#me I guess I'm more of an otter I guess because I do like a flare of the feminine here and there and I'm hairy but not quite bear fat ya kno
sorin-sunchild · 1 year
Btw when I say bear pride I mean Ursula's too
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sudoscience · 2 years
Man, I wish I was as hot irl as my fursona is
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mysteryshoptls · 11 months
SSR Floyd Leech - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Floyd: Honestly, before comin' here, I was only expecting to see paintings of the Great Seven…
Floyd: But there's actually a ton of unusual and cool lookin' stuff, like paintings of all their underlings.
Floyd: What should I check out next…? AH!
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Floyd: It's the eels who worked for the Sea Witch. Look at those glowing eyes and those sharp fangs… So cool~
???: Hey, hey, don't you think these two look alike? Are they brothers?
Kalim: Also, kinda feels like they're similar to you and Jade.
Floyd: Oh hey, it's Sea Otter-chan. Yeah, I guess we might have similar color scales 'n all.
Floyd: But it's not like Jade and me think we're actually similar to each other at all.
Kalim: Eh, really?
Floyd: Yeah. Sometimes people'll mess me and Jade up and can't tell us apart, but I really don't get how they can't figure it out.
Floyd: Back when I first came to the surface, there was this one time that I got some funny looks in a hair salon that I went into for a haircut.
Floyd: They cut it just the way I asked, but what they were saying just wasn't adding up. And then, when I went to pay, they said this:
Floyd: "Leech-san, your hair grows back very quickly. I only just cut it a moment ago, I'm so surprised that it grew this long already."
Floyd: Yeaah, I'd say I was the one who was more surprised. This was my first time, but they said "a moment ago." Isn't that weird?
Kalim: Eh? What does it mean? Did you lengthen your hair with magic?
Floyd: Nah, come on, think. It was my first time in the shop, but…
Kalim: Ah, no way…!?
Floyd: Did you finally figure it out, Sea Otter-chan? Yeah, basically, Jade went and got his hair cut from the same place right before I did.
Kalim: I get it. So basically, the stylists there thought you two were the same person.
Floyd: Yup. Guess they didn't realize it because we both made the reservation under the name "Leech."
Floyd: Before that, even, when I went to get my passport photo taken to come to the surface, something similar happened.
Floyd: I'm like, seriously, how do they not realize it? Everyone's so bad at details.
Kalim: Wooow. I thought it'd be fun to have a twin sibling, but I guess it's not always great.
Floyd: Not really? Just like you said, there's a ton of fun that comes out of it.
Floyd: I'm never bored when Jade's around. Also…
Floyd: If I ever randomly feel like wearing something completely different from my usual stuff, I can just borrow stuff from him, from the clothes down to the shoes.
Floyd: Me 'n Jade like different colors and styles of clothes, and even go to completely different clothing stores.
Floyd: I can swap up my style in a snap, so it's actually pretty cool.
Kalim: Ahaha, yeah, that sounds like a blast!
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Kalim: The King of Beasts here looks like he's relaxing, what a great painting~!
Floyd: Oh, there's an explanation next to it. It says, "This depicts the scene where the hornbill chamberlain is soothing the King of Beasts with a song."
Floyd: Huuuuh. So even lions relax while listening to music, huh.
Floyd: They say that this king was always strategizing, so maybe it was important for him to have his relaxation time, huh.
Floyd: Y'know, Sea Lion-senpai's the same, but aren't lions always just sleeping?
Floyd: I thought they were supposed to be ferocious, but even when I went to the zoo as a part of our land boot camp, they were all asleep… That was a major letdown.
Kalim: Hm? What do you mean by boot camp? Did you attend somewhere else other than Night Raven College?
Floyd: Yeah. Uh, so basically, the land boot camp is basically where the merfolk that're lookin' to come up to the surface go to study and practice stuff about land.
Floyd: You live there for a month, and they do a ton of different lessons, like how to walk, or how to live on land.
Kalim: Wow, that sounds really cool! So, what kind of stuff did you learn at the zoo?
Floyd: Uhhh, something about figuring the differences out between land animals? I have a super hard time telling apart animals that look similar, so.
Floyd: At first, I thought a giraffe was just a horse with a long neck, and I couldn't even tell the difference between foxes, dogs, and racoons.
Floyd: Are they? They're all fuzzballs to me.
Floyd: But I could tell that an elephant was different from horses and the like, because it wasn't all fuzzy.
Floyd: Oh yeah, and the lions too. I thought all those cats I'd run into would one day grow large like them.
Kalim: EEEHH!! You'd mix up cats and lions too? I don't think I've ever seen cats with a mane…
Kalim: Ah, but… I guess I can't say anything. I used to think that when dolphins grew up, they turned into whales.
Floyd: Huuuh~? No way that'd happen. Why'd you think the name'd change like that?
Kalim: I don't really know, but I think I can get how someone who was raised in the ocean could believe that a cat would grow into a lion.
Floyd: Yeah, yeah. I bet if one of you surface dwellers came to the ocean floor, there'd be a ton of stuff you don't know, too.
Floyd: ―Oooh! That painting over there looks awesome. I'ma go check it out.
Kalim: Oh, which one? …HEY, FLOYD! WAIT FOR ME, I'M COMING TOO!
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Floyd: The color composition in this painting's super amazing. The blue sky with the golden bug is a perfect combo.
Kalim: It's a painting of the Sorcerer of the Sands and a scarab! Both his posture and expression is really cool.
Floyd: I heard that this golden bug thing was the key to finding a magical cave… Why'd they make it look like a bug?
Floyd: Wouldn't that be hard to figure out? Insects and keys look nothin' alike.
Kalim: Hmmm, well, maybe… Maybe they tried to make it hard to figure out on purpose.
Kalim: They say there was some legendary treasure inside the cave. So I guess it's because no one would ever think a little bug would be the key, right?
Floyd: I get it. So then, if this was the ocean, the key might've been in the shape of a shell, or a crab.
Floyd: I bet it took the Sorcerer of the Sands a long time to find that magic cave because of that key.
Floyd: Or maybe, he was actually enjoying the treasure hunt?
Floyd: I know I get more excited tryin' everything I can to get my hands on something. The more difficult the better.
