#mayhaps something i should write about later
peachy-keenss · 3 months
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this two foot tall demonic doll will make you his bitch!
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toestalucia · 5 months
latest story update spoilers for the billionth time
but ive been (again) thinking about things like the first Big enemy being freesia who wanted to rewrite the world with the help of akasha (to delete astrals/byleistr meeting viola i support womens wrongs) and now here we are. going to estalucia to beg for our friends back by fixing all the damage the otherworld did (the biggest argument being that the fizzue in the sky is still there and thats as unnatural as it gets). but they all recognize that even if that wasnt on the table, they wouldve gone anyway. not gonna grab the screenshots tonight but it feels especially excellent that lokis the one who asks them if thats what they intend to do, since he lost byleistr. he knows death even before all of this happened. and noa adds the addition about the sky but theyre all so.......'yeah we just want our friend back, idc if theyre dead, give them back'.
and i think its ssooooooo fun considering theres a decent amount of events/characters with similiar things happening. along with how they point it out during the chapters too. every island they visit has the 'despite all the losses, the people are doing their best to rebuild and move forward' to vyrns 'but which way even is forward?' and gran who doesnt even chase the letter when its carried off by the wind (thank u rackam for picking it up ilu). thinks about shitori being told to not give up as well. not giving up and moving forward is the skydwellers biggest strength. raauughhh
anyway i think future conflict about this is excellent. cant wait for the story update. this is how main crew will get story-related alts (dealing with their inevitable resurrection/timeline-changing/whatever ends up happening to get them back).
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Hiya! Hope you’re havin a good day! Adore your writing, so mayhaps I can make a humble request of ye?
I was thinking, top hero x bottom villain where the villain is big n kinda scary — they’re silent, cold, intimidating, all that jazz — but then the hero accidentally does something intimate (like, maybe they kiss them, or the two get in a ✨ scandalous position ✨) and they’re a bit worried about how the other is gonna react. Then it’s revealed the “big bad” villain is just a shy, sweet, needy little thing, who begs them to finish what they started >////< Cue the hero taking full advantage, hehe ;)
Generous helping of da spicy, thank you! ^^
“I’m supposed to be married tonight.”
“Oh?” The hero grabbed the villain’s hand and turned it around as they studied the golden ring. “I wasn’t invited to the wedding? What a shame.”
Although their voice was drenched in fake annoyance, they grinned mercilessly at the villain. The villain who was all dressed up, basically embed in filthy rich clothes. The villain who was as observant as ever.
The villain who’d probably get their hands dirty later.
Although the hero was fully aware that their nemesis was stalking their prey before they bit down into bone, it was probably better for everyone involved if the villain spent more time with their nemesis.
The hero had always considered it a curse. The villain took what they wanted and they always prioritised their own plans. They were, in some sense, the most hard-working person the hero knew.
“You know there was no wedding,” the villain said, lowering their voice. “Nonetheless, you should keep your distance.”
“Why on earth would you think that I am going to sabotage your marriage?” The hero took another step closer and let their fingertips ghost over the villain’s wrists. Their eyes were fixed on the ring.
Admittedly, they felt some kind of possessiveness deep in their stomach.
True love was something they couldn’t afford and they caught themselves being jealous of married couples quite often.
Nevertheless, they pulled themselves out of that thought spiral and flashed a grin at the villain.
“I’m not married,” the villain hissed. Their ears were red. How adorable.
“You just told me you are.”
“Fucking—” The villain took in a deep breath and grabbed the hero’s arm. Without giving themselves a second chance to think about it, they pulled the hero away from all the people who were already staring at them. They managed to find some quiet and dark corner, far away from the crowd at the exhibition. “—you know that’s part of my plan.”
“Oh, so you got married for a plan?” Was the hero playing with fire? Undoubtedly. Did they like the thrill of it? Of course they did.
The exhibition was something the hero attended voluntarily. Most of the time, art provoked other people or even connected them. The hero didn’t like the idea of mainly rich people doing their business in a museum.
So, meeting the villain here was a fresh relief. Their sweet, sweet villain who loved to punch answers out of people.
The hero knew they still had a bunch of work in front of them.
“Do you want me to spell it for you?” The villain looked down at them and the hero had to admit it. Their nemesis was scary. They looked scary. With a stern look and a terrifyingly strong body, they made the hero feel weaker than they actually were.
But at the same time, the hero felt protected by them. They’d been through too much bullshit together. They’d saved each other too many times.
“Explain it,” the hero whispered.
The villain looked around, grumpy as always. A scary frown on their forehead. The hero loved to rile them up a little, especially when the villain was the jealous sort of type that wanted the hero to know they were available.
Obviously the villain didn’t know they were that type of person yet. But the hero did.
“I am supposed to be married to the other villain tonight. As a cover. It would probably be best if you didn't interfere. They do get quite angry.”
“Would you just stand there and watch? If they found out I was having a little fun with you?” The hero turned away from them and stared at the exhibition from afar. The paintings and sculptures were striking. No wonder they were so popular.
“What? Of course not,” the villain said. Something in their voice had changed. “I know you can take care of yourself, though.”
“Hm.” The hero leaned back, pressing their body against the villain’s and to their surprise, their nemesis let out something like a laugh or sigh and grabbed their waist.
“What are you doing?” they whispered in the hero’s ear. They sounded quite helpless and the hero only smiled as they pressed their back against the villain’s chest. Maybe it was cruel of them to tease the villain like this. Maybe it was mean to push their hips against theirs.
But the wedding ring was bothering the hero quite a bit, even though it was fake.
“Oh, you know…” The hero grabbed the villain’s left hand, found the ring and pulled it off their finger. “I’m just making sure you know whom you belong to.”
They turned their head to kiss the villain’s jawline.
“You…” the villain whispered. They seemed utterly desperate and the hero couldn’t for the life of them explain why.
“Don’t tell me you’ve never been with anyone before, hm?” the hero asked. They let their breath ghost over their enemy’s neck and the villain froze.
“Can I tell you something?”
“Something very vulnerable?” the villain asked. Now it was the hero’s turn to freeze. Immediately, their heart started racing.
Was the villain actually opening up? To them?
After all this time?
Their hand around the hero’s was cold and they did seem quite startled. The hero had to admit, they’d never been this bold before. Touching and flirting with the villain like this was dangerously intimate.
Maybe they’d fucked up.
“Of course,” they said. It felt like they’d been holding their breath for forever. They couldn’t let their own jealousness get in the way of this…relationship.
Despite being unbelievably powerful, the villain was also reasonable. The hero liked them and they didn’t want to make them feel miserable.
“…I’ve been with a bunch of people for the sake of my plans…I actually lost my virginity like that.”
The hero’s eyes widened.
“Because you needed to sleep with someone?!”
“Because I needed information, yeah. Sometimes I’m not sure if I used them or if they used me. I…I did some things I’m not comfortable with to get intel.” The villain was quiet and the hero turned around fully. They wanted to put a little bit of distance between them but the villain’s hands were still on their waist. “That’s why…it’s a little difficult for me, I suppose. But if you really like me and if you would like to and could help me, maybe I…”
“What do you need?” the hero asked. They’d never considered this to be the reason why the villain distanced themselves from everyone.
The villain seemed so huge, so strong, as if they could say no to anything. As if they could never get hurt.
“I need you to continue. I need you to take care of me. I really really like you and I’d like to change.”
The hero hadn’t expected that. They swallowed. This seemed like a lot of responsibility to carry but, honestly, they were used to that by now, weren’t they?
They gave the villain the second keycard to their hotel room.
“Room 241,” they said. “Whenever you’re ready.”
Apparently, there was no need to be jealous.
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two-sibyls-tall · 1 year
I bullet-point planned out a batfam fanfic aWHILE ago but I am Bad At Writing full-fledged stories so I’m going to just throw it out in the open here in the hopes that ya’ll will appreciate it, and also that mayhaps someone else who is Good At Writing will find it and make it.
So. Here’s my take on a Reverse!Robins Dimensional Travel fic.
Starts off with Robin!Damian seeing a black-robed uniform that’s awfully similar to the League of Assassins gear. Which is. Worrying. to see in Gotham.
Robin!Damian sneaks up on him to figure out wtf he’s doing.
Nightwing!Damian, aka the black-robed figure, calls him out. Possibly even makes an offhanded joke about how R!Damian shouldn’t be wearing bright ass colors if he didn’t want to be seen.
R!Damian catches sight of the Nightwing logo on N!Damian’s chest and proceeds to demand who he is
N!Damian recognizes R!Damin’s pattern of speech and essentially goes “oh fuck”. Reveals himself as Nightwing, aka Damian Wayne.
R!Damian immediately thinks of the Heretic. He calls for backup in code via comm link.
N!Damian is on the same comm channel, so he hears the responses to the code even if he doesn’t recognize the code itself. He’s semi-annoyed and starts running
R!Damian is IN PURSUIT.
N!Damian gets yoinked back to hid own dimension
R!Damian meets up with Nightwing!Dick and says something along the lines of “the assailant disappeared but who tf was that.”
It’s a couple days later now.
Red Robin!Tim has already started working on a multiverse-type theory and let Red Hood!Jason know, so honestly RH!Jason isn’t terribly surprised when he comes across a vaguely familiar vigilante beating the shit out of a criminal in Crime Alley.
New vigilante introduces himself as Redbird
RH!Jason goes across comms to ask Tim how tf he should be handling this shit?
Redbird visibly freezes up when RR! does the classic “no names in the field” chastise
RH!Jason straight up asks Redbird if he can hear the comms bc who needs to be subtle.
When Redbird confirms, he just sorta sighs and gives a code to O. There’s a bit of yelling while the team processes the possibility of compromised comms.
It calms down again, and RR!Tim is like “okay the evidence is pretty clear here if you ask me,, Redbird I think you’re from another dimension. Do you recognize any of us?”
Redbird is like “well I’ve only actually caught one of your guys’s names so far, but yes I. Know. a Tim. He doesnt sound like you anymore, though”
RH!Jason is like ‘hmm we’re gonna put a pin in that one for now’
Meanwhile RR!Tim is talking to Redbird about going to the batcave and also maybe running some tests to figure out where they’re coming from and what’s going on here
Redbird shrugs and mentions that this whole situation sorta seems like what his brother was talking about a few seconds before he jumped dimensions.
“Is your brother Damian Wayne, aka Nightwing?”
“Fuck. Yeah, that’s him.”
At this point RH!Jason connects the dots an goes “ah shit, you’re me aren’t you.”
Redbird!Jason gives the most dramatic eye-roll possible and is like “bro we went from Redbird to Red Hood? That’s so lame. Why’d we even change it.”
RH!Jason just looks at him. “No dude we went from Robin to Red Hood. because we died.”
They've been heading to the batcave during this conversation
They walk in and RR!Tim's already there and he's like "Jason stop freaking out mini you this is clearly a different universe he might not even die."
Redbird!Jason is completely frozen staring at (unmasked) Tim and just kinda whispers "Tim?" And then he gets yoinked back to his universe.
Tim and Jason look at each other and Jason's like "so that's definitely not a good sign for what happened to you in their universe, right?"
