#mcyt halloween exchange
trenchcrows · 11 months
my @mcyt-halloween for @lehhoh7822 is finally out everyone cheeer :)
it's got enemies to *lovers actor!tntduo and a hint of sbi cause I cant forget my roots lol
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mcyt-halloween · 1 month
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Welcome to a RETURNING mcytbIr event!
Hello! Do you love secret Santas and love Halloween? Well, then this is the event for you. I recommend following this blog for updates!
This event is open to all mcyt groups: DSMP, Hermitcraft, QSMP, anything!
YOU CAN SIGN UP HERE!! more information will be under the cut!
• DMS OPEN (check if you can DM me from one of your blogs, if you can’t, then you CANNOT participate)
• Follow the dates below
• @ your recipient, this blog, and tag #mcythalloween2024 when you post your gift according to the dates.
• Nothing NSFW
• September 23, Form submissions close
• September 30st, All recipient's submissions go out to their givers
• October 27th, Posting gifts opens
• October 31st, Deadline for posting (if you have not received your gift by then, please contact me)
Gift options:
• Drawing (Finished)
• Writing (1k+)
• Stimboard/moodboard (2+ sets)
• Web weaving (10+ images)
• Playlist (1+ hour)
If at any point, you think you may not be able to complete your assignment on time, please contact me so I can find a gifter to replace you asap. DM me if there are ANY issues at all.
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greenscreen-dress · 11 months
Everybody needs good neighbours ~♪
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Happy halloween, @aliteral-ghost! I've been meaning to properly draw False for a while now, and finally got a chance to do so for your @mcyt-halloween gift!
...Not quite sure what level of spooky this is though. Maybe a 2? Blood on the Clocktower is intrinsically pretty spooky and the game False played was extremely fun, so I wanted to try designing a haunted-looking False in full fortuneteller garb.
Fun fact: below all those opacity layers and blue filters, False's outfit is mostly coppery bluegreens and browns in honour of her Empires look, with the dark green cape matching her hermit skin's jacket.
(early WIP image with flat colours & minimal effects below the cut ↓)
Anyway I hope you like it! :D
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trashland-llamas · 11 months
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Hai @q-fooriana
As a part of the @mcyt-halloween gift exchange, here be for you; Pissa dressed as ghosts at McDonalds
That said, happy Halloween! 🎃
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indigo-flightly-falls · 7 months
It's a Quarter After One, I'm All Alone and I Need Someone
My gift to @staringamassivemistakeintheface for the MCYT Valentines Day Exchange :D (@mcyt-valentines)
Characters: Ren & Skizz
Ships: renskizz (focus), poly dogwarts (background)
Summary: (Newsies AU) The night after the failed protest and subsequent beating the newsies took, Ren confronts Skizz on a fire escape and they talk about stuff.
Trigger warnings: mentioned/discussed period typical homophobia (in the context of Ren's family pressuring him into marrying a girl), brief mentions of police brutality (talking about a past event), smoking.
Ao3 link: It's a Quarter After One, I'm all Alone and I Need Someone - Stars_In_Our_Paws - 3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series [Archive of Our Own]
"Alright, Sparrow, can you move your leg?"
Ren and Racetrack were currently helping Sparrow figuring out how bad his leg had gotten hurt during the raid.
"King, I walked back to here, I think I can move my leg." Sparrow sassed, his tongue sticking out to distract himself from the pain.
"That doesn't mean you can currently move it." Ren pointed out, raising his eyebrow. "Move it now, or I'll tell Bumlets that you're making your leg worse."
"Threats aren't fair." Sparrow grumbled, but he complied. He was able to move his leg a bit, but it clearly was hurting him. "Fuck this." He hissed, leaning back into Racetrack's arms. "I'm not listening to you."
"Alright, I'm not helping you if you won't listen." Ren threw his hands up, knowing Sparrow would rather listen to Racetrack anyways.
Ren stood up, stretching by reaching his hands to the sky. The lodging house was bustling, but it was quieter then normal. The beating they'd taken had been a blow, and even worse was Crutchie being taken and Jack unable to be found.
