#means i don't struggle much and am low support
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casual-eumetazoa · 1 year ago
I feel like people have also pushed the social model of disability as the only valid model for explaining autism so much that it became just straight up misinformation. Like, listening to some autistic people on tiktok, it's like you can accommodate autism to such an extent that it stops being a disability or even a problem whatsoever. And maybe for some specific combination of traits this is true, but my guess is that it's quite rare. For most people who meet the current diagnostic criteria, autism would disable them in any context, especially since it is almost always comorbid with at least one other thing if not multiple, such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, connective tissue disorders, epilepsy, ADHD, intellectual disability, dyslexia/dyscalculia/dyspraxia, auditory processing disorder... the list goes on.
Point is, of course accommodations, support, and a good environment can eliminate a lot of negative aspects of autism - but most autistic people are disabled by our neurotype and it cannot be accommodated out of existence. Accommodations can drastically improve our quality of life, but not make us function on the exact same level as neurotypical people. And because activist circles and tiktok and so on have an overrepresentation of people whose combination of traits allows them to function on a relatively normative level, people forget just how many struggles you can have, even as a low support person. Like some people think that needing help with filing paperwork or keeping your house clean is high support. That's not even mid support imho, that's something the vast majority of low support autistic people would benefit from. I'm mid support and I need help with tying my shoelaces and preparing simple meals - and I have a master's degree and no learning/intellectual disabilities.
Two things can be true at once. Yes, autism is a natural variation of brain types and we deserve the same rights and dignity as everyone else. Many of us would not want to be "cured" of autism and it is a part of us. Also, yes, it disables us, and limits our functioning, and can be (and is, for many people), a very negative experience, especially in the current world. It's not either or, it's not black or white. It is a complex neurodevelopmental difference that doesn't just boil down to being sensitive and passionate. And it does suck sometimes, maybe even a lot of times. Abled people should learn to respect us and our wishes and needs without either comparing autism to cancer or sugarcoating our experiences.
the way people online talk about autism is getting really weird, like do they know that neurotypicals still have interests? that someone being passionate about a hobby doesn't mean they're autistic? you guys know that right
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luveline · 1 year ago
hi lovely :) i have a request for you!!
i’m thinking spencer reid x reader (and platonic!bau team if you don’t mind!!) where reader is having a bit of a rough time with mental health, but is 1 year clean and they have a lil celebration? thank you!!
-🍓 (this is my application for being an emoji anon lmao)
hi, thank you! ♡ fem 1k
cw implied drug use
You're expecting your boyfriend's voice when a hand touches your shoulder, but it's actually Hotch that speaks. "Good morning. Are you feeling alright?" 
You meet his furrowed brow with a softer expression. "Morning, Hotch. I'm good, I'm," —you stretch your arms out in front of you in a lie— "just really tired." 
"Take it easy today, okay?" You nod quickly. "Okay. And Y/N? Well done." 
You enjoy the shoulder squeeze he gives you and hide your abject puzzlement as he heads up the steps to his office, briefcase in hand. It's always nice to be doted on, but what's today? 
"Hello," a new voice says, a hand again on your shoulder, ducking down to kiss you behind the ear. Here's your expected boyfriend, Spencer's voice low and spectacularly sweet, "Good morning. You're here early, I haven't even made you coffee." 
"That's okay, I can make it." 
His arms cross over your chest. He touches you so confidently, his lack of hesitance a great encouragement; it's hard to find room to feel insecure about things when Spencer seems to see no faults in you. Hard, but not impossible. 
As though he can sense your rough morning (rough week, rough month), he holds you that second longer than usual, lips like angora silk where they touch to your cheek. "I'll make it, thanks. It's the least you deserve today." 
"Right," you say. He strokes your shoulder with his thumb in farewell, leaving you wondering. Today isn't your birthday, you'd probably know if it were. 
"Hey, good morning!" Emily says as she arrives, thrusting her bag and her travel mug onto her desk before she descends on you. 
It's her hug that breaks the camel's back, so to speak. You give her hands an absent minded hold but pull back in her embrace. "Emily," you say, frowning at her, "what's so special about today?" 
She blinks like she's worried to tell you, but she gets it together and hugs you again. "You're one year clean today. Everybody's so proud of you," she says quietly. 
You almost bite the tip of your tongue off. "How do you know that?" you ask. The thing about staying clean is that it haunts you until it doesn't. Some people can't ever beat it, and some people can. It's been a huge struggle for you, but eventually relapsing stopped feeling like an option, especially while you've been with Spencer. You can't do anything to jeopardise your safety while you're with him, you just can't. (That doesn't mean you haven't desperately wanted to.)
"Well, I knew it would've been around now, but Spencer sent us a memo. Nothing too detailed, you know, but we all…" She smiles at you wryly. "We care about you so much, and we didn't get it right with Spencer." 
No, they didn't. Spencer didn't get half the support he deserved, so he's making sure you do. 
There's something of a mental block in you that doesn't allow you to cry, but this shakes you roughly. Emily gives you a sorry smile and a last quick hug, apologising that she has to go and speak to Hotch before the work day officially begins. You lean back in your chair and click dazedly on an email from Penelope detailing how deeply loved you are and wondering if you'd like to go shopping. I know today might be really hard, so if you need me you know where I am. Love Pen. 
"You okay?" Spencer asks, placing your coffee in front of you on the desk. 
"Come and sit with me for a bit." 
You don't sound like you're asking, but you are. Spencer hears the need in your demand and immediately grabs his chair to sit next to you. You're surprised he didn't squat. 
You turn your face, lay your cheek on the short back of the chair uncomfortably, and take him in. He looks great these days, the memory of a young man firmly buried beneath a well-fitting suit, a cropping of facial hair, and the subtle, lean lines of muscle especially evident as he sits back to copy you, curls falling into his eyes. "You told everyone about my anniversary." 
"Your accomplishment," he corrects quietly. "I did." 
"I do want them to know, just… I feel a bit raw." You hardly remembered yourself, though you knew it was soon. 
Spencer takes your hand, pulling the joined pair between his knees. "It's something to be extremely proud of. And there's nothing wrong with celebrating it." 
"It's embarrassing–" 
"It isn't." He sits up as someone comes closer and you follow suit. This is a complicated conversation and your simple intimacies are necessary but inappropriate in the workplace. "I'm sure there are a ton of people who find sobriety embarrassing, but those are all people who don't know what it feels like to have to do it. We," —his voice softens— "do. I know exactly how it feels, and I know exactly how you've been feeling lately, so I'm proud of you and everyone else should be too." 
"How I've been feeling lately?" you ask. 
"Come on." Spencer stands and takes your face into his hands. One is warmer than the other, and he uses it to stroke the baby hair's at your ear very gently. "You do a really good job at hiding how you feel, but you can't hide from me." 
"I'm not trying to." 
"Good," he says, leaning down to kiss you. A soft, brisk connection. "I love you." 
"Not as much as I do, loverboy!" Morgan says as he arrives, giving Spencer a little nudge as he needles his arms behind your back and kisses your cheek. 
"You're squeezing me." 
"Have I told you lately how much I love you?" Morgan asks, squeezing your harder. 
"Morgan, she knows you know." 
"Know what?" 
"You didn't see the memo?" Spencer asks. 
"What memo?" Morgan grins at you with pearly white teeth and scrubs at your shoulders until you're squirming at the pressure. It's nice. "Looking good, gorgeous." 
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chheolie · 6 months ago
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ready get set go get it go ♪ (part 1) part 2 here
the members were scattered around the dance studio, lounging on the sofas, warming up with relaxed steps, or exchanging jokes. the rehearsal for lollapalooza berlin was about to begin, but the atmosphere was light, filled with the low sound of music playing in the background and the laughter that echoed as mingyu teased seungkwan about a move he kept messing up.
suddenly, the door burst open, and seokmin entered the studio with an explosive energy that made everyone look up at once. he had his phone in one hand, his breath quickened, and his eyes shining like never before. a huge smile dominated his face, and he could barely contain his excitement, practically bouncing with joy.
seungcheol furrowed his brow, both concerned and curious. "what's going on? did you win the lottery, seokmin?"
seokmin shook his head frantically, his breath still heavy, and clutched the phone to his chest as if it were the greatest treasure in the world. "you won't believe it... you... you know who just sent me a message?"
the other members exchanged confused looks, but curiosity was growing. "who, man?" vernon asked, watching closely as minghao approached, intrigued.
seokmin dropped to his knees on the floor, the sparkle in his eyes almost radiating. "y/n! y/n herself!" he repeated your name with a mix of disbelief and pure joy, as if he needed to confirm that it was really happening.
the members' eyes widened in visible surprise. jeonghan, who was closest, widened his eyes and let out a low whistle. "are you serious? y/n, the singer you talk about all day long? her?"
