#maybe maia and meliorn? idk
cuubism · 3 years
hey!! what do you think of the sh main characters excluding malec? also, what do you think ab side characters (like cat, raph, meliorn)
i love ur characterizations so i would love to know your opinions on them :) <3
ooh, interesting :) uh.. it varies a lot 😂 i love izzy, i think she's sweet and smart and determined, sometimes she gets caught up in her emotions and what she feels is right and pushes too hard but, well, they all have flaws. she and alec are more similar than i think they realize; they both suffered a lot in silence growing up, they just hide it in completely opposite ways.
i have a love-hate relationship with clary. i love how recklessly determined she is, her intensity of feeling, her devotion. i don't love how unobservant and callous she can be at times and how narrow-minded she is about her goals. i like that she questions the rules, i don't like that she questions everyone and everything all the time as if anyone who disagrees with her must be wrong. and so on 😂
i don't really love jace, he's just too myopic for my taste (maybe that's just the overthinker in me but i can't stand when people don't think things through 😂) he also seems to have that issue where he thinks people are completely against him if they disagree on something... idk. i do have sympathy for him, and kind of understand why he is the way he is based on what he's gone through.
who else is a main.. oh simon 😂 i don't really have a lot of strong feelings about simon, not sure why 🤷‍♀️ he seems like a good guy though, i definitely don't dislike him or anything 😅
i love maia, i think she's awesome. i love how she can be so soft around people she loves but always stands up for herself. i love how principled she is, and her journey to become pack leader is great 👍
probably gonna neglect some people but alas... hmm cat raphael & meliorn... it should be no surprise that i love cat, i like how she’s incredibly kind but also super hardcore when necessary. i never really include raph and meliorn in anything... i guess i should... i mean i have like neutrally positive feelings about both of them 😂 i don’t think the show necessarily did raphael the most credit tbh..
yup... that’s all i have... 
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the first major snowfall in ages finally hit nyc recently and all im imaging is the Polycule attaching snowboards and the such to the back of simons van and them just being happy with snow day activities
oof, this ask is from so many months ago, i'm so sorry. i was very busy. i'm also not sure how great my answer will be because i'm a whole ass brazilian so i have no idea what snow day activies are, but i will try anyway
so, major advantages: meliorn has magic and maia is a werewolf and if i'm not mistaken it's said or implied that werewolves have a higher core body temperature than humans. or maybe i made that up, but it's canon for me
major disadvantages: raphael and simon are vampires, which means that technically they are kind of "cold-blooded" creatures? i mean they would still have other important temperature regulating mechanisms such as mitochrondrial heat production and muscle contraction, but they basically don't have a heartbeat/blood flow/arguably blood at all, which is a major way of regulating core temperature, and canonically their skin feels pretty cold, so like. they probably are more suscetible to temperature changes is what i'm saying (i'm mostly going off this source [link] for this. i'm already overthinking this answer good job me)
plus i am once again saying that raphael is from guadalajara which means that like me he is used to Worm Temperchoores, like, WAY warmer than NYC's, and he grew up without pretty much any kind of snow at all. and sure he's lived in NYC for years so he's SOMEWHAT used to the cold but he still spent his formative years in guadalajara, so like. he fucking hates the cold, is my point
but back to major advantages: meliorn and magic! which means they can do something about it. don't ask me what, but i'm sure they can do Something. i mean i'm sure to some extent the downworld has already figured out a solution to this problem cuz while it might not kill them (since they're immortal) it is very uncomfortable and probably makes them slower, which is a disadvantage to say the least. plus raphael has magnus who knows that raphael is a grumpy ass in the cold. also i think java is similarly hot so magnus Gets It, but idk what the temperatures usually are in jakarta
anyway my point is that magnus probably got some coats/vests/blankets spelled for his boy so they can keep him toasty (since they are otherwise kinda useless for vampires since they rely on trapping body heat and vampires don't have any) and vampires in general probably have access to that kinda stuff, but still, rapha gets grumpy and his face is still cold and everything is just awful and he doesn't understand how gringos do it. his complaints fly for about 2 days before the New Yorker Squad™ (particularly simon and maia, who drag clary and inevitably everyone else is there) decides that they've had enough of this and that raphael will learn how to enjoy the snow
he is like "i am not willingly going into the snow! you don't understand, i'm a vampire, i won't get back my body heat the way you do". simon: "i literally am also a vampire". raphael: "you're just a fledgeling, you wouldn't understand" "i've been a vampire for like, ten years!" "seven" "same thing" "it's so not the-" "i have gone through enough winters to be able to understand, and you, sir, are going to learn to enjoy the snow. have you EVER even made a snow angel?" "no" "well this changes today"
he literally has no excuse because meliorn has this super sweet spell that keeps him from losing heat so like. he doesn't even need a coat (he's still wearing it and preferably also a scarf and gloves because he is, first and foremost, dramatic) so he is forced to have a day off and go play in the snow, woe is him
(he tells the clan that should they need anything they should ring him, but they're like "nah simon has promised us pictures of you in the snow, we can handle ourselves" and it's not like raphael is too busy these days, really)
anyway! they have fun. simon strikes me as the winter lover kind of person altho really i think he enjoys all seasons in their own way, but like... hot chocolate and scarves and snow fights, yes? and while i think maia might prefer warmer temperatures she can double enjoy herself in the snow now that she's a werewolf because she gets less cold and like, damn, tell me that being a wolf and jumping headfirst into a pile of snow wouldn't be fun. you can't, unless you're a bad taste bitch
i also think maia is the building snow forts kind of gal because, idk, she just looks that way. and sure she's excited about kicking everyone's asses during snowball fight but FIRST she needs to have a full fort complete with towers and windows for her to throw snowballs from and shit
rapha is the one that helps her build it the most cuz he likes the motions and besides it is a little less energetic than whatever it is that the rest of these wackos are doing. again izzy didn't get any chances to play in the snow either so naturally clary is dragging her around from snow activity to snow activity and running around everywhere and holy shit they have so much energy. simon is there as well naturally and eventually they make it their goal in life to ruin maia's and rapha's fort, which ends up kickstarting the mandatory snowball fight. even tho maia only has a half complete fort
(eventually when everyone has left maia and rapha will come back and finish the fort. it's the principle of the thing. raphael also wants to build an igloo or some shit and maia rolls her eyes but actually i can see him being into building snow things? it's just soothing and nice and quiet and he can pretend there's Elegance and Finesse to it)
and meliorn is just watching them curiously the whole time because of course they know snow but they dont really know about Snow Activities these funky little non-seelies dedicate themselves too. i feel like the seelies have their own snow activities, maybe like, festivals? dances with the snowfall and games to welcome the change in the environment, that sort of thing. but they are nothing like snow angels ("it doesn't look like an angel in the slightest, just like you kept moving your legs and arms in the snow" "thats what it is" "right, so...?") or snowmen ("also doesn't look like a man" "meliorn we aren't exactly artists") or snow fights (altho that one they can appreciate) and they're really interested in like participating even though they dont understand and everyone has to keep telling them that it's Not That Deep and izzy is so amused she just kisses them one billion times
eventually they start doing it just to get more of those laugh-filled kisses of hers
also at least one of them, probably izzy of rapha or meliorn since they are the snow ignorant ones of the group, is absolutely horrible at making snowmen. probably izzy tbh because shadowhunters dont exactly have a knack for these things. like clary's snowman is all artistic and simon's is fun and creative, maia's is pretty, raphael's and meliorn's look like the Platonic Ideal Of A Snowman, and izzy's looks like A Pile Of Dirt. clary giggles at it for an embarrassing amount of time, which inevitably leads to izzy taking the snow from her snowman to throw snowballs at clary and triggering a new snowfight
and then they have some soup inside and cuddle under a blanket as they fight over what they should watch and all is well with the world
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ok idk if u like harry potter (either way fuck jkr) but have u thought about sh characters and hp houses? for magnus i’m torn between hufflepuff and ravenclaw, alec hufflepuff ?? maybe?? and idk for anyone else
its a weird thing because i've always hated hp, even when i was a kid, but i'm kinda interested in discussing the whole houses thing? possibly because the choice between traits is so fucking random and absurd like idk it makes for funny character analysis. so in short let's go
but also, i'll warn u that my takes on this are usually considered kinda spicy. mostly because other ppl r wrong and interpret the characters terribly i go by the canon that the house ur sorted into represents what you value the most, not necessarily what you are (which is why hermione is gryffindor and not ravenclaw for example, and if i'm not mistaken so's neville? idk idc her worldbuilding is bad) so yeah
