#me and the twins did have a light battle with these little LED finger things my dad brought over??
dedicatednotobsessed · 5 months
Issa byka rūklon [Daemon Targaryen x Wife!reader]
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Other HOTD stories
Summary: Daemon is feared among men for his battle prowess, finding solace and love in his pure sunshine of a wife. One serene evening, amidst impending war, they steal a moment alone. His wife with gentle hands and a heart full of affection, braids Daemon’s hair, weaving delicate flowers into the strands…
*This was a one shot request from a very special person of mine, my bestie @mrsdaemontargaryen I had asked her to send me a prompt because I have been on such a long hiatus from writing. Writer’s block has not been fun {among personal things but let’s not get into that}. Please enjoy this Daemon one shot and soon enough, I will be taking requests again in time for season two. 🖤*
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You placed a hand on the ghost of your swelling stomach, your violet eyes shining from the fireplace’s flames. The incident was still fresh in your mind, your sister’s screams of calling you a traitor ringing in your ears. It wasn’t a surprise to see the twins together in Storm’s End, having been inseparable since birth, but you never thought Adryana* would try to murder you.
You turned your head slightly, hearing the footsteps, letting out a soft sigh, and feeling your husband wrap an arm around your waist and pull you back into his chest. “Is it done?”
Daemon nodded, nuzzling his nose into your silver hair. “Soon enough, she will feel the pain you felt.”
You took a deep breath, looking ahead. When Daemon was writing to his friends in the capital, you had mentioned to him how you wanted Adryana to feel the same pain you felt when she took her unborn babe from you. He added, “Along with the usurper’s son, take the life of his brother’s son.”
“I don’t want you to feel guilty,” Daemon whispered in your ear as though he could read your mind. “Those green cunts didn’t feel anything killing Luke and our child. You shouldn’t either.”
You nodded in agreement, furrowing your brows. “Can we go on a walk?” You knew this would be the last calm moment before Westeros is thrown into chaos.
You turned in Daemon’s arms, smiling a small smile when he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “Of course, my love.”
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You wrapped your hands around Daemon’s arm as he led you down the familiar path toward Aegon’s Garden. During the day, it was a favorite spot for your young son, Alyster, to play in; he especially enjoyed the cranberries that grew there. The eye of the dragon statue glistened in the moonlight the closer you got, lifting your dress slightly so it did not drag too much through the grass.
You thanked Daemon quietly when he helped you into the plush grass, a hum passing your lips as you began to pick at the small white wildflowers surrounding you mindlessly. Since you’ve woken up from the incident, the two of you have rarely spent time alone, with Alyster not leaving your side and Daemon being preoccupied with the small council. For the first time in a long time, you felt peace.
Once he sat down, you moved to sit behind your husband, your fingers gingerly taking a section of his hair and beginning to work it in a braid. His hair was not as long as it once was but manageable. You smiled, hearing the light chuckle coming from him.
“What?” You asked as you grabbed one of the wildflowers you picked, placing it carefully within the braid.
Daemon kept his eyes ahead, a small smile forming on his features. “I’m only thinking back to our wedding day.”
“Our wedding day?” You repeated while beginning to braid another section of his hair, adding the little flowers as you went.
Daemon hummed in response. “You wanted to braid my hair that day, too.”
You smiled at the memory. You had a traditional Valyrian wedding against your mother’s wishes. You were never one to listen to your mother, to begin with, having gone against her wishes to become Rhaenyra’s ward at fifteen, shortly after Laena’s funeral, and two years later becoming Daemon’s third wife. Now, at the age of three-and-two, the two of you had a six-year-old son, a son your mother and father only met once.
“I’m hoping this war will be over quickly,” Daemon spoke quietly, breaking the silence.
You hummed, leaning back to examine your creation. “I do not want to talk about war this evening, my love,” You said softly, placing a few more flowers in the braids with a soft smile.
You enjoyed the calm moments while you could, not knowing if this would be your last one together. The war began when Aemond and Adryana struck in Storm’s End, and you knew Daemon would be restless until every one of their heads was on spikes. You were to cherish these moments while they lasted.
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You hummed as the sun filtered through the windows, stirring slightly only to feel the side beside you cold. You furrowed your brows while rubbing your eyes as you sat up, your stomach still sore from your injuries.
“You do not want to go to the small council like that?” You asked teasingly, seeing Daemon picking out the white flowers, having slept in them.
He chuckled, looking down at the small pile forming beside him at the vanity. “I’m not sure it would be proper attire for a small council meeting.”
You scrunched up your nose while slowly getting out of bed. Wrapping your silken robe around you, you walked up behind your husband, meeting his violet eyes in the mirror.
“Issa byka rūklon*,” Daemon said softly, placing his hand on your arm when you wrapped them around his neck.
You hummed lightly. “I prefer when you call me aōha vēzos*.”
Daemon laughed. “No one else can hear that.”
You smirked, moving back so Daemon could get up. You straightened his doublet for him, scrunching up your nose when he placed two fingers under your chin, making you look up.
“I love you, Y/N,” Daemon whispered, moving his hand to your cheek.
“I love you too,” You replied, meeting his lips in a short, sweet kiss.
You watched him pull away after a moment, a small smirk forming on your features. You noticed the stray flower tucked in the waves of his hair.
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“You’re late, Daemon,” Corlys spoke up, seeing the Prince enter the council chambers.
“You should already know that I enjoy making late, dramatic entrances,” Daemon replied simply, sliding into the empty seat on Rhaenyra’s right.
Rhaenyra eyed her uncle curiously, tilting her head. “Daemon,” She called to him, clearing her throat while motioning to her hair.
Daemon furrowed his brows, reaching up to feel the soft petals of the single wildflower he had forgotten about. He untangled it from his hair, looking down at it with a soft sigh.
“Is the Rogue Prince going soft?” Lord Celtigar questioned with a laugh.
“I believe he is,” Corlys agreed.
Daemon only scoffed as the Black Council erupted in laughter, Rhaenyra even adding a giggle of her own. He sighed as the jesting continued around him, his eyes staying on the wildflower in his hand. He twirled it on its tiny stem, his mind wandering back to his wife, their son, and the babe they had lost.
There was no guarantee of surviving this kin war, but Daemon was determined to win it so that he and his family could finally live the peaceful life they had long desired.
*Adryana: Adryana Targaryen is my original character for House of the Dragon. She is the youngest daughter and fifth child of King Viserys and Queen Alicent (The reader is the eldest daughter and child). She is wed to her twin brother, Aemond, and they have a set of twins together; a son named Vanar and a daughter named Vhaenys. She is known to have a short temper and often accused her eldest sister of abandoning her to live with Rhaenyra on Dragonstone. She also felt hurt when she sided with Rhaenyra's children during the Driftmark incident. Her temper overflowed when her eldest sister made a comment about how their father would be disappointed in the twins and their actions after reuniting in Storm's End, ultimately resulting in Adryana attempting to kill her and the unborn babe. The eldest sister lived, but the unborn babe did not, leading to her and Daemon planning revenge on Lucerys and their child.
*Issa byka rūklon: High Valyrian for my little flower.
*aōha vēzos: High Valyrian for your sun.
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iamvegorott · 3 months
Magicians Don't Need Superheros Pt14
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Marvin felt like he had a heated weighted blanket on top of him when he woke up that morning. He opened his eyes and saw that the heated weighted blanket was Jackie still asleep on top of him, arms around his body in a hold that would make you think of someone hugging a stuffed animal. Firm yet gentle. 
He let Jackie sleep for a little longer as he lifted his arms to get a better look at his wrists now that the sun was up and he had light. 
“Oh, that’s going to become some ugly colors,” Marvin said to himself, wincing as he rolled his hands and his wrists screamed in protest. 
“Huh?” Jackie mumbled as he woke up, lifting himself and ending up face-to-face with Marvin. 
“Morning.” Marvin casually greeted as Jackie blinked a few times and he could see when the moment clicked in Jackie’s brain as his eyes widened and he scrambled away. 
“Shit, sorry.” Jackie got off the bed to give Marvin as much space as possible. “I-holy shit.” He was cursing again when he saw Marvin’s wrists. “Dude, I am so sorry!” 
“It was an accident. Life would be boring without them.” Marvin shrugged and got off the bed as well, it being a little awkward since he tried to avoid putting any pressure on his hands. 
“We need to see Henrik. You gotta get checked out.” Jackie went in front of Marvin, back facing him and crouching a little. “Up, up.”
“We’re not having this moment again.” Marvin rolled his eyes, walking past Jackie. “I have bruised wrists, not broken feet.” Jackie jogged over to the door and opened it, still trying to be helpful. 
“He’s just going to give me some pain medicine. It’s okay.” Marvin said as he left the room. 
“Even then, you’re going to have a hard time doing things until your wrists are better.” Jackie walked alongside Marvin. 
“Are you going to do everything for me until then?” Marvin scoffed.
“If I gotta. I caused the problem, I’ll do what I have to to make up for it.” 
“There’s nothing to make up for.” 
“But I hurt you.”
“It was an accident.”
“An accident I caused.” 
“How are we already arguing?” Henrik sighed as he opened the door to his office. “I’ve barely even started my…” His comment trailed off when he noticed Marvin’s wrists. “Did you fall out of bed?” 
“Yes, can I just get some-”
“You didn’t fall,” Jackie called Marvin out for his lie and Marvin gave him a look that screamed shut up but he didn’t care. “Can we talk in your office or something?” 
“Follow me, we need to get those properly examined.” Henrik led Marvin and Jackie into the examination room. Marvin just went with it and sat on the table, he’s accepted that this was currently a losing battle. “So, what happened?”
“It’s a bruise. I’m fine.” Marvin tried his best to not grimace when Henrik moved his hands to look at his wrists better. 
“Fine? You do not look or sound fine.” Henrik huffed.
“Nothing’s broken,” Marvin muttered.
“Still an injury. Now, what caused this?” Henrik aimed the question at Jackie. 
“I-uh…I had a nightmare. Marvin tried to wake me up and I panicked and-uh-I like held him down.” Jackie picked at his fingers as he told the story. 
“Was it one of the-”
“Can I go now?” Marvin asked, not liking how uncomfortable the air suddenly got. 
“Nothing is broken like you said. I can give you something for the pain and maybe a brace or a wrap to help you from moving them as much.” Henrik said. “We don’t know your healing yet so it can range from a day to weeks until the pain is gone. I’ll need to track-”
“Don’t one of the twins know healing magic?” Jackie asked. “Not the Jims but-”
“We do not need them to help. This is a matter of science, not magic.” Henrik sounded like his pride had just been attacked. 
“I am a person of magic.” Marvin reminded. “I haven’t figured out how to heal in this…form yet. I wouldn’t mind learning it.” 
“But you are not to meet the others yet. It is far too soon.” Henrik said.
“I mean, just meeting them isn’t as bad as him meeting the Ipliers. Hell, it might just only be the one…well probably not with how…it’ll just be the two and…but he usually…” Jackie’s voice trailed for a second. “It’ll only be four of them. Probably just three if their kiddo’s at Robbie’s age too.” 
“There are more children?” Marvin felt like he would vomit from anxiety at the idea of a room filled with children. 
“Technically?” Jackie rubbed the back of his head. “It’s really complicated.”
“Something complicated? I am beyond surprised that something is complicated. Everything’s been a breeze to understand this whole time.” Marvin didn’t think he could ever sound more sarcastic than he did right then. 
“I still think we should let him heal naturally. It will allow me to observe his healing rates.” Henrik said. 
“Call those twins because I will explode if Jackie continues trying to do things for me because he feels guilty.” Marvin sighed. “I’m going to end up getting hurt again at some point, and then you can observe my ‘healing rates’. Maybe I’ll stub my toe or burn myself while cooking or I’ll get shot. You can study that.” 
“One of those injuries is vastly different than the others,” Henrik said. 
“That should tell you how much I don’t want a guilty Jackie. Man’s already tried carrying me twice since I got here. I don’t get carried.” Marvin was also too annoyed with this whole new reality of his that the pain was only making everything else worse. The faster he wasn’t hurt, the better. 
“That might be difficult if you maintain a friendship with Jackie. He has a habit of picking people up.” Henrik clicked his tongue. 
“It’s easy to do it, why not?” Jackie laughed as he took his phone out. 
“Hen! Henny!?” Anti’s voice shouted from the other room. “Does this mean I get to stab myself?”
“It does not!” Henrik scrambled out of the room and went back into his office, closing the door that separated the two spaces. 
“Stab himself with what?” Marvin called after him. “If we’re stabbing Anti, let me watch.” 
“He’s getting medicine,” Jackie explained as he texted.
“What kind?” Marvin’s question got Jackie to pause. After a second of what Marvin assumed was Jackie thinking, he got a hum.
“I don’t know. We just know he gets medicine in the morning.” 
“And you’ve never tried to pry into why that is? Or what it is? How do you know it’s even medicine?” 
“That’s just what Anti and Henrik call it. It’s Anti’s business, not mine.” Jackie went back to texting.
“Anti tried asking me how big you were in front of you. I feel like you’re allowed to dig into his business a little bit.” 
“He’s ‘getting stabbed’. The medicine’s given with a needle.” 
“And topic dropped.” Marvin wanted to know more but didn’t want to end up upsetting Jackie and he saw the silent thank you in his smile. 
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cantankerouscatfish · 4 years
sometimes I am reminded of how similar small children and dogs are, especially when you’re just chillin’ on the sofa and one decides to make it their mission to sit with you. or on you. or both?
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whump-a-la-mode · 3 years
this is such a general thing but defiant villain whumpee slowly breaking pls :)
Thank you so much for the ask!! I hope this is slow enough. It's not exactly the traditional whumpee breaking, but I hope it's interesting nonetheless! Feel free to send in another ask if you want something different ^^
CW//Talk of mass destruction, sleep deprivation torture, brief pet whump mention, forced to eat gross food
"It's over."
There was a weariness to the newscaster's voice-- the kind that those in the profession were never meant to display. The sheer essence of bone-deep exhaustion. A body squeezed dry of adrenaline, until fight or flight turned to fatigue.
But, the fight was won.
"For the last three days, we have been running twenty four hour coverage of the battle occurring downtown. The battle began when Villain's forces attempted to overrun an R&D lab, following the occupation of their original headquarters by our city's heroes.
The destruction has been uncountable. But, it's over.
After a final assault at three in the morning, today, the last of Villain's personal guard fled the stronghold, and were taken into captivity. An hour later, the menace themself was captured.
It's over.
What exactly will be done with Villain is unclear, but Leader has assured us that appropriate measures have been prepared for their secure containment.
As for us? At long last, goodnight Metropolis."
"And good morning, sleepyhead."
Villain could not help but wince as light washed over them in a boiling wave-- the warmth of darkness torn away from them-- as the back doors of the truck were swung open.
"You're making the biggest mistake of your life." They snapped back, hoping the venom in their voice reached its recipient, standing at the truck's mouth.
Of course, of all people, their welcoming committee had to be fucking Hero. The biggest asshat Metropolis had to offer. The worst, most stupidly noble, stupidly loyal, stupidly-
Their fury reached a boiling point to which enraged thoughts turned incoherent. It did not matter why they hated the idiot standing before them. It mattered only that anger alone made their veins feel as though they were overflowing with magma.
"Am I?" The noble fool cocked their head to the side, mocking and arrogant. "Or are you just upset that you've lost?"
"You think I've lost?" Villain let out a hearty chuckle. "All this effort, and you've caused me a minor setback, at most."
"Well, which one of us in the cage?"
They narrowed their eyes to slits. Hero was right. They were both staring through the bars of a cage, but Villain was very much the one contained. It was a tiny, steel construction. Large enough to stand up in, and take one step in each direction, but such was all.
Loaded into the back of a truck like some kind of zoo animal. They wanted to scream!
But, unlike the heroes, they could hold back.
"Me staying here to amuse you does not equate to defeat, Hero."
"Is that all you're doing? Humoring me?"
"Do you have any reason to believe otherwise?"
"Plenty." They smirked. "For one, sitting in the back of a truck for fourteen hours doesn't exactly seem like something you'd do to humor me."
Fourteen hours...
"Have you considered that I'm simply playing a long game?"
"It'll be the longest game of your life, then. Don't plan on getting out of here anytime soon. Or, y'know, ever. That's kind of the whole point."
"You really think you can hold me forever?"
"Oh, I know so. If you knew what was coming for you, you wouldn't be taking this so lightly."
"Oh, I'm so scared. What are you gonna do, give me a donut and tell me to hug this whole thing out?"
Hero chuckled, at that.
"Why don't you come and see for yourself?"
"You're sure this will work?" Leader cocked a brow, hoping that the teeth marks in their lower lip weren't visible. It was a nervous habit, chewing like that.
"Certain." Scientist had a chipper tone to them-- a student having solved a math problem. "We've been developing this method for months. Trust me, they have no chance."
"None. Even better, this technique is more than a simple containment method. It has a progressive weakening effect. Within a few months, they'll be like putty in your hand."
"You know we're talking about Villain here, right?"
Villain had expected high security.
Of course they had. They'd quite frankly expected something ridiculous. A cell suspended over a pit of lava. Or a shark-infested pool. Or maybe they'd simply contain them through the power of sedatives.
None of the options sounded particularly enjoyable. But, all three sounded better than the room they stood in front of at that moment.
Six guards stood around them, each heavily armed, and not afraid to display this fact. Two stood on either side of them, each holding a chain attached to one of the twin manacles that adorned both their wrists-- they'd expected handcuffs, but two shackles per wrist seemed a little excessive. The two remaining guards stood with one in front and one behind. Their chains were those connected to Villain's feet. One tug, and they'd be face-first on the tile.
The restraints didn't make them want to flee any less. Not when they saw that room. Even chained as they were, they squirmed at the very sight of what stood before them.
It was rather large, though not ostentatiously so. Though, its size was accentuated by the complete lack of furniture lining the walls.
No. There were only two things inside the chamber.
The first stood at the center. A massive, metal ring, perhaps ten feet in height and the same in width. Four cylinders of the same material extended into the circle's center, looking terribly like hungry mouths.
One for each wrist, one for each ankle.
They were going to be splayed out like a bearskin carpet. Not to mention the vulnerability... With their limbs spread in every which direction, everything would be exposed. Their stomach, their back, their head. And they would be without a hope of retaliation.
It was a terrifying thought, but the elaborate restraint was nothing compared to the other thing inside the chamber.
There must have been a thousand of them. Shimmering, dazzling lights. On the ceiling, on the walls, some even on the floor.
It had not been since Villain's childhood that light had truly affected them. The manifestation of their abilities had coincided with the appearance of their acute sensitivity to the sun. Such was to be expected' a supernatural ability to move through places dark and shadowed, to control the shroud as though it were a thing rather than an absence did not exactly leave one looking forward to the sunrise.
Yet, they were not a vampire. Through gradual acclimation, they had learned to become comfortable with normal levels of light exposure. Spending a few hours under the sun's rays was not a problem, nor was existing within an indoor space, dominated by artificial lamps and LEDs.
But that room...
Villain could not take it. In desperation, they pulled, tugging on the restraints that dangled around them like tails. But, even they were no match for six men.
And, thus, they entered.
"Now, I can see you weren't lying!"
The voice startled Villain, sent a jolt through their chest, but it did nothing to raise their head or open their eyes. Not immediately. Lifting their gaze was a task accomplished with a considerable amount of effort, and unveiling their eyes from their lids made their corneas feel to have been pierced by searing blades.
They could hardly see Hero, through the blazing lights.
"You really were trying to humor me. This is hilarious!"
It was with a terribly uncomfortable feeling that they felt fury overtake their fatigue.
"It's only been six days. I can play the long game."
"Is that why you've been hanging around?"
Though they tried, in their manacles, it proved impossible to ball their fists. The metal fit too closely around their fingers, contoured to not allow the slightest shadow of movement.
"Maybe it is, Hero. Maybe it is."
"Maybe." The Hero took a step forth, then another, until they were mere inches from their captive nemesis. "They've really done something here, huh? Ya' can hardly move an inch."
"There's a difference between not being able to and not wanting to."
"Is that so?"
Hero placed a chilled hand on their nemesis' side-- just above their hip, where their range of movement was the most limited by their splayed limbs.
Villain's heart leapt as they felt a tiny spark, jolting through their chest.
Suffering a direct blow from their nemesis was a fate they had only endured a handful of times. Now, there was nothing to protect them from it. Not even the adrenaline of battle.
