#maybe once they redo the story some more then i will start playing again
Saw your requests were open so thought i'd give it a shot for the Obey Me crew.
Depsite the game, imagine an MC that will avoid conflict, either by appeasing or avoiding, just any way to not argue or fight with anyone. What would that look like?
Thanks for the request!!! I tried my best to do your request justice, but I didn’t really know how you wanted me to write it. (ಥ _ ಥ) So, if you do ask for anymore requests, please tell me the format {I think that’s what it’s called at least.} you’d like, THANK YOU!!! {Oh! And spoilers for Obey Me.} 
If MC was like this and was actually successful, it would definitely change the whole story. Like in lesson 4 when MC was trying to find a way into the attic by taking Levi’s TSL soundtrack and giving it to Lucifer to distract him. I feel like this MC could maybe find some way to get the soundtrack without setting Levi’s demon form off and without injuring their wrist. (But at the same time that needs to happen so Levi makes a pact with MC, right?)  Although that's only if MC is actually good at avoiding conflict which I doubt considering the story. Poor MC. I also don't think MC would be able to avoid DEATH in lesson 16 since like how are you supposed to avoid that. So, in summary, MC would probably be able to get past some stuff but most things I don’t think are really avoidable.
Lucifer would definitely like this MC at the start compared to our normal MC. I mean the whole reason Lucifer didn’t like MC at first was because they were too noisy and troublesome. He probably still wouldn't really like this MC, but he'd probably like them more than our usual MC, at least a little bit.
Mammon’s feelings wouldn't really change for this MC. In my professional opinion. He’s just a simp and if your name is MC you're a victim of his simping. Just like Lucifer and most of the other brothers, he would probably like this Mc a bit more at the very start before he catches feelings but he would also think this MC is a little bit of a wimp.
As I’ve said before, if this MC could avoid the whole lesson 4 situation, Levi and MC might have a better relationship at the start but at the same time I have no idea how MC would be able to make a pact with Levi without the whole incident. (I honestly don't have much to say about Levi or Satan since I don’t really focus on him a lot, sorry Levi fans.) 
Satan would definitely get along with this MC. If MC avoids conflict, then there's less things to make Satan mad. Happy Satan = Happy times. 
With Asmo I doubt anything would really change much. I mean, this is Asmo we're talking about. There hasn't been any moments where I feel like a MC like this would change much between them. (At Least from where I’m at in the game.) He would still love MC no matter what they’re like. 
Once again with Beel I don’t think much would change….. Actually, scratch that. In lesson 4-5 MC probably would not eat Beel’s custard even under Mammon’s pressure so Beel wouldn't go demon mode on them. So, that would change the story a little bit.
Now Belphie is a special case. MC can’t avoid conflict if Belphie has any chance of getting out of the attic, so that's why I think MC would try to avoid conflict but wouldn't really be effective. And if Belphie’s is out of the attic that means MC dies, they can’t really do anything about that. So, I doubt anything would really change at all in their relationship whatsoever. MC still has to get traumatized for THE PLOT!
I kinda rushed this because I was like “OH NO!!! I still haven't done any of the requests yet! I need to finish at least one NOW!!!” So, apologies if there are spelling mistakes or it’s not the best, I tried. I also haven't really played Obey Me in a little while until recently, so I was having a hard time “capturing” the brothers' personalities...? But I hope it was at least kind of decent. And if anyone would like me to redo this with a different writing format or whatever, please tell me.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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macawritesupdates · 27 days
Writing Update 8/29/2024
Back to work full-time and off my break so writing updates have become slower! Still going to push onward with big fic updates u_u
Requests are on hold a bit, working at them, but at a rather slow pace as I want to finish up some longer fics and one-shots first <3
Seven Days to Fall in Love ends tonight! I have it done and working on edits to post it and bring that quick fic to an end. I feel the ending is a touch rushed, but I'm also running out of steam on it, so giving it an ending I feel wraps everything up nicely c: Malevolence of love is 50% done for next chapter. Going to be working on this one to finish it out before the end of September! I have it planned out, just need to get it written. I want to give it some love and bring it to its angsty conclusion 83
Can't Help a Cuddle/Jealous is a Bad Friend BOTH are nearly done and I'm very happy with how they both are coming out! There is some big emotional feels in both that I'm happy with how they played out and just the scenes in general <3 I hope they meet the expectations of all the suggestions given!
Cuddle is a bit harder as I got over twenty suggestions to weave into a coherent narrative, but think I did it justice!
Lessons in Accidental Seduction is nearly done! Finishing up the last scene <3
Spouse Wanted has me possessed and I just write out chapters and edit them in a sitting because I'm giggly over it
Who's a Good Boy is making good progress, as well as Broken in the Ways No One Can See. So should see those maybe next weekish? Depends on how well I write the rest of the week. I've just been on a ROLL for want to write and inspiration! The Yuuji Files has slowed down after writing the silly Toji being forced to look for a job scene....but I think once I get some other long fics cleared, will make it easier to focus on this one <3
Careful What you Joke About is being completely redone for this next arc. I have taken it apart and been redoing the outline for the final two arcs for better flow and to hit the points better. I think it will be a much more solid end when done <3
Mirrored Lives....going to sit down and rehash the ending and figure it out as I think my mental block on it is just dissatisfaction with a few things. MHA ACADAMIA FICS
Jealousy is Not a Good Friend Updates soon and I'm starting to poke at Unsung Heroes again! I SO WANT TO WRITE IT but it is on a backburner for when other things clear up! ONE-SHOTS Pull Me Along if I Can’t Move Forward (MHA: Bakugo/Deku): On a slow boat to getting done haha! But it is still being written! Heatwaves and Curses Don't Mix: A one-shot PWP of Nobara, Yuuji, and Sukuna :b That's it. When You Suddenly Get Another Grandson: The poll idea winner after doing the math.... told from Wasuke's POV of Yuuji suddenly showing up with a moody second twin after eating some mummified finger at school. Desperate Prom Date: Giftfic for an awesome person on twitter who has wanted this story so much.... writing it as thank you for comments and nice art c:
FUTURE FICS TO COME Culturally Insensitive: The sequel to Historically Inaccurate with Yuuji and Sukuna trying to figure things out while meeting with others who have their own possessions going on. Follows along the Culling Game Arc.
Blossoms Born on the Dragon Mountain: The Dragon AU c: Law Meets Disorder: STILL working on it 8I it is a very complicated work to get through. Going to def let some of the big fics finish before it goes out
A Sukuna/Nobara Fic...just feeling the mood to write some more about em :b
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sunnsfighter · 2 months
tdlr updates :
if no body makes a buddyfight/vanguard/ bushiroad community i sure asf will.
going thru some identity searchin and following more LGBTQ type blogs - I am ambi/poly and im actively wanting more partners, and if that bothers you, please unfollow!
my stories and art will be back super soon! im working on a base to go off first
help me find the SU community plsss
new pinned post soon!
long form:
been awhile, once again lmao. ive been in a art block for the longest time , and its been a hectic few years for me in hindsight- from getting dumped in a mono ship , to being in a failed poly triad , to now navigating my life with my remaining partner and polyamoury , and figuring out who i am and what i want . .. ill def make a side blog for nsfw stuff cuz i want to interact with it - but im gonna wait untill side blogs can join communities. due to a lot of new info and to simplify my stuff, im redoing my pinned post .. i wanna find a ton of communities and finally make like minded friends
im gonna actually do normal art i swear ;-; i want to post more of my humanoid stories and art and see how it goes- maybe ill find new mutuals?? im hoping to trim some ocs and add some too
tumblr stories:
im doing a template system across my storylines so i have a grip on whats going on , what character roles i need and want filled , and the story i want to tell before i start any new ones or do any new art - meaning the YGO aus i actually wanna do are on hold... but dont fret ! when im done ill be wayy more organized and even might have other stuff to share!!
buddyfight specific:
since the yota project has more info and needs less done , it will be prioritized . I have the yota project all planned for the most part , i just need to get the timeline figured out ... a new fankid is gonna be made since i redid a ship, im working on more extensive parent bios and lore and i do plan to evenually do ship charts , and colored adult designs..
i have time to binge ace frfr- i wanna binge it when im in the actual mood to- but ill also go info hunting prolly lol
my fanseasons in the shipping/character phase ( and the pairs are just as odd , spanning across the old seasons- so i have to do couple lore for that too lmao)
on both i have to figure out buddies ( who has them , updates and designs on current ones , etc.) , and worlds for anyone who still plays the game... been acting like they dont exist for the longest time ngl
im also trying out 3d models for like .. vrchat/vtubing?? im really doing that as a mood based thing , and i wanna join that community too.. i wanna join vrchat again, but i needa crew first and a model i like ..
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ezrisdax-archive · 11 months
If you could fully rewrite Mass Effect 2, how would you do it?
I'd lean harder into the keepers already being controlled by the reapers and in charge of the citadel. I wouldn't have done the collector arc at all as related to the protheans tbh, while the reveal was cool the first time I played it the more I thought about it and the lore they gave us in ME3 just didn't make it make much sense because once again, they have this genetic touch memory power so why did they get rid of it when the collectors could have solved a lot of things that way.
but yeah. hm, a full redo of ME2...there's certain beats I might wanna keep like Shep dying which was certainly impactful and Liara becoming the shadowbroker which is important to her arc, and except for Jacob's (which I'd redo entirely) I wouldn't change much in the content of the squadmate missions. When it comes to Shep joining Cerberus though I'd offer more pushback and actually bringing up the ME1 stuff if you did that missions, like have a conversation branch associated with that. Maybe even have it where if you against it enough you'd lose assests and Shep is in fact playing Cerberus the way Tali suggests but has to walk a careful line otherwise let's say you lose Miranda and Jacob as squadmates once you have enough.