He took a small walk towards the windows leading up to Jack's 'penthouse', which was what he called the top of the fire escape.
Ren noticed a figure on the lower fire escape, almost thinking for a second it was Racetrack due to the smoke trails, before realizing with a shock that it was Skizz. And then he felt a bit silly because he could hear Racetrack berating Sparrow for stressing his bad leg.
Skizz had never smoked before. Ren wanted to figure out what was up.
Ren climbed out the window, taking a breath of the air, tinted with smoke. Skizz had his back to Ren, staring out at the city below.
"Hey, come here much?"
Skizz turned his head towards Ren, before looking back out at the city's lights.
"King, you know the answer." Skizz answered, not smiling like he usually did. He took another drag of the cigar, probably stolen from Racetrack.
"Drop the title please, you know I'm Ren to you guys." Ren walked over to lean on the railing next to Skizz, looking at the smoke trails.
"Yeah, but you're the king of the five of us."
Ren pulled Skizz into a side hug, leaning his head onto his boyfriend's.
"I like being just Ren around you guys."
Skizz huffed a laugh, rolling his eyes. "You picked the nickname King, you dug your own grave."
Ren gently punched him in the side for that, before the two of them drifted into quiet.
It was nice, after the day they'd had. Skizz had new bruises on his face, and Ren had bloodstained bandages on his wrist. It was the price they paid.
"How's Etho?" Skizz broke the silence, looking worried for his partner. Ren just sighed.
"You know how they are. They pretend not to care, but they care deeply 'bout everybody in this lodging house. Crutchie getting taken's shattered their confidence."
"Should I go check on them?"
Ren shook his head, exhaling. "Hand and B are with them."
Skizz nodded, still looking worried. "I'm glad they're not alone. Is everybody else okay?"
Ren made a so-so motion with his hand. "We're all bruised up, Les's arm is bothering him and Sparrow's leg flared up again, but we got away pretty good considering it was the bulls."
"I suppose it's better then it could be."
"Yeah." Ren agreed.
Once again the two drifted off into a easy quiet, knowing neither of them had much to say. They just watched the city together, as Skizz periodically exhaled a bit of smoke.
Ren used the time to reflect on his choices in the day, trying to figure out if he could've stopped Crutchie from getting taken.
"You know," Skizz started suddenly, "It's kinda funny how many formerly middle class or wealthy people are here."
When Ren raised his eyebrow, Skizz continued to explain.
"Well there's you, Sparrow, Nipper, Racetrack, Etho, Martyn, and probably at least one other." Skizz counted off on his hand. Ren just chuckled in amusement, with the smallest amount of bitterness mixed in.
"Yeah, and of course I'm the only one who gets badgered to come back home."
"Got another letter this morning?" Skizz questioned, evidently remember how downcast and angry Ren had been as they walked out of the lodging house.
"Yep." Ren said, stressing the 'p'. "They said they had a 'nice perfect girl' picked out for me, and if I went home and married her, they'd forget about my 'transgressions'." He growled the last word out, making fists with his hands.
"Ah, that's what got you upset?" Skizz asked, leaning against the wall.
Ren nodded, leaning onto his left hand while his right hung over the balcony.
"That sucks. They really are just pushing you to get married to a girl, aren't they?" Skizz asked, knowing exactly where Ren came from and what was at stake.
"I get caught in the Bowery once, and they all take it as a hint I'm gay." Ren held his finger up, shaking it. He then sighed.
"You are, though." Skizz said with a knowing smile.
"Yeah, but I don't want them to know that." Ren said, hanging his head.
"People are stupid." Skizz commented staring off into space.
"Yeah." Ren laughed in agreement, smiling at Skizz. "I'm glad this place is at least open-minded enough to let us be together quietly."
"I mean, nobody talks about it, but there's the five of us, Racetrack and Sparrow have something going on, same with Blink and Mush. Crutchie has eyes for Jack, both Etho and Cosmo have been accepted as, quote, 'not a girl, not a boy, but space', and Racetrack's been pretty open about being born a girl, so..." Ren continued, listing off the many queer people in the lodging house.
