#maybe i'll share my story with it someday?
The Ultimate Crossover Episode (4)
Giving K-pop Groups (and Soloists!) Bruce Springsteen Songs
Enhypen: I’m On Fire (1984)
A gift for all the “Fever” lovers out there (which, yes, includes me). “I’m On Fire” is a fleeting shadow of a song, but it's desperately emotional in unexpected places--I never really know what to do with it once I'm done listening, which corner of my brain to store it in. Luckily, I think Enhypen are at their best when their music is mysterious, even disturbing (see: “Given-Taken", “Not For Sale" & the aforementioned "Fever"), and “I’m On Fire” is certainly disturbing. (My dad, a huge Springsteen fan, actually really hates this one, and I get why. I still love it, though.) I think “I’m On Fire” would suit a heavily-autotuned approach to vocals as well as a more natural one, so Enhypen would have room for their signature vocal effects if they wanted. Even better, this track could totally have been a b-side on their most recent album—I think it would fit right in with the concept, both sonically and lyrically!
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invinciblerodent · 8 months
we're missing Liam Kosta in this club viciously tonight friends
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kravkalackin · 2 years
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nanowrimo is still over half a month away but i made a book cover for the novel i'll be trying to write this year on canva.
It's technically a prequel for a series I plan to write with @technicalchaotic later based off the dnd game I'm running. It tells the story of Optimal Archive Storage Unit, the 9.18 billion year old downloaded consciousness of an archivist of the first ever sentient species in the universe.
Her story will tell what it was like to navigate a society that possesses a collective unconscious, what made her decide to break off of the collective unconsciousness to become a storage center for all their information up to that point, and the events that led to her being left on a rogue planet floating along the infinite darkness for nearly 7 billion years before she was found by our present day protagonists
I know I haven't been posting fics much lately, but hey I hope this sounds like it might at least be some of y'alls jam.
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c4p7ch4 · 2 years
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akorah · 9 months
The story about stumbling upon a childhood friend's grave is just so insane to me. I am sorry that happened to you but also I am glad that you could take something good from it. I can't even imagine experiencing something so intense so unsuspectingly.
Thank you. I don't really talk about this day, to the point that my therapist is the only person who knows all of the details. I've lost family and friends unexpectedly all my life, but this was the single most profound devastation I've ever experienced. I learned how to fold origami hearts the next day. I went back to the cemetery and wrote him a letter, folded it, and left it on his headstone. It's become my Hallowe'en ritual.
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gate653 · 1 year
Really really wish I knew how to get better at art.
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my Punk Jackets
masterpost >:>
Okay so here's my current battle jacket that I wear all the time.
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The back patch is a Front Bottoms song and the jacket is covered in things, little keys, fun worms I give away (not all the pride flags are mine some are just so I can give people theirs), pins, safety pins (esp around the collar) and spikes.
One side of the jacket is this and has my hopepunk patch which is a personal like. fave.
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and the other is like this! The mischief brew one sews through the pocket fun fact (just a little though like 1 stitch)
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my friend @soan-papdi made the cabin 11 patch! <3
the pockets on this jacket are big enough to put a magazine in and it's a great jacket.
Next is my flannel which I made summer of 2021, two of the patches have been replaces but the rest definitely show their age. It doesn't have a lot on it because when I was hospitalized I took all the sharps off all my jackets and I haven't gotten around to putting them back on that jacket yet. It definitely is more political than my more music/art-oriented jacket and both have benefits
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The "Share art share joy" patch (which used to be "snitch on your boss" but that would fold and looked like "itch your ass" moral of the story, look at how things will fold lol) is a pocket!
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The back patch is the first patch I ever made! The sleeves are spiked which is fun but flannel definely doesn't hold spikes well.
Next is my leather jacket which was pleather so fell apart so I painted in all the holes and did a Kimya Dawson quote on the back. It needs some touch-ups on the quote but it's really sweet to me because it did it with friends.
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And finally, my platypus' jacket.
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I sewed the whole thing myself from a jean leg and the back patch is going to be "love yourself a latke" because his name is Latke!
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Right now he has a rainbow heart, some black eyed susans, and a "Bee kind" patch!
If anyone ever wants battle jacket tips I'd love to give advice. I might make another fashion post sometime with all my written on shirts or my jorts I embroidered and painted on. Maybe I'll post my kandi someday. for now; Here's my jackets! I worked hard on them.
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spockandawe · 1 year
Double edit: actually, that's enough of that.
Edit: I was expecting maybe thirty notes tops. This is a surprise, and one that doesn't delight me. If I hear about any harassment stemming from this post, I'll be more pissed at the harasser than the person this is about.
God. Dammit.
I hate this, let's just out that out there! I'm unhappy that I'm talking about any of this, I'm unhappy there's an issue that's come up at the intersection of media preservation, respecting authors, and one of my favorite book series. And I'm unhappy that I've censored the names in the screenshots I'm about ti post! I'm not happy that I'm helping to slide consequences away from someone who thought this was an acceptable thing to do to a modern working author. But I'm even less happy this is something that happened in the first place, and I'm VERY unhappy the original post has been deleted without a whisper of accountability or apology.
