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nakedbibi333 · 2 days ago
The Art of Returning: Coming Back to the Law
Well, it sure has been a while! The thing about me and this blog is that it's more of an archive for you guys (and myself as well) and I just log in when I feel like there is something new or relevant I want to share.
Anyway! Today I felt the urge to make a post about the idea of "falling off." I mostly want to address these kinds of questions/predicaments: "What do I do when I stop practicing the law?" and "What do I do when I stop believing in the law?"
It's happened more times than I'd care to admit in these past two years since I stopped posting regularly. I find that I'll have a lot of success and then I get comfortable there and stop being responsible with my routine. Then, by losing my routine, I slowly allow my senses and the outer world to dictate my state, and then you know how that goes...
Either way, it doesn't exactly matter how it happens, it only matters that we can get back on it and return to the place where we were before.
It's crazy how much reacting to (and living primarily in) the physical world affects your mental state. In my experience, it gets more and more negative if you're not aware of it, and soon enough, you become a pessimist, and you're constantly manifesting unlucky and negative aspects into your life. The great thing about this, though, is that you can change it. You are never stuck in a state. Whether the state is negative or positive, it is not immovable or unchangeable. Whatever you are experiencing, hearing, or seeing in your physical world is just a reflection of your state. So, since you have lost your belief in the law, you'll start to see more people criticizing and belittling people who do believe in the law. Maybe you will see more "failure" stories, and you may see more negativity in general surrounding the law. This does not mean that those things are true. They are simply what your self is reflecting onto your outer reality based on your self-concept. It may feel difficult to leave this state, but it's as simple as deciding you believe in the law again. You can just as easily return to that state of faith, trust, and power you had occupied before you stopped practicing. And I know this because I have done it myself. You will always have another excuse, another reason, and another fear that will keep you in this limited state. Just let go and return to that feeling.
For some people, I'm sure it's just as easy as intending to return to your desired state. That isn't my own personal experience, though. It can take some convincing. I approach this by re-learning everything I knew before. I need to first place myself in a calm mindful state (which is easier than immediately placing myself in a state of full, confident belief in the law) and start to consume my favorite content. I read Neville Goddard's Lectures and books, listen to Edward Art's YouTube channel, and read his main series, and then I begin to test the law. This is the best way to build belief in the law. Just test it with things that don't matter. Most people like to manifest seeing a specific color insect, getting free food, or finding a dollar on the street, but I approach testing differently before I do that. Instead of saying that I want to see a green car and then waiting to see it in my life, I just start to notice my surroundings. I'll begin to see that the thing I dreamed about the night before ended up happening, that something I was thinking about was brought up in conversation without my initiation, or that something I wanted to do is now planned by someone in my life. These things, which are not deliberately manifested by me, increase my belief in the law because I recognized that I did not even have to try to make things happen for my imagination to show me the truth in the law of assumption. Only then will I start deliberately manifesting because I feel much more confident that it will happen.
With this process, I have been able to go from a negative, unlucky, unfaithful person, to a fulfilled, lucky, and positive person within days (or sometimes hours depending on my own willingness to change). Just know that even the best of us struggle to stay on top of this way of life all the time. Remember there is very little effort in this process. It's really a letting go of your old self and allowing yourself to be open and receptive to the law again.
Hope you guys are doing well! See you again soon ♡
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lokisprettygirl · 2 days ago
Come As You Are (Eric Draven! Bill Skarsgard's Version x Female Reader) (18+) (Slight Au)
Read Chapter 14 here //Series Masterlist
Chapter 15 (Last)
Summary : Love so strong that even death couldn't keep you away from him.
Warning: 18+, smut, dirty sexual thoughts,, Description of self harm, dry humping, drug use, Eric is a past drug addict with suicidal tendencies, self harm, use of cuss words, description of claustrophobia, reader is in her early thirties, mention of sexual assault, death and murder, Consumption of alcohol and weed, periods
Note: Finishing a series? Who is she? I'm going to miss writing this series' and this Eric 😭 but I'm so happy to be able to finish this. Also wanted to thank each one of you who appreciated this series and commented, reblogged constantly..that kept me going seriously ❤️ Enjoy. I do have another series in mind with Eric so hopefully I'll be able to write it soon.
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“What is this place?” you asked the man in front of you, he seemed much older than you. You looked around the place, it was a house, but you didn't recognise it. You could see the greenery outside from the window in the living room, a house on the top of the hills but you had never been here you knew that. It was beautiful though, you wished you had Eric here with you, that would have made it absolutely perfect.
“Do you like it?” You heard Eric's voice so you turned around, he was dressed in all white, you had never seen him wearing this colour so that surprised you, he looked so good, as you looked into his green big eyes he seemed so happy, they shined so brightly as if there was no pain or sorrow anywhere in him anymore.
'Don't leave me'
You heard a faint voice calling out to you but then it faded, it sounded like Eric but he was right in front of you. Right?
“Eric baby..i thought I had lost you” you mumbled as you wrapped your arms around his neck and got on your tiptoes to embrace him tightly..
“Lose me? That's impossible baby.”
He mumbled softly but then everything came rushing back. Samuel Roeg, the gunshot, dying. It all came back.
Was this heaven? Were you dead?
In the blink of an eye Eric disappeared so you turned to the man, panicking at his absence.
“Where is he? Where's he gone?” you asked him so he smiled “Who are you?’
“You know me. You must have heard of me. And Eric? Well he doesn't belong here…yet..not like this but you can have him anytime you want. All you have to do is think of him” Kronos said to you.
“What do you mean? Where am I?” you asked as you felt so uneasy suddenly.
“It's different for different people, heaven, jannat, swarg. Eternal bliss”
Heaven? You have never believed in the existence of God before you met Eric, so how come you were in heaven?
“But..Eric..i need him” your eyes teared up as you thought of him being all alone down there.
“You can have him anytime you want” he said to you “just wish for him”
You closed your eyes and when you opened them you were outside now, sitting on the greenest softest patch of grass, watching the sun rise with Eric's head resting in your lap.
“Baby-” you murmured as you cupped his cheeks so he sat up to kiss you.
Don't leave me. You heard the voice again and it bothered you, it sounded so much like Eric, he was hurt, he was crying. He needed you.
“Where did you go? Don't leave again “ you mumbled anxiously so he smiled again.
“I won't, I'm in here” he said as he pressed his palm over your chest “I'll be here whenever you want” he mumbled as he kissed you.
His smile never disappeared though and it felt weird. It felt as if it wasn't even him, Eric in front of you felt unreal, not like the man you had grown to love so deeply in the past year.
You closed your eyes again and when you opened it Kronos had returned. Eric was gone again.
“Isn't this perfect, my child? Eternal bliss? No pain, no misery, no grief here, only happiness” Kronos said to you so you shook your head.
“It's nice ..it's ..i..but my Eric. Where is he? Not the one in my head..my Eric where is he?” he chuckled as you questioned him.
“He lived, he's where he's supposed to be..on earth, like all humans are, his soul..your love helped restore it” your eyes teared up as he said that. You felt your heart skipping a beat realising that he was whole again, that you'd not have to leave him alone when you die, that you could grow old with him-, your smile faded as you realised you were already dead and he was all alone down there.
“But he's alone?” you asked him so he smiled.
“That's his destiny i suppose”
“No I can't..I can't be here..i can't leave him alone down there, the world..it's so cruel to him, it's so unfair to him, always had been since he was a baby and he needs me..he needs me” you said to him, you didn't want to be here, not without him.
“Are you sure about it? Like I said you can have him anytime you want. All you have to do is think of him. Life on earth is filled with pain and uncertainty” he said to you, you thought about Eric but as you opened your eyes you saw that happy, ever smiling Eric, the perfect Eric who seemed as if he had never had anything wrong happen to him. That's not the man you loved. You walked past the image of him and approached Kronos again.
“I don't care..I need to be with him..i need my Eric, I need to be with him” you screamed at Kronos as you stepped closer and closer to him.
“Then go back” Kronos pushed you back, making you trip on your feet and when you opened your eyes next found yourself in a hospital, you saw a few terrified faces hovering over you.
“Oh god..Call Dr. Milton, tell him she's up” one of the nurses said as she placed the stethoscope over your chest.
“Eric..eric” you mumbled softly as you began to sit up so she shushed you.
“Hey, don't speak. Preserve your strength”
As the doctor entered he was so pale as if he had seen a ghost, he was shocked but years of training immediately put him in an autopilot mode, you were instantly hooked to different medical equipments, then they took you in for the surgery to remove the bullet from your thigh, you had lost a lot of blood but your heartbeat and pulse seemed steady now.
“Where is Eric?” that was the last thing you had asked before you lost consciousness again as the anesthesia began to lull you to sleep..
A floor down from where you were being treated, hours had passed and Eric woke up with immense grief heavy in his heart. He wished all of this was a nightmare but it wasn't, it was real. You were gone, he had lost you and he did absolutely nothing to save you. He wanted to blame everyone, Melody, Samuel, Roeg, Kronos even for keeping him in the dark about the truth, and most of all he wanted to blame God but he knew the person responsible for your death was only him.
None of this would have happened if he had kept himself away from you like he was supposed to.
As began to cry and his heartbeat sped, a nurse entered the room and tried to calm him down, he got up and removed several drips he was hooked to, he didn't need the surgery, the bullet had barely grazed his shoulder, that's when a bunch of doctors entered and injected him with a sedative that made him calm, he felt so dizzy.
“Y/n-need to see her.. please..” he mumbled as he cried so the doctor nodded his head.
“You can see her when you wake up..she's okay now”
That's what he heard before the darkness consumed him.
Just a few hours before he had witnessed your lifeless body being taken away while he wailed like a widow and begged for you not to leave him. So what did the doctor mean?
When he woke up again a nurse helped him sit down on the wheelchair and took him to the 11th floor of the hospital. Anticipation was killing him, where was she taking him? He didn't think he was strong enough to see your dead body yet. To know that he'd never have those beautiful eyes of yours looking at him? that he'd never get to touch your warm body and kiss you to his heart's content, that he'd never hear you laughing at his stupid jokes, that he'd never get the chance to give you the life you deserved. That killed him.
He didn't want his soul if he had to be here without you.
But maybe he needed to see you like that, dead and lifeless, he needed to see to accept that you were truly gone. Maybe that will finally stop his own heart from beating as well and he'd be able to be with you finally. He hoped for that. He really hoped for that.
As they entered a room his eyes widened as he saw you on the hospital bed, hooked with different machines, the heart machine beeping soundly, he could see your chest heaving as you breathed in softly.
“How?” That's all he was able to say as the nurse dragged his wheelchair closer to your bed.
“Medical miracle they're calling it, but i believe it's something else” the nurse spoke to him “She was dead for eleven minutes but she's completely fine now, no brain damage, nothing, she's recovering well”
Eric was shocked at the turn of the situation, life never really worked in his favour but he wasn't surprised, he had seen those miracles firsthand. He looked up, silently thanking whosoever was responsible for this. He didn't deserve you being taken away from him like that.
He grabbed your hand, the warmth had returned in your skin, you seemed lovely as ever and all he wanted was for you to wake up and look at him with those beautiful eyes of yours.
As the nurse left to give him privacy he spoke your name softly, his fingers scratched your scalp and you opened your eyes slowly. As soon as you saw him you smiled. This was your Eric, the Eric you loved so deeply, not the empty, happy looking shell of him you had seen up there. Broken, battered, damaged from life yes but he was your Eric, he had lived, he had lost and he was the strongest man you had ever known in your life.
He laid down next to you just to feel you and then he cried and cried for hours, you didn't stop him either, you knew how much it must have hurt him to watch you die like that so you just caressed his head and ran your fingers over his scalp as he sobbed into the crook of your neck.
“Everything will be okay now baby” you mumbled softly as his sobs slowly quietened, you were alive, you were okay and he was going to keep it that way now.
“Don't leave me ..never” he muttered between his cries so you nodded.
“Never..wherever we go..we will go together now”
Your parents visited you in the hospital and once the shock wore off and they realised you were doing fine now they began to criticize your life choices again, well your mother did. Your mother berated you for being involved with a criminal druggie like Eric while your father was secretly happy as you finally had someone in your life.
You just listened to her screeching voice with a smile on your face, you had zoned out, thinking about having Eric's cock inside you the moment you'll get out of here.
As days passed and turned into weeks you both recovered, with Melody and Bill being involved in the matter the case had taken a big turn, a lot of media attention was on the case and Eric was taken in custody as well but he was let go as he only acted in defence, they had no evidence for all the killings he was involved in before. Maybe Kronos had a hand in that too but you didn't care as long as he was with you.
Surprisingly Dina or Cheryl didn't come see you at the hospital, Laura did though and she was kind as ever. And so did Bill. Turns out he wasn't a leaf as per Eric's logic.
When you were discharged from the hospital Eric took you back to the apartment, as you entered you noticed how clean it was, leaving the mess of his clothes on his couch as he slept there in your absence, he couldn't sleep in the bed without you, he had also decorated the bedroom with flowers and candles and what not.
“You sit here..I'm going to run a warm bath for you” he said to you as he cupped your cheeks and leaned down to kiss you.
“Only if you'd join me too” you murmured against his mouth so he smiled.
“Whatever you want”
You sat down between his legs as he washed your hair, his fingers gently cleansing your scalp. Your wound had healed but it had left a big scar on your flesh, but for some reason you didn't hate it as much as you thought you would.
You turned around to face him so he gave you a smile before he kissed you, the kiss was gentle at first but it heated up quickly, it's been weeks and he needed you as desperately as you needed him.
After bathing you clear of the soap he laid you down on the bed. You ran your fingers over the scar on his shoulder and his breath hitched in response.
“You know..sex might not be as good as before now that I'm mortal” He said as he leaned down to kiss you, his hard cock rubbed against your thighs.
“You really think it was your immortality making it so good?” you asked him so he smiled as he planted his lips on yours again.
Moments later the room was filled with the sounds of your love making, his moans and groans mixed with yours as he slowly pumped in and out of your warm cunt.
“God i have missed this-” he whispered amidst his heavy breaths, the feeling of your cunt wrapped around him was heavenly as ever. And to think he lost it all? He had nightmares about that day you had died but as long as you were here when he woke up he didn't care about them anymore.
“Mmm me too baby, thought about it every night-” you mumbled as you pulled him closer to you until you were being suffocated by his body on top of you.
When you died, you went to heaven, and it was beautiful, the house on the hills was beautiful but it wasn't perfect because your Eric wasn't there. This was heaven, right here right now, for you this was heaven because he was here with you, in you, all around you.
For you heaven was a place wherever Eric was with you.
Next morning you were still asleep while he was in the kitchen making breakfast for you two. He knew he needed to find a normal job now that he didn't have to do god's bidding any longer, he had a lot of money in his bank account, courtesy of Kronos, but he knew it was bound to run out sooner or later and he didn't want that. He wanted to take care of you in every possible way.
As he heard the doorbell he walked towards the door and looked through the peephole. He was surprised to see your mother out there so he opened it immediately, he should have put on a shirt but he didn't think of it at the moment.
As she looked at his tatted up body from face to neck down she grimaced internally, however her disgust showed clearly on her face.
“Please come in” he said as she stepped to the side, the couch was messy so he walked up it and began picking up his clothes so she could sit down. “Sorry ..ahh she's still asleep. I'll go wake her up” he mumbled politely as he heard her clearing her throat.
“No need. I needed to speak with you anyways” she said to him so he straightened himself up.
She looked at him properly this time, from head to toe, his tall stature, well built body, and pretty face wasn't something she could miss not noticing, he was a good looking man but he was a trouble she could tell. Good men didn't do drugs and got their girlfriends involved in such life threatening situations.
“Do you love my daughter?” She asked him, making his brows furrowing in response
“I love your daughter very much..more than anything in this world” he answered earnestly.
“And you care about her well being I suppose?” She asked him so he nodded again, a small smile on his face “She died because of you..you know that right?” She said as she walked towards him so he looked down, shame filling him up as he was reminded of his failure.
“I know Mrs-”
“How does it not lay heavily on your conscience? Knowing that she died because of you? Because of your mess? And god knows who else is out for your blood..if you actually cared and loved her as much as you claim to..do you think you'd still be here in her life? Living in her apartment so shamelessly?” His eyes teared up as she spoke, her words were harsh but she wasn't wrong. You died because of his enemy, you were used as a pawn and men like Roeg and his brother weren't the only ones out for his blood.
“She's a strong woman, many people have come and gone and she just moves on like this-” she said as she clicked her fingers “You won't be missed for long, not by her, not by anyone” she snickered before she continued “People in my family, this is all they talk about, gossip about her relationship with a man like you and it's appalling, it's an embarrassment for her to be associated with you, don't you see that? You're not good enough for her, you could never be”
She finished finally, making sure he knew how much she despised him.
