I know Dazai appreciated what you did.)
Odasaku: (What will you do now with what you have learned?)
atsushi: (nothing i really _can_ do but move forward.)
Odasaku: (...I suppose you're right.)
atsushi:.....(should i wait to tell dazai about...you know..?)
Odasaku: (...This is your body. I don't think I have a say in your decision.)
atsushi:... (good point.) *sigh* (maybe i shouldnt say anything for now.)
Odasaku: (I'm sure he'll understand.)
atsushi: yeah.....night.
Odasaku: (Good night.)
Poe: "..." *lying in bed, staring at the wall*
lana: feeling better, edgar?
Poe: "..." *shakes his head*
lana: ...*hug*
Poe: *shivers, quiet sob*
lana: i love you, you know that?
Poe: "Y-Yes...It was knowing that fact that kept me living..."
lana: *kiss on the cheek*
Poe: T\\\\\T *hug*
lana: say, why dont i invite rowena and ranpo over for tea tomorrow?
Poe: "...Okay. Yes."
naomi: hey bro? still cant sleep?
Tanizaki: "Sorry...Was I keeping you awake?"
naomi: *shakes head* i brought hot cocoa if that helps.
Tanizaki: *nods* "Sounds good...Marshmallows?"
naomi: mmhmm ^^ how about tomorrow you, me, and kirako visit one of the cat cafe's in the shopping street?
Tanizaki: "Gr-Great." ^^;
kenji: hey yosano? my friend nankichii's gonna be sleeping over tonight, is that ok?
nankichii: *holding onto kenji's sleeve, crying*
Yosano: "Sure. Hello, Nankichii."
nankichii: *hic* s-scary, this place is scary! i-i wanna go back to ihatov! *sobs*
kenji: *rubs his back* it's ok, nankichii, gon wont bully you anymore.
gon: kon kon! i said i was sorry! >3<
Yosano: ^^; "I see you had your own experience..." *stretches* "I'm done from hospital work, so just keep it down."
kenji: ok. come on nankichii. we'll make a blanket fort!
Yosano: ^^ *yawns* *grabs a glass*
Dumas: "..." *staring at a laptop screen*
marquis: *sleeping, holding his pillow* mama....papa...dont go...
Dumas: "..." *sighs* *searches online for a name*
-some results come up-
-there are photos of a woman named 'Mercedes'-
Dumas: "..." *clicks a social media profile*
-one page is Mercedes Mondego, she's holding a young toddler boy-
Dumas: "... ... ..." *buries his face into his hands, lets out something between a groan and a sob*
emily: hnn? hullo? =.= *still half asleep*
Dumas: "..." *wipes his eyes* "Hey."
emily: is everything ok with you?
Dumas: "...Just looking up someone."
emily: ah.
Dumas: "...How are your comrades recovering?"
emily: well, they're doing well. they managed to get all the poison out of ebie, so she's resting right now too.
Dumas: "Hmm...Good. ...Did you have a similar experience?"
emily: well...
Dumas: "???"
emily:.. *shakes head* it's nothing.
Dumas: "...It's none of my business, but that doesn't sound like 'nothing.'"
emily: ....
Dumas: "...You like dogs?"
emily: i suppose so.
Dumas: "This is mine." *shows his laptop*
emily: aw, how cute!
Dumas: "That's Haydee. I adopted her."
emily: she's so sweet. ^^
Dumas: *nods* "Very affectionate..." *points at Marquis* "Even to this goof."
emily: ^^;
Dumas: "Your people have pets?"
stocking: here we are.
Rin: "Looks kinda empty..."
manager: yessss?
Yukio: <Hello. We are interested in rooms for the night.>
stocking: <room for 4 please>
manager: <right this way please.>
Rin: *looking at the decor* "Looks pleasant enough. How're the baths here?"
manager: <quite nice. the young lady that was here asked the same thing.>
Yukio: "???" <With striking hair?>
manager: <yes, quite unusual for this area>
Rin: "As our map said..."
manager: <well, here's your room. and feel free to reserve a private bath if you need to.>
gilda: *smiles*
Rin: "Cool! I'll take one--"
Yukio: "Sit down and help me review these maps."
Rin: -3-
manager: <enjoy your stay.> *exits*
*there's another room, locked up*
gilda:......*pokes the lock*
???: "OUCH!" *thump*
gilda: !!!!! *startled jump*
stocking: ?!? what the heck?!
Yukio: "???" *pulls out his gun, aims for the door--*
gilda: D8
stocking: yukio, you're gonna get us thrown out!
Yukio: *to the neighbor* "Exit right now, or I'm giving you a failing grade and reporting you to Pheles."
Rin: "...Yuki, in the real world, no one caves into bad grades from people who aren't their teachers--you'd have better luck with the gun."
stocking: *sweatdrop* let me handle this. *ahem* excuse me, are you alright over there? sorry my friend poked you in the eye. ^^;
???: *struggling to change their voice* "It-It's fine! You're a very nice lady, and I know you're sincere in your apology..."
stocking: not a problem. ^^; (hmm....) why dont you guys go check the baths out? im gonna see if there's a vending machine.
???: *small annoyed groan* -_-;
Yukio: "But we have maps to review--"
Rin: *already dragging Yukio away* ^w^
stocking: ^^ .......
lydia: *packing boxes*
Ivan: *shaking* <Wh-Where is Master? And Young Master?>
lydia: it's ok, vanya. fyodor did mention this being part of the plan, remember?
Ivan: *sniffles*
lydia:....*pats his back*
Gogol: *looking outside* "..."
elizaveta: *hug*
Gogol: ^^; *hugs her*
elizaveta: *holds up leila* *wrrr* *different voice* it's ok, kolya! you still have us!
Gogol: *nods* "I know--and I appreciate you both." *head pat*
elizaveta: ^w^
lydia:......*sigh* <our numbers are dwindling more and more....>
Ivan: <And we have to move quickly out of here.>
lydia: <i dont think we can move the comatose one in this state....>
Ivan: <So, what, we leave her?>
lydia: <if we bring her, it'll take up time and risk us getting caught. just one of those sacrifices we have to make.......>
Ivan: <I suppose...At least we have other bargaining chips.>
lydia:.....*nods* (it hurts looking at her......it reminds me of-...) *bites her lip* <r-right.>
Ivan: <I'll get the prisoners...I'll need help since we lack the previous servants.>
lydia: <right.> ...... <perhaps we should contact our base back in st petersburg to send recruits?>
Ivan: <Shall I?>
lydia: *nods*
Inka: O_O;;;;;; "..." *rubs her eyes*
sasori: *asleep*
Inka: "..." *lies next to her*
Inka: "..." *hug*
Chuuya: "Zzz..."
mito: *paws at his hair*
Chuuya: *grumbles, turning*
miyuri: zzzzzz
sonia: *yaaawn*
Chuuya: =_= *yawn* *looks*
miyuri: zzzzzzz....
Chuuya: "..." *carefully getting up to go to the kitchen*
sonia: miyuri, its time to wake up now.
miyuri: *yaaaaawn*
sonia: papa, can we have pancakes?
miyuri: ??
Chuuya: *nods* "Coming right up."
miyuri: *looking around*
*there's a window facing the forest*
miyuri: *peeeeeek*
*looks like Akutagawa is outside, looking at the woods*
miyuri: *knocks*
Akutagawa: *turns*
miyuri: *waving* hiya! ^^
Akutagawa: "..." *nods*
miyuri: ^^
sonia: come on miyuri. the kitchen's this way.
Akutagawa: "..." *waves*
miyuri: *takes a seat* what's all that stuff?
sonia: that's the refrigerator, it keeps things cold. and that's the oven. it makes things warm.
miyuri: oooooh!
Chuuya: *at the stove, flipping the pancake*
miyuri: *sniffs* mmmm~ smells yummy. =w=
Chuuya: "Any fruit with it, kids?"
miyuri: *looking at everything*
Chuuya: "...I guess take it slow..." *sets down a glass of orange juice*
sonia: maybe start with just syrup and butter first.
miyuri: okaaay.
Chuuya: "Okay..." *sets out the syrup and butter before plating the pancakes*
miyuri: *nom*...*WIDE EYES* .......
sonia: ._. miyu-
Chuuya: .___. "..." *takes back the syrup bottle--*
sonia: *sweatdrop*
Chuuya: "Sonia, make sure she packs...and keep her away from sugar."
sonia: noted.
miyuri: miyuri doesnt have anything to pack though.
Chuuya: "...Well, you have that new dress?"
miyuri: ^^
Chuuya: ^^;
shinra: *YAAAAAWN*
Relan: "Morning..."
shinra: morning. *streeeeetch*
lisa: oh hey, your up.
shinra:.....hey rel, when did we get a new recruit?
lisa: -_-# its me, lisa.
Relan: ^^; "I love the new hair."
shinra: >3<; im sorry! i didnt recognize you cuz of the hair!
lisa: yeah, decided to try something new.
Vulcan: ^^ "It's great." *passes a hand on the back of her neck*
lisa: *blush* thanks vul.
Vulcan: ^\\\\^
Lucy: *knock knock knock* "I'm ready to begin my training! ...Hello? Open up!"
Kunikida: =_= *pulls blankets over himself*
aya: kunikida, lucy's here!
Kunikida: "It's not even 7 AM. Tell her to come back--"
*the door is knocked down*
aya: she's in.
Lucy: *the doorway now seems to show Anne's room behind her* ^w^ "I'm ready to train!"
Kunikida: =_= "...We'll begin with morning exercises. Aya, show her the usual stretching exercises...I need to get replacement hinges..." *writing in his notebook, summoning hinges*
aya: yes sir! *salutes*
Benimaru: *holding up Konro's medicine, looking over its manufacturer* "..."
kabuki: been quite a lot of excitement these past few days, hasnt there?
Benimaru: "Uh huh..." *sets it down* *groans*
kabuki: sir?
Benimaru: "...I have to do it."
kabuki: ??
Benimaru: "..." *writes something down* "Go to the Fifth and drop this off. Make sure only the Commander there sees it. I have to do something at home."
kabuki: *examines* very well sir.
Benimaru: *nods* *walks towards home*
*two sets of eyes watch from the alley*
???: "..."
Kyoka: "Feeling better?"
atsushi: yeah.
Kyoka: "..." *head pat* "You're doing good."
atsushi: *smiles* thanks
Kyoka: "Want to go out today?"
atsushi: sure!
sylvia: o-ok..
Kyoka: "We can get lunch, shop..."
atsushi: why dont we visit the museum today?
Kyoka: "Oh, good."
sylvia: t-that sounds nice.
Kyoka: "Any new exhibits?"
atsushi: i think there's one on robots and aliens. ^^
Kyoka: "...'Aliens'?"
atsushi: like in the movies.
Kyoka: "Ah. We should watch some movies, too--maybe this weekend."
atsushi: sounds good. ^^ maybe i'll even invite lucy, if she's not busy.
Kyoka: "Like training."
sayaka: welp, got my stuff packed, and i leave for hoozuki first thing tomorrow.
ouya: ^^ you be safe, you hear?
sayaka: i will, mom.
Mr. Miki: "And call home."
sayaka: will do!
Spirit: ._.; "You both look exhausted..." *sets down breakfast*
sachiko: no kidding. *sigh* -~- *takes coffee mug* come to mama, sweet brown medicine.
Spirit: ^^; *hands an ice pack to Izumi*
izumi: thanks dad.
Spirit: "How's training?"
izumi:...it's been good.
Spirit: "Well, if you're sore, that may indicate you're strengthening...And if Soul gives you any trouble--" *summons a blade* "--_you let me know~_..."
izumi: ^^;;; will do.
Rin: =w= *curled up in the bed*
stocking: [morning, kiddo <3]
Kid: [good morning. miss u, love 💗 ]
stocking: [u get the pics i sent? *winky emoticon*]
Kid: [oh yes .\\\. very much appreciated. have fun?]
stocking: [so far. dinner was delish last night.]
Kid: [oh? fancy?]
stocking: [it was interesting. mission work will begin today. secondary mission is to try some traditional japanese sweets]
Kid: [^^ of course. be safe--and enjoy!]
Viktor: "I'm heading out." *picks up a file folder labeled "Hajima"*
nozomi: good luck. ^^
Viktor: *smiles* "Thanks!" *turns around...looks a bit grimmer as he exits the Eighth's church*
Petra: "Come along--purification needs to be finished on time..."
rita: *nods* *signing* <ok!>
Vulcan: "--and the new garbage disposal should be quieter." *flips a switch...nothing happens* "???"
tamaki: AGH! WHY?!?
Vulcan: ._.;;; *runs away*
Petra: "...Well, you were going in for purification anyway..."
tamaki: =_=
Sakuya: O_O;
naho: ._.
Higan: "What up, young people? I'm your substitute teacher. Call me Higan."
naho: *tries to slump in her seat to hide*
Higan: "Now, I want to get to know all of you--starting with an important question...What's the subject of this class?"
izumi:.....*face desk*
Walter: "How's packing?"
higuchi: coming along.
Gin: "Not like we brought much..."
higuchi: we still need to move the stuff from our old homes to the new house.
Walter: "Never fear--I kept security tabs on your old places to deter visitors--" *looks at his phone*
*tiny shrieks are heard*
Walter: "...I may have scared some Death Scouts who were stopping by to sell you cookies."
higuchi: ._.;
Gin: "...The pardon wasn't for _you_."
Walter: ^^;
Tachihara: *laughs* "Ever think of being tech support for the Mafia?"
Walter: "Um...Thanks, but no thanks. I like not getting shot at."
goethe: *staaaares* besides, he's under contract~
Walter + Tachihara: QwQ;;;;;;;;
rin: *relaxing in the bath* =w=
Yukio: *yawns* =_= "So much to review..."
rin: ....so when are you gonna tell shiemi you like her?
Yukio: "...You don't understand."
rin: what's not to understand? you busted a dinner date for her!
