#adoptive siblings
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creativepromptsforwriting · 1 month ago
Adoptive siblings prompts please :)
Adoptive Siblings Prompts
Write about the first moment the siblings hear about each other.
Write about the first time they meet.
Having siblings from different cultural backgrounds means learning a lot and celebrating the differences.
An older adoptive sibling's protectiveness over their younger sibling gets put to the test.
Having both experienced trauma and loss before, the siblings begin to heal together.
One sibling finds out about the other's adoption, having never been told by their parents.
Getting an adoptive sibling doesn't mean just sharing their parents, but also their grandparents.
People never believe them when they say that they are siblings.
For some reason, they never tell people that they are siblings and it leads to confusion regarding their shared parents and home.
More: Family Prompts Masterpost
Hope you like them!
- Jana
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cheatsykoopa98 · 11 months ago
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Pomni: I'm keeping this until you apologize Jax: WTF GIVE IT BACK
read dad au | <<prev | next>>
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kaitontenchu · 10 months ago
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Unwritten Bonds
"...Thanks for comin' to talk with me, Esti." The slightest bit of hesitation caught Kai's tongue at the utterance of his adoptive brother's name. "I - It's been a while for sure...!"
Keenly catching on, Estinien let out a sigh before taking another swig of his ale. He approached the younger man and placed a gentle palm atop his head.
Kai's ears perked up at the sudden weight.
"What are you getting flustered over, boy? You used to call me that name when we were just naive little kids. We both grew up, but that's it. Our lives may have run a different course and will continue to do so, but you will always be my little brother in the end."
Kai felt his face flush in a rush of comfort. He lowered his ears and simply nodded. A content smile being the only response he needed to give back to Estinien.
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callmekiyo24 · 1 month ago
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sleepyking · 5 months ago
Guess who’s been workin on his Titans fic>:D
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I’ve been in a poetry mood recently goddamn
I will give zero context
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aggimaginary · 1 year ago
The Moon Shines In Friendship (Nimona fanfic) - chapter 9
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ladysparrow01 · 8 months ago
Being an adoptive sibling is such a singular experience/existance. I don't know anyone who is also a/the non-adopted child in their family. And I've never really seen people like me talked about or represented in media much (or, at least, not in positive or accurate ways).
So, if you're an adoptive sibling (like me) then I just want to say that I see you. You matter. And you're not alone.
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noodles-and-tea · 13 days ago
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When you’re trying to do math but your sister is breathing down your neck
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spacebubblehomebase · 2 years ago
They're off to give villains traffic light trauma. 🚥🚦🚥🚦🚥🚦🚥🚦🚥🚦🚥🚦🚥🚦🤣👌
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Sometimes everyone dusts off or throws together their Robin costume for a hijinks filled patrol
((Yes I’m behind but it’s been a rough week))
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raynewolferune · 7 months ago
DC x DP Prompt: Bruce is bad at emoting but at least ghosts are empathic (too bad bat kids are not)
Was reading Twincognito on AO3 when I stumbled across this gem again:
" “Danny, Tim. I was just…checking in. Is everything alright?” Curse his inability to make meaningful conversation when it wasn’t a life or death situation.
They glanced at each other and shrugged.
Then Danny hauled himself out of the bed and walked over to Bruce.
Bruce tried not to let too much excitement show on his face. "
Now I really want to read a story where Bruce adopts Danny post Meta trafficking and is being his usual emotionally constipated self. His kids keep getting mad at him because he's treating their new meta brother who was trafficked poorly (generally being stilted in conversation with him, walking away hurriedly mid-conversation, avoiding Danny when he's feeling really awkward, etc). They think Bruce is discriminating against Danny for being a civilian, meta, dealer's pick, but really it's just Bruce being horribly socially awkward. Danny knows this because of ghost empathy and find the whole thing hilarious. The whole thing comes to a head with the Bat Kids staging an intervention in the Bat Cave.
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months ago
Fright Knight: Seize him!
Dan: Wait, wait, wait. Seize him? Did you really just say that?
Fright Knight: I-
Dan: We are up against THE Batman and you embarrassed me by shouting "seize him" as a battle cry? What is this the 1500s?
Danny: Actually, 1500s wouldn't be correct. See,Halloween can be traced back 2000 years ago in Celtic roots-
Dan: No one cares about the few fun facts you know, Danny.
Danny: Well excuse me for appreciating history!
Fright Knight: My Kings-
Dan: Appreciating history!? You failed your last history test!