"yes!" seokmin nearly shouted, laughing in shock as he struggled to contain his excitement. "she reached out because she wants me to perform with her! at lollapalooza! she wants me to sing with her!" he threw himself back on the floor dramatically.
"this is amazing, seokmin!" wonwoo shouted, smiling genuinely. "man, you're going to sing with y/n! this is huge!"
seokmin nodded, still in disbelief, and sat down on the floor. "i can't believe she knows who i am! that she wants me to be there with her! she even mentioned she likes our songs!" he waved his phone as proof, and the smile on his face was the widest anyone had ever seen. "you have no idea how much this means to me... it's y/n, guys!"
the excitement was palpable, and the members didn't miss the chance to tease their friend. "i told you all that fanboying was going to pay off," seungkwan teased, pushing seokmin's shoulder with a broad grin. "it's going to be incredible, hyung! you're going to kill it, and she's going to love singing with you!"
seokmin laughed, his heart still racing, and took a deep breath, trying to process the surreal moment. "i still can't believe it..."
"and if you get nervous up there, just remember that you're dk, seventeen's vocalist, and now also y/n's partner," jeonghan said with an encouraging smile, patting his back. "she couldn't have picked a better person."
seungcheol, with a big smile on his face, asked, "so, what did you say to her? you accepted, right?"
seokmin hesitated, biting his lower lip. he looked around, taking in the friends who had always been with him during the most important moments of his career. "actually... i haven't replied yet." the studio fell momentarily silent, and seokmin laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "i wanted to check with you guys first. like... i don't know, if you think it's okay for me to accept, if it won't mess anything up. you guys always help me with the big decisions, so i didn't want to do this without hearing what you think."
the other members looked at him for a second, and then seungkwan shook his head with an amused smile. "are you serious, seokmin? we're talking about y/n asking you to perform at lollapalooza! of course, it's okay! go and show her why you're the best vocalist around."
minghao patted seokmin's back. "this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. we'll be here supporting you all the way, so don't even think twice. just say yes!"
jeonghan nodded with a gentle smile. "this is going to be amazing for you and for us too, seeing you accomplish something so big. don't worry, we're all proud of you."
seokmin's eyes filled with emotion, and he nodded, deeply grateful. "you guys are the best. really, thanks for this." with an excited sigh and his heart pounding, he unlocked his phone, opening y/n's message. he typed with slightly trembling fingers, trying to contain his excitement as each word was carefully chosen.
seokmin: hi, y/n! this is dokyeom. seokmin: i’m so happy about your invitation! seokmin: first, i need to say that i’m a huge fan of your work, and getting this message from you is surreal for me. seokmin: i’d love to be part of your performance at lollapalooza and share this special moment with you. count on me to make something amazing on stage!
he took a deep breath before hitting the send button, and the members gathered around, curious and excited. when he finally hit send, everyone jumped on him in celebration. laughter and cheers filled the room, everyone thrilled that seokmin was fulfilling a fan’s dream. it didn’t take long for the phone to vibrate, and seokmin’s eyes widened as he started shouting, "she replied, she replied!"
you: hi, seokmin! i’m so glad you agreed! you: i love your talent, and i’m sure that together we’ll create an unforgettable performance! you: let’s schedule our first rehearsal tomorrow afternoon at the studio, at 3 pm, if that works for you. you: i can’t wait to get started! see you then! 😊
seokmin read the message with a smile that seemed to light up the studio. "she scheduled the first rehearsal for tomorrow! at 3 pm! she said it’s going to be unforgettable!"
the members burst into more celebrations, showering seokmin with hugs and words of encouragement. the group’s rehearsal was important, but at that moment, everyone knew that seokmin’s next step would be something extraordinary. he was about to live one of the biggest dreams of his career, and the thought of sharing the stage with you made his heart race like never before.
the day of the first rehearsal arrived faster than seokmin had imagined. anxious and determined to make a good impression, he arrived at the studio early, well before the scheduled time. his hands were slightly sweaty, and his heart was racing, but he felt ready to face that surreal moment. he sat on one of the benches in the hallway outside the recording studio, trying to calm his nerves while repeatedly checking the clock.
the anticipation grew with each passing minute, and he could hardly believe he was there, about to rehearse with you, the artist he admired so much. he took a deep breath, listening to calm music through his headphones, trying to relax, but his thoughts were running wild, imagining how your first interaction would be. so he rehearsed mentally what to say and how to act.
a few minutes later, you appeared in the hallway, carrying two takeaway coffee cups and a warm smile that lit up the space. seokmin quickly stood up, almost tripping over his own feet but managing to compose himself just in time.
“hi, dokyeom!” you greeted him with a friendly smile, extending one of the cups toward him. “i hope you like coffee. i brought one for you.”
he blinked, surprised and touched by the simple but thoughtful gesture. “oh, yes, i love it! thank you!” he carefully took the cup as if it were a precious gift. he was truly moved that you had thought of him on your way. his heart raced even faster, but he managed to maintain his composure, internally grateful that he hadn’t let his emotions show too much.
as you walked together down the hallway toward the studio, you started chatting casually, lightening the mood. “you know, i love seventeen. the energy you all bring to the stage is incredible, and your voice always impresses me. it’s powerful and full of emotion at the same time.”
seokmin felt his face heat up, trying to hide the blush that was surely appearing. “really? thank you! that means a lot, coming from you. i... i’ve always admired your work. your songs have a unique sensitivity, and being able to sing with you is just amazing.”
you smiled, appreciating the sincere compliment. when you reached the studio door, you paused before opening it, turning to him with a gentle look. “this studio is one of my favorite places to rehearse. i like to keep it quiet; i know you’re used to having a lot of people at rehearsals, but i hope you don’t mind it being just the two of us today.”
seokmin almost laughed in relief and surprise. “mind? not at all! actually, this is perfect. i was a bit nervous, but now... it feels like i’m exactly where i’m supposed to be.”
you opened the studio door, revealing a cozy space with soft lighting and a decor that exuded creativity and comfort. the environment was comforting, with instruments neatly arranged and some personal touches that showed how much that place meant to you. and he walked in, observing everything with great care.
“i’m glad you feel that way,” you said as you both entered the studio. “i’m really excited to create something with you."
seokmin smiled, finally allowing himself to relax. the warm atmosphere and your calm presence made him feel that he was about to experience something truly special. and he was ready to give his best, for you, for himself, and for the fans who were about to witness something unforgettable.
after you entered the studio, the first thing you did was take off your jacket, revealing a comfortable t-shirt that perfectly matched the relaxed vibe of the studio. you casually hung it on the chair next to you, showing a familiarity and ease that left seokmin impressed. there was something about the way you moved, confident and natural, that made him feel more at ease too.
you turned to him with a warm smile, crossing your arms in a relaxed manner. "there’s a specific song i’d really love to sing with you at the festival," you began, and seokmin felt his heart leap. "ever since i first heard it, i’ve been completely hooked on it. it’s from the soundtrack of twenty-five, twenty-one..." you laughed shyly as you revealed your current favorite song.
seokmin stood still for a moment, his eyes wide with surprise. he couldn’t believe what he had just heard. "you... you know i’m the one who sings 'go!'?" he asked, still a bit stunned.
you giggled, nodding affirmatively. "of course i know! your voice is unmistakable. from the first time i heard it, i couldn’t stop listening. the energy, the emotion... it’s incredible. and i think it would be perfect for us to sing together."
seokmin felt a wave of pride and happiness wash over him. not only did you, the artist he admired so much, know the song, but you wanted to sing it with him. he could barely contain the smile spreading across his face. "i... of course, i’m in! it would be an honor to sing 'go!' with you. actually, it’s one of my favorite songs to sing."
your eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "great! it’s going to be amazing. i was hoping you’d say that." you approached the soundboard and began preparing the space for rehearsal. "shall we start then? i want to see how our voices blend in this song."
seokmin felt his heart race even faster with your excitement. he had been nervous before, but now it was a different kind of nervousness—one that came from anticipation and the joy of being about to create something really special. he knew this rehearsal would be unforgettable, not just for what it meant to him, but for the connection he already felt beginning to form between you through the music.
as you prepared everything, seokmin approached the microphone, adjusting it to his height. he still couldn’t believe his luck at being there, sharing the studio with you. when you finally positioned yourself next to him, ready to start, he took a deep breath, feeling the energy in the air. he took a deep breath. "let’s do this," he said, with a smile that mixed emotion and determination.