"They say you're gonna give up, y'know." Hero trailed their hand, up and down Villain's taut skin. "I think they're betting on it, up in HQ. It's only a matter of time. We can all see you're getting weaker. Tired. You aren't great at hiding it."
"What I'm good at is acting."
"You're saying this is all an act? So you won't mind if I do... this?"
That time, the feeling was more of a spark.
Villain's scream echoed throughout the chamber, but there was no one to hear them but the light.
"Hey! Get up. Can't you hear me?"
Of course Villain could hear Hero. They'd been hearing their stupid voice every single one of these last...
How many days had it been?
They couldn't remember. Too many.
"There's a difference between hearing and listening."
"I thought this whole breaking you thing would be more fun."
"I'm sorry that I'm not entertaining you."
"Nah, I don't think seeing you strung up like this will ever get old." Like a child, Hero laughed. "Anyways, I brought you some food. It's fish!"
Villain hated fish.
But, struggling would mean opening their eyes. Looking at the light.
And, thus, they ate.
"Come on."
A sharp vibration rattled through the restraint frame, and, consequently, to the cores of Villain's bones. But, they did not move.
"I know you can hear me. So get up!"
Hero kicked the frame again, but received the same reaction.
"I thought you were playing the long game. I'm looking for some payoff, here. This new Villain is boring."
Maybe they were boring.
But they didn't have the energy to be anything else. Not anymore.
"What did I tell you?" Scientist smirked. "Like putty in your hand!"
"I still don't understand how you did it." Leader shook their head. "The biggest threat to the city..."
"Oh, it was easy. They've got those weird dark powers, yeah? So they aren't hurt by the light. Not exactly. But, when there's lights on, they can't sleep! Not a wink. You could leave 'em outside and give 'em the keys to your own car, and they still wouldn't be able to escape."
"You really think so?"
"I know so. By the way, who won the betting pool?"
"Engineering department. They said three months, they were the closest. You're saying they haven't slept in three months?"
"Yep! There's not much left of the old Villain anymore, though. So... I mean, now, they can be whatever you want them to be. Do you have any ideas?"
"Hm..." Leader drummed their fingers against the wall. "I have always wanted a bodyguard."
"I thought you always wanted a dog."
"True, true."
"So... why not both?"
"You have a technique for that too?"
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Surprise – Howlin’ For You – One Shot
Description: Bucky forgets it’s his birthday. But his wife and kids aren’t going to let that slide. 
Pairing: AU - Biker!Bucky x Fem/Reader
Howlin’ For You - Masterlist
Read the series or you will not know what the fuck is happening.
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Bucky was so tired that a part of him was worried about getting home on a motorcycle without falling asleep. 
It was like the universe was torturing him with the day that he had. It seemed as if every customer he had to deal with at the shop today was a privileged asshole. All of them either pretended like they knew more about auto mechanics than him or yelled at him for the very reasonable pricing he gave them on their vehicles.
Customer service had always been the thing Bucky hated most about running his own shop. He tried to avoid dealing with customers at all cost. Steve was much more patient than he was – most of the crew was. 
But the whole reason they’d created the shop in the first place was to offer people realistic prices and to not rip off naive and unassuming customers.
Now Bucky was mentally and emotionally exhausted.
He’d sent a text to Y/N earlier, telling her how he’d become more and more irritated from work as the day went on.
She sent her support and promised she’d try to cheer him up when he got home.
Bucky immediately brought the conversation to more risqué suggestions, but Y/N didn’t seem to mind in the slightest.
He also knew that a few minutes with his kids and he’d cheer up. Amelia would want to cuddle with him or the twins would show him their new model cars they built with so much enthusiasm that he wouldn’t be able to help but feel better.
When Bucky walked through the door, his shoulders immediately relaxed. He gave most of the credit to Y/N for making their house an oasis of comfort and warmth.
But then he noticed how oddly quiet the house was, which was a rarity with a 5-year-old daughter and 9-year-old, rambunctious twins.
“Doll?” He called out.
Suddenly Amelia came running to him, slamming into his legs with her tiny body.
“There’s my girl,” Bucky chuckled as he lifted her up to hold her.
She was already growing up so fast that he knew carrying her around could end at any moment – more from her not wanting him to than her becoming too big.
“Where is your pretty mama and your crazy brothers, huh?” He asked her after giving her cheek a kiss.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulders.
“They told me to come get you,” she informed him.
“Oh, yeah? What for?”
Amelia giggled. “It’s a secret,” she whispered.
“A secret? Sounds like trouble.” But now Bucky was getting a little suspicious. “Is this hide and seek? Are you here to help me find them?”
Amelia giggled again and shook her head. “No, silly. Th-They told me to say…ummm…” She was now have trouble battling the short-term memory that came with being 5 years old.
“Told you to say what, babydoll?” He encouraged her softly.
She smiled, not seeming to care that she wasn’t doing a good job of giving him the message. “The backyard,” she laughed.
“I’m supposed to go to the backyard,” Bucky confirmed with a slow nod.
Then he kissed her head. “Alright. Let’s go to the backyard.”
Bucky assumed the twins had Y/N hostage, showing her everything about the new dirt bike he’d brought home for them just a few days ago. While Y/N didn’t know nor care much about the mechanics, like her sons and daughter, she humored them by nodding and oohing and aahing at the right parts.
As soon as they were close to the door that led out to the patio and backyard, Bucky was surprised he couldn’t hear the twins talking Y/N’s ear off. Also the lights were off, making it hard to see anything through the windows of the house.
When Bucky pulled the door open, he was met with the backyard lights turning on and a crowd screaming, “Surprise!”
On instinct alone, he turned his body a bit so Amelia was shielded. But he quickly recovered, steadying his breathing and realizing neither he nor his daughter were in any immediate danger.
The whole week of work, specifically today, had been so hectic and stressful that Bucky kept forgetting his birthday was just around the corner.
Now he was facing what looked to be every person he’d ever met in his life.
All of the Howlies were laughing and cheering at his arrival. Someone had already started up the music again. People were talking amongst themselves now that the surprise had been delivered.
Grayson and Owen came running out of the crowd, Y/N slowly walking behind them with a warm smile.
“Were you surprised, dad?” The twins both asked excitedly.
“Sure was,” he laughed as he mess up both of their hair.
“Did you spoil the surprise, Amelia?” Grayson asked his little sister, who was still in her dads arms. His eyes were filled with suspicion.
She glared and shook her head before nuzzling closer to her father.
“No, she didn’t ruin anything. She could be a spy,” Bucky defended.
Now Y/N had made her way to them.
“You,” he playfully glared at his wife. “Come here.” She laughed and stepped closer, earning a kiss from him. “You plan all this for me, troublemaker?”
She barely pulled away from his lips, “Maybe.”
“Thank you, doll. You didn’t have to do this.”
Y/N shrugged. “I was just a little worried after you told me how bad your day was going. I thought maybe this would be all be too much.”
“Of course not,” he assured her.
He moved her lips to his ear. “I’m sorry about the lights and screaming, I tried to tell them not to do it. But everyone was really committed already,” Y/N muttered to him so no one else could hear, proving that she caught how he’d reacted to the surprise.
He kissed her again. “It’s fine, Y/N.” 
Even after all these years, Bucky was still amazed at how well they could read each other.
Then Y/N grabbed Amelia from his arms. “Now, I’ll take this one, because you got a lot of people who want to wish you a happy birthday.”
As soon as Y/N stepped away and took the kids with her, Bucky was bombarded with people giving him hugs and saying hi.
All of the Howlies were there, along with their partners and kids. He spotted his mom and sister talking to Y/N’s family. Some of Y/N’s friends who had become Bucky’s friends were there too. It was like their usual Howlie gatherings – but magnified and with all the attention on Bucky.
He could’ve gone without the attention, but he enjoyed having all the important people in his life all in one place.
An hour later, he found Steve running the grill.
“Alright, punk, I know you were responsible for this too,” Bucky growled.
They’d just seen each other at the garage a few hours ago.
“I may have helped a bit,” Steve confessed through a mischievous smile.
“How’d you all keep it a secret? Especially, Sam – that idiot can’t keep his mouth shut.”
“I fucking heard that!” Sam shouted from over Bucky’s shoulder.
Bucky laughed and gave Sam an unapologetic shrug.
“That wife of yours did most of the work. I felt like I was back in the military with the way she had everything organized and dished out jobs to all of us.”
Bucky laughed at that, picturing Y/N giving out orders to his biker gang.
Hours later, Y/N had put the kids to bed and the adults really got down to celebrating. 
She was starting to get worried with the amount of shots and drinks people were thrusting onto Bucky. The man could hold his alcohol, but he was still just a human.
“I’m going to end up carrying that man to bed, aren’t I?” Y/N asked Sam and Nat as they sat around a fire.
The three of them drew their attention to Thor and Clint who were shoving another shot onto Bucky.
“Make him find his own way to the couch,” Sam chuckled.
“This is why you’d make a bad boyfriend,” Nat smirked.
“What?” Sam yelled. “I’m a great boyfriend!”
“Yeah?” Nat asked. “Where’s your girlfriend now? Oh, yeah, you don’t have one…”
Lo and behold, Y/N did have to practically drag her drunk husband to their bedroom.
Some of the Howlies who were more sober offered to stay back and help clean up. Even when Y/N turned them down, they ignored her and started getting to work. She wouldn’t be surprised if she came downstairs tomorrow morning to find her house cleaner than it was before the party.
Bucky’s arm was around Y/N’s shoulder as she navigated him through their home.
“You’re the best wife anyone in the world could ever have,” Bucky slurred to her.
Y/N laughed, “I am?”
“Of course.”
“OK. Well, your wife needs some help on your end to get you up these stairs.”
And to his credit, he made it up them without requiring much of Y/N’s help.
When they got to his bedroom, he flopped down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling.
Y/N started unlacing his foots and taking off his jeans.
“Shirt to bed or no shirt?” She asked him.
“No shirt!”
She smiled at him. “Shorts or sleeping in just your briefs?”
Y/N nodded.
“Well, I was planning on ending the night with more fun. But I don’t think you’re exactly in the right state for that…” She teased him.
Bucky chuckled. “Probably for the best.”
He was currently fighting the spins. So, as much as he wanted to have sex with his beautiful and sexy wife, it probably wouldn’t end well for him.
Y/N went to take off her makeup, wash her face, and brush her teeth.
She found one of Bucky’s old t-shirts and threw it on, forgoing any type of short or pants.
“Come here, doll.” Bucky demanded, sounding far more sober than he should. 
“Are you gonna behave?” Y/N asked him as she pointed a finger at him.
“Yes, ma’am. I just want cuddles.” Then he smiled like a goof. “It’s my birthday, so I get what I want.”
Y/N chuckled and shook her head at him, but did as he requested and climbed into bed with him. Bucky instantly pulled her on top of his chest and wrapped his arms around her.
“Thank you for tonight,” he sighed and kissed the top of her head.
“I’m glad you had fun.”
“I love you, Y/N.” His voice proving that he was just moments away from passing out.
“Love you too, Buck.”
And barely 30 seconds later, Y/N’s ears were filled with Bucky’s drunken snores.
Thank you to the anon who sent this in and inspired me.  Let me know what you guys think :)  
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wickedgamesoyaoya · 4 years
hi sexc😈😈 may i request fluff/comedy & 9 w osamu, it can be written or smau whichever is easiest for you😝. ty jan ilyyyyy
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When the doorbell rang twenty minutes later, your adrenaline spiked to unnatural levels, increasing the smoky haze that hovered over you. Since Osamu had declared his emergency, your mind struggled to comprehend the situation. How could you possibly conjure a solution when your brain refused to accept that your idiotic friend was now a toddler. A piece of you hoped that the Miya twins were merely pranking you – photoshop could work wonders after-all. However, any suspicions of the authenticity of the photo were eliminated the second your eyes landed upon the child held against your boyfriend’s chest.
Once he recognized you, Baby Atsumu broke into a smile and extended his little arms out for you. And the swirl of emotions eating away at your sanity were no match for the adorable child that was now staring at you. Without a second thought, you accepted him into your embrace, before squishing his face against yours.
“This is so crazy but oh my god he is so cute.” After permitting Osamu access to the apartment, you swayed with Atsumu, keeping him close. Sure, there were many problems that would need to be addressed now that a nineteen-year-old was transformed into a three-year-old. But for the next few minutes you deserved to just enjoy the company of the sweet baby.
Your boyfriend however did not share the sentiment. His eyelids were slightly narrowed as he took a seat on your couch.
“Don’t glare at me when this is your fault, ‘Samu.” The childish behaviour exhibited by the grey-haired twin was responded to with a disapproving tisk.
“Then stop cuddling with my brother.” His grey irises were dead locked on his brother’s movements, particularly how his fingers explored your face with interest.
“Quit the jealousy act. He’s a baby!” You shook your head, exhaling the retort with a gentle laugh. He could not seriously be upset by this.  
“That is a grown man.” Not sharing your enjoyment with the circumstances, Osamu brushed through his dyed strands in frustration. “I say we give him to my mom. She always says she misses when we were kids.”
“That’s your solution?” Rolling your eyes, you brought Atsumu to rest against your chest, lightly caressing his back. “You know, if he stays small like this you won’t have your best friend. You’re going to miss him.”
“Am not.” Accompanying the refusal dripping from his lips was a nonchalant shrug. But it was quite obvious that he was lying, and so you decided to push him on the subject.
“You will. That’s probably why this happened. You don’t appreciate him enough, ‘Samu.” As you raised your eyebrow, suggesting that he accept responsibility for the situation, Osamu elected to continue his denial.
“What is there to appreciate?”
Inhaling a deep breath, a growl was swallowed for the sake of the baby cuddled against you. “Okay. I’m going to enjoy the cuteness that is your brother, and you are going to reflect on your relationship with him. When you’re ready to say something nice to him, you can come see us in the other room.”
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For the thirty minutes that followed your dramatic exit from the living room, Osamu was engaged in a staring battle with the ceiling. Occasionally he would shift on the couch and expel a low huff in frustration. The sound of laughter that resonated from the other room only increased his annoyance with the situation. He knew the solution was conveniently provided to him with a neat bow, but his stubbornness served as a barrier to accepting said solution.
The conversation that led the Miya Twins to squabble this time… was complicated. Osamu had notified his brother that he was planning on opening his restaurant in Kyoto, rather than Tokyo as originally planned. Atsumu reacted poorly and began listing the numerous reasons why the business would fail if the establishment was moved to Kyoto. Instead of responding to his complaints, Osamu dismissed the critiques with harsher words.
Puffing out his cheeks, the grey-haired twin lifted his weight from the couch before stretching his back. If he informed you about the substance of the fight what would you say? Probably that he could have responded better, and how his relationship with Atsumu while complicated, was filled with love.
Locking his gaze onto the door separating the two rooms, he inhaled a breath of courage then took a step forward.
Maybe he was being a bit too harsh. Maybe.
When he entered the room, he found you contorting your features in silly expressions to satisfy the child. Once your warm irises traveled to his, curiosity flickered to life.
“Look ‘tsumu, your big brother has finally learned his lesson.”
Osamu twitched at the comment, jutting out his bottom lip into a pout.
“Well, I know we’re excited to hear what you have to say.” Crossing your legs, you brought Atsumu onto your lap, before resting your hands onto his small ones. The soon to be cook joined you on the bed, his attention fixing onto the smiling blonde who was seconds from becoming restless.
“‘Tsumu. I’m sorry.” Issuing an apology to a baby was strange, he was unsure whether his brother could even understand what was being vocalized. Nevertheless, he continued. “I guess you were probably upset hearing that I would be leaving Tokyo.” But the mention of leaving brought tears to form at Baby Atsumu’s waterline, along with a whimper to sound in his throat. “He’s crying. What… y/n, help me.” Alarm immediately washed over Osamu’s features – how the hell would he stop his brother from crying?
“Just keep going!” You had known that the proposed change in location would result in a feud between the brothers, but you did not know that was the source of their argument today. “If you want to break the curse, be honest about your feelings.”
Osamu reluctantly grunted to illustrate his understanding. 
“I know you don’t want me to go, but it won’t change a lot. We’re still going to be twins, dumb – nut.” The sharp death glare that you administered forced him to refrain from cursing, and the fact it remained intact even as he adjusted himself meant you expected more from him. And unfortunately, he knew exactly what you were advocating for. “… What I’m tryna say is that … I love you and appreciate you.” Osamu immediately ripped his gaze away, with a light blush colouring his neck.
The silence that followed his admissions was abruptly ruined when Atsumu returned to his regular size. The adult male was now sat on your lap, crushing your legs in the process, a fact noticed a bit too late by your boyfriend.
“‘SAMU. I LOVE YOU TOO.” The blonde pounced onto his brother, drawing him into a tight embrace as laughter filled your lungs.
While Osamu was issuing you a glare, it was quite clear that he was relieved to have his brother back. Further, when you mouthed “I love you” to the male, you were met with a faint smile rather than a grimace.
That was the thing about dating a Miya twin, if you loved one, you had to accept the other. 
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A/N: SO Pheebz dipped without a bye but I thought I’d still post this ;-; I HOPE YOU COME BACK WOMAN. also everyone else, pls enjoy!! 
General taglist:  @haikyuufairy  @newfriendjen @lvoejimin @moonlightaangel @gyozaaaaa @byun-nies @thevillagehiddenintheinternet @graykageyama @amberalisa @yourstarvic @swoonhui @chaichai-the-weeb @dreamstormings @chibishae34 @haikyuusimp91 @volleybloop  @rajablast @idiot-juice-enthusiast @melonmayhere @cuddlesslut  @athenarosaline @memes-and-money @coconut-dreamz  @mismatched-loves @elianetsantana @tsumume @tsukkismamagucci
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selenes-sun · 4 years
Don’t Trust Sirius//
Harry Potter x Reader x Ginny Weasley
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: So this one shot has been on my mind for such a long time, before I even posted my first one-shot on here and I finally got inspiration to write it so I hope you like it and remember that requests are open also Sirius, Remus, and Fred don’t die because I’m an emotionally attached hoe :D (sorry best gif I could find of them both and credits to whoever made it)
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Key- (F/p)= Favorite Parent, (Y/n)= Your name
Warnings: Poly relationship (although I don’t really think that should be a warning)
It was a year after the war, some people were still recovering from battle wounds and others from the loss of their loved ones. She was still healing herself after losing some dear friends and her (F/p), others were dealing with losses of people dear to them too, such as lovers, and family.
When the war ended and everyone grieved and started to heal, they started meeting at the Weasley’s once a week for lunch, The Order, Harry, Hermione, and a few other people, all at the Weasley household. Hermione had left to hang out with the twins and probably to chastise Fred, who had been on a cane after the wall had fallen on him.
She was part of The Order and had gotten close to Sirius and Remus during that time, which led to where they were now.
“Sirius, you know I can’t tell them, I mean look at them, they look so happy together and I’m not trying to be a homewrecker,” She groaned into her palms as Sirius gave her a look after catching her staring at Ginny and Harry cuddling up on the couch again.
“(Y/n), you have to tell them I promise they love you too, I can see it in their eyes when they’re checking you out,” Sirius playfully nudged from beside her. She looked up from her palms and gave a small glare at Sirius before turning to Remus with a pleading look indicating to ask his boyfriend to leave her alone. Remus just sighed.
“I’m sorry (Y/n) but Sirius is right, for once”
She shook her head again for what felt like the hundredth time. “I’m like 4 years older than them anyway, they probably don’t want someone that much older, they’re probably not even interested in having a triad,” she said, feeling like her voice was increasing in volume with every word.
“(Y/n)! Come on! Tell them or I will,” Sirius groaned getting exasperated with all her nonsense.
“Sirius don’t you dare! Or I’ll tell Remus what you did the other night!” She exclaimed
“Come on (Y/n) that’s not fair!” Sirius complained, looking over at Remus who was already looking at him with a look of suspicion. Sirius gave him a sheepish smile before turning back to her with a small glare.
“You have to promise me you won’t tell them anything, pinky promise me!” She said with an almost threatening look on her face. Sirius looked reluctant but gave her a nod and wrapped their pinkies together to show her that he promised.
After (Y/n) looked away he turned to Remus with a mischievous smile and Remus only shook his head, amused at the interaction between his boyfriend and a woman he saw almost like a daughter.
(Y/n) was walking back down to the kitchen when she crashed into the younger couple who seemed like they were in a hurry to get somewhere.
“Hey, Harry, Ginny, what are you two up to?” She said trying to hide her nervousness although she was sure she was blushing. Ginny seemed to break out of whatever trance they were both in and tried answering for the both of them.