Yukio: "...If she knew the real me, she'd hate me."
rin: you dont know that. she's seen me at my most fucked up, and she still considers me her friend. ^^
Yukio: "..." *gets up to leave* "She'd hate me..."
rin:.....*pouts* *grumble grumble* stupid stubborn yukio.
Yukio: "..."
Benimaru: "More tea?"
kirei: *nods*
Benimaru: "Right away." *heats up water* "How has your sleep been?"
kirei: it's been alright for the most part.
Benimaru: *nods* "You're appointment is tomorrow?"
kirei: *nods* konro offered to bring me.
Benimaru: *smiles* "I'm glad...Please remind him to pick up his medicine."
kirei: i will....do you want to say hello? *rubs her stomach*
Benimaru: "..." *leans his ear to her stomach*
kirei: ^////^ *head pats*
Benimaru: =\\\\= "Hello, small one... Your father is here...He's not going anywhere."
axel: *checking his phone* yes! just caught a growlithe!
Zeke: "Sweet!" *looking at his phone* "...Nothing."
Steinbeck: "Good to be home..." *scratching his bandages*
ebie: ^^
baum: *hugging dorothy* Q~Q
dorothy: =A=;
Hemingway: "Held down the fort for us, then? Good lad."
baum: not a problem. oh sweet dorothy, the doctors didnt try to do shock therapy on you did they? TT~TT
dorothy: no, im fine. please stop, brother, you're only embarrassing yourself.
Steinbeck: "...Dark. Let's get going on our next heist--" *shifts--and winces* T~T
emily: are you sure you're ok, john?
Steinbeck: "I-I'm sure I'm fine." *smiles...then falls over* "Zzz..."
Dumas: *pets Haydee*
haydee: ^w^ *licks his hand*
Dumas: ^^ "Miss me, Haydee? I missed you, too."
haydee: *nuzzle* ^w^
cervantes: good doggo!
Dumas: "..." *sighs*
cervantes: ah *lays on couch* good to be back! ^^ .....you ok, dumas?
Dumas: "...Fine."
marquis: you've been gloomier than usual since this morning.
Dumas: "...It's nothing."
marquis: *huuug* would cuddles make it better~? 💗
Dumas: -_-; "...It's not hurting, but it's not helping either."
cervantes: huzzah! group hug! ^^
Dumas: "..." *sighs* "A regular trio..."
Poe: *sips tea* "Ah...Thank you for this..."
rowena: ^^
ranpo: *nomming on scones*
Poe: "Any work coming up for you all?"
lana: well, there's gonna be some fundraisers held at the hotel's restaurant.
Poe: "Oh? Charity or politics or investors?"
lana: pharaon shipping company, if memory serves.
Poe: "Ah, so courier service?"
lana: *nods*
Poe: "Hmm...Invitation only?"
Hibana: *opens the blinds to her luxury office--* "..."
kabuki: hello. ^^
Hibana: "...Look, if you want an autograph, you mail a form, my secretary sorts it, then I have my gopher do it for me. Now, beat it, before I call security."
kabuki: um actually, i have some questions to ask. ^^;
Hibana: "Interviews also go through my secretary--"
kabuki: *hands her a paper*
Hibana: "..." *looks* "Seal of the 7th..." *takes it, opens it* "..." *looks up* "You read this?"
kabuki: *shakes head*
Hibana: *snaps fingers* "Angels."
angels: yes princess?
Hibana: *writes a prescription* "Get him this for his captain. He'll be back to pick up more." *stares at Kabuki* "No one is to see you coming or going to pick up your captain's medicine--is that understood?"
Kepuri: "Okay, try this on..." *holding some mechanical contraption that looks like a travel pillow*
mana: *doing so* now what?
Kepuri: "Stand perfectly still..." *gets behind a metal barrier* *presses a button on a remote--*
*the metal collar on Mana's neck shakes--before metal juts out of it*
mana: ._.;;;;
*the collar has formed a suit of knight-like armor around Mana*
mana: woah!
Kepuri: "Now, try to move your right foot forward 3 centimeters."
mana: *step*
Kepuri: "Okay, releasing the weight--"
*a panel in the ceiling opens, as a weight falls towards Mana*
mana: O_O;;;
*the weight knocks Mana's helmet, but no obvious damage*
mana: huh. impressive.
Kepuri: "Yep! Newest in combat equipment! There's just one problem..."
mana: and that would be?
Kepuri: "I haven't figured out how to get someone _out_ of the suit."
mana: ._______. CHIE! HELP.
*a lighter goes off, as someone puffs on a cigarette*
izzy: ....
Joker: "We're all here--minus our newest partner."
izzy: so what's the plan?
Joker: "The Holy See has only one entrance--through the front gates."
nailfile: oh, so we just waltz right in?
Joker: "Not without some extra muscle..."
benimaru: ...
nailfile: oooh, he's cute.
benimaru: i'm also married. -_-#
Joker: "That's where the Strongman comes in to clear the path."
izzy: *whistle* im amazed you convinced a battalion commander to help us.
benimaru: and you want _my_ help in particular because...?
Joker: "You aren't curious what the Church is hiding? Or have you forgotten what the Church has done to your people? Or how they drafted you as their latest firefighter, their latest mutt?"
Joker: "And you're here-- even with a suspicious guy like me."
izzy: well then. *holds up her dice* shall we get this party started~?
-and so-
*inside the Church*
Raffles III: *praying*
priest: !?!?
izzy: good evening, padres and madres. hope you dont mind us dropping in~
Raffles III: "W-Who are you?!"
izzy: well, i suppose you can call us 'renegades'.
Raffles III: "...Get me out of here." *grabs a priest's arm*
izzy: aww, leaving so soon, gramps?
*an open palm lands on Priest 2's chest*
priest 2: !!!
Benimaru: "Back off." *with the tiniest press of the open palm, the Priest is knocked back*
izzy: well fuck me gently with a chainsaw.
Benimaru: *staring off in the direction of Amaterasu* "..."
Joker: "Quite the entrance--as suited to this brand of justice."
nailfile: ....*glances in the same direction* yeah. that thing always creeped me out. something feels....evil 'bout it. i dunno.
Benimaru: "I feel blood coming off of it, like it's in the air..."
Joker: *smiles*
priest 3: and just what are you, smiling about?!
Joker: *turns* "Because I'm going to kick your ass."
priest 3: LANGUAGE!
Joker: *slams his fist into the Priest's face* "Fuck you."
???: please. allow me.
Joker: "???"
bowl-cut priest: ....
Joker: "You're new..."
Benimaru: "I'll handle this." *approaches--*
Benimaru: *gasps...collapses*
Joker: O_O;
izzy:....well shit.
Joker: "So much for a strongman...Well, guess we need to run." *looks up at Bowl-Cut* "What'd you do to him?"
bowl-cut priest: so much for 'strongest firefighter'. nothing more than a dumb animal.
Joker: "..." *sniffs* "What's burning?" *looks down*
bowl-cut priest: ??
Benimaru: *he's on fire*
bowl-cut: oh?
Benimaru: *climbs up* "I'm not finished..."
bowl-cut: but- but that's impossib-
Benimaru: *leaps with a punch to Bowl-Cut's stomach*
bowl-cut: GRK-
*something drops from Bowl-Cut's hand*
Joker: "??? A blow-pipe?"
nailfile: and not the drug kind.
izzy: -_-;
Joker: "How did you survive that poison from this pipe, Strongman?"
Benimaru: "...I have too much to live for."
Joker: "..." -_-# "Fine. Be a dick and don't bother explaining things."
izzy: (is he even human??)
-more priests charge-
izzy: ...*smirks* alright chucklefucks. let's get this party lit.
gilda: *sleeping*
stocking: *asleep*
Yukio: *turned away from the others*
rin:...hey, you awake?
Yukio: "..."
rin:...you never really talk to us.....i get it, sometimes i like my space and privacy too, so i wont dig too much...but you've been acting more distant lately. from me, kyouko, dad, shiemi.....just- if things get bad for you, you can rely on us, ok?
Yukio: *clenching his jaw, eyes open*
rin: i really mean it....we- i worry about you......not saying anything?....*sigh* love you too, bro. night.
Yukio: "..." *holding back tears*
izzy:.....well where the fuck is everyone?!
Benimaru: "Did I blow up _everyone_?"
Joker: "No." *points to the altar* "We have to go underground."
nailfile: underground? you dont mean-
Joker: "The Nether."
izzy: well shit....
Joker: "Just lift the top--"
nailfile: waiiit, how do _you_ know this?
Benimaru: *kicks the entire altar away*
nailfile: OxO
Joker: ^^; "I grew up in darkness. I acclimated to darkness. I love darkness~"
nailfile: ooookay. (weirdo)
izzy:....you knoooow, we _do_ have an open position for the oni of wrath, mr shinmon.
Benimaru: "Hell no."
izzy:....eh, worth a shot. oh well. into the rabbit hole we go.
Benimaru: "You know this path? Then you should go first."
Joker: "More so you know I won't stab you in the back?"
-and so-
nailfile: ugh, this place gives me the creeps. my grandma used to tell me stories about this place...
Joker: "Good things?"
nailfile: what do _you_ think?
Joker: *shrugs*
izzy: .... so joker, what's your story?
Joker: "Hmm...I don't like talking about the past. If we survive this, I'll tell you another time."
izzy: hmph 737
Benimaru: "..." *grabs Joker by the collar, slamming him into a wall*
Joker: ^^;
Benimaru: "Do not test my patience. I've followed you this far without answers. I have put my home--my family--at risk for your bullshit. Spill, or I spill your blood."
Joker: "..." *smacks away his hand* "Don't test my patience, either. ...Let's just say, I was in the Church."
izzy: really? didnt take you for the religious type.
Joker: "I wasn't a willing member."
nailfile: the hell does _that_ mean?
Benimaru: "Wait a minute...Were you..."
Joker: *smirks* "Oh? Asakusa's God of Destruction has his interest piqued? Very well--I'll answer your question."
Benimaru: "...You had a bowl cut?"
izzy: *snerk* *stiffled laughter*
nailfile:.....<so gross.>
Joker: O_O; "No! I was working for the Church's dark side!"
izzy: ....huh. who'da thought.
Benimaru: "I don't understand."
Joker: "Just keep moving forward--you'll get it soon enough."
Chuuya: *scrolling through real estate listings on a web site*
sonia: *showing flash cards to miyuri* and this one is called a 'rectangle'
miyuri: oooooh.
Chuuya: *smiles* *marks down 3 listings*
miyuri: and what's this one?
sonia: that's a 'triangle'.
Chuuya: *writes down a number* "Hey, kids--I'm going to be making some calls."
sonia: ok papa. come on, miyuri. i'll show you our room.
miyuri: YAAAY! ^o^
Chuuya: *smiles* *dials*
lady: HHA homes, this is carly speaking, how can i help you tonight?
Chuuya: "Hello. I'm looking through your listings...I'm interested in a house?"
carly: ah i see.
Chuuya: "In fact, you had one listing in the suburbs--the one on Dorper Avenue?"
carly: ah yes, two story, three bedroom, two bathroom?
Chuuya: "And the backyard."
carly: yes, yes.
Chuuya: "I was thinking...I have 2 children and a cat. I think they'd like the yard. Maybe a treehouse..."
carly: well, there is a park and a school nearby, as well as a few small shops.
Chuuya: "Excellent. Could I schedule a tour?"
carly: of course! what day works for you?
Chuuya: "As soon as possible."
carly: alright.
nailfile: so this is the place, eh?
Joker: "The Nether."
nailfile: ....
Benimaru: "What is the Church hiding here?"
-the lights go out-
nailfile: *flame claws*
Joker: "They're here..." *lights up a cigarette*
izzy: _who's_ here?
*...Are those...eyes in the shadows?*
izzy: the hell?
seven: ......
Benimaru: "...Clowns? Your people?"
Joker: *smirks*
izzy: oooi, who the hell are you shitheads?
Joker: "The Shadows of the Holy Sun."
izzy:....the uniforms look stupid AF.
Joker: "Yes...This is a group of assassins, operating in secret on behalf of the Church."
commander: halt, interlopers. leave this sacred ground or else.
Joker: " 'Leave'? But this is my grand return!"
commander: what?
Joker: *smiles* "52."
commander:...after all these years.....
