#beau arlen thoughts
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zepskies · 1 month ago
Hiiii 👋🏻
A question for you. What's in your opinion the difference between Dean, Ben and Beau? And who do you like the most? 👀
Hi there, anon! 💜
Ooh good question... I think my thoughts on this'll be best represented through a little diagram:
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In each bubble you'll see their character traits listed, and the ones they have in common is where they intersect! 💜❤️💚
As for who I like the most?
Ooh I can't decide on that. Dean has lived in my heart the longest, but I absolutely love Beau too...and have a lot of fun writing for SB/Ben! lol Though, here's who I've written for the most (so far):
Soldier Boy/Ben
Hope this all answers your question!~
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 1 month ago
Any interest in an Alpha!Beau x Omega!reader series?
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roennq · 1 year ago
Interesting coincidences
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Both Big Sky (Season 3) and the reboot series, Walker, have a character who is a charming good ol' boy from Texas (scruff and all), who happens to be in law enforcement:
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And a Hoyt: Girl Hoyt Boy Hoyt
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So each time Dean Beau mentions his (yet to be seen) brother, I can't help but imagine how perfect it would be if a Sam Cordell-ish character popped up in an episode somewhere as the above-mentioned (sounds-like-trouble) brother?
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k2ntoss · 1 year ago
save me sheriff beau arlen, sheriff beau arlen save meeeee
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being partners was one thing, solving cases and talking on the station was okay and beau was nice, friendly and funny, nothing to really worry about besides the small crush you started to develop (which is totally understandable, we all know it), it's just a small crush until one evening before leaving the station you decide to go by his office, you know that maybe it's not the right moment as he's reading the files for an important case but you just want to say good bye and make sure he's fine so you just open the door
he is indeed busy, eyes focused on the files on his hands until you clear your throat and maybe, just maybe, that little crush isn't a little crush anymore; he looks up at you, expression stern and eyes tired but firm, is he mad? is he stressed? you have no idea, at this point everything your mind manages to think is how badly you want him to bend you over his desk to fuck you senseless, help him find relief from his stress and maybe also making you realize he is nothing else than you partner but let's be honest, as soon as he raises an eyebrow in your direction you know that you're neck deep fucked "need something?" he asks simply, he probably knows what's been on your mind lately as you only stare at him, with lips slightly parted until his eyes shift to your mouth and you do notice "uh, no... just came by to say goodbye-" you will mutter but you'll go silent when he stands up, leaving the files on his desk and crossing his arms over his shoulder "so you are leaving without helping?" and no, helping does not mean you reading the files with him, it means sitting pretty on his lap, with him buried deep inside of you and not allowed to move until he's done with work, no matter how whiny and needy you are it wouldn't be fair to distract him
(fucking lord, i can't do this anymore i NEED HIM, IM CHEWING THE BARS OF MY CELL)
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hotpeoplesimp1 · 1 year ago
Beau Arlen Imagine
Beau Arlen, sheriff of Big Sky, from Texas, intimidating, tall, strong, dating plus sized, anxious, insecure, ADHD, bookshop/florist/artist/music teacher/baker, gf…. I just think that’d be like the most adorable thing.
Like she’d get all nervous at police parties and banquets, like “do I look good”, “do you think they’ll like me”, and he immediately just assures her. “You’re absolutely gorgeous”, “anyone who doesn’t like you is crazy”.
And she’ll make him cute little crocheted or knitted things, or a painting, or just something from her hyper fixation/hobby. She doesn’t know if he’ll like, maybe he’ll think it’s stupid, but he finds it adorable and puts it in his office immediately.
Or maybe she hyper fixates on like mysteries and history, or dark facts, or just knows that kind of stuff in general because she likes random facts. So he’ll be going over a case with an officer or detective, or deputy, and she drops by to drop off lunch, like she does everyday. And she just overhears and says some dark or weird fact that she probably shouldn’t, and the other person is like “what the fuck”, but Beau doesn’t even flinch, completely used to it. Or says “thanks, darlin” because it could be something useful, and if it’s not, he’ll say “really?” Just so she doesn’t feel like she shouldn’t have said anything or gets uncomfortable. And he’ll just go to her because she’s like a little encyclopedia of random facts. But of course it freaks him out the first couple times cuz here’s this adorable, soft, anxious, hyper, little ladybug (a possible nickname for her), and she just spits out some shit like “if you crunch up glass and put a tbsp in someone’s drink, it’ll kill them within a week or two depending on how big they are, and it won’t leave a trace” because they couldn’t figure out how this guy died and she just spit out a theory to try to be helpful while she was dropping off lunch.
He’ll love cuddling up to her because she’s so soft. Like thick thighs? He’s always got a hand on them, and if you’re lying on the couch or in bed, he’ll rest his body between them and lay his head on her soft stomach, or breasts. Stretch marks? He’ll trace them, either with his fingers ansentmindedly, or with his tongue if it’s spicy time. And he practically purrs when she runs her fingertips through his hair. And she’ll give him shoulder massages after a rough day at work. And of course he rubs her bag and massages her thighs because she gets sore from all that extra “personal pillow”. It takes a bit to get used to just how affectionate and considerate she is, but once he does, he’s just a big teddy bear. And he both loves and hates how affectionate she is, because it’s not just with him. She’ll bake cookies for the whole squad, or do favours, and chats with people she knows, or if they talk to her first. Just smiling brightly all the time and giving them her attention. He thinks it’s adorable how sweet and considerate she is, but he can’t help but get a little jealous if he thinks she’s giving someone too much attention. Or if someone’s flirting with her but she doesn’t realize, he’ll get jealous. Either just glaring at the other person silently, never her because he knows she doesn’t know, and that she’s never do it on purpose, though he didn’t at first and they talked about it. Or he’ll stop what he’s doing and walk over, wrapping an arm around her waist, tugging her into his side, and find someway to integrate himself into the conversation, or make up some excuse and pull her away.
