#mds greatest hits
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Really excited for suberboy in MAWS season3
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@squidthechaotickid @stickerscritter @shibdoodles
Doing one of these but with my mutuals after seeing this image on my dash today!!
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..Y'know he may be the god of war but.. I'm not mad. No, no not at all. :)
@xxgalacticambitionsxx @hatbox-apologist @ghostingyourass79 @kittieshauntedourfantasy @emerald194 @thatonerabbit @comical-icicle
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rootbeerrex · 8 months ago
my brain is convinced that it can replace sleeping with obsessing over house md. my brother in christ a body cannot function off of old man yaoi alone, the ancient texts have taught us this
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recommendation of the best non-visual novel denpa gems
1. anonymous agony (coded emotions, 2014)
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dont let the edginess deceive you; anonymous agony is disconnected from reality in every single aspect of its existence
2. cabelas dangerous hunts 2013 (cauldron, 2012)
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this game takes place in the mind of a truly deranged individual, can he let go of the past?
3. chaos;head the animation (madhouse, 2008)
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"man if shes as hot as they say she can perpetrate a crime on me!"
4. league of legends (riot games, 2009)
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makes me feel fucking insane when i play it
5. house md (fox network, 2004)
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pinliteral · 6 months ago
House MD would’ve been better if wilson and house got to beat eachother the fuck up
Also when I say “the fuck up” I mean THE FUCK UP like they both gotta be hospitalized after . They get an episode dedicated to some fuckass post-traumatic disorder they got from it.. Please guys do u hear me.. house md reboot in 2024 where the first episode is wilson and house being hospitalized for broken bones and brain damage..
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@purgatory-is-life @stickerscritter @kennycantdecide @boy-boobs-yeahh @iactuallytryingtolovemyself
Blorbo Poll
Rules: make a poll with five of your all-time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favourite.
Tagged by @powersuitup. Probably very predictable picks for anyone who knows me but whatevs.
NP tagging @tweetthang96, @coolnerdyrn, @kayliemalinza, @raaorqtpbpdy, and @thephilosophersapprentice.
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dumbbitchawards · 2 years ago
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Can we have one normal day in this fucking house
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crimeronan · 3 months ago
kitkat this is mean but i do at this point assume that anyone who gets mad about the aphobia episode of housemd, which is late in s8, is simply and straightforwardly racist, homophobic, intersexist, etc. like if that is the one (1) bad thing you think is worth talking about - a single, one-off episode that was admittedly terrible but nothing like the constant and unrelenting greatest bigotry hit parade that is the show as a whole - i simply don't think that is an opinion i will be listening to. THERE'S BIGGER PROBLEMS!!!!
my perspective on this is, i think, both a little kinder AND a lot meaner than yours -- i 100% think that the Vast Majority of people who never shut up about the asexuality episode have simply..... never watched house MD. like, i really think that's it. they just have not seen the show. the only thing they KNOW about the show is the asexuality episode.
in fact, i'd say that 80% of people who derail my ableism posts EXPLICITLY tag or comment some variation of, "i'd never watch this / i already knew the show was bad / this doesn't surprise me because of the asexuality episode."
so it's not like.... necessarily that they think asexuality is the Only Thing Anyone Can Ever Talk About. it's just that it's the only thing they ever HAVE seen anyone talk about. and they're parroting whatever they've heard.
without. knowing. anything. about. the show.
like. it's just that they legitimately, honest to God somehow think that the asexuality episode was DIFFERENT, and that asexuals were UNIQUELY maligned, because they Literally Have Not Watched The Source Material. and so they don't know how often it happened. to everyone. or how systemic it was. or how cruel the writers were on a constant basis.
i think that this is the truest read of all this discourse. at the very least, it's the only read that makes me Not Actively Homicidal, so it is the one i must cling to.
there are a LOT of viral posts about house MD that criticize the asexuality episode without criticizing anything else. and those DO make me raise my eyebrows, bc presumably the OPs have watched the whole show, and so i'm like. why do you seem to take issue with the asexuality stuff but Not any of the other stuff.