“Um… we were just uh headed to- to the bedroom- yes! The bedroom, I wanted to show Harry something before we went down for dinner,” she said stumbling over her words and trying hard to hide her blush from someone she had been fawning over for some time. Harry, who had just broken out of his trance nodded quickly and Ginny quickly grabbed his arm before dragging him to their bedroom.
(Y/n) just looked at the couple in curiosity before giving a quick shrug to herself and continuing down to the kitchen to help Molly finish up dinner.
“Y’know we’ll have to tell her how we feel about her sometime in our lives,” Harry said, running his fingers through Ginny’s hair as they lay cuddled up in bed with her head resting on his chest. Ginny groaned and started blushing, hiding her face in her chest, probably remembering their earlier interaction in the hallway. 
“Harry, I made a total fool out of myself, she probably doesn’t like us anyway and how do we even know if she likes younger people. What if she likes her partners older than her? Don’t forget the most important question either, what if she doesn’t want to be in a triad? What if that isn’t something that interests her?” Ginny ranted, her words slightly muffled since her face was still in his chest.
“Yes while those are reasonable questions, you need to stop thinking about the bad ‘what ifs’, think about it this way, what if she does like us? Or what if she doesn’t care if her partners are older or younger? Or if she is interested in a triad,” Harry said trying to reassure his girlfriend, and himself.
He started to feel her chest slow down and felt her slightly lift her head up to look at him before she fully calmed down. She lifted her head a bit higher and gave him a peck on the lips to reassure him that she was fine.
It was finally time for dinner and they were all sitting at the dinner table chatting happily amongst one another. They talked about anything and everything and then broke off and started talking in their little groups, amongst each other. People started finishing up and they started cleaning up after themselves.
Molly got up and started waving her wand stacking all the dishes and lifting them over the sink getting ready to clean up for the night.
“Here Molly let me help you with those,” (Y/n) offered, getting up from her seat, Molly quickly refused the help saying that as the host she should clean up dinner.
“(Y/n), actually, come here for a sec,” Sirius said waving her over, while she was having a small argument with Molly about helping her and whatnot, she looked over at him and back at Molly who was quick to shoo her away. She rolled her eyes and walked over to Sirius.
“What’s up?” She asked sitting back in her seat that had been across from his during dinner
“Can you go get Remus for me he said he was going to get his bag from the closet upstairs but he hasn’t come back yet,” he said, batting his eyelashes at her with a cheeky smile. She just chuckled, shook her head, and started heading upstairs.
Remus, however, hadn’t been upstairs at all, he went to get Harry and Ginny and tried leading them to the same place, however, with a much more believable excuse, he liked to believe that at least.
“Can you get my bag from the closet upstairs, I left something in there that I really need,” He said with a cheeky smile of his own, although probably not as cheeky as Sirius’.
“Uh sure, Moony, we’ll both go and see if we can find it quicker that way, Ginny?” he said holding out his arm for her, Ginny took his offered arm and they quickly went upstairs so they could get it over and done with.
Remus looked through the window to his boyfriend and saw him make eye contact before he gave him a small nod to tell him phase 1 of their plan had been completed.
Sirius turned away from his boyfriend and told Fred and George to do their part of the plan which was simple, really, push them into the closet and lock the door to the point that they couldn’t open it from the inside no matter what spell they used.
Now (Y/n) had gotten to the closet, when she couldn’t see Remus she didn’t have the chance to call out his name she saw Harry and Ginny approaching hand in hand, and her voice quickly got caught in her throat.
“Hey have you two seen Remus, Sirius told me that he was up here,” she said with a confused look on her face. Harry furrowed his eyebrows and Ginny gave her a look of confusion. Before they could respond they suddenly felt themselves falling into the said closet.
“(Y/n), you did tell me not to tell them anything, you even made me promise, so I’m not gonna say anything, you are,” they heard Sirius say with what might as well have been a cackle. (Y/n) glared at the door and turned back at the two who still had wide eyes and turned on the light switch in the closet. The only thing you could hear was footsteps walking away.
“So,” (Y/n) said with a nervous chuckle. “Are we just going to stare at each other the whole time or are we going to figure out how to get out of here.”
Those words seemed to do the trick because Harry and Ginny snapped out of their trance and looked at her then looked back at each other. They seemed to be having a silent conversation with their eyes and (Y/n) looked around the spacey closet that they had currently been stuck in.
“Well (Y/n), we actually wanted to talk to you about something,” Ginny said looking down at her hands that had been playing with Harry’s fingers to sort of calm her nerves. She looked at Harry expectantly and he took in a deep breath.
“(Y/n) we have liked you for a really long time but we didn’t want to tell you because we didn’t think you’d like us back,” Harry said all in one breath. (Y/n) almost didn’t catch it but when she repeated the sentence in her mind and she did a double-take. She froze and stared at them with wide eyes while they both had nervous smiles.
She almost couldn’t believe what she was hearing, a few hours ago she had been in doubt that they’d ever like someone like her and now because of Sirius stupid plan, which had brilliantly worked by the way, although she wasn’t going to admit that to him, both of the people that she loved were now confessing their own feelings for her.
Her face broke into a smile and Harry and Ginny didn’t know whether to be more nervous or relieved but that was quickly answered for them by (Y/n) herself.
“Wow, I can’t- I can’t say I was expecting that but I would like you two to know that I have liked the both of you for a really long time too, I just didn’t want to be a homewrecker or anything of the sorts,” she said, burying her hands in her face.
Harry quickly moved forward and cupped her chin, lifting her head from her palms, he gave her a gentle smile and she gave him a smaller one in return before she was pulled into a big hug by him and she could feel kisses at the top of her head.
Ginny suddenly moved closer to join the hug which she had been very welcomed to and they stayed there for a while before (Y/n) started giggling. They pulled back with fond smiles on their faces but confused looks in their eyes.
“This is why I don’t trust Sirius because he comes up with these dumb ideas that somehow always end up working,” she said. She suddenly looked up from her lap and her gaze met with Ginny’s lips. She looked into her eyes to find her already staring and she blushed and looked away. “Can I- can I kiss you?” she asked her quietly, gaining the inner strength to look back at her.
Ginny gave a quick nod and soon their lips met and their kiss was so passionate and it felt like butterflies were flying in her stomach, when she pulled away she saw Harry staring at them and she felt the urge to kiss him too. She made eye contact with him as if asking a silent question. When he gave her a nod she took her chance and soon her lips had met his in another passionate kiss which almost made her melt.
When she pulled away she had a dazed look in her eyes and Harry and Ginny looked the same, The both of them gave each other a quick peck on the lips and then looked at her again which made her blush in their gaze and look down at her lap.
“So what does this make us?” Harry asked with hopefulness in his eyes and in his tone.
“I was kind of hoping that this would make me your girlfriend,” (Y/n) stated with a shy tone in her voice before looking back up at them. They both gave her a nod and Harry asked her a question.
“Well, would you like to go on a date and see how it all works out?” He suggested. (Y/n) looked over at Ginny who gave her a reassuring smile before giving a quick nod which caused them all to chuckle.
They tried pulling her in for another kiss before the door suddenly opened and they saw Sirius standing outside the door with a big smile on his face and Remus shaking his head. “So how’d it go? I’m guessing well based on how close you are but I want you to tell me.”
“Well we have a date this next weekend and Remus I hope you don’t mind paying for the funeral,” (Y/n) said with a sickly sweet smile.
“Wait who died?” Sirius asked looking incredulous at her words.
“No one yet, but you will be soon,” she said getting up in a flash and chasing after Sirius who had already started running for his life. Harry, Ginny, and Remus all looked at each other before they burst out laughing at the both of them. One thing that was for certain though was that (Y/n) could not wait for her date with Ginny and Harry.
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realityhelixcreates · 4 years
Dance of the Spheres Chapter 4: Venusian Vogue
Chapters: 4/?
Fandom:  Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: PG 13
Warnings: drugging, kidnapping, forced marriage
Characters: Loki(Marvel),
Additional Tags:  Loki Goes Overboard, But When Doesn’t Loki go Overboard, Mature Reader, Disabled Reader, Political Intrigue
Images of broken light Which dance before me like a million eyes They call me on and on across the universe.                   Across the Universe-The Beatles
“I am Loki.”
“I asked for a bride.”
The declarations smashed into you like fists and took your breath with them.
There was a ring on your finger. Silvery, plain, simple. Why hadn't you noticed it before?
This was clearly Loki. Sunken eyes, and onyx hair, and refined bones. Exactly like the pictures. Why hadn't you noticed?
Too many things all at once. Too much. A fearful whine escaped your teeth, as you tugged on the ring. It didn't budge.
“You're supposed to be dead.” You whispered.
His face fell the instant you spoke.
“You know. I sometimes think that myself. Yet somehow I remain. Take it as a reassurance: you will not lose me to battle, or accident. I will never leave you. I suppose that is something that new brides must worry about, especially human ones. You may put that fear to rest.”
“That's not what I'm-” You clamped your mouth shut. You were in a bad position, worse than you'd ever been, maybe. You were completely alone here; you could contact no one for help. You weren't even sure where exactly 'here' was-no one knew where Asgard was located.
You were trapped in a room with a madman. A prince among his own people, who had proven himself capable of the mass murder of humans like you. Yet claiming you were his bride.
No one would come to your aid.
Did anyone even know you were missing?
You glanced at the ring once more. Its twin rested proudly on his own left hand. What choice did you have?
You had to play along. At least until you found some way out of this. Stay on the madman's good side, as much as that was possible.
“Why me?” You asked, fighting down your panic. Just gather information for now. “I'm literally nobody.”
“I don't understand either.” He sat down on the bed, just a little closer to you than arms length. “This was supposed to be a chance at reconciliation. I willingly gave myself up in a symbolic act of unity. Sacrificed my own freedom.”
You side-eyed him hard. Gave up his freedom? In what capacity? He wasn't the one kidnapped and married without any knowledge or choice!
“This isn't an uncommon arrangement.” He continued. “Your species has done this since time immemorial. From kings all the way down to commoners, uniting families, uniting fortunes, uniting entire lands. Surely your...leader...understood what was to be gained. Yes, I did a terrible thing to your people, but this should have forged a new alliance. A promise that not only would I not do such a thing again, but that my formidable prowess would be for your people, rather than against them. Was this not enough? This should have opened the way for trade, for treaties...And you! Why do such a thing to you? One of his own people?”
“Oh, I'm not his.” You said. “I voted against him. I march in protests against his shitty policies. I oppose him in any way I can. I'd say 'maybe that's why', but it really can't be. I'm nowhere near important or influential enough for the government to pay any attention to me. They're too busy trying to kill me through austerity. Or through the cops.”
Loki's face darkened. “I should find that officer and flay him. Make you a bodice of his skin.”
He'd been reaching for your shoulder, but you flinched away.
“Okay see? That right there? That's why people might not want to ally with you.” You pointed out.
“He shouldn't have hurt you.”
“That's true. That doesn't mean you can use my pain as an excuse to rampage on Earth!”
“I shan't!” He protested. “Never again, I promise you that.”
But how good was the promise of government? Politician or hereditary ruler, it was all the same. How good was the word of a murderer? How many promises had he already broken?
“How do you feel?” He asked. “You seem...lively. Whatever you were drugged with, is it having a lasting effect?”
“I'm a little disoriented, but I'm awake.” You said. “The food and water helped.”
“Yes. About that. Ah. Would you like to see your rooms? I've been anticipating your arrival-well, someone's arrival-for some months now, and I've had chambers created that befit your new station.”
The big unknown outside. Beyond this room was nothing but uncertainty. But you would be the first human being to see this new Asgard. You told yourself it was a perk.
“Um...” You mumbled. “My clothes...” You weren't going out there in a flimsy hospital gown, that was for sure.
“Being cleaned and mended.” Loki informed you. “I have a simple gown that I believe should fit you. Here.” Wit a sweeping gesture, he produced a voluminous, forest green garment out of seemingly nowhere.
You scooted away. “How did you do that?” You demanded.
“Magic, of course.” He said. “You...don't know about the magic...?”
You shook your head and took the robe from him. It felt real enough, smooth and soft, with fur trim and pin tucks. This was simple?
“What do you know about me, my dear?” He asked.
“Not much. Just what...turn around!” Sheepishly, he turned his back so you could change. “Just what was on the news. And the approximately three million conspiracy websites that popped up afterwards. You might be shocked by how many people think you were an inside job.”
“A what?”
“That's not even counting all the cults. You and Thor really got the radicalization machine cranking them out. White supremacists, nationalists, doomsday cults...thanks a lot. Not as if we didn't have enough problems cleaning up the mess you left behind.”
“That...was not my intention. Were you...?”
“I was not part of any cults. I was also not part of the celebration of your death, either.”
The news broadcast had interrupted every television, lit up every phone. A tired and battle-worn Thor, looking not one inch the hero the world knew him to be, as he towered over the reporter. He gave only a short statement: His brother Loki was dead, perished in honorable battle, in an effort to protect the galaxy from an ancient enemy.
People had trusted him. They'd seen the destruction that enemy had caused, in their quest to destroy everything. The odd teleportation anomalies in England that had dominated youtube for a long time. The leaves in your bathroom, the foreign plants in the park. Exotic, even alien creatures being spotted.
People threw parties at the news of Loki's demise. You'd gone out, gotten yourself exactly one drink, and then stayed home for the weekend. It didn't seem right, not after seeing Thor so hollowed out. You didn't really get on with celebrating the death of your enemies anyway, only the success of your causes.
“Oh. Well. Thank you.”
“But yeah, all I really know is that you attacked us out of the blue, and brought an army with you. You caused billions in damages and cost hundreds of lives. Thousands more lost everything. The economic blow is still with us, and led to some of the problems I've been marching against. And then you died. Except not, obviously. Was Thor lying to us?”
“No. He truly believed me dead. I did too, until I woke up. So you know nothing of me. I feared that might be the case. I am no warlord, not truly. I am the foremost sorcerer of Asgard. My magic has many applications, one of which is that I am rarely found without what I need.”
“So magic is real?” Why not? Aliens were real. Gods were apparently real.
“Yes, very. When times were...better, I used to tutor younger students. I might go back to doing that, once we are more established. Once we are safe.”
Safe? From what? Was whatever it was that had destroyed Asgard still out there? Thor had said otherwise, before the radio silence, but he had also thought that Loki was dead, and he was wrong about that, so...
“May I look now, dear?”
“Oh...yeah. I'm dressed.” The gown did fit, though mostly because it was a shapeless, oversized thing that was closed around you with ties. Still, it was luxurious, and made you feel like you were actually pretty-as long as no one looked at you too closely. Was this what a princess wore? You shouldn't allow yourself to get too used to it. As soon as you found a way out, you were out.
“Delightful. Even such a simple gown enhances your beauty. Will you come with me, dear? Let me show you our grand achievements.”
You didn't really want to be exposed to the people of Asgard, but this room was no safer than anywhere else right now. Loki hovered, and you stood, and managed a few wobbly steps before you overbalanced. He caught you instantly.
“Don't worry.” He murmured. “I'm here.”
As if that wasn't the problem in the first place.
“So, while you were carrying me off...I mean, when you, uh, received me, did you notice a cane lying around?” You asked. “I had one. Did the guys who brought me give it to you?”
“I'm afraid not.” He said apologetically. “They seemed strangely eager to quit the area.”
“Yeah, well. They had just committed a felony.” You griped. “They probably had orders to disappear. And they probably didn't want to hang around and witness what a warlord was gonna do to me.”
He winced. “I promise you, that's not what I really am.”
He held out his arm for you. “I don't have your cane, but I can support you. We will have another cane made for you. There should have been an Artificer and an apprentice Healer in here at some point, to measure you for a new prosthetic.”
“Uh, there were. I, uh, kinda told them to piss off.”
“Ah. I suppose I cannot blame you, now that I know of your situation. But they are here at your service, as is all of Asgard.”
He helped you limp along, somehow maintaining his dignified stride, even as you wobbled along like a penguin. The hallways were as bland and labyrinthine as a human hospital, if somewhat more softly lit. Again the light source was obscured behind thin panes of cloudy crystal, which diffused the light, giving everything a comforting, if slightly mysterious atmosphere, which the general emptiness of the area only enhanced.
There were few people here, but for some reason, you had been placed in a room far within the hospital complex. Maybe they wanted to hide you away, so that no one knew you were here until they were ready to introduce you to Asgard. Or until they were certain you were going to survive. It might cause a scandal if the prince's bride just up and died upon arrival.
Or perhaps it was to protect you. There were plenty of reasons why a human bride might not be accepted by the Asgardian populace; everything from nationalism, to someone wanting to make a bid for that crown themselves.
There were still no windows to be seen, and everything was made of stone, just like in the hospital room. Out here, in the halls and waiting rooms, the desks, chairs, and tables all seemed to be joined to the walls and floor, as if the whole place had been carved from a single, solid piece, like the rock-cut architecture of the fabled city of Petra. Here again were the creamy grays and oranges lining the walls, though a smooth black also made an appearance.
Eventually, you came to what must have been a foyer, with a high ceiling, complex stone mosaics, and huge, gorgeously carved double doors, but still no windows.
“We will be going outside now.” Loki said. “This facility is within the palace complex, and is not far from your special chambers, but we will have to cross a few halls and courtyards. There are plenty of places to sit, so if you need a rest, simply say so.”
He opened the doors for you, and you stepped out into a world of stone.
Everything was stone, stone or metal. Before you was a wide open courtyard, clearly unfinished, but spacious. At regular intervals were stone towers supporting open pillared hallways in a multiple storied, vaguely Roman courtyard style. The towers shot up, and up, and up...you climbed them with your gaze, following them to the heights to which they had to buttress each other with thin struts of stone, higher still, where they joined with an impossibly high ceiling.
There was a roof over the courtyard, so tall that your couldn't fathom how it had been built. Beyond the courtyards stacked walkways-six full stories-you could see the tips of other towers, lined with lights, merging with this high rise ceiling. Was the entire palace built under this massive shelter?
Clearly the sun did not reach into the palace. To offset this, the crystal-paned, inset lights were everywhere, creating complex patterns that mimicked the intricate knotted carvings that chased up the towers and pillars. The corbels glared down at you, fierce masks of bearded men, wolves, dragons and birds, lights in their eyes.
Combined, it was not as bright as sunlight, but not dim either. The softness of the glow made shadows diffuse, made the stone look soft and fake, and even shimmery in places, like the set pieces in eighties fantasy movies. If not for the pain in your bruises, you'd have thought the dreamy atmosphere was just that, and that you were about to wake up from this absurd dream any moment now.
But the pain was there, and denied that simple, hopeful wish. And Loki was there, gently urging you forward like he was a real gentleman, instead of a heinous war criminal. There were a few other people out here as well; walking the courtyards pillared halls, resting on stone benches, carving hollows into the ground.
There was no soil here. All stone. As you crossed the courtyard, you noticed black, and gray, and cloudy crystal inlaid into the ground in a shape reminiscent of a compass rose, decorated with silvery wire knotwork in bird and serpent shapes.
There were troughs and niches being carved into the ground that looked to you like they were meant to be flower beds...eventually. You had seen no dirt here yet, no grass or growing things at all. Maybe once you finally got outside. But for now, it felt as if you had left a building, only to exit into another building, that was in turn, within another building.
It was a bit suffocating.
Loki led you across several courtyards, each with a different pattern inlaid into their bare floor, and through vaulted hallways that still contained no windows. Many of these hallways intersected in large, circular domes, and few of them had any distinctive markings. Soon you were completely lost. With any luck, you would be able to get your hands on some paper, and create a map-otherwise, any escape attempts would be doomed from the word go.
But maybe that was the point.
Your staggering steps echoed down a particularly tall and wide hallway, almost completely devoid of people. You were almost at the end of your physical capabilities, and while there were places to sit, you felt like you must be close to your destination. You really wanted to be in a room whose dimensions you could be certain of. A space you could comprehend.
Loki brought you to a stop in front of a pair of carved wooden doors. As the first piece of architecture you had seen here that was something other than stone, you found them more beautiful than anything you'd seen all day. They were something almost normal, almost like something you would have at home. If you were insanely rich, or your dad was a carpenter or something. They were a warm terra-cotta color, carved with a dizzying array of knotwork, framed with blackened, riveted iron. The handles were iron serpents.
“We imported some things from your homeland. This redwood lumber is one such thing. From what I hear, these trees are emblematic of your country.”