Kalim: What, have you gone treasure hunting too, Floyd?
Floyd: Not really treasure, but a ring.
Floyd: I once found this silver ring online that looks like an eel is wrapped around your finger.
Kalim: Woah! I've never seen a ring that looks like that before! I bet it'd look good on you.
Floyd: Riiight? But the manufacturers had already discontinued it. I wouldn't be able to find it so easily.
Floyd: And when something is hard to get… doesn't it just make you want it more?
Floyd: So, after that, I went looking for it, big time.
Floyd: I went 'round to a bunch of second-hand shops that carry the brand, and even asked my pops to reach out to some of his connections who'd know about stuff like that.
Floyd: I get bored pretty easily, so I usually don't try that hard trying to find just one thing. Cool, huh?
Kalim: You must have really wanted it, then! So? Were you able to find it?
Floyd: Yup. One of pop's connections was able to find it and get it for me.
Floyd: When I put it on, it totally felt like the ring was made just for me! And I got super attached to it.
Floyd: So then, I wore it pretty much all the time after that, even when I exercised or took showers…
Floyd: It ended up getting a ton of scratches, and got all tarnished, man~
Floyd: Silver stuff tends to degrade pretty quickly if you don't take care of it, but the ring's design was a bit complicated, so it was way too annoying to clean.
Kalim: Then, what if you remake it in platinum or white gold? They don't tarnish that easily. I can introduce you to one of my family's craftsmen!
Floyd: Naaah.
Kalim: Eh, why? I thought that was a pretty good idea…
Floyd: C'mon, Sea Otter-chan. I was all happy because it was hard to get my hands on.
Floyd: If I had someone make it for me, then that's not the same thing.
Floyd: It's 'cause it took a ton of hard work and searching for it was fun that I like that specific ring.
Floyd: Maybe it's a pain to clean, but I like it. So I'll use it until it breaks.
Kalim: Searching for it was fun, huh. I guess I never thought of it like that.
Kalim: Okay then, well, let me know if you're ever in a bind again. I'll totally help you then!
Floyd: 'Kaaay. I think I'm bored of this floor. I'm gonna go somewhere else. Bye, Sea Otter-chan.
Kalim: Yeah! See you later, Floyd.
Floyd: Hmmm, what should I look at next… Ooh. I've seen this painting of the Mer-King before, back in the ocean~
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Floyd: I think they said that he was a super good guy, but could be unreasonable, too… Ugh, stubborn leaders like that sound like a paaain.
Floyd: Yeaaaah... The best kinda boss's gotta be someone like the benevolent Sea Witch.
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What the WIP Wednesday am I doing?
Okay, sooo apparently everyone is doing WIP Wednesday, today. (Okay maybe not the entire internet, but you know, there's a lot of wipsday action, today.) I thought, "Okay. Sure. I can get lost in this crowd. It's a good crowd."
So, I say to @alexalexinii, @monbons, @prettygoododds, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @mooncello,
@blackberrysummerblog, @fiend-for-culture, @shrekgogurt, @bookish-bogwitch, @noblecorgi,
@drowninginships, and @artsyunderstudy (who is the devil on my shoulder today apparently XD)... You are all to blame for this. Yup. Your fault. Peer pressure! (Thank you for tagging me though, I look forward to seeing what all you have happening in your creative minds. <3)
Cause. Well. I don't usually post art in progress. I'm far too anxious a person to do such a thing. It's fine if it's a sketch that's like... finished as a sketch. But in progress? *gulp*
Well, here goes.
This is what I've been working on, usually when I'm supposed to be working on something else:
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(sorry for the low contrast, my eyes are delicate orbs that shy away from bright light...)
I did three sketches. One of which I will endeavor to color and make all nice and pretty. I've already determined it's not going to be the first one. The other two are neck-and-neck and it will likely come down to who has fins I like better. Which will it be? Tender snowbaz or playful snowbaz?
(Either way, I'm very determined to give Simon mermay wings. So that's going to happen come hell or... high water... *ahem*)
Honestly, I just really love merpeople. I'm surprised it's taken me this long to attempt this. The very first thing I ever learned to draw as a little bittle babe was a mermaid. (My teachers did not appreciate my dedication to anatomical accuracy the way I did.) Soooo Mermay? Mermay is a THING? Well, twist my arm, guess I have to snowbaz it.
(Oh, and shoutout to another guilty party, the SSCoNE server. They put the idea in my head. OH, and @cutestkilla. For general encouragment. And @hushed-chorus. For general encouragment and writing a gorgeous fic with merman Baz in it. )
Even more tagged people under the cut:
HELLO OUT THERE! @rimeswithpurple @run-for-chamo-miles @youarenevertooold @whatevertheweather @that-disabled-princess
@arthurkko @raenestee @facewithoutheart @emeryhall @agni-ashes
@skeedelvee @thewholelemon @supercutedinosaurs @tender-ministrations @bazzybelle
@ic3-que3n @imagineacoolusername @valeffelees @roomwithanopenfire @ileadacharmedlife
@aristocratic-otter @best--dress @technetiumai @brilla-brilla-estrellita @onepintobean
@palimpsessed and anyone else who wants to join in/say hi.
(I love getting tagged, because I tend to miss out on things if I don't get it stuffed into my notifications. Feel free to hit me up on Discord, too, send links. I just can't often browse tumblr as I wish. Not if I want to draw and... read... I need to do some reading...)
*Pitch Manor is still happening, I'm just taking a break to draw fish boys in between doing a few too many other things. I like being busy.
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"Masterlist? What is that?"
"it's mostly a record of the writings here, feel welcome to have a look and see if something catches your eye" she turns around and points to the the book detailing where every book or pages should
"last time I updated it was june 21, so it can get a bit behind but usually everything is in here"
"a magical land where people are able to handle elements as they please, a bit too fantastical for my liking but she seems to enjoy writing them"
Tokyo debunker
There is a separate section for this subject, best visit it for the list.
Genshin impact
There is a folder on the table and named with perfect cursive handwriting "Holy offsprings". It seems it's a collection of small works
A bouquet of feelings
Sometimes actions have unexpected consequences. Good thing Aether knows how to fix this one.
