#maybe with an egg if im feeling fancie
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ramsei501st · 5 months ago
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gif of my process for a current wip that i have been fighting for the last week or two
its hard cultivating the same patience i had for longer pieces--ive trained myself to get things done quickly because i was frustrated with how long it took for me to finish things, now im circling back to where im frustrated with my lack of patience and trying to fix it LMAO
anyways--this scene is from a previous campaign, in which llany is kicked out of ulthuan and stripped of his title of loremaster of the white tower of hoeth
sucks to suck my guy
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icewindandboringhorror · 11 months ago
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Recent-ish life pictures and etc.
#image commentary in tags once again since they don't allow captions anymore and I feel weird using the alt text for that --#1. bright very poofy cloud sky#2. saw these weird bugs on a sidewalk that were clustered in a pile and some of them were sitting butt to butt or something.. I wonder if#that's how they mate?? or maybe just some sortof strange bug fight or something.. interesting little creature party happening#out on the pavement on that day#3. Its kind of hard to see but on the inside of this watermelon there is a slightly lighter formation that sort of looks like a heart shape#4. special breakfast of scrambled eggs. soy sausages. and jarred artichoke heart. with some black coffee and whipped cream + a strawberry#5. ARBY.. fish ...traditional summer treat available only until like september maybe for like a month. but I love them because theyre cheap#lol.. the next closest/cheapest fried fish sort of option that is easily acessible to me is a more upscale fast food place where you can ge#three tiny little chunks of fish maybe the palm of your hand sized for about $17 lol... so 4 arby fried fish chunks for like $5 is good#6. & 7 - very cool sunset colored sort of pink/yellow/orange flower I found growing wild in someone's yard#8. got as a gift from someone who got it for christmas but didn't really want it and asked if I did since everyone knows Im like The Person#Who's Obsessed With Cats out of any group of people.. but I still havent done it lol.. it just sits there gathering dust until I have#the time on top of my 600 other projects. I think it's cool that it's gray so it does look like noodle (my cat)#9. Noodle (the aforementioned gray cat) with fancy lighting behind him#photo diary
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bitseventimes · 2 years ago
can't be bothered to make actual dimmer so I'm having a handful of nuts accompanied by a glass of what's left of my cherry nalewka, a dash of cheap wine and sparkling water. I'm calling it the gatherer meal
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pupkashi · 1 year ago
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love comes easy when it’s gojo
a/n: what are you guys talking about chapter 236 ? the manga ended a while ago lol they’re all happy and safe ! don’t be silly guys >.< (I’m deep in denial no one hmu)
wordcount: 728
loving satoru gojo was easy.
it was easy falling in love with him when you first began talking to him, stolen glances and flushed faces when either of you caught the other.
it came to you like second nature to play along with his jokes. your minds practically syncing up the second your eyes connected, silly grins on your faces as you both cracked dumb jokes.
there was something almost instinctive that had you intertwining your fingers with his, the tv on the show now background noise as satoru practically lay on top of you.
“what should we get for dinner?” you mumbled, half paying attention to the action on the screen, eyes landing on the mop of white hair in your lap.
satoru hummed, adjusting himself so that he was on his back and staring up at you, “want me to cook?” there was a smile playing on his lips as you pursed your lips at him.
“depends” you smile, “what is chef gojo gonna cook up for us tonight?” the smile on his face was evident now as he sat upright.
“maybe some instant ramen?” eyes glimmering as he speaks up again, “im feeling a bit fancy so how ‘bout i add an egg in there too.”
“an egg? you spoil me satoru,” you tease, watching as satoru pushes himself off the couch, stretching a bit. the bottom of his shirt lifts a bit and you catch his lower belly, smiling to yourself.
“oh but when you bend over i can’t whistle at you?” he pouts, catching the way you were practically giggling.
“satoru we were in a meeting with the higher ups,” you retort. the sorcerer only scoffs, mumbling something and heading into the kitchen.
it was easy to love satoru when he was carrying you out in the pouring rain, a cheesy love song blaring through his phone speakers in his pocket.
“dance with me!” his dimples peeking out and his eyes crinkling a bit as he laughed at your now soaked shirt.
you want to be angry, you want to scold him because he just got over the flu and this is gonna be terrible for him. but the small droplets of water collecting at the end of his white hair and sticking messily to his forehead make you keep your mouth shut.
you don’t say anything as you extend your arm out, giggling when he quickly pulls you into him by the waist, immediately pressing his lips onto yours, teeth hitting each other as the two of you burst into giggles.
“cyndi lauper is your go to?” you laugh, barely audible over the downpour surrounding the two of you.
“it was either her or whitney houston ” he smiles, turning his infinity on when he sees you shiver in the slightest, being sure to include you in it.
it was easy loving satoru gojo when he was shampooing your hair, kissing your shoulder and wrapping warm towels around you.
it was easy to fall deeper in love with him when the two of you are in bed, sweet nothings being interchanged between the two of you.
“i love you, angel boy,” you whisper, loving the way his cheeks grew pink, the grin on his lips growing as he nuzzled his face into the crook of his neck.
“i love you more, sweets” his voice is softer, more vulnerable, than usual. there’s nothing on his mind except you, and there’s nothing on yours except him.
it’s when the two of you are making breakfast together, movements flowing easily as he passes you the eggs and he plates the pancakes. when you’re both sitting way too close to each other on the huge couch in the living room, pillows and blankets surrounding the two of you.
when you hand each other things without even uttering a word. when you sit in rare silence with your lover, the comfort of each others presence being enough for the two of you.
when he’s bringing home flowers or you’re making him his favorite foods, when you’re blushing at his shower of compliments and he’s running away the second you call him handsome.
it’s in between laundry loads and making plans that you both realize how easy love comes to each other.
loving satoru gojo was easy, especially when you fell in love with him all over everyday.
