#me where someone actually did just ship with every f/o I shipped with after meeting me or started dming me
kylos-starlight · 3 days
Hey if you gloat about "stealing" f/o's from a person who doesn't like to share, I'm gonna need you to grow up and respect people's boundaries and also get the fuck away from me.
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huntinglove · 2 months
Hey! I love hearing about your selfships so I hope you don’t mind me giving multiple:
Strawberry, nectarine, key lime, and raspberry swirl!
Answer any of these you want with any f/o(s) (though I am kinda curious about Ennui and Hunter, you don’t have to do those if you don’t want)
Have a good day! ^^
Hi hi!! Thank you so much for the ask!!
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Strawberry: Before getting together, how did your F/O realize they had a crush on you? How did they act around you once they realized they were head over heels?
Ennui was in denial about it for a long time, but it was pretty obvious to all the others (except for me, oblivious as always), she would give me special treatment and be more patient and soft whenever we spoke
She would also take the time to check in on what I was working on, both on my tablet and on the control panel, while trying to brush it off as "not having anything better to do"
Muichiro fell first but I fell harder! Back then, he hadn't gone to the swordsmith village just yet, so he was definitely a bit more blunt and dry than he is now...
He took at liking for my persistence and loyalty, because I swore to not leave his side until I could properly repay him for saving my life! He softened up with our interactions outside of training, and would even seek out affection first, it was all brand new to me.
Being in such a dangerous place, I never had time to think about getting with someone, before he confessed to me!
Hunter's crush started off as admiration and trust, because we've been near each other our whole lives... I think he understood what he was feeling when he became a teenager, but it took him a lot longer to actually confess.
He would become a blushing mess at any compliments and affection, it even made me worried for a bit, considering that his heartbeat would speed up every time I was doing his checkups
Nectarine: Do you and your F/O live together? If so, what does your living space look like?
Me and Ennui live with all the other emotions, yes! We each have our own little rooms, but we usually sleep together most days, sometimes in my bed, sometimes in hers!
Muichiro pretty much demanded that I move into his estate after the master accepted me into the demon slayer corps. I like to make sure the place is tidy and comfy whenever I'm not training or while I'm not out on missions!
We have few moments where we just spend time together, so I make sure he doesn't have to work even more to make himself comfortable
Hunter and I lived at the emperor's castle, then we both ran away... He was in the human realm and I was caught by the collector, so we were apart for quite a bit...
Then, once everything got resolved, we moved in together and opened our own palismen workshop! I have my own little potion storage in it too! It's a cozy little place that made me feel at home for the very first time
Key Lime: How would you describe your self-ship’s aesthetic?
Ennui and I have a relationship that feels like a forever sleepover at a friend's place, both of us having feelings for each other and only being able to whisper about it while everyone else is asleep, then watching a movie and falling asleep in each other's arms
Muichiro and I have a relationship that feels like the double edged sword of feeling older than we actually are while constantly chasing the feeling of the childhood we never got to have. Hours of hard work, split with origami lessons and soft hugs. Knowing we're running out of time but trying to make the most of it anyways
Hunter and I have a relationship that feels like meeting each other again in a different lifetime. Maybe he was the one taking care of me before, maybe we were married, but regardless of what bond we used to have, it's just as strong and loving in our new life. A shared promise from multiple reincarnations Ago that will live on for as long as the universe does
Raspberry Swirl: How does your F/O cheer you up when you are feeling down?
Ennui helps me get away from whatever or whoever made me upset, and she helps me clear my mind by just listening to me rant or by showing me things to help me distract myself
Muichiro usually says either incredibly sweet and loving things, or completely nonsensical comments that snap my mind off whatever was making me upset in the first place. Once I'm properly distracted, he'll do whatever he can to make my day better so I won't even remember why I was angry or sad in the first place!
Hunter usually has a hard time with words and is a bit awkward when it comes to reassurance, but I can always count on him for a warm hug and a shoulder to cry on. He makes sure I don't feel alone and that I know he hears and cares about what I have to say
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bokutoisbestowl · 4 years
Fem!S/O; Meetings, Feelings and Futures: Kenma, Aone and Kyoutani
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Thank you so much @kara-grayson04 for requesting!! 💞💞 I hope you enjoy it and that its good enough!!
Also thank you for requesting for Aone that man makes me S O F T 🥺🥺🥺
So I’m going to be introducing a master taglist, but it'll be limited to about 40-50 people, so please don’t hesitate to ask!! SMAU’s will have their own separate, unlimited taglist (unless Tumblr has some limitation I don’t know about) that you'd have to ask to be added to separately. 
The headcanons may be a bit shorter than usual just because of it being multiple characters but I hope you guess still enjoy it! Feedback is always welcome!
As always, requests are: O P E N
You two met during high school, through Kuroo of course. see, rooster boy thought that having another game obsessed friend would make Kenma come out of his shell a little bit
little did he know that it wouldn’t change a thing apart from the fact that he now had two nerds to look after
at first, Kenma didn't really think much of it, you were just another person who befriended Kuroo and would most likely see around quite a lot.
when he saw you, he would be polite and node or mumble his greetings but that was about it at first. You were similar in a way and honestly Kuroo almost regretted it. 
Kenma didn't know when it happened, all he knew was that one day he just saw you and blushed like a mad man after realising just how beautiful you were. He didn’t know why you, a simple acquaintance (at least) suddenly became the only thought in his mind
he loved how patient you were with him, even when he was being bluntly analytical of everything, you would simply smile whereas someone else would have complained or just left
he remembers speaking to you about his distaste for hot and cold weather, saying there was not in between. one was too hot, the other too cold and you just nodded along 
“That's why I prefer spring and autumn, they're the transitioning seasons so the weather can be more balanced.”
Kenma is just shook that you didn’t point out the obvious that well, one is summer and the other is winter.
you two just starting talking a lot more and Kenma starting falling deeper and deeper and so you did you
although you managed to keep it hidden a bit better but not by much
you two would always look over each others shoulders when playing games together, trying to help each other out and occasionally will discuss games seriously; their design, animation, mechanics basically a range of things
you two became friends quickly after actually talking to each other and his feelings only really became clear when you were absent from school one day
he started texting you straight away, hearing from Kuroo that you were ill and home because your parents still had to work. Surprisingly, he’d managed to convince Kuroo to let him check up on you after practice since your parents worked late
both were shocked seeing you covered in blankets with a red nose, teared up eyes (from all the sneezing) and an exhausted aura opening the door, Kuroo quickly getting Kenma to take you to your room whilst he looked for food to give you
Kenma made sure you were covered with a blanket, grabbing a cold towel to place on your forehead. But rather than sit in silence, he because quietly talking about the newest game, smiling when you became discussing it as well
honestly this boy was falling in deep
collabs are a must when you two create your youtube channels in University, whether it was gaming, challenges or vlogs, around half of yours and his videos always include the other person
your fans are starting to ship you to together, Kuroo being their leader
little did they know you two had been dating since your third year, Kenma having awkwardly gotten his sims character to ask your sims character out on a date and then asking
“So... should we go out for real or?”
you agreed instantly of course
Uni had gone passed easily and your relationship remained strong throughout the years, going on dates every Thursday (both in real life and on any game you could manage)
when you weren't going out on dates, you two were lounging in your shared room or sitting in the living room of the house playing games or watching movies
Life got better after he proposed
he did it after graduation in the celebratory dinner, with help from Kuroo and some of you University friends
you could tell he was slightly embarrassed but luckily it was a private dinner in your residence so he wasn't that bothered. Of course he wanted it to be private but he also lowkey wants to show your relationship off like
“Look at this beautiful woman I am asking to marry me. Like if she says yes i’ll be shook.”
and he was.
Your daughter came along soon after the wedding which was much more simple than anyone expected. You two got married in the back garden of your childhood friends in front of close family and friends.
Pregancy was difficult, but it did give you time to actually play some games rather than having to work all the time plus your YouTube Channel became a family channel
Kenma was forever supportive, reading up on what to expect and how he can help. He never really asserted himself as the type of partner to tell you not to do something, he knew you understood your limitations and so left you to it
but he was always by your side, no matter what
And when Kanna was born, you both fell in love all over again. She was the perfect mixture of you both, with Kenma’s shy, introvert personality and your socialable, patient personality 
honestly Kenma was glad of it, knowing that being a major introvert can sometimes be harmful, but he knew his daughter would be fine.
if not then BET he will do everything he can to make sure any problem gets solved quickly
his favourite thing though? 
Coming home from work to find his two girls asleep on the sofa
Kanna cuddled up ontop of her mother and you holding your daughter securely in your arms, the two of you breathing softly
calm and serene
it was that he though of when he came up to you one night, wrapping his arm around your waist gently and kissing your shoulder
“...Lets have another.”
You were on the train when he first saw you properly. Of course he’d seen you around school but didn't really think much of it since his school mates never really spoke to him anyway
something about him being too intimidating to approach (rude)
BUT on the day when the two of you met, the train was way too crowded and you were honestly suffering. getting crushed between bodies or walls daily was getting exhausting and you couldn;t take much more
thankfully you spotted an empty seat and Aone. It wasn;t that you were hesitant because of him, no, you just didn’t want to disturb him if it happened to be that he liked to be alone. but it wouldn;t hurt to ask, right?
so carefully you walked across the train and smiled at him politely, nodding towards the seat next to him
“hello Aone, would you mind if I sat next to you?”
this baby nodded and stiffened as you sat down, he couldn’t believe you’d actually done it and that you seemed so calm and relaxed. did he not scare you??
the two of you sat in silence but that was fine with Aone because someone was sitting next to him
both of you were surprised when you got off at the same stop, you smiling shyly up at him as he let you off first. you were surprised once again to find him walking the same way as you
you walked next to him silently, enjoying his company until it was time to head your separately ways
“Well, thank you for letting me side beside you Aone, I really appreciate it... do you... think I could sit next to you again.. tomorrow?”
he quickly nodded, blush rising from his next to the tips of his ears
you two soon fell into a pattern, whenever you would see each other you would smile and wave, him returning the kind gesture - even at school time which made a lot of people curious and weary 
eventually you began waiting for him after practice, quietly waiting outside the gym and smiling when he would come out. he would always nod, giving you a look that you recognised as him saying “please wait a few more minutes” as he went up to get changed
will forever be surprised to see you still standing outside waiting for him
it would always be the same, quiet routine with Aone allowing you on the train first so you could sit first or get the last seat and he would simply stand in front of you, watching over you like a guardian of some sort
on occasions where the train was fully packed, he would gently guide you to a rail - oddly thankful for his intimidating nature since it would lead to people making room for you
once it starts to get darker, Aone refuses to let you walk home alone and goes out of his way just to make sure you get home safely. 
you were grateful for it though, simply because of the company
your parents met him once and they loved him. it was like they could also see his kind nature, smiling at him and always thanking him for getting their daughter home safely
he would always nod and bow politely
honestly he adores you because goddamn it finally someone isn't scared of him
goes out of his way to ensure your safety, happiness and comfort. listens to your every word. sometimes he’ll respond to you and sometimes he speaks with his eyes but either way he (and you) are content in each others presence 
your relationship moved quickly, dating after only a few months of properly knowing each other but neither of you would have it either way
you supported him in his volleyball career as much as you could, coming to his games or cheering him on when you couldn't make it. If playing is what he wanted to do alongside work then you were happy as long as he was
will bring you flowers and replaces those flowers once they die
all he asks is for kisses 
despite the quick beginning, it took four years for you to get married and another two for you to have your children. 
the wedding was beautiful, all your friends and family there, even his old high school friends (including the third years from back in his second year)
everyone was happy that this guy finally found love
the pregnancy was unplanned, and you were both shocked.
you’d missed your period and decided to take a test, Aone came home to you on the sofa, holding some baby shoes that you had gotten during the day to surprise him with
he was s h o o k
imagine both your surprise when you found out you were having twins
when you went into labour, Aone was terrified that his children would be scared of him, but his thoughts were quickly shoved aside when he heard his son cry out. and then his daughter
his heart was beating so fast, man was thankful they were in a hospital.
your son, Reo, calmed in your arms leaving your daughter, Aoi, to her father.
she cooed instantly and was labelled daddy’s girl
straight away
Reo was a lot like Aone in that he was oddly silent, even for a baby, you guessed he must have picked up on it and just went with it
Aoi was more like you, the talker of the pair and smiles all around
it was one day when he was watching the three of you play that he chuckled to himself, smiling happily.
Once upon a time his concern was that no one would sit next to him on the train
now it was that one day his daughter would get a boyfriend
god bless that boy
“Aoi, boys who are friends are okay. Boyfriends are banned.”
“Daddy... what’s a boyfriend?”
Okay so ya’ll met under bad circumstances. and by that I mean he shoved passed you and knocked you on your ass, not even sparing a glance to you as you walked passed.
a bunch of the male students were immediately shouting at him for being rude to a girl, female students coming to help you up whilst the culprit just sulked off somewhere
you were a first year, friends to Kindaichi and Kunimi and also lowkey manager of the team
you had heard that Iwaizumi was having to take up some of the role and felt bad, since you were there watching your boys anyway you thought might as well so you spoke to him and Oikawa about applying for the position
You were SHOCKED to find him there, like how did a guy that unsociable get into a club??
you soon found out about the teams troubles with him and realised that it’s just his personality
but he was good at the game, despite stealing a few of Kindaichi’s sets and just being plain rude. But you loved how he was with Oikawa, laughing quietly to yourself as the older boy pouted when he was being ignored
Kyoutani thought nothing of you at first, you were just some girl he’d bumped into but then he saw you in club and was annoyed
did you follow him here to scold him cause it wouldn’t work
but then he saw how kind and attentive you actually were and boy was soon blushing (but only slightly)
it pissed him off whenever you went to Iwaizumi or Oikawa because obviously he saw Iwaizumi as the big dog and Oikawa was.... Oikawa so gross 
was also surprised when you came over to give him a towel, because he thought he’d scared you off with his rudeness
blinks before nodding and wiping he face, feeling your presence move before swiftly catching your wrist
“Sorry... ‘bout before”
you just smiled and nodded at him, when he let you go (he was receiving looks off of Iwaizumi otherwise he could have stayed like that staring into your eyes for the rest of practice) you went back to your friends, laughing at Kindaichi as he demanded for information
Oddly enough he became a lot calmer when you were around because you were call him out for his mistakes
“That wasn’t your set Kyoutani, you need to wait otherwise your spikes won’t be as strong as they usually are and might get blocked easily.”
honestly you didn’t know if your words were actually helping but he seemed to take them in a wait for Oikawa to actually set to him
it didn’t work all the time however, in actual matches he got so into it that he just forgets and acts out
Oikawa and Iwaizumi sometimes look to you to calm him down, again sometimes it works and sometimes all you can do is shrug and say you tried
no one is sure of when you two started hanging out or dating but it just kinda happened
like one day you just kinda went “yeah he’s my boyfriend” and visa versa
he would walk you home on the grounds of Iwaizumi telling him to
you walked home alone because Kindaichi and Kunimi didn't live near you and Iwaizumi just turned to mad dog like “Walk her home. We need to make sure our manager gets home safely.”
everyone thought he’d put up a fight but he just turned, grabbed your hand and starting walking.
will continue to hold your hand and actually intertwine your fingers if he sees other boys walking past you two
kinda like a claim? but a sweet one like
“back off she’s mine”
you were sad when, a year later, he graduated but he always came back to walk you home at the end of day like routine
like I said before, no one was sure when you two started dating they just knew he was soft for you but still growly and glaring
you didn't mind though because he treated you gently
you got pregnant after you left high school and starting working. well, a few years into your job you got pregnant.
totally unplanned and definitely outside of marriage
your mothers were like “excuse me. what”
he proposed a few days later
I say proposed
you two were led in bed and he just turned around and said “you wanna get married or what?”
you legit just nodded all chill like and said “sure why not”
instant grin and kisses because he loves the playfulness
you ended up having a son who was exactly like his father and finally
after all these years
Kyoutani got a taste of his own medicine
“He’s such a fucking little shit.”
“He’s your son smh.”
Itsuki was born with a scowl on his face, Kyoutani was sure of it. he swears to whatever god he can that he saw it with his own eyes
but there are some moments where he remembers just how much he loves his son
but in all seriousness, seeing his son take after him so much fills him with joy and he’s so happy that they have that little mad dog
any future children (daughters) will be well protected
“Mommy... I want a baby brother.”
Kyoutani just sits there grinning
“You heard the rascal.”
Master Taglist: Ask to be added whilst you can!!
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microsuedemouse · 3 years
9, 16 and 18 !
you always ask questions. you're my favourite mutual. ily
9. favourite brand of clothing?
(did I adjust the spelling in this question to non-American English? yes I did)
MOKUYOBI, without a single doubt!! This brand makes me feel more like myself than almost anything else. It's a splurge (mostly bc of shipping to Canada... curse you, customs charges) but I usually aim to grab stuff on sale, and it's worth it once or maybe twice a year. It's got the colour palettes I love so much combined with casual shapes and styles!! I don't love dressing in girly clothes but it's often hard to find my favourite bright colours in more androgynous styles.
I'm wearing a Mokuyobi t-shirt right now!!
16. if you had to get a tattoo right now, what would you get and where?
yells I've wanted to get another tattoo basically since I walked out with my first one, if I'm honest. I was so nervous going in, bc I'd wanted this tattoo for years at that point but I'm a big baby? but by the time it was done I was like. Oh. I Get why people get addicted to this, actually.
tattoo in question, though I actually think it looks even better now, having healed further:
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...which is. a line from one of my favourite songs by my favourite band, flor. this particular line resonates with me a lot and means a lot to me. (the line is actually 'all this joy out of the ashes,' but we don't talk about that.)
anyway, all of that being a needlessly long lead-up to: if I were to get another tattoo right now. there are lots of things I want tattooed, but only a couple things I have specific design plans for, and one of those is also flor-related. the second time I ever went to see them, I was on my own and had been through a Rough Few Months, and wound up sitting in a back corner of the venue in tears after the show, just from being so overwhelmed. their frontman, Zach, who is The Sweetest Human Man Who Ever Lived, quit helping the others tear down (lol) to come sit with me until I was okay. this was only the second time he'd ever met me!! but he came and hugged me and just, made sure I was all right. at one point I told him, "you guys got me through so much this last year."
corny as it is, Zach's response was something I will never ever forget, because it meant so much, especially coming from him - someone who was such a comfort to me as a musician, but who scarcely knew me as a person and was still looking out for me in that moment regardless. he told me simply: "you got yourself through so much. we just helped."
I still think about that all the time. I cannot overstate how much it meant to me. so I've long considered having it tattooed, as well. Zach has continued to be unbelievably sweet and friendly every time I've seen him, and the last time I did so - back in fall of '19, which is TOO LONG AGO - I asked him to write those words down in a notebook for me: "you got yourself through so much." he actually wrote it twice after worrying that the first was too messy lol.
so. one of these days, I'm going to have those words tattooed onto me, in his handwriting. I've thought about putting them on the other forearm, but I have another idea for that one too - a line from a different song, one of my favourites from my other all-time favourite band, Motion City Soundtrack. I think it would be cool to have lines from two different songs that are really special to me, in the same font, in symmetrical spots? (also the line is "it's a pleasure to meet you" and would be on my right forearm and it chuffs me a little to imagine handshakes with that there, hah.) anyway, as a result I'm still not 100% certain where I would put "you got yourself through so much" - possibly underneath the ashes tattoo, where I can always see it. back of the shoulder is also a possibility but I like the idea of it being somewhere easy for me to look at.
GOD JESUS that was a long answer. I am so sorry. this is the problem when anything gets me talking about flor.
18. rant about your favourite musician
anyway uh. yeah. it's flor.