Nightwing!Dick is in the Batcave w/ most of the family discussing the dimension travel shit when he suddenly feels like he's being watched
He puts the meeting on pause and the feeling increases and he just looks straight up and sees golden eyes staring at him from the rafters
The other Batfamily members in attendance also look up and go what !! the fuck !!
NW!Dick knows about the whole 'Haly's circus being a theoretical breeding ground for the Court of Owls' thing bc I said so, so he already feels like he knows whats goin on
before anyone can say anything he just clears his throat and says "Gray Son?"
Batfamily freezes in shock and the small child w/ gold eyes just tilts his head in recognition and then jumps down from the rafters w/ no hesitation
He lands right next to NW!Dick and stands at attention, and Dick kinda feels sick bc Talon!Dick is like 8 years old
NW!Dick looks at the batfamily and makes some joke of like "haha looks like it’s my turn for the alternate dimension encounter"
RR!Tim is already taking notes
Bruce's put it all together and he's like "fuck. Little you is a Talon."
Cue the batfamily losing their shit again
Talon!DIck is looking between all of them confused, and he notices Damian just deadlock staring at him, and he's like Oh!! I know this one !!! so he stares back
RR!Tim is like "okay fantastic, well between Talon and Nightwing!Damian I think I can confidently guess by now that their dimension is one where all of our ages are reversed. Hey Talon do u wanna confirm that."
Talon is Very Helpful and nods, and Nightwing!Dick is like "alright buddy do you wanna tell us about ur dimension"
Except Talon doesnt really talk but !! he does sign!! his big sister cass has been teaching him sign !!
NW!Dick is like “thats great!! I know sign!!” and he starts relaying info to RR!Tim so he can take notes while Talon talks
Talon tells him that Tim From His Universe (and Dick isnt going to unpack yet why Tim’s namesign is a T drawn in the shape of a smile) has also put together that they’re going to a different universe
He says there was a case that the 4 nightshift batboys were on (girls were working a different case, Batman is offworld) w Oracle leading ofc that was selling alien technology
he says the 4 nightshift batboys were hit w a beam that didnt seem to do anything, but Tim of His Universe thinks that beam just had a slower affect and is what’s causing this
He says his big brother damian was the first to just randomly disappear mid mission and it gave Talon a scare bc they were together at the time, so he just froze and waited for damian to come back
and when Damian did, he immediately relayed what happened over comms, and a couple seconds later Redbird wasnt responding either
at this point RR!Tim interrupts and is like “are u saying urs all happened the same day? bc its been like a couple weeks since NW!Damian came here and several days since Redbird”
Talon just kinda shrugs and is like “well keep an eye out for Tim Of My Universe next bc he was hit too”
At this point NW!Tim is like “hey bud. why u. Why u using that name sign for Tim?”
Talon’s is about to respond when he gets yoinked back to his universe as well
Tim gives a mildly hysterical laugh and is like “well that’s not foreboding at all!!!”
RR!Tim doesnt actually notice when JJ!Tim comes in this universe, bc at this point JJ!Tim has figured it out as well and is like “alright well the kid hasnt been jokerized so why traumatize him if I dont have to”
but unfortunately JJ!Tim IS spotted by a random passerby who mistakes him for the Joker so the whole batfamily’s out soon anyway looking for him
Hood finds JJ!Tim first and is like “alright i got eyes on him and im in pursuit,, hes kinda dressed weird tho wtf”
JJ!Tim hears this over comms and is like ‘welp now or never’ so he talks over the comms too (while running from Hood) and is like “hey I might be in the wrong universe, any way I could talk to one Tim Drake”
RR!Tim is like “Fuck dude really. rn? with a joker breakout? this is a bad time”
JJ!Tim responds w like “ur telling me, dude, Im the one being chased by a homicidal maniac w a red bucket on his head”
JJ!Tim does NOT take this news well and he stops running, Hood catches up but doesnt engage bc ur telling me this is Tim?? this is RR?? tf happened?? but he does relay over comms that JJ is laughing and it is freaking him tf out bc he sounds EXACTLY like the Joker so SOMEONE get over here before Jason goes full Pit Rage
RR!Tim does arrive and immediately recognizes his own features despite the green hair and green eyes and bleached skin and Absolutely Terrifying Smile what the FUCK happened
JJ calms down just enough to be like “Oh I get it. This universe is age reversal so it also changed who the Joker got, too”
Hood looks like hes about to be sick, Tim’s not far behind
JJ’s like “great! well I’m Joker Junior, occasionally known as Tim Drake, and in my universe I was brainwashed by the Joker, then killed him and myself!! but apaprently the universe wasnt a fan of that because then I woke up in an UNMARKED GRAVE and wandered around for awhile, got dunked in a lazarus pit, and am overall having a terrible time”
At this point NW!Dick and Robin!Damian are here too and they’re like jfc dude
JJ looks down at his wrist like theres a watch there (there’s not) and is like “alright well according to my calculations, I shouldnt be here much longer, since most of my time was spent hiding & then running from ya’ll in order to NOT have this confrontation but look how well that worked out. Anyway u guys should kill the joker,, who knows if he might get inspiration from my universe and torture little timmy over there,, anyway ta ta” and then he fuckin disappears
Red Hood is like “yep ok im gonna go murder a clown” and no one really moves to go stop him
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puppyxaegon · 2 years
Hi legend I saw you were taking requests and also enjoy subby Aegon; excited to see your work✨
Mayhaps a request for a blurb/hcs on Aegon getting riled up in public??? His lady just teasing and rubbing him under the table or alcove bj in the red keep. Poor baby egg can’t keep quiet either. IF YOU SO DESIRE- soft mean dom just loving every second of it. Both of them definitely about to go feral at the idea of being caught 😈😈😈
Love love LOVE this request and apologies for just now getting to it!! Very glad to be posting more subby Aegon and I promisee something more is coming soon for him I'm very excited to share it. Here's a few blurbs on these concepts for your viewing pleasure, please let me know your thoughts! Btw we have a wife reader here ofc but I'm open to writing any gender and requests are open!!
She Says
Sub!Aegon ii Targarygen x Wife!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Tags: public setting, OC, openish relationship, a little fluff I suppose? They're whores but they love each other.
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Aegon is definitely a sucker for public stuff, and there are few greater pleasures on earth than watching him squirm and bite his lip trying to keep quiet.
I mean, he loves what you do to him and he hates attending to his responsibilities so interrupting an uninteresting meeting or tournament with a bit of discreet fun seems like a win win.
Whenever you attend events together, you're steadfast by your husband's side, and it's something you enjoy taking advantage of.
Sometimes it starts when you're both bored or just in that particular mood or one reason or another.
Like at the jousting tourney when you'd noticed him almost nodding off, more than likely nursing a hangover from the previous night. Objectively, this was an embarrassment. The two of you sat in the very front row of the upper observation gallery behind the barrier, so although you were only visible from the chest up, anyone who glanced over could see the next in line to the throne struggling to keep his eyes open. It should have been an embarrassment, but you often found it was difficult to see Aegon's behavior as anything but endearing.
When it was time for the two of you to give your favor to one of the knights, you had to nudge him and he'd startled awake, clearing his throat and quickly taking your hand. The two of you stood to look over the edge of the balcony, where four knights sat atop their horses all in a line with their lances held high in waiting.
You could feel Aegon squeeze your hand and when you glanced up to him you noticed that he was locked in a stare with Ser Corryn, the young handsome knight who he'd first pointed out to you just about two months ago.
At another equally dull tournament, Aegon's attention had been caught on the man, and he told you offhandedly later that day how he wished so desperately that those knights weren't sworn to celibacy. You were sure to take note of that, and a few weeks later you surprised your husband with that very knight in your shared bed.
You'd run your fingers through Aegon's hair and kissed his forehead as he laid back in your lap, all while Ser Corryn fucked him senseless. As you listened to his gasps and moans while he squirmed against your body, you knew this was a gift he would truly appreciate. You'd seen him cum three times that night, and you cherished the taste of the tears you kissed away from his cheeks as he cried from the overstimulation.
Now almost two weeks later, Aegon blushed and gave a coy smile as he threw the floral wreath onto the knights lance. He looked between the two of you, smirking playfully before blowing a kiss and trotting away to begin the game.
Aegon was certainly awake now, nearly leaning out of his seat with his elbows propped up on the barrier to follow Ser Corryn with his eyes.
You placed a hand high on his thigh and squeezed, leaning in. " Be careful Egg, if you can't even meet the man's eyes without giggling like a maiden you may raise suspicions."
He shot you a look of faux irritation, rolling his eyes dramatically before sinking back into his seat again. his eyes wandered the space absently, but you noticed how his knees fell open a bit wider as he relaxed into the chair, granting you access.
You continued rubbing small circles into his inner thigh, pretending not to notice how he tried to suppress the twitch of his mouth as he shifted in his seat to and his breath began to hitch in his throat.
You kept your eyes forward as you ever so slowly slid your hand the rest of the way up his leg, over his stomach and down the front of his trousers and finally wrapped your flingers around his leaking cock.
Out of the corner of your eye, could see his jaw tense as he clenched his hands around the arms of this chair, nails digging in.
Poor baby, that probably hurt :(
It's a wonder that the crowd was so lively, otherwise someone would surely have heard Aegon's poorly concealed whimpers and moans.
You'd managed to string him along for the entire remaining length of the match, which had to be close to an hour. By the end, you watched him bite the inside of his cheek as he bucked his hips up into your hand and made a mess beneath the layers of clothing that concealed the two of you.
At other times, your fun was more of a tool to keep your husband in line.
You had been at a grand feast, part of some festival honoring one god or ancient hero or another. You hadn't yet gotten quite familiar the never ending fanfare and pageantry that the Westerosi clung to.
Though as the eldest son he probably should have been seated toward the middle of the long table, Aegon occupied the chair at the far left end of the setting. He always wanted a clear escape route at these things, and you of course found your space directly next to him.
This position also effectively cut him off from the rest of the table; and this combined with the heavy cloth which draped all the way to the floor made it an incredibly opportune position to stroke your husband beneath the table until he begged and whispered curses under his breath.
Aegon stared straight down at his plate, trying to keep his hands from shaking as he rolled his hips back and forth, cock rock hard and slick with sweat and precum and it slid against your hand. Suddenly you withdrew, pulling back quickly and wiping your hand discreetly on the napkin beside you.
"Be a good boy and go wait for me in the hall."
He'd looked to you with wide, disbelieving eyes. "Like this??" He hissed back, shifting in his seat and glancing down toward his lap.
You tilted your head and gave a mock sad expression, poking out your bottom lip. "Oh pity, is my boy so bashful now?" You leaned in a bit closer, assuring that he would feel your breath ghost over his ear. "You might have thought about that before contradicting me in front of your sister, love. You know how important it is that your family respects me and accepts my place here."
You could see him clench and unclench his jaw, he'd probably forgotten all about the little incident but you'd warned him about mouthing off in the company or others a hundred times. This was his punishment, and as he sighed and rubbed the crease forming between his eyebrows you could see that he understood.
"Right." You said flatly. "Now run along husband. Be careful not to embarrass yourself in front of all the guests." You ran a hand down his cheek before placing a chaste kiss there and giving him another soft smile.