{*A small boy knocks a taller person down*}
{???: jeez, he's tough for a kid.}
{???: well done, 52}
{52: "It was no big deal...It's what a 'child of the sun' should do, yes?"}
{???: indeed. your next opponent is me.}
{????: he's not really gonna do it, is he? it's suicide!}
{52: "..."}
{commander: COME AT ME!}
{52: "..." *side-steps, swinging his fist at the Commander's head with a gazelle punch*}
{commander: *grabs his wrist and punches him* you're nothing. we are all children of the sun, abandoned by society and taken in by god. dont go thinking you're so special.}
{52: *stunned...acting on instinct, bites the Commander's wrist*}
{commander: GRK- why you insolent little- *WHAM* *WHAM* *WHAM*}
{???: h-hey, knock it off, you're gonna kill him!}
{commander:...heh. if i killed him now, it would be merciful.}
{52: *gasping, choking on blood..his nose is broken*}
{52: *bandaged...staring at a pocket watch* "..." ("This was all they found on me...'3:32'...Was that when I was abandoned? This world...is such shit. I don't think I'm special--I don't think anyone is. I just want to survive this madness...")}
{commander: again with that watch?}
{52: "!!!"}
{commander: *takes it and crushes it, burning it* this way. now.}
{*a house is on fire*}
{-cries can be heard-}
{???: the demon made off with the child, we must find them and destroy them at all costs!}
{???: "Sir! 52!}
{???: what about him?}
{*someone tosses a mask down onto the cement bottom of an alley*}
{52: *huff puff* ("The fire distracted them...Good...Can I get away? Can I escape?") "..." *takes a step forward, leaning on the alley wall for support* ("The sun should shine on all, yes?") *clutches his eye* ("...So...It happened again...Burns...")}
{girl: *humming* hm? ?!?! what the-}
{*52 is passed out in the street*}
{girl: ._.;; *nudges his head with her foot* umm....hey, uh....are...are you ok?}
{52: *groans, panting, like he's dehydrated*}
{girl: oh, um... *takes water bottle from her bag and gives it to him* hey, you alright?}
{52: *opens his eye* "..." *takes the bottle, guzzling like his life depends on it*}
{girl: feeling better?}
{52: *looks, his vision blurred* "...An angel..."}
{girl: e-eh?? O////O oh i-im not-}
{52: "Save me...I don't want to go back to Hell..."}
{girl: ._.; um....daaaad?}
{52: *nom nom nom nom* >3< }
{woman: my my, he's got quite the appetite hasnt he?}
{girl: i guess...}
{woman: kinda cute too, and around your age~}
{girl: >///< mom! its not like that! jeez.}
{woman: fufu, just teasing. ^^}
{52: *stops...sips water* "...Ma'am...Young lady...Thank you both. I promise, I will repay you."}
{woman: oh, it's quite alright, really. right dear?}
{Man: *nods* "You looked pretty roughed up out there, son. Are you...in some kind of trouble?"}
{52: "..."}
{52: *standing on a balcony, looking up at the Moon* "..."}
{woman: *inside* is this really the right thing for us to do? letting him stay here? for all we know he could be some drug addict or a felon...it worries me.}
{Man: "I know...So far, he hasn't caused any problems...But he won't tell us where he's from."}
{woman: do we call the police?}
{girl: *walks out onto the balcony* hey, just thought i'd check up on you. ^^}
{52: "Ah...Hello, angel."}
{girl: 7//7; ...s-so whats up?}
{52: "I was admiring the Moon...It looks so happy..."}
{Moon: "HAA HAA HAA..."}
{girl: ^^; yeah.....they say people once lived on the moon.}
{52: "Wait, really? That's amazing!"}
{girl: yeah. maybe one day, i'll become an astronaut and walk on the moon. i think that'd be pretty cool......ah, look at me, spilling my dreams to a stranger. ^^;}
{52: "No, that's great--dreams are what keep us motivated. You know a lot about astronaut stuff?"}
{girl: yeah. see that constellation up there?}
{52: *looks up...nods*}
{girl: that's called 'orion's belt'.}
{52: "??? 'Orion'? 'Belt'? Like those...what are they called...'asteroids'?"}
{girl: hehe, close.}
{52: *tying his shoelaces*}
{Dad: "And here's the list. The grocery is 2 blocks north, 6 blocks west."}
{52: *nods* "Okay..."}
{Dad: "Don't forget my smokes either."}
{52: "??? Um..."}
{girl: ugh, dad, those are seriously gonna kill you someday.}
{Dad: "It's just when I'm stressed..."}
{girl: -_-; still...}
{52: *reading the list on his way back* ("That's everything...Even got the extra money back...")}
{-two figures in suits exit the house-}
{52: "!!!" *ducks back around the corner*}
{-the two figures leave-}
{52: "..." *sneaks back into the house--* "!!!"}
{-the girl and her parents lay dead on the floor-}
{52: "..." *drops the groceries* ("This is...They're dead...There--There's nothing I can do for them...Oh God...")}
{???: sir, the family 52 was staying with has been terminated.}
{commander: good. now he has nothing to return to. he's nothing more than a stray dog.}
{Joker: *puffing away on a cigarette, standing on an incomplete building*...This world sucks."}
Joker: "You taught me a lot..." *points his cigarette at the Commander* "Time to teach you the truth of this world."
commander: so you came running back like a little puppy? *draws sword* how pathetic.
Joker: *throws off his coat, revealing playing cards on fire* "Eat shit."
commander: thou who hast forsaken the sunlight, shall be left to rot in the dark.
Joker: "Which book of scripture is that, asshole?" *to his team* "I'll fight the Commander. You take care of the rest."
commander: seven. consider this your chance to prove your worth to us. kill them.
Benimaru: "??? How old is this brat?"
seven: *SNARLS and spin kick*
shadows: *charging*
nailfile: *SLICE SLICE*
Benimaru: *sighs* *struggling with one Shadow* "Fast...but reckless." *trips them*
shadow: grk-
izzy: tch- what a hassle. *pulls out a pistol* guess it's time to pull out this bad boy.
Shadow: *growls, swinging their blade towards Izzy*
izzy: *BANG*
Shadow: *silent, falling down*
izzy: *smirks*
Shadow: *bear hug from behind*
izzy: ?!?
nailfile: *SLASH*
Shadow: *sliced across the chest--but even as they're bleeding profusely, punches at Nailfile's face*
nailfile: *dodge* hey! <watch the hands, buddy!>
izzy: hey! little help here!
nailfile: *SLICE*
izzy: pah- thanks.
nailfile: anytime, girl. ^^
Benimaru: "Their breathing...They intend to kill."
commander: *attacking joker*
Joker: *dodges* "You haven't changed...The mask still looks the same."
commander: you'd be best going back into hiding.
Joker: "I just came here to play. Interested?" *flips cards over his head in a half-circle path*
Joker: *charges his cards with flames, sending them to go around the Commander's sword swings--*
commander: you think you can honestly stop me? You think you're the underdog in this heroic tale--but, really, you're not the hero. You're just a mutt, who shook off his leash--and needs to be put down.
Joker: "!!!" *screams in pain, before collapsing*
commander: giving up so soon? pathetic.
Joker: *tries to climb up--*
Joker: *face slammed into the cement floor*
commander: *grins*
Joker: "..." *his head starts to rise*
commander: ??
Joker: *lifting his head up--with his tongue against the floor*
commander: ?!
Joker: *slides his tongue along the floor--backing up enough to push himself up, swinging his fist back at the Commander's face*
commander: *knocked back*
Joker: *spits* "I'm through with games...I need to take this more seriously..." *smiles wickedly* "A fight to the death."
commander: oh?
Joker: *puffs* "52...I'll end your life, with 52 cards."
commander: heh.
Joker: *shows his remaining cards* "Let's count!" *begins flinging cards*
commander: pah! we are as a group! you may cut us down as many times as you wish, but we shall always regroup. and those that remain solitary die alone! so tell me 52, how many cards will remain before you die?!
Joker: "Tch..." *continues his attack...but he's running out of cards*
commander: you thought you would be free if you left, but you're a weakling who couldnt survive without our help! a failure is a failure, simple as that! and a failure like you cant win on your own!
seven: ....
Joker: *pants...he's holding 2 cards in-between his fingers...as he clutches his bleeding left arm*
commander: i know all your moves, 52. im the one who taught them to you!
Joker: "..." *smiles widely* "I'm the Dreamer of the Dawn..."
commander: hn?
Joker: "I am the Smoker..."
commander: ?!
Joker: "I'M THE JOKER!"
commander: ?!?
*multiple Jokers appear around the Commander*
commander: WHAT IS THIS?!
Joker: "I learned...how to clone myself."
commander: ?!?!
Joker: *snort laugh* "Nah, I'm just kidding you." *waves his cigarette* "I smoke the good shit."
Joker: "This is a rare breed I cultivate. I had to figure out how to make sure it only affects certain people. I'm kind of surprised my comrades today aren't seeing melting eyeballs, humanoid roaches on walls, or talking animals..."
commander: what the hell?!
Joker: "What sucks is that it kind of screws up your perception of time. Helps me to escape in the blink of an eye--but it can be disarming if you aren't used to it."
commander: damn you!
*something drops with a PLOP noise*
commander: ?!?
*The Commander's forearm is already sliced off, lying on the floor*
Joker: *smiles* "What's wrong? You're always talking about teamwork. So pull your 'team' together..."
commander: ?!?!?!?
Joker: "Now, I know what you're thinking--'But 52 used up all of his cards'! So, I need to remind you: I AM NOT 52!" *holds up a Joker card* "I always had one more..."
commander: you-
Joker: *lets out a maniacal laugh, swinging the one card, decimating the Commander's body*
seven: !!!!!
izzy: so, whadda ya want us to do about the rugrat?
seven: my name is seven.
Joker: "...Nah, that's not a name...We need to change that."
seven: thats not you-
Joker: "Nana. That works. 'Nah-nah.' Easy to say, rhymes with itself. Nana. Come, Nana..."
seven: shut up! im seven! se-ven! child of the sun! i'll cut you all to ribbons! i'll make you all pay for this!
Benimaru: *reaches out a hand, patting her head*
seven: ?!?!?!?
Benimaru: "Children should listen to their elders...But since your elders were screwed up in the head, listen to us, now, or I'll show you something to fear."
seven: *growls*
Joker: -_-; ("As if Shadows didn't have enough abusive guardians...") "You kind of suck at this parenting thing, Strongman."
Benimaru: *glare*
izzy: well, we cant take her. we got enough brats to deal with in the hell blaze. like mantis.
Joker: "..." *smiles* "What about it, Nana? Want to come home with a fellow former Shadow~?"
seven: dont touch me, traitor! the minute your back is turned, i'll stab you in the throat!
Joker: ^^; "..." *picks Nana up, slings her over his shoulder*
seven: *pounding on his back* UNHAND ME! I'LL BURN YOU ALL ALIVE! DX<
???: "As much as I would like to see that, I can't allow it."
izzy: ?!
*Burns walks in*
nailfile: aw hell.
Burns: "...Commander Shinmon. 52. 7. Miss Godfrey. Random other person."
izzy: ?!?!?! *her tone is murderous* how the hell do you know that name?
Burns: "Haijima Industries has long associated with the Church."
izzy: *hateful glare*
seven: how do you know about us? who even are you?
Joker: "Commander Burns of the 1st Brigade--your handler in the Church, Nana."
seven: my name isnt nana!
nailfile: wait, you mean commander goodie-two-shoes burns is in on this whole thing?!
Burns: *crosses his arms* "So, you're associating with common thugs, 52? I trained you better than this."
Benimaru: "... ... ..." *lightbulb* "So, you're the one who gave this clown a bowl hair-cut?"
izzy: we dont have time for...whatever _this_ is. we're here for-.......wait, why are we here? i forgot in all the excitement.
Joker: *composes himself* "...To get to the Secret Holy Scriptures, I have to fight the old man now?" *sighs* *looks at his one card* "Still, this should be enough for you, gramps."
Benimaru: "Great. I wanted a real challenge."
seven: ?!
Burns: *stares at Benimaru* "...I just realized...Now's not the time to fight."
Joker: "HUH?!"
Burns: "If you're here for information about the Church, I can help."
izzy: oh? and here i thought the 1st was so loyal to the church, like dogs.
Joker: -_-; "Could everyone stop with the 'dog' insults--I'm feeling self-conscious."
Benimaru: "I think we have another question to ask: you two know each other, don't you? What's going on? We've already had an extended fight sequence--time to know what your goals are and whether I can trust you."
Joker: "...Burns was the intermediary between the Church's light and dark sides. He was one of the people who trained me..."
nailfile: wait, seriously?
Joker: "Yes...Until he formed that Adora Link."
izzy: so wait, are you guys....adora bursts?
Burns: *sighs* "No. Forming an Adora Link is connecting _to_ Adora."
Joker: "And those with the Burst get a power-up from the Link. We just lose our fucking eyes."
izzy:........ .___.
Burns: "The Burst is what a handful of people possess to withstand linking to Adora, to that other world. We were not so 'blessed.'"
Benimaru: "When did you see it? When Arg or Kusakabe did?"
Joker: "No. When Amaterasu released a bunch of Infernals."
nailfile: WHAT?!
Benimaru: "I never heard of this."
Joker: "Of course not: people have to believe Amaterasu is absolutely safe...So, that's when the Shadows are called in to do the dirty work to cover it up. And Burns led that mission."
{Burns: "Where are the others?"}
{52: "Knocked down."}
{Burns: "One more target...Straight ahead?"}
{52: as far as i know, yes. just leave it to me.}
{*footsteps are heard...like crackling fire*}
{Burns: "Here it comes..."}
{infernal: GRRRK-KRAAAAAA!!}
{Burns: "AH!" *falls to his knees, covering his ears*}
{52: what the hell is this?!}
{Burns: *looks up* "!!!"}
{It's a hellscape...Are those eyeballs in the sky?}
{52: is this...hell?.....grk- GAAH! m-my eye!!}
{*A figure hovers in the sky, cloaked in white, looking down on them*}
{*The ground is burning under them*}
{52: ?!?!?!}
{???: "Mathematics. Truth. Insect. Hell. God..."}
{52: what?}
{*something is burning under 52's hand*}
{52: *looks*}
{*the entire ground is on fire!*}
{52: ?!?!?!?! *screaming*}
{Burns: *struggles to stand...before he rushes at the Infernal*}
{52: where is this?!}
{???: "Hell..."}
{Burns: *screams, as he charges his arm, putting it through the Infernal*}
{Burns: "52! Wake up!" *clutching his burning eye*}
{52: !??!!? w-what....what was....}
{Burns: "The Infernal...must have had the ability to cause illusions..."}
{52: no...hell...hell exists...}
Burns: "That stone you brought still burns, even in vacuum."
Joker: "Which proves your Church is hiding the existence of Hell--or Adora, or whatever you're calling it. That's what I want to prove--what Hell you're hiding here."
Burns: "..." *reaches into his jacket*
Benimaru: *fighting stance*
Burns: *pulls out a notebook* "Here is your clue."
izzy: and what's that?
Burns: "A notebook, belonging to the wife of the founder of the Church of the Holy Sun, Raffles I."
nailfile: ?!?!
Benimaru: "His wife?"
Joker: "That thing must be ancient...You took it from an archive or something?"
izzy: is it even real?