I kind of went on a tangent about Zach up there, because he truly is one of the most wonderful people I've ever met, and I'm insanely grateful that he always greets me like an old friend. all four of the boys are like that, really; they're amazing at remembering individual fans and making you feel loved and welcomed when you chat with them after a show. but Zach is the best at it. one time he saw me on the sidewalk before a show that he didn't expect me to be at, and he got so excited he started singing, like- like just one long, high note. and even though I was crouched on the ground digging around in my bag and couldn't get up fast enough, he blew right past the other two girls I was standing with - both of whom he's known for years longer than he's known me lmao - to kneel down and wrap me in a hug. anyway he's one of my favourite people alive.
but to also rave for a moment about the band as a whole, rather than about the boys as people: flor has legitimately changed my life so much. I discovered them by accident and literally don't know who or where I would be now, four-and-change years later, if I hadn't. their music has been a comforting and uplifting constant for me since the first night I heard it. their shows have been some of the best experiences of my life - every flor show feels like being home, and being completely myself, and being so fucking full of joy, no matter what my life is like outside of that moment. their fanbase, the florfam, is full of such amazing people, and I've made so many great friendships amongst them. because of flor I learned to go to shows alone, and go into Toronto alone, both of which are feats I could never have imagined tackling before I fell in love with this band.
but even more, because of flor I learned to travel alone. I am an incredibly anxious homebody, and I still get nervous spending the night away from home most of the time, but for flor I got my passport renewed and travelled solo to the States - first on a bus, then the next year on a plane. I met up with friends I'd previously known exclusively through twitter, and it was like we'd known each other for ages. we hugged like old friends when we met and cried when it was time to part again. the Courtney before flor could never have done something like that.
I have grown so much because of falling in love with this band. I've done things I definitely never would have otherwise. I've written whole stories that would never have occurred to me without flor's music. a flor show feels like home, like love, like raw, abundant, riotous joy. I've never been anywhere happier. I've never gotten out of one without crying!! the music those boys make is my favourite in the whole world, and I keep it close to my heart always, but their impact on my life is so much bigger than that.
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andromeda3116 · 4 years
so like i said i would do no more explaining but i was kinda jokey with that post when actually no i legit did put thought and purpose into this kanej playlist, so here’s a breakdown of the songs on it and which lyric(s)/to whom it applies. some of them, again, are more about the general vibe, but mostly there’s like. an actual reason i picked these songs.
o. (not on spotify) the sewers belch me up, the heavens spit me out, from ethers tragic i am born again. [...] is it bright where you are? have the people changed? does it make you happy you're so strange? and in your darkest hour, i hold secrets' flame. you can watch the world devoured in its pain. --the end is the beginning is the end
i. god money, i’ll do anything for you. god money, just tell me what you want me to. god money, nail me up against the wall. god money, don't want everything, he wants it all. no, you can’t take it, no you can't take it, no, you can’t take that away from me. head like a hole, black as your soul, i'd rather die than give you control. bow down before the one you serve, you’re going to get what you deserve.
ii. there’s a shadow just behind me, shrouding every step i take, making every promise empty, pointing every finger at me. [...] i am just a worthless liar, i am just an imbecile. i will only complicate you. trust in me and fall as well. [...] why can we not be sober, i just want to start this over.
iii. i’d walk to you through rings of fire, and never let you know the way i feel. under skin is where i hide the love that always gets me on my knees. [...] i want it now, i want it now. don’t tell me that my ship is coming in. --nothing lasts forever
iv. one: take control of me, you’re messing with the enemy. said it’s two: it’s another trick, you’re messing with my mind. [...] there it goes again, take me to the edge again. all i got is a dirty trick, i’m chasing down the wolves to save you. i tell you i want you, i tell you i need you. the blood on my face, i just wanted you near me. --club foot
v. don’t waste your touch, you won’t feel anything. or were you sent to save me? i’ve thought too much, you won’t find anything worthy of redeeming. [...] reach out and you may take my heart away. --the leaving song, part two
vi. while i waited, i was wasting away, hope was wasting away, faith was wasting away, i was wasting away. [...] inside a crumbling effigy, but you promised. so dies all innocence, but you promised me. --the great disappointment
vii. welcome to the end of eras, ice has melted back to life, done my time and served my sentence, dress me up and watch me die. if it feels good, tastes good, it must be mine. dynasty decapitated, you just might see a ghost tonight. [...] the crown. so close i could taste it, i see what’s mine and take it. --the emperor’s new clothes
viii. all my friends were glorious, tonight we are victorious. [...] i’m a killing spree in white, eyes like broken christmas lights. my touch is black and poisonous. [...] throw the bait, catch the shark, bleed the water red. fifty words for murder, and i’m every one of them.
ix. just like romantic verses, just like a joyous end, just like a memory, it twists me. you land as lightly as the new snow onto the melting boy. you land as gently, you’re so cinematic, bathed in your radiance, i melt. --this celluloid dream
x. i’ll describe the way i feel: weeping wounds that never heal. can this savior be for real, or are you just my seventh seal? no hesitation, no delay, you come on just like special k, now you’re back, the dope demand, i’m on sinking sand. [...] i’ll describe the way i feel: you’re my new achilles heel.
xi. i choose to live and to grow, take and give and to move, learn and love and to cry, kill and die and to be paranoid and to lie, hate and fear and to do what it takes to move through. i choose to live and to lie, kill and give and to die, learn and love and to do what it takes to step through. [...] i’ve been crawling on my belly, clearing out what could have been. --forty-six and two
xii. do you listen to yourself? never live for someone else. do you like the way you feel? nothing hurts when no one’s real. [...] i wanna bullet-proof your soul, would you like to lose control? i won’t let you fall until you tell me so. [...] should have listened when you called my name.
xiii. you have forsaken all the love you’ve taken, sleeping on a razor, there’s nowhere left to fall. your body’s aching, every bone is breaking, nothing seems to shake it, it just keeps holding on. [...] i thread the needle through, you beat the devil’s tattoo.
xiv. i’m insane, but on my toes. i can keep the world balanced on my nose. i had a slumber party with all my foes, now i wear ‘em like a badge of honor on my clothes. if i’m crazy, i’m on my own. if i’m waiting, it’s on my throne. [...] can’t stop me now, i said i got you now. i’m right here at your door, i won’t leave, i want more. --what’s up, danger?
xv. the world is a vampire sent to drain, secret destroyers hold you up to the flames. and what do i get for my pain? betrayed desires and a piece of the game. [...] despite all my rage, i am still just a rat in a cage. --bullet with butterfly wings
xvi. can’t you see i’m sorry? i will make it worth your while. i’m made of dead men’s money, you can see it in my smile. oh, lazarus, how did your debt get paid? [...] when the fires, when the fires are consuming you, and your sacred stars won’t be guiding you, i’ve got blood, i’ve got blood on my name.
xvii. “oh don’t talk of love,” the shadows purr, murmuring me away from you. “don’t talk of worlds that never were, the end is all that’s ever true.” [...] every night i burn, every night i scream your name.
xviii. my heart’s a tart, your body’s rent, my body’s broken, yours is bent. carve your name into my arm, instead of stressed, i lie here charmed. [...] like the naked leads the blind, i know i’m selfish, i’m unkind. sucker love, i always find someone to bruise and leave behind. --every you, every me
xix. it don’t matter, i won’t do what you say. you’ve got the money and the power, i won’t go your way. i can’t take for the people, they don’t matter at all. i’ll be waiting in the shadows, until the day that you fall. [...] kill me if you dare, hold my head up everywhere. --underdog
i. i’m a princess cut from marble, smoother than a storm, and the scars that mark my body, they’re silver and gold. my blood is a flood of rubies, precious stones, it keeps my veins hot, the fire’s found a home in me. [...] and i’m locking up everyone who ever laid a finger on me. i’m done with it, oh, this is the start of how it all ends. --yellow flicker beat
ii. just how deep do you believe? will you bite the hand that feeds? will you chew until it bleeds? can you get up off your knees? are you brave enough to see? do you wanna change it?
iii. i know it’s a lie, i want it to be true. the rest of the ride is riding on you. [...] wishing you could keep me closer, i’m a lazy dancer, when you move i move with you. --collect call
iv. don’t look ahead, there’s stormy weather, another roadblock in our way. but if we go, we go together, our hands are tied here if we stay. oh, we said our dreams would carry us and if they don’t fly, we will run. now we push right past to find out how to win what they all lost. oh, we know that we want more, oh, the life we’re fighting for. [...] there are no rules that we can’t break. --disparate youth
v. as i move my feet towards your body, i can hear this beat, it fills my head up and gets louder and louder. i run to the river and dive straight in. i pray that the water will drown out the din. [...] there’s a drumming noise inside my head and it starts when you’re around. --drumming song
vi. shoot me down, but i get up. i’m bulletproof, nothing to lose. fire away, fire away. ricochet, you take your aim. fire away, fire away. shoot me down, but i won’t fall, i am titanium.
vii. you’ve been walking, you’ve been hiding, and you look half-dead half the time. monitoring you, like machines do, you’ve still got it, i’m just keeping an eye. you say too late to start, with your heart in a headlock. i don’t believe any of it.
viii. i’m in need of a savior, but i’m not asking for favors. my whole life i’ve felt like a burden, i think too much and i hate it. i’m so used to being in the wrong, i’m tired of caring. loving never gave me a home, so i’ll sit here in the silence. i found peace in your violence, can’t tell me there’s no point in trying. i’m at one, and i’ve been quiet for too long.
ix. i am running, i will meet you halfway. when i get there, will you be waiting for me? and i’m scared that you don’t feel the same. and after all, just how much can i take? heaven help me, i think i’m in love, i’m all in love with you. ‘cause i can’t help myself, i’m falling down, i’m falling hard for you.
x. i never promised you an open heart or charity, i never wanted to abuse your imagination. i come with knives, i come with knives and agony to love you.
xi. stooped down and out, you got me beggin’ for thread to sew this hole up that you ripped it my head. stupidly think you had it under control. strapped down to something you don’t understand, don’t know what you were getting yourself into. you should have known, secretly i think you knew.
xii. go row the boat to safer grounds, but don’t you know? we’re stronger now. my heart still beats, and my skin still feels. my lungs still breathe, my mind still fears. but we’re running out of time, all the echoes in my mind cry. there’s blood on your lies, the scars open wide. there is nowhere for you to hide, the hunter’s moon is shining. i’m running with the wolves tonight.
xiii. a falling star fell from your heart and landed in my eyes. i screamed aloud as it tore through them and now it’s left me blind. the stars, the moon, they have all been blown out, you’ve left me in the dark. no dawn, no day, i’m always in this twilight, in the shadow of your heart. [...] i took the stars from my eyes and then i made a map, i knew that somehow i could find the way back. then i heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness, too. so i stayed in the darkness with you. --cosmic love
i. shed a tear for each soul set free, but that’s what happens when you dance with me. pity the man who stands in my way, i’m a nightmare even in the day. i’d be wise with which words you say, ‘cause they could be the last breath you take. [...] call me a criminal, maybe, baby, i’m an outlaw. you know, i ain’t evil but i ain’t a saint.
ii. it’s my own design, it’s my own remorse. help me to decide. help me make the most of freedom, and of pleasure. nothing ever lasts forever. everybody wants to rule the world. there’s a room where the light won’t find you, holding hands while the walls come tumbling down. when they do i’ll be right behind you.
iii. i know you’ve suffered, but i don’t want you to hide. [...] i want to reconcile the violence in your heart, i want to recognize your beauty’s not just a mask. i want to exorcise the demons from your past. i want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart.
iv. you mean that much to me and it’s hard to show. gets hectic inside of me when you go. can i confess these things to you? well, i don’t know. embedded in my chest and it hurts to hold. i couldn’t spill my heart, my eyes gleam looking in from the dark. i walk out in stormy weather, hold my words, keep us together. steady walking but bound to trip, should release but just tighten my grip. night time, sympathize, i’ve been working on white lies. so i’ll tell the truth.
v. i, i came here in day, but i left here in darkness and found you, found you on the way. [...] your sins into me, oh my beautiful one. --silver and cold
vi. you wanna make me bad, make me bad. you wanna pay me back, pay me back. baby, it’s violence, violence. [...] but i like it like that.
vii. hey, baby, can you bleed like me? oh, come on baby, can you bleed like me? you should see my scars.
viii. i’m giving you a night call, to tell you how i feel. i’m gonna show you where it’s dark but have no fear. [...] there’s something inside you, it’s hard to explain. they’re talking about you, boy, but you’re still the same.
ix. you don’t wanna hurt me, but see how deep the bullet lies. unaware that i’m tearing you asunder, and there’s a thunder in our hearts, baby. so much hate for the ones we love, tell me we both matter, don’t we? [...] come on baby, come on, come on darling, let me steal this moment from you now. --running up that hill
x. feel my heart burning, deep inside, yearning. i know it is coming. a fettered heart, waking. tainted youth, fading. leave it all behind. delirious again, mesmerize my senses, souls entwine one more time.
xi. there is love in your body but you can’t get it out, it gets stuck in your head, won’t come out of your mouth. sticks to your tongue and it shows on your face, that the sweetest of words have the bitterest taste. darling heart, i loved you from the start, but you'll never know what a fool i have been. darling heart, i loved you from the start, but that’s no excuse for the state i am in. --hardest of hearts
xii. it’s fire, it’s freedom, it’s flooding open. it’s the preacher and the pulpit and your blind devotion. there’s something breaking at the brick of every wall, it’s holding all that you know. so tell me do you wanna go? where it’s covered in all the colored lights, where the runaways are running the nights. impossible comes true, it’s taking over you. [...] where the lost get found and we crown ‘em the circus king. --the greatest show
xiii. but if you’re troubled and hurt, what you got under your shirt will make them pay for the things they did. they said now, teenagers scare the living shit out of me. they could care less, as long as someone will bleed. so darken your clothes and strike a violent pose, maybe they’ll leave you alone, but not me. 
xiv. we are ready for the siege, we are armed up to the teeth. be careful how you live and breathe, release what’s broken underneath. how many times do you wanna die? how many ways do you wanna die? [...] you used to do a little but a little won’t fly, right before you hit your prime. that’s where we fell in love but not the first time. --the royal we
xv. and how can we win, when fools can be kings? don’t waste your time, or time will waste you. no one’s gonna take me alive. the time has come to make things right. you and i must fight for our rights, you and i must fight to survive. --knights of cydonia
xvi. look at me go, look at me high and low, look at me picking myself back up from the underground. i’ve died a few times before, i know what it’s like when i can’t see the light, i find a light of my own. [...] we were born alone, and we die alone. what a way to go, now i’m on my own. but i’m not sorry, no.
xvii. broken people, hollow and feeble, they’re rolling, rolling up the hill. [...] breaking in, in, in my eyes, i can’t see like this. i can’t let go, please help me down, i can’t be like this. --sweet
xviii. prey on the powerful, masters of the game, we run with wolves in the shadows, we chase ‘em down ‘til we’re face to face. [...] it’s in our blood, in our blood, in our veins. this is the world we made.
xix. and our lives are forever changed, we will never be the same. the more you change the less you feel. believe, believe in me. believe, believe that life can change, that you’re not stuck in vain. we’re not the same, we’re different tonight. [...] we’ll make things right, we’ll feel it all tonight. we’ll find a way to offer up the night tonight, the indescribable moments of your life, tonight. the impossible is possible tonight. believe in me as i believe in you, tonight.
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punkrock-writer · 4 years
Space Cowboy- part 5
Never Fight a Man With a Perm
Pairing- Din Djarin x F!OC 
Warnings- Swearing, Mentions Blood, Canon Typical Violence. The Gang from Chapter 6 are dicks. 
A/N- Howdy!! I’m so sorry this took so long to come out. I had a bad case of brain rot this past week and did not want to type, but it’s here and I hope ya’ll like it! I’m kind of nervous about this chapter because this was the situation that inspired the entire story, so please let me know what you think! 
I’m going to try to have the next chapter out quicker! Put who knows, I got worms in my brain! 
Masterlist AO3 
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After almost taking another roll around the ship — thanks to Din's lack of a warning — Sedona was now aware of what hyperspace felt like. It was actually rather calm, quiet, and still. She wished she could see it, but she didn't really know if she should attempt to enter the cockpit. Instead, turning to face her bags, she figured it was a good time to get some real clothes on. The child cooed sadly when she set him down in the sleeping compartment, and though she hated to, she ignored him and knelt by her suitcase. Searching for something somewhat warm through the clothes that were packed for Florida was proving difficult. She settled on black leggings, an old grey Ron Jon Surf Shop hoodie, and a pair of soft crew socks. A sports bra and a fresh pair of underwear completed the 'look' and she gathered her things and headed to the shower room.
Not before quickly turning back and grabbing her deodorant, because, yuck.
With a deep breath, she decided it was finally time to look at herself.
Nothing was exciting or truly different to note about the person reflected back to her in the foggy mirror. It was the same girl, blue eyes, short brown hair, but now there was a brand new massive bruise on her left temple. Her dark circles were deeper, and her eyes were tired. But other than the wound there was nothing new. She discarded her pajamas, and slipped into the clean clothes, she never thought it would feel this good to be fully covered. Her arms all the way to her toes now concealed in comfortable fabric, and she was grateful. She quickly put her hair into a folded bun, and set to her second task, putting that extra bacta patch on her head.
Peli made it look much easier. Whatever it was, was slimy and hard to get a grip on, but once it was placed, it stuck. So now she had a slightly lopsided, oversized band-aid on her head. And she knew it was going to hurt like a bitch to yank out of her hair. Taking one last look in the mirror, she sighed.
Honestly, she looked like she was about to go take a plane trip back home, and it tugged her heart a little bit.
Shaking her head she picked her things back up and opened the door to exit into the hull. A shiny helmet of beskar startled her, he must've just jumped down from the cockpit, as he was facing her through the ladder. She tried not to think too much about the way he stared for a bit too long, most likely just assessing her change in appearance. Before she could say anything he turned sharply, stepping over to where the child pouted in the sleeping compartment. She scooted by them, heading to put her things back in her bag. And when she straightened up to see what he was doing, he was already halfway up the ladder, taking the child with him.
Sedona tried not to dwell on it too much, it's not like he knew her, he barely even trusted her. He didn't owe her any more kindness than he was already giving her. But it really didn't help when she felt like she knew him. She needed to get that idea out of her head, she didn't know jack shit about what went through his head. Seeing someone on screen is so much different than actually being around them, and Sedona had to make sure she didn't get too comfortable too fast— she couldn't afford any slip-ups. So for now she would take it slow, tiptoe around the Crest, and do what she needed to do when called.
In pursuit of being quiet, she decided now might be a good time to check her phone. She settled herself in the sleeping compartment, purse in her lap, and plucked it from the bag. The time read 10:34 am, and obviously, there was no way of telling if that was right. Her calendar read two days since she had been ripped from her hotel room, and she was pretty sure that would be reliable. As long as she had some way of knowing how long she'd been here, she could keep herself grounded.
It didn't even cross her mind that she should try to find some way to get back home.
Sedona dozed off after a while, curled around her purse in the sleeping compartment. Her circadian rhythm was thrown off, or maybe it was like some kind of space-sickness. She was just tired, and she didn't know what else to do. The plot was getting scrambled in her head, and until Din jogged her mind in some way, she wasn't going to risk getting a headache thinking about it.
So she slept, the soft hum of hyperspace lulling her into relaxation, no matter how uncomfortable the bed was.
That was how Din found her a few hours later. Curled like a lothcat around one of her smaller bags. The child gurgled in happiness at the sight of her— he was the reason they were down there, wailing incessantly at the ladder. He didn't understand why he liked her so much, but if he trusted anyone, it was the child. So he set him down next to her knees, a position they had just recently been in. The child began climbing up her legs, and Din could only look on in amusement as she grumbled something incoherent.
The toddler reached his intended destination, her shoulder, and began to tap his tiny hands on her cheek. Din couldn't stop a small smile from breaking his features, thankful for the helmet once again. Her eyes popped open, panic clear on her features as she turned to look at what was tapping her face, and a smile overtook her.
"Hey little guy, how'd you get up there." Din pretended not to notice the roughness of her voice or the sleepy smile that turned to face him. "Oh I see now, you had an accomplice."
She slowly sat up, taking care to hold the child steady. She folded her legs in front of her, setting him in her lap. The child smiled up at him, and before he could stop himself, a gloved hand reached out and stroked his ear. Din wasn't used to showing affection in front of others, especially people he didn't fully trust. But the atmosphere was so relaxed, and it seems his body reacted before his mind could stop it.
