#mcsm mansion
goitale · 10 days
nother jesstra post for u all. þeyre so gay,,,
have fun my silly friends!!!
just. look at how GAY that is. petra's chuckle...jesse challenging and bejng all smug...petra loves racing it calms and distracts her :( þey race multiple times in þis ep i can get þe oþer clip for u guys too if u want just comment ig LOLz
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anxiety-cat-creator · 6 months
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“Hereeeeeeees Cassie!”
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aquilacalvitium · 6 months
Rating my favourite fictional characters on how much I'd trust them to do my top surgery
Wander 🎩🪕(Wander Over Yonder) - Bugs Bunny level antics that waste about eleven minutes of everyone's lives and leave every single person convinced he couldn't do it. It would be the cleanest and easiest top surgery on record and I would walk away unscathed.
Commander Peepers 👁💥(Wander Over Yonder) - He'd take it deadly seriously and spend the whole thing nervously sweating. He would get it done but it wouldn't be flawless. Gods help me if Hater walks into the room during the surgery.
Jack Skellington 💀🎃(Nightmare Before Christmas) - A scientific and analytical mind bodes well for surgery. However. He is a skeleton and I'm fairly certain he doesn't understand how human bodies work or that we can't dismantle ourselves like some monsters. 0/10. Love him to bits. Wouldn't trust him as far as I can throw one of his rib bones.
Fantoccio 🧵🎭(Billie Bust Up) - I mean... I think? He'd take it seriously enough but I'm not sure he'd know what he was doing.
Barnaby 🦉☠️(Billie Bust Up) - Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me. ☠️☠️☠️
Alastor 🦌🔪(Hazbin Hotel) - Must I repeat the above. ☠️☠️☠️
Ingo/Emmet 🔼🔽🚂(Pokemon) - Yeah actually I think they'd do well. They'd take it seriously, do it flawlessly and I'd walk away with a chest flatter than Emmet's hopes and dreams after Ingo got Isekai'd
Sun/Moon ☀️🌙(FNAF) - Ha. HA. HAHAHA. I can't trust them with children's safety scissors.
The Innocent 🪁🐕(Koozå) - Sir/Ma'am/Other title. That is a child.
The Trickster 🪄🎁(Koozå) - Wouldn't even need to go under. I have seen this man summon people out of nothing, my chest would be flat before I could blink. He'd make a performance out of it though and probably make me feel not entirely safe because he is peak moral ambiguity.
The Doctor ⏳️🌌(Doctor Who) - One would take it seriously but I wouldn't trust his unsteady hands. Two would probably have an anxiety attack so that's a nope. Three, Four and Five I trust to get it done safely and seriously. Honestly Six is... well he's certainly the most eccentric regeneration so probably not. Seven I'm not sure would do it properly even though he could take it seriously. Then again he could surprise me, he's more compitent than he appears. Eight and Nine? Ah shit I dunno honestly. Ten's a yes, Eleven is a huge nope, Twelve is a very safe yes and Thirteen is also a safe yes. Fourteen is just Ten repeated so also a yes. I don't know Fifteen well enough to say yet.
James "Jamie" McCrimmon 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🗡(Doctor Who) - He's got the steady hands and seriousness needed, yes. Unfortunately he is from the 18th century and about sixty years before anaesthesia was invented.
Sebastian 🖥🕸(Stardew Valley) - Yeah, actually. I think he'd take it seriously and have steady enough hands for it. I'm in safe company there 👍
Nico the Accordion Man 🪗⚙️(Kurios) - ??? I have no idea??? He's a handyman which bodes well and whatever he was doing with his fingers during Hypnotique tells me he's got the hands for it, but also Have You Seen the Way This Man Moves?
Chief Clown 🤡🎪(Classic Doctor Who) - (Oh yeah I'm getting hella obscure for some of these characters.) I'm pretty sure this man is a homicidal maniac. I have seen the face he makes when he kills someone. I wouldn't trust this lunatic within one mile of me while I am fully conscious and he is unarmed. Especially considering he has been unarmed every time I have seen him kill.