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And here's a partial screenshot of the IA page, which has since been removed. I get the excitement to share something you love with a new audience. This isn't the right way to go about it.
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First, if Martha Wells' patreon is still in place, I encourage everyone in the strongest possible terms to go sign up for it. It'll charge you one dollar. I've been a member since probably 2018, and I mistakenly believed it was locked to new members (it's labeled 'Currently Closed To New Patrons') until I had reason to look it up last night, when I tripped across this reddit post from earlier this year.
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Now. I was looking it up because of this sudden patreon message:
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Even if the patreon goes away, I still recommend that people sign up. Explore the stories! They're very fun! Even though the patreon has been dormant for years, I've loved having that repository in place.
In fact, in the interest of full disclosure, what kept me from immediately reblogging last night is that I've felt the same archival urges! I bound a hard copy of these stories earlier this year, and let me quote my own words from that post:
I live in a state of perpetual low key stress over the impermanence of digital media and that goes extra for sites that aren’t designed to work well as archives. I hope, desperately, that someday Martha Wells publishes more raksura, maybe even including these stories! I will buy it immediately. No thoughts, wallet empty. I own all her other raksura books in literally three formats, fingers crossed that by printing this, I can actualize a formal official printing of these stories by the author 😂
So. Archiving, yes. But especially with a living, working author, I would never DREAM of posting a public free-for-all with IA and mediafire links. My most charitable interpretation is that OP thought it was fine since the stories were "free," even though the writeups acknowledge that access costs a dollar. Ao3 is also free. Reposting someone else's fic is still understood to be a dick move.
Last night i was left kind of stunned, and I was hoping to see some kind of response from op this morning taking responsibility, and was... disappointed to see that the post was just deleted. The IA listing was deleted too, and I hadn't actually looked up the mediafire post yet but I'm guessing it's also been nuked. Out of curiosity, I wanted to see if there was anything more in the comments, so I found a surviving reblog. And there was!
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So I'm writing this post because I'm... frustrated. Taking down the files is a good step. Posting them publicly was a worse step, but hey. I still more than understand if Martha Wells still deletes her patreon. I don't understand what sending her files of her own stories is meant to accomplish, but whatever. Ascribing a profit-driven motive is driving me up a wall, though. She's financially stable. I read her email, and what i see is frustration that even though it only cost a dollar to access 62k of her work through her own chosen location, control of her writing is being forcibly removed from her. I'm sure that seeing copies sold by third parties wouldn't help, but I don't think that's the root issue.
This is a fandom-heavy website, I'm sure most of us have seen posts about not reposting art when you can share directly from the artist's blog. I've seen posts about stop copying your ao3 faves over to wattpad just because you like reading there better. At a fundamental level, I read the message from Martha Wells as a deep frustration at having no way to share her creative work without someone removing control of it from her hands. And I don't know if there's any way to really take back that damage.
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bloggingboutburgers · 1 month
this past week my qpp of almost two years broke up with me. and i know for you, you said you wouldn't necessarily feel heartbroken if your qpr came to an end, but for me, it felt more heartbreaking than some of my past romantic breakups. this whole thing made me wonder if maybe im not queerplatonic or aro enough to be in a qpr, or if id ever want to be in a qpr again. but seeing you post about your qpr gives me hope that queerplatonic love is something that i can experience fully. so thank you for always sharing your story, because that's what's helping me heal right now <3
Aah, to be perfectly honest, as much as I sorta "downplay" it compared to what it must feel for people who experience romantic attraction... I've had a time where I almost felt like I couldn't go on with my QPP as well and the sheer thought of it was really hard to bear too, so my words here aren't necessarily being very fair to the reality of things.
It was during the travel ban of March 2020 to November 2021 where citizens of my country and others weren't allowed to enter the US unless we spent 15 days in a country that wasn't banned. It made it much harder than usual to visit my partner and as it was nearing 2 years with nobody aware it was going on anymore and US people more concerned about whether they'd be able to have turkey for Thanksgiving, my hope was running really thin. So for a few days in mid-October, as I was at rock bottom, I was starting to write in passing to my partner about how maybe going on wasn't worth it because the separation was too hard on us, it wasn't showing signs of stopping, and the whole thing maybe wasn't worth the pain if they could live their life happily and not have to worry about me who couldn't visit.
And then we videocalled at some point, and when they tearfully told me that even if it did end then and there, they wanted me to keep the promise ring they'd recently given me, I suddenly felt a quiet rage in me going like "No. Fuck this. Look at them. I love them. And I love this too much to allow some cruel governmental decision to end it. If it ever ends, it'll be because WE want it to end. Not because of shit like this."
...I'm making it sound super dramatic but yeah long story short this is also a big reason why we're planning to get married. So that when the US government decides to put a ban on countries including mine again, they can't stop us from vibing together this time.