As she left, he sat down on the couch, her words struck a chord within him, he knew your life would be much better without him. Perhaps you'd even find a decent man that would give you everything without putting you in harm's way.
The breakfast he was making had burned down completely and the burnt smell made you wake up so immediately ran into the kitchen and turned off the stove before you poured water into the burning pan.
“Baby are you trying to burn the house down?” You asked him playfully but as he didn't answer, you approached him.
“Eric?” You called out his name so he got up from the couch.
“Sorry, I got distracted..you freshen up..I'll make something else for you” he said to you, his voice soft but his eyes didn't meet yours.
“Are you ok?’ you asked him so he nodded and gave you a fake smile.
After you showered, you put on one of his shirts and came back out but he wasn't there anymore. You found the breakfast on the table but you couldn't find him anywhere. There was no note either and that worried you. He never left without leaving a note behind.
You quickly grabbed your phone and called him but he didn't pick up either. That's when you felt the fear creeping in again, something had got to him and you had no idea where he was or what had happened to him. He was capable of being hurt now and you feared for his life. You couldn't go through this all alone, you couldn't go on with your life without him.
You wanted to go to the cops but you didn't know what to tell them. You called Bill, asked him to ask Melody if she had heard from him but none of them had heard from him and as two hours passed and there was no sign of him you took the elevator down, perhaps he was at that lake he had told you about.
On the way down you bumped into Mrs. Bonnie who told you that it was lovely to finally see your mother this morning.
Your mom came here? Why didn't she tell you? Did she say something to Eric?
You called your mother immediately as you stepped out of the elevator.
“Mom..are you here in Chicago?” You asked her so she hummed in response.
“Came to see you but your boyfriend didn't let me do that so-’
She said to you but you didn't believe her, she had a tendency to make up lies if it suited her agenda and you knew how much she didn't like the idea of you being with him. Besides Eric would never disrespect her like that, even though he hated the way she treated you at times.
“What did you say to him mom?” You asked her but she stuck to her baseless lies, talking of him as if she knew everything about him.
“You don't even know him, the only reason I'm alive today is because he saved my life. He saved me.. and yes i died for him but it was because I loved him but him? He saved me when he didn't even know me, when he had no obligation to do so..he's my angel and if something happens to him I'll never ever forgive you for this..you remember that” you said as you hung up.
He was fragile, the trauma from that night you had died still played heavily on his heart and you feared she had driven him further into that guilt and made him do something awful.
However as you stepped out of the building you bumped right into him so you looked up. Your eyes immediately teared up at the sight of him, relief and anger all coursing through your veins.
He was okay, he hadn't hurt himself.
“Eric..where have you been?” You asked, jaw clenching with anger.
“Just went out for a run” He said as he walked past you so you followed him and entered the elevator that led back to the apartment, he did seem out of breath but you also knew that he was lying and that bothered you alot.
The moment you entered your apartment you followed him into the kitchen, he took out a bottle of water from the fridge and as he turned around he found you glaring at him intensely.
“Explain..I'm giving you one minute to explain this behaviour -” you said to him as you crossed your arms.
“I just needed some time alone -”
“Okay and you didn't think I'd worry? Didn't think I'd worry about something bad happening to you when you left without telling me?” You asked him, as he noticed the tears rolling down your cheeks, it finally got through him so he cupped your cheeks and kissed your forehead before he hugged you tightly.
“I'm sorry darling”
The truth was he had thought about it, thought about leaving, thought about just disappearing out of your life so you'd never be hurt because of him, so you'd never die again because of him, perhaps your mother was right and you'd move on sooner or later. But the moment he was out of your sight, out of your proximity, the moment he was so far away from you that he wasn't able to feel you, smell you, he turned back around and ran back to you.
If you weren't safe with him, you weren't safe without him either. He had promised to never hurt you, to never leave you, a part of him wanted to be punished for even thinking about being so cruel to you after everything you had done for him. Did he really think he'd survive out there without you? And did he really believe you'd just move on with your life if he was gone? No..you'd have driven yourself crazy, you'd have looked for him forever.
“Where did you go?” You asked him so he shook his head as he cried, he didn't want this to change anything, he didn't want you to doubt his feelings for you, he was just afraid of losing you to death again.
After he told you what your mother had said to him, he broke down in your arms the same way he had done that night in the hospital bed.
“She's wrong..she's so wrong baby, i didn't die because of you, you did everything you could have done to keep me safe, you saved my life”
You mumbled softly as let him cry, you allowed him to let go of the guilt he carried and the guilt your mother's insensitive words had intensified in him.
“Eric..if you ever dare leave me again after everything we have been through, I swear to god I'll lock you up in my bedroom and never let you out of my sight” you threatened him once he finished crying so he finally looked up at you, he stood straight back up as he picked you up and placed you down on the kitchen counter before he leaned down to kiss you passionately.
“I'd like that..do that..next time I'm being an idiot.. tie me up and never let me go” he mumbled as he felt your fingers curling into his hair, pulling and grasping on the edges, he winced as he felt the sting.
You took off his shirt quickly before you unzipped his pants, his fingers already sliding down your underwear, his cock was hard as he positioned himself to your entrance. You knew it was a risk you were taking but perhaps you could think of the consequences later. Plan b existed for a reason. None of you were ready for a child but you really needed to feel him inside you, skin to skin.
He grabbed onto your thighs as he slipped inside you, his fingers ran over the scar on your thigh, the proof of your love for him, not that he needed it, a loud moan escaped your throat as you felt the stretch, his warm cock felt so hard and the way it throbbed made your head spin.
His thrusts were quick, sharp and desperate, he couldn't live without you even if he tried.
“Fuck..eric..I'm so pissed off” You mumbled, teeth gritting as you thought about him leaving you like that.
“I know..I'm sorry. I'm so sorry” he whispered as he grabbed your hands and wrapped it around his throat so you choked him a little before you pulled him in for a dirty sloppy kiss.
“You're mine..you're never leaving me”
“Never..I'm sorry..you shouldn't even let me fuck you like this after what I did..dont you want to punish me baby? Make me hurt? Make me cry?”
He whispered as he placed his palms flat on the counter next to you body, your teeth grazed over the skin of his neck, you wanted to bite him, perhaps you'd have done it too if he healed as quickly as he did before but not anymore, you'd never hurt him like that, unless he'd want that too.
“I do want that..want to make you cry but not from pain baby..want to make you feel so good it would hurt, so good that you never even think of disappearing on me again” you mumbled softly, making his eyes tear up with several different sensations you were evoking in him at the same time.
“I'm sorry..I'm sorry baby..let me earn it..let me earn your forgiveness” he mumbled as he put you down and then turned you around, you held onto the edge of the sink as he thrusted in from behind, hitting that spot that made your eyes roll back and toes curl every time. The moment your walls clamped around him, he held onto your hips tightly, watching your body shake with the intensity of your release, and as his own orgasm followed he pulled out and came all over your ass.
Scooping you up in his arms he took you to the bedroom to clean you up and cuddle with you. Both of you needed that desperately.
“Do you want to run away with me? Go someplace nobody knows you or me?” he propped himself on his elbow next to you and smiled as you asked him that.
“Where do you want to go baby??” He asked softly as you turned to look at him.
“It's going to sound silly.. perhaps impossible” you mumbled as you caressed his cheek so he smiled again.
“I still want to hear it,” he said firmly.
“Okay..mmm..let's just go somewhere far, perhaps a house on the hills where we are the only two people living there for miles, we can both work in the village during the day, you could teach people to fight, defend themselves from bad people, especially women and I uhh? Well I'll just open a little eatery joint..a small thing just so I'm not bored in your absence.. and you could come pick me up in the evening, we will go to the village market, buy groceries or other stuff we'd need for home. And We will definitely need guns, in case some creep tries to mess with us” he chuckled as you said that, he could already imagine living this fantasy with you.
“Sounds great, what else will we do there?” He asked softly, his fingers grazing your scalp.
“I'm thinking we could have our own garden behind the house? Plant some fruits and vegetables, just a little hobby we can share during weekends, that only if we will have some time spared from the constant sex we will be having. That reminds me we'd totally have sex outside during summer, perhaps put a cot out there with mosquito net around it, I'm assuming there will be mosquitos there. But it would be lovely right? Making love under the open sky? Watching the stars though you'd make me see them even with my eyes closed” you giggled so he leaned down to peck your lips.
“I would huh?” he murmured against your mouth so you nodded
“You always do. And nobody will be there to pry on us. I'd like to wake up outside with you, in your arms, watch the sun rise and then we shower in the waterfall that would be like five minutes walk from our house or ten maybe, then we will go to work and when we come back I'll make tea for us so we can watch the sunset together.. and we can live like that forever..in the little heaven of our own”
As you finally finished his eyes were teary, he sniffled once before he leaned down to kiss you deeply this time.
He wanted more than to fulfil this dream of yours, he liked the sound of running away with you to some place where his past wouldn't haunt you both. Where he'd be able to keep you safer. Away from the life of this fast paced city, a place where you'd be loved, taken care of and encouraged to follow your dreams, he wanted to give you the quiet peaceful life you so dearly wished for.
And if you ever got bored of it he'd take you wherever you'd want to go next. He'd fulfil all of your dreams and go on these wild adventures with you until you two will be too old to move. He smiled as he kissed you tenderly before he placed his head up to look into your eyes, just so you'd know that he took this seriously and that he didn't think that it was an impossible dream.
“Let's do this ..let's run away baby”
Taglist: @m-riaa @erebus-et-eigengrau @peachychyy @enchantresss97 @fandomxo @mariaenchanted @clairesblouse @theantagonistalwaysdies
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redbirdandbluebird23 · 3 days ago
Flawless Execution
Written for @dickjayweek 2025 Day 5: Relationship Reveal
"Taste this?" Jason says, right before a spoon of red sauce appears in Dick's line of sight.
Dick does as asked, not bothering to take it from Jason, just leaning forward and letting Jason feed him. He considers the flavour profile for a moment before settling on, "Needs more pepper."
Jason hums and disappears back into the kitchen as Dick returns to flicking through their streaming services to find something to watch.
"What about Ratatouille?" Dick calls over his shoulder in the general direction of the kitchen.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen it.” Jason answers.
“It’s good! And it’s about food which seems fitting.” Dick says with a smile.
"Alright then. But if it’s shit, I’m never letting you pick the movie again." Jason says. 
“Deal!” Dick smiles and switches back onto a random cooking show on normal TV while he waits for Jason to finish cooking. These moments are rare and as new as their relationship, so Dick's happy to just sit back and enjoy being able to exist in each other's presence for a little while without having to hide what they are.
Jason comes back through a few minutes later and leans down onto the back of the sofa with his arms crossed, watching (and probably judging) the chef on screen chopping onions. Dick can't resist turning his head and pressing a kiss to the corner of Jason's mouth, causing his boyfriend's cheeks to gain an adorable pink sheen.
"Pasta's just cooking and then we're all set." Jason informs him.
"Perfect." Dick smiles and presses another kiss to his cheek.
Jason matches his smile and ducks his head, pressing his own kisses along Dick's jaw before shifting up to kiss him properly. Dick twists on the sofa for more leverage as he slides a hand into Jason's curls and tug to deepen the kiss. Until Jason pulls back.
" Fuck ." Jason mutters and darts back into the kitchen, probably to stop his pasta sticking, as Dick laughs.
He listens to Jason moving about as the aroma drifting out of the kitchen makes his stomach rumble. He's considering whether to get up and offer his help so he can sneak a bite or two as his phone rings.
Babs' name flashes up on the screen and he groans; he told them all he was taking the night off and not to contact him for anything other than a planet ending emergency.
He says as much as he answers the call.
" Turn on the news ." Comes Babs' response, her voice sounding rougher than he's heard in a long time.
It's exactly that which causes him to jolt forward and grab the TV remote, switching straight to the Gotham News Channel. It's only the fact he's still sitting down that stops his legs giving out as he reads the headline and tries to focus on the images on the screen.
" Dick? " Babs prompts.
"When?" He chokes out.
Babs swallows loud enough for him to hear it through the phone. " About an hour ago, though current time of death estimate is believed to be between two and three hours ago. "
"Who's handling it?"
" My dad. He wouldn’t dare let any of the rest of them near this. "
"Who-" He stops and takes a breath. "Who was it?"
" They don't know. That alley's a blind spot ." Babs says quietly. " Bruce wants everyone at the cave within the next thirty minutes. "
"Okay." Dick finds himself agreeing.
" Dick… I can't get in contact with Jason ." Babs says, her voice tight. It's not an accusation, not yet . For now it sounds more like worry.
"I'll… Leave Jason to me." Dick says, glancing towards the kitchen. "Can you send me the pictures? From the scene."
" Okay." Babs agrees, not asking why, not when she probably needed to see them for the same reasons, to make sure it’s really him . "See you soon ."
"See you."
He hangs up, drops his phone onto the sofa, buries his hands in his hair and pulls so he doesn't scream. He gives himself until the count of five to get his breathing under control and calm down, and then he gets to his feet. His phone buzzes with an incoming text and he picks it back up and flicks through the pictures Babs has sent. He sees white skin, green hair and a red smile, looks long enough just to clarify that it really is him, that there's no doubt this time, and then he makes his way into the kitchen.
Read on Ao3
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regular-lord-reckoner · 23 days ago
so i took my car in today because i thought it might just need some more brake fluid and although i tried to just look at it myself i couldn't for the life of me figure out which part under the hood was the brake fluid reservoir without having to lean all over my car and get all dirty, so i figured i might just have to pay a service fee and whatever for the fluid itself...
turns out i need all new brake pads !!
#i swear to god it's like my car knows whenever it's tax time#like 'hey can i have some money pwease? pweaaaaase just a thousand dollars for new brakes pretty pwease?!'#i guess!!!!!!#i kinda need 'em#jokes on you though because i haven't even filed my taxes yet#i'm gonna have to wait until next week when i get paid but they said i should be able to drive on them for maybe another month as they are#i had other stuff i was gonna do today but given the circumstances i decided to just park my ass back at home#mostly i've been trying to do some ~research of the local libraries to prepare for school which is starting....soon#but i'll just have to postpone my research for the time being#it's funny too because i was watching a tiktok the other day of 'what to do if your breaks fail'#i even almost scrolled past it but something told me to go back and watch#and now i guess i know why#fortunately i haven't had to use that information just yet#but dear god today whenever i put on the breaks it sounds like thunder#just a terrible sound for a car to make#prior to that all that happened was my break light kept coming on whenever i accelerated#it would go off once i'd been rolling for a little bit or sometimes if i'd ease off the gas and then accelerate again#and when i tried to research it myself that's where i got the break fluid thing from#really hoped it was going to be that simple but it never is!!#that's just the rules!!#so anyway that's how my weekend's starting off#not great tbh but it could be a lot worse so i'm just gonna be grateful this is something i can fix#(even if i really don't want to)#and just move on with it and hope nothing else tears up on this goddamn car#because it wasn't that long ago i had to take it in for something else so....#if i could go like....mmm a year maybe before i need any more expensive ass repairs i'd really appreciate it#tires i'm looking you straight in the eye don't you even think about it#i did have my follow up with my urologist today also and they did another x-ray#she said she doesn't see the stone anymore so i believe it did in fact pass so that's some good news !!#we're just gonna keep an eye on the one that's on the other side and still in my kidney
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orcelito · 11 months ago
i miss akechi goro so much. maybe even enough to finally finish that ladue chapter 3
#speculation nation#ladue shit#listen hes such an asshole and i NEEEEEEED to channel his voice for a bit again#if this urge persists to tomorrow i'll crack open the fic again. for a little reread.#this will satisfy only approximately 53 people (the total subscribers to that fic)#which ok that's actually a good few people when i think about them as actual people#but it's the least amount of subscriptions i have out of most of my multichapters#EVEN STILL. it's a matter of pride and self-satisfaction.#and god fucking damn i have 18k for chapter 3 already written. i literally just need to close the damn scene up#it's been over a YEAR NOWWWWWWWWWW like holy fucking shit. i need this OUT ALREADYYYYYYYYYYY#ladue chapter 3 i will free you into the abyss. i cannot promise more than chapter 3 but i can promise a chapter 3 at least.#i had a whole plan for the fic but idk if i'll ever be able to write it#considering it's taken like. ... years. between chapters.#it took me 2 years to post chapter 2 and it's been a year now since then. ugh.#see the thing is chapter 3 closes the initial arc of them starting to date. and then there's more stuff.#maybe i'll keep it open just in case the urge strikes me to continue it eventually.#and if it never does. i might make a 4th chapter that outlines the eventual plans i had for the fic. so that people know at least.#ive seen that a Few times for discontinued fics.#....but the thing is i dont want to mark any of my fics discontinued!!!! theyre all my darlings!!! i want to go back to them all eventually#i'll just have to see. if a chapter 4 ends up taking several more years. well. maybe it'll be time to call it there. who fucking knows lol#i'll try to get chapter 3 finished sometime soon though. i really want to have it out already.
