#maybe the world is over or something
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Must Be Something In The Water - Smile 2 Alternate Ending/Continuation
Chapter 2
Everything felt… foggy.
Like floating in an endless abyss of nothingness.
Everything felt overwhelming. Like the nothingness that surrounded her was beginning to consume her from the inside out. She could feel herself wasting away, becoming one with the universe all over again.
And you know what? That was okay, she found.
Nothing was better than everything. She had gone through so much in her final days, and she was quite frankly looking forward to finally escaping the pain and suffering.
And then…. Out of the nothingness came….
A pinprick of light at the edge of her vision, as if the darkness was only a sheet of paper, and had been stabbed by a sewing needle.
She reached for that light, letting it grow and swallow her.
For a moment, (or maybe it had been a while???) All she could feel was the feeling of cool air blowing against her skin, and the sounds of machines beeping all around her.
She slowly, and groggily regained consciousness, trying and failing to remember anything and everything that had taken place. Where she was. How she’d managed to get here.
The room had gone silent, she noticed first. That was odd. That monotonous beeping had been nice.
She felt her eyes flutter open, still blurry with sleep, and …. For some reason, her right eye was dark. As if something was blocking her vision.
She slowly lifted her fingertips towards her face, her arm trembling with the insane amount of effort it took to raise her arm at all. Her hand found soft cotton surrounding that half of her face. Had something happened to her eye???
She found, to her own dismay, she couldn’t recall. She couldn’t remember a lot, actually. What had happened. Who she was.
That one frightened her a little bit.
She couldn’t even recall her own name. She couldn’t recall… anyone’s name. She could remember vague faces and voices, but…. None of them had a name attached to their face.
She looked around, trying to make her eyes regain focus. The room was mostly dark, all aside from the light filtering in through the window nearby.
Once again, she realized that the room was dead silent, and horribly still. Was she in the hospital?? It almost seemed to be too quiet to be a hospital at all.
She opened her mouth and sucked in a breath, feeling her heart beginning to race as more and more questions without answers bubbled up.
She attempted to speak, and found that her throat was incredibly dry, her voice coming out cracked and inaudible. She hoarsely coughed, and tried clearing her throat.
“H-hello??” She croaked, hearing her own voice leaving her mouth and sounding so unlike her. She looked around the room again, and saw absolutely no movement. Heard no movement whatsoever. “Hello??? Someone help…” she whispered into the dark calm of the room, and was once again met with silence.
All at once, she realized that she was incredibly thirsty. She felt as though she hadn’t drank anything for days.
Her eyes darted to her bedside table, finding several vases of slightly wilted flowers and multiple cards, boxes, clothes… just a whole lot of nothing helpful. She found herself wincing, a pain beginning to flare up in her face and lower back.
Oh jeez. She couldn’t remember much from before, but she could definitely remember that back pain.
“…Doctor?” She called out, her rasping voice still barely breaching a whisper. “Nurse?… Anyone??” She breathed slowly, not understanding how she could be waking up like this and not have doctors and nurses surrounding her like vultures.
Why was that though??
She glanced over to the upper panel of her bed, and noticed the buttons to adjust her bed, as well as a big red button labeled “CALL”. She raised a shaking hand up and pressed the button, expecting a beep, a crackle of static from the speaker, anything. She was only met with silence. How odd. She pressed the button a few more times, listening closely to see if it was working. Silence was the only sound that greeted her.
She rolled her eyes in annoyance, feeling a little flare of frustration rise up inside her. Those damn call buttons were literally there to save lives, and it just so happens that she got the one that didn’t work. Fantastic.
Her eyes were drawn back to the vase of flowers, more importantly, the water that the flowers were sitting in.
Her stomach churned at the sight of the water, and suddenly it didn’t seem to be such a big deal that she was in pain or that the doctors weren’t immediately at her bedside, because all she cared about was the fact that she needed water. Asap.
She reached her trembling arm out towards the vase, and found that lifting just the weight of her arm felt like an impossible task. She strained, trying to scoot over just enough that she could bat at the vase with her fingertips. She was finally able to get a slight grip on the vase and she dragged it closer, her hands reaching up towards the flowers she didn’t give a shit about, and tossing them to the floor.
She reached her other arm out, and carefully took the vase into her hands. Her arms shook with the effort it took to keep the vase held up, and after what felt like eternity, she was able to set the vase into her lap.
She felt a little grossed out at the thought of drinking from a dirty vase, but another part of her couldn’t make herself care enough to not get a drink.
Bringing the vase to her lips with trembling hands, she took a long drink of the water, and immediately felt her mouth and throat cool down. It was glorious, and the taste was unlike anything she had ever experienced. She didn’t really have time to taste it much before she was chugging the entire vase of water, ignoring the splashes that ran down her chin and onto the sheets and blankets.
She made it about ½ way through the water when a thought struck her, almost making her drop the vase on accident.
Her mother wasn’t here.
The memory of her mom startled her, and she found herself pulling the vase away from her mouth and sucking in a nervous breath.
Her eyes scanned the room again, this time in search of her mom. The room was still silent. Still empty.
She was still alone.
She had been angry with her mom, she slowly began to remember. She had yelled at her about something, and then her mom had screamed back at her. And then….
She glanced up to the wall, and found a mirror hanging on the opposite wall from her. In the mirror, she was able to see her own reflection staring back at her, and she was taken aback.
