#me: *looks at romani* baby boy. baby.
bruciemilf · 2 years
I'm sorry, can you imagine being Tim Drake, bullying your way into becoming Robin, and Batman’s rogues are just like
Harley: He's, uh...He's nice!
Selina: don't listen to what people say about you, okay?
Tim: People talk about me--
Oswald: Is he a rescue or purebred?
Harvey, who's used to a mouthy Romani boy with no filter and a latino sunshine baby from crime alley: I don't know what you are ethnically...But it's looking like CRACKER
Tim hides behind Bruce's legs the whole time, but is he spared? No. Bruce, before anything, Is the father of pettiness, " Tell them about yourself. Maybe about your photography hobby?"
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evita-shelby · 6 months
A Repetition of History
Or Tommy finds his school bully at the last palce he expected to see him, Florence’s school entrence dropping off his son, who takes after his father in more than just looks
Cw: racsim, bullying, slurs, violence
No offense to Harolds of the world, i just picked common baby names from 1890
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He’s taken his children to school plenty of times. So far, everyone fears his displeasure enough to keep their mouths shut.
Mosely and the growing bigotry these years had caused them plenty of trouble for them and their children so much that they’ve had to enroll them in a different school.
Florence had fewer more issues than Diane since she didn’t inherit the long forgotten Shelby trait of two different colored eyes. And yet his girl was approaching the building as if she were being led to her doom.
He’d only come here so her classmates could learn about what a member of Parliament does before they take a tour of 10 Downing Street that he got for them. While he felt a little bad for using his children’s school to campaign for re-elections, 9 year old Flora loved ruling over the playground enough to suggest the idea in the first place.
“What’s wrong, sweet girl?” he asks quietly, and before she answers, Tommy heard it.
“Didn’t know they let the likes of you into these places?” one of the parents says with that distinct tone that told the reformed gangster this was more than just old money snobbery.
This one was one of the ,unfortunately, many who believed in Fascism and the idea that the white race must exterminate the others.
And unfortunately for everyone involved, a man Tommy knew from before. He used to harass him and his siblings in school when they were younger. He would call Ada things, pull on her braids, he’d hit John, and the reason Tommy learned to use the old pocket knife he had pickpocketed one Sunday morning with his father.
The boy had learned to hate the Romani at his mother’s bosom and now taught it to his children. Especially the little boy with that sinister little smile that made the usually unflappable Florence cry.
“Not everyone shares your views, Harold. Most people believe the children of an elected representative should attend the same schools as the rest of the children in his constituency.” Tommy hardly brags about his career unless the situation merits it, and this one did.
It was only this and Florence that kept him from beating the living shit of his old schoolyard bully.
“I didn’t mean that, Shelby, but I suppose even the Crown lowered its standards to allow dirty gypsies like you into its sacred halls.” Harold said and Tommy knows this won’t end well for anyone.
“The people of Birmingham put me there, if they don’t see anything wrong with a ‘dirty gypsy’ representing them in Parliament, neither should you.” While he was used to being called a gypsy –some just didn’t know any better and still assumed their people came from Egypt--- Tommy couldn’t just let it slide this time.
With those last words and the apologies of Florence’s teacher and several members of the faculty, Tommy does his best to leave even with his fist clenched in anger.
Even words from that fucking cunt were enough to wake the devil in him.
“That’s right, pikey, leave just like your dad did.” Harold laughs, thinking he’s won.
He never sees the fist until Tommy’s recreating that time he and Arthur showed him enough was enough after he pulled Ada’s new dress down in front of the class.
Mrs. Changretta hadn’t stopped them, in fact didn’t stop Angel and Luca from joining in too. After all Harold hated Italians as much as he hated the Romani and the Jews.
The staff can’t get him to stop until he’s stained the cobblestones with blood and the screaming children shake him out of the memories of every single insult has avenged itself through his fists.
“I’m sorry, ma’am, don’t know what came over me.” He apologizes to the headmistresses, but he cannot make himself see the horror in Florence’s face.
She’s scared of him now. Just as he was scared of his father the first time he saw him kill.
Tommy, from then on, decides he won’t take her to school like he used to, but later that evening, Florence sneaks into his office with the desert he’s denied himself.
Even worse, she kisses his cheek as she always does and whispers, “Thank you.”
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lawfullycaffeinated · 1 month
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So I haven't done any official studying lately. However, I have been doing some research about the Romani people, because apparently one of my great-grandfathers (not sure how removed he is from me) was actually Hungarian and was forgotten as a baby in MX by his family and taken in by my ancestors.
My mom's oldest sister shared the story with me, but both my mom and aunt have a slightly different version of the story. I wonder who, if anyone, knows the real story as it happened so they could share it with me.
According to my aunt's telling-
There were always these caravans of Hungarian gypsies that would travel to MX and set up tents and booths in a circus/carnival-type thing where they would do fortune-telling through different forms of divination (palmistry, crystal balls, tarot). During a cold winter, Little Baby was forgotten and found by Ancestor who tried to take him to the police. The police, however, were basically like "Just take him home and we'll let u know," and no one ever claimed Little Baby. Little Baby was then raised by Ancestor as his.
However, my mom says he was forgotten as a little boy, not a baby and she isn't sure it happened during winter. She also thinks it was to flee the persecution of all the Romani people in Europe and seek momentary refuge. But, I don't think the reason they arrived in MX matters too much because if it was to flee, they still had to do something to make some kind of money to afford to stay alive in the new location they arrived- hence, their divination practices. Additionally, they lived a nomadic lifestyle, so their arrival to MX would've happened regardless, at a certain point in time.
While their telling of events differs, one thing that is certain is that we have some kind of European/Middle Eastern ancestry.
As I did research on Hungarian gypsies, I found that one, they're not gypsies, but rather Romani people. The Romani people in Hungary are Hungarians of Romani descent, and the Romani people originate from Northern India. There's linguistic evidence that shows the Romani share basic lexicon with Hindi and Punjab; Phonetic features with Marwari; Their grammar is closest to Bengal.
Genetic findings say that the Romani originated in northwestern India and then migrated as a group. So my ancestor's journey had to look something like this:
Northwestern India → Middle East → Romania → Hungary
However, there's something that confuses me about my research because in my readings there was something that said the Romani people were often called "Egyptians" and/or "the Pharaoh's People," but as I try to find more information on "the Pharaoh's People," nothing shows up. So, were the Romani just falsely identified as Egyptians in the same way that people from countries like Guatemala and Cuba are called Mexicans? Or is there a real tie/connection between the Romani and Egypt? If so, are all people under a Pharaoh's rule referred to as the Pharaoh's People, or is this label saved for their "employees?"
One thing is for sure- my people have never known peace.
How sad is it, that my whole ancestry line has known nothing but discrimination and genocide. From the Spanish conquistadores who took over Mexico. The English colonizers who took Mexican land from its people. The Nazis persecuting my Romani ancestors alongside the Jewish in the Holocaust. To present day discrimination in Hungary that the Hungarian-Romani people are still facing and the discrimination Mexican people face in the US.
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can go to hell.
To hell with your baby girl.
Your baby girl is a racist prick who rightfully got jumped.
He didn't deserve the abuse, and Cazador should die a brutal tragic and painful death.
But really? After a whole year of being spammed post after post of this dumb vampire, I finally take a look into the game.
The Fandom is ever so keen on highlighting his whole being just as an victim with a bit of a bad boy persona that can be easily melted away with the right tav.
So color me surprised when I went to watch just game play and no commentary to get to take in his story that this guy's isn't just a emo murder hobo.
This guy is viciously racist. The Gur, their basically fantasy Romani.
You have a white man, in a position of power, abuse that power over minorities, with a story that made the abused minorities seem out of line when they fight their oppression, and what? I'm just supposed to be ok with that blanton racism?
And I'm supposed to be ok with a large portion of the Fandom being ok to make excuses for racism?
Because this isn't fantasy racism. We are being presented a story with real racism and having the writers side with the racists. The writers are siding with the racists by using all the awful stereotypes, "jokes", and xenophobic myths as justification as to why their white victim hates them.
I am disgusted with this game. I am rather thankful someone posted their game play so I didn't waste 70+ dollars on this trash.
When I first saw him, he made me feel awfully uncomfortable. Like I needed to crawl out my skin. Now I know why. He would have hated a "gur" like me.
I'm not fantasy. I'm not magic. I'm a person!
I'm sick of everyone praising this character, their story ark, shipping him with their OCs, and anything having to deal with him.
Wheather you like it or not, his story contributes and perpetuates racist justification.
I see it in their posts. In their hatred. All in the love of their poor hurt elf lover.
Media has an effect on it's consumer. You can build empires or tear down walls with a single story. Art is a medium in which reveals and touches the hearts of others.
If in your Fandom you use the same mental gymnastics racists use to justify hate, I think you need to take a moment of reflection.
This is your man. Not Preminger, not Dr. franknfurther, not Prince charming, Stevie Griffin, Goblin king. Frollo. A romanticized Frollo.
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seldomscilence16 · 11 months
Whumptober day 27:
"You drew stars around my scars, but now I'm bleeding."
Matches | scars | "Let me see."
Fandom: Young Justice
Prompts used: all
Just a short little piece. I read up on Speedsters 'Kryptonite' and found 2 things (minus inhibitor collars obv.) And one took way too much knowledge and like, outside forces, while the other was so ordinary I can't believe I forgot about it. Anyway, I had to remind myself several times that I was writing Wally and not Denki.
TW Depressive thoughts, near death experiences, referenced child abuse, and Blood.
Wally and Dick had been friends for years.