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queenerdloser · 9 days ago
not me buying tickets to see my local theater's production of a midsummer night's dream for the third time lmaoooo
#liveblogging life#it's just really good y'all!!! it's SO fucking funny#and the costumes are beautiful and there's a lot of fun musical moments#and unexpected moments of tenderness which catch me off-guard#and they have the woman playing helena open the show with a meta introduction#and then she does some crowd work and finds a couple that's been together for a long time and asks them some questions#and then CREATES A WHOLE SONG about their love story and plays it in the final scene!!!!#both times i went it was a completely original song built out of the answers the couple gave to her questions hand crafted for them#and they get a little scroll with it too!!!#idk who came up with that idea but it's SO sweet and genuine and i love it so much#but i cannot stress enough: this production is CRAZY FUNNY and i've died laughing both times i went to see it#i bought tickets to see it on its final night bc a) i really want to see it again before it's gone forever and b)#i'm kind of hoping they do some crazy shit on their final show lmao#i love my local theater but i wish someone would let them know they could make SO MUCH MONEY if they recorded their shows#and sold the recordings. people like me would buy them so quick lol#my sister: why did you go see the history plays twice???#me: SOON I'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO SEE IT AGAIN! I HAVE TO SEE IT LIVE AS MANY TIMES AS POSSIBLE!#it makes me so sad i'll never see that particular actor play henry v again... god he was so fucking good. they were SO GOOD y'all. god.#anyway this theater just released their new year line up and theyre doing MACBETH next year!!!!!! so excited!!!!!!!!#me: i'm working so much to save money for my trip!#me: spends all my savings money on theater and concert tickets
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inkedbybarnes · 2 months ago
none of it was fake
bucky barnes x avenger!fem!reader
summary: you've been undercover with bucky as husband and wife. upon returning, he seems to have forgotten that it was all pretend.
word count: 1.6k+
warnings: two idiots cluelessly pining for each other. fluff. usage of petnames such as sweetheart, doll, and baby. lowercase writing.
note: hi, babies. how's everyone? this is my first fic in ages, so sorry if it's not my best one. i just wanted something cute ++ this is unedited & not proofread, might fix it laterrr. still hope you'll enjoy this one! xo
dividers made by @firefly-graphics!
comments, reblogs, and likes are highly appreciated. thank you! ♡
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“i can't believe your first kiss happened during a mission. an undercover mission!”
wanda huffed, still hung up on the mission you had with bucky weeks ago wherein you had to play pretend as a married couple. there had been a kiss or two during that time, and it felt impossible not to tell your best friend about it when you had been crushing over the soldier for ages.
wanda knew what you felt towards bucky. in fact, she was the only one who knew, or at least the one you shared th information with, and she made sure to ask everything about the mission, even if it took days for her to interrogate you.
“excuse me? that was not my first kiss,” you said defensively, reaching for a cup from the cupboard that you had just opened. “and why are we still talking about this? you and nat already squeezed out every information from me for an entire week.”
“i didn't mean your first first kiss!” she exclaimed, following you around the kitchen as you made yourself a cup of coffee. “you've had a crush on the guy for so long, and the first time you two kiss each other is when you're pretending. that's not how i pictured it at all!”
you had to admit, the mission was sort of a blessing in disguise and a curse at the same time. you were glad to be able to spend time with bucky in ways you've dreamt of, but there was also the horrible reminder that none of it was real. with how avoidant bucky was with you, it was impossible for any of it to happen outside of the mission.
“well, maybe you should stop picturing us doing that sort of stuff. you're way more invested in this than i am, wanda. don't you have your own relationship to think about?” you asked. although you knew she was in a happy relationship with vision, you just wanted her to take a break from all the bucky talk. “when is your man home anyway?”
“my relationship is doing great, so i'm good. i don't need to think of it as much since he gives me everything that i need, and i think of yours because you deserve happiness as well.” she smiled fondly, her eyes sparkling with happiness. “and i'm glad that you asked because this reminded me that vision's arriving with bucky soon.”
“already?” your eyes widened at her statement, completely forgetting that bucky, along with steve, clint, and vision, were coming home today from their mission. “why didn't you tell me sooner!?”
after finishing your mission with bucky two weeks ago, he was immediately sent into another mission which specifically needed him. so, today would technically be the first time you're seeing him again since you last called him your “husband,” which was more nerve-wracking than you expected.
“hey, i'm your best friend, not your alarm.” wanda raised her hands up, defending herself. “and why are you so worried? i can feel your anxiety without needing to be in your head.”
“well, we never talked after.. you know,” you replied, taking a big sip out of your cup. “i know none of it meant anything and that we were just doing our job, but it's the first time i'll be with him normally and not as a pretend married couple. it's kinda awkward, wands.”
“you were able to pretend you didn't like the guy for months, you can do it again for another day.” she answered. “unless you finally tell him what you feel?”
“oh, that? yeah, never happening. i'm not going to risk—”
“there you are, sweetheart.”
there was a collective shocked gasp from both you and wanda, recognizing that voice from behind. except the gasps had different reasons.
you were surprised with his arrival.
wanda was surprised that he casually called you sweetheart.
you turn to find bucky already walking towards you with a smile on his face.
this man never smiles unless he was tasked to do so!
“bucky! you're back!” you awkwardly greeted him.
“yeah, didn't they tell you? i was looking for you when we landed.” he said, pulling you close to him before bending to place a soft kiss on your lips like it was something he'd always done. “you okay, baby? you look pale. did you eat?”
i look pale because wanda is right here with us and you just kissed me while acting like we're dating!
“um, yeah, i'm fine. i'm fine,” you answered, gently pulling yourself away from his arms before he could wrap them around you completely. “can we talk? privately?”
he frowned, worry etched on his face, but he nodded and squeezed your arm softly. “of course. where do you wanna talk, doll?”
“anywhere where wanda isn't there.” you said lightheartedly, throwing a sharp glance at wanda who finally understood what you wanted her to do.
“oh! right, right. i'm sorry, you guys can stay here. i have um..” she paused, thinking of a reason to say. “i have to look for vision anyway. we're supposed to watch a movie together. bye!”
and just like that, wanda was gone and you were left alone with bucky in the kitchen.
before you could speak, bucky asked you first. “what's the matter, doll?”
“what's the matter?” you echoed in a higher tone. “what was that all about?”
“what are you talking about?” he asked, seemingly confused.
“you kissed me, bucky, like it was nothing. then you keep calling me these nicknames.” you reminded him. “we're back home, not in los angeles in our fake house that we used as a fake couple.”
bucky took a step back when he realised his actions, now finding it hard to look at you. “i.. i'm sorry. i completely forgot. i just.. i wasn't thinking. i got used to how we were before,” he mumbled, still finding the right words to say. “did i make you uncomfortable?”
“no, but you made me confused,” you replied. “i'm guessing you got used to how we acted as a fake married couple, but you were gone for another mission. how are you still stuck with the old routine we had?”
“because that's all i could think about,” he answered, now staring at you. “while you're back here in the tower, completely done with our mission, i was thrown back into another one, having only you in my head to pull me back up from the fatigue.”
“you're telling me that you kept thinking about us even when you were gone? why?”
“haven't you?”
“is this a trick question?”
“it's a question to find out whether you like me too or not.”
“you.. you like me?” you blinked. “that's impossible.”
“how on earth is that impossible?”
“because you're always so cold and grumpy around me,” you answered. “i think you're just confused with all the acting we've done, bucky. you don't like me.”
“i was supposed to go on that mission with sharon, not you.” he exhaled. “she volunteered to do it, so she was initially picked. i tried getting out of it, but i had advantages that they needed for the mission to go smoothly. so, i agreed, but in one condition.”
“what was it?” you whispered.
“that you should be my partner,” he answered quickly. “ask me why.”
your heart pounded. “why?”
“because i wanted an excuse to act the way i've always wanted to. i wasn't cold or grumpy because i didn't like you, i just didn't want to scare you.” bucky explained, his hand reaching out for yours. “god, doll. figuring out whether you like me or not has got to be the hardest mission i had to deal with. so do me a favour and get me out of this misery.”
once your lungs found a bit of oxygen again, you finally spoke. “what you said.. you mean it?”
bucky nodded. “every word.”
“well, i like you too.” you tried to bite back a huge smile. “for some time now, actually. wanda will eventually tell you all about my obsession with you. i can't believe we were both worrying for the wrong things.”
“your obsession with me, huh?” he asked cockily, a teasing grin plastered on his face.
“really? i said all that and that's what caught your attention?”
“can't help it. i've been obsessed with you for a long time now as well.” his eyes crinkled at the corners, a little smile gracing his lips while his arm slipped around your waist.
your eyes peeked up at him through your lashes. “does this make it real now?”
“do you want it to be?”
“you're really asking me that?” your chest rumbled. “of course i do.”
“then let's make it real.”
bucky watched you intensely for a few seconds as if he wanted to frame this exact moment before licking his lips and leaning down. you suck a breath, eyes closing as you felt his soft lips meet yours.
you never realised how much you've grown familiar with his touch and affection since your time together as a fake couple.
except this time, none of it was fake.
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should we see their time in los angeles as an undercover married couple? 👀
if you have any requests for bucky, send them my way! 💌
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starry-bi-sky · 10 months ago
I am loudly pushing the batdad agenda i am loudly pushing the— DPxDC Prompt
“Woah. You look like shit."
Granted, that’s probably not the first thing Danny should be saying to the guy that just bit the curb, but in his defense; he’s not running on 100% right now either.
The man -- tall, towering, and broader than Danny is tall -- whips around on his heel, black frayed cape flaring out impressively. Danny would've whistled in appreciation, but he takes the time instead to wipe the back of his hand across his mouth, smearing the blood running from his nose across his cheek.
"Sorry." He blinks widely, not even flinching as the man with the horns zeroes in on him. "That was rude of me. I have a really bad brain-to-mouth filter; Sam says its what always gets me into trouble."
And she's not wrong either, per say. His smart mouth is what landed him in this situation -- with blood blossom extract running through his veins and cannibalizing the ectoplasm in his bloodstream. Thanks Vlad.
The man grunts at him; a short, curt "hm" that shouldn't make Danny smile, but he does because he's somewhat delirious and probably concussed. The man keeps some kind of distance, sinking towards the shadows of Gotham's alleyway like he dares to melt right into it.
If it's supposed to scare Danny, it doesn't work. Danny's never been afraid of the dark; he's always been able to hide himself in it. He blinks slowly at the mass of shadows.
"You look hurt." The shadows says, blurring together around the edges. Danny squints, and licks his lips to get the blood dripping down his chin off. Ugh, he hates the taste of blood.
"I am." He says, "My godfather poisoned me. M'dying." The agony of the blood blossom eating him from the inside out looped back around to numbing a while ago, so all he feels is half-awake and dazed.
"Hey," Danny stumbles forward towards the man, a bloodied hand reaching out to him. "You-- you're a hero, right? You're not attacking me; which is more than I can say for most costumed people I've met." Maybe it's a poor bar to judge someone at, but he's already established that Danny's not in his right mind.
The man makes no change in expression, but Danny realizes blearily that it's hard to tell with the shadows on his face. He stays still long enough for Danny to latch onto the cape -- stretchy, but almost soft under his fingers.
He looks up blearily into the whites of the man's eyes. "Can you help me? I don't-- I don't wanna die." Again. He doesn't wanna die again. He blinks slow and lizard-like. "I mean- I'll probably get to see mom and dad again, but I told them I'd at least try and make it to adulthood."
There's a clatter down the street, and Danny's ghost sense chills up his spine and leaves a bitter, ashy taste in his mouth. He immediately knows who it belongs to even before the deceptively gentle; "Daniel?" echoes down the way.
"Daniel? Quit your games, badger, Gotham is dangerous for children."
Danny's mouth pulls back, and blood spills against his tongue. "Please." He rasps, and grabs onto the shadow's cape with both hands. "Please. He's going to kill me. Please--"
"Daniel? Is that you?"
His lips part, dragging in air to plead with the darkness again. He doesn't need to, the whites of his eyes narrow, and the cape whirls around him before Danny can blink. Soon swaddled in shadows, the Night lifts him up, and steals him away.
#I AM LOUDLY PUSHING THE BATDAD AGENDA#anyways— add ons are encouraged i wanna talk more dpxdc with folks i just cant find any aus i really like enough to engage with#which is nobody's fault and its why im making my own content in order to reach more people#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dpxdc#dp x dc#dpxdc crossover#dp x dc crossover#dpdc#dc x dp#dpxdc prompts#i took a ‘which batfam member are you (except its personal)’ quiz a few days ago#and got bruce wayne. and then was promptly read to filth why im most like him and it rudely but accurately explained why im the most like#him. it also consequently explained to me why i like him so much. whenever i see him in his kindest form i see a mirror looking back#anyways lots of ‘danny rejecting bruce as a parent’ aus. may i present: bruce and danny finding family in each other aus. batdad aus pls.#dpxdc prompt#dcxdp#this prompt can take place at any point of Batkid accumulation but personally i was imagining this as before Bruce has any of his kids yet#eldest brother danny supremacy and also just that one on one bonding#danny being someone who was never afraid of the dark as a kid and even less so as he got older. taking solace in it as a ghost because you#cant hide in the dark when you glow. his enemies can't jump out at him. but he can jump out at them. how can he be afraid of the dark when#the dark is where the stars like to live? there's a comfort in the shadows. there might be something hiding in it. but he's hiding in it to#blood blossoms eat ghosts headcanon#wasn't sure where i was gonna go with this at the beginning and then i caught steam.#batman casually kidnaps an orphan upon kid's request. also the kid was Actively Dying Of Poison. What was he gonna do?? NOT help him?#mister 'keeps candy in his utility belt specifically for scared children'??? no way.
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carebearbussy · 7 months ago
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ᥫ᭡ thinking about heian era! sukuna having a heavy breeding kink, seemingly out of nowhere.
you bring up a mere idea at dinner, the conversation quickly turning normal, to you bringing up an idea he had never given a second thought to.
"do you ever want kids with me, 'kuna?"
you would ask him, innocently enough, a sickeningly sweet tone hidden beneath your words. but you would already know the answer to this question. he would look up at you, then back down at his food, annoyance pondering his mind. eating a slab of salmon sashimi, he took a bite, chewing slow enough to hint at his potential answer. placing down his chopsticks, he would look back up at you, scoffing to himself at your foolish inquiry.
"those small, annoying humans that require too much attention for their own good? no thank you, i have better things to attend to."
he says, focusing on the meal before him. but his thoughts soon get the best of him. and now that he thinks about it, he will need an heir eventually. and not only that, but what would you be like? as a mother specifically. you would require more attention than most of the time. which was something he secretly enjoyed indulging in, despite his negative reasoning towards infants. how would you look?
you would be more swollen than usual, you stomach would grow larger by day, your breasts will most definitely become more full by the day. the bigger picture, which was you, enticed him in a way. something about seeing you round with his child really had his head going.
and so thats how you ended up here, you knees tightly locked against your stomach, as sukuna absolutely plows into your already stuffed cunt.
this was the seventh time? eighth time? at this point, you couldn't keep track. but he had came wayyyy too many times more than an average man should be able to. it was excruciating, really, the whimpers leaving your mouth, his hands bringing your knees closer to your chest with every move of his hips.
his seed was leaking out of you, glop by glop, dripping down your bottom even more, as he kept going harder and rougher. splashes of your juices paired with his cum stained the bed, the squelching of your pussy becoming deafening with every smack of his heavy balls against the rim of your ass. and the tight grip he had on your locks wasn't helping his case.
"hah, you're gonna give your king his offspring? yeah? r' you gonna be a good little mother f'me? make me an heir?"
he asks, your head barely able to focus on anything other than trying to stay sane. you felt sooo full, but this apparently wasn't enough for sukuna, or his heavy urges to breed your sloppy cunt. you nod eagerly, not wanting him to go any harder than he already has. but with the way he kept abusing your womb, it seemed like you were enjoying it, as sukuna relishes in your facial expression, your eyes rolling back, your mouth hung open wide enough to stuff two of his free fingers in.