He looked worried, but you could see him swallow the emotion as he reached down again to adjust himself. Just as he'd begin to push back his chair and leave the table you stopped him gently, placing a hand on his arm.
"Oh, and Aegon?" He looked to you nervously, blinking fast. "No touching until I get there."
With that you gave his arm a squeeze and turned your attention back to your wine and the chattering crowd before you. Soon enough you could see Aegon weaving his way through that crowd, eyes cast down and hands dutifully clasped in front of his body to conceal any evidence of your activities. You watched with amusement as he gradually sped up as he walked, nearly breaking into a run as he approached the door.
Not long after you saw Lady Baela break away from the crowd and approach, giving you a small bow. You'd intended to take your leave fairly quickly, not to be too hard on your boy but it looked now like he might have to be a bit more patient. "May I sit my Lady?", she asked, gesturing Aegon's empty seat, and you gave her a polite nod.
"I do hope you're enjoying the party, we're all so happy to have you at court." "Is your husband feeling well? I saw him rushing out of the room a few moments ago."
"Oh yes, he's fine just a bit tired" you lowered your voice and whispered playfully "and you know him, possibly a few too many plates of food and a few too many cups of wine". Baela giggled, nodding "Yes, to be quite honest I was a bit worried he might be sick there on the dance floor. I'm thankful you keep such a caring watch over him."
You gave her a small thank you and smile, but when she shifted slightly closer and placed a hand over your own, her face was just that more serious.
"I truly mean it, my Lady. If you don't mind my saying, my cousin was in a bad way before he had you. I'm sure you must know that, but we all saw him straying down a dark path. Now that you're here it's.." she paused, searching for the words. "He's a better man, we can leave it at that. That means something to us, our families won't forget this."
You smiled brightly and gave her hand a squeeze. "Well I'm sure you know Baela, some men just need the right lady to whip them into shape.", you remarked, winking.
That earned a heartier laugh from the silver haired woman, and you felt a glow of pride in your chest as the threw her head back and swatted at your arm.
You joined her in idle gossip for a bit longer before deciding it was time to go attend to your prince.
"If you don't mind my Lady, I think I'll go and check in on him now."
When you escaped the overwhelming chatter and footsteps which filled the ballroom, it wasn't hard to follow the echoed heavy breathing that travelled through the silent stone halls.
You made sure your footsteps clicked slowly and loudly against the floor as you approached, and you couldn't say you were surprised to find him tucked into a windowsill, eyes closed and mouth hanging open as he rubbed at the bulge in the front of his trousers. He always was a glutton for punishment
"Oh dear Aegon..." you pouted crossing your arms and shaking your head slowly. "It looks like someone still hasn't learned to follow instructions as they're given. What will we do now?"
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kyokutsu-sama · 11 months
So I see your shunsui scenario and raise you, reader who gets super cuddly and happy when drinking. Mayhaps it's the first time they've seen the reader like this? (I can't decide between shunsui and Jushiro for this bc both are good, choose what you like lol)
A/n: @dragon-anon I also couldn't decide which one to write about, but since I used Shunsui in the other work, I thought it would be funny if he and the reader switched roles😅. I hope you like it❤️
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You and Shunsui were leaving at the beginning of the night to go out and have a drink. You used to do this sometimes, with him being the one who ended up overdoing it and having to be the one to take him home while he leaned on you, after he got really drunk, to be able to walk properly. You weren't the type to drink as much as he did, but that day was different and you tried to join him in drinking without knowing if you were going to be able to handle it or not.
You both approached the counter to start ordering drinks.
"Are you also going to drink something ?" He asked looking at you
"Do you want sake?"
He then ordered a bottle and a short time later the bartender arrived with the drink, Shunsui opened it and poured both glasses.
"There was no need to order such a big bottle, I don't even drink that much" You said before bringing the glass to your lips
"But I do"He said, swallowing the drink."And I think you should drink a little more today, it's good for relief"He advised
"Only if it's for you"
"No, seriously, you should try"
You looked at him and then at the bottle and considered whether or not you should abuse alcohol a little. You still had a long night ahead and tomorrow was the weekend so why not take advantage?
"Fine, I'll try" You said and he smiled
"Now see if you can handle it"
"Trust me, I shouldn't be that bad when I drink" You said with a confident air
Glass after glass, bottle after bottle, you were already starting to see everything spinning around you, he couldn't contain a few laughs after seeing you getting drunk for the first time. Shunsui was witnessing one of the moments in his life that he thought was impossible. Until after some time he had to ask the bar waiter not to bring any more drinks given your condition, he himself no longer felt sober, but as he had more resistance to alcohol, he was the one who ended up taking you home this time, placing your arm on top of his shoulders so you can walk straight and returning.
"My god, I think I shouldn't have exaggerated, why the hell did I take your advice?" You smiled as he sat you down on the couch and sat next to you
"I warned you that if you couldn't handle it, to stop and you continued drinking. You see, after all, you didn't follow my advice" He said laughing
"I was talking about what you said at the beginning, you said that the drink provided relief and now I see everything spinning"
"Don't you feel relieved?"
"A little, apart from the dizziness, but yes I feel good, a lot" You said, moving a few strands of hair away from his face. "I don't know if it was the alcohol but... you know, I think you should hug me and I think we should hug each other, you know?" You said, getting closer and closer to him
"Do you want a hug?" He frowned
"Yes, please give me a hug" you said almost pouting
"Come here" He said pulling you onto his lap hugging you, putting his arms around you
You placed your head in the crook of his neck, snuggling against him, while his hands roamed through your hair and your back. He was actually surprised to know that you looked so cute when you drank, he gave you a smile as you cuddled against him.
"You give the best hugs in all Seireitei, I love you so much" You said hugging him
"I'm grateful for that Y/n"
"You're so cute, look at you" You said, pulling away a little and squeezing his cheeks before kissing his forehead a few times and hugging him again
Shunsui thought about giving you a dose of compliments too but in the condition you were in, you would probably smother him with kisses until the next day and so he just stayed there with you on his lap and giving you back the affection you were giving him.
After some time kissing and cuddling, he looked at you slightly after a while and since you looked so peaceful, he figured you had fallen asleep on his shoulder and kissed your temple.
"You must be tired, let's go to sleep" He picked you up and took you to the room
He placed you gently on the bed and you seemed to be sleeping so well that you didn't feel anything, he laid down next to you and kissed you one last time before falling asleep.
When you woke up the next day he was sitting right next to you, combing your hair with his fingertips while he watched you open your eyes slightly. Your vision was still a little hazy, but the way his eyes were looking at you made everything seem clear.
"Good morning dear, are you feeling well today?" He said
"My head hurts" You said rubbing your eyes
"It was the drink, it will pass"He leaned over and kissed your forehead
"And you ?"
"I'm fine, just a little tired" He said, getting up from the bed. "You should see yourself when you drink, you're extremely cute and happy"
"Really? I don't remember almost anything" You frowned looking at him seeing him smile at the memories
"Yeah, you even gave me a lot of kisses and hugs, telling me such beautiful things. I think I should take you to drink more often just to see this romantic side of you for me" He laughed and you threw the pillow at him, hitting him on the head
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inkedtae · 17 days
Are we gonna get a rac update 👉👈
please don't hate me 😭 but there will not a rac updated until december, mayhaps november. i have two main biases and one of the has a b-day month coming up sooner than the other so i am speed writing to fill that month up and i have concluded 1 series which now gives me time to focus on others (like rac)
HOWEVER!! i will add a sneak peek (i ensured it was a tad bit lengthy) to the next chapter under the cut to avoid any spoilers. i am so sorry for the long wait. i feel so guilty for leaving you all hanging! i promise i will do my best to write as fast as i can! 🥺💕
“You must be Taehyung!”
You hear Mrs Chu exclaim, eyes widening. What the fuck is he doing up here? You told him you’d be down soon, not even a second ag—
A glance at your last message shows it was really sent about twenty minutes ago. You find he initially replied with acknowledgement. Later, perhaps growing concerned from the delay, he warns that if you’re not down in the next sixty seconds, he will be coming up.
Mrs Chu has been trying to meet Taehyung for weeks. You’ve always been able to come up with some sort of excuse, usually revolving around the lack of time. You’re always in a rush and he’s always busy.
“Once he figures his schedule out, I’ll let you know,” you had reassured. You could tell from they way she quirked her brow she wasn’t all that convinced.
With a huff, you grab your clutch, tossing in your lip gloss, keys, phone and wallet, and rush out into the hall.
Taehyung stands in a full black suit, only a silver tie shining between the lap of his coat. He towers over a five foot six Mrs Chu. His hair is slicked back, a sliver cuffed earring pinned to his lobe. He offers her a smile, a gentle nod.
He says something. The deep tone of his voice masks the words from a distance.
She’s practically giggling, though. Her face is a shade pinker and she forces herself to look away.
Is this what you look like? Is this what everyone sees? He towers, you cower, bashful and dazed, inching closer towards him. He calls, you fall, helpless and desperate, playing with the buttons of his shirt.
Is this why no one believes you’re friends?
Taehyung, eyes lazy yet intrigued, lips easy yet curved, draws Mrs Chu’s attention back.
“I see why ____ is so smitten,” she teases.
Your eyes widen. Heat rushes to your cheeks, hands suddenly clammy.
“Mrs Chu,” you call before she can go on any further.
You feel Taehyung’s eyes on you but can’t bring yourself to meet them. You keep your attention on Mrs Chu, making your way towards her.
Slipping between her and Taehyung, you pointedly glance at the couch. “Isn’t Wheel of Fortune on soon?” You ask through gritted teeth.
Mrs Chu rolls her eyes. She leans in towards you, peers up over the rim of her glasses, and mutters,“Subtle.”
You bite the inside of your cheek to keep from groaning and you swear you hear Taehyung stifle a laugh behind you.
She then looks towards him, and smiles. “It was nice meeting you, Taehyung.” Exaggerating her features, she feigns surprise and adds, “I just remembered Wheel of Fortune will be on soon.”
“How is that any less subtle?” you whisper.
Mrs Chu opens her mouth to most likely tell you off when her eyes fall to your waist.
Taehyung wraps an arm around your middle, pulling you back against him. Your breath hitches as you stumble back.
“I would love to continue this subtle conversation, but we really should be going.”
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fandomfluffandfuck · 2 months
its my birthday soon, Mr. S!
mayhaps you could write something about Seb making himself go stupid (either with his hand or with something more…. siliconey, if you will) and Chris catching him?
tysm!! 🫶🏻
I've had this prompt for a really long time, so I have the feeling that your birthday has passed, and I'm sorry about not getting to this sooner. Regardless, happy belated birthday!
Also, this got, uh, dirty. Moreso than usual, maybe? Idk, depending on your version of dirty because if we're going silicone and going dumb, then let's fucking GO because--
First and formost, I think that perhaps these terribly filthy thoughts have been inspired by the stony fic, "Alien sex toys are safer than admitting your feelings, until they're not" by pouringinsheets that you may or may not be interested in because it's stony but 🥴🥴 Steve and tentacles? Guh. Sign me the fuck up.