Wally knew Dicks mothers favorite color and his fathers best joke- though it didn't translate as well to English, so Wally knew Romani enough to make Dick feel at home. Wally knew how they died, and how Dick became Robin and why, andandand-
Dick knew Wally had hated superheroes growing up. That it wasn't until the Flash, and discovering it was his Uncle, that Wally even thought about it, that he'd be a hero who saved EVERYONE. Not just the public, but the ones who need it but can't ask. Dick knew Wally didn't like going home, that everyday a number would plague him, that his speed hid his flinches and allowed him a quick escape and time to calm enough to laugh when someone snuck up on him.
He knew that SOMETHING happened to him. When they were younger and just starting out, Wally knew Dick liked doing something with his hands, so he'd let Dick draw along his arms and Dick would let Wally tap his foot as fast as he wanted and glare at anyone who pointed it out.
Wally thinks about his life before the experiment, when he was just a little boy born into a world that didn't think he was enough. He thinks about the sports he was forced into so he could explain away his injuries and to be a man. He thinks he's glad Dick didnt know him then, that he didn't see the weak little worthless boy he'd been.
But he supposes, even superpowers can't change who you are at your core. They can cover it up, hide things away, but who you are rarely changes. Wally knew that now, no matter how many successful missions, or people saved, or good deeds done-
If even his own parents can't stand him, HATE him, if he can't even save himself, how can he think himself worthy enough to be a hero?
Wally had forgotten what moving through molasses felt like. His speed had saved him so many times and yet now… now it was failing him. He feels it burning within him, matches too close to the fingers holding them, ready to go out at any second, with the flick of a wrist. But Wally has been burned so often… he'll burn with it before he throws it away.
"Wally, look at me, what are- you're bleeding! Let me see, Wally let me see!"
"You drew stars around my scars, made me feel like I had a place, like I was loved and worthy-" he coughs, something warm splatters down his chin, he looks into worried baby blue, "I'm so stupid, I thought I could be a hero, but now I'm bleeding, and I failed. I'm worthless."
"Stop that!" Tears spill over, as his eyes squeeze shut at the shout, "You are not any of those things!!" A sob tears from the bird's chest, and Wally feels the physical stab of it.
He reaches a trembling arm out-T-shirt doing nothing to hide the bruises and scars of years of pain- his fingertips brush Dicks face, catching a tear as it falls.
"I'm sorry. I didn't want you to see me like this. I didn't mean to make you cry."
"I'll yell at you later, when you're not bleeding over everything. Let me see what's wrong." Wally is sure one of the Bat family's powers is being able to pull themselves together in a stressful situation.
Before his eyes, Dick composes himself and focuses solely on what he can do. With tear stains on his face, he steady's his hands as he gets to work on what ails his friend's body.
"What the- Wally what the heck happened??" Dick gives his gushing wound an incredulous stare, having hit his panic button several moments prior he wonders if he should hit it again, because his speedster's not healing, at least not that Dick can see.
Wally gives a humorless laugh, a pitiful look in his eyes,
"Would you believe a pot of coffee did this?" The spiteful tone is directed only to the redhead's self, self hate at large as he thinks of the event again. "Dad was mad. I think he had planned to just like… throw it on me ya know? But I flinched and mom yelled and I don't know… next thing I know there's glass everywhere and blood and I ran but I couldn't run and-" His own sob is choked as he tries to reign it in, his gut protesting the jerk anyway.
Dick stares with wide eyes as a million pieces fall into place, and the dawning of his worst realization in the years they'd known each other hits him hard. For all he knew about Wally, he'd missed the biggest piece of the puzzle.
The Dark Knight lands behind him, a gust of wind announcing the Flash's arrival a second after. Dick is moved, eyes never straying from his friend as his brain processes every sign he wrote off. His hands- covered in his friends blood, there's so much- rise, panic creeping in, he's ready to curl up and never rise-
A hand slides into his, just as slick and tacky as his own and yet so familiar. Blue meets Green- lidded and weak but alive- the hand freckled in sun spots and scars and blood, squeezes his own, a million things but alive enough that Dick is sure he'll be able to get to every single one.
"You are loved, Wally. You are worthy. I'll prove it to you."
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raincitygirl76 · 1 year
I’m looking for book recs for a 9 year old girl going into Grade 4 in September (Canadian system). My niece, who likes Harry Potter, Enid Blyton, mermaids and unicorns. She’s read all the Harry Potter books (I think my sister read her the later ones, as the vocabulary is more advanced). She’s torn through Blyton’s Malory Towers and St Clare’s boarding school books, which were out of date already when my sister and I first read them as kids.
My sister doesn’t want to get my niece started on the Famous Five and other Enid Blyton series because she doesn’t have the old paperbacks sitting around in the garage, would have to buy the books. I don’t want her to get started on Enid Blyton other than the boarding school books she’s already read, because of the truly astounding racism and sexism in the adventure books. Blyton’s penchant for Romany and black villains has aged…poorly since the 1930s when she was first published.
I would also be interested in finding something other than Harry Potter to entertain my niece, on account of JK Rowling being…herself. Niece’s Harry Potter obsession seems to be diminishing naturally now she’s read (or had read aloud to her) all 7 books and seen all 7 (8, possibly?) movies. But it has not yet been replaced by a new literary obsession, so she’s reading very little right now. Even though she’s supposed to practice reading over the summer. So I’d love to see if I can find books along similar lines to Harry Potter without putting more money in Ms Rowling’s pocket.
An offline friend of mine suggested Julie Sykes’s Unicorn Academy series. A boarding school where the students get their own unicorn when they enrol, which combines my niece’s boarding school fixation with her unicorn and mermaid fixations. But they’re listed as ages 6-9 reading level. My sister would prefer to get her into slightly more advanced books, if possible. Say an ages 8-11 or 9-12 reading level, since Niece is already 9.
Sister asked me, because she knows i read fantasy, but I don’t think anything I read would be suitable for a 9 year old. Nor do I think she would be remotely interested in anything I read. She has typical 9 year old girly girl interests. So I’ve decided to consult the wisdom of the mighty Tumblr. Any suggestions for books with a fantasy element which would be intriguing for a “tween” l, and are rather more challenging than the 6-9 age tranche will be gratefully accepted.
Also, any recs for books and series that have ethnically diverse characters and aren’t totally heteronormative would be nice. That’s my preoccupation, not my niece’s. She and her 6 year old sister are growing up in a pretty conservative exurb of a large Canadian city. Most of the other kids they know are also white with a cisgender mom and dad. There’s a sprinkling of East Asian families in their neighbourhood and school catchment area, but other than that it’s all very pale and monochrome.
Older Niece’s Grade 3 class last year did contain one black boy. But he and his older sister are transracial adoptees from Alabama. Yeah, apparently Alabama (and probably other similar states) exports healthy black infants to white Canadian and Western European adoptive parents. Presumably most white adoptive parents in Alabama do not want a healthy newborn unless it’s pale. I’m not saying all white adoptive parents in Alabama are racist. I’m sure there are some who aren’t. But statistically speaking, if social services in Alabama are adopting out healthy black newborns to white families in Canada, the UK, Norway, etc, it suggests there is very little demand for black babies locally, even the holy grail of healthy and newborn.
As for me hoping to find something she’ll like that isn’t heteronormative, my sister and her husband were cool with past girlfriends, I’m not trying to combat active discrimination by them or anything. But I’ve been single and not really looking for a few years now (major health issues, just don’t have the emotional bandwidth to consider actively dating). So Auntie not being straight hasn’t really come up often. And I’m much happier single at the moment, don’t want to enter into a new romantic relationship solely to remind my nieces that not all families look like theirs, LOL!
Also, Niece is a girly girl who likes mermaids and unicorns, and sometimes wears a dollar store tiara to school. However, she is also very athletic and physically active. And she likes strong, decisive heroines like Elena of Avalor (Disney TV series), Elsa and Anna from Frozen, Mirabel Madrigal from Encanto, and Raya from Raya and the Last Dragon (all Disney movies). Niece is a woman of action.
Many thanks in advance for any recommendations you might be able to provide.
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cyberrgirlsblog · 2 years
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(TW bad words, idk what else)
Not beta read so sorry if this is shit, or if there are plot holes im trying
Part 2
Walking into the garrison pub i look around it's not crowded only a couple people are in here today i walk up to the counter and ask the bartender were tommy is
“He's in the booth’’ the bartender said, not looking up from the glass he was cleaning.
“Thank you,” I said.
I walked into the booth where Tommy was. I assumed there were more people with him but to my surprise it was just him. Which confused me since usually arthur or sometimes Polly was with him.
“Who was that, y/n” tommy asked, his cold blue yes looking at me unmoving
“What?” i said
“The romani boy in the caravan with you, he dropped you off, who was that?” he asked with a monotone voice.
A part of me didn't want to answer, a part of me wanted to win this mind game that Tommy plays but i didnt i know what was good for me at this moment.
“Just a boy I met along the road. I was gonna have to walk here but he drove me here instead of his name duke.`` I said with hesitance in my voice. Tommy nodded his head then spoke
“Hm, well do you have the opium?” Tommy said, looking at my bag.
“Yes sir” i said with a joking tone
Setting down the bag on the table opened it up and took out the bottles of pure opium.
“This is about 3 pounds of pure opium. It should be enough for right now. We're trying to expand our inventory of stuff but it's hard. Also there may be less opium due to the stock crash so the guy we get are shit from is upping the price.” i said looking at tommy
He took one of the bottle to look at it 
“Well that's to be expected when something like this happens.” he said while looking at the bottle
“If you want to make sure its pure you Should've brought Arthur he could have tested it out you know. Make sure it's pure.” i said in reality though it may not have been the best idea arthur has been spiraling because of this drug making a tasteless comment about it much less joke about especially in front of tommy. But you never cared too much about it Tommy didn't even flinch when you said it either which surprised you but it was also expected he was thomas shelby after all. A man with a heart turned cold as some would say.