magnus is definitely hufflepuff for me, no argument about that. like yes he is very smart but i don't think that he values knowledge/intelligence above all else. wisdom maybe, but even then, magnus' character core is and has always been kindness and loyalty. he values kindness and mutual support and community and equality. it's indisputable that he's hufflepuff for me, not only in values but in personality and actions
i like slytherin alec, first because it fits his character arc. like big racist family who loves fascism and is very traditional sounds like slytherin, and at a very young age he'd be their golden boy tbh [EDIT: ive already gotten anon hate over this so please read these posts before freaking out over this part please and thank you] so like, makes sense. but even later alec i think fits slytherin, although in a different way. family above all else, tradition, and ambition? sounds like him. he's a political shark, he's very traditional, and he's loyal as fuck to his family. i'm not against hufflepuff alec per se but i wouldnt say, even by the end of the series, that alec values kindness/community/equality above all else, tbh
raphael is hufflepuff. again, loyalty, community, kindness. i could maybe kiiiiiindaaaaa see why ppl think he fits slytherin aesthetics with his power suits and shit but also raphael is the least ambitious person in like, this entire show lmao his happy ending is literally to become a priest (like i hate the whole mundane thing but u cant argue that that's an ambitious man lol). throughout the show his whole motivation was always protecting his people and his family, and he was shown to be kind and caring even to shadowhunters. and yes okay there was the heidi plotline but like a- it made no fucking sense anyway (both for his character and just plot-wise, like, she wasn't a daylighter, why would he be after her and not simon, what the fuck) so i simply ignore it, and b- even then it doesn't define him or his values. if ppl can see hufflepuff alec when he handed meliorn over to be tortured for basically no reason and was never shown to be particularly caring beyond the people closest to him, i can say hufflepuff raphael when he continuously extended his hand to people who literally betrayed, used and tortured him
maia is hufflepuff and look i know that this sounds like "all my faves are hufflepuffs" but really tho. endlessly loyal to her pack, wants to build a family, her whole thing was always about making the downworld better and making sure her family was okay, i don't see how community and equality aren't defining values for her. "oh muh muh muh she was willing to kill ppl" there was a war going on buddy. it doesn't mean that maia isn't kind and caring. also, again, she is fierce on her ideals, which happen to be family, equality, and community (both as in the pack and the downworld as a whole, see how hard she tried to mend vamp/wolf relationships). she's a hufflepuff
meliorn is a hard one. i think gryffindor or slytherin? tbh i don't think any of the houses really super fits them because again jk's worldbuilding makes no sense like the four personality traits are kind, smart, brave, and racist there are no other ones you sjw snowflake. and okay i know that i just called slytherin the racist house but that was a joke and i can see slytherin meliorn because loyalty and tradition. not really ambitious but not not ambitious either. tbh i could make points for meliorn in all houses, i think wisdom is definitely something they seek and care about, as is bravery (they're literally a knight), as is community, as is tradition. but also i could see them being like "hey sorting hat put me in slytherin i'm a 'mudblood' they're gonna be super pissed". and going there just to be defiant. but no actually i changed my mind completely, they're ravenclaw. i think wisdom and temperance are what they seek the most, because they want to be a good leader/asset for their people. which kinda circles back to hufflepuff but still.... wisdom. i think it suits them
simon is another hard one for opposite reasons like i don't think he truly fits any of the houses? like meliorn fits them all simon fits none. i know ppl always go with hufflepuff simon cuz they think hufflepuff is the dork house and simon is an anxious bean but fuck that noise, hufflepuff isn't the dork house, it's the house for those who believe in mutual aid and support and equality and that's literally canon, hufflepuff existed because it was the only hogwarts founder who believed that everyone had equal right to education. hufflepuff is a fierce house of sjws and people who want to change the world for the better and YES i am aware that for someone who thinks harry potter sucks i sure have strong opinions about it. but that's the thing like there are so many interesting places jk rowling could've gone and instead she chose to write the most superficial shit ever. anyway my point is that hufflepuff is not the dork house so i'm not gonna sort simon there just because he's a dork. but anyway i wouldnt say that he particularly values any of the house's traits. maybe ravenclaw for creativity? or gryffindor because clary is there and he's like "please sorting hat do me a solid" lol
which okay i guess leads me to clary. definitely gryffindor. bravery with a side of recklessness is definitely her thing. she is fierce and she is proud of it. no argument about that
j@ce is also gryffindor in the most annoying obnoxious way. he's just like man i sure like violence watch me prove how macho i am and the sorting hat is like oh no it's one of those gryffindors
izzy.... i can see gryffindor cuz again bravery and just again fits her character arc as she would go there specifically as a fuck you to the lightwood's traditional slytherin shit. but really tho, ravenclaw. she values knowledge, she is hungry for it, she wants to see the world and learn and invent and create you know?? so like yeah ravenclaw
cat.... either ravenclaw or hufflepuff? she just cares about people as a whole but also about wisdom and knowledge so could go either way imo
ragnor... man i really have no idea for ragnor. again aesthetic fits slytherin but is he actually proud, ambitious, cunning? i don't think so. fucking ravenclaw maybe? just like "yes i value knowledge very much now put me in the nerd house where people will leave me alone" lol. ok tho ravenclaw it is
madzie... gryffindor? idk she seems like she would want to have adventure. it's so hard to do this for sh minor characters when their personality was basically based on the shape of the writer's poop that day tbh
camille is slytherin because duh and if we really wanna do a h*gwarts au for some reason, it adds some angsty juices as magnus once again falls in love with a slytherin and doesn't know how to open up and trust (once he meets alec, i mean)
luke is ravenclaw methinks. i guess could have been slytherin because character arc as shadowhunter but like... he's just a wise and caring figure. i could see hufflepuff but i think his thing is less equality/community and more family, but post-sh luke doesn't exactly fit "proud, ambitious, cunning" either. so yeah methinks ravenclaw. same for alaric i guess
who else exists lmao. i feel like i'm forgetting somebody but idk who so i guess i'll reblog or edit if i think of someone elsIT WAS DOT okay so i think either hufflepuff or ravenclaw. kinda hard because her whole personality was "cares about clary" so idk but like loyalty and care seem like character traits that suit her? also she was knee deep in trauma and still cared about helping magnus so... yeah hufflepuff
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angelofthequeers · 4 years
City of Ashes thoughts
Got bored, devoured an entire book in a few hours like back in the good old days of a happy little autistic kid with hopes and dreams and no burnout 🙃 Tagging @repulsolife again for the lolz.
Prologues normally make me wary but this one worked. It set up the main mystery in the story in a way that wasn’t immediately obvious and made me want to read more to see why Valentine needed Elias’ blood and why he needed to summon a demon in the first place.
I can’t tell whether it’s me being aro as hell, knowing that Clary and Jace have to be endgame and can’t be if they’re siblings, or just not being invested in the Clary/Jace relationship. Maybe a mix of all three. I just found myself not really caring about the whole incest/forbidden love thing while also questioning the appeal of it. But I did appreciate that it was Legitimate Relationship Drama instead of the tired old cliched misunderstandings or “we can’t be together for arbitrary plot reason” (which is why I don’t read romances in the first place), so point to Cassandra Clare there. Miraculous Ladybug also has legitimate reasons for the love square not being together, which is why I’m so invested in them.
Still like Clary. She’s annoying at times in the way that teenage girls can be annoying and self-centred while trying to figure themselves out, and she’s explicitly called out in the story by Jace and Simon and the people she hurts, so she’s nowhere near the perfect goddess that people who accuse her of being a Mary Sue call her. I did feel for her trying to lie to herself and tearing her hair out trying to figure out who exactly she was, because her stable identity as Clary Fray was ripped away not too long ago and she hasn’t had the time to really sit down and think about who the heck she is. She’s just a pretty typical teenage girl trying to figure out her place in the world, when the world happens to be full of deadly threats that are out for her and her friends and family.
I also liked that her affinity with runes was expanded on and further hinted at. There’s an actual reason for her having a special gift, and she’s not the only one, and I want to know more.
Still don’t like Jace. I feel for him. I get the inner torment he went through. I get that trauma makes you act in fucked-up ways. But if he’s able to look at a kid and laugh and say that the kid basically got what he deserved, it’s gonna take a hell of a lot more than a troubled past and an identity crisis after being rejected by his adoptive mother to make me like him. He’s an arse.
And especially because no one calls him out for that. They rag on him for being reckless enough to pick a fight with werewolves, but literally no one apart from the wolves themselves calls out Jace for pretty much laughing at the death of a child. Even Luke is just like “kk guys he’s our ally so like chill” and covers Jace’s rear, when he could have also at least tried to scold Jace for mocking the death of a kid.
I hate Jace right now, if you couldn’t tell.
I hope that changes, because otherwise I’m really not gonna care about the Clary/Jace drama that seems to be driving these books.