"Did we stop somewhere?" Her quiet voice broke him out of his trance, his head snapped back up to meet hers. She looked worried, her eyes searched the helmet, and her teeth caught her bottom lip. Din told himself he was just observing a possible threat, analyzing her tells.
Subconsciously, that was a different story.
"No," he paused to clear his throat when it came out in a whisper. "I've picked up a job, I'm changing our course, and we'll be there in an hour... I just—" well Din didn't really know why exactly he felt the need to warn her. "I just wanted to know if you had... anything to tell me." Right, just trying to get information. Her eyes seemed to light up in recognition, her brow furrowed in concentration.
"Who- or what is the job exactly." She looked confused still, her eyes zoned in on something in the distance, deep in thought.
"It's with an old... acquaintance of mine." His voice was rougher than he intended, still not really enjoying the idea of the job. But by the way her eyes darkened, he knew it was probably going to be a big mistake.
Sedona's mind instantly hooked onto the information and dragged it from the depths of the scramble. This situation, she knew well. This episode, she had watched, many times. For the plot... not for the way the red lights danced off beskar or the amazingly hot fight scenes.
No for the plot.
She knew what she needed to do.
"They betray you, they're going to try and shove you in a cell and leave you there... and a droid tries to shoot the baby— and they're all massive dicks, every one of them." Okay. That sounded crazy, she didn't mean for everything to tumble out like that. According to the way Din suddenly stood straight and alert, she probably didn't say the right things. "Wait... but you get out of it, no one gets hurt— except for the assholes— but they deserved it a-and you get money."
He just stood there, still as a rock. She couldn't imagine how all of that sounded to him. He probably didn't even know what the mission was supposed to be, and she had already informed him it was doomed from the start.
Yeah, I gotta work on the info delivery.
He let out a long sigh. His fingers twitched at his side, he probably would've rubbed his forehead in frustration if he could. She could feel herself shrinking in the silence, she unconsciously held onto the baby in her lap a little tighter. He cooed at her, seemingly sensing her anxiety. His little 3 clawed hands tapped at hers that held his waist.
"Well... like I said, an hour." He then turned and quickly made his way to the ladder. Climbing into the cockpit in almost record time. Sedona let a long sigh escape her, bringing one hand up to rub her eyes. She wasn't tired anymore, anxiety had squandered that quickly.
She had to either, A. Figure out some way to keep Din from being tricked and captured. Or B. Make sure Grogu doesn't alert the droid of his presence. For some reason, the situation felt wrong. She knew this mission was on course to go sour, but there was a bad feeling whispering at the edges of her mind.
Everything was feeling super, extra, bad and it was making her stomach hurt.
Or maybe she was just fucking starving.
Sedona realized she had never eaten the 'bar' Peli had given her. And an all-liquid diet the day before probably wasn't helping her whole, situation. Moving the child from her lap, she placed her feet on the ground. Thankful for her socks as the cold of the metal seeped through the fabric. She walked over to her suitcase— not really remembering where she had put the food— the entire evening leading up to her fight with Toro was a blur. When she didn't find it in her purse, she searched through her suitcase. Her hands touched the foil wrapping, and suddenly there was another presence at her side.
The little green gremlin was a bloodhound for food, it was like he read her mind and teleported to her. Letting out an excited squeal when she brought the bar into view, Sedona couldn't help but laugh with him. Sitting cross-legged in front of her suitcase she invited him to sit with her. And with more adorable grunts and snorts he sat down in between her legs, eyes never leaving the bar.
"Okay we can share, but don't tell your dad" she whispered, he made a soft coo in response. The bar looked like someone had put a granola bar through a grinder, and then reformed it back into a bar. Not exactly the most appetizing thing, but food was food, and the little guy seemed excited. She broke off a small piece— yes she had witnessed the child swallow a frog whole— but he was so little in front of her, so she went by baby rules and gave him something small. He grabbed it in his little hands, and then she broke off a piece for herself.
It was dry, and tasted kind of like a protein bar, but not at all like a protein bar. It was just different, but with the way the child inhaled it, she knew it was probably worth eating. They carried on like this till it was gone, Grogu munching happily, not minding the crumbs that fell into his lap. She was able to choke it down with the assistance of the water bottle that still sat in her purse. But eating didn't seem to help the way her stomach twisted in worry. When she wasn't distracting herself by watching the child, her mind wandered dangerously.
She couldn't tell if the walls her mind had put up the moment she dropped on the Crest were finally crumbling. Or if something was actually wrong. Her head was starting to hurt again, and now with a stomach ache, she felt like she was starting to break down. She needed another distraction.
Crumbling up the wrapper she turned to her suitcase. The child babbled a little, probably wondering if she had more food. Instead, she was just looking for anything; she moved through everything in the bag, toiletries, bras, a journal. And then she felt something solid. Her boots! She had honestly figured she didn't have any shoes here. Those had been the first thing to come out of her suitcase when she got to her hotel. But now, pulling her work boots from the depths, it was the first time she had actually been excited to see them. They were beat up hiking boots, with the perfect amount of ankle support and non-slip bottom to make it in space.
"Well, are you gonna let me put these on or what?" She said to the child in her lap, he tilted his head with a coo. She slowly started to straighten her legs, he made a squeal and then started to wiggle away from her. She laughed, helping him get off her lap and setting him to the side. He grunted, loudly, instantly very mad at her. She chuckled again, trying not to notice the way her hands shook as she began to lace up her boots.
Grogu toddled over to the ladder, reaching his arms up toward the cockpit. She couldn't help the smile, she finished tying her boots, standing, and headed over to the child. He was hanging from the 3rd rung of the ladder, obviously getting his speed from his father, she was able to catch him just as his 3 fingers slid off the metal. She rose and looked up with anticipation, obviously he wanted to go up there, and that meant she would have to... talk to Din.
She swallowed, but the baby in her arms let out an impatient squeal, reaching his arms up. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.
"Um... D-Mando" she called, catching herself on the name quickly. "G-The kid wants to come up, i-is it alright if I bring him up." She hated the way she was stumbling through this, it shouldn't be that difficult to ask, but she almost shaking in fear at the prospect of being dropped off on the next planet. Her subconscious was telling her the Din she knew wouldn't do that, but this wasn't the Din she 'knew', this was a stranger. God, why did this have to be so complicated?
There was a long daunting pause. "Just don't touch anything." She let out a sigh of relief, and quickly attempted the climb to the cockpit. Proving to be much trickier with one hand. Her head breached the hole, and in front of her was something amazing. The cockpit of the Razor Crest lit up with the blue streaks of hyperspace. She stopped, awestruck at all of the buttons and levers, all of the details laid out before her. She didn't even notice the child wiggling out of her grasp.
It was beautiful, but also so terrifying. She watched the expanse of space whiz by, something her mind could've never been able to comprehend. And as she stared, she didn't notice when the pilot's chair slowly turned.
"You can come inside." She jumped at his voice, eyes meeting the helmet she didn't know was facing her. She quickly shut her mouth, just now realizing Grogu had made his way to Din's lap. Slowly, she finished the climb up the ladder and found herself at the door to the cockpit. Tentatively she stepped inside, eyes still wide in wonder, and made her way to the chair behind Din's left shoulder. He turned back to the controls, or more back to making sure the child didn't touch anything. She sat down slowly, still not entirely certain this was all real.
Swirling blue was constantly moving above and before her, it was mesmerizing, she felt herself getting lost in it. She could probably look at it for the rest of her life. It was the perfect distraction. Or until someone broke her from her daze, but she didn't expect that to happen anytime soon. Instead, she sat quietly, trying to take up as little space in the room as she could. Her thoughts were pushed to the back of her mind, she was allowed this brief moment of peace.
Sedona had held it together surprisingly well, though it was more likely she was in shock. Numb is what she would call it, seeing everything moving around her, but she didn't really feel it. A mild form of disassociation is probably what a therapist would tell her, her body was in survival mode while her brain just followed, screaming from the shadows. But at this current moment, her mind was quiet, the rolling blue was enough.
Comfortable silence, the baby sleeping, his snores being the only thing breaking through the hum of hyperspace. The pair sat quietly for what seemed to be a long time. It was the first moments of calm both had experienced at the same time, hopefully, it wouldn't be the last. In the past, the silence would have irked her, gnawed at her stomach. She probably would've started a conversation with anyone in the room. But now, it felt okay, her mind felt at ease for the first time since she'd got here. She ignored the voice that whispered, maybe it's him.
A sudden beeping broke through the serene atmosphere, Sedona jumped, while Din only moved his helmet. His hands reached out to flick some switches and punch some buttons.
She secretly wished she might be able to figure out what it all meant, but she wasn't going to get her hopes up.
"We're dropping out of hyperspace, hold on." It was an off-hand comment she realized because she didn't even have time to straighten in her spine when the ship seemed to lurch forward. Her hands flew to her sides, gripping the seat quickly. With the sudden movement, all of her anxieties flew into her throat. And as another giant space ship came into view, another emotion came forward.
"Oh, those fuckers." The words were growled out before she even knew her mouth was open. Her eyes widening in surprise as a T-shaped visor snapped to face her. She could only shrug in response, it was the truth. Deep down, she was glad to know her shock-induced state hadn't taken everything from her, she could still talk some smack.
That was going to cause problems.
"You're staying on the ship, with the child." He had turned back to the controls, grasping the handles with gloved hands. The child in question had just woken up, cooing curiously at the scene change. "Make sure he doesn't cause any trouble, or whatever you said happens." She heard him and understood. But she was focused on trying to figure out how the hell she was going to hold her tongue when she knew what was about to happen. Din seemed to notice her unease, his helmet shifted slightly toward her, most likely confused by the white-knuckle grip she still had on the seat.
"You're going to have to gag me." The realization came suddenly, it was the only way, she did not trust herself to keep quiet. Din fully spun to face her now, even without seeing his face she could tell he was surprised and mad. She aimed for his eyes beneath the black visor, "It's the only way to shut me up." He let out a long sigh, that ended more in a frustrated growl.
"Are you serious?" His voice was sharp, serious disbelief. She nodded, it was ridiculous she knew, but with all the choice words swirling in her head, and the way she didn't have full control of herself, it really was the only way. With another growl-sigh he leaned down, ripping off a strip of material from his cape, and handed it to her, then he more or less shoved the child in her lap. "Just go— take him to the sleeping compartment, and... do it yourself."
She stood and left quickly, not wanting to anger him further. She staggered her way down the ladder, Grogu laughing at her struggles. She was panicking, her eyes darted over everything quickly, setting the child in the compartment she went over to her things. She zipped her suitcase closed, then hooked the handle to one of the nets that hung on the wall, hoping that would keep it out of way. Then with her purse, she made her way over to Grogu and climbed in after him. He babbled excitedly, not picking up on the frazzled emotions that were rolling off her in waves.
"We are going to have a totally chill time in here." She said to the child, though it was also mostly to herself. She adjusted till her back was against the wall, and allowed Grogu to clamber onto her lap. "It's gonna be totally cool and nothing bad is going to happen, alright?" Her voice had risen multiple octaves, and it seemed the gremlin had finally caught on to her panic. He tilted his head at her, making a much smaller, almost sadder sound. She instantly felt bad; making shushing noises, she rubbed his little back as he pouted up at her. The ship started to wobble, Din was maneuvering it into the bigger space ship, she held onto the little creature. And with a big thump, they were stopped.
Sedona let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Grogu's ears seemed to perk up at that, he settled down onto her lap. Listening carefully to the noises above her, she could hear Din moving around before steps began to descend on the ladder. He paused in front of the compartment, carefully observing the situation. Sedona could only stare back, doing her best not to let him know how scared she was, but he probably had a fear sensor on his helmet. Before he could turn away her voice betrayed her again.
"Di-Mando... could I have a weapon." It was a whisper, she was doing the best she could to hold herself together. But this was becoming more and more real by the second. He stared at her for much longer than she wanted, even Grogu made a small whine at the atmosphere. Then his hand moved to his wrist, tapping something, and a compartment opened adjacent to the one she was in. She peaked around the corner, eyes widening at all of the weapons laid out. And she almost laughed at the sight of her pink taser, placed there among all of the space gadgets. He grabbed that, setting it in front of her.
Without a word, he turned, fingers working at his wrist again. Almost simultaneously, the weapons doors and the door to her compartment shut. While the side ship door opened. She and Grogu were alone in the dimly lit compartment. He turned to look at her, head tilting in confusion. And she could only shrug in response.
There was silence on the ship for what felt like hours. Sedona and Grogu sat quietly, only the child breaking the silence with his babbles. She would shush him quickly; not really knowing when the crew would be joining the ship, and she didn't want their cover blown sooner than it needed to be. When his fussing became a bit more persistent, she gave him her keys that were still tucked in her purse. His big eyes widened further, entranced by the shiny metal and jingles.
Because how else do you calm a baby you don't know what to do with, you give it your keys. Fuck.
A heavy sigh passed through her as she leaned her head back against the wall. She's trying desperately to keep her emotions under control, obviously, Grogu could sense them, so if she was calm, he was calm. And that was most important right now. Her mind was constantly on edge, just waiting for something to happen. She didn't want to tie her mouth yet, fearing it would startle the child. Instead, she chewed on her lip, distracted by the soft tinkling of her keys.
The wait was soon over.
Metallic footsteps were making their way up the ramp. Thinking fast she tied the strip of fabric around her mouth, then held the child close. He cooed, moving his head up to face her before his ears flicked up in surprise. She tried to give him a smile.
It definitely looked absolutely horrifying.
His little features contorted into a frown, and a whimper was heard before the footsteps on the ship drew closer. They both snapped their heads to stare at the unmoving compartment door. Ears perked, listening closely as she heard someone ascend to the cockpit. There were noises outside of the ship, people were gathering, she felt her heart rate increase sharply. She squeezed them further into the corner of the compartment. The mattress creaked so loudly in the silence, but thankfully the noises coming from above them seemed to drown it out.
Her brain had ceased its flow of information. She wasn't sure who entered the ship first, it could be Din for all she knew. But she knew there were about to be a lot more people, and then shit was going to go down. Her mouth had gone dry thanks to the fabric, and the child had started to whine. She tried to shush him, but it came out more in weird hissing sounds. His eyes bugged out as he looked at her in fear, pushing his arms against her chest. She moved to set him down behind her, pretending her heart didn't break at the sight. She maneuvered herself more to the front of the compartment, leaving the keys behind for him.
She almost didn't notice the grumbling that followed the metallic clink of someone leaving the ship. The person was complaining, aggressively, but the voice was definitely not human.
Of course. That shitty droid.
The one emotion that had been hardest to keep at bay was rising up again. It coiled in her throat, sharpening her tongue with nasty thoughts. She hated this group, and all the shit they say to Din and the violent betrayal. She didn't know how she was going to be able to handle it if it happens right in front of her— the fabric in her mouth was going to be her saving grace. She really did not want to risk making this even worse for Din than it already would be.
And sure, she knows they get their due karma in the end. But the nagging pit in her stomach, the feeling of wrong, was eating her alive. She reached for the taser that sat at the front of the compartment and maneuvered her back to Grogu. If that compartment opens, she was going to fight like hell.
And that's how she waited.
And waited.
Back turned to the child as he jangled her keys around. She waited as voices crept closer to the Crest. As someone made their way up the ramp, then another. Until something was set down with a heavy thump, and a murmur of voices filled the hull. No one was really saying anything of importance, just fighting about who got to sit where. Sedona turned her head back to the child, who was now also listening attentively. His ears perked, owlish eyes met hers, the keys now forgotten in his little hands. He made a small 'ooo' sound and pointed to the compartment door, and she shrugged, holding her finger up to her mouth in a shushing motion.
Then there was the sound of the hatch closing, her head snapped back to the door. Trying to picture the scene behind the metal. She heard someone climbing the ladder, and then there was more grumbling. It wasn't long after, the ship began to move, she braced her hands behind her back as the compartment rocked. She looked back at the child, who was now back to jangling the keys around, she tried not to cringe at the sound, hoping they couldn't hear it.
She couldn't help thinking how insane this was. She was sitting in a space ship with a little green alien, gagged, and listening to other aliens argue. Her breath had started to quicken, and she could feel her pulse thumping in her neck.
This is so fucked up. What the hell am I even doing here. I'm going crazy-
Her spiraling thoughts were cut off when she felt a small hand on her back. She turned, blinking away a tear that had formed in her eye. Grogu made a tiny coo, his eyes wide. She instantly felt bad, he could sense her distress and it was making him feel bad. But she almost let out a sob when the little creature leaned forward, setting both his arms on her back in a tiny hug. A strangled noise tore through her throat, lifting one of her hands to pat his wrinkled little head. He made a snorting noise, one of the cutest things in the world, before plopping down and playing with the keys again. The interaction so small, but it had immediately calmed her down.
God, I can see why everyone loves this little shit.
She felt the atmosphere speed up, and the telltale feeling of hyperspace overtook the ship. A sound she recognized made her snap her head back to the door. The weapons hold adjacent to the sleeping compartment was open. She hadn't even heard their earlier conversations, too entranced by the little guy. She couldn't remember who had opened the door, but from the grumbling, it sounded like the one she hated most. Everything was happening much faster, but it felt as if time had slowed. She distantly registered the thump of someone jumping down the ladder, then the doors closing, and someone immediately hitting them.
"Hey, hey, hey. Okay. Okay. Okay, I get it. I'm a little particular about my personal space too." That voice, God she knew that voice. Her blood boiled as she listened further. "So let's just do this job. We get in, we get out, and you don't have to see our faces anymore."
How ironic, she almost rolled her eyes.
"Someone tell me why we even need a Mandalorian." The voice was much closer than she wanted it to be.
"Well, apparently they're the greatest warriors in the galaxy." There was a pause, Sedona gritted her teeth around the cloth. "So they say"
"Then why are they all dead"
And there was laughter. She heard a sharp giggle, the kind that makes your lip curl. And she felt herself shaking— she wanted to say something so fucking bad. She didn't know how Din could just take all of this.
"Well, you flew with him, Xi'an— Is he as good as they say?"
"Ask him about the job on Alzoc 111." Their voices grated her ears. Subconsciously she really did want to know what happened on Alzoc 111"
"I did what I had to." But this voice, with his calculated roughness, broke her heart. She didn't know how much more she could take before words started leaving her mouth. She heard a female voice, and her hands curled into fists behind her. She could hear what they were saying, but it wasn't fully registering anymore. Her ears rung with rage, the feeling of the child still leaning against her back was the only thing keeping her from ripping off the gag and screaming.  
Her eyes narrowed at the continued jeering and insults. She tried to blink away the tears of anger that burned her eyes. Pressing all of her weight into her arms, her muscles tense. Ready for what was coming next.
The ringing in her ears didn't stop, even as a fistfight took place outside her door.
Only when she was suddenly faced by the people she did not want to see, did everything come crashing back to the surface.
The trio looked at her in shock, Din out of her view. She sees Mayfield's mouth moving as he walks closer to her, but she only picked up the last of his sentence.
"— you get lonely up here buddy? Huh." He stepped up to the compartment, Xi'an sauntered after him. Sedona tried not to focus on the way the other woman's gaze twisted into disgust. She turned her head to meet all 3 of their eyes, Burg looking even more devil-like up close.
"Why do you have your bed warmer tied up like that huh?" Din didn't answer Mayfield, she couldn't even see him, but with the way Burg had his arm locked out of view, he was probably being held back. "Is that how he kept you, huh, Xi'an? Is that how he likes 'em?" The woman in question hissed in response, and she settled herself against the door. Knife still held loosely in her hand.
"Didn't take you for the type." She snarled at Din, her eyes predatory as they shifted away from Sedona. "Maybe that code of yours has made you soft."
And suddenly there was another voice. Though not really a voice, instead it's sounded like an angry cat in the other room. Muffled, and full of rage.
It wasn't till she noticed the others were just staring at her in silence, that she realized it was her. She was snarling like a rabid dog, her mouth has developed a mind of its own. Thankfully all the words were swallowed by the cloth.