Burns: "It is. I verified the records, the paper, even the handwriting."
nailfiles: then what about the holy scriptures we came here for?
Burns: "They don't exist. Ever since the Adora Link, what I saw has not matched what I knew to be true about this world. I've used my position in the First and my association with the Church to get access to archives--research from around the world." *taps the notebook* "This was hidden away. I can't say where without revealing sources and the original location, but I assure you, this is real. This investigation led me to this book." *hands the book to Joker* "Her journal begins with the Great Diaster, the founding of the Church--and is a rare firsthand account about who Raffles I really was."
Joker: *opens* "...Her handwriting is atrocious."
Burns: "Raffles lead a team to see where the Great Disaster first happened...He was the only one to survive the trip."
nailfile: *reading* 'still, i was relieved that he had returned safely, but something seemed different about him, like he had become a different person. even though he looks the same, his habits and behavior is that of someone else. is he truly the same man i've been married to for three years?'
Joker: "I mean, when you go through something traumatizing..." *stares at his cigarette* "...it's expected you go through some changes..."
Benimaru: "...Wait...This happened in Asakusa, too."
izzy: really now?
Benimaru: "Someone who was able to change their appearance--to impersonate people from the Eighth, people from my home..."
Joker: "Yeah, but that only happened, what, months ago? We're talking 250 years ago!"
Burns: "Yet you've seen how durable Infernals are. Who's to say there isn't one that's immortal? Someone else from that higher plane, someone as long-lived as that Preacher..."
Joker: "..."
nailfile: so then...
Burns: *nods* "The Church may have been founded by Infernals, by the Preacher."
nailfile: so how do we confirm this is real?
Burns: "Aside from what I've told you--that the evidence all points to this fitting into the other facts we can confirm, such as the coincidence of Raffles being the only survivor, that he changed so much, that there are Infernals who can impersonate others...Beyond all of that, I've been thinking about how to verify this with outside-sources for a long time..."
izzy: so what now?
Joker: "Who else in the Church knows about this?"
Burns: "No one."
*A bald bearded man walks through the halls in a cloak*
guruna:...hey haumea, who's that old dude?
Haumea: "You don't know~?" *smirks*
guruna: noooope~@ OwO
Man: *makes a sign* "Bless you, child."
Man: *moaning out a religious hymn* "Bless the Sun, whose light shines upon us all, conferring its blessing onto us on our mission to convert the masses, to bring them to the light."
sasori: ......
Inka: "Wait a minute...That energy around him... ..." *grabs the beard, tugging hard* "How the hell are you doing that, Jonah?!"
Jonah: *the beard is pulled so hard it is stretching his face into a grotesque form* "OW OW OW OW!!!" T~T
sasori: WAIT WHAT?!
guruna: oh! they do that.
Jonah: T~T "You and your bodyguard have gotten so mean since you got those new outfits..." *sniff* "How dare you treat the founder of the Church of the Holy Sun like that! I, Raffles I, will not stand for such treatment! Guruna, prepare the boiling Holy Water!"
guruna: *salutes* aye aye!
arrow: -_-
sasori: suuure, and im the goddamn queen of sheba.
Inka: "I think Jonah's serious, Queen--I mean, think about it: disguises like this, never dies no matter how much you beat them--" *punching Jonah repeatedly in the head*
Jonah: "OW OW OW OW!"
dahlia: it is the truth.
sasori: GAH! jeez....so creepy.
Jonah: -3- *changes their face--into Inka's, then changes their voice to hers* "You're so mean, Sasori!"
sasori: .... -_-;
Inka: "...Is it wrong to say I look damn good?"
sasori: *facepalm*
Burns: "Raffles III must have been kept in the dark..."
Benimaru: *raises an eyebrow* "How do you know Raffles III is actually the grandson of the first one? What if he's some imposter, too?"
Joker: "Or, what if his DNA has Infernal DNA in it? Trippy..."
nailfile: gross.
Joker: "And we leave here without knowing the Preacher's plans..." *looks at the mess they left behind*
seven: ..........
Benimaru: "At least we didn't kill your Shadows. I mean, except that one." *gestures to the body pieces of the Commander*
nailfile: brutal.
Burns: "Since they're from the Shadows, no one will miss them."
izzy: so do we tell everyone in the church that everything they know is a lie?
Joker: "That's my plan!"
Burns: -_-# "And ignite chaos that undermines a large segment of the world?"
Joker: "That's my plan!"
Burns: -_-# "And ignite chaos that undermines a large segment of the world?"
Joker: *crazy grin* “And yet you gave me this.” *holds up the notebook* what do you suggest?"
Burns: "More evidence. You take this to the public, they won't believe you, and the Church will not believe the word of some clownish terrorist--"
Joker: "Hey!"
Burns: "--and a commander who attacked the Church. In public."
Benimaru: -_-;
izzy: we could always blame that shapeshifter impersonating him, if that helps.
Joker: "Works for me!" ^^
Benimaru: -_-; "Maybe we should look outside of the Church...Someone else with something to gain from all of this."
Joker: "Makes sense."
Benimaru: "...They're the ones who give medicine to my home..."
Joker: "Well, you should've thought about that first."
Burns: "Get out of here--I'll clean up."
Joker: "What'll it be, Strongman? Not too late to back out."
Benimaru: "...The Great Disaster almost destroyed this world. If anyone is going to rip things apart, it’s me--to rebuild a better world for my child. Lead the way."
Joker: "..." *smiles* "Very well. Come along, Nana."
seven: i told you, my name is seven! and who said i was going with _you_?!
Joker: *stares at her, no longer smilng* "I said."
seven: i'll kill you first!
Joker: *shows off a playing card* "Come at me, then."
seven: *bites her finger, causing it to bleed...the blood then catches fire?!*
Benimaru: "..."
Burns: *watching*
Joker: "...Oh, I get it--hot-blooded. Ha."
seven: *lunges*
Joker: *swings his card at her, dodging the hot-blood as best he can* "You're quick."
seven: *spin kick*
Joker: *catches her kick, feeling the impact* "Grk!"
seven: *GLARES*
Joker: "Very well, then..." *lifts her up by her foot--*
seven: *flailing* LET ME GO! DX<
Joker: *holding her by her foot* "...Burns, I'm taking the child."
Burns: "...I'm debating which is the worst option..."
seven: *GROWLING*
Joker: "Hey, come on, Burns! You know you can trust me." *smiles*
Burns: "..." *shrugs* "Go ahead. Maybe if I'm lucky she'll keep you in line. Or kill you. Has to be better than leaving her here in the Nether to go as crazy as you did."
seven: D8<
Joker: >w# "Yay!" *carries her by her foot, upside down* "Onto Haijima, Strongman!"
Benimaru: "...This lowers the bar on parenting..." *follows*
seven: *flailing and screeching*
izzy: yeah....haijima........
man: hmmm, any reports on the dolls?
Scientist 2: "Yeah--my samples suck."
blonde man: quite unfortunate.
scientist 3: go stuff it, godfrey.
godfrey: .....and how about you?
Scientist 2: "You got an S-class--I'm so jealous. Swap with me!"
godfrey: indeed. and how about _you_. that boy...
Scientist 4: "Rekka's boy? He's coming along just perfectly."
scarlet: ......
Joker: *whistling as he climbs in through the window*
scarlet:....what. did you do.
Joker: "Say 'hi' to Mommy, Nana!"
scarlet: *grabs joker by the neck* WHAT. DID. YOU. DO?
Joker: Ow# "...It was either this, or she'd stay underground as a child soldier."
seven: .........
Joker: ^w#; "Can I keep her?"
seven:.........*punches joker in the nuts*
scarlet:...huh. i think she might grow on me.
seven: let me go back.
Joker: QW# "..." *collapses* *higher pitch* "I-I promised not to send you back to that...I lived there, and look how I turned out..."
Joker: "Red, back me up on this--tell Nana how good we have it here!"
scarlet: -_-; well, it's better than nothing i guess.
Joker: "The standard by which I live my life!"
scarlet:...*sniffs* ugh, you both smell terrible.
Joker: "You can give Nana her bath."
seven: ?!?!
scarlet: come on-
seven: noooo!
scarlet: ...*picks her up*
seven: *screeching and flailing*
Joker: "I'll just nap here..." *stays collapsed on the floor*
ivy: ahhhh-CHOO!
Joker: "??? Sick?"
ivy: were you smoking those fucking drugs again??!
Joker: ^w# "Daddy had to calm someone down--I promise, I'll quit tomorrow~"
ivy: you know those trigger my allergi-*ACHOO*............wait, 'daddy'. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!
Joker: "I'm just getting into the parental mindset. Nana will need her own bed. Want to share a bunkbed with her?"
scarlet: *getting the water running* come on...
seven: *SCREAMING* NO! NOOO!!! DX<
ivy:....who the FUCK is nana!?
Joker: "That loud hot-blooded screaming child is Nana. Isn't she delightful?"
Joker: ^w^;
Benimaru: *hiding in the shadows on his way to his home*
kirei: *asleep*
Benimaru: "..." *carefully enters*
kirei: zzzz
Benimaru: "..." *just looks at her* "..."
-she seems peaceful-
Benimaru: "..." *lies next to her*
kirei: mnn....
Benimaru: *hugs her*
kirei: *yawn*
Benimaru: "..."
kirei: *opening her eyes* good morning...
Benimaru: *smiles* "Good morning..." *kiss*
kirei: ^////^
Benimaru: "How are you?"
kirei: doing well. you?
Benimaru: "...Some difficulty sleeping."
kirei: mm...
Benimaru: *yawns* "Let me make us some breakfast..."
kirei: *nods*
Benimaru: *gets up, goes to the kitchen, filling the kettle with water
*knock knock*
Benimaru: "???" *slides open the door--* "..."
Konro: *eyes wide open, staring* "..."
benimaru: ah, konro. what bri-
Konro: "WHERE. WERE. YOU?"
benimaru: ... i wasnt drinking or anything like that.
Konro: "..." *pushes the door open, revealing...priests from the Church*
Priest 1: *bandaged* "That's the guy who punched me!"
Priest 2: *face wrapped like a mummy* "He slammed me into the side of the Church!"
Priest 3: *looking a little scuffed up* "I lost the nail on my pinky toe!"
benimaru: .....
Konro: "...Well?! Say something! Say you didn't do it!"
benimaru: i didnt have anything to do with this.
Priest 2: "YOU HERETIC LIAR! Then where were you?!"
???: "We can tell you where he was."
benimaru: ??
*It's Tsukiyo and Fang-Hua*
fang-hua: ...
Benimaru: ._.;
Tsukiyo: "Yes, we can tell you where he was! Beni-Hottie was in my bed--"
Tsukiyo: T3T
fang-hua: ^^; he was helping mr owada with making dinner.
Tsukiyo: "Yeah, sure, go ask him--he'll back it up..."
Konro: "He is an older gentleman, so perhaps check when he wakes up later this morning--"
Priest 3: *screams, pulling his hair* "How are we to believe this nonsense?! They could all be lying! He can't have been in two places at the same time--"
???: *ahem* "What did I tell you three about coming here?"
fang-hua: c-commander burns!
Priest 2: "?! S-Sir! Why are you here?"
Burns: *holds up a file* "Finally looked over fingerprints left on your clothes. They don't match Commander Shinmon. It's as I told you when I found you all unconscious: when I caught up to the suspect, I discovered he was actual one of those imitators who came through Asakusa a while ago. Obviously they got enough of a view up-close to the Commander to perfectly imitate him."
benimaru: ....
dia: indeed.
Priest 1: "Oh, you have to be kidding--"
Burns: "You doubt me?" *intense stare*
Priests 1, 2, and 3: O_O; "..." *shake heads 'no'*
dia: that's what we thought.
Burns: "Dia, bring them home. I have to check with the Commander on coordinated training exercises."
dia: yes sir. come along you three.
Priests: T_T "Yes, captain..." *follow Dia*
Burns: "..." *stares at Konro, Benimaru, Tsukiyo, and Fang-Hua*
fang-hua: um....
Tsukiyo: ._.;
Tsukiyo: ._.;
Burns: "..." *nods* "You're welcome. Be less sloppy next time."
fang-hua: ??
Konro: "...Do you have time for tea?"
Burns: "No, I have to return to the church." *nods to them* "Keep your commander in check." *turns*
Benimaru: "..." *looks at the others* "...Well, that was completely unexpected and I have no idea what he was talking about--"
Konro: *staring wide-eyed* "Are you kidding me?"
Benimaru: "..." *looks at the others* "...Well, that was completely unexpected and I have no idea what he was talking about--"
Konro: *staring wide-eyed* "Are you kidding me?"
Tsukiyo: "We were worried sick!"
fang-hua: oh jeez, what would kirei think?
Benimaru: "...None of you have any idea..."
Konro: "...Young Master..."
Benimaru: "?"
fang-hua: !!!!!!!!
*Konro's fist collides with Benimaru's face*
Tsukiyo: "?!"
Benimaru: *has not moved...absorbing the blow* "..."
Konro: *shaking* "...When are you going to grow up..."
Benimaru: "...If you heard what I found--"
Konro: "You kept us all in the dark! You told us nothing! You left with some maniac and his thugs! Is this how little you trust--"
kirei: beni? what's going on?
Benimaru: "..." *enters the house* "...Get inside. All of you. You too, Kabuki."
kabuki: *pokes head out* nyoron .w.;
Tsukiyo: "Oh, hey, Kabuki!" *waves*
Konro: "..." *sighs, follows inside*
Yukio: *eating breakfast, thumbing through his tablet*
stocking: jeez, the blizzard's really getting bad....so weird....
Yukio: "Hmm..." *a file with Shura's photo is on the tablet*
manager: how was your sleep?
stocking: GAH! oh jeez...