Sweet Cap'n Cakes 🎶🥯(Deltarune) - I love these three adorable sweethearts with my whole chest. And if I let them near my chest with anything sharp I'm afraid I won't have anything left to love them with.
Rouxls Kaard ♥️♦️♠️♣️(Deltarune) - This man. This indigo beanpole. This walking homosexual disaster. Can't make a puzzle more complex than "put box on button." Respectfully and deeply affectionately... ✨️no✨️
Wally Darling 👁🍎(Welcome Home) -
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Hatbox Ghost 🎩🦯(Haunted Mansion) - NO. To both film and ride versions for different reasons.
Ghost Host 🪓➰️(Haunted Mansion) - 2023 film Hosty? Never. Put that axe down, sir. Ride Hosty? Well... He's a goober who's not half as dangerous as he appears. But I still wouldn't trust him to know what he's doing or particularly care too much if he accidentally killed me.
The Phantom 💀🎩(Phantom Manor) - Quite honestly I couldn't say. This man was adept at murder but only when given a reason, like his victims wanting to marry his daughter. I can thankfully say that I am queer enough for that to not apply to me. Doesn't make me trust him though.
The Prophet 🖤🎤(Legion of the Black) - Uh. Yeah, I think so. Yeah I think I'd be in okay hands, it wouldn't be flawless but it'd get done well enough.
Captain Rex 🪖🚀(Star Wars: The Clone Wars) - While I'd like to say battlefield first aid would give him some experience - which is true - surgeries are left up to droids. But even so I would say I'd be in safe hands. I trust him to get the job done well.
Ahsoka Tano 🗡🔶️(Star Wars: The Clone Wars) - Oh yeah. OH yeah. Safer than a Jedi holocron in the Jedi Temple library vault (before Cad Bane showed up, anyway).
Natemare 👁🎸(Natewantstobattle) - Ah yes because that is a level of mental instability that I trust to safely and confidently give me surgery. /s
Phantom 📜✒️ (Natewantstobattle) - If you know Phantom you're probably expecting a no, but he holds up his ends of any deal he makes! I absolutely trust him to give me the easiest, cleanest surgery ever. What I don't trust him to do is let me enjoy it for long because whoopsy-doopsy I'm now trapped inside his cane forever.
Lukas 🐈📖(Minecraft Story Mode) - Oh honey no, you stick to your books. He can kick ass and write a good story but he could never perform a surgery.
Helsknight ⚔️🔥(Hermitcraft) - The only things this man knows are Quote Meme, Rap and Be Pathetic. He made a pitfall trap for Welsknight because he forgot that literally every single Hermit has elytra and can fly, and then boasted about it, only to get deeply humbled. He has a total brain cell count of -1. I think you know my opinion.
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Ellegaard, to Jesse and Olivia: With my brains and your...
Ellegaard: Uh...your...
Ellegaard: Hmm, we may be in a bit of a pickle.
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pama-saga · 6 months
Did you just say Cassie?
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"...I only hope she's alright."
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the-interidiot · 9 days
I just wanna state beforehand the trailer looks AWESOME, I have some criticisms but I’m MOSTLY excited! I haven’t played the game in years though, so a lot of my info is pure memory and the power of hyperfixation . It MAY be inaccurate and if it is, I do genuinely want to be corrected!
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Male!White Jessie is the poster child, which makes sense as he is the most recognizable. As much as I LOVE female Jessie sm, I definitely recognize M by first glance.
The animation looks MUCH nicer, though it’s not shown in this screenshot! It’s got a raised FPS from the original, and actually doesn’t have a ton of lighting errors anymore!
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They’re adding newer blocks, which I like a lot - though it does lead to one of the first major criticisms I have. They need to TREAD CAREFUL with new stuff. The amethyst looks great, but I guarantee 90% of people are going to play/watch Block by Block for nostalgia, and an OVERLOAD of new stuff will take away from this.
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PETRA!!!!! She looks COOL in this shot, and in general! The lighting is GREAT, and I appreciate her getting an action shot! The shadow is a little intense, but no complaints here.
