#also sent him a text to remind him to keep it down
pa is out for the night
will he break his streak of no drinking
we will see
regardless I have a head start on getting to sleep so I Should Be Fine
earplugs anyway
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guttednights · 4 months
Older boyfriend Simon (Pt 2.)
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Pt 1 here
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Older boyfriend simon: who pays for your nails and toes to be done every 3 weeks.
Older boyfriend Simon: who told you, you were gonna get cold but you refused to bring your jacket and is now wrapping you in his jacket.
Older boyfriend Simon: who takes you shopping every time you ask because ur his princess and will do anything for you.
Older boyfriend Simon: who pays for everything and glares you down if u even reach for your wallet/ purse
Older boyfriend Simon: who slings you over his shoulder anytime you give him and attiude and throws you on the bed.
Older boyfriend simon: who gets home from work late, and kisses your forhead gently to not wake you
Older boyfriend Simon: who makes breakfast for you as an apology for being home late last night :(( (HOW CUTEEE)
Older boyfriend simon: who 100% punishes you for any attitude or stubbornness
Older boyfriend simon: who carries you to the car and house because your pretty feet hurt so bad from being in heels all day, he cant stand seeing you in pain:((
Older boyfriend simon who keeps a photo of you in his pocket while hes busy "fighting bad guys"
Older boyfriend simon: who rubs himself raw to the pictures you sent him to "not forget you" he could never forget you sweetheart.
Older boyfriend Simon: who bear hugs you for hours when he gets home from a grueling mission, cause he missed his pretty girl so much.
Older boyfriend Simon: who has your name in his phone as "wife", all tho hes not into all that "cute couple shit" he cant help but remind himself why he's fighting to get home when your notification pops on his screen :(
Older boyfriend simon: who loves the cute lil texts u send him. "baby what time is it for you?" "baby i miss you:(" "baby wheres that one hoodie? the grey one? i wanna wear it" "baby are you ok?" "baby promise youll come home"
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side notes: no typo checks sorry lol. also kinda lost things to drabble on about, so sorry if this is dry lels
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f1goat · 24 days
roommates ; lando norris + part five
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In which you have to live with your brothers best friend who you really don't like, Lando Norris, and his many 'girlfriends' for a while, but there's always a thin line between love and hate.
masterlist - playlist
lando norris x fem!verstappen reader tw: nothing much yet expect that Lando is a player + i don't proofread + smut will come next chapters!
The following day you’re not surprised by the way you’re feeling. After standing in the pouring rain yesterday it doesn’t surprise you that you’re feeling sick. After wearing your soaked dress for way too long, it only seems logical that you’re not feeling that well right now. It does however annoy you. You don’t feel like getting out of your bed. You’d rather stay in your bed for the rest of the day. However, Lando did already sent you multiple texts about grabbing breakfast together somewhere. After yesterday you don’t want to say no to him. So, with a big sigh you get out of your bed. 
When you leave the comfort from your bed, the cold air is quick to hit you. It reminds you that you really don’t know how to dress yourself. Then you notice Lando his sweater laying on your floor. When you were shivering in the car next to him yesterday, he eventually pulled of his own sweater and gave it to you. Without giving it a second thought, you pick it up and put it on. You grab some pants from your closet and continue to get dressed. More effort then this isn’t in it today. You skip doing your make up and start to walk out of your room. 
Lando is quick to give you a confused look when he sees you coming towards him. “Are you okay?” He asks you. In the mean time he can’t look somewhere else then at the sweater you’re wearing. It makes him feel all fuzzy on the inside that you’re wearing his sweater again. 
“Good morning to you too,” you softly chuckle, “I’m feeling okay.”
“You don’t look okay,” Lando quickly replies. 
“I’m okay,” you repeat your earlier words.
“You’re lying,” Lando states.
“Let’s go for breakfast?” You try to change the subject. Lando lets out a soft laugh. You notice how cute his laugh can be. Then he shakes his head at you. “Babygirl,” he softly says, “it’s pretty clear that you’re sick. We’re not going out like this.” 
You wonder how Lando noticed in this short amount of time that you’re not feeling well. He barely saw you and already figured you out. Even Max isn’t this fast with seeing right through you. Lando keeps amazing you lately. Yesterday night was also one of those moments. When you came back at his place after the disaster with your ex, Lando made sure he took care of you for the rest of the evening. Together the two of you watched some movies, while Lando made sure you were feeling comfortable. Eventually you ended up falling asleep on him, only for him to wake you up and bring you to your own bed. He keeps confusing you. 
“But you wanted to get breakfast,” you reply to Lando.
“And now I want you to feel better,” Lando is quick to reply.
“Why?” You ask surprised. Lando confuses you again with his words. It’s not that it’s bad for him that you’re sick, right? Or is he afraid that you will infect him as well? Maybe it’s about that. Then you should get back to your room you guess.
“Because you need to join me to the race this weekend,” Lando states.
“I need to join you?” You ask surprised.
“Yes,” Lando replies. He’s not making things more clear. Why does he want you to join him? You want to ask him that question and a lot of other questions, but Lando is already talking again. “What about pancakes for breakfast?” He asks you. 
You laugh about the way he changes the subject, but you do accept the pancakes. “One condition,” you quickly tell him, “You’ll let me help.”
“No, no,” Lando replies, “I’ll make the pancakes, go sit down babygirl.”
You feel your heart flutter at the nickname. It reminds you about yesterday. Maybe your ex was right. It only feels right when Lando is the one who calls you babygirl. That can’t be good.
“No offense Lan, but you can’t even cut up some onions. It seems a bit more safe for me to help you.”
Lando chuckles and makes room for you to join him at the counter. 
The rest of that day, Lando makes sure you’re close to him. It’s surprisingly sweet how close he keeps you to himself. He hasn’t left you alone once today. You overheard one of his friends calling him and asking to do something, but Lando was quick to say no. It kinda feels like you’re his priority today. You can’t deny that it makes you feel good. 
For now he has you pulled on top of himself on the couch. You’re watching one of your guilty pleasure reality shows. Lando is making fun of the people who participate, but doesn’t complain about the show itself. In the mean time he focusses on playing with your hair. He has you closer on top op him then last night. Maybe it’s because you’re sick and in the need of comfort, maybe it’s because you slowly start to realize that you like Lando, but you let him hold you exactly how he wants to. Meaning that you’re on top of him, with your head on his chest. 
Eventually you fall asleep on top of Lando. The tiredness of being sick caught up with you. Lando is quick to notice it. He hears the soft snores which you’re letting out caused by your cold. It’s cute according to him, although he’s sure you won’t agree with him on that. While you’re sleeping, Lando continues to play with your hair. 
Lando has sunken deep into his own thoughts. He can’t stop thinking about the progress he made. Max would be proud of him. It has always surprised him how supportive Max has been about his feelings for you. What once started like a small crush, has developed into a massive one for now. Max once told him about your ex and how he really disliked the guy - something Lando strongly agrees with since yesterday. But, because of that Lando always thought Max would be protective and wouldn’t be a fan when he told him about his crush.
“You’re the worst you know,” Max tells Lando with a soft chuckle. Lando is quick to watch away from you and to focus his attention on his friend. He really should stop staring this much at you. In the mean time you’re walking away. Lando can’t help it and watches you once again. 
“The absolute worst,” Max continues.
“Hm?” Lando asks, “Why am I the worst?”
“Your eyes are practically glued on my sister,” Max states. 
Lando wants to deny the words of Max, but he can’t even find words to do so. Max is right. He only hopes that Max doesn’t connect the dots further. Max laughs when Lando doesn’t respond at first. 
“Don’t stress about it,” Max continues, “I don’t mind your crush on her.”
“My crush?” Lando is quick to ask, “I don’t have a-“
“Lando,” Max sighs while interrupting him. “You don’t have to lie about it.”
“You don’t mind it?” Lando asks, he needs to make sure he heard it right. Max has always been really protective about you, so Lando is surprised with how this is going. 
“If she has to have a boyfriend, then your my first pick.”
It’s the doorbell that shakes him out of his earlier thoughts. Lando opens the app on his phone. You’re still asleep on his lap. He wants to keep it that way. When he sees the person in front of the door, he chuckles softly. What a coincidence. He taps on the microphone and starts to talk.
“Hey Max, there’s a key under the doormat. I’m in the living room,” he says. He notices how Max nods at him and starts to search for the key. It only takes a small minute before Max is walking into his living room. 
When Max walks in, the first thing he notices is you laying on top of Lando while being peacefully asleep. He lets out a soft laugh while looking at Lando and you. “Things are finally working out for you I see?” He asks at first.
While Lando and Max are making some small talk, you slowly wake up as well. At first you wonder to who Lando is talking to, but then you recognize the voice of your brother. You doubt about opening your eyes and showing the boys that you’re awake. They seem to have fun talking together. You decide to give yourself a couple more minutes before intervening in the conversation of Max and Lando. 
“You keep surprising me,” you hear Max tell to Lando, “A couple nights back she kept texting me about how annoying you were and how you were keeping awake, but now she’s sleeping on top of you? And in your sweater?” 
“It’s a surprise for me as well,” Lando replies. You feel how his hand finds your hair again. Slowly he caresses your hair locks. It makes you feel even more comfortable. It can’t be good how comfortable you are with Lando. It surprises you.
“So no more random girls?” Max asks. 
You can’t hear Lando his response. He probably either shook or nodded his head. You wonder which one was it. Max chuckles about it, so you guess he nodded his head. You know for a fact that Lando is a player and will always stay one. It makes your small crush on him only more hopeless. What you don’t know is that Lando never shook his head harder to answer with no to a question. 
“But since when are you this close?” Max asks further.
“I don’t know if we’re this close,” Lando sighs, “There was some drama yesterday night, but she should tell you herself about that. I picked her up and tried to help her. And this morning she was sick, so we did nothing all day expect lay on the couch.”
“Since when can you do that?” Max asks surprised, “Normally you can’t even be home for more then an hour.”
Slowly you open your eyes as well. It starts to feel a bit rude to listen to Max and Lando like this. Although you do feel kinda annoyed that Lando still is having sex with other girls. Not that you care, of course. Max is the first one to discover your open eyes and that you seem to be awake. 
“Hey!” He greets you enthusiastically. Softly you greet your brother back. You try to sit up a bit instead of laying on Lando, but Lando is quick to keep you close to him. He does however let you sit straight, but after that he pulls you into his arms again. You don’t say anything about it, you just let it happen. Maybe you should stop things like this. You remember yourself about Lando and the other girls and slowly move away from Lando. 
In the mean time Max tells Lando and you everything that happened to him lately. You try to focus on his words, but Lando beats you with responding quickly every time. You let it happen. In some strange way, you can’t seem to focus. Maybe it’s still the sickness. 
“What did I hear? You had some drama?” Max asks you eventually with a smile.
“It was my ex,” you softly sigh. Max is quick to lose his earlier smile. You know that he has always hated your ex. There wasn’t any specific reason, as far that you know, but Max didn’t like your ex since the beginning. 
“What happened?” Max asks quickly.
You start to explain everything to Max what happened last night, giving more details this time then Lando even knew. “He still had some of my stuff,” you start, “and he wanted to meet up to give it back, so we agreed on grabbing dinner together. At first it wasn’t that bad, but eventually he started about getting back together.”
“He wanted to get back together with you?” Lando asks you annoyed. You show him a small nod. Max is muttering some swear words as well in the mean time. You ignore their reactions and continue with telling them what happened. 
“I told him that I wasn’t interested anymore,” you explain, “but he thought I had a new boyfriend. He even asked me if it was Lando. I kept telling him that I’m still single, but not feeling anything for him anymore but he didn’t believe me. Eventually he called me a bitch, so I paid for my part and wanted to leave.”
“You should have called me earlier,” Lando mutters, “I should have joined you or something, I knew it was a bad idea.” 
“He kept bugging me while I was waiting for Lando to pick me up. Thank god Lando broke probably every speed law and was there really fast,” you joke, “but when my ex saw Lando, he got even more mad. He called me a slut.”
“He called you a slut?” Max asks angrily. You nod. 
“Then it kinda escalated,” you continue, “Long story short, he called me a slut again, Lando punched him and eventually my ex missed Lando and punched me.” 
Max is quick to stand up. “I’m going to kill him,” he mutters, “What a fucking idiot.”
“But Lando made him scared and then he ran away,” you end the story. 
Max is still angry. He does however turn his attention towards Lando. “This is why,” Max eventually tells Lando. You have no clue about what he’s talking, but Lando seems to get it. Lando even shows him a small smile. He knows that this is Max telling him why he does approve of him trying to get with you. 
Later that day you feel a lot better then before. Even good enough to have an argument with Lando. It annoys you that things always have to go like this. Everything went well today, but now you’re feeling angry with him again. You don’t even know how it happened, but you’re almost screaming at Lando right now. Fuck. 
Lando just told you about his plans to have some drinks with friends tonight, meaning that he would leave you alone for the rest of the night. You couldn’t help yourself and made a small remark about him coming home again with a girl. Which Lando denied, according to him he hasn’t done that since the last girl you heard. Something you don’t believe. 
“Why don’t you believe me?” Lando sighs. 
“Because you’re a player,” you reply annoyed, “you don’t change like that.”
Lando lets out another loud sigh. He doesn’t know what to say. Of course, he realizes that your claims aren’t coming from nowhere. Maybe he even thinks he deserves it, but still… he wants you to believe him. 
“Why do you even care about this?” Lando eventually asks you a bit hopeless. He doesn’t know why you’re arguing with him about this. Of course, he hopes that you do care about it, but the chances are kinda low for that. 
“I don’t care about it,” you are quick to state. 
“Then why are we arguing about this?” Lando continues to ask.
You don’t have an answer for that question. Lando is right, if you claim to not care about this then it’s stupid to even talk about it. But having this argument with him, is less scary then confessing that you actually do care about it. 
“So correct me if I’m wrong, but you don’t care if I’m bringing home a girl?” Lando asks further. He’s pushing it this time. Of course, he hopes that you’re going to deny his words but he’s afraid that you won’t. 
You doubt about your answer. Maybe you should just be honest. You do care if Lando brings home a girl, because you really don’t want it to happen. This time not because you’re afraid that the sounds will wake you up, but because you’re afraid for your own reaction when it happens. It annoys you that you can’t seem to trust yourself around Lando anymore. There’s a small part inside of you who’s dying to disagree with Lando his words, to tell him that you do care about it. But the small part doesn’t win, you’re not confessing. 
“I don’t care,” you state.
Lando takes one last look at you before walking away. He shakes his head in disbelief and sighs while walking away from the living room. In the mean time he decides that this was it. It has no use to walk after you and to wait until you’ll give him a chance, if that would ever happen. You don’t care about him fucking with another girl, so why would he hold back anymore? He really needs to forget about his crush on you. It can’t go like this any longer.
Later that night, you can’t seem to fall asleep. You’re still annoyed by everything that happened. Maybe you’re even so annoyed that you’re still sitting on the couch and scrolling on your phone, instead of being in your bed and catching some sleep. You feel your fever rising up again, but you don’t let yourself go to bed. 
You need to know if Lando brings someone home.
Lando didn’t text you, you also didn’t text him after he walked away. You don’t know if he’s coming home late, you can only hope it won’t be that late. You know that this is weird. This isn’t healthy. But still, here you are - sitting on the couch and waiting for Lando to come back home. Maybe you should talk about this with Max? You really need some help.
Before you can make up your mind, you hear the front door opening. It only takes two seconds before you have the answer on your burning question. 
It’s the innocent giggles of another random girl that forms the answer to your question. Of course, he bought someone home with him.
a/n; sorry took a bit longer this time :( kinda busy with workkk. hope everyone likes this chapter, the next one will have something more happening :))))
part six
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marsnovaa · 8 months
Can you make a piece doing JJK boys being clingy with their girlfriends/partners (not sure which you write for!) and if you don’t want to do all the JJK boys maybe Choso or Inumaki? Thank you :))
Notes: Yes! I do not write for Yuta (and maybe a few others I'm forgetting), but I had a lot of fun writing this! This is my first time writing for a few of these characters so i apologize if they are out of character or not as good as the others ! also, i love the art you did of choso with his hair down a bit ago hehe ! (Requests are open)
Warnings: A lot of waist grabbing, slightly suggestive with Toji
Features: Gojo, Geto, Toji, Nanami, Choso, Yuji, Megumi, and Toge
JJK boys being clingy with you ₊˚⊹♡
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He's unafraid of displaying his clinginess, making it impossible to escape his touch in public or his incessant text messages. He always keeps a firm grip on your hand and has his arm securely around you. He reminded you of a puppy. He finds it difficult to communicate his emotions, particularly when he needs reassurance. However, as time goes by, you have become familiar with his gestures and discovered that his favorite way to seek comfort is by resting his head on your lap.
You find yourself now reclining on the couch, seeking solace after a heated argument. It was an unnecessary clash, and you wisely decided to distance yourself before uttering regrettable words. Suddenly, you hear the faint sound of Satoru's door creaking open, causing your gaze to fixate on the hallway, anticipating his emergence.
He had the appearance of a dog caught in the act, being confronted by their owner for their misbehavior.
Nervously, he made his way to the couch, anxiously settling into his seat. The fear of provoking a negative reaction from you lingered, making it difficult for him to relax.
While you were engrossed in your movie, you paid no attention to his gradual approach. This was a recurring pattern after your disputes. He would hover nearby, edging closer little by little. It was his unique method of expressing remorse and attempting to reconcile with you. Though it irritated you, it undeniably proved effective, for it was impossible to remain angry with him forever.
"Come here," you said with a dramatic sigh, invitingly patting your lap.
His face filled with joy, and without hesitation, he rested his head on your lap. Gently, you caressed his hair, soothing his scalp with a delicate massage. Occasionally, your hand rested on the side of his face, your thumb moving in a slow, comforting motion, tracing his cheek.
Suguru has a subtle way of showing his affection, preferring to express his clinginess in private. However, even in public, he can't help but steal glances at you or lightly brush his hand against yours as he passes by. Although he's not much of a texter, Suguru is fond of calling instead. So, when you're out and your phone unexpectedly rings, you can't help but be startled, but deep down, you already know it's him eagerly calling to inquire about your whereabouts and when you'll be returning.
A few minutes ago, he sent you a text instructing you to come to his room. You gently opened the door and stole a glance inside, catching sight of your partner in a state of complete relaxation, comfortably dressed in casual attire.
Timidly, you entered the room, gently closing the door behind you. With cautious steps, you approached his bed and slipped in beside him. He was dressed in a casual combination of a loose white shirt and black sweatpants. A cozy blanket covered him, and he promptly enveloped you in its warmth as soon as you lay down beside him.
His arm instinctively wrapped around your waist, drawing you closer to him. He planted tender kisses on your forehead and the top of your head, serenading you with sweet words. Your cheeks blushed, and you sought solace by burying your face in his embrace.
"Why are you so nervous? We've been together for months, yet you still seem so bashful around me, my love," he whispered gently, as his finger delicately brushed against your chin, tilting it upwards to meet his gaze.
"I'm not sure," you replied, offering a shy smile.
Your dopey smile was captivating to him. He adored seeing that smile, and it compelled him to draw nearer, pressing his lips against yours in a passionate kiss that made you feel as though you were melting away.
You've never encountered anyone as possessive as him. He shoots fierce glances at anyone who dares to cast a glance your way, and he constantly craves your affection, demanding kisses on a regular basis. Your neck is almost always adorned with his passionate marks, and no matter how many times you protest, he effortlessly silences you with a tender kiss.
"I'm home!" you exclaimed, shutting the door behind you. Initially, Toji was just renting a room in your house, but after you two became a couple, he became a permanent member of the household and no longer pays rent. As a result, you find yourself working more than ever before.
Toji loomed in the entrance, arms folded across his chest, his gaze drifting up and down your silhouette. The hunger in his eyes was a constant presence, causing you to squirm uneasily and your face to redden.
"Hey, have you eaten yet?" you asked softly as you brushed past him and made your way into the living room, which was adjacent to the kitchen.
"I did," he replied, firmly grasping your waist with his large hands.
You despised it when he behaved in such a way, yet you found yourself unable to break free from his hold. He forcefully drew you towards him until your back was tightly pressed against his figure. Without delay, he began to passionately kiss your neck. With each delicate touch of his lips against your flesh, an irresistible sensation of ticklishness arose, causing you to instinctively wriggle and yearn to distance yourself from him.
"Why are you always trying to distance yourself from me, baby?" he murmured softly into your ear.
"Toji, I've just arrived home after a long day of work, and the moment I step in the door, you're already all over me," you complained, gently removing his hands from you.
"I can't resist, you're absolutely stunning," he said with a smirk, trailing along as you settled on the couch.
Your moment of relaxation was abruptly interrupted as he forcefully pulled you onto his lap. You let out a groan of annoyance, reflexively wrapping your hands around his neck. However, he swiftly silenced you by passionately kissing you. At that moment, you realized that you couldn't complain any longer, as deep down, you relished in his neediness and his constant desire for your attention. Despite your fatigue, you couldn't help but feel elated that Toji truly wanted you and treated you with love and care.
His lips left a trail of passionate kisses down your neck, and your fingers became intertwined in the strands of his hair.
Choso is similar to a toddler that constantly follows you, tightly holding onto a piece of fabric from your clothes. He is tender and endearing, but also fears that his clinginess might bother you, causing him to frequently withdraw.
That only induces worry, and when you attempt to address the issue with him, his face turns as crimson as a ripe tomato, while he stumbles over his words and fabricates feeble excuses.
You found yourself in a quaint clothing store, browsing for new tops to replace the ones that suffered damage during your daring missions. Among the selection, you carefully lifted a vibrant, long-sleeved red shirt, unsure yet intrigued about whether it would suit your taste.
Choso was standing right behind you, his hand tightly clutching your shirt as he observed other shoppers. He was pleasantly surprised when you swiftly spun around to meet his gaze, a faint smile adorning your lips.
"What are your thoughts on this? Personally, I find it slightly too snug for my taste..." you lifted the top, examining it, before pressing it against your body.
"It's absolutely beautiful. You would look absolutely breathtaking wearing it," he boldly responded, shamelessly admiring you while he had the opportunity.
Blushing, you quickly tossed the top into your small basket and eagerly took hold of his hand, guiding him towards the checkout counter.
At first, he didn't strike you as the clingy type. However, you were taken aback when he tiredly entered the house, removed his shoes, loosened his tie, and half-unbuttoned his shirt before collapsing on the couch next to you. His arm instinctively wrapped around your neck, drawing you close to him. Surprisingly, this became his routine every time he arrived home, and he would frequently message you during the day to ensure your well-being.
As he assured you he would be home soon, you decided to take charge of dinner preparations. Your utmost concern was to provide him with nourishing meals, especially after his demanding missions.