taglist (send an ask to be added!): @chilichopsticks @anime-for-the-sleepless @4sat0ruu @safaia-47 @nanamikentoseyebags @fushironi @nineooooo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @gojoshooter @sat6ru @luna0713hunter @torusmochi
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brandwhorestarscream · 5 days ago
Combining these 2 a bit for the Damsel in Disguise cybermorph tf1 au meant to be read after the other ask i already sent
- I had never considered monsterfucker Sentinel. Usually that honor goes to Orion, but! I'm listening... he wasn't terribly interested in either of them when they were cogless, it was a manipulation strategy snd nothing more, but he wants to get into Dee's monster xenovalve? Bet. Poor Dee is not receptive but Sentinel doesn't understand the word 'no' >:3
- Sentinel fancies himself a king? When you day that, do you mean King, capital K, as in the caste of morph? Or just a king in the sense that he's the one fertilizing the little queen? Im down for either interpretation from his bastard, I just wanns know which way he's going
So Sentinel took baby morphling D because he recognises that he's a princess from the knowledge about cybermorphs that the Quintessons gave him, he knows that this thing can give him a loyal army, he's just killed the primes, still high on the rush of it, and already planning how he'll get rid of the Quintessons next
I don't think he would be interested in becoming a morph King (ew icky organics) but he does want the position of 1 to be the commander of a loyal legion, which is why he plants Dee amongst the miners, they're a cast with limited options & movement, spoonfed a constant drip of propaganda, they're basically a psudo hive for Dee to latch onto & want to protect
Drawing on the Sentinel's sparkling au a bit again (part 5 hwen 🥺?) after the race Sentinel sees first-hand how enamored Dee has become with him & invites them to his quarters, he wants to compare the 2 coggless' valves & the knowledge that he's got this monster hanging off his every word is giving him the same powerrush he had when he took Megatronus's head off & took his cog
Speaking of Megatronus's cog the scientists noticed that little morphling Dee responded to it's presence even when he was comatose, they summised that the cog's unique frequency must have reminded Dee of the safety of being inside his incubator causing him to relax & form an attachment to the bot carrying it, reaching out with his EM field because it's the closest he can get to a hivemind connection
Sentinel knows that the sexual activity will probably cause Dee to start laying(it doesn't occur to him that Dee would need a cog to actually lay), which is why he has him & that trouble maker he's attached himself to thrown into sub level 50, organics like warm dank places right? It'll be a great place for Dee to traumatise himself by killing his bestie via eggies so Sentinel can swoop in in the aftermath & make him really dependent, the other coggless in the trash room is just a bonus host, don't want the first batch being too big but the scientists will want one second generation morphling to play with at least
While they're making their way across Cybertron's surface Dee isn't just dealing with cramps from his growing passengers but the new instincts they're awakening, he's having trouble keeping his share of the energon ration down & getting impulses to shove this weird nature stuff Orion keeps pointing out into his tanks instead, maybe he wakes up in the night delirious & hunts some poor mechanimal devouring the whole thing before returning to camp wondering what the fuck is wrong with himself
Anyway skip forward to Dee, after he wakes up in the cave alone, he's not had Sentinel betrayal explained to him, he doesn't know what he is, the last thing he remembers is the terror in Alpha Trion's optics and him grabbing Orion to get away.
He feels drawn to Megatronus's corpse again curling up against the busted chest plate, he really wants to crawl inside so he does to the best of his ability & lays his last egg away from the main clutch ( only the best nest for steve-2 )
That's about when the golden guard turn up lead by airachnid, there's a bit of a struggle when one of them tries to move one of Dee's eggs and he attacks them causing the eggs to hatch & borrow into the wounds Dee has made on them, once the morphlings are safely inside incubators he calms down enough for Airachnid to tranquilize him
He wakes up restrained in a lab in Iacon & Sentinel spins him some tale, maybe about Megatronus being the fallen one who betrayed the other primes because Dee being hosted in his body drove him to it, that's why he's so obsessed with Megatronus Prime because he killed him, but Sentinel knows it wasn't his fault, he was made to be a monster, it's the Quintessons' & they want him back to use him to finish the job and kill the rest of the cybertronians
That's why Sentinel had to hide him amongst the coggless, really he's been looking out for Dee out of the kindness of his spark shouldn't Dee repay that by giving him an army? So just lay back, relax, and Stop Fighting Him.
Dee cant help but be disturbed by how being around Sentinel makes him relaxed, it's something he noticed the first time they fragged when he was still coggless, pressing his helm up against Sentinel's chest plating to listen to the whirr of his T-Cog, so as soonbas they're not in close proximity his hackles are raising again, something isn't right
When he's not restrained down to a lab table or breeding bench or too drugged to stand, he's pacing because his instincts are fixated on the egg he left behind but he won't tell Sentinel that's what's upsetting him, no, instead he tells Sentinel about Orion & Bee & Elita, he should be worrying about them they're his friends it's just, it doesn't seem as important as the egg & he hates himself for it
But "they're probably okay they had Alpha Trion with them afterall", he doesn't notice Sentinel stop caressing his helm after he murmurs that tidbit of information while drugged out half asleep & muzzled laying across the false Prime's lap nor does he notice Sentinel comm Airachnid
He doesn't even know he just sabotaged his own rescue party
I think believing he's responsible for the death of the primes would really fuck with Dee's head that means every miners life being the way it is is his fault in his mind, & Sentinel loves to remind him of that especially while he's deep in Dee's valve
Sentinel probably claims he sent out a search party for Dee's friends & Alpha Trion only to find other cybermorphs had already torn them to shreds, the only thing you have left of your friend is that little Megatronus decal
They have some dispute (maybe about how Dee can feel his newborn morphlings in Sentinel's labs via their budding hivemind), Dee is a little too rebellious for Sentinel's tastes so he says something along the lines of Dee forgetting the deaths he's caused so soon & how they cant have that & that's when he carves Megatronus's visage into Dee's chest directly where they both know he punched his way through Megatronus chassis
Poor, poor Dee... the whole situation is just an endless parade of misery 😞 he's slowly losing his mind as Sentinel's prisoner, and I wouldn't be surprised if one of his wombs (queens have 3 in total) started filling up with drone eggs in response to his stress.
The cybertronians know next to nothing about morphs, so when he gives birth to a clutch of eggs that are only about half the size of the ones prior, they don't know what's going on. The scientists confiscate them, and 🤭 as I'm sure you can imagine, the facehuggers spring shortly after. Whether on the research team or some poor frack they've dragged in to be test subjects, it's only minutes after their birth that the eggs unfurl and release the first stage.
Dee can hear them. He can feel them. They feel so much different from his morphlings. Where the little ones are helpless and afraid, confused and lost without him, the drones are not. They grow insanely quickly, molting out of their first larval stage in less than a megacycle in response to their queen's distress, and within a matter of hours they stand at full height.
Dee hears them, pacing about in their cages. There's 9 of them in total, 3 to an enclosure, peering out of the blasterproof glass and watching the scientists intently. Their presences all weave together to make the first true, proper hivemind D-16 has ever entered, and it's the only truly comforting thing he's had since becoming Sentinel's prisoner.
What should we do, Mother?
Where are you, Mother?
Mother, we'll free you!
Dee puts every ounce of his willpower into keeping a poker face. Sentinel doesn't know about the hivemind. This is the only advantage they have, and he cannot squander it. They'll only have one chance wo they have to do this right.
One of the cybermorphs finest forms of self-defense is their acidic energon blood, able to melt through even cybertronian steel quickly and efficiently. That is their escape route, that will be their salvation.
Idk if you've watched AvP or Resurrection, but something along the breakouts of those movies. In the middle of the sleep cycle, when the monitoring of the morphs is done mostly by cameras and motion sensors, that's when they strike.
They have Dee restrained to sleep, as I'm sure you can imagine, but his good behavior means they no longer strap him down. No, instead, his servos are clapped in stasis cuffs behind his back, but that's no issue.