and when the first notes of 'go!' began to play, seokmin knew that this would be one of the most memorable moments of his career.
during the rehearsal, without realizing it, seokmin had a natural talent for making you laugh. every time he spoke, he made you smile in a genuine and carefree way. whether it was a spontaneous joke or a funny gesture, he was always creating a light and fun atmosphere, unaware of the impact he had.
you were enchanted. the connection you felt with seokmin during the rehearsal was something that transcended the music. you were so involved that laughter came easily, and the small interactions between you were creating a natural harmony. seokmin, in turn, was amazed that he was actually making someone as talented and admired as you laugh that way.
when the rehearsal finally ended, you looked at seokmin with a sincere smile, satisfaction written all over your face. “i want you to know that it was a huge pleasure meeting you in person. you have such a light and happy energy; it’s contagious. i really hope our contact doesn’t end after the festival performance. i’d love to build a friendship with you.”
seokmin was visibly moved, his eyes shining with gratitude. “i also really enjoyed meeting you, y/n. it was an amazing experience, and i really hope we can keep in touch. this rehearsal was one of the best experiences of my career.”
you said goodbye with a shy hug, laughing just as shyly, and seokmin left the studio with a sense of fulfillment and joy. the way home felt lighter and brighter, and he couldn’t wait to share what happened with the members.
when he got home, seokmin immediately grabbed his phone and sent a message to the members.
with a smile on his face and his heart still racing from the wonderful day, he typed:
seokmin: guys, you won’t believe how amazing today’s rehearsal was! seokmin: i met y/n, and she’s even more wonderful than i imagined. and even more beautiful!!!! seokmin: we rehearsed "go!" together, and it was an experience i’ll never forget. CAN YOU BELIEVE SHE LOVES THIS SONG? seokmin: she’s super fun, and her energy is simply contagious. we got along so well, and she even said she hopes we keep in touch after the festival. seokmin: i don’t think i’ll be able to sleep tonight.
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centrally-unplanned · 4 months ago
Let's see if I have one more election take in me:
I am deeply sympathetic to Sam Kriss's rage against the Democratic corpo-political shibboleth, and not just because we are both deeply enmeshed in the grand tradition of dissident Oxbridge-style cantankerous internet rants. He is right that Kamala was a weak candidate, for one. But more importantly, I still feel what he feels deep down. I remember the starry idealism of my halcyon youth, of believing that conviction, that vision, that the zeal only a platform birthed from authentic principles, tempered by struggle and sweat, would carry the day over crass, paint-by-polling-numbers incrementalism. When he describes Harris thusly:
"She’s a machine politician. She wants power, but not for any particular reason. It’s just that life is a game, and the point is to reach the highest level."
I see my own reaction to her when she first stepped into the 2020 limelight, and low-key hating her for it. I feel his heart, for it is my heart.
But it is not my brain. Because I am not a teenager anymore, and his critique is fucking bullshit.
He says all this stuff like:
The reason Kamala Harris lost is the same as the reason she was the candidate to begin with: the Democratic Party is allergic to democracy.
And how the electorate is seen as but ants from inside the towers of the Machine, like the Dems just invented "not running a primary" this time as a lark. As opposed to neither party in America ever having primaries against incumbent presidents! Because they are normally popular, and it would be a waste of everyone's time to do that! Could you imagine, launching a real primary against Obama in 2012? And possibly sabotaging his brand a bit for absolutely nothing? It is a reasonable policy, particularly when incumbents used to have an advantage for being so. Now they clearly don't, Biden was unpopular and too old, and the Dems took too long to realize it. A costly mistake, but it is a purely strategic error. Big orgs have inertia, and the Dems fucked up. It has nothing to do with an "allergy to democracy".
And Kriss can go off summarizing how the Harris campaign was offering voters nothing:
But for some unaccountable reason, among the general public, ‘Kamala: You Already Like Her!’ was not the brilliant pitch it seemed to be. [...] Another option would be to actually offer something to the voters.
Which sounds neat, but he made it up! I remember Kamala's actual campaign speeches, ads, and platforms, which she repeated so monotonically in her tightly-scripted campaign appearances: protect abortion rights, expand the welfare state, provide better child care support, lower the cost of housing. And most importantly, she ran on Biden's record of a strong economy and promised to deliver more of it. What does even mean for this to not be a real platform? Beyond not having some synthesized, totalizing "Critique" of modernity that packages it all into a beautiful, systematizing little box.
Because I promise you, voters synthesize jack shit. None of this is why Harris lost - voters have made that pretty clear:
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You can find other data ofc, this or that point varies, but the story is not opaque. They didn't like Biden! They didn't like his inflation. They didn't like immigration, or they didn't like his liberalism, and they thought Kamala was too similar. She had too much policy baggage. And she wasn't charismatic enough to dig herself out of that hole - no disagreement from me on that front.
Though even then, by that we mean she lost an election by ~3-4% margins after getting subbed in at the 4th quarter while down by ~8% in the polls. That ain't bad!
None of the voters who matter share Kriss's sensibilities, and he cannot hide his disappointment in that. So he pretends that Donald Trump, the guy who promised 20% tariffs on everything to fight inflation, is giving them a real vision:
That’s what Trump did: he offered an enemy to blame and the prospect of doing violence to them
I don't know man, I think swing voters just don't like the last four years and think 2019 was better. I don't think the promises of orgastic violence against democrats are why Trump won! Actually a bit of an unforced error on his part.
But since Kriss presumes to value democracy, that thesis can't hold - so the lack of reality delivering on what his vision for democracy should be is displaced onto Harris's mistakes. The voters can never fail you. You can only fail to elevate them with the right candidate. Which, tactically? Sure, why not. But you can leave the moralism at the classroom door.
This ties into our dreaded media discourse debate, so it is time to bring in another explainer, by Michael Tomasky:
The line-by-line isn't interesting here; instead I want to focus on this quote:
Weren’t they bothered that Trump is a convicted felon? An adjudicated rapist? Didn’t his invocation of violence against Liz Cheney, or 50 other examples of his disgusting imprecations, obviously disqualify him? And couldn’t they see that Harris, whatever her shortcomings, was a fundamentally smart, honest, well-meaning person who would show basic respect for the Constitution and wouldn’t do anything weird as president? The answer is obviously no—not enough people were able to see any of those things. At which point people throw up their hands and say, “I give up.”
To which the immediate reply is: my dude, what are you talking about??
A 56 percent majority of Americans say Trump is probably guilty of a criminal conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election results through false claims of voter fraud, including 40 percent who believe he is “definitely guilty.” Republicans are less united than Democrats. Nearly 9 in 10 Democrats believe Trump is guilty, while nearly 7 in 10 Republicans think he is innocent. Among independents, nearly twice as many think Trump is guilty as think he is innocent.
You know how when you ~13 years old, and you have that friend who is just old enough to start taking Dungeons & Dragons books filled with splash art of succubi into the bathroom with him, but not yet old enough to get that "talking to girls" is an acquired skill? And they are blatantly, openly salivating over the first chick in the 7th grade class who discovered what power the combination of a camisole and a push-up bra holds over the male gaze? And she just completely ignores his faltering attempts at ~casual conversation~, so his brain script-cycles through its backlog of tween sitcom plots until it lands on, "Hey, what if I confess to her? Then she will know about my feelings!"
And you have to pull him aside and gently explain that, bro. She knows. That is not your problem.
Kriss is too intelligent a thinker to not understand this, but our dear Tomasky - and so many like him - has stuck his 14-year-old head in the sand over this. Swing voters know Trump is a scumbag! They know he lost the election, they know he raped a few women in his day, they know he is a serial fraudster. Even a bunch of those Republicans who, in polls, go "oh it's all a Dem conspiracy"? They know too; they just have the decency to lie about it. How could they not? Every media outlet in the country has been repeating it for a fucking decade! I might think voters are morons but even I won't stoop this low; they have eyes and ears, they aren't illiterate.
They just don't care.
Not enough at least, not enough to make it the only thing they consider. And here is the rub, here is the grand mistake Kriss & Tomasky are making - they are at least somewhat right to not care. The height of the Democratic privilege is that they get to play this card because they don't have to deal with it being turned against them. Kamala is a political chameleon but she is a decent person. She would never take a bribe from a foreign government, she would never assault a coworker, she would never, ever, deny a free and fair election.