He’d pick up on her anxiety triggers and signs so quickly because of how observant he is. Making sure she has something to fidget with, and if not, he’ll let her play with his fingers, or just hold his hand. And if they’re at a party and it’s too much for her and she’s getting too anxious, he decides they should leave. Even if she insists it’s fine, that she doesn’t want to ruin his fun, he doesn’t let her. He’ll tell her stuff like “I’ll have a lot more fun at home with you”, or “I’m not having that much fun anyway”. He’d tell everyone that they’re gonna go, say something like he’s tired, or he has work early. Never blames her or anything.
And he sticks up for her so, so quickly. Like if he overhears someone calling her “weird” or something, he’s not having it. He’ll glare at them, and if it’s an officer, he’ll bring them aside and scold them. He finds all her little “quirks” or “strangeness” adorable and or hot.
And the sex… He’d be so caring and sweet. Muttering praises, and placing kisses on her stretch marks or slight chub rolls. “You’re doing so good, sweetheart”, “that’s it, baby. Just like that”, “You can do it”, “So hot. Getting me all hot n’bothered without trying”. Loving caresses all over her body. He’s ask her to sit on his face and she’d be really nervous and hesitant because of her weight, just how she was when she first sat on his lap but even more so. And he just assures her that “I’m a strong guy”, “if I need a break, I’ll tap out”, and if she says she’ll smother him he just says “I can not think of a better way to go”. Eventually she gives in and does it, and he’s so fucking happy. Just grinning like an idiot as he holds onto her hips and or thighs tightly, his fingertips digging in. The first time he’s rough is a while after they start dating, after a really tough case, or his ex wife’s getting on his nerves, or he’s just having a bad day, and she notices. Telling him to take it out on her, and she can take it. So he does, but doesn’t go too hard or rough, making sure she’s ok as soon as he gets slightly rougher. And always, always cleans her up and takes care of her. “You ok, darlin’? I didn’t go too hard”, “Imma get you a drink, ok”, “let’s get you cleaned up”, “did so good, baby”.
Someone they don’t know will see them and assume she’s just his friend because no way a guy like that could be with a girl like her. At least not at first glance. And he just states so proudly that she’s his girlfriend, or his girl. Like someone will ask who she is and he just gets a shit eating grin on his face and states with such pride “she’s my girl”. But if they get disrespectful of her, or asks him “really? Her?” He gets pissed. Glaring at them and starting an argument. Disliking them for the rest of, well, ever.
Just a thought. You’re welcome, or not. I don’t know, just can’t get it out of my head. Thought it’s was adorable and cute, like all you lovely people (most).
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purpledaisiesthings · 2 years ago
These guys could have been such a HOT couple. Like seriously, are you kidding me.
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I mean, aside from them being a good-looking pair, I did see and feel more chemistry (romantic and friendship) from those two right from their first interaction last season. They play off each other so well. So much potential. Just saying 😌 🤷🏾‍��️
Jenny/Beau just felt too forced and predictable. Lol, I actually love predictable, especially if it makes sense. But it shouldn't feel forced. And that's how it felt with them. Like I expected the writing to go the Jenny/Beau route, but it felt like it didn't fully land where it was mean to. I even felt more chemistry with him and his ex-wife than with Jenny. I don't know, I just wasn't feeling it.
At least there wasn't a love triangle with the leads. That would have annoyed the shit outta me. But it did feel like they were goading a Cassie/Beau thing in the beginning with some of the little comments here and there.
And because I knew they were going the Jenny/Beau route, it got to a point where I was audibly talking to myself and pretending I was talking to the writers/Beau "Are you sure you like Jenny and not Cassie?" Lol 😄 I got more of "Jenny might be into him" vibes but not from his end.
I would have liked Beau and Cassie, but then I also really like Cassie and Cormac 😄. She has chemistry with both. Her and Cormac are really cute though. I loved all their adorable flirting. I was so happy Cormac didn't turn out to be a bad guy or die at the end. Cassie has been through so much. Didn't want her to hurt again 😔
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found--family · 2 years ago
parallel gifsets we now need:
Harvey sitting up in bed / Dean sitting up in bed (demon!Dean? moc!Dean? motel!Dean? 15x20!Dean?)
Harvey + cracked mirror / michael!Dean + cracked mirror
Harvey + motorbike helmet / Beau Arlen + motorbike helmet
Harvey turning back / Soldier Boy turning back?
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jollyhunter · 2 months ago
Beau!Dean x hunter!reader - The Broken Circle
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Feedback and reblogs are highly appreciated! ♡
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Characters: (mostly) Beau Arlen / (flashbacks, for now) Dean Winchester x hunter!reader, also Denise and Cassie AU: "Supernatural" x "Big Sky" crossover, set after S15 of SPN
Warnings: - Major MC death mentioned (end of SPN spoiler), implied panic attack, angst and just buckets of tears (I'm coping with a certain someone's death here) - No use of Y/N - English is not my native language
Words: ~4,050
Setup: "Winchester" - That's the name you applied with at the police department, when you started a new life in Big Sky, Montana, 4 years ago. It's your deceased husband's name. Or rather, meant-to-be husband, since Dean died 2 weeks before he got to propose to you. Today you return from your one month time-out. But a lot has changed since you went to visit Sam; You've got a new sheriff.
And he's the same man you thought you'd never see again.
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The Broken Circle
In one word, that's your last memory of when you gingerly cupped Dean’s face. How your tender fingers caressed his bruised cheeks and wiped away the dirt from his battered skin. Shakily combed out the rubble from his damp brown hair and scrubbed the dry blood off his fingers.
The last time you squeezed Dean's lifeless hand before it slipped from your trembling fingers. Cold and busted lips scraped against yours when you gently kissed him goodbye for the last time in this life.
...Or so you hoped. Who knew what heaven had in stock for you two.