Now the suicide mission I'd keep but I think I'd change the whole idea of it, like yeah omega relay can stay but you're not going to stop the collectors, you're trying to just block the reapers from coming in through a certain other access point. maybe the omega relay is like a copy of the citadel, an original one the reapers made but wasn't fully functional and the keepers have been leaving the old citadel and no one knows where they're going because no one's realized that the omega relay is an old citadel yet. and that's just mentioned really here and there and not the main plot persay but something that plays a major point of tying in.
so for the main arc I'm okay with keeping the collectors and having them kidnap humans but I'd just have them be this new alien that no one knew of, not something known before because again, why send sovereign if you had them right there. or hell maybe they were part of the galaxy before but they did believe Shep and chose to go the Saren route and now you've got a whole race that's chosen to work for the Reapers instead of just one person. and while they do start by taking humans to serve up to the Reapers in an attempt to not have their species taken towards the end they also start taking other species. I just wanted more in ME2 where Shep has to build relationships with other species and not just their squadmate of that species. and then that plays in to ME3 depending on how to treated those species. did you rescue them along with the humans or not?
actually I might change Legion's story a little now that I think about it, maybe have his side the heretics who chose not to believe in the Reapers as gods and his side is the one you have to prevent a rewrite of. and then in ME3 you have to convince the other Geth the Reapers aren't gods and forge that alliance with them and the Quarian. I just think this new species of robots who have a belief system like that was a fascinating story and I wanted more of a look into it.
ME2 mostly bugs me because the collector backstory and we don't get as much interactions with reapers but I admit I'm not quite clever enough fully to figure out how to tie the reapers in more how I want them to be. mr "assuming direct control" is fun as a meme but he really lacked the shock and elegance Sovereign had. that first talk with Sovereign is still one of the best reveals and so creepy. I think rather than end it fully with a suicide mission we do have some reapers come through. now you've stopped most of them but there's some here now and rather than end it with a fight of the human reaper end it with fights of the actual reapers. like maybe they've slipped through and gone off and no one knows when they're about to attack but they are here now. which then you have them start the attack on the batarian sector and Shep going to save them and failing and blowing up the relay to stall again. not have that as a DLC though, I'm still salty about that. but that's where the game ends, they're actually in the galaxy and have done some destruction and for all Sheps attempts they failed in their own way. ME2 per the arrival as the actual end is just bittersweet so keep it on that note to lead into ME3.
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bluerosejuliet · 2 years
Hiiiii!! so in the Bridgerto. Isekai AU you mentioned one spouse knowing how the original story goes and I have an inkling its Pen maybe through her Whistledown connections she hears of people talking about the future or doing things that are simply not of this timeline and etc but thinks its all wives tales or maybe notices that the timeline keeps getting messed up or in time loops and she doesn't know what's happening or what to do then suddenly the Isekai!Bridgertons pop up and redos the stories. And Penelope is so confused but intrigued because why are the Bridgertons suddenly going feral over the 2nd leads and not their hero/heroines??? Why is Eloise suddenly wanting to become her best friend??? And everytime Colin does or says something romantic she thinks its a fluke because surely her and everyone around her have been struck with some kind of curse and she's afraid that all of them are gonna fall in love with the Bridgertons (again) only to have the universe play a joke on them and have the bridgertons end up with the original main leads?
Lmao i dunno where I'm going with this but anyway love your AUs! 💖
Thank you so much! Three asks in one day, I'm so happy!!
You were right it is Penelope however, when I say Pen remembers, she remembers EVERYTHING. That also means she recalls how the original story was supposed to go the Agatha Danbury had written but the thief changed.
Originally, everyone (Bridgertons and spouses) had memories of the original timeline but they'd enter a mental fog that, when they were free from it for moment, found that things had changed. It was like they were puppets on a strings, unable to control themselves.
Anytime one of them tried to go off the new plot, everyone would wake up on the day of the debut once more.
As time went on, more and more just resigned themselves to this new path, resulting in them losing their memories of what the original timeline was. Colin and Penelope were the last two standing, fighting to be together as, out of all the Bridgertons, Colin knew his spouse the longest.
They've tried breaking the cycle each time but no matter what they do, the fog overtakes them and they are forced to play their roles. Penelope stopped keeping track of how many times she has woken up in her seventeen year old body, the morning of her debut. She's honestly tired and believes that this is a sign that fate is pulling them apart and her ever growing distant memories of the original timeline are but a dream.
"I'm sorry Colin but I can not do this anymore! We've tried, lord knows we've tried but it always ends the same! We should have given up and accepted our fates like the others," sobbed Penelope after Colin had returned from his honeymoon, desperate to be with the woman he loved and assure her that their love is real.
"You are my soulmate Pen! We've known this for years! We're just not doing something right. Maybe we missed something from the original-"
"Well maybe those memories are wrong! If we were meant to be it would happen. Perhaps it's time we start listening to the universe Colin," she whispered, stepping away from him as the tears fell down her face. Already she could see the world once more growing dark around her and as she watched Colin reach out for her, crying out her name she let the darkness overtake her, ready to finally accept her fate.
So when she wakes up in her seventeen year old body once more, ready to play out her part, she realizes that things have changed.
She's best friends with Eloise Bridgerton
Anthony and Benedict are not rakes
Colin is looking at her so similarly to the way HER Colin does when they are free from the fog that it scares her.
Penelope at this point is tired and has had to have her heart broken over and over and over. So Colin is going to have his work cut out for him because he's only aware of the messed up timeline and not the real one. So he has no idea why Penelope suddenly looks so scared. Out of all the spouses, she will the most difficult to win over.
The other spouses regain their memories gradually throughout as well, as the Bridgertons unintentionally set the timeline right again.
But one thing neither group is aware of the fact that even at that moment, the thief author is writing a spin off series, where the original spouses find their happy endings. Not if the Bridgertons have anything to say about it!
I hope this answered your question!
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misslauwie · 2 years
I really really do think Jimin got great taste in songs and some may say that its JK's signature to use lyrics as a way to connect to the fan. But I do think this is a similae trait that Jimin has... Maybe once you get along so long, you pick up each other traits / habits?
Just watched Jimin's W behind the scene. While it leaves me wanting for more because I do think that its highly curated by Jimin... I came away with a gold mine. He made a song recommendation Honne.
And can I just say Wow. Maybe his raw feelings are expressed to his choice of songs or movies. You just need to dig deeper and be more proactive about it. It just makes me think again that Jimin is all abt layers. He makes you work for it and if you are attentive enough, smart enough then you will find meanings in his words and gestures. I know there is a well known saying that he has the tendency to say things just enough while not revealing any information. But if you read between the lines and care to dig deeper you will find gold mines.
Ok lets start with his song recommendation by Honne. Went off to my Spotify and immediately played Honne's songs and can I just say wow - Jimin really is a romantic and soft person. Two songs somehow clicked in my mind after listening to Honne: 1) Location Unknown and 2) Day One.
Location Unknown. The first I think kinda resembles his activities after the group hiatus where Jimin is busy with his own stuff (read: preparing for his solo album). In "location unknown" he expressed that hes away right now but he will be back and hes hoping his loved ones will wait for him. & lyrics below just resonates so deeply with regards to his activities and maybe his precious relationship.
I wish I knew where I was
'Cause I don't have a clue
I just need to work out some way of getting me to you
'Cause I will never find love like ours out here
In a million years
A million years
Note that somewhere in the W interview he also revealed that during the making of his solo album that he felt lost and he went to the members to look for comfort. Doesn't the above lyrics somewhat give more colors to the things he said verbally?
Day One. Somehow when I listen to this song I feel hes relating to his members. The love of his life and arguably his most solid support system. You need to go back to what he said during Festa 2020 when he said that he wants to continue the days of them being the 7 together. Also when he said during Festa 2022 when he said he views himself as Jimin of BTS and not comfortable of viewing himself as a single unit. And somehow the lyrics below feels like a tribute to the members and army to a certain extent. Read lyrics below and tell me if as army you dont feel touched.
You'll always be my day one
Day zero when I was no one
I'm nothing by myself
You and no one else
Thankful you're my day one
Thankful you're my
I got lucky
Finding you
I won big the day I came across you
'Cause when you're with me
I don't feel blue
Not a day goes by that I would not redo
Maybe im bias. And I do admit I worship the ground that Jimin walks on. But I decide to be unapologetic about it because I value myself enough to know that I got great vision and taste. And Jimin really is striking all the Ts and dotting the Is in the inspirational box.
Another is movie recommendation: Reborn Rich. The remarks Jimin made here is that he made that recommendation because everyone is watching it. & it seems that the main character (MC) is having a hard time. But after watching a few episodes of Reborn Rich, I do draw some parallels to Jimin in a certain way. The MC comes from an unpriviledge background where he was basically being looked down but manage to use his knowledge and brain to turn the situation around to those whom oppress the MC. So far rings a bell to the BangTan story in the early days and their current success? Remember in one of the Festa, Jimin also said he made his own way. A similar plot unfolds in the "Reborn Rich". MC do have key characters whom will help him along the way. No spoilers but the ending also shows how Jimin values family relationship.
The key with him (not that Im professing that I know him) is to dig deeper and read btw the lines. And I swear even if those are your own inferences, Jimin is a gift that keeps giving. You will find meanings, good ones, in what he chooses to share.
With Jimin til The End.
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master-suite · 9 months
First Anniversary Retrospective / Foresight
It has been very fulfilling to have a significant hobby like game development, and I am glad to have kept up with it one year and three games later.
I can see my improvement from Life and Times like night and day, and so can all of you from what I have heard. I am used to the programs I use by now, and have a more streamlined vision behind the scenes (at least I believe I do). I suppose I cannot say I'm satisfied with Immanentize, since I always seek to do something better, but I am at least happy with it at the moment.
The Novellas have both been good practice for me and a good way to get my games out there—a good portion of the game's early traffic came from a post on Russian games forum anafor.ru, and if one forum post for a free game can do that for me, I will definitely pursue it further. There has been complication with people who only play the free titles not fully understanding the story, which I did foresee but chose to disregard; I do cite them as connected to other games, but I should perhaps try harder to making them more enclosed experiences.
The third major title is still deep in theorycraft right now, though I at least have a clear idea for what I want it to do and where I want it to go by the end. I cannot reveal much of anything about it at the moment, but it is another setting entirely—and may not have a singular protagonist to speak of. No bets for when it may release, though I hope to start work on it in the spring. This is the first title I would have developed entirely within me being public; both Life and Times and Immanentize were first realized at least a year before.