So, tentacles, that'd be so embarrassing to go dumb over, wouldn't it, Seb? 😏
(Something like, Ika® the Tentacle from Bad Dragon perhaps?)
Honestly, Mackie probably bought the toy for Seb as a gag gift on a loooong press tour, knowing after one too many drinks that he was missing his man badly. And sexual frustration resulting from being trapped on a whirlwind press tour away from your friends and family will make you do weird shit sometimes. Weird shit, like, for example, buying your dear friend inappropriate things and winking and nudging him when you finally hand it over, saying he should put it to good use, maybe later tonight even, because it's Tuesday and you know your friend and his boyfriend FaceTime on Tuesdays 'cause that's the only night, no matter what you do do, you can't wear Sebastian down to going out with you.
It's Mackie's fault.
He's a true troublemaker.
And after just about dying of mortification (and threatening Mackie to never tell him anything again if he's going to use his insider knowledge for evil like this) Sebastian originally was going to toss the gag gift toy into the bottom of his suitcase and be done with it. He would throw it away... give it away (is that a thing you can do? It's not like he's going to open it, and he doesn't want it to be a massive waste, so? Maybe?)... or whatever. He was definitely going to get rid of the evidence.
He never wanted to think about the damn thing again, so big, blue (actually a pretty tasteful light into dark blue fade that, because Sebastian is hopelessly in love, made him think of the emoji Chris is so fond of using 💙), and shaped so intensely like, well, something not human. A tentacle. Maybe an octopus? A squid? Maybe an alien? Sebastian isn't sure. And he swore, to himself, as he buried the toy in its box under his packed clothes, toiletries, and other travel clutter, that he would burst into flames if he so much as thought about it again. So, he had to hide it. There was nothing else to be done. He couldn't face it.
But, goddamnit, as the days drag on and on, Sebastian just can't get the obscene thing out of his head. Press is mind-numbing with the same questions repeated until he can spit out answers in his sleep. It's natural that he needs something else to focus on, then, right? It's just unfortunate that his fixation is over a fucking joke sex toy.
And it's just that... that he's never seen anything like it. He didn't know of such a brand. Bad Dragon? He refuses to look it up to see if all the toys are like the one Mackie got him, so he lives in a stupidly intriguing (for whatever reason) mystery. Also, a tentacle? Dragons don't even, traditionally, at least, have those. Huh?
More than the questionable branding and, probably, more than just needing something to fill his mind, Seb can't get the phallic fucking thing, heavy in its box at the bottom of his bag, out of his head for the sheer idea of it.
Looking at the graphic graphic on the outside of the box with its connal shape and textured suckers, Seb couldn't imagine what it would feel like in the nonexistent scenario where it was inside him.
Any sex toy he's ever owned has had one of two textures--smooth or ribbed. Smooth, soft silicone that sinks into him satisfyingly easy, gliding with the right about of lube, or more rigid ribbed surfaces that tug against his rim and rub deep inside him until he's clenching and gasping. He's never had something where there are repeated raised circles on one side, then on the other, there's nothing. It's just smooth. Both at once have to be confusing at worst and overwhelming at best, right?
Still, he can't imagine what it would actually feel like. So, naturally, his curious mind dwells on it. More and more. The thoughts invade him at every hour.
How different would it be from any other insertable sex toy? Would he be able to differentiate the textured side from the smooth side? How soft or hard is the body of the toy itself? It looks... squishy. Does the slight curve and curve back of the shape do anything? Does it feel different, assuming that it's rigid enough to keep that shape when shoved inside him?Would it feel good at all if he fucke himself with it? Surely there's something to it, otherwise it wouldn't be sold, right?
Sebastian goes in fucking circles, driving himself insane with the thoughts and the ensuing embarrassment the thoughts bring. He zones out, falling into the vortex of questions with no answers over this god forsaken tentacle sex toy. Then, when he realizes what he's doing, spiraling, he goes pink. Everywhere. Pink. And, at that point, he can't help but squirm in his seat, wherever he is, desperately hoping--sometimes in dire situations where he's thinking especially inappropriate thoughts--that no one within his vicinity can secretly read minds. If they could, he would know, though. Because he's sure the shock and probable disgust would be written across his face.
Sebastian isn't, he doesn't--he wouldn't kink shame. But there's a difference, he's finding, in himself where what he wouldn't really actually judge someone else for being into, he would certainly judge himself for being into. Wonderful.
Not that...
He's not into this! He's just curious. That's it.
And that's probably not his favorite thought, considering the last time he was curious about something that something was men and then he went on a bender kissing and doing other stuff with basically any guy at any club he could get into until he was scared he was getting to famous to do that. So he cooled it off and fought his way to the acceptance of his own bisexuality.
Seb circles the drain, downward spiral getting nowhere, until he's finally, finally, finally home. Home sweet home in his tiny New York City apartment where he's chaotically ripping into his suitcase, unpacking and mostly flinging dirty clothes into the laundry basket, when he finds it. It's not even an oh yeah moment because he didn't forget. He doesn't really find it. He knew exactly where he was.
There it is.
Big. Blue. Shaped just like a tentacle. And, somehow, heavier than he remembers. It's hefty. Probably thick and definitely long.
Sebastian licks his lips.
He can't...
Push comes to shove, and he can't bring himself to throw it out because, because, because think of all the waste! That's so much silicone. So much time and effort to rot in a landfill. Because, well, he's curious. And because, oh no--
The devil on Seb's shoulder decides to raise its tiny little fit and hits him over the back of his head with a thought.
A rush of thoughts, really.
Disappointingly, Chris couldn't meet him at his NYC apartment like they had hoped after months--that's right pural--of being separated, schedule conflicts with their stupid fucking careers of auditioning, filming on site, then filming at this other site, waiting for editing, and going on press tours all over everywhere, so Sebastian is, just, frustrated by himself. He's wishing he weren't by himself. And he's thinking about Chris, as he always seems to be. He's thinking about the fantastic, crazy reunion sex they'd be having if he was here instead of Sebastian unpacking right away. Seb is thinking about how toe-curling-ly nice it is when Chris gets caught up in the moment and gets rough and shoves and takes and suddenly, yeah, oh fucking no because Seb's mind is full of that toy.
Not just that single toy as it lies limp in its box, though. It's worse. With the devil-on-his-shoulder's terrible influence, Seb's mind is full of that toy it it was even more wriggling and bigger and stronger and alive.
He is hit like a hurricane, blowing out a rushing breath of hot air, thinking about tentacles being rough with him. Involuntarily, Sebastian lets out a little sound. A tiny, under his breath whimper.
Rougher than Chris, even. Tentacles made of coiling muscle, hot and slick, sliding over his skin to tangle him up in their grasp like living ropes tying his body into the most challenging shibari poses where he struggles to stay. Sebastian wouldn't be able to be folded and molded into those positions if not for the rough tentacles using him mindlessly. Taking. Plundering and claiming. Merciless inside him, uncaring how much pleasure Sebastian does or doesn't get. Sebastian is riding high on pleasure, though, eyes rolling back as one of them creeps between his straining, spread-wide thighs and screws itself into him. Stuffing him full. Deep.
If it were really spectacularly rough and hungerily plundering and deliciously merciless, though, it wouldn't just be his ass. The tentacles would be in all his holes, wouldn't they?
Through his bottom lip stuck between his teeth, Sebastian whimpers again. Muffled, yet louder than before, as he sinks into the most pornographic corners of his mind. New fantasies forming dizzingly fast.
The tentacles, thick and long and hot, so fucking strong, could go up his ass and down his throat, and he would feel so full. Nearly bursting at the seams. They could tangle up in his belly, keeping him full and heavy, and--they could be even more places, couldn't they?
Another sound, a moan from a memory meshing and combining with his newfound obsession--
Chris has sounded him a handful of times--not enough, but their lives are batshit insane and it's so intense and time consuming--and every time he's had that cold, glistening metal rod shoved down his urethra, Sebastian has been sure he's cumming the whole time. Oh, god. It's the most intense thing. It hurts. It feels too fucking good. It's like being fucked from the inside out. It's pumping waves of pleasure, shattering him with each peak. Every fraction of an inch deeper the sound goes, the higher Seb's voice goes.
The tentacles could shove down into his cock, raw and hard, and be everywhere, forcing his legs open, restraining his arms, fucking hard into his ass, tugging at his balls, curling around the shaft of his cock, forcing themselves down into his cock, squeezing his waist like they're trying to feel themselves tangled in his gut, fucked down his throat, too. Bruising him wherever they hold and grab him. Taking him.
Fuck me.
Sebastian shivers so hard, so suddenly that he drops the box onto the floor, narrowly missing his toes.
He needs it.
He needs to be taken, and this toy will have to do. It's the only thing that will do. He has others tucked away in his bedside drawer, but this is what he wants. Needs.
Fumbling to pick up the box containing what he desires so badly, Sebastian grabs that fucking thing, suddenly uncaring about how wierd and self-conscious this feels, rips the cardboard and plastic open, and rushes into his tiny bathroom to wash it quickly with warm water.
Unthinking, Sebastian strips himself as rapidly as he can from his sweats and old, thin t-shirt before climbing into bed with it and lube.
He almost forgets the lube. He's so out of sorts, consumed by his sexual frustration. And that might become the next most embarrassing thing other than the shape of what he's about to put inside himself. When was the last time he was this uncontrollably desperate?
Sprawled out, now also without his underwear, panting, in his own bed, just himself and this mortifyingly bright blue tentacle, Sebastian does it. He starts getting himself ready to be fucked by this thing. He cracks open the lube and gets his fingers covered liberally, dripping really, so they're glistening in the low light before wasting no time to shove one, then, two, and three fingers inside himself.
Face down on the bed, reaching around to finger himself, Seb finds himself drooling, just a little, into the sheets that he cleaned before he left; he was planning to come home to a nice, made bed, that he's now ruining, he doesn't give a shit, though, just like he wouldn't've cared if he had been able to come home to Chris and they fucked up his bed together. His bed, the wall, the couch, or anything. Sebastian would've taken anything gladly. It's been too long since he had something inside him. He's just been jerking off and passing out after press tour late nights mostly. This is... yeah.
Yeah, fuck yeah, this is good.
Three fingers deep, twisting his wrist sharply to press against the edge of his prostate, brushing past, leaving his mouth gaping, his toes twitching. Curling. A harsh breath is kicked out of him. Oof. Pleasure rockets through him, electric, as he makes a more direct hit. The angle isn't perfect, and he definitely won't be able to do this for too long, but still, it's... oh.
Seb just barely tears his fingers from his own body. It feels so good. But, he's even more enticed by what's waiting for him, a whimper caught in the back of his throat.
He's, he's stretched enough now, right? He can--he can take it.
He'll be good, relax, and go slow. He can do it.
He will do it.
Sebastian picks up the oddly shaped toy, fingers wet and shaking as he smothers in it lube as well, his dick twitching to an even worse, more aching hardness with the slick sounds it makes. Smooth and textured.
He can't fucking wait another minute longer to stuff it into himself, so he doesn't. He puts the tapered tip to his stretched entrance and--
"Ohhhhh," he exclaims breathily, humid air rushing out of him as it slides in. At first, it's easy--so, so easy. He stretched himself much wider than the tip of the tentacle, but rapidly, it gets harder.