His pharyngeal jaw darts out with all the force he can bite, tearing into his own shoulders. Ripping off armor and chunks of mesh, and even though it aches and throbs he keeps going, not stopping til both sides have wounds about the size of a credit chip. Then, he rolls his shoulders back, feeling the wetness of blood welling up and dribbling down. It steams abd hisses when it drips onto the berth, and more importantly, onto the stasis cuffs binding him.
In the lab's holding cells, his drones are doing the same, though instead of just turning on the littlest amongst them and tearing them apart in sacrifice, they follow their mother's lead, nipping each other's non-vital areas to get sickly green-gray blood flowing. The first drop eats straight through the floor of their cell, and with a generous downpour, they escape in less than 100 seconds. Meanwhile, Dee's cuffs crumble and break off of him: he slicks his servos with his own blood and slams his palms against the wall, pushing snd forcing the acid to eat through. When his hands reach open air and he knows he's hit the other side, he pulls his arms out and then takes a few steps back. It takes a few tries, but he's able to ram his sore, aching shoulder against the hole in the wall and break through.
Alarms are blaring by now, but it's too late to do anything: the morphs have broken containment 😌
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candiid-caniine · 1 year ago
the saga of trigger anon <3
hope it's okay that i'm posting these all at once & responding to them in bulk--they're just all so fucking good and having them all in one place seemed right<3
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dear lord, trigger anon (that's what i'm calling you), these are some fucking amazing ideas.
imagining having my brain scrambled to this degree is incredible. i'd like to expand on your ideas with a potential fix for people with physical disabilities, like myself, for whom counting steps is either not possible or would take a long time; in all honesty, i'm not up on my feet very often if i can help it, and use a wheelchair part-time! i fucking love your ideas, but this was the best way i could think of to add to them, so here goes:
say you have a wheelchair user as your sub/trancee. surely there's a way to either rig a smartwatch or an arduino setup of some sort to count revolutions of the wheels instead of steps. or perhaps distance traveled?
for someone who's bedbound...they sell these stupid-fancy water bottles that have counters on the side i think. using that as your metric, instead of basing it on physical movement, might be a good stand-in as well (no pun intended >.>)
someone with a CGM or heart rate monitor could also be conditioned with triggers aligning w/ their medical equipment, only inasmuch as it's safe to do so, obviously; don't really know how i feel about that idea--but i have neither of those pieces of medical equipment so i'm not as familiar.
how about someone who stims? (obv not a physical disability, i'm now going wild with ideas in other ways lol) give them a clicky thing to stim with, maybe a people counter or whatever...they could try to keep from stimming, but eventually they'll want to...
or if they're like me and have flappy hands, attach a step counter to their wrist so that it counts "steps" when they stim >:) most of my stims aren't object-assisted, so that's how it would have to be for me ahah.
i have Thoughts on what you sent re: the "idle game" trancee situation i posted. here are some more ideas based on that:
love the idea of follower participation--that you all could send in words that make me do things <3 i saw a post once about hypnotizing someone to be a little pornbot, like, every tumblr notification they got made them hornier and happier and dumber, so they'd crave to post a lot of things that got them engagement, and it's lived in my brain ever since lol.
the best way it could work, i think, is to first condition me to avoid clicking a link that says certain words, and then to put my triggers under that link so that my followers know them, but i don't :) a person DMs me the word "trumpet" or some shit and i don't understand why im instantly moaning out loud...
that's another way of tracking "points" that doesn't rely on steps: different note numbers on my own posts = different effects on my body. for extra fuckery, make it different not numbers on any Tumblr post, and condition me to scroll tumblr anytime i get bored (wouldn't take much lol)
gosh, fuck yes to "cheat codes." the right words, actions, or sights in combination = secret level unlock ahahaha. see someone clap their hands together, on the train while seated, *and* be above 600 steps/stims/whatever? for the next week, suddenly there's an erogenous zone on my middle finger that feels exactly like my clit when it rubs against anything.
eaten an egg that day, have edged at least 12 times, *and* got a follower to cum? for an hour, i drool uncontrollably...fuck i could go on forever.
last one, since i said "egg." seen a stray cat that day, have ruined once, *and* have a song stuck in my head? i'm suddenly convinced that i'm full of an alien's eggs, and incredibly embarrassed about it.
stacking triggers this way is super fun. i think sometimes it's hard for my owner to visualize how conditioning/hypno works for my brain--still figuring it out myself--but visualization (for me) is the best mode of conditioning. imagining myself like an idle game, where the character (me) is encountering different combinations of gameplay (idle triggers), helps me be more receptive to conditioning.
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inkofamethyst · 10 days ago
February 18, 2025
There's a sweater (carmico's stargazer in black/white) that I've been lusting after for literally like two or three years now, but I've always been too late to catch one in stock. By chance, I happened to remember that the sweater existed and looked it up again, and it was just in time for a restock. But the materials list doesn't align with the fact that I'm trying to build a closet with mostly natural fibers. If I'm going to pay $100 for a sweater, I want it to be something that I adore through-and-through. So I'm going to skip it. And I'm going to promise myself that I will not regret this choice.
Perhaps I can learn intarsia colorwork and knit a dupe one day. That is ultimately the reason why I'm so eager to learn all of these fiber arts in the first place. I do not want to be limited when inspiration strikes. I don't want to long to be able to follow a pattern. When I see a design that strikes my fancy I want to go pick up a hook/some needles/a sewing machine/a hoop and just do it.
I think that despite the goatedness of gai for coding where I don't really know what I'm doing, I also think that, when I have the time, it would be much better for me to physically write out the code I'm blessed with. To understand the syntax on a tactile level. Because I don't think I'm absorbing as much as I thought I would by just having the main points of the code explained to me. Sure, it means I can maybe explain what the code does on a high level to someone else, but if I want to be able to find bugs without aid or explain to a future advisee why they must write a line a certain way, I'll need to get on my hands and knees and get on up in there now. Similar to how we'd write code with the professor in last spring's python class. Man, what a good class. Anyway, no more copy-pasting. And only return-tab-ing repeat lines after writing a full one out myself first. It's just that I don't feel comfortable uncritically and unreflectively using gai. So, I make my own rules for responsible use.
I'm braiding my hair this week before going on a weekend trip to see my family (again (but this time I'm going to finish early and not give myself a headache I promise [edit, three days later: yeah no this time will be even worse than last year im nowhere close])) which is giving me ample time to catch up on the MCU stuff I've missed (though it does mean my sweater speedrun is on a slight pause.. I've started one sleeve though!) before we see CABNW together (Cap movies have consistently been some of the best in the mcu imo, so I really hope this one doesn't disappoint). I finished Ms. Marvel after I'd stopped halfway through like a year ago and thought it was really sweet :) One of my fav mcu easter eggs has to be how they will lightly play the x-men (1997) theme any time something related to mutants is subtly brought up. It makes me wonder whether the mcu avengers theme will be considered as iconic whenever the inevitable reboot happens (or maybe it's just iconic to me, and that's okay too). Also binged Loki S2. The story was.. good, fine, interesting. I was never hugely attracted to Tom Hiddleston/Loki, but I really do think this show had some scenes that made me look twice, a la kombucha girl. Next up is Ant Man 3, then The Marvels, then Hulk 2008 (for some reason). Ultimately, I'm glad I still enjoy them.