"you'd be such a good mother, so obedient too. you wanted to rile me up, didn't you? i'll give you what you want, woman."
moaning into his fingers, you swirl your tongue around his digits, making him hum contently. you try to focus your vision onto his eyes, but the way he pushed his chest further into yours, had you practically cross eyed. hitting a new angle, you felt yourself completely let go, officially adding onto your list of orgasms you had previously had that night.
he released his fingers from your mouth, a coat of your saliva stringing upon release. he ceases to pull out of you, instead letting himself nuzzle nicely into your warmth, releasing yet again inside of you, earning a whine of complaint on your behalf. he playfully slaps your cheek with his wet hand, trailing it down to your pussy, playing in the ring of his semen around his cock. you squirm slightly, as you watch him then bring his cum coated fingers up to your mouth, pushing them back inside your mouth, making you taste his seed, some of his cum pooling around your lips.
"does that taste good? i bet it does, since you seem to love my seed so much. i cant wait to see you so full, besides from right now, of course."
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lymtw · 9 months ago
Drunken Lover
Toji can never shut up about you when his friends get him drunk. It's the one topic that never fails to be discussed when his friends manage to drag him away from your warm security for a night. Once the amount of alcohol he drank starts to hit and his overly chatty side is lured out, he spends the entire time talking about you, and the others just kind of listen to his ramblings and remain utterly shocked by how smitten he is. He talks so much about you, like he's trying to make up for the time he isn't spending with you.
It's always, "Shh... listen, shut the fuck up. Listen, listen, she smells so fucking good. Like she's fresh out the shower all the time" and "God... she purrs like a little kitten when I take her to bed" and "She's out of my league, but i'm not gonna fuck up the chance she gave me".
If it weren't for Shiu taking his phone, he would constantly be trying to reach you. Sometimes you're the one who calls when it gets late, just to see how things are going, and Shiu's always the one who picks up before he hands you over to Toji.
"Hey, Shiu! How is everything?"
"It's going pretty well, aside from Toji being a drunk mess." He scouts the area in search of your boyfriend and spots him next to another friend. Toji's all starry-eyed as he talks the poor man's ear off about you. "Wanna talk to him? He's been talking about you nonstop and it's starting to make the other guys jealous."
You giggle. "Sure. Let me talk to my idiot."
You can hear the commotion as well as the faint sound of Shiu alerting Toji of you being on the other end of the line.
"Heyyy, baby. You miss me? You need me?" You can hear the smile on his face. He's pacing back and forth as he waits for your voice to come back on the line.
The sound of Toji's voice makes your heart beat a little faster. It sounds like he made good use of his night out.
"You know I do, baby. Be safe, alright? Have Shiu send you home in a cab when you're ready to go and text me when you get home."
"I love you, ma. I fucking love you. I don't wanna be here anymore." He sighs, heavily. "Can I just go home, already? I've been trapped here for like five days now."
"I love you, Toji, and it hasn't been five days. More like five hours, but yeah, you can head home if you're done. Put Shiu back on the phone."
"No." He simply says, as he continues to pace around the crowded bar. "I miss you so much. I don't wanna see anyone else, anymore."
"Okay, baby. Tell Shiu you're ready to go. I'll see you tomorrow."
"I love you," he says once more before putting the phone down, leaving you to do the hanging up.
"Shiu, i'm leaving. I'm ready to go, man. She said okay and I... Well, I wanna go see her."
"You're not going over there like this," Shiu responds. "She's not gonna be able to handle you alone, right now. I'll call you a cab and you're going straight home."
He was so wrong about that last part. Toji got in the cab, and Shiu told the driver his address. He wouldn't ever find out about how Toji ended up redirecting the cab to your place.
"Psst, hey. I'll give you another ten bucks if you turn around and go to this address."
Without hesitation, the man accepted the money and dropped Toji off at your apartment. He slowly made his way to your front door, ringing the doorbell and knocking right after to make sure you hear him.
You put down the dish rag you were using to dry dishes and headed to the door. You looked through the peephole and as soon as you see Toji standing on your doorstep, you gasp. Your brows furrow in confusion as you continue to stare at him for couple more seconds, just to make sure it's actually him and not some random, sketchy man.
"Babyyy... Open. Your boyfriend is here." He knocks again, his fist like a mallet on your door.
"Toji, shh. Stop," you say, voice low. You quickly pull him into your apartment, dismissing his laugh as you shut and lock the door when you both make it in.
"Oh, baby." He smiles as you approach him again. "Baby, baby." He pulls you into an overly tight embrace and sways you side to side, effortlessly. You smell a mixture of alcohol and cologne on his shirt. "My pretty girl. Fuck, I missed you and your body." He buries his face into the crook of your neck and allows his hands to settle on your lower back. You hear him take a whiff of your scent before carrying on with his rambling. "I didn't even wanna be there..." he mumbles. "...but they stole me away and I-" He hums in confusion when he realizes you aren't reciprocating the hug and pulls your arms around him before putting his hands on your lower back again. "I'm just gonna say no next time. Those drinks were disgusting."
Normally, you reciprocating his affection wouldn't be an issue, but you're still stuck on how he's there, standing a couple feet from your kitchen and not at his place. You can hear his quiet, labored breaths beside your ear. His looming frame and the tightness of his arms around you bring a lot more reality to the situation.
"Let's get you ready for bed, okay?" You say to the giant who threatens to tip you over. You gently tug at his arms for him to release you and create some distance.
You take his hand and guide him to the bathroom first, where both of you do your nightly routines of brushing your teeth and washing your faces. He made a mess with the water when it came to washing the cleanser off his face, but you paid no mind to it as you grabbed a towel and dried it up.
You walked out of the bathroom and Toji was hot on your trail, toothbrush still in his mouth as he followed you into the kitchen. "I'm just grabbing some water. It'll just take a quick second." You smile as he continues to sluggishly brush his teeth. He pauses to respond.
"Why do you wanna leave me so bad? You didn't tell me you were leaving the bathroom. You were just gonna go and leave me alone in there?" he says, slightly muffled by the toothpaste that fills his mouth.
You laugh when some of the foam falls to the floor.
"Okay, okay. Let's go back to the bathroom together, then."
"You can't leave me on the couch," he says, out of nowhere, more suds falling onto the floor. You push him a little so that by the time he reaches the bathroom, at least some toothpaste remains in his mouth.
He dips his head and spits out the foam into the sink, rinsing his mouth after. You have to go back and tidy things up, like the cloud he didn't make sure was washed away before stepping away from the sink, and the bubbly spume that spilled out of his mouth in the kitchen and the hallway.
He's following you again, like a lost puppy because you didn't comment on what he said about not wanting to stay on the couch. He's quiet because you're quiet. You're not saying anything because you're focused on wiping up the cleaning spray and toothpaste mixture on the floor with a paper towel, and he's leaning against the wall, silently watching, feeling like you're mad at him.
You stand up straight and make your way to the trashcan before washing your hands. "Let's go, Toji," you say. He's looking at you like a scolded dog, reaching his hand out for you to hold. In his mind, if you take it, you can't be too mad at him. His chest feels so much lighter when your soft palm meets his. The heaviness is replaced with a racing heart as you take him to the room with you. You're not leading him to the couch like he thought you were going to.
"You're letting me sleep next to you?" He asks, watching as you put up a couple more pillows for him to use.
"Since when do you sleep on the couch? You know I need you here with me whenever you sleep over." You turn around and pinch his cheek, stepping behind him to creak the door shut.
"Yeah? You like when I stay in your bed?" His voice goes low with the question. His hands go to your waist and he's walking you backwards towards your bed. "Well I like staying in your bed too, mama." He lays you down, your head cradled by his hand before he slides it out of the way for your pillow to take its place. He grins as he takes up all the space between your legs, his hands taking their position on your waist again. He takes your lips in his, the minty flavor of his mouth seeping into your taste buds. It's a short lived moment, because the second his hands try to tug your shorts down, you put a stop to everything, your own hands pulling your shorts back up.
"Mm..." you hum, releasing his lips with a quiet smack. "N-No, Toji. Not like this."
"No?" He repeats, a small crease of confusion between his brows as he pulls his hands away from your hips. "Okay," he complies, quickly diverting the situation by resting his whole body down on you. His chin rests on your chest and he just looks up at you with the most loving expression. You have to try not to laugh when you notice he isn't blinking.
You gently scratch the back of his head, threading your fingers through his hair. "What?" You ask, a soft smile following the question.
"I don't know," he says, sighing with that same adoring gaze still fixated on you. "I can't explain the way I see you." Not having the sufficiently accurate words to describe how you are depicted in his eyes is a strange, void-like feeling for someone who could talk about you for days on end.
You just hum at the declaration. His mind isn't exactly operating at one hundred percent, so you won't judge him for his inability to think of ways to describe you.
He lowers his gaze and buries his face in your warm chest. You can feel him kissing you through the thin material of your tank top. "Love you," he mumbles. "You mad at me?" He asks, not pausing his kisses as he waits for your answer.
"No, baby. There's nothing to be mad about." You smooth down his hair when you're done playing with it and rest your hands on his shoulders.
"Just wanted to see you." His warm breath filters through your shirt. "Shiu told me no, but I didn't care. I just had to see you, and now... i'm here." He inhales and lets out the breath slowly. "And I don't wanna go home." As if he's scared he'll be denied of you again, his arms go under your back, and he effectively molds his body into yours.
"You could've let me know over the phone rather than giving me a heart attack. You know you're always welcome here, my love." You rub soothing circles into his back with one hand, and the other goes to the back of his head again.
"Surprise," he says, lacking so much enthusiasm that it even makes him chuckle. He pushes his face further into your chest and lets out a sigh that reveals his tiredness. "Mm... you're gonna put me to sleep if you keep doing that."
You laugh, slowing your movements until your hands are just flat in their positions.
"No, ma," he groans, frustrated by the lack of your soothing touch on him. "Do it again, please. Feels good." He turns his head so that the side of his face rests on your chest.
It's impossible to deny him, especially when he asked so nicely. You like being able to help him relax this way. Never mind the lack of feeling in your legs from his weight and the minimal movement you've been allowed. You just can't seem to find it in yourself to whine about your position when the sound of him rhythmically breathing through his nose takes over the silence of the room. You tilt your head slightly to get a look at his face and as you suspected, he's out. His eyes are shut and he's motionless, save for the slight rise and fall of his shoulders and back as he breathes.
A kiss to the top of his head was your show of making peace with having him as your weighted blanket and human teddy bear for the night.
Shiu said you wouldn't be able to handle a drunk Toji all alone, yet there you have him, piled on and drooling on you like he's getting the best sleep.
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rosaeh · 28 days ago
my jason todd's headcanons :
white streak and autopsy scar are a MUST
i think he has like brown hair that looks black
i also like the idea of him having a scar on his eyebrow.
also all over his arms like in juni ba's the boy wonder.
i don't really know about men's size and weight, but to me he is like 190cm with broad shoulders. he is really buff.
i said it before and I'll say it again : jason is so hozier coded
i like blue eyes jason as robin then they turn green after the lazurus pit. but what i like the most is heterochromia jason with a blue eye and a green one. (i once saw a fanart of him like this and i never found it ever again i feel devastated)
roman nose jason todd save me
this man is a YEARNER
like when he is in love, he loves. so deeply. he can feel it in his bones. he may love "quietly", settling for sweet gestures but the love behind it is so deep, that to you it is loud.
to me, he literally embodies the sentence "if i loved you less id be able to talk about it more" (emma, jane austen)
he loves to cradle your face to kiss you.
coping mechanism is obviously sarcasm
he loves to tease you and loves even more when you tease back.
when you sit together and he holds your hand, he tends to brush his thumb over the back of your hand, and leans down to kiss your knuckles.
he is the kind of guy to walk in front of you in a crowded place and like put his hand behind his back, trying to reach for yours.
these tiktoks in which someone is filming their bf/gf face before they saw them is so jason. like dude has a rbf but as soon as his eyes land on you it softens.
he loves greek mythology because i love greek mythology and i said so
he is both street and book smart
he writes poetry for you but never give it to you unless he's not there when you read it
remember every mundane things you (or his family even) say but will act like it's no big deal
just love to please you, to see you smile.
as for smoking, i don't really know if i like the idea of jason smoking or not. on one side it has so cute things that can be written with it, but on the other side i feel like he wouldn't smoke because he tries to have healthy habits to stay fit and all. but it could also be a self destructive habit. so i don't know😫
anyway if you don't like cigarettes and he does smoke, he would never smoke in front of you. he would even be willing to try and quit if you asked him to.
overall he is a lover boy🫶
omg i almost forgot about the scar on his cheek. i saw a fanart in which the scar made like a smile on his face but we could also see a "j" and i loved it. also i think the scar ride up to his hair above his ear.
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mediocre-writing · 2 months ago
A chance | LN4
Summary: Lando has been in love with the same person since he was 18. The problem? She doesn't think it will work out because he's younger.
Pairing: Lando Norris X Actress!Reader
English is not my first language, maybe I will do a part two 👀
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"Why don't you want to be with me?" Lando says close to Y/n's ear so she can hear.
They were at a party, Lando was P1, and that night was all about him.
"Lando, why don't you enjoy your night?" She says pushing him a little and he kisses her cheek.
"I'm trying to do this, but the prettiest girl at the party is turning me down once again."
Y/n rolls her eyes but smiles, fixing Lando's hair with her hands.
"I already told you-"
"I know, I know, I'm younger than you, but you need to understand that 18-year-old Lando already dreamed of Y/n 22 and now 25-year-old Lando dreams of Y/n 29 and 85-year-old Lando will dream of Y/n... How old will you be?" He says, thinking a little.
"Fuck you're so drunk." She says laughing and he smiles when he sees her smile.
"Fuck you're so beautiful." Lando leans in to kiss her, but Y/n turns her face away.
"Lando, no." Y/n says, gently pinching Lando's belly, making him pull away with a grimace.
"Come on, give me a chance, just one kiss and I promise to stop bothering you." She thinks for a bit.
"I know you won't stop."
"Please, I promise I'll stop." He says, dropping the glass he was holding anywhere, and takes Y/n's face with both hands. "Can I?" He asks inches from her mouth.
"You're insufferable, you know that?" Lando crushes his lips to hers, and my God, it was so worth it to almost beg her on his knees.
Lando asks for passage with his tongue and when he gives in, he just wants to stay there forever.
The kiss gets hotter and Y/n pulls away a little to be able to breathe.
"What a delicious mouth." He says, pulling her lower lip with his teeth and giving her three little pecks.
"Have you gotten your kiss yet, satisfied?"
"I wanted your heart, but I'll hold back with a kiss."
"You don't give up, do you?" She says, putting her arms around her shoulders.
"Never, 18 year old Lando wouldn't believe the girl in my arms right now." Lando always speaks close to her ear so she can understand everything.
"Congratulations, P1." Y/n says kissing Lando's cheek and he feels that this kiss practically sobered him up again.
"Will I get a kiss like this every time I get P1?"
"Don't force it, Cat." She says, walking away and Lando takes her hand again.
"Nooo, you can't do this." Lando says whimpering.
"You promised Lando."
"I promised?" Lando says pulling her by the waist, and kissing her lips again, this time more slowly, more passionate, it was as if they weren't in a crowded place, and God, Y/n is praying that no one took any pictures of this.
But they took it away.
A few hours later the news was all over social media.
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F1news Things are heating up! 👀 Lando Norris and Y/n are seen kissing at the party celebrating Lando's P1, some people who were on the way back confirmed that they spent practically the whole night close to each other, could a relationship be on the way?
User1 What the fuck is this?
User2 Wow, isn't she much older than him?
— User3 It's only four years girl 🙄
User4 Why is everyone so surprised?
— User5 Yes, Lando had already said that she has been his celebrity crush since he was 18.
User6 I think I'm jealous of Lando.
— user7 I think I'm jealous of both of them.
User8 Well, he never hid the fact that he was interested in her.
User9 Have you ever imagined the beautiful child that would be born?
— User 10 She's much older than him...
User 11 Damn, stop treating her like her age is wrong or something.
Y/n wakes up with her phone vibrating like crazy.
"Where the fuck is this?" She gropes blindly on the bed until she finds the device, reading the following messages:
Lando: Please don't be mad at me.
Lando: Are you mad at me? 😟
She sits on the bed, a little confused, why would she be mad at him? But soon she also sees some messages from Carlos.
Carlos: Please don't be mad at Lando.
Carlos: He swears he didn't want to cause a scandal for you.
Carlos: Yes, he forced me to send this, block this bastard now.
And to top it off, she sees a message from her best friend.
Bestf: Seriously Lando? And you still swore to me that you didn't want to get him 😏
She closes her eyes and lies down on the bed again, she already knows exactly what happened.