As you hear the door open and then close, your heart quickens in anticipation. Nanami enters the kitchen, his powerful arms wrapping around your waist, enveloping you in his embrace.
"Welcome home," you cheerfully greeted, spinning around and embracing him with your arms wrapped around his neck.
“Dinner smells good. How was your day?” he asked, his touch light but possessive as he held onto your waist.
"It was great! Tiring, but certainly nothing I couldn't handle. And how about you?" you said, flashing him a sweet smile.
"Same as always," he murmured, leaning down to gently kiss your nose. "Shall we eat?"
With a nod, you reach for two plates. Artfully arranging the food on each plate, you then make your way to the living room where Nanami awaits. Handing him his plate, you leisurely settle on the other end of the couch, playfully kicking your feet up and gently placing your legs across his lap.
You sat together in silence, savoring each other's company, a familiar ritual between you both.
Nanami was the first to finish his meal. He leaned forward, gently placing his empty plate on the small coffee table in front of the couch. Suddenly, you were surprised when you felt his large hands begin to massage your tired feet, a rare gesture from him. Without a word of complaint, you carried on enjoying your food. He was a true gentleman, always putting your happiness and well-being before his own.
After you had finished your meal and tidied up the kitchen, Nanami gently took your hand, guiding you towards the bedroom. There, he warmly embraced you as you two laid down, allowing your head to rest upon his chest, as you listened to the rhythmic beat of his heart. With his thumb, he tenderly traced circles upon your back, soothing you until both of you peacefully drifted into slumber.
He is incredibly affectionate and caring, but he tends to be overly attached. His greatest concern is not being by your side if something were to happen to you. He consistently stays by your side, whether it is for a leisurely stroll, a shopping trip, or an important errand.
Sometimes he may be unable to accompany you, no matter how much he desires to. However, he reaches out to you, timidly requesting that you remain on the call until your return, providing him reassurance that everything is alright.
"Yuji, you do realize that I can simply text you, right?" you playfully chuckled over the phone as you disembarked from the train.
"I know, but if you don't reply to my texts, I'm left wondering what might have happened!" he complained from the other side.
You let out a contented sigh and shook your head playfully, all while sporting a contagious smile. To top it off, you were cozying up in one of his cherished hoodies. Your collection of his hoodies was a testament to their irresistibly soft and snug nature - an indulgence you simply couldn't resist.
"Do you know how incredibly adorable you are?" you asked, strolling along a bustling sidewalk towards your destination.
“I’m glad you think so. I love you y/n.” he said in a hushed tone, conscious of his surroundings and not wanting them to eavesdrop on this intimate moment.
"I love you too," you replied, giggling. You could imagine the slight blush he must have had, which made you giggle even more.
Megumi may not be the touchy-feely type or a master of verbal expressions, but his constant stream of text messages makes up for it. Your phone is always abuzz with his messages, making sure you're always connected.
As you felt a vibration coming from your pocket, you instinctively retrieved your phone to see the latest message from Megumi.
M <3: 
Where are you? I miss you.
Im just at the store megs. Ill be back soon :) 
M <;3:
Hurry up, the beds getting cold without you.
You couldn't help but let out a chuckle as you slid your phone back into your pocket. Afterward, you swiftly grabbed a handful of snacks from the shelf before making your way to the checkout counter. It's funny how Megumi reveals his need for attention only when you two are alone, and it seems like a significant portion of your time together is spent with him dozing off on your lap.
As soon as you finished paying for the snacks, you rushed back to his room. As you entered, his arms immediately wrapped around your neck, pulling you into a warm and affectionate embrace.
"Hey, Megumi. Hold on a sec, I need to take off my shoes." You chuckled, unable to reciprocate his embrace because of the bags you were holding.
Murmuring something softly, he backed away, allowing you the opportunity to remove your shoes. You carefully set the bags of snacks on his desk, and as soon as they were no longer in your grasp, he eagerly guided you towards his bed. With a playful roll of your eyes, you climbed into the bed, and settled in comfortably while he positioned himself on top of you.
With his head nestled on your chest, he closed his eyes tenderly. You sensed his entire body surrendering to relaxation, as his breath gently steadied, while your fingers lovingly became entwined in his soft hair.
You adore him with all your heart, but unfortunately, you cannot spare hours in his room, indulging in YouTube together. Due to his cursed speech, it makes it hard to communicate between the two of you, but the more time you spent with him, you began to understand when he spoke in rice ball ingredients. He demonstrates his attachment by sending you text messages at completely unpredictable times, requesting your presence in his dorm.
The very first time he did this, you truly relished the moments spent together, laughing at a few videos and snuggling on his bed.
You had just arrived back from a long mission when you received his message. Despite being tempted to decline, you couldn't resist. You found yourself drawn to his room, where darkness surrounded you, except for the soft radiance of a lamp and the flickering glow of the TV. He was seated on the bed, his relaxed shirt and comfortable pants giving him a casual appearance. His hair was disheveled, with a few strands sticking out, adding to his charm.
You greeted him in a tired manner, shuffling your feet as you approached and settled down on his bed. As you watched TV, he leaned his shoulder against yours, a comforting gesture that you had grown accustomed to. He always sought closeness with you, whether it was through your thighs touching, fingers gently brushing, or any other intimate connection. Your eyelids were heavy, and it was a challenge to concentrate on the video he turned on. Eventually, you kicked off your shoes and made yourself at ease in his comfortable bed. However, the moment your head touched the pillow, you succumbed to the peaceful depths of slumber.
It wasn't until after about 20 minutes that Toge realized you had fallen asleep. Swiftly, he turned off the television and tenderly covered you with a warm blanket, gently brushing away a few stray strands from your face. He planted a soft kiss on your cheek before snuggling up next to you, also succumbing to a peaceful nap.
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fangirl-dot-com · 8 months
Chapter 5 - Put it into Speed Drive
Longer chapter this time! The next update probably won't be until Tuesday, and or Wednesday night and then Thursday.
For planning, after 2023 is up, I will not be keeping up with the actual schedule for the races. The chapters will still come in chronological order, but it won't be week by week. This will be the start of the parallel universe.
If you want to be added to the tag list, please comment! And now enjoy the show :)
You were practically buzzing after the suit fitting. It was just one step closer to getting you in the car. Which would happen very soon. Sunday to be exact. Tomorrow. There were just so many words to describe how soon it was. 
You went from no open doors in F1 to a door that was blown to bits and then shredded, leaving a giant hole for you to just walk through. However, your daydreams of blowing doors up were interrupted by the growl of you stomach. You walked through the door of the fitting room and found Vito right where you left him. 
Such a good manager. 
He was talking to someone though, and you really didn’t want to interrupt. But, your stomach was about to commence in the whale mating call song and you really didn’t want anyone to hear that. Your eyes glanced around before they landed on Mitch, who seemed to just be typing on her tablet. 
You quickly walk over and tap her on the shoulder. “Mitch, uh, where would I be able to find some food?” 
She looked up from her tablet with a smile. Dang, did she just smile at everything? 
“I can take you to get some food if you’d like me to?” she responded. You quickly nodded your head. Taking the lead, Mitch started to walk over to the other side of the sim room. How many rooms were connected to this place? You wondered as she opened a door. 
“This room is one of the more private areas, which in return, gets its own side of the building. From here you’re able to reach just about any other place.” Now that was creepy, could she read your mind? 
Your face must have been in a contemplative look as she let out a small laugh. The walk was short as the two of you entered an all-while room. A small cooking bar was to the left while tables and chairs littered the rest of the floor. Your mouth was wide open. 
You told Mitch, “Dams is not this nice.” A pout came from you. 
“Well, now you don’t have to be jealous. You know that you work here now,” she reminded you as she took a tray and began to walk down the bar. You followed her doing and picked up your own tray. Looking up, you gazed over the menu, trying to find something that looked like it would fit in your diet. 
“By the way, everything here is supposed to go hand in hand with a driver’s diet. So pick anything you’d like,” a voice said from behind the counter. A woman with a hairnet smiled as you finally decided on a club sandwich with some chips (the crunchy kind – not French fries). Once you got your food, you walked over to the table next to the window where Mitch was already sitting. 
You quickly remember that you practically left Vito, so you shot him a quick text letting him know where you were. In typical fashion, she just sent a thumbs up emoji. What a dad. 
The two of you ate in silence for a bit, before Mitch spoke up. 
“So kid, tell me a little bit about yourself.” She took a bite of her sandwich. 
You quickly swallowed. “Uh, I’m 20 years old. I’m from a lot of places, didn’t really stay in one place for long. The longest I stayed anywhere was Texas for 5 years (a.n. shameless plug). I’m pretty introverted and don’t normally talk to others first. I have a little apartment in Nice, but now I think I should look for one close to here. I am an only child. And Danny DeVito is my spirit animal.” 
Mitch almost spit out her drink as her shoulders began to shake. That also got you laughing. “What about you?” you questioned back. You were beginning to feel sad because your sandwich was almost gone. 
“Well, I am 35. I have been at Red Bull for two years now. I was an engineer before this and worked on the car. I don’t have any kids.” 
You interrupted her, “Well now you do.” You pointed at yourself before taking a giant slurp of your drink. 
She rolled her eyes before continuing, “I’ve lived in London my whole life. I have a degree in engineering as well. And my favorite season is fall.” 
Small talk continued as you finished your lunch, or almost dinner. As you looked out the window, you saw that the sun was about to begin to set. You hadn’t realized how long everything had taken. A yawn escaped your lips as you and Mitch made your way back to the simulator room. There Vito was waiting for you, looking ready to go. Saying goodbye with a hug, you told Mitch that you’d see her bright and early for the test drive. 
Not wanting to get left behind, you found yourself sticking to Vito as he guided the two of you back down the poster hallway. At least now you were familiar with the turns and twists. Like the past few days, a car was waiting for you outside. Vito slipped into the driver’s seat while you went around and climbed into the passenger side. 
You immediately connected your phone to sound system. You snickered as you chose the song. 
Vito groaned when he heard the opening notes. You could only laugh as the beat started to pick up. 
“Ah-ah Barbie you’re so fine, you’re so fine you blow my mind. Jump into the driver seat and put it into speed drive,” you sang, directed at Vito. To hear the base a bit more, you turned the volume up. However, when it came to the next verse, and you were about to start yelling, your phone began to ring. 
Arthur’s contact photo, one of you at his birthday, popped up. You immediately answered the face time and yelled. 
“Dude, you threw off my groove!” His laughs could be heard throughout the car as his face got into the camera range.  
“I’m sorry?” 
“You should be. What’s up?” 
“I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out later tonight? Since I’m here for testing.” You froze and looked at Vito with wide eyes. You quickly pointed your phone towards the roof of the car. 
You mouthed, “What do I do?” You were scared. What were you supposed to say? Oh hey Arthur, I actually signed a multi-year contract with Red Bull two days ago. Sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner? You definitely could not do that. 
Yet, a slight jut of Vito’s head told you that you could tell him the truth. You inhaled sharply. 
“I’m actually not in Paris at the moment.” Arthur paused. . You only hoped that he wouldn’t be mad at you. 
“You’re not? I thought you were going to be sim testing.” 
“I thought so to. And then I might have gotten a text from…” you muttered the last bit. 
“Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.” He put a hand to his ear. 
You huffed before you shouted, clearly overwhelmed. “I got a text from Christian Horner and I’m driving with Red Bull for 2024!” Your shallowed breaths filled the air. Vito’s hand was placed on your knee for comfort. 
“Well, duh. I knew that dummy?” 
“Hello?” you could only get out. Who told him? 
“You do know that even though my brother may not seem to be friends with Max, they actually are. And Max likes to talk, so he told my brother and my brother told me.” Your eyes must have been bulging. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner,” you sighed, “I didn’t know if I could.” 
Arthur responded, “It’s quite alright. It was fun making you panic for a moment.” 
“You’re an ass. First you interrupt my wonderful concert that Vito was enjoying…” 
“I was not,” Vito leaned towards the phone. 
“As I was saying, men the woman is speaking, and then you decide to make me almost spiral into a panic attack. Not nice TurTur.” You wiggled your finger at the screen. 
He smiled, “I’m actually here in London as well. Thought you might want some company. And Vito invited me to see you drive tomorrow. I’m waiting in your room.” He showed you a room that was almost identical to the one you had at the hotel. You squealed at the thought of seeing him. 
It was a good thing that the car had pulled up to the hotel, because you seat belt flew off in record time. You barely were able to get a quick thank you to the workers before you got to the elevator. You’re sure you pressed the buttons too many times, but the damn thing wouldn’t open any quicker. 
The moment the doors open, you bolted inside, but came into contact with a body, that knocked the two of you over. You said a quick apology before darting to the side and getting in the elevator. You barely saw a neon hoodie and some brown curls before the doors closed. 
Pressing hard down on your floor button, you willed the elevator to move quicker. After what felt like forever, the box dinged. You dashed down the carpeted hallway as you took your key card out of your pocket. 
Although you barely swiped it, the lock beeped and let you into the room. 
Arthur was not expecting you to all but tackle him as you dive bombed into his arms. The forced knocked the both of you off the bed. The pile of limbs and bodies that you and your best friend were ended up in a pile on the floor. You could not stop laughing as you held him tighter. 
You needed him, especially after these past stressful days. Remembering what he did earlier, you pulled back and started to hit him. His hands raised up and tried to defend against your much smaller hands. 
“You” -hit- “are” -smack- “an” -whack- “ass Arthur Leclerc.” 
“Ouch woman, you hurt me,” he feigns as he puts a hand on his heart. Your attacks died down as you hauled yourself off the floor. You held out a hand, he took it, and you lifted him as well. But the moment he was upright, you pushed him over on the bed. His giggles left his mouth. Instead of getting up like you thought he would, he snuggled more into your bed. 
You might as well join him. Hiking your leg up, you rolled him over some before slotting yourself in the space next to him. He let out a noise of complaint, even though he basically opened you with opened arms. 
“I’m glad you’re here. It’s been very stressful,” your words were muffled as you put your head on his chest. 
He let out a scoff, “Sure. You’ve been playing around in the top of the line simulator.” 
“Would you stop that?” he questioned as he dug his fingers into your sides. Laughter soon tumbled out of your lips before you could stop them. 
“Arthur, stop it!” You tried to force his hands away. But because of your smaller build, he was able to continue the attacks. 
A knock at the door saved your life. You all but rolled off the bed, out of Arthur’s arms, and walked to the door. However, you flipped Arthur off before your hand reached the knob. On the other side of the door, Vito stood with his phone in his hand. He looked up once the door was all the way opened. 
“Hi Vito. What’s up?” you asked with head cocked to the side.
“You two up for some karaoke?” He looked over your shoulder at Arthur, who was still sprawled on the bed. 
“I’m down for it. Hey Arthur!” you yelled, Vito wincing at the volume. 
Arthur’s head popped up. “Yeah?” 
He smirked. “Hell yeah.” 
A couple of hours later, you found yourself with Arthur in a karaoke room. Vito had been blacked out for a while on the couch. 
“COUNTRY ROAD, TAKE ME HOME, TO A PLACE, WHERE I BELONG!” Arthur sang into the very cheap looking microphone. 
You continued, sounding as equally bad, “WEST VIRGINA, MOUTAIN MOMMA, COUNTRY ROAD, TAKE ME HoOOoooOOOmE!” 
The song ended and you and Arthur took a mock bow. 
Arthur chanted, “Next song, next song, next song.” Yeah, he was definitely gone. 
“Since you ruined this earlier, I’m picking this one.” You clicked on a button. The familiar beats from earlier that day filled the small room. Arthur groaned from beside you. “Nuh-uh. This is your faut, and now you have to pay the price.” 
Half-heartedly, Arthur began to sing, “She my best friend in the whole world.” He pointed at you while singing the lyrics. You placed your hands on your chest and mocked a sincere look. He only shoved your head away and continued. 
You decided that standing on the table was a good place to sing the chorus, “AH AH BARBIE YOU’RE SO FINE, YOU’RE SO FINE YOU BLOW MY MIND” 
Arthur finally got into it, “JUMP INTO THE DRIVERS SEAT AND PUT IT INTO SPEED DRive…” the music was suddenly shut off. 
An angry looking worker walked in and told you to get off the table and to leave for the night. You sheepishly got down, walked over to Vito with Arthur, woke him up, and you three were on your way. 
The two of you looked like kids who had to be taken home after getting in trouble with the principal at the school. However, that wouldn’t stop the snickers and giggles that soon filled the whole car, Vito included. 
You were glad that it wasn’t too late. The next morning would be terrible if you didn’t have a good night’s sleep. 
Arthur made sure to get what time everyone was leaving before retiring to his room for the night. You made sure to post some things on your Instagram story before heading to bed. 
You were surprised you had gotten some sleep, because when you woke up, you couldn’t stop shaking. Not know if it was from excitement or nervousness, you got ready quickly. There was a fruit bowl in your room. For breakfast, you indulged in a banana and an orange. Vito probably arranged for a bigger breakfast to be served at the practice track. 
You met up with Arthur and Vito in the lobby. You nudged him as you walked passed. 
“You ready?” he asked as he followed you to the car that was waiting under the walkway. 
“As I’ll every be.” There was a slight hitch in your tone that told Arthur everything he needed to know. 
After the two of you climbed into the back seats, and Vito in the passenger seat, Arthur put his arm around you. Just the feeling of his company helped to ease the anxiety that was bubbling inside you. It seemed to grow with each corner that got you closer and closer to the track. 
There would be quite a few people there today, more than you would like. But each person was necessary. The track was farther and out of the city. 
You knew that Mitch would have your suit and helmet ready for you once you got there. You would be debrief on the track and how the car should behave. You would be doing a mock race, but it would still be shorter than most races – about 50 laps or so. 
Your goal that you had gone over with Mitch would be to set one of the fastest test laps. Your time to beat was 1 minute and 19.721 seconds. You thumbs-upped the message and said that you’d try your best. 
The car slowed down as it approached the entrance. And before you knew it, you were in your suit and balaclava as Mitch talked with you once more before you started getting in the car. It was one of the newer cars, the RB 17. 
You saw Christian approach and you checked over a few more things. 
“You like the car?” he asked, nodding his head over to the machine behind him. 
“I love it. Can’t wait to see how she drives. Was she driven for any races?” You were curious and wanted to know. 
He smirked. “That is Max’s championship car.” Your hands froze, holding your zipper. You looked up at Christian, eyes wide. You gulped. 
“Aha, very funny.” 
“I’m not joking.” His face was deadpanned. 
“Well, I will try to be careful with it.” He only laughed and put a hand on your shoulder. 
“You just drive the car like you normally do. The sim showed me everything I need to know.” With that, he walked closer to the wall and put a on a set of headphone.
“No pressure Y/n,” you told yourself. Breathing in and out, you put your helmet on. Arthur decided to walk up and clip the two straps for you, something he often did before your races. You both did your little handshake before he patted you shoulder. He was also given some headphones, along with Vito. They were all counting on you. 
You stepped closer to the car. Lifting your leg, you swung it over, then the other. You shimmied down into the car and connected the things that needed to be connected. The men around you started to lower the car and take off the different machinery. You would start the track on medium tires. You were told that after the first half, you could switch to the softs if you think you needed to. 
The final parts of the car were put on and you were handed the steering wheel. You carefully placed the connect parts together as you felt the car turned on. You could feel it almost breathing. It was alive. 
You were able to taxi the car out onto the mock grid. 
“Alright Y/n, radio check,” Mitch’s voice came on through your helmet. 
“If I can have a walk up song for Vegas, I heard a rumor that that was coming back, and if I get introduced, can it be Life is a Highway? Please?” 
“Radio is working,” Mitch responded. 
“Please Mitch?” you prodded. You heard a sigh as you smiled. 
“We can discuss later. I will ask Christian.” You did a small pump of your hands before getting back into the zone. From where you were, you had a good view of the lights. 
Breathe in. Breathe out. Speed. I am speed. 
Red. Red. Red. 
Your feet hit the pedals and off you went for the “warming up” lap. The track had a good mix of straights and turns to warm up the tires. 
The first few laps after went smoothly. But, you knew it wasn’t time for your flying lap. To keep it fair, the past drivers only had one lap to set a time. 
You pressed the button for the radio, “There seems to be some unbalance on Turn 5. I don’t know if it’s the track or the car.” Your voice sounded rattly. 
“Checking,” Mitch responded back at the “pit lane.” 
Christian piped up from her right, “Max has said that before about that exact turn. It’s uncanny.” 
“Ok kid, it seems like it might be an issue with the track. Try to avoid it by slowing down to go wide, but accelerate going out of the apex.” 
“Roger,” you responded. On the next lap, you did exactly that. And you were pleased to see that it actually worked. 
“Balance of the car is good.” 
“Thank you Y/n.” 
“Can I come in for softs? I want to try the flying lap.” 
“Ok, box for softs.” 
You pulled your car into the pit lane. It wasn’t the fastest pit stop you’ve had, but it really didn’t matter. You did a few laps on the softs. Although you knew the track would eat them up, you also knew that you did your best laps on slightly used softs. 
Christian spoke up again, “She knows that softs run out quickly. She should have done the flying lap on the first one.” 
Now, Arthur talked first, “She does all of her best laps on slightly used softs. It’s how she’s won so many races. Because Y/n knows her tires better than anyone.” Christian hummed as he watched your dot go around the animated track. 
The radio beeped as a message came from your car, “I’m gonna go for it. Starting the flying lap.” 
Mitch responded, “Copy.” The team waited with baited breath and you seemed to glide around the turns. 
You were truly one with whatever car you drove. 
The clocked seemed to tick in slow motion as you finally came to the last straight. Once you passed the line, you slowed down just a bit. 
“Ok Mitch, how did I do?” you asked. 
She breathed before responding, “One minute, nineteen point 7 seconds. Congratulations kid, you have broken our current record. Your cheers could be heard over the radio. They mixed with the team’s own cheering as well. You were just .021 seconds faster than whoever held the previous record. And you did it in a two, almost, three year old car. 
“Who used to hold the position?” 
This time, Christian’s voice came on over the radio, “It was Max, kid.” 
You let out a laugh of disbelief, before realizing that Christian was on the radio. 
“Christian, can my walk up song for Vegas be Life is a Highway. Please.” You waited for his answer. 
“Sure kid.” 
“Yes! Best day ever! Can I got another lap? I want to put this baby into speed drive. Vito! Arthur!”
“On it kid.” 
“Got it Y/n!” 
You guessed one of them held their phones to the radio. This time you would hear the entire song. You knew it. You shimmied back down into the seat and floored the throttle. 