Ancient language au
A long forgotten tongue slips away from their lips to the ears of people who believe it's their god's language
Read my lips
"to suddenly be left in a world where I couldn't read anything... Such a torture"
Universal language
After alhaitham found your ability you were almost forced to work for the academia translating works, some misunderstandings arise
Great sage au
A foreign face settles as a country's sage and tries to help, even when it isn't all that easy
As a former player the new great sage had a nice base of knowledge to stand on plus some new tools
Such a backstabber
His duty with sumeru has gotten him into a trail leading to you and believes you to be a danger. For some reason the proof he has reminds you of something… wait a minute.
Over tea
Luckily after cyno recognized them as not guilty they were allowed to return to their position and enjoy their new found love for tea. Seemingly the nation's calmness has lead to people allowing themselves to fantasize about their bosses’ love life
Everything feels so beautiful
"this one fits in the timeline but I'm not sure if even the writer knows how or when..."
Secret husband timeline
Be it because of secretiveness or nobody believing it was possible nobody found out about your marriage with the iudex until someone says it straight up. Oops
The first two are two different beginnings
How the iudex sleeps
"why did she choose for him to have a resemblance with otters? Even then it's a really sweet domestic piece"
Melusines say the darndest things
sometimes children can slip up and accidentally say more than desired. In this case the journalists are very happy about that.
Would they peel an orange for you?
"mhmm... I wonder why she chose oranges, I think she likes better pomegranate. Wouldn't it be more fitting 'would they open a pomegranate for you?' but I guess at the end it's the same intention"
Do they know if you wear silver or gold?
"I only ever wear this uniform, I'm not really sure how important that kind of stuff is"
Types of baby daddy
"my father has been a 'baby daddy' many times, including my and my sisters' conception and many of our half siblings. Despicable man. He even runs as fast as the thunders he throws so he is hard to catch"
Your ex in my body or me in their body
"seemingly this question is used to pick a fight with your lover, I'm not sure why would you, though"
"some blurbs or unrefined concepts, maybe in the future they can become something more polished"
Npc sagau
"suddenly strangers and your loved ones start acting as mindless zombies and only certain people seem to wake up but you are unable to know when... It sounds stressful doesn't it?"
Living together (npc sagau)
Obey me
"it would make sense for them to live close by the only people you can speak with"
"It's a kind of undefined academic environment in hell? I heard from other visitors that highschool and university are difficult and sometimes unenjoyable but isn't this a bit too on the nose? Either way seemingly she could romance demons, angels and a... Regular human? I'm sure she did not... My goodness"
Night bringer saga
All this happen during night bringer but aren't particularly connected or in a particular timeline!
Love language: acts of service
After being temporarily transformed into a demon you find that there are some gaps in your knowledge of demon features care but Solomon is very happy to help
With the firstborn's ring I made you mine
A before bed chat with Solomon leads to you showing some concerns about wearing the ring of light so openly and he offers himself as a scapegoat
Love language, gift giving
He is old enough and famous enough that he can spend some money on superfluous gift and extra candies as long as you smile at him
The sorcerer's demonic firstborn
Nobody is exempt from Mother nature's cruel whims, not even the all powerful sorcerer that defied death. Some friends of yours help you with your dream
Twisted wonderland
"another fantasy setting that happens in a world where people can use Magic and a school? I'm seeing a pattern with her likings. Just tell me she wrote for a prince or a future king or- it's just a guy with white hair again? No just because he is sleepy doesn't make him different, writer..."
Forced fairytale
The tale of the sleeping beauty is one he holds dear, be it because it's related to his great grandmother or his dorm, malleus can't help but feel like silver and the prefect would be such a perfect modern retelling.
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
Jungkook: Clingy 🔞 [Part 7]
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In which Jungkook slowly tries to live again, which is a lot easier with someone as bright and full of life like you at his side.
Tags/Warnings: Hybrid AU, Wolf hybrid!Jungkook, Otter hybrid!Reader, Angst, strangers to lovers
Additional Chapter Warnings: Fluff, it's disgusting really
Length: short
-> Masterlist
Throughout his life, Jungkook had always been a people-pleaser.
It's easier to just do as told than to make your own decisions, he's learned. Every choice made by himself bears the possibility of consequences he won't be comfortable with, after all. It's scary, even now, as an adult. But looking at you, he feels as if those consequences can't ever be worse than the idea of not having you at his side.
What are you at this point?
He's not sure because he's never truly asked you out, and neither did you. He knows he's pretty much clinging to you like glue, but do you feel the same way?
You're currently holding onto his arm like a lifeline, and he's come to learn that it's simply otter-behavior. Or at least he tells himself it's nothing more than that to not get his hopes up too high, or his emotions from overflowing. You just need something to hold on to, and he's conveniently an alpha wolf hybrid, known to emit a strong and calming presence.
"Oh, I love those!" You say, pulling Jungkook with you to the candy isle at the small food store. "I'm gonna stock up on those. I love chewing on them whenever I'm feeling like a pup that's going through teething again." You laugh, putting two bags of the hybrid snack into your basket before you hold onto Jungkook's arm again.
You're so effortlessly cute in his eyes.
"Have you talked to a dentist about that?" He wonders quietly. "There might be something going on if your teeth hurt." He asks, but you shake your head.
"No, they don't hurt-" you explain as you both walk past an elderly couple that stares after you with fond gazes. "-Its a mental thing, I believe. Like stress-relief!" You tell him, and he nods. He can understand that. When he was a pup, he went through phases like that too. It's interesting that you've not gotten over those phases yet it seems.
"Can I ask why you're so clingy with me?" He wonders calmly as you put all the things you want to buy out to be scanned by the young worker.
"Well, first of all I'm an otter, and we're just.. like that, I guess." You shrug. "And second of all, you're my boyfriend now, right?" You ask, gaze lifted up at him.
He blinks, once, twice, before he fully registers what you'd just said.
He's your boyfriend.
He's your boyfriend.
You're his girlfriend.
He doesn't know why that makes him turn a little red. Why it makes him shy of all things. He's an alpha wolf working in the adult companion industry. Or rather worked, past tense. Still. It's odd how.. nice it feels.
"Oh." He just says after a moment, nodding to himself. "I.. see." He mumbles, while you laugh next to him, squeaking in delight. "What?" He asks, and you just shove his body a little playfully.