Danny: test results aren't accurate representation of subject enjoyment! I'm sorry I don't find wars interesting! Maybe, I like learning about how cute humans are and where certains beliefs develop instead of always reading about battles where thousands perished!
Dan: Wars have a tendency of shaping human history! Usually for the worse but we need to study them as to not forget thier horror and learn from the mistakes commited that led up to them!
Danny: Oh you would know all about mistakes and horrors wouldn't you!
Fright Knight: My Kings! Batman has broken though the first line of defense!
Fright Knight: Batman is getting closer! Oh gods, there are more of him! We're surrounded!
Fright Knight: They took out our second and third defenses! NO, THEY GOT LAWRENCE.
Fright Knight: The Robins! They're everywhere! What are they!? DO THEY NOT FEEL FEAR?!
Danny: *gasp* Don't bring Jazz into this.
Dan: You're right. I'm sorry, that was too far. Hey where did Fright Knight go?
Fright Knight: *Screaming as multiple costume wearing humans curb stomp him*
Danny: It looks he could not seize Batman
Dan: It's darn shame when that happens.
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somnoir · 2 months ago
Prodigal son beyond time - Part 1
Ra's Al Ghul had a son. No, it's not Dusan we spoke of right now. Ra's Al Ghul's first born child was a peculiar boy that was forged by the Lazarus Pits—or so what he says.
Talia has never met her brother.
Her brother, it has been years since she's found out about him yet her father never gives them a name—he thinks them unworthy of it. Even if he was not present, her brother continues to be the favorite, to be the child their father praised most. His absence is a glaring hole in her father's heart (though she is not sure if he has one).
It is no secret amongst the league that Ra's nameless son was unofficially the heir, even when Damian was born.
Talia has doubted her brother's distance many times, and yet she finds evidence of him over and over again.
Her father writes letters, strange ones that vary in language, dialect, grammar, writing styles. She did not mean to read one when she was young, but she couldn't help herself when she had seen it.
My dearest, son of mine,
It has been an age since last I beheld your presence. I find it most disquieting that you have not seen fit to visit, though I am not ignorant of how poorly time aligns itself with your affairs. Yet still, I dare to hope that you might bestow upon me a portion of your time, if but briefly.
Your siblings have inquired after you once more. Yet I am acutely aware that it would be unwise to bind you to this mortal realm for too great a span. Their hearts, tender and unfortified, lack the endurance I possess to weather the long absences your path necessitates. Nevertheless, I am not blind to the hope you carry—to one day stand before them, whether that moment lies near or far in the veiled expanse of time.
She could not finish the lengthy letter before the letter vanished from her hand, a burst of green and strange liquid slipping from her fingers. Talia had been startled, too young, assuming that this was Lazarus water that has stolen her father's letter.
And she found her father looming behind her, his expression stern get there was amusement in his eyes.
"Your brother is a curious person." Her father hummed, "He's powerful."
"We are not... Allowed to meet him?"
"Not yet. Until you steel your hearts." Ra's nodded, "Your brother does not stay in one place for long. But he is soft hearted and loyal to the family. You give him reason to stay and he will stay."
His hand, firm and guidind, pressed against her shoulder in a tight grip. "And I will not let any of you weaken him."
On that day, Talia realized that her father truly did love her brother. In his own strange way.
The next time she reads a letter, Damian was but a babe of one, cradled in her arms as a letter written on green paper rested in her father's hand. It was open, the wax seal carefully sliced from the envelope.
"Talia." He replied nonchalantly, eyes flicking to Damian, his eyes softening momentarily as a longing look slipped to the letter.
Talia's heart tightened, resentful that her father was beginning to see his favorite child on her own son. She could not allow that...
"Your brother has written to me. It has been... Almost a year... Since the last." Ra's hummed, turning to Talia, then Damian, before flicking yet another letter to her. It startled her.
"From your brother." Ra's sighed, "I made the mistake of writing about Damian and now he wishes to meet you first. Not Nyssa, not Dusan—you."
"My brother?" Talia hesitantly accepted the letter. "I do not even know his name..."
Ra's clicked his tongue, "He signed it in his name. You will know from that letter." He paused, glancing back at her. "You have yet to prove yourself worthy, Talia, but... Damian's birth will surely being your brother back home."
Talia's heart palpitated in her chest.
The prospect of her baby, her son, her child—the mere thought that her baby would be the thing that successfully brings her brother home was... Outstanding.