Her face was wrapped in a white cloth that was completely covering the entire right side of her face. She had a substantial amount of bruising around her usable eye and her nose, painting her skin in deep shades of black, blue and purple. Her hair was a tousled mess, and she looked as though she had not eaten anything in ages.
She looked frail. Weak.
She exhaled slowly, feeling her own breath shaking with her as things began to piece together.
Her name was Skye. She was a famous singer. And…something bad happened to her. A lot of bad things had happened to her, but something worse happened to her.
She vaguely remembered standing up on a stage, and seeing thousands of eyes gazing back at her from the darkness, lights from above completely blinding her. She remembered being terrified.
Suddenly, and all at once, her stomach did a flip and she fell forwards, hanging her head over the edge of the bed and vomiting up all the water she had just drank. Skye gagged harshly, until nothing came up again. She reasoned that maybe she shouldn’t have drank all that water so fast.
The adrenaline shock seemed to sharpen her mind, and she realized that usually a doctor would’ve come to check on her by now, if this was just a typical hospital. But no one had come yet… and now that she thought about it, since when were hospitals ever this silent?
Her gaze turned towards the door nearby, and she noticed that the door was closed and locked completely.
Skye furrowed her brows in confusion. Why would the doctors lock her in her room?
She suddenly felt a strong urge to get up out of bed and go looking around for someone.
She glanced down at her left arm, finding tubes and needles poked into her skin, covered up with clear medical tape.
She reached for the tubes and tried to gingerly tug them free from her skin, but she was immediately met with a flash of pain when trying to pull on them. She grimaced, instead moving to peel the tape away instead.
That worked better, and she was able to quickly free herself from the tubes and needles. She tossed them down to the side of her bed and scrunched her nose in disgust when blood began to seep out of the holes they had left behind in her skin.
Skye slowly moved to swing her legs off the edge of the bed, and found that it took a lot of her strength and concentration to make her body work and coordinate with her mind. She sat there for a moment, shivering at the sudden cold, not being covered by her blankets any longer. It was freezing, and the hospital gown that she had wrapped loosely around her body was not nearly enough to keep her warm.
She shivered uneasily, exhaling slowly. A small puff of mist escaped her mouth.
Okay. That was weird. Hospitals definitely shouldn’t be cold enough that the patients can see their own breath.
Skye shivered, reaching forwards and pulling a folded up hoodie off of her nightstand and slowly pulling it on over her head. The black fabric was soft, and still completely untouched. It was one of the hoodies she had released the last time she went on tour, and had an embarrassingly large image of her own face printed on the front, her name trailing down the left sleeve in a loopy cursive font.
Without a second thought, she carefully pushed herself off the bed and climbed to her feet, her knees trembling under her weight, and her leg muscles immediately threatening to give out under her. She inhaled shakily, before quietly letting it out and taking a step. The moment her leg lifted off the ground, she lost her balance and fell backwards, stumbling into the hospital bed directly behind her.
The smooth plastic railing dug into her spine, and instantly sent shots of pain through her like red fireworks. She grabbed the edge of the bed with all her strength, biting back a scream of pain, and trying to force her leg muscles to work.
Finally, after what felt like forever, her legs had stopped shaking so harshly, and she felt as though she was now able to stand on her own without her muscles betraying her.
She stood still for a moment, still shakily trying to breathe and regain her composure again. Her back was still throbbing angrily, but she figured since it was just a small bump she probably would be okay for the time being.
She gingerly snaked her fingers back behind her back and pressed against the sore spot, feeling the familiar ridge of her surgery scar. She massaged small circles into her muscles, trying to keep herself calm while she tried to alleviate the pain.
It didn’t take long before her back released a bit of its tension, her muscles warmed up and ready to move again.
She exhaled slowly, turning to look around her room now that she was up on her feet.
As she suspected, she was most certainly in a small hospital room. The only odd thing about it… well, all the lights and machines in the room were off. Even the heart monitor that she had been hooked up to was silent, its screen dark.
She swallowed, a nervous feeling beginning to rise up. She held onto the railing of her hospital bed once again, and carefully lifted her foot up, the muscles in her other leg still trembling weakly, but managing to keep her supported. She tried the other leg, and had a similar result.
She supposed she would probably be okay as long as she was careful. She just needed to step out of her room and flag down a nurse.
She took a wobbling step forwards, taking her hand off of the bed and praying that she was able to stay upright.
Her head was really beginning to bother her, and her eye throbbed painfully with every heartbeat. She really hoped she could find a nurse soon. Fuck, some Vicodin would be phenomenal right now. That thought irked a little bit of irritation in her, realizing the likelihood of the doctors prescribing it to her was extremely slim.
She took a couple more steps, being careful to stay upright and balanced, and finally, she was able to press her shoulder against the wall again. At least she had something to keep her standing, even if she lost her footing.
She lifted an arm, already beginning to feel the exhaustion setting in just from walking over here. She really wished she could sit back down for a moment, but she also really needed to have a nurse come in and speak with her. She still was having trouble remembering what happened and just how exactly she had gotten here.
She reached forward and pushed the door latch open, and then unlocked the door handle. She breathed slowly, trying to keep her body moving. The last thing she needed to do was have a fall right now.
She pushed the door handle down and took a few steps forward, peeking out the door.