The silicone is soft at the surface, yet there's just enough give to make it feel exotic and unreal, squishy, with just enough rigidity to keep it able to go inside him. He can clench on it hard, but he can also shove it in. Deeper. Fuck--god.
The toy is so slippery when it's coated in lube, and the sensation of it sliding into him is too fucking erotic. But it's only that dangerously, teasingly smooth on one side, feeling indescribably good as his body easily takes the smoothness. The raised suckers on the other side catch on him rim, then give as it thickens, forcing his body to accommodate. It's much wider and even wider than that as he stuffs it into himself, nearing the base.
Another garbled sound exits Sebastian as it enters him. He shivers.
He's already addicted to the difference. It's good. He doesn't know which he likes better so it's so fucking nice that he can have both, causing his head to spin, off-balance in the a way that's good-scary. It feels good. Unfamiliar in a rare delicacy sort of way. He's spread and vulnerable and taking it.
He gets the entire thing into himself, sweating himself into a puddle, and revels in it for too long. Teasing himself, clenching and relaxing around it. It's soft enough that it... it almost wiggles inside him. It's wriggly and soft and Sebastian wouldn't've thought that'd be hot but it fucking is.
More than feeling it filling him, stretching his body open, vulnerable and slutty, he wants it to move. And he may or may not cry out hotly thinking about how good it would be if it really could pump in and out of him by itself. Fucking him. He wants to get fucked so bad.
So, so fucking bad, he needs to be fucked, so even though he's melted into a puddle of heat, sweat, and pre-cum from the dripping slit of his cock, Seb steadies his legs as much as he can, getting them under himself to straddle the nearest pillow. He snatches it up and folds it over and shoves that between his thighs, knowing that when he grinds against in, no matter how pathetic and needy his thrusting is, it will push on the pillow and make the pillow shove firmly against the base of the toy, jostling it, making it almost, almost feel like a thrust. At least, it feels like the toy is moving inside him on its own if he shuts his eyes and let's his head drop back heavily, not thinking. Feeling.
Plus, fucking his pillow like this, fucking himself, squirming, leaves his hands free to touch himself. Free to feel up his own heaving, sweat-slick chest and pinch his hard, tight nipples; free to fondle his pulsing cock and tight balls; free to put his hands palm down on his quivering thighs, feeling his own shaky strength as he rides his pillow.
Helpless to control his volume as he grinds and humps, swiveling his hips, bouncing, riding, he gets louder and louder.
He's fucking loud.
He's moaning and whining, and he keeps hitting his prostate, and there's nothing he can do to choke down the crack that splits his voice.
"Fuh-uck!" He jumps an octave or two as his voice cracks.
He's so loud, getting into it so much, imagining the toy growing, longer and thicker, twisting up inside him. Screwing into him until he's stretched wide around it, made sloppy and loose, full of slick wetness from a tentacle. Used by a tentacle that shows just how fucking deep his appetite for getting fucked and filled goes. He'll take anything.
He's so loud that he doesn't notice until--
All at once, his bedroom door comes crashing open with a deafening sound, the wood hitting his wall. It's like the shaking collusion and resulting sound rattles the entire apartment.
Exactly then, Sebastian's heart stops dead from the thundering, pounding speed it was going at.
Huh?What?Who? The words rush through his mind, no meaning, just shock. He's panicked half a second later, processing more, realizing what's happening. Then, he's fucking mortified to be found by a home intruder like this but, but, it gonna be worse than that isn't it because what if they know who he is and then this gets out to the media and it will be worse than if his phone got hacked and all those photos he's send with Chr--
Holy fucking shit.
It's Chris.
And he, well, he looks like he nearly just punched the door down. One of his hands is clenched around the door knob as if he wants to dent the fucking thing while the other hovers in the air, somewhere between looking like he was about to pound on the door, knocking hard, or running through his hair, messing it up, tugging at the strands in pure sexual frustration. (He's not the only one, Sebastian had been about to start pulling his own hair to push himself over the edge.) The expression on his face is dripping in arousal--smeared and wet, so thickly, freshly painted with heat. Dark eyes. Hot cheeks. Lips swollen, red, and wet. Really, it's not just his cheeks that are flushed, he's pink all the way down to the collar of his shirt.
Was he listening to Sebastian's sounds through the door, ear pressed to it? How long was he there before he broke? Did he shoulder it open to get to him as fast as possible? Driven thoughtless and stupid by all the blood rushing to his dick? There are no answers to Seb's questions.
There's no time because, Jesus, Seb can't help but mewl, grinding harder despite his shame. The embarrassment of being caught red-handed entangles him like his imaginary tentacles, adding to the heat he already feels. He is molten. Blazing, white-hot.
Seb hardly gets just one single grind against his wet, teeth-gritting-friction-providing pillow before Chris takes one, two huge lunging steps toward the bed, clearing the room to fucking tackle him flat to the bed. He crushes him bodily to the mattress, all that height and weight, squishing him. Seb can't breathe. He doesn't want to. Even through his clothes, Chris is furnace-hot, he feels good. So solid and heavy and good.
Chris barely has half the mind to growl, "surprise."
Meanwhile, Seb just moans.
Chris hardly has his mitts on him, his blunt fingernails digging into his bare flesh, but Sebastian already knows where this is going. He knows what Chris is going to do to him, and he's ready, out of his mind, to beg for it.
He's so, so totally naked, exposed, while Chris clings to the illusion of being restrained and unaffected, covered head to toe by his everyday clothes. Chris is going to use that, the sham of being controlled.
Chris is going to order him around, shove him around.
Chris is going to embarrass him until Seb's sure he's going to melt into the ground from sheer mortification.
Chris is going to make him cum with the toy before he fucks him. He will fuck him but... first--once he puuuulls the toy out slowly and shoves it in deep, seeing what Seb's working with--Seb will have to admit why he has a monster toy shoved into him.
What about it?
Why's it hot?
What's going on here, baby? This is so dirty, even for you.
There will be no way around it, no way out, for Sebastian. He'll have to stutter and whine and choke through his confession. He's going to have to spread himself open more than just physically, moaning about how he couldn't stop thinking about it, too curious, sobbing over toe-curling the texture, gasping with the thought of being completely pinned, helpless to stop it, writhing at the idea of being taken from every angle.
It'll make Chris smirk, doing that evil thing with the curl of his lips and quirk of one eyebrow. Too hot for his own good. Sebastian will whine, pretending to hate it, even though he can't stop shivering, can't stop begging for Chris, saying his name, clawing at him, clinging to him, cumming when Chris promises to give it to him. He wants to be overwhelmed? Chris can overwhelm him.
Just you wait and see, baby. Just to wait and see...
Jokes on Sebastian, though, because none of that will actually happen if he blacks out from heart-attach-inducing lust before Chris can do anything.
P.S. I hope that was worth the wait! (And thanks for reading this far, lol)
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
Pretty please, if you feel like writing some for them, would love to read more about Emm tying Casimir to the autopsy table… or maybe them tying their darling to it 🤭
a/n: thank you so so much for the awesome ask! heehee, i've been wanting to write about this since i offhandedly mentioned it and im so glad there's someone else that wants to hear abt it too!
i decided to write for darling instead of cas becos i felt like there wasn't enough major yandere vibes on this blog so have this alternate ending to. will i ever write the canon ending? mayhaps
you can read this as a stand alone but it will refer to some stuff from the original series here! but! this is an alternate ending to that original series. i still have plans for how i want that to end heehee
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warning: gender neutral reader but mentions of cock going into an entrance, major yandere vibes, non-con to dub-con, mentions of semi-descriptive gore, bondage? definitely bondage LOL, emm wears strap-on and it's referred to as her cock
word count: ill add this later cus im on mobile
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emm fiala ★ casimir fiala
You should've known something was wrong the moment the couple had treated you with such kindness, such sweetness.
It had been too good to be true and you were the fool that fell for it.
"Now, darl', you need'ta understand--"
"I don't need to understand anything." You snapped at her, body tense and ready to run as she faced you like one would face a feral animal "Where are my friends?"
"Your friends? You mean those people that demeaned you and talked behind your back?" Casimir scoffed from beside Emm, his face both mocking and angry.
You had no clever retort to that but, still, you answered, your eyes darting from them to the door "I at least know that they wouldn't leave me here."
"You are definitely right about that, my love." Casimir sneered and it made you both flushed and nervous
You tried to put the puzzle pieces together. You couldn't find your friends or their things but the tire hadn't been fixed yet and you knew that they'd never leave you behind.
If they wouldn't leave you behind, what did that mean?
"You did something to them." The words left your mouth the exact moment the thought entered your brain.
From the way Emm's expressions shifted, you knew you were right.
You needed to get out of here.
Without hesitating, you ran for the door, legs fast and anxious thoughts even faster. It almost felt like you could hear your heart beating in your ears.
You managed to grab the door knob and open the door but, before you could slip out, someone slammed the door in front of you.
You cursed just as someone's arms wrapped around your torso.
You heard Casimir click his tongue and you looked up to see him shaking his head at you, his palm pressed against the door "Naughty, naughty. We can't have you doing that, now can we?"
Emm, on the other hand, sounded less haughty and more desperate "Please, please, darl', you gotta understand--"
"Oh, I understand alright!" You started struggling earnestly, kicking your feet and trying your best to pry Emm's arms away from you "I understand that this was a mistake!"
Emm's arms only seemed to tighten around you even more "Don' say that."
You wanted to spite her so you said it louder "This was a mistake!"
Casimir grabbed your face before you could say anything further, his fingers digging into your cheeks as he turned you to face him "You have a mouth on you, don't you, my love?"
Then, he glanced at Emm, knowing expression on his face "Perhaps we should teach our darling a little lesson, hmm?"
"You so do love teaching lessons, don't you, my wife?"
Emm didn't even answer; she just flipped you over, carrying you over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes, like you didn't even weigh a single ounce.
It had been sexy last night and you'd be lying to yourself if you said it wasn't sexy now but, instead of your heart fluttering, you felt like your stomach was tying itself in knots.
"Let me go!" You beat on Emm's back, kicking your legs in an attempt to maybe hit the side of her face. She held on fast, her grip on you not even faltering for a second.
"You'll like this, my love, I'm sure of it." Casimir followed the two of you, a certain skip in his step "I certainly do."
Just as he said that, Emm walked into a doorway and you frantically looked around, confused where the three of you were headed.
You tried to think. You were able to see out the door just as Casimir closed it and you guessed that this was the door under the stairs. Wasn't that a closet? Apparently not.
Your nose suddenly stung with the smell of chemical cleaner--bleach?--and the lights seemed dimmer than outside. Casimir saw your frantic glancing and simply threw you a smirk.
Before you could open your mouth to ask where you were, you were slammed onto something cold and hard. You could feel the icy surface even through your clothes.
You sat up in an attempt to get away. Just as you did, you managed to catch a glimpse of what was right next to you.
Your brain fizzled and your throat seized. You were caught between a gag and a dry heave. Immediately, you stopped struggling. Hell, not just you. It felt like the entire world stopped.