"Well let's see what she has to say," Xi'an said with a sickening smile, sharpened yellow teeth on full display. The next actions happened so quickly, Sedona honestly didn't realize what transpired. There was a flash of metal, as Xi'an's hand darted out like a snake. A searing pain appeared on her left cheek, and the cloth holding her words in fell away. She felt herself gasp, her hand instantly flying up to cradle her cheek. And then there was laughing, the trio laughed at her pain, and it only made her angrier.
"I said," She placed her hand, now sticky with blood, behind her back. Bracing herself. "I've got a penchant for smokes and kicking douches in the mouth. Sadly for you, my last cigarette's gone out."
And with that statement, her right foot flew out. Connecting with Burg's jaw, a sickening crack rang through the hull.
Then there was chaos.
The Devaronian stumbled back, his own hand coming up to clutch his jaw with a growl. Mayfield and Xi'an jumped for their weapons. But before anyone else could cross the threshold of the sleeping compartment, there was a blaster shot— and the metal door collapsed shut. Din had shot the control panel to the door, no one could get in, or get out without the use of his fancy wrist control. There was aggressive banging on the door, Sedona feared it might dent. She could hear swearing and shouting from the other side, but she wasn't done. She sat up on her knees, slamming her hands against the metal a few times. If Din wasn't going to say it, she would.
"Fuck you Xi'an! I wanted to be your friend so bad!" She could hear an aggressive snarl over the other commotion. Burg roared, and then there was a particularly loud thump against the door.
"Fuck you, Burg! Your breath fucking reeks!" Her voice had a heavy growl in it, all of the rage she could muster put behind her words.
"And fuck you, Mayfield! Prison is going to make you it's bitch!" Her voice had risen to a scream to counteract the noise. And with a few more slaps against the metal, she sat back down. Her hand coming up to the cut on her cheek. Xi'an's blades were so sharp, they cut deep and thin. A perfect slice, that was going to leave a nasty scar. It was then she realized the other creature in the room.
Grogu let out soft whimpers at the commotion, he was trying to hide behind her purse. Her stomach dropped at the sight, instantly letting out a soft coo of her own, she reached her hand out to him, trying to let him know it would be okay. But another voice broke through the pandemonium.
"Dropping out of hyperspace now." She scooped up Grogu, and he let out a small cry of protest. But she knew what was coming next. The ship lurched foreword suddenly. "Commencing final approach now."
"Cloaking signal now" Grogu let out a scream as they were suddenly airborne. Sedona's head crashed against the ceiling of the compartment with a thump. They slammed back down, the wind getting knocked out of her lungs. Trying to catch her breath she glanced down at the child, who was relatively fine. Just panicking by the way his massive eyes stared up at her. The ship stopped with a heavy crash, and she heard the droid speaking again. But she was far more distracted by the little green hand straining to reach her cheek.
"I'll be okay buddy" she whispered, bringing her hand up to gently grab his. He frowned, babbling urgently at her. She gave him as much of a smile she could muster, hoping he accepted it. "You don't have to heal me, I'm all right." Truthfully, she wasn't really all right. Her cheek was burning, and from what she could feel, the cut ran from just under her jaw bone, all the way up to her cheekbone. A neat slice, that was still steadily leaking blood. She set Grogu to the side and reached for her purse, fishing out the travel pack of tissues, and holding one to the cut. It wasn't stitches or magical healing space goo, but she hoped it would at least stop her from bleeding all over Din's bed. A loud smack interrupted their tentative peace. Mayfield's voice followed.
"Don't think we forgot about you girl, we'll be back for you!" There was laughing, and for the first time since the door had opened, the wrongness flooded back to her stomach. She focused on taking deep even breaths, for the sake of the child who whimpered beside her. She heard a fast beeping, and then someone jumping from the ship. They were leaving, and her heart only seemed to race faster. She waited till she heard the particularly loud thump of Burg.
"Din," she cleared her throat, voice coming out raw. "Don't let them capture you." She wasn't sure if she was just talking to an empty hull, or if the Mandalorian could even hear her raspy voice. 
She just hoped desperately if he had, he would listen.
I’ve never done this before! But please message me if you’d like to be tagged, and I’ll try to figure it out along the way! 
@thekingofthegoats @cosmicbreathe @daddydjarinxx @gallowsjoker 
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
A little Distraction Part 4
This has been prompted by a lovely anon! I still can’t believe how many of you like this story, I hope I can do it justice XD Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 | AU: Reverse AU (Warnings: mentioned abuse, but you know the last part,so...) Link to part one no longer available [Part2]   [Part3]   [Part5]   [Read complete on AO3]
‘I-I-I’m still embarrassed about it.’ Richard looked at Gavin sitting in the passenger side lips quirking up. ‘Hey, don’t be’, he laughed. ‘Connor and Hank won’t mind, and it was nice seeing you relax for once.’ ‘Holy shit, I m-m-met you yesterday!’ ‘I guess’, Richard shrugged and drove on. ‘Hey, don’t overthink it. If you want to, we can all pretend it never happened.’ Gavin staid silent for a while. ‘I don’t think I want that.’ ‘Hmm?’, Richard hummed in question. ‘What do you mean?’ ‘I mean that it f-f-felt gooood. Wouldn’t want it to never have happened.’
‘Then try not to worry’, Richard suggested gently. ‘I didn’t mind it. I enjoyed that evening a lot.’ They both drove in silence for a while, then Richard hesitantly asked: ‘You still want to come back home with me? Or did you change your mind?’ ‘No, I… I stand by my word. I would… I think I just want to belong somewhere, and you might just work.’ Richard smiled to himself, nodding. ‘Right kind of weird for you?’ ‘Right kind of normal’, Gavin disagreed. ‘But yeah, you get the essence. Let’s just get back.’
They arrived back at Richard’s house and took their share of the leftovers back inside. Connor had packed Gavin an extra portion of the thirium cookies and he didn’t really know how he should feel about that. Still, as he sat at Richard’s table over an unfinished puzzle, munching on them. ‘You r-r-r-really enjoy doing this?’, he asked sceptically. ‘Yeah’, the human nodded. ‘But it’s just a pictuuure. It’s right there on the p-p-packaging too.’ Richard huffed. ‘Yeah, I guess it’s pointless. But it’s fun and something to keep you busy. I always got at least one on Christmas because the grandparents didn’t really know what to get me. Connor and I always finished one the days in between the years. I like to hold up that tradition.’ Gavin frowned and took a random piece from the heap. He looked at it, then at the picture on the box and placed it in the middle of the empty space. ‘Th-th-this one belongs there’, he said without much interest.
Richard looked at it and laughed. ‘You need to find pieces that fit together until you have the whole picture, Gavin.’ ‘If I continue liiiike this, it will be finished too.’ Richard sighed and handed him the piece. ‘Try find a piece in there that fits with yours.’ Gavin took it and looked at the box until the human took it away. ‘Without cheating’, he demanded. ‘I’d have to try every single one!’ ‘Nah, you can sort those out that don’t fit by colour’, Nines shrugged. ‘Only then it’s trial and error.’ Gavin shook his head and searched the heap, occasionally flicking pieces a bit too far when his hands glitched. Apparently, he had found one and tested it out. The piece fit perfectly. ‘This is pointless’, he commented, searching for the next one. ‘Maaaaaybe this is just a human th-th-thing.’ Richard grinned. ‘Maybe. Any other idea? What would you rather do?’
Gavin was thinking, trying to find the next piece. His hands glitched stronger suddenly and he had to momentarily stop. ‘We… I went for a walk with m-m-my f-f-family baaaack then. The day after Christmas.’ Richard stopped, attention focussing completely on the android in front of him. ‘Th-th-th-the kids loooved the snow. Alwaaays went to the Grand C-c-circus park and build a snowman or…’ This time it wasn’t his voice-box giving in. Gavin just stopped speaking. ‘Do you want to go there?’, Richard asked carefully. ‘I could drive us there.’ ‘I don’t actually know’, the android answered. ‘Maybe?’ He looked at Richard uncertainly. Nines tried to be reassuring and stood up. ‘I’ll get the keys. We can go and if you don’t like it, we simply drive back. I wouldn’t mind stretching my legs a bit after Hank’s food.’
Less than half an hour later, they stood at the entrance of the park. The trees were clad in festive lights and shone on the pathways in the beginning dark. Quite a few people were walking about, but it wasn’t at all crowded. Richard wrapped his scarf closer around his neck to keep out the cold and put his hands in his pockets. He looked around, breath coming out in little clouds and he smiled. ‘It’s nice here.’ Gavin just nodded and hesitantly followed the human in. Maybe it had been a bad idea to come to a place loaded with memories, but when he watched Richard smiling at the lights all around and locating the nearest trailer that sold coffee, he was almost ready to change his mind on that first impression. He quickly joined him and a cup of warmed thirium was pressed into his hand. Confused he looked at it. ‘Hey, you think I’d only get myself something?’, Richard chuckled. ‘How’s that saying? If you’re cold, they are cold?’ ‘I b-b-believe that’s for dogs’, Gavin complained. ‘Androids can’t get cold.’ ‘Then pretend this stupid human doesn’t understand and is concerned.’ ‘Urgh’, Gavin groaned at Richard pampering him, but still accepted the warm drink, sipping on it.
‘There’s a free bench over there’, the human pointed out. ‘How about we sit there and enjoy our drinks, hmm?’ ‘Th-th-the whole point oooof this is to move a bit after eatiiing a lot.’ ‘Are you complaining about everything today?’, Richard asked, but the soft smile on his face told Gavin he didn’t mean it. ‘I just like complaining’, Gavin shrugged. They sat down on the bench underneath a decorated tree and just watched the people walking by and the decorations. After a while though, Gavin’s eyes found their ways to the person sitting next to him. There was a certain spark in those grey-blue eyes as they looked up towards the night sky that still held a few stars even with all the light pollution. Richard caught him staring the next moment, but Gavin didn’t avert his eyes. He was still thinking about how to put everything he felt right now into a simple thank you, as someone came running up to him.
‘Gavin!’ He flinched at the touch, but recoiled even more when he saw who stood there, a hand on his knee. ‘Kathy?’, he breathed the name in question, disbelieving and panicking at the implication of the child standing here. ‘Max! Max, Gavin’s here!’, the girl shouted, and Gavin’s heart sank as another familiar face appeared smiling as he recognised him. ‘Gavin!’ The android just stared at them wide-eyed, unable to speak. ‘Kathrine, Max, where are you? Get back here!’ Oh no. He knew that voice. ‘What- Get away from that man, you two!’ Gavin looked up in the face of the man that pulled his children away from where they had stood before him. And the man stared right back. They both were likely the same level of shocked, but Gavin was freezing completely over. He couldn’t move and at the same time trembled in glitches, while his LED was stuck on red.
‘Err… Kathy, Max, please go back to your mom, okay?’ ‘But that’s Gavin!’, the girl protested. ‘Yes, let daddy talk to him for a while, okay?’ The man turned around, watching them run back to their mother before facing Gavin again and swallowing. The android still was unable to do anything but stare. ‘Gavin… is it really you?’ The android nodded jerkily. ‘Yes. It’s me, John.’ The human took a step back, breathing heavy. ‘Oh, God.’
Richard looked at the encounter from the side-lines, needing no explanation to what happened here. ‘Oh, God, Gavin, I’m so fucking sorry. I panicked and I wanted to keep them save and I- I… Fuck, I didn’t know you were alive. I did horrible things to you. Truly horrible things. I can’t even imagine how you must have felt and fuck. I’m sorry. I- I didn’t know, I-‘ ‘IIIIt’s o-o-o-okay’, Gavin pressed out just to make the man shut his mouth. ‘No, it’s not. I fucking beat you almost every day! And when I was afraid you were alive and would turn on me, I just dumped you telling you to wait. Although I knew I’d never come back for you.’ ‘It’s okaaaay’, Gavin tried again. ‘I d-d-d-don’t waaaant to th-th-think about it anymore.’ John looked at him, brows furrowed in confusion. ‘Why?’ ‘B-b-b-because I have my ooown family now.’ It was the first time, the man even acknowledged Richard sitting next to him, coffee long forgotten. ‘What?’ ‘R-r-richard. He found me at the scraaaapyard and t-t-t-took me hooome. I haaated you. I waaanted to c-c-come back. I missed you. Th-th-the kids. You were my faaamily. But I waited l-l-l-long enough for you. I want to st-st-start again now. With Richard and h-h-his family.’
John swallowed hard and got to his knees, ignoring how the snow soaked the fabric of his trousers. Carefully, he took Gavin’s hand in his and nodded. ‘Okay. I understand. Just… I didn’t mean to hurt you. I thought you were a machine that didn’t feel anything. I… I still shouldn’t have, and I know it. I’m sorry I did this to you. I want you to know that. I’m sorry you had to go through all of that because of me. I’m… I’ve sought help for my problem. The kids and Helen, they are safe from me. And I wish you all the best in your life. I hope we never meet again.’ He stood up and took a step back, facing Richard and he could see the man was really meaning it. ‘Treat him better than I did. Promise me.’ Nines nodded. ‘I will.’ ‘Thank you. Goodbye, Gavin.’
Richard watched the man hurry back to his family and Gavin sip on his thirium with shaking hands. They had long left the park, when he dared to talk to the android again. ‘Are you alright?’ ‘Not r-r-really’, Gavin answered. ‘I think I would like to go home now.’ ‘Of course’, Richard spoke gently and guided him up and towards his car. ‘I’ll drive us home.’ The sound of the engine made Gavin ease up a bit, but it was only when they arrived at the man’s home, that Gavin dared to release all the built-up tension.
‘Thank you.’
Richard looked up from where he had put away his shoes. ‘For what?’ ‘Everything. Being nice and caring. Picking me up to beeeeegin with. I think even if he did come b-b-b-back to get me, I wouldn’t want to go back with h-h-h-him.’ ‘You don’t have to thank me for that’, Richard sighed. ‘Maybe not. But I feeelt like I had to.’ ‘I understand’, he nodded. ‘What now?’
Gavin looked over at the table. ‘You still have to finish that puzzle, right? And maybe a m-m-m-movie afterwards?’ Richard smiled at him and Gavin really could get used to seeing that. ‘Sounds amazing. Let me just heat up Hank’s leftovers from yesterday and we can get right to it.’
[>next part]
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ghostofvixx · 4 years
So glad|KYS|
The soulmate thing doesn’t work easily, but for you it gets ten times hardes if both of you hide your birthmark.
Genre: fluff + bulleted au
words: 2.7k 
warnings: swearing the title’s supposed to be so f*cking glad but we’ll talk about it some other time, uhm trying to decide if this is cool or absolute trash, cute at a certain point
other soulmate aus: | san | YEOSANG | yunho | wooyoung | mingi | hongjoong | jongho | seongwha | (no particular order)
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Yeosang is usually a very confident person. We could say he has no complexes.
(yes, he doesn’t look like it, but he is)
Except for one: his birth mark
He just DOESN’T LIKE IT AT ALL, his friends -the ones that know about it- think it’s cute but he DOESN’T.
He has tried almost everything to remove it at this point
But nothing can remove it effectively on a daily basis
Not as effective as makeup at least.
And that’s how makeup has become indispensable for him since he was in high school: that’s how he hates his birthmark.
What he doesn’t know is that that’s the reason why he can’t find his soulmates.
he’s ready, he can feel it, he’s been ready for years now, but why the time doesn’t come?
      .:Keep reading :.
“You just have to know new people, you barely meet new friends Yeosang! Once you do it BAAAM the time will come.” Yunho tells him, overreacting as always.
Yeosang laughs, but deep inside him, he knows he’s right, just he doesn’t know how or when to know new people.
Then he began going to parties with the rest of ateez more frequently and actually getting to know ppl
ppl from other years
ppl from his uni and from other unis
but nothing happened
then he met you.
At first, it was just as usual: just some random person he had to be paired up with for a project.
Nothing new: he’s made a lot of friends like that,
but with you it was different,
he just felt SO comfortable with you.
He blamed it on your personality and your will to do the project right, and how attractive you were too
and you blamed it on the same thing
So none of you dummies realized just how comfortable and heart eyes emoji you were with each other
nor how both of your -covered- birthmarks were actually shining behind all the concealer.
Now let’s talk a bit about you.
Your birthmark is LITERALLY on your left thumb.
Why on your left thumb? Well, that will remain a mystery
Until you meet your soulmate at least
You don’t have that much of a complex but still, you don’t like it
So, knowing it’s the only thing that can tie you with your soulmate, you decided to not cover it for a while
Then you got tired of it and decided to put concealer on it.
It’s not that you wanted it, but you were lowkey mad at the world itself
because your soulmate was NOWHERE TO BE FOUND
Usually when you have a mark is because your soulmate is getting closer right? Or because you might meet them anytime SOON right?
Well not for you.
For you it was like it had to shine or something like that -words literally said by your friend, who liked all the soulmate stuff and had done researches on every type of soulmate in the world-.
So oh well here you are
you had eventually given up
maybe you’ll end up like those that won’t find their soulmates
but it was supposed to happen, right? You should have crossed paths with then at least ONCE for that to happen
But you didn’t
That’s what keeps you going, secretly you have some hope
Then you met Yeosang and you suspected
Because you had that THING like you NEEDED to boop his nose
Even if he wasn’t your soulmate you NEEDED to have something with him
Welcome to what we call: having a crush
crush culture is hard, maybe because you thought he wasn’t the one for you, after all, he isn’t your soulmate, right? AND ALSO because he was ALWAYS with his various friends
It’s like he barely had time for you
pretty understandable, taking into consideration that you guys weren’t the closest, but still he has told you so many times that you feel special
You barely see him outside class, you barely talk on the phone outside class
The only time you see him is when he’s partying with his friends,,, and you don’t want to approach him
so you go unnoticed for the night
sometimes he’s noticed, some other he hasn’t
besides, you don’t like it when you’re with him in that mood, because everything becomes awkward.
“Y/n, do you want something to drink?” He would always ask you
you say no bc c’mon there are already a LOT of drunk people around
sometimes his friends,,, which is,, awkward
because sometimes they would ship you and uh that’s a nono on the outsides but a yes yes in the inside, right?
“Are you having fun?”
“I am.”
Not a single “would you like to dance?”
nor a singing along to the song together
T H A T ‘S  I T
His friends don’t say it, but they look at both of you as if they were saying “why are y’all as awkward lol aren’t you friends?”
and that type of thought haunt you sometimes at nigh
apparently that night his group of friends got mixed with another one
and he wasn’t feeling himself
he told you that morning that today he didn’t feel like partying, he was in a bad mood
“why?” You asked.
“Just… Some random soulmate thoughts.”
Every time he talked to you about his soulmate, your heart skipped a beat
“Have you found them” you voiced your biggest fear.
“I haven’t, that’s the problem.”
He then explained to you that he couldn’t find them and that made him sad,,, especially today,,,, for no special reason
“O-kay?” You said. “Well, just try to enjoy yourself for once! You’re still young, you’ll find them soon! We’ll see each other probably, by the way.”
His heart jumped in his chest,,, how can you be,,,, as perfect for him? He just feels like it.
Like you were made for him
but then not really.
Back to the point
you were RIGHT about to approach him,,, then you saw who he was talking
that person wasn’t from his group of friends,,, nor a person you knew
and they were talking so,,, close,,, so so close
you don’t mean to do it, but you’re sure you’re pouting because you can sense some chemistry from them???
Or is it just you?
It was one-sided, but those types of things are hard to see when your crush is being flirted at.
Then some boy named San sat between them and that caught Yeosang’s attention completely
actually everyone’s attention too
even you, who barely know him, know it’s a part of the “San effect”, he’s the nicest boy ever
overall when he whispered something into Yeosang’s ear and suddenly Yeosang began to look for someone in the crowd
until his eyes met yours
and his smile lighted up
and omg he’s just so cute god pls help me
you know when he just looks so tiny when he smiles bc he’s excited abt something?
and you k n e w you had been admiring him for too long without smiling back or smth because suddenly he frowned
and then you panicked
you’re not subtle at all lmao
for some reason, you seem like an open book to him
so, after panicking, you just leaft asap
not knowing he was actually going to r u n after you 
why? He doesn’t know, he just adores you and can sense something’s wrong
so yeah he said goodbye hurriedly and ran after you and stuff and finally found you outside the house where the party was being held, walking back home.