"I don't know how this specific group of newsies is so gay." Skizz laughed, finally putting the cigar down.
"Yeah, but I guess if I have to die because of who I am, I'm glad I'll be dyin' with youes." Ren told him with a smile, showing off his pointed teeth.
"Don't say that!" Skizz cried playfully, pushing Ren to the side. "We're gonna live for years together!"
"I know, I know!" Ren laughed, just glad he had gotten Skizz's spirit up again.
The two of them fell into the same silence they always seemed to, just enjoying the night and each other. They linked their hands, watching the stars twinkle in the sky and tried to ignore how they should've been hearing the sound of two bodies above them.
Ren looked into Skizz's eyes, finding the exact same thing he was thinking.
'I'm so glad I met you'
Ren leaned into his side, feeling Skizz press a quick kiss onto his forehead.
This was nice.
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justherefornothing1 · 11 months
@chillingxy Here's your secret spooky gift! Sorry it wasn't available earlier, the research for this was...a lot. Definitely a challange, and opened up my eyes a lot. So I hope you enjoy, and have a Happy Halloween, y ¡Feliz Dia De Los Muertos!
also @mcyt-halloween
On the 1st of October, Xisuma woke up, put on his helmet, and immediately sent a message in chat.
[xisumavoid]: Everyone ready for the meeting?
[FalseSymmetry]: yup
[Keralis]: Born Ready!
{TangoTek joined the game}
[xisumavoid]: Meet at spawn
He snapped on his elytra, marveling at how the gauzy purple fabric solidified into a harder substance before taking off into the afternoon sky. He planned the meeting to start the meeting as the sun set, so the spooky decorations (appropriate for the season) would really shine through. He chuckled to himself. Get it, shine? ‘Cause the lights…would…shine? 
He ignored the extremely bad pun, instead choosing to focus on not crashing into Grian, who had somehow gotten to the meeting spot before him. Grian turned towards Xisuma as he landed, stumbled and finally managed to plant both feet on the ground a mere block away from Grian.
“Hello Xisuma! How are you doing on this lovely day?” Grian leaned in closer, rocking on the balls of his feet. Xisuma brushed himself off before facing the avian. 
“I’m doing good. How about you?”
 “Oh, I’m doing ghoul-d” Grian giggled after he said the last part. Xisuma sighed. 
“I really hope you’re not doing this until Halloween.”
“Oh, of course not! Once we get past Halloween I’ll start on my winter jokes.”
“Winter jokes? Grian…” Grian simply laughed before walking towards the prepared seats and plopping down on the nearest one.
“Don’t worry, you’ll love them!” He turned his attention to an approaching flier. “Hey Mumbo! Do you want to hear a joke?” As soon as Mumbo landed, Grian bombarded him with his next joke. Xisuma left the two laughing as he started to take inventory of his surroundings. 
They were in a forest close by to spawn. The trees not felled by the Hermits held themselves high, against both player and sky. Their boughs were decorated with soul lanterns and jack o’ lanterns, combining with the setting sun to cast an eerie light over the rows of chairs laid out in a clearing. He was quite proud of his setup. In fact, he was so busy admiring it that he didn’t notice Scar until he was blocking his view of the trees.
“Helloo, Xisuma, are you still with us?” Scar snapped his fingers a few times as Xisuma blinked. 
“Yes, I’m still here Scar, not AFK.” Xisuma scanned the clearing, suddenly noticing that seats were filled with antsy hermits. “Is everyone here?”
“Yes sir!” Scar mock saluted. “We’re all ready.”