Your mind seemed to only swim with thought after thought, none of them lingering long enough for you to really dwell on it.
"Cas, I tol' ya' to clean up after y'rself." Emm grabbed your wrists and you couldn't find it in yourself to snatch them back.
Casimir simply shrugged and went somewhere else. Emm was so close to you, locking your wrists into something soft and furry, that you couldn't track where he went.
"Lay down, darl'." She placed her hand on your chest and pushed you down. You followed, eyes still glued on the still figure next to you.
It was Bran. You knew it was him but you weren't sure.
His face was gored beyond recognition. Blood caked around his mouth and his eyes had been carved out. Very clumsily, you mentally noted. As if that mattered. There was so much viscera and splatters everywhere.
Was this what they had planned for you?
You started to struggle again as Emm started buckling your legs down. The straps didn't hurt your wrists at all, unlike how they formed red bleeding welts on Bran's wrists.
"Please, I don't-- I uhm-- oh god--" Tears sprang to your eyes as you tried to kick your legs "I'm sorry-- I'm sorry-- please, don't--"
Despite your fussing, Emm finished buckling you in. "Shhh, don' worry, we won't do nothin' to you that you won't like, hmmm?"
You heard the sound of a cloth or something being waved and then spread out next to you.
You glanced over and Bran had been covered with some medical blanket of some sort. You couldn't help but recognize it from the various medical dramas you've watched. It was what they put over dead bodies.
The gravity of the situation seemed to weigh more and more heavily over you.
The two people you'd fucked only last night, the two people you'd thought you could've had a future with, were going to murder you.
As soon as Casimir finished laying out the cloth over Bran's dead body, he came over to you, scissors in hand. They were odd scissors that looked bent but on purpose. Without saying much else, he started scissoring through your clothes.
"Cas." You whimpered, fear still wracking your body as you tugged and pulled at your restraints.
Casimir didn't even try to look sympathetic. In fact, he looked like he was enjoying the situation a bit too much.
He pressed a kiss against your temple as he pulled the scraps of your clothes off of your now naked body "Why don't you listen to Emm, huh? We won't do anything that'll hurt our little darling."
Just as Casimir mentioned Emm, your eyes darted to her, frantic to find some sort of sympathy or even some weakness you could take advantage of.
Instead, you were met with the image of Emm, her shirt suddenly gone but that lacy bra you'd seen before still on. She was tightening something around her waist, rather sober expression on her face.
You glanced lower down and your entire face flushed searing hot.
She was tightening a harness on and hanging from it was the most intimidating plastic cock you'd ever seen.
Casimir followed your gaze and snickered, breath brushing against your ear "You know, I only get that when I've been especially bad."
The unprompted insight into the couple's sex life only made you even more flustered. Casimir laughed rather meanly at that too before straightening, his job of getting rid of your clothes completely done.
"When did we get these anyway?" Casimir's fingers ghosted over the inside of your arm before nudging against the cuffs that wrapped around your wrists.
"I made 'em myself." Emm got on top of the medical table in one smooth motion, "Didn' wanna hurt our darling's wrists."
Casimir snuck a finger underneath, wiggling it around "Huh, fur-lined and everything. She already loves you more than me."
"Can't say I feel any differently but it still stings." He added jokingly, pressing another kiss against your temple, hand wrapping around your wrist while the other cupped your chin and made you look at him "See? We'll take perfect care if you here."
You honestly didn't know what to say to that. Though it did make your heart flutter, you knew how fucked up your situation was. These two killed your friends.
And you were especially aware of how fucked up it was that you were really turned on.
Emm took your silence for acceptance. At least, that's how it seemed from how the corners of her lips tilted up into a small smile. Though your legs were cuffed, she pulled your thighs up and wrapped them around her waist.
As she did, her plastic cock thumped against your torso, the tip practically reaching your belly button. And it was thick too, heavy against your skin.
Before you could protest or at least beg for mercy, Casimir pressed his lips against yours, bringing your attention back to him.
The kiss was messy, searing, with his tongue slipping in and pressing against yours, his teeth clashing against your lips.
It made your eyes flutter close as you returned the kiss. You fell into it easily, like it was natural to kiss him like that, like there was nothing else that would feel good.
Then, just as suddenly as the kiss started, you felt something wet and cold dribble against your entrance. Your legs jerked, trying to get away from the sensation.
You couldn't get away, though. You were trapped; not just between the couple but also in the cuffs they'd put you in. All you could do was lay there and take whatever they gave you.
Just like last night but even worse.
And give it to you they did. Emm slicked her fingers up and pushed two of them in at once. Her fingers were already pretty thick so having two of them, scissoring inside of you, pressing against your walls, felt like too much.
Your hips jerked and your brain swam. You didn't know whether you were pulling away from her or pushing your hips down to take more of her fingers.
Casimir, on the other hand, kept kissing you, his breath ragged and his grip on your wrist tightening more and more. His free hand traveled to your neck, wrapping around but not choking you.
You didn't know what it was but the gentle caress of it, firm but not too firm, his fingers pressing against the skin above your beating veins, made your heart flutter even more.
"Gonna prep you up to take me, baby." Emm muttered as she pushed in another finger, her hips rutting and the rubber of her cock rubbing against your skin.
"Gonna show you exactly how we'll be taking care of ya' fr'm now on."
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autumnslance · 1 year
Year of the OTP - June 2023 - Confession
(Time to yeet out a scene I've sat on too long. Altered dialogue from late Shadowbringers 5.0, in Amaurot at the last quest. 1035 words. References a few other previous writings.)
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“Well, this has put everyone in a solemn mood, hasn't it? Honestly, we're not even sure this will be the end of it. But I suppose we should speak our minds when we have the opportunity. You taught me that much in Amh Araeng.”
Thancred took a breath. The air was still and damp. The letters were a weight in his coat, but there was no time, no opportunity for her to read them; he had squandered every chance. “So forgive me this moment of sentiment, Aeryn. By dragging me into this sorry mess, you've given me the chance to think and act as I should have…”
Say it. Tell her.
“...For Ryne's sake.”
True, but not the only truth to be said, bloody fool.
He swallowed. “Words cannot express how much this has changed my life, or how grateful I am for your support…”
He glanced at Ryne, so lost in her own thoughts she didn’t even look up to frown at nor encourage him. He sighed, reaching out and taking Aeryn’s hands in his. Aeryn looked at him, head tilting in her usual quizzical manner.
Gods, she looked brittle. Her white-streaked black hair looked like straw, her skin splotched with pale discoloration and seeming nearly translucent. Her eyes were perhaps the worst; he had always been fascinated by the changeable nature of her gray eyes, how they so expressed her moods even more than her frequent blushing. Now they were nearly colorless—yet still hers, her intellect and compassion still present.
I don’t have the right to say it. To add that pressure when she’s already close to cracking…
“Thancred?” Her voice was still her own, clear and strong.
He could not let those lessons go to waste. There may not be another chance, much as he prayed there would be. “That’s not all I wished to say,” he said quietly. The thick hush of the ghost city around them almost swallowed the words.
“Mayhap your bardic skills have grown rusty,” she teased gently with a strained smile.
He chuckled. “Indeed; I haven’t had much need to be a charmer—not when I would rather be guarding your back, and standing at your side, for as long as you will allow me.” He reached up to carefully cup her cheek, thumb brushing across her skin, wishing he could wipe that dreadful light away. Her eyes widened, darkening with emotion until they almost looked normal again. He smiled. 
“After everything, after all of this, I want—I need you to know, Aeryn, that I am in love with you.”
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She sucked in a sharp breath and went very still.
His pulse pounded in his ears, but he’d said it, by the gods.
“I know my timing could be better,” he said acerbically. “And I haven’t forgotten my promise.” The damnable promise she had asked the day before, as they had left the Ondo to journey across the sea floor. “If anything, it makes it more important that you know—that whatever you need, whatever you ask, I can do naught else.” He paused, seeing the mists gathering in her too-bright eyes. “Our circumstances are wretched, so you needn’t worry about saying aught in return, just—”
“But I love you too,” she blurted, then blinked in the way she did when she surprised herself.
Thancred froze, afraid for a moment that he held her too tight, staring at her, the hammering of his heart loud enough to call attention from the shades around them. He was vaguely aware of Ryne now watching.
“I...am in love with you,” Aeryn repeated, with a little sobbing laugh. “I think I have been for awhile, but I didn’t know how to say it. When to,” she shook her head. “Perhaps you weren’t the only one who needed to learn something in Amh Araeng.”
His heart crinkled. Somewhere up the street Alisaie called back to them, though he couldn’t make out the words. He lifted Aeryn’s hand, brushing his lips over the backs of her fingers. “No promises,” he reminded her. “But we should talk later.”
Please let there be a later.
She made another half-sob, half-laugh sound, and nodded. “We should,” she repeated, voice shaking only a little.
“Meanwhile, even if words fail, I shall express my gratitude and love through action,” Thancred said. “No matter where you decide to go, I will be there, guarding your back.”
Or protecting Ryne and the others from you—as you asked. Gods, please don’t let it come to that.
Aeryn let out a long, shaky breath, and smiled. “That means…everything.”
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He looked over at Ryne, who gave him a wan smile. “Now, I think Ryne needs a word. I’ll mollify Alisaie and Y’shtola’s tempers until you two catch up.”
Thancred hated stepping away, but he did, their fingers reluctantly slipping apart as he walked down the street while Aeryn turned to Ryne.
He’d said it. By the Twelve he had said it, and wondrously, Aeryn had said it in return. Would that he had been able to say it sooner—between everything with Minfilia and Ryne, his own base cowardice, and now, now Aeryn was—
It didn’t matter, he told himself. What mattered was that they had said it. That they knew. Their timing was shite, but the knowledge could not be lost now. Not between them.
“Everything all right?” Alisaie asked as he caught up to the others.
“Fine,” Thancred replied, a bit hoarse. He caught Urianger’s gaze, his raised eyebrow. Thancred smiled and gave a brief nod; his expression must have given away more than he thought, as Urianger visibly relaxed and grinned back. Y’shtola caught it too, brows drawing down together even as the ends of her mouth twitched upward. Had there been time, he would be receiving an earful, he was certain. “We each had our piece to say to our friend—though from Ryne’s expression, perhaps she needs to hear a few herself.”
The twins were peering at him now, stances their own but the gaze the same. They never realized when they did that. Thancred tried very hard to be nonchalant, to pretend all was normal, that his heart was not skipping and singing and screaming and sobbing all at once.
(I keep trying to write the parts around this but in the end...this specific little bit of Thancred's POV is it. Well, there's maybe a bit of Ardbert teasing Aeryn as a bro should, but that part's on Ao3.)
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acrazybayernfan · 11 months
heyyy bestie do you think you could pls write a lil something something for mullendowski mayhaps 😳😳
Heyyy omg of course yes, a hundred time yes !!! They are my main source of inspiration (sorry guys I'm not doing you any justice but you're my muses anyway).
So here we go !