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Olivia and Eligard using redstone lights is a nice touch, and connects the characters well. :)
It also begs the question of if Olivia (in that screenshot) is pre-witherstorm or post-witherstorm, as she WAS always a Redstone engineer but she got a lot of her inspiration and materials from Redstone City.
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THE CREW! This is a GREAT starting shot, though I will unfortunately tripe that I wish the shading was less heavy here. Lucas looks great, and I’m happy to see him! He was always one of my favorites. :)
Alex and Olivia having a conversation, while Jessie and Lucas just separately enjoy the situation. Lucas doesn’t look super pleased here, but he isn’t really happy for most of MC:SM, so…. (Free my boy, he needs therapy) /j
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I can’t tell if Gabriel is going to die or not, unfortunately. This scene looks like just adoration for his hero, but it also reminds me of the choice to take Eligard or Magnus’s armor, which worries me. Gabriel dying doesn’t seem too likely though, as we see him in shots that take place presumably later.
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I’m not sure, but I THINK the first place here is Mobcity! If it is, WOAH. It looks INSANE! (/POS) I loved Mobcity so much when I first played the game, and seeing it again made me giggle a little bit.
The second and third locations are clearly Redstone City (Redstonia? I don’t remember the name, sorry!) And Boomtown. I personally always chose Boomtown when I played, but I watched people play Redstone city! They both look nice, and the more terf-war style chaos of Boomtown looks nice - it almost looks like something Fallout reminiscent to me.
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I have a FEW thoughts here. First - the obvious, I can’t tell what the drones are. I’m likely forgetting something story wise - but I can’t identity where they come from. BUT, the lights in the background look a lot like White Pumpkins mansion zoomed in, which excites me.
Except…. I don’t think those are from White Pumpkin.
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THIS shot interested me the most of the whole trailer. Red arrows shooting in a snowy forest. This appears to be the same location as the previous shot, and initially I thought these arrows were from PAMA. But that doesn’t make sense, she’s in the desert.
These arrows look like ROMEO. Sure, it’s a possibility they’re the poison arrows from the Mansion, but they’re glowing too bright and in addition to the drones from the previous shot makes me think them to be The Admins.
So how is HE, HERE? And why was only one drone blue? (Also, keep in mind I DO know the difference between the drones and phantoms).
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Speaking of PAMA. HOLY. JEBUS. /POS
This looks TERRIFYING. I love this shot because it’s nailing in a concept the original kind of failed at, that this robot is ENSLAVING EVERYONE. These people are drones - pawns to the perfect system. And some of the armor here is detailed, making me think some of them are named characters. I don’t remember if any named characters get taken over in the original, but probably.
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The Temple! It FEELS big just with this shot, which amazes me. 10/10, no comments.
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This is the one shot I took a while to identify. I first thought this was the Spleef area for some reason, then I thought it was the Mob Grinder due to the downward shot, but it seems to simply be the cart ride near the beginning of the game through the nether. (Which is a shame, because I would LOVE to see the mob grinder in the trailer!)
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The Piglins concern me a little for the same reason as the amethyst, so I restate - PLEASE don’t rely on new stuff. This is justifiable, as Pigmen are gone, but just a quick warning.
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I CANT tell who the person on the left is, but I have a few theories? This is a snow environment, so my brain thought is that it’s somebody from the White Pumpkin area. But it looks a lot like (from memory) Ivors ninja costume. I’m sure there’s an obvious answer one google search could tell me, but I’m dumb and don’t wanna google stuff.
It could also be an anti-PAMA person? I don’t remember that plot too well, but wasn’t there also a blue headset used to see through the red ones?
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I have SO many good things to say, as well as a few criticisms, but they’re so small I’ll knock them out now. The roof doesn’t really look like it’s glass being shattered, it looks too thick. And the color contrast is a tad too high.