"Nothing." You simply say, amused by his reaction.
Later that day, he finds you clinging onto him as you sleep at night like he's your lifeline, and this time, he knows it's not just instinct for you. You like him, enjoy his company for more than just pleasure, and he feels incredibly proud to be the one you chose to be with, despite his awkwardness and controversial past.
He wants to be his best version of himself for you, he decides, as he presses a quiet kiss to your head.
He's going to be the best mate ever.
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guardian5tiger3 · 1 year
Upcoming surprises!! Tarot & channeled messages
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1 2
3 4
Group one
So it seems like there's some situation whereas you guys have been going through or having something go on around yall that doesn't match your energy at all. So something undeserved and you guys have had to defend yourselves on some level.i see you guys getting a lot of dharma. (Good karma). I see you guys becoming more and more content with yourselves and that you are good people regardless of your otter situations. I see you guys getting closer to something and for ome of you it is your soulmate and for some of you it is the divine but its something good. I see this getting closer whatever it may be , the more you grow within yourselves. I see yourself feeling better and your situations being more enjoyable in the near future than you could imagine because the bad energy that's surrounded you all have given you the idea in the back of your minds that it must just be like this then. Some of you may have been stressed that you might have to do something and no matter what it happens to end up being it's gonna suck or be strenuous. But I see positive change and good things coming and you all not having to do much at all. I see the universe clearing something out. So whatever you've all had to defend yourselves from however that might be if it applies, you no longer will have to. Almost as if that energy , person , or situation whatever it is is going to just disappear. A few of you might get new pets. This could also you deciding to get a new pet all of a sudden and just doing so. I'm seeing whether you have a pet or should get one they are like a good luck charm. 💙
Group two
I see something that is inevitable taking place where it may be pretty chaotic in some way or another. This is going to lead to some form of an ending somehow for most of you.maybe this is what some of you don't expect but I see this not negatively effecting you.infact you might be the one manifesting it know it or not. You guys also might be bringing in some form of financial success or something good happening for you in terms of work and or money. You guys seem like you know you're good or hopefully you will after seeing this take place and seeing yourself untouched in any negative way by it. Haha. Peace and one love
Group three
Some of you are going to get a compliment. Some of you are going to get a hand me down thing or an inheritance or something like that only for one or two of you. Overall it seems this group is going to be made to feel special and this I could cry about because you guys need some love like that it seems. I heard support as in some of you are going to be receiving support as it may be needed. I see a lot of energy of something building up or growing or something. So this is a good omen if a situation that can be applied to comes to mind. Seems like there's other things but for this group I guess the real surprises really are meant to be surprises.
Group four
Some situation may have been or had been in the past sort of rough for you and I'm being told it'll be made right. Maybe not in the way you would hope for or expect.
Also a lot of you might expect something to suck in the worst way but especially if you're shooting your shot somehow you might be happily surprised.
I'm seeing support and possibly recognition maybe one or the other. I'm seeing something you finally get that you know you deserve or should have and just being content like with that.
For a few of you it's a whole string of events both positive and negative from something you may have or will have done or said and it's overall a good thing even though it might possibly be a roller coaster of a situation. So it's almost like you started it and manifested the whole thing and you may be a little shocked but also kind of proud . Maybe you help someone or some other people somehow?
Some of you may just get to see something genuinely kind take place like someone helping ducklings cross the road for example and it makes you happy. 💚💙💗
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the-wolfbats · 21 days
thoughts on [The] Taggerung
This is very long because I'm very torn on it. When it's good it's very great but it fails in its original twist.
All my favorite Abessess are dead 🫥. Well except Lycian I guess. 
Here's something never mentioned - outside of Germaine's tomb, where are the Abbesses buried? Just by the vegetables to replenish the soil I guess. 
I may be wrong but this may be a new art style for the chapters and only for this book. It may never be seen again in another story because I don't remember seeing it again (disclaimer - I get the ebooks and not all come with art) Pity, it's like the Marlfox art but with less sketchy lines. It's nice!
You've heard their names, everybeast has. Cluny the Scourge, Slagar the Cruel, Ferahgo the Assassin and many others. All of them defeated and slain. Redwall is so powerful, it killed someone who never tried to conquer it or even entered Mossflower Country!
See they mention Vulpuz! There’s a demon entity! AWESOME
Once again we have a great concept that's kneecapped bc of the strict dichotomy these species have. You can find fanfictions on the Redwall wikia where people have played with the concept of “good” species who are raised in evil (or in my 25 chapter fanfictions case, suffered a head wound and turned into vermin) and actually kill and commit crimes. We can't even give Tagg the vermin dialect. There's nothing to deconstruct here. 
Sometimes he had admired Sawney, his strength, leadership and determination, but he had never really liked the ferret, never called him lather, never loved him. No internal conflict. If this had been written earlier, I'm sure we would have gotten a little. This is why Nimbalo is a better character because he has been changed bc of the abuse he suffered and is unlike most mice in the series.  
The hares are wildly hit and miss for me. Scarum was annoying. Boorab is delightful. 
We see the flatlands north of Redwall to the mountain. It's nice, lively, not as weird southern desert like where the ravine and Loamhedge is. 
This may be the only book in the series with an actual theme beyond good vs evil, in terms of family. The ones you pick, are born into, are forced into, you lose, you leave, you make. You see it in the Obvious but then you see it with instances like how Boorab and Filorn are peas in a pod or how Fwirl (who is a rarity as an actual active female character who is noted as pretty doing things beyond healing) joins the Abbey, and Mhera supporting Cregga all this time. 
Actually most of the redwall characters genuinely grow and learn something you don't often see in these books. It helps that it's not a huge cast, like in Loamhedge, the Bellmaker is killed early and they never name the man again. Broggle learned confidence, Fwirl and Nimbalo learned to rely on others, Filorn learned acceptance,  Alkanet isn't shamed for being stern but grows to be flexible , Mhera did the typical Abbess MasterClass speed run. 
One of the chapter arts suggests that Nimbalo is much smaller than Tagg. He stated to be a harvest mouse, when the non denomination mice of Mossflower are a bit more in scope with otters. 