“Are you leaving?”
you were astonished and flustered to listen to his voice
“I am.”
“Why? It’s soon, isn’t it?”
“I’m suddenly tired.” You said and turned back.
“Suddenly? I mean-”
“Yeosang, you’ve drunk, I’m sure, why don’t we talk tomorrow?” You didn’t mean to sound rude, but back then all you neededd was: a bed
to sleep!!1!111!!1!
not to cry11!!!1!1!!
“I haven’t drunk that much.” It was the truth, he’s not the best drinker, but he’s not a bad one.
“Well, we’ll talk when you are 100% sober, okay? Besides, you seemed pretty entertained-” You stopped all of the sudden
now he knows you’re jealous!!!!!!! ah these kids nowadays
however, you were cool bc if he remembered that the following day, you couln blame it on the alcohol
but well never mind, you just kept living in your little world
AND you had given the other dummy an idea
“But I don’t want to drink anymore~” he said in a singing voice that m e l t e d your heart. “I’m not wasted, but I know I’ve drunk and my friends seem pretty irresponsible right now.”
he just wanted to spend some time with you you know
“Oh,,,” what else can you say? Was he REALLY saying he’d rather be with you?
“Then what can I do for you?” You asked
“Let’s take a seat somewhere? Is it fine by you?”
“You’re the alcoholic one here my dude.”
“Shut up, I still can talk! You should speak to Yunho right now.”
“Not a nice influence, Yeosang.” You said jokingly. Actually, you know Yunho and he’s the nicest dude out there
another softie
but not in the same way as Yeosang.
“Still, you won’t remember tomorrow, right?” You asked him.
“I probably won’t.” He decided to play that game.
You ended up taking a seat on a bench inside a park,,, to talk about some stuff and all that
and it’s comfortable for a few seconds
until you realized the boy is literally sweating
and you probably are too bc it was so hot inside,,, and it’s not rlly cold on the outside
so you grabed some wipes from your bag
“Do you want one?” You asked the boy “They’re cold.”
“Why do you have them in your bag?”
“Oh come on, you have to be ready for parties, don’t you have them inside your bag?
“Uhm, not really,,, maybe I should.”
you felt a bit ridiculous, but then he actually takes one and smiles
“summer’s coming and this is cool, better be safe than sorry”
He always has that ability to make you feel right
“I’m actually going to remove my makeup.” He commented, laughing.
He was a bit scared, but you wouldn’t notice if he didn’t pass the wipe where his birthmark is, right? Besides, it was too dark to actually see it.
But when he’s in the process of removing it, you see that he’s not doing it right
I mean one side of his face was going to disappear if he kept rubbing while the other one remained intact
so you decided to do it yourself because WHY NOT and well
he panicked, you panicked, but continued being awkward as if nothing was wrong
THEN the time comes, he closed his eyes, focused on how intimate and nice this feels 
and you passed the wipe right next to his left eye, where his birthmark is
while you were holding the wipe with your right hand, where your birthmark is
the moment feelt like a movie
because right when you had passed the wipe, his eyes opened and he held your wrist, and you looked at him shook
and was it you or are you a bit closer than before?
but THE thing is that you could see his birthmark because it’s shining with a very subtle light
and yours was too
but you made no comment because he was only just looking into your eyes and holding your wrist,,, he hadn’t made a single comment
has he even realized?
he wouldn’t tell you
Apparently, he just didn’t care??? So you pretended you hadn’t noticed too??
and the night went on and he still maDE NO COMMENT
So ye he just accompanied you home and said goodbye with a smile
Were you the only one that has felt their heart in their throat?
Is the soulmate thingy broken for you?
There’s literally no other way to explain it
and you couldn’t sleep because all you could think about was the fact that he wuldn’t remember
he had told you
and when you see him on Monday you go ignoring him hours because hoW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO TALK TO HIM?
Are you really his soulmate?
“I remember you know?”
“Y-you do?”
“I’m sorry for reacting that way.” SO HE KNOWS? “Next time I won’t pretend I’ve drunk, I could notice you were awkward.”
nvm apparently he doesn’t
Eventually you changed your mind tho
Like homeboi be dropping hints about finding a soulmate but he yeeted your feeling through the window
That must be because he knows right?
It was starting to get you on your nerves
He would ALWAYS vent to you about finding a soulmate, about being ready, about feeling it close
He always felt like you wouldn’t want to talk about the soulmate thingy, and he wouldn’t usually talk about that subject, knowing it bothered you
He thought that it was because you were frustrated bc nobody would come through
Both of you dummies
One day it all just??? Exploded???
You had an awfully taught day at college, and when you talked to him about it you couldn’t even bring out the subject
“Sh, y/n listen, I’ve been thinking about it and I have a theory,,, do you think she’s my soulmate?” And he pointed discreetly to one girl standing on the other side of the road
“w-why would you think that?” Can you hear a crash? Yep, that was your heart.
“I don’t know, she’s with me in my math class and we get along well, I’ve known her for a few years now and-”
“Do you not like me?”
Yeosang was astonished.
What what? Why does he looks so confused?
It made you feel so angry
“Look I understand if you don’t like me as your soulmate and you only see me as a friend and all that, just don’t rub it in front of my face, I feel awful every time because I like you so much Yeosang, you don’t even know-”
“what? Soulmate? What are you talking about?”
You don’t feel like a clown, you feel like the entire circus.
“Didn’t you know??? That we’re soulmate?”
It’s always fun listening to Yeosang getting confused, annoyed, and surprised in tiny font.
Some curious people were looking at you so you decided to take a seat at a park so that you can explain the situation through.
It was just both of you, face to face, like that night.
“I discovered it the last time we went to a party, remember? We went to a park like this…”
And instead of just explaining, you repeated the action, your left thumb lightly caressed his birth mark covered with make up.
“My birth mark is how I can find my soulmate?”
“Yep.” You nodded. “Mine is too, though it is not as visible.”
“That moment was meant to happen, didn’t it?” He half-smiled so fondly you were about to faint.
“So, about liking me and stuff…”
God you were so shy
And he was too
But he moved his head forward and looked at you straight in the eyes
“ I can’t imagine anyone better for me, I’m so fucking glad it’s you.”
Butterflies? You felt and entire zoo going up and down your body when his gaze fell to your lips
“So fucking glad.” He repeated, and kept starring at you, but not moving forward.
How can he not be so AWKWARD right now??? You literally went completely RED????
But you said fuck it I’ll do it myself
And joined your lips
And finally you felt it
Yes, so fucking glad.
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oswildin · 5 years
Unlucky in Love ~ Dhawan!Master x F!Reader (PART 2 to ‘What’s My Name’)
~ So after people enjoying Part 1 of this fic, I decided to write a Part 2! I hope the Master isn’t OOC, I tried my hardest to keep him in character and true to cannon. Hope you enjoy! ~
Part One - https://oswildin.tumblr.com/post/190143436190/whats-my-name-dhawanmaster-x-freader
Summary: After finding out her best friend is actually the Doctor’s oldest enemy, things become complicated... She’s given a choice...
Warnings: Possible spoilers.
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(Y/N) opened her eyes, a red glow lighting up her face, as she felt her head swirl.
“It’s alright, it’ll wear off in a second.”
She recognised the voice, it was a voice she was used to hearing. It was the voice that brought warmth to her body as she felt calmed by it. She blinked a few times, steadying herself as she took in her surroundings.
“How’s your vision?”
Her eyes began to focus, as she saw an outline of someone in front of her, extremely close. She felt hands on her waist as she was being held up. She quickly began to realise who it was as she felt a surge of anger rise inside her. She instantly reached out her arm, slapping the man around the face as he released her. He held his cheek as he laughed to himself.
“Seems ok to me.” He commented as he regained his composure. “Oh, never knew you had that in you. Full of surprises you are.” He smiled at her darkly.
“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” She exclaimed, shaking her head. She felt her heart beat increase speed as adrenaline ran through her veins.
“That’s it, let it all out.” The Master smirked, enjoying the show in front of him. “Hit me again if you like.” He smirked. “Truth be told, I kind of enjoyed it.” She let out a sigh as she felt her head swirling still, but this time from all the information she had just learnt about her friend.
“You lied to me.” Her voice cracked, as her eyes were sad. “You got close to me... all for... all for this?! To get back at the Doctor?!” She cried, her hands clenched as fists.
“Well, how else was I supposed to keep an eye on her?” He asked casually. “I was already pretending to be her little friend as Agent O, helping her out a few years ago. So I knew I needed to up it. I knew I needed to go one step closer.”
“And that was me.” She confirmed, she felt her heart breaking.
“And you were so good.” He complimented, a sick smile on his lips. “So good.” He placed a hand on his chest. “You didn’t really think it was all coincidence did you? Me being your best friend-“ he spat, “and an MI6 agent? I mean-“ He began to laugh manically. “Really?” He shook his head, clapping his hands. “Bravo to me. I did so good.” He grinned. “You should’ve seen your faces.”
(Y/N) felt her breath shake as she learnt against the table, she realised they were back in O’s home. Which she realised must have been the Master’s ship.
“What about my friends?” She asked quietly. “Where are they?”
“Well, they’re a little caught up at the moment. They’re going on holiday, don’t worry it’s all inclusive, death included.” He said lowly, gesturing with his hands as he spoke. “They’ll be landing soon.” She swore under her breath.
“The Doctor will stop it. She’ll save them.” (Y/N) reassured herself, her eyes narrowing at the Master.
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because I know the Doctor, and she wouldn’t let any of us down.” She sneered as the Master laughed.
“That’s what you think?” He raised his brows. “Oh so much trust... humans. So loyal, trusting, gullible.” He zoned out on the last word, almost like he was remembering something.
“Yeah well it’s better to be that than bitter, twisted and hopeless.” She spat back as he chuckled at her words.
“Oh, keep going.” He bit his lip. “You’re really flattering me.”
She hated herself. She could still see him as Mason. She wanted so much to hurt him. Hit him. Scream at him. But she couldn’t. And he knew it.
“I should hate you.” She said quietly. “But every time I look at you... I see him.” She shook her head, laughing sadly. “I’m just waiting to wake up and for this to be a nightmare. Cause the man I knew... that man I grew to...” She swallowed the lump forming in her throat, cutting herself off. The Master watched with intense eyes, staring into her own. “The man I knew, was wonderful.” She stepped towards him. “He was kind, caring, funny and a pain in my ass.” She laughed breathlessly. “But this man, stood in front of me now... I don’t recognise him at all.” There was a moment of silence as the Master gritted his teeth.
“Wow, I really fooled you well, didn’t I?” He took a breath as he turned away, grinning manically. (Y/N) wasn’t having it.
“No.” She said, causing the Master to stop in his tracks, turning.
“No?” He repeated, questioning.
“No.” She confirmed. “No one can fake being that for so long. We’ve known each other for months. Months!” She walked up to him, staring up into his eyes. “You could’ve left me on that plane... but you didn’t.” She couldn’t read the Master’s expression. She went to turn away as she got no response from the man, but to her surprise a hand grabbed her by the throat, pinning her against the ship wall. She gasped from shock, as she cowered under his stare. He wasn’t holding her neck hard enough for her to struggle to breathe. It was like part of him wanted to, but the rest of him couldn’t. “Go on.” She tested. “Master.” She hissed out. “Do it.” She wanted to push to see how far he’d go. What she didn’t expect was what happened next.
The Master leant forwards, closing the gap between them as his lips crashed to hers. (Y/N) didn’t know what to do. Half of her wanted to push the man away, but the other half, wanted to believe for five seconds... wanted to believe she was with Mason. Almost as a goodbye. A closing of a chapter she never got to finish.
The Master finally pulled away, staring into her eyes once more before pushing himself away. He turned, kicking something nearby as he growled.
“This wasn’t part of the plan.” He snarled, leaning on the console, slamming his hands down on it a few times. “Stupid ape!” He hissed. (Y/N) blinked, shock still on her features as she watched in slight fear.
“I think you enjoyed being Mason.”
(Y/N) spoke bravely. Her voice confident.
“You didn’t have to worry about what the Doctor was doing. You didn’t have to worry about who was after you or, or, what move of attack to make next!” She laughed lightly. “You were comfortable.” He stayed with his back towards her, as she wore a sad smile. “It’s ok.” She reluctantly placed her hand on his shoulder as he tensed. “Truth is...” He turned to look at her, hesitating before looking in her eyes again. “I always did like a bad boy.” She joked, causing the man to smirk.
“This doesn’t change anything.” He said sincerely. She gave him a small smile.
“I know.” She paused. “But we had some good times didn’t we?” She felt tears well up in her eyes. “The Doctor will stop you.” She told him truthfully, knowing the outcome of all of this mess wouldn’t get any better. “And if you hurt any of my friends... I won’t hesitate to kick your ass.” She poked him in the chest as he wore a restraint smile.
After that, the Master continued on with his plan, after dropping (Y/N) back home. She knew she had to find the others. She had seen the news reports, making them fugitives. As she was watching the report, she also saw her name and picture had been added to the list. She swore under her breath as she shook her head. Her phone buzzed as she received a text from the Doctor. She knew where she had to go.
(Y/N) had changed from her suit, tying her hair back and wearing a hoody to hide her identity as she made her way to where the Doctor had text to meet. She knew the Doctor must have worked out that the Master didn’t hurt her. Perhaps she had even worked out why.
(Y/N) arrived at the bunker, running into the building as she saw her friends.
“Yaz!” She called as her friend turned seeing her. A smile grew on her face as she was relieved to see them all ok.
“(Y/N)!” Ryan called, smiling back as she approached them. “You’re alright!”
“Yeah, will take more than an a man having a tantrum to stop me.” (Y/N) smirked, as they all ensured each other were ok.
“Move away!” A voice boomed through the bunker as the four jumped, turning to see the Master, looking angry. “Now.” (Y/N) stared at the man, noticing he had more of a beard and a change of clothes since she last saw him. “I've just had the most infuriating 77 years of my life.” He sighed. “Have you any idea how hard it is to live through the 20th century? The places I've escaped from...” He inhaled deeply. “Still just in time to... watch you all pay.” He smiled tightly, as (Y/N) stared at him. He almost looked broken, desperate even.
“What’s the machine?” Ryan questioned, taking a protective stance in front of (Y/N). He acted like an older brother to her.
“Conversion and transmission.” He informed them. “We're transmitting Kasaavin energy around the world all at once into every device, hitting every human being and erasing all their DNA simultaneously.” He walked round the machine, looking at the silver lady.
“Why?” (Y/N) asked, stepping forwards. He paused, turning to look at her.
“Why not?” He retorted, raising his brows.
“Yaz!” Ryan exclaimed, causing everyone to turn to see a blue light coming from the iPad, grabbing her arms.
“I can’t let go!” She exclaimed, panicked. (Y/N) shook her head, running up to the Master.
“Please. Stop this.” She pleaded, her eyes begging as he glanced down at her before proceeding.
“First her.” He snarled. “Then you two. He pointed to Graham and Ryan. “And Then you.” He looked down at (Y/N) her eyes sad as she looked in shock at the man she had spoken to only hours ago. The man she thought she began to understand more. How stupid of her. Suddenly the machined stopped as Yaz was let go. The Master growled in annoyance.
Everyone turned to see a familiar face as the Doctor finally reappeared, joined by two females close behind.
“I think that might have been me. And I'll admit, it was close.” She smiled, glad to see all her companions safe. They four returned her smile as they felt relief wash over them.
After the Doctor explained how she had managed to stop the Master and Barton and their plan. The Kaasavin began to appear all around them.
“You're going to have to explain yourself to them, Doctor.” The Master commented, as the Doctor raised a brow.
“Am I? Listen, you lot, I've rigged the Silver Lady to exile you back to your own dimension. This planet's off-limits.” She argued, causing the creatures to glow brighter. (Y/N) looked over helplessly at the Master. She was torn. She didn’t know what to do.
“Oh, and you know that deal he made with you?” The Doctor played the recording of the Master explaining his plan.
“Barton and these creatures do the dirty work, and once they're done, I get rid of them, having destroyed your precious human race in the process.”
“Win-win-win.” The Doctors smirked, as Yaz, Ryan and Graham smiled with her. However, (Y/N) didn’t smile.
“Oh...” The Master realised the outcome, his face falling.
“That's your name. Don't wear it out.”
(Y/N) turned to the Master, walking towards him.
“You can change.” She told him, her eyes pleading. “You can be better. You could come with us.” She held out her hand. “Please. Don’t leave me.” She begged. “Not again.” She felt tears well up in her eyes as he stared down at her, a sad smile on his lips.
“I’d rather die.” He said casually, causing (Y/N) to shake her head as the creatures reached out to him.
“(Y/N)!” Graham called, drawing her out of her trance as Ryan pulled her back.
“No!” She cried, watching as her once best friend disappeared. She felt her heart sink as Ryan comforted his friend. She felt defeated.
The five ended up back on the TARDIS, as (Y/N) sat on the steps of the console room, the others questioning the Doctor about her life.
“Is he dead?”
Everyone went quiet as (Y/N) finally spoke.
“I know you may not care, but he was my friend. At least, I thought he was.” She said quietly.
“I don’t know.” The Doctor answered honestly. “Probably not.” She walked over to her companion. “He tends to escape death.” She gave her a small smile. “It’s his thing.” (Y/N) nodded. “I’m sorry.” The Doctor said sincerely. “It was my fault he even knew you in the first place.”
“You know...” (Y/N) started. “The crazy thing is... I wouldn’t change knowing him.” She laughed lightly. “He was there for me. He was a good friend.” She spoke fondly. “Even though it wasn’t him, I’d like to think some part of him enjoyed my company.” She shrugged. “You know what they say... Lucky at dice... unlucky in love.” The Doctor gave her one last sad smile as she turned back to the console, ready to drop the companions home.
(Y/N) walked into her flat, sighing to herself as she threw her keys down on the hallway table. What a day. Or week. She couldn’t tell anymore. Time was all moving so quick with the Doctor. She entered the lounge as she threw herself down on the sofa, looking over to see the box of Operation in the coffee table in front of her. She smiled at it, before going to pack it away. As she moved it, something fell from the box. She looked down, confused as she saw a small device. She picked it up, holding the cold metal in her hand before pressing a button on it. Suddenly a hologram appeared from it, projecting in from of her a 3D image of the Master.
“It’s not in my manner to leave things open ended.”
He began as she stood, staring at the hologram with wide eyes.
“Chances are the Doctor foiled my plan. Saved the day. As always.” He spoke with a monotone voice. “There’s not many things that I regret.” He paused. “But not telling you the truth was something that I do regret.” He tightly smiled. “I’m not going to say I’m sorry. Because I’m not.” He spoke truthfully. “It’s in my blood. I won’t ever change. I enjoy being bad too much.” He smirked. “What’s that earth saying? A leopard never changes his spots.” He laughed lightly. “Rest assured, I will be back.”
(Y/N) stepped forwards slightly towards the hologram.
“And I will succeed and destroy the Doctor.” He added. “But until then, you have a choice to make.” (Y/N) furrowed her brows, confused. “It’s me, or her.” He told her seriously, his eyes boring into her own. Even though she knew he wasn’t really there, she could feel his intensity like he was in the room with her. Like she was cornered. “I could promise you... so much...” His smile turned manic. “Fun.” He smirked. “Times on the clock. Tick tock.”
The hologram disappeared as she took a breath, not realising she had been holding it. She felt her heartbeat increase as she heard her phone buzz.
It was the Doctor.
She peered down, seeing something sticking out from the box. She reached down, grabbing the papers that were lodged inside. She furrowed her brows in confusion, seeing a file with ‘THE DOCTOR’ written on it. ‘CONFIDENTIAL MI6’ was also stamped in red on the front. She knew what it was. She knew it was files from O. Well... the Master. She swallowed hard, taking a deep breath as she placed it down on the table...
She had a decision to make...