That’s it. The whole criticism. NOW, it’s so BIG. It feels consuming, like it’s not just eating its environment but also growing too fast for even the camera to catch up with. One of my hopes is that they don’t have as many full-body shots of the creature, because shots like THIS - where it’s so large you can’t even SEE THE END (no pun intended) amaze me. I love these shots.
Anyway this excites me very much and also gave me motivation to crawl my MC:MS oc’s from the grave and look at their dirty, cringy asses again. I might remake them TBH, those concepts were fire. 10 year old me COOKED.
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obsessedenderman · 5 months
I replayed mcsm ep 3 yesterday
I have no idea why I've been obsessed with Soren for like 3 years I CAN'T REMEMBER WHY I LIKE HIM
but anyways..
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look at how broken and old Soren's house walls look :( his house looks like a mansion to the untrained eye but if you look closely it's rotting apart and it's full of fragile aspects which kind of reminds me of Soren's character.. /cry!!!! (I still can't remember what's so special about this guy) :3
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ivormybeloved · 4 months
TW: Blood, the White Pumpkin
(This AU is based off of a MCSM AU I created with the help of a friend)
I came up with this AU like yesterday and my friend helped me come up some of the story to it
Disclaimer: in this AU, Ivor is indeed Jesse's father. Not biological.
Story below the drawing for those who want it
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Originally (in my AU at least), Ivor isolated himself from the world due to the fear of what the people would think of him because of the Witherstorm. He had constant nightmares so he drowned himself in books, getting little to no sleep and barely eating/drinking. He found out about old builders and soon gained a fixation on them, enough to randomly put a sticky note on Jesse's door about it. He had no idea who the White Pumpkin was until episode 6.
But here, it's different. For the 6 months he was gone he still stuffed his face into books to ignore growing paranoia. But this time he ventured on his own and stumbled across an abandoned mansion. He thought that a fun game with Jesse and others would be a perfect opportunity to bond with his son. Although, Ivor wasn't completely all there for the Portal Arc and the game was a murder mystery. Where HE was the murderer.
Ivor wanted to surprise Jesse so he said nothing about it, which worked. No one really suspected Ivor since he didn't seem all that harmful, spacing out and saying weird, goofy things. All the usual stuff happened until Jesse, Petra, and Stampy found the White Pumpkin's "lair." It was crawling with cats that looked like Winslow, so they accused the White Pumpkin of being Cassie Rose. In this AU, however, she was not. The lair was a fake set up by Ivor to accuse Cassie.
To make an extremely long story short, Ivor couldn't help but laugh at the situation and revealed that he was the White Pumpkin after hearing everyone's accusations against Cassie.
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ofmossandmen · 1 month
I'm so sorry this took me so long to get to but I was having some trouble thinking of stuff lmao. Anywhoo, Platonic fluff Cassie Rose for the soul
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♥️- You and Cassie become acquaintances after the whole "YouTuber game a Clue" incident. I think after all that time she did find a way to escape her own traps, and found herself wandering around the woods around the mansion. And that's when she bumped into you.
♥️- Even if spending months - maybe up to a year - in obsidian trap, with only hee cat to keep her company, has given her time to reflect and realize her wrong-doings...she still gets a little apprehensive around you.
♥️- She's eternally grateful that someone would give her a chance, after getting abandoned by The Old Builders, and after she went crazy at the mansion.
♥️- Her experince with The Old Builders means there are a lot of times where she doesn't trust you, or is completely convinced you're lying to her.
♥️- With that being said, she let's you stay at the mansion with her. Maybe you're lying...maybe you can't be trusted...but you're helping her. And that's all she needs right now.
♥️- You occasionally cook her meals, you take care of Winslow, you tidy up here and there. But most importantly, you sit and listen to her.
♥️- For once...Cassie doesn't feel ignored or casted aside.
♥️- After several weeks of listening to Cassie's pent up anger, the tone begins to shift. Now you guys are talking more about your interests, what kind of foods you like, adventures you've been on.
♥️- and one day, you make her laugh! A real genuine laugh! You didn't think what you said was all that funny but she's giggling! (I headcannon that she snorts when she laughs idk why.)