I have not started work on the second Novella as I write this, though its ideas are coming along better than the major title. It will also be a web release, and will follow the story of Immanentize. I have no other comics in mind, either, but those tend to emerge as flash-in-the-pan ideas, and I don't focus on making them anyhow.
I still find myself upset with the music I make. Music has never been significant in games for me, and I do provide a mute button, but even then it feels somewhat shameful. Now in college, I hope I can either make connections or post for-hire ads about finding a proper musician to redo the major titles' tracks. Surprisingly, Hidden Heirloom came out alright, so maybe I am learning, but I still would like the connection.
I aim to be on Steam by this time next year, at or before the time the third title releases. The money is the most significant issue, really, but I also would like to doll up the major titles more—again, the music in particular, but also some of the visuals and writing. Advertising is good and all, and I am glad I can do that now, but the best thing for me would be getting on a more significant platform. I do not know what I will do with the Novellas once that time comes, though the best solution right now seems to be keeping them web-only.
I have had my eye on making a website, though I find myself uncertain of what to put on it, what to call it, who to host it on, et cetera. The money involved is no object, either. I can design a website alright, but there are too many unknowns right now for me to jump into it.
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scithemodestmermaid · 4 years
So sincerely hyped to see the greatest ocean game ever made and also Below Zero coming to Switch.  :D
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birdsareblooming · 3 years
Merlina’s True Nature
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(This is a re-write to a past theory, but I felt it was written poorly so I’m redoing it.)
(I’ll also be discussing major spoilers for the game.)
Sonic and the Black Knight has gained a lot of popularity recently, almost a cult following. Even before Lancelot and Excalibur Sonic were added to Sonic Forces: Speed Battle, it was gaining a strange resurgence in fan-made content. Although maybe I just follow @silvermun​ too closely. Either way! It’s in the public consciousness again.
It’s mainly popular for it’s story, it’s gameplay being famously weird, and it’s story is something I feel it has over Sonic and the Secret Rings. They did much more research into Arthurian lore than they had too, and because of that, we got an interesting world and variations of known characters with their own appeal. 
Black Knight ranting aside, because of the resurgence a lot of eyes have been on Merlina the Wizard, an important character in the game. 
I loved Merlina before it was cool, but this theory came when I was surrounded by content for her, reaching a realization about her true nature, even... truer (?) than the Dark Queen.
⬇️continued below ⬇️
Now let’s start with the usual, a numbered list. 
1. Let’s discuss everyone’s counterparts.
This is important, I swear.
Shadow = Lancelot (Known as the most powerful one, raised in strange and magical circumstances, Hides his emotions but has his limits.) Knuckles = Gawain (Bold and brash, never turns down a challenge, but with a pure heart that keeps his word. Also “haha gawain and the green knight”) Blaze = Percival (Working with Silver/Gallahad to find a world-saving power. Royalty, powerful, and chivalrous.) Silver = Gallahad (Similar to Lancelot, but more pure. Working with Blaze/Percival to find a world saving power, and at the head of the search. Known for being pure, good, and kind.) Jet = Lamorak (Bold and daring rebel with a temper, constantly challenging Sonic/Arthur to friendly duels.) Amy = Nimue (Magically powerful woman connected to a lake ((See: Never Lake)), summons weapons.) Sonic = Arthur (Brings everyone together in a righteous cause, not perfect, but one of the best leaders and fighters ever known, came from small beginnings.)  
As you can see, they did immense research on who would fit who, It’s almost amazing how similar the characters can get. 
It got me thinking, Who’s Merlina’s counterpart?
Every other person in the game has one, the only one else who doesn’t (King Arthur) was a fake. And Caliburn, who’s a sword. (And if Caliburn did have a counterpart i’d be really hard to figure out bc apparently they were supposed to be a girl and the voice casters didn’t get the memo)
Merlina is an odd one out here, When surrounded by all the other Sonic characters. Secret Rings had a different precedent, only having three Sonic characters in it, not including Sonic, playing very minor roles. Meanwhile, Black Knight has seven, not including Sonic, most playing major roles. And this was made after the seering criticisms of Sonic 06 and the mass hatred of Elise.
So, let’s ask ourselves, if she IS someone, who would she be?
Well I think she IS someone. Similar to the list of people above, she has similarities to a Sonic character that I need to point out.
2. What do we know?
We don’t know a lot about Merlina, she’s not a talker, but what we know can reveal a lot. 
She’s a powerful wizard, connected to ancient magic, trying to clean up her Grandfather Merlin’s mistakes of the past, even if it’s in a slightly evil way. Obsessed with death, with a deep fear and hatred of it and endings. Despite everything, means well and wants to keep everyone in the story alive. 
Now, here’s the interesting part.
Think with me here, who in Modern!Sonic’s universe has a morally ambiguous Grandfather, who created a false version of a prophesied Sonic, Almost destroying the world, and eventually, attempting, and somewhat succeeding, in fixing his mistakes.  Someone who also has a theme of short-lived life and stories ending. 
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I think at this point you know who I mean.
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3. Connections
other than the above, here’s some other things connecting the two.
Firstly, the way they refer to their grandfather;
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When talking about him to other’s, they use the “My Grandfather.” 
But once it gets more personal;
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it becomes just “Grandfather.”
Let’s also talk about design.
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It’s more of a difference than the other characters, however it’s the usual for “medieval-ifying” it.
4. Conclusion  
This has been a theory of mine for a while, and to finally get to explain it in an articulate way is nice. 
There are a few loose ends, like if I was better at reading and finding and writing sheet music, I’d do a study to see if my hunch about “Merlina’s Theme” being similar to “Recollection of the Ark” is true or if they’re just both sad piano songs. 
But in the end, Merlina’s story and character growth is her learning how to deal with death, and how everything dies someday, but that’s why we have to “live life” to the fullest.
Honestly, looking back at her character, her story becomes almost more satisfying with the idea that she’s Maria.
Also not to pull a “kimba” but their names are like, exactly the same like come on.
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theatredeslioncourt · 3 years
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‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’ was released 9 years ago today.
*I wrote this text in June 2021.*
I watched my favorite movie today for the fortieth time. every time I watch it is a different experience and I never get tired of reviewing it. this movie has been part of my life from the first moment I watched it, I'm completely attached to each character and each scene. it's hard to put into words how important this movie is to me, maybe it's impossible to convey how much I love it. but, I've been writing for a while about every sensation and every little thing I notice in this movie, one of which I recently noticed while listening to Bowie's song, 'Heroes', when Bowie says "Though nothing will drive them away" and the one titled "nothing", Patrick is driving, and in another part he says "Though nothing, will keep us together", and sometimes Charlie or someone of the group moved away in some situation, Patrick who brought them together. and the last bit that says it "And we kissed, as though nothing could fall", the interpretation of Patrick's kisses with all the people he kissed in the movie.
I read the book as soon as I saw it for sale in a bookstore in my city for the first time, and soon I was very intrigued by the story and how things were developing. I must have been about 13 or 14 years old at the time i read it and I must admit I was confused by some things, I was very young and didn't understand some situations that happen, but it left me with my eyes open when I watched the movie and interpreted the scenes with the book links. Years have passed and every year I see this movie, at random times like today,or on dates like my birthday or Christmas.
This year I bought the new version of the book with the exclusive cover and unpublished excerpts and when this version was announced I almost cried with so much happiness and I was so moved, because this book, and especially the movie, are a part of me. I read the book again with more mature interpretations of the situations and was able to make interpretations of the situations and was able to increasingly feel the scenes and the feelings of the characters. the classic phrases are part of my life and make me reflect always, I feel super cliché thinking about these phrases because they have become so popular and maybe banal for some people, but they make me complete, the scenes and the songs and the characters in the movie and the hired actors are all perfect for their roles, I can't imagine other people playing each of them.
every little part has a piece of my heart and it makes me emotional to talk about how many people may not understand what it's like to connect so strongly with a character, movie and story. it's very difficult to express the relevance of this movie in my life, and every time i see it, i get sad, happy, hopeful and devastated too. but, I feel infinite, and ok, maybe it's coincidentally because the movie repeats that and Charlie's letter says that, but, I can understand why he says that and why I can feel it when I see this movie.
when i was 16 i started writing a book - lol-  i literally put myself in the role of "hello i'm charlie" but actually i'm me, in case i'm the character, but in case i didn't want to put myself as the protagonist, it was just putting experiences of my life, coincidentally as the author of the book wrote. i swear I didn't realize at first that I was copying the writing mode and the dialogues between the characters, but then I realized that I was completely influenced to do it that way because I ended up basing a lot on the author's writing mode and the letter mode that Charlie did. *a spoiler, I never got past 8 pages of this supposed book about a supposed character very like me*, but it's nice to read it every now and then because I like what's in there, even though it's pretty embarrassing.
I once tried to redo the tunnel scene with my friend, but it wasn't exactly as I expected, 1. because I live in a city that doesn't exactly have the tunnel that way and those lights, 2. because there wasn't one of those cars with opening at the back, so it was just the window, but it was good while it lasted, and yes, I put heroes playing. but my dream is to pass by the place where it was recorded and feel that scene three hundred times.
I don't know why I'm writing this, but I wanted to express at least 1% of how I feel about this movie. and how attached I am to absolutely everything in it. I wanted to thank you (I don't know exactly who because no one who made the film will read this here) but thank you anyway.
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thechekhov · 4 years
So glad you decided to play Undertale! I think it would really suit you so I’m so happy you got into it! Could I have your thoughts about the game? I would LOVE to hear them. I’m ALL for long essays and rants, that’s my jam, but even just a small review from you would make me ecstatic!
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Alright alright alright alright. 
I am ecstatic that someone asked because I have a lot to say AS ALWAYS. 
I’m gonna try to keep this readable, I swear. Will add pictures in between to keep things interesting. 
However, due to the length this will SURELY achieve, AND due to spoilers (and yes, laugh at me all you want, the game has been out for 5 years) I’ll put this under a cut. Read at your own (f)risk.