“Er...” How to politely say, 'not really, even though most people who live there do know what a redwood is'. They weren't very important to anyone who didn't live near where they grew. They weren't what you would call 'quintessentially American'. There wasn't anything you could really call that. The place was just too damn big.
“We couldn't bring too much, not yet anyway.” He continued. “It is expensive, unfortunately, and we only have one ship. It can only carry so much, and it takes about three days to transport. Things are moving slowly, but our construction projects are moving along speedily. There's little else to do right now, save build.”
He opened the doors for you, and led you into a fairy tale.
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karoiseka · 4 years
((5.3 Spoilers!! I figured this should take place before the events of 5.4, just... because.  Have a sappy, Happy Starlight story!))
"It's snowing!" G'raha's surprised, yet excited voice carried to where Karo was still buried in a mountain of blankets on the large bed in their suite at the Rising Stones.  He had gotten up to tend to the fire, but the odd light from the windows had called to him, beckoning to view the world transformed by the thick layer of snow that was continuing to pile up.  He stood transfixed by the sight outside, red tail swishing--betraying his emotions as he lifted his right hand to the glass-paneled door leading out to the balcony.  Even though they had made the trek North to Coerthas since he had returned, and there was plenty of snow there, Mor Dhona had not received more than  a light dusting, melting almost as soon as it had fallen.
His braid, messy from sleep, whipped around as he turned to face the bard still in the warmth of the bed.  Karo noticed that he was rubbing his right arm again as he fully turned to face her--she was sure it was a left over habit from when it was solid crystal and almost completely without feeling.  She smiled at him, still not fully awake, watching as he self-consciously stopped and with a calming breath walked back over to the bed to perch on the edge of it.  Leaning over, he cupped her face with his hand, kissing her forehead then lips gently, fingers running along the crystal hair tassels that never left the ends of her braids.
“Happy Starlight, my Star,” G’raha’s voice had dropped to the quiet calm tone, the one sounding closer to when he wore the title Crystal Exarch.  The melding of his two personalities was going well, the older of his memories grounding the enthusiastic youth that had never left the Source.  The joy in being back, and alive, seeped into all of his actions though, making every venture new and wondrous, optimism overflowing.  
"It looks like some gifts have been delivered under the tree," the boyish mischievousness was back in his voice as he continued to play with Karo's hair as she slowly came to full alertness--the Warrior of Light happy to be somewhere that it was unnecessary to do all at once. It had been one thing after another almost consistently since she had joined the Scions, so she reveled in the occasions she could take time to be lazy. It was definitely one of the first Starlights in several years that didn't feel overshadowed by melancholy or missing friends. Leaning into his hand with a small sound of contentment and a murmur of a ‘Happy Starlight’ in return, Karo smiled, her expression matching his.
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"Well then, let's see what the Saint of Nymeia has left us!" Wriggling out of the nest of blankets took a few moments, as playfulness on both their parts didn't make for an easy job of it--wrestling and tickling, burning off early morning energy before finally grabbing a blanket to wrap up in and moving down the loft stairs to the main room where the decorations glowed in the early morning light.  Karo rushed the last few steps down, blanket falling to the floor, as her eyes caught one of the waiting gifts, glowing faintly on the table next to the tree.
“Raha!! How?  But--these are from Rak’tika!!” Karo stumbled over the words as she carefully picked up the vase of blue flowers, the same that lit the path to Fanow, now here on the Source in her home.  G’raha beamed at her, his voice full of pride that she obviously liked the gift.
“You may be Feo Ul’s [sapling], but your [branch] still likes to do nice things for you, and being near you, she could hear me call as well.  I remembered how you told me you loved these flowers, and wanted to make sure you had a bouquet.  She enchanted them so they will always smell that sweet and will never wilt.  Her only request is that you don’t forget to call on her.”  Karo had the good grace to look abashed at that, knowing how many times she had frankly forgotten the pact she had with the Fae, or even just in ignorance of how much she could safely call on them.  Taking another whiff of the blooms, Karo placed the vase down on the fireplace mantle, mentaly sending a burst of joy down the connection she shared with the Fae King before clearing her throat and turning with a package in her hands for G’raha.  The paper it was wrapped in was not smooth, or secured well, but it covered the gift adequately.  Holding out to him, her ears dipped and her tail twitched nervously as he closed the distance between them to take the gift from her hands with a smile.
“I know it’s not much, and you’ve probably already heard and researched it all before, but I hoped there would be at least a few insights you hadn’t heard yet,” Karo’s babble had started as G’raha had peeled the paper from the journal he now held in his hands.  The brown leather cover was embossed with the red Star that had caged the ancient primal, and inside was a neatly written account of her personal thoughts and discoveries, including rough sketches of the wonders therein.
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“I did my best to remember all we had found about Bahamut when exploring the shards of Dalamud, and I got Alisaie and Alphinaud’s help with some of the details near the end.  There was a lot of Allag technology in there that I haven’t seen elsewhere, and I know I gave a report when we were done, and you might actually remember more than I learned--” G’raha stepped forward closing the distance between them and stopping her rambling with a deep kiss.  Karo froze in place before leaning into him, relaxing and letting her nerves dissipate.  
“It’s amazing,” the scholar beamed at her, holding the tome to the side as he pulled her into a tight embrace.  “No matter what I’ve learned so far, having your first-hand account, along with notes from the twins about what you found there is priceless.  I’m going to enjoy reading this.”  He kissed her forehead as they were so close then looked back down at the book, running a hand across the cover, smiling.  Placing it carefully on the table, they headed back to the little kitchenette for some breakfast before getting ready to head out for the day.
Donning their warm Starlight robes (G’raha had received one as a gift this year), they headed down to the main rooms of the Rising Stones, hand in hand as they greeted their friends.  It seemed that the newest Scion wasn’t the only one to receive a home-made robe, as each of Scions were bedecked in a rainbow of colors all of matching Starlight garb.  Tataru in her typical pink was buzzing from group to group, ensuring everyone was fed and happy before the core group headed outside in a fit of energy to help clear Mor Dhona’s streets of the piled snow--especially around the aetheryte right outside their doors. 
The snow was still coming down lightly, sun peeking between the clouds making the whole town sparkle.  Not to anyone's surprise though, when the work was nearly done and the afternoon stretching on, the first snowball was thrown, sparking a heated battle.  No one would admit to starting it, but the group paired off with Alisaie, Y'shtola, Krile, and Karo on one team, Alphinaud, Thancred, G'raha and Uriangier  rounding out the second. 
The mock battle lasted several bells, with the townsfolk cheering on the Scions in waves, occasionally joining in. Every time it seemed to be winding down, someone else would get a lucky throw in, and the melee would begin anew. Finally winded, cheeks red with glee and exertion, a truce was struck--as the Warrior of Light was tackled into a snowbank by the combined efforts of G'raha and Thancred.  The three of them lay there laughing, Karo holding them fast to her, enjoying having them close.  Kissing them both on the cheek, she took the proffered hand from Alisaie helping her out of the snow, and pulled the younger girl into a hug before they all gathered around a fire that had been set up.
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By ones and twos the group slowly retired for the evening, Karo and G’raha left alone to watch the flames flicker in the twilight.  The Miqo’te pair leaned against each other, tails twinning, worn out from the snow battle from the afternoon.  As a shiver ran through the Bard, G’raha hugged her extra close before standing and tugging her up after him.  Naught a word said as he led her back into the Rising Stones, and above to their shared suite.
“Comfy?” G’raha looked down at Karo who was now sprawled across the couch they had ended up on, head resting on his leg.  They had both changed into something that wasn’t soaked with snow, and settled in for the evening curled up together to end Starlight as they had started it.  Karo nodded almost imperceptibly, however the slight purr of happiness reached her lover’s ears as all traces of tension left her body.  He knew he didn’t have much energy left either, but the draw of the journal gifted to him earlier was not to be ignored.  Opening it, he reached down to caress one of his shining Star’s ears, amazed once more that she was at his side after all that had happened.  This had truly been the most magical, amazing Starlight he had celebrated.  Getting to stay at her side, watching her laugh, he wanted more.  To get to know her even better, know what kept that smile dancing upon her lips, to know what made her heart race, and her favorite everything.  Using a tendril of magic, he tugged at the blanket at the other side of the couch, using the magic it to cover her without having to move or disturb her one onze.  
“Happy Starlight, my love,” he whispered, turning to the book in his hands, letting her take him on yet another adventure with her words.
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vampwritesstuff · 4 years
Wing Beifong x OC / Part 1
Before this starts, you should know a few things about my OC.
Her name is Kana Soshi. She is an earthbender and is blind in her left eye, Lin taught her seismic sense, she is unable to metalbend. Has helped Lin out at the Republic City police department before and considers her as somewhat of a mother figure. She’s known Bolin and Mako for a long time and she met Korra and Asami through them, Bolin is her best friend.
Yes, I know that some of the events are out of order, I didn’t feel like rewatching the episode. But without further ado, here is part 1!
Wordcount; 5,203
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“So are we sure there’s an airbender in Zaofu?” Kana asked as she leaned against the cool metal of the airship they’re currently flying in, she would have much rather been on the ground where her Earthbending and seismic sense were of use to her. Even though she could use seismic sense, she could not metal bend, and that made being on this airship insufferable, not being able to combine metal bending with her seismic sense could not have been more infuriating to her. “Yes, Kana, we’re positive that there will be an airbender there.” Korra said as she and the rest of Team Avatar sat around the area.
Kana absentmindedly stared off at nowhere while she played with a strand of her brown hair. One of her green eyes had a certain gloss over it, a tell-tell sign that she was blind in one eye, she was glad to have her seismic sense for that reason as when in battle her eyesight was often a hindrance in her ability to fight and know where and who she was aiming at.
Constantly, Bolin would ask Kana to teach him, and every time she tried, he could never seem to get it down. But that didn’t discourage him and that made her happy that he had such a strong spirit. So when they landed in Zaofu, a little bit of her detested the fact half the city was made of metal, but she quickly forgot that as her bare feet touched the ground. “Finally, my bending can be of some use to me.” Kana smiled as Bolin came up next to her, putting his arm around her, “C’mon, Kana, being on the airship wasn’t that bad!” He mentioned, “But when most of your sight and bending depend on being on the ground, I would rather have blown up that airship.” She pouted to her best friend.
“Hello! Welcome to Zaofu, home of the metal clan.” A gray haired woman said as she came out to greet them. “I’m Suyin Beifong, the matriarch of the clan.” She smiled at everyone. Kana smirked to herself, realizing now why Chief Beifong wanted to stay on the airship. She figured Lin might have some bad blood with her family in Zaofu. As everyone walked, they met Opal, she was the airbender. “Pleasure to meet you Opal!” Kana said happily as Suyin led them all away and towards an arena type place. It had large metal columns placed in it and it was placed deeper into the ground than where the group stood. “Those are my two youngest, Wei and Wing. They’re playing a game called power disc. Came up with the game themselves.” She told each of them as they watched the boys bend a metal disc at each other and hit the columns. That continued back and forth until one of them missed the disc and it flew into the net behind the raven haired boy, a bright red light lit up and a buzzer was heard, “And Wing goes down!” Shouted the boy, whom Kana could assume was Wei.
Her sight lingered on Wing a little longer than she would let on. Suyin turned to her and Bolin, “Do you two metalbend? The boys would be happy to teach you power disc.” Her smile fell as both of them shook their heads, “We don’t, but Kana here uses seismic sense!” Bolin boasted for her, Kana sheepishly rubbed her arm as Suyin smiled at her, “Well that's wonderful to hear, I’m sure you would love to learn to metalbend, we can teach you.” She offered. “Oh, I only use my seismic sense to help me see because I’m blind in one eye, I’ve tried metalbending before, it's never worked for me.” Kana sighed as she saw the look of pity from Suyin, she hated people knowing about her sight problem, she hated the looks of pity anyone would give her once they found out, she despised that everyone would dote on her once they knew.
Thankfully, Su’s advisor came up and whispered something in Suyin’s ear that made her eyes widen. “Avatar Korra, why did you lie about this being the only people you had with you?” She questioned as everyone’s eyes went wide. Kana knew she was talking about Lin, she watched in amusement as Korra and everyone else stuttered over their words. “Well, you see, our chief of police didn’t want everyone to know she was here and asked us not to tell. But since the secret is out, I guess Chief Beifong is gonna have to deal with it.” At Kana’s words, Suyin’s eyes widened, “Lin’s here? Well I would love to see her.” She said, leaving everyone all confused. She had stopped paying attention to Su’s words as her eyes went back to the playing arena, Landing on the two twins playing another game of power disc, not noticing everyone was heading inside until Bolin pulled her away.
At the dinner table, Kana sat in between Bolin and Asami. She loved Asami, she was her greatest friend other than Bolin, though Kana hated how she always tried to convince her to wear shoes, to which Kana would always tell her no and end the conversation at that. It didn’t fail to happen that night either as everyone was preparing for dinner.
“Come on, Kana! It's just for an hour at least!” Asami pleaded as she held a pair of flats in her face, pushing them away Kana gave Asami an exasperated look, “How many times do I have to tell you no? I don’t like shoes, they mess with my seismic sense!” She told her as she gave a sigh, knowing Kana wasn’t going to ever change her mind about shoes.
So there they sat, at a fancy table with the Beifong family eating the fancy dish that their chef prepared, she didn’t bother to remember the name of the dish. Kana looked to the head of the table as Suyin cleared her throat and addressed her. “So, Kana, how did you come to learn seismic sense?” She asked, Kana noticed that the entire Beifong family had their attention on her, “Well, Chief Beifong taught me after the accident that caused me to go blind in my left eye.” She said shortly, placing her fork down on her plate. That caught the twins attention, as well as Suyin’s, “If you don’t mind me asking,” Kana knew where this question was going, “How exactly did you become blind in that eye?” she asked, she and everyone else seemed to genuinely want to know, any time some one would ask, Kana would brush them off. But this was the matriarch of the metal clan, and she did not want to disappoint her.
So Kana let a heavy sigh leave her mouth before speaking, “Back when I was 12, I got caught in the middle of a turf war between the triple threats and some other gang. I was suppoesed to be with Li- Chief Beifong but I was dumb and slipped away from her as soon as I got the chance to explore.” She took a breath before continuing, everyone was paying close attention. “While I was looking at some stuff I realised that some triple threats and other thugs were fighting each other, next thing I knew, some stray ice shard from a waterbender hit me in the eye, and that's when Chief Beifong got there and saw me, she took care of the gangs and later healers said that they could not repair the damage done to my eye. At first I was able to see out of it just barely, but over time the sight completely left my eye.” She said, running a gentle finger over the skin around her eye as Kana stared down at the table, everyone had a solemn look on their faces, Bolin placed his hand on her shoulder while Asami did the same with the other shoulder. Silently Kana stood from the table and cleared her throat, “I’m going to turn in for the night.” She said and quietly left to her room for the time being. As she shut the door, Kana placed herself on the floor and let a gentle sob escape her throat.
Losing her sight had really impacted Kana, and everyone in the dining room could tell. Asami sighed, “I see why she hates wearing shoes now.” Trying to lighten the mood, “You know, this is the first time she’s talked about the accident since it first happened.” A voice said from the doorway, everyone looked over and was surprised to see Lin even after she had stormed out earlier on during dinner. “ What do you mean?” Wing asked as he looked at his aunt, “Exactly what I just said, losing her sight in that eye was very traumatic for her, she had nightmares for weeks afterwards.” Lin told them, everyone's eyes softened and Lin scoffed. “You all act like it affects you too, Kana is a tough young woman, I taught her seismic sense so she could still kick ass when she helped me out at the police station. She was more angry than sad about losing her sight, also, she despises anyone giving her pity. So if you’re gonna do that any time you’re around her then don’t bother speaking to her.” Lin said as she walked back out of the room. “Remember when we fought Amon? Kana really did beat some equalist ass!” Korra laughed as the rest of the team avatar laughed along with her. “I felt so bad when Amon took her bending, but she showed us she didn’t need her bending to fight Amon.” Asami said and they all agreed.
“Oh! Oh! Remember when she threw Unalaq in the air with a pillar of rock? He screamed like a little girl when she was in his face right after he hit the ground!” Bolin laughed loudly, Korra butted in, “And when she punched him in the face for being annoying! She did the same thing to councilman Tarrlok.” She laughed. Everyone at the table had begun laughing at the stories of Kana not giving a shit about who she was beating up.
Wing’s heart fluttered when he heard the stories about her, Kana really seemed like a cool person and he wanted so desperately to get to know her better.
Later that night as he and Wei were preparing to sleep, Wing decided to ask his twin a question, “Hey, Wei?” He began, “Yes, Wing?” Wei responded. “What do you think about Kana?” Wing asked as he set his metal cuffs on his dresser. “Think of her in what way? She seems like a very determined person and I think that’s admirable about her.” Wei told his twin as he sat himself on his bed, “I mean, yeah you’re right about that, but I don’t know.. I get butterflies around her, and hearing all those stories about her just invested me more, what should I do?” Wing ranted as he fell onto his own bed with a deep sigh. A chuckle escaped Wei’s lips, “Seems like you have a crush, Wing. But if you really want something between the two of you, I’d do something before she and the rest of her group leave Zaofu.” Wei advised, Wing nodded his head, thinking deeply.
It was true that Kana, along with everyone else she came with, plus Opal, were going to have to leave at some point to continue the search for more airbenders. So many thoughts clouded Wing’s mind as he tried to think of what he would do. Kana seemed like an angel to him, but he hadn’t even spoken to her once! How was he going to become closer to her if he hadn’t ever spoken to her or introduced himself. Wing couldn’t help the yawn that escaped his mouth, his exhausted state of mind could barely let him think straight. He would deal with his feelings and thoughts in the morning. With that, everyone in the Beifong estate was peacefully asleep.
Sadly, that peace hadn’t lasted long for a certain earthbending girl. Kana bolted up in her bed in a cold sweat, “It was just a nightmare, one I haven’t had since I was younger.” She mumbled to herself as she lifted her body from the emerald green sheets of the bed. She placed her head in her hands and she took deep breaths. “I need some fresh air.” Kana told herself as she stood up and headed towards the door. Opening it, she checked if there were guards around, once she made sure there was none she walked from her room and towards the garden of the Beifong estate. Once outside she let out a breath of relief and sat on the steps in front of the door.
“Can’t sleep?” The voice startled Kana as she wasn’t paying attention to her sense. Turning she saw one of the twins, “Uh, yeah. Rough night.” Kana looked away, she’d be lying if she said she knew which twin he was. “Wanna talk about it?” Wing asked her as he took a seat on the steps, Kana shook her head. “No, but I could use a distraction,” She started, “But first, I’m still not good with telling you twins apart, mind telling me?” Kana gave a sheepish smile to Wing as he laughed, “Yeah, I can help with that, and I’m Wing.” He told her as he stood from the steps and offered a hand to her. Taking it, Kana was surprised at how effortlessly he pulled her up. Wing’s heart fluttered once more as she grabbed his hand, her small hands were cold from the night air but he was disappointed when she pulled her hand from his. “So what's this ‘distraction’ you got for me?” Kana raised an eyebrow at Wing, he smirked and grabbed her hand once again.
Wing pulled her up to one of the metal covers that surrounded the estate, he metalbended an opening large enough to fit through and once both of them were on the other side Wing bended the metal back into place. He continued pulling Kana up a hill where there was a small cliff face, they could see the entirety of Zaofu, “Wow, Wing this is amazing.” Kana said as she sat down with Wing on the grass and looked out at the city, it was even more stunning at night. “Yeah, I found it a while back. I come here every time I need a distraction or to just clear my thoughts.” Wing said as he looked over at the brown haired girl that sat next to him, admiring the city. Wing took the moment to really study the girl beside him, taking in little details like how her short hair would flow with every breeze and the way the moonlight reflected in her eyes, the small smile placed on her lips as she closed her eyes. Kana looked at peace, and Wing was thoroughly enjoying the look. Then she opened her eyes and looked at him, Wing blushed as he’d been caught staring, “We should get back to the estate, we don’t want anyone finding out we’re gone and getting worried.” Kana told him, ignoring his stare as she stood up and pulled him up with her.
They walked down the hill in silence until they got back to the steps in front of the garden, “Wing,” Kana put her hand on Wing’s shoulder before he left to go inside, “Thank you for tonight. It means a lot.” She told him as she walked passed and back to her room. Wing stood there, a blush on his face and a hand on the shoulder that she touched. He walked back to his and Wei’s room in a daze and held a stupid grin for the rest of the night until he fell asleep. Kana had a peaceful sleep for the rest of the night, glad that she had spent some time with Wing to clear her head.