Taglist: @wonders-of-the-multiverse
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xelles-archive · 4 years
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[ID: Oddly Specific F/O Imagines/Situations || Choose a prompt from the list below and reblog with a story, a speech, or an imagine list of you and your F/O in that situation!]
for @selfshipping-port 's self ship con! visit their page for more details. also, feel free to use specific situations for other f/o' s too (like a romantic f/o situation for a platonic f/o). have fun!
All Types Of F/O's
When they meet you for the first time
When they have to help you for your studies/work
When you finally go out shopping
When you're having a sleepover with a friend they're not really familiar with
When they have to prepare for your birthday at the last minute
When they give you a present on valentines day but it was actually the wrong gift
When you're just minding your own business until they suddenly slam a pillow on you (pillow fight)
When they suddenly come up to you and speak in your native language (or a language you're interested in)
When they finally get a taste of the dishes from your home country
When they instantly get excited if you show them your talents
When you're supposed to be asleep until you meet each other in a video game
When your f/o has a voice crack and you end up as a laughing mess
When they have to give you extra layers of clothing when going out in winter
When you have to go on a beach for vacation
When you open up to them (either about sexuality or gender and etc.)
When they find out you've been doing self-harm (make sure to put a warning)
When they find you crying alone in your room
When they get teleported into the real universe and has to go on a hunt in finding you
When your all your f/o's meet and fight over who gets to keep you
Romantic F/O's
When they invite you to cuddle
When they find out you like them too
When you catch them staring at you
When you shower together for the first time
When they have to figure out where you're supposed to go on your first date
When you like to tease each other under the table while eating
When you finally see each other after being separated for so long
When you're getting flirted by another person and they get overly jealous
When you accidentally bump foreheads when kissing
When your hands keep slipping past each other while walking
When you FINALLY hold hands and appreciate the feeling
When you laugh at your hands' size difference
When they catch you singing your theme song and smile in the background
When they propose in public but ended up embarrassing themselves
When they're so awe-struck seeing you in a dress/tuxedo/astonishing outfit
When they can't stop smiling while they stare at you, "What did I ever do to deserve someone so precious?"
When you see their extremely red face after sharing affection
When they give you a pendant with a picture of you and them
"What do you mean I'm sleeping on the couch? WHAT DID I DO??"
Soulmate AUs.
Platonic F/O's
When you're drunk at a party and they have to drag you home
When you talk about your crushes then they suddenly walk past you
When they have to set you up with romantic f/o
When you're childishly debating about something you both disagreed on
When you have to get their consent before dating (as if they were your actual family)
When they tell you "advice" when it comes to romantic f/o
When they need to make up an excuse for where you've been after being outside at such a late time
When they have to keep you updated with every little thing (like how they just took a dump minutes ago)
When they see you're crying and immediately ask, "WAS IT ROMANTIC F/O?!"
When they have to follow you while you're on a date
When they're either the "gives actual good advice" or the "let's burn the factory tonight"
When you're playing pranks by knocking on hotel doors
When you have to race each other with rollerskates/rollerblades/skateboards
Familial F/O's
When you finally introduce them to romantic f/o and they get "threatening"
When you find out you're having another sibling
When you accidentally call them "dad/mom" (for those who have unrelated parental f/o's)
When you have to babysit/keep an eye on your sibling f/o but you two actually end up messing the house
When someone makes your child f/o cry
When they catch you sneaking out of the house
When they see you smiling at your phone and suddenly start asking questions
When you have to decide who will cook lunch/dinner when none of you knows how
When your parent f/o's share stories about how you (and your sibling f/o's) grew up
When your sibling f/o's won't stop annoying you and you end up the one being scolded
When you have a nightmare of losing your family and have to sleep with parent f/o's for the night
When you freak out after losing child f/o when they were in the ball pit the whole time
When both you and your parental f/o has to deny that you're not related in any way (but still considers it)
When your sibling f/o's jump on you just to tell you that they need someone to come with them to the bathroom
When they can sense that someone else is in the house (especially if you leave shoes outside)
if you have more ideas, don't be afraid to tell me! i'll add it if i can!
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The Art of Being an Eldar: Legolas x Reader Chapter 6
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Summary: After discovering that you were stuck in Middle-Earth, Thranduil summoned a council of powerful Elves and wizards to see what should be done with you, expressing his wishes of wanting you out of his kingdom. The council decides to send you with Legolas on an orc-hunting mission, and if the Elves of the company that he deems trustworthy-- one of them being his own wife-- say that you've proven yourself worthy of staying among the Mirkwood Elves, then you can stay. The problem is actually managing to succeed...
Chapter No.: Chapter 6
Key: [Y/N]=Your Name [F/N]= Friend's Name [B/N]= Bro's Name [S/N]= Sis's Name [M/N]= Mom's Name [e/c]= eye color [h/c]= hair color [s/c]= skin color [lad/lass/y-o]= lad/laddie, lass/lassie, young one
Notes: So, I have finished the Silmarillion, and may I just say, wow. I have a whole new understanding of Middle-Earth. It's amazing and inspiring. I do miss Maedhros and Maglor already though... Now, I've finished Beren and Luthien and started The Children of Hurin next in my quest to read every book on Middle-Earth that there is, written, of course, by the Tolkiens.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, graphic depictions of gore and violence (Cuz of orc battles y'know?), more angst, slow burn, some light depression in the first few chapters, some amnesia about Middle-Earth because the Valar say you're not supposed to have foresight, hard-core language, feels, lots and lots of feels, mentions of NSFW content, maybe some eventual NSFW content, LGTBQ+ characters, Thranduil being a jackass at first because he's fabulous, Legolas being a hot edgy prince that nobody can handle, Kili being an innocent bean, Hobbits being smol innocent beans, except for Bilbo 'cause he's been through some tough shit, Bard being dad of the year, Thorin being one dumbass boi, awesome dragons, awesome Nazgul, awesome scenery, awesome stuff in general, Elrond isn't listened to by anybody, confused Aragorn is confused,  Denethor's a bitch as always, brace yourself for creepy as fuck Cream of Wormtongue Grima Wormtongue, Boromir LIVES, au to where some of the Feanorians lived, Gandalf. (yes these are all legit warnings don't judge me.)
Pairings/Ships: Legolas x Reader, Legolas x you, Aragorn x Arwen, Faramir x Eowyn, Thranduil x Elvenqueen, Galadriel x Celery Celeborn, Boromir x OC, Maedhros x Fingon, Maglor x OC, Thorin x OC maybe Bilbo you won't know for awhile, Fili x OC, etc. general LoTR standard shippings plus some of my own cuz I can't stand my boys being lonely
Word Count: I try to keep my chapters short, under 2000 words.
Rating: Teen (14+) for now
Instead of Blue-Eyes meeting you by Starlight, it was Erestor, instead. Aside from the one time you'd spoken to him with Haldir, asking him about other continents (Which, it turned out, you'd misunderstood. Beleriand had sunk, and so had Numenor and Tol Eressea, and no one but the Eldar could reach Aman anymore.), you hadn't spoken to him.
He was an older Elf, kind of intimidating, with a bird-like demeanor and an expression that said Don't fuck with me.
So yeah, you were kinda surprised.
Still, you bowed in the Elvish fashion. "Len Suilon, Erestor. Ci maer?"
"Suilad. Ni maer, [Y/N]," He assured nonchalantly. "A gin?"
"Ni maer eithro." You looked around nervously, hoping Blue-Eyes would pop out of nowhere and save you from a further conversation in what would probably be your poor Sindarin with an age-old Elf. "So, her majesty chose me for this scouting mission, eh?"
"Indeed," Erestor inclined his head. "Your Elvish improves, if slowly. You do not hesitate in your greetings anymore."
"Thank you, sir."
"Come, and lead Starlight along," Said Erestor unfairly regally, and sailed majestically away. "Have you been practicing your swordplay diligently? You may need it."
You nodded as you followed him. "Yes sir. Legolas, Elros, and Lindir have made sure that they split my day into learning Sindarin, weaponry, and even the general Elvish way of being Elvish." You tried not to sound irritated about that. They literally never gave you any free time. Not that you'd brought any books to read, and not that you could read any Elvish, but that wasn't the point.
"Good," Erestor nodded. "What are your strong suits?"
Ah, shit. "Uhm... I can throw a dagger pretty hard? I can probably shoot somebody dead if I'm point blank, but other than that, my aim sucks. I'm somewhat okay with a sword, though, and I prefer two. Why?"
"Curious," Erestor replied all mysteriously, and that was all he said on the matter.
The Elves chosen for the scouting mission-- the Elvenqueen herself, with Blue-Eyes, Haldir, and Elros-- were gathered and speaking amongst themselves, while Thorin and Dwalin next to their very dignified ponies glowered at them. Balin was feeding his own pony an apple, muttering to it kindly. Compared to the Elves, who were naturally tall and lithe, the short and stocky dwarves looked outrageously tiny.
"Ah," The Elvenqueen's attention was on you faster than a supersonic jet's. "You have arrived."
You bowed deeply. "Your majesty." To Haldir, and even to Legolas just to be safe from potential Elvenqueen-wrath-2.0, you added, "My Lords." You turned to Erestor. "I'm sorry I didn't greet you with the title, I forgot what ‘my lord’ is in Elvish."
To your surprise, the Elves chuckled. Except for the Elvenqueen, of course. "You need not worry yourself, mellonenin," Elros assured you. "You are still learning."
The Elvenqueen inclined her head. "We leave at once, if all are ready."
There were positive responses throughout, and everyone present mounted up. You caught sight of Lindir coming out of his tent for the morning, and waved; he looked confused, but awkwardly repeated your gesture. "What on Arda are you doing?" Blue-Eyes asked under his breath, like you were embarrassing him.
You snickered. "It's like a 'hi' and 'bye' gesture for when you're out of earshot of someone you know. It's called ‘waving’. Everyone does it where I come from."
"This is not your world, [Y/N]," The Elvenqueen reprimanded firmly. You fought the urge to shrink in on yourself. "If you are going to be a part of it and learn our ways, then you must do so faithfully, leaving everything you know of your world behind you. Your land is nothing but a poison, and I do not want it infecting Middle-Earth. Am I understood?"
"Y-yes ma'am-- your majesty, yes your majesty."
"Good," Said the Elvenqueen, and then she continued giving orders in Elvish, while Thorin purposefully repeated them in dwarvish for Balin and Dwalin, though everyone present spoke fluent English-- Common. For you, Blue-Eyes translated what he could before he was called up to ride beside his mother, so then Elros and Haldir took turns explaining. The whole event left you feeling like a fish out of water.
It was around noon when the company halted, which Thorin and Dwalin had been leading on foot, while Balin kept their ponies tied to his own. At first, you assumed, lunch, finally, I'm starving, but instead, you'd stopped because Thorin had found a trail. "Orcs," He said.
Duh, you felt like saying, what else would it be? Bigfoot?
But after the Elvenqueen's earlier lecture, you kept that to yourself.
"Which way do they lead, master dwarf?" The Elvenqueen demanded.
Thorin huffed as he stood. "They go north, but they are heavy from travel. Wherever they came from, it is not from anywhere near the northern borders of Mirkwood or Erebor."
"Where else would they come from?" You blurted out before you could stop yourself. "Are there like orcish towns in the north or something? Maybe we could--”
"There is no such thing," The Elvenqueen snapped.
"The wargs that I had tracked were from Gundabad," Blue-Eyes said calmly, as if that hadn't ever been important information before. "The ones that attacked us on the river, however, were from Mordor."
You leaned over to Haldir as Blue-Eyes continued to speculate. "I'm confused. What's the difference?"
"Gundabad wargs are darker, lithe, and more agile," Haldir told you quietly. "They are more viscous, as well. A Mordor warg is more... Stout, I suppose you could say, and slightly lighter in color."
There was a flash of color before your eyes. Suddenly, you felt as if you were in a clearing of trees, surrounded by people in dark colors, while the sound of howls filled the air, unlike the ones you'd heard before.
These are Gundabad wargs! They will outrun you!
These are Rusteveld rabbits! I'd like to see them try.
You shook your head as you resituated yourself in the saddle. Well, that was sudden... It had been quite a few days since any of the strangely-familiar visions had come to you. You came back to your senses as Dwalin laughed uproarously. "Well, that settles it, then! To Gundabad!"
"Wait just a moment," The Elvenqueen said. "We are not all brash, Master Dwalin. We will go back and retrieve more forces before even thinking of going near Gundabad." With that, she turned her silver mare around and began trotting back, Haldir and Erestor on either side of her. Thorin, Balin, and Dwalin hung back, taking their time getting on their ponies and following after.
"Where's Gundabad?" You asked Legolas quietly; not that it did any good. Elves could hear grass growing on the other side of the continent if they wanted to. "And what is it?"
"It is northwest of here, in a cleft between the mountains," He answered. "It is an old fortress, from the time when the Dunedain first came to Middle-Earth from Numenor, if you remember." You nodded; he'd told you the entire story of the Silmarils and anything that went with it or after. "It was the gate that lead to the Witch-Kingdom of Angmar."
"Lead by the Witch-King..." You finished for him automatically. An eerie echo of a voice filled your mind: No man can kill me. At his impressed look, you scrunched up your face. "And what are you, French? How'd you make that 'h' sound in the middle of the damn word?!" You realized what you said only after you'd said it, and quickly looked to the Elvenqueen to see if she'd heard. If she had, she made no sign of it. "Sorry."
Blue-Eyes patted your back. "It is fine, Sairen, you can speak to me of your world, don't worry." With a cocky smile, he looked down at you smugly. "As for the pronunciation... You will learn to do it soon."
Back at camp, a group of Elves was already up and waiting to move out, and at the Elvenqueen's ringing voice, they followed after, and you all retraced your steps back to where Thorin, Dwalin, and Balin had found the orc tracks. You considered it pointless-- they could've just taken the host of a couple dozen Elves with them that way they didn't have to retrace their steps.
Partway there, you decided that goddamn song that'd been going through your head needed a damn good explanation. Unfortunately, Blue-Eyes was now up by his mother, leaving you between two totally random Elves. You'd never been good at starting up a conversation, but you decided to give it a try anyway. "...Hey, do either of you speak Common?"
Both Elves busted out laughing as if you'd made a hilarious joke about dwarves.
"Most Eldar can speak Common," The one on the right said, removing his helmet to look at you more clearly. Whoa. You practically fell off Starlight. He was beautiful. He had long, purely golden hair that fell down his back in unfairly glorious waves. He had soft blue eyes (Not as gorgeous as Blue-Eyes', but still.) and a fair face. "It would be considered quite odd, in our long lives, if one did not learn the tongues of others."
You just stared at him. "Dude. Are you like, made of gold?"
He laughed, which sounded a lot like something naturelike and unfairly beautiful. You'd never heard any of the Elves outright laugh, so this was a weird, new experience for you. "I have been asked many things, but that is new. No, I am just as flesh and bone as you are."
"Yeah, but yours are like, plated in gold, so, you're... Wow."
He laughed again. "What is your name, mellon?"
"[Y/N.]," You replied, in a daze, then leaned over quick to the Elf on your left, who tensed and tried to lead his horse away. "Do you even see this guy?!"
You turned back to Goldie. "A gin?"
As best as he could in the saddle, the Elf placed his right arm over his chest and bowed at the waist. "I am called Glorfindel. Gellon len covad!"
"Mae l'ovannen!" You said in response.
Glorfindel smiled at you. "What was your question, mellonenin?"
"Well thanks to you and your blinding gold-ness, I forgot. Give me a minute." You thought for a second, trying to ignore the literally glowing Elf beside you. "Ah! That's it. I asked if you could speak Common so you'd understand my question. You guys have songs, right?"
Glorfindel gave you a look like you'd just told him his hair looked like an orc's. "Of course we have songs! Many, many songs! They are as timeless as we are, and we, all of us, are taught these songs from a very young age. Did you wish to learn them?"
You shook your head. "Nah. I've never been good at singing." If I sang all you Elves would shatter like a glass in an opera-room. "When I got puffed here, a song started going through my head. I can never remember all of it. Just bits and pieces here and there. But it's really bugging me. So if I told you all I could remember, think you could remember one from your Elvish past?"
Glorfindel inclined his head. "I shall answer to the best of my ability."
"Okay," You wracked your brain for the lyrics. "Okay, uh... Something about leaving home, and fading... Lots of fading. The one sentence I can always clearly remember is 'all shall fade.'" You looked at him curiously. "That ringin’ any bells?"
Glorfindel thought hard. "If by that you mean if I can remember anything similar, I cannot. If it is a song of Arda, it is not one I know, and I can remember most Eldar songs."
That caused a lightbulb to appear above your head. You gasped, wide-eyed.
"Wait! You're Glorfindel?! As in, the Glorfindel?! The guy in Gondolin who tried to protect Turgon by fighting the Balrog?!"
"Ah, Turgon... He was a good friend."
"And when it fell it grabbed your hair?!"
Glorfindel flinched. "Can we not mention that...?"
"And then you came back to life to fight Sauron?!"
"The guy who was in love with Ecthelion of the Fountain?!"
Glorfindel flushed, his face going a deep shade of un-Elvish red-- on him, though, it was more of a rose-gold... "Yes, I am that Glorfindel, and I would advise you hush before you draw the attention of the Elvenqueen."
Nervously, you glanced ahead, to where the Elvenqueen sat regally upon her horse. If she or Leggy had heard you, neither of them made any indication of it. With a giddy smile, you looked back to Glory. "This is so cool. Where I'm from, you rarely ever meet anybody so important. Now I've met some of the most important people of Middle-Earth! Ooh, am I also gonna get to meet the king of Gondor?!"
Glorfindel looked confused, but amused. "Gondor has no king, and has not for many, many years. Not since the death of Isildur. Now, the stewards of Gondor keep watch over the city and uphold its laws, and await for the heir to the Gondorian royalty to show himself."
"Or herself," You specified, fighting a wince as you heard a voice echo, Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king.
Glorfindel raised an eyebrow. "Hardly ever is a mortal woman given any sort of royal duties alone. She would have to marry someone of high standing to be considered queen."
You scoffed. "Great. So the humans of Middle-Earth are assholes, too. Figured I'd escape from that."
"The race of Man is a fickle one," Glorfindel agreed. "More often than not, they are the cause of most grief in the world." He smiled. "But worry not! You are of the Eldar now, and are not subject to their torments."
You shrugged. "Good point..." You beamed excitedly at him. "Tell me about your adventures!"
He did, until the Elvenqueen gave the signal to dismount and to keep silent. You'd been so into Glorfindel's stories that you hadn't noticed that the trees had thinned out, giving way to loose, rusty-brown soil and rocky slopes. All of the Elves sailed silently over the rocks, while the dwarves trampled noisily.
For days (Which passed like extremely-long hours, and you weren't even hungry or thirsty or tired.), the procession trekked through the hills without any audible communication, until the huge hills rose up to your left and in the north into jagged mountains. You kept going, and going, and really wondered how any of the Elves that'd been left could possibly reach any of you for backup if needed in time.
On what was about noon of the week and a half mark, you came to an overlook that spread down beneath you into a huge, rocky valley, dry and desolate. There was no sign of life, and further still, about a couple days away by foot, was another tall, jagged outcropping overlooking a massive structure of bronze. Small black dots which you were going to assume were birds flitted about the top of it, and it stretched what looked like hundreds of feet into the air. You were astonished.
"We came all this way for rocky dirt and an old tower. I don't see any signs of life there." You kept your voice at a whisper, like some of the other Elves who'd began talking amongst themselves.
Blue-Eyes eyed the tower warily. "You're not supposed to."
You turned to watch him walk away. "Then what?" Blue-Eyes gave the Elves some order in Elvish, and you continued. "So we came all this way to see that it really doesn't look like there's orcs there but really, there are, so, what do we do? They've obviously got a shit ton of more orcs behind there. We're probably way outnumbered. So what do we do?"
"We," He replied, "Are going to do just what we came here to do. We're going to scout, by getting as close as we can and seeing what we can. Then we leave. It's as simple as that. If, however, we're ambushed, the rest of the procession has been following us slowly. They're only a couple of hours behind."
You frowned. You must not've gotten that memo because everybody felt the need to speak highly advanced Elvish when you only knew a couple ways to say "hi." "So what do we do if we see something we don't like? Attack?"