Metagaming - the game plays YOU
When I first started Undertale, I ‘knew’ these things:
there’s a stabby one with a knife, their name is chara
there’s a flower everyone hates
something something sans something something
and the last, and perhaps most important thing
you can spare your enemies to avoid killing them
The thing is. The THING IS. 
I did not realize how pervasive this strategy was. My thought at first was ‘okay, so I don’t have to kill EVERYONE.’
I had no idea that the reality was that I didn’t have to kill anyone.
I’m sure many others have already said this, but Undertale kind of changes the way you think about other games. It forces to you examine simply fighting your way through the RPG by introducing completely non-murder-y ways to resolve issues. This conversation-based combat style is not the first of its kind, I’m sure, but it’s also incredibly well done. It ties into the story, it ties into your decisions.
It ties into your decisions SO MUCH that it changes everything else in the outcome.
Undertale is a game well known for breaking the 4th wall. However, it does so in a strangely eerie, heart-wrenchingly real way. It teaches us that there are other solutions to conflicts - and it really... it really TEACHES us, you know?
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Which is funny because to be honest, it took me a while to get the lesson.
(You may already be fully aware of this but yes, my first True Neutral Route was extremely organic. I legitimately had no idea that there was even more than one ending. I was just stumbling about er... killing. Out of habit.)
The beauty of this is that the game drives home that point even more effectively because I was fully unaware of my own bias. I had assumed that some enemies would require killing - DESPITE TORIEL SPECIFICALLY TELLING ME TO TALK TO THEM, and the entire Ruins tutorial being about Mercy. I killed the Dummy on accident (granted, it was due to me pressing the key too fast a few times) and didn’t think much of Toriel’s disapproval. I killed a few monsters because I saw my level was low and decided to automatically grind a little bit. 
By the time I got to Toriel, I was still not comfortable with the mechanic. I knew I could Spare her somehow - after all, she was a kind monster, and clearly an important character - but the Spare option didn’t yield promising results the first few times I chose it. I ran out of patience and decided that maybe... maybe it was like pokemon! 
Maybe I had to get her health down to a certain level before she would allow me to pass through.
Funny thing though.... you know what happens if you attack Toriel one too many times? Even if she has most of her health left? 
Yeah uh... it activates that one-hit-KO thing from No Mercy Route.
So of course, what happened? I hit her one too many times... and killed her! And of course, immediately panicked and reset. 
I got back to my previous save, Spared Toriel PROPERLY this time, and walked out of the ruins only to be confronted with my own reliance on the magical ‘redo’ button which was... apparently... not that magical.
Because it WASN’T a clean redo. Flowey apparently remembered. 
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The idea that the game would KNOW about my previous attempts beyond the save file snapped me out of my casual Undertale playthrough. I realized that something was up - this game was not going to be like the others.
I think it was from this point on that I tried to be more careful, but again - I still hadn’t quite gotten the memo about not killing. I took down a few monsters around Snowdin. And when I got to Papyrus, I grew frustrated about not being able to beat him (I ended up losing several times and coming back to try again) and went off to grind SOME MORE because I figured that could raise my HP and increase my chances of holding off long enough to Spare him. 
(The incredible thing about this game is that actually, raising your level gives you only a slight advantage. You can be level 1 and carrying no items, and as long as you’re relatively proficient at dodging the bullet hell style projectiles you will have no issues.) 
Anyway, the point is that I realized I could spare the big monsters and did so readily - but I didn’t bother to spare many of the smaller ones. 
I figured it didn’t matter. 
And then I successfully evaded Undyne, gave her a cup of water, etc... and then went to her house to meet Papyrus, fully expecting her to befriend me anyway. 
And you know what happened?
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“She said she won’t hang out with a murderer.“
I think that probably hit me the hardest at that point in the game. 
I had a bit ‘....oh’ moment at that point because I realized that the game would punish me for killing even the ‘not-important’ civilians of the Underground. It wasn’t about just sparing the ‘boss monsters’. My actions had consequences beyond just the ‘elite’ characters that we all tend to focus on.
Because yes, it made sense. It wasn’t about just Undyne - why WOULD she randomly be my friend after I killed tons of living beings?
From there on, I spared everyone, but didn’t reset. I decided to see how it would unravel.
The thing I want to talk about, which is a little difficult, is that...
It took me that long to learn that kindness was the answer. And that, in itself, ends up being a metaphor. 
It’s difficult to be kind if you have not been show how to be.
It’s difficult to change the way you behave (in a game or out of it) if all you know is using other methods.
It was hard enough to spare Toriel before I realized I had to just be very patient and trust that her attacks wouldn’t hit - though at first I thought she would just kill me! 
It was hard to avoid Papyrus’ attacks and I had to die several times before I successfully got through it. 
It was near impossible to fight Undyne because I legitimately had no idea Fleeing was an option. I struggled for ages at her stage, and I had to ask for help to understand what I could do.
And that’s actually honestly very true to life as well.
Being kind takes risk. Being kind takes effort. And sometimes, being kind means asking others HOW to be kind. 
When you choose to be kind, you risk being hurt, and you risk being trapped (Toriel). When you choose to be kind, you need to expand a lot more energy to succeed (Papyrus). When you choose to be kind, you need to sometimes reach out to others to show you how to properly do it (Undyne).
The rest of the playthrough probably went about as you expect. I completed the game, didn’t kill any Boss Monsters, fought to the end and... got that really unsatisfying Neutral Ending which felt strangely bittersweet. 
And of course, after I was done, I was prompted to go back and do a proper Pacifist Run. Which I did. I learned about the background of Determination, about Chara and Asriel... and about how everything came to be the way it was.
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The thing that gets me the most about this game is how it serves as a direct parallel to how we use videogames. In fact, Undertale is a videogame... about videogames. 
Chara appears to be a direct metaphor for the people that use videogames to escape - to cope with whatever happened to them in The Overworld. Bad family life, or bad relationships or whatever we suffer - escapism through games is not, in itself, a new theme. 
Chara arrived in Undertale by dropping themself down a hole in the mountain, perhaps even seeking to end their life. They dropped into a world which offered them comfort and companionship, a new family and a new life - but in the end, their nature was destructive because their means to finding a solution inadvertently used other people as fodder. Asgore, Asriel - they used everyone else to complete their plans. It wasn’t about forming connections - it was about Completing the Quest. 
I wonder - did Chara even HAVE access to a MERCY option? 
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Was their world one without the option of sparing someone? Did they only have the choice of acting - and was Mercy in the hands of whoever attacked them? I wonder how difficult it might have been for them. I wonder how that, in itself, shaped their perception of the world. 
I wonder if that’s why, during the No Mercy run, people recognize you as Chara? If they come back and attach themselves to your resonating DETERMINATION?
If this is true, was MERCY perhaps created later, brought into existence once Asriel himself made the choice to NOT fight, to turn back and flee, even after being attacked by humans in the Overworld? 
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(It would be a nice parallel to Asgore DESTROYING the Mercy option when you enter the fight with him...)
In the end, I think Undertale is about many things, including video games. 
But it’s also hurting - and being hurt. 
It’s about how trauma can shape us, how we deal with feeling grief, and loss, and depression - and not being able to feel anything.
It’s about how we focus on goals and use DETERMINATION to keep going - even when whatever it is that’s driving us no longer has any SOUL. 
It’s about how our action have consequences, but they also carry the weight of a choice, and how powerful those choices are, and how powerless we feel when we aren’t given a choice - not to fight back, nor show mercy. 
I think that’s probably the reason this game resonated with so many people. It really brings something we love about videogames to the forefront - that ability to fight back, to have full and total control of our own lives...
And it also shows us how having that endless loop of repetitive grinding and fighting with zero consequences can lead to an incredible hollowness and make us numb to how we interact with real-life people. 
Good game. 
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pascalpanic · 4 years
Blood, Sweat, and Tears (Javier Peña x f!Reader)- Chapter One
Summary: You live in Bogotá in the ‘90s, and work odd hours. No, you’re not a DEA agent, but a nurse. These odd hours prompt odd habits, like working out at 2:03 A.M. after a shift. Odd hours attract odd people, and you have a chance encounter with one DEA agent by the name of Javier Peña. Warnings: language, blood and violence (both graphic), descriptions of death and gun violence Chapter 1 W/C: 2.3K A/N: you guys! I am so in love with this fic. I already have quite a bit more written and can’t wait for you to read it! I hope you love it as much as I do! Javi deserves some softness... but not too much. this can’t all be fluff when you’re Javier Peña. Okay, this is not super canon-fitting of Narcos, I’m just gonna be honest with y’all. This is between the time of Escobar’s escape from La Catedral and his final capture and death, but also… Connie’s still in Colombia. Additionally, I don’t really have a year in mind, it’s just somewhere in that period. Please note that this is not a very lighthearted story- it begins with a death, though not of a significant character. Javier and reader both have some trauma, so please check the warnings of each chapter before you start reading. If you’re continuing on, I hope you like it! For the most part, if I use italics here when someone is speaking, it’s indicating that it’s in Spanish. I’m okay at the language, but I don’t want to butcher anything, so… just imagine it. Otherwise, it’s just the way anyone would use italics I guess.
next chapter
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Chapter One
You watched a woman you didn’t know die in your arms tonight.
 She was beautiful, all dressed up to go out and party, her makeup running down her face with tears. Her lips were the painted the color of the blood that trickled from the side of them, eyes glazing over as she coughed and coughed and ruined the beautiful dress she wore. The nurses had asked what happened, and she had told them, through gurgles of blood: she had slept with one of Escobar’s men. She got too close, learned too much, and they tracked her down. 
She flatlined not long after telling the nurses around you. You had stood in the corner, paralyzed at first. You were an experienced ER nurse, nothing was new. You had seen patients die, but something about her was different. Maybe it was the way she reached out to you right before her body went limp. You didn’t make it to her bedside in time to calm her, the panic holding you down, but you finally took her hand right as she took her last breath. 