“Excellent, let’s get this show on the road!” He rubbed his hands together before walking onto the stage in front of the chairs. He tapped the microphone twice, causing all the hermits to cease conversation. “Hello everyone, welcome to the monthly meeting! As you know, it’s October, so we’ll be covering possible Halloween events as well as housekeeping. But first, does anyone have announcements to make?” Immediately Tango raised his hand, waving it frantically before bounding onto the stage. His fiery hair whipped and flashes as he excitedly launched into a spiel about the next phase of Decked Out 2. Everyone pays rapt attention to his rant, because of course no one wants to miss out on Decked Out info. Then, after he finishes, another hermit takes the stage. Surprisingly, it’s Joe Hills. Xisuma briefly wonders if it’s about Deep Field, Joe’s massive pinball machine/main base. Considering the outer space theme, it seems unlikely to be updated for Halloween, but not impossible…
Joe placed both hands on the microphones before speaking. “Howdy y’all!” The crowd echoes with brief “Howdy”s and “Hello Joe”s before lapsing back into silence. Joe gives a small smile, then continues. “As y’all know, it’s been about a year since our dear friend TFC passed away.” Now the area is truly silent. Even the wind seems to have dropped dead in its path. “And…I think it’s safe to say that we all miss him. So recently, I wanted to find a way to honor both his memory and his legacy.” 
He began to walk across the stage, but at a slow, meandering pace. “I found a tradition, mostly observed in Mexico. It’s called “el Dia de Los Muertos”, or the Day of the Dead in English. It’s a collection of days in early November where the dead are honored, but overall it’s meant to be a celebration, not a wake. Now obviously, it would be hard to replicate the tradition exactly in Minecraft, but I have a plan to stitch together something like it. So if you can help out, please let me know after the meeting, and for everyone else, keep your ears open for an exact date!” 
Joe nods once, smiles again, then exits down the steps towards Xisuma. His eyes are focused on the floor, and his arms have migrated to a crossed position. As Joe walks past him, Xisuma grabs his shoulder as gently as he can. “Joe, are you good?”
Joe turned to face him, and X noticed that his eyes were a bit watery. Joe sighed before whispering, “I just…hope it’s enough. I miss him, you know?” He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. “I hope we can pull it off.”
Xisuma patted Joe on the shoulder. “I know we can pull it off. And I’m more than willing to help with your plan. Just tell me what’s needed, alright?” 
Joe gave X a side hug. “Thank you. I appreciate it.” He turned to look X in the eye. “Now, what are the chances we can get marigolds on the server?”
The chances, as Xisuma found out, were none. 
See, marigolds were only available via mods, and the Aztec marigolds Joe had in mind had no mods to their name. So, as a substitute, Stress had provided orange tulips, and was scattering the petals around TFC’s old base. Keralis was sweeping away the dust and cobwebs that had accumulated since the hermits had been there. All the hermits were chipping in to clear and decorate the surrounding area. 
Except for Grian, who had made the excuse to wait for Scar’s “surprise delivery”. Xisuma doubted the truth of that claim, but whenever he brought it up to Joe, the man smiled conspiratorially and shrugged his shoulders. “It’s a surprise, X. You’ll have to see for yourself.”
Suddenly, Grian chirped and screamed, “Scar, be careful!!!” Xisuma looked up to see Scar barreling towards the group at…concerning speeds, to say the least. Scar yelled back, “I’m always careful!!” before proceeding to crash head first into a wall.
{GoodTimesWithScar experienced kinetic energy}
[GeminiTay]: LOL
{GoodTimesWithScar]: sorry guys!!! is the surprise ok?
Grian walked over to the place where Scar had splatted and gingerly picked up a plain white box. He peeked inside, and let out a sigh of relief. “Good, they’re still intact.” 
X wandered over. “What’s intact?” 
Joe, who had come over during the ruckus, reached into the box and pulled out a small skull-shaped object. “In Day of the Dead traditions, these are called calaveras,” he explained. “They’re treats for the dead, but we can also enjoy them. Look at the details I asked Scar to do!” X leaned closer, and saw that this particular skull was dyed bright blue on one side, but stayed white on the other. “Is that Jevin, by any chance?” Joe nodded enthusiastically. “I thought it would be cool if they looked like the hermits, even though it’s not traditional.” “It’s a really cool idea Joe! Really cool,” Xisuma said. 