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rafescvntyclubgf · 5 months ago
“𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲” - 𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭
+18 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓸𝓻 𝓓𝓝𝓘
𝙳𝙸𝙻𝙵!𝚁𝚊𝚏𝚎 × 𝙼𝙸𝙻𝙵!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐒: 𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤 | 𝐎𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐬𝐦 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥
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𝓻𝓪𝓯𝓮𝔂𝓼𝓬𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓫𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓼 𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓴 𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮
⚠️ warnings contain spoilers ⚠️
Older!Rafe, DILF!Rafe, pet names, kissing, praise, angst, soft!Rafe, swearing, smoking, drinking, unprotected p in v, oral (male receiving), cum tasting, spanking, choking, rough sex, degredation, rough oral, ownership kink, orgasm control, multiple orgasms
Thank you to my lovely beta reader @oceandriveab love you bae 💕🩷
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Rafe’s POV:
"I love you, man. But, I'm home for one fuckin' week. Leave me alone. Yeah?"
"The Azimut deal is major, Cameron," my boss groans. “We really need you face-to-face in Italy.”
"I haven’t been home in a month. I’m gonna be gone for another few weeks," I chuckle in disbelief as I rub the sleep from my eyes; this fucker is tryin’ to pull even more of my time away. “Send, Top. I’m sure he’ll be able to land the deal. Alright?”
"We both know he won’t-"
"Not my fuckin’ problem," I cut him short as I drift into the driveway.
"Your loss. That’s a shit ton of money, man.”
"Yeah… Well, I got plenty of that. We done?" I taunt.
"Fuck. You’re killin’ me... See you in a week, Cameron. Give the best to y/n and the kids."
"Umm yeah... Gotta go," I sigh as I watch the scene play out in front of me. Jesus Christ. Problems already? This kid... Why is he me? Fuck. I'm gettin’ it back tenfold. I roll down my window, eavesdropping shamelessly, watching Harbor Thornton clamber the rest of the way out the window. Max leans toward her, cig dangling from his lip, no shirt on his muscular body, and a neck full of fresh hickeys.
"Tell him you went to Macy’s house, princess," he smirks, exhaling two streams of smoke through his nose. "I'll be right down. M'kay?"
"Don't take too long, Maxi. We're gonna be late."
Maxi? I can't help but snort out a sleepy snicker.
"Late for a party? We’re always late, Thornton. I just need to get my shit. Then, we can go to your house and get you dressed.”
”I can’t wait for you to see my costume, baby. Maybe you can take it off me later.”
”M’plannin’ on it.” He hooks his hand around the back of her neck, fingers tangling in her bleach-blonde hair.
"Maybe we can sneak into Piper’s parent’s room," she mumbles between sloppy kisses. Enough. Make it end. I open the truck door, slamming it shut. The two of them fall silent.
"Welp. Now or never," I gripe as I press the door open— Harbor lowers herself down the side of the house, clearly aware of my arrival as she does her best to hide. Like it matters, sweetheart... Your BMW is parked right outside the gate. "Have a nice day, Harbor," I sigh.
She looks around the house, giving me a guilty grin and a wave. "Uh-h... Hi, Mr. Cameron," she stammers. "You too." Harbor looks back at the window, no Max to be seen, quickly scampering to her car. An even thicker cloud of smoke pours out, wafting away. Jesus Christ, bud. I throw my head down, shuffling up toward the door, climbing up a few steps before grabbing the knob. There's a stir behind it already. My babies. Jerking it open, stepping through the threshold, a roar of joy following fast.
"Daddy!" Poppy shrieks at the top of her lungs. Her feet patter against the hardwood floor, Rory trailing close behind. I squat down to their level, waiting for them to round the corner. I meet their twinkling eyes, smiles doubling. They crash into my arms, crawling onto me to get closer. I hold them tight, taking in their smell. A wide smile sets on my lips as well.
"I missed you, two."
"Missed you, Daddy," Rory smiles. Poppy gives me an all-too-wet kiss on the cheek before nuzzling in again.
"I love you, Daddy," she whispers.
"I love you, princess. And I love you too, bud."
They leave as soon as they come, tearing back to the kitchen, leaving y/n standing in the doorframe, giving me a moment. She chuckles warmly, a beautiful smile playing on her perfect lips, giving me butterflies. Still. She walks my way, wrapping her arms around my neck. Picking her up in a hug, I pull her in tight. "Fuck. I missed my girl," I mumble against her skin, pressing a gentle kiss on the crook of her neck. "I love you, babydoll."
I set her down on the ground, not letting her leave my arms. Matching her gaze, I feel myself at peace again. "I love you too, baby," she whispers. Damn, I missed her voice. Cupping her soft cheek in my hands, I kiss her again, feeling her smile against my mouth.
"What?" I laugh lightly.
"You kinda smell like weed," she hums.
"That ain't me, honey."
"What?" She draws back, wide-eyed. "Max?"
She rolls her eyes and shakes her head in frustration. "I said no weed," she whizzes. I blurt out a laugh, throwing my head back. Y/n slaps my chest, a little scowl setting on her pouty lips. "Rafe... He has ISS."
"In-school suspension..."
"Oh shit. What'd I miss?" I breathe as I shut my eyes tightly. "Lay it on me, princess."
"Apparently, he sells weed."
"Why?" I whine. "It's not like he needs to..."
"He said we wouldn't buy him that truck he wanted? So, he's gonna buy his own."
"All’s I said was he had to wait ‘til his birthday or somethin’. He wants a fuckin’ Raptor, y/n. Shit starts at 80 G’s… Maybe get a job? Help me around the office? Do somethin’ besides jackin’ our boat, drinkin’ beers, and golfin’. Jesus fuck, that kid’s somethin’ else."
"Technically... he did get a job,” she breathes as she rests her palms on my chest, calming me down slightly.
"Technically... I guess," I huff, rolling my eyes away. "He is killin' me. Did you know Thornton was here?"
“Harbor,” I correct her. Y/n's mouth falls open in disgust. "She was not... She didn’t come through the front.”
"Think they wanted some privacy, honey," you groan, shuddering in disgust, y/n echoing the same.
"Can you talk to him?" Y/n whispers, her tired eyes pleading with mine. "I thought I was doin' a good job, Rafe—Shit's fallin' through the cracks. I wasn’t even gonna do anything with the twins for Halloween… Just dress ‘em in one of Winnie and Max’s old costumes and pass out candy.”
“Winnie…” I smile, just thinkin’ about my pride and joy. “Where’s our girl at?” I ask as I look around the house, just the sound of the twins pattering feet left behind.
“You don’t wanna know,” Y/n sighs as she tugs her phone out of her back pocket, showing me a picture that has my eyes doubling.
“That’s Win?” I ask as I look down at my angel in next to nothin’, slamming my eyes shut in mental exhaustion. “What is she supposed to be?”
“Little Red Riding Hood?” Y/n sighs— the two of us silently coming to terms with the fact that our babies are anything but babies anymore.
“So, she’s gone then?”
“Just left with Jackson Mayb-”
“Don’t finish that sentence, pretty girl,” I mumble as I wrap my arms around her shoulders, pulling her in for comfort.
“It’s been a mess here, Rafe. I’m not doing a good job-”
"You." I stop her, pressing a rough kiss on her forehead. "You are doing an amazing job, y/n."
"Thank you," she whispers weakly. Y/n's attention gets ripped away, brows furrowing in irritation as she glances out the front window, watching Max lower himself from above. "Now? Please."
"Of course, honey." I give her one last kiss, turning toward the door, breaking out in a little trot, throwing the entry open. "Max!"
Max turns on his heels, looking back at me annoyedly, his mother's scowl and a button nose, the rest of him all me. "Rafe."
"Scuse me?" I challenge, making him shift his stance, crossing his arms over his tight white polo, rocking back and forth on his heels.
"I'm just kiddin'. Calm your tits,” he scoffs.
"Sure… I missed you. Weren't you gonna say 'hi' or anythin’?" He crushes the grass with his boat shoe, throwing his gaze to the ground to avoid eye contact. "Max?"
"Missed you too. Sorry... I just didn't want a lecture ‘bout Harbor-”
"Harbor?” I laugh tiredly. “The Thornton girl is the least of my worries. Why are you sellin', bud? You could get a job or help-"
"Rich comin' from you," he snips, cutting me off with a cruel laugh.
"What does that mean?"
"It's like the pot callin' the kettle black. You were literally a drug dealer. You dealt drugs, Dad."
"That shit was different ."
"That shit was worse," He sneers, turning back in the direction he was going. “M’sellin’ grass, not yayo. Fuckin’ hypocrit,” he yaps over his shoulder.
"Just get a normal job, Max. Like one with a W -2 ... Work with me-”
"Nah... 'Cause you don't get it,” he turns around, angry and quick.
"What don't I get?" I lift my voice, causing Max to return his stare to mine, looking back at me in disbelief.
"You’re never home. What’s there to do if you ain’t here? Huh?”
"What, Dad? Seriously... I'm gonna be late to pick her up. It’s Halloween. Give it a rest-”
"Cut the shit, Max," I mumble. "She's on the other side of the gate." He gives me a smirk, holding back a chuckle as he takes off his captain’s hat, running his fingers through his hair with a smug smile before putting it back on. "You two bein’ safe?" I ask gently.
"Not talkin' to you about that, old man."
"Holy shit," I puff, covering my eyes with my hands as I do my best not to lose my mind. "I'm your dad, Max. I worry about that shit."
"Of course we are. I'm not a stupid like-"
"Like me? Only me. Right?" I stop him before he can go any further, seeing the first look of remorse in his sights. "I know you weren't about to talk about your mom, Max." He throws his gaze to his feet again. "What would she say if she heard you talkin' like that?"
"She'd be upset," he mutters feebly. "Don't tell her I said that. I'm sorry."
"We just want you to be safe. Okay? It wasn't easy for your mom and me for a while. We just want your life to be easier. We aren't tryin' to ruin your life. And we can talk about the job tomorrow. I don’t wanna ruin your night. I'm sure we can figure out somethin' that doesn't involve you sellin' weed." He nods, giving me a soft smile. His mother's smile. Max turns around again, stepping away.
"I love you, bud."
"Love you too, dad. I'm glad you're home." There's no sarcasm in his tone, warming your heart.
"Oh, wait! Did you two need me to pick you up tonight?" I ask as he passes through the gate.
"The fuck do you think?" He cracks up, flicking me off with a smile.
Love you too, buddy. Turning around, I trudge up the driveway toward the house. Well... I don't know if I made it better or worse. But, that was somethin'.' I close my eyes, taking a deep, needed breath. The front door opens, and Y/n steps, strolling toward her SUV with the twins in hand. She opens the side, letting them climb in, walking back to the trunk.
Her dress sways with the fall breeze, heels strapped around her ankles. Wow. I’m struck with déjà vu. She wore a dress just like that on our first date. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. That face, that smile, her voice, her curves. She knew how to work 'em all.
Babygirl… Y/n reaches inside, the hem of her dress riding up her thighs. The slightest peak of her perfect fuckin' ass. A smile spreads across my lips. Y/n knows I'm watchin'... She knew it then, too. I need her... So fuckin' bad. It's been too long.
I walk toward her while she digs through the twins' travel bag, hastily taking hold of her hips, pressing myself against her ass, making her giggle. She winds up slowly, relaxing her back against my chest, looking up at me over her shoulder. "You're stunning. Fuck, you look so damn good, y/n," I rasp.
"Thank you, daddy. So do you."
"What are you doin’, ma?”
“Getting them costumes. I feel guilty, Rafe,” she sighs with embarrassment. “I can’t believe I didn’t. The older kids are a disaster; the house is a mess-”
“Don’t feel guilty, baby. The kids are fine. They’re just teenagers. Yeah? And you aren’t a maid. I can’t believe you’re keepin’ up with everything like you are. Get outta here, baby. Buy yourself a coffee, get us a bottle of wine for later, pick up the costumes. Let me handle these two. Unless you want me to go-”
“No!” She stops me fast, laughing at her rash reply. “No. I’d love to get out”.
“And, I’ll talk to the housekeeper about comin’ once a week. Oh, and Harbor… I’ll ask her to come over when I’m outta town so you can take a break. You deserve it.”
“You sure,” she asks apprehensively.
“‘Course I’m sure, pretty,” I croon as I cup her cheeks, pressing a kiss on her lips. “We’ll get these kids dressed up, walk around the neighborhood for a bit, put ‘em down, and have some time for ourselves.”
"That would be amazing." She turns her body into mine, arms wrapping around me, slipping into the back pockets of my slacks. "A night to ourselves. Huh?” She smiles at me coyly.
"Yeah… We’ll snag the good candy, bury a few glasses of wine, and have a good night…”
"I can’t wait, Rafey. I need you so bad."
"Well, shit," I chuckle lustfully. "You're readin' my mind."
"It's been too long." She leans in for a kiss as she squeezes my ass.
"I was just sayin' that, y/n." My hands weave through her hair, tugging slightly.
"You should feel how wet I am for you..."
"That so?" I slip my hand down, tracing slowly up her thigh, feeling her lace panties soaking wet.
"AHHH!" Poppy screeches, making you both jump, jolting the two of you out of your feral state.
"What the hell..." I grumble, making y/n laugh. "You good, princess?" Poppy smiles brightly from her car seat. Her blonde curls bounce as she nods 'yes.’
"She's been doin' that all week," y/n breathes.
"I'm sorry, baby. You're a patient woman," I hail as I pull her in for a hug. "Thank you."
“Anything for you, daddy.”
Shit. I rub my hand over my smile as she steps away, smacking her ass before she can get too far, chuckling to myself as I watch the recoil. So fuckin’ sexy. Y/n meets my gaze, giving me a little wink as she steps into the front seat. Yeah… That’s my girl.
“You two wanna go play on the trampoline?” I ask, offering up the only thing that’ll pull them out of the vehicle without tears. The two squeal with delight as I free them from their seats, climbing out of the car, running toward the back before I can even shut the doors. I stand in the drive, waving at y/n as she pulls out. She looks happier. Fuck, she just needed time to herself.
Hurry home, baby.
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Reader’s POV:
You pour a coffee for Rafe and yourself, adding some Bailey’s to top it all off. It had been a long, tiring week with a never-ending list of tasks with him away. But he was finally home. Rafe leans down at eye-level with your daughter, fixing her little cat ears. He turns to your son, swathing the superhero cape around his shoulders before tying the perfect bow.
The twins giggle, bright smiles plastered all over their round faces as their favorite man dotes on them, the two sneaking in hugs and kisses when they can. Rafe reaches into the back pocket of his slacks, grabbing his phone, snapping picture after picture of the duo, looking back at them proudly.
The four of you step out into the night, hand-in-hand. You walk through your beautiful neighborhood, an unsaid contest between the kooks of who could outdo who, each one of the stately manors more done up than the last. Jack-o’-lanterns flicker on the entrances, spooky music swelling all around.
You look up at Rafe and smile. Even though it was decades ago, you couldn't help but see that same college boy you fell in love with; Rafe still rocking a backward cap, his crisp polo poking out of his cozy North Face jacket. He’s exchanged his jeans for khakis and his red SOLO cups for a travel mug. But the man only looks better with age. The glow of the streetlights highlights his strong jawline— grizzled with the perfect 5 o'clock shadow. His beautiful blue eyes follow the twins as they run freely from house to house. Rafe’s fit, he always has been, but the way his muscles move under his clothes has you dying to rip them all off.
He’s talking business, telling stories about some big deals he closed. You try your best to focus—you really do, but you get lost watching his perfect lips as he speaks, catching the little looks he steals between sips of coffee making your head spin.
Rafe was working so hard for your family: closing deals, making a name for himself, doing what he loves and still coming home being the husband and dad you could only dream of… He’s perfect. You'd drag him home right now if it wouldn't break the twins’ hearts.
Your kids run over, laughing and squealing with delight, opening their bags wide to show the two of you their treasures. Rafe kneels down, looking in the sack, asking them about their loot. “What’d you get? Show me, princess,” Rafe invites, his tone softening as she speaks to her. Your daughter reaches into the satchel and points her tiny finger at a few king-size candy bars. Rafe sneaks his hand in too, grabbing a Reese’s cup. Your daughter’s eyes widened in horror; Rafe signature scowl and glare cutting into her dad.
“Daddy!” She scolds, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Oh - Umm,” Rafe panics slightly as he stands up, towering over your daughter, looking down at her as he fumbles for his wallet. “I didn't steal it. Alright? Daddy was hungry, was all. How much do I owe you, sweetheart?”
“A dollar.”
“A dollar?” He gasps as he fights a wide smile. “You drive a hard bargain.” Rafe thumbs through his wallet, pulling out a dollar and one more as he catches Rory hoping for one too. “N’what do you have for me, buddy?” He questions as he crouches down, looking in the bag. Rory sticks out his tongue as he reaches inside the pouch, looking for something for Rafe, pulling out a taffy. Rafe scrunches his nose in disgust, contorting it into a smile before your son catches his eye again, making you laugh.