After she passed, you threw up in the bathroom, shaking and clutching the toilet. The night air had grown unbearably hot and humid, causing your scrubs to cling to your skin, and the sweat from the heaving of your stomach didn’t make things easier on you. Lorena, a fellow nurse and your best friend at work, had found you and comforted you, rubbing your back and bringing you water. It didn’t matter. It couldn’t reverse what had happened. 
Now, you sit on a bench in the staff’s locker room, redoing the ponytail holding your hair from your damp face. Your shift ended a few minutes ago, but you don’t know what to do now. You don’t feel like drinking; that would only make the visions swimming in your head worse. You know you can’t go home, can’t attempt to find sleep tonight. You look up and spot a bag with tennis shoes and spare clothing and settle your mind on at least one thing: the gym could do you some good. You change into the clothes and put the blood-spattered scrubs in the laundry pile. 
As you leave, you give Lorena a little wave goodbye and exit the building. You’re hyper-aware of your surroundings tonight, and you groan as you look at your watch and notice that it’s precisely 2:09 A.M. here in Bogotá. The walk to your fitness club is short, but your step is slightly extra hurried and your hand is on your pepper spray the entire time, extra vigilant to the fact that a hit went down somewhere around here just a few hours earlier. Surprisingly enough, no one catcalls or bugs you tonight. 
The little gym is run-down and dilapidated, and there’s no working air conditioning, but it’s the only one near you. You paid the small monthly membership fee to gain access, and you were going to use it to get in shape, you’d decided. As you swipe in and enter, the tiny fitness center looks more depressing in the fluorescent lights, no daylight to sugarcoat the atrocities of the center. There are two of every machine, a punching bag and a speed bag, two weightlifting racks, and a couple of benches. 
It’s nice that you get to work out alone tonight, you tell yourself. Even better is the fact that you now get to control the music. Desperate for a taste of home, you flip the large boombox in the corner on and begin scanning the airwaves with the dial. There’s a station in town that plays American music, and you need it more than anything tonight. You listen carefully and nearly start sobbing again as you hear Billy Joel’s voice through the speakers. With a sigh of relief, you lock your bag in the rusty lockers in the corner and head to the treadmill. It’s a beat up old thing, but this is the one you always use. It provides a little bit of comfort tonight, the familiarity of it. You turn it on low and start walking. A few moments later, you up it to a jog, mouthing along to the words of the familiar song. 
As the song ends, you push the buttons enough to enter a running speed. Your feet slam into the treadmill harder than normal tonight, feeling as overwhelmed as when you left the hospital. Your body finally works up a sweat, the physical stress overwhelming the mental stress. 
As the events of tonight replay in your head to some other song from the late 80’s, your eyes start to water. Everything was so overwhelming, and your mind is just starting to process it. You finally allow the tears to fall, mixing with the sweat coating your cheeks. It’s hard to tell which is causing more of the mess, but you let yourself cry it out as you run for the next few minutes. 
The next song that comes on is Venus by Bananarama. You almost chuckle at the fact that it’s a few years old by now, but the song is comforting. It reminds you of home, of a time before you had issues like these. You slow down the treadmill a little, singing to the words aloud once you catch your breath enough. Daring to do a little spin on the rolling surface, you groove along to the music, chuckling a little
After the first chorus, you hear a creaking noise and whip around to find a man standing in the doorway. “Jesus fucking Christ!” You shout before you can stop yourself, hopping off the treadmill and onto the non-moving one before you get flung off. Your heart is pounding from the running, only intensifying the adrenaline rush from the scare. 
The man chuckles a little, but the smile on his face doesn’t reach his eyes. He’s tired- of course he is, it’s now 2:30 in the morning. “Lo siento,” you offer in Spanish, cringing at yourself and your reaction just now. “I wasn’t expecting anyone else to be here this late,” you stutter, still panting from the running. He shakes his head lightly. “You’re American,” he says simply. In English, in a beautifully American accented voice.
Your sweaty brow furrows, a glimmer of hope sparking inside your chest as you notice that he speaks like an American himself. “So are you.”
He nods at that. “That I am,” he says as he puts his things in a locker, snapping it shut behind him. He looks at you for a moment. You’re not working at the Embassy, or he’d know you. It was rare to find an American down here that wasn’t working for the government somehow. He shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair, looking at how tired he appears in the big mirrored wall. He’s curious, but he’s exhausted. 
You look at him for a moment. “You going to explain anything, like, tell me about yourself? Or do I have to go first?” You ask, hands on your waist as you hop back on the slowly moving treadmill, back into moving. He doesn’t respond. “Fine. I know you’re government. I’m not an idiot.”
He chuckles and tugs on his t-shirt, moving to the treadmill next to you and getting on. It’s been ages since you’ve held a conversation in English, and you missed this, missed how easily your first language flows from your mouth. “And you’re not.”
“Correct,” you nod, turning up the speed a little on the machine until you’re at a light jog. “My bigger concern was going to be why you’re here at 2-fucking-30, but I’m guessing I know the answer. You get called in around here for the hit?” He nods, starting the treadmill up and walking on it. 
“You don’t have to be so guarded, Jesus. I fucking hate Escobar, I’m on your side,” you scoff before turning up the machine until you’re running once more.
Javier shrugs. “Makes sense. How did you know-”
“She died,” you say quickly and firmly, keeping your eyes straight ahead and looking at the room around you. “Add that to your file.”
He nods, understanding a little more now. You knew her somehow. He doesn’t say a word either, cranking up the machine and heading into a jog too.
A few more minutes pass of the two of you silently running next to each other, the American music still playing throughout the gym. It’s a comfort to Javier too. Tonight was shit for the DEA- they had known Escobar’s men would be around here. They had the intel, they had everything ready, but the men somehow had escaped and left a victim in their wake. 
The frustration of everything, of the man being something close to home for you yet being a brick wall, threatens your eyes with welling tears again. “I just wanted to talk with an American,” you sigh and cross your arms, moving back into the walking stage of a treadmill. 
The man next to you gives a similar sigh, stopping his treadmill completely and offering you a hand. “Javier Peña.” You take it reluctantly, feeling the sweat of both of your hands mix, and tell him your name before retracting it and stopping the treadmill too. “So, what brings you to the gym at 2:30?” He asks, crossing his arms and leaning against the center part of the treadmill. 
“I’m a nurse. I work the graveyard shift. Bad night, a patient died because she got fucking shot for having a boyfriend and not knowing he was a narco, I need to get something out, I come here,” you shrug, unconsciously mimicking him by folding your arms as well. 
He nods at that. “I’m here for the same. Shitty stakeout, I’m pissed off, I come here.” He leaves out the part about his favorite call girl being taken, and how he needed another way to get the rage inside of him out. He walks off of the treadmill and to the weight rack, pulling a bench beneath the bar.
You turn again and turn the machine back on, slowly jogging. “I see. Odd hours to be here, that’s why I asked,” you say simply. “And to see another American at such a time. I haven’t interacted with one since I came here.”
Javier nods, adjusting the weights on the bar. “Yeah. Weird,” he nods. “And that you’re an American who isn’t working for the government and you’re down here. What, you got a husband who works for us?”
You shake your head, swallowing hard for a moment. “No, don’t have a husband in the first place,” you admit, adjusting the ponytail holding your hair up. “It’s a long story.”
“We got time,” he shrugs as he gets on the bench beneath the rack, looking at you in the mirrored wall. Even with the sweat and the stress of working out, he notices that you’re gorgeous. You have a nice body, and even your face is pretty while you’re working out.
You shake your head. “Fine, if you really want to hear it.”
“Might as well. It’s that or more of this fucking Wham! music, and I’m sick of George Michael.”
“First of all, first person here gets the music, so mind your manners.” This finally earns a chuckle from the man, and you want to smile but it just can’t come. “I came down here with a man. He’s a citizen here. We were going to get married, but he left me. That was a couple of months ago now,” you admit, the tears beading in the corner of your eye again. “My work visa was still valid, and I renewed it so I can keep working at the hospital. I don’t really have anyone down here except the girls I work with, but I like helping out. They need me.” He nods a little as he listens, breaking his focus as he starts his reps with the bar.
“And you’re government, so that explains everything I need to know about you,” you continue to babble. “One of the girls I work with has a husband who’s at the Embassy. Murphy,” you say offhandedly. 
Javier’s attention is caught, and he sets the bar on the rack. “Murphy?” He asks, and you turn your head to look at him and give him a nod. “No shit. That’s my partner.”
You chuckle slightly and look back at him, stopping the treadmill. “So you know Connie?”
Javi nods. “Yeah, great gal. She could do better than Steve,” he says, sitting up.
You laugh softly at that. “From what I’ve heard of him, I agree. She’s a really great girl, you’re right,” you nod in agreement, looking back at him. “She’s never mentioned you. She says her husband’s in janitorial, but we all know that’s not true. What, you guys CIA? DEA?”
Javier nods again. “DEA.”
“I see,” you say, folding your arms and leaning against the machine. “Can’t make you many friends around here. I learned pretty quickly to keep my mouth shut about being a gringa. They can usually tell though.”
“You’re right,” he chuckles and cracks his back.
You bite your lip as you look at him, your voice watery when you can finally speak again, suddenly overwhelmed by emotion again. “It’s nice to talk to someone in English again,” you admit with a forced smile. 
He can read your eyes easily. You’re a nurse, and you told him that the victim died. You saw it. “It is,” he nods, reading your pain and trying to show you he empathizes with it. Your eyes are beautiful, he notices as he looks into them. So much more hope and trust than anyone else he works with, but the pain in them is unbearable. He looks away, leaning back on the bench to lift again.
“So where you from in the States?” You finally ask when the silence is too long. 
“Laredo, Texas,” he chuckles. “Yourself?”