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Tag List : @awekbachira @lightdragonrayne @leilanixx @angsthology @digitalizeduniqueness @topguncultleader @landosgirlxoxo @gods-menace @itsjustkhaos @thefandomswhre @alwaysboredsworld @vellicora @bintuabbas @sam-is-lost @empress-kimiko
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madelynraemunson · 3 months
CASUAL part 2
see part one here.
modern!incel!asshole! eddie x fem!reader
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It’s 7 in the morning. Eddie is seen doom-pacing in the halls of Hawkins High.
a/n: i promised y’all part 2 so here ya go. let’s make him pay. 💋 also shout out to @love-anonymous-writer for bringing this universe to life. a little angst here and there is good for the soul <3
who got the last laugh?
[WC: 1.1k words]
“Please respond…please respond…please respond…”
The soles of Eddie’s shoes slam against the tiles of Hawkins High as he rushes to your locker. Meanwhile his entire soul has left his body.
You didn’t answer any of his phone calls. All the texts he sent you were left on read. Having been so accustomed to your instant replies, Eddie essentially catapulted himself into a full-blown panic last night when he saw the ominous text you sent him...and the nothingness from you that followed soon after.
The crickets of Forrest Hills that taunted his eardrums later that night served as a vengeful metaphor of the brick wall you built between you and him. The girl who once gave him everything has now started giving him nothing. You’re nowhere, but everywhere. It’s like you’ve become a ghost.
When he sees you, color drains from Eddie’s guilty face. You look so beautiful today, hair curled down to the small of your back, a nice simple dress and some slippers, with makeup ever so gracefully applied. A class act, even when plagued with the utmost disrespect.
“Hi," he says to you as he approaches.
As far as Munson knows, he no longer exists to you. He's a shadow now, a carapace of a boy you used to love 'cuz now — after hearing what you heard in his trailer — you know he's not the same boy that made you feel all the butterflies. That boy is long gone. You even start to wonder if that version of Eddie even existed.
“C-can we talk, please?” he requests.
“What’s to talk about?” you challenge him, stoically. “Don’t wanna annoy you with my rambling.”
“You never annoy me…” he attempts as you mindlessly comb through your locker for your homeroom notebook.
You were casual about it. Too casual about it.
“You… uh…” he clears his throat. “You made me cookies yesterday?”
“Yeah,” you shrug. “I was at your door for quite a while so you must’ve been busy. Cookies were taken care of though.”
“I see…” Eddie mutters as the pieces all start coming together.
He thinks about how he always leaves his windows cracked open. His uncle would whoop his ass if he hot-boxed the trailer again, so it became a habit. But the trailer park is small, and on certain afternoon, if someone from a nearby unit had dropped a pin, Eddie would hear it. Suddenly, fear arises in him.
Surely, you didn't hear everything he and The Boys™️ said. He had his headphones on and he couldn't have possibly been that loud, could he? Unless technology failed him again.
The warning bell sounds throughout the halls and you excuse yourself from the narrative. Eddie tags after you like a lost puppy, nearly tripping on his shoelaces along the way.
The first class of the morning is homeroom. A class you unfortunately shared with Eddie, Grant, and Harmony.
You didn't want to see any of their faces. Eddie's face would serve as a reminder of how fake and construed the fucker is. Grant's would remind you of how insignificant you were to the guys (despite how welcomed they made you feel at the start). And Harmony. Harmony's beautiful face — with a body far too developed for a girl in her grade to match — would only remind you of the fact that the girl didn't inherently do anything to you... other than be beautiful and get caught in the crossfire of horny, greasy teenage boys.
It’s a fucking mess.
You swallow hard and keep your chin up regardless. Because what other choice do you have? You either feign your confidence or let irrelevant boys crush it.
You continue strutting over to your seat as Eddie trails behind at a measurable distance. Along the way, you inevitably run into the Junior Queen of Hawkins High herself, Harmony Heathers.
Harmony issues you a sweet smile. You smile back at her in return. And you didn't even need to turn your back to know that Eddie most likely did a double-take when sliding past her.
The late bell rings, indicating the start of class.
“Okay,” your homeroom teacher Mrs. Helleck exhales as she clasps her hands together. “Good morning everybody. For Red Ribbon Week this week, we’re gonna be doing a group project. Worth 20-percent of your grade.”
The class erupts in agonistic groans while Mrs. Helleck attempts to calm them down. You feel Eddie’s gaze burn into you, indicative to the fact that he was looking forward to using you again like he always seems to do. This time around it would be for a grade instead of a two-pump fuck. But you had something else in mind.
“You will be doing a presentation,” Helleck continues. “With a partner of your choice. Your job is to create a slogan along with a list of reasons why you should stay away from drugs.”
“Drugs Instead of Hugs,” Grant mutters to Eddie.
The general vicinity collectively praises his lukewarm wannabe 4-Chan edged joke.
You roll your eyes while your poor homeroom teacher tries to proceed with her instructions, despite the immature snickers.
“You will be presenting with your partner on Friday. Do not wait until last minute to do this assignment please. Deadlines catch up to you fast.”
Mrs. Helleck makes her way over to you.
Like Dungeons and Dragons, everyone in the class is assigned a “classroom role”. You’re the leader of the pack, the ‘foreman’, to which you never understood because up until today you never had the confidence to call the shots. The alphabet has never been on your side anyways.
“Now dear,” your teacher smiles down at you. “Since your last name starts with an A, you get first choice. Who would you like to work with?”
Eddie’s gaze is extra fixated on you now. It gives you a greater deal of satisfaction than tossing those cookies ever did. It was you who had the reigns now, instead of those woman-patronizing incels.
You start to smile connivingly, to which the guys start to gulp over. You can tell they’re putting two and two together, their two brain cells collectively working over time to discover that you had a delicious upper-cut up your sleeve.
It’s the very least they can do. If they wanted to taint your name to smithereens in your absence, you’re sure as hell going to give them something else to lose their minds about in Math 3.
And when all eyes are fixated on you, you tilt your chin up to project your voice. You want to make sure everyone, especially Grant and Eddie, hear you loud and clear when you sinisterly announce,
“I pick Harmony.”
tag list: @damp4eddie @eddiesguitarskills @babygirl229 @love-anonymous-writer @ziggeddie @socially-awkward-eliza @shesahellfirebabe @ali-r3n @yourdailymemedelivery @mincloud @jupitersnights @ineedtosusoutmyreadinglist @whisperingtales @fearlessreid @emma-munson
divider by: @benkeibear
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popcat69 · 11 months
Iron what?
Rottmnt boys x anaemic!reader
Notes: this can be read with gn!reader. I didn't get a request for this but i almost passed out a few days ago so i thought this would be kinda funny to write something i relate to a bit. Enjoy <3
Warnings: no warnings just the boys being sweet and caring. Leo is a bit of an ass but oh well
Before Raph knew you had a iron deficiency he would always be confused as to why you had to take a moment when you stood up from lying down. Or when you felt dizzy alot.
One time when you decided to have a movie night with him and you stood up too quickly you felt dizzy and lightheaded. You grabbed the closest thing to you or well turtle to help support you.
Poor boy was so worried
He was franting asking if you were alright
You were able to smell his fear stink 
Once you told him you had an iron deficiency he was confused so you had to explain it to him. He understood quite fast and began keeping a closer eye on you.
Feeling dizzy? He's carrying you. 
Looking paler then usual? He sitting you down to eat something.
If you take medication he will put an alarm on your phone and his to not forget.
How this turtle found was something else
Long story short you stood up too fast and basically fell to the floor
Leo being the insufferable person he is thought you tripped on something and was laughing his ass off.
But in no less then a minute hes realising you not moving and goes into full panic mode.
As you regained consciousness you realise you were on the couch next to a turtle fulls of tears.
He pulled you into a big hug as you calm him down and explaining that your anaemic.
Leo has experience with medical…stuff? Perks of being the team medic.
Soon after that whole incident he started to become more observant. Always by your side when you stand up or when you haven't eaten a lot that day.
With leo if you take medication if he will keep a bottle on him at all times incase you have forgotten yours at home
I feel like Donnie would already kind of know as hes quite observant
“I'm anaemic btw” “i know”
You kind of stared at him with a raised brow thinking. What?
Anyway he would always ask you if you have eaten a proper meal or gotten enough sleep.
Kinda ironic if you ask me
One time he gave you a diet plan to help with your iron deficiency and you followed it for like a day or two and then kinda forgot.
You felt really guilty when he asked how was the plan going. You knew he put the time and research to make it for you specifically so you gave him a sheepish smile as you looked around the room nervously.
Since that didn't work out he made you a portable pill dispenser? And it has a checklist on the back of it.
Have you eaten at least 3 proper meals?
Are you feeling dizzy a lot today?
You get the idea
You loved and cherished donnie’s small inventions that he gifts you.
Mikey (my beloved)
When mikey realised that you are frequently dizzy or lightheaded he would immediately asked if somethings the matter 
You explained to him without any hesitation and he would just slowly nod listening to you
He would find small ideas to help remind you to take your medication and to eat meals that are rich in iron.
Also he would send you small texts as reminders
Hey to the most amazing, best person in the world. Did you remember to eat enough?
Honestly it makes your heart melt. The first time he sent a text to you like that you were almost in tears holding you phone to your chest 
He once found out that you haven't eaten all day and forgot to take your medication from overworking yourself or just when having a bad day then BOOM!
Doctor feeling has arrived
608 notes · View notes
tip-top-cloud-surfer · 8 months
The Danger Zone (Part 5) - Hangman
Pairing: Hangman / Fem!Bradshaw!Reader | OC
Word Count: 3.0k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ ONLY
Warnings: Unplanned Pregnancy; Secret Relationship; Angst; Undefined Relationships; Overprotective Family; Background Relationships; Use of "You," No Use of Y/N, No Set Physical Description
Summary: Jake tries to process the news of your pregnancy while you try to get him to finally talk to you.
Series Master List
Master List
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After dinner wrapped up and your family finally left you in peace and solitude, you immediately reached for your phone. Pulling up Jake’s name in your texts, you stared bitterly at the texts that you sent him that he never responded to before typing out another message. 
Hey if my brother or Mav said anything weird to you, just ignore them. Do you still want to talk? I do, if you do
Sending the simple message, you set down your phone and refused to look at it. Or to debate how stupid your last text was. Of course, the one time that Jake decided to actually reach out to you just had to be when Mav and Bradley were over at your apartment to ruin everything.
Why hadn’t he just texted you before showing up? Why the hell did he just spontaneously decide to waltz back into your life? He couldn’t respond to any of the text messages that you sent him but he could take the time out of his life and drive over to your apartment?
Sighing, you pressed a hand to your face in annoyance before moving to clean up your apartment. You left your phone on the table, face down, as you walked around, cleaning up, and getting ready for bed. You took a shower and changed into your pajamas, but not without staring at your abdomen in the mirror for a few seconds. You swore that you could see a light curve.
Letting out a sigh, you turned and rubbed your hand up and down your small bump, and reminded yourself about what was important in this situation. Your pride wasn’t, so you would keep reaching out to Jake until the pieces went back together. Or completely shattered into a thousand pieces. Anything was possible at this point.
You grabbed your phone and walked into your bedroom. Shutting off the light, you climbed into bed and finally pulled your phone up to look at it.
And . . .
Jake hadn’t responded to you. 
Unable to hide your disappointment, even though you knew that he could still respond, you set your phone down. You stared at your ceiling for a moment before you rolled over and went to sleep. 
“You alright, Hangman?” Bob asked Jake, pulling him out of his thoughts. 
“Yeah,” Jake grunted out, turning to Bob. Straightening out his uniform again, Jake walked past Bob like nothing was wrong. “Why do you ask?” 
“Why are you avoiding the conversation?” Bob muttered, mostly to himself, raising an eyebrow as Jake headed out of the office quickly.
Jake walked confidently through the halls of NAS Miramar, but his brain was not in his body. No, his mind was still sitting in your bathroom, where that bomb was dropped on the top of his head without much of a warning. He hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before and had potentially worn a line in his floor with all his pacing. And he still felt like he was going to pass out a bit.
But Jake knew that he had to do something about it. He couldn’t just ignore you over this. Not anymore than he had already anyways.
“Hangman,” Rooster called, causing Jake’s internal monologue to shatter. Clearly a bit on edge, Jake turned to Rooster, who walked over to him with a stack of folders tucked neatly under his arm. “I need to talk to you.” 
“About?” Jake asked, trying to not sound too defensive. 
“The lesson plans,” Rooster stated, holding out the folders. 
“What’s wrong with them?” Jake asked, taking one from Rooster’s hand. 
“They were asking if we would also cover a couple more complicated maneuvers,” Rooster explained, handing Jake a list. 
The two aviators walked through the halls, discussing the merits of changing their lesson plan. Their conversation wasn’t confrontational and purely professional in all respects. Jake was almost lulled into a false sense of security around Rooster as they discussed carrier landing simulations.
“Alright, that works,” Rooster responded, scribbling some chicken scratch in the margin of the page. Slapping the folder shut with his hand, Rooster turned to Hangman with a stoic expression. “But what exactly is going on between you and my sister?” 
Jake turned to Rooster with an annoyed expression, but Rooster continued to stare him down. Handing over the lesson plans that Rooster provided him with earlier, Jake didn’t dignify Rooster with any kind of emotional response. 
“Is that really a professional question to ask in a work setting, Rooster?” Jake drawled condescendingly. When Rooster didn’t answer his question, Jake added, “So, I guess my answer last night wasn’t good enough for you?” 
“It wasn’t,” Rooster replied calmly, though his glare was anything but friendly. “It’s still not adding up to me, Hangman.” 
“Well, maybe use a calculator this time if you’re not so good at math,” Jake returned with that good old Texan accent that he knew pissed Rooster off. “I’ll see you ‘round, Rooster.” 
Giving Rooster a good old pat on the arm, Jake turned and headed off down the hall, well aware that Rooster was glaring holes into the back of his head. Jake only got a grand total of five steps away from Rooster before he spoke again.
“If you’re messing around with my sister, Seresin . . .” Rooster warned him.
Jake paused and turned around to see Rooster glaring at him. He didn’t finish his sentence, but Jake was sure that Rooster would finish him off if he found out about the actual situation going on between Jake and you. And Jake couldn’t really handle another grain of stress right now. He had too much more important shit weighing on his mind without worrying about Rooster’s reaction to it.
“She’s been through enough shit in her life already. I don’t need you fucking around with her head,” Rooster stated firmly. “And that’s the last thing that she deserves.”
The two men stared at each other for a moment before Bradley turned and continued walking down the hall, heading for the classrooms. Jake watched Rooster walk off with narrowed eyes and a defensive look, but when the sound of Rooster’s footsteps faded, so did Jake’s confidence. Letting his shoulders drop, Jake looked at the floor for a moment, his eyes darting back and forth rapidly.
He pulled his phone out of his back pocket and pulled up your name. Staring down at the text that you sent him last night, Jake raised his thumb to respond—with anything at this point, really—but shook his head and put his phone away.
“Fuck,” Jake muttered to himself before turning and continuing on his way.
“Okay,” you breathed out, staring at the familiar building in front of you. “You’re not crazy. He started the crazy when he showed up at your place. You’re just returning the favor.” You nodded to yourself as you let out a breath. “Because a completely sane ex-whatever totally hangs out in the parking lot of his apartment building to show up without any warning, talking to themselves. Right?”
It had been a spur of the moment decision.
You were driving home from work and the right turn that you would have to take to get to Jake’s place had a green arrow, whereas the left turn that you needed to take to get home was red. And you make a split-second decision because you were zoned out and just following traffic.
Well, no, but that wasn’t the only time that you lied to yourself this week.
“You’re just going to knock. That’s all you’re going to do,” you reasoned with yourself, grabbing your purse. “He might not even be home. You’re just trying. That’s all you’re doing.”
Opening your purse, you rifled through to see if the little box were still in there, even though you checked three times before. Summoning your courage, you grabbed your purse and climbed out of your car. You headed inside the building and made your way up to Jake’s apartment, knowing the route. And then you were standing outside of his front door.
Raising your fist, you knocked on the door once, twice, and then you stepped back. Chipping at your nails nervously, you looked up when you heard the deadbolt turn. 
Jake opened the door to his apartment and the two of you locked eyes. You folded your arms so that you couldn’t nervously fiddle with your fingers anymore, and offered Jake a small, but very awkward smile. 
“Hey,” you mumbled out, causing Jake to blink back into reality. 
“Hey,” he returned before opening the door to his apartment. “You came to talk?”
“Yeah, if you’re free,” you replied quietly. 
Jake nodded and invited you into his apartment. You stepped into the familiar space and walked into his living room. Jake shut the door behind you before slowly moving to join you. He took a seat on his couch, but you stayed standing, knowing that you’d nervously tap your feet if you sat down. 
“I’m sorry about yesterday,” you started off with, causing Jake to pick his head up. “With my brother and everything.”
“I should have asked you to come over first,” Jake conceded, causing you to nod slowly. “And besides, I can deal with your brother.”
“Right.” You shifted your weight on your feet nervously before letting out a breath and trying to get down to business before you lost your edge. “Jake, I have to tell you something serious. It’s why I kept texting and trying to call you.”
“Okay,” was all that Jake replied with, looking oddly calm. “What is it?”
 “Um, well,” you trailed off, setting your purse down. Pulling out the positive test from the bottom of your purse, you turned back to Jake. “Well, you know how we were safe most of the time, right?”
“And you remember the few times that we weren’t so safe?” you continued, pulling the test out of the box. 
With shaking hands, you held out the test to Jake, who took it with another oddly calm expression. If anything, he almost looked more relaxed than he did when you arrived as he stared down at the test. 
 “Jake, I’m pregnant.”
You held your breath, waiting for Jake’s reaction. For him to freak out. After all, most guys wouldn’t exactly react happily to finding out that the girl that they had been hooking up with had fallen pregnant. You weren’t expecting a positive reaction, but you were expecting a reaction. Just any reaction. 
But Jake didn’t seem to react. At all. His eyes didn’t widen in shock. He didn’t change his breathing pattern. He stayed in the exact same position on the couch. And he just stared at the pregnancy test. Frowning and frankly more than a little confused about his lack of reaction, you tried to figure out how to respond to Jake’s non-response. 
“And the baby’s yours, if I wasn’t clear,” you added awkwardly. 
“How far along are you?” Jake asked after a few moments, finally picking his head up. 
“I don’t know,” you answered honestly. “My first appointment isn’t until later this week.” Licking your lips nervously, you replied, “But I think I’m already into my second trimester. Or at least close to it.”
“Why do you think that?”
“I’m starting to show.”
Smoothing down your loose shirt, you turned to the side to show Jake the start of your bump. He stared at it for a long moment, even after you turned back to face him. Still confused by his reaction, you folded your arms in front of your chest and tilted your head to the side a bit. 
“You’re taking this news surprisingly well,” you commented offhandedly, causing Jake to look up to meet your gaze. 
“I sort of had a . . .” Jake trailed off, trying to find the right word. 
“Someone told you already?” you asked, suddenly alert. 
“No, I just . . .” Jake stood up and set the pregnancy test on the table. “Yesterday, you were acting weird. Rooster mentioned that you were throwing up and you didn’t touch your wine at all. And . . .” Jake brushed his hands down his pants nervously. “I saw your prenatal vitamins in the bathroom.”
“You saw my—but I took the wrapper off of it. You just know what prenatal vitamins look like?”
“Well, no,” Jake replied, causing you to frown. “I saw the wrapper in the trash—“
“—You went through my trash!?”
“—because I knocked it over and was cleaning it up,” Jake finished, a bit louder than when he started. “And I know that sounds like bullshit, but it’s the truth.”
You looked away from Jake for a moment, still a little on edge, before turning back to him. Unfolding your arms and letting out a breath, you looked up at him with a serious expression. You held your lips together and summoned all of the courage that remained in your body. 
“Do you want to be involved then?” you asked after a few moments of silence. 
“That’s my baby, isn’t it?” Jake returned without missing a beat. 
“Then that’s my answer.” You stared up at Jake with a mix of relief and disbelief while he shifted his weight on his feet. Fidgeting a bit nervously, Jake picked his head up again. “Can I come?” Jake asked quietly, pulling you out of your internal questions. “To your appointment, I mean.” 
“Yeah,” you agreed, nodding slowly. “Of course. I’ll send you the details.” After a few more beats of silence, you finally summoned the courage to ask, “You really want to be involved? Because if you don’t, that’s fine, but I’d prefer to know now, Jake.” 
“I’ll be honest,” Jake stated, glancing down at the ground, “I’m scared shitless.” Jake picked his head up to lock eyes with you again. “Yesterday, after I left, I ran here and freaked out for a couple hours. Barely slept. Hell, I’m still absolutely scared shitless. I don’t know anything about kids. And I always thought that I’d make a shitty dad.” 
You nodded slowly, wrapping your arms around yourself as you stared at the floor. Hell, you were scared shitless as well. You hadn’t thought through everything yet, obviously, and the fact that you finally talked to Jake eliminated a lot of the planning that you had done. 
“But I want to try,” Jake replied quietly, causing you to lock eyes again. “I really want to try.” 
“I want that too, Jake,” you returned softly. You shifted a bit on your feet before adding, “You know, I really thought that this was going to be a more difficult conversation.”
“Well, we’re not exactly the best communicators,” you pointed out, causing Jake to wince. “Especially with each other.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry about ignoring you like that. It was petty.”
“I mean, I ignored you first,” you replied with a shrug, fiddling with your fingers. “We both screwed up.”
“Who else knows?” Jake asked, causing you to drop your hands to your sides. “About the baby and everything.”
“Penny knows. She was there when I took the tests. And Emma knows. I sort of broke down and told her.”
“Any chance they told Mav or Rooster?”
“I don’t think they would have let you walk out of my apartment without a mention of it if they knew about our situation,” you replied quietly. “But I can’t hide forever.”
“No, you can’t,” Jake agreed. 
“I was planning on telling Mav after my appointment. I thought that he would react better to the news than Bradley would. And then depending on how he reacts, I think I’ll tell Bradley this weekend.”
“That quickly?” Jake asked, looking surprised. 
 “Jake, I’m already showing,” you reminded him, folding your arms over your chest. “And I would rather tell them than someone else telling them. Or them just figuring it out. I mean, you did. What’s stopping them from figuring it out?”
 “Alright,” Jake replied, shoving a hand into his pocket. “Well, tell me when you’re ready and I’ll be there with you for it.”
“I appreciate that,” you returned, nodding along. After a few beats of silence, you asked, “Did you want to tell your family?”
“I’ll tell Javy once your brother knows,” Jake replied, but that didn’t fully answer your question. 
 “And your parents?”
“They’ll find out when they find out,” Jake responded noncommittally. 
“Ok,” you agreed, not wanting to push it. “Well, my appointment is at 3 on Wednesday. Do you think that you can get the time off?”
“I'll figure it out. I’ll be there,” Jake promised you, causing you to nod. 
“Good,” you returned softly. “I want you there.”
You and Jake stared at each other for a moment before your phone started to buzz in your pocket. Pulling it out, you cursed when you saw that it was your brother. Turning back to Jake, you shot him an apologetic look as you stepped towards the door. 