Today I'm thankful for the long weekend. I had a day to have fun (saw a play which was literally so good! watched kill bill vol 2 w my island-friend and her partner (can't say I'm a Tarantino fan (there's a hypermasculine energy about it (even with e female character) that turns me off) but I can't deny the style, the storytelling)!), a day to rest, and a day to reset.
Last thing: I do wonder what exactly the X-gene is. Like I'm not really super deep into X-men lore, so I'd likely be able to deduce exactly what's meant by the X-gene if I simply knew more about the in-universe science, but I wonder whether it's a cis-regulatory element? Or a collection of CREs? Maybe a transcription factor with a particular mutation that makes it hyperactive? A lncRNA? I'd love to science it out sometime, honestly, that stuff geeks me out :P
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stardewvalleyhc · 1 year ago
Elliot‘s home (part 1)
(Im still editing it but I decided to go ahead and post it.)
Jas deserved better. Marnie deserved better and I couldn’t be. I tried again and again and everytime I’d wake up in a cold sweat on the floor surrounded by beer cans. The bitter taste lingering in my mouth the rest of the day as if it was a reminder of how I failed them. I dreaded going to work, Joja mart sucked but it was money. Though everyday I thought about quitting without fail. The amount of times I cried in that break room hell if I could even keep count of that. That’s why I spent my afternoons in the saloon but so did he. Little Mr Perfect, perfect long ginger hair, perfect sun kissed skin with little brown freckles. He had good posture, good teeth, he wore nice clothes. Expensive looking clothes. It boiled my blood to be in the same room as him. The worst was when he’d sit down next to me. He’d notice I was in a bad mood and his majesty would grace me with his presence. He looked at me with pity I assume— I’m the village drunk so why wouldn’t he?
“I’m not a charity case.” I mumbled under my breath.
I had enough to deal with with my dead end job I didn’t need this guy trying to cheer me up. I pushed his arm away as he tried to do a little awkward side hug. “I don’t even know you” That wasn’t technically a lie as he had only been there for a few months. Though the face he made made me wince a bit.
“Oh…right…sorry. Uhm…well do you like to read?” Elliot questioned tilting his head slightly.
“Not really.” I said threw my teeth. This guy just didn’t quit did he?
“Well if you ever get into reading-“ I stopped him right there.
“I’m NOT getting into reading.”
“…I’m sorry am I bothering you?”
“Yes! You think your so much better then me don’t you?!”
“What?! No! I don’t-“
“Your not helping me! I don’t need you to act like some kind of prince rescuing me from myself Just leave me alone!”
“….oh…I’m sorry.” Elliot walked away. I could feel cold glances from the other people at the bar. I decided to go home.
I walked- stumbled back to my house. Grumbling all the way there, I stared at the ground as I attempted to steady my balance. Maybe now people would leave me alone. I got home, Marnie nearly scared me half to death just standing there before she yelled at me. I knew she hated yelling, she was a nice lady but she knew how to put her foot down.
“I don’t like you staying out so late- look at you you can barely stand.” Marnie crossed her arms as she watched my struggle to take my shoes off. “Jas wanted to collect eggs with you today. I finally had to do it with her. Your missing her childhood.”
“I see her everyday Marnie!”
“You always complain about never having money it’s because your lining Gus’s pockets.”
“Hey! Gus is a good guy! Leave him out of this!”
“Jas wants you here…she needs you here…she hates when you come home drunk.”
“I’m sorry.”
“…I only say this because I’m worried about you.” Marnie rubbed my back. She use to do that all the time. I had only noticed then how long it had been.
After that we go to our rooms and go to bed. I looked up at the ceiling, my thoughts on my actions throughout the day even though my clarity is a bit shot from the booze I knew I was a bit harsh with Elliot but at the same time I got angry just thinking about him again. That smooth sounding voice was a nightmare and my brain played his words over and over again. I decided I didn’t have to be friends with him but I at least should apologize. So I rolled over on my side and went to sleep.
The next day I thought my brain would burst out of my skull. I stumbled to the bathroom and washed my mouth . I realized I didn’t even change my clothes that night so my usual clothes smelt like sweat and beer. Not that I was going to do anything about it except just wear it again. Then I took a shower, hair care routine consisted of washing it then drying it. That’s it. ‘I bet Elliot puts some fancy pants stuff in his hair. I bet he spends an hour on his hair. I bet-‘ I shook my head. The more I thought about Elliot that way the more I’d try to shrug off the apology to him. I left the bathroom and redressed before starting to head out. I normally tried to rush out as I’m not really a breakfast person but Marnie always tries to catch me and force me to eat. She gave me a piece of toast so I grabbed it and walked to work nibbling on it as I went. Work was…work. Every day seemed harder then the next, i look for every opportunity to take stuff from the back that I can. Especially pepper poppers. After being lectured by my boss about having a “customer ready smile” my shift ended and I was free. I was heading to the saloon again straight from work and who do I see. Of course I’d run into Elliot who looked like a kicked dog when we made eye contact. He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something but quickly closed it. He was usually so cocky but he seemed so awkward. Had what I said really gotten to him? Well now I felt even worse about it. If him being pompous was annoying then seeing him like this was a hundred times worse. His fluffy hair almost seemed deflated along with his ego. Maybe that’s where he stored it. Either way if he wasn’t really upset with me he was a damn good actor which I wasn’t ruling out as a possibility.
“Look man…maybe I was a bit harsh before.” I said trying to not sound sarcastic which was surprisingly hard to do. “I didn’t completely mean it…”
Elliot lightened up a bit. “Oh! Not a problem!” Ugh…seriously? Your making it that easy? Who just excepts an apology like that?! Elliot must’ve lived in one of his mythical book worlds because that’s not how that would normally play out.
“Okay cool.” I shrugged heading into the bar and he follows after me. I ordered a beer and Elliot…sat down right. Next. To. Me. Just because I apologized doesn’t mean I wanted to be this guys friend. I don’t mind hearing his flowery rants from across the bar.
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pesterquestrewritten · 1 year ago
SUPER sorry to be bugging u if i am, but itch. io isnt liking the fact im trying to put an image in a comment :(.
i get an error when trying to load the picking a movie options in John's route, and any other saves from johns route have me pushed back to the first textbox :(
this is what it displays that, i can paste the whole log if you need!
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i already answered u in dms but the short of this is "renpy doesnt love cross-version saves".
"Perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way?" is the reason it crashed, it just doesnt Know how to slot the save file in.
