#me throughout this whole thing: i am picky!!!!!
SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
I do have ships I'm especially partial to, but I don't really see a purpose in stating them because I'm not intentionally looking for those ships — I'd rather see them develop naturally, and because they're something I'm partial to, I'm picky. Some people jump the gun on ships (and that is their preference! that's fine) and might think that because they have the other half of an "OTP" of mine that it'll be easier to ship with me, and that is just. not the case. I don't want to give that impression by listing OTPs.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Certainly none of the obvious big no's that end up in everyone's rules by default. I am willing to explore darker and generally unhealthy ships though, particularly with time, communication, and trust between muns. Aside from that, polyam is great, one sided romances are a heartwrenching delight, anything and everything that can spin a good (and reasonable) narrative is on the table. I love me doomed ships. I love me toxic codependency. I love me soulmates. I love me marriages. But if you're coming to ship with me with those latter two in mind, that's probably something to reconsider because that's not something I'm willing to engage in with people I'm not incredibly close to.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Listen man I rp a guy who is 800 years old, I've rp'ed older, at some point when it's between two adults it's not about age but about chemistry, emotional and mental maturity, and the context surrounding their initial relationship (ex. I will never ship my J.ing Y.uan with an adult Y.anqing or a J.ingliu because he RAISED that boy and that woman TAUGHT him since he was a boy!! absolutely not!). And obviously, aging up to be "legal" for shipping is a big fat no.
Are you selective when shipping?
Yes. I don't want to write a ship only to regret it because I don't click with the mun or my muse doesn't click with theirs. Not all interpretations are equal, so just because I write a ship (R.atio with Ventium's A.venturine, for example) doesn't mean I'll write all or many of that same pairing. Another thing is that I'm not the biggest fan of instant/pre-established romantic pairings? I find that they do a disservice to the effort I've put into my muses, especially those with HEAVY baggage. If I don't know you as a person well, expect me to write slowburn. And if you do know me well, I will still probably write slowburn. A lot. Like, years worth. It has happened before. It will happen again.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
Maybe it's because I don't write NSFW but this question confuses me. Am I just stupid- HSJSFNLSKFL. Anyway, uhhh I guess for me the line gets drawn at any explicit acts or explicit descriptions. The word explicit is key, because fade to blacks or whatever are fine? Like. I dunno man LMAO. AO3 rating standards are a good reference point I guess.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Gestures at my relationship tab. While I do have pairings I think look good together, that doesn't mean I ship them. Everything is interpretation dependent.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
...Is that not common courtesy? Yes, please ask to ship, because 1) you sorely underestimate both my and my muses' obliviousness and 2) I might say no.
How often do you like to ship?
This is also a weird question! I ship when I ship, if the chemistry strikes and both muns agree then I'm gonna ship. Some days I may feel a little more shippy than others but that doesn't hold any weight towards actively pairing muses together.
Are you multiship?
Ya. I see no reason to not ship multiple pairings or multiple iterations of a specific pairing. Because each interpretation is different, each can bring something new to the table or tell a different narrative; me being selective does not bear down on this. Exclusivity is something I only really keep for very special people and their interpretations (like Starry, who I've known for five years). If someone wants to exclusively ship their muse with one of mine, that's fine! I'm flattered! But if they expect me to be exclusive to them without any prior conversation, that's going to be a problem, especially if I'm not close to them.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
...Now with all of my griping out of the way, let it be known that I fucking love ships. I love shipping I do HAUDJWIFJS, I just need it done right. Give me a reason to ship and I will be so on board, but it has to be a good reason, not just "they look good together." I yearn to ship, I yearn to have easier ships, but my fucking dumb ass always picks up the difficult muses!! Always!!!!! And if they're not a pain in the ass to ship with I make them one!! I'm so sorry!! Augh!!!!
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
This is where I will list a few shoutouts instead:
- j.ingl.uo, y.ingy.uan, j.ingr.en and r.atior.ine with Starry. All of these are on discord more than not but Starry is always, always on the same wavelength as me. She's one of my best friends, and I couldn't ask for a better partner who not only matches my desire for tragedy (j.ingl.uo and j.ingr.en) but also the sweetest and most fun of pairings (y.ingy.uan and r.atior.ine). Her Y.ingxing/B.lade is the biggest reason why I cry so much over J.ing Y.uan's heartache, because she writes him in a way that I really and truly feel the loss of who he was, and it hurts J.ing Y.uan in such unbelievable but cathartic ways. And don't get me started on her L.uocha because how did we end up plotting literally an entire decades-long romantic arc between him and J.ing Y.uan only to reach the most tragic fucking conclusion because L.uocha is too far gone to put his ways to rest for good.
- j.ingf.eng with Luna! I don't know what happened here but with our very first thread the muses took the wheel and then we had a ship. It was embarrassing. This really does not happen often with me at all but we just clicked instantly, and now I am in permanent fluff and angst hell with Luna because J.ing Y.uan loves a little too much and Yinyue does too. Also a ship that happens more on discord than not!
- r.atior.ine with Ventium! Ven's A.venturine. My goodness. I am absolutely enamored with the push and pull between these two and their way of walking the very delicate line between them, almost as if afraid of shattering what they've built up, whatever it is — because even defining it could break the illusion. And yet they read each other so well and even though they don't say anything, they know something is there, regardless of whether it's spoken into existence or not.
- himetio with Koi. we spent hours thinking up backstories for H.imeko and R.atio together and I just... ahhhh 🥺🥹🥺🥹 childhood friends to lovers is such a special and beautiful thing to me and this is one of the rare preestablished ships I have but oh my god I love it. R.atio's hypocrisy and mortality come out in full force with H.imeko and it is so fun to navigate.
I am running out of space so I will stop here. Yes, most of this is with Starry. my bestie. my bro. my goat. my single celled organism. she exists on tumblr once every three months but gdi go follow her @celestial-narwhal she is the bane of my existence and the sole reason she, Luna and I have straight copium AUs and I love her so much
Finally, how does one ship with you?
I expect the muses in question to have at least one interaction (preferably far more) before shipping happens and for me to have some level of rapport with a mun, because how else am I supposed to read IC and OOC chemistry? (If I know you and your muse well enough and vice versa, we can obviously skip the first part.) So if you and your muse qualify and this post hasn't scared you off yet, hit me up! Just ask! I promise I'm not scary, the worst I can say is no.
Tagged by: @apocryphis ! tyyyy
Tagging: @etherealguard @deathsmaidens @heavnslayer @ofinflorescence @lunaetis and anyone else who wants to do this!!
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biscuitblinkeu · 1 year
Not Quite Dead [3]
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Kim Jisoo x Fem!reader
Word Count: 3726
Quick!: You use the fox marble to visit your brothers and it comes with a price. There’s a hesitation to let Jisoo in and allow yourself to get to know her, but it’s withering every moment you spend with her. You hear a lot about how the things she does for you are unusual compared to other “sacrifices,” and wonder if you’ll ever find what she is actually like… Oh, and you meet Lalisa.
A/N: It’s here…finally. Not proofread (yet?)! I don’t like this post-once-a-month thing going on with me at all. 😭
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Jisoo squeezed your hands. “How about we visit them? Would you like that? It’s much better than sending a letter.” 
You bit your lip and looked into her eyes. They were earnest. You nodded slowly. “Of course. I’d love to.”
“Well then,” she said brightly. She led you by your hand through the forest and back to the house. You stopped in front of the main entrance when Jisoo turned around. “I’m not used to traveling with company from here, so,” Jisoo began, tongue prodding her cheek. “I’ll have to use…” She paused and rolled out her tongue for a moment, revealing a small, translucent, blue-colored bead. She had that in her mouth the whole time? 
“Jisoo, what is that?”
“My fox marble,” she explained, looking embarrassed— but then again, that’s really not an explanation. 
“Fox…marble?” You inquired with raised brows, staring at it. The marble seemed to hold a tiny storm within it.
“Yes— you’ll learn all about it later, but as of right now… I don’t fancy tirelessly trekking through your village late at night, especially when it could give villagers the idea you got rejected by me. My preferred method of transportation will be quick and efficient: humans may call it teleportation.” 
You thought back on how Jisoo seemed to appear, sometimes unwanted or unexpectedly, with her powerful voice resonating through the air. You remembered your first encounter with her: when you were teleported to the bedroom, how time seemed to slow and the world stretched around you abnormally. The dizziness and instability that overwhelmed you after. 
Just thinking about it made your stomach lurch, but you weren’t going to be picky. You had a chance to see your brothers and you’d be a fool to pass it up. “Okay… how are we going to do that?”
Slowly, her lips pulled into a smirk. Her eyes glittered with mischief. “Well, darling, it’s really such a simple thing. I only need one thing.” 
“That is?” You asked impatiently.
“A kiss,” she answered with a toothy grin. It was the grin of a predator. You suppressed a shiver. 
“A kiss…?” You had half the sense to not laugh in her face. It sounded like a bad joke to you. 
“Yes. To protect you from the warp I’ll be opening outside of the forest, you have to hold my fox marble in your mouth, and I am to transfer it to you during a kiss— I know. It must seem ridiculous to you but that is the only way it will work.”
You furrowed your brows. It was ridiculous, not a must-be ridiculous. But she was right there, watching you with those dark eyes, seemingly expectantly awaiting the action. The longer you stared, much to your chagrin, the more Jisoo appeared to be truthful. You pinched the bridge of your nose, releasing a heavy breath. “Fine,” you said. 
Jisoo beamed. “Ready?”
You nodded and closed your eyes, squeezing them tightly as you waited. Your heart pounded against your chest as if it were going to burst out of its cage. Hands slithered around your lower back and pulled you forward, flush against the Kumiho. Jisoo always seemed to be hot; her warmth even more tangible from the increased proximity. You held your breath.
“Relax,” she whispered softly against your ear. Her breath sent goosebumps rising on your skin, and you shivered involuntarily, feeling a pleasant tingling spread throughout you. Stop. The sound of your heartbeat thundered in your ears. “It will take only a minute,” she said, the words lingering in the air, echoing in your skull. She’s right. You need to calm down. It’s really not a big deal.
Jisoo cupped your jaw with a hand and without a second more, pressed her lips against yours. Soft and gentle. She didn’t move her lips much, wanting to give you a chance to move away if you felt uncomfortable. When you kissed back she hummed happily against your mouth, pressing herself closer. It was as if she wanted to melt against you. 
Her lips dragged across your own. The sensation was unexpectedly both thrilling and electrifying (—an understatement). Coaxing your lips to part, her tongue swiped across the seam of your mouth. You didn’t quite understand, but opened your mouth to allow her entrance. Her tongue met yours and swept inside, tasting you. Giving gifts. You sighed. Jisoo’s grip tightened on your waist.