“Well arthur has been clean for a week know” he said
“Has he, well that's good for him.’’ I said, to be honest though, I doubt it will last long knowing arthur. 
“Well Tommy, how has your family been? I've heard from Lizzie that ruby has been running around the house a lot. I've also heard from Polly that adas pregnant. Tho she hasn't said who the baby's father is'' i said while pouring myself a cup of wine.
“Yes theyve been good, Adas has been okay, though i have an idea of who the father might be but i think it'd be better to ask Ada herself.” he said looking at me and noticed a little smile when he mentioned his daughter. “And what of your family Y/n how have they been?”
I smiled a little but a smile nonetheless.`` They've been good ash is out doing God knows what and fez is meeting new people, building connections i guess you could say. I'm not surprised though he's probably the one that will take over the family business. Once well…” I trailed off. I didn't like to think about it but I knew her time would come soon. She's already been doing less and less. I'm not mad at my grandma. If I was her I would want to go out without fear of responsibility. I would like to go peacefully. I just hope she's able to be here for me and ashes 15 birthday.
 “I see, well y/n here's the money, about 100 pounds.” Tommy said, placing the money down on the table. I took the money and put it in my bag just as I was about to get up and leave. Tommy spoke.
“My cousin is coming into town. He's Polly's son.” Tommy said, I looked at him with confusion. I didn't get why he was telling me this. Until i put 2 and 2 together
“Oh shit he's the dude that didn't take out the stock right. And now yalls business is a lil bit shook from that.” i said, i started laughing until i remembered who i was talking to “hm i'm sorry i didn't mean any offense but my question is why are you telling Me this why not fez.”  I said looking up at him.
“I'm telling you this because he will be at the station. I want you to go with Polly and Ada to meet him. He's a part of the Shelby family, his names michael. You don't have to go but tell your brothers he's coming at least.” he said
“And one more thing don't over step with your jokes about my family.” he said looking at me with a voice you would use to scold a young child. I knew it wasn't a threat but it was a warning that I did know. All I could do was nod my head and walk out the bar.3
30 minutes later
Once I was able to see my house I started to do a light jog. Reaching the door I opened it only to hear yelling. I assumed it was fez scolding ash for some shit he did again. In the end though fez always took the blame for me or ash when we did something wrong. Walking to where I could hear the yelling more clearly I walked in the room to see fez on the phone. 
“I told you to leave us the fuck alone man. Okay i dont know what your talking about but i dont have them, we dont have them dont call this number again you fucking hypocrite ass bitch.” i heard Fez yell before slamming the phone back into place. Definitely gonna have to check if he broke it later.
“Fez who the fuck was that.” I said , looking at him with concern but a stern voice.
“No one you have to worry about.”  he said, walking away. I clenched my hands and dug my nails into my hands until I felt a sharp pain and blood roll down the back of my fingers. I try to understand why people do the things they do. I try to stay quiet and not question what people do. But when it's my own brother I can't understand. But I know if I ask him he'll just say some shit like.’it's for your own safety’ or ‘ I don't want to get involved’. But if that was true he would've never let me in the family business when I asked. 
I shook my head, walked up to the phone and dialed in the garrison's number to make sure the phone didn't break. I heard a ringing sound from the phone and then a voice.
“Hello, who is this?” It was the voice of Finn shelby. Finn was always silly to me hes was fun to hangout with but his new friend billy i didn't really like i could tolerate him but not like him and it wasn't just me it was the same with ash, i swear even though we're not blood related i feel like we have some type of twin thing with our minds. Sounds dumb ass fuck but i cant hellp think of dumb shit sometimes.
“Hello???” finn said again
“Hi finn sorry i was just checking to make sure the phone wasn't broken” i said with a laugh.
“Oh hi y/n, why would your phone be broken? Also ash is here at the garrison do you want to come to me ash isaiah and billy are here.’’ Finn said, his voice sounding a bit slurred.
“Shit um i'll see if i can go if i can't though please make sure ash doesn't do some dumb shit again. I don't want another call from Tommy and I don't want to hear fez and ash yelling at each other. Also don't worry about the phone i think the wire tripped that's all i'll see though if i can go, bye.'' I said before hanging up the phone I heard Finn say something but whatever it was it wasn't important to me. I paced around the room. I haven't gone out for fun in a while. I haven't seen Finn or any of them for a little while so it would be fun. Once I stopped pacing I set the bag of cash on the table.
“Fez can you drive me to the garrison ash there.” I yelled, a minute later I heard footsteps and saw fez leaning on the doorway. He looked at the bag of money then me. 
“Sure but if some du-’’ i cut him off
“Fez ash finn isaiah and..billy are gonna be there besides i'll be fine. Also I wanna make sure Ash doesn't do some dumb shit. It's weird. I know he's got critical thinking but he's always doing some dumb shit.” I said walking to the front door. 
“Nah Ash uses it thinking he just makes dumb decisions sometimes.” Fez said, opening the door and walking with me to the car.
“Hm, doesn't seem like it but as long as he doesnt kill anybody or do some fucked up shit then well i dont know to be honest as long as hes safe and not putting others in danger im good. '' I laughed, as much as I scolded Ash for his shit he was still my brother at the end of the day. But sometimes I feel more like his mother than his sister even though we are the same age.
—---- timeskip at the garrison
Once Fez parked the car we got out and walked to the garrison. Opening the doors I immediately went to the front of the bar and ordered a drink for me and fez.
“2 whiskeys please.'' I said to the bartender, his back was facing me as he grabbed glasses and poured a bottle of whiskey into each glass. Turning around he handed it to me
“Here you go ma’am” he said handing them to me
“Thank you” I said but just before I could get out the money to pay the side window opened. 
“Hello y/n don't worry about paying i'll cover it” i looked over and saw finn i grabbed the two glasses and handed one to fez and walked into the booth with fez following close behind me. I smiled once i saw everyone i walked to finn and gave him a hug
“It's been a little hasn't it, hows your wound huh. First ever gun shot wound your real peaky know aren't you finny” i said looking at him my voice light hearted. I heard laughing and looked to see Isaiah and billy.
“You could say that y/n but when are you gonna become one.” Billy said jokingly.
“Yea that's not gonna happen as long as i'm alive.” I heard Fez say. I looked over to see ash glaring at billy.
“Relax guys, it was just a joke.” Billy said, the room became thick with tension.
“Well know that everyones here, let's all drink.” Isaiah said, defusing the situation. I looked over at him and smiled.
 We all sat down and started drinking after about 6 drinks of hard whiskey most of them were shit faced. I was still on my first cup not cause I couldn't drink. Trust me I could. I just wanted to make sure nothing happened. I was dazed out of whatever conversation they were having. As my mind wandered I thought about the boy I had met. He was funny but also seemed cunning. I hope I'll be able to go to the fair. I really do want to meet him again. Even though it wasn't a strong feeling, I still felt a warm feeling in my chest when I was talking to him. I wondered if I felt like that with others I had met.  I hope I see him again. He seems nice and would be a good friend to have.
I was pulled out of my daze by Finn calling my name.
“Oy y/n whats on your mind” he said this time his voice extremely slurred to the point i had to lean forward to understand what he was saying. I sat back
“Nothing just tired, that's all.” I said quickly. I internally cringed at myself for how hasty my reply sounded.
“Hm well that's not what your face said, I swear you had a smile on your face so big I almost mistook you for the Cheshire cat.” Isaiah said laughing. I could feel my face heat up in embarrassment. I looked down at my drink and drank the whole thing. Soon enough I was as shit faced as everyone else. Talking about random shit and laughing at the dumbest jokes. 
—------------------ 1 week later
“Look fez all im saying is we get a house in small heath but keep this property to but like that way we can be able to send shit easier. You know”
“Y/n are you high?” fez asked but it wasn't really a question.
“...no, this is a thought I've had for a while dude. Anyways it will be easier for me cause i can like stay there and well have a place to stay if it gets too late at night or some shit like that ya know.'' I said looking at fez with eyes that looked like I hadn't slept in three years.
Fez sighed 
“Go back to bed y/n”
I looked him up and down 
“Whatever man, also have you seen ash?”
“Ash is upstairs,” fez said, sounding irritated at this point.
‘Mhm, oh also there's a fair going on this weekend do you think i can go”
“No,” he said, looking down at a piece of paper.
“What why it's only a little away.'' I was annoyed.
He didn't say anything, clearly stressed with whatever he was reading
“Look y/n just no” 
“Hm, yell you let ash go out and do whatever he wants why cant i go to a fucking fair.” i said my voice was rising in volume.
“Because there is less risk for ash, if he goes out” Fez said, looking up from his paper.
I looked at him with a perplexed expression
“The fuck are you talking about, one ash is the fucking risk and two what do you mean by that. Also i never said i was going by myself.`` I said I was yelling. I could feel my breathing become uneven with panic.
“Okay then whos going with you huh, who cause last time i checked you have barely talked to anyone out side of us and the peakys so who huh y/n fucking tell me.” he said his voice know rising, he sounded stressed but i doubt it was from this conversation.
I panicked. I couldn't say duke hell i didn't even know if i would see him there for god's sake.
“Ada, ada and her son Karl are coming with me okay. Look people may fuck with me but they wont fuck with Ada, she may have the last name thorne but everyone knows who her family is.'' I said walking closer to fez. Not breaking eye contact.
He paused for a minute seemingly thinking it over. 
“Shit y/n fine but if your lying to be your fucking done okay.” he said running his hand down his face.
I smiled and gave him a quick hug. 