I both like Simon more in this book and also dislike him more. I like him because Clary was giving him mixed signals and I don’t blame him for interpreting them the way he wanted, because he’s only human. Or, well, he was. I dislike him because he’s basically acting like he’s entitled to Clary as his girlfriend, carrying on about how long he’s loved her and acting as though being her oldest friend is enough to stake a claim on her.
Clary was kind of just along for the ride when it came to the relationship part of this book; and I get she was trying to figure herself out, and that it’s a normal human thing to try and “settle” for what they think they want and to have things both ways, but she didn’t really do anything. It was Simon and Jace calling the shots by breaking up with her or storming off in a fit of rage or whatever.
But I did like Simon outside of the relationship drama. And even though I think (????) I’ve read this book like literally years ago and knew he became a vampire, it was still a shock when it happened, and the scene where Valentine ‘killed’ him made me stop reading for a few minutes to process, even though I knew Clare wouldn’t kill off one of the main characters. Especially after he already had a ‘death’ scene earlier.
I also liked the nods to him being Jewish. I know Clare is Jewish herself, so it was a delight to read about these little things, especially how Jewish vampires might work.
Isabelle was same as always. Her banter with Meliorn was amusing, and I loved how furious she got in defence of Jace, but she was kind of just...there.
Max was cute. I like Max. He’s totally going to die later on.
Alec got some real growth this book and I actually like him a lot now. He’s still himself but he’s not a raging prick to everyone.
Loved Maia. I hope she’s a more major character later on, because I’d really like to see more of her.
Imogen was meh. I knew as soon as Stephen was mentioned that she was going to have a change of heart and die defending Jace somehow, and I was right. She was a solid antagonist and her motives were understandable and she was a good foil to Valentine; I just didn’t really care much about her.
Valentine is very suitably creepy. He’s excellent at emotional manipulation, especially when he left Jace alone in the Bone City after killing the Silent Brothers, and I actually know about the plot twist regarding Valentine and Jace because I’ve seen Jace’s real name floating around since this series came out like a decade ago. So that makes this even more chilling, because Valentine knows that Jace and Clary aren’t siblings and he still perpetuates that lie to mess around with both their heads and still continue to claim that he’s Jace’s real father to try and persuade him to the dark side.
He really reminds me of Gabriel Agreste from ML, and I would hurl Gabriel into the sun, so Clare’s done a good job with him. And just like Gabriel, he’s a pretty standard villain who’s willing to do anything to achieve his goals, even if that means being a hypocrite and sacrificing his morals and beliefs. I’m not so much invested in the Evil Plan part of him as I am in the Horrifically Manipulative Jerk part of him, and I did enjoy reading more about how he charmed the Circle to his side in the first place.
The worldbuilding is still as alluring as always. I was so invested in every little bit I learned about Clare’s world, and I liked how the Clave was established as theoretically on the side of good but in practice kind of...lacking. It really enhances the idea in these books that good and evil are both clear, solid positions but are also hazy and can’t be that easily defined.
I enjoyed City of Ashes more than City of Bones. It had a good deal more action and the murder mystery was intriguing, and the world was also fleshed out a good deal more. Now I just have to hold off on City of Glass until I get City of Fallen Angels (😭), which is where I think I stopped reading the series back when I was like 13 if I did read it? I don’t recognise the last two titles in the series like I do the first four. Idk, it’s been a decade so I don’t remember anything.
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bitchfury · 4 years
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i’m literally only here to talk about malec.. that’s it, that’s the whole post.
no - but seriously !! also, expressing my gratitude to tumblr for all of the gay gifs i was hit with as soon as i searched for shadowhunters. may the angel bless ya’ll!! especially @maia-roberts​ for the starting gif with ms lightwood. 
so lets go and delve into some magnus and alec talk, because that’s literally the only relationship that matters to me. 
kidding, i’m going to be rating relationships in the show with hot takes.
but actually, if i’m being honest * don’t hate me but, * every relationship that isn’t clary and jace are the only relationships that matter. don’t get me wrong, they’re ?? good ?? together but, something about that relationship doesn’t rub me the right way. bitch, maybe it’s the fact that they literally still thought about boning when valentine made them think they were siblings??
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*jace crying cause i’m not a big fan of jlary.. or whatever their shipname is.
i also contradict myself a lot when it comes to these relationships because while i was not a big fan of their relationship, i was a huge fan of jonathan and clary!! not them being together!! but just, the sister and brother bond they had made me want to cry, and the way it ended :( you could honestly tell that a part of clary was actually devastated because she really loved the idea of having a brother. even if he was of demon blood. 
10/10 honestly, i loved every bit of their relationship even the sad parts. i legit cried during the marriage scene when alec was supposed to marry lydia, but then magnus walked in and lydia was so kind and they had that kiss... and.. and..
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honestly tho - lydia was so nice about it all, i’m actually upset that she didn’t become a part of the crew for longer after she was over thrown by that guy that got isabelle addicted to yin fen. 
all i can say after that - is gay excitement. pure joy is all i feel whenever i watch a scene with alec and magnus together. although, the scene where they both marry eachother as jonathon is, y’know, destroying the world... i actually wasn’t a huge fan of.
something that i find really funny is after 2 months of being in a relationship, alec pulls a ultragay move and asks magnus if he can move in. if you know.. you know.
ask me any questions about them and i’ll honestly give you my thoughts on it.. please, i need *someone* to talk to about their relationship.
don’t make fun of me, okay? i knew the shipname looked sus as soon as i wrote it down, but idk if that’s their actual one because i haven’t joined the fan club group chat for shadowhunters. 
ALL I GOTTA SAY IS 1000000/10!!
i’ve literally been waiting since episode for isabelle and simon to get together, i get that isabelle only saw simon as some form of entertainment for the first episodes before he got stolen, but i still really wanted them to be together. and the fact that they did!! omg.
it makes me so upset that the show got cancelled so we didn’t get to see more scenes of them together I MEAN ISABELLA LITERALLY CAUGHT ON FIRE FOR THEIR FIRST KISS, so i pray that one day i become powerful enough that netflix / freeform decides to let it air for a couple more seasons. i mean, if greys anatomy gets 17 seasons, why can’t shadowhunters get 5 or 6? (not dissing greys btw, i’ve watched it.)
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mat / baia
8/10 i’m not even going to talk about maia and bat because... no. i mean - they’re cute together but it actually caught me so off guard, i did not see it coming but i know where the showrunners were coming from because :
1. it’s in the book that they get together.
2. it’s some unspoken rule in film that main characters in a tv show need an s/o, and bat just so happened to be there and be attractive.
luke and maryse
9/10 because they are so cute together i loved it so much and when maryse was telling magnus about her lil cute n fun crush on luke it was such an adorable middle schooler moment it made me want to cry. also after sucky husband cheated on her, it was the least the directors could do to make her end up with such an amazing guy!
7/10.. i honestly don’t really know why i’m not a huge fan of the iconic relationship. i mean, i know i said before that the ‘wanting to bone your sister who’s not your sister’ was a deal breaker for me, they ended up not being siblings and all should be well.. right?
this is a relationship i’m stuck on.. cause i don’t know if it’s good or bad.
i guess you could say that the fact that jace blows off his family for clary is one of the reasons, because i don’t really like him as a character. but, at this point, who hasn’t blown everyone off for clary?
no no no, during the whole fiasco when jonathon and clary where bounded together, he told aline that the fact that jonathon morphed into him was worse than jonathon literally killing her cousin.. like, whats worse? your girlfriend kissing you who’s not you, or you not knowing your real cousin was trapped in some evil guys closet and then killed? i was deffo on alines side for that. i know clary’s the main character and all, but come on!! people are right when they question her loved ones. thousands of people have died for her without even knowing her.
so maybe i just don’t like the characters? i mean.. would i do the same if i was in their shoes..? honestly, i’m not even sure.
relationships that didn’t work
i feel ashamed to admit this to ya’ll, especially after my great reviews for all these relationships that the show ended on.. but there were some relationships i was actually a little interested in that did not work.
alec and underhill
4/10 i feel so dirty.. because i was genuinely worried that alec would actually cheat on magnus even tho we all know alec is loyal as fuck. but a little part of me was hoping that he did. am i the new seelie queen? perhaps.
raphael and isabelle
10/10 i’d 100% want them to be together. i wanted them to be together before the whole addiction thing, it’s just sad that that was the only reason they got together. don’t get me wrong, i totally believe that they wanted to be together, but i also believe that they were right in not fufilling that wish because there’d be a 99.9% chance isabella would literally die. or become a vampire, which would be pretty cool.
meliorn and..... jace. 
10/10 there. i said it. yes, this is going to be the last relationship i talk about, i’m ending it on a confusing good note. just seeing them together during the comrade rune time made me think really hard that they’d actually be pretty cute together if jace wasn’t so painfully straight. i especially couldn’t resist when jace said meliorn was a 9/10.. like.. ;), honey, don’t lie. (i know he wasnt, but still. meliorn’s a solid 10.) 
honestly, i probably would ship jace with a lot of other people like rebecca.