They turned their attention to the rest of the base, which looked ready for a celebration. “X, do you have the photo?” Joe questioned. “Yup, got it right here.” X pulled a picture frame out of his backpack, walked over to the front wall of TFC’s base, and hung it on a conveniently placed hook. It was a picture of TFC, in all his black-and-white glory. Xisuma stepped back and admire both the photo and its surroundings. The golden petals, the soft glow of candles, and the last remains of a setting sun gave the whole base a warm light, the same that radiates from a small campfire. He breathes in, then out. Then he turns to the small crowd that has quietly gathered behind him. “Let’s have a good time, shall we?” Cheers erupted from the group. It will be a night of celebration. 
The party is incredible. Food is passed around, glasses are filled with bubbly potions, and everyone all around has a good time. Toasts are made to TFC, friends recall fond memories, and the light surrounding his ofrenda only grows brighter through the night. It’s a night of remembrance and reverence and love. 
Eventually, the celebration winds down to a close, as most of the hermits decide to head home when Bdubs begins to loudly snore on Etho’s shoulder (don’t worry, the laughter woke him up). They choose to keep the candles lit overnight and snuff them out in the morning. The crowd slowly exits the base, pulling out elytras and rockets as they go. Eventually, the crowd is down to just Xisuma and Joe. The two decide to walk around TFC’s home one last time before leaving for the night, and that’s when they hear it.
Somewhere off in the distance, the duo hears a soft clink, clink, clink. Joe looks over at Xisuma with a quizzical look. Xisuma shrugs his shoulders. He didn’t have a clue as to where the sound came from. 
There it was again, clink, clink, clink. This time Joe pointed over to a small hole leading downwards. It was TFC’s stripmine, located a few blocks away from his base. Xisuma motioned for Joe to follow him as he walked towards the entrance. 
Down they went, past stone and more stone and a few leftover coal ores. They reached an area where the clinking got loud. “Is someone strip-mining down here?” Joe asked. Xisuma scanned the area, but saw nobody, and no torches. “Well, I don’t think anyone’s down here. Should we head back up?” Joe nods once before making a beeline for the exit. They make it all the way to the top before Joe holds a hand out a block him. “Look over there.” He points over to where the hermits had gathered earlier.
The petals, previously scattered, were now arranged in a pattern. “Thank you,” both hermits mouthed the word silently before turning to each other.
“Do you believe in spirits?” Xisuma asked Joe. Joe thought about that for a moment then said, “Well, depends. What are the chances that Grian, Scar, or somebody else with a mischief streak snuck back to do this?” “Possible, but not likely,” X replied. “Then,” Joe concluded, “for tonight, yes. I believe in spirits.”
The two stood in silence for a bit, before Joe suddenly said, “Well, I’m exhausted. I’ll see you at the meeting tomorrow?” The hermits had agreed to push back the next monthly meeting until after the Day of the Dead. “Yeah, see you tomorrow Joe.” Xisuma waved to Joe before heading off towards home.
Xisuma walked away, satisfied yet tired. Tomorrow was another meeting, another month, another day forward into the future. Yes, he missed TFC, but he knew that he and the other hermits would carry the man’s spirit with him until he too, faded away. 
Somewhere in the background, a wind picked up, swirled the orange petals, and carried them off into a twinkling sky.
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Why would you water dead flowers?
When you find out your father had taken you closest friend, the bard of the castle, and started to preform unorthodox, non consensual modifications to his body. You tend to want revenge. But with the knowledge of Wilbur having escaped and survived. Quackity knows he has to find his almost lover.
Not proof read or edited!!
(SO, a few days ago I signed up to be a pinch hitter for the @mcyt-halloween event!! And I got the pleasure of writing a fic for @theoneandonlyyeti !!)
(If you have ao3, I would love to be able to gift this to you on there!! I hope you enjoy!! I had little to no clue where I was going to take with, but 1.4k words later, and this is what I am giving you!!<33)
his hands reached deep, deep into the cold water. he could feel as the stream ran over his fingers, chilling his very bones. He attempts to wash the blood and dirt from his hands, it doesnt go very far. He huffs. Wings shivering for a moment as they wrap around his shoulders, attempting to keep the cold out. But his wings are bloodied too. All they do is smear it on his fragile nude body. Inhumane changes, and things he would rather not think about. He thinks he got far enough for them not to bother him at this point, but he keeps his ears open.