GENERALLY SPEAKING, for pqr, we don't do any fancy meta-tracking, we want to be transparent about that kinda thing. with like maybe very few exceptions everything we track is listed on the achievements page as an achievement, so that u dont have like. anxiety abt "messing up" the game in whatever way
this is mostly because i dont love playing games like that!!! i like Knowing. the choices in pqr very rarely "fool" you into getting the bad end, and, hell, you NEED two "bad" ends to even progress past jade's route. it's designed for u to scour it top to bottom, there's even easter eggs hidden in the code.
yeah! idk. i grew up browsing spriters resource and thinking datamining was so fucking cool. i like it when a story feels like a sprawled-out sandbox.
man i talk a lot dont i
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mmmmmmmmmmmmsoup · 1 year ago
Yandere x gardener pt.6
warning: SLOW BURN, WE ARE NOT EVEN WALKING, WE ARE CRAWLING OUR WAY THERE, kidnapping, slight nsfw but not really, yandere stuff
you started to wiggle in your sleep, shifting awake. once you sat up and did your morning stretch, you looked around the room.
"huh?" you say a little surprised.
you don't remember going to the guest room and going to bed last night.
'oh dear lord, did I fall asleep in the truck? did Cash carry me to bed??????' you think to yourself. you place your hands upon your cheeks, blushing.
you didn't care to admit it, but you were worried about having feelings for Cash. sure he doesn't talk a hole bunch and at first of knowing each other you didn't know if he even liked you as a human, but deep down he was really sweet. bringing you hot drinks on cold days, making sure you don't work yourself too hard, having lunch together every now and then. not mention his mama, who is the sweetest person in the world! And to put the cherry on the cake, Cash does this... he takes you in, gives you a place to stay for the night, where you will feel safe and be able to rest... its all just-
next thing you know, you hear knocking "oh uh, come in!"
as you lay in bed, Cashes mom opens the door and steps into the room. "mornin, dear! how did you sleep? hopefully better then the last few nights."
"I don't think I've slept better" you chuckle.
"thats good to hear! i just came in to tell you breakfast is just about ready, so don't take too long getting dressed."
"o-oh thank you! I'll be out in just a moment!" you reply
mama smiles and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.
'well, I guess thats my sign to get dressed then.'
you push yourself off the bed and walk towards your bag full of clothes. you still had work today, so you put on your work clothes, nothing fancy.
once you were dressed, you headed out to the kitchen, and there was Cash frying up some bacon while mama was sitting at the table knitting, chatting with her son.
"morning!" you say shyly, not ever being in the ranchers house this early in the morning.
"mornin" Cash says back as he starts to plate the bacon.
once you sit down, cash hands you and mama a plate, it has bacon, pancakes and eggs on it, a nice homemade breakfast.
"thank you...and thank you again for all of this, you guys really didn't have to do this"
"its nothin" Cash says, he takes a seat across from you, with a plate of food for himself.
"so whats the plan for you today?" mama asks
"oh, I still have work today, so I'll be heading out shortly, and once Im done I can come back to grab my stuff and get out of your hair."
the room went silent.
" you gonna head back home? already?" mama questions
" well I don't want to over step my welcome"
" do you think you'll be comfortable enough to sleep?" mama asks
" well... I don't know, but either way I can't not go back to my house. at some point I'll have to just deal with it."
more silents.
Cash buds in, " how about you stay here for a bit longer..? doesn't have to be a forever thing, but until you fully feel safe to go back, hows that?"
you really didn't want to over stay your welcome, but if they were this insistent... plus its true. you don't think you would be able to sleep if you did go back home, home just didn't feel safe right now.
"ok. I'll stay."
mama clapped her hands, "yay! maybe you can give me a hand making cookies this week, family recipe!"
you smile and continue to eat your breakfast.
after your meal you pack your car with your tools and head off to work.
-------Time Skip--------
it had almost been a week since you chose to stay at the ranch, mama loved having you around and having someone to bake goods with.
you and Cash have talked a lot more and he seems content in your presents.
Cash was actually loving all of this week. you coming home after work, bonding with his mama... it made him feel like you guys were a happy married couple. he loved the sent you left in the house, it just smelled more like you. he loved seeing you come out of your room, in comfy clothing, looking relaxed.
and thank god his mama goes to bed early cause the things he does at night...
he sniffs the pillows lol. like once everyone is in bed, he goes out to the living room where you usually sit, and sniffs the cushions. he has had to fight the urge of using your toothbrush. sometimes he'll try and do the laundry before mama can, just so he can handle your clothes, he also sniffs them, yes the underwear too.
he's aware that the gardening season is coming to a close, and at first he was sad about not seeing you until spring, but now that your basically living with him, he doesn't have to worry about that anymore!
or at least he thought...
Cash was sitting in the living room, taking a break from ranching. you come in from outside.
"hey can I talk to you about something?" you ask
you choose to sit next to Cash, wearing your work clothes.
Cash hums, signalling you to continue.
"so this week is the last week of gardening, so after today your garden will be prepped for the winter and I won't need to work outside anymore."
Cash nods his head, hearing what your saying.
'maybe she can stay here more in the day, we could have lunch together, maybe she would want to help out with the cows' Cash thinks to himself, daydreaming of you and him alone, in the truck.
"I also wanna say thank you for allowing me to stay here with you and your mom, and I'm happy to say... I found a new place to live?"
That got Cashes attention real quick, he sits up slightly, eyebrows raised, "what?"
"yeah! i figured I would never really feel safe after what happend, so I have been doing some research and I found a new place to move into!"
This is the last thing Cash wanted to hear. so not only are you done gardening, but your moving? so he really won't be able to see you until spring.
"wha- when are you moving?"
"tomorrow, the day after I'm done working on your garden! all I need to do is sign some papers, and I'll have a new place!"
"what about all of your stuff?" Cash questions.
"I'm getting movers to come in on the same day, to move everything"
"have you told mama yet?"
"I have! she's a little sad to see me go but she seems happy for me"
Cash was feeling dizzy, he was enjoying having you here, living with him, and now your just... gonna go?? this can't be happening, no this won't happen, this can't happen.
Cash looks towards you, an odd expression on his face. you can't pin point it, but your sensing some discomfort from him.
"...I'll give you a moment to think about whats happening, I better get back to work anyways..." you stand up making your way to the door.
Cash is spinning out of control. only on the inside of course, on the outside he's just hunched over sitting in a chair.
he stands up walking over to your bedroom, as he opens the door, he looks into the room scanning all your belongings. this will be all gone, no one here to keep this room warm, no more of your little nick nacks around the house. you'll just turn into another stranger until spring, and then he'll have to work your relationship back from the bottom. what if you meet someone before then?
Cash closes your bedroom door and walks over to the window that peers out towards the garden. thankfully your back was turned towards the house, so you didn't see the Rancher staring at you.
you won't be here anymore. just thinking of a life with out you makes his chest feel tight.
Who’s he gonna come home to have a long day of work? Yes he has his ma. But it’s not the same, he needs someone he can hold close, someone he can bring to bed with, someone he can have kids with…
He could imagine it so perfectly too. You a gardener, him a rancher. during the winter season when it’s too cold for you to work, you just stay home making warm meals and caring for his ma, or you join him at work sometimes, while he’s feeding the cows, your in the truck keeping cozy… and maybe in a few years, you two have a few kids running around. One girl, one boy.