Which means you don't have to choose between voting for a rapist and voting for someone who is going to shove a bullshit interpretation of the 14th amendment down your throat via a stacked court to ban abortion nationwide, forever. Pro-life people think abortion is genocide against babies! Why are you surprised they aren't voting for the pro-baby-genocide person because she is nice? How sure are you that you would do the same when that is reversed? I guess those boycott-Harris-because-of-Gaza people got some cred, but I think we all agreed they were dumb, right?
This is the rub of why outsiders always have so much difficulty understanding how people like Berlusconi, Trump, Le Pen, etc, get so much vote share - they have no stake in the political struggle beyond the vague idea of democratic norms. It is easy to say "Italy, choose a non-crook!" when you don't have to live with the policy programme of the other guy. From the inside the price of those principles is far, far harder. It isn't shocking that most choose not to pay it.
This isn't to give voters like a moral pass - Trump's conduct is truly disqualifying, I would vote Republican if the shoe was on the other foot in this case. My point instead is that they generally won't as a simple fact of life, and blaming them is futile. If you have wound up in a situation where the political system has taken its pool of hundreds of millions of potential candidates and narrowed it down to two for the voters, and one of them has "launched a coup but will say go to hell to the inflation guy" as a bundled package, someone fucked up and it isn't the voters.
You need political elites to do their part in the system - Republicans never should have let Trump be their candidate in 2016. Open primaries with no organizational thumbs on the scale are a mistake, actually, allowing arbitrary minorities to generate subpar candidates. The decision to let Biden run again was, fundamentally, born from the same impulse - the Democratic Party had no leadership capable of telling him no, because they outsourced that job to "primaries". The Dems are not "allergic" to democracy; democracy is allergic to too much of itself.
But the cat is out of the bag now! These changes happened for a reason after all. Which I won't dig into here - I will keep my point as focused as something as sprawling as this can be. Voters will not save you, and you should not be disappointed when they don't. It was never their job.
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riskyraiker · 1 year ago
Hello!!! I hope you're doing well!! I would like to request cybertronian! Reader with like four arms and that's like the Queen or King of the battlefield in ancient Cybertron history (example: reader was the strongest Autobot ever in history and there's ancient data about reader and photos too ykyk what I'm getting👍🙏😭) and the reader then got summoned by Megatron or idk at that point but you can choose what happens!! :33 I hope this isn't too much😭
OH MY!!! I LOVE THIS!!! but reader is an autobot in this, please tell me if you want to see an decepticon version. You are a head taller than Megatron in this.
You remembered everything about how you got killed, the crying before you lost your hearing, the optics looking in horror how the strongest autobot is about to die. Now? Nobody has any idea what happened, your body vanished before they started looking for it. Optimus carried your legacy as the one and last prime. He was your friend, but you didn't get to be friends that long. Since he was made so late and you met 10 years before the war started. It felt like you woke up immediately you fell down. Where am I? you think, but soon enough you hear a voice you recongize. Megatron. "The legend is real! Y/N! I have summoned you to help us decepticons to bring Cybertron back to life and rise as the Queen/King of the battlefields like you used to be!" used to? Used to?! "Since when I wasn't the Queen/King of the battlefields? And what do you mean summoned?" I put my upper hands on my waist and lower ones crossed. "You have been offline for quite a while, Y/N. Join us since I don't want to destroy such a fighter." What is he talking about? Before you could answer a spacebridge appeared. Well it's a groundbridge but you don't need to know that yet. Through the groundbridge walks Optimus Prime himself! "Orion?!" "OPTIMUS!" Both you and Megatron yelled. "Y/N DESTROY HIM!" Did he just order me around, used-to-be-low-level mech just ordered me around?! "Are you! GIVING ME! THE QUEEN/KING OF THE BATTLEFIELDS, ORDERS?" I jumped to attack Megatron, he dodged. Another swing and a hit aswell. Punching again, Megatron catched my servo, but is definitely struggling against all my strength. I almost forgot! I have four hands! You thought as you go and punch Megatron into his 'stomach'. You pick him up and throw him to the nearest cliff you see. "Y/n? It can't be." That low voice..turning around you look at the red n' blue mech. "Optimus?"
Optimus Prime
He missed you so much! So so so so much! No matter how emotionless he can be he definitely hugged you either at the spot where you two reunited or back at the base.
Before you were summoned and revived he used to look through your files. He always stared at the picture, trying to remember how you looked when he would do something smart or help them with something.
He would try (keyword! try) to spar with you as training, but he lost usually. (Much to his shock, he did think he was good at fighting.)
Would let you go alone to a mission (HOW) and lets you have fun with the kids every now and then.
He need help? You're there. He's losing to Megs? You're there to beat some decepticon aft.
He loves your four hands, anytime he would be hurt or just needs support all your hands would around him hugging him gently.
But in the battlefield? Oh oh I'm glad you asked. He doesn't know if he should be scared or proud to see you back in action. He is glad about that you would save him no matter what comes against.
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He had heard about you when Cybertron still had life on it's surface.
He never believed you're real, until the moment he sees you.
Four arms!? He had to check them out (for science research of course) and see how they work, because he's a medic!
Anytime you would get wounded he's rushing over to you.
He would be against it that you would go on the battlefield. You ALWAYS have to confront him that you hold the title queen/king of the battlefield.
He does like how nice and helpful you are. Since you're the queen/king of the battlefield he didn't think you would be nice and help him around the lab.
If he needs an substitute for work when he needs rest you would take his place immediately for his sake.
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He would be a little scared of you since you beat Megatron so easily.
The moment you prove you wouldn't hurt any of the team he would be your son from now on.
You two always had each others backs.
He would love clinging on to one of your four arms.
He has any form of a problem? Don't worry you already know about it and you'll solve it.
If he would ever get hurt you would show the enemy why you hold the title as the queen/king of the battlefield
Before you arrived he used to read some datapads about you which he got from Optimus.
He would ask you to teach him how to fight.
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She would be amazed by the amount of arms you have, but won't show it until she trusts you.
Would trust you the moment you beat Megatrons aft in front of her optics, because none of the cons would dare to even poke him.
She would be grateful that you saved her and others in the Battlefield.
Would be surprised to find some old files of you and would be more shocked to read them.
You both are badass in Jack's opinion.
Since you know how awful it's to lose a partner in the team you won't question her or how untrusting she is.
If she would get hurt in the middle of a fight you would carry her with one of your hands and fight others.
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He would admire you and your strength. You just beat Megatron with ease!
He had heard rumours about someone like you when he was a wrecker back in Cybertron, but never believed them until now.
He always wants to go in battles with you to see how ruthless is the queen/king of the battlefields.
He was in trouble and cornered by vehicons in a energon mine? Those vehicons looked like they belonged in a scrapyard after you attacked them.
He would be a fanboy with wheeljack and praise the ground you walk on.
Training? Hell yea he would be in. Until he loses every single time.
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Oh oh don't even get me started!
Would hate you, but love your fighting style at the same time.
"pshh, show off." Could be heard anytime you and him were in the battlefield the same time.
You did start to grow on him. Suddenly you weren't so bad in fighting, suddenly you weren't such a show off, suddenly he seemed to like your presence.
Now? You two are the destructive duo.
Ratchet would be worried about you more than wheeljack.
"ouch, that just broke my spark docbot." He was definitely kicked in his aft after that.
He would go on drives with you so he could get to know you better. (Surprisingly since he's such a loner)
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He would run over to you the moment you walk into the base.
"YOU'RE REAL?!" apparently he has read about you before.
You wouldn't have any privacy for a week since he's like a golden retriever who clings to you 24/7
He would be flabbergasped how somebots in the team didn't trust you yet. "They're the strongest Autobot in history! Let's keep them, pleeeease!"
Like I said already. He's such a golden retriever. He needs your attention, he needs you to teach him fighting etc.
Now you're his new mom too! You got two new sons! Yippee i guess?
When he sees you in action, he has star eyes. You know when he talks about it when optimus first uses the star saber? He talks like that but even more excited!
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Ultra Magnus
Has high respect for you, but would hate how reckless you can be with wheeljack.
He would give you a lecture, but it falls through deaf audio receptors.
The moment he sees you in action he would doubt you less.
He knew that you used to exist, well now that you're actually alive he can't help but feel a little bit relieved that the autobots have the upperhand.
If you would call him Sir he would let you off easier.
Was surprised when he lost his hand that you supported him best you can. He didn't think that the queen/king of the battlefields could be so soft.