He cups a little bit of water in his burning cold hands. Bringing it up to slowly sip. He knows better then to bathe in the freezing stream as the leaves fall. He doesnt think his entire body could even fit in the water for that matter. His throat burns from the cold water on his dry throat. A feeling he doesnt know how to adjust to really, he hasnt had water in about 3 days, and the cold air burns.
He slowly stands on shaking limbs, the large eagel wing wrapping around him for the barest sense of warmth. His skin feels tight.
What did they even put in him..?
The prince swore under his breath, hearing the pounding footsteps of the guards, calling out his name in panic. He didnt turn back. The winter air nipping at his skin. And making his chest ache as he sees his breath puff up infront of him. His pockets jingle with the bag of cold and silver coins he was able to skim off the top of the treasury. Enough to keep him flat for a little while. Not even to surv8ve the entire year on.
He was tempted to scream, he wasnt tempted to let the tears behind his eyes fall. But he didnt. That would only give away his location.
Bow and quill strapped to his back, dagger attached to his thigh, and winter clothes of a peasant. He could hear the sound of horses. Getting far too close for comfort. The trees towered over him, caging him in, locking him in this crate. Where the very people he once trusted, hunts him down like e wild bear.
Heart beating faster then the wind in his chest. slamming into his ribs and lungs. He left a horse a days travel away on his most recent hunting venture. Only about 5 days ago.
He wouldn't make it there before they caught him. He'd need to hide out the night and day. Stay safe. He doesn't know how long his patience will last for that. He needed to fins just, someone. Anyone, from those awful experiments. He needed to find him. 
He heard the yell of his name into the wind. A hallowed out tree becoming the best bet of hiding. 
He slides down onto his knees, dirting his pants in the snow and mud. He crawls into the area, praying for no snakes or spiders, it wouldn't be the worst he saw this month tho.
He heard as the feet and hoofs pound past only moments later. He let his breath finally speed up into a panic attack, hand clutching at his shirt, as tears start to fall. He can't have done this. He doesn't know how to survive on his own. He's always lived in the comfort of a castle. What is he doing?
He digs into the pocket of his pants, clutching the medal with a mallard duck etched into it. He wonders, how is he even going to find the once bard of the castle. He hopes Wilbur isn't as far gone as the rest of them were.
He doesn't know what he would do if the man was a wild animal in a shell that used to look like wilbur.
With the edges of the town being into the edges of the forest. It made it easy for him to find something to keep warm. He started to see himself in window, and everytime he wishes he didn't. The left side of his face was like if a wax sculpture got melted just a little bit, then dried. His skin pale, and dead. 
His eyes had long since been gone, deep voids instead. He wonders how he can still see. But doesn't question it too much. 
His ribs and bones seem to almost pop out. His skin lose. Parts of it had started to peal off. He felt like vomiting every time. He knew he couldn't. He couldn't even eat really. 
His legs were much of the same, but he could see where they tried to sew the nerves of a deer's legs onto his own. It worked, but the skin is much the same, barely hanging onto the bones.
His wing had started to lose feathers. The wings weren't meant for him. He couldn't keep them alive.
He bit the inside of his cheek looking at his reflection in the window. The moon high in the sky. It was an almost numb feeling. It wasn't him, and yet it was.
He turned his back on the window. Lo9king out to how spring is upon the land, flowers sprouting from the cold ground, fresh out of snow.
Leaves growing on the once bared trees. The sound of a cardinal calling out for a mate loud in his ears. If he had his lute still, he would write music of this. Music of the coming of spring. This time of the year he would sing to the prince about the coming of life. And the man would joke, and tease, and they would take it to the prince's quarters, and they'd drink the wine that quackity kept in his quarters. 