I guess... I still don't wanna 100% assume we'll be together forever because I don't wanna trap them in a situation they may no longer feel happy in. We're doing great now, but I still have it in the back of my mind that maybe someday they'll get sick of me (they say they never will and that'd be dope if they never did, but never say never and all), or we'll both just want other things, and if it ends like that, then... Yeah, that'd be alright. Much more alright than the way it almost ended.
(...Oh, and for the record, if a friendship of mine ended abruptly, or if my brothers stopped being on good terms with me, I'm pretty sure I'd be just as heartbroken, to be fair. And it'd feel like my reality was collapsing a little. I guess anything ending, any human connection ending, has that effect to a degree, if it's important enough, after all.)
Though describing things like that does make it a bit harder to define what makes it "queerplatonic" as opposed to "romantic", I still... Just have that feeling in my gut that it isn't romance, y'know? It's kinda... A mix between being close friends and being an old married couple without ever having gone through the grandiose passion-honeymoon phase. Maybe that phase IS what defines romance per se. I don't know. Maybe someday I'll find more answers, but it's kinda hard to find answers when you have no idea how romance works to begin with I guess 🙈
In any case... Sorry if I caused any confusion or if I made you question your validity. The thing is pretty simple to be honest: if you feel you're aro, you're veeeeeery likely to BE aro. Because nobody can make that call but you and nobody can name the relationships you have but you. And if amongst everything you even FOUND the words "aro" or "queerplatonic" in a world where those identities and types of relationships are so aggressively hidden or erased, then it's gotta stand for something.
...I guess at the very least THIS I can be certain of TwT Sorry I'm a bit messy about all of this myself, I'm still also going on about it trying to figure it out day by day, but I owed it to you and everyone to be honest. These things are hard to define and I hope to keep finding better and better words to do so someday. TwT
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nickeverdeen · 9 months
Whispers of the heart | Kit Tanthalos x fem!reader
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The sound of clashing swords echoed in the training grounds as Kit and Jade engaged in a spirited bout. You stood by, attentively watching the exchange, arrows tucked into your makeshift quiver. As Kit executed a well-timed strike, she noticed your gaze and flashed a triumphant grin.
"See that move, Y/N? You could learn a thing or two from me," Kit teased, her confidence radiating.
You chuckled, taking the banter in stride. "Maybe, Kit, but archery requires finesse, not brute force."
Jade joined the conversation, offering a playful jab at Kit's training style. "Y/N's got a point. Sometimes subtlety can outmatch strength."
Kit, undeterred, twirled her sword with a flourish. "I'll take my strength over subtlety any day."
The banter continued as the trio ventured into a light-hearted discussion about their respective training preferences. As Jade offered guidance on refining Kit's technique, you interjected with insights on precision and accuracy drawn from her archery experience.
The sun began its descent, casting a warm hue over the training grounds. Kit wiped the sweat from her brow, turning to you. "You know, archery might have its merits."
You raised an eyebrow in mock surprise. "Oh? Admitting that subtlety has its place in the world?"
Kit's laughter rang out. "Maybe I'll ask you to teach me someday, when I'm not busy saving my brother’s ass."
The camaraderie between the three grew stronger with each passing day. As you and Kit continued to exchange playful banter, Jade found joy in watching their friendship flourish. Beneath the moonlit sky, the training grounds transformed into a haven of shared laughter, dreams, and unwavering support.
One evening, as they rested after an intense training session, Kit broached a topic that had lingered in her thoughts. "Y/N, you never talk much about your life before Tir Asleen. What brought you here?"
Your expression softened, your eyes reflecting the flickering flames of the nearby torches. "It's a long story, Princess, but sure I'll share it with you."
Seated in a circle, the trio delved into the intricacies of your past. The night unfolded with stories of a distant village, a peasantry burdened by injustice, and your journey to Tir Asleen in pursuit of a life free from oppression.
As the revelations unfolded, Kit and Jade listened attentively, offering empathetic nods and words of encouragement. The bond between them deepened, transcending the boundaries of royalty and commoner.
In the quiet moments that followed, Kit looked at you with newfound understanding. Their conversations became a tapestry of shared experiences, dreams, and vulnerabilities. You and Kit found solace in each other's stories, forging a connection that defied the societal norms attempting to dictate their paths.
As the moon hung high in the sky, casting a gentle glow over the training grounds, the princess, the archer, and the swordswoman continued their journey of camaraderie, laughter, and unwavering friendship.
As the months passed, Kit found herself captivated by more than just your archery skills. There was an unspoken connection between you two, a magnetic force that drew Kit in whenever you trained together. Each clash of swords seemed to spark an invisible energy, leaving Kit feeling a mix of exhilaration and confusion.
Jade, ever perceptive, couldn't help but notice the subtle shifts in Kit's demeanor. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she began teasing Kit relentlessly, especially during moments when you were out of earshot.
"Kit, you seem a bit distracted today. Anything on your mind?" Jade quipped, a sly smile playing on her lips.
Kit shot her a glance, a mixture of irritation and embarrassment. "Nothing, Jade. Just focused on the training."
Jade chuckled knowingly. "Focused, huh? Is that what they taught you to call it?"