Her heart sank.
The hallway was almost completely pitch black, and there were only 2 of the overhead fluorescent lights illuminated down towards the end of the hall. In the dim light, she could see the faint outlines of runaway gurneys littering the halls, papers covering every surface, and (though she may have just imagined it) she could’ve sworn she saw the still form of a person down at the end of the hall, lying completely still.
She felt herself immediately tense up, her breath catching in her throat. She took a small step back, letting the door slowly swing closed.
She inhaled slowly, her interest in going searching for a doctor vanishing in an instant.
Her heart had already begun to hammer frantically in her chest, her muscles instinctively beginning to tremble with the beginnings of an adrenaline rush.
Oh god, something bad must be happening. Something really bad by the looks of it. How long had she been asleep for?? Where was everyone, and why had she been left here??
With panic beginning to course through her veins, she twisted the locks on her door closed once again and pushed the door stopper down. She took a few more steps away from the door, her mind beginning to flutter nervously with anxious thoughts. Why was she here?? What had happened?? Where were her friends and family? Where was her mom?
She let her fingers tangle into her hair, the nerves already overwhelming her, and she harshly tugged at her scalp in an attempt to make herself calm down. The longer she kept her hair clutched in her fist, the more it pulled her scalp until finally, several strands ripped free into her palms.
She felt herself take a deep breath in, letting the hair free from her hands and turning back towards her room.
There, on her nightstand, was her saving grace.
Her phone.
Instantly, her mind brightened at the thought. She could call the police. She could call her mom and ask her to pick her up. She could call Gemma-
Her mind nearly did a barrel roll at the memory of her lifelong friend’s name. Her old ride or die. The friend that insisted that she would stay with her through everything.
But she hadn’t, had she?
No. She had left when things got rough. When the drugs became an issue.
After Paul.
The crash.
Rehab, recovery, the tour, meet and greets, photo shoots, dress rehearsals, Lewis-
Her mind stopped on that memory, and it all was starting to come back to her. All the weird-ass behavior. The screaming. The crunching on bone and flesh against solid steel. The smile.
She outstretched her hand, bracing herself against the wall as her stomach did another somersault, and she instinctively leaned forward, attempting to throw something up that wasn’t there.
The smiles… they had been the problem. They were the things that had been chasing her, haunting her, hurting her. Using her mind like a weapon against herself. She remembered feeling as though she was going insane, like she had no control over anything that happened around or to her. Feeling less like a person and more like a puppet on a string, being yanked about for others entertainment.
For IT’s entertainment.
Another wave of nausea rolled over her as she explicitly remembered the way that awful….thing had looked at her. It looked so excited. So gleeful about her terror and pain. It’s eyes she remembered best of all. Those horrible bloodshot eyes, so swollen they looked ready to burst like overripe fruit left to rot.
The sounds of her jaw breaking inside her own head, as it tore her apart from the inside out.
That memory above all the others, made her physically cringe, her hands reaching up to grab at her face, just to satisfy her own mind that she did not, in fact, have her head split open like a watermelon.
That image made her feel even sicker.
She needed to stop thinking about this shit right now. There was a time and a place, and right now was not it.
She shambled back towards her bedside, her legs feeling stronger and stronger after each passing moment. Her hands found their way around her phone, unplugging it from the charger and clicking the power on. Her battery percentage was at 8 percent, it seemed the phone had never charged at all in the first place.
The date was November 25th, 2024.
The last point in which she could remember had been the launch day for her tour, which had been on October 18th.
She had been asleep for over a month.
#skye riley#smile 2#still writing this story and I DONT KNOW WHAT IM DOING#where is this even going#Zombies??? maybe??? smile curse zombies??? idk#maybe the world is over or something#where did the people all go
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hi it's me. "telling" in writing is sometimes fine. if you think a scene is better served by summarizing a character's reaction in plain, direct language, that's a thing you're allowed to do. you could consider elaborating from that direct language and using that to "show".
but like "show, don't tell" is absolutely not always the case unless you really want to buff out your word count. i had a writer early on quote "show, don't tell" to me when i showed her a scene that included what was essentially a set-piece character i described as a "sleepy-eyed dancer". she wanted me to spend time describing this character's exhaustion instead of just directly saying it. This dancer - who is referenced once in the initial description of a setting and never, ever shows up again.
that was probably the day i learned that you can hear writing advice and respond politely but quietly think "mm no". you can also do this.
(feel free to fight me in the comments but know that i despise catchy and generalized writing advice like this and the way it can hinder new writers when stated with no room for exploration. and i will die on this hill. i am not normal about this)
#writeblr#writing advice#oh god the amount of time i spent stressing over making sure i never TOLD anything#dude if that's your vibe and intent that's cool! work with that!#you should be able to show things#you should also know when something is not meant to be given that much detail#and it's a great skill to learn how to TELL things and still make direct language come across as interesting to read#play with it#“she was sad” “she had never known depression like this” “the despair stung in the back of her throat like bile”#different perspectives have different ways of seeing the world maybe
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I think it would really benefit people to internalize that mental illnesses are often chronic and not acute. Some of us will never be able to jump the hurdle of managing illness, much less sustaining a sense of normalcy. Many of us will never "recover," will never manage symptoms, will never even come close to appearing normal - and this is for any condition, even the ones labeled as "simple" disorders or "easy-to-manage" disorders.