“Thank you, thank you.” i said to him
___________________________ saturday 
After arriving in a small heath I walked over to the barnyard. My hands are slightly shaking. It's not the first time I've lied to fez before but when I did it was usually whenever me and ash went out to terrorize one of the kids that would either make fun of one of us. A lot of people say me and Ash are different but the reality is we're really not. Sure ash may act out alot and I may be more quiet but it's just because I keep my actions to myself. I keep the words I want to say to myself. When we were younger we would do the same exact thing as each other but getting older we changed. I would like to say I have more self control but that would be a lie.
I could feel the skirt I was wearing tighten around my waist. I was nervous but I knew that whatever happened today would be fun.. I hope so.
“Curly do have have her.’’ i said walking up to him
“Hello y/n y-yes I do.” he said, his accent was hard to understand, same with arthurs but i never said anything. Because most of my life I've been used to a US accent. 
“Here you go, does your brother know?” he said, handing me the horse. I rolled my eyes and smiled
“Yes of course he knows okay so you don't have to ask me okay. Anyways, here's the money.” i said to him handing him  the money
“Thank you curly.” I said before getting on the horse and riding off.
After a little while of riding I could see the top of the striped tents behind the trees. I quickened the speed of the horse and started to smile, excitement building up inside me.
Stopping by the entrance of the fair, I tied the horse around a post where other horses were being held. Walking into the fair I started looking around. I could see a vending station selling roasted cinnamon almonds. Going up to it, I ask the worker there for a bag of them.
“Here you go miss, that will be 0.10.” they said handing me the almonds. 
“Thank you” I said , handing them the change.
Walking around the fair I kept my eye out for Duke. I hoped I would see him soon but who knows. A couple kids ran past me accidentally hitting me in the legs almost making me fall over. I was able to catch myself by putting my hands between me and the ground, unlucky though my food had scattered on the ground.
“Shit” I grumbled under my breath getting up. I dusted off my skirt and picked up the bag to see if there were any left in it. Thankfully there were but not many
“Are you okay ma’am” I heard someone say I jumped before turning around and looking at the person.
“Duke!” I said a smile appeared on my face as I instantly pulled him into a hug. I felt him go a bit stiff and realizing what I had done I pulled away. My cheeks are burning with embarrassment. 
“Shit i'm sorry I don't know why I did that, uhh.” I said, grabbing my arm and looking down at the ground embarrassed.
“Hello to you to y/n” Duke said i looked up at him and saw his face plastered with a shit eating grin before he laughed.
“Didn't know you missed me that much.” he said with a laugh, i hit him in the side arm softly.
“No, I just do that with people i meet and feel a good vibe with them ya know.” I said , looking at him, keeping straight. I could see his smile drop a little.
“Well um anyways how have you been it's been a little.” I said while I started to walk, asking him to come with me.
“So duke, what do you usually do here?” i ask curiously looking at him
“Well i'll watch the horses and just do maintenance really nothing to interesting.” he said looking ahead
“Do you like working with horses, also do you like working here or nah.” I said this time looking forward.
“I like horses but I don't like working here. I want more for my life. I want to visit every mountain and go everywhere. I don't want to be here. I'm tired of working here.” he said with bitterness in his voice but a hint of hope.
“Well that sounds fun but be careful where you go. I don't know if there's still that like war between the irish or something but just be careful there. Ya know. Actually just be careful.” I said looking at him, I tried to hide the concern in my voice by masking it with humor.
“Hm calm down im gonna kill myself.” he said with a little laugh while looking at me.
“That's what they all say Duke but then they get carless, think they're all that then piss off the wrong people anyways if you wanna see the mountains who knows what's up there.” I said looking back at him. This time laughing.
“Hm, you seem to know a lot.” he said this time his tone was undetermined.
“Nah just knew people that did dumb shit either got locked up or killed. Not saying seeing nature is dumb is not.” I said trying to defend myself from nothing.
“I know what you. Tell me do you always worry this much for people you just meet.’’ he said looking at me. He had a little smirk on his face. 
“If ima be real no, but you're my friend? Were friends right duke.” i said looking at him with a hopeful expression on my face.
“...I mean if you want to be friends then yes.” he said he sounded caught off guard. But not in a bad way. I hope not in a bad way at least.
“Damn for real, okay well friend tell me more about yourself.” I said looking at him. A warm feeling spread throughout my whole body. Giddy with excitement and something else.
“You know duke you're the first friend i made that's not been through a business connection ya know.” I said excitedly.
“Business connection?’’ he said. Tilting his head slightly.
“Yea.. uh me and my family after we moved here we started making books and getting into stocks. Thankfully we pulled them out before the stock crash in the US.” I said looking at him covering up my word slip with a lie I was taught to say and rehearsed multiple times with ash and fez.
“Ooh okay okay. Well you're my first friend i've ever had.” he said with a serious voice. Looking back at me now we were walking out of the fair.
“You for real cause if I'm so kinda sad I'm not even gonna lie to you.” I said with a little smile on my face. Duke put his hand to his heart with a shocked expression.
“Do you think that lowly of me huh.” he said with an amused voice.
I turned to look at him and walked backwards.
“I was only joking, my prince.” I said with a sarcastic voice.
Duke smiled at me before running after me. I screeched before running away. I got about 20 feet away from him before I felt  a pair of hands grab me by the waist and slightly pick me up before pulling me into the chest of someone. I was about to scream before a hand was put over your mouth.
“You're really bad at running in grass, you know.” I felt Duke say into my ear his breath tickling my neck. I froze for a second feeling a slight shock up my spine before wiggling out of his grapes and laughing to the point my knees buckled.
“Alright Duke you win but Jesus dude I couldn't even hear you. If you were an asian i'm pretty sure big crime dudes would for sure hire you.'' I said getting up from the ground and whipping the tears from my eyes.
Dukes pov
I chuckled a little. “Who's to say I'm not one.” I said with a bit of humor in my voice.
She looked at me for a second and her eyes seemed to sparkle in the moonlight.
“Wouldn't be surprised if you were a duke. If not no but…” she said trailing off before checking her pocket watch.
“Oh shit I gotta get it, I'm sorry duke I really am but you see i may or may not have lied to even be here so i gotta go cause the person i said i was coming with doesn't even know i told my brother about them coming with me.” she said with a bit of panic in her voice. I felt a ping of sadness in my chest
“Oh uhm yea no no you should go. I'll see you…” I said this time it was me trailing off. 
“Hey uhm… thank you for meeting me here. I guess I met you here i dont really know but it was nice to see you again, Duke . Hopefully we'll see eachother again soon.” she looked at me, her eyes filled with hope. I felt my heart skip a bit. I shook it off as nothing special.
“Yea yea for sure i don't know when we'll have another fair here but when we do i'll probably be here. Also, are you sure you're good at going to your house by yourself?” I asked a hint of worry in my voice.
“Yea i should be okay. I'm armed just in case anything happens you know.” she said, with a reassuring smile. I wanted to question why but i didn't shit i mean i could see why seeing as where she lived and shit.
“You sure cause I can-” I said before she grabbed my hands and looked at me.
“Duke, you are too worried about me for only knowing me slightly and I'll be fine… also my brother would question why some guy is bringing me back home. Also I may have bought / rented a horse. Ima be honest though i don't really know.” she said, looking at me before disconnecting our hands. I missed the warmth of hers. His hands weren't rough but they weren't soft either.
“Right well I'll see you again someday Duke , be safe and I hope you get to achieve your dream.” she said before walking away to the entrance of the fair. I watched him walk away, air in the wind lightly blowing her hair.
I took one last glance at her before walking to the feeding area for us workers at the fair. Walking into the tent I saw esme right outside of the tent. Looking into the distance.
“Hello Duke.” she said bluntly, turning her eyes towards me. “Who was that person, thought you said you didn't have friends.” she said
“No one,” I said , looking at her. The truth was y/n wasn't no one to me but she didn't have to know that.
“Hmm we both know that is a lie Duke. What's her name?” she said looking at me
“Y/n” i said quickly, she seemed to freeze for a second like she was contemplating something.
“No last name?” she said
“Not that I know of,” I said looking at him before walking into the tent to get some food.
"Duke be safe okay." she said before leaving even thought i dont talk to many people esme is one of the people i can talk to she's gone through a-lot loosing her husband to a mafia and some gang related shit.
after getting my food i walked to my caravan. i thought about y/n i didnt know if i would see her anytime soon but i hoped i would
it would be a while before they saw eachother agian but the way they would meet agian would not be expected for either of them....
sorry thats corny ash but i didnt know whta to put
Part 3 coming soon 
not beta read.
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Halloween story: Bobby Zilch Feeds Sugarcube
Bobby Zilch had revenge on the mind. How dared that little gypsy loser tattle on him andget him detention? Yeah, he had poured rotten meat in those kids lunchboxes, but they deserved it! They had been looking at him funny! He couldn’t let that pass!
And he certainly couldn’t let jerk Raz pull that on him. That kid needed to be taken down a peg or two. Always bragging about he’s from ‘a long line of proud Romani performers’ or whatever fancy word he used for being the runt of dumb, lazy gypsies. He’d get back at him! He’d show who’s the big boy in school.
He parked his back in the woods behind the little nerd’s house and sneaked closer towards the Aquato house, all spy-like and cool. When he heard voices, he quickly dove in a bush. He peeked out a bit and saw that twerp Razputin was talking with his parents and most of his siblings present. Seemed that most of the family was about to go for groceries.
“Now, Raz, while we are out shopping, don’t forget to feed Sugarcube, okay?” He heard Mrs. Aquato tell her loser of a son. “We’re running low on her favourite food, but there must be enough to sate her before we return with the rest of her meal.”
“Yes, Mom.” Razputin answered
“Yes, Mom.” Bobby repeated in a mocking tone. He let out a sneering chuckle. “Man, what a momma’s boy.” But that was interesting, he never knew the Aquato had a pet. A plan for revenge was forming. If that pet accidentally went missing when Razputin was supposed to look after it, he’d be in so much trouble. He might even get grounded. And if Bobby would find that poor, lost beast and return it, he’d be the great hero. Bobby grinned, ducking back in his bush as the Aquato car drove past him. He peeked out again, seeing Raz walking back inside the house. “Oh yeah, there’s no way this is gonna go wrong.”