Yukio: "..." *looks up* "It was fine. Thank you. And the food is excellent--thanks."
manager: you're welcome.
gilda: *nudging rin awake*
Rin: *groans* "No, Madoka--you need to add cinnamon to the muffins..." *turns over*
stocking: *sweatdrop*
Yukio: "...Rin."
Rin: *yawns, sits up* =_= "...Oh, hey. What's up, gang?"
stocking: morning.
Rin: *stretches* *sniffs* "Smells good..." *nom* "What're we doing today?"
Yukio: *to the manager* "Pardon. I wanted to ask again about that woman who came by?"
manager: ah, yes.
Yukio: "Could you tell me more where she was heading?"
Chuuya: "I'll be back at 1--just checking the house with the real estate agent."
sonia: ok.
Chuuya: *pats her head* "You're going to keep an eye on your sister?"
sonia: *she nods*
miyuri: *doodling butterflies, which come to life and flutter around* ^^
Chuuya: "...Keep her from drawing big or violent animals*
Mito: *paws at one*
sonia: noted.
Chuuya: *looks around* "Thanks for babysitting*
higuchi: any time.
Gin: *nudges Q* "Go play."
Q: ok! ^^
Chuuya: ^^; "How's your move going?"
higuchi: pretty busy.
Gin: "Having to buy some new furniture and sheets."
Kanin: *hands Amelia her lunchbag* "Here you go!"
amelia: thank you.
Kanin: ^^ "How's your mentor-mentee training going?"
amelia: ok, i think.
Kanin: "Is your weapon working out well?"
amelia: *nods*
Kanin: "That's good--they always seem kind of quiet--" *TRIPS*
amelia: ah!
*He tripped over...a sleeping Kazue*
Kanin: @_@ "Wh-When did they get there..."
Spirit: "..."
izumi:...um....hey sis...h-happy birthday....
Spirit: *sets down a wrapped box*
izumi:....i really wish i could have met you.
Spirit: *closes his eyes, kneeling...wipes his eyes*
izumi: ??
Damon: *hiding behind Soul's legs*
becky: ....
Spirit: "...Hello, Soul."
Soul: "..." *nods*
izumi:....*small wave*
Soul: *small wave back...he's holding flowers*
becky:....hi mom.
Damon: "..." *sniffles*
Soul: *gulps, sets down the flowers, hugs Damon*
Spirit: "..." *leans down, pats Soul's back*
Saria: "Morning, Dad."
saria's dad: morning, bugbear. *forehead kiss* dad's makin waffles~
saria's father: ^^
Saria: "Yay! Smells great!"
fuyumi: *doing laundry*
???: "Need any help?"
fuyumi: sure sho-...!!! natsuo!
Natsuo: *waves* "What's up?"
fuyumi: *hugs* it's so good to see you! how's uni?
Natsuo: "Alright..." ^^; "...I kinda brought laundry to do, too."
fuyumi: ^^ glad to hear. im sure shouto will be surprised when he gets home today.
Natsuo: "Oh, he's around? Where is he?"
fuyumi: he's at school right now. but he'll be home this afternoon.
Natsuo: "Ah..." *rubs his arm* "...How's he doing?"
fuyumi: ...he's doing better, i think.
Natsuo: "..." *nods* "...Um, I'll bring my laundry in when you're done. Want me to make something? Tea?"
fuyumi: sure thing.
Bakugo: -_- "Too hot out..."
Todoroki: "Feels cool enough."
Bakugo: >_<#
tsuyu: *casually swimming in the canal*
jirou: *stiffling* the sun is mocking us.
Tokoyami: =~= "There is no joy here."
Dark Shadow: *whimpering*
momo: maybe try to wear something other than black?
jirou: no, we live by aesthetic, even if we have to suffer for it.
Tokoyami: *fist bump*
kaminari: *sniff* so brave.
mina: TT_TT you two are martyrs of our time.
jirou: thanks babe.
Eijiro: "See, this is why I go shirtless for my super-suit...except in winter, because that would be impractical and lead to frostbite."
momo:...*writing down notes*
Iida: "Hmm...Perhaps sports drinks...Hm? Momo?"
momo: !!! i was just, um...writing poetry! OwO;;;
Iida: "...Oh!" *taps his fist into his open palm* "Creative writing can help change one's focus from the heat around them! Excellent idea! Let's try haikus--"
Bakugo: "Oh, that's just stupid! Why not write short stories, too?! So fucking dumb..."
Eijiro: "..." *counting*
Todoroki: "You're one syllable short on the third line--"
Bakugo: *GLARE*
momo: yeah...ahaha... .///.; (STUPID ME! HOW DID I NOT ACCOUNT FOR COLD WEATHER?! but how do i keep warm and still have access to my quirk? GRAAAH HOW FRUSTRATIIIING! >~< !! midnight! maybe she has a winter uniform! i could ask her!)
Iida: "We're not going to handle this heat well at this rate in our training...Perhaps we need to seek an alternate location to assist us."
ochako: how about the water park?
Eijiro: "Kinda pricy--and probably packed with people."
Todoroki: "We could pick a non-busy day."
mezou: we could check out the aquarium.
Iida: "It's air-conditioned, and seeing aquatic life may be cooling..."
ochako: yeah! maybe we'll see gang orca!
jirou: but the ushimitsudoki aquarium is in a different town...
Todoroki: "...Well, that's disappointing."
ochako: we could still go to death city's aquarium.
tsuyu: *nods*
Iida: "Then let's schedule it! Bakugo, when are you avail--"
Bakugo: "Go to Hell."
Iida: "...Momo, when are you available?"
momo: r-ru-ri-right now? OwO;;
Eijiro: "I'm up for it!"
Todoroki: "Sounds good."
ochako: heck yeah! i'll dial up the others to see if they're game.
Tokoyami: =_= "Yay..."
mineta: *duct taped to a pole* hey, you guys are gonna come back for me right?....RIGHT?! GUYS?!
Iida: "..." *walking away faster*
mineta: D8> GUYS COME OOON!
Twice: *sitting in a smoking jacket, sipping tea...that falls down his face because he won't lift his mask*
fang: *nomming on blocks*
himiko: *giggle* ^^
Dabi: *scanning the painting with UV light* "Hmm..." *draws a path on a separate sheet of paper*
Twice: "That kiddo sure seems pleased. IT'S MAKING ME JEALOUS HOW HAPPY THAT BABY IS."
fang: dada. ^o^
Dabi: "..." *keeps staring at his paper*
kurome: whatcha doin?
Dabi: "Finding what's hidden in this painting for the next search...The painter was someone with a talented Quirk for cryptography."
kurome: creep-to-graffy? what does that mean?
Twice: " 'Cryptography.' Noun. From the Greek for 'hidden writing.' ...I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT MEANS!"
Dabi: -_-# "It means hiding messages..."
kurome: oooooh. why's it hidden?
Dabi: "That's what the boss wants to find out...Kirby had access to a lot of hidden info, plus served as a secret keeper for the weaknesses of multiple Heroes."
kurome: ooooooh.
Mustard: "And yet it's taking you so long to find the answer. What's wrong--not smart enough?"
Dabi: -_-#
banshee: hmm...perhaps it's a riddle?
Dabi: "We'll know as soon as the de-coding finishes..." *types something into the computer* "Any of you good at riddles?"
banshee: i suppose. just thinking outside the box i guess.
*The computer 'BINGS'*
Twice: "*GASP* The machine that goes 'bing'!" *looks at the screen* "...I don't get it."
banshee: *sweatdrop*
*The computer now shows nine dots, arranged 3 by 3*
Message: "Connect all dots with no more than 4 straight lines to reveal the next message."
Mustard: "..."
Twice: "..."
Dabi: "..." *rips up his sheet of paper*
*The painting under UV light shows 9 larger dots glowing on it...*
Twice: *growls* "I don't know who this Kirby fool is, but I want to break every bone in their body!"
Dabi: "They're already dead."
Mustard: "THEY'RE DEAD."
Twice: "I'LL SNAP YOU IN HALF, STRING-BEAN!" *strangles Mustard*
banshee: hmm. *connecting the lines to form an arrow, with two points ending outside of the dots*
Twice: "Hey, wait! That painting is priceless! WE WON'T BE ABLE TO RETURN IT WITHOUT A RECEIPT!"
Mustard: X_X
*It looks like something is showing up when the painting is folded...*
himiko: oooooh!
Twice: "Numbers?"
Mustard: X_X "Coordinates..."
himiko: sweet!......to where?
Dabi: *types* "Looks to be...New York."
himiko: ooooh!
Twice: "Great! Let's take in some off-Broadway! WILLIAMSBURG HAS GOTTEN TOO BOUGIE!"
tomura: and new york is home to one of the biggest hero schools on the east coast; Silverwings Academy.
Dabi: "Hmm...Something you have in mind?"
tomura: this is where the coordinates lead.
Dabi: "Ah..." *checks the map* "On Yancy Street."
Chuuya: "It's lovely..."
carly: ^^ the main floor has the den, the kitchen, dining room, sunroom, back room and the first bathroom. upstairs is the two bedrooms, two spare rooms, and the second bathroom. there's also an attic and a basement.
Chuuya: "Could I see the backyard?"
carly: it's right this way.
Chuuya: *follows, looking at the walls* "Lots of room..."
Wes: *cooking*
liz: smells delicious.
Wes: "Thanks...I hope the kids like it." *sighs*
shura: jeez, what's with all the damn snow up here anyway...
*it sounds like something is shifting through the snow alongside her*
shura: *glances*...tch- some homecoming _this_ is, hachirou.
*a snake pokes out through the snow*
Snake: *hisses* "You've taken too long to return..."
shura: yeah yeah, i know. and what's with all the snow in the middle of may?
Snake: "I'm afraid my associate..."
shura: ??
*wind blows in Shura's face, more snow landing on her*
shura: ?!?!
*a figure emerges from the snow-covered trees*
shura: *draws sword*
*it's a woman, cloaked in white...another snake slithers onto her shoulder*
shura: so a yuki onna, huh? i thought they'd all be in hibernation by now...
Yuki Onna: *grumbles* "Can't sleep..."
shura: well this sure is strange.
Snake: "I was so impatient waiting for you that some company was appreciated..."
shura: =3= well _that's_ rude.
Yuki Onna: *grumbles* "Damn them...Lucifer..."
shura: ??!!
Snake: "The Illuminati have been encroaching on my land...If you were here, this would not be happening...Those interlopers are upsetting everything."
shura: -_-# oh sure, put all the blame on me.
Snake: "You were off gallivanting with the humans...and their weaponry. What have you learned?"
shura:....bazookas are heavier than they look. 737 also the recoil on those things is crazy.
Snake: "Hmmm...Helpful information. How many weapons are you now proficient with?"
Rin: *sneezes* =_=
stocking: find out anything helpful?
Yukio: "This is where Father located Shura before..." *tapping a temple on the map*
stocking: that's great!
Rin: *sniff* "So, we're heading there?" *grabbing a blanket*
stocking: yep. better get bundled up.
Rin: *grabs a sweater and a jacket and a scarf--*
Yukio: *checks his bullets*
Joker: "How you like the dress, Nana?"
nana: -_-####
Viktor: ._.; "...Is there anything else I need to pick up for you all?"
Benimaru: "..." *kneels down* "I ask for your forgiveness."
Tsukiyo: ._.;
Konro: "..."
fang-hua: ....this is....a lot to take in....
kirei: benimaru.....
Benimaru: "I did what I thought was best, to remove the rest of you from this, in case of culpability..."
Benimaru: "..." *holds onto her*
kirei: if you ever go on one of these excursions again, please at least tell me first.
Benimaru: "I will."
Tsukiyo: Q_Q
1 note · View note
shtsgot7says · 7 years ago
Mistletoe: Late Christmas Specials (Jaebum)
NOTE: Bold Italics are song lyrics from the song above
This year is already ending
It’s already Christmas again
The snow is heavily falling along the whole city of Seoul. Although it was below freezing point outside, many people have filled the park. Some were children singing Christmas carols. Some were families who were eating on Tteokboki food stalls. You can see siblings who were bickering on who gets to eat the last bite. Some were elderly men who were laughing to their hearts’ content while getting intoxicated with bottles of Soju. Some were couples who just sat on nearby empty benches, cuddling and minding only their own business.
And some who were alone, just casually strolling down the park, observing everything and contemplating about what they should do with their life. You were one of them.
You did not really plan on taking a stroll on the park. The reason why you went out was because you wanted to buy yourself a Pumpkin Spice Latte in the nearest cafe but somehow your feet dragged you all the way there.
So you decided to wonder around for a bit, hoping that you would find the Christmas spirit. You tilted your head upwards to catch some snow on your tongue while you closed your eyes, like an innocent kid who never knew anything about the world and who never had any problems at all. You felt its cold and prickly sensation against your flesh but you did not care. You loved doing that.
You thought of so many things while you kept your eyes shut. Your Christmas was not lonely nor was it happy, but rather it was an ordinary and a mundane Christmas. You cannot fully fathom but there was definitely something missing. You did visit your parents and spent the whole day yesterday on their house, cooking, telling stories about your life; on how you were supposed to enjoy your job yet you felt that you weren’t making any progress at all and how you were thinking of quitting and establishing a freelance work where you’ll feel you’ll finally be getting out of your comfort zone. However, you were afraid to take the risk. The last time you decided was the worse decision of your life: breaking up because of career. Well, you were not the only one who decided about it. It was a mutual decision but you regretted every ounce of it. You realized that your life got dull and lifeless. It was like you were in a monochromatic world. He was the color yet you chose to remove him from the spectrum.
You focused yourself on your career. Photography was your passion. You loved taking photos. You believed that the essence of Photography were the moments and the memories you capture along with it. It was supposed to inspire you to keep moving forward. Afterall, that’s what life is about: passion ignites your inner desires to keep you moving. Yet, even this passion of yours wasn’t enough to fill the void you’ve been feeling and you felt that you’ve been stuck the whole time.