It isn't a failure if you cannot manage your symptoms. It isn't a moral failure, and you aren't an awful person. You are human. There's only so much you can do before recognizing that you cannot lift the world. Give yourself the space to be ill because, functionally, you are.
#mental health#mental health advocacy#like... anxiety and depression are often concieved of as simple and easy to manage...#...but that isn't the case for so many of us. anxiety and depression just have a lot more research invested into them...#...and while i wish this were the case for literally every other condition it does alter people's perception of you to some extent...#...so while this is NOT solely about anxiety or depression it includes us...#...my anxiety and depression and PTSD have *destroyed* my life. this is chronic and will probably be life-long...#...and that isn't my fault. i've done the fucking work but guess what? that doesn't account for the fact that I Am Just ILL#the least we can do for each other is to be compassionate#be compassionate to those who cannot heal. be compassionate to the people who can't manage their lives. this world is scary enough#recognize that management of symptoms is something not all of us can do - even IF their condition is labeled as 'easy to manage'#i allowed myself to feel angry that i can't heal 'normally' and that was unfair as fuck toward myself#and i NEED people to internalize this so that MAYBE this could help somebody else who is where i was#i NEED them to understand that it's okay that they are where they are - sometimes shit just doesn't turn out how you expect or want#don't beat yourself over you being a person. you are struggling enough. you deserve to rest. just rest please#and just... give yourself space
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me: noooo! i will always side with the good guys! i wanna daydream about being besties w the autobots and hanging out at the base :)
that evil worm infecting my brain: but like… imagine being the cons’ favorite little pet around the nemesis…. like you always have to be on someone’s shoulder keeping them company bc the cons don’t care to watch where they step
or helping knockout fit in better by giving his vehicle mode a “driver” so he can race more often, or even just having to third wheel with kobd like yes pls
or secretly having wavewave wrapped around your finger bc they’re both big scary mechs who don’t care much for emotions but come on… you’re just so little and eager to help… it’s so charming…
starscream and megatron acting like they could care less about you and just using you to get back at the other somehow, but like… cmon they love having you around, you’re loyal as a dog to them, it fuels their egos a little too much LMAO
yeah the brainrot’s hitting a little too hard rn
#idk if it’s the appeal of winning over the affection of someone that is supposed to hate you??#that’s probably something for therapy-#or maybe it’s the whole villain appeal of ‘they’d burn the world for you’ idk#yeah i wanna be shared by wavewave let me be their lil shoulder cat while they work pls#tfp#transformers x reader#transformers prime#maccadam#transformers#tfp soundwave#tfp shockwave#tfp knockout#knockout tfp#kobd#tfp breakdown#tfp megatron#tfp starscream#i hope someone gets what i’m going for or this will be cringe probably
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cumplane au but they both keep accidentally dom-ing each other
#they would be arguing over something stupid#and shen qingqiu would kabedon shang qinghua to prove a point about something#and qinghua would zone out for the rest of qingqiu's rant#or maybe they'd be arguing over who was stronger (qinghua might have weaker cultivation overall but he's still a physical cultivator)#so they'd arm wrestle or something#and qingqiu would accuse qinghua of cheating because he couldn't move his arm#and so qinghua would grab both of his arms with one handand be like#“Bet you can't still cant move my hand haha”#and qingqiu would slowly turn red as he struggled but couldn't get free#(they're doing this without their enhanced cultivator strength btw)#before resorting to headbutting him in the face and running away to qing jing peak until the next peak lord meeting#just them manhandling each other without realizing the other is into it#visiting each other in person more often is completely unrelated#and if there's more pda#they're from the modern world!#of course they're physically closer then expected!#friends are supposed to be close and affectionate! (not that those shut-ins would know lmao)#it's completely normal :)#svsss#shang qinghua#shen qingqiu#cumplane#writing prompt#svsss au#suggestive
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Hfjone au where instead of kidnapping people for his reality show he accidentally discovers twitch and starts a stream and becomes the most popular twitch streamer ever. People love tuning in to watch forest man and his wacky antics. They love the “larp.” Twitch keeps trying to get him to come to cons he can never attend. People make wildly popular edits and gifs of him to share on stan twitter.
Instead of getting people to entertain him, he works to entertain people.
#hfjone#hfjone airy#airy hfjone#airy#one airy#airy one#one object show#osc#object show community#yappingdogg#this way he gets a purpose and socialization#maybe one day one of his biggest fans makes a superchat saying something like#wish i was there with you right now! id pay anything to be there#and oblivious airy beams her up to the forest#people go insane because Holy shit! new character in the airyverse!#and then it turns serious as her family sends out a missing persons report#people start tuning into the stream from all over the world#New Character is frazzled and doesnt know where they are#they talk to the police through the stream#and drag airy into it who tells his story#police dreg up records of a death dating back to the 70s#this random truck driver#anyways the hfjoneverse finds out about the afterlife and paralell universes through TWITCH#they eventually coach airy into getting both of them to earth safe#airy gets put into custody but#she did ask to go there?#its a weird situation#court has no laws about spacetime#anyways airy gets therapy#integrated into society through twitch and he lives in a house with his fellow streamers and joins an smp or something HAPPY ENDING AIRY PLE
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{ @qin-qin16, @averageimp. The post I was talking about. }
Had a random thought while scrolling through the arcane tag but the way some caitvi shippers hate on Maddie for “getting in the way of caitvi” instead of also hating Caitlyn (both cait and Maddie, but I feel there’s a lot better reasons to dislike Maddie outside of “ruining” a relationship that was hardly even a relationship like Cait wasn’t equally as willing and responsible—such as ya know, being an indoctrinated seemingly sadistic spy helping a military force invade and conquer another nation) for—
not only choosing to sleep with and share her bed with another woman while the one who she supposedly “loves” is being beaten in a pit for money and drinking herself half to death,
But also using her power and authority and money and position to oppress and abuse the people of Zaun instead of helping them or even using all those resources to look for Vi and apologize or some shit,
Also abusing her power over Maddie. Maddie introduced herself to Vi as a “junior officer.”