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seraphofthesimps · 2 years
enemies to lovers ryder x thoma except it’s one sided e2l bc you hated him in the beginning and he’s had a crush on since he first laid eyes on you 🥰
and yes I do like thoma and albedo and sometimes zhongli but childe is my fav and im pretty sure he’s yours too!! (once again you’ve got 11/10 wonderful taste) it’s funny bc I don’t really play genshin. I started playing a while ago and now I don’t have the time but I’ve learned a lot about it from gameplays and fics
i actually first saw childe in a tiktok where someone was viewing some of the character from certain angles to prove that childe had the biggest dick 😂. I was so confused but I ended up going through the genshin tag to find out what I just saw and now I get all heart eyes when I see childe
I’m glad your night is going well!!! You deserve it, pretty 🤍 If we’re making you nervous then we are doing our jobs right hehe. But I understand, I’m sorry we make you malfunction but I won’t stop bc it is fun 😈😈
and yes 🫖 is a very cute emoji, almost as cute as you 🤍🤍
- baji mod
I have never been big into Enemies to Lovers but that was enough to make me like it. Thoma that never loses hope on the matter. HELP IM THOMA'S ENEMY 😭 I'm so dumb for that prejudgment of him honestly.
We have similar tastes here for sure. I did a sorter thing the other day and this was mine (the rest is under the cut bc this is getting long):
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And i was actually shocked because I expected Albedo to be where Thoma is. I still haven't met Albedo yet though in the game so I'm going to redo this once I have and see if anything has changed. But anyways, IM SCREAMING, i need to find that video now because I have someone in particular I would be dying to show it to. Funny story is I REFUSED to play this game for like 2 years maybe longer now. It came out when I was addicted to another game on my Playstation and i started to download it, but then something it said made me think I had to be super social in the game and I was too nervous to do it. Then after it got hyped up I just didn’t want to because it was so hyped up it annoyed me 🤣 Then I ended up playing because I had been harassing Shay with Childe, even watched an hour long youtube video compilation of some of his parts to better understand him for that exact purpose, and then Shay had THE NERVE to start acting like they didn’t like Childe anymore because Ayato existed. It drove me absolutely insane so I was being petty in an argument one day about it and said I was starting the game just to prove them wrong and decide for myself that Childe was great. And what do you know? I was right, he’s too great. So we’re kinda similar in the falling for Childe even without the game - oops 🤣
I still have more Thoma to meet too because I’m probably only halfway through Inazuma so far. And I’m too excited that for that 😅
It’s a new day for me now and idk where you are but I’m assuming the same is true for you so HAVE THE BEST DAY EVER OK 🖤
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hamliet · 3 years
Chemical Weddings in RWBY
So once upon a time Hamliet said she’d write a meta about ships in RWBY, and then arrived months later without Starbucks. 
The central tenet of alchemy is solve et coagula: dissolve, and then coagulate. The process (RWBY appears to be following Ripley’s 12 Gates) repeats, rinses, and repeats again and again throughout the steps, “each time at a more refined level.” The point of a chemical wedding is to reconcile opposites, which is something I touched on in my pseudo-quick meta here. Lyndy Abraham, the author of A Dictionary of Alchemical Imagery, describes the chemical wedding as: 
a crucial operation in the creation of the philosopher’s stone. The alchemists were ultimately concerned with the union of substances, the reconciliation of opposites.
Basically, it unites opposites (fire and water, air and earth, sun and moon, passive and active,  etc., etc., etc.) and then the opposites start to take on each other’s qualities, creating the “Rebis,” or a person both male and female. 
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The first chemical wedding is usually somewhat violent, primitive even, whereas the second one signifies the creation of the stone. However, characters can have more than two weddings, and chemical weddings do not inherently have to be romantic--Sam and Frodo aren’t, for example--but most often are, because it’s the most obvious way to show a union between separate people (the old adage “two become one” in marriage, for example). 
If we look at George Ripley’s 12 Gates, chemical weddings tend to be focused on in the fourth stage of conjunction (which I wrote about here) and in the ninth, fermentation (which is probably going to be in volume 10--maybe a little in volume 9, but traveling between worlds seems to be a hallmark of sublimation in fiction so I’m guessing we’re stuck there for the time being). But in a lengthy series spanning eight years and counting, there is going to be overlap. 
So let’s talk about chemical wedding imagery historically. It tends to involve dissolution (via water or fire--keep in mind metal was associated with fire in olden days, so stabbing with metal was considered liquid fire, or so it was believed to be by alchemists) and then coagulation (healing/coming together). 
Four of the five ships--two of whom are definitely happening, one of which I think is happening and one of which I think has a good chance--reference historical alchemical artwork and symbolism in key moments. (RWBY does reference alchemical artwork; see here and here.) So let’s dive in and examine potential chemical wedding allusions in RWBY:
Lie Ren/Nora Valkyrie (Renora)
Let’s start with the most obvious couple: Ren and Nora. Their first chemical wedding occurs when they are children. In alchemical art, birds are often used to show the volatility/primitiveness of a first chemical wedding:
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The raven is replicated in the Nevermore which forms a similarly threatening pose over Ren and Nora when he unlocks his semblance to protect her, thus honoring his father and mother’s legacies. 
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You can even see earth (trees), water (river), fire, and air (the bird flying) in the scene as it pans out. After this, Ren and Nora become “Ren and Nora,” as Nora herself says in Volume 8. They’re inseparable, because they’re on their way to becoming one. However, unification doesn’t mean that they’re literally the same person; in stories like these, it’s more like they become better versions of themselves through growing towards each other and adopting each other’s traits (like Nora’s courage for Ren, and Ren’s caution for Nora). 
Their second, elevated chemical wedding is in the same place as their first, when in Volume 4 they return to the village and defeat the monster they were too young to defeat last time. This time, Nora is the one who protects Ren by telling him he could not sacrifice his life by pulling Ren back, in a reversal of his running to her in their first moment years ago. 
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Like the first, there’s water involved--Ren and Nora hide next to a river, watching as the Knuckelvee advances on them. I talked previously how I thought this looked like a possible allusion to this alchemical image (look at the moon symbol on the head of the aggressor): 
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The moon symbol actually shows up quite a bit in this scene, first when Nora and Ren discover the Nuckelvee is still alive in the cave: 
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And then in the moment when they defeat it: 
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While I am certain this is a chemical wedding, I’m not certain why the moon symbol is so prominent in this, though I do think it is possibly in reference to this image and how Nora and Ren are united now: 
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Yang Xiao Long/Blake Belladonna (Bumbleby)
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Firstly, the alchemy image is somewhat of a creepy image, right? In this, Mercurius has united the two principles by beheading them (amputation is a Thing in alchemy), leaving them to putrefy and then coagulate.
Like the Nuckelvee for Nora and Ren, Blake and Yang have a somewhat antagonistic Mercurius who unites them: Adam Taurus. He doesn’t cut off their heads, but he does seriously injure Blake and cuts off Yang’s arm in a scene that is romantically charged (you have Blake’s possessive ex telling her he’ll target someone she loves and specifically chooses Yang). 
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While I have my issues with how Bumbleby is written, it’s hard to interpret that as anything other than him seeing Yang as a rival for Blake’s affection.
Their second chemical wedding also involves Adam. There’s no one direct image that seems to have inspired it, but it does take place in a place full of waterfalls (fountains and flowing water in general, like the ones in Nora and Ren’s village, are common elements of chemical weddings’ settings) and by the ocean (the “mercurial sea” is where the elements dissolve to make the Philosopher’s Stone, so it’s also a common hallmark for chemical weddings).
(To briefly address this: this is where my complaints about the writing pile in, because you can also make a damn strong case that Blake and Sun fighting on the ship to Menagerie is a chemical wedding, which it is, but I think it’s clear at this point that Bumbleby is endgame. Either both were written for a reason, like if they weren’t sure if they could do Bumbleby, or a narrative reason, in which case Black Sun should have been dealt with rather than hand-waved away, or they were just teasing, but baiting fans is never, ever good writing; it’s cheap. All that to say that while I think there’s a compelling case they were interested in pursuing Bumbleby from the start, Black Sun shippers have a right to feel tricked and not all criticism thereof is based in homophobia or a lack of narrative understanding, or even in a dislike of the ship.)
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At the beginning of this scene, Adam makes it clear that this is a redo of their previous chemical wedding by reminding them of it: 
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Blake stabs Adam with a silver weapon; Yang with red. We have earth, air (clouds), water, and weapons as a stand-in for fire.
It’s still somewhat of a violent wedding, which makes me wonder if Bumbleby will have a third (and Renora as well). But it also parallels Renora in this: returning to a pivotal scene where they were traumatized, but this time being able to overcome it because they’ve become more like each other. Blake is in many ways Yang’s trauma stretching far beyond Beacon (Blake runs away, as does Raven, Yang’s mother who abandoned her), and likewise Yang for Blake (she’s hotheaded and holds grudges, like Adam). But Blake and Yang have been working on becoming better versions of themselves. 
At the end of this scene, they even exchange quasi-wedding vows (since Blake’s promise is to not abandon Yang): 
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And the artists drive home the point by drawing Blake’s hair far bushier than normal (more like Yang’s), and Yang’s far tamer than normal (like Blake’s). 
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Jaune Arc/Weiss Schnee (White Knight)
Weiss and Jaune have had one chemical wedding thus far (possibly two but not sure) and I didn’t ship them at all until I saw this scene. Like Bumbleby and Renora, they have an antagonistic Mercurius: Cinder.  
(This one I’ll be arguing a little bit about why I think it’s set up for romance as well.)
In this scene, Cinder directly compares Weiss to Pyrrha in regards to how Jaune feels about them (and we know Jaune and Pyrrha were romantic--you can also argue Cinder was an antagonistic Mercurius uniting Pyrrha and Jaune). 
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When Weiss screams, Cinder gets an idea and slides her gaze from Weiss to Jaune. 
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And then reenacts this: 
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As I also mentioned previously, Jaune then plays the role of the Prince to Weiss’s Snow White (which is an alchemical fairy tale). Like when Ren unlocks his aura to protect Nora, Jaune unlocks his to save Weiss. Weiss looks as if she is in a glass coffin that gets more and more golden, symbolic of refinement. 
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It’s also probably an allusion to this image of a chemical wedding presided over by Saturn (Mercury in this scene, since he’s there) and Death (Ruby and Qrow, who are also present in the scene with Jaune and Weiss). (For more on this image, see here.)