Something cold and small was insistently pressed against your tongue as the kiss progressed. As you lost your breath. The fox marble. As quick as the marble entered,  Jisoo parted with a tug on your bottom lip and you felt strangely disappointed it was over. That she was true to her word. In reality, the kiss was really only a minute or two, even if it felt like an eternity to you. 
You slowly opened your eyes, surprised to find Jisoo already gazing at you with a pleased smile. Her lips curved upwards. “Did you enjoy it?”
You were unable to register her words quickly as you were still dazed, your thoughts spinning madly in circles, your heart palpitating in your chest. The kiss was…nice. And if it came to it, you’d do it again, even. You didn’t feel disgusted after, surprisingly. Your cheeks burned as she stared intensely. You cleared your throat and looked elsewhere, leaving her without answer.
Jisoo laughed, lifting your chin up with a finger. Your reaction was enough, however— A thoughtful look clouded her face. “You don’t know how to breathe do you?” 
"I tried to." You replied dryly, and that's all Jisoo needs to know that you’re inexperienced. "It was my first time kissing...like that." Your first kiss, and taken by a Kumiho. 
"Of course," Jisoo says knowingly, amused and fond; prideful she got such a chance to claim your first kiss.
The tiny fox marble was nestled under your tongue and you were careful not to accidentally swallow it. If the fox marble held such great power, as Jisoo said before, why didn’t you feel any changes? Why aren’t you sparkling or feeling on top of the world? Then again, maybe it doesn’t work that way. You were irrationally disappointed. “Let down?” Jisoo questioned with a raised brow. “The fox marble doesn’t affect anything physically. It’s more of a mental change,” she explained.
“What does mentality have to do with teleporting?” You grumbled.
“A lot,” she answered vaguely, taking your hand in hers. In her other hand she held her fox mask, the same one you saw when you first met. “I’m going to open a rift now, so close your eyes. You could be blinded,” she instructed, putting the mask on. You did as you were told, and suddenly a bright light assaulted your eyelids, and a rush of wind sprayed you. A crackling noise similar to lightning came from what you assume was the rift. You were tugged forward and everything turned pitch black. The atmosphere around you felt strangely bare and cold, slow-moving. The surface underneath your feet turned soft and the familiar sound of village-goers reached your ears. 
“Open your eyes, love.” Jisoo told you. 
“It felt different that time,” you commented when you opened your eyes. You took a step forward and almost fell, the only thing stopping your fall being the hand on your forearm. “Nevermind,” you said, squeezing your eyes shut as you willed the dizziness to go away. You’ll probably never get used to it. 
In front of you was your house. Most of the lights were on, and through the kitchen windows you could see a middle-aged woman. Her sleeves were rolled up and she had her hair into a bun, a small smile on her lips as she scrubbed dishes. Dong-woo had kept her word. Your shoulders sagged with relief and Jisoo watched with a glint in her eyes. 
You were suddenly struck with an intense longing to see your brother's faces and began walking to the front door only to be held back from Jisoo still holding your hand. You turned to Jisoo with a frown on your face. She lifted her gaze from your hands, meeting your eyes. “You can’t go through the front. We need to be stealthy with this.”
You almost whined. “Why? This is my house.”
Jisoo looked around. Specifically at the black and red banners, the poor, hand-painted illustration of what humans thought a Kumiho looked like– festival propaganda– in the middle of the banner, and the symbols depicting the relationship between Kumihos and humans just below. Jisoo almost felt flattered. Almost. “It may be your house, but you’ve been declared dead for what I know.”
Her words struck you addled. “...Dead? It's only been, what? Four or five days at most?”
“Longer than that. Time runs peculiarly in the center of the forest. Everything outside of it seems to speed up,” Jisoo said after a long silence, her body shrinking away from how you could react. The nearly unnoticeable, slight lean away, the tapping fingers.
Anger boiled up inside you and you bit back a hiss. “Why didn't you tell me earlier?”
“It truly slipped my mind. I'm sorry.”
You let out a slow breath. To be declared dead, the village had to go four weeks without hearing from the Kumiho or sacrifice. “Then how long has it really been?” 
“Almost two weeks,” Jisoo said honestly. 
You nibbled on your bottom lip nervously. “They can’t declare me deceased if it's only been two weeks– It usually takes longer. Much longer.” Hurt flinched across your face, suspicion slicing through your thoughts. Did Dong-woo really think you wouldn’t last as long as the other sacrifices? That your life was so– insignificant? Of course she did. Your heart was pulsating now, blood running hot beneath your skin. What about your brothers?
“Is going around to the back an option?” You asked Jisoo, turning away to hide the emotions running rampant on your face. 
“It is,” she confirmed. Jisoo stared at the back of your head as you led her to the back of your home. She was no mind reader, but it didn’t take a lot to know you were upset.  
The lamp cast a wash of yellow light at your feet, but it did little to light the area properly this dark of night. In the back of the house was a large window and a door leading outside. Through that window was your brothers’ bedroom. You were disappointed to see that the curtains weren’t drawn closed well enough to keep others from peering in. It was something you scolded your brothers about numerous times. You never know what can happen.
Inside the room, a much smaller lamp set on a nightstand between two beds highlighted the faces of your sleeping brothers. They were sleeping in the same bed, and the thought that they comforted each other warmed your heart– yet, you were declared dead. Did your brothers believe it? 
But they were being taken care of. That's all that matters to you.
“They look like you,” Jisoo commented softly beside you, startling you out of your head. You were standing closer than you realized.
You glanced at her with a wrinkle of your nose. “Are you sure? Maybe you can’t see all that well in this darkness.” 
Jisoo stopped herself from responding.  I'm a fox spirit. Of course I can see well in the dark lingered on her tongue. Instead, Jisoo asked, “Would you like to get closer?”
“Closer? How? I thought you said we should stay stealthy?”
“Yes, I did. But it would not hurt to get closer. I know you want to,” she answered, ears flickering. Jisoo walked to the door that led inside into the hall, your brother's room on the right side. 
You watched her as she reached for the knob. “I’m sure it’s locked.” 
A click sounded out and Jisoo opened the door, throwing you a look over her shoulder. (A simple lock won’t stop her. ) You hurried in after her, closing the door behind you as quietly as you could. The clinking of dishes could be heard further down the hallway and you prayed the nanny didn’t decide to check on your brothers. 
Jisoo walked into your brother's room first, you just a step behind her, and stopped abruptly. You went to complain only to realize her whole body went rigid and her breathing had stalled momentarily. You looked past her to see U-jin awake.
He was rubbing his eyes, clearing the sleep that glazed them over. He blinked a few times, and you imagined he was surprised with the way his eyes widened. Jisoo stepped further into the room cautiously. U-jin looked like he wanted to scream, only he couldn’t. His mouth was sealed shut but the panic reflected in his eyes. The kumiho is coming for him now that you’re gone, he thought. But that wasn’t true. It couldn’t be. Not with the way you rushed to his side of the bed (Minnie was fast asleep beside him) and pulled him to your chest. Not with the way his fingers instinctively wrapped around your shirt, pulling himself closer to you, as if trying to make sure your warmth was real.
Was it?
“Oh, U-jin… I’m…” I’m here. I’m not dead. You felt a palpable relief just being able to hold your brother.
“Are you…are you really here?” He whispered, finding his voice again, looking up at you with wide eyes. Tears filled them and the look on his face made something inside of you ache. His eyes were glossy and wet, his cheeks flushed, his lips chapped, and his voice thick with emotion. His hair was disheveled and sticking out every which way from the bed, and unable to fight your sisterly-urges, you raked your fingers through his hair to tame it.
“I’m here,” you assured him, leaning forward and giving him a quick kiss on the forehead before backing away. 
“I thought you were…” He swallowed and glanced at Jisoo. She tried not to bristle at the insinuation that she killed you. (Even if it was a reasonable conclusion.) “Gone,” he whispered, eyes dropping to his hands.
“I’m right here; alive. I swear I’ll explain everything,” you told him.
“I waited.” He looked up to meet your eyes. “I hoped you would send something…anything.” 
Your heart clenched painfully, and guilt pricked your throat and stung in the back of your eyes, but you forced yourself to blink them away. If you cried now, you’d definitely wake Minnie up. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry it took this long for me to come back to you.” 
U-jin nodded and tried to smile. He was still in shock. “Okay.”
“She’s coming,” Jisoo said, having heard the water turn off. Ujin stiffened on reflex, looking confused for a second. Then he remembered that she was still there. He didn’t know whether to label her a threat or not. It was clear she brought you here, and for that he was grateful.
You bit your lip. It didn’t feel fair that Minnie wasn’t awake to see you, but he slept like a log. “I’ll tell him when he wakes up,” U-jin said, knowing what was going through your head. “But you guys should go,” he said, clearing his throat. 
You nodded slowly, hesitating to leave so soon. You shared a glance with Jisoo and then turned back to Ujin. “I’ll come back, okay?” 
Ujin-squeezed your hand. “You better.”
The crackling of the warp began to fade as it gradually closed behind you. You took a moment to ground yourself before opening your eyes. You were back on the wooden porch of Jisoo’s estate.
“Are you satisfied?” Jisoo asked, holding the door open for you.
You nodded as you passed. “I just wish I could see them whenever I wanted,” you sighed, then quickly added, “But I’m happy I got to see them at all.”
Jisoo hummed. “What if I were to bring them here? Not now, but soon. I'd give them somewhere nice to stay, anything they’d like. You could see them whenever you want.” 
“That’d be…that would be amazing— if they wanted it,” you smiled. Jisoo followed behind you, stopping once you reached your room. You turned to her only to find her narrowed eyes roaming the hallways, her nose twitching. There was a frown on her face. “Jisoo,” you called gently, bringing her attention back to you. “Is something wrong?”
Her expression changed immediately and she shook her head with an apologetic smile. “No,” she admitted, plastering a smile on her face. “Just thinking.” 
You nodded. You weren’t going to pry. If Jisoo was cryptic, you’ve come to know it’s something she didn’t want to talk about. 
Jisoo took a step closer to you and placed her hand on your cheek, running her thumb along your jaw. Her touch was feather light, almost as if she were afraid you might break at any given time. You held your breath, warmth blooming across your face as your thoughts returned to earlier. “I want to kiss you again,” Jisoo murmured, her tone low. “Can I?” Her question hung in the air, her eyes hopeful, her gaze intense. 