We need more Forthrights. 
The actual drama of Tagg finally being back at Redwall but them not knowing he's the missing babe Deyna is very good and I appreciate how the reunion is delayed and not rushed through. There's a real sense of anticipation, and for my big critiques about the idea not having any follow through, this is probably the best 3rd act of any Redwall book. Maybe only Mossflower is better. 
Somehow I thought Ruggan Bor just...walked away when Deyna said the Taggerung wasn't at Redwall lmao WHY did I think this.
Another point; You know how I said squirrels don't have a subculture like the other animals? There are very few, if any, shrews without a subculture , they're either Guosim or Pigmy Shrews.
There's a sliding scale of sapiency with some animals. Woodpidgeons don't talk, so they can be eaten. Other birds do, so they don't get eaten, even if that's the intent of the villains. Most lizards are sapient but some like Firl in Mariel don't talk. So when rawback was trapped in the swamp, did he go insane by eating talking lizards and frogs? Basically one out of two mentions and depictions of cannibalism in the series?
While there's a humongous missed opportunity with Tagg as a character, this can very solidly sit in my top 5. 
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nausikaaa · 3 months
Ten Questions for Writers
thanks for tagging me @larkral!
How many works do you have on AO3? 43
What’s your total AO3 word count? 151,263
What fandoms do you write for? currently Carry On and Ancient Greek Religion and Lore, though a few older fics are the for MCU, and i used to write tons for Percy Jackson.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes, unless it's just an emoji, in which case I don't really know what to say in response. But otherwise, yes, because I always like it when my comments recieve a reply!
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Some of my old, atrocious wattpad fics were posted on some dodgy fanfic site but i don't think anyone even used that site, so it didn't really bother me.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I've written a few with irl friends, and one with some Carry On mutuals.
What’s your all-time favourite ship? You can't make me choose! Snowbaz is my longest-lasting, but I'll never commit. I also really love Pyrrhus and Hermione from the Trojan War cycle, which is such a rare ship even Ovid hated it.
What are your writing strengths? I've been told I write dialogue well, which is good because it's what I mostly structure my writing around as I find it easy. But then I've also been told that I'm good at descriptions, which is the exact opposite- I feel like I'm crap at it so I put way more effort in to it, and I guess that pays off?
What are your writing weaknesses? I know I'm absolutely rubbish at anything that requires blocking, which includes both sex scenes and fight scenes. Also anything sappy makes me cringe just to write it.
First fandom you wrote for? Percy Jackson! Solangelo still has a special place in my heart.
i tag @shrekgogurt @aristocratic-otter @ic3-que3n @forabeatofadrum @artsyunderstudy @j-nipper-95 @that-disabled-princess @hushed-chorus @cutestkilla @ileadacharmedlife but if you're not tagged and want to do this, go ahead and say i tagged you!
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🫵 pointing at you...you should tell the rest of the world about the sea otters proposal....
not the big bird level threat in my inbox first thing in the morning😭 jfndkfjdsnf hi haaaaash hope you and your one piece husbands are doing well this morning. it's time for the sea otters exposure in the form of long form yapping though 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣
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(oda is so sick for making these designs of ace at 40 and 60 and then never making sure he will never be using them in the canon. so fucking sick. bring my freckled husband back to life, you evil man TAT)
so for the context leading up to the proposal:
for the longest time in our lore, ace and i are actually common law spouses and don't officially tie the knot until we're 37ish
we get together when we're either 19 or 20, around 22 i break the ice and take the plunge in referring to him as my husband and we just go along with that for the rest of our pre-actually married relationship and mael accidentally comes along when we're 28 (yeah our kid was an accident ndfkjndkf) so we have a considerable amount of time just being common law spouses in our timeline
i guess during our early 20s, it just seemed impractical to get married because we were always on the sea? we're traveling across the grand line trying to live long enough to see luffy find the one piece, everyday is a new adventure with battles periodically and not to mention if we did have a wedding it would be very hard getting the certain individuals we wanted to be there physically present
when i got pregnant you would think we would have a wedding then but no our biggest priority was going back to dawn island for a few years so dadan could get to know to the kid we would we be having. and... unfortunately garp but that was ace's decision. i have a very 'if you want your grandpa around, that's your decision and i will respect it as your wife' mentality when it comes to garp because ace is a better person than me so yes garp does get to know his great granddaughter. after a few years when mael is a little older, we go back to sea and we are a happy little family of three with our larger extended found family with the whitebeard pirates, occasionally running into luffy and sabo and things like that
by the time we're about to marry, whitebeard has unfortunately passed away and ace is now the captain of the crew
the proposal itself:
i kinda just get inspired one day seeing him with our daughter and everything it took to get to that moment and i just want to put a ring on it
so obviously i have to go to my nigga wallace (which if you know anything about sea otters, he is my best friend from the spade pirates transitioned into the whitebeard pirates) and tell him the scoop because i obviously can't keep all this to myself and i need help figuring out ace's ring size. all i know for sure, is that i want to exchange vows with my best friend i've known for most of my life and i want it to be a private and intimate proposal between the two of us so i just say when we get to our next island 'hey, let's have a date night, someone on the crew can babysit'
and honestly the entire date feels very reminiscent of our time in sabaody and the feelings of nostalgia make me want to propose more than i already do. we're hitting up multiple restaurants, we're dancing as local musicians play their songs and then we're off to explore more of the natural sights before we're at some lake that's large and reflecting just about every star in the sky and laying against an oak tree like we're 10 again and back on mt corvo and that's when i know it's the moment
i probably have a whole speech planned that i ran through for weeks to make sure i would be able to recite perfectly and that shit just goes way out the window.
writing my thoughts down? i'm amazing
verbalizing it? poetic prose goes right out the window
i'm not an emotional person but i'm pretty sure i'd already be tearing up trying to even start the speech and at that point i'm just like 'fuck' on both knees like a fool and i just whip out the ring
but low and fucking behold, he pulls out a ring because plot twist he was planning on proposing too and he tries finishing what i can't but he's also got his own tears and snot running down his face, his hands are shaking and i'm trying to steady them not that i'm really helping because i'm a shaking mess too
but we do manage to pull ourselves together and exchange engagement rings
ultimately, we get the transponder snails and tell ace and sabo 'hey how long will it take for y'all to get to x location, we're getting married and we want you there'
ace has sabo and luffy both as his best men, i have mael be my maid of honor and in typical luffy fashion, he gets the entire island we're at jumping for a wedding where no local knows the bride and groom but we're all celebrating our asses off
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best--dress · 10 months
WIP Wednesday - mushy edition
When I sat down to write out the things I wanted to *manifest* at the beginning of 2023, top of my list was an artistic community. I was halfway through my masters program and I had hoped that I'd find like-minded artists there, but my cohort was full of people who valued aesthetics over ideas, plus one guy who believed that to be able to call yourself an artist, you had to be able to draw technically well. (Totally valid positions to hold, but I was literally making websites and calling it art and having no one to talk to about it.)
