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kei-maki · 5 months ago
Based off of a really funny conversation I had with
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You get ZERO context.
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secretly-larry-daley · 4 months ago
I was talking to my friend @kei-maki yesterday and we made some crazy realizations. ( @tired-lamb I’m @ ing you too, you need to know about this)
So we were talking about the timeline and how it would probably correlate with real time. Which made me realize, holy shit— Lightning and Mater have the longest slow burn known to man. It would be
16 Years Later. Until they finally confess to each other
Because the both of us agree they get together after Cars On The Road. Which, then made me realize something even worse. Due to Lightning’s guilt complex(tm), he probably felt incredibly guilty about the events of Cars 2. And he would hold that to himself for the next
Mater’s best friend, the love of his life, was suffering for 11 years and he had no fucking clue about it.
Holy shit man, I’m going crazy
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kei-maki · 3 months ago
Thanks for the tag!!! I’d love to pitch in my own opinion
Because you two have gone more into the positives, I’ll go into more of the problems with the movie to balance this out without spoiling it too. But I must note that I DO love this movie. Not as much as the first, but it’s still great and very entertaining
That said, yes. It very much struggles with what it wants to do and I think it puts too much emphasis on the spy plot, as amazing as it is. Thematically within the trilogy this makes it stick out like a sore thumb because it’s not that focused on the racing. (The racing that IS in the movie is phenomenal though). And this makes watching Cars 3 a little jarring because you don’t get to see the peak of Lightning’s career, which would be around this time. You really only see the start and when he starts thinking about the end. And that can kinda fuck with the viewers perception of time within the movies.
And as much as I love him, Mater can be a bit much. As I’ve discussed with Percy here, it’s done to proportions we see as a bit out of character. His conflict with McQueen is good, but it’s lacking on McQueen’s end because I feel he’s justified for going off on Mater after his behavior (hehe that rhymed).
Francesco Bernoulli is the perfect rival for Lightning, he’s funny and definitely has an ego but he’s not a maniac who cheats, he actually has a heart. He’s funny too and gay because dear god his “rivalry” with McQueen-
Finn McMissile is amazing, and I think the unexplored layers behind his own character are very interesting, especially after Leland’s death
Sound design and music are AUGHHHH
I could go on forever too, but I hope you enjoy it if you decide to revisit it regardless of our own opinions!
ok so are there genuine things to enjoy abt cars 2? been thinkin about reassessing my opinion on cars lately by rewatching em but i wanna hear ur thoughts
GEM!!! :DD /excited, vpos.
hmm, for the cars franchise as a whole I’m afraid my hyperfix on it isn’t intense enough (yet) to vouch/explain it. I do think it’s an extremely interesting concept however and has a lot of potential for worldbuilding (which!! yipee!! the writers do explore!!!! /pos). as for cars 2 specifically, oh boy I love that movie. it has such an interesting plotline; you think it’s something only for the writers to throw in an entirely different, unexpected plot. said plot not only supports the main conflict of the movie (which is between mater and mcqueen) but also explores worldbuilding in an extremely interesting way. you get to find out how, as unexpected as it may seem, there’s some form of.. car hierarchy, if you get what I mean. not just that, but the unexpected-plot-bit ends up tying to the main conflict in the end in a pretty cool way! has a lot of spy-related stuff and mystery solving which is super cool :3.
funnily enough, the way I started watching cars 2 was because my cousin brother just happened to be watching it and at first I was like oh, it’s cars, but then all of a sudden I see super cool action going on and spy shit??? and I’m like ayo??? this is actually sick/pos?? also not to mention the homoeroticness that is mater and mcqueen’s relationship. not gonna spoil anything incase you do end up rewatching it but that chase scene between them? gay to the max.
however I will say that the role of cars 2 in the franchise itself.. well, let’s just say the movie is unpopular. I personally like the movie (as you can, uh, see lol) but I do see why some people dislike it. as great as the movie is it is slightly odd for a sequel, which is imo the only reasonable reason I’ve seen so far. otherwise I have no qualms about the movie, just that it’s kiiinda weird for a sequel but is a great movie nonetheless :D!
I’ll need to catch up on all the cars movies before I share any more thoughts for this franchise but until then I’m sure my pal @secretly-larry-daley and @kei-maki (hope its alright if I tag you) have a lot more to say than I do for your question! infact, they could probably share more than I ever could haha. hope I was able to help in some way or the other, gem! :]
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camgirlkaminari · 3 years ago
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lightningmcqueenthings · 4 years ago
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secretly-larry-daley · 5 months ago
okay I know you hc (? if I’m not wrong) that McQueen would wear a red suit in his and Mater’s wedding and I like that a lot but hear me out,, what if he wore a dress? :3
Oh man, don’t indulge my need for men to be in dresses ABSAHHHA—
But yes, I do HC that Lightning wears a red suit at his own wedding. Though, I definitely could see him wearing a dress too. It all depends, really.
Though, me and my friend Kei were talking about how Mater would definitely wear a veil as some kind of joke. Mainly as a joke, but also to help with Lightning’s nerves. Because come on, he would be a total wreck before the wedding.
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snowisflesh-blog123 · 3 years ago
would u still think i’m sexy if i made a mater x lightning mcqueen edit to mitski
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secretly-larry-daley · 4 months ago
The first thing I noticed was lightning and mater together, I think the McMater is getting to me ABSBBA
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I made a compilation that no one asked for of all the times Lightning does his famous Pout™ in Cars (2006) because…why not?