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eg515 · 4 years
For the ask game thing, Shadowhunters! ♡
thank you!! 💖 also, I mixed in the books a bit as well, I don't really want to separate them.
Leave a TV show or movie in my ask box and I’ll tell you…
favorite male character: Alec Lightwood. I mean, he's (was) a sarcastic side character who also turned out to be gay. he's exactly my type. also, does Jem count? he was only in the show as Brother Zachariah, but I won't let that stop me. honoroable mentions: Meliorn, Raphael and show!Jonathan (love a good villain).
favorite female character: Isabelle Lightwood, love of my life, my sunshine on a rainy day, my moon and stars in a dark night, my one and only. I mean... I named one of my kittens after her. honorable mentions go to show!Clary, Lilith and show!Maryse's character development.
least favorite character: in the books I hated Clary and Luke, but the show made me love them, so... maybe Aldertree? idk... I never really liked Maia tbh. didn't like her in the books, she was.... okay in the show
prettiest character: *screams in bi* also I wanted to add separate gifs of them but this was one of the firsts and it's perfect, so...
Tumblr media
(her whip?? his knife in the thigh holster?? the soft moment in that ☝️ gif? their training session????? *bi panic*)
funniest character: Simon. in the books I hated him, I almost threw CoLS across the room when it started with his POV, but in the show? he was perfect. even made me ship sizzy a little bit (although I'd give it all up for clizzy)
favorite season: whichever had Will Tudor. s2? I think. but s3 had Jem, so it's a tough choice. honestly, I liked the whole series. all seasons had different vibes and I liked how they mixed in the books, and not just TMI, but TID too.
favorite episode: it's been a while so I don't remember the details too well (yes this is an excuse to rewatch). This World Inverted aka the opposite world!AU was 👌. the one where Magnus and Valentine switched bodies. literally every episode with Will Tudor was fantastic (when he went full badass down on the prison level?? amazing). the second to last episode, with the alliences betwern Shadowhunters and Downworlders bc it was great and also the CoG reference. and the series finale, obviously.
favorite romantic ship: malec ever since I first read CoB and I loved them in the show as well. and the show made me ship clace too, which was unexpected. and I loved Izzy and Raphael, sue me. they could have been great if things were a little different.
favorite family ship: Luke and Clary, Izzy-Jace-Alec
favorite friendship: Alec and Lydia? I liked them. also Luke-Magnus-Raphael(-Meliorn?)
worst ship: Simon and Clary. I can't get over that...
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
For the series asks: The Mortal Instruments
Hi anon thanks for the ask and I hope all is well. 🧡🧡
And idk if you mean all or just some but I will answer all I guess.
Clary Fairchild: if you were in desperate need, who would you turn to?
My parabatai lala @sarcasticmalecfan
Jace Herondale: what do you like about yourself?
Honestly my passion and will power and how deeply I love.
Simon Lewis: have you ever had a crush on your best friend?
In a sort.
Alec Lightwood: how do you show someone you care?
I tell them or send them a hey/hi or memes and videos is I way I show o care to. or listen to them.
Isabelle Lightwood: what makes you feel insecure?
My family and some people on the internet.
Hodge Starkweather: when you are older what do you think children will ask you to tell stories about?
Hopefully adventures I had and that's if I actually make it to an old age.
Jocelyn Fairchild: which is more important: truth or happiness?
Honestly Truth.
Luke Garroway: what is your spirit animal and why?
I have been told a wolf, and @khaleesiofalicante told me one before but I can't remember sorry dani, I have been trying to think about it all day.
Amatis Herondale: are you a confident person?
In a way yes.
Maia Roberts: what are you afraid of?
Ducks and spiders and losing the people I love cliche I know but true.
Jordan Kyle: what do you wish you could be better at?
Relationships and hand to hand combat.
Magnus Bane: how would you describe yourself?
A mix of Jace Herondale and Clary Fairchild.
Camille Belcourt: if you could live in a different decade, which would you choose?
Idk I think it would be an in the moment kind of thing.
Raphael Santiago: what annoys you most about people?
Putting hate in tags, Starting ship wars, leaving cabinets open, reading texts and not replying. Manipulation, making fun of people for their passions and the things they love and making fun of the things they love. And making fun of how much they love it. Not wording things incorrectly. Being homophobic, racist, sexist, transphobic, etc.
Maureen Brown: did you have a happy childhood?
I have a couple happy memories, but not really no.
Lily Chen: what is one thing no one realizes about you?
A lot of things honestly, but that I am extremely passionate about the things I love and it may come off as biased.
Catarina Loss: what is the best advice you've ever received?
Well one of the most important people in my life once told me "you don't always have to be strong, do you know that?, you don't always have to be the nice one, you don't have to be perfect. I like your imperfect."
A good friend told me "share what you think and share your opinions, make posts about them. Remember you don't owe them anything"
And yesterday a good friend told me "take your own pace, figure it out yourself. Don't let them tell you what it is for you"
Maryse Lightwood: what is something you consider absolutely unforgivable?
Destroying you children or other people because you are broken and unhappy, manipulating people so that you can control them and make them hate themselves and think they are evil, and making them feel totally worthless or that they can't live without you. Breaking someone down after building them up cause you think it will make them stronger.
Robert Lightwood: how have you changed since your teenage years?
Well I am still a teenager but in my older teenage years, but a way I have changed is, I hold the deep moments close to my heart and cherish them, I try my best to be okay and change, I know who I am in a sense, I am kinder.
Valentine Morgenstern: do you believe in god?
I am agnostic.
Sebastian Morgenstern: what would you change about yourself if you could?
Honestly nothing because everything made me who I am and is the reason I am me so I don't think I would change anything. Besides maybe my natural hair color lmao.
Seelie Queen: on a scale of 1-10 how funny would you say you are?
Meliorn: what is your favorite way to waste time?
Music, having deep conversations with my parabatai @sarcasticmalecfan , reading, and working out.
Thanks again.
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luxxmagnus · 4 years
Obvious solution was a Simon/Maia/Izzy ot3 smh... maybe throw in Meliorn and Raphael.... possibly Clary but honestly does she deserve it
Eh idk based on how they treated Maia in 3b i wouldn't want them to be a part of a poly ship together. If it's not canon complacent then yeah maybe but even then sizzy just doesn't have enough chemistry for me to like them.
Honestly my most fave izzy ship would be Melizzy they just worked so well together. My polycule which consists of Raphael, Maia, Meliorn and Simon has no need for Clary idk her she does not deserve it sjdgdjf lmao.
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laufire · 5 years
Leia Organa / Maia Roberts / Lando Calrissian / Camille Belcourt / Raphael Santiago for the ‘give me a character’ thing :)
How I feel about this character: I want to be like her lol.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Poe, Lando, Han. But none too intensely, tbh.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: her four parents.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I think not having Han/Leia as an OTP is the VIP of UOs lol.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: since I have no plans of watching the new films, I just want to hear she had a good ending in ep. IX.
How I feel about this character: she raised as a fave so so fast.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Jordan, Jace, Jonathan, sometimes Isabelle, Meliorn, Raphael, sometimes Simon, Bat.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Raphael, potentially Alec.
My unpopular opinion about this character: in her heart, it clearly was Jordan >>>> Simon >>>>>>> Jace. And Luke and Clary were both bad for her mental health lol.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I only wanted for her to be the alpha and apparently it happened yay.
How I feel about this character: I love him and he’s terribly underappreciated.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Han, Leia, Qi’ra, L3, Luke. Landon is the most shippable character in SW, imo.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Han, generally all of the above too.
My unpopular opinion about this character: he did nothing wrong, ever.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I want a Solo sequel that tells me what happened between that an ESB, dammit.
How I feel about this character: she was too cool for the show.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Magnus, basically. Maybe Lilith, or the Seelie Queen, or Isabelle, because I love those types of dynamics. Oh, and Aldertree. I have Thoughts.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Raphael.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Camille/Magnus is a gr10 ship.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I both wanted her back and to stay away as to not get ruined, so IDK.
How I feel about this character: ILH, and I relate way too much to him.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Isabelle, Meliorn, Maia, potential polyships in between them.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Maia, Meliorn, Alec (oh what could have been...).
My unpopular opinion about this character: I loved his s3a sub-plot with Heidi. Or, well, the potential of it, since it was cut so short. But basically, I loved that he had that room to be The Bad Guy.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: for him... not to be..... de-powered......