Caitlyn is a Commander/Sheriff. She is Maddie’s commander. She is Maddie’s superior. Now I don’t know if the Enforcers would be considered more like the police force or the military, maybe both, but I think this could be considered Fraternization and an abuse of her power.
Now we all know that it turns out Maddie is a Noxus spy and her superior is actually Ambessa, but Caitlyn doesn’t know this. She believes she has power, authority, and rank over Maddie. She believes Maddie is her subordinate.
Caitlyn abuses her power and authority in more ways than one, and if Maddie weren’t a Noxus spy and Ambessa wasn’t buddy buddy with Caitlyn, Caitlyn could’ve very well ruined Maddie’s life and career if she so chose to do so on a whim,
Not to mention: Maddie’s whole spy gig wouldn’t have worked at all if Caitlyn weren’t so eager to abuse her authority and sleep with her subordinates.
Between Maddie and Vi, maybe Cait has a thing for women who are of less power and privilege than her—or at least women she views that way. Or maybe she just truly is that blind and ignorant of the power and privilege she has, or perhaps she just doesn’t care.
Regardless, it’s a little strange. Caitlyn is a full grown woman who has enough power to declare martial law and a warlord of another nation and her forces behind her. Maddie is a junior officer, who Cait does not know is actually a spy.
She is perfectly okay with the knowledge of this, and felt it was perfectly okay to allow a relationship with someone below her in rank and status and authority.
This sets up an inherent power dynamic where, in a more realistic world or if the writers had acknowledged this/Maddie hadn’t been a spy, she very well could’ve been at a risk of being fired or discharged from her job if she ever decided she didn’t want to sleep with her Boss anymore; even if the reason is as simple as Cait doesn’t want to take the risk of Maddie telling anyone and getting her in trouble.
Or, considering the fact that Cait had the power to declare martial law and is basically a dictator, could potentially have Maddie executed and claim it was for reasons such as “treason” or “being a traitor,” regardless of if it’s actually true or not in this scenario. Because Cait has so much power that her word is basically law, especially when compared to Maddie’s.
All in all, Maddie only “got in the way of caitvi” because Cait allowed her to and actively refused to use her massive manpower and resources to go look for Vi and make things up with her for months on end—instead wasting that time oppressing the lower class, hunting down and obsessing over Jinx, training with Ambessa, and using her subordinate’s body for her own gain while also acting cold and dismissive towards her once she got what she wanted for the day.
#anti caitlyn kiramman#anti caitvi#maddie nolen#arcane critical#arcane criticism#maybe enforcer ranks aren’t 1-to-1 like our world#but even Ambessa cautioned Caitlyn against being with Maddie#‘the hazards of professional entanglements.’#I’m also not Maddie Stan or whatever#I don’t think much about her#but this is something to consider I feel#<- every other tag is just in case#i don’t really post here#maybe don’t take away Caitlyn’s agency in this.#she chose to sleep with another woman.#vi goes and gets beaten up after a bad breakup.#Caitlyn got with one woman she had power and authority over.#it’s not even the same.#Maddie hardly even had to try to manipulate her.#& acting like Caitlyn couldn’t have called off the whole arrangement immediately#instead of acting cold towards Maddie#is ridiculous.#she could’ve called it off long before vi came back.#but she didn’t.#because she wanted to use her subordinate.#arcane#caitlyn kiramman#vi arcane#ambessa medarda#<- tagging anti for filtering purposes.