You just wished you could have been there, in that damn barn. Been with him in his last minutes. Could have held his hand next to Sam. Could have told him how much you loved him. Reassure him that you'd give up the hunting life like you both had planned. That you'd try and live a good life for him... and that you were sure you'd see each other again.
But instead you had to take leave of Dean's lifeless body. Hollow. Drained of everything that made him the man you loved and had planned to spend the rest of your life with.
Dean gave his life for so many innocent people – hell, for the entire world. But he never got to have his own life. Never got to live it the way he wished to.
It just seemed so damn unfair. You had so much planned for your future. Have yourself some rug rats, a dog maybe, a house, a garden with those ridiculous white picket fences. You’d live a cherry pie life once you’d leave the hunting life behind you.
Or so you liked to picture it in your heads. On those rare, peaceful nights where you'd rest in each others arms like an old couple. His fingers combing your hair while your thumb carefully stroked his battered knuckles. Whispers of daring dreams filling the silence.
But reality was cold. Bloody. Like an animal put down. With a last effort, put to rest on his bed in the bunker by Sam and you.
This image will haunt you for the rest of your life, you know it. It already did for the past 5 years. If only you could have —
You blink rapidly, your mind thrown off for a moment when you snap out of your spiraling thoughts.
Denise waves with a paper in front of you to get your attention back. "She was mutilated. And it wasn't a bear. Her heart had been cut out."
"Jesus," Cassie breathes with a look of shock and disgust, shifting uncomfortably next to you.
"Yeah," Denise's face grimaces into a painful one. Her eyes are darting from Cassie, down to the report and back up to your still slightly absent gaze. "What do you make of it, Winchester?"
"Sounds like a werewolf." Damn it. The words slipped your lips before you could fully snap out of your memories. “I mean, sounds like a bit far-fetched but I’ll let Sheriff Tubbs know.” You force a wry smile when you grab the piece of paper from Denise’s hands, ready to head out of this messed up conversation.
“Sheriff Arlen,” Cassie calls after you and you stop in your tracks to look back at them with arched eyebrows.
“Sheriff who?” You inquire with a puzzled look. How the hell could you have missed this much in just one month off duty?
“Sheriff Beau Arlen,” Cassie repeats and Denise quickly adds with a teasing hum, “And his ass is just- mmmh-” she makes a chef’s kiss hand gesture while Cassie rolls her eyes with an amused chuckle.
You let out a huff in mock-annoyance but can’t help the faint grin on your face. Maybe, one day you’d dare to befriend them. Maybe, whenever you’d feel ready for letting people into your life again. But not today.
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Ready to pick up your work at the police department, your eyes immediately land on the new name on what used to be Sheriff Tubbs office. ‘Sheriff Beau Arlen’ is written in an arched, golden text across the door’s glass.
You raise a sceptical eyebrow at the name. “Beau” you spit out the name under your breath, already feeling a distaste for this new sheriff.
In your defence, it wasn’t personal. It is just in your nature to feel sceptical towards anything new, especially people. Perhaps you gave up your hunting life. But any hunter will tell you between a swig of whiskey and a loaded shotgun that you’ll never lose your hunter instincts, no matter how hard you try. That’s not how it works. You don’t end this business by walking out the door.
It ends you.
In some way you were like trained bloodhounds. Always one chase away of your next kill. Unable to ignore the smell of blood. You were painfully aware of that fact. You could never live a fully normal life without the occasional hunch or a nervous look over your shoulder.
But you’d learned to accept it and make the best of it.
Here you can still help people. Save people. And once in a while nudge the sheriff into the right direction when you suspected something more than a suicide. Or you’d discreetly plant anti-possession charms on people when you had a hunch that demons were involved in a case.
Yet Sam believes you had retired fully from hunting like he did. And you liked to belief so, too. But on some days you weren’t so sure whether you even wanted to.
In some twisted way, hunting will always connect you with Dean. And at the same time it pains you, like a slow poison. Because you know it’s what he hated and never wanted for you.
And what took him from you.
It is a walk on a tight rope, really.
With a little huff of defiance you push the door to the sheriff’s office open. Your eyes dart around the empty room as you lean slightly forward, “Sheriff Arlen?”
Nothing. Oh well. With a quick glance over your shoulder you decide to take the chance and just drop off the report. You step inside, your fingers tracing the edge of the paper as your mind is instinctively drawn back to the case. I’ll have to look into this… bloody werewolf —
“Ah, Deputy Winchester, ain’t it?”
You freeze in mid motion.
And so does time. The paper slowly slides from between your trembling fingers and flutters to the floor. The unmistakable voice jolting through your mind and body like a lightning bolt. Your breath is caught in your throat, your mind and body paralysed.
The world holds its breath.
This is impossible.
“...Winchester, innit?” he repeats as he steps into the office and casually walks up to you, a wide smile spread across his face.
It can’t – NO.
You don’t dare to turn around.
Not that your body would be capable of any movement anyway. Every muscle is tense, your spine’s gone completely rigid. And your heart’s hammering against your ribs like it’ll crack your chest open from the inside.
You stand there like a deer caught in headlights. Headlights of a ‘67 Chevy Impala called Baby.
It has to be my imagination.
“Ya got somethin’ for me there? Oh-” You feel his elbow briefly brush your side as he bends down to pick up the paper next to your foot.
You don’t move an inch and stare ahead.
He straightens up again and steps around you to place it down on his desk. When he finally moves into your view and turns around to face you with his warm smile – your heart stops.
Emerald green eyes look back at you. Deep and sparkling green oceans. Alive.
Your brain freezes. Your mind scrambling for an explanation but failing to come up with anything.
This can’t be.
After a moment of tense silence, the tremors of your bottom lip make way for what your mind refuses to believe in.
His name slips you in a mere breathless murmur. Afraid that whatever this is, will shatter the moment you dare to breath again.
Beau raises a brow. “Dean?”