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jcmorgenstern · 5 years
fake killing off Clary just to have the Clave pardon her was stupid. I wanted her and Jon to be on the run while the Clave collectively shits their pants over Valentine's children being loose in the world. They'd swing by the NY Institute to pick up Jace like "get in loser we're doing crime" and Jace could do his undercover thing and no one would have to suffer :( except the randos that Clary and Jon murder :( :(
ok i was LITERALLY just thinking about this when i remembered someone sent me this ask like 200,000 years ago (back before the dinosaurs roamed the earth) so ummm better late than never eh?
Honestly I really didn’t like the decision to pardon Clary “posthumously” because there….was no reason to do so? Look, Jia is apparently so cartoonishly insane she wants to raise Valentine from the dead just to have a wee chat with him, there’s no way she’d backtrack on her EXECUTION order after Clary was dead. There’s no need–she’s already dead, right?–and it just makes look Jia look weak, something the Consul would never allow. Also, I’m just annoyed in general that the show has COMPLETELY forgotten that tons of high-ranking Clave members are secretly Circle (ie MALACHI, hello) and probably want Clary dead for a) killing valentine and b) being a danger to any plans to idk, toast the downworld or have a coup to make the circle powerful again or whatever.
Also it’s narrative unsatisfying because no one actually worked to get that pardon. The whole risk was that in saying “fuck you” to the Clave to save Jace, Clary would face real consequences, but those consequences appear and then…dissappear as inexplicably as they came? the whole leadup of 3a (which imo was very effective) is that Clary and Jace are lying about the wish….and then in 3b it’s totally dropped in the most unimaginative way possible. like maybe alec pulls strings, blackmails someone—even jace!! he is, after all, a herondale (even if he did sort of kill imogen whOOPS). Also who even IS inquisitor right now??? I legit thought it would be Victor since he appeared to be Imogen’s only underling, but he shows up in a completely different department with a years-long nefarious plan to commit genocide???? um??? ok???
anyway back to the point before this becomes an aldertree stan rant. Honestly i would have enjoyed the early team evil a lot more if Clary was like “ok listen here you fake ginger asshole, we DO need each other because the clave wants both of us dead but here are the ground rules. you fuck off if i say so and if not i stab you again. i don’t care if it hurts. fuck you” and then there’s the uneasy “partnership” where you’re never quite sure who’s betraying who and also drama!! and the sword!! and Jonathan going behind Clary’s back communicating with Meliorn and Clary going behind his back with Jace….IM JUST SAYING. also exactly as anon says undercover jace could have been introduced way earlier….like maybe the pardon for clary is contingent on him proving she’s innocent and with jonathan under duress, but the rune thing is happening and clary and jonathan are becoming more and more alike and jace is like….um shit lol i wasn’t prepared for that…and jonathan is like no way, the pardon is a trap, they’re just going to kill you!! and jace is like when has this idiot ever been right about anything in his life!! and clary is like wow you know it’s kind of hot when you two argue keep doing it…ANYWAY.
and then maybe jonathan goes off on his plan to kill lilith and jace arranges with the Gang to trap both of them and jonathan is McPissed and thinks clary betrayed him and it seems like the bond is broken (or is it?) and there’s clace happy times UNTIL the bond is threatened and clary is like…umm :))) maybe not :))) and rescues jonathan and everyone is like JACE WTF and jace is like “nothing about this is my fault :))” and they forge glorious etc etc
ALSO they could have tied all this in by making the heavenly fire investigation thing a real deal (personally i would have made it malachi’s pet project that jia hasn’t been consul long enough to know about….or Has She :)) and then draw in the magnus and alec storyline by emphasizing the war between asmodeus and lilith more, like kick that off earlier and weave it into magnus mourning the loss of his magic. so malec are off grave robbing and shit and trying to find the morgenstern sword to threaten asmodeus with (maybe they don’t know only a morgenstern can weild it, or assume jace and clary will get back SOMETIME lol) and maybe alec is dealing with political intrigue from jia and maybe even INQUISITOR aldertree or whatnot and magnus is like omg please ive been dealing with this petty infighting for centuries and teaches alec how to school some fools. and maybe raphael is izzy’s informant BUT simon gets arrested unfairly so they can study his downworlder blood so raphael and izzy have to team up to rescue him and there’s ~poly vibes~ ALSO team evil totally breaks luke out of prison you can’t change my mind.
anyway im just saying this season was organized by a 4th grader and it makes me  kind of mad? Like i did genuinely think this was the storyline we were gonna get (or at least something like it) and i felt they wasted a lot of time noodling around with separate plots that went nowhere instead of trying to find one unified thing that could make the season move forward (ie the war between lilith and asmodeus, and uprising with the seelie queen and maybe lorenzo teaming up with heidi and maia’s like UM hello not on my watch) like idk man i just felt the arc plot was so badly thought through and im pretty sure you pointed this out like….during 3x11 and 12 so lke…..it was pretty obvious from the get-go that there’s a better way to do it
ANYWAY sorry that was a ramble but ummm those are my thoughts and sorry anon for being so Late ily
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enkelimagnus · 6 years
bls answer all the questions you want to for Magnus, Simon, Maia and Meliorn ^^
i’m putting a “read more” because this post is LONG
what hogwarts house(s) i associate them with and probably why: 
Slytherin. Magnus is the archetype of the perfect Slytherin to me. he fits every single value and traits of Slytherins without exception. 
their zodiac sign??? 
Sagittarius (Born Dec. 8th)
some random headcanons 
He’s Muslim
my absolute favorite headcanon for them
he’s Muslim xD 
rate them out of 10 stars (1 being ew 10 being “i love you”)
10000000000+/10 stars
in one sentence profess how attracted to them i am and/or whether or not i would bang them (assuming they didn’t have a partner and wanted to bang me. doesn’t apply to like, raphael, as he’s ace)
I would want to absolutely bang him. Make sweet love to him. 
Anyone that isn’t Alec basically?
Ragnor, Dot, Cat, Raphael, Maia, Izzy
someone i don’t actively ship them with but like, “i can see it” or “i don’t mind it” or “i’d never thought of them together but you know what? sure”
Dot is okay?
what pet would they have? like, what suits them? cat? dog? rat? whatever
any type of feline, any type of bird, snakes too
what kind of pokemon would they have?
Psychic types, Combat types, Fire types too. And all cute ones. 
what kind of trainer would they be? or like, ranger? or professor? or whatever?
Professor or Gym Leader or Champion
what kind of pokemon would they be, like, mystery dungeon style?
hmmm. Fire or electricity? or psychic.
color(s) i associate with them
Gold, bronze, black, deep rich purple
sun or moon?
do i like to write about them? why or why not?
I LOVE WRITING ABOUT MAGNUS (evidence: every fic featuring him I have written)
would i write/read a fic completely about them? why or why not?
Yes of course, I adore him
would you be sad if they died?
if you would be sad, who would you choose to die in their place?
little spoon or big spoon?
lil spoon
what fantasy race would they be? (like. humans, elves, dwarves. might throw in things like tieflings, hobbits, dragons. idk. maybe even vampire/werewolf/warlock/shadowhunter/seelie, but only if like, they’re not already that thing. probably.)
are they the marrying type?
I think so, with the right person. 
are they good with kids?
lgbt+ headcanon (if they’re not already confirmed one thing. example: raphael is ace, i ain’t changing that. magnus is bi. alec is gay. etc. but like, trans headcanons are fair game, and so are unconfirmed characters like clary or izzy)
Well he is canonically bi. I don’t personally have any other headcanons but I’m okay with trans, nb, and GNC genders as a whole.  
if they could have a superpower (mundane au) what would it be and why?
empathy (please read Six of Swords on AO3)
what hogwarts house(s) i associate them with and probably why
Gryffindor. He’s stupidly reckless. Also reminds me of Neville Longbottom in a way. 
their zodiac sign??? 
Libra (like me!)
some random headcanons
he’s much more Jewish than the show shows him to be. He loves going to the movies for no reason than to watch any movie on. 
my absolute favorite headcanon for them
he speaks Yiddish and Ladino both almost fluently
rate them out of 10 stars (1 being ew 10 being “i love you”)
in one sentence profess how attracted to them i am and/or whether or not i would bang them (assuming they didn’t have a partner and wanted to bang me. doesn’t apply to like, raphael, as he’s ace)
Sure, I would bang him
Izzy, Jace, Luke, Alec
Clary, Alec, Maia, Maureen, Raphael
Simon/Izzy/Maia could be okay. So could be Simon/Izzy/Raphael in an AU.
someone i don’t actively ship them with but like, “i can see it” or “i don’t mind it” or “i’d never thought of them together but you know what? sure”
what pet would they have? like, what suits them? cat? dog? rat? whatever
Cat, or dog
sun or moon?
do i like to write about them? why or why not?
Yes! because he’s Jewish!
would i write/read a fic completely about them? why or why not?
I don’t think so. More centered on a ship he would be a part of. 
would you be sad if they died?
if you would be sad, who would you choose to die in their place?
little spoon or big spoon?