Kit's cheeks flushed, and she swatted Jade with the flat of her sword. "You're reading too much into it."
Jade feigned innocence. "Oh, am I? It's just amusing how you and Y/N have this... almost sexual tension when you're sparring."
Kit rolled her eyes, attempting to brush off Jade's comments. However, the seed of realization had been planted, and Kit couldn't deny the truth in Jade's words.
One day, as you and Kit engaged in a particularly intense sparring session, Jade couldn't resist making her presence known. She whistled from the sidelines, interrupting your rhythm. "Wow, if I didn't know better, I'd say there's a storm brewing here. Anyone else feel the heat?"
Kit shot Jade an exasperated look, but her heart raced in sync with the rhythm of the blades. You, oblivious to the underlying tension, raised an eyebrow at the teasing.
"What's going on, Kit? Jade seems to think we're putting on a show," you said with a bemused expression.
Kit stammered, attempting to brush it off. "Jade's just being... Jade. You know it."
Jade winked at Kit, enjoying every moment of her best friend's discomfort. "I'm just saying, there's a certain spark in the air. You two might want to address it before the entire kingdom starts placing bets."
As you and Kit continued your training, the unspoken tension lingered, creating a dynamic that neither could fully grasp. Kit, conflicted by her growing feelings, struggled to maintain composure. Jade, on the other hand, reveled in the unfolding drama, eager to see how it would play out.
In the quiet moments after training, Kit often found herself stealing glances at you, contemplating whether to confront the truth or let the unspoken connection linger in the realm of ambiguity.
Kit and Jade engaged in a casual discussion as they prepared the training grounds for the day. The morning sun cast a warm glow, and the air buzzed with anticipation. Jade couldn't help but bring up a topic that had been lingering in the air.
"You know, Kit, you don't have to be so subtle about it," Jade remarked with a playful grin.
Kit raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Subtle about what?"
Jade chuckled. "About your feelings for Y/N, of course. Everyone can see it, even Airk and that’s a lot to say."
Kit rolled her eyes, dismissing the notion. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
As they continued setting things up, you approached, having overheard their conversation. You stumbled slightly on purpose, a subtle signal that you were well aware of the topic at hand. Without acknowledging it directly, you joined the conversation seamlessly.
"Morning, you two. What's the plan for today?" You asked, your tone light.
Jade exchanged a knowing glance with Kit, who tried to maintain composure. "Just the usual routine. Kit here is working on her sword skills."
You nodded, a small smile playing on your lips. "Sounds like a plan. Let me know if you need any help."
As the training session commenced, you couldn't help but steal glances at Kit in action. The rhythmic clash of swords echoed through the air, and Kit's prowess left an impression. You found herself captivated, realizing that your feelings were evolving beyond friendship.
Amidst the camaraderie and shared laughter, unspoken emotions lingered beneath the surface, gradually weaving a tale of friendship and a growing connection between the princess, the archer.
Under the canopy of the garden, you and Kit strolled along, the quiet rustle of leaves accompanying your footsteps. Kit couldn't help but notice the subtle warmth between you two as your hands brushed, each touch sending a flutter through her.
As you walked, your blush deepened, and Kit couldn't help but be intrigued by the unusual sight. Finally, under the shade of a dark tree, you settled beneath the branches, gazing up at the stars scattered across the night sky.
The air held a sense of anticipation as Kit mustered the courage to open up. "Y/N," she began, her voice soft in the quietude of the night, "there's something I've been meaning to tell you."
You turned to her, her eyes reflecting the starlight. "What is it, Kit?"
Taking a deep breath, Kit confessed, "I… Y/N all I care about is you. And if you wanna come prehaps even run away to live somewhere freely, I would tag along, if that’s okay. ‘Cause I don’t wanna have any adventures unless they’re with you. I should’ve told you sooner, you know? And for that I am so sorry. I love you Y/N."
The confession hung in the air, and Kit anxiously awaited your response. The garden, once filled with the sounds of the night, now held a stillness that seemed to echo the beating of your hearts.
The soft glow of moonlight bathed the garden, casting a magical ambiance over you and Kit. As Kit hesitated, wondering if she had made a mistake, your lips met hers in a gentle yet passionate kiss. The world around you two seemed to fade as you became lost in the warmth of each other's embrace.
You, breaking the kiss with a smile, whispered, "I love you too, Kit."
The admission hung in the air, a delicate revelation that opened a new chapter in your relationship. You continued to sit beneath the tree, your fingers entwined with Kit's as you exchanged stories, dreams, and whispered confessions.
As the night deepened, your laughter echoed through the garden, blending with the soft rustle of leaves and the distant murmur of the night. Kit, captivated by the genuine warmth in your eyes, couldn't help but marvel at the depth of your connection.
You moved to a quiet corner under a blossoming tree, where Kit often went when she needed some silence. The fragrance of flowers mingled with the crisp night air as you settled, side by side, on a stone bench. The stars above you two twinkled as if conspiring to keep your secret.