“…Yes,” you whispered, rendered breathless from how fast your heart was beating. Jisoo grinned. Her lips grazed yours. Just a gentle press, but with enough pressure to let you know she wanted more than that but also to tell you that she was ready to take whatever steps you deemed appropriate. That you were allowed to take the lead. You ran your fingers through her hair, pulling her even closer, deepening the kiss.
You parted with a shy smile, Jisoo’s looking much more confident. “Well, aren’t you a fast learner,” she teased. Jisoo guided you to the doorframe, fingertips tapping lightly along your hips. “I have something to take care of… I hope you have a wonderful night, darling.”
“You too,” you responded. 
You stepped into your room with a sigh, shutting the door behind you. You hadn’t realized how late it became, and the fatigue was reaching you. Despite feeling tired, you went and took a shower. Jiseul was waiting at your door when you came back, rocking on his heels.
“Ms. (Y/l/n)—”
You grimaced. “Just, (Y/n). Drop the Ms. It's too formal. What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to ask how it went. She took you to see your family, didn’t she?” Jiseul said as he wandered past you and into your room. You followed him.
“She did,” you answered, smiling. But then you remembered how he ditched you in the forest when Jisoo came. “You abandoned me,” you whined, pointing a finger at him.
“Yes, and I’m sorry for that.” He didn’t look sorry at all (not that you could see his entire face anyways).
“I knew she would take you if you had simply asked. You must’ve been happy, did you get to talk to them?” 
“I was. Only one of them was awake.”
Jiseul hummed, and you wondered why he decided to talk to you about this, this late at night. “This is unusual for Jisoo.” 
“What do you mean?” You asked. The boy stayed quiet. If this was so unusual, and that she truly went out of her way, you were even more grateful. She could’ve prevented you from seeing your family at all. 
With this thought, you remembered you didn’t say thank you. 
Surely you’d catch her somewhere in the hallways— except, as you left your room with Jiseul and roamed the corridors in search of her, there was no sign of her. You frowned. You turned around, intending to go back the way you came only to see that standing further down the hallway was a woman wearing a hanbok similar to Jisoo’s. Her eyes were soft, her jawline prominent, and there was a small mole below her right eye. Yet another being— not human, of course— that looked unreal. What caught your eye was the set of ears on her head: white cat ears, and the several tails behind them. A Kumiho? Or a half-human, half-cat woman?
You were noticed before you could even consider sneaking away, and you held your breath when she locked eyes with you. “Oh? And who are you?” She tilted her head, eyes traveling across your entirety with something akin to curiosity. 
You let out a squeak and scurried around the corner and into the nearest room, pulling Jiseul with you, using the wall to conceal yourself. The masked-boy looked at you, feeling slightly perplexed. “...Ms? Why are we–”
“(Y/n).” You corrected quietly. He would learn to use your name soon enough.
“Why are we hiding from Lisa…(Y/n)?” 
The woman's name was Lisa. Could she be a friend of Jisoo’s perhaps? If she was, you wondered if she ate humans. You trusted Jisoo (to a degree) but were wary of other Kumiho, aware that not all of them were like Jisoo. You would not allow yourself to be swayed by this Kumiho’s kind smile and pleasant voice. 
“Well I’ve already seen you; come out now,” she laughed, her footsteps nearing. Hesitating, you shuffled out of the room, gaze dragging across the floor. Jiseul, beside you, bowed as the stranger approached. “You’re the new husband.” Lisa said, knowing. She wondered how long Jisoo would keep you. How long you’d allow her to keep you. The others didn’t fare too well. 
You grimaced at “husband,” even more determined to keep your head down. The woman chuckled. “Shy, are we? Or…” Her sentence trailed off, and your heart jumped. She was scrutinizing you, and her eyes burned into your hairline. She’d figured you out. 
“You…” Lisa began, her voice a mere whisper, before her nose twitched and she turned her attention to the doorway she was standing at moments before you got caught. Jisoo stepped into the hallway. She gave Lisa a look. “Please don’t wander around as you please, you’re scaring some of the servants.”
Lisa ignored her and turned back at you only for her mouth to fall open with a gasp. Her face pinched and she glowered at you, prompting you to take a careful step back. Jisoo lied to her. She didn't know what to do with these feelings of hostility. 
You were just too cute. 
Would you like to continue?
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hamausagi · 3 months
HELLO AND WELCOME to this episode of JAKES SOAPBOX !!! where i yap on and on abt things i care abt, but likely no one else does. todays episode i will be ranting and raving abt the highly anticipated (at least for me) OMORI official manga first chapter release !! below is my highly opinionated review <3 there are spoilers for the manga, and i do discuss the prologue and day one of the OMORI game so read this with caution. i added screenshots from the manga itself as well.
this is simply a critique from the point of view of a superfan who was hoping the manga would be suitable for both old fans, new fans, and people reading the manga with no prior knowledge of the game at all. this is simply my opinion. while i compare this manga to the game repeatedly, i want to make it clear upfront that i wasn't expecting this to be a cookie-cutter remake in manga form of the game. i believe that it's lacking some important story beats and pacing that makes the story as impactful as it is. enjoy
first of all, i was ECSTATIC when i saw the promo for this. i am OMORI's biggest fan forever and ever, so god knows i was sitting and (im)patiently waiting for this to come out. however, upon reading the first chapter, i can't say i'm a huge fan. i will say that i am the type of person to view content regarding my favorite things with the most insanely rose tinted glasses, however that wasn't going to save my first impressions of the manga from scrutiny. tl'dr, i was really disappointed.
now my first complaint: pacing. to start with the beginning, i do really like how it starts off with the same dialogue as the game does. the art is simple, yet extremely effective when it comes to portraying the overall "vibe" of OMORI, which is something that carries on throughout the first chapter and i'll talk about it more later. however, i'm really not a fan of how the story begins. the first three pages are showing this dream sunny is having, a contorted memory of a christmas spent with his friends, ending with a horrifying and distorted image of mari begging sunny to "tell her why".
now, my issue with this, is that the story is now lacking a very important aspect that made the original so much more impactful: a foundation. in the game prologue, we are introduced primarily to the whole group, all of the fun-loving and sweet characters all living happily in headspace- INCLUDING mari. it was meant to establish two very important things about sunny: A) headspace is a safe, fun place where all of his friends are, but something isnt right and B) the real world is NOT where he wants to be, it's scary and reminds him of something he doesn't want to remember. yet the way the manga is paced, it skips all of that. we are immediately thrust into the real world as sunny wakes up to get himself the steak from the fridge, where again, we are robbed of another crucial detail: sunny does NOT want to go down the stairs in the dark. in game, when sunny tries to leave his room, he doesn't allow himself down more than one step of the stairs. before i get ahead of myself, the artist did include this panel (right to left)
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which i think wonderfully portrays sunny's fear of going down the stairs. the wobbly lines and darkness coming out of the piano room is great. however, this comes after sunny has already come down the stairs and eaten the steak, and seems to be more centered around him being afraid of who was at the door. which, in my opinion, also holds even less weight as the original mari door jumpscare wasn't included either (which is a whole other can of worms), which was an actual deterrent from the player opening the door for kel in game.
(this leads me to another, much more nit-picky complaint: but that is the specific pacing of this page specifically:
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which occurs after sunny goes back upstairs to throw up the steak he ate in the bathroom. the panels, while aesthetically pleasing and visually descriptive towards sunny's paranoid thoughts, aren't really showing me what's going on. he slams the bathroom door shut, seemingly does nothing, and is suddenly back in the kitchen cleaning his knife. but for some reason, the kitchen is upstairs, rather than downstairs, which is where we get the panels of him being afraid of descending the stairs. i feel that this was an unnecessary change, and could have been avoided by sticking to the original planning of this segment. but again, this is just a small nitpick that doesn't really mean anything.)
speaking of kel at the door, this is another reason why the lack of a headspace prologue in the very beginning is frustrating. as of now, the reader has no idea who kel is, or what he really means to sunny. sure, we saw him briefly in the dream sunny has, but he says one thing, and that dream lasted 3 pages. two, of which, didn't show anyone besides mari or sunny at all. in the prologue, kel is shown to be very protective and caring towards sunny, notably staying by his side and making sure sunny isn't alone for too long when being "it" during the hide and seek minigame, and overall establishing that he (and the rest of the friendgroup, might i add) was an important person in sunny's life. knowing this, then hearing mom's voicemail about how kel has been trying to reach sunny all this time, and THEN hearing him call out to sunny at the door, makes seeing kel in the real world for the first time a meaningful experience. we understand why kel is so excited to see sunny come outside. but in the manga, to me, it feels so rushed. when playing through the story, you're in headspace for a good 3-5 hours before you even enter the real world, or have the chance to open the door for kel. in the manga, it feels lackluster.
this leads to the faraway town scenes. kel and omori make their way to faraway town, which is full of the typical headspace cameos that the reader won't understand due to the lack of the headspace storyline. when in hobeez, kel mentions how the store is the same, featuring "captain spaceboy games" and "sweetheart movies", which would mean a lot more to the reader if they saw the group dig through spaceboy's junkyard and battle him at the end, or sneak through sweetheart's castle and confront her on stage. these are small nitpicks, but the biggest issue for me is that during this segment, kei and sunny are going to hobeez to buy hero a gift. but yet, the reader doesn't know who hero is. there isn't that moment of realization that hero, alongside kel, is a real person in sunny's life, not just a figment of sunny's imagination, and he's old enough to be in college. there's no emotion there. they pick out the same cookbook, but the reader has no idea why this holds significance. in the game, we all know hero as the chef, the cook that heals the team with his snacks and his frying pan fighting skills- but the reader doesn't know why hero, mentioned as a pre-med student, would even want a cookbook. these details lose all meaning without being backed up by important scenes in the original prologue.
this leads to my personal least favorite moment of the whole chapter: the confrontation between basil and aubrey. i was so incredibly disappointed by the absolute assassination of her character, which is simply because there's more missing context left behind in the game prologue. aubrey is introduced as a sweet, silly girl in the game, who cares deeply for omori and her friends, which is supposed to shock the player when meeting her in the real world for the first time. aubrey's change is supposed to make the player really question what happened to these friends, what made these kids who clearly cared so deeply for one another behave this way, and wonder why sunny (and mari's death, along with why no one wants to talk about it) seems to be at the center of it all. there is none of this extremely necessary context here. what makes things worse is that the reader also has zero idea who aubrey or basil are. while yes, they too were mentioned in the 3-page dream at the beginning of the chapter, it was for one single page with one piece of dialogue each. these characters hold no meaning here. aubrey then hits basil with her nail-covered bat, which is NOT something that happens in game. its actually kim who pushes him away, NOT aubrey, which is an important detail as aubrey never meant to lay a hand on any of them originally. the manga just paints her out to be violent, angry, and in a rush to hurt people she used to care about. while her character is extremely detailed and nuanced, i won't get too into it here as the player wouldn't know at this point, and neither would the reader.