The next morning, Kana sat on the steps as she watched the twins spar with Korra and Bolin, well spar wasn’t the right word for Bolin. “I can’t believe I’m sparring with the Avatar!” Wing said excitedly after he tangled Korra in her own cables, the same couldn’t be said for Wei, “I can’t believe I’m stuck with her friend.” Wei complained, Bolin tried to bend the meteorite at Wei but it fell from his hands, “Hold on I got it,” Bolin tried, “Don’t got it.” He slumped over, Kana gave an encouraging smile, “Don’t worry, Bo, you’ll get it eventually.” She offered him a thumbs up and he smiled, but that quickly turned to horror as he dodged metal being thrown at him by Wei, “Trial by fire, best way to learn!” Wei claimed as he continued shooting at Bolin, finally Bolin picked up a small rock and bended it at Wei, hitting him in the forehead just as Mako and Asami showed up. “Nice shot little bro, but I thought this was supposed to be metalbending?” Mako asked as Wei agreed while rubbing the spot the rock hit, “Yeah, cheater.” Wei grumbled. “Listen, Mako, metalbending is extremely hard! Only 1 in 100 earthbenders can metalbend.” Bolin stated before everyone turned to Kora as she took Wing down with some metal, proceeding to jump in the air, “Woohoo! Metalbending champion!” She exclaimed, bringing her arms up to show off her well toned muscles. Bolin gave a comical look, “She’s the Avatar, that doesn’t count!” He stated, Kana giggled at how Bolin was acting.
“You guys might wanna get cleaned up, Opal’s farewell dinner is soon.” Asami told everyone, Kana saw Bolin slump once more and begin to sulk. Kana walked over and lightly patted his shoulder, “Hey, you’ll see her again once we are finished looking for more airbenders.” Kana comforted him, although that only seemed to perk him up less than what Kana thought it would. “Hey. Kana, why don’t you try metalbending?” Korra questioned the brunette, “Oh, I’ve tried before. Never worked, and besides, I’m fine with my seismic sense.” She said before sighing, “But it would be nice so I could use my sense on that damned airship.” Kana added before Bolin swung an arm around her shoulder, earning a jealous glare from Wing, “Alright, alright. We know you hate the airship.” Bolin teased as he ruffled her hair, earning a nice punch to the gut from Kana, a laugh erupted as Bolin doubled over in pain. “I didn’t even punch you that hard.” She rolled her eyes, Mako let out a playful scoff, “Kana, even your softest punches hurt.” He laughed, Kana’s eyes widened before her eyebrows furrowed, “Do they really?” She asked, everyone, besides Wing and Wei, nodded with a laugh at how confused Kana looked. “Why do you think I refuse to do hand to hand combat with you?” Korra laughed, she truly did not enjoy being punched by her, Kana shrugged, “I just thought you didn’t wanna hurt me, miss Avatar.” Kana jokingly used the nickname she gave Korra when they met for the first time, Korra wasn’t a fan of it but never told her to stop.
“Anyways, are we just gonna stand around talking about how you guys can’t handle a punch, or are we gonna clean up for Opal’s dinner?” Kana asked, changing the subject. Everyone nodded and headed to their temporary rooms to prepare. Kana settled on taking a shower in her room’s adjoined bathroom, as the warm water hit her body, she relaxed and gave a small smile. It felt nice to clean the dirt away from her skin as she scrubbed it with a milk and honey scented body wash. After scrubbing her hair with shampoo and conditioner and washed it out, Kana stepped out of the shower and shivered as the cool air hit her wet skin. Wrapping a towel around herself, Kana proceeded to dry off in her room and get dressed in a bathrobe, lazily, Kana walked to Korra’s room and knocked on the door. Korra answered, “Yes?” She asked, “Hey, wanna do me a favor and bend the water out of my hair, please?” Kana asked hopefully, with an amused sigh, Korra nodded and bended the water from Kana’s hair and moved the water to her own bathroom sink. Thanking her, Kana left and headed back to her own room. Once there, she sat down at the vanity table, Kana examined herself before deciding that she didn’t need any makeup for the dinner. Instead, she went to the wardrobe and chose a lovely forest green dress like a robe that had many silver embellishments, putting the dress on made Kana feel like she was some kind of earthbending princess. Laughing at herself, Kana placed the large silver necklace around her neck as it hung right above her breasts, she grabbed the arm cuffs and placed each one on both of her wrists before placing two ankle cuffs on her own ankles, to finish the outfit, Kana placed a metal belt piece around her waist. Kana twirled in front of the mirror and smiled, this was by far the most expensive clothing she had ever worn. A knock at the door startled Kana from her trance, “Hey, Kana, it's Korra and Asami. Are you ready for dinner?” Korra questioned loudly from the other side of the door, “Yeah,” she started as she opened the door, “I’m ready.” She looked up at Asami and Korra, they both were staring at her with wide eyes, “Does it not look good?” Kana asked self consciously, “No! You look amazing! We just never expected you to dress up so nicely.” Asami assured the earthbender, and received a smile as Kana saw Korra nod in agreement, “Well then, lets go knock the socks off those boys.” Kana winked at both Asami and Korra as she walked past them and towards the dining room.
Once they stood in front of the door, the guards opened it and everyone stopped what they were doing, most of the boys’ stares were focused on Kana as she took a seat between Bolin and Wing, “What’s with the look, Bo? You’ve seen me dress up before.” She giggled, “Yeah, but never in earth kingdom clothing!” He exclaimed, “I guess you’re right.” She thought before paying attention to what the chef had made for the dinner, he had made Opal’s favorite veggie wraps. Kana didn’t exactly care to listen to whatever mush Bolin was spewing to Opal, so she turned to Wing, “How has your day been so far?” She asked him once she had finished a bite of her food, “It’s been great! I mean, I got to spar with Korra which was totally cool. But I’ll admit I’m going to miss Opal.” Wing said, gaining a sad tone towards the end of his response. In a kind gesture, Kana put a hand on Wing's shoulder and offered a sympathetic smile, then she was hit with an idea, “Wanna sneak out tonight and go to the hill?” She asked referring to the cliff that he had shown her the night before when neither of them could sleep. Wing perked up and gave a fast nod, “Yeah, that’d be awesome.” He told her, trying to contain his excitement.
The rest of the dinner went by smoothly, and soon everyone was leaving to prepare for bed, except for Kana and Wing. Kana did put on some more comfortable clothes before she would meet up with Wing. They both had decided to wait until everyone else seemed to be asleep so they could meet. But the sound of someone yelling caught Kana’s attention, she opened her door in confusion as Bolin ran past, in the process he grabbed her wrist and pulled her along, “Bolin! What’s going on?” She shouted at him, “They’ve got Korra!” He exclaimed, passing more doors as he ran towards the outside of the estate. He had already woken up Mako and Asami, so she pulled her wrist from his grasp and started to run at his pace.
Once outside, Kana finally understood who Bolin was talking about. There was a group of four people running through the courtyard, one had Korra slung across his shoulder. Thinking quickly, Kana created a rock wall in front of the group. They quickly stopped and turned to see who stopped them, “Leave Korra alone!” Kana shouted, jogging towards them to get close and dodging blasts of rock and water. Her seismic sense had instinctively kicked in and Kana was able to narrowly avoid a rock coming at her from behind. She stomped a foot on the ground, using a large chunk of earth to throw at the intruders. Kana noticed that Bolin had only been staring in awe as Kana skillfully dodged attacks from multiple angles, “Bolin! Get your ass over here!” She yelled, momentarily she was distracted and didn’t notice the large rock that had been aimed at her.
A painful cry had alerted everyone else to where they were, and as they got there they saw Kana struggle to her feet as Bolin tried to deflect any attempt to knock her back down. Once she fully stood up, Kana gave the others one glance before turning back to the people that had Korra. Everyone noticed the change in Kana’s attitude and it sent a shiver down their backs. Kana angrily ripped a large portion of rock from the ground and hurled it at Korra’s captors but, much to Kana’s displeasure, the man with long greasy black hair had deflected it. Finally everyone else was working with you and Bolin to get Korra back, they had a chance to run and they took it, but they were unexpectedly caged in by large metal panels. Those present turned to see where the metal came from and they saw Wing, Wei, Su, and Lin. “Thank the spirits.” Kana muttered as she had a moment to breath, but that moment didn’t last long before lava started to pool from under the makeshift trap and melt the panels, “That guy can lava bend! That’s so cool!” Bolin exclaimed, but noticed everyone’s deadpanned looks, “But very bad! Very bad for us.” He corrected himself.
“Are you all okay?” Su asked as she pulled a panel to protect the group from the tall lady’s explosions. “Could totally be better.” Kana quipped sarcastically as she bended a rock at the group, only for it to be deflected once again by the earth bender. “Watch out!” Wing said as he pulled Kana back down as another explosion was sent her way, narrowly missing her but a sharp rock hit her forehead, and it began bleeding down her face. “Thanks.” Was Kana’s short reply as she kept them distracted long enough for the others to devise a plan, ignoring the pain of her cut and the looks of worry from her friends. Su, Lin, and the twins would go on top of the dome and drop in from above and grab Korra while the others would distract and temporarily stun the combustion lady. Stunning the lady was up to Kana and Bolin.
“Ugh! We can’t get a clear shot!” Bolin exclaimed a few minutes later as his and Kana’s attempts were continuously shot down. “Are we a go?” One of the twins asked from the radio, “No go! No go!” Bolin and Mako shouted, “Go? Got it!” Came the voice again, “No! Don’t go! No go!” Mako repeated into the radio but it was already too late. Lin and Su were already lowering from above, “C’mon Bo, we’ve gotta make this shot or Lin and Su are toast!” Kana gripped Bolin’s shoulders. He nodded and they both took a small piece of rock, then the combustion lady looked up and Kana saw their chance, “Now Bolin!” She shouted as she and Bolin tossed their rocks right at her, hitting her not once, but twice in her third eye looking tattoo. Lin was able to grab Korra and soon they were being hauled back up, but the air bender brought his glider out and soared up after the three. As he got closer to Lin, Su grabbed her sister’s cable and swung her out of the way, taking some metal and bending it at the man, successfully ripping the fabric of his glider and he began spiraling downwards.
As he landed, he began to create a large cloud of air, and once it cleared there was no sight of the intruders anywhere. “Where the hell did they go?” Kana asked angrily, as she frantically looked around for any trace of them. Suddenly she became dizzy, Kana placed a hand on her head, finding that her wound from early was still bleeding, “Shit..” She muttered and sat on the grass as she tried to make the spinning stop, “Kana! Are you okay?” Bolin asked worriedly as he saw his friend with her eyes screwed shut and sitting on the ground. Everyone else noticed as well, but Asami was the first to figure out the problem, “Her head is still bleeding! We need to get her medical attention!” She said as Mako picked Kana up from the ground, running up to Su, Lin and the twins. The four gave a confused look until they saw Kana’s condition, and quickly Su led the way to her office where they could patch Korra and Kana up.
At first, Kana was refusing the help, but as her headache worsened she finally gave in and let them wrap a bandage around her head and give her medicine. As the pain went away, Kana found herself slowly growing tired and letting a yawn slip, “I can take you to your room if you’d like?” Wing asked as Kana looked up to him and nodded. He helped her stand up and kept a firm grip on her waist so she wouldn’t fall, “Guess we’re gonna have to take a rain check on going to the hill, huh?” Kana half heartedly joked, “Yeah, guess we are.” Wing said, although he didn’t mind, he just wanted Kana to recover safely. Sometime through the obscurely long walk to Kana’s room, she had fallen asleep and Wing had to carry her to her bed. As he laid her down in the bed and covered the girl with the blanket, she grabbed his hand while half awake from the movements, “Thank you, Wing.” She tiredly stated before falling back asleep. He smiled, hesitantly leaning down and leaving a small kiss on her forehead, then he left the room. Shutting the door and sighing, “You must really have it bad for her.” Wing jumped as he noticed Wei standing in front of him with a smile on his face, Wing nodded, too tired to argue with his brother. “I think she’s warming up to you.” Wei teased as he and his twin walked to their shared room, “Yeah, I think so too.” He said as they both fell on their beds and contently fell asleep.
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avengersnthings · 4 years
26 Going On 16 (Peter Parker x Reader)
Request:  🕸 How about Peter is standing at the altar but not as the groom. He always had feelings for (Name) but never got to tell her, in fear of putting them in trouble. After (Name) marries someone else, Peter makes a stop by his apartment to collect himself before going to the party-now regretting not telling (Name) his feelings. He lays on his couch before falling asleep and when he wakes up, discovers that he's a teen again in his old room and he hears (Name) knocking on his door to wake up. When he looks at his phone to see the date, he notices two things. One, (Name) was single because they still hadn’t meet their spouse and two, Peter realized that he had a second chance with (Name). So pretty much a “13 going on 30” type of thing but only reversed plus a twist.
Requested By: Anonymous
Word Count: 3,311
Warnings: Angst, maybe like one swear word
A/N: I know I haven’t written in a very long time, but I finally wanted to write something and I received this AMAZING request! I loved writing this and got a little carried away, I wrote a bit more than what the request asked for. I couldn’t help myself! Plus, I think this is the longest piece of work I’ve written! Well, I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it. **gif not mine, found it on Google. Creds to the creator!**
Tag List: @mp938368 @generalantiope @thatgirlsar @jumperswellies @quicksoldier @kitkatgaming @marvelfandom-stuff @itsmaytimetosaygoodbye @agentraven007 @marvelgoateecollection @thaniya82 @thats-so-rhyan @hymnofthevalkyrie @themcuhasruinedme @themanwiththemetalarm @mslaufeyson @thisismysecrethappyplace @jackiehollanderr @nayr9e @shaydeevee-blog @mxria-hill @littlelonewolfgirl
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Peter’s heart raced inside his chest. He couldn’t believe that today was finally here. There he stood, up at the altar, decked out in a tuxedo with light blue flowers pinned to his lapel. He could feel his palms growing sweaty as the entire congregation turned their heads towards the back of the small church. Peter quickly wiped his palms against his pant leg, trying to rid himself of the excess moisture. Slowly, everyone in the pews rose at once, the piano singing out the first few notes. Then, it happened, the church doors swung open to reveal the most beautiful thing in the world: you.
You were absolutely stunning, of course. An absolute vision in white, the dress almost matching your radiant smile. Peter could feel the tears begin to pool in his eyes, but he took a deep breath to calm himself. He wouldn’t allow himself to cry. He wouldn’t waste a single second on tears that would cloud his vision of you. You slowly marched down the aisle, train billowing behind you as your father led you towards the altar with you on his arm. Your eyes met Peter’s, and your smile seemed to grow even wider once you saw your best friend. Climbing the steps of the altar, you threw Peter a wink. Peter couldn’t help the small laugh that bubbled out of his chest. You were perfect.
“Wish me luck,” you mouthed the words to Peter as your father placed a kiss on her cheek.
“Good luck,” He mouthed back, this time unable to hold back the tears any longer. Peter watched your father take your hand and place it in the open palm of your intended. He took your hand as he led you closer to where the officiant stood. 
“Oh, I almost forgot,” You giggled, before turning back towards Peter. He could have sworn that his heart was going to leap out of his chest. You looked even more beautiful up close, your rouged lips curling into a smile that you reserved only for Peter- his smile. “Can you hold these for me?”
All he could do was nod, taking the beautiful bouquet of light blue flowers from your manicured hand. Quickly, he brushed his fingers against yours to feel the smoothness of your hand. That very hand that would clean his wounds after he hurt himself during some battle, protecting the citizens of New York from the newest threat. Your touch threw him back into a long distant memory, of when you both were in high school.
“Peter, I swear you are like a magnet for trouble. How did you hurt yourself this time?” You teased, leading your best friend through your house towards the bathroom where you routinely patched him up.
“Some guys in an alley,” Peter winced at the stinging sensation of the rubbing alcohol touching the cut on his face. You mumbled a small “sorry,” and continued to clean out the wound. “They were trying to mess with this old lady.” The lie fell easily from his lips. He was getting better at this, hiding the fact that he was Spider-Man. Well, it wasn’t really a full lie, he thought. It did happen in an alley, it just wasn’t some guys that beat him up. It was rather a new eight-armed doctor that was a recent thorn in the side of Spider-Man.
“While I appreciate you being all chivalrous trying to save some old lady, but you should have called the police, Peter. You aren’t as tough as you think. You could’ve got really hurt,” Your words were chastising, but Peter knew the only reason was because you cared for him.
“I know, I’ll be safer this time. Promise,” He held out his pinky finger, and waited for you to wrap yours around his. Sighing, you placed the bandage over his cut before intertwining yours with his. Your lips curved into a smile- his smile- before grabbing onto his hand.
“C’mon, we’ve got Calculus homework calling our name.”
The booming voice of the officiant is what pulled Peter from his reverie. “I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss the Bride.”
No! Peter yelled in his mind. This isn’t how it’s supposed to happen. He was the one supposed to be up there with you, front and center, not off to the side holding your bouquet. He was the one supposed to be kissing you, sealing your hearts together in matrimony, not him. It all happened so fast, your fiancé- now husband (Peter blanched at the word)- leaned forward and captured your lips in his. All Peter could do was stand off to the side in shock as the church erupted in applause and congratulations for the happy couple. Time seemed to slow around him and he remained frozen in his place as you and your husband raced down the aisle, eager to start your new life together.
Where did it all go wrong?
Peter had a few hours until the reception, and he didn’t feel like celebrating. While the rest of the wedding party went out for drinks, Peter instead slinked away, complaining of a headache that wasn’t there. He promised the rest of the party that he would be back in plenty of time for the reception, he was just going to head back to his apartment for a few hours and take a quick nap to get rid of the headache.
“Don’t be gone too long, the party can’t start without the Man of Honor!” Some bridesmaid giggled, already on her second glass of champagne. Where she got it, Peter didn’t know. He didn’t care. He just wanted to be by himself.
The drive back to his apartment was uneventful. It would have been quicker if he just swung through the city with his webs, but he didn’t want to be quick. He wanted to drag out his time before he had to return to being the happy and dutiful Man of Honor for the girl of his dreams. No, Peter wanted to go back to his apartment, have a stiff drink, and pass out for a few hours of blissful nothingness.
Key turning in the lock, Peter was finally home. Kicking off his shoes, he sat on his couch. Peter felt nothing but pity and regret. For the past ten years, he has been in love with his best friend, but he was too much of a coward to admit it. He had all the time in the world to tell you his feelings before your now husband walked into your life. He even had time after that to admit his feelings to you. Hell, he even had time during the ceremony to yell “Stop! (Y/N), don’t marry him! He’s not right for you, but I am! I’m in love with you and have been for ten years, marry me instead!”
It was too late now, and it will always be too late for him. Peter could feel the bile rise in his throat at the thought of never being with you, and he almost ran to the bathroom, afraid he was about to be sick. Instead, his head pounded not with a headache, but rather with “what if’s.” Groaning, Peter flung himself back onto his couch, throwing his arm over his eyes. Instead of thinking about you marrying the wrong man and him being too much of a coward to tell you his feelings, Peter succumbed to the welcome darkness of sleep. At least there, in his dreams, he could be with you.
Pounding on the door is what woke him up. Peter groaned, wanting to fall back asleep and avoid all of his problems. It was easier than having to go to the reception and pretend to be happy that you were married to the wrong man.
“Peter, wake up!” Your voice called from behind his door, followed by more pounding. “We are going to be late for school! If I get one more tardy, I am going to get detention and it will be all your fault!”
Peter’s eyes flashed wide open before he bolted upright on his couch. Rather, his bed, as the sight of his childhood bedroom in May’s apartment filled his view. Confusion swam through his head as he scrambled off the bed, legs entangling in his sheets, causing him to fall out of his small twin-sized bed. 
“Did you just fall out of bed, Peter? Are you even up yet? C’mon, dude, Mr. Green is going to kill me for missing Calculus again!” Your voice shouted through the wood once more. 
“Ye-yeah, I’m coming! Just give me a second!” Peter called back, shocked at the sound coming from his mouth. Gone was the deeper voice he earned after going through years of puberty. Instead, he discovered that his voice was higher-pitched and cracked regularly. What was going on?
Peter stuck his hand under his bed, fishing for his phone amongst the dirty laundry that was shoved under. His fingers found the old cracked phone that he used to own. Turning it on, Peter’s brows furrowed and then shot up once he noticed the date on the screen. 2017?