In a small awe by the magic of the night, Kit leaned in to steal a sweet kiss, savoring the taste of the moment. You responded with a tender passion, your fingers gently tracing patterns on Kit's arm. It was a dance of hearts, an unspoken language that surpassed words.
As the night wore on, you eventually found yourselves lying on the cool grass, cuddled together like pieces of a puzzle fitting seamlessly. You, usually the more reserved of the two, nuzzled into Kit's embrace, her heartbeat echoing the rhythm of the garden.
Amid whispered promises and playful banter, the hours slipped away, marking a turning point in their lives. Kit, stroking your hair gently, couldn't shake the feeling that your love story had just begun.
The night, filled with starlight and shared secrets, embraced you until you drifted into a peaceful slumber in the garden. The dawn would bring challenges, but for now, you and Kit found refuge in the warmth of your love, intertwined beneath the celestial canvas of the night sky.
During the training, Jade couldn't help but notice the unspoken tension between you and Kit. During a break, she decided to address the elephant in the room.
"Okay, spill it, you two," Jade said with a sly grin. "There's something happening here, and I'm not buying the 'just training' excuse."
Kit exchanged a quick glance with you, and you shared a silent agreement to open up to Jade. Taking a deep breath, Kit began, "Well, you see, it's not just training. Y/N and I... we got together"
You, though a bit shy, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's true. We've been getting closer, and our feelings have evolved beyond friendship."
Jade's eyes widened with excitement. "Finally! I've been waiting for this moment. Do you know how long I've had to endure the tension between you two? Spill the details."
Kit chuckled nervously. "It's still new, Jade. We're taking things one step at a time. But there was a moment in the gardens, and, well, things got a bit more serious."
You blushed but continued, "And we decided to see where this takes us. We're not hiding it, but we're also not making a grand announcement. It's complicated, especially considering the kingdom's stance on such matters."
Jade, thrilled by your confessions, grinned widely. "This is perfect! I've been shipping you two for ages. Just promise me I get to be the bridesmaid when you finally decide to tie the knot."
You and Kit laughed, grateful for Jade's support and understanding. The trio continued their training, now with an added layer of shared secrets, inside jokes, and the unspoken promise of a future filled with both challenges and the undeniable bond that tied them together.
Okay this is horrible and is extremely short, but I hope you guys like it! Feel free to give me any suggestions on how I can improve other imagines in the future.
Love you, stay safe and healthy 🫶💚
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zepskies · 17 days
Ooooh I have a few questions for you to keep the ball rolling! 💚
Would reader and Beau from TMH ever get married? Have a kid?
How would BMD Ben react to their daughter (as a teen/young adult) dating a guy he sees right through as an asshole/maybe a bit like Ben used to be? Would Ben ever tell his kids who/how he used to be when they grew up?
Ooh thanks, Michelle!! 💚💚💚
These are great questions, wow...
Take Me Home (Beau Arlen x Reader):
Would the reader and Beau get married? Have kids?
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Oh hell yeah, they definitely would get married! In Echoes, the last one-shot I've written for them, they've just moved in together. I think at that point, she and Beau would be thinking about marriage in the future, but maybe they wouldn't talk about it with each other right away. 😂
We know how Beau is about sharing his feelings, and the reader, being burned before on an engagement and the idea of marriage, knows she loves him but would be hesitant to make that leap...
Until Beau talks to Emily about it. His daughter is more and more becoming his sounding board, since she was so supportive of their relationship from the beginning. Emily would encourage him to get remarried if that makes him happy.
Emily: You're already living together. Doesn't that mean you want to be with her for the long haul?
Beau: Well...yeah. That's just about what it means.
Emily: Then what's the problem?
He can't exactly argue with that logic. 😂 I think he'd be so excited to propose, that he wouldn't even think about the "more kids" conversation until after they're engaged. The reader would think about it first, I think, wondering if he would ever want more kids someday. And if so, is that something she wants too?
Once they actually got around to sitting down and having that honest conversation, I think both of them would be open to it in a "if it happens, it happens" sort of way. Beau would have concerns about being an "older dad," 😂 but in comforting him and reassuring him that he'd do great, because he's already a great dad...it would make the reader realize that she does want kids, and she wants them with Beau. ❤️
(Hell, maybe I'll end up writing that in the future!)
Break Me Down (Soldier Boy x Reader):
How would BMD Ben react to their daughter (as a teen/young adult) dating a guy he sees right through as an asshole/maybe a bit like Ben used to be? Would Ben ever tell his kids who/how he used to be when they grew up?
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Ooh, I have an ask that I plan to answer tomorrow that covers how Ben reacts to Lila having a boyfriend or girlfriend, but your question here is even more specific! Love it!
I think if he clocked the "asshole" in Lila's new boyfriend, Ben would call him out immediately. He would try to ban her from seeing him. And when that didn't work, he would 100% threaten the guy off without her knowing.
Ben would have to try to (badly) explain to her why he doesn't trust the guy, and why he's a skeevy little bastard.
Lila: Dad, you don't even know him!