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monsterboyneodick · 3 years ago
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[ID: screenshots of a playlist titled “soft McMater vibes [ascii glitter]. the first screenshot shows that the playlist cover is an impact font meme of tow mater confessing “i want you” to lightning mcqueen, who reacts with a surprised but pleading expression. the second screenshot shows that the playlist contains “butch 4 butch” by rio romeo /end ID]
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jupitersolaris · 2 years ago
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MY GOD THESE BITCHES GAY!! good for them. good for them.
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camgirlkaminari · 2 years ago
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shy guy on the phone: yeah hey toad? there's a guy...yeah. yeah with a mustache. no the other one. haha yeah, no i know. anyway can you send someone over? this guy's gotta get rescued soon before the.. yeah haha before the koopas start crying. yeah. oh uhhh... does now work? no like NOW now. it's kind of an emergency. haha thanks. see you soon. love you
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secretly-larry-daley · 4 months ago
Mine don’t have proper refs either, mainly just random images I find off of Google and picrew BUT
here we go
Starshot, a decommissioned train now used as education for historic lessons and doing small tasks. He’s a sweet old man who just wants to do his best. Also his sister is dating Francesco’s mom…. But yknow that’s normal—
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Now this is Bluejay, a stunt plane. He’s a cocky little shit, but I love him all the same. Tho if you befriend him, he’s incredibly loyal to you
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Now to the McMater fan children— I don’t have a reference for Bridget yet but she would be a tow truck like Mater while her sister Julianne is a corvette. Since that’s one of the cars Lightning is based off of(…? Could be wrong)
Julianne is very bubbly, extrovert. She was a cheerleader in high school, but later on to receive her sister’s tow hook since that’s her true passion in life.
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Then we got Elise Thatcher. A transfem! Actor. She LOVES the spotlight and prefers to be a girl that’s chased instead of chasing others. Tho that’s mainly because she was considered a heartthrob before she transitioned
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Reblog this if you want your WoC Ocs to hang out with my ocs
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devildomz · 4 years ago
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dirtycarsconfessions · 8 years ago
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lightningmcbitch · 5 years ago
McMater is like the catchiest name to say and I love it
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mcmater is my lifeblood. without it, i would be dead
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secretly-larry-daley · 5 months ago
I ask nothing specific but also I am All Ears for any other thing you may have to say about mater and mcqueen because!!!! them!!! /pos (also call me weird but I saw your post abt making a child oc for mcmater and!!! I am exploding and would love to hear about that too! /nf)
Man, what isn’t there to say about Mater and Lightning? They have to be the gayest characters put to screen. But I will gladly reach into my mind to talk more about them.
I’m very much under the impression that Mater fell in love first. He kinda always was, but never realized it head on before lightning was nearly killed in Cars 2. My man literally RAN AWAY from a RACE CAR just so lightning wouldn’t take any damage. Now why he didn’t say anything, I’m not quite sure, but it probably would have something to do with not wanting to interfere with Sally.
Now lightning is more of a difficult case. His love for Mater is something that build up in time instead of it being instant like it was with Mater. I think a small turning point was here
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When Mater called him his best friend for the first time. He completely shocked him. You can clearly see the disbelief in his eyes. Someone, for the first time in years, unconditionally considered him a friend.
Now, once we get to the second film, those feelings definitely begin to grow for Mater. Even in the first scene of him together, Lightning is extremely happy to see his best friend. Though, this is when we learn that their relationship is somewhat strained. Because Mater doesn’t know boundaries that well and lightning needs to learn to communicate with him while also learning that he needs to accept Mater for who he is.
To an extent. There are some things in Cars 2 that I don’t condone so I think that message could’ve definitely been better.
Anyway, it’s also seen throughout the film that Lightning regrets yelling at Mater. That he’s clearly worried about him. This finally all comes to a head when we get to the aforementioned scene. 
He says a lot of things that are… like come on now
“Mater! There you are, I’ve been so worried about you. Are you ok?”
“I know I made you feel that way before. But none of that matters because we’re best friends!”
“Yes Mater, you are the bomb! That’s what I’m trying to say here. You’ve been the bomb and you’ll always be the bomb.”
“I’m not letting get away again.”
Now if that’s not at least a little gay, I don’t know what is.
And let’s not forget this image here:
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Now for Cars 3, there is not much to say since there is not much of Mater. But, there is a specific scene that I would like to point out.
Now you’d think when you’re considering to retire you’d call, I don’t know, your girlfriend? But nah, Lightning calls MATER instead. If you see more of the scene, you’d understand.
Now, finally, for my last point. Cars On The Road.
Oooh boy where DO I begin. So, at the very beginning of the series, Lightning suggests that the two go on a road trip with Mack. Which quickly turns into just the two of them going on a road trip on foot (tire? Yknow what I mean.)
It’s interesting, because you’d think Lightning would be more stubborn about this. That’s a key point of his personality. But no, he just immediately accepts it as is. Yknow why? Because it’s Mater. He always caves in for his best friend.
Even in the lost legend episode, he was acting like a clingy girlfriend like
“But this was supposed to be our time ☹️☹️”
THOUGH, I think a key moment we should look at is near the end of the series. Pointed out by my friend, @kei-maki, they said this moment
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Is the moment he realized he was in love. Because Mater loves him unconditionally and only wants the best for him. THATS why he wanted to go on a road trip. So the two can spend time together.
There is so much more I could say, really. But I think this is all the key areas that should be looked at.
Now, I’ll have to make a post about some of my headcanons for the two and my fan children (that’s right, THERES TWO) but for now, this is what I’d like to say
TDLR: They’re gay your honor.
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