Anyway, flash forward to June when I was in a deep deep depression and about to graduate having barely started my job hunt. I turned to the Simon Snow books for comfort, and then turned to tumblr for more. I'd never written fanfiction before and had barely read any. At first I was just reblogging memes, but then I started to find myself reading canon-compliant fic, and then AUs, and increasingly seeking out the crackiest fic I could find, because it's all so damn good in this fandom. I was also in awe of how kind and close-knit the community is - I've been on the internet for over 20 years, and I don't think I've ever seen anything else like it.
I signed up for @carryon-reverse-bang bc I wanted to get more involved & get to know people more. I gotta say I was intimidated when I realized I was paired with Ashton! Getting to bounce my ideas off her and Pati (beta extraordinaire) was honestly the creative collaboration I've been craving for so long. It's been so wild to make up this silly story about these characters who live in my head 24/7 and hear back from one of them, "oh, he would totally do that!"
Flash back, I guess, to this fall. I did get a job, I've been working as an art teacher since September. This is my first teaching job and it's been a lot, but as the months go by, I do feel like it's the "more meaningful" career I was seeking. Because in my best moments, when the kids are totally engaged in making something, I feel with total conviction:
Making things with other humans is the most sacred thing in the world.
Thanks for the tags today @alexalexinii, @cutestkilla & @nightimedreamersworld. I'm mostly at the final edits stage of The Tower Room, and I'm reluctant to share much from the last chapter, but here's something that should be fun out of context:
He smirks at me like he's figured out all my secrets.
Hiiiii to @artsyunderstudy, @aristocratic-otter, @aroace-genderfluid-sheep, @ileadacharmedlife, @youarenevertooold, @rimeswithpurple, @thewholelemon, @facewithoutheart, @leithillustration, @katatsumuli, @theimpossibledemon, @scribble-tier, @iamamythologicalcreature, @martsonmars, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @louisandtheaquarian
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askpercyandsally · 29 days
Happy Birthday Percy! Did you do anything fun today?
Yes! We went to the aquarium. It was so fun. I saw so many fishies and we took lots of pictures!
First I woke up and Mom had made me pancakes. The top one had a big smiley face on it. Then I got my present. There was a tiny penguin friend inside! Perry!! I love him, he is the best!!! We put him in the travel bag to take with us, because he wanted to see the fish too.
After that we got on the subway and went to the aquarium. The first thing we saw was a big coral reef with tons of fish living in it. There were so many kinds of fish in all different colors. But we had to go through there fast to get to the penguins because you can only see them up close at certain times.
Seeing the penguins was so cool! I wanted to show them my tiny Perry and see if they could be friends! But Mom said the penguin might not understand and think Perry was food or something so I couldn't. But I think the penguin would have known and liked to meet Perry, right? Instead I showed Perry to the swimming penguins through the glass later. They thought he didn't look like a penguin at all though, but I think they were being too picky.
Next to the penguins were the seals and the sea lions and the otters! They were fun too. I loved the seals whiskers and watching them waddle around. It was silly.
Then we had lunch and ate some more cupcakes and our tongues turned blue from the frosting, haha. There was a show where the sea lions did some tricks, but I thought that was kind of lame. And Perry did too. So we left!
We went to see the shark exhibit after that, but there weren't just sharks there. There was a big ray! And turtles! They came right up to the glass to say hi, not the turtles, just the ray and the shark. I guess the turtles are shy.
Then we went to one place where there wasn't glass so you could actually touch some of the sea creatures. There were also cuttlefish and octopuses in tanks and some jellyfish. They looks so weird when they swim!
We went home not long after that and had my favorite pizza for dinner. And more cupcakes. It was a really good day. I'm happy we got to see so much stuff. It was a lot of fun.
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octoagent-ray · 5 months
oh my goodness gracious me
guess who just finished playing the Redwall mobile game "the lost legends of redwall"
I'm specifically coming on here bc nobody is talking about it and it's got some of my favourite characters ever, probably because it's a game and you can feel a lot more in tune with the characters or something yadda yadda
anyways I just went through such an emotional roller-coaster with the last story specifically. for some context it's another version of the "escape the gloomer" Redwall mobile game. I have so much emotional attachment towards the main otter Gillig I literally can't stop thinking about him, I used to play escape the gloomer all the time but I never got to finish it because you have to pay to play most of the game- but literally as soon as I saw "Gillig" in the description for the story I was like "WAIT A MINUTE YOU MEAN MY BOY?? MY SWEET ANGEL WHO CAN DO NO WRONG???!"
I love this stupid little otter so much
But anyways here's spoilers so if you were planning on playing this pls scroll past
The ending literally shook me to my core
Do you understand how many times I died trying to succeed in this mission 😭 I swear I was sat debating over which option would get me in the least trouble at every decision. And can I just say for a moment how much shit Gillig went through, attacked by snakes, cats, insane water rats and probably more?! And I also want to say that Skipper calls him KID. HE'S ONLY A WEAN, I know that media does that where they say kid just because one person is older, and it's not always because the person is an actual child. But I can't think of anything that hinted towards how old this little guy is (obvi ik that its an older time period and all the other characters were probably incredibly young when fighting huge searats and stuff *stares directly at Matthias* but let me cook)
All of the gloomer fight scenes had me SWEATING. every scene had me on the edge of my seat. Especially in the final battle where they're fighting underwater and the gloomer bites to bone in Gillig's shoulder and he states that it goes numb and he can't feel it. I was so worried for him the whole time.