Denied it when you suggested that he's your adopted grumpy son, since he's always so worried about you. (He is your son now, but doesn't let the team know)
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nonspeakers-r-us · 2 years ago
Nobody talks about episodes of uncontrollable emotion and dangerous behaviors in severe Autism.
I apologize for the long post. This is important to me. Heavy CW for mention of knives, self-injurious behaviors, description of intense emotions, brief descriptions of restraints and police. Yes, I used the word "severe" to describe my Autism. This is because I am Nonspeaking, very High Support Needs, visibly Autistic, and have a Borderline IDD. This is how I choose to describe my Autism. Please don't attack me for this, Tumblr. Anyways. Darting out into busy streets. Repeatedly banging your head against walls. Throwing objects, sometimes even very dangerous objects such as knives. Breaking things - anything - no matter the value or durability. Unplanned, sudden violence towards self and others. Lashing out, in pure emotion, just screaming into nothing at the top of your lungs, for no obvious reason other than pure, unadulterated, terrifying emotion. This may not seem like symptoms of Autism for anyone, and they may not be caused by Autism at all. But for many young people and adults with severe Autism, this is what our families deal with regularly. "Difficult behaviors", as I've often heard them described as by social workers. There's often no clear reason for then. They just. Happen. We are almost never diagnosed with secondary conditions. It is considered a symptom of our severe/profound Autism. While in many Speaking and Low Support Needs people with Autism, they would be diagnosed with various conditions. Conduct Disorder. Bipolar. Borderline Personality Disorder. Maybe even a severe case of Intermittent Explosive Disorder. But for those of us on the more visible part of the Spectrum, nobody knows how to deal with us. It's scary and heartbreaking for our families, and deeply traumatic for us. Many times, our families and caregivers will turn to emergency services such as police or EMTs when they have no where else to turn. I don't like this option, I hate it. But in moments of extreme panic and fear, I don't always blame families for this. Nobody talks about those of us who have been restrained by our arms and ankles to hospital beds for weeks at a time. Nobody talk about those of us who turn violent on the people we love most, when we just can't control ourselves. I wish I had good advice for those of us struggling with this. I wish I could comfort you. While mood stabilizers and antipsychotic medications have helped me, it doesn't help everyone. DBT for severely Autistic individuals is another thing that greatly helped me. This is a fact of life for many individuals with severe Autism and their families. It's terrifying. But please keep trying treatment, keep advocating for yourself as much as possible, and keep going. I'm sure you don't think this means anything, but you are strong. You are brave. I see you and I want you to keep going. Nobody talks about episodes of uncontrollable emotion and dangerous behaviors in severe Autism.
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nomoreusername · 8 months ago
How Maze Runner Character Would Help If They Found Out You're Bipolar
(I am not trying to stereotype bipolar at all. I have it so when I use terms like mania and episodes I am basing it off of what I know. I know it's a spectrum and different for everyone, but I'm still trying to generalize it as best as I can without being disrespectful)
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Doesn't know a lot about it at first so he's a little lost
Secretly looks up stuff about it so he knows and can help better
Catches on to the signs and what helps you very quickly
Never tells anybody and reminds you that you don't owe anyone an explanation for something you can't even control
Will sit in comfortable silence and hold your hand when he can tell things are getting rough
Will journal with you so that you feel connected with him but not pressured to talk
Suggests speaking to him through writing when you physically can't talk
Is very patient when you do
Would drop everything the second you needed him
Basically, he doesn't care whether you need silence or a thousand words as long as you're safe and comfortable
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Notices the red flags due to his past experience
Very gently coaxes what's wrong out of you
Opens up back so you know you aren't alone in your mental health
Makes you a list of reasons to live and gives it to you for the next time your low comes
Would have an alarm for when you need to take your medication
Would drive you to and from any psychiatrist and therapists appointment
Doesn't mind when he needs to remind you to eat, sleep, or so basic things when you're going manic
Lets you know when he's worried about you without talking down to or babying you
Would help you schedule a doctor's appointment when your crash or mania is worse than usual or goes on for too long
Would be on the lookout for side effects from any new medications or treatments so he can let you know to bring them up at your appointment
All in all, your most caring and loving supporter
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Can tell when you're upset about having it and will try to make jokes to cheer you up
If it doesn't work he'll sit with you in silence and hold you
Would never, ever, ever let anyone talk bad about the mental illness, even if you aren't there
Would sometimes give you too tough love (telling you that you're crashing or having an episode when you're in denial)
When he can tell that it hurt your feelings and just made you defensive he would stop and give you a minute to cool down
After that he would calmly explain why he believes that and would help with whatever you needed if he was right or if something else was going on
Could sometimes be too much when getting you out of the house and doing stuff that's good for you when you're crashing but would realize before it does any harm
Would apologize about it and spend the day laying with and comforting you
To sum it up, his love and concern can be pushy but he will always be there for whatever you need
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Would have a little bit of trouble understanding at first
When you had an episode for the first time he made an internal comparison to him lashing out when angry to help with that
Would be good at knowing when you can be calmed down, when you need to be with someone, and when you need to be alone
Would be your first and most intense defender if someone starts stereotyping, being rude, or assuming things about you because of it
Sometimes he would have to catch himself when he's about to lose patience when you're having mania but gets better at it
Knows when it's better for both of you and still safe for you to separate for a little bit (around an hour or two) before helping you work through whatever it was
Would be extremely proud of you when it's very under control and would let you know but also assure you he's aware it's a cycle
Overall, the longer he's with you the better he gets at supporting you
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Would sometimes struggle with not taking what you say during episodes to heart but would still understand that you didn't mean and were working on it
Would stay awake and try to soothe you to sleep when your mania causes you to stay up
If you're up for really late he would drive you around and either let you have silence until you fall asleep or talk with you to keep your mind off of it
Would be good at remembering triggers to episodes and help you avoid them
Better at helping you with crashes than mania but isn't in any way bad at either of them
Sometimes would pull away from everyone when he could tell you just needed someone to help you
Sometimes would take your mind off of it and others he would let you talk about it or would hold you when you cried
Generally, very patient and loving while giving you any reassurance you need
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Has a basic understanding at first
Researches things about it and keeps what she finds in a journal
Learns and memorizes all the terms and symptoms
Keeps track of patterns she sees with mania and crashes
Has comfort food, movies, and things you'll need near her when she can tell you're going to have an episode
Will watch whatever you want with you while cuddling you until you fall asleep
Gets worried when it happens but doesn't let that blind how you're actually doing
Will eat with with you to make sure you actually are
Tells you she loves you as much as she can so you know you'll never be alone through it
To cut it short, she'll learn everything she can so that she can be everything you need
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Listens to what you tell her about it and remembers every last bit of information
Would ask how it went after every psychiatrist/therapists appointment but not pry for details
Knows that even though you need a little extra help from medication or people, you're capable of looking out for yourself
Will bring you your favorite fast food every time she finds out you're not eating because of it
Sits at the table and stares at you while eating her own meal until you finish
Gets you some kind of dessert if you want it when you eat what you can
Will lay on top of you so you can't get up and walk around at night when you aren't sleeping
Sometimes tricks you into thinking her telling you to look out for yourself was actually your idea so you listen
To sum it up, she'll let you be a person while also doing what she has to to make sure you're treating yourself right
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Realizes something's wrong during a crash because it reminds her of when Newt was depressed
Tells you she's worried and gets you to open up
Feels a little bad when you do since she didn't expect that answer
When she gets over it she asks if you want to tell her more about it
Listens to every single word
Tells you she loves you and how important you are what when you're finished
Generally better at helping with mania since depression brings back some memories
Will stay up late and read to you when you're manic until you go to sleep
Tells you when you're making a rash decision and suggests you sit down with her and really think it though
Will start adding a "make sure to take your medicine," into her goodmorning/goodnight texts
Notices every change in your behavior and will reassure you she'll be there if you have an episode
Essentially, she makes sure you're being logical when manic and safe when crashing
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Asks what she can do to support you when you actually tell her
Makes sure to always know your answer
Would pick up your medicine for you when she sees you're running low
Reminds you when you have to make another psychiatrist or therapist appointment
Has the appointments on her own schedule so she can be ready to drive you to or from there if it ends up being a rough session
Takes you to a quiet place outside if it was to get your mind off of it
Will drive you to her place after that so you still aren't alone
Talks about things that aren't actually important but make you happy until you fall asleep in her arms
Will ask if you want to talk about it in the morning after making breakfast
Respects whatever answer you give her
Overall, she'll make sure you speak for yourself while supporting you when you can't find your voice
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opossumanon · 3 months ago
I'm gonna be so real with you guys I'm a little confused about low/medium/high support needs and the idea of visibly autistic.