Or maybe it was not photography that you needed, but someone else to fill that missing piece. The love you’ve felt from your friends and families were different. Sure, they were enough to keep you on propelling, however it lacks a certain spice, a love from an other person.
A love that can only be sufficed by him.
My heart feels lonely
I’m curious about your heart
Maybe you can fathom your feelings afterall, it was just that you were denial of what it was.
“You haven’t changed at all (y/n). You still like sticking out your tongue and tasting the fresh snow.”
You broke out of your trance when you heard an all too familiar voice. Your heart raced upon hearing his deep and luscious voice once more. It felt like ages since you’ve last heard it; that voice that used to sing for you, that used to greet you morning calls, that used to laugh at your corny jokes and that used to say I love you, you’ve missed it.
“J-Jaebum?” Words barely escaped your mouth. Truly the world is too small for you to see your ex around the same neighborhood. He’s gotten more handsome. His sharp monolid eyes were still the same though: mysterious, beautiful, bold and deep. He dyed his hair an ebony brown which suited him perfectly and his lips were still red as before.
How are you doing these days?
I wanna ask
There’s no other intention
I just keep thinking about you
“The one and only.” He smirked, still cocky as ever. “It’s been 3 years, wow how are you?”
How am I? I don’t even know what I feel. You thought.
“I’m fine. You?” You lied while you scrunched your nose, hoping your words might sound convincing but Jaebum knew you all too well.
“You scrunch your nose when you lie you know?”
You blushed. He’s really the person that who can see through you. Being the observant person that he is, he easily remembers even the smallest details of your mannerisms.
“Would you like some coffee? That is if your not busy…” He proposed as he rubbed the nape of his neck, probably embarrassed in many degrees. It was like a profound feeling to ask you out again after the span of 3 years. You find it adorable though and you couldn’t resist.
“Sure, I was about to go there anyway.”
I saw that you broke up again
She was nice and pretty
It happened, after we broke up
“I heard you dated Girl’s Day’s Mina?” You asked as you sipped your Pumpkin Spice Latte. You tried to compose yourself but there was an undeniable pang in your chest. You did not like the idea of you being jealous because you do not have that right anymore. It was stripped off from you 3 years ago.
“Yeah, it did not work outー”
It got hard to date other people
He tried to save his past relationships after you, however the problem was not from the women he dated, but from him and he know full well why. He refused to date after Mina. He focused more on composing and producing songs. He focused more on his work, hoping that he could fill the void that he felt when he lost you but destiny decided to play. Now you’re sitting with him in a cafe and it’s below freezing point outside.
“Oh, I’m sorry” those were the only words that you could muster. You weren’t sure if you felt pity, glad or indifferent. It was a great mixture of feelings. You were in a dilemma on whether you should comfort him or not. You wanted to hug him but you controlled yourself. You kept on reminding that your relationship were not like that anymore. It was gone with the wind, a thing in the past.
“It’s fine really, I’m over it now.” He smiled bitterly.
But I’m not sure if I’m really over with you. He only thought, not risking anything to say it to you out aloud. He cleared his throat to break the awkward atmosphere that enveloped the two of you. Like you, he wasn’t sure of what to do. He does not even know if inviting you for a coffee was a good idea but he did not have any options left. He missed you so bad. Just knowing the fact you lived on the same neighborhood elated him and it took him long enough before he could finally ask you out for a coffee.
Should we just meet up once?
Should I tell you first?
Yes, he knew that you lived on the same neighborhood. When he saw you on the nearby convenience store, he could not help marvel at your beauty. You were the same person that he loved 3 years ago, still radiant and still shining brighter the sun. Seeing you again brought back so many memories. All the happy and the painful ones, all those sleepless nights, where he was tossing back and forth and seeking the comfort of his dull pillow, imagining every ounce of you flushing in his sytem. He intoxicated all those memories of you until everything felt suffocating and that there was no more space for anyone in his life as it was only for you.
3 years have passed and he was braver than he was before. If he’d want to correct every mistake he had done in the past, he would do it now.
“It did not work out because of youー” He blurted.
Blood rushed to your face, ears ringing and eyes streaking with fresh tears slowly pooling and threatening to fall. You felt offended, like it was your fault and that you owe him an apology. However, he did not really bear an ill-will. It’s just that you misinterpreted what he have said and being the emotional person that you are, you decided to pour out all the feelings that you’ve been hiding for a long time.
“Pardon? So it’s my fault then? I’m sorry that I had to be the reason that you two could not work it out. I’m sorry that I had to be on your way!” You spat. It was painful for you to know that Jaebum felt resentment towards you after all these years. You were in the verge of crying but you felt so pathetic. You bit your lip so hard that you tasted a tinge of blood, trying so hard to prevent your tears from rolling down your cheeks.
“N-no (y/n) i-it’s not like thatー” He was stuttering. He knew that you were quick-tempered. He panicked that he might lose you again, but before he knew it, you were already gathering your things.
“Goodbye Jaebum.” Were the last words you said before you stormed out of the cafe.
I’m not losing you again (y/n). He muttered to himself and chased you outside. Several thoughts swarmed in his mind, but all he knew is that he must get the Christmas he deserves before it becomes lost forever.
Meanwhile, you ran back to the park; away from Jaebum, away from the pain. Your tears finally streamed out and before you knew it, you wailed. You clutched your chest. You were not mentally prepared in seeing him, let alone hear him say those painful reasons.
But, being the man that he is, he was able to catch up with you. He caught your wrist then he spun you around. Suddenly, you were pinned against a nearby tree.
“Let me go Im Jaebum!” You exclaimed.
Instead of letting you go, he crashed his lips onto you. You kept on hitting his chest yet the more you protested, the more he pulled you closer into his embrace so you gave up and responded to his kiss. Tears continued on cascading down your cheeks. In an instant, two hearts with voids were sealed. Everything was complete again. You missed the warmth of his lips which was in contrast to the prickling sensation of the snow. It tasted more delicious than the Strawberry milk he drank earlier.
It was more than you could ever ask for this Christmas.
“I’m still in love with you (y/n).” He confessed. “I thought that I moved on but I can’t. There was this bottomless pit in my heart and nothing and no one could ever fill it, unless it was you.” He looked at your deep shining orbs that were filled with tears and he could tell that you were in pain. He cupped your cheeks as he wiped off the stray tears on your cheeks.
You were so shocked that you couldn’t move even an inch.
Then he hugged you so tight afraid that you might run away again. You do not feel alone anymore. You hugged him back while you were still crying, still overwhelmed by everything; still overwhelmed by the amount of love you feel for him after all these years. It was infiniteーimmeasurable.
“I missed you.” You whispered.
“Me too.” He replied.
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necroticarachnidism · 7 years ago
> Cae: Be Ridiculous.
Being kidnapped isn't the worst thing that could possibly happen to you. Your captors were certainly trying their best to be cruel, but the holding cell they shoved you in after their deranged "traps" wasn't as claustrophobic as it could've been, and incredibly clean. There was even one entire piece of unnecessary furniture, in the form of an incredibly cheap and tacky folding screen. The only problem is that it's always inevitably interrupted by-
You and Dualscar both groan at the voice you've become far too accustomed to over the course of this trip. At the very least the ringleader and their cronies were here in the flesh, though, which was marginally better than having to hear them abuse a squeaky intercom.
The leader pulls a set of handcuffs out of their pocket and starts spinning them around on their finger before they almost immediately fly off and fall to the ground. After picking it up they almost try again before deciding against it and handing the handcuffs to one of the other gang members.
"I'm going to need you to cooperate with my friend here. We're doing something special tonight, and it needs a helping hand from each of you."
"Why, can't you...HANDle it yourself? You know it'll just get out of hand otherwise." You hate yourself sometimes, you really do.
It could be worse, they could be competent.
However, incompetent as they are, you are Not going along for the ride. They've been haranguing you and your friend for DAYS! You're not giving them an inch! So instead, you muster up a defensive snarl. Its difficult to be mad at them, considering how pathetic they are, but you try to think about how awful your hair looks after a week of neglect anx that gives you the Power necessary to access your battle face.
You jab a clawed finger in their general direction, fins flaring. "Listen....fuck you." Okay, try again.
You put up your dukes and bare your impressively large teeth. "Do you think we'll just hand ourselves over? Hell no! Come get some, motherfucker." Yeah the cmere  finger gesture is happening. Yeah.
You also hate him sometimes, the puns get him a light smack on the arm. The gang seems rather happy about him playing along, though, because of course they are.
Which is then immediately squandered by his attempts to stand up to them. The one with the handcuffs growls a little and takes a step foward before being stopped by the leader.
"Listen," they say, rather flatly "we can do thi-"
"The easy way or the hard way, yes," you interject. "He's picking the hard one, please do continue."
They sigh at you, you sigh back louder, they sigh again and don't stop their associate from creeping closer as they try to engage Dualscar in a hissy match. The leader then makes a solid attempt at fishing their keys out menacingly.
"I'd prefer this not get violent, but if you really insist..."
The tension was somehow starting to mount, despite the competence of half those involved, and threat hung in the air for nearly a second and a half before someone's phone rang.  It was tinny the first time, soft, as if just as uncertain as their captors, but quickly gained in confidence.  There was just enough time to momentarily doubt whether they had heard correctly when it called out again, more firmly, a second or two later.
Someone was definitely calling one of them, and it sounded suspiciously like the default ringtone of a popular chat program.  ...but where was it COMING from?
Waitwaitwait theyre ACTUALLY gonna fight you??? Ohhhhohohoh fuck yesss you're gonna do ART THERAPY with their insides when---
You just look around in disbelief. After all, it cant be you.
"We're having this showdown type thing, and your phone is ringing? How are you that bad at paying attention and looking proper intimidating? What's next, I find out you had another nemesis on the side?? I'm almost hurt - and you wonder why im not going along with this? For all I know youll mistake our legs for arms and tie our feet together!" Cross your arms, huff, tut tut maybe.
......Remember what you were doing and uncross them, going back to posturing. "Anyway, violence for the violentblood - and honestly, do you really think you can take me? "
Ring...    ...was it off to Nadaya's left?
As the ringing started the leader immediately turned to the member of the group who hadn't been part of this incident with a very accusing look. Said member simply gestured to their form-fitting and clearly pocket-less outfit, then to the one with the handcuffs. The one with the handcuffs almost said something, then was immediately interrupted by Dualscar's monologue.
That pissed them off.
"I don't have a fucking phone! None of us having a fucking phone, holy shit, the only thing I have-" They trail off, realizing that they do in fact have something and pulling it out. It's some kind of gun, loaded with a vial. "The only thing I have is this! To drug your dumb ass again!"
"We're a real knockout with drugs." adds the catsuit one.
That was true, at least by comparison to everything else. Not only had they managed to drag you here in the first place but they had their hands on something that could fuck with your mind control. It was the one of the few things they'd actually pulled off.
Meanwhile, to Nadaya's left, the ringing sounds distinctly like it's off to your right. But they took your items, so if it's not them then...? You take a curious step closer and look intently at the area it sounds like it's coming from.
Nadaya's claws tingled faintly, the fourth time it rang, on just his left hand.  Why was the ringing coming from so close by?  It seemed to be following the tips of his fingers, especially the thumb and little finger claws.
Okay okay wow you are going to MURD--what. "Okay a real knockout with the drugs being plural is a bad pun since youre the only one vaguely knockouty and also quit it with the drugs okay what the fuck," you trail off just staring into your hand, and bringing it up to your face, digits with tingling sensations first. "What the fuck," indeed.
His hand rang at him, right in his face, very distinctly.
.........You make a phone gesture with the fingers. "What??????"
There was a soft audible click, and a deep, familiar voice answered in a wry, almost affectionate tone.  "WVhere are you?"
Catsuit winked at the half compliment but this was quickly overshadowed by...whatever was happening.
You personally were looking at this with clear curiosity instead of pure what the actual fuck.
Okay, its. Sounding like your kismesis. Your magic, hope god kismesis. Oh, thank god, you're not losing your mind.
"Caesurae?? Honey is that you?? Gotta hand it to you, this is a brilliant way of contacting me," At this point, though, you were really looking forward to beating people up!
"Gimme two secs I'm gonna kick some ass first," and you deathgrin at your enemies, still talking in your hand.
"Brilliance is one of my better traits," the voice agreed humbly.  "If you're sure, dear, I can call back in a fewv minutes, just wvanted to hear your vwoice."
Apparently the magic hand might actually let Nadaya handle this on his own if no one interjected.
Nadaya's opponent is more baffled than enraged right now, but starts approaching the cell again when ass kicking is mentioned.
You are having none of that.
"Okay, pardon me, but I am not going to let you hang up on your fucking magic kismesis so this idiot can try to stab you."
"Oh, hello!  Say, can you pass her the phone?"
"Okay thats....fair enough I guess? I mean he wouldn't succeed, but, yeah. Can yall hold on on the death maze bullshit for a moment? Trés bitchinnnn'," and you pass Mindfang the....hand. You put her hand to her face.
At some moment during the awkward fumbling, his claws would stop tingling and hers would start.
There's almost a protest at Nadaya putting your hand to your face but you know what, you can't think of a reason for that not to work, it might as well, this is fine. Copy the phone gesture Nadaya was making.
"Caesurae, please tell me you have something planned, nobody else here does."
"I wvas hoping to figure out wvhat wvas going on wvith you twvo, and if you needed a ride back."
You can't help the smile on your face, you spent a week being unable to contact anyone and you miiiissed theeeeemmm... "We're starring in saw for idiots!" You add, hopefully loud enough to be heard.
"We've been kidnapped and harrassed by mororns. Nadaya is apparently fine here fighting them but I'd quite like a way out."
That gets the group responsible looking around. Was...something going to happen?
"Alright my dear.  I'd like you to try to accept a vwideo call, so I can send you something.  I'm sending the request nowv."
"Just... do your best."