He repeats the name with such nonchalance, such valuelessness, like it’s just some random clerk who he’s got no business with. As if that name didn’t mean the world to you once. Still would. Still does.
But the way his name dropped from his lips…
It clogs your airways. And the question mark at the end was him ramming a dagger into your heart and twisting it, without him even realising.
“Uh, no ain’t that.” He gently shakes his head and his lips melt into a cheeky smile as if that would make his next words any less painful.
“I’m Beau.”
Silence. Once again you feel like the air’s sucked out of your lungs. Like someone had pushed you off a cliff.
Someone who is an imposter of your deceased husband.
Beau. Your jaw clenches. And the name bounces off your mind. Your initial reaction being immediate rejection. No, you’re not... Beau.
Your eyes flicker across the man in front of you.
He might look quite… changed. He’s got a beard, neatly trimmed even. His hair is longer and… soft. Gone was the rugged and calloused man you loved. But it is still him. His eyes with their hidden secrets lingering behind those intense glinting, emerald green pools. His bow legs you’d recognize out of a hundred. His voice, his features, his – everything. Everything on him seems much softer but still… in your eyes, it’s Dean. No doubt.
“Why are ya lookin’ like you saw a ghost?” Beau questions with a tilt of his head, leaning back against the edge of his desk.
His voice snaps you out of your intense gaze. Your mouth opens, but no words make it past your quivering lips. All words drowned out in a flood of a million questions. Your focus drifts off, your eyes darting around the office like you’re expecting Gabriel to pop up any second and laugh at you.
But the room stays reduced to the two of you.
You feel like you’re on a tipping point.
Hands clenched, one subtly moves back to your hidden silver dagger – you do what you were trained to do in situations like these; Your mind grips for the lifeline and kicks into hunter mode. You rattle off the list of possible monsters; Shapeshifter? Ghoul? Am I dreaming? Is it some sick game of a trickster God? —
“Darlin’? You alright?” he asks, his voice now more concerned. You look terrified. As pale as a sheet, the blood drained from your face. Close to a panic attack, he guesses by your rapid breaths. Beau reaches out with his hand, gently patting your arm to get your attention. “Hey… Easy, just breathe.”
At his touch you jolt and finally snap out of your state of shock. The hand hovering over the concealed weapon falters. His worried eyes lock with yours.
The life-line snaps. Your mind tips over. Enough to make your stomach twist and turn, about to throw up. With only one shared look, everything’s back; The pain, the poignant grief, the cold skin under your fingertips, Dean’s lifeless expression, emerald eyes gone dull, the stench of decay, of old blood and dirt and his burning flesh and-- it all crashes down on you. All the emotions and memories you had buried in the depths of your mind, now laid open.
Fresh and hungry. Slowly swallowing you whole. Again.
“I- I don’t feel so… good – sorry,” you sputter, your hand clutching your chest in an effort to keep it together. The same second you spin around on your heels and storm out of the office without looking back once.
Beau. His mere presence was suffocating.
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You remember the moment you and Sam cleaned up Dean’s lifeless body. How your fingers brushed against a folded paper, carefully tucked away in his jacket’s inside pocket.
Sam’s face had contorted the moment you pulled it out. Clearly, he had known what secret the paper held and before you got to question his knowing look, he suddenly got up. While walking out, he said he’d give you some time alone with his brother.
Once you unfolded the notepaper halfway, your breath stopped. Your eyes slowly shifted from one scribbled word to the next, each of them hitting harder than the next, each of them taking more of your breath. You swallowed past the lump in your throat when the realization of what you’d been holding in your hand slowly set in.
They were notes of Dean. Notes for your upcoming anniversary in two weeks.
You unfolded the rest of it and your eyes widened. The paper began to crumple in your shaking hands while wet stains swallowed some of his jotted down keywords. When your burning eyes reached the last four words, it had felt like whatever was left of your broken heart had just been ripped out entirely.
The raw emotions rolled down your cheeks, your tears mixing with his last unspoken words…
“Will you marry me?”
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Beau was left back staring at the slammed door in bewilderment and a little stunned. After a moment, he sighs and pushes off the desk to follow after you.
“Winchester!” He calls down the corridor, watching you stumble out the front door into the outside. He jogs after you, slightly panting, while his eyes dart around the parking lot in search for you.
The rain crashes down on him the moment he steps outside. His head briefly tilts up to face the grey sky with an annoyed groan. The raindrops are pattering against his creased forehead, running down his cheeks to pool at the tip of his beard.
But then he hears a muffled sniffle next to him. Strands of his soaked hair fall into his face when he whirls his head around, spotting you leaned against the wall.
“No- no – it can’t be you – Damn it – it can’t…” you mutter under your rapid breaths, somehow trying to fight your scrunched up, stinging eyes with words of common sense. Your chest feels constricted. Your heart’s hammering in your ears and your breath’s clipped, feeling like you might faint any moment of lack of oxygen.
Leaning back against the wet wall for some support, your mind’s on the brink of a breakdown. There’s no explanation for this. This can’t be happening.
Beau suddenly appears in front of you and before you get to react, he places a hand on your shoulder. You flinch but don’t pull away. His hand feels heavy against your soaked jacket, grounding, gentle – but casual, like you would with a stranger. You are strangers.
“Hey, hey take it easy. You’re gonna give yourself a panic attack. You’ll be okay.” He says as he crouches down to your level. He glances over your trembling body and how your eyes try to avoid his, your expression like you’d just witnessed a murder in slow-motion.
“Look at me, deep breaths.” Beau speaks in a firmer, yet gentle tone, trying to break through your panicked state.
When you refuse to look up, he tilts his head down to meet your eyes behind some soaked stray hair that sticks to your skin. He pushes them out of your face, his intense gaze searching your contorted face for some form of hint for what’s got you so spooked.