When he was sure that the coast was clear, he slowly got out of the bush and tiptoed to the Aquatos backyard. He pressed himself against the wall and dared to peek inside the window. Raz was sitting on the couch, watching TV; probably some baby show for stupid babies, like Raz and his friends. Feeling confident that he wouldn’t be bothered for a while, he let his gaze go over the yard.
“Where is that stupid beast?” Bobby asked himself, profoundly confused that he saw no trace of any sort of pet running around. No toys, no food bowls, no …droppings of any kind. Then his eye fell on the shed. The word “Sugarcube” was painted on it.
“The stupid animal must be in there.” Bobby masterfully deducted, not even wondering why an animal would be locked up in a tiny shed.
Bobby ran to the shed. A simple chain lock was between him and humiliating revenge. He took the chain of the track and swung the door open. But there was no beast in there. It wasn’t even a real shed. The only thing he saw was a dark hole where the floor would be.
“What the heck is this?” Bobby asked aloud.
“Why don’t you go down there and find out?”
Suddenly, Bobby felt someone shove him hard in his back, making him tumble down the hole. Taken off guard, Bobby didn’t even had the time to scream before he landed belly first on the dirt floor. He groaned, his vision blurry and a metallic taste in his mouth. He spat out a glob of blood and rolled on his back. The sunlight blinded him, but he could see someone standing in the doorway, his silhouette barely visible.
“How you doing, Bobby Zilch?” A voice asked.
Bobby blinked in confusion. “Raz?” A sudden rage filled him up. “Razputin! How dare you do this to me? I’m gonna kill you once I’m back up there.”
Razputin chuckled darkly. It made Bobby’s blood freeze in his veins. “Yeah, I don’t think don’t think so, Zilch.”
“What are talking about, you loser?” Bobby shouted. “GET ME THE FUCK OUT!”
“No.” Raz answered, and he knelt down. “I promised mom I would feed Sugarcube.”
Bobby froze as he looked at Raz. He was barely visible, but even the shadow couldn’t hide what he looked like. He didn’t look like a kid anymore. He looked like he’d walked straight out of a horror movie. Long, spindly arms resting on bony knees, as hollow eyes looked down on him. Long yellow nails scratched his pale, leathery skin. As he smiled, he showed his crooked, rotten teeth.
Bobby scrambled backwards with a scream. “What the fuck?!”
“I must thank you, Bobby.” The creature the latter had always known as Razputin said, in a gravely voice. “You really made it easy for us this year.”
Bobby was so scared, he couldn’t even utter a reply.
“Normally, around this time of year, we would go traveling and hunt our yearly …sacrifice.” Razputin explained. His lips stretched to a gleeful grin. “One soul a year, and we keep on living. That was the deal we made so, so long ago.”
Frightened noises were the only thing that escaped Bobby’s sputtering mouth.
“But it seems this year’s sacrifice delivered itself to us. Or should I say …to her?” Raz cackled softly, stretched out a long, skeletal arm and pointed. “Bobby, meet Sugarcube.”
Trembling and on the verge of wetting his pants, Bobby slowly turned his head. The hole was so much more spacier than he had seen at first. It was pitch black, but he could hear …something moving in the darkness. Something growled. With shaking hands, he dug inside his pockets and took out his cellphone, fumbling to find the flashlight button.
He tapped the button.
The little lamp lit up …and shone upon a giant eye that looked down on him.
Bobby screamed and dropped his phone, showering him in darkness once again. He scrambled up and ran to the far end of the room, jumping up in vain to try and reach the door. He shrieked as something grabbed his leg, sending a jolt of pain through it. He looked down and saw a slimy, black, spiked tentacle coiled around his leg. The many bony spikes adorned across the thing penetrated his skin and was tearing at his leg.
He got yanked against the ground and dragged toward the mass of darkness the tentacle belong to.
“HELP ME, RAZ!” Bobby shouted, digging his nails in the dirt, but only managed to drag long grooves in the ground. He looked up, the silhouette of Razputin still visible through his teary vision. “I’M SORRY! I WON’T TELL ANYONE! NO-ONE WILL KNOW!”
There was a crunch and a sharp pain shot through Bobby, who looked behind him and saw there was a bloody stump where his leg used to be. He could hear chewing in the darkness. Bobby didn’t even had time to scream when a dozen more tentacles shot out and coiled around him, dragging him into the darkness, and the creature it housed. He cried and begged, but it didn’t help.
“Sugarcube needs to be fed…” Razputin said softly, looking down on his hand as the last wrinkles smoothed out again, returning to his youthful state. He closed the door, shutting out the last of the pitiful screams of the soon-to-be late Bobby Zilch.
“Lili Zanotto?”
“Benny Fidelo?”
“Present, ma’am!”
“Razputin Aquato?”
“Here, Miss Vodello!”
Milla Vodello, their teacher, nodded warmly at the young boy. She turned back to her list and frowned. “Hmm, this is weird.” She mumbled softly to herself. She turned to her students. “Anyone know a …’Bobby Zilch’?”
The students looked around confused.
“Never heard of him.” Benny said.
“Is he a new student?” Chloe asked.
“I didn’t see anyone new in the halls.” Nils announced.
Milla peered over the list a few moments and shrugged. “Must be an error.” She concluded with a smile. “Maybe a name from another class accidentally got on mine. Anyway, class is in session, my darlings. Grab your history books and go to page-“
Raz grinned as he took out his book. Of course, no-one knew who Bobby Zilch was. As far as anyone knew, Bobby Zilch had never existed. Erased from everyone’s memories. One of the few benefits of having an eldritch being as a ‘pet’. The master made sure no-one would find out.
Not about the dozen of people in town who went missing over the years.
Not about the fact the Aquato family has been living in this town for over the last few centuries, and never seemed to age.
Or anyone else that they convinced to enter the contract with them.
Raz turned to Lili and winked. Lili giggled and winked back, her eyes pitch black for a blink of a moment. In the reflection of the window, there was a brief moment you could see two withered, skeletal figures sitting in Lili and Raz’s chairs, but it vanished as soon as it appeared.
Raz turned his attention back to Milla, but let his gaze go over the class.
So much choice.
Sugarcube liked young meat.
He had a whole year to decide who to invite to his house that day.
For now, he enjoyed being a kid.
As he had done for the last 300 years.
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ghosttbeef · 1 year
ok so MAJORAS MASK! I have the 3DS version, and I started it back when i was in highschool, but I didnt make it far (barely defeated the woodfall temple iirc). I just defeated the Great Bay temple and am starting Ikana Canyon, but here's... a rough summary of the journey so far under the cut!
deku link my beloved.......... he is just so small and cute. and haunting but yknow. I love the sound it makes when he walks
i am having a much easier time with shooting this time around- I remember hating the motion control aiming the first I played this, and it's definitely ROUGH on the 3DS, but it comes so much easier now that i've played hours and hours of splatoon lmaooo
i must have completely skipped the deku shrine the first time, or maybe blocked it out. hall of fucking misery. i had to redo this like 8 times
GORON TIME... i stopped somewhere after getting to this area the first time. The gorons are fun i love them.... rolling around also extremely fun.
also I love the giant terrifying masked smithy guy Gabora. I remember very distinctly laughing when i first got there and he flails at you grumbling indistinctly while the chipper shop music plays
this temple kicked my ass bc i thought i was just really really bad at navigation and remembering where things are (something very true about me, it's good i cant drive) but Really it was just because there was a trigger panel on the wall I didn't notice. teehee
i did the goron races several times.... i won it on the last day and then realized i'd need to do it on the first day to be able to upgrade the sword, so i reset time and did it again for the sword upgrade. but then.... baby goron and elder goron still said the same things so i thought I had to like... win again. i did not that did not change anything. I probably did this godforsaken race like 30 or 40 times.
I love elder goron by the way LMAO
also? kinda fucked up that they're expecting me to become their next leader and I can't explain anything. I'm literally just some kid, their beloved hero is dead, and as far as i know their beloved Darmani is just going to disappear again. Like- at least with the Deku, i know there is someone who mentions their son going missing and missing him, but at least it wasn't like... a community figure people looked up to who was missed.
I just happened to make it to the Romani Ranch too late to hear Romani's explanation of the Alien Ghost Things so i stuck around, and BOY HOWDY WAS IT AN EXPERIENCE when they just. started fucking descending.
anyway I helped them and it's horsey time
I also did some stuff around town- I have the Keaton Mask (but i haven't finished this questline) and Kabara's Mask. I love that that one just, completely erases and make's Kabara's face just... a fucked up polyp on your head. 10/10
great bay temple time.............................................
Gerudo my beloved :) (even if i had to restart the pirate temple bc of Time)
Mikau is a dweeb i love him. that said, just like with Darmani- FEELS WEIRD and bad that Nobody Knows It's Really Me and that he's dead and gone, and will just vanish. It's really tragic! Especially after getting Lulu's voice back! Fucked up!
fuck the beaver game FUCK the beaver game. I redid phase one like five times and then they said. you have to do it again but harder
Zora link's water movements are really janky- it feels like regular swimming, zora swimming, and charged swimming all work COMPLETELY different but it's not always clear when you're doing which- and the camera is very uncooperative as well, which was felt much moreso in the temple.