the altercation in the manga between sunny and aubrey continues as she mocks him for locking himself away after they supposedly "couldn't save mari". this sends sunny into a spiral, aubrey swings her bat at kel, and poises to hurt sunny as well when he swings his knife at her, slicing her shoulder. the choices the artist make here are astounding, in the most negative way possible. while yes, there is a fight scene with kel and sunny vs aubrey in game, it portrayed a lot differently. its made very clear in game that sunny is very seriously impacted by his inner world to the point where he sees apparitions of space bunnies or other creatures while walking down the streets, or even the "fight" between himself and the poster inside of hobeez. this is important to note, because the player can also see the RPG fighting menu, which is extremely important to display just how out of touch with reality sunny is. he can't grasp that there's a difference between reality and his dream world. inside headspace, fighting is extremely normal. combat is a huge part of the game and the story, where the player fights bosses, smaller enemies, and gathers weapons and even toys to use in battle. that normalization where the player is USED to battle in the dreamworld, where there are no real consequences, if a character dies they can be healed or revived, comes to a screeching halt when we realize that we, as sunny, just actually slashed aubrey. the battle comes to a screeching halt, aubrey collapses after just one hit, which again, the player AND sunny isn't used to after fighting so many hard battles, and displays real pain. this is a far contrast to the manga, where we just see sunny lash out at aubrey. while it can be argued that yes, the manga is a completely different medium of storytelling than the game where we have that fighting and battle UI aspect, there are a myriad of ways the creator could have given the same effect- which could have easily been achieved by including the headspace prologue instead of jumping immediately into the real world this way.
the creator then chooses this moment to send sunny back into white space, which completely removes the interaction sunny has with basil and kel after the scuffle with aubrey. there's no walking with basil home, theres no learning about the photo album- in fact, there's no mention of basil's album at ALL, which is incredibly strange not only due to its immense importance to showing the bond between the friends, but the fact that it's a huge plot point and storytelling device.
in conclusion, i sincerely believe that this manga is a poor presentation of OMORI's story, and an incredible disappointment. leaving out the hours and hours of content before the real world is even introduced robs the manga of any substance, as the whole point of the prologue being so incredibly long was to establish a baseline for the player to become comfortable with, to allow us to get to know the characters and see how they interact, and then have that all be contorted and changed when brought into the real world. there is no established connection to the characters, the plot is ridiculously rushed, and the story feels empty and disconnected. it truly feels like the author barely knew what the game was about. i also don't feel that the artstyle in general works either, as the characters look extremely young, while the real world characters are 15-16 and the way they are drawn makes them look 12. but, i will rest my case there. i completely disagree with the flip-flopping of the story, and my expectations for the rest of this manga have plummeted to insane depths.
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bitbrumal · 10 months
hewwo hewwo fellas & fuckos. winks with both eyes. i'm possibly going to slide in around here throughout the holiday season bc the writing itch be itching, so i'll provide an update on the muse list & the dynamics / threads i'd like to keep ( if y'all are also down ) from before my break.
if you would like this post if you're ( still / again / whatever ) interested in writing with me, i'd really appreciate it ! it'd let me know where to get started again ❤ i'm mainly looking for threads over meme replies, although the threads don't have to be lengthy or involved per se. inbox things just aren't doing it for me.
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I wanna keep her, but I've gotta rewrite her. I've been going on pure wishfulfilment MommyTM vibes, but we need a bit more canon accuracy lmfao. Goddess/Archon of Love, yes, but I ought not ignore that she has become like a reversed tarot card :joy:
I should be feeling this criminally autistic nerd, but I'm not. Maybe I will some day. I'm leaving him be for right now.
't isn't happening. i'm not... doing what i wanna be doing with him & i also don't care so fwhoop that one's going.
No-one's surprised. Daddy came home with the milk the moment I called for him, & uh. As soon as I actually fucking play the Fontaine quests I'm sure I'll pick him up. ( I accidentally spoilered myself on his tragicTM backstory & on god this man is a king. ) ( If I fall sideways into neuvilette instead nobody laugh at me. )
KEPT : DOTTORE ( semi-selectively open to all - he's picky & that limits my options ) REGRATOR ( for select fatui threads unless smth Happens ) TARTAGLIA ( open to all ) KAEYA ( open to all ) DILUC ( open to all )
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Obviously I understand if we're not on the same page about carrying on where we left off, no hard feelings. We can start over, pick something new, slap new muses together, or do nothing it all. Issal GucciTM.
I'd love to pick back up where I left off with @galactia, on any & all muses, their dynamics, & also threads c:
The same goes for @bunnyshot, although I see you haven't been online in ages! Regardless, if we're ever on the timeline at the same time again you know I am down to clown. This includes your other muses.
@torrentide HOMIE. HOMIE. HOMIE. HOME BREWSKI. i am down for everything from before & more, idc what.
If @greedbent is still down to clown, I'd love to carry on with what we were brainstorming in the DMs.
Same to you, @howthesleeplesswander!! I see you writing in another fandom on the dash atm, so I get it if you're not in the vibes for what we were brainstorming in the DMs, but I'm still hype to write with you if the mood strikes you. Lmk if you're down :thumbsup: ❤
@xiielians You know idek wtf you're doing right now bc much as the dramatic chinese gaylords captivate me, I haven't indulged in the fandom + I'm waiting patiently on that novel of yours with eyes peeled—but if you wanna play with anything ( whether I know the fandom/char or not ), I'm sure I'll be game!!
@ncrthlandbank I'd love to continue what we were doing with vlad & alyos ❤ if you're down! The thread where regrator terrorizes vlad is one of my alltime faves & still lives rent-free in my head :weary: it's the only time i did him any type of justice & your no-longer-non-playable-characters are awesome.
Here go all of my moots with who i never fully settled anything ( dynamic / muse / thread-wise ), but was vaguely interacting with on the dash here & there... I am down to clown with all of you, I'd love to start something be it serious or silly. Whether you wanna continue vaguely doing things here & there or you wanna plot something out, idgaf I am so down to clown i am . the whole circus. vamos lmao.
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manonamora-if · 7 months
Ask bomb
Are there any specific technologies or concepts from sci-fi books that you wish existed in the real world?
Do you consider yourself to be a picky eater?
You are given a choice to live in one of the fictional worlds where your games are set in. Which one would you choose and why?
If you were given a budget of 5000$ to upgrade your current house of tech setup, how would you spend it?
What's the most unusual item on your bedside table?
Have you read any of the IF works in chooseyourstory.com? While the forum is filled with unsavory characters, the quality of some of the works is better than most IFs found throughout the community as a whole
What's your favorite conspiracy theory, even if you don't believe it?
If you could have a conversation with your pet and they could understand you for just one minute, what would you say?
If you had a warning label, what would it say?
If aliens visited Earth and you were the first human they encountered, how would you explain our species?
What's the weirdest piece of advice you've ever received that turned out to be surprisingly useful?
What's the most absurd thing you've ever bought on impulse?
If you could have any mythical creature as a pet, which one would you choose and what would you name it?
As a french what are your thoughts on croak shoes and dad hats?
What's your favorite French expression or saying that you think the rest of the world needs to adopt?
If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance of winning a gold medal in?
omg Anon...
Alright let's see
Teleportation. I hate the getting to places part of travelling. But also... Would it even work? Paris 2119 kinda gave me the ick about it at the same time.
I don't think I am. I'll eat almost anything and try new stuff when I can.
Any of the slice-of-life/like-the-real-world setting. Space is cool but it's too dangerous. Fantasy worlds don't have vaccines and medicine. It's like time travel: go in the past and you'll die of whatever disease is there, or in the future and maybe kill everyone with your bacteria (or was it the other way around? either way...). I'd rather live in a "normal" setting.
Half into a bed and mattress - the one you can bend up to read better. The rest in books and comics. If you give me the 5k in three years, I'll spend it in a gaming computer.
More unused bookmarks than books (I just have books on my bedside table).
I checked out the top rated listing on the main page a while back. Not my thing.
The Dead Internet Theory: the internet died some while back and is just populated by bots only. So we don't interact with people directly but through bots. It's a bit cuckoo. Or Nessie.
I've been told plants and rocks don't count as pets...
Volume not adjustable.
Don't bother, we're unsalvageable.
Touch grass. (go outside, take a walk, breath some fresh air)
Didn't buy, but I keep getting gifted croissant-related things: socks, kitchen towel... and more recently: the plushie. It is amazing. I love it.
The head of Mímir. I think we'd be drinking buddies. Especially if he is like in God of War.
Eh... Let people wear whatever they want.
« Quand le vin est tiré, il faut le boire. » - When the wine is drawn, you must drink it. Or finish your shit.
I am so average at shit, even then I wouldn't win any gold medal. And that's fine :)
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foxssleeplessness · 2 years
Hello there! I’ve been going through your list of codywan fic recs from when Kenobi aired and was wondering if you had any others! All have been so wonderful so far!
Hi!! I am SO sorry I took this long to respond. I entered new fandoms and lost contact with Codywan for a bit but I'm back! 4 fic recs and one shameless self-promoting just for you :)
Codywan Fic Recs Part 2
Pave Your Way with Stones Well Chosen by TrickyTricky (18 899 words) Mature
Summary: Cody has always been a man of singular focus and exceptional skill. When he suddenly finds himself loosed from the chip’s control, after years of service to the Empire, there is nothing to be done but to use every resource in his arsenal to carve out a new life for himself. He will free what brothers he can. He will find the Jedi his hands were forced to betray and make things right. He will build them all a haven to shelter from the cruelties the galaxy has never stopped inflicting.
And perhaps, somewhere in the midst of all that, he can find a way to make peace with himself again, as well.
One of my all time faves. It's very Cody and Vod'e centric, which I absolutely adore. I also really liked how Tricky handled and wrote Cody and Obi-Wan's reunion seeing as they are traumatised people who have lived through and done horrible things. Graphic Depiction of Violence, so if that's not your thing, I suggest skipping this one.
Next three (3) are Sith!Obi-Wan AU
different kind of danger in the daylight by Serie11 (29 202 words) Explicit
Summary: The Clone Wars are hurtling towards their third year when a new actor enters the field – a Sith with mysterious goals and an even murkier history.
Cody leads the 221st, and reports to General Jinn. But when he finds himself entangled in a dark plot that spans from one edge of the galaxy to the other, the only thing to do is cut the knot at the centre – no matter the cost he will have to pay.