"If we can," Blue-Eyes told you, "But it most likely will not come to that. We simply came to see if they have larger numbers than those few who attacked us at the river."
You gave him an incredulous look with an eyebrow raised nearly to your hairline. "...Few?"
He scoffed, and walked off, giving orders in Sindarin that you only caught a word or two of. You were watching him with a glower, when you noticed Lindir sidling up on your right smugly. "...Do you not wish that you know what he is saying?"
You playfully rolled your eyes. "Ugh, Lindy, geez, can you read my goddamn mind?" You turned to mock-glare at him; he was preening. "Well? What was he saying?"
Lindir laughed and wagged a finger at you-- so Elvish. "No no no no no, mellon, I will not make it that easy for you. If you wish to know exactly what he said, then you will have to continue learning from your current point."
Your shoulders slumped. "Really? Damn. Fine, I guess, since it looks like we're camping here." And it did. Practically everyone was going around setting up bedrolls, but you seen no sign of a fire. "Glad it's warm-ish. What, we just supposed to freeze?"
Lindir gestured to Gundabad. "If we light a fire, they will see us, and our stealth will be for naught."
You gave him an odd look. "...What?"
Lindir blinked. "If they see us, our stealth will be for naught."
You stared at him blankly. "...Naught?"
Lindir suddenly looked panicked. "Do they not have that word on your world? It means the same as nothing, in this context."
You scoffed with a cocky smirk. "I know what it means. You Elves are just so damn fancy." You reached over and ruffled his strangely-perfect brown hair, to which he yelped and yanked away from you as if you'd tried to stab him. You left your hand in the air where his head had been, wide-eyed, as Lindir stared at you in shock. "Uhh... Got a sensitive spot on your head there?"
Lindir narrowed his eyes at you. "I should teach you Eldar custom as well. No Elf touches another's hair, for whatever reason, unless it is necessary, which is more than likely never to happen. Braiding and touching another's hair is considered something only for the wedded to do."
You yanked your hand away from where his head had been. "Sorry. I didn't know. Where I come from, that whole hair-ruffle thing is used between siblings or friends."
Lindir smiled softly, straightening his hair. "It is fine, [Y/N.]. You had no way of knowing. But, now I realize I must teach you language and customs-- or perhaps Elros can do that..."
You snickered to yourself, earning an odd look from the Elf. You shrugged. "Nothin', just, I've got specific Elvish teachers now. You're my language teacher, Elros is now customs, Legolas is history, and Glorfindel is music. I'm gonna be a true Elf before I know it."
"Maybe never a true Elf," Lindir laughed, "But close enough!"
You laughed with him, but on the inside, winced. You doubted if he meant it as an insult, but it hit you like one. No, you'd never been considered good enough to be a true anything, especially an Elf of all creatures, who were naturally shiny and glowy and perfect and shit. But still, for someone to confirm it, even in a joking manner, that you'd never be good enough to be a true Elf...
It really hurt.
You acted all casual on the outside throughout the rest of the evening, laughing and joking when needed, but internally, you were fighting a dull ache in your chest. You'd gotten it a few times before-- rarely, but still-- and you knew exactly what it was. The desire to fit in. You'd never had a chance on Earth. But here, you'd hoped to at least be considered a part of their realm.
Dammit, why am I so sensitive?! He didn't mean anything by it!
But what were you really doing here? Struggling to prove yourself to a race that would never accept you. To all Elves, you'd be considered an imposter, like Thorin had said. You knew for a fact you'd never be good around "the race of Man," as they put it, and even in this world, you knew you'd never fit in with them, either. At best, the Men would see you only as a rebel Elf trying to fit into the society of Man. Dwarves? Hell no. What about the Hobbit-folk? Maybe you'd at least be considered a friend to them? No, you were an Elf here. They'd be wary of you, maybe even fearful.
Maybe you should just settle for traveling like a vagabond, like Gandalf does. When everyone else was resting, you stayed by Starlight. You scratched underneath of his chin, and he rested his snout on your inner elbow, allowing you to rest your head on his, staring into his eyes and putting off a feeling of calm. "You accept me for who I am, right?"
Starlight's ears were pricked toward you, so at least he was listening. His only response was a blink. You sighed, closing your eyes. You didn't even have the security of him. One day, he'd grow old and pass away, while you lived on for eons. Carefully, so as not to spook him, you reached up and scratched behind his ears.
"Mellonenin?" Said a voice behind you. You turned to see Legolas, looking concerned. He glanced back over his shoulder, to where the rest of the Elves talked amongst themselves, even conversating a little with the dwarves. "What are you doing out here?"
You gave him a smug look. "What's this I hear, Blue-Eyes? Showing concern for me?"
He rolled his eyes playfully. "Hardly. Just curious."
You shrugged, going back to loving on Starlight. "Everybody seemed to be doing good without me. Lindir and Elros said my lessons on custom and language were done for the day, so I figured I'd spend some time with Star."
Blue-Eyes shook his head in exasperation. "I will never understand your shortening of names..." He fixed you with an expression that you couldn't quite read. "...Are you nervous about a potential battle, Sairen?"
You shrugged. "Hack'n'slash. Can't be that hard. I have played video games, y'know, and I did get here through a LARP event." You shot him a cocky grin. "I think I can handle myself. Always have."
Blue-Eyes smiled softly. "Well... I am certain you will surpass my father's standards. I have no doubt of it."
A warm feeling blossomed in your chest. Your cheeks flushed. "Thanks. That really... That really means a lot, for you to be sure of me."
Blue-Eyes hummed thoughtfully, smoothing down Starlight's pitch mane. "Your world did not appreciate you as it should have. You are a kind person, Sairen, and while at times you are eccentric, that only adds to your persona. I know that I can put my full trust in you anytime, and not be disappointed." He smiled at you. "I am glad to know you, mellon. I feel as if you were meant to be here."
For a minute, you both just stared at each other with smiles on your faces, while you felt all warm and fuzzy inside. Any upset feelings from earlier completely burned away. His pale gold hair looked white in the moonlight. Fuck, I will not cry. I will not. Not at all. Definitely not even having to try... You finally blushed and looked away, busying yourself with straightening Starlight's forelock, though the smile remained on your face.
"Damn, Blue-Eyes. You're making me blush." He laughed, and you added, "But... I'm really glad I know you too, Leggy. You've been nice to me, and actually believe in me..." You smirked at him. "That's rare for me. Thank you."
He looked almost appalled. "You do not need to thank me for taking a liking to you, Sairen. It is not as if it is a chore." Suddenly making up his mind about something, he drew his shoulders back. "Would you like to go for a ride together?"
You beamed at him. "Duh! It's a horse, of course I wanna go for a ride!"
Blue-Eyes laughed. "Come on, then, let's go. Stay close to me; we will be going in the opposite direction of Gundabad, but orcs could still roam these wilds."
You nodded as you mounted Starlight, grinning stupidly down at the stupidly perfect Elf who smiled at you. "Got it. Let's go!"
Your heart was pounding dangerously as the two of you trotted off away from camp, talking about the history of Middle-Earth, as you tried to keep from staring outright at Legolas. As your heart faltered, looking at him smiling at you as the moonlight hit his hair, you realized something...
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 5 years
Monsta X as FWB
Summary: Monsta X as FWB Anon Request
A/N: Finally writing about these grown ass smokeshows...I am so fucking thirsty. I really struggled writing Changkyun (my bias) because I’m so in love it hurts I’m so sick of him
Warnings: Smut and s o f t b o i s
Word Count: 2657
Hyunwoo (Shownu)
He would be SO BAD at not catching feelings
You smile at him one time and he’s in love he couldn’t handle a fwb arrangement
The only way he’d even do it is if he really liked you but was afraid you didn’t want to commit
He’s really that bitch who’s like “if i dick her down real good maybe she’ll love me”
He might be right tho
If you ever take a shower at his place you won’t exactly be getting clean
In fact any time you show any amount of skin he’ll be all blushy and handsy
Def shy and hesitant until he gets comfortable with you
After he does it’s on, though, he’ll never wear a shirt if he doesn’t have to and you’ll be constantly thirsty
He’s the best at eating you out don’t @me
He doesn’t know how smoking hot he is so he’d be so proud when he made you flustered or made you come real hard
Not very vocal in bed but he’s got a low pitched whine when he’s close that sends you over the edge
Won’t dirty talk and will blush if you do but he’ll love it
If he’s horny he’ll send you a text like “hey” that’s it
Bad at sexting he’ll just send you pics and you know what a picture is worth 1000 words
Does that low-key possessive thing in public where he’ll lead you with his hand at the small of your back
Otherwise not very affectionate in public though, he’s worried you’ll reject him if he tries to hold your hand and he’s f r a g i l e
Smiling and lots of affection from this big teddy bear
Likes to take care of you, he’ll tear your ass up and then clean your apartment while you sleep and wake you up with takeout and a movie
He is never not buying you food it’s his way to say he loves you ok epitome of “how many food until date”
He will bruise you a lot by accident and feel so bad about it, kiss every one with an apologetic smile
Is it that he doesn’t know how strong he is or that he wants every guy around to know you’re his? Little from column a, little from column b
Please don’t let it slip if you’re seeing anyone else he will break your heart he’ll be so sad
Not even salty just will be a whole kicked puppy dog
Will dick you down hard after you tell him and then apologize and be the softest cuddly baby, won’t want to let you leave afterwards
Depending on how comfortable he is, he’ll either avoid you or be totally honest
Not in person though you’ll get a lot of emo texts he’s too shy to tell you
Your phone will be dinging as you walk out his door, tbh
“I don’t like this” “come back let’s talk”
But then when you do talk again he barely says anything just holding your hand and caressing your palm with his thumb
He’s likely to end the arrangement if he thinks you won’t choose him
He’ll be so sweet and apologetic tho he’ll say “I’m sorry but I’m just not built for this. I want you all to myself.”
You WILL choose him I mean it’s a no brainer, really
So you’ve chosen Lee Minhyuk as your fwb, huh? Good luck not falling in love, sis
He’s so. Much. Fun
He’ll wanna take you to amusement parks and carnivals and finger you on the Ferris Wheel
He’ll try and make you fall apart while at the dinner table with his hand under your skirt with the most innocent smile on his face
He’s down for anything in bed and he is a switch for sure
Loud AF when you tease him such whiny moans
If you spend a couple days with him y'all won’t get anything done because you’ll be trying to get dressed and he’s taking your clothes right back off
Doesn’t give a fuck if you leave marks and will be offended if you complain about him leaving them
He won’t get very salty if you have other partners but he’ll be competitive and try to occupy all your attention and be real extra in bed
You’ll probably catch feelings before he does he’s so talkative and fun you’ll get to know him fast and start to love all his little quirks
If you tell him he’ll be sweet about it and just be like “shit ok let’s try it’
If he catches feelings on the other hand and you’re not very perceptive, you’ll never know
He’ll get real weird, v quiet and sulky like he’d hate catching feelings and not know if you did or not
Would try to find out what you thought v obviously like "hey so if we did date how do you think it’s go?”
Will wait for you to ask him out even if he liked you first
Would be hesitant about an fwb arrangement bc he’s highkey salty when he doesn’t get his way
Would probably wanna cuff any meaningful sexual partner bc he’s territorial so you might worry it’s because of that and not because he actually likes you
Very respectful about things like consent would never fuck you while you were at all inebriated (like even two glasses of wine) even if you begged
Quiet with you in public he wouldn’t want to go out a lot because too much social interaction drains him
He’d be the type to be seeing other people but not wanting you to smh
But he’d feel bad about it and know it was dumb
He’d be really honest with you even to the point of hurting your feelings but if he wasn’t sure how he felt about you he’d just keep quiet
So much salt and shade thrown if you’re seeing someone else will get pressed if you so much as mention the other guy’s name while you’re with him
“Hey, this is my time, right? Focus on me.”
Rough in bed and a smirky little shit, knows he’s good
A whole dom he’d like you submissive but bratty
Loves to bark orders and dirty talk in foreplay but will be quiet during the act, low grunts
He’ll buy you lingerie almost be a low-key sugar daddy, really, you’ll mention a purse you like and find it shipped to your house
If he caught feelings he’d tell you immediately and force you to make a choice he won’t wait around for you to decide
If you caught feelings and he wasn’t ready he’d avoid you for a while but expect you to be ready to talk about it when he calls you a week later outta nowhere
Hoseok (Wonho)
This boy is all talk
He’d flirt like mad, tease you in public, hands all over you
When he got you alone he’d be a little shy and s o f t tho
Would be eager to try an fwb arrangement because he wants to think he’s a fuck boy
Spoiler alert: he is N O T
He’s almost worse than Shownu about catching feelings
Big showoff in bed after the second or third time
Likes to manhandle you
Highkey has a praise kink so it drives him crazy when you tell him how good he’s fucking you
Loud whiny moans, lots of dirty talk but he’s shy right after he comes and uber affectionate
Will sext you constantly
Wants to meet up every damn day
He’s rough in bed at first, pulling your hair, smacking your ass
When he catches feelings tho every once in a while he’ll go all sweet and slow
If he starts going down on you a lot you’re in trouble sis he’s in his feelings
He’s only a dom until he loves you then he’ll switch whenever you want
He will never not cuddle you after sex either way this man would stroke a one night stand’s hair for three hours after sex
Will mark and bruise you everywhere and be proud of it
He’d be pouty if you wore something to cover his bite marks and hickeys
Speaking of pouty just please like don’t let him find out you got another man
Your life is now constant d r a m a
Would follow you around at bars, salty af if he saw you dancing with someone else
Will make a whole scene
Tug you away into the hallway and if he’s drunk he might be crying
You’ll have to take him home and comfort him smh
Wears his heart on his sleeve so he’ll tell you he loves you like 2 weeks after y'all start fucking
His mom knows about you by week 3, ok, he’s a whole mess
Will cry about you to his friends, Shownu won’t like you bc Hoseok is listening to sad music and coming in his room at 3am being a emo baby
If you end the arrangement you’ll have to block his number he’ll be such a mess
Will lie and promise never to get salty about you seeing someone else if you just come back
He’s real cute if you like him back though, eager puppy and will make you know you’ve made the right choice by not letting you out of his bed for a full two days
Would probably be among the best at not catching feelings
He can’t be bothered to fall in love tbh
He might if you really understood him, though, like if you’d nap with him midday and talk to him about nothing for hours
You’d only be meeting up twice a week for sex he’s not that pressed
He knows he’s pretty and you are too and it works for him but it’s not that serious at first
Will not give a fuck if you’re seeing someone else but he won’t be bc he’s too lazy to maintain more than one arrangement
He would get a little salty if you cancelled a meeting with him for someone else though how dare you
He isn’t a sub but he likes you to do all the work in bed if you’re down, likes to see you riding him
Not rough at all
Quiet in bed, just short breaths
He may just call you over for a blowjob tbh
You’ll know he likes you if he goes down on you
Like he always will get you off but if he’s taking extra time he’s got it bad
Not rough in bed, almost romantic sometimes so that might get you in your feelings even though it’s just how he is
If you catch feelings first and try a dramatic confession and he doesn’t feel the same way he’ll ghost you
If he does like you he’ll call you sometimes just to talk when he can’t fall asleep
Won’t exactly tell you if he catches feelings you’ll just go out somewhere like to get breakfast and he’ll run into a friend and he’ll introduce you as his girlfriend
So anyway you’re dating now
Another “try not to fall in love” challenge
He’d suggest an arrangement just to make you blush and he shocked when you said yes
A real giver in bed, loves to eat you out and won’t even ask you to reciprocate but will be very grateful if you do
He’s so loud, wake the neighbors loud but his dirty talk is low key sweet
Also has a praise kink of sorts but likes to give rather than receive
Will fuck your brains out while singing your praises, “Look at you, baby, you’re so beautiful like this.”
He’d love to take you out, fancy dinners sometimes, would just kind of act like you’re his girlfriend even if it were casual
Will actually be your friend you can call him in the middle of the night crying and he’ll drop everything to help
Y'all will go to karaoke and shit he’s really like your bff who also dicks you down
If he wants to see someone else he’ll talk to you about it first and if you’re even a little uncomfortable, he won’t
He won’t be too salty if you see someone else but will be pouty and needy the next time you see him
Lots of cuddles and his dimpled smile
If you catch feelings it’ll make him catch feelings he’ll look at you in a whole new light
If he catches feelings he’ll just tell you
The second he realizes it he’ll deadass stick his head in the shower when you’re in there
“So hey I like you, let’s date, yeah?- why are you screaming it’s just me”
Changkyun (I.M)
He’s the most likely to be a whole fuck boy
He’s also probably the best in bed and he knows it
He’s a cocky little shit, knows how to make you tremble with a look and a slow wink
Will be your friend first and your sex partner second, if you’re upset or in a bad mood he’ll talk you down and make you feel better before even thinking of touching you sexually
Most blunt
“wya I’m horny come through”
Will talk to you about everything and nothing your pillow talk might be the best thing about your arrangement
Otherwise he won’t take you out much though he’s somewhat shy in public
Low groans and deep growls in bed
Absolute master of words in Korean or English lord help you if he dirty talks in bed p h e w
He won’t sext you much bc his deep ass voice is what makes your legs shake and he knows it
All about the foreplay wants to make you beg him to fuck you but he doesn’t last long because it gets him just as worked up
Rough in bed, sweet aftercare
Likes to wash your hair in the shower and shit
Makes you laugh a lot will send you memes when you’re having a bad day
Won’t initiate cuddling but loves it when you do and pulls you to against him
He will definitely be salty if you’re seeing someone else even if he is too but it’ll be quiet salty
If it’s in public he’ll just seduce you away from the other guy
“You like me better anyway, right honey?” Deep voice right against your ear as he ushers you into the cab and he’s all smirks when you let him up your skirt on the ride home
You WILL catch feelings even if you’re the most jaded bitch alive if you spend enough time with him
If you’re the type to run from feelings he will chase you
You’ll be talking to him after sex and he’ll give you that sweet smile when he shows his low-key dimples and your chest starts hurting and you’re like “I gtg”
He will follow you out the door fr
Blow your phone up
Even if he isn’t sure how you feel about him or he feels about he’ll want to make sure you’re ok
Would never ghost you even if you ended things
Would be the type to have a long conversation with you about your feelings
If he fell for you though you’d have to pin him down and talk about it he’d stop calling you as much and try to avoid talking about it
If you tease him about it he’d groan and almost get mad
“You loooove me”
“Shut up you’re dumb ion even like you”
Compliments you when you look nice but it’s lowkey
“Your hair looks good like that” or “your legs are nice you should wear skirts more often”
Suggests you to get serious very casually
“So you’re my girlfriend now, okay? Where do you wanna eat and if you say you don’t care I swear to God”
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clonetrooper1403 · 5 years
STAR WARS: DUEL OF THE FATES (Personal version)
I´m piss off!
 Some days ago I said that Rise of Skywalker was not as bad....but that was before to know they rip off this master piece!
 Seriously, the original script, written by  Colin Trevorrow was AWESOME! PERFECT! THE EPIC FINALE THIS TRYLOGY NEEDED!
 So I´m going to talk about it, adding a little lines of my own and my personal little headcanons, so this post will be long.
 Why? Because I can, because I want and because this is internet, so it means I can do whatever I want! If you want to be like me and accept this, you are welcome, if you are not happy and want to write toxic comments, screw you and close this post, I´m doing this for me, not you.
So, the movie start like this:
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 So, We see a First Order star destroyer being assault by the resistance. Blasters and bombs everywhere.
 Stormtrooper 1: Blast them!
 Stormtrooper 2: Sir! We are losing the third sector!
 ST 1: How many enemies?
 ST 2: Just one, sir!
 ST 1: Are you losing against one rebel?!
 ST 2: Is not just a rebel, sir! Is THE GIRL!!
 And then, BAM!
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 We see Rey with her new dark Outfit and her new blue double blade lightsaber, build with Luke´s broken sword and her old staff.
 The resistance steal the entire ship and, after a couple of scenes of First Order high ranks argueing we see Corusant, this time used by the Bad Guys as Capital city.
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 This time they use a gigant citadel-like ship as HQ meanwhile the old city is full of scavengers and poor people, trying of survive under the iron fist.