Ben: Oh, I know him. Sweetheart, I know 'em all, better than the back of my goddamn hand. He's a fucking scumbag, and you're more than too good for him. Trust me.
Lila: What do you mean?
Ben would hesitate. He wouldn't want to explain to his daughter that he knows how that asshole's mind works because he used to be exactly like that, before he met her mother.
He probably wouldn't ever want to explain it to his daughter in his own words. Likely she'd have to piece it together from stories she hears about her dad from her mom, and/or her honorary aunts and uncles (like Butcher, Hughie, Loco, and Frenchie).
With his future son, Ben will probably have more "man-to-man" real talks about how he used to get women under the realm of "dad advice." 😅 When the boy got older, Ben would admit to him that he did use to fuck around. (Putting it mildly.)
Ben: I mean, if there was an Oscar for laying it the fuck down, I would’ve taken that shit year after year. Would’ve beat out Burt Reynolds by a fucking landslide.
Son: *grossed out but still confused* Who's Burt Reynolds?
Lmao. 😆
Thank you again for these questions, friend! 💕
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sanctuary1988 · 6 months
Les Petals D'Amour | Gwi | Masterpost
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Pairing: Gwi (the scholar who walks the night) x fem! noble! Reader
Summary: A heartless vampire falls in love for the first time in centuries of loneliness. Passion, secrets, betrayal and love drown the royal palace. Will your love for Gwi prevail through time or will it wither away like a fallen rose petal? Maybe love was his punishment, maybe love was your salvation. Or wasn't it a curse to you both? Because, who can beat a race against time? Who can love in the dark? Who can love without truth? After all, even the most beautiful flower will wither away and end in ashes of time, remembered only by the one who cherished her the most.
General Warnings: fluff, angst, blood, biting, general vampire stuff, secrets, obsession, twisted retail of beauty and the beast, death, character death, typical period misogyny, DARK ROMANCE, spiciness, love?, (specific warnings will be given in each chapter)
Total Word Count: in process
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A/N: Welcome to my first fic on this new blog, darling! I finished watching TSWWTN like a month ago and I have officially fallen in love. I took one of the scenes to start this story that could serve as a prequel of the drama from Gwi's perspective. Like a backstory for him that we were denied on the show.
I really hope you will like it, loves. Please share your thoughts with me and feel free to ask me anything! From extra scenes for this story to what's the last thing I ate, I'd love to interact with you all!
*A/N: This story will be updated when I have the time to write, darlings. I'll do my best to keep it alive and ongoing but I have a lot on my plate right now. I'm doing this mostly for myself as I need some space to vent and create without pressure. This blog is a safe space for anyone and that obviously includes me. So please be patient when it comes to updates! I'm giving my all trying to balance my life with all the responsibilities I, myself, put over my already busy life. But be for sure that this story will be finished... someday.
**A/N: Darling, please mind the warnings on this post and on each chapter. I'm still pondering on whether I should include smut here or not as I personally think there should be a solid reason why there must be a spicy scene in a story but aside from that, this story will have some pretty dark contents and behaviours. Disturbing scenes may appear throughout the story and I am not responsible for your media consumption. Please, be careful, love.
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~ Main Work
Chapter 1 | Handsome Stranger |2.3k words|
Chapter 2 | Owned Flower |2.4k words|
Chapter 3 | Caged Petal |2k words|
Chapter 4 | Silver Innocence |2.5k words|
Chapter 5 | Subtle Conscience |2.5k words|
Chapter 6 | A Flower For A Flower |4.2k words|
Chapter 7 | Reborn Petals Of Emotion |4k words|
Chapter 8 | Veil Of Temptation |4.5k words|
Chapter 9 | Fate's Cruel Hand |5.1 words|
Chapter 10 | The Heart Of The Poet |3.4 words|
𖹭 Interlude pt.1 |1.4k words|
Chapter 11 | The Moon That Embraces The Sun |4.6k words|
Chapter 12 | Melodic Promises |5.5k words|
Chapter 13 | The Silence Of Solitude |3.2k words|
Chapter 14 | Stolen Rose Of A Promise |4k words|
Chapter 15 | Flames Of Passion |4.5k words|
𖹭 Interlude pt. 2 |2.2k words|
Chapter 16 | Secret Of Darkness |3.4k words|
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
~ Side Content...
The Playlist 🫶
Started: January/28/2024 Finished: ???
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camellia-salazar · 5 months
April's drawings and doodles!! Get ready! 🎉🌟
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At first, I was gonna draw ARG tangled in some rope, but then the rope looked like a ribbon, so I made Gangle into a monster instead. Also, I drew two of the most underated cats from Warriors ever, especially Lionheart.
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(I started this first but finished it second). Drawings of certain characters cause their birthdays this month, except for Colin his birthday is at the end of March. I just forgot to draw him. I just love how Cody, Popee, and Waluigi share the same birthday, tho. 🎉
Edit: (No offense to those born on April 1st, btw).
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I was writing a story with these six, inspired by The New Prophecy. But I haven't written it in some time. Idk if I'll ever continue it. I don't think I'll post it anywhere, either. Probably.