“I’ll see you Wednesday then?” you asked, causing Jake to nod. 
“Text me the address.”
“I will,” you assured him before answering the phone. “Hey, what’s up?”
Jake watched you go, staring at the closed door for a moment. Letting out a breath, he walked over to his couch and sat down. Picking up the pregnancy test, Jake stared down at it as he let his thoughts swirl around in his head all over again as those two blue lines sat there mocking him and hitting him over the head.
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eleganzadellarosa · 9 months
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pairing: babydaddy!Jaehyun x fem!reader
genre: angst, fluff, smut (MINORS DNI)
warnings: dom!Jaehyun, slight breeding kink, daddy kink, rough sex, make up sex, hair pulling, spanking, manhandling, fingering, oral (f receiving), dirty talk, pet names (baby, my girl, sunshine, baby mama(he literally calls her this once as a joke), baby girl), slight pussydrunk Jae, mentions of underage drinking
word count: 10,373
AN: I wanted to write something for Jaehyun and this plot came to me so I wrote it out :) enjoy and thanks for reading! <3
You: You really fucked up this time Jae
Jae: I don’t know what to say…
You: Maybe sorry? You never actually say sorry
Jae: I’ll be there for you both, you know that
You: Whatever Jae, you know where to send the money
You kept the last text messages you sent each other to read them whenever you felt yourself falling back into an unrealistic fantasy, just to remind you why you broke up in the first place.
You were young, he was young. 19 to be exact. It was freshman year of college and one thing lead to another and you decided to keep the baby. He wasn’t against it but deep down you both knew you weren’t ready for parenthood quite yet. You had 6 years of dating history with him, having met him in your first year of high school. It wasn’t until you got pregnant that his personality changed and it lead him to do stupid things.
“You’re going to be a dad soon Jae, you can’t just act like that’s not a thing.”
“Who said I wasn’t? I’m literally just trying to live my life as a normal 19 year old! We’re not getting this age back so you can’t be mad!”
He didn’t understand at the time and you haven’t spoken to him since you broke up to know if he’s matured in any way. You loved him and you know he loved you, but there was no way you could handle the stress of him changing so suddenly.
“Come on baby, you have to come put your shoes on now” you called from the kitchen as you packed the small lunchbox into a backpack not much larger.
Being a single mom was difficult but you loved your daughter enough to look past all the hardships. You worked your ass off to make sure she went to a good school to get the best education since you didn’t have the luxury of staying home to teach her yourself.
She runs into the living room across from the kitchen and sits on the floor by the front door to slip on her shoes. You smile to yourself when you see she’s getting the hang of putting them on the correct foot.
You grabbed her backpack and your lunch bag and rushed to put your shoes on as well. You checked her outfit one last time before walking out the door.
It was routine to take her inside and to her classroom, making sure she made it safely and to greet her teacher every morning.
“Hi Mia! Let’s all say good morning to Mia!” the teacher waved both her hands to get the kids’ attention.
“Good morning Mia!” they all shouted in unison and a few of them ran up to hug her.
You stopped her to exchange your goodbye kisses before she ran off with her friends. “Thank you so much, I will be back later to pick her up.” You waved to her teacher as you walked toward the door.
“Of course, you have a great day!”
It was also routine for you to make a quick stop at the local cafe for a hot drink before work, usually choosing anything that goes good with two shots of espresso. When you walked in, a mixture of cinnamon, nutmeg and every other fall scent filled the air, making it clear of the changing seasons.
The man in front of you stood tall and browsed the many options on the overhead menu. “Must be new”you thought. Ever since you moved to this small town, you’ve grown used to seeing familiar faces, so someone not knowing what they wanted from the menu in such a popular cafe was strange.
He was handsome from the back. Dark chocolate locks slightly slicked back minus the few strands that fell to the front and a great sense of style. He wore a simple brown turtleneck under a black jacket with black pants and shoes to match. He looked expensive. You stopped staring at him so intensely when he finally spoke up to order.
“I’ll go with the pumpkin spice latte, and add two shots of espresso please.”
Funny, that’s exactly what you planned on ordering. Great fashion sense and good taste? Now you were curious if his face matched his handsome image from the back. To your dismay, he went straight over to sit at one of the corner tables by the window, back turned toward you.
“Hey, great morning we’re having! What can I get ya?” the cashier at the front greeted you as she always does, seeming to always have a smile on her face.
“Uh, I’ll actually order what he did” you pointed in the dapper man’s direction and she nodded her head as she pressed a few buttons on the screen.
“That’ll be $3.75”
You took your card out of your wallet and tapped it against the card reader. You went to sit at your favorite seat and wait for your order to be called.
“Pumpkin spice latte, two shots of espresso!”
You looked up from your phone and watched the barista push two identical cups forward on the counter in the pickup area. As you approached your drink, you looked over to see the man still sitting in his seat. He must not have heard them call out the order, but taking a quick glance at your watch there was no way you had time to be a good samaritan and make it to work on time.
You picked up your latte and walked toward the door, taking one last look back to see if you would witness him getting his drink before you fully stepped out. Surprisingly, he got up from his seat and turned around to go over and retrieve his order. You felt cold, body frozen with your hand on the “push to open” door. Your hands were trembling, drink barely secure in them. Your heart dropped.
There he was, in the flesh. The father of your child and the man you once called “the love of your life”. You moved to this town to start a new life and get away from having possible run ins with him, but seeing as he was standing in the cafe you visited everyday like clockwork, your plan to stay hidden had been ruined. You quickly turned around before he looked in your direction and pushed the door open.
You stared at the road in a daze, driving with your limbs on autopilot. It’s going on 5 years since you’ve seen him last and could have gone the rest of your life without doing so.
You had to admit, seeing him made you realize how much he blossomed more into an adult in such a short amount of time. You missed him, but had to think of the text messages that still sat in your phone today. You could never let yourself fall down that hole again, especially for your daughter’s sake. You hated Mia not knowing her father, but it was best for now that she didn’t get attached to someone who might not stay.
You parked your car in the lot, hands still gripping the steering wheel, your head falling forward on the horn. It was going to be tough getting through your shift today with the anxiety bubbling up in you. What was he doing here anyways? To you, he had no business in this small town. There was nothing too exciting about the place and it seemed to house mostly people 30 and above.
Whatever he was here for, you hoped it was only for today and you didn’t have to go through seeing him on a regular basis.
4 o’clock came sooner than you expected, probably thanks to how unfocused you were all day. Right now your daughter was the only thing on your mind and you wanted to pick her up quickly so she didn’t wait longer than need be.
“Mommy mommy! Look, I got a sticker!” she runs up to you with her arm extended to show you the sticky image on the back of her hand.
“Wooow baby, it’s so nice! Who gave that to you?”
“Mrs. Burgess! She said I did really good on my writing my name today!”
You smiled and patted her on the head, picking her up and planting a kiss on her cheek.
“Great job my Mia, mommy’s so proud! You have to show mommy how you write your name later okay?”
She nodded and wrapped her arms around your neck as you opened the back passenger door for her to sit in her car seat. After strapping her in, you slid in the front ready to get home and end the day.
“Mommy, next week is parent’s day! Everyone made paper flowers for their mommies and daddies.”
“Ooo a surprise for mommy? I can’t wait to see it!”
“Yes! I made one for daddy too so tell him to come too!”
You froze in your seat, taking a peek at her from the rear view mirror. “Mia…daddy’s not here remember?” you swallowed thickly, hoping that she would skip over her mistake and leave the conversation alone.
“Why can’t daddy come this one time? I want to give daddy his flower.”
You were stumped. As much as you tried to prepare yourself for this day, your mouth was sewn shut. You didn’t want to contact him, you didn’t want to see him, you just didn’t want to get hurt again. You weren’t even sure if he had the same number if you did want to shoot him a text. You were the one to break up with him because of his antics and you were also the reason why he had never come to visit. From changing your number to moving to a whole different city, you tried to erase your identity from his memory.
It wasn’t something you wanted to worry about and you hoped your daughter would simply forget by the time next week came around.
The next morning, you went back to the cafe, heart not racing until you look over at where he sat yesterday. Thankfully no one who matched the description sat there now and you considered yourself off the hook. What were the chances he had actually moved to this city and yesterday was one of many days you’d run into each other?
“Hey Emma, same as yesterday please!” you smiled at your normal cashier and went to go sit in your usual spot after you paid.
“Y/N?” The voice sounded unsure, cautious, in disbelief. When you turned around, his eyes matched the tone of the words that left his mouth. “Oh my god, it really is you! You look…good.”
Your mind was going haywire. Jaehyun was standing merely inches away from you, looking just as good as he did yesterday in much more comfortable attire.
“Hey Jae.” you said weakly, “Yeah, you too.”
“I uh…would have paid for your drink if I knew it was you.” He smiled his signature smile. That damn smile and those stupid dimples. It took everything in you to not slap the look off his face. “C-can you talk? It’s been a while.”
Admittedly you didn’t have to be to work for another hour and a half, so you had time since it was only 30 minutes away and traffic was still good. You were indeed curious what he wanted to talk about but didn’t want it to turn out like it did the many times you played it out in your head. It wouldn’t hurt to try though.
“Uhhhh yeah sure.”
He smiled as if he high-fived himself for getting you to agree and he followed you back to your table after grabbing the drinks.
“How have you been? I hadn’t seen you around and now I know why.”
“I’ve been good, just working. And yeah, I’ve been here. How have you been?” You looked down at your cup and let your thumbs play with the sides.
“I’ve been good too. Working mostly, nothing special.”
You nodded your head and gave him a small smile, having the courage to finally look up at him.
“How’s the little one?” he asked hesitantly but you knew it would come out eventually.
“Mia? She’s good. She’s in kindergarten now.”
His eyes widened and the grip on his cup got a bit tighter. You forgot he didn’t know the name you chose since you moved before you went into labor and never got the chance to discuss any of those things.
“Wow, I see I missed a lot…”
“Yeah Jae, you did.”
“Well if you don’t mind, I can change that. I’m actually in the process of moving here in like 2 weeks. I can take her to school some days and watch her too to take something off your plate.”
Fear welled up in your chest at the mention of him taking her since it felt like he would never bring her back. “I’m actually not comfortable with that at all. I’m not sure she needs someone so unstable this early in her life.”
He raised an eyebrow, “what is that supposed to mean?”
“Well I don’t know Jae, I was alone my entire pregnancy so I’m not sure I can trust you to be there for her.”
He looked down and his jaw shifted, mouth hanging from the scoff he let out. “I know what I did was wrong and I’m very sorry about that, but you moved and changed your number before you even had her so what the hell was I supposed to do?!”
You knew he was right but you hated that he dismissed the reason you left in the first place. This conversation was a bad idea just like you thought it would be and you didn’t want it to last any longer than it needed to. You stared at him with a deadpan expression and stood up from your seat. He grabbed your arm and sat you back down.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for that to come across so harshly. I just wanted to be there for the both of you and that wasn’t the easiest thing. I know I made some mistakes but I would never leave our daughter like that.”
“My daughter and I don’t know if I can trust that Jae. I don’t want to see her sad.”
“I promise you I wouldn’t want to see either of my girls sad. Give me your number, I can text you when I get settled in and we can discuss this some more.”
It felt like the energy in the earth shifted while you handed him your phone. That “my girls” shit you completely ignored and had no time to fall for one of his tricks. Why did it have to come to this, you not trusting anything he says?
When you got in your car and drove off, tears streamed down your face. In some way you felt defeated like he broke through the defenses that you so effortlessly built. It was scary, him reentering your life right after your daughter mentioned the parent event at school.
A week passed and you had forgotten all about parent’s day until the morning of when Mia told you “not to forget to tell daddy to come”. She never worried about this man before or maybe you were so stuck on keeping him away that you didn’t notice how much she wanted him around.
Jae: Hey, I just wanted to ask if you could send me some pictures of Mia? I don’t want to go crazy and ask for all of them, but I wanna see her from day one.
You stared down at the text and then looked at the date. According to him at the cafe, he should be here next week and you knew he’d want to see her. You also knew that if you told him about Mia’s flower for him, he’d be over asap. Not yet you thought. Him meeting her would have to wait until he got here and until you were ready. For now, pictures would have to suffice.
Jae: She’s so gorgeous 💕
Jae: She looks a lot like you I think but she definitely has my dimples!
The comparison made you sick. You knew it was his kid but you tried not to see his side of it. Fuck, this was gonna end so badly, you could feel it. One more week, one more week before you had to deal with whatever he threw your way and truthfully you weren’t ready to catch it.
It was time to pick up Mia and attend the parent’s day event. You walked inside the classroom and smiled at all the other parents and teachers that you passed by. Seeing all the couples made you realize just how single you were and you lowkey wished Jaehyun was here to make it not feel so awkward.
Mia’s eyes lit up when she saw you and ran over with your flower in one hand and his in the other.
“Did daddy come too?!”
You chuckled awkwardly and shook your head. She looked up at you for a few seconds before bursting out into tears, shocking you and everyone else in the classroom. You quickly picked her up to shush her but her feelings were hurt and you would be trying to comfort her for a while. Your poor baby, you hated doing this to her but she didn’t know how scary the whole situation was.
Maybe it was only scary for you and she would be just fine with everything if he decided to leave again. You missed him. His presence, his laugh…his dick. The relationship was going so strong and one small mistake messed it all up. Boys are so stupid you said to yourself while you rubbed her back and fought the tears building up in your eyes.
He never told you what day exactly he would be here but when the next week hit, your anxiety increased tenfold. He probably felt so good about himself for knowing you anticipated his call, text or even seeing him in the cafe again. You actually hadn’t seen him since the last time and you guessed it was because he had a few more things to sort out before he moved.
You looked down at your phone when you heard the notification. His name shines brightly on your phone and your palms get sweaty.
Jae: Hey Y/N, I just finished moving all my stuff in. I wanted to take you and Mia out to the park this weekend if you weren’t busy.
There it was. The time you knew was coming but still didn’t fully prepare for. He was once again taking control of the situation and you detest not being able to gain it back.
You: Hey Jae, sure what time and which park did you want to meet at?
He turned his read receipts on for you, so you knew he checked your message almost immediately. He gave you a time and place and said to also let him know if you were down for lunch. You felt the slight warmth in your heart, feeling like you did back when you used to date. This is exactly what you didn’t want to happen. You didn’t want your feelings for him to come back just because he was around again because you knew it would cloud your judgement.
If he messed up again, you would have the pleasure of telling him “I told you so” which gave you something to look forward to. When you got home and told Mia that "daddy wanted to see her", she almost went through the roof with how high she jumped. She even went to school and told all her friends about it. You had never seen her so excited for something and you hoped he didn't let her down.
When the weekend approached, you stood in front of your mirror staring at your outfit for too long. In reality, you weren't really looking at your outfit, you were stuck in another daze not mentally ready for what the day had to bring. You chose something between casual and cute just in case the park got you dirty. An oversized argyle sweater tucked in a pair of light blue jeans. As for your hair, you settled on some loose curls.
"Come on mommy, let's go see daddy!" Mia was already by the door putting on her shoes.
"Are you sure you're ready to see daddy?" you spoke to her as you straightened her clothes and added bows to her two pigtails. If she said no, you would have made up any excuse for her, but seeing how she couldn't sit still while you added her accessories meant that her backing out wasn't an option.
Jae: I'm omw there now, it's not too far from me so it won't take me long.
You: Okay, we're otw too.
You took your last deep breath before walking out the door. When you stepped out the car with Mia, she immediately ran over to get on the slide. You took a seat on the bench across from her, keeping an eye on her around all the other kids. You watched her aimlessly, thumbs twiddling as you waited.
You turned to see Jaehyun walking up to you with a bag in hand. He was dressed in a plain black tee covered by a burgundy cardigan, black jeans and black sneakers. God he looked so good, why did he have to be so damn fine?
"Oh hey." you smiled and waved lightly.
He sat next to you on the bench, knees touching.
"I brought Mia a gift. I'm not really sure what she likes but she always had a bear with her in her baby pics, figured she'd want an upgrade." He reached into the bag and pulled out a small plush rabbit, something you knew Mia would love. He reached in for something else, and pulled out a small box, handing it over to you. "I got you a little something too."
You raised both your eyebrows in shock and grabbed the box from him. You opened it to see a spa voucher for a full body massage and under it was a small dainty necklace with a single diamond on it. You loved simple jewelry liked this and apparently he remembered.
"Oh that's so thoughtful of you Jae, I really love it. Thank you."
He look relieved that he properly guessed what you'd like as a gift. He opened his mouth to say something but got cut off by Mia.
"Daddy! Hi daddy!" she came running over to you both when she saw him sitting next to you.
Your heads shot in her direction and you looked over at him, the biggest smile spread across his face. He opened his arms and she crashed into the hug as he picked her up and sat her on his lap.
"Hi Mia! I'm so glad to see you, you look so pretty!"
"You look pretty too daddy, I'm so happy you came! Since you didn't come to my school, I'm going to give you your flower now!"
He looked over at you confused and you felt guilty for not telling him about the special day. She reached into her bag that sat next to you and pulled out the paper flower similar to the one she made for you. His face brightened and he leaned over to grab it.
"Wow Mia you did such a great job! Daddy has something for you too!"
Her face lights up and she jumps up and down. "Daddy has a gift for me mommy!" You laugh at her excitement and nod your head. She squealed and spun around with the rabbit he gave her and thanked him multiple times in a short minute. She went over to hug him again and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you daddy! She's my favorite!"
He laughed and rubbed her head before she sped off, back to whatever kids she made friends with.
"It's kind of unbelievable."
"What?" you didn't know what he meant but patiently waited for his answer.
"I can't believe we have a kid together and she's already this big. 5 years seems like such a long time."
"It is. A very long time actually." You caught a lump in your throat when you were forced back to the reality of the situation. Seeing him and Mia interact so well together makes you wish you could turn back time and start things off on a better foot. Jaehyun was a great guy and you knew that, but you couldn't forgive him for his immaturity back then.
You sat on top of the toilet, hands shaking and eyes watery looking at the positive result on the pregnancy test. You didn't mean for this to happen and didn't think it actually would happen. It's not like you and Jae never fucked raw, but his pullout game was usually top tier. You both got too caught up in the moment and he came in you with no hesitation. You thought everything would be fine since you immediately went to the bathroom, but the double lines staring back at you told you a different story.
You were scared, not because you didn't want a baby with him but that was a plan you made for years down the line. You were both freshmen in college and this would ultimately throw a few wrenches in both your plans. You knew he would be understanding though and that helped ease your mind some.
You: come over after the game, we gotta talk
Jae: 👀 uh oh babe, don't scare me like this. Is it bad?
You: not exactly...
You: just come over when you're done
There was a knock on your dorm door within the next 10 minutes and you know he stopped the game of basketball he was playing with his friends for you. Your feet dragged you to the door and you opened it, Jaehyun out of breath on the other side. His shirt was missing and sweat dripped off his body.
"What's wrong baby? Is everything okay?" he asked walking in and closing the door behind him.
You hated that the moment couldn't be better than you telling him in the living room of your slightly run down dorm. You grabbed the test out the pocket of your red pajama shorts and held it up so he could see it.
"Jae, I'm pregnant."
His eyes grew to the size of tomatoes as everything sank in and he stood there stiff as a board. You were starting to get nervous when he didn't say anything and wasn't really sure how to handle his reaction.
"Jae say something, you're scaring me..."
"I-oh my god...I mean baby I'm so happy but this is just so sudden."
"You came in me last month Jae, there was always a possibility. And you don't really look happy."
"I know baby, I know, I just didn't think it would actually happen." He pulled you into a hug a rubbed your back. "I'm happy for us, I really am and I know you'll be a great mom."
This all came as a shock to you too so his reaction wasn't far fetched. Everything that followed after is what surprised you. He barely ever spent time with you anymore and he was always out sneaking drinks with his friends. Jaehyun was never a fan of alcohol but the news of your pregnancy seemed to unleash a new side of him and you hated it.
One night a friend of his texted you to come get him because he was so drunk and feeling up on every girl at the party. It was disappointing and embarrassing, his behavior was outta control and he never had an explanation for it. You got to the party and saw him hugged up on some random girl who was taking advantage of the attention. You went over and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Ooooooooh, hey babe. I didn't know you were invited." His eyes were droopy and he slurred every word. He grabbed around your waist from the couch he sat on and leaned his head against your stomach.
You pushed his head off and dragged him by the arm, pulling hard as he resisted.
"Get the fuck off me! Why are you trying to ruin this for me?"
The words came out harshly and you couldn't help but think he wasn't talking about the party when he said "ruin". Most people stopped to look at the fight brewing between you and Jae, and you felt the heat rise in your face. Tears threatened to fall when he shoved you away again and walked off, leaving you to stand in the crowd by yourself.
It was that night you made up your mind that he wouldn't be the partner you thought him to be and you had to move on without him. That's the night the messages were exchanged and you changed your number not long after, not waiting to hear whatever shitty excuse he came up with.
As you sat on the bench with him looking at the daughter that formed from you two, you wanted things to be different. You wanted to be able to lock your fingers with his and know that he was going back to a home you shared.
All of it was as true as a pig flying. As if being able to feel the shift in energy from you, Jaehyun looks over and watches how you watch Mia in a daze, eyes showing sadness he’s never witnessed. He wanted to pull you in for a hug, kiss your forehead and rub your back but he knew the reason behind that sadness was him.
He hated what he did to you and how he acted. Everything was just so sudden and truthfully it scared him. The idea of being a dad but the expectation of being a GOOD dad. He was fucking terrified and he made the wrong decision of trying to drink and party his fears away.
Before he could apologize you were already gone. Dropped out as if school no longer mattered, or most importantly, him. He loved you more than words could describe and he messed it all up, possibly never having the chance of getting it back. Not being able to handle the sorrow you tried to conceal, he suggested you all went for lunch since Mia had been playing continuously for the hour you had been here.
“Come on Mia, let’s go eat with…let’s go eat.” you stopped yourself from referring to him as “daddy” simply because you’re not sure how long this relationship would last and it would feel weird calling him that all of a sudden.
Mia runs over and grabs Jaehyun’s hand and looks up at him with a wide smile. He looks down and returns the smile and tightens his grip. He looked good as a dad and it was something you never doubted, just unfortunate circumstances that made you think otherwise.
“You guys can ride with me and I can just bring you back here to your car when we’re done. Is that okay?” He looks at you as he stands at his car, hand resting on the roof of the driver’s side.
Before you could speak, Mia shouted excitedly that she wanted to ride with him so there was no way you could say no especially since you weren’t ready to have him be alone with her.
He smiled and jogged over to the passenger side where you thought he’d be opening the door for Mia but opens your door instead. You turned around to thank him as you got in, but he was already buckling her in the backseat. It felt weird not being the one to drive around wherever you needed to go but it felt nice at the same time. Being a passenger princess eased your mind some and you felt like a chore had been crossed off your list.
