#maybe it will help
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i-like-potats · 9 months ago
A tip for natural characters and scenes
When the scene I'm writing is not working out the way I wanted it to do, usually it's because:
- it lacks something (even small) that differentiates it from the scene before and after it;
- the characters aren't causing, improving or worsening the situation: they feel like they're just there.
It happens all the time, but I found a trick that works perfectly (at least for me). Imagine your characters like actors filming the scene. When you feel like the scene is going nowhere, imagine the characters starting to improvise because they forgot the script. They will do random actions or movements, or maybe talk about something irrelevant that they like, or make weird sounds, or start bickering with each other. Basically, just like real people, they will follow their intrusive thoughts until you're ready to take the lead again as a writer.
This trick will:
- Make your characters seem more alive and unpredictable, just like real humans
- Make the reader laugh, entertain them or amuse them (Hopefully!)
- Give you inspiration to continue writing without getting stuck on a scene that wasn't working out
Ps. Don't be afraid if you feel like some dialogues or scenes aren't sticking to the plot: You can have fun with your characters, you can make them live.
Of course this tip works better for specific kinds of writing styles. Focusing on the plot or minimizing the unnecessary scenes is totally valid too!!
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perelka-l · 27 days ago
Sometimes your wips are a comic about a shitty theory, a comic about a shota having a crush and a dumbass fix about a trauma inspired by a fic that has been deleted for at least four years.
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selznick · 2 years ago
Hello all. If we want tumblr to listen to us then we need to express it in a way that tumblrs 'potential' users (that they care so much about) will see, and will likely prevent from using tumblr until staff fuckin listens.
Tumblr posts are limited to tumblr, any new users won't see as they'll mainly follow themed blogs, so staff doesn't care because it won't affect their goals in any meaningful way. Investors also aren't looking at tumblr posts to decide if they'll invest so tumblr isnt negatively monetarily affected by complaint posts.
Talking about tumblrs downfalls on other sites may help, but unless its a large movement at one time, staff and the general public wont see/care about any complaints.
One thing that new users will definitely see if theyre on mobile however, and investors can check easily, is the rating and review of tumblr on the App Store. This means that the rating/reviews is something that can directly impact whether new users decide to use tumblr or investors decide to invest. So is something that staff should directly care about.
So what do we do?
We rate the app badly.
But not just rating it badly, give a review and explain what problems you find with tumblr.
Some examples:
-bad moderation (incorrect flagging of posts, inappropriate posts not being flagged hategroups not being banned etc.)
-inaccessible (seizure inducing ads and posts, video player etc.)
-bad search function
-tumblr live and all the issues that have been brought up with it
-transphobia (queerest place on the internet my ass)
-anything thats a problem but i haven't mentioned
Why though?
Tumblr staff have recently started trying to monetize the site mote effectively while ignoring the requests/queries from current users in an effort to attract new users.
Since tumblr has many issues that negatively effect any users for the site but ignore any posts about them while encouraging posts celebrating them (think crab day), the only way to really get through to them is by means that will actually affect them.
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randompurr · 4 months ago
Do u have any tips on drawing anatomy or poses?
Hi aleee! Thank you for the ask!!
Let’s see tips on anatomy and poses are different so I will start with anatomy.
I want to remind everybody that I am self taught, this is what I learned though extensive research and a lot of traditional drawing frustration. Digital art is a totally different medium and it makes things easy but also hard in a sense.
Anatomy tips
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Something to keep in mind that the guide is there to help you get an idea and to not take it too seriously. Somestimes the flow of the drawing takes it somewhere else
Personally I used my guide to correct autonomy for both face and body.
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nerdyqueerandjewish · 1 year ago
just feel like giving up because everything sucks. Life things have gotten very hard and it’s harder and harder to find any psychological/emotional relief. It’s like my brain has put up a barrier to letting me feel any of it.
not going to give in. but that doesn’t make the feeling go away
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lynettethemadscientist · 1 year ago
At least it’s not raining
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a-shrieking-cloud-of-bats · 2 years ago
pa is out for the night
will he break his streak of no drinking
we will see
regardless I have a head start on getting to sleep so I Should Be Fine
earplugs anyway
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kazooie · 2 years ago
The autistic burnout is strong tonight(it's been "tonight" for 3 years)
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flame-shadow · 2 years ago
hey did you know??? that if you stop stretching and maintaining mobility in your body then it goes away?? things get tight and you can't move the way that you used to??? and when you decide to try getting a stretch routine going that the first week fucking sucks because you keep going 'damn i used to be able to do this no problem' and then you have to switch gears and be kind to yourself and just focus on getting better from here instead of berating yourself for dropping the good habits in the first place??? and your body never stops aging so you gotta keep taking care of it and sometimes you gotta take care of it extra in certain areas because of things that happened when you were younger and it's boring and sometimes hurts but it's so necessary???
i am yelling this at myself right now i am going through An Experience (trying to get into a routine of body maintenance again for my physical and mental health)
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hearteyedbunny · 13 days ago
I want to watch my comfort movies....
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thebibliosphere · 2 days ago
Hey, so it turns out we’ve been living with two gas leaks in our house for an unknown amount of time and we need to replace our entire furnace unit. There are people coming on Thursday to do it.
We are taking out a line of credit to get it done because for our safety we have to, but the interest is significant.
I feel like I’m asking for a miracle, but if I can sell 2000 ebooks or 500 audiobooks of Hunger Pangs through my Payhip, that would cover it. You can also gift people copies through Payhip gifting system or by donating to the donate pile so I can run giveaways.
The water heater still needs replaced but that leak has been addressed safely and is no longer slowly killing us.
If you like what I do and want to support me in other ways I have a Patreon and a Ko-fi. (You can ignore the 18+ warning that comes up on my Patreon, they’ve had me wrongly flagged as an adult content creator for years.)
Please, I cannot stress this enough do not give money you don’t have. Even sharing this and telling people about my books is a wonderful help. I’m just trying to alleviate some of the financial strain from Mothman.
I’m going to have a lie down now in a well-ventilated space. Maybe have a soothing scream first.
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nooling · 1 year ago
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LOOK I JUST REALLY ENJOY THEIR FRIENDSHIP OK?? You can't tell me they wouldn't hang after their respective personal quests (spawn ending ofc)/emotional breakdowns over their own mortality
EDIT: I forgot to watermark these so now more than ever PLEASE don't repost
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allumikota · 5 months ago
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Welcome to fanart. I drew a picture.
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hinamie · 7 months ago
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chiptrillino-art · 8 months ago
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(ID in ALT text)
some of these were conzepts i drew for @ranilla-bean fic the iconoclast. others are just me doodeling zuko in SEA inspired clothing (khemer or siam style/ so cambodia or thailand)
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saphushia · 7 months ago
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btw. i made this quick guide of some of the natural size and proportion reference points in the human body. of course this all varies even irl, and you can stylize however you want, so ymmv but thought it might be helpful for some folks.
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