Obi-Wan hates war, hates what it does to people, hates the Jedi, and hates himself. Qui-Gon’s Commander was meant to be a means to an end – but when Obi-Wan falls too deep, trusting Cody might just be the only way out.
I fucking looooove Sith!Obi-Wan. I'm picky about how it's handled tho. I like when there's a background with Qui Gon and a whole moral dilemma for both Cody and Obi-Wan. Their interactions are filled with ''I know I shouldn't but I love you oh so dearly'', yk?? It is well used and represented in this fic, Serie is an amazing writer who uses everything to make their stories flow slowly but 120km/h at the same time. IN PROGRESS
I Got My Head Checked by frostbitebakery (75 010 words) Mature
Summary: Below the observation deck, the Marshal Commander of the Third Systems Army is being divested of his armor and weapons, shackles heavy on his wrists. He doesn’t struggle, only a mulish stubborn twist to his jaw showing his displeasure at the situation.
Obi-Wan opens his eyes, steps back from the observation window. “I need a week.”
OR: In which Cody wasn’t trained for a Sith sliding into a moral dilemma because of him
IGMHC is the first Sith!Obi that I read and I cannot stop returning to it. It's got a tractor beam locked on me 24/7, I swear. Again, loved how the dilemmas and morals are handled, you can see both characters' thought processes throughout I absolutely cannot get enough of it. 1000000/10
Name of the Game by esama (40 088 words) Mature/Explicit
Summary: There's a new Dark Sider on the battlefield, one who has it out for Cody's General.
SIMP OBI-WAN!! That man has whole plans made to achieve his goal and all it takes is one, ONE, millisecond of attention from Cody and he's caught. He's gone. Whole plan needs to be adjusted to the new circumstances. Can't get enough of it from my screen, I need it in my veinsss. 1000000000000/10. Masterpiece.
thunderstorm stories by foxssleeplessness (aka ME) (5027 words, Ik, short compared to the others) Gen
Summary: During a humanitarian aid mission on Kashyyyk, a thunderstorm hits. Cody absolutely hates thunderstorms. Sharing stupid stories about your ''childhood'' with your general is a pretty good distraction.
You get to meet briefly my OC Kosand maybe Tonedeaf, I can't remember.
ANYWAY!! Hope you enjoy these like you enjoyed the first ones, Anon! Have a lovely day :D
Part 1
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sherlockholmeswats · 2 days
Neurodivergence in Sherlock Holmes?
Hi, it’s me again, here to rant about a topic I’ve stumbled upon in the Sherlock fandom frequently. But also something related I want to talk about that I find interesting.
I have nothing against people with ADHD, autism, or any other disorder, diagnosis or condition mentioned in this post. I also have nothing against believing a character has something or acts in ways you can relate to. I have nothing against specific interpretations of Sherlock either. This is simply an opinion alongside research on the parallels between giftedness and neurodivergence applied to this character. Also, in headcanons you can do whatever you’d like as long as it’s respectful towards real people and/or scenarios; he is a fictional character after all.
My thoughts
I want to give my opinion on this. Sherlock definitely has neurodivergence, but it’s not in the way many might think. Let me explain. While yes, Sherlock most definitely shares characteristics with autism, this is because “gifted” people do in fact share 1 many characteristics with autism. Some have even questioned whether Sherlock had Asperger’s syndrome 2 (it obviously proves difficult to diagnose a 200 year old fictional character). While it is a possibility, I think this is unlikely because of my research, and my firm belief that he does not have autism. Intelligent people do share characteristics with autism, but they also often share 3 characteristics with ADHD. This is why, in 2024, more research has finally been started on giftedness to solidify if giftedness is really just another form of neurodivergence. 4 And this conclusion that it does completely makes sense to me.
As a gifted kid, like many, I’ve struggled. I never really fit in, or understood things the way other kids did. But I’ve always found myself relating to those I notice demonstrating characteristics of autism or ADHD. I never could say why— because I knew I didn’t act like them in totality, or sometimes even at all; I just knew that they had these traits, for some indescribable reason. The majority of my friends fall under this umbrella, being diagnosed with autism, ADHD, or sometimes both. Or being gifted. Same with the people I’m interested in and content I consume online, they also often have one of these diagnoses. It led me down a spiral questioning what was “wrong” with me for ages. Only recently have I realized the answer was right in front of me the whole time: I’m smart, it’s as simple as that. 5 And smart people have a tendency to overcomplicate things, as confirmed by this…
Yes I hyperfixate, yes I find easy tasks difficult to achieve, (actually, props to Young Sheldon, because apparently when my family was watching it, they noticed he used gloves to do dishes like I must do on every occasion) yes I’m a picky eater, a germaphobe, a perfectionist, unorganized, either sensing everything at once or nothing at all, and yes I’m so very bored when there’s an assignment that isn’t intellectually challenging, and so very frustrated when I make simple mistakes. But half of these are shared with autism, half with ADHD, and I’m sure some with OCD or any other disorder you could think of. And yet even my psychologist couldn’t diagnose me with any one of these; I just don’t share enough symptoms with one in particular. 6
The study on the connection between giftedness and neurodivergence is so fascinating because it opens so many doors. Does certain aspects shared with certain neurodivergence types cause higher intelligence in subjects? Does the ratio matter? There are so many more questions I could ask, but here I am again, getting ahead of myself. Let’s get back to the topic at hand.
Sherlock has been interpreted in various ways throughout the time since the original books, but I believe he acts the way he does in canon simply because of his high intelligence. Interestingly, in BBC’s Sherlock, I noticed they portrayed him sharing more characteristics with autism than in the original, like having him rocking. So yeah, it depends how modern media interprets him too. It’s possible in some adaptations that they gave him more symptoms associated with one neurodivergence than another, but to believe this is how the original Sherlock was based upon modern interpretations is not a conclusion that should be reached. I’m sure there are some that are highly accurate to the original books, but many, (ironically, like BBC Sherlock has been argued to be,) may not.
And with that my rant concludes. If you read this far, I’m impressed (because sometimes I can’t even deal with my own ramblings). But what does anyone reading this think, if you’ve read this at all? Apparently this has been a debate for some time. 7
update: I’ve noticed some people have called him AuDHD, which is more accurate, but still likely to be incorrect. The aforementioned reasons are why this isn’t quite right.
TLDR: Sherlock is gifted, which is why he is neurodivergent. It is unlikely his actions are due to autism or ADHD.
Sources (in order):
Giftedness, on the spectrum, or both? (1)
The Autistic Detective: Sherlock Holmes and his Legacy (2)
Gifted, ADHD, or both? (3)
Giftedness as a form of neurodivergence? (4)
High intelligence in children (5)
Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnosis of Gifted Children (6)
Sherlock does not have Asperger’s or Autism (7)
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eternalwritess · 2 months
hello, dearie! i saw your matchups, and i think what you’re doing is just the cutest thing! so i’m hopping in with a request of mine, if that’s alright!
general stuff/preferences: i’m an 18 year old cisgender woman and am bisexual, not too sure of my gender preference yet if i’m being real. not too picky about who i’m paired with although i would not like to be shipped with the following: valentino, niffty, alastor, mimzy, angel dust, sera, saint peter
personality: honestly i can get pretty cold and sharp around folks i don’t know well, i don’t trust until you’ve proven that you’re worth trusting, but once you get past that first initial stage… i’m honestly just a big ball of sun (according to my close ones)! i’m fairly mouthy and have a bit of an attitude, both jokingly and seriously. my humor is very sarcastic and quite a bit cynical, which matches who i am, i guess. if i love you, then i love you whole heartedly, i’m very protective yet loyal to those i love, and despite my small stature i won’t hesitate to throw literal hands if you fuck with my friends, partner, family, etc. despite my highkey bitch persona, when i’m with someone who i value (like a partner), i really let go more. i’m just more light hearted and goofy with my partner, and it’s just easier for me to be comfortable with them over anybody else, i’m a fair bit shy when it comes to handling compliments, both in a romantic and platonic setting, but i won’t deny them. if you’re into this kinda stuff or if it helps, i’m a pisces and my mbti type is infj (i think).
love languages: in terms of giving love, i’m an acts of service and physical affection sorta gal. i’m not great with my words, especially when it comes to love, although i do try. i honestly just love doing things for my partner to take the weight of their shoulders, like for an irl example, i’ll sneak into my boyfriend’s apartment to clean it up a bit for him while he’s at work — or if i stay the night at his i’ll wake him up with breakfast, simple things. i’m also big on physical affection, i hate pda though, but behind closed doors im all yours, kisses or cuddles or whatever ya want, your wish is my command.
appearance: i’d say i’m fairly basic appearance wise, honestly i’m short, at about 5”1. i have tan skin and dark brown (borderline auburn) curly hair with (dark) blue eyes. i have dimples, which i always hated throughout my years because i thought they made me look childish. i’d say i’m in the middle weight wise, i’m not skinny, but i’m not plus-size (no hate to my plus size peeps, ily mwauh mwauh), but i’ve got a bit of bone to me, and i feel no shame in admitting that i am infact chubby. i’ve also got a few moles and freckles on my face and neck.
ideal date: an ideal date for me consists of sitting on our asses at home while a movie is on that we’re not paying any mind to while we just talk about everything that comes to us. or like a lazy day during a hot summer or something. can you tell i have depression? /hj /lh
kins: (if you couldn’t quite a grasp on my personality, i recommend reading these to get a better idea, i also only included hazbin/helluva kins because my matchup is hazbin)
blitzø (helluva boss), vaggie (hazbin hotel), octavia (helluva boss), angel dust (hazbin hotel), fizzarolli (helluva boss), charlie morningstar (hazbin hotel), ozzie (helluva boss), husk (hazbin hotel), moxxie (helluva boss), adam (hazbin hotel)
style: lowkey i dress like a hobo ngl. an every day fit for me consists of sweatpants or leggings, a baggy sweatshirt or hoodie, with either birkenstocks, ugg slippers, or nike sneakers. sometimes i can’t tell if i dress like a basic white girl or hobo, or both who knows damnit.
so yeah, that’s my matchup! i hope this was enough, or hopefully isn’t too long! tysm if you do this! take care and drink some water, and remember to take breaks 🤍
- 🤖
i match you with... 𝓐𝓭𝓪𝓶 ██ 20% _ ████ 60% _ █████ 80% _ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100% ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ!
➸ I'm not one hundred percent sure and how you two would meet. but if I had to guess I'd say that Saint Peter was out on break and you came up to heaven during that time and he was told to man the gates (despite his protests). He wouldn't be the kindest letting you in, most likely rudely asking for you name and rolling his eyes whenever you gave him a response.