It's funny because the reason I'm having trouble understanding is that the definitions don't feel 100% ironed out for me which is peak autism lmao.
For being visibly autistic, the definition I'm hearing is "Support needs are obvious, people immediately know you're autistic", which feels odd because I'm not sure how a clueless neurotypical would be able to clue in on someone with medium/high support needs being autistic, as in actively thinking "Oh they're autistic". Like how people think I'm weird and dumb as fuck, but they aren't consciously thinking "He's autistic" they just call me a retard. Is my understanding of the meaning of visibly autistic inaccurate, is there something I'm missing, or am I just looking too much into it?
And for the idea of low/medium/high support needs, I've always been a little confused as to the hard lines that make these three categories different from one another. I know that high support needs means needing full government assistance, a caretaker, help with lots and lots of things including tasks that need to be done for survival (Eating, bathing, etc.). I know that low support needs means that you can do those tasks by yourself, and that the government won't look at you and see you as someone who needs help. The thing I'm wondering is that for me personally, I mostly fit low support needs, but my energy levels are so low after doing some simple tasks that I struggle to do coursework so hard roughly 50-60% of the time and I'm really doubting my ability to find a job and actually be able to keep it. I'm technically functional, but I can't do too many things before I burn out and become pretty useless. I'm basically a one-trick pony most of the time. Does that still meet the definition of low support needs? Does support needs have anything to do with employment and energy levels/burnout? Are my definitions incorrect?
I'm asking because I am genuinely confused about this and I want to have a better understanding for both myself and others. People all over the autism spectrum please answer or point me in the direction of some clear answers if you can and you want to, especially medium/high support needs folks because you guys would know more about medium/high support needs than the rest of us.
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neshamama · 3 months ago
trauma dump cuz i never knew how hard this topic was to work on and idk maybe i need to release this maybe i need the love idk..
i am talking about csa for the first time over the past month never told the story except once in counseling in college i kind of mentioned it. now i will ramble on idk why don't be mean or weird please. let me speak how life is?
17 years ago while walking to class. i was lost in my own thoughts and not paying attention so i blink and two teenage boys come running at me and slammed me to the ground. one of them climbed on me and violated me while the second boy pressed his hands over my mouth and nose, not allowing any oxygen. as i suffocated and tried to pry his hands off, he laughed at me. at some point in the struggle i realized, this is what dying feels like, i am dying, and this is my last moment and i have no time to do anything but accept it.
ok i was smothered but obv not to death. next thing i saw was them running again away from me. i had no idea what to do so i picked up the backpack that broke my fall then i went to class told NO ONE...for a time. i had never been touched like that. figured that was sex then. fucked that up for me too.
at 29 i talk about it to my therapist and somehow after all these years i have vivid flashbacks that disturb me throughout the day everyday. i leave the present and go to freakish places. i believe it's happening my body teems with the trauma response. like i need protection; i wrap my arms around my chest. i worry again i will die. new pcp gave me prazosin for nightmares which helps.
but what hurts the most talking about this to me is the mess of beliefs i took from it. is it normal to feel you will never be good? to face low self-esteem all the time and feel disgusting physically and socially and struggle with relationships and sex and agoraphobia and wanna give up i have tried really hard i want people to know THAT much and i am trying now on this like event from my childhood that i never healed. but now i guess my heart says it is time which i am glad to release the burden a little.
i feel even more for other survivors of csa and survivors of assault at any age and i love you..i know you can never hear it enough so i mean that i hope we can love ourselves too
edit thank you for the support i think sharing some of our stories can help all of us. my flashbacks immediately faded when i read the story in therapy.
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agentdilf · 6 months ago
i hope this request isnt too much to ask for but could maybe write some of the mercs (doesn't matter which one, do wtv you like honey<3) with a s/o who has a relative who's very sick, and they comfort reader who's suffering because of that?
im struggling with the exact same thing so i really wanted to have some comfort fics to help me go through this tough time </3
it's totally okay if you don't want to! feel free to ignore
have an amazing week sunshine 🙏🏼🩷
ofc ♡ im so sorry you're going through this, i hope you're doing ok, thank you for the ask ! I think Engineer, Heavy, Pyro or Sniper would be the best comforters for this situation, so I hope this is good ;; sorry this took so long am a little burnt out!!
GN reader, can be seen as platonic, I think. Engineer is obviously like, Texan dad vibes. He's totally gonna rub your back and support you through your lows, sweet old man 😢 I also think he'd just give good ways to cope. Help you get out of bed and take care of yourself if the information is effecting you that much. Also, I think he'd help you with transport to go see said family member (if you're able to). Overall, just a really good support system. Next up, Heavy. Ah yes, the family man. He's the sweetest thing, really. I think he'd be similar to Engie, very supportive, cooks for you if you can't find the motivation. Very sensitive when it comes to family matters, and would just overall be really, really sweet. One of the bests, in my opinion, for comfort. Would also threaten someone to drive you there. Our second last merc, Pyro. I think, at first, he'd have a little trouble understanding at first. He gets it after a bit, I think he has processing issues. But definitely understands you're upset. Literally makes you a nest if you'll let him. He also couldn't help in means of transport, but he'd try. He is so sweet :[ Finally, Sniper. Yeah, he's a social recluse, but he was also really close with his adoptive family. So, to a certain extent, he understands. He's supportive, in his own awkward sorta way. Makes you food with the stuff he hunts, visits you when he isn't working, offers to let you stay in his camper (don't, it's stanky), and totally drives you there to see said family member. (again, if you're able to.)
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yumantimatter · 10 months ago
Death-Neutral Antideathism
[epistemic status: a statement of personal philosophy. questions and responses welcome, but please argue the tractability of ending death with people who are more invested in it as a goal than I am]
I'm pretty normie for an anti-death transhumanist. I haven't signed up for cryonics and don't plan to unless it gets way cheaper and better, I donate neartermist, I have pierced ears and zero other body mods, etc etc.
I still consider myself a part of the movement, because it's straightforward and obvious to me that if people don't want to die they shouldn't have to, and if they want to change their bodies and minds they should get to.
Personally I'm fine with dying someday. I think I am going to grow up into an old person who has had plenty of experiences and is comfortable with not having many more of them. If I found out today that I had a terminal illness, I would rather spend my time and money on fulfilling my bucket list and leaving my loved ones good memories (and donate the rest) than in the hospital desperately trying out low-probability treatments. (See my opinion on cryo)
(Then again, I certainly wouldn't turn down a miracle cure! Or a known, tested treatment with a decent chance of getting me through! Or something that was unlikely to work but low financial and opportunity cost to try! This is also the same as my opinion on cryo)
I don't view death as bad inherently. It's just a change of state, if one that's uniquely impactful in its irreversibility and all-encompassing scope. I don't agree that people dying is always a great screaming moral emergency, that death is a yawning horror for anyone who looks at it clearly, or that we are all fooling ourselves. For me, the way modern culture treats death is actually a pretty good match to how I feel about dying.
But, um, *gestures at anti-deathists more broadly* *gestures at all the people who do try any possible treatment for their terminal illness* *gestures at the instinctive struggle for self preservation when it would be so much less effort to stop* It sure seems like there's a lot of not wanting to die going around! And it sure seems like a horrible idea to just ignore that!
People who make peace with their eventual death even though they'd prefer to live longer are fine, and not making a mistake. People who make a thought-out choice to die or to risk their lives for other goals are fine, and not making a mistake. And people who desperately want to live, who cling on to cryo and fund anti-aging and search for any possible means of continuing on, are also fine and not making a mistake.
I think death is bad for the many many many people who want to continue living, or decide to live, or endorse being alive, and who die anyway. A natural death after a long fulfilling life isn't an exception to that. This is the part where I do wholeheartedly agree with the standard anti-death talking points, and want them to become more mainstream. That competing perspective which validates the desire to not die, and which spurs people into looking for ways to do something about it, is vitally important for the sake of people who don't work like me.
Maybe this is just a long winded way of saying I'm a preference utilitarian (ish) who takes weird and hard-to-fulfill preferences seriously? If so, I'm happy to take up that flag. Weird-preference-fulfillmentism all the way!
(I haven't even brought up the transhumanism, which I support on the same lines - I don't think my position there is particularly unusual in these parts though, seeing as this is the transgender website.)
For now, I am in coalition with the anti-deathists. And I will keep being in coalition with them, until and unless the world shifts far enough to count my viewpoint as neutral.