Fuck, he's killing me. You feel your cheeks warm up as he walks back to you, looking down at you with loving eyes. Your heart swells with devotion as he slips his hand into yours, feeling the warmth of his palm. He lifts your hand, kissing the top. But it’s not enough; Rafe pulls you in by the hand, kissing your lips instead. “I missed you, baby,” he mumbles against your kiss, his voice dropping slightly lower, sending chills across your body. He smiles against your mouth as you echo the same sentiment. “You look so sexy tonight,” he drawls, his southern accent bleeding through his compliment, his tone warm, and sticky sweet.
“You look so good, daddy,” you praise. Rafe groans against your lips, living in your words.
“It’s after bedtime. What do you say, baby?” He asks as his large hand falls down your body, pulling you in by your waist. “Let’s go home.”
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Rafe’s eyes widen as he walks through the door. "No fuckin’ way," he praises as he drinks you in, taking in every inch of your frilly maid’s costume. His beautiful blue eyes fall to a lusty haze. “N’I said ‘you weren’t a maid, baby… You makin’ a liar outta me. Huh?” He asks as he twirls you under his finger.
Rafe’s rough hands slip under the hem of your lace stockings, following the little straps of your garter belt, clipped to your barely there panties, still hidden under the satin skirt. “Daddy’s gotta get you out of the house more… ‘Specially if you’re gonna come back with gifts like this. You’re spolin’ me. Fuck,” he groans drunkenly, looking down at you in awe. He takes you into his strong arms, tossing you playfully on the mattress.
Rafe mounts the bed fast, crushing you under his weight. His lips capture yours in a heated kiss."You taste good... You smell so fuckin' good, darlin'," he purrs as he buries his head in your neck, stroking his clothed cock against your throbbing pussy. "Damn. I missed this."
"I missed you, baby. C'mon... I need you inside of me," you pant in that pathetic tone that gets you anything you want.
"Jesus, y/n," he moans, chuckling sinfully.
"Why are you dressed, daddy?"
"Good question." He sucks off your bottom lip, tugging at it with his teeth. "Can I leave these on?" Rafe asks, snapping the garter belt around the fullness of your thighs with his big fingers. You smile and nod.
"Panties, too..." You add.
"Well shit," he breathes onto your lips, instantly gliding two thick fingers up your soaked cunt, making you suck in a breath. Rafe takes his digits between his lips. "You're dripping, y/n."
"Haven't stopped thinkin' about you since you left."
"Me either, y/n. You're so fuckin' sweet."
"Rafe..." You pout.
"Shit, baby... I forgot what a slut you were for me."
"How could you forget?" You giggle against his lips. "Clothes. Now."
"Mmm... Yes, Mrs. Cameron."
Rafe steps off the bed, tossing his shirt off his built body. You study him carefully as you slink to the edge of the bed. He grasps his belt in his hands, tugging the leather loose. "Let me?" You sigh as you rise, sky-high heels clicking against the wood floor.
Rafe’s eyes continue to roam your curves as you unfasten his top button, splaying his zipper, pulling his slacks down low. He grabs your chin, drawing you up. His blue eyes lock on yours; Rafe’s stare is hungry and deep. His grip is rough. Not enough to hurt. Just enough to let you know he's in control. This is what he wants... What he's craving at this moment, and you are more than happy to oblige.
"You're my good girl. Aren't you, y/n?" He groans, making you wetter.
"Yeah," you sigh.
"Tell me, y/n."
"I'm your good girl, Rafe."
"And you listen to me, and me alone. Don't you, baby girl?" He runs his thumb along your bottom lip, making your heart thump.
"Yes, daddy. Only you."
"Daddy? I love the way you say that, baby.” Rafe pushes you back on the bed. You sit on the plush mattress, looking up at him innocently as you toy with the elastic of his boxers. He gives you a little nod. You take your cue, pulling them off, following his thick cock to the tip, letting it spring free.
"Fuck, Rafe," you sigh, gripping him in your hands, precum glazed on his tip. You quickly swipe your tongue across his swollen head, swirling for good measure.
"Y/n..." He draws out your name as he towers over you, looking down at you with lust-blown eyes. Rafe drops down on one knee— his strong hand lifting your calf, sliding your spike heel off your foot, kissing your leg unhurriedly before working on the next. He's taking his time, savoring every inch of you before dropping the shoe to the floor. You inhale sharply as he hooks his hands around your legs, tugging you to the edge of the bed.
His calloused finger meets your knee, tracing slowly up your thigh. Your breathing starts to quicken, and your lips part. You look between your legs, watching your husband spread your thighs. "Rafe," you moan as he teases your entrance with the tip of his ringed finger.
"Y/n." He draws out your name, working it deep. "Who's pussy is this, baby?"
He dips in another finger, thrusting it in and out... in and out. Your eyes drift back up his body, watching his abs and arms flex with each thrust. Rafe’s eyes greet yours, the most beautiful blue; he lets your gaze linger on his a little longer. He doesn't punish you, rewarding you with a smirk and some pressure on your clit.
"Mmm... Yours," you whimper. "My pussy is yours, daddy."
"It is... Isn't it," he chuckles as you start to rock with him. Rafe drops to his knees, causing you to draw your legs wider. "Fuck. I could cum just lookin' at you, y/n." His tongue meets your pussy, licking a line to your clit, latching on for a momentary, releasing you with a pop. Your head falls back. An airy moan slips your lips. "Remember when we met? You were such a bad girl, y/n." He kisses his way up your stomach, past your ribcage, grabbing and pressing your breasts together. "No one could tell you what to do."
"But you..."
"That's right." Rafe grabs you roughly, pulling you from the bed and drawing you to your feet. His hands work up your body, weaving into your hair, pulling slightly.
"Get on the chair," he whispers against your lips.
"Yes, Rafey." You walk across the room, Rafe, meeting you fast. The man is on you before you can even reach it. His broad chest presses flush with your back, kissing your neck harshly. "Fuck, baby," you whine. He shoves you, causing you to fall forward. You grasp the back of the chair while his strong hands palm your ass under your slutty maid’s costume. Rafe grabs your thong, snapping it against your skin. His hands return to your body, working over your skin, slapping your ass, causing you to groan.
"First time you sucked my cock, we were at Tops place. Remember?” He spreads your ass and spanks you even harder, causing you to cry a little louder. “You were dressed like a Playboy bunny,” Rafe drawls as he grabs himself in his hands, stroking a few times as he takes you in. “You didn’t even take the ears off.”
“You remember?”
“Shit’s burned into my memory, baby,” he sighs as his large hand follows the length of your spine. "You look even better now, sweetheart."
"So do you, baby? We fucked the next night."
"Mhmm… Yeah, we fuckin’ did. Night one. You’re such a good mommy, baby. Who woulda thought you used to be such a whore back in the day. Huh?”
“Mmm… You bring out the slut in me, daddy. You always have.”
“Yeah, baby. That’s right.” Rafe seizes his dick by the base, tapping it against your ass with one hand, using the other to grope your skin."This fucking body, y/n," he moans as he presses his tip into your entrance. "It's just so damn perfect."
"Shit," you hiss as you feel a stretch.
"And these tits." He grabs the straps of your costume, brushing them off your shoulders, pulling it down past your tits. He reaches around, grabbing your breasts as he glides in a little deeper.
"This waist." His hands drift lower, mirroring his words, driving his cock in a little more. "These hips," he grunts, taking hold of them, bottoming you out, causing you to wail.
Rafe draws out slowly. "Baby, please," you sigh, craving more. He thrusts into you again. Your head falls forward. Rafe snaps his hips into you, setting a rapid pace. Skin, cracking skin. He spanks you— a prickling sting is left behind. "More, Daddy," you beg.
"I don't know, baby... Your ass is pretty red," he taunts. "You sure?"
"Yes. Fuck!"
"Atta girl." He slaps you roughly on the other side. You feel his hands wrapping around your throat, squeezing just enough that you can feel your pulse. The chill of his rings felt against your skin. Rafe rolls his hips into you, deliciously slow, using his grip as leverage to drive deeper.
His hands push higher, gathering your hair. He tugs your strands, causing you to rise, arching your back. He's unforgiving, pounding into you just like you were craving he would. "Fuck me, y/n," he demands.
"Yes," you moan, using the back of the chair to steady yourself as you fuck him back. Working Rafe in and out of your soaked cunt. You bounce and grind, rolling your hips as Rafe praises you. Your ass claps against his toned hips as you take every inch of his long dick, filling yourself to the brim. "Rafe!" You cry.
"Fuck, y/n. Let me hear you, sweetheart," he rasps.
You lose yourself, fluttering around his cock, gripping his wrists as he takes over, rutting into you quickly. "Fuck, Rafe! Just like that." Pitiful cries pass your lips as he proceeds to wreck you from behind. Rafe doesn't let up till he feels you relax around his cock, your head falling back on his chest as he rocks in and out.
"I missed you so fucking much, daddy," you whimper. Rafe kisses your shoulder gently, working his way up to your ear.
"I missed you more, baby. You're my girl, y/n. You know that? You always have been."
"I'm your girl, Rafe," you pant.
"Does my girl want more?"
"Never stop," you chuckle breathlessly.
"Anything for you, y/n." Rafe thrusts into you roughly, making you fall forward, gripping the chair as you expel a breath. He presses your head against the plush backrest, increasing his tempo. "Ugh... Do you hear that, y/n?" You try to nod. "Mmm... You're so damn wet." He turns you around, pulling you back into his arms. Your kisses are wild and deep as you cross the room to your bed. "Can you taste yourself, y/n?" He mumbles against your lips.
"Yes," you mewl.
"Can you ride me, baby?" He groans.
"Yes, daddy," you sigh blissfully. Rafe falls onto the bed. You slip away before he can grab you; Rafe chuckles darkly, twining his fingers behind his head.
"Couldn't get enough?"
"You're right, baby... I'm sweet," you laugh breathily against his cock, watching as goosebumps spread across his thighs.
You wrap your fingers around his length, licking your slick off, eyes burning into his. "Holy shit, baby," he moans, throwing his head deeper into the pillow. You flick your tongue across his slit, tasting the both of you together. Rafe's hand glides from your bangs to the top of your head, taking a tight hold. He presses you down on his cock, bobbing your head up and down to stroke his throbbing dick.
You can feel Rafe striking the back of your throat, tears pooling in your eyes. You flutter your lashes, feeling your tears run in two little rivers down your cheeks. "Ugh... You're so beautiful, baby," he grunts. His eyes roll back as you drop your hand, rubbing little circles against your clit, moans pouring from your lips between strokes. "Come'mere," he chuckles raspily."We gotta do that later... Please, baby. I need more of that."
Rafe grabs your hips, guiding you on top. You rise on your knees, grabbing Rafe's hand, sucking his fingers, cleaning, circling your tongue around his wedding band. He draws them down to your clit, rolling them gently. "All I could think about when I left the house was you, y/n. I couldn't wait to get home. You make me feel so fucking good, y/n." He gives you a sinful smile as his tongue skimming along his rosy bottom lip.
"You make me feel so good, baby," you breathe, slinking your frame hands up your frame, the skirt still pooled around your hips, boobs bouncing with every movement.
Rafe grips his thick cock in his fist. "All I could think about was seeing you naked, princess. Look at you now. Huh? Never thought I’d get to see you like this… So fuckin’ good to me. You know that?" He slides his tip through your silk, circling his head on your clit. You let out a breathy moan. Rafe's eyes roll back again. "Your little noises and this wet fuckin' pussy." He presses his tip in, and you feel the stretch. "Mmm... Grab the headboard, y/n." You grip it as Rafe takes hold of the small of your waist. He thrusts up into you roughly.
"Rafe!" You cry. He lets out a growl, thrusting into you a few more times for good measure. He relaxes on the bed, beckoning you with his stare. "I want you deep in my pussy, daddy," you sigh, sinking slowly, letting your cunt swallow up his big dick. He sucks a sharp breath, snatching your hips, holding you in place.
Clasping the headboard, you start to circle your curves, rolling and working yourself on his length. "Holy shit, honey," he moans. You can hear yourself—how wet you are for him. Rafe can hear it, too, giving you a little smirk. "Still so wet for me?"
"Sucking your cock always gets me wet, daddy. You know that."
"Fuck, baby."
You reach back, clutching his thighs, bouncing on the mattress, nail sinking into his skin. "Shit. You're deep, Rafe," you whimper.
"So fuckin' deep." You look between your thighs, watching his long cock slicked with you once more. Rafe can feel you tightening around him; he can see the look in your eye. "That's my girl," he rasps. "So fuckin' good for me. Can you wait, baby... Cum when I tell you?"
"I thought you listened to me, y/n? Can't you wait, mama?" He chuckles as he applies a little more pressure to your clit.
"Plea-" You stutter as your body quivers uncontrollably.
"Cum." You scream his name as you toss your head back. Your orgasm radiates through your body, making your toes curl, popping off your heels. Rafe continues to thrust as you fall apart. Your muscles tighten around his dick as he works at an insane pace. "Fuck, y/n... That feels so fuckin' good, baby," he moans. "So tight."
He throws you to your back, stepping off the bed, looping his arm under your thighs, pulling you exactly where he wants you, right on the border, before slinging a leg over his shoulder, your heels tumbling the rest of the way off onto the floor. Rafe tips into you, pressing a rough kiss on your lips as he starts to thrust again. His tongue reels with yours. The two of you, utterly exhausted, panting into your kiss.
"Almost there," he mumbles, fighting back his climax to get you on last time. He wraps his arm around your thigh, using that to drive himself deeper.
"S-Shit, Rafe," you stammer. As you feel him strike your g-spot, making your body tremble.
"Again?" He gives you a cocky smile, getting exactly what he wants. You nod rapidly as tears gather in your eyes, overstimulated.
"Can you cum for daddy?"
"Y-Yes. Yes. Shit," you stutter as you grab ahold of the edge of the bed, tossing your head back. Rafe grunts and moans as he thrusts sloppily. Tears fall from your eyes as you close them tightly, your climax claiming your body. A choked cry passes your lips, giving him all you can muster. You feel the warmth of his release, Rafe answering with your name on his lips.
Rafe mounts the bed, pressing a soft kiss against your mouth. His lips drift to your flushed cheeks, kissing away your tears. "I love you, baby. I love you so much," he respires as he holds you close.
"I love you. Never leave me again..." You sigh blissfully.
"I hate leavin' you. But, fuck, do I love comin' home to you, princess." Rafe chuckles as he plays with the costume around your hips, smiling against your lips. “Keep this on for a little while longer. Yeah?”
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soapcloth · 3 months ago
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Filthy Dog
MMA au -> pro!Soap x PR team!reader
Series CW: 18+ MDNI, possessive behaviour, spitplay, oral oneshot - 2K words - dividers -> @/cafekitsune
You heard him before you saw him- the blur of a man who was truly more bull than human, and the scraping of chairs. Another headache for you. 
You knew this was coming, you knew he wouldn't be happy with this sponsor. You tried to warn them.
“Johnny.” Soap’s manager, Mitch, tried to reason, eyes widening when the fighter’s massive wrapped hands flexed around his freshly-pressed white button down, untucking the bottom from his pants in the process. “-John.” he corrected, coughing awkwardly. When Soap snarled at him, Mitch looked to you with that ‘help clean this mess up’ look.
“No.” Soap bit, jamming a blunt finger into the man’s chest before you could respond to his plea. “This is yer’ problem.”
“We don’t have a problem.” Mitch assured. “Talk to me John, what's up?” 
Soap’s eyes narrowed, nostrils flaring. “Ye’ know damn well. Told you I'd sooner quit than work with Max Energy.”
Mitch’s lips pursed, You were unsure what he expected as the outcome of his greed- probably that he would be able to talk his way out of it. “I don’t remember you saying that." he scoffed. "Come on now, Max is great, don't blow this out of-”
Soap growled in frustration, his fist careening into the folding table beside him; a deadly weapon- a warning shot. 
“Tell me, Mitch- why was I-” he snatched the cloth hanging out the pocket of his sweatpants and pushed it into the wiry man’s chest. “-just handed shorts with Max Energy big and bold ‘cross my fucking bits?” 
he leaned in, jaw tense. “Ah’m a joke to ye’? I’ll quit right here, right now.” 
Mitch called your name like he was summoning a maid and you could only sigh in response. “Soap-” “You say one more word for him and ah’ll knock his fucking teeth in.” he warned, not even turning to look in your direction. Your mouth closed, locked tight. 
“John, you quit and all those paying fans out there waiting for you will make sure you never get another damn title again.” Mitch threatened. “They’re not here for some still wet-behind-the-ears openers. They’re sure as shit not here for Kozlov.” he laughed sardonically. “They’re here for you. Don’t ruin this.” ‘-for me’ he seemed to leave out.