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imagining this very funny totally amusing bit where dust (despite having a lot of pockets) makes horror carry a lighter for him (only because he can't be bothered to remember to bring one on him all the time) and horror keeps it in his head
but horror's a dick so everytime dust wants to smoke and he needs a light horror's always like "whats the password :3" (he actually said the emoticon i was the quotation marks) and dust has to guess. because horror changes it every time. and its never something predictable. and then he either just totally gives up on that cig or he has to forcefully dig into horror's head to get the lighter because horror's being a PRICK
now dust is shoulder deep into horror's eyesocket while horror is clawing and screaming and killer's just standing there behind them watching this unfold with that fuckass smile on his face (he can't get this type of entertainment anywhere else)
#bonus: this means that horror could theoretically breathe fire#like the world's shittiest magician!!!! he would need a shitton of fuel tho to get a big flame#peak mtt interactions i believe. knowledge of canon is only to make more ridiculous scenarios realistic#killer worlds best bystander to dust and horror's bullshit. he sees something he says NOTHING#erm well technically! the eye goop would get in the way of his vision so he actually doesn't see anything either! alright wrap it up pal#i COULD make this into a comic but i simply have larger priorities rn i cant (tweaking out over hw still)#horror if you were just less of a bitch maybe you wouldnt be in this situation#but it's the matter of the principle he says. dust has to guess the password he says. well who's complaining when dust is in your skull huh#this too counts as horrordust beefing. because you'd think that horror would just give the lighter to dust#but unfortunately this was posted by me (triglycercule) and i will have no such thing as bear horror on this account#dust would wear cargo shorts he would wear a cargo vest he'd have a belt with pockets he'd have secret shoe pockets he IS a pocket#why wouldnt dust just keep the lighter on him!!! CMON he's mellowed out since his dusttale days!! the human is dead so now he can be lazier#not lazy enough that he can couch rot for 3 weeks straight (he needs to stay SOMEWHAT active (force of habit))#but lazy enough where if he has a living purse then he will use said purse for its pursing purpose#horror's head doesnt even have enough space for dust to fit his arm in wtf. improper use of eye socket ahh 😭😭#tricule rant#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#murder time trio#utmv#sans au#THEYRE SO SILLY MTT MY SILLY GOOFS!!!! a rare moment where they beef but it has nothing to do with their lore/backstories
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thinking about a wider-mcyt like. death network. like their are several reapers/gods that all watch over/take care of different aspects of death. kristin is in charge of permadeaths (hardcore/limited lives servers), zed(eath) is in charge of like. a few respawnable worlds- not all of them because i imagine with there being so many more of them and them each having so many more deaths its a big responsibility. pix works part time with just the one world (empires). i don't actually watch that many smps and it seems a common enough trope so if theres anyone else from another smp that would fit feel free to add on :D
they're all coworkers.
#grian asked zed to watch over the life series as a favour#he traded with kristin so she has a non hardcore world to watch over also#i havent watched philza regularly in years so uh. maybe like qsmp or something idk#mcytblr#i was thinking about this in the shower this morning#trixtin#is that her tag idk#lady death kristin#???#i will be so real im not on wifi rn i dont have the little prompts#zedaph#zedeath#pixlriffs#there's alpacas outside my window#l#saymbles#this could be mcyteu#but it migjt interfere with pix lore
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The Totally Canon Ultimate Friend Group
#Remembered I could draw whatever I wanted#What if they were all happy#What then#gravity falls#stanley pines#stanford pines#fiddleford mcgucket#carla mccorkle#mystery trio#I personally call Stanley Ford and Carla the Jersey Trio#Jersey Trio#I could write an essay about these kids#Carla and Ford get to nerd out about geek stuff like Star Wars or whatever the equivalent is. Stan and Carla are dating obvi#Fiddleford and Carla are friend-of-a-friend for each other but they're also pretty chill with each other#And they're all happy and in college / trade school / something#Ultimate friend group goals#Watch them all head over to GF and be the most epic group ever forever#Guys what if they were happy 😭😭😭#stan twins#young stan twins#young stanford pines#teen stan#teen ford#Carla mccorkle x Stanley pines#This is so self indulgent I'm so happy and free#college stanford pines#backupsmore#Or maybe West Coast Tech this is a perfect world after all. They're all happy and together#my art
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Why do so many people unironically think the Fire Nation is the misogyny-less “girlboss” nation. What the fuck.
#avatar the last airbender#the fire nation#‘haha Zuko learns about misogyny’ he spent thirteen years around his dad I can guarantee you he knows what that is#like. the fucking weirdness of exalting the genocidal colonizer nation above all else aside#it’s just textually untrue?#Ozai kidnapped Ursa.#even if we don’t take the search as canon he still clearly has and wields power over Ursa#Azula becoming fire lord doesn’t mean Ozai is a guy supportive of girlbosses it just means he hates his son’s guts#and the title of fire lord he gave Azula was empty. it literally didn’t mean anything. like he pronounced himself Ruler of the World#and declared there would be no more nations it would just burn under him#like Zuko is not some enlightened feminist#like sure maybe we could argue that the fire nation in LoK is a lot better but also the Fire Nation is like…never talked about in LoK#and there’s something incredibly gross about all these headcanons about Enlightened Feminist Zuko (Fire nation)#showing the Evil Reductive Misogynists (water tribe) the light#like you realize how weird that is right#right.