BUT. if i am being good faith and nice to people... i figure it's, like, Ffffine.... for asexual people to make their own posts about house MD. since i am making my own posts about ableism in house MD. talking about one thing is fine. even if it makes me raise my eyebrows. bc as you said, it's one ep late in season 8 that sucks but. is not, uh. it's not the core of the show.
it DOES vex me that discussion of the treatment of asexuality gets SOOOO MUCH MORE VIRAL TRACTION HERE than any discussion of ableism, but it doesn't surprise me, exactly... about 50ish percent of this website is ace (last i knew?), and a MUCH smaller percentage is chronically ill. and on top of that, sooo many chronically ill ppl exist in a weird space with criticism of house MD in the first place, because he's the Pain Blorbo who's a Sick Doctor, he's like the only ornery bitchy chronic illness representation a lot of people have experienced, and that often Means Things to ppl with chronic illness. and so sometimes they feel Weird And Uncomfortable acknowledging that the show is also, um. really really reaaaalllyyyyy mean and cruel.
and just generally. not great. to us.
so. the posts about ableism..... don't circulate. at least not outside of very specific chronic illness circles. bc you have to be Nuanced about the chronic illness stuff, there's a lot of Uncomfortable Feelings involved, and the asexuality stuff is MUCH more straightforwardly terrible ragebait, which is very easy to get mad about & reblog with tags about how you are mad.
With All Of That Said.
i DO think that if people read a post that's being critical of how house MD hurts disabled/chronically ill people, or they read a post about any of the other many many many Many evil bigoted episodes in the series, and their ONLY takeaway is to type, "well, i knew it was bad because i heard about the asexuality thing!"
....i DO think that is thoughtless and cruel. and i do think that people should stop doing that.
and i have locked numerous posts because of people doing that.
and if people start doing that in my notes again, i will be instablocking and possibly locking more posts. because. please.
you do NOT have to say, "i already knew it was bad because X," or, "did you know it was also bad about X??" when the post is not about X. i was not talking about X. i agree that X is bad, but i would like to talk about Y right now, and this kind of smug kneejerk "i consume media the right way <3 i know that it's bad when it's bad" response makes it.... impossible.
like. i am being Earnest As Fuck about ableism and my own life experiences and the horrific structural inequality/oppression/violence/etc in the medical system. it's written about a TV show, but it's not Actually About A TV Show. you know?? my thoughts about house MD are my thoughts about The Actual Real Life Medical System and Actual Real Life Doctors. I'm Trying To Say Something Important .
now is NOT the time for, "oh, yeah, and the asexuality episode was bad!"
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Uh-oh! The whole party except for Chimichanga Timmy Turner has been magically transformed into children! Can he #GirlDad his way out of this one???
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This is all you need to know baby
Hear me out. Dice jar Yugioh card.
I have. So many questions....
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m0srael · 2 years ago
Some Sentences Sunday!
Thanks for tagging me, @orange-peony! I loved your snippet! I'll pass it along to @avenueofesc, @cluelesspigeons, @slytherholic, @nv-md, @sorrybutblog, and @basicallyahedgehog 💕 I've recently returned to a WIP that I started a year ago (!!), and I'm feeling really jazzed about it. It's (so far) got a few of the greatest hits: temporary MCD, time travel, a steamy, time-travel induced age gap, fuck-or-die, loopy magical theory. Here's a particularly heart-shattering snip from the interlude between acts 1 & 2--cw MCD.
Pansy stands, too. Her hands are clenched into fists at her sides and she stares at Harry like he’s the worst, most evil person she’s ever seen in her life. “I’m not sorry I did it,” she says. 
Harry sucks in a breath, trying to keep the nausea at bay. “Did what?”
“Tried to turn you over to the Dark Lord. I should have tried harder. If he’d taken you, if he’d really killed you, my best friend would still be alive.” 
Harry wavers from foot to foot, trying and failing to meet Pansy’s unforgiving gaze. Tears start to roll down his face, hot and wet. “He’s dead?” he asks, his voice small and broken. 