♥️- And before you know it, you've been living with her for almost a month. You hear her laugh almost everyday, and it's almost like her demons of the past have melted away. Finally, Cassie has real and trustworthy friend. And you have one too!
♥️- Also? Winslow cuddles infront of the fireplace while shes sitting next to you and she's reading to you???? Sign me the fuck up!
My asks are still open if you want to request an mcsm x reader fic!
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starzyhoes · 11 months
small mcsm drabbles
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•Ivor probably practices red stone to impress Harper
•Jesse and Lukas have been dating probably since Jesse defeated the Wither Storm
•Olivia wants to go back to Redstonia to build it back up, and take over it (If you choose the option of picking Ellegard’s Armor)
•Axel wants to explore, but is afraid of leaving his friends he’s known for so long
•(theory)Cassie Rose ends up escaping by someone else finding the portals, and then helping her when she was at her limit to starvation
•Sky City get’s so overrun by mobs that it is never touched again
•(theory)Aiden would have probably appeared again in Season 3 as a small background character due to the fact that he most likely escaped the Guards holding him, Maya, and Gill captive
•Petra has gotten so used to working with people that she’s slightly weirded out by not working with someone(this is my headcanon for her)
•Lukas owns more than one ocelot (aka Dewey), he just keeps them in his room when people are over, only Jesse and Petra know of the ocelots
•The YouTubers that escaped the mansion(depending on your choices again)went back home, feeling slightly bad for Cassie
That’s it for my little headcanon thingy for some characters lmao
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enden-agolor · 1 year
ok im now honestly curious, imagine if the mcsm gang somehow got a copy of minecarft and played it, how would they react to all the differences and such
and also just, the gamemodes like creative
Oh dude I think they'd LOVE IT.
Jesse is absolutely a survival mode kinda guy. Doing the most mining/traveling. He'll find it hard to stay in one place, only ever coming back to drop off his loot and scurry off again. He's the kind of player to be running home, see a cave, "Lord have mercy... We MUST stay focused." And quickly jotting down the coordinates to return to later on when his inventory is nice and empty. He's super good at mining and bringing back materials for his friends.
Lukas is definitely the builder of the group. He builds all the houses and stuff. Like... straight up beautiful houses. Like those ones you see in build compilations. He's incredibly talented and has real vision for these sort of things. Jesse coming back like "where's my house, Lukas?" :D and Lukas is like :) and leads him to this nice cozy house and it's everything he's ever dreamed of. My exact vision is the house in your camp from Minecraft Dungeons. It's... It's literally perfect. The perfect comfy little jesskas home. Jesse going inside like woah!! This is so cool!! Goes upstairs and finds the two minecraft beds sitting side by side. 🗿 Uh oh. Gay alert. That's his and Lukas' house.
Petra I imagine is also survival mode focused. She like... rushes through the game. She gets cocky and over confident with woodland mansions and ESPECIALLY the deep dark. Oh boy oh boy oh boy. The amount of times Jesse and Lukas have seen the "xXPetraIsAwesomeXx was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek trying to escape the Warden" and a loud "FUCK" coming from another room down the hall. 🤭
Axel is... Exactly what you'd think he is. He does mostly creative and sometimes survival. He loves griefing the villagers... Also just building super cool awesome builds just to show off and impress others with (they are not as good as Lukas' but he is very passionate about his work. Therefore, everyone loves and supports him)
Olivia is the person doing redstone tutorials on youtube 💀
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rosebudbl00d · 10 months
I desire to frolic in the fields and talk about fictional people once more...
I would like to talk about how much mini mansions' cover of heart of glass is aiden coded, i would like to talk about how the mcsm edit community loves using 3S' for cassie and aiden, i would like to talk about the unspoken and beloved wolf/raven and deer dynamic...
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lilacartsmadsion · 11 months
Hear me out..you remember that one chapter of MCSM witht he mansion, all the youtubers and the white pumpkin?
That but with the ancients and the main 5..
And should the white pumpkin be de?