“Everyone buckled in?” He hopped into the driver’s seat and looked in the rearview mirror at his daughter before looking at you and you give him a nod.
You kept your eyes on the road as best as you could but they would occasionally slide over and watch him drive. You rolled your eyes for constantly letting his looks distract you. You couldn’t help but notice how much more toned his body seemed under his clothing, and remembering how your nails would dig into his back while he roughly thrusted into you.
Ugh. You clenched your jaw and shooed the image in your head away, sitting in silence for the remainder of the ride. When he pulled into the parking lot, his arm instinctively reached behind your seat to boost him up high so he could see as he parked. You didn’t expect to blush so hard, but having him this close and smelling his cologne had you sidetracked.
“Daddy you’re a good driver, I’m going to drive like daddy when I get big!” Mia exclaims when Jaehyun opens her door and unbuckles her.
He chuckled and smiled as he picked her up, “Thank you baby, daddy will teach you okay?”
He carries her to the door of the restaurant and opens it for you. When you enter, you can feel his eyes watching you. After sitting down and ordering, there was a slight awkward silence besides the few times Mia would think of something she wanted to tell him. You and Jae ordered pasta and Mia wanted a sandwich.
"Daddy can you cut my sandwich please? It's too big." She pouted as she pushed her plate closer to Jaehyun's side of the table.
"Mia, honey you have to do some things yourself…”
He waved his hand dismissing whatever you just said. “No it’s okay, I’ll cut her sandwich for her especially because she asked very politely, good job Mia.” He patted her head and grabbed her plate.
Just watching their interactions showed you just how much Mia is falling in love with being around him and you can’t help but want to cry. You want this relationship between them to work, you don’t want her to feel the sadness you did. A part of you also wants you and Jaehyun to work but you brushed it off as a rekindling feeling because you haven’t been with anyone like this in a long time.
“How’s your food? I saw this place had good reviews so I’m hoping it lives up to the expectations.”
“Oh, it’s actually really good. I’ve never been here before so it felt nice to try somewhere new.”
“Oh really? How come you’ve never come here?” He leaned forward, chin resting in the palm of his hand, attentive and ready to listen.
You stared at him for a second. Gosh he’s so gorgeous, you see why you started dating him in the first place. But it was this moment now, the way all his attention was focused on you that made your heart flutter and you suddenly felt 19 again. He had always been so good with listening to whatever problems you had and never made you feel like you couldn’t talk to him. You missed that and with the lack of friends in the past few years, it felt good to have an adult to hang out with.
Being a single mother made you have to put in the extra work so you never stopped to make friends. It was your fault but it didn’t help knowing that you were only overworking yourself to keep your mind off of him. You wanted him to hug you, hold you tight and tell you everything was okay. That all the years you spent apart were worth it and necessary.
“Uh, I don’t know. I guess I usually just don’t have time for myself.”
“You don’t hang out with your friends?”
You smiled awkwardly. “I…don’t have any friends. I’ve been working a lot since Mia was born, so I don’t really have time to make friends. And I also don’t have a babysitter nor would I trust a random person to watch her.”
Although he tried to hide it, there was a gloominess in his eyes as he listened to you. "I understand and I'm sorry you went through so much. I'm serious when I say I will always be here for the both of you no matter what. I lov-I care about you and Mia so much and would never do anything else to hurt you. I promise." He grabbed your hand that rested on the table and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
You caught how he almost said he loved you. Did he really or was he just saying that to make you trust him? The feeling felt foreign after so many years and you weren’t sure how to handle it.
“I had fun today daddy!" Mia rushes over to hug him and he picks her up and squeezes her tight.
"Aww I'm so glad you did, daddy had fun too. I'll come see you and mommy again soon okay?" He put her down and watched her run back to you. He walked over to hug you also, hesitating a bit but went through with it when you didn't back away.
It was more like a side hug because he didn't want to make you uncomfortable, but it was a hug nonetheless. You surprised yourself letting him get so close but even with the 2 seconds his arm wrapped around you, it felt so nice to be in his arms again. He was softening the walls you built up and it made you feel stupid for letting it happen so quickly.
"Thank you for taking care of her for so long, you're such a good mother. I'm going to keep my promise to the both of you, I'm very serious about this. You have my number, so don't hesitate to call me and ask for anything. I'm right here and from now on I will always be here."
You bit on the inside of your lip and focused your gaze toward the ground. You weren't sure if you wanted to slap him then hug him or just hug him. You waited this long to have someone by your side to make you feel like you weren't alone in all this but it still made you feel so uneasy, and truthfully it was stressful. You were going to trust him this time and see where it got you, already preparing yourself for the worst.
In the next few weeks, he kept in touch to either check on you and Mia or to ask if you needed anything from him. You were growing soft to him, falling in love with him all over. You felt like you were finally getting the attention you'd been missing all this time and it felt weird knowing it was coming from him.
Today, he was coming over to help with grocery shopping. You told him he didn't have to but he insisted on helping and carrying the groceries in the house so you wouldn't have to move a muscle.
"That's what I'm here for" he said when you told him you'd been doing it by yourself this whole time. "You don't have to worry about that type of thing anymore with me here."
Shopping went well until some jerk decided to hit you with his cart because you stood in front of something he wanted.
Jaehyun went over and shoved him on the shoulder. "What’s wrong with you man?! You couldn't just say excuse me?!"
The man went to shove Jaehyun back but he slapped the guy's hand away before it connected. "Maybe tell your stupid girlfriend to read the room and not stand in front of stuff, asshole."
"Hey man, watch your mouth around my daughter and don't talk about my girl like that.” He took a step closer to the man. “You better apologize before I fuck you up."
A blush painted your cheeks hearing the conversation between the two men. You looked over at Mia whose lip was pouting as she tried not to cry. You hurried to the front of the cart and hugged her against your chest to shush her. They argued continuously and you saw Jaehyun's hand ball into a fist. You went over and rubbed his arm to hopefully ease his anger.
"Jae it's not worth it, people like him don't deserve your time.”
His jaw clenched and his fist unclenched. He goes to turn around and the man says one last thing to tip Jaehyun over the top.
"Yeah man listen to your girlfriend, she's a keeper. If you don't fuck her, I will."
Jaehyun turns around and punches the man in the face, causing him to stumble back against the shelves. Both you and Mia scream and you stop Jaehyun from landing another punch. Security comes to further break up the fight and ask about what happened. Thankfully there were witnesses who vouched for Jaehyun and the guard let him off the hook while escorting the belligerent man out the store.
Jae went back to pushing Mia in the cart and thumbed away her drying tears. "I'm so sorry Mia, daddy didn't mean for you to see him that way. He doesn't like for anyone to say bad things about his girls." He looked up at you and offered an apologetic smile.
Back in the car, you noticed his knuckles slightly bruised as his hand rests on top of the gear shift. You looked up at him and could tell he was still slightly annoyed by the situation from earlier. You placed your hand on top of his and his expression softened.
"Thank you for earlier, for protecting us. I don't want you getting yourself into trouble over anything like that though."
"Y/N I know, I'm sorry. I just couldn't handle him talking about you like that."
"Jae...I'm not even your girlfriend though."
"You're special to me and the mother of my child, so it doesn't really matter." he says as he backs into your driveway. He looks back at you, slightly leaning onto your armrest. "Don't ever think that someone will be able to talk crazy about you in front of me."
You quickly avoided his gaze and unbuckled your seat belt. "I have to get her inside so she can eat and get ready for bed, it's late."
He sighed to himself and pressed the button to open the trunk. "Okay I'll get the bags, just get Mia and open the door for me."
He helped you bring in all the bags and even put the groceries away. This was his first time being in your home and it truly felt odd.
"Daddy, are you going to stay and eat dinner with me and mommy?"
He stopped playing with her and looked up at you, who looked back at him.
"Uh, I'm pretty sure mommy is sleepy baby, maybe another time? You have to get to sleep soon after you eat."
She pouted her lips and looked at you. It wouldn't hurt to have him stay since he was so nice and helpful today.
"No, I'm actually fine and I would love to repay you for your kindness. Stay with us for dinner Jae."
He looked down at Mia and they both smiled. He kissed her forehead and got up to come into the kitchen with you. "Well at least let me help with dinner." He grabbed your waist and slid past you to get to the fridge. "Lemme know what you need and I'll cut, chop or whatever else for you."
For dinner, you made chicken parmesan and caesar salad. He did a lot of the prep work and set the table after. You caught yourself blushing a few times having him stand next to you and from the overall interactions.
"Come on Mia, let's eat!" you had to get her attention since she was fully focused on whatever storyline she made up for her dolls.
"It smells so good mommy, I'm so hungry!"
Jaehyun chuckled and you smiled at her compliments. "Well daddy helped too so you have to tell him that too."
Her mouth formed a small "oh" and her eyebrows stood in shock. "Daddy's a chef!"
You both laugh at her choice of words and get settled at the table, ready to eat. Dinner was a success, everyone had perfectly clean plates and bowls. Maybe it was because you were happy, but dinner just tasted so much better. Maybe you should have him over more often.
"Daddy...do you love mommy?" The sudden question from Mia made both you and Jaehyun quickly look up at her, you almost choking on the drink you were sipping.
"Why do you ask Mia?" Jaehyun is the first to speak up after the slightly long silence.
"Well...you always tell me you love me but you never say it to mommy and mommy never says it to you. But you should love each other because that's just how mommies and daddies are."
He chuckled nervously, unsure of how to respond. He cleared his throat when he felt your eyes on him, waiting to see what he would tell her.
"Yes...I do love mommy. I will always love her so don't you worry okay? Come on, let's go get ready for bed. I want to say goodnight to you before I go."
He got up from the table and took her in the bathroom so she could brush her teeth. You leaned forward, elbows resting on the table. You wanted to pull your hair out. Knowing he still had feelings for you made this so much harder. You loved him too, you know you did and you never doubted it. It was just still so hard to accept that he wouldn't do anything to mess up whatever you had now.
After cleaning the dinner dishes, you went and sat on the couch and opened a bottle of wine you had stored for a few months. You set down your glass and pulled out the cork. You weren't much of a drinker, but tonight you were in need.
You turned around when you heard the door to Mia's room close and saw Jaehyun tiptoeing away from it. He put his finger to his lips to tell you to stay quiet.
"She's asleep, she was so tired." He came around and sat on the couch with you, eyeing the bottle of wine on the coffee table. "Mind if I stay for a drink?"
You shook your head and pointed to the cabinet containing the glasses and he grabbed one before reclaiming his spot on the couch. You both sat in silence having finished your quarter full glasses a while ago. You looked in the direction of Mia's room and looked back at Jaehyun, both of your elbows resting on the back of the couch.
"You mean a lot to her Jae, I can see how much she loves spending time with you."
"What about you?"
The question threw you off guard but you should have expected it after he confessed his feelings at the dinner table. "What about me?"
"Do I mean a lot to you? I know I messed up a lot in the past, but I'm really trying Y/N."
Your eyes met his again and if there was one word that would describe the way he looked at you, it would be genuine. You knew he was telling the truth and you knew he expected an answer.
"I-I...I don't know Jae, honestly this whole thing has been terrifying and I can't help but want to keep my guard up. I've been so alone these past few years that accepting you back into my life scares me so much. I just don't want to be alone again..."
He grabbed your face in his hands and softly kissed your forehead. "I know, I know and I'm sorry. My babygirl didn't deserve that and I really want to make it up to you. Just trust me and let me take care of you and Mia, let me be in your life again. Please."
You felt stuck, stuck in between wanting to hate him and wanting to let him love you, leaning more toward the latter. Perhaps it was the tiny bit of wine in your system, definitely not enough to get you drunk, but enough to give you confidence.
You leaned forward and kissed him, heart beating fast enough to power a machine. When you leaned back, he looked at you with an unreadable expression. The alcohol immediately left your bloodstream and your face burned with embarrassment.
"Jae I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"
He pulls you back into the kiss, hand dragging you in by the waist. He put his all into it and you were starting to feel dizzy. The last time you kissed him was before you had Mia, so to say the kiss had your body heating with lust was an understatement.
He tugged at you and pulled you into his lap, your arms immediately wrapping around his neck. His hands were everywhere, never stopping in one place for too long. He slid his hands under your shirt, playing with your boobs for a quick second before tossing the shirt over your head. He broke the kiss and looked at your chest like a kid in a candy store. You wanted to cover them with your hands, but he slipped a hand behind your back to unclasp your bra before you could.
Your breasts fell free and he wasted no time in letting his lips wrap around your nipple. His hand came up to massage the other one and your hands came up to tangle in his hair. After not being with him for so long, you forgot just how much you missed the sex with him. He was always a giver and always made sure you came even if he didn't. Eventually his hands traveled down your back and landed on your hips. He rolled his hips up into you and you both moaned into the kiss.
You reached down between your bodies and palmed him through the pants he wore. He ground up into your hand and you felt just how hard he was. As you began to fiddle with the waistband, he shifted and eased you down onto the couch as he moved between your legs.
"Shh shh baby, let me take care of you tonight. Let me show you how much I missed you."
He kissed his way down your stomach, placing a kiss on each side of your hip bones. He slipped off your skirt and panties in one go, a string of your arousal sticking to your underwear.
"Fuck, you're so wet..." He bit his lip and dragged a finger through your folds, playing with the slippery mess between them.
He bent down to connect his lips to your pussy. He made a few circles around your clit with his tongue, earning moans from you, before slipping a finger in. You gasped and your hips bucked involuntarily. He moved them faster and faster, holding your thigh down with the hand not in use. You can tell he was enjoying this just as much as you were with his heavy breathing and the way he slightly humped the couch beneath him.
He then used the hand holding down your thigh to rub circles on your clit as his tongue joined his fingers.
“Jae, I’m so close!”
Your legs tried closing but he used his elbows to stop them.
“Cum for me baby, let it out.” The vibrations of his voice sent shockwaves through your nerves.
The simultaneous stimulation sent you over the edge and your toes curled almost cramping your foot. He brought his hand up to his mouth and sucked his fingers clean, never breaking eye contact.
He moved up your body to trap you in another kiss, this time your hand finding a way to his nether regions. You dipped your hands into his pants and into his underwear to stroke his length. He stopped focusing on the kiss for a few seconds and rutted into your hand.
“Jae, please fuck me while my mind is clear.”
He quickly removed everything from the waist down and now you both lay naked on the couch. He tapped his dick on your clit and rubbed it through your folds a few times to get it wet. He eased into you and cursed under his breath. It’s been so long that you forgot just how big he was, stretching you to new lengths but it felt so good.
“Fuck, you’re so big.”
“Did you forget already?” he laughed with his brows furrowed as he concentrated on not cumming too quickly. “Fuck you’re so fucking wet.”
You grabbed onto his biceps as he got balls deep, feeling so stretched and full. You moaned when he started thrusting into you slowly, bucking your hips to match his speed. He grabbed onto your waist and sped up his pace, skin slapping against each other.
“Fuck Daddy that feels so good~” you tried to stop your eyes from rolling back from the pleasure.
“Shit, if you call me that again I might get too rough.”
You looked up at him through hooded lids, his lip caught between teeth as he tried to keep it together. But you didn’t want that, you wanted him to fuck you into an empty headspace. You wanted to forget everything he’s ever done wrong and trust him as he is now.
“Fuck me harder Daddy, don’t hold back.” You wrapped your legs around his waist and you could see the switch in his eyes.
He pulled out of you and flipped you over with ease. Now you laid in a “face down ass up” position ready to take whatever he gave you. He rubbed his hands up and down your body, grinding his dick against your folds.
“Gosh I missed this pussy so much…” He lined himself up and slammed back in making you gasp.
This angle and the speed he chose truly did make you feel like he was fucking your thoughts away. By this time you were basically screaming, not able to make full sentences. He grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled you up as he bent down and whispered in your ear.
“Not too loud, you don’t want Mia to wake up and hear how much of a slut you are.” He tugged on your hair harder and thrust into you harder, your moans getting louder. He landed a slap on your ass and covered your mouth with the other.
“Fuck Jae! I’m gonna cum!” You tried moving your body forward to give yourself some time to breathe, your heart pumping like you were on a treadmill.
The hand over your mouth slid down and wrapped around your throat and he was back at your ear.
“Stop running and take this dick. Let Daddy fuck the stress out of you.” He reached down with his other hand and rubbed harsh circles on your clit. He felt your walls squeeze around his girth and he knew you were close and he wasn’t too far himself. “Cum for me baby, I know you want to.”
“Oh god Jae! It feels so fucking good~”
Your toes were curling, your walls were clenching and your vision was dimming. Your orgasm was approaching quickly and you knew it would be mind blowing. His thrusts were getting sloppier so you knew the way your pussy sucked him in had his head spinning.
“Fuck, where you want my cum baby?”
“Inside Jae, please!” You knew you hadn’t been on birth control in a while but something in you made you feel safe enough to choose the most dangerous answer.
He loved fucking you raw, but getting to also cum inside did something to him. Telling him that seemed to power his thrusts, they were now like he wanted to split you in half.
“Missed Daddy so much you want him to fuck another baby in you?” His hips were starting to stutter, you felt way too good around him. “Fuck, please cum with me, cum all over me baby. God you feel so good around my dick.”
His hand moved from your clit to go up and squeeze your nipple while he bit down on you shoulder. The mixed pain and pleasure pushed you to your orgasm and you squeezing around him pushed him to his, both screaming out each other’s name. He pulled out and watched his cum drip out of you, the sight alone could make him hard again.
Him inching out of you was just as euphoric but your body had no strength to keep itself up for another round. You laid there evening out your breaths with a smile spread across your face. You heard him shuffling around behind you and eventually he came back with a warm towel to clean you up.
He placed gentle kisses down your spine and rubbed where he left a handprint on your ass. “I’m sorry if I was too rough.”
“You were rough, but you know that’s how I like it.” You chuckled and built up enough strength to sit up and look at him. He looked amazing all fucked out and sweaty, you wanted to pounce on him again. “Thank you for helping to ease my mind.”
“I want to do that for you more often, I wanna be your man again Y/N. I’m sorry for everything I said and did to you to make you feel like I didn’t love you anymore. I love you so much and I will spend the rest of my life making sure you know that.”
You quickly wiped the tears that threatened to fall and looked away from him. He pulled you into a hug and rubbed your head and back. You wrapped your arms around him and fully embraced the hug. There was no holding back now, you accepted him and was ready to give him another chance.
“Don’t go, stay with me tonight.”
“Of course baby, I’m never leaving you again.”
Over the next few months, Jaehyun frequented your home, whether it was to run errands with you, drop Mia off from school or just to spend time with the both of you. There were days you also spent nights at his place. The sex was also constant. No matter where or when, he would have you bent over or pinned up against something as he slammed into you.
You loved every second of it, having him by your side on the daily again. He often brought you and Mia around his job to meet his coworkers whenever they had events, even making friends with one of the other families who had kids around Mia’s age. He showed you off like an art piece, one that only he possessed. You were his to keep and everyone else barely had the privilege to look.
“Hey baby mama, so the office is having a party to celebrate the collab of our international partnership and I want you to come with me.” He stood behind you with his arms wrapped around your waist, peppering kisses on your neck as you stood making your cup of tea.
“Haha ew Jae do not call me that. Of course I’ll go baby, when is it?” You turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him.
He sighed happily. “I will never get tired of your kisses babygirl. It’s next week and it starts at 8 and I know you’re worried about a babysitter for Mia, but Tracy said she could watch her because she didn’t want to go.”
It didn’t hurt to let her watch Mia, this would be the first time you and Jae did something together without her. You thought about it for a few seconds more then nodded your head. He smiled brightly and kissed you again.
The venue was classy and you understood why Jaehyun told you to get so dressed up. You didn’t have anything to wear so he took you shopping the day before to get everything you needed. With him by your side, you felt like a billionaire. You wore a long black draped collar dress that was made with a sparkly fabric, a slit going up your right leg.
Jae loved it on you, bending you over in it when he came to see it on you in the dressing room. Speaking of him, he wore a plain black suit with a matching tie and white button down. He looked good and with the way his hand kept rubbing your ass, you knew he’d take you somewhere later to fuck you.
Everyone commented on how great you two looked as a couple as you walked to your table. The event wasn’t very long so there were only standing tables with drinks and small hors d’oeuvres. His boss stood in the middle of the large open space and tapped the microphone to get everyone’s attention.
“First and foremost I’d like to thank everyone for coming. Today we celebrate the long awaited partnership with Korea in order to expand our company. It is thanks to all of you that we were able to achieve such a wonderful thing and hopefully we continue to grow.” He turns to look in the direction of you and Jaehyun. “We have also gathered here today for something else special, so if you would all please turn your attention this way.”
You were confused and when you went to turn and ask Jaehyun what was going on, you looked down and saw him on one knee. Your eyes widened and you covered your mouth with your hands. You blinked back as many tears as you could while he spoke.
“Babygirl, I know we’ve gone through some rough times, you more than me, but I’m going to continue to keep my promise to you and Mia for as long as I live. You are my sunshine, my rock, my everything and I love you so much. You are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, not as your boyfriend but as your husband. Y/N will you marry me?”
There was no fighting off the tears this time and you nodded your head as you continued to say yes. The whole room filled with cheers as he placed the ring on your finger and stood up to pull you into a kiss. You hugged him tight and his hand rested on the small of your back.
“Yay mommy and daddy are going to get married!”
Shocked, you turn around and see Mia all dressed up. You look up and see Tracy waving at you from the other side and you wave back. Jaehyun picks Mia up and holds her between the both of you.
“See, daddy told you he would love mommy forever.”
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yandere-sins · 5 months
[Spoiler Critter Pick Event in Honkai Star Rail]
I played the critter event in HSR and when you make the Blade 'cat' you get this text with Silver Wolf
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And oh my god, I'm just imagine her showing Blade his phone, being all like "you HAVE to see this" and he takes it and it's a picture of... a cat that looks like him. Then he checks who sent it.
And there it is again, the feral need to abandon whatever he's doing and come and get you. Tear you out of your life and have you all to himself. It was suppressed for so long by duty and him not understanding what he is feeling (also thanks to Kafka keeping him in check) but it never disappeared completely. It cannot. No one can take his twisted love for you from him, no matter how impractical it is for everyone involved. Not when he has imagined what it would be like to be with you—peaceful. Silence, no pain. Finally peace.
He couldn't care less about the creature you sent him—but you saw something that reminded you of Blade, and all these feelings he suppresses in the best of times come rushing back. There's no denying how good it feels to know you think of him. How much the thought satisfies the madman inside of him that wants to destroy the worlds separating you two, just so he can pull you into his arms.