He gives your shoulder a gentle squeeze. While his soothing words just keep coming, his voice now a lower whisper as he’s desperately trying to understand what is going on in that head of yours, “Hey, c’mon… talk to me, Winchester…”
Your eyes are burning from the tears that have been building up until now. Eyelashes heavy and clumped together by the droplets of the rain. And his intense eyes staring into yours, the very same eyes you fell in love with over 10 years ago, do nothing to ease your pain.
You try to tear your gaze away from his, but find yourself caught in them. It’s like you’re staring into a beautiful forest after years of living in a desert. They pull you in, and you feel like you are right back where you’d always longed to be. Home.
But a home that isn’t yours any more. The soul behind those eyes looks familiar and yet unfamiliar at the same time. You thought you’d never see those eyes again – but those very same eyes hold no memory of you.
The same question keeps repeating in your head, ripping at your heart and soul like a Hellhound.
Dean… is this you?
His voice cuts through your thoughts like a soft knife. “Take deep breaths darlin’, it’s oka-”
“Please- just-” you cut him short, a painful, shaky breath rippling through your voice, “Just stop talking.” Beau’s voice is like a dagger to your heart, twisting it whenever he speaks up. Mocking your memories with that uncanny tone of his.
I’m just tired. You hear Dean’s voice in your head and just like him, you wished you didn’t feel a damn thing.
Beau raises a brow and tilts his head forward, studying your face. For a moment he opens his mouth about to speak again, but when he sees you flinch, he forces himself to shut it closed.
His jaw’s clenched from fighting the urge to talk and feeling a bit overwhelmed with the entire situation. Not knowing where to go with himself or what to do without making things worse. He isn’t sure what it is, but something about you tugs at his heart in a way he can’t quite understand. But he quickly dismisses it, for now.
His eyes snap up to the sky when the rain starts to increase. Heavy drops splatter off the both of you, coaxing a single tear to let go of the corner of your eye. It was like the sky cried for you. Eyes that parched exactly 5 years ago.
Without a word he moves closer, gently wrapping his free arm around your waist. But you stop him before his palm touches your side. Your hand's shaking as it clings to his wrist like a lifeline.
Beau’s eyes widen in surprise, but he doesn’t comment on it. His expression grows pensive and his eyebrows slightly furrow, watching your trembling form. Your chest's heaving heavily, like you’re struggling for air. And your eyes are out of focus, like they're reliving some nightmare.
He suddenly feels a strong protectiveness - decides to hold himself back, though, afraid he might make things worse. But it pains him terribly to see you this way, even if he might not know you, yet.
You don’t say anything. Unable to form the right words as nothing could express the storm of contradicting emotions you are trapped in. The wavering grip on his arm is clenching and unclenching subtly as if unsure whether you want to push him away or pull him in.
“Sorry,” you finally croak between shuddering breaths, unsure what you were even apologizing for, “I’m sorry…”
Why were you apologizing? A strange feeling settles in his guts, one of this being a lot bigger than he could comprehend.
Next moment you know, you’re pulled into a tight hug. Both his arms wrapping around you to pull you close and hold you together.
At first you stiffen. Standing there like a fragile, shaking tree. Your arms pressed against your sides, unable to comprehend any more what is happening.
But he keeps you in his embrace, murmuring soothing words, muffled by your hair and the heavy rain. You lift your head slightly, just enough for your wavering eyes to meet his again.
That’s when the realization hits you. He looks so whole. So unbroken. His skin and his hair was smooth and tender beneath that thin layer of rain. He lacks any form of scar, any edges or any memory of the horrors you and he had faced and committed. Your heart twists; This isn’t what a scarred hunter looks like. And at the same time you feel your heart sink at the next conclusion… Beau would have been Dean’s idea of a perfect life, without ever having been born into the hunting business.
And it makes you wonder whether he was granted that alternate life.
Beau feels your trembling body against him and how your gaze is searching his face for something he doesn't know. Why are you looking at him like that? A lump forms in his throat. His hand gently caresses your back in a circle motion, while his other keeps stroking your hair.
“It’s alright, s’okay. You’re okay.” Beau says in a soothing, comforting tone and he tugs you a little closer, allowing you to rest against him.
Your wet hair falls into your face once more when your head drops to his chest. You both stay still, the only sound being the pitter-patter from the raindrops against the hood of his truck and the puddles around you. Your ragged breath’s nearly drowned out by the rain. The world seems to have shrunk to the beat of his heart softly thudding against your ear.
And that breaks the dam. Tears it down as the floods of emotions search their way out. Your shoulders rise and buckle against his chest. The tears finally break free, streaming down your face, mixing with the rain soaking your clothings. Your body wracked with sobs – raw, desperate, painful. Liberating.
You begin to shake uncontrollably, the sobs growing more and more powerful. They start to rack through every fibre of your body. Your legs grow unsteady beneath you, daring to crumble from the weight of every emotion you had buried in the past 5 years released and unloading all at once.
“I don’t know what’s going on, but I’ll stay right here as long as ya need me to. C’mere…” He reassures you, and pulls you even closer. His chin comes to rest on top of your head, his facial hair brushing against your scalp and his warm breath wafting down at you. “Just let it out… you’re gonna be okay… you’re not alone, ‘kay?”
You clutch at his jacket tightly, holding onto him like you’re drowning. Like you’re afraid he might be a dream after all. Might disappear from your grasp at any moment. Everything spills out of you, incoherent words bubbling from your wet lips. “Y-y-you’re alive- you’re alive- a-alive- I missed you so much, Dean- so so much-”
Beau can’t exactly make out the words that are tumbling from your mouth, but he can feel you shaking against him terribly. He quickly takes his big jacket off to drape it over you, to try and keep the rain and cold off you.
His heart tightens at the sight of your curled-up body, clinging to him while shivering badly and breaking apart in his arms. He slowly begins to speak again, a hint of an encouraging smile on his face, “Hey, ‘m gonna pick ya up. Ya ain’t gonna stand that cold and rain. Ya’ll get sick.” He then places his arms on your back and under your thighs, before lifting you up off the ground in one smooth motion.