"You can teleport wwhy cant you just send us a phone, " This is getting Ridiculous.
The word 'teleport' only makes the kidnappers more antsy. Meanwhile you...try your best. You make a rectangle with your hands.
The rectangle filled with moving light!  There sure was a giant, slightly relieved looking Ampora sitting in a nice-ish livingroom.  He gave her a smile, adjusted something out of frame, and said -- "--There, I'vwe got wvhat I need."  He took a step back, produced a portable one-use transport pad, and spun it in his hands once, and then looked back towards her with a peculiar look of concentration...
...and it disappeared, and reappeared on the floor at her feet.
"--Dearest, I promise, there's a method here."
"....You beautiful, angelic man you." Holy. Fuck. You offer Mindfang the crook of your arm like a gentleman or some shit, fins and ears perked up. "And you lot " with a menacing look at the assorted kidnappers, "better never brighten our nights again."
Make sure the transportalizer is armed, and then absolutely take that arm, you are now the picture of elegance (minus all the appearance neglect).
After a moment the kidnappers try to scramble for the door, fumbling with the keys, but nowhere near fast enough to catch the two of you before you port away to...wherever this will take you.
Mindfang and Dualscar are whisked away to Nadaya's ship -- and then the device they just left explodes behind them in a colorful fireball.  It might be enough to knock the saw wanna-be's off their feet, but probably not injure any of them unless they use the wrong hair products and are slow to put it out.
The moment her hands parted, Caesurae lost his connection to the video call -- but he scratched his chin, considered, and gave it a few long seconds.
...then Nadaya's pants rang.  If Nadaya swatted at his beltline to refuse the call, he'd laugh and consider it good.
"Absolutely fucking not. I fucking hate him. Are you hearing this shit Sicari? I truly hate him."
You swat at your belt like your pants are on fire!
"Also hey Mindfang if you wanna like....use the bath here or sleep or whatever go ahead its all good - I'm gonna go....cling to him gleefully, honestly." You just. You are just Attention Starved by now.
Rather undignified giggling at the swatting. Amporas.
"I think I'll take you up on that. I might drop by in a few hours to thank Caesurae personally, since it sounds like he'll be here for a while."
The pants obediently stopped ringing when Nadaya refused the call.  Caesurae would be more than happy to apply attention to his missing and beloved quadmate, and to meet with Mindfang later.
"Hey now," he couldnt contest that though. "Hey...now...listen." yeah. Yyyeaaah. Yeah, Nad's gonna dissappear to his quarters for a change of clothes at the least, and transportalize over to be very grateful and very tired at Caesurae - adrenaline barely let him sleep - but mostly just to be delighted and cuddle him.
Caesurae missed him, and is glad he's back, and will happily cuddle him through a nap.
The most affectionate nap. The most.
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minjoonalist · 5 years ago
Predilection | Chapter Three.
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Pairing : Jikook x Reader [Feat. Taehyung]
Words: 5k
Genre: Angst, eventual Smut, fluff 
Warnings : explicit wording
Description: you want him, he wants you, but he also wants him, and him wants you- but him hurt you... So You hate him.
In the middle of a much needed relaxing bath, The sound of the apartment’s front door opening and slamming shut could be heard from the master bathroom. It’s been a stressful and yet long day for Jimin, so he didn’t bother to peek outside of his view when the presence of his highly flustered and confused boyfriend appears In its doorway. Unknown to him, Jungkook walks straight in and takes a moment to stare at the content boy before beginning to strip off his own clothing.
A slight shuffle is momentarily heard and Jimin whines softly after being lifted forward to make room for him.
“Jungkook? What are you doing?” he asks, just wanting to be left completely alone. The hot water shifts between the two as Jungkook’s hard chest comes into contact with his back and the usually silent male doesn’t say a thing, Only wrapping his muscular arms around Jimin's waist to pull him back further.
Dammit…he curses inside his head, unable to resist the light urge of titillation that makes him shiver whenever Jungkook touches him. Giving in, Jimin then sighs in content and after what seems like 10 blissful minutes of the unexpected, silent embrace- he decides to break it.
“Kookie?” He calls out rather softly.
“...Yeah? ” The boy answers a bit hesitantly.
“what has you so worked up?” Jimin’s eyes slowly flutter open, lazily watching as Jungkook's toes fidget under the water next to his. Even better, because the male’s head laid comfortably onto the other’s chest. He could hear the alarmingly fast pace of Jungkook’s beating heart.
“I’m not worked up. Im relaxed.” Jungkook swallows, now trying to will his body into not being so tense.
Jimin then chuckles at him “Sure if relaxed means nervous”. He then moves, his head lifting up so that he could turn to look his boyfriend in his face. Once he does, Jungkook’s eyes switch away immediately, focusing fondly on the small mole that sits at the bottom of Jimin's neck. The smiling boy then slowly pouts at him.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that? I didn’t do anything.” Jungkook says once he notices the change of atmosphere and the way that his boyfriend kept his piercing eyes on him. Jimin however, did not appreciate how defensive his boyfriend had suddenly become. He was acting completely out of his character…again.
“I…didn’t say you did…” he says slowly after staring at him for a moment. He then pulls back a bit “Kookie we’ve been together for a long time and we don’t keep secrets from each other right?- I mean, at least that’s what I thought before I found out about your previous situation with y/n…” Jimin then mumbles and the sound of uncertain disappointment tugs heavily at Jungkook's heart. The boy only then finally brings his hurt soaked eyes to meet the other’s.
He didn’t trust him…Jimin doesn’t believe in his word anymore.
“ No… no, Its okay” the silver haired boy quickly interrupts Jungkook with a fake giggle, making him snap his mouth shut immediately. Jimin then takes a deep breath, thinking carefully about what to say next. “ I know I’m just overreacting…” he whispers silently, so low he wished Jungkook never heard him say it. Of course, that wasn’t the case.
“It's just- y/n, she’s beautiful y’know? and I can’t believe I never noticed her back then, and with you?… I feel so guilty, I hurt her before I even knew her.” Jimin pauses, staring into space. “You know…I tried to approach her in the library today? And when she didn’t notice- I chickened out and pretty much ran away” he confesses bitterly with a scoff, a pitiful feeling settling within his weak stomach. He could remember this exact emotion when he turned away from you earlier, feeling defeated at the thought that you really might not want anything to do with him.
When the hell did the tables turn?
Jungkook could only sit and watch as Jimin tries to pull himself together and suddenly stands up from their bath. Inside his mind, he continued to scold himself. Angry at how much of a terrible choice he made years ago, was somehow able to cause such a huge shift within his current relationship.
If you were angry that I kept you from y/n, could you forgive me for indulging in her?
a long excruciating silence.
While your feet pat constantly against the hard floors of Taehyung's dorm, he on the other hand sat still as stone on top of his bed. Your arms perched upon your chest, as a hand pulled constantly at your now swollen lips and On your hundredth turn back towards your best friend’s direction. Only then do you find yourself growing tired of his lack of words.
Your eyes suddenly move to him. “So?”
The gesture snaps him from out of his silent thoughts. Taehyung’s arm tightens slightly around the soft pillow, holding it closer towards his chest and he pushes up the square rimmed glasses on his tired face.
“Right…” he starts, coming back into reality “-and you’re sure you werent dreaming this? because you know you tend to fall asleep while studying a lot.” He questions rhetorically while squinting his eyes, making you pause in the middle of your pacing. This wasn’t the time to be making jokes, and yet you weren’t surprised by your best friend’s lack of concentration.
“I think I can tell the difference between reality and being asleep Tae…we were not in some crazy dream.” you frown impatiently, just wanting any kind of help for your current problem. You then try to take in a deep breath, your hands shaking and stomach squeezing itself together at the thought of what had happened earlier. screw your life… What the hell was Jeon thinking , suddenly kissing you in the middle of the library like that?
But more importantly, why do you keep thinking about it?
“well at least you can do that! I can barely tell if seeing two of you is normal…” he starts to grumble under his breath, creating a small pout while rolling his eyes in sleepy irritation. Once again showing you how lightly he was taking all of this.
“Ugh Taehyung!” You suddenly whine out his name before stomping your foot like a child. This makes the man hold up his hands in surrender, not realizing how aggravated you really were becoming.
“Alright, alright! ” your best friend exclaims suddenly, interrupting your mini tantrum. He chuckles slightly, watching how your face screws and unscrews from it’s adorable pout- sometimes you really seem like his cute little sister. Your puffy cheeks and lost puppy eyes...
His brow then lifts…Honestly, he wouldn’t think passed it if that same cute expression was the reason that snake suddenly couldn’t deny his obvious attraction towards you.
The thought suddenly has the boy glaring… “ Y/n, I’m just trying to understand this. Ever since I first met you, you’ve hated Jungkook with a burning passion and now you’re telling me you kissed him-”
“Woah!…Emo boy kissed me, I did not kiss him.” you correct Tae immediately, offended that he would even assume you made the first move in the first place. Hell if that weren’t insulting enough, then it was definitely the skeptical look he gives you in return to your claim.
The gesture then makes you roll your eyes while letting out a deep sigh. “I didn’t kiss him…” you practically plead, the soft words accompanying your tiny voice.
“I believe you.” He nods and you sag in relief.
That being said, While his voice was sincere, the way Taehyung had begun to walk circles around you, told you that you wouldn’t be so at ease with where he was leading this conversation.
“...Did you kiss him back?” Tae stops, turning towards you.
And you’re not, you’re completely uncomfortable.
“Pardon?” You swallow visibly.
Tae tilts his head while narrowing his eyes, he then crosses his arms together. “did you…kiss him…back?” He repeats the question a bit slower, leaving no possibility for you to not understand what exactly it was that he was asking you. For some reason it catches you completely off guard and Your stomach squeezes itself in even further at the highly fresh memory.
It probably took way longer than normal for your body to realize what was happening at that moment. Your heart had jumped entirely into your stomach and on the table below you, your hands quivered in shock. With your eyes wide open, you stared up into jungkook’s face. Your cheeks flushed, breathing uneven, and an unwilling sigh of pleasure is let loose when…his incredibly soft lips begins to mold fiercely against yours.
Within a matter of seconds, you had gone from screaming out your anger towards him, to the boy himself suddenly stepping around the table to come a bit closer. His tongue then runs across your lips, somehow managing to pry it’s way past your weak attempt to prevent it. Your mind then goes blank with a huge pull of arousal and you allow your eyes slowly slide shut as he dominantly takes your mouth with his.
“Mmm” in a moment of carelessness, Jungkook hums out his satisfaction for something he’s dreamed of doing many times and as much as you hate to admit it, it sounds pretty damn good. It could’ve been the drought of sexual activity in your life or simply that you’ve never experienced anything like this… but you couldn’t remember the last time anyone has ever kissed you with so much passion and hunger. But then again, no guy was just as selfish and greedy like Jungkook…-wait.
Jungkook??…Jeon Jungkook is kissing you and you’re kissing him back?…oh no.
Immediately your eyes snap open and you abruptly pull away from the unsuspecting boy.
Jungkook could barely blink. The dazed raven following your quick movements with his eyes and not long to follow, the harsh sound of your hand connecting with his face could be heard throughout the entire library. Jungkook’s head violently snaps to the side and as if to process what exactly had just happened, he stays that way for a few seconds. Meanwhile all you could do was sputter a handful of tasteful curses before somehow grabbing all of your things and dashing down the library’s isles.
Blinking away the scene that played in your head, you find yourself crashing back down into a harsh reality. The realization hitting you like a cold wave, that you in-fact kissed your sworn enemy back.
While standing eerily quiet before your best friend, taehyung shifts his head just a bit lower to catch your reaction. His awaiting stare turning into one of surprise once you give him his long overdue answer.
“Of course not” you lied.
Taehyung watches you even more carefully, a spark to his eye that tells you he still doesn’t believe you. “Really?”
“Yup.” You confirm finally.
You feel a chill rolling down your back, your best friend's piercing gaze staying glued to you until eventually it softens from your unwavering confidence. He suddenly backs off “Okay.” is all he says before turning back to his spot and taking his seat on his bed.
You frown...was that seriously it? “What do you mean... okay?”
He sighs tiredly, droopy eyes staring off for a second before coming back to you. “You said no, so I’m saying okay- I can’t help you if you apparently don't need it.” he shrugs nonchalant. “Although, you should know that if nothing happened then this shouldn’t be bothering you as much as it is. Yeah it’s strange, but after hearing how you smacked the daylights out of him- I bet the guy regrets it.”
You pout thoughtfully while taking in his words, the heavy weight in your chest lifting just a little. “So… you don’t think he’d try it again?”
“For his sake, I’d hope not.” He yawns, stretching out his arms before leaning back on his bed. “-Almost makes me wonder if the guy actually has a thing for you- or did at least, that kind of compulsiveness doesn’t just happen out of nowhere.”
You stand in the middle of his dorm silent as ever, your mind spinning with unease and Taehyung’s words has the small headache you have progressing to something worse- another yawn from yourself following as you try to fight how completely exhausted you were after all of this.
Taehyung, even through his sleep haze- notices your hesitation and awkwardness within your solid posture- his lips twitching when he realizes you were waiting on him.
“ Do you want to sleep over?” he asks, already knowing your answer to the question and he lifts his covers towards you- inviting you in.
With heated cheeks, you flush- your heart skipping with joy that you didn’t have to sleep alone tonight. You nod in return, a pep in your step when you walk over towards him and climb into his bed. Once there, you cuddle close to him, wanting the uneasiness in your stomach to go away and Taehyung huffs, finally able to shut his eyes for the second time tonight.
However, It takes longer for you to sleep. Thoughts of the two men circling around in your brain and keeping you awake throughout the night. Even until peaks of the sun shines bright through the windows of the bedroom, you lay beside your best friend- your fingertips continuously tracing the heightened nerves of your lips.