➸ Until you had enough of it, you would snap at him telling him to just do his job and then he'd be more interested in you, messing with you and playing with you teasingly just to get a reaction. I'd imagine that you'd soon grow tired of it and just started to not speak to him and once you were let into heaven you were relieved hoping that you would never see him again.
➸ However fate had different plans for you, he bothered you constantly he wasn't even trying to constantly see you or meet up with you, but whenever he saw you he instantly found some way to annoy the shit out of you. Talking louder than usual, sometimes leaning on you and acting like it was an accident. He thought that you were interesting, more so than any of the other people in heaven and he was going to make sure that he got to know you.
➸ Sooner or later you'd ask him what his deal was with you and all he'd do was smile and simply state that you were interesting and didn't seem like the other 'goody two shoes' that managed to spring up around there. Not to mention he liked the sarcasm you would use to deal with him, he found it endearing and hilarious.
➸ Whether you liked it or not he began hanging out around you more and slowly you became friends and the more you became friends the more he would sling an arm around your shoulder or grab you and pull you places. Soon enough he was constantly touching you in one way or another, brushing hands, or grabbing your wrist to take you somewhere else.
➸ Soon enough he began figuring out that he liked you and began making it his mission to make sure that you liked him back. He'd ask you all sorts of questions and try to figure you out, pick you apart just so that he'd be sure you were in love with him back. Although he just gave up on those tests and straight up asked you out.
➸ At first you weren't sure when it came to going out with him but he didn't stop trying. He kept going and soon enough you agreed. It wasn't that romantic of a date because Adam doesn't really know romance and you both just watched movies the entire time with him cuddling up to you
➸ In the end he fell asleep on you and you stayed the night at his house. In the morning you both watched a few more flicks and soon enough you had to leave. Which he was not fond of. He kept trying to find excuses for you to stay but you told him that you had to go and he reluctantly agreed.
Whenever you cleaned his room or stuff up he would get really thankful for that because he can be kind of a mess at times and you had to get at him a few times for his messy room before he decided to actually do something about it
You're not great with words? Great, cause neither is he. Whenever he tries to compliment the way that you look or act, it comes off almost as either an insult, as if he was sarcastic, or just a train of stuttering. So instead he likes getting you stuff instead. He'll leave gifts on your desk or in your room but don't mention it cause he gets sensitive about being all sappy
Surprisingly I don't think Adam is into pda too much, he'd say that its bad for his 'brand' when in reality he also thinks that pda would put too much attention on you and he wouldn't be too fond of that as he might get a little possessive at times
He doesn't mind the way you dress, honestly he thinks that baggy stuff look way better on you anyways and will lend you some of his clothes from time to time. Not to mention that he dresses the exact same way and doesn't seem to care too much for 'fancier' tastes
I feel like you two would mess around quite a bit, he would have the more extreme ideas and you would dial it back a bit telling him when and when not to do something. You would also probably help him prank a few people sometimes as long as it wasn't too harmful to them
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virtualpeople · 10 months
Get to know you: Sims Style
tagged by @goatskickin, thank you this was strangely relaxing :D
What's your favourite sims death? It's got to be the flight simulator in TS1. You ever been so sleepy you just drift right off into space? What about physically this time?
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? i guess semi-real? I've lost track of where the realism levels are at tbh. I love me some texture and shiny eyes is all I can specifically say, generally I just download whatever takes my fancy and hope for the best lmao
(now I'm just gonna derail this slightly to do my best grouchy old fucker impression and protest bitterly at the way the word alpha has come to be used to describe realistic CC, like arggghghghghg anything can have an alpha should you wish, why is this a thing >:( , ok grouch over)
Do you cheat your sims weight? Implying I ever play this game in a normal manner enough to have sims actually change weight from what they were originally created with in the first place
Do you move objects? Imagine playing sims 2 and not being able to move objects, truly a hellscape
Favourite mod? It's not exciting, but it's the SimBlender. Couldn't live (mode) without you, lil plant* fella.
*Other models are available
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack? Here's a vague answer for you all: The first sims game I got was the TS1 complete collection, so technically it was all the sims 1 EPs. And then when I got TS2 I got about 8 EPs/SPs in one go off ebay, can't exactly remember which ones other than it didn't include Apartment Life or Seasons, so what came first was really a good 50% of the whole game
Slightly off topic but the only sims I've ever bought new was the IKEA stuff pack when it was on clearance. Enjoy your £3 for this entire series, EA ;)
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing? LIVing, it's the mode where all the little computer people live :)
Who’s your favourite sim that you’ve made? Don't make me choose it could be so many of them ;-; Ok, maybe this guy. Or maybe this guy. Or maybe…
Have you made a simself? i tried a long long time ago but with very little resemblance. I have a very strange face that's hard to reproduce in <1000 polygons apparently.
Which is your favourite EA hair color? I'm quite fond of that slightly desaturated basegame brown shade, it's nice. Shame it's not really common in any of the more popular hair colour actions
Favourite EA hair? haircaesar, that short one that came with seasons. It's so… basic. So versatile. My beloved.
Favourite life stage? Adult. Elders second. I barely play any of the others tbh
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? I'd say technically for building, although it's more building characters and the world they live in. Gameplay does come into it, but more for letting sims play out storylines and interact with their world like in a soap opera way than the usual motives way of playing, if that makes sense - I'm constantly dishing out maxmotives because I had an idea of what I wanted to happen next but the sims would've otherwise been too grumpy lol
Are you a CC creator? As long as the title of CC creator doesn't expire after a couple of years of doing absolutely nothing (but definitely not retiring either) then yes
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad? I have been here for so many years and yet I've never said much beyond a couple of sentences to anyone, let alone having an entire squad lmao. Not deliberately, I've just got a habit of sitting here and collecting dust vibing
Do you have any sims merch? no, I don't think I've even seen any sims merch irl actually
Do you have a YouTube for sims? no.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing? Many eons ago, back in the distant mists of time, I used to be able to churn out sims and buildings at a rapid rate all day long. Now I… can't. Am I getting more picky? Am I paying more attention to detail? Am I just getting old? Who knows
Who’s your favourite CC creator? Over all these years?? It wouldn't be fair to pick just one even if I could, there's so many people propping up my game and making it look nice :O
How long have you had Simblr? 4293 days apparently, that's a lot of days.
How do you edit your pictures? do I look like I know what editing is? These days I don't even crop my pictures, I just dump screenshots into a presized photoshop document and shunt them around a bit until the composition looks ok. At a push I'll boost the contrast/saturation a tiny bit, particularly if I've left low blue light mode on again and the colours look a bit odd
What expansion/gamepack is your favorite? TS1 - you know I think it might be superstar. I love how silly studio town is with all those fun things like the fashion runway and the film sets. The celebrity system is amusing too, and is a convenient way of making sims of famous people a bit less weird to have around as opposed to just having them as playables (imo anyway). Shoutout to makin' magic too though, still my favourite implementation of magic in the entire sims series
TS2 - Apartment life. The ability to build functional flats and having magic back (if in a slightly disappointing way compared to TS1)? Height-shiftable things? Nice.
I tag: YOU. (totally not a copout I mean it i love reading these things)
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🌹 🏵️ 🪷 💐 🫶
OH MY GOD NONNY A WHOLE BOUQUET!!!! Bless you darling I can smell the flowers from here giving my brain the lil serotonin boost it needed 🥹
Okay okay whew now we have to try not to rant (it never works….I always rant):
🌹: Plot
Honestly, I think this all comes down to having a few lil nuggets of ideas or scenes decades in advance that I get so excited about I literally construct the plotline around them. So I get to weave in all these flash forwards/flash backs knowing that moment is coming, and when we finally get there there’s such a moment of payoff for me.
🏵️: Sim Style
Sim style?! Nonny I am shooketh! Mostly because compared to other folks on Tumblr I don’t really feel like I have a simstyle? Other than makeup (which I cannot do IRL or in the sims) I’m probably the least comfortable making sims more than I am doing anything else in the game (like out of all CAS, build, and gameplay elements). I don’t use a lot of skin details or CC presets so I often worry they can look a little “blah” in comparison. But I am happy you love them 🥺
🪷: Editing Style/Aesthetics
Yessss! I love this one! So fun fact about me I will basically go watch a film just for the cinematography. Like a well shot, stunning aesthetic does more for me than much else and can honestly carry a weak plot. I think alot of my own love for simblr comes from seeing that same eye for detail and aesthetics carry into a hobby I’ve always loved (simming since ‘02 baby) so I’m honored you count me in that number 💕
💐: World-Building
So honestly this one is never seen in total because we just get sprinkles of it throughout the posts, but the actual, physical act of building out a sims world might be one of the things that takes me the longest. I’m so incredibly picky about whether or not a build “fits” on the lot and the surroundings that I end up spending hours editing anything I download. It’s one of the most daunting things for the next gen, even though I’ve been working on it since the 1910s.
And is the 🫶🏼 just for love because a 🫶🏼 right back at you my dearest one.
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angstyaches · 1 year
A scene that comes before an early-days Shayne/Charlie hunger-related request. It became very long and plot-heavy, so I decided to split it in two, at least for now.
Takes place during the prologue, sometime after Shayne confronts Charlie’s demon and before Shayne visits Charlie at home for the first time. (Note for die-hard readers: “Rin’s Exposition Inquisition” is basically being retconned and no longer canon, because I want to develop her character and story a bit more slowly in the rewrite.)
Hunger/whump happens in part two (hopefully posted later today; if not, it’ll be next week because I’m travelling again this weekend).
CW: mentions of death, anxiety, insecurities, childhood trauma, food mention, horror elements (mentioned).
“Hey, Charmander.”
Charlie had been peacefully eating his ham and cheese sandwich when Rin Johnson swept up next to his desk. It was rare to see her without her band of pals these days, but she was alone. 
Before he could even open his mouth to question her choice to call him by a Pokemon’s name, she pulled up the empty chair from the desk in front of Charlie’s, spinning it around to face him.
As she sat, she drew a couple of glances from some of Charlie’s classmates who’d formed little groups throughout the room. It wasn’t against the rules for students from other tutor groups to eat in another tutor group’s base classroom, but it was a little unusual. If people wanted to mingle, they went outside, or to the canteen, to eat. Rin usually went to the latter.
There was also the fact that as far as secondary school social hierarchy was concerned, Rin was considered royalty. Not quite a queen bee, but perhaps a princess.
“Charmander?” Charlie asked.
Rin smiled secretively, propping her lunch bag on an empty corner of Charlie’s desk. “We’re officially friends now, and I have a whole bunch of nicknames I want to try out on you.”