THAT ALL SAID I ADORED THIS TEMPLE. Def my fav so far- I know water temples are infamous for being hell on earth but I had fun with this one, and I liked the design of it a lot, and the minibosses were great- especially Wart! Looking around in confusion only to look up and make Eye Contact with a giant horrifying mass of little orbs. EXCELLENT
THAT ALL SAID PART 2. fuck Gyorg. I had to reset time in my first fight with him because the second phase took so long- and even then it still took like...an entire day of slowed-time. Having to wait until he gets close to mines only for him to more often than not only spit out piranhas was infuriating. I understand that a lot of the things I've complained about here are pretty 3DS specific port things, which SUCKS
anyway. ikana canyon time :) i forgot to say, but I got the Garo mask already doing the horse race to kill time for the Romani Ranch events. (Which i also had to try several times... minigames in this want me dead)
paging @neoanimus specifically bc i know you've been enjoying these updates on twitter
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simplysiriuslyjoking · 11 months
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Tell me how Hamas and the Palestinians treated them kindly.
Tell me they fed him, cared for him, after you all take a good hard look at this picture Hamas sent.
Tell me.
I dare you.
My rage is insane. My fury is a black hole filled with revenge.
This boy is innocent. Kidnapping women and raping them, Kidnapping children and starving them, Kidnapping babies innocent but they are Jews, kidnapping men who weren't able to defend themselves and died terribly to save their family=all of those are war crimes.
If you disagree, you disagree by the laws of war that Vietnam war wasn't a war crime.
Nazi Germany murdered Muslims, Jews, gays, lesbians, Christians, Gypsies, Romani. Russians and more as an ethnic cleansing= War. Crimes.
Stand with Israel. Bring Them home. Bring Yagel Home.
0 notes
evita-shelby · 7 months
National Anthem
Chapter 9
Cw: use of ethnic slurs, casual anti-romani racism, anglophobia, cheating, fertility issues, offscreen suicide, cuckolding/old timey version of using a sperm doner , and drama.
Taglist: @thegreatdragonfruta @zablife @call-sign-shark
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June 1922
They go out to town, to some investors party standing for her company and his investment firm. Dressed to kill and walking in here like the sun orbited around them.
None of these English twats could hold a candle to them.
Paris had been fun, surrounded by eccentric rich fucks and exiles who Eva personally knew. Then when she came face to face with the girl who tried to kill her when they were sixteen, the witch proved she was as terrible as him.
The Witch smiled viciously as she settled on her next prey as they came face to face with Grace and the gangster Grace compared him too.
What’s her face had not died, but looked ready to croak once Evie was done with her. Jack cannot wait to see how she destroys the ungrateful broad who’d made moves on him while Eva tried her best to shove her onto Carrie’s group of sycophants despite Caroline hating her too.
“Dear me, does your husband know you’re back to your old habits, Mrs. Macmillan?” Eva wastes no time in embarrassing the married woman on the arm of a man who was not boring old Clive.
“You sounded taller in her stories of you, Mr. Shelby.” Jack looks down on the gypsy on the arm of the blonde who’d spent a year trying to snap up any blue blood that came near her.
He had known her type the moment he saw her, bored rich girl who only wants a man once he’s got enough cash to afford her.
Having been so curious about the man Grace sent letters too even after she married, they’d dug up everything you needed to know about Shelby and his family.
Thomas Shelby had taken longer than Jack to get where he was, but Tommy didn’t have the benefit of a man willing to teach him his tricks like a father would. But now that Shelby Brothers Limited was rising to the level of wealth Grace thinks she deserves, Tomm Shelby was being romanced in that cool way of hers.
The kind that makes you believe you are doing everything, and she is naturally coming to love you. Just like she did with Clive and this fool with her.
“Thomas, these are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nelson. Friends of mine from New York.” She says pretending she’s not prey caught in the quarry.
“Friends of her husband.” He corrects letting him know how little they cared for the blonde who’s smiles tightly with eyes betraying the embarrassment she feels. “My wife and I were relieved when she handed in her resignation. She was my secretary at my Wall Street Office before my Evie caught on to her tricks, did she tell you that?”
If Eva’s game, they could destroy this relationship to make this boring party worth getting dressed for.
“Never heard of you, I admit, Mr. Nelson.” The shorter man admitted. He kept a cool head; one he’d gained from surviving France and everything that made people like them rise out from the muck they were born in.
Grace was a trophy, a ticket to the society that hates them, just like Eva had been. The only difference is that Jack can trust and love Eva to her bones and Tommy only loves the surface he sees because he thinks he can ignore the smell of the rot underneath the shiny surface as long as he does.
He knows all that because deep down he and this miserable fool are the same. Only difference Jack knows to vet his women before sticking it in them.
“Not surprised, Gracie here has a habit of keeping too many of them. Did you know their doctor suggested the MacMillan's find a man to make the baby and she agreed to it?” They had dinner with them a few days ago, Jack had learned that from Clive when they went out on the balcony to smoke.
Grace’s move is to deny everything, but Shelby is smart enough to see through it.
“Pray the boy takes after her, the MacMillans really hate Romani people, especially anyone related to Arthur Shelby. Your father relieved them of two hundred thousand dollars, or was it three hundred, Jack?” the witch continues grinding the blonde underneath her heel and leaving the best part unsaid, she’d seen her death.
A month after marrying the man of her dreams, she will die. A curse placed on her by Tommy Shelby’s own auntie to keep lovely Grace Burgess away from her family.
“Tell Clive we’re still on for brunch at our place before the Derby.” Jack said with a shark-like smirk and a condescending pat on Shelby’s shoulder. “Use a rubber, Shelby, the last thing you want is to get gipped.”
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Her marriage to Jack has given new life to her mean streak.
Eva had struggled not being a bit mean or petty ever since she learned what fun it was to be an asshole to people she dislikes or tries any shit with her.
Grace was pretty prey, a little blonde mouse she and Jack toy with and discard for no other reason than just disliking her.
It was just something in her aura, this sense of entitlement, this innocence she claims when the people she hurts do not count as people to her, and now thinking she can have her cake and eat it too.
“We saw your darling Grace at the party last night, did she tell you?” Eva wastes no time in ruining the morning.
“Can’t be, she was at her aunt’s place for supper.” Clive answers thinking surely Eva is making a mean joke. She’s never been subtle in her dislike of her, warned him about the man she sent letters to behind his back when he went through with the wedding.
“Clive, I was hoping to do this somewhere private, but---” Jack dropped his napkin and gave her a look for making them do this now.
He wanted to preserve some of Clive’s dignity, but Eva craved chaos and destruction and seeing the woman who the universe predestined she loathe no matter what be publicly humiliated.
Maybe it was because she tried to seduce Jack away from her because she didn’t see Eva as her equal for being Mexican. Yes, it must be that, Eva hates bigots and bootlickers and Gracie was everything she loathed in a person wrapped in pretty designer clothes.
“Tell me they’re lying, that you haven’t been with that tinker you send letters to, tell me, Grace, tell me you aren’t the whore my mother thinks you are?!” Clive doesn’t shout and yet his voice is shaking and angry enough to carry throughout the café.
“Clive, I---” the blonde cannot lie, not when Tommy Shelby’s bastard grows in her womb.
She was pregnant, about five or six weeks. Got pregnant from the many times she went to the house of the woman whose husband she had imprisoned for being a Jew and a communist.
Six weeks ago, when the doctor’s fertility treatments for her began. She had wanted a child, just not with Clive. She wanted the love of the man she had in 1919, not Clive.
Tommy Shelby hadn’t wanted to continue this affair; she’d heard of May Carleton. May who trains his horse and was sweet on according to other guests she made them speak to.
It had been fun to see her learn that Shelby wasn’t hers anymore.
And now Eva was a giddy as child knowing Grace would never set foot near her ever again. Even better that when she dies in 1924, she will die knowing those who wrong Eva Nelson never live happily ever after.
“I’m sorry, Clive, I love him and I’m having his baby.” Grace admits the truth for once in her miserable life and all hell breaks loose.
Clive is found dead with Grace’s gun in his hand.
“Did you have to do that, I told you Clive was a weak man.” Jack asks as they meet the woman who cursed Grace Shelby and reveal the sordid affair her nephew’s been having with her.
Fine woman, just murdered her rapist and now enjoys her victory the way it deserves.
“She was going to tell him and make him kill himself anyways, I assumed she’d have her gun in her handbag like any sensible woman would.” Eva answered as she enjoyed the bubbly champagne, courtesy of Polly Gray.
Grace may have not shot Clive MacMillan in this timeline, but her killing him is something that will always happen. Just like her being shot a month or so after her wedding and just like Tommy Shelby destroying everything and everyone around him because he refused to let go of the Dulcinea he created in his head in 1919.
A shame it must go this way, but it has to. Don Quixote only regained his sanity once the fantasy brought him to his death.
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A/N:Canon!Jack is racist full stop, here its more of a facade he puts on to keep his reputation of asshole you don't want to fuck with and mainly doing it to get ubder Tommy’s skin hence the heavy use of slurs
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Ok first of all, before I talk about crusty ass Wendy, lemme give my boi Steven some spotlight! He slayed AS USUAL! (Ngl he was lookin good👀) He was so invested in helping Chavez, not just to prevent Wanda from getting her powers, but he wanted her to survive the situation. He could’ve did what Supreme Strange tried to do but he didn’t wanna go that route…respect😌. I’m so glad she learned how to harness her power🤩 And I’m so glad Steven got a little closure with Christine🥺 I loved the representation in this movie as well! (Would’ve been better if Wanda was portrayed as the Jewish Romani she is and not a whitewashed version but hey🤷🏽‍♀️) Oh yea, Wong was KILLING IT! Sorcerer Supreme didn’t come to fuck around 😌🤪
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Ok, now let’s talk about Voldemort- I mean wanda. Uummmmm ew, first of all…second of all, was that the bitch yall stan? Couldn’t be me💀 imagine being 100% ready to kill a KID in order for you to go to another reality and take another you’s kids….imagine….she killed innocent people over non-existent kids…
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That bitch is (always was) PSYCHOTIC!! Now do you guys see what Wanda antis were trying to say!? And don’t blame it on the dark hold cause that’s nobody’s fault but hers💀
This, ladies and gentlemen, is what someone who’s constantly babied and not held accountable looks like:
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Anyways…I cheered when she died. Finally. Maybe another universe Wanda will be better than this filth🙄
And let’s talk about the end credits caauuseee👀 my boi rockin the third eye 👁
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iselsis · 3 years
A note on adoptive family relationships
So, I’ve referenced this before, but I’m one of ten kids. Six out of my nine siblings were adopted. Three of them were one set of biological sibling adopted from Ukraine, two were adopted from a county or two over, and the last one was a surprise when my older sister’s friends got pregnant and only trusted my parents to adopt this baby. I was five, eleven, and fifteen when these adoptions took place, so I not only know what it’s like to have vastly different kinds of adoptions, but also what it’s like to be at different points in my life when the adoption happened. 