 We see the First order is executing in public a traitor pilot called Bisc Kova, the one who was the key for the rebels to steal the star destroyer.
 Then we see that the actual leader of Corusant is Hux, who is now Cancellor.
 After a meeting with other high ranks in the first order we see Hux´s private colection of lightsaber, he doesnt fight with or use them, is just a symbol of power.
 Somebody ask about Kylo Ren and Hux answer that is in a mission to increase his power.
Kylo is showed in Mustafar (like TROTS) but this time is chased by Luke´s force ghost who is trying to convince him to return to Leia But he refuse very angry, in fact, he try to attack Luke´s ghost with his crossguard red lightsaber only in order to be stopped by the ebar hand of the master with an eyebrow rise like “really n*gga?”.
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Then Kylo found a sith holocron with Palpatine´s message for Darth Vader, saying that if Luke kills him...Vader must take him and develop him to Tor Valum, One of his dark sith masters who teached a lot about dark force mambo-jambo during his years as ruler of the galaxy.
But then the holocron scan Kylo´s face and realize is not Vader, so it explodes, burning his face.
Then We see the resistance on planet Koralev with its new Star Destroyer, a funny scene where Rey use his force mind control on some troopers and an argue between Rey and Finn.
 Finn: You said you saw him again on your dream, right?
 Rey:  ...
 F: Stop thinking about him.
 R: I need to save him Finn, I saw it...Ben still can return to the light
 F: It´s too late for him, Rey
 R: Is never too late for change...you are the living proof.
 Then both are summoned in a meeting, the resistance has a plan.
 They want to use an old beacon under the Jedi temple on Corusant to send a message of hope and cheer them to rise in arms against the First Order
 After that Rey go to train in a cave with Luke´s Ghost, in there Rey tell him that she is not sure about being a Jedi...after all, Darkness consumes Light and Light extinguish Light...a no-end cycle of death and reborn.
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On Corusant again, we see Kylo melting a mandalorian armor and creating a new mask direct in his face, much more dark, sinistre and evil-like.
Kylo argues with Hux, telling him that titles, positions and destroying planeets are nothing against what he is going to get, showing that Hux Is just a puppet under Kylo´s fist and giving the redhead a last order: Find the resistance and destroy it...but leave the girl to me.
And before leave Corusant again, Kylo talks with Vader helmet in his room before smash it in hundreds of pieces.
 “Now I understand you...you let love make you weak”
Then the resistance start the plan: Finn, Rose, Leia, BB8, R2-D2 and C3-PO travel to corusant in order to prepare the beacon and start a riot
Rey, Poe and Chewbacca travels to a world in order to find someone who helps her with that force mambo-jambo she feels.
The first Order arrives to the resistace´s base but all are able to scape.
Finn´s team are able to arrive in corusant and activate the beacon atthe same time Leia record her message On Corusant in order to rise the fighting spirit, but Finn also prepare another message as a “surprise”
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But then Troopers discover them and force them to run in to the low levels of the planet-city, killing Leia in the process.
 Meanwhile, Kylo arrives to the sith planet (just like he arrives in to Exegol in TROTS) and meet Tor Valum.
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 The sith master begins Kylo trinning and force him to fight a Darth vader vision (Just like Luke inside Dagobah´s tree faces Vader) in an epic and violent duel between red lightsabers that Kylo loses.
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 Meanwhile, Rey, Poe and Chewie arrives the planet where Poe´s grandpa lives (with a very strong smugger vibre), a water world full of boat-like ships.
In there Poe´s grandpa take them to an alien seer who read Rey´s mind and make her some kind of “Stelar map” that can be use to find Kylo (In here it is showed that Rey and Poe are in a relationship, but I dont like that so...f*ck it)
 But then, SURPRISE! The Knights of Ren are there! They have been following Rey´s team all this time! A dinamic chase in the port that end with a hand to hand battle betwwen six dark warriors vs a jedi, a wookie and a guy with a blaster.
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On Corusant after seeing an emotional inspirational message from Leia to them from R2, Finn, Rose and the droids start a riot in the low levels and free plenty of prisioners.
 Heck, even 3PO kills a assasin droid using a blaster! saying “Oh dear! How uncivilized!”
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 After starting the fire, Finn and Rose have a talk.
 Finn: Well...that was a good start.
 Rose: Yes, but we cannot do much with a bunch of mad scavengers.
 F: Well, It will have to be enough. Is not like we can arm all these guys.
 Rioter 1: Actually...
 *Finn, Rose and plenty of Rioters in an elevator going to lower levels*
 Rioter 2: People forget Corusant was once the Imperial Capital City
 Rioter 3: And they left more that a few emotional scars in here.
 The rioters show them a hangar (now without guards) with hundreds of old imperial AT-STs that soon start to arm and paint in a more “Rebel” style that would make Sabine Wren really proud.
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In that moment 3PO and R2 see the surface of the planet, so sad and empty, seeing the first order HQ in the sky.
 C3-PO: “R2...Do you think we can win another war?”
 C3-PO: “You are right...at least they don´t have another Death Star...I´m tired of those kind of things”
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With Rey, Poe and Our Favourite Wookie. The girl decide to keep going alone because is something she needs to do, Poe refuse but in the end agree so the boys get back with the resistance and Rey goes to Planet Mortis when she meets Kylo ren, just after she faces a giant alien beast.
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 On Corusant the battle starts and thousand of AT-STs start to blast the stormtroopers, but here is Finn´s surprise. A massage to all the Stormtroopers! encorage them to fight back for what they know is right.
 Plenty of stormtroopers then start to shoot against their commanders and, without their helmets, join the rebels.
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 Hux, seeing all that chaos on the battlefield, order to the star destroyers in orbit to shoot against the rebels and the traitors, destroying the old city without care about civilian damage. But then another surprise.
 Hux: Here is Cancellor Hux! Open fire in the low levels and wipe out those rebels and traiotrs!
 Officer: We...We can´t do it, sir! We are under attack!
 H: What?! The rebel fleet can´t be enough to face ours!
 O: They are not just the rebels, sir!
 Then is showed in Orbit How all the ships that heard Leias message arrive (just like TROTS)
In there we can see Lando, (of course) the phantom, the Mantis, The Mandalorian´s ship, Hondo´s Ship...etc. But a first look to some familiar faces as Bossk, Dengar, Cad Bane, Embo, the gungans, the wookies, Jacen Syndulla, Sabine and Ezra (if he is found) etc. and Chewy and Poe with others in star fighters and X-wings.
 Meanwhile, on the surface the rebels face their final obstacle: gigant new walkers,, the final charge arrives, but one blaster hits R2! Without knowing about all the chaos who is surronding him, 3PO cry and show plenty of dark emotions before grab a blaster and star shooting Stormtroopers.
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With Kylo and Rey, they fought in a vicious and powerfull way. During this battle, Kylo confess her that it was him who killed his parent by Snoke´s orders  and, takinG adavantage of her rage, is able to blind her with his red lightsaber (just like Maul did with Kanan) but she is able to fight using the Force.
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On Corusant Again, the rebels start to enter in the HQ and the fleet is being destroyed by all the alliance ships. Hux is seeing everything from his office´s window at the same time he is receiving dozens of desesperate calls from officers and troopers asking for orders...but without answering them and with death calm, he takes one of the lightsaber of his colection (actually, Vader´s Lightsaber, don´t ask) and after kneel in front of his window, seeing all the chaos and explosions and watching several star destroyers falling apart from the orbit...he does seppuku.
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Kylo, after defeating Rey and ready for kill her is visited by Luke´s ghost again...and after denie him again, Leia and Han are showed as ghosts too (a talk kinda like TROTS) The redemption is done and Kylo use every energy he has and heals Rey, dying in the process. In here Kylo also says Rey´s family name: Solana, Rey Solana.
Rey becomes an avatar of light and shadows and faces Tor Valum, who was just another creation of Palpatin....a desesperate device to fool Vader in order to bring him a body able to posses (all this in not in the script but, screw it, i liked it seen palpatine again without the family relationship fanfiction thing) So Rey with all that “I´m every jedi” thing and after ACTUALLy seein force ghosts like Qui-gon, Obi Wan, Ahsoka, Mace Windu, Ki Adi Mundi, Aayla Secura, Luminaria etc. Strike pure-white forse lightnings in to Palpaties puppet, destroying him.
We have a happy celebration, Chewy recives his medal, Lando highfive hondo, cute ewoks, funny gungas, even Jar jar is in there, doing silly things and making people laugh. And Poe found Finn and both kiss.
Oh, and R2 is back! Chewy repaired him and 3PO laugh in front of him before start to argue again.
The final scene shows a farm with Rey in meditation and with a blindfold, lisening how a bunch of kids are traning with stiks the diferent combat forms. This is the new generation of jedi, jedi who will defend no light, no dakness but balance.
 And there it is, MY canon...if I do more fanart I´ll probably will do with this content...Do you like it? good, Do you hate it? sorry to hear that. Now is time to wait untill clone wars final season.
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Jasmine tea: how did you meet? What were your first impressions of each other? Did your view of them change over time?, Hazelnut hot chocolate: what do you do with your f/o(s) that’s the most comforting to you? How do they pick you up when you’re feeling down? And!!! Orange soda: do you have any favorite memories with your f/o(s)? What are they? 😄💜 {selfshipfeelings}
Thank you, @selfshipfeelings! 💖
Self Ship Asks: Drinks Edition
Jasmine tea: how did you meet? What were your first impressions of each other? Did your view of them change over time?
This...is a tough one. Because apparently there were several ways we could have met...
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Alternate timelines based on when you were born or where my path leads me beforehand, mostly. At least a few are also dependent on what we are when we are brought into the world along with the when and how, as well...
Yeah...so that one’s hard to answer. But in all of them...I find him. Not the other way around.
In all these instances, my first impression was...”whoa...” This awed, no one else can compare kind of reaction. Whether seeing him or hearing him. He just has that impression. But also cautious? Unsure...especially when he’s being charming. I have a hard time believing it’s just because someone is nice. He clearly wanted something...or was just messing with me, I figured.
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My own was more curious or intrigued...and perhaps hopeful. She was just another possible tool to help me achieve my most pressing goal. Freedom.
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In one possibility, however, my impression is also suspicious and wary.
Opinions have changed since getting to know each other, though. And I can say I don’t regret knowing him...even when doubt about his true character creeps in... Every time, I choose to trust him and I really don’t regret meeting him. Even when times seem grim.
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I can confidently say the same. My path would not be the same without you in it, Starlight...
Hazelnut hot chocolate: what do you do with your f/o(s) that’s the most comforting to you? How do they pick you up when you’re feeling down?
Usually cuddling...we’re both lonely, touch-starved idiots, and cuddling is my favorite thing to do with him. But not always. Sometimes we like our space (like a cat, that way.) Reading a book together (sitting on his lap while we read silently) or watching something together (in modern-applicable paths) is also sometimes an option. Or he’ll watch me play whatever video game I’m in the mood for (I, unfortunately, don’t have any two-player games right now...and he seems to prefer watching, anyway.)
If I’m feeling down, he notices right away and confront me on it. He knows I don’t respond well to prodding and coaxing, so outright asks what’s wrong. If I don’t want to talk about it, he respects that and waits until I am by suggesting then doing things to cheer me up. Sometimes I still won’t say, and I know that upsets him (he likes knowing what’s going on because he has some control of the situation and can help when he does) but he has never forced me to confess what’s bothering me. Not yet anyway.
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And I will not, unless it is a threat to your very life. You have my word on that.
I believe you. You never lie, after all.
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He just smiled appreciatively.
Orange soda: do you have any favorite memories with your f/o(s)? What are they?
Probably all our firsts. lol The first time I introduced him to something I like or love, and watching him try it or ask more questions about it. The first time I actually touched him...feeling his cheek and running my thumb over the stars that twinkled there (they are like freckles, by the way. They’re just a part of his skin.) The first time we held hands...and the first time we kissed...
I think my favorite memories aside from those, though...are the ones where we lay in bed and talk. We seem to have a lot of philosophical discussions in bed. lol
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aceselfships · 5 years
I got tagged in a thing by @shipping-my-dorks !! this looks super fun; thank u ami~
1: Introduce yourselves! Who are you? What do you like to do?
Hiya!! Name’s Grace. I’m a human writer, I live in the human world, nothing that special.
Well, I wouldn’t say that. Greetings, as well. My name is Valvatorez, a vampire who is known as the Tyrant. Or perhaps, you’ve heard of me as the Bloodthirsty King of Fear, the No Life King, ecetera... but my most important title, to myself at least, is Grace’s loving partner.
2: What was your first meeting like?
Would you believe that she saved my life? Hah, it’s rather strange, but she found me... before I had any real comrades.
I was just out gathering inspiration one night, and all I could smell from one of the nearby fields was the strongest scent of blood. And that’s where I found Val- completely unconscious, wounded, and surrounded by the remains of a bloody battle. I managed to take him back to my home and nurse him back to health.
Though, I do regret that the first thing I said to her upon my awakening was a threat to drink her dry...
3: How did you get together? Who confessed first?
It was more so my curiosity for humankind that kept bringing me back to her. Initially, her kindness and compassion not only touched me, but the fact that she wasn’t afraid of me as well and treated me like... well, a normal, average demon rather than some legendary tyrant piqued my curiosity as well.
Val was also super interesting to me as well, with his knowledge of the Netherworld! We became fast friends who taught each other so much, and eventually... well, it lead to something more. Also, he confessed first, being the dramatic dork he is.
Grace, how many times to I have to insist- I am not a dork.
4: What are your thoughts on PDA?
I’m alright with it, but to be entirely fair... we don’t go out much, if at all. Vampires falling in love with humans isn’t a common occurrence, and if anyone knew that the great Tyrant had a weakness- me- it would put both of us in danger.
As for affection, however, if we were to theoretically go out in public, I would prefer it to be much more private. 
That’s only because you get super flustered easily, darling~
...... No comment.
5: How do you show affection towards each other? What are your love languages?
Physical touches, soft words, giving gifts... we’re both pretty flexible, and honestly I don’t think we have a preference. But I do have a nasty habit of being very generous and giving Val so many gifts, hah.
Well, I believe I have at least one preference... and that would be drinking her blood.
Val, you didn’t need to say that out loud-
Hmmm. I’m merely returning your comment from earlier, my love.
6: Who’s more introverted and who’s more extroverted?
Both of us are pretty in-between, I think. 
Yea, I have to agree. We both are pretty out there, but also we need our time to recharge. And that’s when the cuddles come along!
7: Who’s the Big Spoon and who’s the Little Spoon?
Me. Me, I’m the little spoon.
I can also concur, she is the little spoon. I think she just likes feeling protected, and who better to protect her than myself?
8: What do you like doing together the most?
Info sharing! We each always have something new to tell the other about our different worlds.
Demons and humans need to coexist, after all. If they didn’t, the universe would fall into chaos! What better way to coexist than to learn about the other?
9: Tell us a fun fact about the other!
Val absolutely loves telling stories, much like myself. Sharing information about each other’s worlds aside, I love hearing stories of his exploits and his battles. He’s got a flair for the dramatics.
Grace is... more of a fighter than I initially took her as. Every time I mention someone doing something wrong to me or whatever else is along those lines, her immediate reaction is to go punch them in the face, even though she’s only a human. It’s rather admirable.
10: Tag other selfshippers and their f/o’s!
Uuuuhhhhhhh I don’t actually know??? Lemme uh. Look.
@kittyandco and Billy!
@cryptidchaos and Constantine!
@foreveryours-mouse and Dagger!
@squips-ship and Enjolras!
ok im done now skfjhdf. have fun ya’ll. uwu ♥
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cleaduvalls · 5 years
i watched “spy kids 2″ twice in one week and here are my thoughts
she wasn’t the president’s daughter in the last one
im not sure the ride would let you go up without the key
nice hats
i want those…. things
i think you can tell who they are????? without 7 layers of zoom glasses???
a child….. can tell the president…… what to do????? great idea OSS
i miss floop 😔
God i hate the giggles…. giggleses? giggles’s???? whatever i hate them
since when can carmen hack
what does ralph stand for. the subtitles have letters but i dont think its ever touched upon
and i OOP-
“infolink” dont you mean a private email server
yes carmen he has a weird laugh get over it
at least SOME of the kids are gonna say yes to champagne
why does juni know ballet
great job felix
he saw the text change. he saw the electric shock. why did he not say something. he clearly knows
thats nepotism, my friends
oh look they have all died
get wrecked magnet dudes
i dont think a magnet strapped to your head is enough to keep you attached to a ship
in a state of chaos while the spy kids are PROTECTING YOU, why would you get mad when a spy kid, WHO IS PROTECTING YOU takes something TO PROTECT IT
floops fooglies!!
since when do they have a treehouse
“retirement” you’re EIGHT
wait thats illegal
ukata? dont you mean utica? i keep calling it utica in my head
i think someones gonna see you, ralph
why was the ukata assignment metioned BEFORE the transmooker was taken if its centered around the stolen transmooker?????
it has 2 watch bands. i hate it
where did juni get a rubber band machete elastic wonder????????? he only gave it to carmen 
yeah sure “accidentally”
“im not your uncle” youre a close family friend and they told their kids to call you their uncle. therefore youre their uncle. deal
garys face is so stretched on the window. if i had a crush on him i would stop right then and there
I T S  F L O O P!!!!!!!!!!! love that dude
his hair!!! its gone!!!! :((((((
his tailcoat is like…… sticking out
why is minions voice back to normal
i miss floop again😔😔😔 
ig its another breathing think but you dont need oxygen tanks??? i would like one please
imagine if youtubers did the inflate-a-suit challenge. thatd be wack
“oh great. im fat” i feel that every day my dude consider yourself lucky
those camels weren’t there 3 seconds ago
ooooh nice desk toy. i want it
no donnagon youre gonna kill them
wow great job ingrid
the mustache is back!!!!!
oooh nice sleeves ingrid
yeah carmen that was junis fault
oh no your gadgets dont work. the horror
those stairs are dumb
that was a good shelter!!!!!! h*ck you carmen
wow. a rock
oh my God giggleses take a shower
ok so maybe broken gadgets arent great
oh no they died
so when did the time skip happen
stop yelling
is that steve buscemi
“nice to meet you, tired and hungry” spoken like a true dad
hahaha monkeys in a barrel. i have some of those
yeah “accidentally” alright buscemi watever
oh we’ve seen em. they’re all puns
except slizzards. those are dumb
oh no he died
“do you think God stays up in heaven because He too live in fear of what Hes created?” yes he does. we’re gross
“whats the difference” nothing really
diy dental work seems like a bad idea
you get captured every movie step up
wait nvm its just the in laws. whatever same difference
ooh nice pen buscemi
i want one of those scooters
nvm i want a slizzard they’re not that dumb
how did she get a heart-shaped tv screen
awwwwww, she likes juni!!!!
yeah!!!!! hold your ground greg!!!!!
wait why is juni white, his moms at least half hispanic and his dad is like all hispanic
“a big sacrifice” youll see them in like 2 days chill
i like the noise when the chips go offline
the inlaws are so passive aggressive im living for it
you got the map wet. great job
actually yes there are lving skeletons. theyre just covered in meat
thats how you know you messed up
carmen died it think. i looked away and i dont wanna rewind
oh shes not dead nvm
awww juni made a friend!!!!
hes not a centaur hes not a horse
oh no the spider died
ew donnagons giggling
“i have no idea” me too buscemi, me too
youre not funny, donnagon
why are the rubber bands so tubular and plastic-y and shiny. i hate it
hhahaha spork
thats not how rubber bands work
nice tent
r u n doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
F E L I X  N O
what DO those things do???? theyre clearly not just heavy
yeah you can argue with that youre just a COWARD
dont!!! announce your moves!!!!!! he can hear!!!!!
again????? how has he not been fired
oh he did get fired
ew garys gross
gertis chill tho
:D YAY GREG!!!!!!
yeah alright whatever juni
bye buscemi!!!!!!! you should date floop
i still miss floop 😔😔😔 love that dude
wait it was never called the island of lost dreams. it has nothing to do with lost dreams. just an island
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