#me13in gif
missriyochuchi · 8 years
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I'm constantly apologizing to people [for Downton Abbey].
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me13in · 7 years
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candidfish · 6 years
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近兩個月情緒波動很大。我一秒很積極,下一秒就想從29樓跳下去。 自憐完畢再積極點~~振作! 好像是在6月,我本想報讀一個繪本課程(2W)可是在聽課前講座期間產生了強烈的自我厭惡感,覺得自己沒資格而且完全沒有才能, "能不能別癡心妄想了,噁心死好嗎?" 所以就沒有報了,失落了好一段時間。事後有積極一點的想法就想再打好基礎再戰。然後偶然看到微博上一個插畫課程,就拿著我媽給的3千塊報了。(咳,我32了3千也拿不出來我該去死一死) 現在插畫課結束了,我沒有變成大觸也沒有得到internship(哈) 我沒出現很明顯後遺症,我以為課程完結後的空虛失落會逐漸變成自我懷疑,成為另一個我不能承受的打擊,幸好沒有。課程讓我得到了一些寶貴的經驗和啟發 ,謝謝貴蓮老師和同組的學姐,她們分享的雞湯和實用的意見我會牢記在心中,希望我能利用這些意見和經驗打造自己的人生成為更好的自己。 那個繪本課程我還是再考慮一下, 2萬元真的可以做很多事,請我媽吃6百多次雲吞麵,讀5-6個收費課程。我還是多畫多看多用功吧。如果明年繪本課程再開我的狀態有變好的話就報吧,先去儲個錢(或者去旅行~ 去台北玩吧廢人)。 在喜瑪拉亞聽了Egar Allan Poe的短篇小故事,大愛! 想買那個版本的正版可是一直找不到。這位narrator就是很適合我這容易分心+有嚴重惰性的人。很想知道他還讀過什麼書。 還有在BILIBILI找到美版HP有聲書,narrator 是Jim Dale,希望短期內可以聽完這個。 銀魂和柯南是寶~齊木什麼時候會有S2 的VIU TV配音?(等屎我了) DW11也開播了,希望13姨愈演愈好。 好想去澳洲順便見見皮卡
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rufussewelldaily · 8 years
Where can I watch/download Middlemarch?
Hiya! I would suggest checking at your local library (whether you’re in the US or Europe), but if you can’t find it there you can find stream links here! Make sure you have an adblocker (like ublock origin) so you aren’t bombarded by pop-ups and whatnot.
As always, please consider purchasing it if you enjoy watching!
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me13in answered your question:Does anyone else think Wesley’s a little bit (or a...
Yep..but don’t ship it…it’s heart breaking. Such an ending.
yuuuup just got there :(
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niobiumao3 · 10 years
they do have POC character in maleficent, but all minor characters like general or soldiers :(( (do you remember the one POC general whom slap by the king?)
Yes! I was thinking of him—man I wish he’d had a bigger roll—and then there’s I think one townswoman and her daughter who are as well. Aaaaand that’s it. None of the faeries, no one else. Meh. x.x
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me13in · 7 years
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theroguefeminist · 10 years
me13in replied to your post: my initial reaction was: this is so im...
they are all actress the show is fake
fuck off
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22drunkb · 12 years
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Thanks! Sure, no trouble.
Basically, if you watch Granada Holmes (which you can do here), you see that Jeremy Brett has a very distinct style of movement as Sherlock Holmes. He talks with his hands a great deal, but not the way Cumberbatch does (which is almost like he's conducting an invisible orcheestra);  it's more like his thinking is happening in his fingers. Lots of finger wiggling or twiddling or...not sure what to call it, really. He also has a...rough relationship with objects, meaning that he throws things around a lot. Every single time he enters a room, there's, like, a small cyclone of coat, scarf, hat, cane flying off in seconds. He also, when he's feeling emotional or, occasionally, very pleased with himself, tends to do a lot of rapid-fire twitching with his mouth. (If you've been watching Elementary, that should sound pretty familiar!)
Like Cumberbatch, he's extremely physically dynamic, but not in the same exuberant, almost childlike way (jumping up and down, leaping over things). The overall defining stylistic characteristic is a sense of fluidity. Everything he does that I've listed above (with the exception of the mouth twitching) is graceful, curvaceous, deeply elegant. He drapes himself over furniture in an exceptionally languid fashion. His facial expressions other than the mouth thing have this same fluid quality.
JLM does a lot of the same things--throws things around, talks through his fingers, many a facial tic--but the defining style is a kind of jerky, angular motion. My dad used the word "staccato." For example, contrast this:
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With this:
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And again:
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(couldn't find a source)
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We independently wondered whether JLM had studied Brett (since Granada Holmes is often considered the defining television adaptation, it certainly seems possible) and deliberately gone the opposite direction. We both felt that the almost jagged quality of his motion fits a great deal with his current state of pain and vulnerability (as well as his grittier past: Brett's Holmes is a consummate high-class gentleman, despite his bohemian oddities).
THIS IS WHAT WE DO WHEN WE SKYPE, WE COMPARE HOLMESES and also discuss seven-humped camels on this particular occasion
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possibilityofmagic · 12 years
your new gifset about elementary are just beautiful :D
thanks! their faces are just RIDICULOUS. :’)
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queeshmaella · 12 years
me13in answered your question: dont you guys think  that this kind of men  is...
they all kinda look like benedict cumberbatch 0_0
OMFG YES URE RIGHT how come i just realized this wasdljahs
except his nose isnt that big XD
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missriyochuchi · 8 years
Love your Dan Stevens gifs :D Thanks for making them. I don't know if you take any request, if you do, may I request for a funny bit of this interview? youtu(.)be/NkTS_z_u-O8 (about 13:34-14:06) Dan talked about apologizing for Matthew's death to random downton abbey fans he met and the different between British fans and American fans. If you don't take any request that's fine thank you for reading my ask :)
Thank you, glad you enjoy them! I’ll try to get to your request tonight, if not tomorrow.
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me13in · 7 years
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tomokonozama-blog · 12 years
thanks to all my new followers! <3
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tinafey · 12 years
Happy birthday, thank you for making Tina Fey gifs and everyhing :D
Thank you, and I am glad you appreciate it!! :D
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