There’s this thing that people just don’t seem to understand about adoption. Let me show you:
“So how many are your real siblings?”
*in a joking ‘who’s got the bigger family’ battle* “Well, your parents only had four kids, and mine have seven, so we win” “I have six other siblings” “well they’re not really your siblings” “yes they are” “No they’re not”
“So are they real brother and sister?” (talking about the set of two who were siblings before they were adopted)
Not to mention all the media in which adoptive siblings or adoptive parents and children will become love interests--and I don’t even mind if you want to write your thing, but at least acknowledge that that is legal and emotional incest, even if it isn’t physical. 
My siblings are my real siblings. This doesn’t mean that we’re offended if you notice that my very northern European self and my biological younger sister look very different from our sister with Romani heritage. Like, actually, we look forward to springing the “actually we’re sisters” thing on people who clearly don’t expect it, because your face as you’re trying to figure that out is hilarious. 
What is offensive to natural born children and offensive and scarring to adopted children is implying or insisting that their families are not as real as anyone else’s. If you want to ask how many biological siblings or children someone has, say biological. Or don’t ask at all. A lot of adopted children are insecure on some level, especially during their teenage years, about how “real” their family is. Do not reinforce that. That can be so emotionally destructive for someone who already has to deal with past abuse and neglect and physical, irreversible damage to their bodies caused by their parents. 
If you can’t understand this concept, think of it like this: for most people who have siblings, you knew Mommy was going to have a baby, and then Mommy went to the hospital, and she came back with a baby. That baby wasn’t your sibling, wasn’t even in your life, and then it was your sibling. The same thing holds true for adoptive siblings. I didn’t have brothers, and then my mom and dad told my sisters that they were going to adopt. About a year later, my parents went to another country and came back with three boys who weren’t my brothers, and now they were. Then several years later, my parents told us that a boy was going to be staying over for a few days, and a few months later, we were going to keep him and his sister forever. We had a decent five months warning on the baby, it’s just that it grew in someone else’s body. But then I went to the hospital with my siblings and held that baby wrapped up in the blanket I’d knitted for him, and he was my brother. 
Being siblings isn’t a matter of looking alike or being able to donate a kidney if it comes down to it or having the same biological parents. Those things all do count, but not as much as being raised together by the same parents. Not the same as playing together, getting into trouble together, getting in trouble together. Not as much as the fort city we built in the woods behind our house or making snow cream in the winter. Not as much as me draping myself dramatically over a little girl who I didn’t even know until she was nine. Not as much as me throwing fists for my annoying little brother, because you’re freaking right, he’s annoying, but he is mine whether he came from the same continent as me or not. Not as much as singing Helpless at my brother when he gets a girlfriend. Those things make you siblings, just as legitimate as any blood connection, and if you’re out there reading this, and you are adopted, know that you are not less valuable or less loved. You are your family’s child through and through.
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
The Writer (part eight)
Warning - angst / kidnapping / character death
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @peakyciills @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @noctvrnalmoth @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @namelesslosers @misscarolineshelby @screemqueen @cilleveryone @peaky-cillian @misselsbells06 @datewithgianni @heidimoreton @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch
"Y/n.... Y/n wake up..." A woman's voice dragged you from the darkness. You were in bed. Thomas's bed. A tight grip on your hand and something gentle stroking your face.
"A shot..."
"Yes. But you're fine."
"I got shot?"
"No y/n, the shock made you pass out."
"I'm here. I'm fine."
Your eyes opened to find it was his hand holding yours, and his other one stroking your face. You smiled at him and his smile in return made your heart jump.
"What happened? Is Charlie safe?"
"He's in his room with Finn playing with his train set.
"Thank god... Lucille..."
"Dead. She didn't know I was right behind her with a pistol at her neck," Polly smirked. The relief flooded through you. Pulling yourself up slowly, with Tommy's help, he sat next to you on the bed, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
"Gave me quite a fright. I didn't see Polly either, I just heard the shot and you go down - " he held you tighter as you relaxed into his embrace.
"I thought you'd been shot... I was so scared!" The door to the room opened and little Charlie ran in, standing at the foot of the bed. The boy was the image of his mother, but with Tommy's piercing blue eyes.
"Charlie, I'd like you to meet someone very special," Tommy patted the space in front of him and the boy climbed up, sitting in front of you. You held out a hand and he took it gently.
"Charlie, my name is y/n. I'm so happy you're home and safe!"
"Daddy saved me," the three year old gave you a big grin making you smile.
"Yes he did. Can I come and see your train set Charlie? I used to love trains when I was little?"
"Yes!!" He pulled your arm to drag you out of bed and you dutifully complied, allowing the little boy to lead you to his room. Thomas chuckled watching you, warning Charlie to be careful with you as you were still delicate.
You sat playing trains with Charlie for most of the morning - making small villages with his toys.
You could see his eyes growing sleepy, and right on cue Tommy appeared with a cup of warm milk, scooping his drowsy son into his arms. Charlie drank the milk and settled on his Dad's shoulder, happily being rocked to sleep. Your heart melted watching them - the love Tommy had for this small boy so clear in his eyes as he held him close. Small kisses to the top of his head, humming an old Romani song you recognised from long ago when Polly would sing it to Finn as a baby. Within minutes, Charlie was asleep, and Tommy placed him gently in his bed with another kiss to his head. He kneeled next to him, stroking his face and whispering words you couldn't quite make out. You slowly tiptoed out of the room to give them a moment together, and headed down the stairs where Polly was fixing some lunch.
"Polly, where's Frances?" You asked.
"She.. she was in the house y/n, but we'd got there too late. She was already dead when we arrived, her heart gave out from the stress of it all. She wasn't involved. We put the husband through his own personal hell before we took his eyes, he told us she'd been forced to collect Charlie and take him to the hall. Her family had been threatened with torture if she hasn't. Poor woman had no choice."
"Oh Frances... Tommy must be devastated..."
"He's experienced more loss in his life than anyone should have, love. Which is why I have to say this... If you don't feel the same as he feels for you, you need to walk away now y/n. He can't handle another heartbreak, it'll kill him."
"Polly, the things I feel for that man can't be put into words.. he makes me feel alive. Like I'm walking on air when he's with me. I feel so free, and happy. Like I can take the world on as long as he's by my side. It feels comfortable, like being at home."
"Very similar to how he described you, actually," she smiled and gave you a hug. "About time you joined the family, although I was sure it would be John, not Thomas!"
"No, he only had eyes for Martha and I only had eyes for Jack. Until.."
"Everyone is allowed to move on Y/n. Jack wouldn't want you to be unhappy forever, would he?" You shook your head, swallowing back the tears. As much as you were falling in love with Tommy, there would always be a place in your heart for Jack.
The rest of the day was spent playing with Charlie. Tommy was reluctant at first, he didn't know what to do and was thinking about paperwork he needed to complete, but the way you and Charlie looked at him through puppy dog eyes had him beat. Charlie loved the new attention from his father, showing him all of his toys. You ended up in the garden that evening, taking a walk around the grounds and letting him explore.
"Thank you." Tommy smiled, his arm over your shoulder.
"For what?"
"For this. For showing me there's more to life than paperwork."
"Charlie just needs you. Not the toys or the fancy clothes, he needs his Dad."
"I guess I didn't know how - Grace always took care of this side of it. Then Frances.."
"I know - listen, my flatmate is looking for work. She's amazing with children. Why don't I talk to her, see if she'll come help with Charlie while you're working?"
"Can she be trusted?"
"She's marrying my brother, and I've known her since we were babies."
"Then yes." You smiled and turned to Charlie who was fascinated with the flowers.
"What do you think Charlie, can we run faster than Daddy?" You laughed, hoisting the boy onto your back and pointing to a tree the other side of the garden. Tommy smirked at you, taking his jacket off.
"Not a chance!" He laughed.
"Daddy old - too slow!" Charlie giggled behind you.
"Sounds like a challenge to me, boy," Tommy smirked before setting off in a sprint. You quickly ran as fast as you could, Charlie's laughter spurring you on.
"We win!!!" Charlie laughed as you easily reached the tree first, even with Tommy's cheating head start.
"It would appear your Dad is too old for this!" Tommy laughed, laying down to catch his breath. Charlie's hands reached for him, and you placed him on top of Tommy's chest. He quickly nuzzled into him, his eyes growing heavy. You watched the two of them for a few minutes, your heart felt like it would explode.
"Come on little man, let's get you to bed eh?" Tommy sat up gently, lifting his son into his arms. The three of you headed back to Arrow House.
Once Charlie was in bed asleep, he joined you in the sitting room. You already had the whiskey and two glasses ready.
"I hope you don't mind, I wasn't planning on going home?" You smiled, pouring two glasses.
"I thought you said you already were home?"
"You listening into my conversations Thomas?"