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Little bright colored outfit with a fun vest ~
(shoes from ebay like 10 years ago. everything else is thrifted)
#ootd#jfashion#fashion#fantasy fashion#mori kei#....like... adjacent... lol#no idea what style this would be lol.. makes me think of like whimsical vaguely fantasy themed childrens book character#finally posting one of my aforementioned seven million drafts of actual outfits and costumes i have finished and edited#the photos for but just never feel like posting lol..#I need to find one of those people whos like 'omg i am ADDICTED to social media ugh i wish i could get off of it#im just browsing and posting like 60 times a daaaaay!!!' and take a little magical bottle and suck some of the social media#enthusiasim out of them. for moi. In exchange they can have some of my 'literally just never in the mood to post or interact with the#outside world ever' energy. We can balance each other. huzzah and so on#Though I think maybe it's part of the general thing I've heard of like.. I can't remember if it was in reference to adhd or just some sort#of general execcutive functioning issue type of thing - but the idea that things have to be ''just right'' before you do something. like#'oh i need to do this task. but i have to wait until XYZ first' or 'oh i can do this but only if X specific condition is met' or etc#The fact that I even have to be in a Specific Mindset to post. or sometimes will delay posting on social media because like 'oh well#I'm going somewhere tomorrow. somehow this matters. i cannot spend 5 minuts posting TONIGHT. clearly it will interfere#somehow schedule wise with the doctor appointment i have 15 hours from now. yes. yes. i must wait until my appointment is over#tomorrow afternoon. THEN i shall post' or etc. etc. lol. NOT even taking into account the many days#I just genuinely and physically sick and it's not even a mental thing. I just physically dont feel like sitting at the computer lol..#ANYWAY.. trying to get back into it. trying to get a business bank account.. make a proper paypal so i can start selling sculptures again.#selling clothes and sculptures.. posting about such things then of course as one must. etc... chanting to hype up and motivate myself lol#But yes. this is my favorite outfit out of the bunch so I am posting it first I guess.. maybe others later..#Also the purple dress says its from shein. which I've heard is bad fast fashion stuff. but maybe okay since its second hand? I havent#been to the bins since like 2020 or late 2019 even. and I think stuff like shein and temu has only become poular in the past few years#but I bet if I went to the bins now I might would find a good handfull of that stuff. Probably now not much different than what you#find in a walmart or a forever 21 or actual physical stores you can go to though. I hear quality of clothing is down everywhere no matter#where you get it or whatnot. What bountiful joys unfettered capitalism and exploitation bestows upon us (<being sarcastic).#Wearing one of my favorite little vests though. I love the texture of it and the clasps on it
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“You made yourself a different person than the one I loved” – on Kit’s letter, his projections & idea of Ty
aka where i try to make sense of kit’s letter in the context of who ty was to him. basically i think that understanding that kit may not have had an accurate image of ty in his head helps to contextualise why kit believes the things he does, regardless of whether they’re fair to ty or not. it makes more sense reading lines like:
“in all the world, kit had never met anyone he believed to be so incapable of evil”
“all his energy had gone into ty, all his devotion and hopes for the future”
because you can see so clearly how much kit was projecting onto ty. ty, more than a friend—or whatever you might call it—was also the personification of this new world and all it meant for kit. kit saw him as this overwhelming force of good, beautiful as an angel, someone who not only wouldn’t do evil but was “incapable” of it.
so you can kind of see why everything was lost for kit once ty went through with the necromancy: because by doing so he was breaking the image kit had of him. of ty as a saviour of sorts from kit’s previous life, the person who convinced him to stay, who made kit feel like he was really a part of something, something magical and exclusive that not everyone got to be.
further evidenced by other lines:
“he had been too fixated on losing ty to tell him what he needed to hear” -> kit knows he should have told ty much sooner how he really felt about the situation. kit knows he deflected and in various ways lied to ty about trying to bring livvy back. but kit had wanted to stay by ty’s side, stay included in ty’s plans, more than his desire to tell ty the truth that he hated the idea.
“you made yourself a different person than the one i loved” -> ty as a person being shaped by kit’s projections of all his hopes and dreams, the face of this new world kit was drawn into, the first person he really got close to after he was pulled from one world to another, the person who convinced him to stay.
was the “person [kit] loved” an accurate reflection of who ty really was, flaws and all? unlikely. and the image of ty in kit’s head didn’t allow room for the real ty’s complicated, overwhelming grief, either, and the ways he would try to cope with it: and i believe this is part of why kit was so shocked by what happened and why he’s still so angry at ty. because ty proved to him that he wasn’t what kit believed him to be, and so all of kit’s hopes for his new life came crumbling down.
do i think it’s fair to ty? no, i don’t. but i think both can be true: that kit is upset and had gone through a traumatic situation, and has valid feelings about it while also understanding that he had a very skewed perception of ty that wasn’t fair to him.
mostly i think we need more room for understanding ty’s feelings*. how it must have felt to lose his twin sister in a horrifying way, devised a plan that (to him) seemed completely reasonable** only to have his best friend switch up on him last minute, tell ty he loved him mid-ritual, later say he wished he’d never met ty and basically tell ty that he was selfish and then on top of that leave without saying goodbye.
i also stand by my belief that “how long do you think it will take you to forgive me” is something both ty and kit could/should be asking each other, not just one way around. i honestly don’t understand why both kit and ty would think only kit needs to forgive ty and not both ways. mostly i just don’t think the narrative that ty’s the only one who needs forgiving is very fair, or makes much sense with their characterisation + the context + what actually happened.
in sum, when kit says “you made yourself a different person than the one i loved”, the person he’s referring to is an idealised version of ty whom he had projected all his hopes and dreams for the future onto, and by going through with the necromancy ty completely shattered kit’s understanding of him. this is consistent with other lines in his letter: “you wanted that more than you wanted me”, “when you brought livvy back, you changed yourself” (did ty really change? or did he just prove to be different from kit’s idea of him? genuine question), and perhaps most strongly evidenced by this line: “i don’t know the person you are now. you took yourself away from me. i can’t forgive that.” i don’t understand why he can’t forgive ty for not being the person kit thought he was, nor how on earth ty was supposed to know this, but i digress.
* i hope this is addressed in TWP because between TDA and now, we’ve had FAR more insight into kit’s thought processes than ty’s and as such we’re only really seeing one side of the situation.