He holds you close against his chest, wrapping his jacket over you for extra warmth. The rain patters against the concrete floor while his boots splash through the puddles, carrying you over to his truck.
You don’t protest as your body was giving in at this point. Like a run down shed in a storm.
Your fingers slowly going numb from the death grip, the wet and cold. You choke on your sobs while the tears keep rolling down your reddened cheeks.
But from joy.
You don’t know whether he is Dean or not. Whether this is real or you finally lost it.
But in this very moment you didn’t care.
You let yourself drift back to the happiest place in your mind. One you hadn’t dared to visit for many years. Locked up and keys buried along your husband. Deep down in your broken heart.
When you close your eyes and press the side of your face against his chest, you can hear his heart pounding. When he speaks, you hear Dean’s voice above you, soft and peaceful.
And you feel his body through the drenched pieces of clothings between you.
He feels warm. Warm.
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A/N: it was meant to be a drabble IT WAS MEANT TO BE A DRABBLE
I'M NOT CRYIN'- OKAY FINE I'm still coping with his death - I haven't even watched it since I'm still catching up with the seasons. GAWD I HTE THIS - I JUST NEEDED CLOSURE DAMN IT
Anyway, I just had to get this story off my chest before next year. I don’t know yet whether it deserves more parts but do let me know if you think so!
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soldiersgirl · 5 days ago
ask and you shall receive !
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summary — beau discovers what he needed most in the last place he thought he would find it.
cw — stripper!reader x beau arlen, 18+ (mdni) mentions of drinking, exotic dancing, kissing, groping, YEARNING.
word count — 1,162 words
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beau had driven as far out of montana as he could. honestly, he wasn't even sure which state he was in. all he knew was you and the way you worked your magic up on that pole to the beat of "cherry pie". what a cliché, but it was one of his favourites and nothing looked more heavenly than the cherry red lingerie that clung to your body, the way he wished he could.
with each wink of your luscious eyelashes, flick of your shiny hair and snap of your hips, he fell further into your trap and he wasn't looking for an exit anytime soon. other dancers came and tried to get his money and attention but it was all yours tonight. he couldn't stop imagining the way you would feel in his hands, on his lips, on his lap. on him.
he tried to distract himself by staring down the neck of his beer bottle, only for a second, to cool down and ease the growing, painfully ignored bulge in his worn denim jeans. before he knew it, the song had ended and your heels were click-clacking off stage backstage to refresh yourself and prepare for your next dance. he knew he had to strike now.
he sat in the darkened vip booth, draped with crimson curtains, red satin couches and matching tassel curtains. his hands itched and sweat decorated his brow as he waited for you. each second that passed only escalated his anxiety, excitement? he couldn't work out what he was feeling, but what he did know was that he longed for you and your soft touch.
what was he doing? god, he's a sheriff. he can't be doing this. he'd be the talk of town if they found out that he was going to strip clubs just to get attention. hell, he would be laughed out of town. god, what would his daughter and ex-wife think? he scratched the back of his neck and ran his hands over his face.
"fuck." he sighs to himself before going to grab his jacket to leave before he fell in deeper, but he didn't get very far. his eyes flickered up and there you stood in between the tassels with a small smirk and a raised brow.
"leaving so soon?" you pout as you glance between his shocked face and fleece denim jacket in his grasp. you let the tassels dance over your skin as you reach out and pull the jacket from his tight grasp and throw it behind you. "you already paid, i don't think you should waste your money. you look too clever for that." you winked as you pushed him back against the satin couches and sat on his lap. he's sure he's forgotten how his lungs work as your fingers danced over and caressed his crows feet, down his stubbled cheek and along his jawline, all with a soft smile on your painted lips. "first time?" you whisper as your hands travel down and rest above his heart, that he was sure was about to beat out of his chest.
"that obvious?" beau manages to say, his lungs finally refilling as he remembers to breathe. a small giggle escapes you as you nod and run your hands through his surprisingly, luscious hair.
"you look too sweet to be here." you breathlessly whisper. "but don't you worry, i'll take good care of you." before beau can even react, you readjust and straddle him as your hands connect behind his neck and your hips gyrate to the beat of whatever techno song is blasting in the background. he can't focus on anything but the sensation, smell, feeling of you. your sinful eyes never leave his widened ones as you smoothly grind against him before you throw your head back and reveal your chest to him. his hungry eyes trail down the smooth valley of your breasts and down to where your bodies mould together. his hands fly up to rest on your waist but you smack them away and, to his demise, climb out of his comfortable lap.
"rule number one. no touching." you smirk as you run your hands over your curves as you swivel on the spot, glide down to your knees and crawl towards beau. his tongue darts out to wet his lips as he tries to control his breathing. your hands glide from his knees to his thighs and he freezes. so close yet so far away from where he wanted you most.
"what's rule number two?" he mumbles, his brain flooded with you.
"don't fall in love with a dancer." you laugh as you clamber onto his lap again. behind his half-lidded eyes, he silently thanks god as you rest your back against his toned chest, throwing your head back and resting on his shoulder. you continue your previous grinding with a smirk as you feel him against you, loving what you do to him. how you're able to make a man like him weak in the knees and drunk of desire. you grab the older mans hands and let them trace the outline of your body before resting on your chest.
"but it's more fun if we break rules, isn't it?" you nibble at his ear and his whole world comes undone in that single moment. he is stuttering and stammering as he gropes and squeezes your tits as if his hands were trained to do so with your heated panting against his sensitive neck and relentless grinding on his clothed cock. for the next five minutes, beau was pretty sure he had gone to heaven as your hands and lips glided over one another as the techno-beat echoed in his eardrums.
this was one sin he hoped to never be absolved from.
eventually, you slowly untangled yourself from the handsome gentleman, caressing his cheek one final time before rewarding him with a slow, deep kiss. he tried his best to remember everything: the taste of your cherry lipgloss, the comforting feel of your supple skin beneath his calloused hands, your innocent eyes and dirty words. you pulled back and cocked your head, as if examining him.