Depends the day. 
what fantasy race would they be? (like. humans, elves, dwarves. might throw in things like tieflings, hobbits, dragons. idk. maybe even vampire/werewolf/warlock/shadowhunter/seelie, but only if like, they’re not already that thing. probably.)
are they the marrying type?
Yes! nice Jewish wedding with the kuppah! 
are they good with kids?
medium! awkward but generally liked by kids
lgbt+ headcanon (if they’re not already confirmed one thing. example: raphael is ace, i ain’t changing that. magnus is bi. alec is gay. etc. but like, trans headcanons are fair game, and so are unconfirmed characters like clary or izzy)
this man is pan
if they could have a superpower (mundane au) what would it be and why?
flight sounds cool
what hogwarts house(s) i associate them with and probably why
Gryffindor. Badass baby.
their zodiac sign???
The show doesn’t give any, so i’m saying Aquarius
some random headcanons
She’s Jewish too. She’s bi. She’s dated women before and would date them again. 
my absolute favorite headcanon for them
She’s Jewish too. 
rate them out of 10 stars (1 being ew 10 being “i love you”)
in one sentence profess how attracted to them i am and/or whether or not i would bang them (assuming they didn’t have a partner and wanted to bang me. doesn’t apply to like, raphael, as he’s ace)
Oh i would die if she wanted to bang me
Clary, Magnus, Luke, Rebecca, Izzy, Simon, Raphael in a weird slightly hatey way
CLAIA, Saia, Maiabelle
someone i don’t actively ship them with but like, “i can see it” or “i don’t mind it” or “i’d never thought of them together but you know what? sure”
None really
what pet would they have? like, what suits them? cat? dog? rat? whatever
this girl needs a puppy
color(s) i associate with them
bronze, dark red, forest green
sun or moon?
do i like to write about them? why or why not?
i love to! her POV is so refreshing and fun!
would i write/read a fic completely about them? why or why not?
Yes, I would. She’s one of my favorite character and she’s so complex. 
would you be sad if they died?
if you would be sad, who would you choose to die in their place?
little spoon or big spoon?
Depends with whom, but I’d say little spoon
what fantasy race would they be? (like. humans, elves, dwarves. might throw in things like tieflings, hobbits, dragons. idk. maybe even vampire/werewolf/warlock/shadowhunter/seelie, but only if like, they’re not already that thing. probably.)
human I think. or dragon.
are they the marrying type?
With the right person, with time.
are they good with kids?
Not really, and she doesn’t really want any.
lgbt+ headcanon (if they’re not already confirmed one thing. example: raphael is ace, i ain’t changing that. magnus is bi. alec is gay. etc. but like, trans headcanons are fair game, and so are unconfirmed characters like clary or izzy)
Bi bi bi.
if they could have a superpower (mundane au) what would it be and why?
what hogwarts house(s) i associate them with and probably why
Slytherin; Just because Meliorn, you know?
their zodiac sign???
Scorpio (headcanon)
some random headcanons
he doesn’t trust easily. He’s in pain from the Queen’s punishment (please read Iron Seed on AO3)
my absolute favorite headcanon for them
he’s genderqueer!
rate them out of 10 stars (1 being ew 10 being “i love you”)
in one sentence profess how attracted to them i am and/or whether or not i would bang them (assuming they didn’t have a partner and wanted to bang me. doesn’t apply to like, raphael, as he’s ace)
oh I would DEF bang him
everyone but Izzy
Magnus somehow? Raphael too. 
someone i don’t actively ship them with but like, “i can see it” or “i don’t mind it” or “i’d never thought of them together but you know what? sure”
maybe Raphael?
what pet would they have? like, what suits them? cat? dog? rat? whatever
cat, or bird of prey, or an unconventional pet like a lizard
color(s) i associate with them
mossy green, deep blue, brown, bronze
sun or moon?
do i like to write about them? why or why not?
I do! Again, a complex and interesting character to write for/with
would i write/read a fic completely about them? why or why not?
would you be sad if they died?
of course
if you would be sad, who would you choose to die in their place?
little spoon or big spoon?
Little spoon, with Isabelle at least.
what fantasy race would they be? (like. humans, elves, dwarves. might throw in things like tieflings, hobbits, dragons. idk. maybe even vampire/werewolf/warlock/shadowhunter/seelie, but only if like, they’re not already that thing. probably.)
Elf obviously
are they the marrying type?
are they good with kids?
Not really.
lgbt+ headcanon (if they’re not already confirmed one thing. example: raphael is ace, i ain’t changing that. magnus is bi. alec is gay. etc. but like, trans headcanons are fair game, and so are unconfirmed characters like clary or izzy)
Well he’s canonically bi, but I do see him as genderqueer.
if they could have a superpower (mundane au) what would it be and why?
speaking every language
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chaddicus · 7 years
if I had to pick a fave shadowhunters char it’d be a tie between meliorn and maia and I’m used to ties so that’s fine but I love them both a lot is the point of htis post tbh they’re my faves and I love them and I want more of them and part of the reason I’m even into the jace/maia dynamic at all tbh is because the show seems to eternally revolve around jace/clary and I know will eventually spin back into it as endgame but jace/maia puts maia right in the middle of all of it and I love seeing her there. I love her I want her in the center of everything forever & I really wish we had more meliorn. I wish he wasn’t just missing in more htan half the episodes I wish he was a regular character tbh I want more of him he’s great I love him a lot too and I just want more of them always
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Pretty random ask but there's a specific tiktok trend that I think is called trying to figure out what your partner needs or something like that. I might be completely wrong but anyways, the concept. I watched this specific video https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSxUCLcs/ And it's SO CUTE. My point is I immediately thought of the polycule which would be SO chaotic since they're so many people, but asngkahs CUTIES
OH MY GOD THIS IS SO ADORABLE!!!!!! and yes u r completely right, it would be a meSS
so i bet simon would have the idea to do this because i voted him Most Likely To Know What's Going On, like, trend-wise and shit. and they do one for each because i'm extra
so they start off with clary cuz she's the one with the least amount of partners, but everyone else sits at the corner and screams tips and ideas like this is that drawing game or something (i don't know what it's called cuz i never played it). clary mimicks jumping motions because she wants them to catch her. izzy just nods understandably and is like "you want to be taller. i understand. i've been offering you to get you some platform shoes-" and clary just goes "NO!!" and bursts out laughing. maia thinks she's trying to do a coreography. simon actually realizes what she wants but doesn't tell them and opts to scream random ideas instead. meliorn has never be sadder that they can't lie because they'd LOVE to scream random suggestions but they have no idea what the fuck she wants. eventually they give up, but when clary tells them, izzy does catch her just for good measure and clary giggles so much
next up is izzy cuz second smallest amount of partners, plus it's just the same as before + meliorn. izzy raises her foot because she wants to take off her shoes because they hurt from being in heels so much. maia just taps her own foot against hers. izzy is like no. clary is like oH DO YOU WANT TO BE TALLER???? and izzy just laughs that soft laugh of hers. someone - i can envision meliorn but idk - kisses her foot because dom izzy rights and she's like NO THAT'S NOT WHAT I WANTED RIGHT NOW and raphael and simon are just like i am looking away i do not see it. someone offers a foot massage and she's like well, i wouldn't complain, but no. once they give up, she takes off her shoes herself
next is meliorn cuz they're already there. they just want to put their arms on their waist and give them a kiss cuz they're suave and sweet like that so they extend their arms slightly in that position. simon immediately goes for a hug cuz he's cute and meliorn is like "close" fully believing that they'll get it right but from them on they just get more and more wrong. next simon tries is a cheek kiss. raphael goes for a hand kiss. simon shakes their hand. izzy hands them a spoon? maia thinks it's about opening something and tries all the drawers. they all try a robot dance. izzy hands them water this time. raphael spends a long time reflecting on what it could be. izzy just keeps handing them stuff. candy? peanuts? orange juice? flowers? where did she get flowers. no one knows
at least when they give up she is the first to get the hug and kiss because of the flowers. raphael may or may not resent that he didn't think of that before (he gets a kiss on the forehead instead of the lips and lingers a little longer in their arms and it's sweet)
so raphael is next and he just wants someone to hand him a chair because that gifset about how raphael always sits down first thing when he gets into a room lives rent free in my mind and i think that's very funny for some reason?? clary actually figures that one out because she's a fellow lazy ass and she's like "THE CHAIR, HE WANTS THE CHAAIRR" but no one listens to her because so far she's only been wrong and simon is like "fray, just because you would want a chair, doesn't mean everyone else does" and he's lowkey right because every time she tried to guess she was just going for whatever she would want in their place. simon gives him a cheek kiss then tries to make him give simon a cheek kiss and raphael does but he's like "that was not it". maia plays with his hair and he's like that's pretty nice but HOW did you get that from that motion. meliorn actually pulls one of the drawers in the kitchen because she thinks he wants to cook or something and raphael teases her for becoming isabelle. he doesn't get to sit
simon just pokes his own cheek and everyone is instantly like "he wants a cheek kiss" in unison and he's like HOW did you guys figure that one out, no one else figured the others out!! and they're like you're just transparent af and also you've tried to get cheek kisses from both raphael and meliorn we know you. simon is frustrated that his plans to be mysterious were yet again ruined but he gets 4 cheek kisses so he's not mad
maia's is just a mess, since literally everyone in the polycule dates her. she actually does the "raising her hands" thing because she wants them to take off her sweater because it's too hot. she gets Three Thousand High Fives. raphael thinks her back hurts so he tries to snap it for her, which sends her giggling like crazy. simon tries to start a yoga lesson. they do that weird little train that the people in the video did except with seven people and maia almost loses it. she gets hugs. she gets kisses. at one point izzy is like “maybe she's mimicking a tube" and they're like WHY WOULD SHE WANT A TUBE. at one point they all just do the same position as her for some reason. in the end she bursts out laughing and is just like, guys, i just wanted to take off my sweater laughing uncontrollably. they're all pretty sheepish about it. raphael pretends he din't participate in their weird ass shenanigans (he did). it's pretty fun