Blade wants you all to himself, breathing in the scent of his love and feeling your warmth against the coldness that has taken hold of him in your absence. To hold and feel you, protect you by hiding you away from anyone or anything that could harm you. Have you all to himself, possess you. He knows now that you think of him, though probably not in the same way as he thinks about you squirming in his arms or the touch of your hands pressed into his chest as you try to get some distance between you two. The tender threads of fear woven into your beautiful eyes as you defy him in a meaningless but exhilarating scuffle in which he'll neither hurt nor let you get hurt by your own actions (but it's so adorable to watch you try to fight him). And finally, the sweet, sweet taste of success when Blade takes over and fills your head with thoughts of only him and nothing else.
He wants to be the only thing that matters to you, just like you do for him.
It renders him completely useless, and Kafka has to actually put in some effort to tear him out of his imagination and back to reality. Silver Wolf gets a light scolding for watering the seeds of his insanity that have been sown a while ago. Luckily, Blade can be momentarily righted, focusing on the task at hand.
But not without the thought of you in his mind as he strikes down his enemies, every splatter of blood getting him a little closer to you ♥
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bbunivxrse · 6 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 2:34AM ‒ megumi fushiguro
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pairing ‒ 21+megumi x f!reader contents ‒ College AU, alcohol consumption, gets a bit suggestive at one part but no smut, heartbroken megumi gets wasted asfff, a bit angsty word count ‒ 2.3k a/n ‒ a tad bit angsty fgjioejio wrote this at like 4am if you see mistakes no tf u didnt ??? - also making my posts more nice n pretty n aesthetic cuz i felt like it :3
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Megumi Fushiguro sat alone on the couch at a party. he can’t recall why he was there or how many shots he had but everything was starting to get cloudy. girl after girl walking up to him, offering him drinks. he hates alcohol. he hates the taste, he hates the smell, he hates the feeling of it in his mouth and going down his throat, he hates being drunk and he hates being hungover, yet he continues accepting all their offers. the women were hot but none of them were you. maybe he thought if he drank enough he could forget the past, forget the guilt and move on from everything like he should’ve a long time ago. he thought if he got drunk enough the regretful thoughts of the past would go away and the thoughts of you along with it. then he could go on with his life. but the more he drank the more present it became and the more his reality began to shatter at the thought.
girl after girl came up to him, sat near him, sat beside him, sat on him, yet it was only you he could think about. he gladly took their drinks but could barely have a one sided conversation with them for a few minutes before shooing them away.
as the party went on it felt like the music got louder and the lights brighter. his head pounded and he felt nauseous. ‘what am i doing here.’ megumi sinks into the couch, trying to keep himself calm by taking deep breaths and grounding himself in reality. ‘i wanna go home.’ he takes out his phone and stares at his lock screen, it was pitch black with only the white text of the time and date showing. he remembers when it used to be a picture of you with the text showing how far away you were from him. a picture you had taken of yourself in the mirror and sent to him, moments later he had it saved and set it to his wallpaper. he remembers your reaction when you saw it, a bright smile on your face while he was a bit embarrassed to be caught doing something he considered a bit ‘obsessive.’ 
megumi is ripped from his thoughts as someone taps on his shoulder. “wanna have a drink with me..?” he looks up to a see a woman standing right in front of him, a bottle of wine in her hand. megumi wanted to say no, and he was about to, until he took a closer look. ‘she looks just like her’. no, she wasnt exactly the same, but she was similar. from the shape of her body to the way she did her makeup, the way she styled her hair, the jewelry she wore and the shy expression on her face. even the damn dress she wore was similar to the short, black, skin tight dress he had bought you. she was so similar, so familiar, but it still wasn’t you. “sure.”
megumi patted his lap for her to sit down. she handed him the entire bottle and the two of them shared until the bottle was finished. they chatted as they took swigs from the bottle of wine, and as the conversation went on megumi continued to realize that as similar as she seemed, she wasn’t you. it started to throw him off. she didn’t talk like you, she didn’t have the same favourite colour or have the same aspirations. she was still a stranger. she felt like you, looked like you, dressed like you, she almost was you. almost. “let’s go somewhere private.”
megumi pulls her off his lap and leads this mysterious women to a bedroom. this would be the first time he’s fucked another woman since getting with you, even though it’s been months since you left him. he hasn’t even looked at another woman until tonight. he closes the door to the bedroom, the mystery woman pulling him closer and putting her lips on his. ‘she doesn’t kiss like her.’ megumi is yet again reminded that as much as he wants this to be you and he’s willing to pretend it’s you, it’s not you. still, he allows her to unbotton his shirt as they make out and get into bed. she hiked up her dress for him, revealing her black laced panties. ‘her favourite set was red.’
megumi hovers over her, his eyes dead set on her panties making her a bit uncomfortable. ‘what am i doing?’ he questions himself, the headache starting to come back as the music that was previously bothering him can be heard from downstairs. “i need to go.” 
“what?” megumi barely gives her a chance to speak before getting out of bed and heading out the door. she fixes herself up before following after him, but by the time she’s back to the party, he’s already gone. 
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megumi stumbles down the sidewalk, aimlessly walking into the night. the streetlights barely illuminate the sidewalk as he tried to keep himself upright. he finds himself at a dimly lit park, throwing himself onto a park bench. he groans as he takes out his phone, the bright light blinding him and making his skull splitting headache worse. the words on the screen are barely legible as he spends an embarrassing amount of time trying to find his contacts. he thinks about calling yuuji, but he knows he’s usually asleep by this time and keeps his phone on do not disturb at night. he scrolls to kugisaki and calls her instead. the phone rings for a bit, before he hears her groggy voice on the line. “hello..?” 
“can you pick me up?” megumi barely pieces his sentence together “oh my god megumi, it’s 3AM! you shouldve left earlier. i’m going to bed, i have a class in the morning.” 
“please, kugisaki. i can’t drive…” megumis words slur a bit “holy shit, you actually drank?? oh my god this isn’t what i meant when i told you to have some fun.”
“just pick me up. ill make it up to you.” megumi pleads over the phone, a desperate tone coming from his voice that she wasn't used to hearing even after knowing him for so many years
“yeah, whatever. where are you? actually, don’t fucking bother, you sound too wasted to figure that out. just send me your location.” megumi can hear his friend's bed sheets ruffling as she gets out of bed, which begins to fill him with a bit of guilt, even if she was the one who suggested he go to the party in the first place. eventually he figures out how to send kugisaki his location, patiently waiting for it to go through. “okay, i got it. ill be there soon, idiot.” she hangs up before he can say anything back. 
megumi sits back on the hard bench, rethinking his night at the party. he wasn’t even hung over yet but he already regretted all of it. he had hoped that the music and the people and the alcohol would distract him, take his thoughts away from the past and finally live in the present but they only made him miss you more. if you were still with him he’d be in your room, laying in your bed napping whilst you studied for your next exam. the music wouldn’t be blasting in his ears and causing him a headache and instead would be soft lofi playing quietly from your speaker, which helped you study and helped him sleep. he wouldn’t have to try and imagine the girl he was talking to was you, it would’ve been you.
 without thinking, megumi takes out his phone, opening up a locked folder. his face id unlocks the folder that held pictures and videos of you. he’s gone through everything multiple times and he wishes he could still take more and add them to his collection. he wishes you would still take pictures of your outfits and send them to him. he wishes his wallpaper was still his favourite picture of you.
tears begin to well in his eyes as he turns off his phone and stuffs it in his pocket, he can’t bring himself to look through that folder again. not in his current state. you’re already gone, he knows that, he’s been told that, you told him that. he knows he needs to move on and continue his life without you but you’ve been the only thing on his mind for months and the alcohol in his system certainly wasn’t helping. 
megumi wipes his tears as he hears the car in front of him beep. pushing himself off the bench, he limps his way over to his friend’s car and gets in the back seat. 
“jesus, i thought you didn’t like drinking.” usually his friend would laugh at him for things like this but this time her tone and the look on her face was more serious. “whatever.” 
the car ride was abnormally silent and the odd tension in the air was prevalent. kugisaki dropped him off in front of the dorms, his roommate already waiting for him outside. “thanks.” is all megumi can say to his friend as he walks away from her car. 
“you alright, megumi? did something happen while you were there?” yuuji takes a good look at his best friend. he knows it’s been rough since the break up, he’s seen all of it. he’s done what he can to help keep his mind off it, to help his friend move past it but clearly it’s all still there. he feels guilty for sending megumi to this party now. kugisaki suggested it but he was the one who really convinced him it’d be a good idea, but he should’ve thought it through a bit more. yuuji can see the puffiness of his eyes and it breaks his heart to see his normally stoic friend in such a state. he’s really tried everything to help but at this point he can’t do much anymore. “it’s okay man, forget about it.” he throws an arm around his friend to keep him stable, taking him back to their shared dorm. yuuji spends the night trying to distract his friend, getting him to sober up and eventually fall asleep. 
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sunlight spilling from the blinds shines on megumis face, waking him up. the moment he opens his eyes he’s met with painful pounding in his head. still, he manages to sit up, his headache getting worst every moment hes conscious. he makes his way to the living room, where his friend is already sitting on the couch. “hey.” he barely mumbles out before plopping himself on the other side of the couch. “you hungry?” his roommate waved back at him. 
“no.” megumi gets himself comfortable on the couch, trying to distract from the overwhelming throbbing he’s feeling. suddenly his phone buzzes on the coffee table, where he apparently left it last night. picking it up, he had a slightly abnormal amount of notifications from kugisaki, both texts and calls. 
[ 4 missed calls from kugisaki ]
[ kugisaki: did you text y/n? ] 
[ kugisaki: megumi answer my call oml ]  
his heart drops as he opens his phone and goes to messages, and there he sees it. three messages he had sent last night, all of which he doesn’t even recall. “sorry…” yuuji looks over at his roommate, seeing the colour from his face leave as he looks at the messages he had sent. “i tried to stop you but you were gonna beat the shit outta me when i took your phone...” 
“it’s fine.. sorry.” megumi didn’t even want to read the messages he sent. he can see them, he can see that they went through, he can see that you haven’t read them, and he doesn’t want to read them either. he decides to turn off his phone and put it down, judging by kugisaki’s messages, you had already seen the messages and told her about them, just never actually opened them. ‘fuck.’ 
“hey, why don’t we just go out somewhere? To help you forget about it. let’s go watch a movie!” normally megumi isn’t the most excited about leaving his home and heading out. he prefers staying in his room, lounging on the couch or getting a good workout in at the gym, but today he feels more than ever that he needs to spend some time doing something else, distract himself from his sad, dull life. go out and have some actual fun, especially with his best friend. “sure,”
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“I told you it’d be a good movie!” yuuji pokes at his friend’s arm. 
“It was about an earthworm.” megumi playfully rolls his eyes as the two of them walk out of the theater. “It was more than that! Did you even watch the movie!?” the two of them continue to argue about the quality of the movie they had just seen on their way to the parking lot. megumi takes his phone out of his pocket to check his notifications and his heart drops for a second time that day. a name that hasn’t appeared on his lock screen in months, the name he’d been waiting to see there for so long. it was the only one in his contacts to have any sort of emoji or decoration to it, and he never changed it despite everything. 
[ you: i mess you sofucjng much ] 
[ you: pls so im sorry for everything ] 
[ you: pleese baby pls talk to me ]
- Unread message  -
[ y/n <3: come over, we’ll talk about it ] 
megumi stares at the notification. it felt as if his heart skipped several beats. he opens the message and continues to stare. his fingers move on their own as he types a response and he doesn’t even think about it before hitting send. 
[ you: on my way ]
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omg can u guys tell im not good at coming up with endings :sob:
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Luck Runs Out |Part 6|
Pairing: Mabel x Reader
Summary: When your luck runs out you unknowingly drag Mabel back into the life, she's so desperate to escape.
Warnings: None?
Word Count: 3.3k
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Epilogue
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Mabel jumped in her car, speeding away before Charlie even had the chance to close his door. “Geez,” he said, as he fumbled with the seat belt. “I’m pretty sure getting a speeding ticket isn’t apart of acting normal.
Mabel slowed her speed to just above the speed limit. She had a habit of driving fast, but Charlie was right, her driving around crazy was going to draw attention. “Sorry,” she mumbled. She just needed to get to the dock, get on the Finestkind, find the drugs, get rid of the drugs, then all she had to worry about was you.
Getting rid of drugs, a gang was looking for was actually going to be the easiest part of her day. Even if they got rid of the drugs, she still had to worry about you. You were healing up nicely and you’d probably be able to take care of yourself, but you didn’t have anywhere to go. Even if the dealers thought you were dead, they still would most likely catch you trying to go back to your apartment. It wasn’t like you could sneak off to the police, you’d get yourself arrested trying to take the others down and it would leave you in even more danger.
The only solution was to sneak you out of town. Which was relatively easy, she could sneak you out to her car at night, hide you in the backseat and then just drive the next state or two over. Once you were out of town you could hop on a bus or train and be gone. She hadn’t talked to you about that, you might have dreamed about traveling the world on a boat but that didn’t mean you wanted to leave everything you knew behind. There was also the small fact that everyone thought you were dead, if you got fingerprinted or anything like that you’d pop up as deceased. So, you either needed to live off the grid, get a new identity, or they had to find a way to believably resurrect you, and deal with the drug dealers so you didn’t actually end up dead.
Mabel enjoyed talking to you, she enjoyed reading The Odyssey, something she had never considered actually reading. But when she had to talk to the doctor, a man she hated, and had to go risk her life to destroy some drugs, she was reminded what a pain in the ass you were. You were nice but your mere presence seemed to start shit, you were a troublemaker, and you knew it. She was sure that if you weren’t the instigator in all your disagreements with the Finestkind crew then you definitely fed into everyone else, twisting the knife just a bit more to really piss them off.
Her foot pressed down on the gas pedal just a bit harder as she was reminded about the doctor. He texted her with his fee, which she promptly ignored. She knew she would have to pay it, she just needed to figure out how to come up with the money. He was charging her an outrageous amount, over fifty grand. Before they had even got out of her apartment complex, he had sent her the amount added from the refill on the pain meds, which was another ten thousand. He didn’t need the money, she knew he charged to keep quiet more than anything, but she was pretty sure none of his other clients were paying that much. He was only getting away with charging her that much because he knew he could, he knew Mabel couldn’t argue with him. The situation was too risky, if she tried to argue he could start fishing around and learn about you and what happened.
She hadn’t told you about any of that yet. She wasn’t sure she was going to. Once they figured out how to get you out of this situation alive, you’d be gone, and she’d probably never see you again. She could have told you about owing the doctor, you were nice enough, you’d probably help her pay it off or insist on doing it yourself. You were the reason she had to even contact the guy in the first place, but she was the reason he was called, she made that decision not you. She couldn’t guilt you into paying him when she was the one that brought him into the fold.
She also couldn’t imagine putting you in his debt. You might have been a drug smuggler, but you clearly didn’t like it. The way you spoke made it sound like you got stuck in that life, before she got out, she was stuck there because of her mother, though you hadn’t mentioned any family yet. She wasn’t sure why she expected you to mention your family, you didn’t know each other, you were strangers. Talking about Greek mythology and helping her with homework didn’t suddenly make you best friends, she had barely known you a week.
“Mabel!” Charlie shouted, breaking her out of her spiraling thoughts. She looked at him to see him pressing himself back into the seat as far as he could, his hand extended as he braced himself with the door handle.
Mabel looked ahead, slamming on her breaks as she approached a red light. “Sorry,” she mumbled again.
Charlie looked at her with wide eyes, slowly taking his hand away from the door. He let out a shaky breath as he slowly relaxed into his seat again. She rolled her eyes, though if he hadn’t of broken her out of her thoughts, she definitely would have run the red light. Charlie’s been in the car with her before, he should be very familiar with her driving, and he was the reason for half of her crazy driving. The first time they hooked up he had her racing to the ocean so he could jump onto the boat that had already left, he had no right to judge her driving now.
“So…” he whistled. Mabel glanced at him, raising a brow as she watched him refuse to look in her direction. “You and Y/N seem to be getting pretty close…” he quickly glanced at her before looking ahead again.
Mabel slowly released a breath, preventing herself from snapping at him. When the light turned green, she began to go a more reasonable speed this time. “Yeah, and?” She asked, turning down the street she needed to.
Mabel was reminded of your kiss, well her almost kiss with you. She told herself she wasn’t going to do anything with you, that it didn’t matter if you were cute, or nice, or fun to talk to, you were trouble, and she didn’t want trouble. Even though you didn’t seem to want trouble either, maybe if given the option you’d actually leave the life you led. People talked about wanting out but actually doing it was key. Mabel wasn’t sure how many times her mom promised to get clean or to stop dealing when she was growing up, Mabel believed her the first few times, but her mother never even attempted to do as she promised. At the end of the day words meant nothing, not when the person could just ignore them, actions truly spoke louder in her opinion. Mabel wanted to believe you though, that you wanted a better life, a life that didn’t involve breaking the law.
“Nothing!” Charlie’s voice went higher. Mabel flicked a side glance at him, seeing him nervously tap his fingers on the side of the door. “Just… be careful.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Mabel snapped. She knew Charlie was just trying to be protective, but he didn’t have a right to say who she could and couldn’t hang out with, they weren’t even together anymore.
“We found them floating in the ocean,” Charlie looked at her as if that said everything. “With a gunshot wound and floating on packs of drugs.” Mabel turned her head to glare at him before having to look back at the road. “They’re bad news Mabel.”
“I’m pretty sure your brother once told you the same thing about me.”
“That’s different,” Charlie said, his voice still soft. It was clear he didn’t want this to become an argument. “They’re a drug smuggler.”
“Yeah, well my mom’s a dealer, I used to do runs,” Mabel started going off. “Last year you guys needed money and had no issue smuggling drugs to get it.”
“That was only one time!”
Mabel clenched her jaw as she narrowed her eyes at the road before them, they couldn’t arrive at the docks quick enough. “We broke up.” Mabel quickly glanced at Charlie, catching his face fall before he quickly recovered as if everything was fine. “You don’t really have a say in who I associate with. Especially when you brought said person to my door.” She flicked a glare at him.
“Just because we broke up doesn’t mean I don’t still…” Charlie shouted but it quickly died before whatever he was about to say. “It doesn’t mean I don’t still care about you.” Mabel looked at him again to see him staring right back at her with all the sincerity in those puppy dog eyes of his. “You worked hard to get out of that life. I know I’m the reason you’re in this mess now, which I’m sorry for.” He looked down, the guilt truly eating away at him. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”
Mabel tore her eyes away from Charlie, she needed to focus on the road. “I know,” she whispered. “I know. But I can take care of myself, and I can make my own decisions.”
She quickly glanced at Charlie one last time seeing him nod. “I know. I’m well aware how capable you are,” he smiled to himself.
Mabel didn’t want to admit it, but Charlie was right, not that she’d ever tell him that. He was saying everything she was already thinking. There was no reason for her to get close to you and put herself in that position again. She enjoyed talking to you and she knew you were a good person but even if she wasn’t involved with any of that stuff anymore, if she was with you, she’d still be connected to it. As cute as you were, she couldn’t bring herself to start something, she couldn’t be with someone when every day she’d worry they were going to get arrested or something worse. Not matter how much fun she was having with you she couldn’t involve herself in that life anymore, she got out and she was going to stay out.
They finally arrived at the dock, making their way down to where the boats were anchored. Mabel followed Charlie as he speed walked to the boat, in a rush but not enough that it was drawing attention. She looked around, looking for any people that stuck out, anyone who didn’t scream fisherman. Mabel caught sight of a man walking around, he was in casual clothes, but he certainly wasn’t a fisherman, he was walking back and forth as he eyed the boats and the people coming on and off them. As soon as his head started to turn in their direction Mabel looked forward, they didn’t know her, as long as she wasn’t caught staring, she’d be fine.
They finally got to the boat; Mabel scrunched her eyebrows as she looked around not seeing any of the crew. “Tommy!” Charlie shouted, making his way inside the boat. Mabel followed behind, giving another quick look at the man she saw on the docks before, he wasn’t looking anywhere near her, still watching the other boats. “Tommy!”
“Where are they?” Mabel asked.
“I don’t know,” Charlie pushed past her as he made his way through the boat. “Tommy! Costa! Nunes!” Charlie looked in every corner of the boat, not finding his brother or the others.
“Maybe they assumed you wouldn’t be back and left?” Mabel knew it was a long shot and she didn’t believe it as she asked it.
“Maybe,” Charlie mumbled but clearly not believing it either. “Let’s just get the drugs. I’ll find Tommy after.”
Mabel nodded. “Where are they?”
“Hidden amongst the bunks. I think that’s where Tommy hid them,” he pointed to the small set of bunks on one of the walls.
Mabel made her way to one set of bunks while Charlie went to the other. They both dug through the bunks, ripping the sheets and pillowcases off, even flipping the mattresses. When they found nothing, they moved to check every other inch of the room, flinging open cabinets, boxes, bags, anything that looked like it could hold something, they searched.
“They’re not here!” Mabel shouted frustrated.
“They have to be!” Charlie snapped, pushing past her as he made his way to another area of the boat.
Mabel rolled her eyes and followed him. She stood in the doorway as she watched Charlie begin to tear the boat apart looking for any place the drugs might be. Within minutes Charlie had turned the entire ship upside down, boxes flung all across the room, papers scattered about, but still no drugs.
“Maybe they moved them?” he said, looking at Mabel as if he were hoping she’d agree with him. “Tommy’s not here, so maybe,” he looked around as if he were trying to find the answer in their surroundings. “Maybe he took them? Maybe he moved them from the ship because he knew it was dangerous? Maybe-”
He was cut off by a phone ringing. Mabel held her breath as she watched Charlie fish out his phone. He looked at the screen before quickly swiping and bringing it to his ear. “Tommy!” Mabel released her breath when she heard Charlie say his brother’s name. “Thank god! I was worried, where-”
Mabel furrowed her brow, tilting her head as she watched Charlie abruptly stop talking. His face went pale, and he gripped the phone just a bit tighter. He looked at Mabel and despite not being able to hear the other side of the conversation Mabel knew it wasn’t Tommy on the other end.
“Who is this?” Charlie asked, any kindness in his voice from before was gone.
Charlie stepped around Mabel, making his way back to the front of the boat. Mabel followed, nearly bumping into him when she found him standing on the deck. She followed his gaze; he was staring right at the man she had seen before. The man was also on the phone and was staring right at them. It seemed Mabel had gotten it wrong; the guy did notice them getting on the boat.
“She has nothing to do with this,” Charlie said, making Mabel snap her eyes to him. “No.” Mabel knew they were talking about her, but she couldn’t figure out about what exactly. “I’ll come but she gets to leave. She isn’t involved in this.”
Mabel was about to protest; she didn’t know what she was about to protest but she knew she wanted to protest it. Before she could say a word Charlie hung up, gently gripped Mabel by the arm and began to drag her off the boat. Mabel pulled with all her strength, but Charlie was determined to keep ahold of her.