Her floral water bottle was placed on Charlie’s desk, too, while Rin rummaged in her lunch bag. She started tearing into the wrapping on her sandwich.
She hadn’t bothered to tie her hair in its usual space buns today, and it fell in fiery-orange waves around her shoulders. She had a small streak of pink glitter drawn across each eyelid, and she didn’t seem to have noticed that a speck of it was stuck to one of her glasses lenses.
She looked up at him, chewing. “You don’t even want to question me on the ‘us officially being friends now’ thing? I was getting ready to bribe you. I brought Tucs!”
In case he thought she was bluffing, she put down her sandwich, reached into her lunch bag again, and pulled out a snack-sized packet of salted crackers.
“You don’t have to bribe me, Rin,” Charlie smiled. “I already thought of you as my friend.”
She smiled in what seemed to be relief, which was a bit confusing to Charlie. What exactly had she expected to happen?
His gaze was drawn back to the packet of crackers she’d put on his desk. He remembered taking them to primary school to have as a snack, and he was suddenly in the mood to relive his youth. “Although, I do kind of want to open those.”
“Go for it! A bribe’s a bribe, even if it was unnecessary.”
Charlie picked up the packet and split the side of the wrapper. “Share them?”
“When you really think about it,” Charlie said as he opened the packet, “I’m the one who should have been begging you to be my friend.”
Rin frowned.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Charlie grinned. “You’re so much cooler than I am, Rin. And even if you weren’t… I mean –” Charlie pulled a cracker out and used it to gesture all around him. There were about fifteen other students in the room, all convening at different points and at a considerable distance from Charlie’s desk. “I can’t exactly afford to be picky, can I?”
Rin bit into her sandwich and glanced around too, though she seemed to be looking for somebody, rather than following Charlie’s point.
“Well, we do have something essential in common, you and I,” she said around a mouthful. A conspiratorial look crossed her face as she swallowed and leaned in closer. “Something that binds us.”
Charlie bit back another smile, not wanting her to think he was laughing at her. He adored the way Rin could romanticise the mundane, or make a lunchtime chat feel like he was being indoctrinated to a secret society.
“Okay, well now I have to ask,” he said, crunching down on his Tuc. “What is it?”
“Rejection.” Rin wrinkled her nose, as though the word tasted bad in her mouth. “From the same boy.”
All of the heat, along with the remnants of his smile, left Charlie’s face. What the hell kind of rumours were going about now?!
“What – I haven’t – what are you talking about?”
Rin gave a thin smile and touched the back of Charlie’s hand. “Shayne Devine rejected my friendship, too. Only that was about… wow, I guess it was about twelve years ago.”
Charlie barely had time to settle his frantic heart – friendship, she’s just talking about friendship – before his head started reeling with this new information.
“You knew him twelve years ago?”
“Well, yeah. We went to primary school together.”
Charlie nodded, battling a sudden wave of despair. Of course. That made sense. Rin and Shayne had grown up in the same town. They knew each other from way back. Meanwhile, Charlie had never been in one place long enough to hold down a friendship for longer than a year, let alone know anybody from way back. The only people he knew from way back were family members, most of whom he wouldn’t have anything to do with if he wasn’t forced.
“I tried so hard to get him to be my friend, but he would never even come to my birthday parties.” Rin dropped the remnants of her sandwich back into her lunch bag and pulled a pot of yoghurt and a spoon.
Charlie nodded again. The birthday party thing was a big deal. Ingrid had insisted he go to every party he was invited to, even if he didn’t know the birthday kid for very long. Charlie had always suspected there was a political force behind children’s birthday parties. Like the more birthday parties your child attended, the better it reflected on you as a parent. He tucked that thought away for later interrogation.
Rin peeled the lid from her yoghurt pot and began licking it clean. Charlie realised he wasn’t even remotely surprised that she was the kind of person who did this.
“So, Shayne was always… the way he is?”
Rin tilted her head to one side. “Well, he was always extremely shy…”
Charlie struggled to swallow a mouthful of his food. After the number of insults he’d been handed by the person in question, he wondered how anyone could ever describe him as shy. He took another bite of his sandwich to keep himself from making a shady remark.
“But he wasn’t always so…” Rin glanced towards Shayne’s empty desk, as though it might be listening in and would report back to him later.
“Cranky?” Charlie suggested sheepishly.
Rin flinched. “Sure. Let’s go with that. That only happened after his parents died.”
Charlie nearly dropped his jaw, and a mouthful of his sandwich along with it. Nobody had ever mentioned this before. Charlie had known Shayne was adopted, but he hadn’t known that Shayne had once lived with his biological parents.
“They… died?”
Rin frowned. “You didn’t know?”
Charlie shook his head.
“Oh. Crap. Um, sorry, babe! I’m used to everybody knowing everything about everybody. But, yeah, they died when we were, like… I guess nine or ten.” Rin’s eyes became unfocused for a few seconds. “Well, let’s see. We had Miss O’Rourke as our teacher that year, I think… yeah, we were ten. It messed him up really badly.”
“I can imagine,” Charlie whispered numbly. Judging by the way she had started staring blankly into her yoghurt pot, Shayne’s parents’ death had probably affected Rin in some way, too. “Are you okay?”
She nodded and cleared her throat. “I guess what I was trying to say is that I get it. He acts like he doesn’t want anything to do with you, but he still sort of… pulls you towards him, doesn’t he?”
Yes. He didn’t trust himself to say it out loud, certain that he’d betray the depth of his feelings if he did. 
He nodded.
“I guess I always thought it was just me.”
Charlie was entranced by how much this conversation seemed to be affecting Rin’s mood, like it was sucking her entire personality away from her. It must have been an extremely sad story...
Charlie stiffened as goosebumps rocketed up and down his body. No. No, it couldn’t be… Someone would have told him… 
“Uh, Rin?”
She listlessly picked up a Tuc and popped it in her mouth. “Uh-huh?”
Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to. Charlie swallowed the fear in his throat. “Shayne’s parents weren’t involved in that… that tragedy that happened at Mulberry, were they?”
Rin’s eyes took on that glassy, faraway look again. Charlie thought she was going to slip into the habit that most people had, of avoiding that particular topic at any cost. He half expected her to tip her yoghurt all over his desk, exclaim about how clumsy she was, and run off to get some paper towels, only to never return.
“They…” She seemed to swallow with some difficulty. “They were kind of unusual, from what I remember. Shayne’s mum was… She was so beautiful and kind, but always carried this air of, like, sadness. But her pies were always the best thing at the school bake sales. I didn’t know much about his dad, but my dad got along well with him. I… I don’t think I stopped crying for a week after they…”
Charlie felt a lump in his own throat. He’d only been able to stomach reading a few details about the incident; he couldn’t imagine what it would have been like to be a kid growing up in a town with a story like that attached to it.
But beneath his sadness, there was a pit of anger bubbling. How had no one thought to mention this to him before?
“Anyway.” Rin drew a circle in her yoghurt with her spoon. “Have you… Have you been out in the woods since you moved in?”
“No,” Charlie croaked. “They give me a weird feeling.”
Rin looked up, her spoon stilling. The absent look fled her eyes, leaving behind what could only be described as... desperation? Like she was teetering on the edge of a cliff, and the only person who could grab her and pull her to safety was Charlie. 
Charlie was just relieved that some of that furtive intensity was coming back to her.
“What kind of feeling?” she whispered.
“I…” Charlie’s heart sank as he tried to gather the words. “I don’t know. It’s…”
Careful. The voice insisted. She doesn’t know.
She might know, Charlie thought, examining the interrogative look in Rin’s eyes.
She doesn’t.
She… kind of acts like she knows.
“It’s kind of like… I’ll walk up to the edge of the garden feeling normal, and as soon as I think about putting my foot over the line, it’s like this huge wave of nausea crashes over me. I look through those trees and it feels like… like I’m staring into the ribcage of some huge… decaying… corpse.”
Rin put down her yoghurt with an air of finality.
“Sorry,” Charlie muttered, placing the last section of his sandwich back in its box.
“No, no, you’re good.” Rin drummed her fingers against the table. “You know, everyone says there’s something weird about Mulberry, but as soon as you start getting into detail, they just...”
Charlie’s heart skipped a beat. Does she know? ... Maybe she knows.
“Crap! I have to go,” Rin exclaimed, glancing at her watch. “I completely forgot there’s a yearbook meeting today.”
She gave Charlie a pleading look, like she wanted to be rescued from something, as she packed away her lunch.
Charlie grimaced. “Um... sorry this turned so dark.”
“Oh – no, don’t be sorry for that.” Rin’s eyebrows knitted together. “You have any idea how much of a relief this was?”
“It… was kind of a relief,” Charlie said. This was the first time in weeks that he’d been given new information, either about his house or about his desk neighbour. He also hadn’t mentioned how much the woods at Mulberry unnerved him to anybody else, and he could feel a new lightness where it’d been weighing on his chest.
He didn’t really know what made it a relief for Rin, but that was what he liked about her company. They seemed to understand each other’s emotions, even if it wasn’t clear how they’d arisen.
I’ll tell her, he realised. I’ll tell her everything. Another time.
“You have my number, right?” he asked.
“I – yeah, I think so.”
“Do you want to come over this weekend?”
Rin raised her eyebrows. “Yes. Please. I’ll text you.”
“Cool.” Charlie watched Rin scoop up her bag. “Have fun at your meeting.”
“With a room of self-obsessed control freaks? How could I not have fun, Charlie Bear?” Rin tilted her head as she stood up. A hint of her smile crept back. “Hey, I like that one.”
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jayteacups · 8 months
hi Jay, hope you're well c: Love talking about books & I'm curious about the following for the ask game: #1, 11, 25, 30
Thank you for the ask! I'm doing well, hope you are having a lovely birthday! I love talking about books too, I haven't been reading as much as I used to and I would really love to get back into it and chip away at my TBR lol
1 - do u prefer a standalone or a series?
I used to love binging series as a kid, but these days I am very picky when it comes to starting a new book series, so I would say I prefer standalones, unless someone whose tastes align with mine highly recommends a series, or the author is someone whose past books I've enjoyed.
11 - the best book u have ever read?
Listen, it's Tumblr and everybody loves it, but I have to say it again - Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo will always be one of my favourites. Nothing in YA could ever top this tbh.
The PJO and HOO series has also really stood out to me and shaped my younger years, and with the new show, I feel the brainrot coming back in haha, so I'd say that for me, these are the best middle-grade books out there!
25 - a book that had u bawling ur eyes out?
I don't know if it's just me, but I actually don't cry at books much (at least not on the outside, because there sure have been times where I was screaming, crying, and throwing up internally lol).