“How can this be happening?” Peter mumbled quietly to himself, dropping his phone and carding his fingers through his hair. Somehow, and he didn’t know how, Peter was back to being 16 and was no longer a 26-year old. Just like that, it was like the past ten years- or, the future ten years- no longer existed. Was this some time-fluke? Did one of the Avengers mess up the space-time continuum and reversed time by ten years? Or was this all a dream? Did you really just get married?
Peter stopped in his tracks. If he was 16 and back in his old room, then that would mean that you too are 16. That meant that you hadn’t gone off to college yet and met your fiancé. You never met him and never started dating him and never got engaged and never got married.
“I still have my chance,” Peter whispered to himself, a smile erupting onto his face. He couldn’t believe it! Somehow, by some miracle or accident, Peter was 16 and still had his chance. This time, he wouldn’t mess it up. No, he would get it right this time. He will tell you that he is Spider-Man. He will tell you his true feelings. He will pick you up and kiss you and say “I love you.”
“Peter, I swear if you don’t come out of your room in one minute I am leaving without you!” You yelled, pounding on the door.
Peter snapped out of his realizations and stood up. He was going to tell you right this minute because nothing else in the whole world mattered more than you right now. His hand found the door knob and he yanked his door open, a little too hard, and took the door off its hinges.
“Peter, oh my God, what did you do?!” You exclaimed, motioning to the now broken door in his hands. There you were, right in front of him, just as beautiful as ever. Your hair was longer, like it used to be when you were in high school, and you had your backpack slung over your shoulders.
“Doesn’t matter,” Peter breathed out before letting go of the door and taking you in his arms. He pulled you tightly into his chest, squeezing you to him as he nuzzled his face into your hair. You smelled of your favorite shampoo, and Peter wanted to hold on to you forever.
“Dude, you just yanked your door off its hinges! May is going to flip!” You admonished, slightly confused as to what was happening. You circled your arms around his waist and hugged him back. “Are you okay? You’re acting weird, despite the fact that you just broke your door.”
“I am absolutely perfect,” Peter grinned, pulling back so he could look into your confused and worried eyes.
“Are you sure? You’re not taking any steroids or drugs, right? Because a person just can’t do what you just did.”
“I’m not on any drugs, I promise. I’m so glad to see you,” He couldn’t stop smiling.
“Okay, something is definitely wrong. Are you sick?” You asked, putting your hand onto his forehead to check his temperature.
“No, I’m not sick,” Peter grabbed your hand that was resting on his forehead. Instead, he interlaced his fingers with yours. “I am absolutely, one hundred percent, positively okay. (Y/N), I love you.”
“Love you too, Pete,” You dismissed his weird outburst. “Do you need to stay home from school? I can tell Mr. Green and get your homework for you-”
“(Y/N), will you stop and just listen to me?” Peter interrupted, before taking a deep breath. “Look, I haven’t been completely honest with you these past few years. For one, I’m Spider-Man. Second-”
“You’re WHAT?” You were the one to interrupt this time, your eyes growing to the size of dinner plates. 
“Yes, I’m Spider-Man,” Peter flicked out his wrist and his web-shooter appeared, hidden underneath his sweatshirt. Webs sprayed against the wall to prove his point, and your eyes somehow got even wider. “I’ll explain more and answer your questions later, but right now I have something more important to tell you.”
“More important than revealing that you are a superhero?”
“Yes, now please listen,” Peter took both of your hands in his and looked into your eyes. “(Y/N), I love you. Not just as a friend loving another friend, but something more than that. I love you like Romeo loves Juliet. I love you like no best friend should. I love you in the way that makes me want to sweep you off your feet and take you out on cheesy dates and hold your hand and comfort you when you cry and kiss you whenever I want. (Y/N), I’m in love with you.”
Peter waited for your response, but you just stood there in shock. Your eyes darted across his face, as if you were reading a book, trying to understand the words that were just spoken to you. “Please, say something.”
“So, what you’re saying is that you love me?” You whispered, meeting his eyes.
“Very much so, yes,” He smiled nervously. “More than you could ever know.”
“Oh. Well that changes things.”
Peter could feel his heart drop the very pits of his stomach. He could feel his face fall too, and went to let go of your hands.
“No, wait!” You quickly held onto his hands tighter. “You misunderstood. It changes things because I love you too, more than a best friend should, and I never thought that you liked me and was too nervous to tell you and-”
Just like that, Peter’s heart soared from the deepest pits of his stomach. Holding your face between his hands, Peter stopped your rambling by crashing his lips on yours. He carded your fingers through your hair, pulling you as close to him as he could. It felt like Peter had been drowning his entire life, or atleast the past/future ten years, but as soon as your lips touched his, it was like he could finally breathe. He couldn’t believe it, you were here in his arms, kissing him back as if your life depended on it. 
“I love you so much, (Y/N),” Peter broke away once the need for oxygen was too great.
Looking up into his eyes, you placed your smooth hand against his cheek, drawing him back in for another kiss. “I love you too, Peter.”
Peter was beyond nervous. He could feel his heart racing in his chest as guests milled about in the pews. Peter stood at the altar, bouncing from foot to foot as he tried to calm his nerves.
“Would you calm down, kid? You look like a little kid that really has to pee,” Tony said from behind, clasping a hand on his shoulder. A small amount of relief washed over Peter as he hugged Tony.
“I’m just too nervous, Mr. Stark. And excited,” Peter nervously chuckled as Tony clapped him on the back. 
“Don’t be, you have your whole life ahead of you. This is the beginning of a new chapter in your life, and you will be so much happier. I know I am,” Tony reassured as Pepper walked towards them, towing little Morgan behind her. 
“Someone wanted to say good luck,” Pepper smiled as she let go of Morgan’s hand. Morgan ran up to Peter, throwing herself into his waiting arms.
“Hey, aren’t you supposed to be in the back with the flowers?” Peter joked, balancing Morgan on his hip.
“I needed to tell you something,” Morgan giggled. “It’s a secret.”
“Oh yeah?” Peter quirked up an eyebrow. “I’m all ears.”
Morgan leaned in and cupped her tiny hands around her mouth so that no one else would hear what she had to say. “She looks very pretty, like a princess.”
He couldn’t help the blush that began to rise to his cheeks when he imagined you in your dress. “She does?”
“Mhm,” Morgan nodded, before scrambling down from Peter’s arms. “I’ll bring her to you!” And just like that, Morgan bolted down the aisle in her little flower girl dress to await your arrival.
“Well, that’s my cue,” Pepper sighed before enveloping Peter in a hug. “She really is beautiful.”
“See you on the other side, kid,” Tony smiled as he followed his little family.
Just then, May sidled up next to her nephew. “Your mom and dad would be so proud of you. Your uncle, too.”
“Aw, c’mon, May. No sad tears,” Peter enveloped his aunt in his arms as she tried to hide her tears.
“They aren’t sad tears, they’re happy ones,” May sniffled, dabbing under her eyes so she doesn’t ruin her makeup. “I am so proud of you, Peter, and so happy for you. She is absolutely perfect for you.”
“I hope I’m perfect for her,” Peter nervously laughed.
“Don’t be silly, of course you are,” May gently hit his shoulder. Just then, everyone seemed to settle into their spots and the pianist took her seat. “It’s time. Good luck.”
“Thanks, May,” Peter smiled, facing the doors of the church. Slowly, everyone in the pews rose and faced the doors, and the pianist began to play. Then, it happened, the church doors swung open to reveal the most beautiful thing in the world: you.
This time, Peter wasn’t standing off to the side as you marched towards the altar. No, this time he was right in the center as he watched the love of his life walk towards him. You were absolutely incredible, more stunning than the last time, whatever that was. Peter never did figure out if it was a time fluke or just a very, very bad dream. He didn’t care. All that mattered was that you were walking towards him in a beautiful white gown, smiling the smile that was only reserved for him. 
He couldn’t help the tears that decided to stream down his face. Once your father handed him your hand, he lost it. The only thing that consoled him was the fact that you were crying too, as the two of you walked towards the altar. 
“Good luck,” You mouthed the words to him, squeezing his hand as the two of you took your places before the officiant.
Peter didn’t need luck, not today. He was already the luckiest man in the world to call you his, and now, he was making you his for the rest of time. Instead, he mouthed the words “I love you,” as the officiant began the ceremony that would begin the rest of his life with you.
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You and Me, The Moon and the Tides
Kit drummed the fingers of his free hand against the counter he was sitting on while he held a cookie in the other. It was his third of the morning but the only ones who had to know were him and his stomach. Besides, no one made cookies as well as Julian and Kit was determined to eat as many as possible before Ty came back from whatever he was doing in his old room.
It was still strange sometimes, even after several years, to be back in the Los Angeles Institute. Like he was fifteen again, trying not to mourn his father’s death and getting swept up in the maelstrom that was Ty Blackthorn. Kit finished off his cookie and grabbed another, forcing old memories away with a large bite. He was twenty-two years old, not a teenager anymore, and he definitely didn’t want to spend one of the few days off he had with Ty reminiscing on their awkward, necromantic teen days.
“Julian’s going to be upset you ate all his cookies.” A voice, soft and familiar, spoke out and Kit looked up from where he had been staring at a small crack in a tile to see Ty standing in the doorway, his lynx Irene obediently sitting by his right foot. Kit didn’t know why - probably because his mind was still partially stuck in his old memories - but he couldn’t help but be struck quite suddenly with how beautiful the other man was. He was still slighter than most Nephilim - although he had lost some of the delicacy he had at fifteen - but Kit knew, rather intimately, the strength held in his lithe body. He still had a delicate face framed with the Blackthorn dark hair, but his jaw and cheekbones had become more pronounced as he’d lost the softness of children and his gray eyes were as sharp as ever.
When Kit had first seen him after coming back to America when they were eighteen, he had thought Ty had looked the way avenging Angels should look - austere but beautiful, alluring but dangerous. Beautiful in the way a well-wrought blade was as it glinted in starlight.
Of course, Ty’s appearance had been sharpened with righteous indignation and his clothing had been covered with the still-smoking ichor of the demon he’d dispatched just before he’d caught sight of Kit, and it had mellowed out in the months and years since, as he and Kit worked together to overcome their less-than-stellar past and had begun dating. Now, the Ty standing before Kit was softer. Still devastatingly beautiful, of course, but soft in the way he held his body, all confidence and comfort, in the rumpled nature of the worn gray sweater that Kit was eighty percent sure he’d stolen from the bottom of his own dresser in their bedroom back home. Soft in the tussled mess of his hair that, in a rare fit of spontaneity he hadn’t bothered to comb that morning because “you and the wind are just going to mess it anyway, soft in the way his eyes, brimming as always with sharp intelligence, seemed to always soften when Kit was in sight.
“They were for the twins, you know.” Ty continued, apparently oblivious to Kit’s distracted thoughts, as he strode into the room, Irene slinking behind him lithely. The twins were Helen and Aline’s boys, two fair-head, baby-faced five-year-olds. They were sweet but mischievous little fae boys and Kit knew he was in for finding some unpleasant things on his person throughout his stay now.
But no matter. The cookies were worth it. “I didn’t eat all of them. They don’t need much.” He responded, sliding off the counter and turning to brush the evidence of his misdeeds from its surface and to place the lid back on the glass container. “You ready, then?” He added, turning back to look at Ty. The other man had yet to explain why he had insisted they take a portal from their flat in London back to spend the day in Los Angeles. Especially on a day when apparently everyone was busy with something or another - no one had bothered to explain what they were doing or why the Institute stood empty, a very rare event indeed for the bustling Blackthorn family.
“Yes.” Ty responded, apparently refusing to offer Kit anymore information, before bending down and catching hold of Irene’s harness and clipping her leash onto her. Ty hated leashing her but LA had rules and Kit for one didn’t want to have another run in with a mundane police officer about animal safety laws.
Kit refused to be bothered by Ty’s lack of forthcoming. He was like that, sometimes, when he was coming up with new ideas and they weren’t formed enough to share them yet. There were times when Ty would spend days like that, hyper-focused on thoughts only he was privy to, until they finally came together and Kit would be the first to hear all about his discovery about how a mundane serial killer was actually a very clever demon they needed to kill before their dinner reservation about his plan on how he was going to convince their mundane neighbor, a kindly but nosy older woman, to stop snooping around their trash without traumatizing her.
Kit knew that, given a bit of time, Ty would share all his thoughts and plans with him, and he hardly ever worried anymore that if he was not involved every step of the way, Ty was going to go off and do something dangerous on his own. They were partners and Ty would always wind up sharing his plans before jumping in on the risky parts. They weren’t fun to do alone, anyway, as Ty had often impatiently told him when they had first begun working together again and Kit had often let his old insecurities make him mistrustful of Ty’s quiet periods.
Kit didn’t think their sudden visit to Los Angeles or the three days’ of quiet hyper-fixation from Ty had anything to do with an unsolved mystery or pesky acquaintances, but he knew better than to worry too much about it. He was certain Ty was preparing to share it with him, although why they had to visit the beach or stop by the Institute to pick something up first, Kit had no idea. Ty had never made a habit of making a spectacle out of his discoveries before.
They fell into a companionable silence as Ty lightly tugged on Irene’s leash, deemed it acceptable, and made his way to the back door of the entrance, Kit following half a step behind.
The walk to the beach was as short as Kit remembered, although they hadn’t been back to it since Julian and Emma’s wedding two years before. Establishing themselves at the London Institute - which included repeatedly side-stepping old Bridget’s continued attempts to have a Herondale back as the Head, much to Jem and Tessa’s inconsiderate amusement - working with Kieran, Cristina, and Mark to rebuild Faerieland after the Final War, and working with Alec and the rest of the surviving Nephilim and Downworlders to reconfigure the old laws into something distinctly modern had kept them from making frequent visits to their old haunts.
Time apart, of course, did not make the feel of warm breezes on his face or the salty smell of the sea waves all around him any less familiar and Kit couldn’t help but breathe in deeply, basking in the sun-kissed warmth of his old hometown. He and Ty both missed it, even though it had been years since either had actually lived in the city. It was good to be back, even if Kit still had no idea why they were there.
Ty was no more forthcoming by the shore than he was back at the Institute, and their silence continued even as he led them down the beach, Irene making little disapproving mewls as she trotted across the sand. She hated the feel of sand on her paws, Kit knew, and he wasn’t quite sure why Ty hadn’t left her at home or in the Institute.
Questions about Irene’s quickly fled his mind, however, when several tall rocks came into view and it became quite clear where Ty had led them. It was where they - Kit, Ty, and Livvy - had gone to look at the tide pools, the very first time they’d gone to the beach together. It was also where, after the war was over, they had said their final goodbyes to Livvy. She had decided to move on, once Ty - in her words - no longer needed her, and before the emptiness she had seen in Dimmat Tam had any chance to claim her. She had floated above these very rocks, smiling faintly down at them before turning to go across the sea, disappearing in the waves. Kit had stood wordlessly as Ty watched the waves for an hour afterwards and he had held him tight in the shadow of the rocks, when the silence crested and Ty had begun crying.
They, for very obvious reasons, had not been back.
“Ty…” Kit trailed off questioningly, casting an alarmed look at his boyfriend. But if Ty was being overcome with an onslaught of bittersweet memories, he was hiding it well. The only indicator that Ty was thinking about it at all was the way his jaw seemed to clench briefly.
“Come up with me.” Ty told him, after a moment, stooping briefly to command Irene to stay before dropping her leash into the sand. Then he took to the rock, climbing onto the top with all the ease and grace of someone born to battle. Kit, inwardly wondering what the hell was going on, quickly followed. “The pools are still here,” Ty said as Kit crested the top. There was a pleased tone to his voice. “I was worried they wouldn’t be, since it’s been so hot.”
“We came to Los Angeles because you wanted to visit the tide pools?” Kit asked, careful to make sure his voice didn’t betray all the confusion he felt. Ty didn’t seem to be reminiscing on Livvy too much and he hadn’t broken down again since the day of her departure, although Kit knew all too well that he still felt the dull-ache of her loss.
“It’s the first place we went to on the beach.” Ty said matter-of-factly, carefully turning from the pools to look at Kit. Kit’s breath caught despite himself. Ty was smiling at him softly, his whole body illuminate by the sun so that he seemed to nearly glow in the morning light. “And it’s the last place we saw Livvy. It’s an important place for us, don’t you think?” He continued, still smiling that soft, breathtaking smile. Even though he was still confused, Kit could feel his heartbeat pick up, as though it had figured something out before his mind did. It wasn’t necessarily an unpleasant feeling.
“Yeah. It really is.” Kit answered after a moment. Ty’s smile grew as his eyes - nearly silver in the light - caught Kit’s gaze and held onto it and Kit felt his whole body grow warm in a way that had nothing to do with the sun. Ty didn’t often make eye contact, even after all these years, and Kit’s heart hadn’t ceased to pick up whenever he did. Privately, Kit hoped it never did.
“It’s a bittersweet place,” Ty continued, voice still matter-of-fact. “But it’s where I feel closest to Livvy, and I wanted her to be here for this, even if it’s just in my mind.” Kit was still unsure what “this” was but he was starting to get an idea. They had spoken about it, of course, at great length because Ty didn’t want to do anything without a clear plan, but he hadn’t thought it would be anytime soon. He hadn’t thought Ty would beat him to it.
“Ty…” he said again, his voice suddenly breathless, eyes wide. Ty just shook his head.
“Let me speak, please. You’ve always been the one good at putting your thoughts into words, I’d like to be the one to do that for a change.” Kit nearly laughed - trust Ty to be so official in a moment like this. But then Ty swooped down, his knee hitting the ground with a soft thud, and Kit quite suddenly couldn’t find the breath to even gasp. In complete, shocked silence, Kit let Ty take his hand into his own, staring down rapturously at his boyfriend’s face.
“You once told me, in a ring of fire, that you loved me.” Ty began, his pale fingers softly tracing the mark on Kit’s wrist that he’d made years ago. Kit really didn’t think he needed a reminder of that particular memory at this moment but Ty continued on before he could say anything, no doubt sensing Kit’s inherent sarcasm defense rearing up. “I didn’t know, then, what those words meant. I knew, logically, what others meant when they said them to me, but I really didn’t get it. Actions always made more sense to me - Julian giving me toys to fidget with so Diana didn’t get mad at me in lessons, Livvy learning how to use a computer with me so we could solve mysteries together, Dru inviting me to one of her movies even though she knew I was just going to talk about all the inaccuracies. 
Actions were how I knew my family loved me. So when you said them, I didn’t understand. And then you left, and I really didn’t understand. We weren’t talking anymore, and that was one of the worst moments of my life. I had Livvy back, but I lost you. Then you sent me your mother’s necklace. We weren’t talking, weren’t friends, but you’d heard that Livvy and I were struggling and you sent me that necklace. And I understood then, I think, what you’d meant. But I thought it was too late - you were gone and you didn’t answer the letter I sent. 
And then, before I knew it, years had gone by without you. And it was strange, how long it took for me to get used to you not being by me, even though we hadn’t known each other long. And then you came back, and it was like - like the sun coming out after a cloudy day. I had been living fine in shadows but suddenly it was warm and bright again. I thought it would take us awhile to get back to what we had, I was angry - you were wary. But being around you was like reciting the alphabet, it came easy and natural. And when you kissed me that first time in Faerie, when we thought we were going to die, I finally, really understood. And when I told you I loved you on the last battlefield, I meant it. I’ll always mean it. 
The world may not always work in ways that make sense to me. Sometimes it’s too loud. Sometimes words have no meaning and sometimes people say things I’m somehow supposed to get but it’s just’s nonsense. But you, you’ve always made sense to me. I don’t believe in soulmates and destiny, and all those weird true love things that show up in those cheesy movies you like, but I believe in you and I believe in us. Because we make sense. It’s like -” here Ty stopped, just for a moment. He seemed to be struggling for the right analogy, which was frankly shocking because he had been doing admirably well so far, for someone who claimed not be good with words. 
“It’s like you’re the moon and I’m the tides. Without you, I feel strangely weightless sometimes, like I’m moving without purpose. But you draw me towards you, you bring rhythm to my life that keeps me grounded. You draw me back when I’m going too far - when I’m running three days without sleep, you get me into bed even if you have to lay on me like a weighted blanket until I fall asleep.” Kit had only had to do that once, and it had been after a record-breaking two weeks of no sleep except exhausted cat naps right after the war had ended, but Kit wasn’t about to correct him right then. He was finding it hard enough to even hear Ty over the sound of his thudding heart and it was getting hard to look at the other man through a sudden clouding of his eyes that he would later fully admit was the beginnings of tears.