"i get off in 1 hour. if you're interested." you play with the collar of his shirt, giving him a sly smile.
"i.. i can wait." he blurts out.
"good thing, sheriff. i'm not done with you yet." you lean in and press your soft lips to his collar, leaving a bright red lipstick stain on the pristine, white shirt.
"... sheriff?" he gulps, trying to play it off. "i'm not.. you've got me mistaken–"
"oh, mr. arlen. when a sheriff as handsome as you turns up, girls will talk. and girls will want." you wink. you give his cheek one chaste kiss before hurrying out and letting the tassels glide over your skin. beau thought becoming sheriff was the best thing to happen to him. he just figured out that he was wrong.
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-`♡´- tag list: @bluemerakis @legalmente-loca @faiszt @vmiina @emeraldcrs @briiverse @figthoughts @sl33pylilbunny @jasvtsc @silverwoodlynx @kayleighwinchester @bejeweledinterludes @yooyieu @nperoconelcositoarriba @lanasgirlfr @velvetdandeli0n @iluvdeanwinchester @cowboysandcigarettes @daylighted @valjy @dulcescorderitas @mostlymarvelgirl @syrma-sensei @rositaslabyrinth (comment or inbox me to be added)
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zepskies · 6 months ago
Ooooh I have a few questions for you to keep the ball rolling! 💚
Would reader and Beau from TMH ever get married? Have a kid?
How would BMD Ben react to their daughter (as a teen/young adult) dating a guy he sees right through as an asshole/maybe a bit like Ben used to be? Would Ben ever tell his kids who/how he used to be when they grew up?
Ooh thanks, Michelle!! 💚💚💚
These are great questions, wow...
Take Me Home (Beau Arlen x Reader):
Would the reader and Beau get married? Have kids?
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Oh hell yeah, they definitely would get married! In Echoes, the last one-shot I've written for them, they've just moved in together. I think at that point, she and Beau would be thinking about marriage in the future, but maybe they wouldn't talk about it with each other right away. 😂
We know how Beau is about sharing his feelings, and the reader, being burned before on an engagement and the idea of marriage, knows she loves him but would be hesitant to make that leap...
Until Beau talks to Emily about it. His daughter is more and more becoming his sounding board, since she was so supportive of their relationship from the beginning. Emily would encourage him to get remarried if that makes him happy.
Emily: You're already living together. Doesn't that mean you want to be with her for the long haul?
Beau: Well...yeah. That's just about what it means.
Emily: Then what's the problem?
He can't exactly argue with that logic. 😂 I think he'd be so excited to propose, that he wouldn't even think about the "more kids" conversation until after they're engaged. The reader would think about it first, I think, wondering if he would ever want more kids someday. And if so, is that something she wants too?
Once they actually got around to sitting down and having that honest conversation, I think both of them would be open to it in a "if it happens, it happens" sort of way. Beau would have concerns about being an "older dad," 😂 but in comforting him and reassuring him that he'd do great, because he's already a great dad...it would make the reader realize that she does want kids, and she wants them with Beau. ❤️
(Hell, maybe I'll end up writing that in the future!)
Break Me Down (Soldier Boy x Reader):
How would BMD Ben react to their daughter (as a teen/young adult) dating a guy he sees right through as an asshole/maybe a bit like Ben used to be? Would Ben ever tell his kids who/how he used to be when they grew up?
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Ooh, I have an ask that I plan to answer tomorrow that covers how Ben reacts to Lila having a boyfriend or girlfriend, but your question here is even more specific! Love it!
I think if he clocked the "asshole" in Lila's new boyfriend, Ben would call him out immediately. He would try to ban her from seeing him. And when that didn't work, he would 100% threaten the guy off without her knowing.
Ben would have to try to (badly) explain to her why he doesn't trust the guy, and why he's a skeevy little bastard.
Lila: Dad, you don't even know him!
Ben: Oh, I know him. Sweetheart, I know 'em all, better than the back of my goddamn hand. He's a fucking scumbag, and you're more than too good for him. Trust me.
Lila: What do you mean?
Ben would hesitate. He wouldn't want to explain to his daughter that he knows how that asshole's mind works because he used to be exactly like that, before he met her mother.
He probably wouldn't ever want to explain it to his daughter in his own words. Likely she'd have to piece it together from stories she hears about her dad from her mom, and/or her honorary aunts and uncles (like Butcher, Hughie, Loco, and Frenchie).
With his future son, Ben will probably have more "man-to-man" real talks about how he used to get women under the realm of "dad advice." 😅 When the boy got older, Ben would admit to him that he did use to fuck around. (Putting it mildly.)
Ben: I mean, if there was an Oscar for laying it the fuck down, I would’ve taken that shit year after year. Would’ve beat out Burt Reynolds by a fucking landslide.
Son: *grossed out but still confused* Who's Burt Reynolds?
Lmao. 😆
Thank you again for these questions, friend! 💕
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cowboysandcigarettes · 17 days ago
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in honor of the album coming out today + valentine's day, i'm gonna release some drabbles inspired by the album!
some songs are already planned, but if you want to request one with a specific character, just send me an ask and i will get to it as soon as i can.
characters! dean winchester, soldier boy, beau arlen, any jackles characters really (or the man himself)
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taste ─ dean winchester!
please please please ─
good graces ─ beau arlen!
sharpest tool ─
coincidence ─
bed chem ─ dean winchester!
espresso ─ dean winchester!
dumb & poetic ─
slim pickins ─ beau arlen!
juno ─ dean winchester!
lie to girls ─
don't smile ─
15 minutes ─
couldn't make it any harder ─
busy woman ─ soldier boy!
bad reviews ─ soldier boy!
can't wait for the next track?
pre-order here! or put in a request!