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magnus is this notorious pirate famous in the caribbean with everyone talking about him because of how successful he is. his quartermaster is definitely raphael (his care for his clan and how he cares for others solidifies this thought process) and their ship has some corny name that raphael pretends to hate but definitely loves. europe thinks that magnus and his crew are demons(racists fucks) meanwhile theyre out here being nerds who enjoys navigating the seas and ruining racists job prospects+
+cat and ragnor live on nassau with magnus bringing back supplies they sell(we love the blackmarket here). the lightwoods are brought into this world bc their parents send them off to nassau to try and expand the family's business and gain profit off of this lawless place which refuses to be governed by anyone. malec meets at like the local inn where maia works at also where izzy meets her and by association The Polycule)and is just attracted to each other right then and there with bad flirting. once they become settled in, alec and izzy becomes like disillusioned with following what their parents expect of them and start to actually do what they wish. because he's dramatic, alec probably asks ragnor who settled down from pirating for more lessons in sword fighting (hes not unexperienced but theres a difference from fighting on land and on water)
eventually magnus hears about this cue them dramatically learning how to fight on like this cliff top with their swords connecting (we love euphemisms for sex) and them bonding over magnus' book collection he has and them no longer doing what their parents expect of them (im imagining asmodeus as this well traveled trader or something who only cares about money rather than having humanity) and even though magnus is this pirate which is a profession that the "civilized world" looks down on, he's like the epitome of actually having morals and caring about people (pirates were known to drastically impact the slave trade as they often freed slaves and let them join their crew or they worked directly with maroons and indigenous people). 
i imagine their first kiss to be when theyre training and someone has a sword pressed against the others neck because theyre horny bastards and they accept only the dramatics. their proposal/matelot is potc levels of dramatic with them fighting an enemy crew alongside The Polycule(the most badass and queer crew out there) and like halfway through alec is just like marry me and then next thing they know it raphael is officiating their marriage around dead people before they go on to have a better and more planned out wedding on shore (had to get some of this out now before i went too deep, The Poycule is definitely something i paid attention to most considering how big and complex the group is)
ugh not to add to an already huge post but
you are totally right about raphael being his quartermaster! raphael is a great leader and he cares so much for his people and he is one of the few people magnus obviously trusts, even as they have their differences. only other person i could imagine as magnus' quartermaster would be cat but like! raphael is perfect for the job! also i love the idea that he pretends to hate the corny name, he has to pretend to hate magnus' puns and jokes on principle but really he loves it
also "meanwhile they are all nerds" accurate, the whole ship is just a whole mess of people having fun and being family we love that for them
and ok not to slut for the polycule but i'm slutting for the polycule i just. aaa want to know so much more about them. i know you said they were already with maia but idk i can see many of them being part of magnus' crew? especially meliorn and tbh clary lmao she seems the type who would love adventure like that (i'm going with fanon clary here mostly) and i can see simon in both but i can also definitely see simon being in the inn with maia (god i have a half baked au that includes that) because being in the sea all day? no thank you. and they are just this nice local couple that helps all the pirates because fuck the racist law
also it's hilarious because they are so warm and welcoming and the lightwoods get there and simon is like "oh-oh. incoming" and maia is all like "what the fUCK do you want"
which lowkey backfires because izzy is just like "oh she's so fierce, i love her" and is already like, halfway in love doing the head tilt and huge grin thing (she's not creepy about it, just like, she likes it, you know? especially because in this AU izzy was raised as a Rich Girl so she's expected to be all that fragile useless white woman ideal and yada yada and she's not here for that so she's attracted to the idea of women like clary and maia)
and just like ghhgggghhh not to slut but i love the idea that they are in the inn and meliorn raphael and possibly clary are always in the sea so like! sweet reunions! not that they are usually going super far lmao mostly just stopping the slave trade and protecting the caribbean and shit, but that's a few months in between visits and i picture that at some point when they are getting to nassau raphael is just like, vibrating (you know, as much as he allows himself to) and magnus just smiles knowingly, happy that his boy has found people he's so happy with
and raphael getting into the inn and being like "simon! maia!" and simon and maia being like "raphael! meliorn!" and just crashing into this big group hug and it's all laughs and meliorn twirls maia and she giggles and simon kisses raphael's cheek and is all worried about them both (plus clary) because god what the fuck kind of shit did they get into this time, are they hurt? if he's broken another leg he's gonna- and raphael laughs and says "no, cariño, i promise all i have with me are gifts" because he's not gonna travel the caribbean and not bring stuff for his partners. so it's him and meliorn showering maia and simon in gifts and pretty and maybe stolen things (maia in particular takes such great joy in learning that her pretty new bracelet belonged to some racist bitch) like spoils you know? lmao, and looking at them it's like they haven't seen each other in years or something but no it's been like a month and it's always like that
and alec and izzy are just watching that, mouths slack, shocked, but highkey yearning for something as free as that, that loving family and that open love and meliorn's genderfuckery and just everything about them! and alec "conceal don't feel" lightwood is kind of frowning and goes "are they always like that?" to which magnus, behind him, answers "yes" and then he turns around and they stare at each other and magnus quickly goes from "happy for my boys" to "hello tall person" in a matter of seconds and is suddenly all seductive and flirty and alec is having the time of his life? especially since here away from the lightwoods he can allow himself just a little bit, and letting a guy flirt with him can't hurt, right? he knows izzy won't tell their parents. so he engages
cue terribly bad flirting, izzy smiling widely as she watches the polycule dynamics, highkey wanting something like that for herself, especially seeing the way that clary talks to maia all like "look at this SWORD" and all the adventures. and maia still doesn't trust her but apparently magnus has already hit it off with her brother so what the hell, they might as well stay
and just!! yes getting to know each other shenanigans. i picture that like the army gets there and tries to get magnus and his crew and alec and izzy are like running to them to warn them (alec not knowing quite why, he shouldn't be taking that big of a risk, he shouldn't be getting attached to a pirate - of whom he's only heard terrible things so far, thinks they are Evil basically - just because something about him is alluring and represents the freedom he doesn't allow himself to want, but... he is getting attached) and the whole gang is all like *very calmly heading to the secret hideout in their room* oh don't worry about that lmao they do this every week
and idk i just want a moment where they are almost found and alec and izzy lowkey save their ass (i mean they would have managed but they make it easier, maybe use the Privilege Card lmao). maybe the guards were closer than they thought so alec ends up just shoving magnus into the hideout and when the guards come in he's all like "WHO is interrupting our sleep" and acts like an entitled brat and they don't even search the room lmao and then alec runs to the hideout all "sorry that i pushed you, are you okay?" and magnus is all like "i'm fine" but a little touched about the care. just to establish that trust, you know? both between them and between izzy and the rest of the polycule
so after that it all kind of flows smoothly because they know they can genuinely trust the lightwoods and so it grows into something more. magnus and alec can bond over having Terrible Parents With Terrible Morals and they open up about their respective traumas with abuse, and alec confesses to magnus for the first time ever that he doesn't want to be like his parents, that he thought if maybe he earned their respect, he could change things from the inside. and magnus looks at him all soft and touched and is like "there's no changing things from the inside" and alec is like "i'm starting to realize that" you know
and yeah alec gets to see how much that crew cares for each other, way more than his "traditional family" ever could (except for him and izzy who are just as devoted to each other as the crew is, but like, it's honestly less the "blood relations" and more how they've always been there for each other as they handled their parents' shittiness) and again he's just yearning because he always believed he wouldn't get something like that. and magnus in particular is just so caring and just wants to make the world a better place, you know? and he admires that and they bond over that, too
and just jdhdaodshad god i love this. and meanwhile izzy is flirting with maia clary and meliorn like crazy and soon they are like this huge messy group with all those dynamics... and i just aaa and alec and izzy end up joining the crew and daiodsaiodjsaio RAPHAEL OFFICIATING THEIR WEDDING i'm genuinely all for that fucking shit, magnus wants his boy to do it for them and aaaaa! also i DEMAND raphael&meliorn fighting sequences because i bet they would make a bomb ass duo fighting back to back and shit, you know? bonus points if they are defending simon and maia who are behind them and just making sure no one touches them?? i live for this shit 
in short i love this and you said “get some out of your chest" so if there's more, then fuck, i can't wait to see it dahsdaijas i'm sorry for talking so much i get too excited
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jaskiersbeloved · 7 years
2x13 Those of Demon Blood
WARNING: This review contains spoilers
Wow. Just wow. I’m shook to the core. That plot line was amazing! Referring to all that is happening in our world... Just.. Wow... I want MORE episodes like that! More, more, more!