You couldn’t help but wonder if Mitch was doing this on purpose, or if he was just flat out stupid.
A deep, rumbling noise echoed around the depths of Soap’s expansive chest, lips curling back like a dog. “I do this fight- then I’m done, Mitch.” Mitch beamed, seemingly only hearing the confirmation he’d be fighting tonight. “-Not for yer’ sorry ass and not for those Max Energy bastards either. For the fans.” Soap grit out.
You could see the gears inside the manager’s head turning as he processed the financial hit he would inevitably take if his golden boy were to leave. “John-” Mitch practically whined.
 “Not up for debate.” Soap snapped, shooting him a venomous look- and like a tornado on a storm path, he chucked the shorts in the bin and left, dipping back into his locker room.
Mitch sighed, rubbing at his temples before setting his eyes on you.
“Do something. You’re Personal Relations- go relate personally.” Mitch snapped at you as he began digging into the trash to retrieve the shorts.
“Public Relations.” you corrected, earning a frustrated hiss and a dismissive hand wave. 
“Don’t change the subject. Get in there.”
You grimaced. “He’ll kill me!” 
“Don't be dramatic and hurry up, he's on soon.” Mitch urged, shooing you off. You made a sour face, heaving yourself up off the padded bench before Mitch could find something else to complain about. “-Wait.” Mitch ordered, as if he was telling a dog to heel. “-Second thought," he hummed "scratch that, let him be pissed for the fight. It’ll do numbers.”
Loathe as you were to admit, Mitch was correct- all three rounds had been polished off like they were light meals. You were next, surely. Your knee bounced anxiously as you awaited the full oncoming force of Soap’s post-cage high. “Fantastic! MacTavish v Kozlov-” Mitch barked out a laugh. “What a joke Kozlov was, does his team think it's amateur hour?” 
“Mitch.” you interrupted, knee falling still. “This isn’t really time for celebrations, you're about to lose your current biggest fighter.” He mowed you down with an eye roll “John just needs time to come to his senses, Max Energy contracts like this are once in a lifetime.”
“He’s not-”
The Locker room door nearly flew off its hinges, a beast coated in sweat and blood emerging. “John!” Mitch grinned with outstretched arms that faltered as the big man stormed straight past him.
God. Good god. He was hurtling towards you. Avert your gaze downwards, you coached yourself, you wouldn’t sit well in the stomach of a dog like him. 
Bare feet stopped before you. “You.” he chuffed out around the rubber guard in his mouth, drawing your gaze upwards. “Let’s go.” You looked around, not fully processing the situation. Mitch regained his composure. “Y-yes! Go talk with John.” he urged, desperately latching on to any inch of leeway Soap would give. “Get the fuck out, Mitch.” Soap barked, voice distorted by the EVA covering his teeth.”’Fore I rip yer’ head clean off.”
“R-right! We’ll talk later.” he laughed out nervously and tucked tail as Soap stared you down through the eyes of a starving street dog; getting the hell out of dodge. He kept his eyes on Soap as he left- a survival instinct not to show your back to a hungry predator.
”I tried to warn them about the Max deal.” you pressed once alone, hoping to avoid an argument. “Ah’know, bonnie.” he hummed lowly, a sweaty, gloved hand coming to graze your cheek. His sudden, loose tenderness came as a shock to your system. “Yer’ not like those vultures- Ye’ don’t see me as an asset.” His empty blue eyes relaxed, pupils dilating as his other hand raised to cradle the other side of your face, both thumbs brushing the corners of your lashlines. “Aye, Yer’ the good one. So patient with a daft bastard like me.” Your eyelids trembled slightly, his gaze zeroing in on the movement. “You want me like I want you?” 
Your eyes darted to your lap, urging Soap to tap at your cheek. “Eyes up- On me.” 
“You give the word and ah’ll treat you better than any man ever could. Ah’ll set ye’ right.” his voice dropped to a low boom. “Yer’ the only good thing ‘round me, have been since the moment we met.” You could still remember why you were hired. Soap was on the come up, but couldn't seem to figure out why getting into random scuffs with strangers over little annoyances was a bad thing. Especially for a man with a body that was essentially a lethal dose of muscle and bulk he had been specially trained in how to throw around. Possible fatal outcomes aside, it wasn't making him a man to root for. Every fight needed tension, but Soap wasn't a man built for pyrrhic victories- he was an underdog, biting and gnashing his way through cage after cage; man after man. He was meant to enjoy his hard-earned glory, and because of your work- MMA fans absolutely adored him. 
Soap huffed out, head tilting. “Y-yeah- yes, okay.” you whispered, trying not to psych yourself out. Your lips creased, head nodding before you could chicken out. 
Pulled into an blurred vortex, it took you an embarrassing amount of time to realize you were hiked over his shoulder as he lumbered towards his private locker room for the fight, locking the door behind him. Setting you gently on the luxurious industrial sink counter was his last mercy as he ripped off his gloves and clawed at your bottoms and underwear, yanking them off your legs. A freshly-bare and clammy hand braced itself under each thigh as he jacked your legs up and over his broad shoulders, a pleased grunt passing his lips. 
He lowered down before cursing and pushing your legs back up against your chest. 
You made a small noise, worried you had somehow fucked something up for him which earned you a growl and a headshake as he grunted and spat his mouthguard onto your tummy, sticky saliva coating your skin as it found its resting place before he dove back in, not caring where the plastic ended up. 
He pressed open-mouthed kisses at the apex of your thighs, sucking and biting at the skin like he was underfed and hungry. You whined as his teeth kept digging into the sensitive flesh, earning satisfied hums from the man in response, stubble not helping your case. You flexed, legs caging in his head which had seemed to guide him towards your waiting cunt.
The noises he emitted as he lapped at your folds made you feel nauseated and lightheaded, a blushing mess.
A shoulder jerked upwards to support your leg so he could explore the messy folds with a newly-unoccupied hand, but didnt pull his mouth back to give himself the space needed to do so; leaving you reeling at the feeling of such a concentrated area of stimulation.
As if sensing your limits, he bullied his way deeper, growling into your pussy in a way that left black spots at the corner of your vision.
Brutish fingers began to dip into the spot they had been searching for and you could feel his body tense and flex as he practically humped into the space beneath the counter, hips desperately chasing contact it wasn't receiving. He cursed against your flesh, mouth covered in drool and slick as he rose upwards, reminding you of a hulking behemoth as you were forced to accommodate the new position. He gazed down with hazy eyes and a glistening jaw as he focused on jamming whatever he could of his finger into your cunt, twitching and thrusting the digit inside you. As if the stretch wasnt enough to satisfy that itch in the back of his skull, he stuffed in his ring finger next to it, pinky and index bracing his hand as he fucked the fingers into you, transfixed. 
You were going to pass out at this rate, his knuckles, malformed from years of improper training and injury- kissed at your inner walls, sending you out of body. 
His lids lowered, pace easing as a thought passed his mind. He paused, stretching open the hole as his throat bobbed a few times. Your head clumsily lolled to the side just in time to watch a fat wad of spit drip from his mouth, directly into your slicked pussy. He smiled, happy with himself and savoring the sight for a moment before continuing his ministrations- slower this time, deeper. He angled his hand, thumb massaging at your clit just to see the way you would react. 
You didn't disappoint him, the sight of you causing his mouth to part, drool still hanging from his chin. “Fuuuck.” he breathed, drawing the word out. "-What a sight ye' are." His eyes darted back to your cunt, thick brows quirking as he experimentally ground his thumb deeper into your nub, urging a cry to push its way out of your lungs. His teeth glinted as he huffed out a small laugh. “Yer’ being so good to me too, huh?” he rumbled happily, eyes coasting along your stretched folds and it took you a moment to realize he wasn't talking to you. He pulled his fingers out slowly, scooping the mixed fluids up and popping them into his mouth. “Mmh-” he groaned, diving back in to gather more, this time digging deep. the movement finally pushed you over the edge. “Tha’s it.” he praised, dipping his head low to lap his mess beneath your flexing thighs.  -
You spent the following half hour under a steaming waterfall shower head with a looming mass tucked against your back, cleaning you up and rutting against you in random incriments- his skin surely emitting steam at a higher rate than the water. He bowed his head into your neck, bunting against you and inhaling the smell of his favourite body wash on your skin. “-Got an offer from 141 Athletics a bit ago, they could take care of it all for us, y'know.” he mumbled, pausing and dragging his nose along your nape. “Yer' coming-" he breathed out. “You work for me, not Mitch- You're coming with me.” you could feel his lips drag up in a sneer against your skin when the man's name left his mouth. In an attempt to comfort him, you tried to turn and face him, but thick arms stopped you, curling under your arms and around your chest, sneaking a feel before pulling you into him, the fatty layer coating his pecs molding against your back like a dream.
You nodded.
“Good.” he sighed.
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foggysilverfeathers · 9 months ago
Fake HC 10 dashboard mayhaps??
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☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
Reminder to love yourself! Smell the trees! Everything will be okay in the end 😊 ☀️
☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
nvm gem ran out of pickles im depressed again
🐟 gemstone Follow
☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
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1,930 notes
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🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
day 126 without a mending book
27 notes
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🚂 scars-axasqottles Follow
uM hey @.hpo-official could i ask why you havent' received my messages?/? Every calsl Ive made just puts me on holdd
⬜️ hpo-official-948204deactivated
Sorry about that, sir. Admin error. I'll speak to my manager.
🚂 scars-axasqottles Follow
🌸 joel-beans Follow
lmao they deactivated what a loser
🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
Remember there's a person behind every poor worker! I see you bullies in the notes
🐟 gemstone Follow
@/mending-book-fanatic is a hermit permit office spy confirmed??
2,441 notes
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🌸 joel-beans Follow
Guys everyone agrees that purpur is cheap and beautiful and godlike and everyone should go buy it right now this second *sweats*
🌲 supreme-judge-bd Follow
I feel like I'm missing something...
🌸 joel-beans Follow
☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
🌸 joel-beans Follow
If I don’t respond within the hour assume she got me
133 notes
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🎩 symmetrical-minister Follow
anyone know a good shop for ethically-sourced wood?? i normally shop at big wood but ive heard things about a mafia :/
🪓 big-salmon Follow
That is absolutely NOT true!! If anything you should be targeting the crypto scheme at Big Wood,,
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
aaaand this is why you should never trust businessmen in red suits
🪓 big-salmon Follow
says the one compensating with a massive HOURGLASS of all things
🐍 puppet-master Follow
Actually @.big-salmon Xisuma_voyd made a really well-explained video here going into detail about all of the shady elements of Big Wood, it's worth a watch.
🐟 gemstone Follow
To answer the original question OP here are some safer (privately owned!) shops :)
Gem's Moss Shop (azaleas for sale which can be bonemealed)
Bdub's Bamboo Shop (bamboo wood is a good eco-friendly alternative to your typical spruce or oak)
The Purr-purr bus (if you're okay with having slightly more exotic trees, from the End)
Hope this helped! <3
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
Why would you pay diamonds for less when you could just pay a few grains of sand for the best quality wood in the shopping district? You people confuse me
🌲 supreme-judge-bd Follow
actually the Purr-purr bus isn't ethical at all!! ive heard they blackmail people into giving them sails!!!
🐟 gemstone Follow
🌲 supreme-judge-bd Follow
☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
2,750 notes
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🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
day 131 without a mending book
34 notes
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🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
day 164 without a mending book
🐍 puppet-master Follow
Grian you know you can get free mending books at the cat cafe right
🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
it's not the same
🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
I need to be able to smell the breath of the sea between its sodden pages
🎣 mending-book-fanatic Follow
continue along the same path and you'll soon be facing villager unions
2,316 notes
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🔥 tongo-tak Follow
Friendly reminder that not everyone wakes up at 2am, so please tag your Pearldle spoilers for at least a few hours!!
☀️ pearlescent-post Follow
skill issue tbh
1,102 notes
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🇸🇪 death2diorite85 Follow
hallo how flirt with pretty girl time sensitive question
🌺 git-gorgeous Follow
sell them something
🔥 tongo-tak Follow
bribe diamonds
🐍 puppet-master Follow
kill them
🇸🇪 death2diorite85 Follow
okay will do!!!!
🇸🇪 death2diorite85 Follow
2,989 notes
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🐍 puppet-master Follow
Happy pride month to lgbtqia+ people of all ages, genders and sexualities, you're all so valid and so loved <3 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
🐟 gemstone Follow
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
I'm making a rainbow beacon for pride, come look for it! i'll be with it by my husband @ renthedog's hole all week
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
⌛️ d0ctorm77 Follow
🐾 renthedog Follow
2,655 notes
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🌸 joel-beans Follow
etho is just kakashi on maple syrup send post
🌸 joel-beans Follow
almost forgot to add important additional difference! etho is also obsessed with me
1,113 notes
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solelifauna · 5 months ago
So this NOT to imply the writing is bad
But so far the Batfam fic as me genuinely shaking in anger , the fact that dick is convinced that y/n as to prove herself to be "worthy" genuinely got to me to the point I need a pallete cleanser
Could we please get a small drabble of reader growing close with one of the "outside" batfam members?
Like maybe Kate(batwoman) and Luke (batwing) because they are under used
Or hell, maybe to really grind the family gears, reader gets close to azrael
(you know Bruce would've able to do shit if reader got close with Kate, she would fucking eat him alive)
Hey, You're all good bro! I also just want to put out that my fic is based on an au! The portrayals of any characters in my fic are based off of their canon and fanon counterparts, just with my own twist. Since this is a darker universe/au, the Bats along with other heroes are going to be a lot more brutal and jaded.
Also love your idea bro. But, I'll do you one better. Constantine. Bruce absolutely can't stand him and the reader being friends with/getting along with him? Oh, that's bound to grind Bruce's gears. It would also be easier to meet Constantine too.
Let's just say one day the reader gets caught up in some Justice League Dark stuff that Constantine is trying to solve. She gets kidnapped by a cult that wants to use her as a sacrifice. I mean, she is a pretty huge target, being the daughter of a Billionaire after all. Anyways, shes kidnapped, nobody is coming to get her, not from her family at least. Long story short, Constantine arrives too late to stop the ritual, but things don't go according to plan for the cultists anyway. Turns out that the person sacrificed wouldn't be killed, but would instead become a vessel.
Great, now you have some old, eldrich being living rent-free in your mind. The being is old, donning the title "Keeper of Hell", but you'll just call it (they? him? her?), Adam. Yeah, Adam wasn't too happy with the name. When Constantine arrives, however, hes pleasantly surprised to find you alive. When he realizes that you, a 15-year-old, now carry the presence and power of an eldritch being older than Gotham itself, he groans while lighting up a cigarette. Looks like he'd have to deal with you now.
He checks over you making sure you have no internal and external injuries before explaining your situation. He feels a little sorry for you, but he is in no condition to train you. He asks around to other JL dark members, hoping to see if anyone is willing to help you control your new powers. He sighs again when nobody steps up to the plate, too busy with their own sidekicks and quests.
Reluctantly, he tells you he'd help you figure stuff out. And there begins the blossoming of the amazing "Grumpy old man and kid they didn't ask for" troupe. When you tell Constantine your name, he blanks, because of course he gets stuck with one of the bat's kids. However, based on your tone of voice when discussing your family (and the way you begged him not to let Bruce/Batman know of your predicament), he's guessing things aren't all too great between you all. Well, thats not his problem, his only job was to train you and make sure you don't end up accidentally killing someone.
Yeah...like that thought process is going to last. Training sessions start out bleak and professional, he's only doing a job. Then as time continues, he finds himself enjoying your company, your enthusiasm to learn and your rambunctious/sarcastic comebacks always have him fighting off a smile. It's been a while since he's had company like this. Soon, you're both going out on missions, and then ice cream breaks afterward. He lets you fall asleep on his shoulder, drooling all over his trench coat after particularly difficult missions and he can't bring himself to mind.
He's fond of you, although he never admits it out loud. It's okay though, because even though he's never said it out loud, his actions speak louder than words. You could feel his love and pride for you. Although he wasn't exactly your dad per se, he was still something to you, maybe the wine uncle? You don't know, and you don't particularly care to put a label on what Constantine was to you, you're just glad that he's there.
Shit hits the fan, however, when one day you decide to go on a solo mission. It's nothing crazy, just getting rid of some poltergeists and low-level demons and shades. Now, were you given permission to go on this mission alone? No, but in a normal teenage manner, you decide to go anyway. Everything was fine, you got rid of all the poltergeists in the area and even some of the shades too! It's all going well until you realize that the demon mentioned before was not as weak as you were told. You gulped when its blood red eyes turned to you.
"Well shit." Constantine was going to kill you.