I did tear up a couple times at a few lines in This Is How You Lose the Time War (will elaborate more on it in the next later question), and I can also tell you that the cliffhanger ending of Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan genuinely stressed me out (I was amongst those that agonisingly waited a whole year for the next book), and if I wasn't in shock from it, 10-11 year old me probably would've cried too 😂 Still haven't recovered from that by the way even though I have long finished the Heroes of Olympus series lmao
30 - give any 3 book recs to ur followers!
In no particular order, I recommend that if you haven't already read these, go check them out!
This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone.
A short, epistolary sci-fi novel about two time-travel agents from rival organisations, who write each other letters scattered throughout time.
It's way more character-driven than plot-driven: the novel itself focuses more on the characterisation of the main characters and their evolving dynamic, instead of the sci-fi aspects itself.
It's so good, and if pretty prose is your thing you'll also enjoy the writing style of this!
My Roommate Is A Vampire by Jenna Levine
A light, fluffy contemporary vampire romance that I'm buddy-reading with a friend right now hehe
I haven't finished it yet but this book is very entertaining. If you want something fun and light-hearted, I'd say to check it out!
It's a little cringe, yes, but it's the fun kind of cringe. The love interest is adorable
His Dark Materials by Philipp Pullman
Okay, I know everyone has at least heard of this one too. And admittedly it's been a (very long) while since I've read it too but I remember loving it so much in my childhood (and being seriously hooked on the movie adaptation, The Golden Compass) so I have to recommend it for the nostalgia
I think it's a seriously underrated book, and even though it's technically a children's series, it still appeals to people of all ages and I think that's really rare these days
I remember really loving the interesting lore and creative worldbuilding!
Ask me about books!
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scraregenrecs · 2 years
Rare & Gen Rec Round-Up - September & October 2022
Hi, friends! November was a doozy for your mods, so we apologize for the delay in getting this post out to you. But we're back, and we hope everyone’s nice and cozy (and warm) and ready to read some of our favorite rare & gen SC works from September and October 2022. We know you'll enjoy them!
it was just a wednesday by apothecarose, Stevie/Twyla, rated T, 592 words
Summary: I only drink red wine. She remembers saying those words to David years ago, and she had been telling the truth. She'd never been attracted to another woman, which is why her feelings for Twyla slammed into her like a freight train.
Rec [written by samwhambam]: I really enjoyed this fic. It felt like a nice, warm hug of feelings. It was gentle and the whole thing is the equivalent of the ‘oh’ we love so much. Highly recommend if you’re looking for something short and sweet and full of feelings!
Some of the Things Some of the Time by @chronologicalimplosion, Stevie/David, rated G, 11,050 words
Summary: "How, um... How do you feel about... flavored wines?"
"What, like Herb Ertlinger's fruit wines?" Stevie pulls a face, obviously not having caught on yet.
David takes a deep, only-mildly-mortified breath, hoping she will. "No, like. I mean, what really is a red wine, anyways? Like, sure, it's got a different color from white, but different people like them because they taste different. So I was just wondering. Since you're a red drinker. Is it... the label, or the grapes, or... the taste? What if--I mean--you made a wine out of white grapes but you pissed off Dionysus or the scientists worked their magic or whatever and it came out tasting like a red?"
"Okay, David, I think you are vastly overestimating how picky I am about wine--and also how much I, like, know about wine? Because I know this is a metaphor but I have no idea what you're talking about."
A reimagining of the events of Carl's Funeral & Honeymoon (where David and Stevie talk sexuality, hook up, and break up) in which David Rose is a trans man.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: I loved the original in this series, and as a sucker for David/Stevie, I was thrilled to see this new installment! I love this reinterpretation of the canon; the characterization and dialogue are so on point, I would absolutely believe that this is canon.
Wishing for an Endless Night by jmda4, Alexis Rose, NR, 594 words
Summary: Alexis tries to cope with the idea of leaving her family.
Rec [written by petalwrites]: This short-and-sweet fic explores what’s going through Alexis’s head before she leaves for New York, and it’s really touching! It really highlights how much she grew throughout the show, which is one of my favorite parts of Schitt’s Creek.
The Witch of Schitt’s Creek by @tyfinn, Gen, NR, 1115 words
Summary: Roland Jr. comes to David and Patrick for help when he thinks he sees a witch.
Rec [written by petalwrites]: Something about this really reads like part of a Halloween episode of a sitcom for me — which I’m a sucker for. D/P makes a brief appearance, but the real star here is Roland Jr. It’s a funny, sweet fic about a misunderstanding so true to how kids think. I could definitely see it happening in a future episode of the show.
Happy reading, friends!
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Name five things you're passionate about.
In no particular order…
1. Music! Lyrics, sounds, ukulele, whatever!! MUSIC!!! I LOVE MUSIC!!! I COULD TALK FOR SO LONG ABOUT MUSIC!!! MUSIC MY BELOVED!!!
2. Dream SMP (hehe) I loooove rambling about this crazy fandom so much <3
3. Star Wars! I was talking about Star Wars with my brother a few days ago and it reminded me of how much I truly love Star Wars. It’s just… wow. It’s so cool. I’m such a Star Wars nerd. I love Star Wars. Yes. Star Wars.
4. Writing!! Ideas for fanfics occupy my mind a Lot lol. And this past year I’ve gotten into writing poetry, and that’s been fun :)
5. Definitely a bit of a turn here, but the whole abortion topic never fails to get me worked up. I’ve researched so much into this topic, and heard so many stories, and talked with so many people, and it’s so… I don’t even know the word for it. It’s such an important thing to discuss. Definitely pretty passionate about this.
What makes you feel at home?
A couple things :)
My own blankets, my stuffed animal, my little pink blanket I’ve had since I was a baby. A bathroom that feels safe (I am very picky when it comes to bathrooms lol). Praying. Chatting with friends. Hanging out with my family and being weird together.
More so that last one, than all the others, I think. I was just in the car earlier with my parents and we just… chatted, and I felt so content and safe and happy :)
Share the last dream you remember.
Unfortunate question, my friend.
Alrighty, so I was at the beach. But it was like… set up like a video game?? I found this overweight guy and had to follow him—for some reason—because of like… a side quest?? Or something???
Not completely sure lol
Anyways, I followed this random dude for a short while, until he went into this long, cheap-looking trailer. I had no idea what was inside the trailer, but I went in anyway (because of the side quest, I suppose).
It was apparently a black market??? It had a really weird setup, with DIY walls creating suspicious pathways throughout the building; I found like, a whole bunch of stuffed animals (apparently being illegally sold) including some of my very own irl stuffed animals!!
I picked up the ones that were mine, trying to figure out this situation…
And then I turned around and realized I’d been caught :0
There was this older man (not the same one from earlier) standing behind me, and he… had Ghostbur?? 🥺 HE HAD CAPTURED GHOSTBUR!!! I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW GHOSTBUR WAS IN THIS TRAILER!!!
And Ghostbur was really scared and it was sad :’( He may have been crying? I think he was, but I don’t quite remember.
The guy holding onto him was basically like, “girl, if you don’t stop messing with the black market stuff, something Bad is going to happen to Ghostbur” and obviously I didn’t want that, so I complied.
Time jump!
Ghostbur wasn’t ever in the dream again (I hope he was okay :’0) but me and the older guy started having this really obscure heart-to-heart lol
He told me that his mom (keep in mind, this guy is like, 50 or 60. I’m not entirely sure how his mom is still alive) wanted to send him and his brother off to an asylum because she no longer felt safe around them?? Which… is weird??? Oh my gosh??????
I pretending to listen genuinely, and I asked questions and nodded my head, and he seemed to trust me.
After a bit, he let me leave, but warned me to not mess with his business again or else he’d alter the US government XD
That dream kinda ended after that lol
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flightplan-fox · 2 years
I just watched The Wonder and I have so many questions and thoughts...
(spoilers below cut!!)
Okay first of all, Florence's performance was just *chefs kiss* as always. Same with the kid who played the little girl
secoundly the fourth wall breaks confuse me...I liked the opening and closing breaks. I dont fully understand why include them, but an interesting choice all the same. Ngl, when I first started watching I thought I might have been watching a ‘how it was made’ and not the actual film. but the middle break was strange and creepy kinda. like, it was about stories and the telling of them. and the fact it was the mom narrating?? idk I need a second watch to understand all of that, it really threw me off. 
and what was the stuff Flo’s character kept taking?  was it a hallucinogenic or something? and did it have to do with all the whispering and voices in the background throughout the movie? 
and then damn, the whole brother thing??? sick to my stomach, that's terrible. and I got the feeling the mom definitely knew what was happening. god its horrible. (I knew the brother would be important to the story somehow and quite honestly I was expecting a cannibalism ritual or something lol)
also also just on a nit picky note, realisticly wouldn't it have been really super easy to know if the girl was eating or not? cause like, after a few days of not eating I assume you would stop pooping.  therefore in the four months before the nurse showed, they would have seen she was pooping and therefore eating right? or did they not know how that worked back then? and then if the mom was really bird feeding her, that still would not have been enough food right? like, a singular mouthful of food twice a day is not enough to keep a person alive right? 
I saw the kidnapping thing coming and am very glad it happened. Nan looks so happy now, as does Elizabeth. 
anyway amazing movie and would absolutely rewatch. and now I want to go to Ireland. 
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twosides--samecoin · 1 year
Get to Know Me
thanks for the tag @bokatan :D
Relationship: @edaworks is my person and I love her very much and she spoils the absolute shit out of me and I cannot wait to see her again. Also cannot wait to be able to get off student income and afford to spoil the absolute shit out of her!!
Favorite Colour: I never saw a blue I didn't like. I also love forest green. Jade and olive and chartreuse and emerald are great
Song Stuck in Your Head: lay low - fiddlehead
Favourite Food: I am NOT picky
Last Song Played: worms - pile (a fave band - named chapter 8 of long time running after their song "firewood", will prob borrow more song names from them)
Dream Trip: I want to see the whole world - I would love to visit the Amazon basin to go be around the plants I like to grow at home. South America and Southeast Asia for sure. Adventures to see mountains as well. I still want to do the triple crown of USA hiking (Appalachian Trail, Pacific Crest, Continental Divide). Road trip all of the United States and take lots of film with me (because Robert Frank "The Americans" left a big impression on me as a collection of photos taken throughout the States and I have wanted to do the same)
Last Thing I Googled: Technically the pdf I linked above, but prior I was looking at floor light fixtures because someone who spoils me bought me a good grow light today that's cheaper in America than Canada~
tagging @edaworks and @bleumanouche @khazrablood @persephotea @some27-url @wolfbirbisme @vault-heck
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