“He’s dead.” Pansy says, with finality. She stares at Harry for another beat, and then turns on her heel to walk away. 
Before she can make it to the corner, Harry calls her name. She stops, but doesn’t turn around. 
“I wish he’d really killed me, too.” 
She hesitates, and then rounds the corner, and Harry is alone. 
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thiziri · 2 years ago
Princess Anne greeted by MD of the Cheltenham Festival, Ian Renton, as she arrives for the Gold Cup day in Cheltenham, on 17 March 2023.
© Greatest Hits Radio Gloucester
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rootbeerrex · 11 months ago
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is this who they mean when they say toxic yaoi
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Guess what ‼️
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paperanddice · 5 months ago
The jabberwock is a true creature of legend. One of the legendary Tane, a series of living weapons created in a previous Age by an Icon of nature, the secret of creating them was lost for some time. Rumors hold that the Elf Queen, High Druid, or Orc Lord have been attempting to replicate these creations. Of the Tane, the jabberwock is the most fearsome, a great and unusual dragon, 35 feet tall and stronger than all but the greatest of the chromatic and metallic dragons. If any jabberwock survive from the Age they were created, they have been banished (or ordered) to the far edges of the world where sightings of them would be rare and the creature's rampages wouldn't be noticed.
And what legendary rampages they were. Myths from long ago tell of a single jabberwock levelling great cities, or even bringing down Icons (though surely that must be an exaggeration). Unless specifically ordered by their original creator, each jabberwock sought constant destruction, rarely waiting longer than a week between targets. The only thing that put a hold to the rampage of the jabberwocks was the greatest magical creation of a previous Archmage, the vorpal blades. Each of these rare, epic weapons carried magic that cut through the jabberwocks in particular, causing fear in them for the first time. With these blades, the champions of that Age were able to drive back the jabberwocks. If any of the originals return to the realm of the Dragon Empire, or worse if someone begins creating new ones, finding these blades would be key to defending against them.
Vorpal Blade (+3 sword) On a critical hit, this weapon deals triple damage instead of double. If the target is reduced to 25 or fewer hit points by this hit, you cut its head off and it instantly dies if it can’t survive without its head. Quirk: Sprinkles nonsense words into speech.
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Jabberwock Triple-strength 14th level wrecker [huge dragon] Initiative: +20 Vulnerability: Vorpal weapons Jaws That Bite +19 vs. AC – 200 damage. Claws That Catch +19 vs. AC (2 attacks) – 120 damage and the jabberwock can grab the target. Whiffling Attacks: As a standard action the jabberwock can use both jaws that bite and claws that catch. If it rolls at least one natural even hit, it is surrounded by severe winds until the start of its next turn, gaining +4 AC against ranged attacks and any enemy that tries to engage it must succeed on a DC 30 Strength check as part of the movement or it loses that move and fails to engage. R: Eye Rays +19 vs. PD (two attacks, each against a nearby enemy or a far away enemy at -2 atk) – 180 fire damage. Natural Even Hit: The target also takes 50 ongoing fire damage. Burble: 1d3+1 times per battle (never two turns in a row), the jabberwock can make one of the following attacks as a standard action: C: Random Noise +19 vs. MD (all nearby enemies) – The target is confused (save ends). Natural 16+: The target gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls while confused in this way. C: Sonic Lance +19 vs. PD (1d4 nearby enemies) – 250 thunder damage. Fear: While engaged with the jabberwock, enemies with 192 or fewer hp are dazed and do not add the escalation die to their attacks. Flight. Escalator. Vorpal Fear: Whenever the jabberwock is hit by a vorpal weapon it is dazed until the end of its next turn, or weakened on a critical hit. Resist Fire 18+. AC 30 PD 27 MD 26 HP 1520
Inspired by the Pathfinder 1e Bestiary 2. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
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pinliteral · 5 months ago
Hey guys do u think that after Wilson died House started taking more vicodin to cope with the extra psychosomatic pain and then overdosed on it on accident-on purpose. Wilson’s blind loyalty and love basically killing him. Would that be fucked up or what.
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