It immediately lunges at you, you barely rolling out of its sharp claws. You hit it with a couple of spells, causing the demon to roar out in pain, burn marks now littering its side. Its tail whips at you, colliding with your stomach as you fly into a wall with a loud thud. You groan as you pick yourself up, clutching your ribs, each breath a jagged pain that ripples through your chest. Your arm is slick with blood, the gashes from the demon's claws burning as if its very essence were trying to sear your flesh. You grit your teeth and weave another spell, calling on Adam’s power to knock the demon back. This time, a burst of raw energy slams into it, shattering its leg with a sickening crack.
For a brief moment, you think it's over, ready to strike the final blow. But the demon’s leg snaps back into place, bone and flesh knitting together as if the injury had never happened.
“Of course,” you mutter under your breath. “Why would this be easy?”
The demon lunges again, and you’re just a split second too slow. Burning pain flares through your right arm as its claws tear into you, ripping through your flesh like paper. You scream, the sound involuntary, but you push through the pain, refusing to go down without a fight.
Drawing back, you unleash another spell, a sharp projectile of energy aimed at its neck. The demon flinches, letting out a low growl. That reaction—panic—gives you the first glimmer of hope. Its neck. That's its weak spot.
With renewed determination, you gather every ounce of strength you have left. The cuts across your body throb, and your arm feels like it’s on fire, but you push it all aside. You can do this. You have to do this.
You unleash a volley of cutting spells, each one aimed at the demon’s throat. It fights back viciously, throwing you around the room with a strength that makes your vision blur. Every hit you take feels like your bones are splintering, but you keep going. You keep attacking.
Finally, one of your spells strikes true.
The demon lets out a gurgling screech as your spell cuts deep into its neck. Blood—thick and dark—pours from the wound, and it claws at its own throat, choking. Its body spasms violently, and then, as if collapsing in on itself, it begins to disintegrate. In a few seconds, all that’s left is dust.
You stand there, panting, barely able to process the fact that you did it. You won. A grin spreads across your face, and despite the pain radiating from every part of your body, you let out a weak cheer.
But the celebration is short-lived.
Pain cuts through you like a knife, sharp and sudden, reminding you of just how battered you are. Blood is still oozing from the various gashes across your body, and your arm feels like it’s hanging by a thread. You stumble, nearly falling, but catch yourself at the last second.
“Crap… I’m bleeding out,” you mumble, wincing. “Whoops.”
With what little energy you have left, you remember the spell Constantine taught you, the one that would tether you to him no matter where you were. He warned you not to use it unless it was an emergency—and bleeding out from demon-inflicted wounds definitely qualifies.
You lift your shaking hand and cast the spell, a sluggish flick of your wrist sending out a ripple of energy. A portal forms, shimmering and unstable, but functional enough. Without much grace, you stumble through it, disappearing from the demon’s lair.
What you didn’t know, however, was that Constantine was currently in a Justice League meeting.
The first thing you feel is a sudden drop, like the ground beneath you has vanished. You barely register the sensation of falling before you crash, hard, onto something solid. Groaning, you blink through the haze of pain and find yourself sprawled across a massive table.
You can hear voices—muffled, alarmed—but the world is spinning too much for you to focus. All you know is that you're lying on something cold and hard, and you’re absolutely drenched in blood.
Forcing your eyes open, you see several figures standing around you, staring in shock. Your vision is blurry, but you can make out Superman’s cape and Wonder Woman’s armor. You try to process what's happening, but the pain in your arm and ribs keeps pulling you under.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow. Fuckkkk." You cry out.
Suddenly, the scent of smoke fills the air. You don't even have to look to know who it is. Constantine’s familiar trench coat brushes against your arm as he crouches beside you, cigarette dangling loosely from his lips. His eyes flicker with a dangerous mix of exasperation and barely concealed anger.
“What in the bloody fuck, kid?” he snaps, his tone harsher than usual, but the concern underlies his words.
You wince, the situation hitting you all at once. Crap. Now I've got to deal with this.
You muster a weak, sheepish grin, wincing as you turn your head to face him. “Heyyy Constantine, how are ya?”
His brow furrows deeper, and he’s clearly not amused. “What did you do?”
You swallow hard, trying to think of how to explain yourself without getting ripped to shreds—verbally or otherwise. “I—well, promise you won’t get mad?”
“Too late for that, kid. I’m already halfway there,” he growls, his eyes narrowing as he looks over your wounds. “Now get to it.”
You bite your lip, trying to find the least disastrous way to explain. “So… I sorta… mighta… gone on a solo demon-hunting mission,” you blurt out quickly, hoping he’d just move past it.
The way Constantine’s eyes widen, and the immediate twitch in his jaw tell you that he’s definitely not going to move past it.
“You did what?!” His voice rises as he stands up, rubbing a hand over his face. “Oh bloody— I thought I specifically told you not to go by yourself! And this is what happens!”
“Hey, well, I’m alive, aren’t I?” you say, grinning nervously, trying to play it off.
“That’s besides the point!” He throws his arms up, pacing as he takes a long drag from his cigarette. “Bloody hell, I should’ve known better with you kids. I swear, this is why I never—”
Just then, a dark, grim voice cuts through the chaos, and your heart nearly stops.
“Constantine,” Batman’s tone is low, authoritative. “Why is my daughter bleeding on our table?”
Oh no. No, no, no. Not now.
You freeze, your mind going blank as you feel the weight of Batman’s presence at the end of the table. You slowly, painfully turn your head to see him standing there, cape draped over his shoulders, his gaze icy and locked onto you. His usual stoic expression somehow looks even more intense.
“Ah… shit,” you mutter under your breath, groaning inwardly as you realize you’ve just landed yourself in the absolute worst situation imaginable. “I completely forgot he was still here.” Wait, did you say that out loud?
Constantine gives you a sidelong glance, raising an eyebrow. “Yes, kid, you did. And now we’ve got more than just your wounds to worry about, don’t we?” He sighs deeply, rubbing his temples, already anticipating the fallout.
Batman’s eyes narrow, arms crossed as he takes a step closer to you, his voice low and dangerous. “Care to explain yourself?”
You’re still bleeding, your head is pounding, and you’re pretty sure at least a few bones are broken, but none of that compares to the fear creeping up your spine as you look up at your father. Your mind races for an answer, but every excuse you can think of feels flimsy at best.
Constantine clears his throat, sensing the rising tension in the room. “Right. Let’s get her fixed up before this turns into an interrogation, yeah? Kid’s bleeding all over the place, and she’s already taken a beating. We’ll save the lecture for later.” He waves his hand, muttering something under his breath as he kneels beside you again.
The tension between Constantine and Batman lingers in the air, thick and heavy, but Batman finally relents. His eyes soften—slightly—as he watches Constantine work to stabilize your injuries with magic.
You can feel yourself growing weaker, the adrenaline finally wearing off as the pain becomes unbearable. Constantine mutters a healing spell, one that slows the bleeding and knits some of the less serious cuts together. It's not perfect, but it’s enough for now.
“I think it’s time to get you all fixed up, huh?” Constantine says softly, his earlier anger tempered by concern as he helps you sit up, his hand firm on your back to support you.
You nod weakly, not daring to meet Batman’s eyes again. You’re in deep trouble, but for now, at least, you’re still breathing. As Constantine gets ready to teleport you to a safer place to heal, you hear Batman’s voice, calm but steely.
“We’re not done here.”
And with that ominous promise hanging in the air, Constantine picks you up, and the world around you shifts once again.
Constantine gently carries you through the halls toward the Justice League’s med bay, muttering curses under his breath with every step. You could feel his frustration radiating off him, and now, in the quiet aftermath of the fight, guilt begins to settle in your chest. The adrenaline from the battle has worn off, and now you're left with the consequences of your reckless actions.
“Hey, Constantine… I—I’m sorry for not listening to you. I really am,” you say, your voice soft and heavy with regret.
He sighs, not looking at you, but his tone is stern. “I’m not going to lie and say I’m not mad at you, kid. You didn’t just ignore my warnings—you put yourself in danger. There are rules for a reason. What if you got seriously hurt and couldn’t cast a spell back to me? Even worse, what if you died or got possessed?”
His words hit you hard, and you wither under the weight of them. You know he’s right. All those rules and restrictions aren’t just him being overprotective or controlling, they’re because he cares. He’s seen the kind of darkness that can swallow people whole, and the thought of that happening to you terrifies him, even if he’ll never say it out loud.
By the time you reach the med bay, the guilt feels like it’s pressing down on you as much as the pain in your ribs. Constantine lowers you onto a cot, tucking you in with a gruff gentleness that only he could pull off. He sits down on the side of the bed, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it with a quick flick of his fingers, his eyes never leaving yours.
“What I’m trying to say, kid,” he starts, exhaling a cloud of smoke, “is that I care. I care about you, I care about what happens to you. I don’t want—” He pauses, his voice softening. “I don’t want to ever have to find your body one day. So please, from now on, let me know before you do something stupid like this.”
His words hang in the air, raw and unfiltered. You nod, trying to process it all, and then something clicks in your mind. Wait… did he just say let him know?
“Let you know? Does this mean—” Your eyes widen as realization hits you. “Does this mean I can go on solo missions?”
Constantine lets out a resigned sigh. “Yes, yes, you can start going on solo missions—”
“Hell yeah!” you exclaim, sitting up a little too quickly. Pain shoots through your ribs, but you can’t help the excitement bubbling inside you.
“—but, only the ones I sanction and authorize,” Constantine finishes, cutting through your excitement with a stern look. You deflate a little at his words, but it’s still a victory in your book.
Without thinking, you throw your arms around him, ignoring the sharp pain it causes in your ribs. “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! I promise I won’t let you down!”
He chuckles, patting your back awkwardly before pulling away. “Yeah, yeah, I know you won’t. Now, lay back down and get some rest. You still have dark and brooding to deal with.” He gestures toward the direction of the meeting room, clearly dreading the inevitable confrontation with Batman. “And by extension, I do too,” he adds with a heavy sigh.
You groan, sinking back into the cot, the exhaustion finally catching up with you. “I don’t know why he even cares. If he did, he would’ve figured this out ages ago.”
Constantine glances at you, his expression softening for a moment. He takes a long drag of his cigarette before speaking. “He cares, kid. He just… doesn’t always show it the way you want him to. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel it.”
You scoff, though part of you knows he’s right. “Yeah, well, doesn’t feel like it.”
Constantine stands, taking one last drag of his cigarette before flicking it into a nearby ashtray. “Doesn’t matter how it feels right now. The Bat’s going to want answers, and if I know him, he’s going to want to have a very long talk with you. You’re not out of the woods yet.”
You wince at the thought of the upcoming conversation, knowing that Batman’s interrogation will be thorough and far less forgiving than Constantine’s.
“Great,” you mutter, closing your eyes and sinking deeper into the cot. “Just what I need.”
Constantine gives you a small, almost affectionate smile before turning to leave. “Get some rest, kid. You’ve earned it. I’ll deal with the big bad Bat for now.”
And with that, he walks out, leaving you alone in the med bay. As much as you’re dreading what’s to come, you can’t help but feel a sense of relief. Despite the pain and the mistakes you made, you know that Constantine’s got your back. And, maybe, just maybe, Batman does too, even if it’s buried under a mountain of brooding and silence.
For now, though, you let the exhaustion pull you under, trusting that everything else can wait until tomorrow.
As you rest, your body finally succumbing to the exhaustion, your breathing evens out and your mind drifts into sleep. The med bay is quiet, sterile, but the tension in the air lingers, waiting for the inevitable. Eventually, a dark, caped figure glides into the room silently, his form casting long shadows across the walls.
Batman—no, Bruce—stands over you, his sharp eyes tracing every bruise, every cut that mars your face. His jaw clenches as a million thoughts swirl in his head, none of them offering any comfort.
What the hell happened to you? Why are you and Constantine so close? How did you even know Constantine? How much had he missed—how little attention had he been paying—to not notice any of this?
Bruce sighs, a deep and frustrated sound. He removes his cowl, setting it on the side table with a weary hand. Without it, he seems less intimidating, less imposing. He stares down at you, seeing the cuts and bruises marking your skin, but what hits him harder is the way your face, in sleep, is still so achingly young. You're his daughter, and yet it feels like you're a stranger to him now.
How did you get so far away?
He knows the answer. The fault lies with him, with the choices he made, the excuses he repeated to himself—telling himself he was too busy, telling himself he would check in later. Later never came, though, and the space between you widened, until it wasn't just him you were drifting away from, but your brothers too.
Bruce noticed the way your brothers treated you, the harsh words, the cold shoulders. He saw the distance, but he justified it, telling himself it was sibling rivalry or something that would pass. He didn't step in. And now, as he looks at you lying there, bruised and battered from a fight he wasn’t even aware of, the reality sinks in: he has no excuse.
With a heavy sigh, Bruce reaches out, his rough but careful hand carding gently through your hair. The gesture is tender, hesitant, as if he's not sure whether he has the right to touch you like this anymore. But as his fingers comb through your hair, you stir in your sleep, a quiet murmur escaping your lips as you unconsciously lean into his touch. It's such a sweet, innocent moment, and for a brief second, Bruce allows himself to feel the warmth of it.
But the moment is fleeting.
He feels the presence before he sees it, the unmistakable smell of cigarette smoke filling the room. His jaw tightens as his hand stills. He doesn’t turn right away, but his voice cuts through the silence.
“Constantine,” Bruce says, his tone gruff even without the cowl to disguise it.
Constantine steps into the room more fully, leaning against the wall, a half-smoked cigarette between his lips. He regards Bruce with that same nonchalance he carries everywhere, though there's a flicker of something else in his eyes—something more cautious.
"Thought you’d still be brooding over in the corner," Constantine says, taking a drag of his cigarette. His eyes drift to you, lying peacefully on the cot. “Didn’t expect to see this version of you.”
Bruce doesn’t respond right away. He pulls his hand back from your hair, his gaze hardening. "What happened?" The question is direct, but underneath it, Constantine can hear the concern, the frustration Bruce doesn't voice aloud.
"She went off on her own," Constantine mutters, taking another drag before blowing out a cloud of smoke. "Went after a demon. Got roughed up pretty bad, but she handled it in the end. Strong kid. Stubborn too. Wonder where she gets that from, eh?"
Bruce's eyes narrow. "And you let her?"
"Let her?" Constantine laughs, a short, sharp sound. "Mate, I didn’t let her. She went behind my back, just like she’s gone behind yours for who knows how long. Difference is, I’m the one she actually came back to.”
That lands like a punch to Bruce's gut. He doesn’t react visibly, but Constantine can see the tension in his posture.
"I didn't know she was…" Bruce starts, then stops, shaking his head. The words feel inadequate. "I didn't know she was involved with this stuff, i didn't even know she was a meta. Or that she knew you."
"Yeah, well, she found her way to me," Constantine says with a shrug, stubbing out his cigarette on the wall. “And she's not a meta by the way, she's a vessel for some eldritch being"
A vague expression of surprise appears on Bruce's face.
"I don't blame you, mate. I was surprised to find her alive afterwards. Not just anyone survives that kind of transformation, she's strong.”
Bruce crosses his arms, his gaze flickering between you and Constantine. “I know she’s strong.”
“Do you?” Constantine raises an eyebrow, the challenge clear in his tone. “Because she’s been running herself ragged trying to prove it. To you. To herself. And, hell, maybe to me too, but at least I see it.”
There’s silence for a moment. Bruce clenches his jaw, turning to look at you again, sleeping soundly despite the tension in the room. He knew Constantine was right. You'd been pushing yourself, fighting to show that you didn’t need them—that you were strong enough on your own. And he had let you. He'd let you because he didn't even care to notice.
Constantine sighs, sensing the weight of the silence. “Look, I didn’t come here to throw stones. But you’ve got to get your shit together with her. She’s tough, but she’s still a kid, and she’s your kid. She needs you.”
Bruce doesn’t answer, but his silence speaks volumes. He watches you, the soft rise and fall of your chest, and feels the regret gnawing at him.
“I’ll handle it,” Bruce finally says, though the words feel hollow.
Constantine gives him a long look, then nods. “You better. Because if you don’t, she’ll be right back with me..”
With that, Constantine pushes off the wall, flicking away the last of his cigarette. “I’ll check in on her later. Try not to fuck this up, mate.” And with one last glance at you, Constantine leaves, the tension in the room ebbing with him.
Bruce remains, standing over you, his mind a whirlwind of regret, guilt, and the desire to fix what’s been broken for far too long. He leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead—something he hasn’t done in what feels like years—before stepping back, pulling the chair beside your bed to sit vigil over you.
He’s still not sure how to bridge the gap, but for now, he stays. It’s a start.
Well, thats all folks! I really enjoyed writing this au, so thanks for the idea! Maybe ill even make a pt. 2 to this? Who knows? Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it.
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