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Weiss and Jaune also have some oppositional imagery and arcs: Weiss starts Beacon with a deep family legacy and an inherited semblance, she chooses to go to Beacon on her own and is the favored child (at first). Jaune too has a family legacy of warriors, but instead of feeling empowered because of this, he is insecure and  literally cheats his way into the school. He doesn’t have a semblance until season 5. After this incident, Weiss and Jaune spend some time recreationally together (seeing a movie in vol 7); Jaune becomes more confident as a leader, and Weiss continues her arc in becoming more sympathetic to those from less privileged backgrounds.
Arguably, what happened at the end of volume 8 could be seen as having some symbolism of a chemical wedding for Weiss and Jaune too, but I don’t think it actually is one since they weren’t focused on as characters enough (if this was intended to be the start of one, we’ll get something next season, I’d imagine). The only reason I’m mentioning it is because it does function as an inverse of the previous one, which is the case for Renora and Bumbleby’s first and second weddings too. Cinder again almost kills Weiss (she falls in the exact same position as in vol 5), but Jaune saves Weiss when he screams after killing Penny. Instead of saving Weiss by healing, he kills. There’s also some distinctive red and white imagery. 
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And then Winter arrives with a six-pointed star and birds before telling them to run together:
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But again, I wouldn’t really call this one; it just has some imagery of one and fits a pattern, so I’m including it as a potential lead-in to an actual one in the void or later. 
Ruby Rose/Oscar Pine (Rosegarden)
Like with Weiss/Jaune, I’ll be arguing a little bit about why I think this one is likely to end up romantic, too (for example, Cinder most recently in volume 8 used Oscar to taunt Ruby in a callback to using Pyrrha and Weiss to taunt Jaune).
Also: oh look, finally a wedding that isn’t violent. They just... meet. Which is also normal for a chemical wedding but less dramatic.
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Behold, the bird uniting the solar king and lunar queen: 
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(Fun fact: unless CRWBY came up with ship names which I highly, highly doubt, this is pure coincidence, but it’s a funny one: the art series this image is taken from is called Rosarium Philosophorum--which literally means “rose garden philosophy.”)
Let’s look at the scene where Ruby and Oscar meet for the first time. What makes this a chemical wedding is in part how obvious their markings are and the overall imagery is in the scene.
They are united by Qrow (who in addition to being named after a bird can literally transform into a bird):
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Oscar asks about Ruby specifically (yes, I know because Qrow’s her uncle, but the writing is telling us to focus on his relationship with her): 
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And immediately notes/is in awe that she has silver eyes (i.e. the moon): 
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Qrow seems to realize he’s done something momentous in a way that almost doesn’t entirely work within the frame of the narrative (but he is drunk, so). 
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The scenery of this room is also telling. The table is literally an Emerald Table, the legendary foundation of alchemy itself. 
Once they sit and talk, behind Oscar are the elements of earth and water, which he represents, and also the moon, which while traditionally associated with earth and water, he does not (at least not as strongly as he’s associated with the sun/gold):
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Similarly, behind Ruby we have the elements of fire and air (like, if you zoom in, they actually drew air), which she is marked as, and the sun, which again, she’s not as strongly associated with as she is with the moon:
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In Splendor Solis, which CRWBY has referenced before, the Solar King does eventually end up grounded in the moon, and likewise the Lunar Queen in the sun:
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Oscar and Ruby also do have oppositional arcs and roles: Ruby starts the series in the very first episode by being invited to Beacon two years early because of her leaping into action to stop Torchwick. She’s scolded for her recklessness, but immediately picked out as special because of her silver eyes. In contrast, Oscar is reluctant to leave his farm once Ozpin inhabits him; he refuses at first, and then once he does leave, is nervous and timid.
Anyways I wouldn’t be surprised if Qrow arrives in Vacuo with RWBYJ in tow and this time reunites Ruby with Oscar in an inverse. We’ll see. 
I do want to say that I also see potential for Emerald Sustrai/Mercury Black, in that they often act as one and share a theme song, but I haven’t seen any actual visual references to a chemical wedding for them... yet. 
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hqbbg · 4 years
pairing: tsukishima x reader
anon request: I'm craving for some angst rip. Can I request a tsukishima x reader Angst one shot based on the song "moral of the story" by ashe. The song hit really close to home when the song said " young people fall in with the wrong people sometimes. " and also one of the lyrics kinda reminded me if Tsuki-Y/N 's relationship was strained " fought the whole time should've seen the signs" 😭😭😭😭 Thank you love your writing btw
genre: angst
word count: 1.4K
warnings: toxic relationship
author’s note: ok let me start off by saying I'm SO SO SO SORRY that it took me literally centuries to respond to this!! pls forgive me, dear anon 🥺 not gonna lie, I think this was just a little hard for me to write because the song (although really good) hits really close to home but anyways, I still hope you enjoy it! 💖
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“I think we should take a break.”
Time stops as you feel your heart drop to your stomach. Your hands are trembling, and you do your best to hide them from view in your lap under the table you’re sitting at in a café. You chose to do this in public with the purpose of wanting to avoid breaking down in front of him, knowing that the idea of strangers seeing you crying was embarrassing enough to keep you from doing so, but heavy tears still line your eyes, threatening to spill down your cheeks anytime now.
Tsukishima says nothing and you look at him to see him looking back at you with hardly any emotion on his face, a shell of the man you’d fallen in love with.
You’re not sure when exactly everything had gone wrong, or if things were even right from the start.
When you had met, you were kids. You had been playing on your neighborhood playground with some other kids and noticed a commotion nearby, turning your head to see a kid around your age getting pushed to the ground by a group of bullies. You wanted to go over and help but stopped when a tall blond boy walked past and seemed to resolve the issue himself. You wanted to become his friend, so that’s exactly what you did.
Even though you went to different schools, you spent as much time as you could with him, and he seemed to enjoy your company just as much. The two of you had spent a lot of time together, occasionally accompanied by Yamaguchi—the small kid who was getting bullied—and the three of you had become a unique trio. As a result, you had been there whenever Tsukishima babbled on about how great his older brother was and witnessed the moment the image of his perfect brother was shattered into a million pieces.
Tsukishima had changed after that, growing distant and untrusting of those around him, including you. As a result, the two of you had stopped talking until high school; you were determined to become his friend again, doing as much as you could without being annoying.
You remember trying to find little excuses to talk to him during your first year and he’d brush you off every time. By the time your second year had rolled around, he seemed to have gotten used to you again and you were able to be bolder in your actions, asking him to study with you whenever you could. To your surprise, he agreed, and you did your best to get to know him all over again. He was still distant, but you started to pick up on little things he did to show that he cared for you.
The first time he had done something like that was when you had mentioned in passing that you’d been unable to eat breakfast because you were waking up late after staying up studying all night long. You had arrived at your desk one morning at school and saw a carton of milk and some bread sitting there. You had wondered who it was at first until Yamaguchi had asked if you received it because Tsukishima didn’t leave a note or any indication that it was specifically for you.
You weren’t sure when exactly your platonic feelings towards Tsukishima had shifted into something more romantic; all you knew was that you began to feel a little shyer and more nervous around him. He was quick to pick up on this, being as observant as he is, but let you take your time to admit your feelings for him at the end of your second year.
You probably should’ve seen the red flags when he flippantly suggested the two of you to start dating without saying that he returned your feelings, but you blinded yourself with the hopes that things would be okay.
During your third year, things seemed to be going fine, but you didn’t have much experience to make reference to. You thought the fighting and arguing was normal. You thought the neglect and invalidation of your feelings was normal.
“Why are you being so sensitive about this?” Tsukishima had asked you once when you had told him that you felt like he was treating you like a chore rather than a human being.
“You haven’t been answering my texts and calls,” you remember frowning, unable to contain the hurt from showing on your face.
“I told you that I’ve been busy,” he had responded with annoyance.
“I’m not asking for much, Kei,” your frown deepened, a sigh escaping past your lips. “I just feel like I haven’t been able to see you much lately.”
“I’ve had a lot of things to do,” he replied. That wasn’t what you wanted to hear, and he probably knew that. “Look, I’m sorry, okay?”
A lot of your talks had gone like this: you’d bring up a concern, he’d fail to understand, you’d get upset, and he’d apologize for the sake of not wanting to deal with the situation worsening; it was almost like clockwork. Part of you felt bad, as if you were a burden, but there were still moments in between these that gave you hope that Tsukishima cared for you deep down.
You’d go on dates every so often, some ending better than others, but you’d enjoy your time with him, nonetheless. Maybe it was because of the pain you felt more often than not that you’d learned to appreciate the good moments more. Maybe that was the problem.
The two of you ended up choosing to go to the same college and you had hoped that the freedom of not being under your parents’ roof would give you more time to spend with your boyfriend. You had been wrong.
Tsukishima found other things to busy himself with and the few times throughout the week that you’d spend together always ended in some kind of argument. You had gotten used to waking up with puffy eyes from crying yourself to sleep at night and keeping your feelings to yourself because you always felt overdramatic for bringing your concerns forward.
It had gotten to the point where you hadn’t spoken to him in over a week. You stopped texting him, tired of seeing his read receipts with no reply. You stopped calling, annoyed by the automated voice telling you that he was unavailable. You stopped going out of your way for him when he had stopped a long time ago.
Looking back, it’s not like you didn’t see this coming; you just didn’t want to acknowledge it.
You’d made a mistake.
You’d fallen in love with the wrong person.
You’d spent so much of your life trying to pour yourself into someone who could never do the same and you were exhausted.
Tsukishima’s simple response brings you back to your current reality. He looks unfazed and you know that he’s been expecting this too.
“I just have a question to ask,” you say, trying to keep your voice steady. He raises an eyebrow at you, wordlessly telling you to go on. “Did you ever love me?”
Part of you shouldn’t be surprised when he doesn’t respond right away, but for some reason, your heart still hurts.
“I did.”
“When did you stop?”
You don’t want to know the answer, so you’re not sure why you ask.
“It’s not relevant.”