“Go home,” he ordered once they got back to her car. “Don’t come back here, don’t call me, don’t ask questions. Just go home and stay there.”
“No,” Mabel said, finally ripping her arm out of his grip. “Who the hell was that?”
“Whose ever drugs those were,” he pointed back to the boat. “They got Tommy, the others, and the drugs. They demanded I come too.”
“No! Hell no. It’s a trap.”
Charlie groaned, clearly not wanting to have this argument. “They want to know about the drugs. If I don’t go, they’ll kill Tommy.”
“Then I’m coming too.” Mabel started to walk back down to the dock, but Charlie held up his hands keeping her in place.
“No. It’s to dangerous. Go home and I’ll come over when I’m done.”
“Just go!” Charlie’s voice rose. “Please,” he begged. “Please, you can’t be involved in this. You know you can’t.”
Mabel sighed, shaking her head, it was a mistake coming to the dock, she should have listened to you. She ran a hand through her hair, Charlie was right, if she went it would only put her and them in more danger. The problem was that Charlie didn’t know anything about the drugs, unless he decided to sell you out, which he wouldn’t do. Meaning he needed to choose his words carefully otherwise these guys wouldn’t hesitate to kill him and the others.
“Be careful,” she finally whispered, knowing there was no winning this argument. “Don’t do anything stupid.”
“I promise,” Charlie whispered then gave her that stupid grin he always gave before doing something stupid.
He waited until Mabel got in her car before walking back down to the dock. Mabel started her car but sat and watched as he approached the man. A black car quickly pulled up and the man grabbed Charlie by the arm and began aggressively forcing him into the car. Every part of Mabel wanted to go after them, she knew there was nothing she could do though. So, she put her car in drive and drove away.
Mabel was back at her place before she even knew it. She wasn’t even sure if she sped the whole way home or not. Charlie being forced into the car, played over and over again in her mind. She mindlessly opened the door to her apartment, dropping the keys on the counter as she stood in the doorway.
“Are you okay?” you asked. Mabel looked up, seeing you standing in front of her. She looked around, realizing she hadn’t moved from the doorway. “What happened?” you looked behind her. “Where’s Charlie?” your eyes darted all around her face, but Mabel couldn’t focus on anything.
“They took him,” she breathed out. She didn’t need to elaborate based on the way your face fell and became full of concern. “They have all of them and the drugs. They have everything,” Mabel gripped her hair. “Wha-what are we going to do? They have them. They have them.” Her breathing was starting to get heavy; it was like she couldn’t catch her breath. “What are we going to do? What are we-”
The words died in her mouth when she was quickly engulfed in a hug by you. This was her first time touching you, she had cleaned your wound, sure, and had helped you move around but that didn’t count, this was her first time truly touching you. Mabel wasn’t big on touch; she was never one to hold hands and only hugged people she was close with on rare occasions. She didn’t hesitate to wrap her arms around you though, burying her face in your hoodie, her hoodie. She had barely known you, hadn’t even known you a month but your hug already brought her a comfort that no one else had.
“It’ll be okay,” you whispered, rubbing a hand up and down her back. “We’ll get them back. I promise.”
Mabel knew you couldn’t promise that. In general, no one could promise that but with what they were dealing with, a good outcome was even less likely. The odds of never hearing from any of them again and them ending up as missing persons on the news in a few days was a lot more likely than Charlie arriving, completely unharmed, knocking on her door in a few hours. However, when you said those words, Mabel believed you. So, she pulled you even tighter against herself and let your warmth comfort her and she silently hoped that you would be right.
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kentopedia · 11 months
Any dating Gojo headcannons?
ੈ✩‧₊˚ dating gojo headcanons
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so starting this off by saying that if you’re in a relationship with gojo, there will be so many photos taken! they could be of both of you together, just you, just him, etc.
he likes to keep memories of all the times you’re together, and will scroll through all the photos when he’s feeling down or when you’re apart.
also, he also changes his lockscreen frequently to whatever recent photo of you has become his new favorite. <3
gojo will do absolutely everything in his power to make you laugh, especially if you’re feeling down.
at some times, he will be the most ridiculous boyfriend, but it's just bc he always wants to see you happy
whether or not you’re a sorcerer, gojo will introduce you to all his students!!
but... they already know everything there is to know about you because gojo talks about you non-stop. so when you do meet for the first time, hey feel like they’ve already met you before.
they definitely tease gojo about how you deserve someone better than him, especially nobara and megumi <3 though, it's all for fun and they are all genuinely so supportive of your relationship.
he makes you come to his classes as a "guest speaker." there is absolutely no learning done at these times. ever.
but you get to know the students better, and gojo loves seeing you interact with them. mostly, he just invites you to the school to see him and all the students know it.
because gojo takes care of megumi, you'll be the closest to him of all the students. and megumi is honestly tired of both of you, but he’ll tell gojo he likes you more just to annoy him.
gojo will take you out to eat a lot, especially at nice restaurants--but only if that’s your thing! if you'd rather eat at home or don’t feel comfortable at stuffy places, then he doesn’t care.
he just wants to spend time together and make you feel special bc you are!! <3
also, there will be so many dates to get a little treat. it doesn’t matter what, if its sweet, gojo will be buying it.
if you don’t like sweets… gojo will probably still buy you one so you can try it (and then he'll just eat it himself).
gojo loves when you wear his clothes, even if they fit you horribly. he starts leaving tshirt and sweatshirts at your home in the hopes that you’ll wear them when you’re lounging around
expect a lot of stupid texts or phone calls, and always at inconvenient times.
he sends you things that make no sense. then sends you screenshots of when he sent them to nanami and got left on read.
gojo sends a lot of screenshots of him annoying nanami. it's honestly his favorite hobby
every time you walk into a room, gojo will smile so brightly to the point that people notice and start teasing him about it. he doesn't care though :)
he is always excited to see you, even if you’ve only been apart for five minutes
we all know gojo's got generational wealth, so he’s going to spoil you all the time. don't protest bc he loves spending money on you. gift giving is def a love language of him.
so he's always buying you gifts, whether they’re just random things that reminded him of you, unnecessary items he secretly wanted for himself, or extensive, thought out gifts he’s been contemplating for a while.
gets you big bouquets of flowers all the time.
once he sees that one of the flowers is wilting, he’s on his way to buy another. he’ll switch up which flowers he gets depending on what looks the best during the season.
but if you have an absolute favorite flower, he’ll gravitate towards those <3
he uses an excessive amount of pet names. sticks to the classics most of the time, but when he’s feeling silly, he'll whip out something so ridiculous you will cringe
when you’re out in public, he usually keeps a hand on you somewhere, just so he can reassure himself you’re nearby. he doesn’t expect that any curses are going to sneak up on him, but he knows better than to take a stupid risk like that.
teases you so much it’s almost painful, but he knows when he’s taking it too far. he’ll never do anything to upset you.
he's pretty good at reading you, but he wants you to know the you can always talk to him about anything! he doesn't want his partner to be scared of talking to him, because he knows that communication is important
(even if he's sometimes bad at it.)
at the end of the day, he is going to be the most supportive person in your life, and he just wants to feel as happy as you make him
if he’s been away for work, or had a particularly rough day, he’ll be extra clingy.
he loves cuddling <3
i feel like there will be lots of movie watching dates on the couch (though expect that this will lead to something more)
he won’t (always) do it on purpose, but he likes seeing you get jealous.
gojo’s pretty flirtatious by nature, but he’ll make sure that you know it doesn’t mean anything if he smiles a little too much at the barista, or talks to the waitress a bit too friendly.
but he would also be lying if he said he disliked the annoyance that would spread on your face, and he’d kiss you even harder once you were back home.
gojo’s outwardly very confident, but secretly, he wants a lot of reassurance from you.
initially, he tries to do things that will get a lot of compliments from you. you eventually pick up on this and just shower him in affection
and when you’ve said you loved him, he will ask you to say it all the time. <3
gojo loves taking you on shopping dates and watching you model all of the clothes. he will be no help at picking things out because he’ll think you look good in everything!!
he can be quite spontaneous, so whatever you want to do, he’s always up for it.
gojo falls first, but he doesn’t tell you first. he’s honestly a bit insecure that he’s not enough for you and waits for you to say “I love you” first.
honestly, he decides pretty early on in the relationship that you’re the person he wants to spend the rest of your life with.
but... he waits a while to propose because he’s a sorcerer and he knows that things in his life could change at any moment.
he will love you so so much <3
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jungwoos-luvr · 11 months
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Choi Seungcheol
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svt masterlist | masterlist
key: ✰ = smut ✿ = fluff ❥ = angst ◘ = smau
bold = personal fav
push it down (sooner or later it all comes out) ✰ ❥ | finished by @/dontflailmenow
game day ✿ ◘ | finished by @/escapewriter (this was the first svt smau ive ever read and i was not disappointed game day was a cultural reset)
manspread, mansplain, manipulate ✰ | finished by @/bluejeanstrash (OMG THIS WAS SO GOOD AFTER I READ IT I THOUGHT AB IT ALL WEEK its like all filth but ykw thats okay with me 😚)
ch-ch-cherry bomb ✰ | finished by @/meltwonu (scroll down for it) (also idk if it was bc it was like 2am when reading this but it was so good it gave a headache and i couldnt sleep idk some rush came over me)
terrifyingly innocent ✿ ❥ ◘ | finished by @/twogyuu
the way back ✿ ❥ ◘ | finished by @/suhnshinehaos
i like you ✿ ❥ ◘ | finished by @/taeyegu
first to fall ✿ ◘ | finished by @/thepixelelf
the secrets of us ◘ | finished by @/jeonjaemark
the kids are going to be alright ◘ | finished by @/wondernus
tales from the pack: stubborn ✰ ✿ | finished by @/gamerwoo
moonlust series: chains ✿ ❥ | finished by @/sunlightwoo
the recordings of you ✿ ❥ ◘ | ongoing by @/juhaknyeonies
yours, but not yours ✰ | ongoing by @/gyukult
gryffindor captain ✿ ❥ | wc: 17.1k by @/http-mianhae (i actually love seungcheol so much hes so sweet and screw those girls in that fic!! i was skeptical at first reading it cuz hp au but this is so good)
banana pancakes ✰ ✿ | wc: 12k by @/yoongiseesawmp3 (this is so cute i love this writer mwah mwah ur work is perfection🫶🫶)
in another life ✰ ✿ ❥ | wc: 9.3k by @/httpshannie (i cried at 2am reading this WHY DID HE DO THATAKSJSJEB i cried sent several texts to my friends ab it also i love this writer)
crossing boundaries ✰ ✿ | wc: 8.6k by @/wonusite
potential parent test ✿ | part 1 | part 2 | by @/soundofseventeen
the cake in the back ✰ | wc: 3.8k by @/toruro
suffocating. ✿ ❥ | wc: 3.3k by @/cheolbooluvr (i cried this was so sweet omg sjsjejwhahe i love communication ☹️)
the great war ✰ ✿ | wc: 41k by @/amourcheol
ice cold, cabin fever (ft mingyu) ✰ | part 1 | part 2 | wc: 25.9k by @/smileysuh
get you ✰ ✿ | part 1 | part 2 | wc: 8.9k, 12.2k by @/yoongiseesawmp3
sapiosexual ✰ | wc: 18.6k by @/smileysuh
cupid ✰ | wc: 9.3k by @/yoongiseesawmp3
control ✰ | wc: 8k by @/leejihoonownsmyheart
bite that lip ✰ ✿ | wc: 6.3k by @/beahae
couch comfort ✿ | wc: 6.3k by @/cheolism
in the eye of the beholder ✰ | wc: 6.2k by @/cheolism
down bad (so so bad) ✰ ✿ | wc: 5.7k by @/lovelyhan
lunch visit ✰ | wc: 5.3k by @/mimikookie
cherrycheolie ✰ | wc: 5.2k by @/smileysuh
blood moon ✰ | wc: 5k by @/smileysuh
just friends ✰ | wc: 5k by @/lvscoups
his hoodie ✰ | wc: 4.8k by @/drunk-on-dk
virtue of humility ✿ | wc: 4.8k by @/hannie-dul-set
hits different ❥ | wc: 4.7k by @/gleamingyu
angel (or devil) ✰ | wc: 4.2k by @/amourcheol
contusion confusion ✰ | wc: 4k by @/seungkwansphd
kick in the right direction ✿ | part 1 | part 2 | wc: 3.7k by @/httphannie
reliable ✰ | wc: 3.6k by @/ncteez
exam szn ✰ | wc: 3.3k by @/azamf
remind me ✿ | wc: 2.7k by @/milfgyuu
lusty gallant ✰ | wc: 2.6k by @/onlyseokmins
wedding night ✰ ✿ | wc: 2.3k by @/onlyhuis
big cock: for dummies ✰ | wc: 2.3k by @/ncteez
teach me ✰ | wc: 2.2k by @/raibebe
overflowed ✰ | wc: 2.2k by @/duhnova
keep it quiet ✰ | wc: 2.1k by @/jaemified
brighter days ahead ✿ | wc: 1.7k by @/renaiswriting
frozen cold proposal ✿ | wc: 1.5k by @/cheolism
when he finds out your sick through the internet ✿ | wc: 1.5k by @/wonwoonlight
take care ✰ | wc: 0.6k by @/toruro
04:15 AM ✿ | wc: 0.3k by @/fairyhaos
when you miss seungcheol but you’re going on a trip to jeju without him ✿ | by @/wonwoonlight
baby making ✰ | by @/sluttywoozi
you’ve always had cold hands ✿ | by @/savventeen
birthday sex ✰ | by @/idyllic-ghost
pregnancy cravings ✿ | by @/yikesmary
“sorry” ❥ | by @/som1ig
note: i havent fully read all the smaus so idk how angsty or fluffy they are
note: i think u can tell how much i love him here
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kairiscorner · 11 months
❝KEEPING SECRETS❞ — miles 42 x reader (part 1)
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⋆✮↪ summary: he thought he was doing right by you by keeping you at a distance, by keeping you in the dark of everything he was doing. he thought it was right to keep his secrets... just so he wouldn't lose you. well, in the end, was it worth it? ⋆✮↪ pairing: miles 42 x gn!reader ⋆✮↪ word count: 1,864 ⋆✮↪ author's note: tbh, i wanted to make the idea about miles 42, not really bc of the angst but bc i wanted to write more about my other son, i don't feel like i make enough for him 😭😭😭also i'm sorry if the spanish is wrong, i'm not fluent, but if y'all are willing to correct me for it, by all means, please do! I HOPE Y'ALL LIKE THIS THOUGHHHH (reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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the line on the other end beeped, he never did bother to leave a voicemail to whoever called anyway. you set your phone down with a sigh as you stirred your drink mindlessly, looking at your phone, hoping that at least he sent a message, saying he got your call, even if he wouldn't ask why you called. you put your hands to your face and tried to calm down, collect your thoughts before doing anything rash. this was a normal occurrence for you two already, you always calling out for him or texting him, and you going completely unnoticed by him; and the worst part? he's been your boyfriend. for six months.
you wanted to watch miles walk in through the door of the restaurant and sit himself down across you, all so you could take your drink and splash it all over him, not caring what he'd say or think of you while you'd drench him. hell, maybe you'd even throw the cup at his face, but you felt bad thinking about that, you didn't want to stoop too low. besides... you loved him, you really did--and you knew he loved you, too, kind of. you knew the exact reason as to why he always misses out on dates with you, always leaves your calls unanswered and your texts unread, and it wasn't because he was cheating on you or catching up on any homework, no--it was because he was the prowler.
he was a vigilante, he was one criminals and authorities alike couldn't get their hands on--a cruel one, many would call him, ruthless--but not to you. he saved you from a band of crooks that were going to rob you of all that you had when you were heading home on your own one night, and the way the prowler held you, the way you heard his heart beat and felt the warmth throughout his whole body as he held you close to his chest, when he kept murmuring to you you're okay, you're okay... you never forgot that feeling. and when you met miles, when you two started dating and getting more close, more intimate... you were reminded of that feeling when the prowler saved you, when miles saved you.
but despite knowing his secret, you needed him to tell you. it was his secret, and you valued your boyfriend's privacy. he was entitled to his own secrets, as you were entitled to yours. but you wished he at least... could at least show up, could at least make time for you and be there for you when you needed him. and tonight was just that night, because tomorrow, you were going to be trying out for your school's varsity team; the stakes were high enough as it was already for you and you felt pressured, extremely pressed, to push yourself further than what you can already do now. miles promised you, weeks before this, that he'd be there for you--he'd be there when you needed him, he promised; but now, where was he?
you refused to wait for him any longer; you chugged your drink and with an irritated sigh, you left the restaurant behind you, fuming as you thought of what to tell him, what to ask him, how to tell him tomorrow that you... you were so disappointed in him. tomorrow eventually came, and you made your way through the flood of faces in the hallway, catching miles collecting his stuff from his locker, his back turned to the people passing him by. you grabbed him by his shoulder, glaring at him with an icy stare as you narrowed your eyes at him. "que pasa, cielo?" miles asked you with a raised eyebrow and a perplexed look on his face in response to your scowling, as if he had no clue as to why you were so infuriated with him. "miles, where were you?" you asked him in an exasperated tone, clearly exhausted, and clearly in need of answers.
not looking to anger you, miles looked away and murmured, "i was... helping my tio aaron fix up his car, no biggie." "i called your uncle aaron last night, he said you were sleeping." you pressed him as he shut his locker's door, not looking back towards you as he began to walk away to defuse the situation, at least, he thought it would defuse it. you were not having it, though, and followed him through the crowds of people that were passing you two in the hallway. "i slept because my tio made me do some heavy lifting, he insisted i should've gone to bed, that's all." he answered you back as he held himself back from getting any more agitated with this mountain of lies and excuses he's made for himself.
if you only knew just how much miles wanted to tell you the truth, how he wanted to be upfront and honest with you, tell you the real reason why he's been missing out on dates with you, not being able to answer your calls or texts, being unable to support when you need him, when he wants to be there for you... but being the prowler isn't just something he can quit, it's a job he takes up so no one else he loves, and especially not you, gets hurt or taken away from him.
you breathe in deeply as you try to put up with his crappy excuse again. "well, alright, but you never bothered to answer my calls? surely you would've woken up, right, your phone's always got its sound on. hell, you could've texted me, explained why you couldn't come, because i would've understood, i'd've understood if you just told me--" you said as you grasped miles' hand, but he was in no mood to face you right now. he wasn't angry nor disappointed in you, of course not; he believed you had every right to be angry, but miles was angry at... himself. he couldn't bear to have you face him, put up with him when he knew what he was doing wasn't enough to keep you happy. he yanked his hand away from your grasp and turned to face you, anger and fury filling his face.
"no digas cosas que no sientes! you don't mean that, not when you don't know anything! have you ever thought of that?!"
he yelled at you. he raised his voice at you.
...he really doesn't believe in you, does he?
miles panted as he tried to shake the simmering rage and aggression he was feeling off. he couldn't stomach it, the fact he should've been there with you that night, reassuring you, comforting you, supporting you like he promised--just being there to listen to you would've been enough, but he couldn't even do that. he felt like he was being tortured when he brought himself to look at you in the eyes, he didn't feel like he deserved you, of being loved by you. "cielo, i..." miles spoke as he tried to gather his thoughts, say he was sorry he snapped--but no words followed his quieting voice. his mouth was open, but no words came out. you looked at him in utter bafflement as the fact he spoke to you like that sunk in, piercing your heart like a dagger. all you wanted was the truth, the truth to come out of his own lips in his own voice by his own volition--but he couldn't even give you that without a fight, almost as if you didn't deserve the truth.
you realized it too late, and soon felt the hot tears rolling down your cheeks and staining your uniform's blazer and making small pools of tears on the floor. your lips twisted into a frown, the corners of your lips quivering as you sniffled back the tears, telling yourself to quit crying, but crying even harder as your inner voice got louder. "what am i doing wrong, miles?" you made out with a sob as your crying intensified, with the tears flowing faster and harder. "am i not... not good enough, not worth... not worth being given your time? i try to see things... from where you stand, but... how can i even begin to do that when you're not even... you're not even with me at all anymore?" you asked him in between your cries as miles looks at you, about to take a step forward and comfort you, but he stops himself. his eyes are filled with regret and shame for what he just did, what he just said to you.
the other students in the hall were drawn to the drama occurring between you two in the middle of the hallway, with some coming over to get a better look, others buzzing around for questions on who did what, what happened where and why. miles tried to open his mouth to speak, to say a word of apology, but his voice seemed stuck in his throat as he opened his mouth and closed it again. "i can't be with you anymore. we're done, miles." you said in a louder voice, which caused miles' heart to stop beating for a few seconds, benumbing him as he stepped back and was stuck in place, processing what you just told him. you ran off, away from everyone's stares, leaving miles alone there to reflect on what he just did.
miles tried to get himself to run after you, open his mouth and finally release the voice that longed to speak your name, call you and apologize a million apologies that would only be the tip of the iceberg. he did what he had to to keep you safe, to... keep you, but he ended up losing you in the process. he lost you because he didn't meet with you, he didn't keep his promise, he couldn't keep a single promise, which was why he couldn't even keep you.
the onlookers and bystanders eventually moved away and awkwardly filled in the silence that was left between you two with mindless chatter and murmuring. miles eventually came to his senses, partially, and slowly walked away from the spot he was frozen on after he let what just happened sink into him. he headed off to his first class with a murky and somber expression as he realized he lost you. he tried to conceal his despair and dejection, until ganke came up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "miles, are you--" "they left me." miles responded briefly, his voice quiet and hushed, as if to mask the utter sorrow he was experiencing. ganke gazed up at miles, who was now tearing up slightly, a few tears streaking down his cheeks. "they left me, ganke. i was... i was so... i wasn't doing enough..." he wept as he leaned against ganke, with ganke patting him on the shoulder as he walked him off to their first class. miles tread to class with a storm brewing in his mind, he couldn't focus on nor understand a single thing except for the fact that he's lost you.
but he won't give up that easily.
tags !! @k4tsu3 @fiannee @luvstarrstruck @toneystank-3000 @ii01vq @maxoloqy @popeheywardssecretgf @solecitoszn @q2ie @anikaluv @zalayni
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1d1195 · 11 months
Protection I
Okay I did the quickest of Google searches to get some of this info, please don't hold it against me. I have no idea what I’m doing as usual.
Hope you enjoy, I'm looking forward to writing more of it.
5.2k words
“Y’could’ve jus’ asked,” he called from behind her. “S’dangerous t’walk alone this late at night.”
She rolled her eyes, not that he could see it. “No one is going to try and kidnap me for political purposes on a Wednesday night while I get a drink with friends,” she told him.
“Love, s’not what I meant,” he said gently.
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Harry was ready.