AND THEN AT THE END SKIPPER JUST PULL HIM TO THE SIDE AND BASICALLY SAYS HE WENT THROUGH ALL OF THAT FOR NOTHING. My jaw dropped so fast like bro is not serious rn, but I forgive Skipper because he didn't know the bloody gloomer lived and he said he wouldn't have sent him down there if he'd known.
Also Skipper is such a good leader man I love him, AND THE WHOLE STORY WAS BASICALLY GILLIG TRYING TO MAKE SKIPPER PROUD. When Skipper said he was proud at the end I was Joyous, I'm proud of him too Skipper.
Sorry 4 the long post I can't help myself sometimes 😔💔
Shout out to Gloria for carrying our ass across the finish line and basically carrying the entire plot. ❤️❤️❤️
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I'm-Not-Going-To-Count-These-Sentences Sunday
Thank you @aroace-genderfluid-sheep and @hushed-chorus for the tags! (Guess what hushed-chorus I did that thing we talked about.) Also thank you to everyone who has tagged me on other WIP-days! I really appreciate it <3
So... I'm not counting sentences this time. I write long sentences, and I make rabid use of sentence-extending punctuation. And I have this thing about posting excerpts that are semi-contained in some way. Plus it's going to take me forever to get this fic posted, so I gotta give ya'll something. THUSLY: Here have a bunch of words.
(I really should have pinned my bi-weekly updates on Wednesday, but OH WELL.)
Context: Baz POV, with Agatha in the chapel after midnight, being 17 year olds. Simon is out of the picture after Baz kinda sorta stole his voice with a tape recorder in fifth year.
“I never thanked you for saving me,” she said, with just a little too much effort at nonchalance. “You did, actually,” I said, not slowing, or sparing her so much as a glance. “You might recall how you resembled a hypothermic beached mermaid? You were quite free with your gratitude once you caught your breath. It was all very melodramatic.” There was a brief pause - possibly an attempt to work out whether my description of her was complimentary or not. Either way, it didn’t deter her. “I never got to thank you the way I wanted to,” she said, a hint of a whine working its way past her shoddily built facade. I didn’t answer right away as I fought down a sudden surge of irritation, one that threatened to trigger my more destructive tendencies - self-destructive, perhaps, but not exclusively so. The only thing worse than being considered a villain was being cast as a tragic hero - someone only misunderstood, just waiting to be saved. “Basil—“ she began, apparently ready to try something else. I stopped short, forcing her to halt both her forward movement and that regrettable demonstration of poor judgment. We were at the entrance to the chapel, now, and it was easy to crowd her against the cold statuary. “How exactly did you want to thank me, then, Wellbelove?”
Later it's entirely likely these two are going to put special effort into trying to forget any of this ever happened, because teenage mistakes are brilliant like that. You're welcome, Bazatha.
Also, super stoked to be working on a couple @caught-on-tape-fest podfics as well as cowriting with @ileadacharmedlife for the @carryon-reverse-bang. Wheeeee I can totally do this all! >.>
Tags/Hellos under the cut! (BTW regarding tags - I'm often unable to browse tumblr, so if you've posted something creative Sunday/Wednesday/for the hell of it, please feel free to tag me so I see it!)
Thanks for the tags over the past couple weeks @aristocratic-otter, @whatevertheweather, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @ileadacharmedlife, @prettygoododds, @cutestkilla, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @tender-ministrations, @ic3-que3n, @artsyunderstudy, @youarenevertooold, @ivelovedhimthroughworse - I love love love seeing what everyone is up to! (Sorry if I missed anyone - apparently tags don't always work? Sigh.)
Tags and hellos also to @fatalfangirl, @katmiscellanious, @shrekgogurt, @rimeswithpurple, @alleycat0306, @ebbpettier, @supercutedinosaurs, @nightimedreamersworld, @thewholelemon, @theearlgreymage, @bubble-gumhead, @raenestee, @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists (thanks for the extra notes XD), @ionlydrinkhotwater, @erzbethluna... And anyone else who wants tags, please let me know! Or just tag me! I love them.
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sammy--moh · 1 year
A random ramble about my identity, modern queer community and queer history bc I'm hyperfixated
(I don't want slur discourse under my post. I reclaim words that have been directly used to oppress me only and only towards myself, that's where the conversation ends)
(Cis/Hets don't touch this post
Terfs especially don't even look at this post
Anti kink fuckers don't look at this post, kink and LGBT are separate things but you cannot untangle kink history from queer/LGBT history
If your against the use of the word queer, don't clown on this post
Queer cis people are free to interact and add their opinions but don't clown on this post
Trans people and queer punks and activists please interact <3
Any corrections are welcomed as long as their constructive)
So you could probably find a few posts of me talking about some of my more modern and neo/xeno identity labels, its something I'm fairly proud of I'm a neo pronoun user and have been out as a nonbinary man for a long time
But I don't think I talk about my more, I guess classical and older queer labels and that feels disingenuous because I do still love queer history and have a lot of what would be considered ""outdated"" identieies
Yeah I'm a neo user and have some xeno gender labels, and I'm T4T which as far as I know is a label thats been around a long time but its still common and normally used today
But im also just a gender nonconformist(sometimes i use and reclaim the words transexual and transvestite just to piss off cis people who say i cant), i unapolgetically reclaim the word f4g, im in the leather community, I'm a fem man, im a cub, all things that have been around maybe since the 60s - 70s that I/still/ find connection to, comfort and community in
I mean hell I usually consider myself to currently be in a masc 4 fem relationship which you'd probably never guess by just looking at me
Which is another thing! Why is it always assumed that cubs and bears are the mascs?? I think I have more traditionally feminine clothing and presentation then most of my twink friends, I am a big, fat, extroverted, hairy cub and I am still the fem in one of my relationships and very feminine and fem presenting in general
Obviously masc 4 fem is not the only kind of mlm and wlm relationship that's stupid sndnd and expecting it is heteronormative, some people are masc 4 masc,fem 4 fem, heck not everyone /likes/ traditional masc fem labels and that's awesome!