 “And you draw me forward when I need to go - you make it easy to bear when the world gets too loud and even though I can be difficult, you never leave me behind. You are endlessly patient, you are kind and generous, and you are just so good that sometimes it’s overwhelming. But I don’t ever want to draw away from you, I want to be by your side through everything that comes our way. I love you, Kit Herondale. I love you, I love you, I love you and I want to keep loving you.” Through blurry eyes, Kit watched as Ty, with one hand still holding tight to Kit’s, put his other hand to his mouth and whistle lowly over the stone. Within moments, Irene had leaped lightly onto the stone and Kit noticed, rather stupidly, for the first time that there was something gleaming dangling around the clasp of Irene’s leash. It was a ring, of course. Kit’s tears continued to flow more freely as Ty reached over and carefully unclasped her leash, catching the ring one-handed because Kit was now holding his other hand far too tightly to pull away. 
Ty turned back to Kit then and held out the ring. “If you’d let me.” His voice was a whisper, then but Kit heard it easily enough even above the roar of the waves behind them. He was attuned to Ty so completely that he would have heard the whisper anywhere, over anything. 
“Are you fucking kidding?” Kit practically yelled and Ty nearly flinched in surprise. “You’re bad with words? I’m actually crying right now, you - you jerk! What the fuck!” Kit’s rather harsh words - and really, could anyone blame him? he hadn’t expected this when Ty had woken him up that morning- were completely undermined by him dropping down to his knees and swooping Ty into a tight embrace. He couldn’t think of how to put his swirling thoughts into words so he settled for what Ty understood best - he pressed his lips firmly against his and kissed him soundly. 
He still couldn’t think of how to say what Ty made him feel - loved and cherished and happy, always so very happy, were some of them but they weren’t enough to explain how he felt, weren’t powerful enough to encompass even half of his emotions. But he could say one word and, at that particular moment, it was the perfect word to say. 
“Yes,” he murmured against his fiancee’s lips. “Yes, yes, yes.” 
This is also posted on AO3 under GinnyRose. 
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phobidawg · 4 years
This is insanely late, but I finally finished up my fic for the Renegades Fic Exchange, hosted by @narcissacronin and @ruby-assassin! It’s for @onecannotbebravewhohasnofear with the prompt of “something with Callum.” I hope you like it! <3
And AU where Callum survived Supernova, and all the team is grown up. It’s Giving Thanks Day, and Nova is completely overhwelmed with preparations, so Callum offers to babysit the kids. 
Word Count- 1728
Callum turned the lock, patting the granda victorian doors fondly. The wooden sign above them read “Treadwell’s Treasures.” The name had been an offhand thought of Nova’s. Though Maggie has scoffed, Callum thought it was charming. And so, the three of them had pooled their money, and bought Callum his dream museum. The museum hosted a wide variety of historical objects and presentations. The council even let Callum showcase many of the unused prodigy objects in the artifacts room, under the condition that they could access them at any time they needed. 
Treadwell’s Treasures was his favorite place to be in the world, hence why it had been open even today, a national holiday. Giving Thanks Day was to honor the gifts they had. It was a holiday that Callum himself had suggested to the Council, and they’d readily agreed.
There was a beep, and Callum looked down at his Renegade watch. He picked it up, and was met with a distressed Nova yelling at someone “no the other pot, there’s already something in that one!”
“Nova, are you okay?” Callum could sense the anxiety and Nova’s overwhelmed state of being through the phone. 
“Hi Callum, it just wanted to remind you that dinner’s at- Andromeda please don’t touch that it’s hot!”
“Dinner?” From the sound of it, that was the last thing Callum expected Nova to tell him about. 
“Yes it’s at 5… OSCAR PLEASE-”
“Do you need a hand?”
“Oh no you don’t have to do that,” There was a bang and a squeal that sounded suspiciously like Oscar in the background. It sounded like Callum did to do that. “I’ll be there in 10!” Callum reponsonded brightly, before hanging up and jogged to his bike. 
Callum never went anywhere by car, he believed that saving the environment was in the small things. He also always wore a helmet, which he buckled now.
Passing through the streets, Callum admired the improvement the Council had made to the dilapidated suburbs. The project was a huge undertaking, and when he had time Callum liked to help the effort. Though the main priority was making them safe to live in, Callum liked it when  the helpers repainted a house a bright color. The reds, yellows, greens, and blues really brightened the atmosphere of the whole place.
Callum turned a corner, smiling at people as he passed. Soon he neared a pretty, light blue house. Parking his bike, he knocked on the door.
Nova opened it, and promptly ushered him in.
“Happy Giving Thanks Day!” She began to hug him, but a “Nova! The pasta is on fire!” quickly recalled her back to the kitchen.
Callum wasn’t alone for long, only moments passed before a little girl came to hug his legs.
“Uncle Callum!” She squealed. He laughed, swinging her up over his head. She shrieked gleefully and he kissed her cheek. Callum loved when Nova’s kids called him Uncle, even if they were by no way related. 
“Andromenda! How’ve you been? How’s Bear?”
Andromeda showcased her stuffed cat proudly. “He got a cut above his eye, but I gave him stitches myself. Callum peered at the stitching. “Wow! You're going to have to give me lessons! I ripped my pants yesterday gardening, can you fix those too?”
Andromeda considered, before nodding, determined. “I’ll fix them!”
“Whew, what would I do without you.” He set her down, and she scampered off to find Nina, Oscar and Ruby’s daughter.
“Callum! Nova said I would find you here.” Adrian clapped his shoulder. The two exchanged greetings as Adrian led him to the back room. “Thank you so much for offering to help out, it’s really hectic- Oscar, his mom, and Ruby’s parents and grandmother are all in the kitchen trying to cook over each other while she leads them, and Ruby and I are busy setting the table and finishing up decorations… it’ll only be for a half hour before my dads and everyone else come and they’ll be fine on their own.”
“It’s no problem! I’m glad to help.” Callum responded, and Adrian sighed in relief. 
“Thank you so much.” He ran off to find Ruby again, and Callum was left with the kids.
There were three jumping kids, and one in a bucket seat. Andromeda and Nina, the 6 year olds, and Lucas, Ruby and Oscar’s 4 year old son. The one in the bucket seat began to cry, so Callum went over to pick the child up. Cradling the baby, he looked down and bopped it’s nose.
“Why are you so sad Diana?” He cooed, moving around a little bit to soothe her. Diana waved one little fist, sucking on the other. Callum caught the first, and enclosed it in his hand. Diana made a gasping sound, and her eyes widened as she wondered where her fist had gone. Callum smiled, and opened his hand. The little girl goggled at her newly reappeared hand, tears forgotten. Callum bounced her a little, and reached over to get the sash from the table. He handed the little girl to Andromeda for a moment, and put the sash over one shoulder and under the other. He took the baby back and settled her in the hammock like space that was made before turning to face the other children.
“Lucas, Nina! I believe it’s been a full week since I saw you last. Have you been good for your parents?”
The two bounced on the balls on their feet, nodding profusely. Callum smiled at them. “I’ve been good too!” Andromeda piped up. Callum laughed, and dug around in his pocket. Pulling out his hand, he extended it towards the three and opened it. The squealled gleefully when they saw the little caramel chews. Callum mimed a shushing motion, “your parents won’t be very happy since caramel gets stuck in your teeth, but a little extra sweetness has done nothing but help people.” 
“Thank you Uncle Callum!” They chorused, unwrapping them eagerly. 
Diana gurgled, and Callum reached over to grab her bottle. “I didn’t forget you.” He reassured, handing it to her.
“What were you doing before?” He asked when the candies had been eaten.
“We were playing family.” Andromeda informed. 
“I was the baby.” Nina complained, crossing her arms. “I wanted to be the dog!” She exclaimed, “And plus we already have a baby.”
“But Diana can’t play with us, and not every family has a dog.” Andromeda reasoned.
“I’m the Dad.” Lucas stuck his chest out proudly, looking at Andromeda for approval. She was too busy arguing with Nina though. Callum told Lucas he looked very manly.
“Well I can’t see why Nina can’t be a dog, not every couple has a child. Look at Aunt Danna and Aunt Narcissa!”
Nina began to grin, and Andromeda paused, considering.
“Well, they don’t have a dog either.” She said, as if that settled it. 
“That’s because Auntie Narcissa is allergic to dogs.” Lucas pointed out. “If she wasn’t they might!”
Callum was a little lost on the logic of toddlers, but could sense it was going to work itself out.
“Does that mean I can be a dog?” Nina was looking between them, equally lost. 
Andromeda didn’t answer, eyebrows furrowed, but Lucas told his sister that of course she could.
“Yay!” Nina jumped up and down.
“Wait, what’s Uncle Callum going to be?” Andromeda asked.
Callum considered, “the next door neighbor?”
“You can be the grandpa!” Lucas giggled, and Callum laughed, joining the game.
 Once the company began to arrive, they all congregated in the living room. Danna, Narcissa, Maggie, Ruby’s brother’s, Max were all there. After the battle, the last four had become a Renegades team, along with another girl (who couldn't make it tonight.) Hugh and Simon were in their way, as well as Leroy and Danna’s parents. 
Callum took a seat next to Maggie. She and the boys from her team were engaged in a very serious game of Connect 4. It was Maggie and Max against the twins.
Callum whispered something in Maggie’s ear. She grinned and a moment later, she and Max had the twins beat.
“No fair! They cheated!” Jade pointed at him accusingly, but Max and Maggie couldn't hear of the sound of their whooping.
The two hours passed in a joyous blur of talking, friends, and intense games of Uno (Danna won every time.)
Food was served, and the rest of the guests came, the meal was ended, people left to play games in the other room, and an exhausted Nova took a seat next to him.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, taking a bite.
“Aaaaaah.” Nova yell sighed. Callum pat her hand. “This is all amazing, you’ve done an outstanding job.” He reassured. She smiled at him.
“Hosting is hard,” she admitted. “It’s all much better now that I’m sitting though.”
“I wouldn’t know.” He laughed. “Well, I hosted a museum, but that’s very different.”
“Speaking of, how’s your Day of Triumph exhibition going?”
Callum nodded. “Very well, I think the people will walk out understanding both sides, the losses of both, and how it didn’t stop further problems- though a victory nonetheless.”
Nova nodded, fingers tapping her glass. “Are you doing another one of the ‘stand really still and look like a statue’ fundraisers soon? Because Narcissa loved it.”
“She did tell me that afterwards, also she said she had some good books I could borrow for my next exhibit.”
“That’s great!”
There was a pause of silence, before Nova said, “Thank you for coming over and watching the kids today. I know they’re a handful, but it was a huge help.”
Callum just smiled and waved it away. “Anytime, and it was no problem! Love the kids.”
Nova stood up. “You’re the best. Now I have to go wash the dishes.”
Ruby popped her head in the room. “Danna and I have got the dishes!”
Nova looked doubtful. “Clear the table…”
“Adrian did that.” Ruby informed.
“Oh!” Nova was surprised and clearly relieved. Callum gave her a gentle push towards the living room, where Adrian and her other friends were waiting for her on the couch. “Go!” 
Callum watched her sit and give Adrian a kiss on the cheek with content. His friends were happy, Gatlon was on the rise, and all was at peace in the world. He was most definitely thankful.
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sdottkrames · 4 years
Queen of Hearts: A Mentalist Fic
@comfortember Prompt 2: First day/night.
Summary: A year with Jane and Lisbon’s little girl. (Spoiler alert: everyone is in love).
Notes:  This is a two part fic. Chapter Two will be up towards the end of this month, so stay tuned!
Read it on AO3: here
Again, if anybody would like to be tagged, let me know. I hope you enjoy!
Day One
Teresa woke up that morning, normal as anything. Patrick was already up as per usual, sipping his special tea. He shot her a happy, golden smile, making her heart melt. She wandered over to him, running her hand through his curls.
“Good morning,” he murmured, and handed her a cup of coffee, just the way she liked it. Somehow, he always made it better. She had a theory that he hid some really expensive coffee somewhere, but she knew he’d never tell her if she asked, and knew better than to try and find it. She’d never be able to outwit Patrick.
She sipped her coffee and smiled over the rim. “Hey.”
It was a quiet moment. Sweet, simple, and full of love. But then it was shattered with the sensation of water running down her legs. Teresa nearly choked on her coffee.
“Teresa, you alright?”
She shot him a look filled with terror, and placed a hand on her stomach. Her brain was short circuiting. She’d faced serial killers, guns, and knives without hardly a blink. But delivering a baby? Very new territory.
Patrick understood the message, and understood her inner panic. He quickly led her to their bedroom where he threw her some sweatpants and grabbed the overnight bag they packed a week ago while she changed.
She focused on breathing through the fear and pain as Patrick sped to the hospital, surprised to find she was grateful for his erratic driving for once.
At 1:37 PM, Cameron Angela Jane came into the world. She had eyes like her father and hair like her mother. Patrick cried, Teresa cried, Cameron cried (of course). In short, there were a lot of tears.
Teresa and Patrick had gone back and forth on names for a long time. She had wanted, of course, to honor Patrick’s late wife or daughter somehow, but Patrick had also been insistent on honoring Teresa’s family. They decided on Cameron, after Teresa’s mother, and Angela, after Jane’s wife. There had been tears then, too.
Aside from the first few minutes, Cameron was surprisingly quiet for a baby. Once she had been bathed and nestled into her mother’s arms, she settled instantly. The doctors had her nurse right away, and the little girl was asleep within seconds once her stomach was filled.
Teresa felt her heart shifting and swelling to make room for this beautiful, precious baby like her stomach had done for 9 months before.
She couldn’t take her eyes away.
“She’s so perfect,” she whispered, sniffling back a few tears.
“I know,” a quiet voice beside her said softly, and Teresa looked over at the only person that could possibly make her happier than the little bundle in her arms. Patrick.
“We did a good job, didn’t we?”
“Well, you did most of it, love,” he grinned, his eyes so filled with happiness and love, in such stark contrast to the sadness and bitterness that had filled them when she first met him.
She offered him the bundle of blankets, and watched tears fall as he took their daughter ever so gently and stared at her with such adoration and wonder.
Patrick tore his eyes away to look at Teresa again, and the hospital bed squeaked as she shifted to let him climb into it with her, carefully maneuvering so he didn't wake his precious cargo. She snuggled right up against his side, laying her head on his shoulder with a happy sigh. Feeling whole, and content, and incredibly exhausted, she let her eyes droop.
Patrick noticed, observant as ever, and gently kissed her forehead. “You should rest,” he whispered, and quietly started to hum until both his girls were sleeping peacefully.
One Month
Patrick and Teresa moved around each other like a practiced machine. Cameron (or Cammy, as they’d taken to calling her) was sleeping. But only for about another 45 minutes. They needed to get everything done before their world became completely absorbed by Cammy again.
Not that they would complain. They had created a habit of watching her sleep when they were supposed to be sleeping, missing precious time because they only got three hours at a time. .
“What is it about babies sleeping that’s so cute?” Teresa had asked one night as they stared at their sleeping daughter, twin looks of adoration on their faces.
“I don’t know. I was the same way with Charlotte, though. I’d stay awake all night just watching her sleep if Angela didn’t pull me to bed.”
He’d been talking about his family more lately, Cammy brought up memories of another little baby girl, and Teresa gave his hand a squeeze. She was relieved to see no sadness on his face, just wistful memories, and then Cammy yawned and he melted, and even the wistfulness faded.
But it wasn’t bedtime. It was naptime, and they were in mission mode.
Since bringing Cammy home, their normally (relatively) clean house had been a mess. Dishes left in the sink for days at a time, baby toys and blankets and diapers littering the floor, and their laundry hamper overflowing. But they developed a system, and Saturdays’ naps are for cleaning house.
Patrick grabbed the laundry from their room (tip toeing past the nursery) and Teresa took it from him with practiced precision as he continued down the hall to the kitchen. Once the wash was going, she started picking up the living room.
They finish and collapse onto their couch with 10 minutes to spare.
“We’re getting better,” Patrick murmured, sliding down so his head was in his wife’s lap and his legs hung over the armrest. Her hands started running through his curls of their own accord and he smiled softly as his eyes drooped.
The peaceful moment was broken 5 minutes later as cries began to erupt from the nursery, and Patrick immediately sat up. “I got her.”
While Teresa relaxed back into the couch, Patrick made his way down the hallway.
“Hey, little dove. Good morning!” he cooed as he opened the door.
The nursery had become one of his favorite rooms in the house. The walls were a beautiful, light mint blue, which made the white furniture and curtains stand out. (He’d insisted on the blue. It was Charlotte’s favorite color.) He picked up the sniffling baby from her crib and laid her on the floor to change her diaper.
“How’s my little angel, huh? Did you have a good nap?”
Cammy cooed in response, and Patrick couldn’t help but coo back. He smiled at his daughter. (His daughter!) And then something amazing happened.
She smiled back.
Forgetting about the diaper, Patrick called “Teresa! Come here!” He winces when he heard her running, panicked by the urgency in his tone.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to alarm you, but…she smiled at me! Her first smile!” he said excitedly, gesturing to their still bottom-naked little girl, who was flailing happily on the floor.
Teresa smiled at her baby. “Did you smile at your daddy, huh?”
Cammy’s nose wrinkled as she smiled again, this time directing her smile at her mother. Both her parents smiled back.
Three Months
Cameron had her mother and father completely wrapped around her finger. They both loved her more than they thought it possible to love anyone and would give the world to her if they could.
But that didn’t mean they didn’t want to hand her to someone else to deal with sometimes, too...particularly when she started screaming at 3 in the morning.
“Patrick, your daughter’s awake.”
“No, we both know she wants you, not me. She’s going through a phase ,” he mumbled, turning over in bed to face his wife, his eyes still determinedly shut. “And I got her last time, anyway.”
Teresa groaned as she got up for the third time that night, padding over to the bassinet at the foot of their bed.
Cammy had been sleeping through the night for the last month, much to the amazement and excitement of her parents. She’d nurse before she went to bed, then Teresa would nurse her before she and Patrick went to sleep, and she would be good for about 6 hours. But lately, she had been determined to not sleep for more than two hours at a time.
To top it off, she had, as Patrick complained, been going through a phase where she only wanted her mother. If Patrick so much as looked at her in the middle of the night, she cried impossibly louder until he handed her to Teresa, then she settled down into her normal volume of crying (which, spoiler alert, was still very loud).
In short, Teresa was exhausted.
“Cammy, I love you, but you are making me crazy!” she muttered, picking up the squalling baby.
When the same thing happened the next night, and the night after that, Teresa started to get really desperate. She’d had rough nights before, sure. Calls in the middle of the night to go to a crime scene, nightmares (hers and Jane’s), even getting up with her brothers when she was still at home raising them. But this had hit another level.
And Patrick could tell.
He tried, of course. He tried to get Cammy and pick her up, but nothing he did stopped her from crying. The only way any of them got any sleep was when he gave in and handed her to Teresa. He had no idea what to do, and it was a strange feeling.
Then he got an idea.
It came to him suddenly. Everyone loves to drive with me , he’d joked once to Cho. Driving had always been soothing to him, and he remembered Angela mentioning a friend had driven around to soothe her baby once. Cammy always fell asleep during car rides, anyway.
So, the next time Cammy started screaming, he quickly hopped out of bed and slipped on some shoes.
“I’m going to take her for a drive, see if that helps,” he said to answer the confused look his wife shot him. “Go back to sleep.”
She nodded gratefully and sank back into her pillows.
“Alrighty, little terror, you’re coming with me.”
Cammy protested her car seat. Loudly. But Patrick persisted, refusing to lose a battle to a 3 and a half month old. Once she was buckled, he began to drive. He didn’t pay much attention to where he was going, just hummed along to the classical music he had put on hoping to soothe his daughter.
Slowly, her cries decreased in volume, then turned to whimpers, then stopped altogether.
“Hey, princess, there you are,” he cooed at her, catching her eye in the rearview mirror. To his relief, Cammy shot him a gummy smile instead of her usual angry yell. “Oh, a smile, huh. Thank you. This car ride thing must really be working.”
He turned onto another street, then another, mostly paying attention to the way Cammy’s eyes started drooping and her head started lolling against the side of the car seat. She tried to fight it. Every so often, her eyes would close, and she’d determinedly open them again. But soon she had to give in.
“Finally,” Patrick sighed when her eyes closed and stayed that way. He glanced at the clock. 4:37.