He can’t just let you slip away like this, and miss out on the life you two could have.
the sun was setting and you had nearly finished your work for the day, the garden was done and ready for winter, and all you had to do is put everything away.
you gathered the tools and headed towards the shed. As your in the shed, putting everything away, a shadow is casted over you, you look over your shoulder seeing Cash standing in the door way.
"oh hey Cash, whats up?"
Cash didn't respond, which wasn't really out of the ordinary for him. you turn around fully facing him.
" hey i just need to squeeze past you, if thats ok..." you try to shuffle around him, but oddly enough he doesn't let you pass. you look up at him, somethings off. his face hold a darker expression and his eye look dangerous.
"y'know y/n..." Cash speaks, looking around the shed.
he spots a rubber mallet on a shelf near him. he starts to reach for it.
"I've really enjoyed the time you've spent here, at my home."
Cash now has the rubber mallet fully in his hands.
"...and i think this... could be your home too"
you step back, away from him "haha... your kinda scaring me Cash"
"I think you should stay here." Cash says, but by the way he says it, you know it's not a suggestion.
you start to breath heavy, unsure of whats really about to happen, all you know, is that you gotta get out of this fucking shed.
you bolt, you don't try to squeeze past him, bumping shoulders, no, you head straight between his legs.
He clearly wasn't expecting you to do that and to be so fast at it. he tries to bring his legs together hoping you will get trapped in the process, but you just manage to squeeze out beneath him.
you just start running, heading in the direction of the house. you run through the garden, but before you can make it half way, you feel a heavy pain in your head. you fall to the ground, everything looks blurry and your head is spinning, you feel something heavy rest on your back. before you pass out, the last thing you see is a shadow casted on the dirt ground in front of you.
Cash looked down at you, your limp body no longer putting up a fight. As he sat on your back, he let out a sigh. he grabbed some rope from his coat pocket and started to tie your hands together.
"I didn't want to do this darlin, but you left me no choice..." Cash tied the last knot and stood up. he picked up your limp body and carried you to a special place he had planned.
my god. all weekend I have had nothing to do so I've just been writing up a storm. I wrote this with my laptop, I find thats its smoother to do. do ya'll notice anything within the writing compared to me writing on my phone?
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breezingwing · 1 year ago
yay! Eggs: Omelette (with stuff like mushrooms or tomatos or maybe veggies) > fried eggs > everything else
Steak: I dunno, medium? done-ness is never really discussed around here
Milk: Choccy milk -> any default milk -> non-milk-milks (if im feeling fancy
alcohol: Cider, maybe some sort of cocktails? Wine if something stronger
warm drink: Cocoa!!! or any sort of tea (fruity, green, blakc, whatever)! Coffee once in a while as a placebo :P @eri-lessthan3 @zowwy-bugmaw-medyusa @ne0ndawn @esthermika @ballofstress9 @w4nderingdreamer @original-username42
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fluffylittlebabychub · 14 days ago
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That is floof sandwich cause I saw a floof sandwich earlier
Come here floofy!!! Youre my sweet baby:( ily floofy. I can poke you. I'll be back in a minute floof! I'll bring you some kale and a tiny bite of carrot.
Oh no floofy!!! Did you eat my shoe?! That's not food samsam! It's ok though. I won't hurt you I'm sorry Sammy bun bun😭 ishouldnt have left anything where you can reach! Now you could get sick! Floof baby you can have your kale. Tomorrow if you're feeling good I'll take you to the beach and the next day I'll take you to see your bunny friends!
Ok now we can go to the beach! I won't leave you alone lil fluffster. I don't want any birds eating you. We will look for pretty shells cause I'm making you armor out of seashells! You'll be invincible little floofy!!!! Maybe we can find a horseshoe crab shell for a helmet. Oh no flooof look at what I found!! It is the evil turtle killer!! An entire styrofoam cooler! We should have brought a bag to collect trash! Ooh I found a hermit crabs! Do you want to touch it floofy? We can pick up empty sea turtle eggs for your fancy outfit. Idk if we'll use them but it's better to have them and not need them. Ily floofy plz dont leave:( now we will go home floof Sammy. Hopefully we have enough shells.
Floof come get dinner! You get half a strawberry and a bunch of cilantro! Plus your hay. Have you been eating enough hay chub? You don't want to get gi status and die do you? Eat your food! Now we will color. You can just watch maybe cause I don't think you want a bath floof. Ok now I brush you while we watch a movie. We can watch Peter rabbit. I hate that movie but I think you'd like it floofster. Tubby baby now it us time for bed. You see your friends tomorrow floof!
Ok we will have breakfast then go to the bunny park to play! Floof here is spinach. Eat!
Who will be at bunny park. Floof sandwich loves playing with other buns. Floofys favorite friends are cookie and strawberry. They played tug of war and tossed around jingley balls. They groomed each other and did fun obstacle courses. Cookie jumped off a climbing toy cause she didn't realize how high she was and she fell. All the bunnies ran over to sniff and see if she was ok so fast that the owners hadn't even noticed what had happened before their was a crowd around her. We have to save cookie!! We will drive cookie and her owner to the vet since her owner doesn't have a car floof! I know you want to play but this is more important!
Vet: hello there. Did you have an appointment today?
No its an emergency! She fell! Plz help cookie!
Ill see what I can do ma'am. They are very fragile animals. It's possible there's some internal damage but I won't know without one of the inside the body pictures. I'll go get her looked at for you
Ty so much sir! Floof this means she's going to get help!:) you guys saved her!
Maam could you guys come to the back? I'd like to discuss the costs. Thats going to be 3000 dollars. Also your bunny sadly didn't make it. When she fell she probably already had a weak heart and the stress of all of this killed her.
Omg im so sorry you bunny died and I'm sorry floofy that we didn't save her! This will never be ok!:( let's all just go home.
Since your bunny just died are you going to be ok at home? Yeah I have my family staying with me and we are going to do a celebration of life for cookie. She was such a sweet girl and we have so many good memories from her<3
Ok well I'm never far so give me a call if you need anything! See you soon? Yeah see you soon:)
Hey floof.now that cookies gone I have realized I should spend every day like it could be your last. I'm going to take you to Australia and you can sit in a kangaroo pouchy! I'll book the next flight then we can explore! Tubbito you're going to love it! It will be only a month so dw chubs. You won't lose all of your friend's forever.
Oww the plane hurts!!!!😭😭😭the pain!!!!!! Also it's very high up. I haven't rode on a plane since I was 4. I don't remember it that well besides that it hurt. Also floof is my carry on.
Ohh floof look!!! It's land!!!! That means we must be there!!! Let's grab our stuff!ok now it is landing! We will buckle our seat belts and we will go to out hotel and we'll go find a kangaroo!!!
Ok the hotel looks pretty bad. It could be worse though. It's better than motel 6 I guess! And it allows pets! Oh I think I see a kangaroo outside!! I'll go stuff you in the pouchy!!!!