** i also think part of the glaring misunderstanding between kit and ty can be understood from their respective backgrounds. obviously for kit, growing up away from the shadowhunter world, something like necromancy is completely out of the question. the way it would be for you or me. but ty grew up in a world where bringing people back to life was something that could and had actually happened. so it’s a far crazier, more impossible idea to kit than it would’ve been to ty.
#kit x ty#kitty#ty blackthorn#kit herondale#tbh – i could write a LOT more on this as it’s something i’ve been wrestling over in my mind since the letter came out#but i’ll stop there for now!#the more i go back and reread bits from tda coupled with kit’s letter and newer content#the more i think he wasn’t really seeing ty as Ty the Real Person with flaws etc. and more of#this dream and a personification of everything good about the shadowhunter world + majorly putting ty on a pedestal#so no wonder kit was so violently shocked by this not being true. but equally idk how it makes sense to be so angry at ty for that? but#maybe that's just me lol#the dark artifices#tda#twp#cassandra clare
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Athena: Hee hee hee. You were so cute! ...And who's THAT fine-looking young man?
Apollo: That's Nahyuta, back when he used to smile.
Apollo: These pictures sure bring back memories. Nahyuta is cheerfully smiling in this one. That quiet smile he gives in court now seems almost fake by comparison.
Apollo: [...] (Before he goes, I'm going to turn back time by righting the wrongs that have been done. I'm going to restore Dhurke's freedom... ...and return a real smile to Nahyuta's face! I'm going to win this case. I just have to!)
Apollo: ......... (Dhurke, I hope you're watching. I proved your innocence... ...Nahyuta's smiling again... ...and that revolution you've always dreamed of... is finally happening.)
apollo's repeated reflections on nahyuta's smile throughout turnabout revolution and his desire to bring a real one back to his face instead of the fake one he's used up until then......augh. it's so fun to me
#fifteen years since you've seen your brother and he's acting like such a dick that you're ready to move the hell on without him#and your dad tells you that he's suffering and honestly that doesn't really explain anything at all. but#you remember the quiet gentle brother you were raised with. who's been in your memories since#before the time you could even remember anything at all. and if there's a chance that your dad is right. if there's a chance#that the brother you knew is still in there. that you might be able to bring back the smile you haven't seen in fifteen years.#then maybe all of this will be worth it.#off-topic but do you ever think about the 6-5 bad ending. where they don't prove#ga'ran guilty and apollo joins the defiant dragons with nahyuta. that was insane of them tbh#staying to help fix a legal system when the worst of everything is over is one thing. but staying when it's still at its absolute worst...#when the rebellion has been forced underground and you're eating lizards when you have an apartment and a job waiting for you#on the other side of the world. when you don't Have to be here but you are anyway....#(or. well. i guess ga'ran knows his face at that point but even still. apollo Could start over in the states if he wanted to)#i think about it sometimes. you could run but your brother is here. even after all this time#there's just something so fun to me about apollo and nahyuta only being a year apart because god they really don't remember#life without each other's existence in them do they#when they were with each other and when they were without each other later#but they always Knew the other was out there somewhere. even when they tried to forget
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waiting for marvel to take you up as their comic artist so that we can have amazing art with cherik official storyline
marvel hire me to draw professor x and magneto making out sloppy style for forty issues straight you will get a BAJILLION dollars i promise
#fave#snap chats#'professor x' what are you a cop. moving on#vjeLKVJEALKV thank you much my friend one can only dream .....#you know whats so funny tho this just reminds me how like. My Number One Cheerleader was my highschool english teacher#she also ran the comic club in case thats relevant. because i was a part of that club OBVIOUSLY#i used to want to be a comic book artist but now i dont but anyway as a part of this club we'd have to draw comics sometimes#and alllll the time my teach would be so happy to get my stuff and she'd always be like#'[Snap] please promise me you'll never give up comics i want to read a comic from you one day' and stuff like that#i think id throw up laughing if i got to email her one day like 'omg hey teach 1.) im not a moody teenager anymore#2.) i got to work for marvel check it out <3' and i have to send her old man yaoi JLVKEJLKAEVJE#FUNNIEST TIMELINE IN THE WORLD I'D ACTUALLY DIE LIKE PLEAAAASSEE THATS ALL I COULD EVER WANT IN LIFE#on the realest note tho i didnt appreciate her enthusiasm enough. i wish i could tell her thank you someday#i think of her a lot whenever im in the dumps about my work she really is one of my biggest motivators#like i guess i COULD just shoot an email. maybe if i actually do something cool with comics or something#i dont even know if she remembers me so it'd just be bizarre wouldnt it#ANYWAYS. sappy story time's over theres a matcha crepe cake with my name on it BYYYYYEEEEE
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looking at everything i think im just gonna admit i prefer older leo specifically because i really like the way that fleshes out and interacts with his dynamic with raph, like from a wider narrative standpoint i think i just prefer to think about and explore that way more than i do with anything disaster twins related (as much as i do love them). i should really write something a-team centric at some point shouldnt i
#personal#disaster twins are great but mannnnn is it all that i can find over here sometimes#i must be the change i want to see in the world. three hundred million leo and raph centric fanfics coming some day#maybe i'll write something about their doomed future dynamic in cvd because i LOVE how tragic and messy it is
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