They'd laugh, and snort, and the prince would threaten Wilbur when he got too cocky, and Wilbur would let him. He'd let the royal pin him to the wall, even if Wilbur is taller He'd keep his hand up as the prince would get up in his face with a grin, mentioning telling his father of his relations with Wilbur. And the bard would whisper he would never. He likes him too much. 
Wilbur wonders how the prince is doing now. He hopes he never learns the horrors of the chambers deep in the catacombs.
He froze in his steps, his bow out, stoned tipped arrow pointed it to trees. He had heard shuffling far too large to be just a small beast. And not quite human. It could be the guards, but he doubts it. His hair is a bit longer now, a stubble growing in. he hasn't changed clothes since he left home. He has bathed and washed them, but now they're covered in dirt and rips. The medal with the duck sitting heavy in his pockets.
He wouldn't recognize himself as a prince anymore. He doesn't think someone would even be able to call him a prince in the summer sun.
Slowly, from the woods. Comes a fave which breaks his heart. But confirms just a little bit of his hope.
His slowly lowers the weapon.
The melted and hallow face of a man he once knew to be impossibility tall. To be stubborn. That he pretended to hate. 
The large fatherless wings making quackity's heart drop, as long with the lose skin.
"..Quackity…? Is…is that you…?" He voice shakes, nervously walking towards him, the same voice he heard in song, the same voice he prayed to hear for 6 months.
Wilbur walked towards him on hoofs in awful condition. And quackity let out a pained gasp, walkingNeven closer, dropping the bow. Wilbur seemed to act like even he didn't know if he was real.
Pale hands wrapped around melting and rotting cheeks.
"What did they do to you…!?" He sobbed out as he traced Wilbur face. The monster smiling against quackity's hand. Leaning into the hands that feel so familiar. 
"A lot…" the grainy voice muttered, seeming to have not talked for a while. And quackitys heart stopped in his chest. A familiar feeling of love washing over him. Leaving him drowning a he threw himself onto Wilbur.
Smashing his lips into Wilbur own. Something they were never Able to do in the castle. And quackity didn't care that Wilbur tasted of rot on his lips, and that Wilbur own lips weren't too intact. 
He just missed him
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skydoesthings · 11 months
hey, i got you for the mcyt-halloween gift exchange! just asking, would it be alright to set your gift in a human au? or do you strictly want it to be set in the life series?
yup, it would be perfectly fine in a human au, I can’t wait to see what you come up with!
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canadiankakashi · 1 year
do you have a favourite horror/slasher movie you like to watch in october?
It's hard to beat the first Scream movie, but I also have a soft spot for Phantasm and Trick 'r Treat
They're all phenomenal movies that I rewatch pretty frequently and at least once during October :]
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And we're back!!
I'm happy to say that the mcyt horror gift exchange is open once more!! For a round of gifts landing on Halloween!!
The discord will be opening on the 15th of August this time around, and sign ups will be closing on the 31st of August!!
Check out the pinned post for more information!!