It's somewhere around 7:00 am in the morning and amongst all your fellow early classmates waiting to board the trip’s bus, you find yourself spacing in and out of your own head. Your stomach in knots, eyes puffier than usual and although you’ve tried to calm yourself through an entire night of restless tossing and turning- you just couldn't shake the miserable feeling of dread.
“ Y/n...Y/N?” There's a hand waving in your face catching your attention.
Like a trance being broken, your best friend watches worriedly while your eyes seem to snap open in shock. Seeing him, makes the question ring in your head for the hundredth time, the very one you lied to. Whether or not you found your own body betraying your emotions for the boy you hated.
You kissed him back.
Jeon Jungkook knew what it felt like to have your lips moving desperately against his in such an intimate fashion. Your lips permanently painted with the feel of his impressionable touch. The event, unfortunately, was still on your mind heavy, your thoughts consumed within the strange dilemma that you’d somehow gotten yourself into and to make it worse- you now truly had no one to really talk about it with.
You couldn’t talk to Tae, because he’d tried to help even through your dishonesty. You even felt so bad to the point that, once it was light enough outside- you snuck out of his bed and headed back to your dorm, opting to just take a long hot shower before inevitably having to meet up with your class for the big day.
“Did you...Did you sleep at all last night?” Taehyung stumbles in front you and if it weren't for the devastating guilt running through you, you wouldn't have noticed the very clear and real suitcase coming by his side. Which reminded you of your suitcase...and that you were really going to be stuck with those two for an entire week...
Focusing, You try to swallow in your very dry mouth, your eyes blinking slowly to take on the equally as sleep deprived looking boy. His eyes are a bit dark all around, hair disheveled, and there's an alarming aura around him that you couldnt say you were used to.
Was he nervous?
“Me? Tae you look like you want to get hit by a train.” you retort yawning in exhaustion “something tells me, you weren’t actually sleeping like I thought you were.”. Letting your bag down from your shoulder, you wince from your tense muscles screaming in agony and a sigh could be heard from him.
“Excuse you, but I did get some sleep- at least that was before you came panicking at my door.” he denounces while creating an evil glare. “You’re one to speak, sneaking out this morning like I wouldn’t notice.”
“I didn’t want to wake you.” you mumble back and while Taehyung was too busy grumbling to you about how he could’ve dropped you off instead of you walking, the scarce amount of your classmates had begun to fill in including your professor. By then, the sun was beginning to rise even further in the sky and by the looks of all the tired faces surrounding you, you could tell it was almost time to depart on the trip - aka hell.
Your nerves suddenly get the better of you and you slowly start to sink further into the troubling mess of your emotions. Just as you were beginning to realize how surreal your situation was, your eyes catch a notable figure in the distance.
Silver hair shining within the powerful breeze, as a ringed hand comes up to help keep it at bay. He struts up towards the surrounding crowd of students, catching multiple glances of onlookers, but whether or not he acknowledges them through his square rimmed shades, it remains a mystery. A black leathered luggage by his side, Jimin stops his stride just a few feet away from you and tae, however his focus remains on the phone held within his other hand.
“Oh great! The ballerina's here.” Taehyung cheers sarcastically, meanwhile every fiber within your body was stilled from how aware you were of his presence. Okay...so this was still just a bit harder than you’d thought it would be...you think while taking a deep breath. As much as you wanted to pretend you felt absolutely nothing for the male hovering by the both of you, you couldn't deny the quickened pace within your chest when he suddenly snaps his head in your direction.
Your gaze quickly goes elsewhere.
“Tae I don't know if I can do this...” you swallow, a hard lump coming into your throat. You think you’re going to be sick…
“Do what?” Taehyung frowns, A deep crease in his brow from your confession, however it disappears once he puts it together himself. Both of his brows now shooting up towards his hairline “You're not thinking of Failing this course are you? Y/n we’ve talked about this, you're going to be fine. I’ve told you, you can stay the night with me and yoongi if you don't want to be on your own.”.
And just like that, You cast your gaze downwards, a feeling of hopelessness washing over. You suddenly find your feet a bit too interesting “ I- I don't know…I think this might be too much Tae. I know you w-want to be alone with Yoongi and I...well I’d pretty much just be cock blocking you. Plus, I just don't know if I can handle being with them the way it is-” you stutter shakily.
Stepping closer, Taehyung pulls you into an abrupt warm hug, bringing you closer until your head is resting comfortably on his firm chest “ Hey, Hey- no matter what, I’ll be glad to have you around anytime. Besides, it’s pretty bold of you to assume I wouldn’t be pounding into Min Yoongi, because you're in the next room- I couldn’t care less if you watched.” he pulls back to look you in your eyes, a clear look of doting support across his features.
Meanwhile you scrunch your face up in disgust “I think I’d rather hear them before I hear you- at least I won't really be able to visualize their faces.”
Tae stares at you blankly before he lifts a brow “...You’re telling me, you wouldnt want to watch me fuck someone else...me? The unbelievably hot best friend who had you shirtless the first time we met?”
You cringe again “ You seriously have to stop talking about that night...I would like to not remember getting my heart broken and then having even my current best friend reject me.” you move to step away from him and more towards the slowly growing crowd. You never liked talking about the night you met Taehyung, because in all honestly- it was probably the worst night of your life. Unfortunately, it also happened to be the night jimin and jungkook had first debuted as couple and on top of that- you really dont want to venture back into a territory where sex was possible between the both of you.
Getting closer towards the others, you feel Taehyung easily catching up with your walking figure. His arm comes naturally around your shoulder like always before he speaks “ Well of course I rejected you, you were completely heartbroken like an adorable sad puppy.”
“Wow this conversation just keeps getting better and better....By the way this is doing wonders for my confidence, just thought you should know.” you mutter sarcastically while trying to shove his arm off of your shoulder. He doesnt move it, instead catching on to the hurt hidden behind your sarcasm. He then uses his arm to stop you, the pressure of it keeping you from walking any further.
He rolls his eyes “Wait, because I don't think you understand. The reason I stopped wasn't because you were just some sad random girl. Well- actually yes it was, but it was also because…” he huffs “ You were also really sweet and innocent, you didnt deserve some asshole who was going to fuck you senseless and then disappear the next day. So I stopped and when you broke down and cried, I held you, remember?” he tries to put on a smile that opposes your bitter pout.
As much as you hated to admit it, everything he’d just said was true. Taehyung did stop that night and you knew that, because you remembered that night vividly.
The both of you bursting through some random bedroom door for privacy.
Only moments ago you’d just seen your best friend and your crush making out in back of a graduation party together and when you confronted Jungkook about it, he’d acted as if he had no idea what you were talking about. Angry, you stormed off, tears collecting your eyes and you made your way over towards the snack table to down an entire cup of vodka.
Moments later, A firm hand suddenly slides it’s way onto your back that makes you turn to look at the culprit. Enters Taehyung. Dark hair, boxy smile, but red sultry eyes drinking in your poor body as he pulls you closer towards him “ You look like you could use some fun, want to go upstairs?” he would breathe slowly into your ear.
You remembered sliding your eyes back towards the raven haired boy that just so happened to be watching you and Taehyung like a hawk from across the room. Your eyes just barely being able to find him through the sea of people, An emotion swirling dangerously behind them.
In a time like this, Jungkook would already be there ready to save you when needed. But with the combination of anger, the vodka, and a growing euphoria of feeling Taehyung’s hands roaming all over your waist, you were certain you wouldn’t need it.
Which brings you back towards the private room. Taehyung locks the door behind him, reaching for you to slam his mouth onto yours. The kiss is sloppy, aggressive and you were loving every second of it. His teeth nips and pulls at your delicate lips before he lifts you up into his arms, A soft yelp leaves your mouth and he chuckles arrogantly into the kiss while walking the both of you further in. In a flash, he has you landing on top of the small room’s bed, his own body coming to hover above yours and you relish in the feel of his hips sliding between your legs.
As if a chill comes by, you suddenly shudder under him. The heated make-out warms you enough to definitely have your panties soaked, but for some reason…you felt cold.
Taehyung continues unknown to this, laying wet kisses from your mouth and down towards your neck. His own drunken lust, blinding him from the way your arms were desperately hugging him closer to feel any kind of warmth.
It wasn’t until he suddenly sat up from you. His hands reaching for the hem of your shirt to pull it above your head and have you falling down onto your back. He takes a moment to look at your half naked torso, a look of appreciation washing over his eyes as he rakes them further up to stare at you.
He-...why were there tears in your eyes?
“I honestly will never understand how you’ve allowed me to be your friend for this long,” Taehyung says in an astonished manner. “I was a complete ass back then...before we met.”
Once again Taehyung was next to you sulking from his own mistake. No matter how many times you’ve both gone over the incident, the conversation seems to end exactly like this- with your best friend beating himself up and you cringing away with pity.
“ Tae for the millionth time- you're not who you were back then. On top of that, I don't think you really gave me a choice.” you reply with the furrow of your brows “ Not that you made me, but still.”. The last bit of your sentence comes out low enough only for you to hear, or so you thought. 
Taehyung lifts his head from off of your shoulder in the stance you were in, a small pout coming onto his lips as he sends you a look of confusion. “ Wait, what do you mean I didn't give you a choice?”
“Because after that night, we were literally spending every damn day together...” you comment while watching the tall figure male step into the center of several sleepy students. Suddenly the sound of an engine cranking up lets you know that someone has just started the bus everyone was standing by and departing time is very much near.
Your throat goes completely dry.
“It's called bonding!” Tae sends a kick puppy look, his pout more prominent than ever. You send him a sympathetic look of understanding, your hand coming up on his shoulder with a small squeeze.“ Tae, we made out four times after that, the last one in which you broke down crying.” you say clear enough for him to hear. “ Trust me, I don't think that’s called bonding-” you proceeded to say until something or rather someone catches your eye. Jimin. You freeze and He’s walking right past you, a sweet scent of cologne wafting through your nostrils. You feel the slight breeze of a presence considered too close for your comfort.
As you were talking it almost doesn't register until you notice the second dark figure right by his side.
Jeon Jungkook.
The very soul that seemed to swallow yours completely even without much contact. With your eyes following them briefly, it doesn't take much to see the unnerving glare he shoots your way. Jimin’s nervous smile, small but telling a thousand stories on how he’d just heard every word you’ve just said. fuck.
“What the hell was that?” you hear Tae ask in genuine confusion. There's a not so subtle tug on your top following, making you come back even further from the two that goes to stand on the other side of the crowd. The both of them passing your professor along the way.
“Alright, Welcome everyone, I'm glad to see that all of you have made it here on time.” Everyone’s attention is suddenly called from him. “ Before we depart I would just like to go over a few things- like for instance your seatings.” The professor continues on while everyone seems to gather in even closer to him.
“...You will all be seated with your roommates,” your professor announces rather proudly towards the class. The small gaze you were holding suddenly snaps towards him and from your side you could feel taehyung immediately tense up.
“What?” Tae just barely breathes, disappointment clear in his voice. “No fucking way...It’s like the man wants to torture you or something...” He seethes, abandoning all thoughts of your previous conversation. Meanwhile, a string of hopelessness floods your emotions from the news.
“Excuse me professor?” a voice suddenly calls from within the students “ Not to question your judgement-”
“You totally are.” Tae grumbles in between, but you still ignore him- unable to hear over your own dissolve.
“- is there a reason why we’re being forced to sit next to someone for three hours, when we’re already going to be seeing them day in and day out for the next few days?” Instantly you already knew it to belong to none other than Jungkook. With a sorrowed frown you're following the sound to him. The view of a boy dressed in all black head to toe as he usually did, his arm casually wrapped around a neutral Jimin’s waist.
When he got here, you weren't too sure- but nothing could prepare you for the way your stomach drops at the sight of him.
Your professor's brow shoots up in surprise and a cross of annoyance, but also understanding becomes his features as he replies “Yes well, seeing as there is limited spacing and of course some groups who have yet to go over- not only their part in the projects, but the living arrangements...” he sends a pointed look towards Jungkook, making his hard eyes waver in return. “-This bus ride should give enough time to do exactly that. I may not be the best at choosing great outcomes of social situations, but I do care whether you students pass my class or not. So let's try not to use the word force, but more so...thoroughly encouraged.” he finishes with a fake sweet smile. One jungkook could only roll his eyes to, in return.
Taehyung could hear you scoff.
Forced… You growl internally, your nostrils visibly flaring. The asshole has the audacity to kiss you within publicacy of your school’s library and then complain about having to be seated next to you on a damn bus? The blood inside your veins was beginning to boil.
Fuck off Jeon...
“Now if anyone else would like to not question my judgement, I'm expecting all of you to be seated on the bus within the next 10 minutes. I will be going over some last minute arrangements, so In the meantime why don't you guys huddle up into your groups,” the professor says as he starts to make his way further from your crowd. All students were silently watching him strut away to where ever he was heading and just when they thought the coast was clear to let out their frustrations, he turns back towards you “ from this point on, you can consider each other your best friends, because you are going to be spending a lot of time together.” and with that he takes the tense aura away with him.
Once he was completely out of sight, Taehyung curses out “bullshit” he looks towards you “ This is so fucking unfair. That asshole knows you want to be anywhere else but beside those two. I don't know what he thinks he’ll accomplish by glueing us all together. But this isn't some goddamn- ” he huffs breaking off, clearly too angry to finish. He does this before grabbing your hand. Soothing strokes being rubbed into the softness of your palm, completely contradicting the vicious attitude.
Meanwhile your eyes were somewhere else completely. Heart pounding in your chest once more when all the groups around, seem to be just fine partnering up for the rest of the trip. From left to right multiple students begin to move and conversate with one another happily, Somehow this left you standing idly in the middle with a grumbling Tae pulling you close into his side for protection.
You let out a shaky breath “Here we go…” 
Chapter Three | Masterlist
Taglist: @loveherpersona @peterrogers15 @sessi03 @brokencrownqueen
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