Owwww it kicked me! And claimed my bunny as it's baby and hopped away! Now what do I do!!
Ill go after it. It's the adventure of a lifetime! It's going to be great!!!!
:O is that... what is that on the ground? Nononono!!!! Floofy!!!!!!!!! I guess it didn't accept you. It flung you out and crushed you. Now I'm all alone. It really did turn into your last day. Maybe it should be my last day too floofy. It is all my fault I am alone. You were so sweet and baby and I put you somewhere that hurt you. I'm sorry floofy. I can never be forgiven. I'll check out of the hotel and hang myself in the woods where nobody will ever find me. My corpse will get eaten and buried under leaves after the rope breaks. My bones will be buried forever and nobody will ever know. Ilysm floofy. That I'll come with you. I won't go to the same place as you but I hope I can see you happy again even for a second while I rot in he'll. I'm sorry kangaroo mama. I shouldn't have made you have to deal with a bunny in your pouchy. It is my fault. Goodbye floofy. I hate saying goodbye😭 ilysm. Bye kangaroo. I hope one day you can forgive me.
I want to die
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 4 months ago
In a world where Crocker and Egbert swap sessions, Rose Lalonde gets the "I'm not a homosexual" treatment
and Crocker gets the "June" treatment (FtM), still becomes Batter Witch 2.0 before the egg breaks, so if you thought Egbert's transition was slow as hell...
Meanwhile, Egbert gets forcefemmed in the Alpha session.
Im joking.
Or am I?
(June and Dirk as best friends? It really depends on how pan/bi the end up being... If June and Dirk decide they only like girls/boys respectively, the ships are neat as hell. But honestly, I kinda enjoy the idea of June throwing Dirk for a loop bc he might like her but she's a girl??? Get some confusion smartass!!! Meanwhile, whatever the fuck June actually feels remains buried under fifty layers of repression, so... no change there)
Personally, I kinda like the idea that Roxy and June try it in the Alpha session and they're the messy gay couple - not DirkJake. In true toxic yuri fashion as is their right, they break up.
It would also end up hilarious if Jake and Dave end up together when the Beta and the Alpha sessions meet ala JohnRoxy in canon - but only bc Dirk and Jake do the pepsicola tango in their session (meaning there's a thriving ship and Dirk is obviously gay wtf man, and it is absolutely bc without Jane to play accidental wingman, Dirk never gets his shit together) - I like to call it the subway shuffle tho
June and Jake are so fucking dense, theyre combined brain power creates a black hole. If Roxy didnt have all the game, no one would be getting any in the Alpha session for fucking real
the Beta session goes about the same, but Jane and Rose may or may not have bullied Dave into coming out of the closet faster. Meanwhile, Rose's crush on Jane may have inadvertently kept Jane's egg safe from any cracks.
Also, Im honestly kinda curious how Jane would react to Dave's endless spewing of toxic masculinity. Bc on one hand, maybe she looks at Dave's idea of masculinity and she looks at her Dad's idea of masculinity, and maybe she calls bullshit. On the other hand, I can fully see Beta!Jane having some radfem leanings (which maps to her whole deal with reproductive rights in canon). Her tendency to be terfy is what leads to her becoming a tyrant, in case that wasn't clear.
(Rose hates her, that ultimately is what cements the crush - Jane gets on her last goddamn nerve and thats hot as hell. Dave and Jade are longsuffering bros that break up their fights. Jane and Rose's client/server catfights are legendary)
Like I said... Jane's eggshell is fucking thicker than a fort knox safe
(re: ectobabies, it is later revealed that June is Jake's daughter, which is actually quite wholesome since Jake always considered her as a little sister as well. He may or may not have jokingly gave Roxy the shovel talk. And it is later revealed that Jane is Jade's mom somehow despite being the same age, they had a very sisterlike relationship from the get-go, so...
As an aside, Jane was labeled the Mom friend and she fancies herself actually everyone's mom - which Jade tolerates, Dave dismisses or eggs on depending on how ironic he's feeling, and Rose despises with every fiber of her being)
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tealfruit · 7 months ago
request for audhd cooking tips post?
aight let's get into it
general cooking tips:
watch a lot of cooking videos. just like, in your spare time or whatever. I used to watch a lot of Tasty vids on Facebook back when that was the big thing, im sure there's still stuff out there like that. absorb the knowledge, bc everyone does need to know How to cook generally, no matter what your deal is. ymmv depending on what you watch and how your brain works, but at the very least you will get ideas and a general sense of several cooking techniques. this is important because:
cooking by measuring and weighing and planning can be really difficult! it is way easier (for me at least) to kinda just, throw things together than to go hunting down all the ingredients and measuring them out. this obviously requires some prior learning and plenty of experimentation, but that's ok, there are a few general things you can try to cook that are harder to fuck up. more on that later. DISCLAIMER: if you are making baked goods DO NOT wing it!!! cooking can be an art but baking is a SCIENCE and you don't fuck with science!!!!
get frozen veggies. get canned veggies. any time you get meat, put it in the freezer immediately unless you're going to cook it that night. with auDHD, perishables are a liability. if it's possible for you, don't get fresh fruits/veggies until you have already planned exactly how to use them in the next 2 or 3 days. "oh I'll stock up on fresh produce in advance so I don't have to go to the store later—" stop. that's the devil talking. your greens will be brown before you get to them. get frozens.
when possible, batch-prepare. full disclaimer I don't do much cooking at home simply bc I work in a school kitchen 5 days a week and get free meals there, but sometimes school is on break. I like to make a big bowl of something like crab salad or chicken salad or egg salad or whatever when I know I'm going to be home a lot so that even if I don't feel like making food, I have something yummy already made.
try to eat a variety of foods. this is advice for anyone but ik auDHD stuff has its own challenges with it. ik safe foods are important, but if you never eat a plant you will feel like shit. you may need to do some exploring to find stuff that you can handle and ways to prepare it that you like but I promise it's worth it.
get a cheap rice cooker. they're like $20 and will change your life. also, if you can afford it, an electric kettle, bc boiling water is way faster in those.
with all these tips in mind, here's 5½ easy recipes I like to make when I'm just not feeling like it. they're highly modifiable and pretty easy to throw together. unfortunately I cannot solve the issue of having to wash dishes afterwards.
Easy Baked Pasta
pasta of your choice (penne, rotini and cavatappi are good for this). preferably enough to fill whatever oven-safe pan you have
jarred pasta sauce of your choice
shredded mozzarella
preheat oven to 350°F
boil your pasta. then drain it.
get a casserole dish, or something that can go in the oven. throw the pasta in there with enough sauce to coat it and stir it around. top with shredded mozz and throw it in the oven.
take out once the cheese is melted and beginning to brown. save leftovers in the same dish if you want, just put a lid or some aluminum foil on it.
you can do so much else with this recipe if you feel like it. saute some veggies and add them in, add meat, buy the Fancy jarred sauce, hell make your own sauce if you want. but if you just fucking CANT EVEN today, thisll do in a pinch. (I actually am making this for dinner tonight, using some sauce I made for meatball subs yesterday)
you could even do this with a boxed macaroni if you wanted to make it super fancy!