"Did you mean what you said?"
"Every word. Want me to show you exactly how much I meant it?"
He sat next to you on the sofa and shook his head.
"I'm going to show you how much I meant it when I told Polly the same thing. Brace yourself, y/n. You're in for a very long evening."
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oddaodd · 4 years
Request: it’s before season 1, The boys not long come back from the war and y/n has been friends with the Shelbys as she’s also a gypsy, her, tommy and Finn live in there own house, (y/n is like a mother to Finn and tommy and y/n are really close) y/n is coming to the end of her pregnancy but there is a storm and they can’t call for help and doors need to be blocked with sandbags to avoid flooding and y/n’s waters broke so tommy had to help deliver the baby and Finn was helping as moral support, and tommy was just telling her to trust and listen to her body, a few hours later the baby is born, Finn has been sent to bed and tommy and y/n are relaxing with the baby and they talk and they confess feelings and tommy agrees to be the babies father (the biological could have died from war or left or anything else, it’s up to you). A few days later the storm passes and the Shelbys come and see them to check if there ok and they see tommy helping y/n getting the baby to latch to feed and Finn is playing or reading and there just happy and fluffy 💙💙 kind of long and it’s okay if you don’t want to write this, I’ve just never seen someone wrote something like this and thought it would be interesting ✨✨ (I’m also not the best at spelling and gramma so if anything is wrong or doesn’t make sense I’m sorry ❤️❤️)
· Tommy helps the reader give birth ·
warnings: mentions of pregnancy.
Author´s note: I don¨t know much about childbirth or children in general but I did some research and this is what i came up with. Hope you like it ✨
It was a tempestuous evening in Birmingham when a very pregnant Y/n helped little Finn and Tommy barricade the windows and doors in the house against the latter´s complaints against it. Thomas had become very overprotective as Y/n´s due date neared and didn’t want her making any unnecessary efforts. She found his concern sweet but didn’t want to just sit there doing nothing while the storm which according to the newspapers was to be the wildest of the century raged outside. So she helped handing them nails and wooden planks. The nature of the whole situation was concerning. They didn’t know how long the storm would last and she feared something would happen to her and her baby.  
Finn was terrified of storms and clung to y/n´s skirt whenever thunder hit. Y//n soothingly rubbing his back as he did. Finn´s fear and her own making her feel specially pregnant in all the worst ways possible. She tried to not let it get to her and bent down to grab a wooden plank to hand to Tommy when she felt water running between her legs. This can’t be happening now. 
“Tommy?” She asked trying to not let the panic she was feeling show. 
Judging by the speed in which Tommy turned to look at her, her efforts to hide her fear were vain. He instantly noticed the pool of water under her y/and his eyes widened in panic too. Her mouth opened in hesitation before letting out a cry as she felt her first contraction. 
Tommy immediately rushed to her side and led her to the bathroom, helping her sit inside the tub before filling it with warm water, an alarmed Finn following close by. 
“Y/n!y/n! Are you ok?” Asked the boy, concern evident in his young features.
“Im fine Finn ,don’t worry…” she started trying to reassure him but was suddenly interrupted by another contraction. 
Tommy saw his little brother’s terrified face and kneeled down beside him.
“She´s fine Finn, its just her baby” he said partly to calm the young boy and partly to calm himself. 
Another piercing scream rang through the bathroom walls as she held on to the brim of the tub. 
“Why don’t you go get the towels and the medicine cabinet from the kitchen” Tommy suggested. 
Truth was, Tommy was terrified, he knew nothing about births aside from his mother´s screams when his younger siblings were born, but he knew he had to remain collected for Y/n´s sake.
The little boy rushed out of the bathroom and came back seconds later, handing Tommy what he asked for and placing his little hand on top of y/n¨s one trying to be of comfort. 
Some minutes passed by as her contractions increased in frequency and pain. Her screams matching the intensity of the storm outside. 
“I can’t do It Tom” she cried as she felt a tearing pain. 
“Yes you can, love, you’re doing so well. Just keep breathing” he said and moved over to the end of the tub rolling up his sleeves before submerging his arms in the water and feeling for the baby. 
“I can feel it´s head Y/n, just keep pushing” he urged 
Y/n moved her head in negation, tears in her eyes and her face red “I can’t” 
“Just listen to your body love, one more push” Tommy said.
Y/n continued crying “you can do it Y/n” came Finns voice. 
She felt another contraction and with an agonizing scream pushed one last time. Finally giving birth. 
She passed out seconds later to the sight of Tommy taking the baby out of the water and wrapping it in a towel handed to him by Finn. 
She woke up hours later in her bed, her body still tired and in pain. She looked  at her surroundings and saw Tommy sitting in the rocking chair she kept by the tiny fireplace with a bundle of blankets in his arms. 
“Tom?” She asked, her voice barely there, weak and raspy from her screaming. 
He turned to look at her and smiled when he saw her fully conscious, before getting up and walking to her bed. “Ready to meet your daughter?” 
Y/n prompted herself up so she was sitting and took her baby in her arms when Tommy handed her to her. Her eyes welled up in tears as she saw her looking deeply into her eyes and then she could see all the pain she went through completely justified. 
The circumstances in which she had gotten pregnant weren’t ideal to say the least. Her boyfriend at the time left her when she told him she was pregnant, her mother kicked her out of the camp  when she too found out and having no place else to go, she found herself living with Tommy ,who welcomed her with open arms, and his little brother Finn. 
She turned to look at Tommy and let her emotions and tears run freely as she saw him looking at her adoringly. She had always been in love with him but never confessed anything, convincing herself he didn’t feel the same when she saw him going out with other girls. But when he looked at her like that it made her question everything. 
Tommy wiped away some of her tears gently and put an arm around her, letting her rest her head on his chest. 
“Have you thought of names?” He asked.
“Rosemary” she said after a second ”It was my grandmother’s name” she whispered taking her baby’s little hand in hers. Marveling at how small it was. 
“Its a beautiful name” he whispered pressing a kiss to Y/n´s temple. 
Y/n moved a little to look at his face “Thank you Tommy… For helping me, helping us… for everything” 
He cupped her face “ You don’t have to Thank me, Im always going to be here for you and for little Ro“
She smiled at the nickname and held one of his hands, just relishing the moment and then  without really thinking about it she confessed “I love you”  
A flash of panic ran through her insides the second she registered what she had said. Would he leave her too? 
But all or her concerns were dismissed when Tommy leaned in, softly kissing her lips. “I love you too. Always have and always will. 
After a week of constant rain and gushing winds, the storm cleared out. Finn was playing in the parlor with some toy horses as Y/n sat in a sofa breast-feeding Rosemary and singing her a Romani Lullaby that her mother had sung to her when she was a baby, and that her grandma had sung to to her mother when she was baby, and that many other Romani women before them had sung to their children.  
Tommy then walked into the room with Polly following close by. The woman’s eyes widened when she saw Y/n rushing to her side. 
“When Thomas told me he had delivered your baby I couldn’t believe it.” She admitted sitting next to Y/n. 
Y/n smiled at the woman and gently handed Rosemary to her. Covering herself with a quilt. Polly admired the baby with adoration, reminiscing about the time she had had her babies before they were taken away from her. 
“What’s her name?” She asked with a coo. 
“Rosemary” Y/n sighed happily as Thomas walked to her side and placed a hand on her shoulder, her own hand going to grab his. 
“Rosemary Shelby” Pol confirmed “she’ll be a strong woman, just like her birthday´s storm and her Mum” she said, handing Rosemary back to Y/n with a smile. 
And in that moment all was well. 
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weaverworks · 3 years
Danny and Danielle
The scary thing about Danny Phantom is Danielle Phantom. She is the genetic clone of Danny, and I, and everyone else, assume she's a genetic sibling or a girl version of him.
Because Hollywood and the World throws the clone-sibling in almost all media since the beginning of time.
But that is a misconception. A big ass misconception!
I think some of us forget that Hollywood and fiction writers, creators, cartoonist, mangaka...we create clones in our fiction because we love them and it's fun and sometimes when they do research on Cloning, they really twist the information to make it work for their creation sometimes.
I was doing research on clones because I'm still a little confused about them and want to know more about them. I have no idea how wrong of my assumption about them really was.
Okay, it's hard for me to explain and you guys could definitely research it and understand as well.
Basically, a clone is created by a person's DNA, a genetic marking, and they make clones of them, and regardless of the gender of the clone, boy or girl, they are a clone of that person.
Now in the fiction of every media, the clones always will look exactly like their genetic original, doesn't matter if they are boy or girl. We all assume it's an opposite-gender clone or a sibling genetic clone.
In truth, Opposite gender clone and sibling genetic clone is a work of fiction and it's not what cloning is and are.
Cloning is replicating the original source, copying the cells to create a similar identity, so kinda a twin. They cloned a sheep, it was similar to the sheep from the DNA but there were differences, it's not even an exact duplication, but still retains similarity with sheep but it's not a perfect. The Sheep's clone is their child; their genetic child.
It's the same for humans, cloning a human is giving that human their baby asexually. Yes, they'll look the same but not a perfect copy; their difference in hair coloring, different shapes of nose and mouths and eyes, even their height, personality.
Vlad cloned Danny. All those clones of "Danny" are Danny's own children. All his sons died.
Dani Phantom is Danny Fenton's daughter.
Truth is stranger than fiction. Sometimes though, even if I do love the Dani character a lot, sometimes though knowing that she is technically Danny's daughter really...disturbs me.
I'm surprised no one in the fandom tried to make a horror art or fiction of this because this has disturbed me ever since researching about Clones.
That why in my Danny Phantom Reboot+Revisiosn, Dani is Vlad's biological daughter and they have a close relationship and she's of Romani descent.
(I was getting tired of the clone stories anyway)
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