The next two drawings I started a month or so ago but didn't finish until this month.
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Took quite a while to finish, but I'm glad I did. Idk where this takes place yet, but it is a scene from that crossover I keep thinking about but never really writing down.
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Either takes place before or after the drawing above it, I don't really remember. What I do know, tho is that I drew these drawings because idk I just felt like Adam would have interesting interactions with some other characters.
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I rushed this at the end. I did not want to leave it out. I want a clean slate next month. God damn it. I love crossovers, how bout you?
More about the Multifandom lore and other stuff below if you want:
Characters who die in canon that end up in the place (idk what to call it) keep being in the clothing that they died in. (Rip Ram and Kurt from Heathers: the Musical). (Spoilers warning if needed) So Adam is stuck with his robe he wore during the war with Charlie and the others from the hotel.
Also, about the 3rd drawing, like I said, it's an idea I had that, yes, takes place in the same crossover thing I think about. The colors in the background of each kiddo are involved in it, too.
The first two drawings are pretty much just some random doodles (idk what to do with the one with ARG and monster Gangle) while the other three kinda have stories to them that may or may not be written or animated on someday. (God, I hope that last sentence made sense).
Oh, and Bluey, Bingo and their cousins got to visit the Cul-De-Sac cause of a reason that's also in the multifandom/crossover I think about, I don't know if I should explain it or not. Meh.
BTW I've tried to match the original art styles of everything before, but this time, I've taken some steps forward. The hardest thing to figure out is the claynimated ones like Orel, Clay, and Claire. But I managed (for now, probably).
Edit: i went back and fixed it, I feel so much better about it now.
I even tried to have it seem like Bluey and others are slowly transitioning to the EEnE art style a bit.
But anyways, thanks for looking at my art and reading my rant! (If you did, if not, don't worry)
Have a good one! 🌟✨️✨️👋
(i keep forgetting to include my logo in my fanarts, but whatever, maybe next time, maybe next year ill start. Idk.)
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tellmegoodbye · 2 months
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Welcome to week 2 of the Countdown to Season Five Music Mondays! This week's themes are Redemption and Owen & Tommy. If you don't have anything for these themes you can still participate in the tag as normal.
Once again, thank you to @lonestar-s5countdown for setting up this event and these themes.
Today I am sharing a few of my favorite songs from the playlist for my upcoming fic!
For these songs I'm thinking about 4x18 (and s5 👀) Carlos, how he stepped away from his obsession and chose love instead. We know this story isn't over for him, but overall it is a redemption story. It's about him and TK fighting through all of this and coming out of it stronger than ever as husbands.
Overcome - Nothing But Thieves
Bringer of the calm, your arms wrapped around when the fever took Thought I was gone for good, you brought me back
I've been thinkin', babe, maybe you're right When you said the pain weathers in time We're just waitin' for a change to follow We don't always get all that we want Redefine the pain to somethin' more And we shall overcome, as we've done before
Sleep Deprivation - Chance Peña
I've been on a mission I won't stop till I'm done I toss and turn almost every night I pray to God I'm doing right By all my family's wishes Lord knows I miss them Their love outshines the sun
So when I break down I list off the reasons I'm here and I'm still breathing I'm hanging on Try to break ground, make way for tomorrow I'll find a way through the sorrow One day at a time
Promises I Can't Keep - Mike Shinoda
What's the difference between a loss and a forfeit I tried to make it better, but I made it more sick I tried to make it right, now awake at night I know reality was getting in the way
I used to think that I knew who I was Never saw it coming unglued I used to think that I knew who I was Now it's time to see if it's true
I had so much certainty Til that moment I lost control And I've tried but it never was up to me I've got no worse enemy Than the fear of what's still unknown And the time's come to realize there will be Promises I can't keep
I Am Not Who I Was - Chance Peña
You keep me steady on the ground When my head's lost in the clouds That spotlight, though it shines bright Could never drown you out I know it's hard when I'm away I'll just hope you don't lose faith 'Cause I told the truth when I said to you That I'll be back someday
So if I fly too far Will I still have a place inside your heart? And when you've seen what I've become Will you love me for who I am, not who I was?