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marshmallowprotection · 1 month ago
Girl i just wanna lyk that i really really really love the way you write yoosung. I especially love the fact that you do not write him as a dumb guy like some writers do and it means a lot to me as someone who relates to him and struggles with low self esteem when it comes to my intelligence
Yes yoosung might not be the smartest of the bunch and he is impulsive- but he isnt stupid. Academically he is really good especially given how strict the kr education system is. And even outside academics he has been quite quick to figure out things and take action accordingly. Without him Saeyoung wouldve been dead in two instances. Besides he was also quick to place aside his feelings towards rika after her expose ESPECIALLY given how much rika has meant to him all his life. He still stepped up and called the authorities to arrest her and protect everyone from being drugged. Yoosung was also quick to suspect Jihyun regarding the information related to rika's death. Sure you might say that he did not "handle the matter well" but it will never change the truth. Jihyun infact was hiding a whole can of worms. And him hiding information related to mint eye has led to rfa members becoming more vulnerable to the cult.Yoosung is #2 in LOLOL. Just below seven. And Im p sure LOLOL is based on League of Legends which is a strategy based game. And obviously you need some amount of critical thinking skills to play a game like that. Alot of writers tend to make him bad at gaming and i dont like it. So yeah yoosung is far from being stupid and i am glad some writers take their time to emphasize on that. Love you
A lot of the characters in MM end up flanderized by the fandom, unfortunately. In the case of Yoosung, I want to say that it's okay whenever someone writes him as being young or naive, because there's nothing wrong with being young or naive as you're coming into your own. Everyone starts somewhere, and you don't start out knowing everything and anything there is to know about the world!
Compared to the rest of the cast, Yoosung really hasn't had as many life experiences to grow from just yet, and that's okay.
Being young isn't a bad thing. He has all the time in the world to grow and continue to make strides toward understanding everything he wants to know about the world and more. Yoosung isn't a baby, he's always been a stellar student and goes out of his way to join clubs as soon as he discovers he's interested in something he's never done. It occurs to him that if he wants to know something, he has to seek out the people who already know how to do it.
He's comfortable enough to say, "I don't know what I'm doing and I would love to learn how to do this right." In fact, watching him learn how to bake over the years felt like such a wonderful nod to him as a person. When he decided to take on a culinary path after the events in the RAE, I cheered because it felt impactful to his interests. That was so much more respectful to him than what the VAE tried to do, but we all know how I feel about the many faults of the VAE.
There are parts of the VAE I did actually enjoy, and Yoosung taking charge to do the right thing despite knowing just how desperately he didn't want what Rika was doing to be true was one of them.
Post-RAE, he took a step back and realized he pushed himself into veterinary medicine because of his long-standing grief and utter determination to make sure nobody had to grieve as Rika did, and while he adores animals and never wants to see them suffer as Sally did at the end of her life, him pursuing a path of culinary enjoyment after seeing him adore making food from the start of this series felt like him deciding to do something for himself as opposed to doing for others.
He can still make a difference in both peoples and animals lives by being a culinary master! Yoosung deserves to do whatever he wants because it makes him happy. I'd support him no matter what path he wanted to take, be it veterinary medicine, psychology, or culinary school. But, it's nice to see him be able to reflect on what matters to him most at the end of the day and choose what he wants to do on his own terms. He should be able to live the life he wants to lead no matter what path it is.
But, in regards to people writing him as "dumb"?
He didn't have to grow up quickly to survive something difficult, and that's why he may feel different compared to the others in terms of his "maturity". Zen and Saeyoung are hardly older than he is, but they have been forced to learn how to adapt as fast as possible compared to Yoosung because life... was not kind to them. Just because they've had more time to learn how the world works doesn't mean that our boy Yoosung is "dumb", it means that he's got a lot more to sit down and learn about the world. That's all.
And frankly, you don't magically stop needing to learn one day as an adult. If you want to make sure you continue to be the kind of adult who always listens to those younger than you when they tell you the world needs to change for the better, you need to keep learning. You need to actively focus on listening to other people when you're out of your league. You will never know everything, not by a long shot, and to say you do would be factually wrong.
I was a year younger than Yoosung when the game came out, and having grown with this game, I can tell you I've grown up so much since that time, and I hope to continue to grow with time. I know this world can only be a better place if I—and everyone else in it— choose to grow with it rather than become quiet and complacent.
The problem with the way Yoosung is written when it comes to this issue is that sometimes people make him clueless for the sake of being clueless as opposed to being gullible or naive. Because we can't deny that Yoosung is a gullible guy. He looked up when he heard it was written on the ceiling, but the main reason why he looked for it on the ceiling came down to trust. He trusts his friends even if they treat him like a baby, and their opinions matter to him. If you tell him something, he wants to believe you!
He doesn't want to believe someone would outright lie to him, even as a playful joke, and people can fall him a fool for that if they want, but I think it says a lot about Yoosung as a person that he's willing to trust with all he's got to give unless presented with something that's undeniably wrong, such as Jihyun lying to everyone about what was really happening behind the scenes.
Honestly, I haven't seen too many people mischaracterize Yoosung in my side of the fandom in a while, but I think that's because I've gone out of my way to make sure that I'm only seeing posts about all of the characters that don't irritate or squick me out, LOL.
I think some folks have a hard time balancing his gullibility with his maturity, especially when it comes to fans who are as young as he is. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt when I see something that doesn't mesh with my understanding of him. I tend to assume they're young like he is and haven't really realized that Yoosung's kind of an outlier in his friendship in terms of life experience.
He's book smart, and he's a good judge of character, but this boy is not street smart like Zen or Saeyoung! And, you know what? That's okay! Why would he be? He's never had to worry about a roof over his head. He's never had to be afraid he wouldn't survive to the next day. He's always had his parents there to support him, and he's done his best thanks to the support of his family and friends. He's had a very normal upbringing, and there's nothing wrong with that. He may not be as "interesting" to some folks, but Yoosung is a good boy, and he isn't "dumb" or "lame" for having a "typical" experience.
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iniziare · 17 days ago
🔥 let the salt fly
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We're gonna start big, because I don't censor myself when I reblog this meme. Sorry, ladies— but female characters aren't struggling because of some internalized and deep-rooted sense of misogyny (except maybe I harbor some of that by now because my god, do the 'support women' posts and 'it's so difficult, guys' defenses getting really tiring), they're struggling because of your own sense of entitlement. Fine, okay, do people flock to male characters a little faster? Certainly, but that's not because people hate women (again, maybe me in 2025...), but maybe it's because most of us seem to be or identify as women, and so we may enjoy writing and writing with something and someone vastly detached from ourselves. I know I definitely do.
Outside of that, you don't have to hire yourself a bulldozer to break through the big walls of oppression and misogyny, you're able to get interaction just fine. You know how? Just put your bloody mind to it. Getting interaction doesn't come from following a large amount of people, posting a starter call, and expecting them to mass-like it on day one, people aren't going to automatically flock to you like that. Newsflash: that happens only to the most select few blogs by some stroke of sheer luck. Finding interaction means engaging with your own muse first and foremost, and also with other people's. If I go on your new blog for this new female character whether she's canon or an OC, and I find only some fancy graphics, a page of information, a starter call, and nothing else, I'm not very tempted to follow you, or to engage with the blog. Does that sound cruel to your potentially sensitive, and oppressed ears? Listen, setting up a blog takes some effort, certainly, but that on its own doesn't do enough— because guess what, it's even easier to abandon a blog. I want to see you engage with your own muse, I want to see that you are interested in the muse that you write, because if I see none of that, then why would you be interested in interacting with mine, from said muse? I consider that chance to be quite low, and the chance to see you disappear within a week incredibly high. People who actively talk about their muses, the people who actively engage left, right, and center, those will find interaction time, and time again. And wallowing on your blog, or people's notes, about how 'others don't understand how much harder it is', give me a break.
If you're struggling? I would dare to bet that you're not putting in the effort, and instead you're claiming victim mentality, and hoping that the world comes to lay itself down at your feet in pity. That, or you're playing into one of two popular 'stereotypes' (for lack of a better word): with which I mean that your blog has plenty of 'ship with me' undertones (don't worry, male muse blogs have that plenty as well), or it's obvious that you're seeking that— or, you're playing into the all-powerful 'step on you' female character trope that we all love to hate in !@#$%^ abundance. But I'll reserve a salt post for that one. On the shipping topic though? Let me give you guys an example: when I first made Guizhong's single muse blog, I made it because I loved her character first and foremost, and did I come to enjoy the ship of Guizhong/Zhongli as I spent time researching? Yes. But guess what I wasn't here for, that ship. It came second, it has always come second— but the amount of Guizhong blogs that I came across that were obviously looking around for a Zhongli were insane. But in the same way, I also see Zhongli blogs made just to seek out and write the popular ship with Childe, I also see Wriothesley blogs who seem to be around only to find their Neuvillette to ship with, and nothing else (my god, don't get me started on how much you can do with either of those characters outside of these ships— AAAAA, god, I swear, I am not your strongest soldier).