I'm sorry for taking so much time but I'm always slow when write in english and I also got a bit carried away by my imagination (long post warning). Also i have to apologize for my english, it's so bad 🤦🏻‍♀️ However, I really hope that you'll enjoy this, it's a theme that have obsessed me for the last months so... I'm using you to free me from it : )
It was summer; the sun shinned in a perfectly blue sky, the air was hot and the ground dry. Robert was oppressed by the heat, he was barely able to breath and was suffering from a terrible headache, and yet he was letting his horse galop aimlessly in the prairies while tears were felling freely on his cheeks. Each stride of his grey stallion created a cloud of dust that enveloped them and dried his throat even more but he wouldn’t stop because all this was giving him the precious illusion of liberty. 
Was it a quarter of hour later, or only five minutes or an hour, he wasn’t able to say, but Robert entered into a wood and consequently slowed down the speed of his mount. The peace and the freshness of this world under the foliage, brought a certain to form calmness to his tormented heart and his tears of rage were replaced by soft tears of sadness, less violent but perhaps more hurtful. 
He wandered in this wood for some time, unable to see where he was going and not caring about it when, all of a sudden, his horse abruptly stopped. The shock almost making him fall but Robert was an excellent horse rider and he instinctively regained his balance. In front of him a young man was standing in the middle of a cow herd, he was tall and skinny with hair of the color of honey. 
At this moment he most unexpected thing happened, the cows suddenly bowed before Robert while his own mount was doing the same but for the attention of the young herdsman who- in front of this situation- let out a loud laugh and then slightly bowed himself but not enough to hide his amused face.
“May peace be with you, Prince Robert. What are you looking for in these remoted woods?” There was a hint of cheekiness in the young man’s voice who was manifestly pleased with the context and with himself.
Robert, on his side, was way too taken aback by all this to see the funny side of this strange encounter, so he only asked, surprised, “How do you know who I am?”
The herdsman smiled again and answered: “These cows are sacred animals of Veles’ temple, they would only react like that in front of the god or in front of one of his descendants, and the royal family members are sons of Veles, since the king only has one son then it had to be you. Plus, you do look like a prince. “
The stranger lifted up his eyes to study Robert more closely and suddenly his smile faded away, replaced by a concerned expression. The young prince had never seen such an expressive, frank and open face before; his eyes, his mouth, his cheeks…were the perfect reflect of the strong feelings of his heart and of the quickness of his wit, which gave them a unique and fascinating sort of beauty. The cowherd walked closer to the prince, still attentively observing him. “Your face is so pale, my lord. Are you unwell? You should stay here for a moment and get some rest.”
Robert hesitated, making conversation to strangers had never been one of his strong point, neither was he willing to let someone see his weakness and his sufferance, yet there was something in the look, the voice of this young man that made all resistance vain and Robert complied. He prepared himself to slide of his horse’s back when the herdsman offered him his hand to help him to get down. As the heir of the throne, he had been trained to horse riding since his childhood, he was perfectly able to get off his mount without any assistance but, nevertheless, he grabbed the other man’s hand. 
As soon as Robert’s feet were on the floor, the strange cowherd exclaimed himself: “Your hands are so cold my lord!”. And without asking for any permission he started to rub Robert’s hands between his, and to gently blow on them. The young prince could have told him that it was pointless, because he was not only a son of Veles but also, by his mother, a descendant of Marzanna, the winter goddess, and no amount of heat would ever be able to warm up his body, yet the sensation was too agreeable for him to do that. The stranger’s hands were hot, hotter than man’s hands usually are, but their hotness wasn’t aggressive, like the heat that made him suffocate, no it was soft and comforting.
After a few minutes, the handsome herdsman looked up at him with a childlike expression, almost pouting and he said, disappointed: “It’s not getting better, my lord…” Robert repressed a smile, and gently pulled back his hands. “It’s normal, no one can do anything about it, it’s the nature of my body to be cold.”
This sentence was scarcely over, that the young cowherd exclaimed himself, with the most genuine and naïve voice: “You have such beautiful eyes, my lord! They have the colour of an iced river in which the winter sky reflect itself… But why are they so red and wet? Were you crying? Why?” Since the end of his tender age, no one had ever showed so much concern for him, it was almost overwhelming, and all of a sudden, Robert felt a strong need to pour his heart out to this stranger. 
“My father wanted to beat me with his whip and then to lock me in the kitchen with a fire in the hearth to punish me and to train me, so that I will finally learn to resist to the heat, but I’m such a coward, I got scared, so I jumped on my horse and escaped.” Memories were coming back into Robert’s mind and tears appeared in his eyes again. “He was so enraged after me, so disappointed by me. I have lost a training fight…again… but the sun was so strong, my legs were shivering, I was barely able to stand on my feet, I couldn’t breathe and my head… Oh my head was hurting so much… I’m such a bad son, so useless and so we…” 
A sob stopped him. The herdsman kindly took him in his arms and forgetting all sort of etiquette, he said: “Robert you’re not weak, you lasted during the all fight even if you were sick. You’re not a coward for escaping an unfair and dangerous punishment, you just have common sense. And you’re not a bad son, he is a bad father.” The young prince let these words filled his heart like the consoling heat of the other man was filling his body. After a moment, Robert clutch his arms around the cowherd to get the strength to continue his confession. “I’m so lonely. I haven’t been able to see nor to speak to my mother since I’m eight years old. I have no friends because I don’t know to speak with men of my age. All the other persons at the castle, either despise me or are afraid of me and I… I’m so scared of my father! No matter what I do, no matter how much I try, he is never satisfied, never content, never proud of me. I’m a permanent disappointment for him.”
His companion let him weep freely for some time, then he pulled back a little and with his thumb he wiped the tears that were rolling on Robert’s cheeks. “You’re not alone anymore, I am here, I am your friend, hum?” The young prince nodded. “Look!” said the cowherd while he pointing to their surrounding “Look at how beautiful is all this. The smallest flower is already a piece of art. Look at the trees, look at the sky, look at the grass, listen to the birds… All this is a testimony that the gods are good and that life is beautiful.” The lyrism, the enthusiasm, the conviction in the young man’s voice were contagious. 
Robert took a deep breath and looked around him, he looked at all this beauty -never had the world appeared so enchanting to him- he looked at his new friend, even more beautiful than the rest, his face was enlightened by a rapturous expression and his eyes- similar to nature itself with their mix blue, and green and brown- were shining with admiration. At that moment the young prince was hit by the nobleness of the other man’s feature. “Who are you?” asked-he, speaking almost unconsciously.
“My name is Thomas, and just Thomas. I don’t have a surname, I don’t know what is my family, my clan, nor do I don’t know where do I come from. The priest of Veles’ temple, found me one day in this wood when I was a baby, and since then I have worked for him in the sanctuary.”
“Are you happy?” Robert would have been unable to explain why he asked that, perhaps was it because of the different between Thomas’ attitude and the sad story he had just tell. 
The beautiful herdsman smiled, a complex smile that Robert didn’t fully understood and then he turned himself toward the young prince, he looked at him in the eyes and said: “Today? Yes I am.” At that moment, the wind made the foliage dance above their heads and an unexcepted sunray landed on Thomas, making his messy hair shine like gold, encircling his face in a halo of light. It was an epiphany for Robert, he had seen that person before on tapestries and sculptures, he had even seen him in his dreams, this young man was Jaryło, or a son of Jaryło, god of spring and summer.
Robert smiled back at Thomas and he agreed to his friend words with a nod, now he was happy too, he was happy because now he knew that their fates were intertwined together and that no matter what -despite his father, despite the distance between them- they were going to meet each other again. 
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starswallowingsea · 1 year
okay god i'm gonna throw a plot synopsis i have worked out for the steampunk (kuro)nazuna fic because otherwise it's gonna get deeply buried in mine n lis' dms and i'm gonna lose it
so the more i think about it the more i feel like its just gonna be an ex-valk study so i dont want to start it even until i have read the fundamental ex-valk stories u know? but based on what i have pieced together i think this would work out thematically and everything.
basically shu is a doll-maker's apprentice or just an apprentice of some sort of carpenter or something who also makes dolls/automatons and shu is fascinated by them idk that's a detail i can iron out later. he becomes obsessed with creating the perfect doll with this face mold he finds that is nazuna's ultimate face mold and theres like a whole uh. whats it called. like the timelapse or whatever of shu building the doll and meticulously building it and bc its steampunk theres a little magic involved to make it move and be able to do what he wants it to do.
however shu doesn't have the greatest control over his magic and totally did not tell his master that he was doing this like a typical 15yo boy so now nazuna is accidentally sentient but cant talk and just puts up with shu's demands bc he has nothing else to do but it starts getting worse as shu demands perfection from him because he's a doll he should be perfect obviously but nazuna knows that he has gears out of place or whatever he can't be perfect that's how things are but shu can't see that even as nazuna is falling apart at the seams.
kuro is a tailor's apprentice down the street and provides some of the textiles/cloth to shu's master every week and has started taking notice of nazuna and asked shu about him one week and shu was like oh this is a doll i've made i'm trying to make him perfect but kuro can see right through what shu cant bc of his rose tinted shades and that nazuna is falling apart but he doesn't really know what to do about it. nazuna notices this and waves to kuro when he comes in and kuro will talk to him for a little bit and they start getting along really well.
eventually nazuna has had enough though he's literally holding himself together by sheer willpower and storms out on shu one night and its raining for dramatic effect and nazuna doesn't know where to go because the doll-maker's shop has been his whole world up until this point and ends up breaking down in front of kuro's master's shop where he gets taken in and they get him all fixed up enough that he can move at least.
i kind of want to end it with wataru stumbling in after hearing about the automaton/doll that works as a tailor's apprentice and wanting to bring nazuna to help get the circus' automatons/dolls to perform and its the rest of ra*bits but this would be like an epilogue kind of thing.
mika would also come up at some point in here idk if i want mika to be human and jealous of nazuna for being a doll/automaton and therefore able to keep going continually or if mika is going to be a second doll/automaton. haven't entirely decided yet but i will cross that bridge when i get there i guess considering i probably wont actually write this for a while, if at all. but anyway i've been rotating this in my mind like its a michael wave and i need to let it out somewhere so. tell me ur thoughts mayhaps.
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yoimo06 · 5 months
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09:26 am !! 18.04.24
First day of writing my thoughts feelings and experiences here and whatever else. I heard tumblr works well as a journal/blog so might as well.
Even though I'm honestly still not entirely sure how this platform works (especially not on the pc ver) we all learn as we go, don't we?
Anyhow. I gotta get back home from school.. can't believe I'm sick again! Man, it's all the girl's fault for not being able to keep their asses home when they're sick. I confronted one of the girls about it and she really said "You would've gotten mad at me for not coming to help with the project" (we are unfortunately working on a group contest together — a group of 6 girls) like, no girl, no one would. She was the one that got mad at another person from our group when THEY were sick and told them to come to school. Darn hypocrite.
I hate this damn problem doe. Its so stupid. There are ups to it though. For example, i didn't have to attend a bunch of classes which is cool but then again im falling behind w all the lessons and shit so thats not great.
I just want it to be over fast. Cant stand working w some of these people no more. Fake asf
Rn im taking a bath! My favourite thing to do ngl. Its so warm and nice and cosy. Outside, in the parking lot behind our house theres people setting up the farmers market. Ive always found it so endearing and nice!! I love farmers markets and even if i dont buy anything, just passing thru it is nice.