"Read it in your own time... After that, seek me out."
Talia does not know... What to particularly do...
But she takes Damian, watches as her father leaves, and hurries along to her own quarters.
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Talia tucks her son into the crib, narrowing her eyes at the nursemaids that were hired to nurture her son. She dismissed them immediately, watching as they silently leave the room. It is only when silence reigns does she takes a seat on her bed as Damian slumbers in his crib.
(Her hands tremble as the letter rested in her hands. It was light, not heavy, her her hands tremble as if she could not handle the weight.)
She takes in a deep breath, takes a dagger and carefully slices it away from envelope. It's intricately made.
The letter is written in the same green paper that her father received.
The letter read as thus:
My Dearest Talia, It would seem that I am now to be regarded as your brother, for Ra's has deemed me his son. Admittedly, this turn of events is of my own doing, as I endeared myself to him centuries past and found solace in his companionship, coming to view him as a father in truth. Yet you, his daughter by blood, remain a stranger to me, as do Nyssa and Dusan. How peculiar it is that Father should act in such a manner, withholding such introductions with his customary inscrutability.
She takes in a deep breath, awes by her brother's penmaniship... And then suddenly the writing style changes. Morphing from the olden age, the formality of a noble, to...
Anyways! Since you're my sister, I don't think I have to keep writing to you the same way Ra's does. It feels awkward to me, y'know?
She was not expecting that change but...
I've always wanted to meet you all. But my duties to my realm are hard. I can't freelt leave. It's especially worse since my world's time doesn't correlate to yours.
You might find the change of writing styles weird, but in all honesty, I'm from the 21st century. It's just that time never did agree with me. Had to comply with the old man on writing like that since he likes it. Weird, right?
But anyways! I heard you had a son! Congrats by the way. I'd like to meet him too, actually. Aside from that, I heard from Ra's you don't know my name.
Well, he's decided to call my Danyal as it's the Arabic version of my original name "Daniel". Though I often go by my nickname Danny. But it has been a delight to write to you, Talia. Hopefully, I'll be able to meet you and your son in the future.
Since you have my name now, you can write me letters too! It'll find me eventually.
Your brother,
Her brother's name was Danyal... Her brother went by Danny.
Talia blinked.
Her strange brother was a being that traversed through time, a person who was born in the 21st century... Her brother could be somewhere in the world in that moment and in another time the next.
She pressed the letter to her lips, unable to hold back her smile.
She had quite the silly brother...
And amongst her siblings, Talia was the first to know her brother's name. That bit about being able to write letters to him made her finally understand why her father was so possessive of a name.
(In the Infinite realms, High King Phantom received a letter from his estranged younger sister. He really didn't mean to find family in the Demon's head, but he found it anyways.)
Part 2 | Masterlist
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sleepyking · 6 months ago
Sneak peak of part 2.2 of my Titans fic before I start plannin .3
This one focuses on Jinx, Jason, and Rachel, and .3 will get into actual plot:))
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aggimaginary · 1 year ago
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Hey guys, I decided to continue the story through link in AO3. Not a lot of people see my story here in AO3, so I promoted it here on Tumblr. Have fun with chapter 4. Got some rude things here.
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lunamugetsu · 5 months ago
The new hire
The Wayne Manor is a very large building with a large list of things that needed tending to. While Alfred takes pride in his ability in being the Wayne family butler, he is not too proud to admit that he does need help in maintaining the manor.
So he hired a part time maid!
A young lady named Jasmine, who is a student at Gotham University and is taking care of her younger siblings.
She's well behaved, doesn't complain, cleans well, doesn't steal, and has enough sass in her to deal with any of the batfamily's attitude.
One time she even stopped a group of burglars all by herself. When Alfred had come to check on her, he was met with the sight of Jazz having tied them up while lecturing them about their life choices and helping them find a better job.
So when he agrees to meeting with Jazz's brother to see if he'd be perfect to help with the jobs that needed heavy lifting or hard work. He is met with a 6'10 very muscled man with sharp teeth and flaming hair.
"This is my... twin brother! Dan!" Jazz introduces the man who Alfred.
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coquelicoq · 9 days ago
the untamed is so fucked up like what if you were the brother of all time but in a cursed way. first your brother-in-law dies because your big sister loves you so much. then your big sister dies because she loves you so much. then your new big sister and little brother die because they love you so much. the only reason your og little brother doesn't die? because you died first. because you love him so much.
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