He ironed a white button-down shirt and paired it with a blue tie. He put on a grey suitcoat over it to match the slacks he picked out along with black dress shoes that he had long since broken in. In fact, he thought he could probably run a marathon in them if necessary.
He looked over his freshly shaven face, rubbing his jaw with a face lotion his sister got him for his birthday last year. He used the mirror to fix a few astray pieces of hair that refused to sit neatly but not perfectly flat on his head. Part of him wished he didn’t volunteer to do this because his stomach was flipping with anxiety. Sure, he was used to this. Used to the nerves and the first day jitters. It was a good job and was hopefully going to be a great way to see the country. While his English accent made him stick out a bit, it also helped him blend a bit into the background; no one would think that Harry was a special agent there to protect a family member of the US cabinet.
Plus, he was doing Niall a huge favor. Niall was the one that got Harry a job with the Diplomatic Security Service in the first place, so he owed it to Niall to at least try. Make his friend look good and not ruin his reputation. One of Niall’s favorite coworkers was the one that trained Harry to be an agent for the DSS, since Niall wasn’t one. But Niall was the one that had heard horror stories of the girl that wreaked havoc on many of the agents put in place to protect her. Going toe to toe with her meant a more...fulfilling job...after a couple months. At least that’s what Niall had heard and shared with Harry.
“I don’t know what her issue is Harry. But you’re all but DSS’s last hope,” he said. Niall didn’t have to take a round against her. He wasn’t an agent in the protection division. He sat behind a desk going over paperwork. Frequently the paperwork assigning and reassigning the girl’s security detail. But he knew Harry needed a job and he was happy to recommend him. He vouched for him, but Niall was certain the agency would have taken someone off the street and thrown them in the ring at this stage in the game.
Harry was on the younger side. Close to her age, so he had been told in the interview. Maybe that would help. He seemed unfazed. It was just a job. She was just a girl. They had to protect her. But through all he heard, it didn’t sound like they really wanted to protect her all that much anymore.
How much trouble could a twenty-four-year-old graduate biochemistry student get up to?
Niall wished him luck as Harry was debriefed once more about his job. Keep an eye on her, run checks on people she interacts with, make sure she doesn’t die. “Her father is Secretary of State,” they reminded Harry.
Harry nodded. “Got it.”
He took the address that was sent to him into his phone’s GPS and followed the directions to the apartment complex in the small, undercover black SUV issued to him. There was bulletproof glass protecting him from the outside world and tinted windows hiding him through the glass. His mum messaged him.
Good luck, honey bun!
He smirked. Harry may have been twenty-nine, but his Mum’s messages made him feel like a little kid. He adored her, all the way across the pond recognizing what time it was so she could make sure to send him a good luck text as she always had; first day of university, first real job, or even just a trip to the dentist (Harry hated the dentist).
The little apartment complex was inconspicuous. There wasn’t anything special about it, just a brick building with several floors—it couldn’t have been more than 8 apartments. A buzzer door and buttons along the side. The code was sent to him to let himself in.
It’s just a girl. He reminded himself.
Harry took the stairs to the top and fourth floor. It gave him time to calm his nerves and plan his approach based on the way he heard the tales from coworkers. Maybe he would try and befriend her? Harry was down to be friends with her if she wanted. Or maybe that was a bad idea. Maybe he should just try and out-stubborn her. Harry and Gemma used to have contests about who could hold their breath longest when they were young. Harry wasn’t against passing out in the name of winning.
The final steps to her apartment were silent. The current agent at the door looked at Harry with relief. He saluted him, muttered good luck, and hurried back down. Surprised by the immediate departure, Harry gently knocked on the door. The man didn’t even confirm that Harry was his relief. “DSS,” he said quietly to the door.
It took a moment, but at once the door was out of the way. She was shorter than Harry—which arguably wasn’t hard to do with his six-foot frame. Her hair was pulled back by a clip at the back of her head, some strands falling from it to frame her round face. She had a freckle on her brow line and Harry found it unbelievably cute and surprised himself that it was one of the first things he noticed. The space between her eyebrows was pinched together and Harry wanted to smooth it out because even though she was going to be a pain in his ass, she was adorable. Her eyes scanned him quickly and he hoped despite the stories he had heard that she would at least appreciate his professionalism. Her lips were pressed together—not hard, just...resting against one another. Harry was quick to realize it was the least professional thing he could think of: staring at her mouth.
Mum always re-quoted that the eyes were windows to the soul. It was always the first thing Harry noted when he pursued a girl. He loved the idea of gazing into her eyes and trying to find out more about her just through her irises. Maybe if he looked into hers, he would understand why a short little thing like her could scare an entire division of special agents with varying degrees of combat training or intelligence operations.
Her lips pursed into a mocking smile, and she spoke. “Oh, I get it. Send someone young so I relate to them. Someone that will understand my attitude,” she rolled her eyes. Harry raised his eyebrows at her in surprise. Not even a hello. No introduction. Feisty. Right away.
“I’m sorry?”
“Daddy dearest only sent you here because the last seven agents couldn’t handle the paperwork that I made them do. I escape a lot.”
Harry sighed. “Thought y’were gonna be easy,” it was a fib. He knew she was going to be difficult but maybe if he played the part she wouldn’t be as tough on him.
“Nope,” she said petulantly, like that was going to piss Harry off. He assumed it worked on the others that came before him.
Harry could play the petulant game. He was the younger sibling after all. He nodded. “Got it. Well. M’name is Harry. I won’t bother you. I’ll be here if you’d like t’get t’know me. Or when y’leave,” he pulled the door shut and stood beside it. Hands behind his back, listening to the silence inside the door.
“Is this a joke?” She asked through the wood after a full minute. He didn’t respond. The door opened.
“Going somewhere?” Harry asked without looking at her. He could see her in his peripheral.
“No,” she looked at Harry curiously. “You’re not going to...try?” She wondered.
“Try what?” He asked innocently staring at the wall opposite her door.
She shook her head and sighed. “Uh... I’m sorry,” she said awkwardly, uncomfortableness rang in her voice. Harry turned to her, honestly a bit surprised at how readily she apologized. Didn’t seem like something that would be in her repertoire. “Do you want to come in?” She asked. See? Harry thought. She could be perfectly reasonable. “I have seats... you don’t have to stand out here the whole time,” she murmured.
“Thanks, love,” he said politely and followed her through the doorway. He dropped his bag into a seat closest to the door. It just had the department issued computer inside it.
The space was homey. Again, he was surprised by the contrast of the stories he heard versus the sunny outward appearance. He expected rage which he wasn’t sure how that would translate exactly into interior design, but he thought it would be messy. The only hint of a mess was a spot on the coffee table littered with papers and notebooks and a laptop. The grey sofa was also covered with papers and a plain black backpack.
He did not anticipate it being a pretty place. It could rival a florist shop. There were prints of flowers hung on a white mat with black frames at regular spaced intervals. Vinelike garlands decorated with an array of pink flowers of all sorts draped along the slate blue (nearly grey) painted walls near the top of each of the three walls making up the big room—almost like a bordered edge. The fourth wall was the back of the kitchen and contained various appliances leaving no room for flowers, but Harry thought she probably tried when she moved in anyway.
The whole room was open: the sitting room, the dining area, and the kitchen. There were two loveseat sofas, one a modern grey facing the TV. The other perpendicular to the grey one; a solid navy blue that sat in front of three windows. Each window had a sheer grey curtain that matched the sofa, draped with more vines of flowers across all three windows of course. Between the TV and the grey sofa was a grey coffee table and besides the papers and notebooks, there was of course a little vase with pink sunflowers. A large bookshelf was to the left of her TV stand.
In the back corner beside the door was a round dining table and four mismatched dining chairs where Harry had dropped his bag. Another little vase sat in the middle of the table with more pink flowers. The kitchen smelled yummy. Like bacon. That was as much as he could see from the entryway. There was a short little hall but hidden behind a wall he couldn’t see around but assumed a bedroom and a bathroom were around there.
“S’a very nice place,” he murmured.
She was still staring at him as if he just said he liked to eat handfuls of dirt and drink from the river. “Thank you,” she said kindly after a beat of silence. Like she thought maybe it was a trick. “I...I don’t really have any plans tonight. I’ll be studying for an exam I have tomorrow...you could honestly probably leave if you wanted to,”
He thought she sounded genuine but given all the stories, he wasn’t sure. “I’d rather stay put. I can go back in the hall if that would make you more comfortable,” he suggested. “But may I see the rest of the place or would y’rather I wait till later? When you’re less busy?” He asked.
She blinked almost surprised. Harry imagined she wasn’t used to privacy but since he wanted her to like him, he thought respecting her boundaries was going to be the easiest way to do it. Most of her previous details were older. They probably had children of their own around her age or younger and thought treating her like one of their own and bossing her around would be easy. In all the meetings Harry attended and interviews and explanations of the girl before him not once did they seem to note she was an adult.
“Oh...uh...yeah,” she mumbled and gestured for him to walk down the hall. He was right: a bedroom and a bathroom, but he was surprised to find a second bedroom. It didn’t seem like the space was big enough from the outside. She opened all the doors. “This one’s the spare,” she said and showed him the room with nothing but a bed and small three drawer dresser and a chair that looked like it belonged in a college dorm in the corner. There was a door leading to a closet (he assumed). Compared to the main room, it was lackluster given there wasn’t a single flower in the room.
Along the same wall was the bathroom. The room was the same slate grey as the sitting room. The shower curtain was white, with a pattern of pink flowers. The fuzzy bathmat and hand towels matched the pink flowers. A little flowerpot was placed on a shelf hanging above the toilet, but Harry could have predicted at this point that pink flowers would be in the little pot. A chic gold brushed mirror that doubled as a medicine cabinet hung over the sink with the same gold brushed faucet fixtures. A linen closet opposite the light switch right as you walked in, no door to it so he could see her well-stocked array of bathroom necessities, extra towels, and cleaning supplies.
“My room,” she shrugged and pushed the door open. Another bookshelf was draped with green vines. Fascinating. She liked to read a lot, it seemed. A long dresser was beneath the window along the back wall. A nightstand with a biochemistry textbook and a copy of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest was closest to the door near the top of her bed. A weird pair of books for late night reading, he thought. Harry would have to pick the non-textbook one up at the bookstore later. Find another way to relate to her. This room was painted a light blue—so light it was almost white. More vines and flowers. Her bed was made neatly. This time slate-blue-almost-grey color again. Once more pink flowers.
“Are y’a botanist?” He asked, turning back for the main room. He didn’t want to spend a lot of time staring at her room and make her uncomfortable.
She smirked, closing the door following behind him. “Just love color and flowers,” she shrugged. “The grey makes it pop,” she explained. “But I wanted a little bluer for my bedroom. Didn’t want it to seem all dreary.” It was the furthest from dreary.
“Well thanks,” she repeated, just as graciously as before.
She sat on the floor in front of the coffee table. “You can make yourself at home, there’s some drinks in the fridge—non-alcoholic of course, since you’re on the job, but I wouldn’t tell anyway,” she murmured and began scribbling on her papers almost instantly.
Harry felt deeply surprised. He pulled his laptop out and checked the emails. The internal messaging system alerted him that Niall had sent a message. How is she?
Fine. He responded.
Harry’s phone vibrated in his pocket immediately. It was Niall. “FINE?” He asked in shock.
Harry shrugged. “Yes.”
Niall released a breath through his lips in surprise. “I can’t believe it. Usually she has people begging for reassignment after five minutes.”
Harry looked over at the girl working at the coffee table. He looked back at his laptop. “Don’t know,” he murmured.
“You can tell whoever you’re talking to that I’m not the bitch everyone makes me out to be if you’re fucking nice to me,” she grumbled.
Harry smirked. “I like her,” he said loud enough for her to hear. But she didn’t pause at all. Nor did she stray from her position or what she was doing to notice Harry’s kind comment.
She left Harry in the main room. He would stay until midnight when some woman would take over the detail. She didn’t hate the woman. She at least allowed her privacy when she wanted it. But she was surprised how much she liked Harry and they’d hardly interacted beyond an exchange of pleasantries. Him leaving in a couple hours seemed unfair.
Harry already had her phone number and he told her he would send her a message, so she had his in case of an emergency. “Not sure what emergency exists in my bedroom,” she muttered. He smirked and shrugged.
“Protocol, love,” he said. So he was one of those. She thought.
She liked his accent. Honestly, she liked everything about Harry. He was gorgeous. It was shocking. There was a moment where she forgot she was supposed to be agitated by her security detail when he introduced himself. It was almost instinctive that her hand wanted to reach out and play with his brown locks that curved every which way around his head. His eyes were this piercing green that she felt the desire to repaint her room the same emerald color. She nearly had to crane her neck to see all six feet of him. And in a simple suit, he was just...beautiful.
But then he pulled the door shut not taking her shit for even a second. Her brain felt out of sorts as she tried to reconcile the attitude, she wanted to have against the one she felt. Not once did someone just back off her. Maybe having someone closer to her age was the trick. But she didn’t want a security detail. Right?
Harry was so utterly polite, complimenting her place, respecting her boundaries as much as possible given his position. Ugh. He was ruining all the hard work she had put in to be a bitch toward DSS.
Fortunately, her phone vibrated as she closed the door to her bedroom. It was a friend from one of her classes telling her they were having a round of drinks before their final exam in the morning. She didn’t want to go. It was ten o’clock and her brain was exhausted from the marathon studying all afternoon and evening with her only breaks introducing herself to Harry and when she ordered them pizza.
Harry insisted on paying. Another weird notion from him. She never really ordered food for her security details, but she always did offer, and she always paid. Her mother taught her to have manners and be polite, even if she was mad—it would make her more amicable. However, she thought a lot of her previous agents assumed she was trying to poison them when she ordered them food. Harry didn’t talk much to her while they ate. He asked her what she was studying and if she felt confident about the exam.
She worked her ass off to be successful in her classes. She was one of the top students, she knew it. But everyone else saw it as the Secretary of State’s doing, not her own. But yes, she was confident about the exam.
But now it was 10:04 and she wanted to be included. She didn’t want to come off as “Daddy’s little princess” and the goody-two-shoes she was accustomed to being. Biting her lip, she pressed her ear to her door. She couldn’t hear Harry at all. Harry seemed cooler than her other details, she could probably just ask him to take her and hang back as far as humanly possible. He told her he was going to read the files on the people she surrounded herself with while she went to sleep.
He would be back first thing in the morning for a full day of watching her every movement. She quietly changed into an easy, comfy outfit. Jeans, t-shirt, her most comfortable broken-in Keds. She glanced at the mirror on the back of her closet and put on a couple dabs of concealer around her eyes and a few swipes of mascara. It was one round of drinks; she would be back before Harry left his post and she wouldn’t even have to worry about locking up her apartment. She shoved her ID and her credit card into the back of her phone case and then put it in her back pocket.
Carefully, she opened the window pausing around the part that always groaned in the humidity from the outside August air. She quietly pulled the screen in and laid it on her bed. With cat-like soft feet, she got out onto the platform of the fire escape. Closing the window behind her, once more minding the swelled portion. She made her way down the fire escape. The walk to the bar was less than half a mile.
As she turned the corner of the building to walk along the streetlamp-lit roads she was pushed suddenly and almost violently against the building. She nearly lost her footing, but the person kept her upright and was surprisingly gentle with her before she slammed into the bricks. Her lungs inhaled, ready to let out a scream, but a hand was covering her mouth at the same time causing her heart rate to skyrocket. “Seriously?” Harry’s accent cut through her terrified mind.
The terror seeped out of her mind as anger coursed through her. Maybe the close in age thing wasn’t going to be a good plan after all. If this was one of her other agents, they wouldn’t have known she was gone until she had finished her drink and was walking back home. She shoved his hand from her mouth, and she glared at him. Her body was shaking with her fight or flight response and a lot rage. “What?” She snapped and started marching down the road.
“Y’could’ve jus’ asked,” he called from behind her. “S’dangerous t’walk alone this late at night.”
She rolled her eyes, not that he could see it. “No one is going to try and kidnap me for political purposes on a Wednesday night while I get a drink with friends,” she told him.
“Love, s’not what I meant,” he said gently. The kindness in his tone made her attitude waver again. But she was mad that he caught her. That never happened. She didn’t want to be sneakier. She thought she might actually like Harry. He even said he liked her to whoever he was on the phone with—that made her heart warm despite how she pretended not to hear. If Harry liked her, it would be much harder to maintain the isolated, bitchy attitude she gave all the other security agents.
“What’s there to worry about? Someone shoving me against a building and covering my mouth?” She grumbled.
“I didn’t want t’scare you; I was jus’ trying t’show you that someone could’ve snuck up,” he was keeping his distance from her, but she listened intently for the practically soundless footsteps. The only reason she could hear him was because it rained and made the little scratchy pebbles and dirt crunch under his feet ever so slightly.
“By scaring me,” she stated, still not looking at him.
He sighed. “M’sorry. I thought...” he trailed off. She didn’t make him finish his sentence. She thought too—he knew the stories of her, but he thought he would be different. They walked probably two tenths of a mile in silence. “M’sorry, love,” he repeated. “S’my first day. Didn’t want you t’get hurt.”
She sighed. He did sound remorseful. And she still kind of liked him. Mostly because as tragic as it sounded, he seemed to be more worried about her safety as a female walking dark streets and not a political official’s daughter. “It’s alright,” she mumbled. “I should have just asked,” she agreed a bit begrudgingly. “Just figured it was one drink and I’d be home before you left.”
He didn’t say anything. She stopped in her tracks. She could see the sign for the bar where her friends were down the long street before her. She turned to Harry. He looked relieved.
They gazed at each other a moment. Harry would be a worth adversary, she thought to herself. It was like he heard her thoughts because his next words almost tried to refute the idea. “I don’t like t’do paperwork,” he told her those pretty green eyes focused on her intently. He was serious. His jaw flexed tightly.
She smirked. “No promises.”
She spotted Harry at the end of the stairway, leaning against the wall as she exited the building where she had taken her exam. He had to be sweating in the suit slacks and button down—even if the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. His left arm had several tattoos lining his arm while the right only had one or two. He wasn’t wearing a tie today nor a suit coat—she wanted to tell him she didn’t really give a shit what he wore, but he seemed the professional type. Being the middle of August, it was hot as could be. He didn’t seem to care, glancing every which way through a pair of black sunglasses. She couldn’t see his eyes and she suddenly realized she missed seeing the green even though she’d only gotten one good look at them.
Unfortunately, in all her ogling she missed the last two steps sending her straight into someone in front of her and she fell to the ground on the hot sidewalk, scraping her knee like a child. Fortunately, as a biochem major, she had to wear pants whenever setting foot in the lab so the yoga pants she wore—while hot for a summer day—probably saved her just a bit from a worse cut. It did cause a few tears in the fabric and her knee would surely bruise.
Harry started to rush over but the guy she bumped into helped her back to standing. “You okay there?” He asked.
Harry stood back a few feet as the guy helped. “Uh...yeah. Sorry, I missed the last step,” she said with a slight awkward laugh. She brushed the dirt from her hands that were also scraped as well as the length of her forearm since she was allowed to wear short sleeves (especially since it was exam day).
“Oh hey! You’re—” As soon as she realized he recognized her she closed her eyes and sighed.
“Yeah,” she mumbled. “Sorry,” she hurried off, limping slightly as she realized she really smacked her knee and the way it scraped definitely made it sore to bend. She didn’t want to be recognized. She wanted to be herself and not have this political precursor follow her everywhere.
They were making their way back toward the SUV Harry had parked nearby when he had dropped her off this morning so she wouldn’t be late. Good luck he had called out when she closed the door behind her. “Are y’alright?” Harry’s accent was a few paces behind her. She felt embarrassed so she didn’t turn around. She nodded.
“Yeah. Just a scrape. Want to go home and take a nap in the AC.”
“Can’t argue with y’there,” he chuckled.
She smirked; glad he couldn’t see her. “You don’t have to wear a suit all the time,” she told him. “It’s a thousand degrees out. You’ll die of a heat stroke before you can protect me.”
He seemed to ignore her joke, but she was still a bit genuinely concerned he would overheat. “How was your exam?” He asked.
She turned finally and looked at him. He stopped short, still a few steps behind her. They probably looked odd beneath the shaded trees. Both dressed not for a summer day. Harry looked threatening, surprisingly. He didn’t when she saw him in her apartment or even when he walked her home at eleven last night. He looked like a regular guy even if he was overdressed in a half suit. She noted the gun in its holster on his hip and she wondered how good of a shot he was. Not because she thought he would be bad or because she thought he would ever need to shoot it in her presence but because she was genuinely curious about him. She still had her backpack on of course. Her knee bent slightly with a tear in her pants. Quite the pair.
His glasses were still covering his eyes, hiding probably the most assured way to understand what he was thinking. But despite all she thought about the DSS, Harry was nice. Even if it had only been the inside of 24 hours.
It was shame she was a bitch to her security detail.
“Uh...easy,” she said. “A lot of my friends complain about studying and it sucks, but obviously it was worth it,” she shrugged. “I only struggled with one long response question, and I knew that I would going into it,” she explained.
“S’good, m’happy for you,” a little smile twinged at his lips and he sounded so genuine. It surprised her. Like he was really taking an interest in her.
But then she remembered this was his job and he probably couldn’t give two shits about her or exam. She tilted her head and scanned the man before her as if that negative thought would reveal itself. Of course, it didn’t. The glasses were hiding his true emotions. She would have to figure out Harry later. It was too hot, even in the shade.
Silently she turned on her heel looking at the air-conditioned oasis of that SUV. Harry opened the door for her, something she was not used to before closing her neatly and safely inside. Once Harry opened his door she asked her question. “Can we get coffee?” She asked.
“My treat,” she smirked.
“I thought you wanted a nap?”
“Yeah, but I have to work later and if you drink coffee before a nap, the coffee will kick in right when you wake up.”
He tilted his head at her before he pulled into the road. “Didn’t know y’have a job.”
“It’s remote,” she shrugged.
“So coffee?”
“If that’s what you want, love.”
Harry drove in silence to the closest coffee shop he could find, and she got out of the car quickly before stopping at the driver’s window. “Can I get you anything?” She asked kindly.
“Uh...an iced tea would be nice,” he said curiously.
She was not the bitch everyone made her out to be. “Sure,” she said and rushed inside. Harry kept the window rolled down and could see her perfectly through the window. It took no more than ten minutes, and she was back at the car handing him iced tea through his open window before she got into the car. Harry wasn’t really sure what to make of her. But he was sure that he liked her. She was funny. In her own sort of way. He watched her sip her drink as she settled back into the car.
It would be fun.
Protecting her.
“I could send you a picture if you’d like to stare at me longer,” she blinked in excess at him. Fluttering her pretty eyelashes as her quick witted tone pierced his thoughts.
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @youdontcaredoyou @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach
Protection tag list: @youcouldstartacult
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