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yah ik- but ngl minecraft story mode has not plagued th brain in sm years- my taste in gaems consists of sm stupy </3 (urge 2 giv fave games list cuz i do not post abt half of them </3 </3)
okie my fav games as of rn are:
hollow knight, Abzû, Journey, most Kirby games (only played a few bc I only have a switch n wii) but ESPECIALLY Epic Yarn and Return to Dream Land (Deluxe), Super Paper Mario and Origami King, Luigi’s Mansion series, Mario & Luigi series (esp Dream Team), Undertale/Deltarune, and ofcourse MCSM and there’s more but I don’t remember them rn
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pama-saga · 3 months
MCSM fans who hc PAMA being created while Harper was still with the Old Builders consider: Au where Cassie takes PAMA with her and they're basically the one controlling the mansion's traps.
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thereaderinsertlady · 3 years
Things to look at before commissioning/browsing...
Fandoms I write for...
Mario & related fandoms (Luigi's mansion, Mario RPG...)
Donkey Kong (64, country...)
Invader Zim
A hat in time
Undertale (any AU)
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Mad Rat Dead
Hazbin Hotel
Rainbow Friends
Specific ships?
Specific ships? As long as it's an 'x reader,' and is in one of the fandoms I listed, then it's fine! You could even request that one random guy in Mafia town, or request multiple people! But, if you aren't sure, then don't be afraid to ask or send a personal message.
There are also several ships I'd do that I didn’t list the fandom for, which includes:
King Dedede x reader
Meta Knight x reader
Bill Cipher x reader
Shigaraki Tomura x reader
Eggman x reader
Metal Sonic x reader
Romeo the admin (MCSM) x reader
Melvin Sneedly x reader
Sundrop/Moondrop x reader
Montgomery Gator x reader
Krobus x reader
SCP-049 x reader
Joka (from Klonoa) x reader
Ghadius x reader
Professor Ratigan x reader
Basil of Baker Street x reader
Green Mage (from Everhood) x reader
Escargoon x reader
Marx x reader
Other specifications?
If you don't include a specific gender in a request, then I'll make the reader gender neutral by default, so don't worry! If you only request Random Character x Reader and nothing else, I'll come up with a random prompt to follow it. I also write inserts in the second person, but if you want it to be first or third person, that's fine too! I don't mind if you make a request super-duper specific either, and I'll try my best to follow along with your idea! :]
What's not allowed?
Of course, pedophilia isn't allowed, but otherwise nearly everything else is fair game! If you need me to tag something or add a warning to a post that you're not comfortable with, then let me know. And, if you just want to send in a plain ask instead of a request, then that's fine too!
...Even NSFW is allowed?
Yes, even the most sauciests of requests are allowed! Even, ahem, the forbidden 'forced NSFW.' However, if the character is a bit young, then I'll age them up by default unless it's platonic. I know Tumblr is a bit iffy with the tags, so I'll try to add a warning at the top of the post if it's smut related.
What about commissions?
General requests are closed, but as of currently, yes, I am taking in commissions! If you would like to see more about it, please check here on this link.
Anything else?
I have an ao3 account called EggMeister, and I have two side blogs (@reader-insert-shorts and @co-writer-finder) as well now! If you don't like the formatting in Tumblr, I also put fics on ao3.
Important links:
Current asks in my inbox
Masterlist of all fics I’ve written between A-J (note, the masterlists haven't been updated in a long time!)
Masterlist of all fics I’ve written between K-P
Masterlist of all fics I've written between Q-Z
Masterlist of Holiday Adventures with You and King Boo
The King's Jester (Dimentio x Reader)
Duality of Ink (Bendy x Reader) Updates every Thursday. On a smol break!
Dear Detective (Mafiafell Gaster x Reader) Onna smol break! :3
A Voice of Clarity (Dimentio x Reader, Book 2 of AVR) Smol break! :3 (arghh 3 in a row??)
A Voice of Reason Has been completed! :D
Major Events:
Underrated Character Event (Deadline: August 1st - August 3rd)
'Quest Tober 2023
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