At least Tsukishima knows you well enough to know that the answer would break you no matter what.
“One last question,” you say, exhaling a shaky breath. “Did you regret ever dating me?”
The silence that follows feels deafening.
You have a hard time believing him, though you try your best.
“That’s all I needed to know,” you say softly. You hadn’t even realized that the tears had begun falling until you felt them drip onto your hands.
“Take care of yourself, okay?” Tsukishima sighs heavily as he stands up. “I’m sorry.”
You can’t bring yourself to watch as he leaves you alone one last time. You don’t care that there are people around you as you bury your face in your hands and begin to cry as quietly as you can manage. You’re painfully reminded of both the good and bad memories and the aching in your chest only seems to increase.
Despite all this, if you had the chance to go back and redo anything, you probably wouldn’t. You made a mistake, but you were going to learn from this.
You had simply fallen in love with the wrong person.
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asherlockstudy · 4 years
Uncomfortable close-up to their Valentine Newlywed answers
Since Rhett was a tad reluctant to compliment Link sincerely I decided to use my psychoanalytical skills (anyway whatever) and seek the underlying honest answers they wanted to give. This could be a bit much at times and perhaps you shouldn't read if you are not a Rhink shipper, that's why I used a cut.
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"What he loves about me" Link's expression is a little confusing - maybe an attempt at doubt or self-deprecation but it looks to me more like the embarrassment of the blushing bride.
"I love your..."
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Who wants to bet that the first thing that came to Rhett's mind was ass but then he changed it to the first word that came to his mind after ass? A-ccent. Like, there's just no case accent was the first thing he thought because Link's accent isn't even that strong at this point. When Link got surprised at that, Rhett simply replied that he was trying to find something funny. But even so, like I said earlier, Rhett does love Link's accent. I am sure he is fond of it, he finds it adorable. And let's not forget he said "there was so much he could choose from"!
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Link looks disappointed that it's not his guess, his eyes. An interesting thing here is that although he used a personality trait for Rhett, he expected / hoped for this physical trait for himself. But don't feel sorry - Rhett has talked about his baby blues and has even gone to the ridiculous extents of planning to make a blog exclusively for Link's eyes. So don't worry; it is known that Rhett at least acknowledges the beauty of Link's eyes. At least. And Link was expecting this from a place of knowledge and not as an attempt to be silly-sappy.
Things Rhett thinks Link loves about him:
voice (Link will later say he loves his laugh and this is close, he's also enchanted every time Rhett sings so...)
height (Link once said he is attracted to "people of extreme heights")
hair (we know that)
beard (lie detector test)
giving spirit (lol totally)
creativity (they've talked about this many times)
eyebrows (if Link has said he likes Rhett's eyelashes then liking his eyebrows is certain)
Rhett was guessing from a place of knowledge too.
Rhett then said he loves stories of Link's grandma doing weird things with him and I don't like being the weirdo to spell out the weird thing but Rhett's interest in that is vaguely associated to his weird mind being always in the gutter. I don't mean it turns him on of course but he loves hearing weird stuff that border on creepy. You know it's true. Sometimes he's like that. Link took revenge for the accent joke with the psoriasis.
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Wow we saw some Rhett teeth. Link answered sincerely with a super cute "I love your laugh" but Rhett just said "I love the sound your mouth makes when you don't chew". Oh well. Link regretted being sincere and Rhett, after some good laughter, defended himself by saying "he (Link) walked himself into it". This makes exactly zero sense and I am wondering whether he meant Link walked himself into it by choosing the vulnerable / sincere way. Or if he just didn't know what he was talking about.
Rhett then asks for the next answer to be complimentary. He then repeats he has strong feelings about Link's accent. Again, I believe this! In a positive light. IDK, I do believe this. Link said he has strong positive feelings for Rhett's car which I found weird like Rhett because I thought it was established Link has the better car of the two. Who knows, maybe he lied about the positive thing. Unless he connects it in his mind with memories / experiences.
Link's guess a little later:
Link: If I wanted to, I could easily... start over.
Rhett: Start over?! Like, whole life?
L: ...Yeah, just like, get a re-do.
R: Huh.
L: And I would be like "Really? How?"
R: Mmkay. I said "If you wanted to, you could easily kill me".
Okay, this gets a little deeper. I think what initially Link meant was a joke about starting over regarding his relationship with Rhett. Rhett didn't get that and asked him if he meant his whole life. Link considered that "mmyeah..." and realised it wasn't that far off from what he meant, all jokes aside. Link does wish he could start over and redo many things in his life. This surely has A LOT to do with their religious upbringing. And maybe how it affected Link's choices. Stevie's laughter is so out of place sometimes. Rhett does not laugh and tries to rush this moment. Rhett's answer about Link killing him is not exactly weird or offensive or mean as I saw some people consider it. It shows, maybe subconsiously, several things; Link's intensity, Rhett's pliable nature especially to Link and it might be more indicative of how Rhett feels about Link than anything else, at least in this video.
And then, out of nowhere, or maybe so it seems to us, Rhett goes ballistic against everyone. He starts complaining about those complaining when they didn't give each other heartfelt compliments. Link joked he agrees with them. Rhett attempted to let this slip although it angered him. The crew laughed with Link's joke, meaning they kinda sided with him, and Rhett turned basically mad at Link.
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He accused Link that he did the same that day and Link entirely deflected the conversation. All I'm gonna say is that don't think they don't communicate with each other about how they approach certain situations. I wonder if at times they misunderstand each other or one changes opinion suddenly and leaves the other hanging. Link tries to stop Rhett from going on but Rhett is unstoppable at this point.
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You might say Rhett was straight out mean right there and I sure was like "whoa where did this all come from, man" but mean is not a reasonable explanation. He was angry and his words show he is in a pressured state. Unless you tend to have mood swings, which Rhett doesn't really have as far as I know, you don't go from all cutesy and mischievous to furious in milliseconds. Except if there is an underlying suppressed cause. And you may ask, okay does he feel pressured to say a compliment to Link? Is this such a big deal? Well, yes and no. I don't think Rhett meant "we're not gonna hold hands" or "compliment each other" when we ask it. I think we know what he means. I think he's talking about the - well, in his words - elephant in the room. The actually serious consideration that there is something more there. The expectation that it might get revealed at any point - whether intentionally or unintentionally. Rhett loses control at that moment, which is why Link, who knows him well, warns him to not go there but Rhett still does. And again, you might say: well, no fan asked them to kiss or to confirm anything! We asked them simple stuff that can be normal between platonic friends too. Yes, but there is something we don't take often into account. The mythical crew. The mythical crew are actually the ones who monitor closely what the fans believe, want and prefer to watch. This means that the crew has to inform and discuss with Rhett and Link how much they are gonna please the audience and in what ways. Which means that a crew of 50+ people have an elaborate opinion on what fans think of Rhett and Link's relationship (next to their own opinion of course) and this has to be communicated with them face to face. In short, Rhett and Link have their privacy invaded not only by the fans but by their employees and, moreover, they are forced to always have fun with it and take it lightly. Again, you could think: well, they could forbid any rhink reference to the crew from now on. And you would think this WOULDN'T make the crew MORE suspicious at this point? All I am saying, they are fine when they make rhink insinuations / jokes voluntarily but most of the time is forced upon them by both the fans and employees and this can be uncomfortable at best if they are just friends or tyrannical if there is something more there that they still keep for themselves. So, Rhett's frustration comes from a deeper place than being expected to give a compliment. If I were in their place as I imagine it (I could always be entirely wrong) I would feel like a muppet trying to balance all my reactions towards thousands of people, with several dozens of them being paid by me to scrutinize me and order me how exactly to act!
There is a cut following Rhett's vent and you can see that Rhett is trying to calm himself down.
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He speaks to himself, mumbling "yeah alright yeah ok ok" and by the expressions I can tell he acknowledges he lost control. That doesn't mean he regretted what he said - just that he said more than it benefits him to say and apparently he said a lot more in the unedited video. Kudos then to Link, who actively tries to calm his friend down and make him feel more comfortable.
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This might be unpleasant to some but from his stance I conclude that Link agrees with Rhett or at least understands him. He was just wise enough to not say it out loud. Link first warned Rhett to not speak and then stayed quiet as Rhett was venting. After the cut, we see him trying to help Rhett calm down and relax and he characteristically invites Rhett to focus his attention on him and find something he really loves about him. This is not a complaint - Link is smiling and is warm to Rhett. What he essentially does is trying to help Rhett forget he is being watched by thousands and his every word is weighted, which of course is Rhett's main problem. He just says "forget about them and focus on me and just say something you love, it's all good". I just love Link here. He's supportive and caring.
The next question is what Link loves when Rhett blanks his blank and Rhett is trying to picture it-
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I have no doubt Link loves that. The ear thumbing, I mean.
So, then I am adding the stills that redeemed Rhett in the fandom:
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But not to be that person, it's obvious that Rhett plays it up a ridiculous lot. And not even to appease the angry fans but probably to make fun of their anger. That's why Link laughs with his face and his answer "I love remembering the time we met".
This doesn't interest me at all. Instead, I am much more interested in Link's nonsensical answer "I love remembering the time we died" because what?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Link tends to say occasionally stuff that doesn't make sense but I don't think he would pass on the chance to say something even remotely meaningful in an opportunity like this and especially regarding his relationship with Rhett. Link clarifies: "...when we died. This is heaven". There are two possibilities and only two: a) this makes ZERO sense and it's the worst and most pointless joke ever and b) this is symbolic or something only Rhett could understand. Rhett does not dismiss this as stupid or silly with his usual done look. He asks questions about it and they discuss at length about how it happened that they died and why they went to heaven since it seems they killed each other. Well, it's because they killed each other in the exact same time with a prod-like tool and they escaped Good Ol' God's (in Link's words) notice. Okay. I'm just leaving this here and you can all draw your own conclusions. Personally, I am torn between a symbolical death and rebirth when they left their religious selves behind and death being used as a well known old metaphor of a certain physical state. It would work even more if it was both. Or Link was just talking nonsense. Let's not exclude that. So yeah. That's all I had to say................
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