Back To One - O.A.R
I see you there, but you don't look right You got a ten-mile stare in your eyes tonight Time ain't fair, like it used to be
Don't look back, you'll never find your way There's a million different people Who break the same way When everything has come undone We got to bring it back to one
I know forever always asks so much Don't you let it scare you, don't you lose your touch When your still waters start to run, bring it back to one
@strandnreyes @lemonlyman-dotcom @bonheur-cafe @heartstringsduet @herefortarlos
@carlos-in-glasses @carlos-tk @literateowl @paperstorm @guardian-angle22
@whatsintheboxmh @fitzherbertssmolder @mrs-corrections-78 @murdersansy @firstprince-history-huh
@honeybee-taskforce @reyesstrand @butchreyes @freneticfloetry @fangirl-paba
@theghostofashton @alrightbuckaroo @nancys-braids @captain-gillian @tailoredshirt
@ironheartwriter @emsprovisions @sapphic--kiwi @reeeallygood @eclectic-sassycoweyes
@goldenskykaysani @toomanycupsoftea @messymindofmine @fandomswonderland @reasonandfaithinharmony
@goodways @thisbuildinghasfeelings @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @decafdino @lightningboltreader
+ open tag
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l0uterstella · 7 months
YOUR MELODY: Analysis, Merold's Manipulation
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(Parts are still incomplete like the flower language) full english lyrics, Ever Red theory (MUST READ TO UNDERSTAND THIS POST) Updated: Feb 25 2024
Flower Language
(thanks to my friend Lux for finding most of them)
Rimicha - sunflower, birds of paradise Sunflower: Symbols of joy, adoration, and loyalty. There's a story in Greek Mythology of a nymph who turns into the flower after losing her lover Birds of paradise:  Symbols of joy, paradise, freedom, and a sense of exploration
Hallritt - red periwinkle - symbol of purity, everlasting love, loyalty to friends, and hope
Merold - white and pink easter lily, white chrysanthemum, baby's breath, white spider lily, white and pink rose, hyacinth - together as a bouquet, all these flowers symbolize devoted love and loyalty, feelings of strong familial love and homesickness, positivity, happiness and admiration for the receiver, along with "seeking forgiveness/deep regret" with the hyacinths
Mirror flowers: lily, daisy, carnation, 4th still unknown - Together as a bouquet, these flowers represent celebration/hope for happiness, love and connection. Some flowers also share a meaning of rebirth or missing someone
Broken Mirror
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Broken mirrors typically symbolize a shattered self-image, fractured identity, and a sense of loss. I'll most likely be covering the voice drama in another post, but in the first episode, Hallritt is seen easily defeating a seed in one hit. Maybe Merold feels like his role as the strongest knight is being challenged? Which is why he accuses Hallritt of being a failure as a knight in the teaser for episode 2. In another scene, these two frames are right next to each other. Instead of the diamond flipping around like it did before, Merold just completely replaces Hallritt.
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The MV also had multiple "waves"/glitches, which recently has been a recurring theme of Seed's presence.
Hallritt also feels a bit "off" in the MV. It's possible that it's Eldritch Hallritt/Eldritt/The "original Hallritt" currently present. It's a bit confusing to tell which timeline the MV is set in, but it might make more sense with the System Hallritt headcanon. Eldritt formed as a protector and gatekeeper who used to hide the truth from the "current Hallritt", before deciding it'd be beneficial if he knew the truth and did something about it. Following this, the MV is in the 2nd timeline as my timeline theory suggests (with the voice dramas being the 1st timeline), and Eldritt is simply fronting instead of Hallritt.
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There's also this scene where Hallritt sings: "As if two hearts are on top of each other, I want to be connected by the same rhythm"
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Merold seems to know about the 1st timeline. He holds a ribbon, which is what represents the memories of that timeline in Ever Red. He is also seen multiple times with a corrupted version, possibly hinting at him having an Eldritch (seed corruption) form as well.
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The lyrics seem to have him hinting at the 1st timeline to Hallritt. If you corrupt the future, you echo its dark history.
To summarize: Merold is threathened by Hallritt's strength, yet he also knows the truth of what he did/will do. He wants to get rid of him somehow, or at least keep him in his place. He put up a face to seem trustworthy, but someday, that facade will shatter like the mirror.
1. Merold losing his vision? Really not much proof here aside from this quick frame
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2. blob people. idk who or what they are yet
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3. there's one transiton where something that look like vines turn into (angel? dove?) feathers and another one with a broken crystal. could it be referencing cielomort's death? is it his crystal strawberry from aozora?
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(Why? Why?) This heart (Why? Why?) It's fragile (Why? Why?) No matter what, I love you most (Why? Why?) It's overflowing (Why? Why?) These desires A melody just for you
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I think next week I'll finally release the Replica finale and I'll leave Peter Turbo for a while. And I will focus my attention on other characters. There are ideas for both long-term stories and one-shots. I would like to share with you.
First of all, I want to make a “love triangle with the primarchs” series. One-shots first. The most successful ones may someday become full-fledged long fics of the “Replica” type.
I’ll talk more about the “opposite of brothers” in the next post.
I also plan to write a long fic:
Lucius the Eternal and Abbadon (I haven’t decided yet, I love them almost equally) subjugate the forge world. The reader is an ordinary surf, but a very beautiful girl. Especially compared to the inhabitants of this planet.
Not only by appereance but she smt like a mutant/opposite to pariah. If people hates blanks but with her they feel calm and sometimes excitement. So she becomes a Lord Chaos' personal slave and lover.
And at least two one-shots:
1) Julius Kaeseron. The reader feels nothing. Extremely low pain threshold, no taste or smell. As are pleasures. This is a real challenge for the daemon prince and he wants to bring new colors to your life. 2) Something with Alpharius/Omegon and Jago Sevatar. There are no ideas yet, but these three (two?) captured my attention.
Maybe I’ll come up with something else, but I don’t want to look ahead yet.
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