2. Jace
How he annoyed me today... Like... Ugh... Boooy stop it. You’ve started to randomly follow the rules, beceause you are a Head of the Institute *cough cough *nepotism *cough cough*?! STOP IIIIT. But it’s good to see how he sanpped out of it at the end of the episode. otherwise... Ugh... But putting this aside... LOL that HP paraell (at least I see this like that) XD Sign me the fuck up! (Btw Imogen must’ve been furious when she found out what he did XD)
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3. Maia
I love this girl more and more within episodes. I love how she  was against that whole chipping thing (which as an idea was utterly stupid, Clave).And how she took no shit from Jace. Also all those snarky comments torwards Jace ans the Shadowhunters... You go, girl! And I like how she’s starting to like Clary, Really, really nice <3
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4. Jaia
Um... Honestly I don’t know how am I supposed to feel about this. It wasn’t bad, far from it! But I’ve always seen them as friends or something like that. I don’t know, we will see how’s that gonna play in next episodes...
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5. Alec
Alec! My boy! I’m SO proud of you! I really liked how he was acting in this episode. Well aside of the whole “give me your hair, Magnus, don’t be overdramatic”. But the really needed that spat from Magnus to realize what is happening. And I’m so glad that he’s starting to sort of rebel against Clave. I really, really like it! I’m curious how it’s gonna play in next episodes?
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6. Magnus
OMG! OMGOMGOMG, BOIIII!!! I LOVED His outfit so, so much!And you can say that Alec liked it too... :p I really liked his talk with Dot, and the dance. THE DANCE PPL! Harry killed it! And how Magnus addressed how he is in love with Alec... Daaaw! Also I really liked how he snapped Alec into the reality. Boy did he needed it. He wasn’t overdramatic at all. Lol, I would do the same and I wouldn’t mind if you are my bf or not, show some freaking respect...
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7. Malec
*making some crazy fangilr nosies* !!! That. Was. Awesome. ALL of it. Every single one. From the “hello” kiss, how Alec was stunned when he saw Magnus, through Magnus’ concern and Alec’s... Um... Fliritng (?), through that argument, Magnus’ conffesion, Alec standing out from Clave because of Magnus’ words, and the kiss at the end of the episode! I looooooved every single part of it omg! I want more episodes like this, please, please, please, pretty please!
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8. Dot
I don’t hate her for that kiss attempt. I mean if I wold be drunk, dancing with my ex boyfriend who is extremly gorgeous...Besides she let go of that really quickly, so it’s okay. I love her talks with Magnus! They were amazing! <3 
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9. Simon
I. Would. Listen. To. His. Voice. Forever. I LOVE ALBERTO’S SINGING! And I really liked how he played of with that “heeey we wnat to be in your Clan”. No offence, honey, but he’d sooner start a band with you than an acctual Clan XD Besides his bonding with Maia in that cell... And his story about his family... It was AMAZING. (But when they were at that cell I was like “idk maybe call for some of that vampires to help you break out. Idk how, but still  XD”)
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10. Luke
BRAVO! He satnds up for his pack and used those magic words “it’s not about Clary”! Fianlly they’ve adressed him as a leader to the pack! I’m so, so glad! And his talk with Imogen! I want to see more of this Luke! Besides his talk with Simon was hilarious! Daddy Luke for the wiiiin, espesially for Simon!
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11. Izzy
YASSSS GIRl! I absolutley LOVED her in this episode! How she was strong and independet and killed Kaelie! How SHE was the one to figure out all of this stuff! How she was portrayed as a big sis to Max! And how she teamed up with her exes! Omg! AND HER LITTLE SMILE WHEN SHE WAS WATCHING SIMON’S PERFORMANCE *.*
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12. Raphael / Meliorn
The two of them were also amazing! Rapahel’s story to explain why the killer were cutting off shadowhunter’s runes! And Meliorn’s investigating skills! And how he catched that knife (?) XD Like ‘bitch, noooooo”! And I really, really liked how Downwolders were portrayed  in this episode! Strong, taking no shit from anybody! I want more, more, more of this!
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13. Clary
Hm...She really wasn’t that annoying in this episode. Actually I liked how she snapped at Jace and how she actually started to act like a Shadowhunter. How she was able to immediately act when Simon smelled blood and how she snapped at Imogen! Yeah!
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14. Max
Ughhhhhhhh... Stop. Being. Annnoying. Please. I know, I KNOW he is still a child, but that was STUPID! Izzy told him to NOT go, ‘cause it’s dangerous. So what he did? OF COURSE HE SNEAKED OUT! Boy, you’re gonna get yourself killed faster that I expect! Lol Kaelie kidnapped him, without even making a sound! Boy, train more, act less!
15. Kaelie
Wow. Who would expect this... Lol XD It’s really interesting! Too bad she was killed off so fast! Now I’m gonna look at her in 2x07 in very diffrent way...
16. Climon
YOU DID THAT AGAIN, EPISODE! STOOOOOOOP! But I have to admit I even liked Climon today. It wasn’t THAT bad. The concern about the other hafl was true and likeable. Also Clary supporting Simon was nice and cute ^^ (I can’t believe that I’ve said that... XD)
I  absolutely LOVED that episode! EVERYTHING was AMAZING! I want MORE episodes like that! Jesus Christ! I’m so, so happy! i literally couldn’t resist to watch it over and over XD I remember that while I was watching it for the first time I was like “okay so what, I watched like ten minutes of that ep?” so I’ve checked and discoverd that I was already halfway through the episode XD So I’m gonna give it 5,5/6! And a big, big heart! <3
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chsesteinarchived · 7 years
malec, sizzy :D
ok for malec doing show bc what book malec? ;) 
• when or if I started shipping it: honestly? call me lame but when they shared their first moment in 1x04 i was hooked. like alec’s smile, magnus just knew what alec was trying to say, alec’s poor little gay heart didn’t stand a chance tbh.• my thoughts: i wanna cry they are so great? they are everything a couple should be. they communicate, they joke around, they protect one another, they listen to one another, they are best friends, they call each other out, they accept each other flaws and all.. like.. every romantic relationship whether it be mlm, wlw, or hetro or anything inbetween should be like that.• What makes me happy about them: they fact that they are so healthy… omfg • What makes me sad about them: i have to wait 5 months to see them again • things done in art/fic that annoys me: they make magnus appear weak and dainty, like mother fckers have ya’ll seen 2x01? like he is not small or dainty or weak. hsj is one sexy fit buff mofo • things I look for in art/fic: lol whenever they make alec the lil spoon bc lets be real, he is.• Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:  um.. no one? i guess magnus could be happy with dot, i guess but i’m sorry matthew daddario will not let alec end up with anyone but magnus • My happily ever after for them: alec becoming immortal and they live forever after with their sons and just be happy forever • what is their favorite non-sexual activity? honestly? probably just relaxing at home. both jobs are really stressful and they probably just wanna relax together and unwind. 
• when or if I started shipping it: from like book one when they are flirting. and in the show same tbh • my thoughts: omfg i love them!!! i am sucker for slow burn and they are gonna the slowest i know it, i mean they were in the books, so why not the show • What makes me happy about them: that they are building a real friendship that right now isn’t based on “oo i wanna get in your pants” i like that • What makes me sad about them: s l o w b u r n • things done in art/fic that annoys me: idk.• things I look for in art/fic: izzy and simon being nerds together • Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: izzy probably clary or maybe meliorn and simon probably maia • My happily ever after for them: just being together and happy • what is their favorite non-sexual activity? simon makes izzy watch all the “nerd culture” movies. star wars, harry potter, lord of the rings,blade runner, marvel, dc, all of it.
send me a ship
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