Another thing I don't see a lot of people talk about is the fact that the bear and cub community is objectively a body positivity movement, that's what it started as that's what it always will be
Bear culture was a reaction to the beauty standards of gay culture at the time, when the ideal in gay relationships were young, thin, conventionally attractive gay and bi/multisexual men
Bear culture was specifically made to appreciate, lift up, and love large, hairy,sometimes older gay and bi/multsexual men and cub culture branched off from bears
I'm gonna be honest, I am recovering from a few body image issues and disorders that I wont go in depth on, and bear + cub culture has helped me to love myself and my body and find myself attractive more than any other body positivity space! Not to say other body positvity spaces arent important and needed, but that as a queer trans man this one has been the space I felt the most welcomed in
I wish there were a few expectations we could leave behind, like the idea that bears and cubs only date other bears and cubs, that terms like bear, twink, otter, leather gay, ect are gay exclusive and not just mlm and nwlnw terms, that fem and masc culture are gay and lesbian exclusive (dont come at me there are several moments in history we see these terms used by bi and generally queer men and that show masc and fem culture in bi and generally queer spaces)
I wish I could find more people like me in history, trans men who weren't masc, transmen and transmascs that were unapologetically feminine, I want to find transman queens in history, trans gay and mlm men, it's hard to find.. but I'm almost positive there has to be at least some people like me in queer history
But in general there's so much we can learn and keep from older queer culture that I feel has been lost a lot with younger generations
I love modern queer culture and neo/xeno labels and communities ans MOGAI and the breakdown of gender norms and sexual expectations
But im also unapolgetically a fem, leather loving, kinkster, trans fucking, fat cub, cross dressing faggot
All of these things are me
You cannot untangle or separate these identieies and labels from /me/
There are riots and loss in my history, and there is raw, unapolgetic queer beauty as well. there is pride in my veins, and fight in my lungs, and I wouldn't trade any of it for shit
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sparrowlovesskittles · 11 months
Thunder review time I guess??
I'm gonna be real I don't have much to say about Sunbeam or Nightheart this is gonna be 90% rambling about Frostpaw
- I like her trials, especially the one about training the kittens hehehe.
- I like her bonding with Nightheart's family and learning to find a place in ThunderClan even when he isn't there!! I think it's a really important aspect of switching clans actually. The cats should be able to be comfortable and happy with their clan even without their mate by their side.
- She really gets some good girlboss moments in!!!!!!! You GO Sunbeam yell at Cherryfall!! Publicly shame Berryheart several times in a row!!!!!!!!
- God is it just me or does she have SO much chemistry with Myrtlebloom
- Him and Frostpaw bonding is quite sweet :)
- Love him nearly drowning in a covered pool and it sounding all scary and dramatic and then we switch to Frostpaw's perspective and she's just like 'that idiot nearly drowned in a tiny little pond the other day ugh 🙄🙄'
- Literally WHY did he just run away without telling anyone at all that's so funny and why does NO ONE even bat an eye LMAO?? Poor Sunbeam
-Idk man he's just kinda there
- GIRLIE!!!!!!! MY BELOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POOR BABY!!!
- Shoutout to Frostpaw the first warrior cat to be canonically spayed!!!! That's so funny I love how Smokey is just like 'yeah that happens lmao' and her and Whistlepaw are just like 'huh. okay then'. Anyway from now on I'm drawing her with a nicked ear like they do to cats in TNR programs
- Speaking of Whistlepaw. THEY'RE SO SWEET! AND GAY!!!
- Girlie is a mess she's so traumatized literally just nearly got murdered and she fucking SNAPS at StarClan when they refuse to tell her shit. AS SHE SHOULD!! SHE DESERVES TO!!!! RIVERSTAR IS FUCKED UP FOR DOING THIS TO HER, ACTUALLY.
- OTTERS!!!!!!!! About time they got mentioned again, the last time was like literally TNP I think. It was implied otters lived at the lake but now Frostpaw confirms they don't anymore (but the elders definitely know about them). When are we getting the Minnowtail's Genocide novella where she plans the mission to drive the otters out of the lake and then marries Mousewhisker huh warrior cats??????
- Why was Frostpaw more traumatized by climbing a tree than she was by literally being chased by a dog. DGMW it's a good scene, I'm INCREDIBLY glad her PTSD was mentioned in the first place, but I feel like it's kinda weird for her to struggle with the tree when one day earlier she encountered a dog and just sort of... hissed at it a bit and then moved on.
- The park cats have canonically survived for longer than the clans and I am so sorry but that's BS. You're telling me no one in the past like 100 years killed these cats or TNRed them??? How many parks have they been through at this point??
- Frostpaw learning to meditate is so good though actually. Especially when she realises how fucked up the clan system is. If she doesn't fuck up Splashtail and then fuck up StarClan and fix the entire clan system in the next two books I'm gonna riot.
- I adore that she's FAR more distraught about Curlfeather being evil than she is about Splashtail. Like yeah! That's her mother!! That would fuck her up, Actually!! It's refreshing for a character to have familial relationships that are more important than their romantic ones.
- Frostpaw also feels like such a genuinely realistic victim. When she admits that she feels like it was her fault Splashtail was able to manipulate her because she was so naive? And then the park cats all cuddle her and tell her that it wasn't her fault and that HE'S the fucked up one? That scene actually made me cry a bit ngl.
- Hehe Frostpaw meditates now she's a true hippy stoner.
- I like the more personal vibe of this book- the conflict is largely internal, with her realising in her own time that Splashtail was evil. It's not the big dramatic scene I was hoping for- but at the same time it's kind of... Nice? I think it's cool. And I'm sure there will be more drama left to come!
- My prediction for the next two books is that she gets rid of Splashtail and then spends the remainder of the arc yelling at StarClan and fixing the clans. Ideally then I think we should have a soft reboot and jump forward in time, the clans are all operating under new rules, none of the cats are the same, etc. But that's not terribly likely to happen.
- YEAH DOVEWING YOU YELL AT IVYPOOL!! Ivypool deserves it honestly. Dovewing took none of her shit and that's beautiful.
- SQUIRRELSTAR!!!! I wasn't initially too jazzed about this, and I still have my grievances, but I think this is the right time for her to become leader. Go girl give us conflict!! Give us drama!!!!!!!!
- Riverstar is a dick lol??????
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