Baked Chicken
raw chicken, any cut, bone-in or boneless, whatever
sauce or seasonings of your choice (BBQ, teriyaki, sweet chili, etc), maybe minced garlic or parmesan
preheat oven to 350°F
get your chicken. pat it down with a paper towel if it's real wet, you want it kinda dry. put it in a mixing bowl
if you are using a sauce, dump it in the bowl and move the chicken around so it's covered in it. if you're using just seasonings, dump oil in there first and oil the chicken nice and thorough and then the seasonings.
get a baking sheet and grease it down well with cooking spray or oil. lay the chicken on the sheet and put it in the oven. once it reaches an internal temp of 180°F for bone-in or 165°F for boneless, it's ready to eat. (if you don't have a thermometer, just stab it with a fork and see if the insides look pink. if not, it's probably done, but err on the side of overcooking—salmonella is no joke!). serve with rice or pastaroni or whatever.
there's a version of this I do with potatoes and onions as well, but it takes a few extra steps. you gotta cut up and boil the potatoes and cut the onions, cover them in oil and herbs and seasonings, layer them in a casserole dish and put the chicken on top also covered in oil and herbs and seasonings. and then bake it. but thats an entire meal and you'll probably have some potatoes leftover for breakfast in the morning too!
also, we literally do this recipe at my job, because it's delicious and easy to make a lot quickly. literally just chicken drumsticks, covered in sauce and baked.
ALSO, you could do this with salmon as well. it's very good with olive oil, lemon juice, dill and parsley. OR just sweet chili sauce.
Easy Fried Rice
rice, preferably leftover but fresh is fine
chopped vegetables you like (I suggest bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, peas, corn and/or carrots)
prepared chicken (optional)
soy sauce
heat some oil in a pan or wok on medium heat
add in vegetables and sautee them for a bit
add in rice and soy sauce, mix well. keep everything moving
scooch everything to the side away from the heat. crack the egg in there and scramble it around. once it's mostly set stir the rest of it all together and it's basically done
easy to batch-cook for leftovers later. I like to use onions, mushrooms, bacon and egg for "breakfast fried rice". you can add in other sauces you like as well. and of course I'd be remiss if I didn't add: you should put MSG in there if you have it. it'll elevate it so much.
Roasted Vegetable
vegetable(s) you like, cut into pieces around 1". cauliflower, corn, zucchini and yellow squash are all really good for this. potatoes, broccoli, sugar snap peas and carrots are also really good, but if you're using them fresh id suggest blanching them first if you can. it's fine if you can't, they'll just take longer to cook
herbs and seasonings of your choice, salt and pepper
preheat oven to 350-375°F, depending on vegetable. look up "roasted (vegetable) recipe" if you're really super not sure, get the cook time here too.
combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl, toss to coat. layer them on an oiled baking sheet and put em in the oven.
cook for, probably about 20-30 minutes, flip halfway through.
another recipe from work. a great side dish.
Beans and Corn Mix
can of black beans, drained
can of corn, drained
can of diced tomatoes, drained
frozen bell pepper and onion mix
minced garlic
taco seasoning
heat oil in a big ass pan on medium heat
put the frozen onion and pepper in there, CAREFULLY. saute till thawed
add in the rest of the ingredients. there will be some juice in the bottom, so saute till things are kinda dry looking.
serve on tortillas with shredded cheese, or in scrambled eggs, or just eat it whatever it's good
I like making this when we do nachos but I always make a ton of it and then spend the week eating it in my breakfast with scrambled eggs.
last but not least, Fancy Sandwich
I'm not making a whole recipe for this. next time you go to make a sandwich, take the meat and cheese on one bread (cheese on top) and any veggies/dressings (not lettuce) on the other, and put them on a baking sheet and throw it in the oven for like, idk 5-10 minutes. til the cheese melts. throw the two halves together and cut it diagonally. bam, Fancy Sandwich.
hopefully you find this all helpful! it's tough out there but things are easier with a full and nourished belly. just like senshi says
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fictionfixations · 8 months ago
tried to do more with instant ramen (noodles? im so bad with terms) cause ive only ever just added the normal stuff
ive been watching a bunch of cooking videos and its like. they either add cheese or eggs
and eggs felt a lot more risky (although from what i understand of reading other ppls experiences its probably better to crack it in and stir while cooking, or alternatively mix it in a seperate bowl and then pour in? and ppl seem to agree to put it in a minute before its done)
so i went with cheese
which. i kind of regret. i didnt like it. Bhedrufghi
maybe its that youre meant to drain the water
maybe its the kind of cheese because i actually dont like it that much (as a kid i ate a bunch of those american cheese slices until i wanted to throw up so tHAT probably didnt help but tough luck thats the only cheese i had)
maybe it was meant to cook longer. but listen. i use the microwave. i dont know how to use the stove (LISTEn its not that im incompetent in the kitchen. i mean, i am, but im so fucking baffled on how it works. me dumb.)
idfk. i took the slice, tore it into other pieces, put it on top, then put it in for a minute.
the tasting of the cheese with the noodles felt so weird and maybe it wouldve been better drained but i feel like i rekindled my 'unable to handle that kind of cheese'
like idk maybe other cheeses melt better. but i dont really fancy the idea of trying it again
now eggs. how do i know i wont hate it like the cheese. ive had it before. i just dont know how it was made. and im kinda nervous cause. i mean, i get people like.. raw.. eggs.? do they??? supposedly egg on top gets like steamed(?) and the bottom gets cooked and up to the top so its fine but uh i think id die inside if i tried and it turned out to be raw somehow 😭
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yokohungry · 1 year ago
Made korean styled foods for board gaming dinner. Personally I think the food there is my favorite style of cooking.
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Marinated chicken thighs in the fridge. Im always excited to use the grill.
I should have just done a double batch of japchae because that is my favorite.
Beansprouts, broccoli and savoy cabbage were all prepped in a sort of lazy manner. Microwaved till tender, then salted and dress with sesame oil.
Potato salad- I like to study the history of this one. It's identical to the korean one. Which makes me think maybe US WW2 connections?
Every time I make rolled egg, I feel like Im a bad Japanese, I have no rectangular pan and ifs pretty common to have one! 😂
Leftover canned corn always makes me laugh.
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Had some fancy cakes that I didn't take pictures of because I don't understand how food blogging works when there is such delicious in front of you.
Then again I didn't take pictures of the game we played either.... 😅
Timeline: Star Wars. It's fine, as long as you know the franchise because it'll do the bad co-op thing and have other players make you're decisions.
Wyrmspan. I like it better than Wingspan. But were these games always so, solitaire? Still enjoyable and has the best art and design.
KOREAN POKEMON SPLENDOR. Lol, I haven't played splendor much (maybe once? Twice?) It was fine, sorta solitaire again. The game is in Korean, but is Pokemon franchise and does have the Splendor creators name on it.
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