But do you now see why I harp, and harp, and harp, on people needing to actually show investment and engagement with their own muses? It is the best, and quite frankly, the only way to dodge the allegations. And before you go 'but those are unfair, Sae', guess what, muffin pie fruitcake, stereotypes exist for a reason, and reputations exist for a reason— we didn't just go and make all of that up just because we hate women, don't worry. Just, take it from a woman who has written plenty of women, and still is, you can do it. You just need to tear up your little victim and entitlement cards, and put in the work. Oh, and maybe wait to try and ship with popular male characters until... you know.
Prompt: 🔥for an unpopular opinion. // @intcritus // Selectively accepting
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stal3bread · 1 year ago
My experiences with autistic burnout as an LSN autistic person
For context, I was diagnosed with ASD nearly a year ago and I wasn't given a level as I was diagnosed according to the ICD-11. I don't use the term 'level 1' because it is a diagnostic term I was not assigned, so I use the term low support needs (LSN) for myself.
In school, I was very burnt out. The constant onslaught of sensory input for 10 hours a day (8 hours at school plus 2 hours of commute), constantly having to deal with uncertainty, having to mask at full capacity constantly, and dealing with my peers making me feel extremely unwelcome took a very heavy toll on me. Especially since I was undiagnosed until I was 17, I received no support for my autistic needs which led to me having severe mental health difficulties in my formative years.
I didn't realise that I was in burnout for years, including in the school year that I got diagnosed with ASD, because I was so used to it. I used to go home and be completely unable to do anything at all, I would just be able to sit under my weighted blanket listening to brown noise on my headphones, which made it a lot harder to stay on top of homework and studying. I was honestly just going through the motions of life without actually being present. It was exhausting, and I didn't feel like I was really a person.
The way my burnout ended was through me graduating high school, and having months of very few responsibilities before I moved out and started university. Additionally, my required hours on campus at university are much lower currently than they were in high school, my commute to campus is much shorter now, and the people are much nicer to me. This has (so far, a month into uni) prevented me from going into burnout.
My burnout was so bad and so prolonged that for a while I began to question if I could be on the lower end of MSN because I was struggling so much. It turns out I am definitely LSN (I currently live alone and don't need much outside support to do so), I was just not having those support needs met. LSN does not mean no support needs, it means low support needs compared to other autistic people, many of whom have very high support needs.
Hopefully sharing my experiences with burnout will make someone else feel less alone or help someone make sense of their experiences.
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lullabyalikpoptarot · 2 months ago
IVE's Group Dynamics
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Finally, time to get to this requested reading and look into the dynamics of this group.
Overall energy (The Moon) So, is this group on a break or something? There seems to be a lot of low energy with this group. Things being hidden or them being hidden away. A lot that is not really shown on the surface. There could be a lot of emotions happening, maybe exhaustion, just overall feeling a bit down as a group. Overall, what I am getting with this card is things not being as it seems.
Yujin (The Sun) She seems to be the jovial one of the group. She may be the one that is energizing the group right now. I can see her being more in the spotlight. She seems to be the energizer bunny and maybe the more upbeat and extroverted one of the group. She gives off the one that shines, which I figured this energy would be Wonyoung, but it seems right now she is shining brightest, but this could mean within the group dynamics she brings life to the group.
Gaeul (The Magician) It seems she is the one with many talents. She could be the most skilled one and the one that can do many things and maybe is willing to try new things. She seems the most confident in what she can do and get done. She may be the first one that communicates an idea of what to do or what they can do as a group. She might be the one that sees the potential talent and gfts the group has to offer.
Rei (5 of Pentacles) It seems she struggles the most, has the least amount of support, maybe does not have as much money or opportunities as the other girls. She can feel neglected and left out. I doubt she asked for help or support either. She seems quite lost here. She may feel like an outsider from time to time. Or feel like she isn't good enough.
Wonyoung (Balance) I feel like she could be the mediator. The one who likes the group to remain balanced, although it may seem she gets all the attention. That could more on the company doing that, because she seems to want to work well with others, doing her best to compromise and blend all their ideas together. She may like to hear all their ideas, and they all figure out ways to work through things. She seems to want to keep the peace and harmony in this group dynamic. So, I see her wanting all members to have their input and be involved in group things. I see her wanting to bring the girls together and work through things together.
Liz (8 of Pentacles) She also got the High Priestess; she seems to just do her own thing. She kind of focuses on herself and her craft. She is a hard worker and does her due diligence to get everything down perfect, she seems highly focused on the details and getting things done right. She can be a bit serious about things. I see her being all about work and maybe very little play, although I don't really see much playful and passionate energy from most of them, so yeah. She is the type that would want to keep trying something over and over again. She may also think things aren't good enough a lot.
Lesseo (8 of Swords) She may feel trapped and not really have the ability to speak on things. She may have to stay silent about things, so she doesn't seem that comfortable speaking up. She seems scared to take action and get things done. She may lack a bit of self-confidence in herself, so I don't really see her sharing her thoughts or taking action on things too much. She kind of just goes a long with the others. I don't see her voicing her opinion too much. There may also be a lack of freedom she may feel. It is like she can't really be herself in this dynamic.
So, not much drama, but not much of a connection, no cups or wands, so not many emotions or energy as a collective either. This can always shift, but this is the energy at the moment. Overall, it wasn't too bad.
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pink-slay · 1 month ago
I cannot begin to describe you each small horror of being severely disabled, except I can, and I am.
Many low supports need people dislike distinctions between HSN/severe disability and LSN and ambulatory disability, but there are some days, weeks, moments where the distinction is just so important.
Don't get me wrong, my support needs being identified how they are allows me to receive home healthcare and other things I could not otherwise access without diagnosis and labels and severity. However, that isn't what I'm talking about here. I'm talking about community and loneliness-- isolation and dehumanization and loss.
Cleaning is particularly challenging even though I'm just talking to the person so it goes somewhat how I want it, but the anger that brews inside me has a lot to do with the fact that being severely disabled puts me at the whims of others in every minuscule thing in my life, and it is a struggle non-severely disabled people or those without caregivers simply do not have.
Yes, people with LSN disabilities have to deal with being somewhat at the whims of others (and there are others who have to deal with it more so than me), but I can't even take things out of my caregiver's hands and do them for myself. It isn't just painful; I literally cannot.
I loved the way I did things before my physical disability progressed (and I know to have a before at all is a privilege). It was extraordinarily difficult, but I still had so much more control. I have OCD (genuinely not like trendy) and (lower support needs) autism and I have a very specific process of systematically cleaning and organizing my room too.
However, caregivers care about efficiency (even sometimes friends or family members). They often don't give a fuck about where stuff is or if it's accessible to you after the fact. They just need it out of their way. They just want your space to look less ugly.
I just keep thinking about this and how it is so so so unfair. So many people have posted similar things, but today it is just getting to me. So much has happened when trying to receive care that entirely devalues any preference I have (and often my needs).
I've been told to be polite and kind which did not allow for involuntary wincing to significant changes to my organization system. I was told wincing was rude, and if that was going to continue, my caregiver would stop.
I've been entirely ignored in the process despite willingness and wanting to help explain complex organizational systems I try (and usually fail due to disability and uncaring caregivers) to fulfill.
I've gotten reactions of disgust or pity.
All I try to do is be polite. Sometimes my tone is more flat. Sometimes it looks like I may sob. However, always, I end up feeling emptier afterwards. I try so much in every way in my life, but when I stand up for myself, it's as if I am universally perceived as overbearing.
People say disabled people deserve autonomy, but often they don't like that autonomy in practice.
Months ago I read my mother a post about disabled autonomy and she said how it really opened her eyes, all while she wasn't respecting my choices, wants, and needs.
Disabled people are pitied and hated and ignored, but if you could see all the bright colors I coordinate and all the squishmallows and earrings and storage containers I have, you would know how much every little thing means to me.
Non-disabled people and LSN disabled people make choices every day. Choices we all inevitably have varying opinions on, but those choices should be just that: choices.
If severely disabled people are denied such a right to choose the most basic or joyous things, disabled people may survive, but we don't truly live.
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