On another brighter than all the other notes!!! My boyfriend got accepted into Uni here!!! We'll be breaking long distance soon. Its all happening so fast but im so glad so so glad hes coming home soon. I miss him more than anything. He's also going to come visit in a week or so!! I cant wait
Next week our school has this thing called 'Green week' where we take a break from normal school activities to instead do other things related to nature n shit. In concept it sounds nice but our teachers always pick the most boring activities for us...that sucks. For example, we'll be going to the Botanical garden for 4 hours!!! That'd be cool and all but we all know the botanical garden like the back of our hands from how much we visited it.. Theres plenty of other things to see, im sure, but most teachers don't wanna bother with actual interesting stuff, unfortunately.
Another small something is that i have recently started playing Star Rail again! Its great!! I would say im doing quite well, advancing through the story and stuff... I still have to properly build my charas doe oops! Thing is, i came back for this new character called 'Boothill', truly a charming gentleman. Haha! I managed to farm around 100 wishes in a week with a bit of help from my boyfriend as well~ I will get Boothill guys trust!! I kinda gave in though and pulled for Aventurine as well ... and i got him. But theres around 40 days left to farm for Boothill so im sure ill be gucci!! Ill be pulling for both him and his lightcone... and hopefully more copies of him hehe~~~
Todays weather was kinda shitty. The weather has been shitty recently actually. Its so cold and it keeps raining even tho not too long ago it was all nice warm and sunny, like how spring should be! I miss the nice weather, i hope it comes back soon so i can wear my short skirts, long socks and cool graphic tees!
Hmm~ I might hop back on here later mayhaps mayhaps to write some more stuff but for now ill be signing off!
Byebye ~
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shiny-jr · 2 years
i just.... (squimshes warde and kurse) my boys. my Silly Littleman slaughterers. i miss them. since reqs are open -- mayhaps you would be willing to spare a sap of a soul some content about Them? maybe... maybe something like our MC wearing partly revealing clothes? perhaps they'd both be pleasantly shocked because wow!! in their era (and this world) they have never seen this robust fashion style! (and they can't deny how jawdropping it looks on our MC)
Warning: Yandere thing (like none, really). Gender-neutral reader.
Characters: Warde, Kurse.
Note: The lads. The boys. I think this is the first time anyone has actually sent something in about them. Oh, btw, you sent this ask in like three times. I don't know if that was an error on Tumblr's end or you did it purposefully, but please refrain from sending in repetitive asks. Thank you. Also, I'm gonna write the clothes as not really super revealing. Probably just shorts and sleeveless shirts, normal clothes. It makes more sense that way, because the MC of that story is the equivalent of a broke and tired college student from a modern world while Warde comes from a very early 1900s period (loosely based off the Edwardian Era) and Kurse comes from a 1920's-1940's period (inspired by Roaring 20's and after).
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At first when he was summoned, Warde is truly taken aback. You have to remember, Warde was a powerful figure in his last life. He was surrounded by war. So hardly anyone wore anything revealing, because it was best to be fully covered when danger was lurking around ever corner.
So imagine his horror when he's making you morning tea/coffee and sees you stumbling into the kitchen in shorts and an oversized t-shirt (your pjs). It nearly causes him to loose his composure, as his overprotective mind immediately questioned, what if they were stabbed? Those clothes provide no protection!
But then he remembers, wait... this world is different. There's no active war he plays a main part of. Still, he is constantly concerned. Eventually he'll grow accustomed to your outfit choices, but when you inquire his opinion on what clothes you should wear for the day, he always subtly suggests the clothes with most protection and enough layers.
It's not that he wants to control how you dress, he has no right to do that. It's merely a suggestion. After all, you are technically wanted in this magic world, and at any moment you could actually be stabbed or attacked. It's why he always carries around a change of clothes for you. Something that's breathable in, something that covers nearly every inch of your lower body.
Warde is still deeply paranoid that the worst can happen, but he won't ever argue with you if you wish to wear something else. Your happiness and comfort are still highly important to him. Now it just looks like he'll have to be more vigilant and protective, should someone even look at you wrong.
Kurse is vastly different compared to his calm and orderly counterpart Warde. Yes, he too came from an early time period where wearing particular clothes may have been frowned upon. But in his time, people were changing and trying new styles, revealing more skin. Kurse took it to another level.
As an incredibly famous celebrity, Kurse got away with a lot. He dressed in some ways not seen as acceptable until years later, he acted in similar ways too. The creation is fond of clothing and fashion, since he sees it as a form of expression. He’s by far the best dressed creation (of the four there will eventually be). 
Probably even helps you decide on your outfit for the day, since his taste is impeccable. Enjoys it because it’s fun and he likes to give Warde a heart attack every once in while just to spite the older creation. You once taught him the word “slay” and that’s now his favorite word. You’ll often receive it in compliments from him.
He’s not really worried about people looking at you. He has enough confidence in himself and his skills, plus he believes people should dress as they please. The trouble you’ll have with him is not overprotectiveness like Warde, but sometimes when you make a wrong decision with your outfit, Kurse will flat-out tell you, and he does not kindly mince words. 
But anyways, he enjoys dressing you up just to steal you away from his counterpart. If you ask him for advice on an outfit, expect at least an hour or more of looking through the wardrobes or going out to buy more clothes. He’s going to make the most out of this time, and he’s not letting you go for a couple of hours.
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depizan · 1 year
anyone from imp int that appears semi regularly in the agent story (watcher two/shara jenn, keeper, etc?) mayhaps?
They're both characters I find really interesting. I'd say it's surprising they haven't put any fic appearances (other than Keeper informing Kyrian over holo that he's being arrested for treason), except that I haven't done that much with Kyrian's career when he's not out in the field actively coloring outside the lines.
Well, I do have a couple of Keeper mini-fics. LIke I said, interesting character. He's not a character type you often get on the "bad" side, being more of an "M" or...what's his name on Stargate SG1...Hammond than the sort of leader you normally see in the Empire. He clearly cares about the people who work under him, even if he's able to send them into deadly danger, exile them to Shadow Town, or worse...when necessary. He's a very effective combination of "good authority figure" and "did what I had to do/made the hard (but necessary) decisions."
If I do go back and fill in more of Kyrian's career, or write any Pheodra fics, he's likely to put in more appearances. Getting a little insight into why he ignored concerns about Kyrian for as long as he did (besides that Kyrian tended to succeed where it really mattered) could be fun. The game writing suggests that Keeper sees something of himself in a light side agent, and I've carried that over to ficverse. Of course, Keeper remained loyal to the Empire, despite its flaws, and gained the hardness and big picture thinking that Kyrian...did not.
Watcher Two is...hm, how to phrase it... She's more unquestioningly Imperial than Keeper, but that's unsurprising considering she was literally designed by the Empire. That she still came out a decent coworker/boss is more surprising. Her soft spots are different from Keeper's, and somewhat more personal, but she lacks his experience (I'm pretty sure he was Imperial military before his Imp Int career. Or is that just my headcanon?) and she rises in the ranks at nearly the worst possible time, given how quickly the Sith wreck everything.
Hm, actually I think the most interesting stuff with her, as far as the game story goes, comes later. Which means that if she were to appear in fic beyond giving mission info or taking a post-mission briefing, it'd probably be if I fic stuff with Pheodra. (Who, to her irritation, inherits Kyrian's designation and mission. She is cypher agent material; it was clear in training that he would never be.)
Then again, Watcher Two is so much more what a member of Imperial Intelligence should be than Kyrian, it could be interesting to give them a chance to interact around that. Especially as it's clear Kyrian did trust her (and Keeper) more than was wise. That means some discussion of methods is possible, or other concerns. Hell, she's observant enough--and close enough to being a coworker, rather than a superior--that she might pick up on his doubts about whether he is cypher agent material. (Okay, he knows he's not, he's just trying to do the job anyway. And dreading the eventual training he's certain he'll fail.)
Which raises the question of what Keeper (and Watcher Two, for that matter) thought of their skilled but squeamish field agent who'd been promoted way too soon. Did Keeper think that field experience would eventually file off his soft edges and make him cypher material? Are there aspects of cypher training that would make his flaws irrelevant? Was Keeper going to quietly demote him back to normal field agent once the crisis was over? Let him continue indefinitely as an untrained, field promoted cypher agent? (I mean, obviously, he had field agent training. But that's not the same thing.)
Was part of Watcher Two's job deciding what would be best to do with Kyrian once the crisis was over?
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ok so, I have 2 scheduled posts (I only have 2 weeks of scheduled posts at a time right now...). New content is Wednesdays, reblogged older content is Sundays if it happens at all. I don't have a lot of content (yet) to reblog too often without being annoying. For now, I have Magikarp & Gyarados scheduled for this week (finishing off my mini series on the O/M/G clade, lolol) and then the Azumarill family for next week. I have Turtwig and Rellor's lines on request in the back of my head, but Turtwig will be gotten to a lot faster than Rellor and Rabsca. I just, I genuinely don't know what to do with Rabsca specifically (Rellor is easy) because I want some more canon content on Rabsca and Rellor both before I write anything up about them. Which means I'm going to have to wait for the anime to catch up. Sorry to the person who asked about Rellor and Rabsca!!! In the meantime, I've been debating how I want to address the Eevee family. Many of you have seen my old chain post with almost all of the Eeveelutions, a post produced on my main blog (which I don't advise following, it is quite uninteresting) before I decided to make a side blog for this. You may have also noticed that I never updated it with Sylveon-- please be assured that I've had Sylveon ready this entire time, I just don't really want to have such a monster of a post flooding the dash again and then making it even longer with Sylveon. Each Eeveelution is so unique in its ecology and interactions with humanity, that I feel I can justify making them separate posts that just hyperlink to each other-- akin to how I tried handling Bulbasaur's line and Slowpoke's line, but this didn't seem to work too well with them (I will probably re-do that at a later point and combine them properly). But in this case, each Eevee is individually very popular, so I think it'll be fine-- and even if it's not, well I just don't want that monster length post flooding my dash anyways. However, I will do that when I need to give myself 8 weeks of scheduled posts because some weird life thing has come up. That will be the same time I combine the Bulbasaurs and Slowpokes back into one cohesive post (so, 10 weeks of scheduled posts?). At some point I should also share some screenshots of what a completed Bestiary entry looks like on my end, but not right now. Probably when I need something else to schedule out while I'm busy. Oh, before I forget, I'll also be holding off on Tauros and Miltank until after any SV DLC is fully released... AND any new Gen 9 Legends game! I'm not entirely convinced that Miltank is going to remain untouched by regional variantion for all of Gen 9, and I'd rather just wait to see. And *eventually* (like way down the line when I actually had the content to justify this) I was thinking of creating a master pokedex post with hyperlinks to everyone's bestiary entries, to keep starred at the top of the blog. Maybe. Perhaps. Mayhaps.
Anyways, keep the requests in-coming! I will ignore requests for Box Legendaries (sorry), Mew & Mewtwo, Gen 9 legendaries and mythicals, Ultra Beasts, and Paradox Pokemon. They're special and have unique places in the lore.
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