After a few more minutes of driving around to ensure she really was asleep, he made his way back to their house and parked the car, but didn't get out. A car was definitely not the worst place he’d slept, and he didn’t want to chance taking Cammy out and waking her up. Besides, if she stayed in the car with him, Teresa could finally get more than 3 hours of rest.
Soon, he drifted off to the quiet sounds of Mozart and the snuffling sounds his daughter made, and decided they were some of his favorite sounds to go to sleep to.
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mythicamagic · 5 years
Healing Technique: Sesskag oneshot
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Kagome offers to give Sesshoumaru a massage. But she's not flirting, definitely not. Never.
Rated T
For Sesskag Week 2019 - Day 3: Flirt
Healing Technique~
Kagome noticed it without really understanding how or why. It had just caught her attention again and again.
Sesshoumaru had pulled a muscle.
Or at least, it seemed that way. Maybe the Daiyoukai's joints were stiff, or he'd recently gotten a crick in his neck, but whatever the case, it didn't change the fact that he was currently rubbing the back of his neck, again. He'd been doing so on and off for three days now. Naturally, he'd been subtle about it, not making a peep of discomfort. Deadly fingers would comb through his long hair, feigning disinterest in the group's chatter, before casually rubbing the flesh or rolling his shoulder. The briefest flash of relief warmed his eyes before they were hidden by lowered magenta lids. The sight of it always made her stomach flutter.
Rinse, lather and repeat. Kagome was sincerely tired of dog demons and their damned pride.
She stood, having had enough.
Approaching his slightly reclined position against a tree outside the hut, she met his curious, steady gaze. "Um..."
This part proved tricky. Though she considered him a friend, the demon lord had given no indication he felt the same. He visited the village for the sake of Rin and tolerated the miko's chatter or her tea offerings, but that was all. "I have this... healing technique you might be interested in." Kagome winced. It wasn't a complete lie.
"This one is not injured." He arched a perfect silver brow.
She grit her teeth. Of course. "S-still. I could really use your help by having someone to practise on. Alone."
"Hn, would your friends not suffice?"
Kagome looked at him flatly. "No. It's just for Daiyoukais."
Assessing her with an unreadable expression, thin lips curved slightly. "How specific."
He stood without another word, gesturing with a graceful motion of his hand for her to lead on. Kagome's heart suddenly went into a fluttering panic. Ah, crap. I'm really going to try and massage a killing machine, aren't I?
Awkwardly padding away from the village huts, she caught Sango's eye, who smiled encouragingly while bouncing one of her twins on her knee. Blushing, Kagome hurried up a hill. Don't get the wrong idea, Sango.
This was Sesshoumaru. The cold-blooded ally who had aided them in the last battle against Naraku, who cared for Rin and occasionally saved them- but paramount in Kagome's mind was one thought; He disliked humans.
So he'd never look at her that way. They were in no danger of misunderstanding. It was fine, totally fine.
Kagome led the way through the trees to the opening of a small, quaint cave within Inuyasha's forest. It was spacious enough for their purposes, and private, not too far away from a babbling brook. A mat had already been laid out, along with some soft materials to make it more comfortable.
Sesshoumaru shot her a look. "This was premeditated."
She sweatdropped. "Yeah, a little. But you could have said no."
"Hn," fierce golden eyes swept down her miko attire.
"Now uh, I-I just need you to take off your armour and hanjuban."
Sesshoumaru complied, flicking open the secures of his battle attire and lifting off the chest plate, before disrobing, complying suspiciously easy. Kagome felt her damned cheeks heat again and quickly turned around. "You're going along with this a lot less stubbornly than I thought you would."
"Did you think me like the half breed? Kicking up a storm over every minor thing?"
Kagome laced her fingers, thoughts turning to Inuyasha and their break up a few months ago. "No, it's just that you're quite a private person."
"Hn," his breath fanned over the back of her neck and Kagome jumped, glancing over her shoulder.
Lean, strong muscle filled her gaze. His chest appeared as built as she'd figured it would be, but the bold magenta stripes dipping low on his hips caught her eye. They drew attention to his abdomen, disappearing under the material of his pants.
Kagome drew in a breath. Certainly, a half-naked Daiyoukai was something to behold. Catching his gold eyes, which seemed to smile even as his mouth remained still, she huffed. "A-anyway!" She took a shaky step back, trying and failing not to get flustered. "Please lie down on your stomach on the mat!"
Now he seemed to pause, assessing the mat. "...This one does not like such a vulnerable position."
"You can hold your sword if it makes you feel better." She teased as payback. When he bristled, she decided to relent. "Alright, sit down instead."
This he agreed to, settling down on the mat and looking at her expectantly, back straight and muscles tense. Kagome smiled encouragingly, before approaching. He seemed to grow more alert the closer she stepped, claws twitching on his folded knees. She wondered why he seemed so...keen?
Stepping around him, she leaned down to kneel at his back, settling behind him.
Sesshoumaru glanced over his shoulder, expression slightly guarded. "What are you doing, miko?"
"My healing technique. Try to relax, and... please don't kill me," she mumbled, pushing back her sleeves. Reaching out, it took all her willpower not to back down under the heavy, intense stare he fixed her with. Kagome quickly grasped the silky silver strands of his hair and pushed them over his shoulder. "Hold this!" She squeaked, hating that they felt exquisite.
Soft palms then settled on the nape of his neck. Using the pads of her thumbs, she massaged the warm, pale skin, blushing all the while. Sesshoumaru tensed, a low growl escaping him. Kagome quickly moved to a lower area, using her fingers and causing the growl to roll into a low, rumbling noise.
Her heart thundered in her chest. Red cheeks deepened into a lush crimson. A part of her realised her mistake. This felt far too intimate between them. True she'd been held by men before, pressed up close to kidnappers. She'd been kissed by Inuyasha. Yet this was different. It felt personal. She'd never touched a man in such a way before. Why had she thought she could do this, again?
But as she kept smoothing her hands over the muscle of his back, Kagome began to feel the tense areas. Embarrassment melted into concentration. It was clear he must have been in discomfort, judging by the amount of time she had to take unwinding a bundle of tense nerves at his lower back.
She blinked, noticing goosebumps whisper over his flesh. The demon shivered.
"Are you cold?"
He straightened. "Do not be foolish."
They were silent for a time, only broken by Sesshoumaru's soft exhales or quick hisses of air he quickly smothered. Kagome became almost used to touching him, feeling the youki simmering under the surface of his skin. He felt so warm and smooth in some areas, yet hard and strong in others. Kagome could almost maybe admit that she enjoyed this strange closeness.
"Do all humans engage in this behaviour before mating?" He uttered.
Kagome squeaked, hands pausing. "E-excuse me?!"
His striped cheek turned, and he glanced at her. "Was that not the reason for demanding my presence, alone? In a secluded area. Disrobed."
"No!" She wailed, humiliated. "This isn't a ploy to seduce you! I'm massaging you. H-haven't you ever had one before?"
She'd figured such a prestigious lord would have luxuries open to him. By the look the Daiyoukai was giving her however, apparently he didn't engage with such things. It also occurred to her that she had not, in fact, clarified what they'd be doing together.
Light fingertips strayed away from his skin, curling into her palm. Kagome looked at him uncertainly, caught between embarrassment and a strange flutter in her chest. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...give you the wrong idea that I was flirting or something. Should I stop?"
"Do as you please," he muttered, a wry smile touching his mouth that made him appear strangely discontent.
Heat curled in her stomach. Why did he seem disappointed? So unsurprised and jaded, like he'd known from the start there was no hope of her wanting to lie with him. Her mind reeled, hands remaining frozen. Outside, the chirping of birds nesting in the trees and the bubbling water in the brook sounded so much louder.
Seeming to sense her confusion, the demon quietly continued.
"No one is permitted to touch this Sesshoumaru in such a way. Not even lovers."
"Then why allow me to?"
Sesshoumaru turned to face forward, muscles locking. She could feel the tension radiating off him in waves.
Slowly, haltingly, traitorous fingers reached out again. This time, the miko glided her hands over the hard plains of his body, careful and considerate. She took more notice of the battle scars littering his skin. She knew from experience with Inuyasha's wounds that only the most fatal and powerful blows left scars on demons bodies. The rest disappeared, mended perfectly on their skin.
And apparently, no one else had touched them. Just her. Kagome looked at the back of his head, emotion squeezing her chest.
Seeing one particularly harsh scar that curved under his shoulder blade, a mad impulse seized her. Brushing her palm over the spot, Kagome dipped down and pressed her lips gently to it.
Immediately realising what the hell she'd done- Kagome reeled back, only to have steel fingers grab her wrist.
Sesshoumaru had turned, long hair sliding forward over his shoulder to pool on the ground. The sunlight behind him caught the strands of silver and illuminated them with a soft radiant glow. Inhuman, molten eyes stared at her, gliding down to her mouth. She could practically feel the heat of his gaze slide down her skin, warming it until a fever spiked her heartbeat into overdrive. Long claws captured her chin and held it a willing hostage.
The silky baritone of his voice dipped low and pleasant. "Will you tease, and say that was a healing technique just now, cruel miko?"
Heart thundering, her throat became dry when a sharp claw smoothed over her bottom lip, thumb grazing.
"I-I just...wanted to..." she murmured, trailing off when hot breath fanned over her lashes.
A wet, lazy tongue slid over her cheek, causing the miko to jolt. "Mn...?"
"I just wanted-" shaky breath hitched, blue eyes hazing as her thighs pressed together. "To make you feel good-"
But it was a lie. Or at least partially so. Hadn't she been masquerading under a friendly face just to spend time with him because of his dry humour, sharp tongue and wonderful way of emboldening her? Hadn't she been pleased when he pulled a muscle, because it meant a reason- an excuse to be close to him. Feel that which was forbidden to touch. In reality, hadn't she been flirting? Dancing around the subject of wanting him. Her body hummed alive, wanting the thing she'd denied herself out of so many things; fear of inadequacy, rejection, and-
"Silence," he uttered, nipping her ear. "If you wish to please this one, follow through with your actions. I refuse to misunderstand you. Be clear, and bold, just as this one has seen you be before."
Kagome blushed and leaned back. She then exhaled and set her shoulders, summoning her courage. It was a small thing now, tamed by heartbreak, but she blew the dust off it and coaxed her bravery alight.
The barriers of hesitation inside her mind fell away, and leaning up, her left her in a dizzying rush as she pressed her lips to the hollow of his throat.
Strong arms caught her about the waist, and she squeaked, feeling herself be pulled flush against him.
Kagome scraped blunt nails over the very skin she'd massaged, willingly straddling the demon lord. The more they touched, the more a feeling grew to towering heights, until her body sighed with catharsis right along with his.
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nocturnal-jeon · 5 years
𝚍𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚢'𝚜 𝚋𝚘𝚢 ➛ 𝚍𝚊𝚍!𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚘𝚔
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“Yun-seok, eat the peas,” you softly urged, sitting in front of the stubborn toddler’s high chair as he shook his head vigorously. You had been there for at least five minutes trying to get one small spoonful of vegetables into his mouth. But nope. Yun-seok wasn’t having any of it. He had eaten his chicken with no problem and drank almost all of his juice, but for some reason, he would not allow those vicious peas into his mouth. 
“Ice cream,” the little boy shouted excitedly, his small hands forming into fists as he threw them up in the air, a huge grin on his face. You chuckled. “Yes, baby, you can have ice cream as soon as you eat this one spoonful,” you urged, trying to move them closer to his face, but he scrunched it up and turned his face away, letting out a shriek. 
He definitely got his soundbox and expressions from Hoseok. 
It was around lunchtime, and Hoseok missed his family so much. He kept agreeing to help the other members on the choreography, which led him to stay late at the studio, just making it into bed before the birds began to sing. He missed reading his son to bed and engaging with him. He missed having long conversations with you as he held you and kissed you. 
He felt that he was just missing too much.
So, when he had the option to leave at lunchtime since he had worked so hard during the first half of the day, he left quickly and excitedly, ready to be at home with his family during the daytime. 
“Baby, it’ll taste good!” you promise, moving the spoon around to his turned head, only for him to swing it back around and face the other way as his shriek grew. 
“What’s going on in here?” a sudden voice spoke, causing both you and Yun-seok to look up. “Daddy!” the two year old screeched loudly, holding his arms up immediately to be held. Hoseok threw down his bag before lifting up his son, tossing him in the air and catching him securely. Yun-seok was always at his loudest and most excited when Hoseok was home. 
“I missed you so much today,” your husband cooed, looking down at his practical twin sitting comfortably on his hip. “Play?” the little one asked, looking up at his dad with wide eyes filled with wishes of adventure and mischief. 
“Sure!” Hoseok exclaimed, ready to leave the kitchen, but you stood up, clearing your throat. 
“This little one won’t eat his peas,” you gently whined, holding up the still-full bowl of bright green circles. Hoseok allowed a playful frown to display on his lips as he turned to look at his son, who looked as guilty as ever. 
“Why won’t you eat the peas? They’re so yummy!” Hoseok exclaimed as his son stared at him with eyes of disbelief. To add evidence to back up his claim, Hoseok put a spoonful of the horrid vegetable into his mouth, chewing with a sweet smile. 
But as Yun-seok watched his father with wide eyes, taking in as much information as he could, something switched in his brain and suddenly, his mouth was hanging wide open. Hoseok put maybe five or six peas on the toddler’s tongue. You watched amazed. 
The little boy nestled comfortably in his dad’s arms chewed on them, speculation all over his face; yet, he swallowed and showed no reaction whatsoever. They had no taste to him. 
“More?” Hoseok asked in an excited voice, proud of his son for trying something new. His son nodded. “You eat,” he spoke in his cute little voice, pointing to the bowl of peas. “I eat them, too?” Yun-seok nodded. 
Hoseok put yet another spoonful of peas into his mouth and did the same with Yun-seok, who tried to match his chews with his father’s. Placing your hands on your hips, you couldn’t help but find yourself getting a little jealous. Yun-seok had given you hell to eat these, but now that Hoseok was home, he was eating them like they were his favorite food. 
And soon enough, the white bowl was empty. Even though Hoseok ate the majority of the vegetable, you were still proud nonetheless. “Now play!” the little boy demanded, getting impatient with this dent in his plans. “Okay, okay,” Hoseok said with a chuckle. 
“Let me give mommy a kiss, first.” 
Closing the gap between the two of you, Hoseok titled his head down to kiss your pouting lips. Pulling away after a few minutes, he stared at you with a loving smile on his lips, eyes smiling, too. “I missed you, too, beautiful,” he whispered, to wanting Yun-seok to hear. But it’s not like he was listening. Yun-seok was too busy trying to find a way out of his father’s arms so he could run to his toys littered across the living room floor. 
“I missed you more,” you admitted, letting out a sigh of content as you got lost in the eyes of your husband you rarely got to see these days. Bringing his head up a bit, he kissed your forehead. “Daddy!” the little boy screeched, getting far too impatient. “Okay!”
Putting Yun-seok down, the little toddler grabbed his father’s hand and attempted to pull him into the living room. Giving you a quick look as an apology, he turned and ran after his son who was filling the house with his contagious laughter. 
You stood watching for a few seconds, tears prickling your eyes as you watched Hoseok fully interact with his son for the first time in weeks. Hoseok used Styrofoam strips to create roads as Yun-seok searched his toy box for race cars meanwhile trying to tell his dad what he had done that day in his limited toddler vocabulary. And even though it was hard to understand him and most of what he said didn’t make sense, Hoseok was listening and replying, asking questions to which Yun-seok would excitedly answer. 
Smiling to yourself, you turned to clean the dishes and Yun-seok’s high chair, wiping it down with a towel. As you glanced up at the clock, you realized that it would be the best time to do some laundry while your son was occupied. So, once you were done cleaning the kitchen, you went to do some other household chores; yet no matter how far you strayed from the living room, Hoseok’s laughter beautifully blended with Yun-seok’s wafted through your ears, reminding you how lucky you were to have your boys. 
You cleaned for the better half of the day until it was time for you to help Yun-seok brush his teeth. Hoseok had gone to shower in your bathroom. So, you stood in the guest bathroom, pajamas on, as your son sat stubbornly on the bathroom counter, refusing to open his mouth so you could brush his teeth. 
“Yun-seok, please, baby,” you begged, holding up his small red toothbrush, the bubblegum-flavored toothpaste already on the bristles. Crossing his arms across his chest, he shook his head aggressively. Why was it a whole battle to get him to do the smallest thing?
As you let out a sigh, Hoseok entered the bathroom, white towel wrapped around his waist as a few stray water droplets slid down his bare and chiseled chest, matching droplets coming off the ends of his freshly-washed hair. 
“What’s wrong, buddy?” he asked in his always-chirpy voice, ruffling Yun-seok’s brown hair as he sat in his footy pajamas. Looking at you holding his toothbrush with Yun-seok’s tightly-closed mouth, he put the pieces together. 
“Here, you know what we’ll do?” Hoseok announced as he reached into the cup on the sink and grabbed a spare toothbrush, the one he usually used all the way in the other bedroom. Your son watched, mouth still closed, as Hoseok put a generous amount of toothpaste on his toothbrush. Giving you a gentle smile, he took Yun-seok’s toothbrush out of your hand and put both toothbrushes under the faucet to put a little bit of water on the bristles. 
“We’ll brush together.”
At first, Yun-seok was not sold whatsoever. But as Hoseok brushed his teeth, a smile on his lips, the stubborn toddler began to think that it wouldn't be that bad. Putting the toothbrush in his mouth, he poorly tried to brush his small teeth. With a chuckle, Hoseok reached over and helped brush his teeth for him as he brushed his own. 
You watched, yet again amazed, at how Yun-seok was fine to do anything as long as Hoseok was there. 
Once they were done, Yun-seok made grabby hands at his dad, showing he wanted to be held. With a grand smile, he picked up his son, who automatically yawned, resting his head on Hoseok’s shoulder. “I’ll put him to bed,” Hoseok whispered, placing a quick kiss on your cheek as he passed. Running a hand through your hair, exhausted and jealous, you waltzed into the bedroom, practically falling onto the bed. 
Within a few minutes, Hoseok joined you on the bed, resting on his side as he held his head up with his arm. He gazed down at your figure, belly-down on the comforter. “What’s wrong?” he asked in a light voice, reaching out to trace his long finger along your spine.
“He hates me and loves you,” you whined, voice muffled as you spoke into cotton. 
“What? That’s ridiculous!” Hoseok quietly exclaimed, not wanting to wake up his son. Turning your head to the side so you could look at Hoseok, all he could see was a look of disbelief. “It’s not ridiculous, it’s true. He never does anything I ask him to, but if you ask him, he does it,” you explained. Hoseok couldn’t help but chuckle. “I think that maybe if you show him whatever you’re asking him to do won’t be so scary, then he’ll feel more comfortable doing it,” Hoseok explained like a toddler-expert; but really, he was a Yun-seok expert. 
“I’m a horrible mother,” you whined, putting your face back down into the pearl-white comforter. “Hey, hey,” Hoseok said in a gentle, sympathetic voice as he gently rolled you over onto your back. Looking down at you with gentle eyes, his hand traced the outline of your jaw. “You’re not a horrible mother, y/n. You’re doing the best you can. We just have to learn things as we go. There’s no such thing as a perfect parent,” he soothingly said, face serious yet loving. 
You let out a soft sigh, nodding. 
“I guess so.”
Leaning down, he kissed you softly, hand moving to hold onto your hipbone. “You’re.” He kissed you. “An.” He kissed you yet again. “Amazing.” He kissed you. “Breathtakingly gorgeous.” He kissed your smiling lips. “Mommy.” He kissed you again, failing partially since you were giggling like a schoolgirl. 
Pulling a blanket over the two of you, Hoseok held you close, kissing your forehead repeatedly. 
“You’re doing great, y/n. Don’t ever doubt that. If anything, you’re the better parent. You’re with him more than me cause I’m always busy.”
Now it was your turn. 
“Hey, some of that may be true, but you came home early today,” you began, looking him deep in the eyes. “And I know how much that meant to him. He was practically smiling and laughing all day long. Even at dinner when he laughed so hard, milk came squirting out of his nose.” Hoseok chuckled at the recent memory, his defined cheekbones curving up. 
“You do the best you can, Hobi. We both do,” you said in a soft voice, shoulders shrugging. He nodded. puling you back into his chest. “I love you, beautiful,” he mumbled, visibly exhausted and ready for sleep. “I love you, too, handsome,” you replied, closing your eyes as you lulled yourself to sleep with the beating of his heart. 
I ended up hating this initially but now I love it. Dad Hoseok has me on a whole new level of soft 
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