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joifee · 11 months
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Fish fear me, men fear me, fishmen fear me
Heyo I joined @mcyt-halloweens gift exchange and my trad partner was @iicarussea!!! fellow fwhip enjoyer we love to seeeee I just had to go a little overboard and make it really spooky :D hope you like! happy halloween^^
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mcytblrsource · 19 days
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Jun 1-Aug 31: Niki Nihachu Summer hosted by @niki-nihachu-summer
Aug 5-11: Felpac week hosted by @felpacweek
Aug 16: Dream SMP Sixteenth Day Event: Crack Month hosted by @sixteenth-day-event
Aug 11-17: Skizzleman Week hosted by @skizzlemanweek
Aug 12-18: Hypnotizd Ship Week hosted by @hermitrarepairevent
Aug 5: Chronicles: A QSMP Egg Zine preorders open until Sep 8 @qsmpzine
Aug 10: MCYT Sapphic Zine releases @mcytsapphiczine
Aug 23: Empiropedia releases @empiropediazine
Aug 25: Hotguy Comics Zine releases @hotguycomiczine
Aug 31: Hermitzine 9: H is for Hermitcraft releases @hermitzine
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Jun 1-Sep 30: MCYT Omegaverse Month (18+) hosted by @mcyt-month-of-omegaverse
Aug 4-Sep 21: QSMP Month(s) hosted by @qsmp-month
Sep 1-30: Your Cubito, Your Culture hosted by @yourcubitoyourculture
Sep 16: Dream SMP Sixteenth Day Event: Places Month hosted by @sixteenth-day-event
Sep 22-Oct 5: MCYT Non-POV hosted by @mcyt-nonpovs
Oct 1-30: [There are no real deadlines] QSMP Halloween Fanworks Event hosted by @atthebell
Oct 20-26: Spiderbit/Guapduo Fluff or Fright hosted by @atthebell
Oct 21-27: Scarian Autumn Smooch Fest hosted by @scarian-smooch-fest
Oct 25-31: HideDuo Trick or Treat Week hosted by @iridescentpull
Oct 25-31: fWhimmy Week hosted by @fwhimmy-week
Dec 1-7: QPR Kersuma Week hosted by @qpr-kersuma-week
MCYT WIP Purge: @multidimensionbb closes Sep 3
MCYT Trick-or-Treat: @mcyt-trick-or-treat closes Sep 8
Technoblade Cookbook - MODERATORS: @technobladecookbook closes Sep 11
HermitPost Zine: @hermitpostzine closes Sep 12
MCYT Halloween Exchange: @mcyt-halloween closes Sep 23
MCYT Jukebox Bonanza Event: @mcyt-jukebox-bonanza closes Sep 30
C!Dream Zine: @cdreamzine closes Sep 30
MCYT Couture Zine: @mcyt-couture-zine closes Sep 30
Technoblade Cookbook - RECIPE SUBMISSION: @technobladecookbook closes Oct 14
Lay all you love on me - Desert Duo MAP: @oinkable closes when all parts claimed
MCYT RPF Kink Meme - @mcytrpfkinkmeme open until collection reaches 100 works
Colourful Crafters Colouring Book: @colourfulcrafterscolouringbook closes undetermined
Technoblade Cookbook - ARTISTS AND WRITERS: @technobladecookbook Oct 20-31
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mcyt-halloween · 1 year
Welcome to a RETURNING mcytbIr event!
Hello! Do you love secret Santas and love Halloween? Well, then this is the event for you.
This event is open to all mcyt groups: DSMP, Hermitcraft, QSMP, anything!
WE ARE WORKING ON ADMISSIONS. more information will be under the cut!
• DMS OPEN (check if you can DM me from one of your blogs, if you can’t, then you CANNOT participate)
• Follow the dates below
• @ your recipient, this blog, and tag #mcyt-halloween when you post your gift according to the dates.
• Nothing NSFW
• September 23, Form submissions close
• September 30st, All recipient's submissions go out to their givers
• October 27th, Posting gifts opens
• October 31st, Deadline for posting (if you have not received your gift by then, please contact me)
Gift options:
• Drawing (Finished)
• Writing (1k+)
• Stimboard/moodboard (2+ sets)
• Web weaving (10+ images)
• Playlist (1+ hour)
If at any point, you think you may not be able to complete your assignment on time, please contact me so I can find a gifter to replace you asap. DM me if there are ANY issues at all.
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anemonet · 11 months
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Happy halloween!!! Aimed and fired mainly towards >> @choliosus for the @mcyt-halloween gift exchange, but happy to everyone else too :DD
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liauditore · 11 months
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hyello there @captainschaos i was ur exchange partner for @mcyt-halloween !! I hope u enjoy this fake Decked Out comic that totally exists o7 (now featuring etho's 45 minute run that drove everyone insane)
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iicarussea · 11 months
HAPPY (mcyt) HALLOWEEN !!! i got @pokefarms for my @mcyt-halloween exchange-thing :DD had sm fun with this omg
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this was pretty much just influenced by the fact that i was watching the gigs + gem phasmophobia vods while drawing and thought "hey what if they played phasmo together?" and then this was on my screen like 5 hours later LMAO anyway i hope u like your gift :DD
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