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bri's thoughts! um i just listened to 'busy woman' about 50 times and can't get it out of my head so now you get this.. also I know valentine's day is already here (it's tomorrow for me), but that literally doesn't matter bc this might take me the rest of the damn year at the pace i write at.
anyways, first part will be out soon!
tags! @ultravi0lence14 @bluemerakis @dulcescorderitas @soldiersgirl @titsout4jackles @flomrpus
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agepl0yer · 3 months ago
save a horse, ride a cowboy - beau arlen
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warnings - age gap, face sitting.
beau’s breath hitched in his throat as you straddled his face, suddenly finding himself in a very vulnerable position, at your mercy. he tried to regain his composure to act nonchalant, but it was difficult when he had an absolute gorgeous woman on top of him, looking down at him like that. “do you-“ he said, his voice a little huskier than before “do you know what you’re doing, darlin’?”
“you want me to sit on your face?” you replied as you stared down at the older man. beau groaned as he heard those words come out of your mouth, his hips bucked involuntarily as a rush of heat ran through him at the thought of you on his face. he could feel himself growing desperate now, desperate for you. “yeah.” he said, voice rough and low, “yeah, baby. i want you on my face.”
“really?” as you blushed deeply down at him. beau’s eyes darkened as you blushed, his head spinning as he nodded, voice rough and low as he spoke. “yeah baby.” he reassured you, “yeah, i want you. i want you on my face, i want you all over.”
“now?” you spoke a bit uncertain now.
beau groaned again, his hands resting on the outside of your thighs, gripping them to try and keep his composure. “yeah baby,” he muttered, his voice a little strained, “yeah, now. I can’t wait any longer, darlin’.”
as you finally lower yourself on his face, your hips hitched as his tongue made contact with your pussy. you moaned loudly as you slowly rocked back in forth on his tongue.
beau’s hands gripped your thighs even tighter as you lowered yourself onto his face, the feeling of it sending a rush of heat through his body. “fuuuck," he groaned, voice a little muffled, "yeah, darlin'. just like that. you like it, baby?"
let’s just say, he made sure you couldn’t feel anything the next day (just with his mouth!)
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roennq · 1 year ago
I made it to Season 3...! 🎉
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Episode 2x18 Funny (but oh-so-cheesy) introduction of the new sheriff lol. It took me awhile to shake off Dean (in his usual law enforcement persona) and see Beau.
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SPN reference: Naming his cars. This time, it's Pedro!
First impressions: Despite being a bit Dean-ish at times, Beau Arlen was a breath of fresh air in an otherwise mediocre season.
Thoughts on Season 3 so far: – Not bad, quite an improvement from Season 2, especially in terms of character likability. – Luke Mitchell! ✨ The last time I saw him was on Marvel's Agents of Shield. – It was done off-screen but Jerrie and Lindor are a couple. Nice! – Scattered and veiled references to SPN. Is there a list somewhere or should I make one after I finish the show? – Too bad this season only has 13 episodes (if only we could trade number of episodes with Season 2).
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justwhisperingfantasies · 3 months ago
You Belong With Me - One Shot
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Characters: Reader (y/n) - Beau Arlen- Cassie Dewell - Jenny Hoyt - Denise Brisbane - Mo Poppernak - Tiffany (o.c)-Knox (o.c)-Pete (o.c) Mention of Cody Hoyt.
Warnings: Drinking, Language, Jealousy, Angst, Fluff, lmk if I missed any.
Summary: You're in love with your best friend, but he is with someone else. You try to move on when the new cute guy in town asks you on a date.
Word count: 4,042
Hope y'all enjoy it. 💜
Please don't copy my work
Like, comments and reblogs are highly appreciated 💜
If you would like to be added to my tag list click here
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Reader's Pov
“I need a favor.” Cassie grimaced walking over to your desk.
“What now?” you playfully whined.
“I need you to go sweet talk your bestie about the getting a copy of the report.
“Cass, I don’t think he’ll be ok with that.” You took a drink of your coffee. “They sealed it.”
“Oh, come on it’s you. He’ll at least let you see it. I just need a couple dates.” You gave him an unamused look “Please.” You sighed and picked up your phone. “Thank you (y/n) I owe you one”
“Yea, yea, yea” you teased as you opened your contacts, you scrolled until you found his picture and tapped the call icon next to it. You put the phone up to your ear as it begins to ring.
“Hello Darlin’.” His gruffy voice stirred up the butterflies in your stomach.
“Hello, Sheriff Arlen.” You said in your best flirty voice. He chuckled. You returned to your normal voice. “How’s your day going?”
“It’s been alright. Checking up on paperwork. How’s yours?”
“Eh ok, I guess. I was just sitting here thinking and ya know what I  realized?”
“What’s that?” You could hear the smile in his voice.
“I haven’t told my best friend was a handsome son of a bitch he is today."
He laughed. “What do you want?”
“Beau Arlen, I had offended you would accuse me of kissing ass to get something!”
He stayed silent for a second. “Are you done?”
“Are you gonna tell me what you want.”
“Have you eaten lunch yet?”
“No, I haven’t.”
“I’ll be there in 15.”
“Oh lord. What are you getting me into now sweetheart?”
“See ya soon.”
As you walk up to the front doors of the sheriff’s station armored with a paper sack containing one of Beau’s favorite sandwiches from a local dinner, you pass Mo. He tipped his hat.  “Mornin', little lady.” He said with a smile.
“Deputy.” You returned the smile with a nod.
“He’s in his office.” He told you as you grabbed the door handle.
“Thanks Pop!” you walked in and made your way back to his office, but he wasn’t there. You grin as an idea pops into your hand. You sit in his chair and clear a space. Careful not to mess up his organized chaos. Leaning back, you plop your boots on his desk and cross your ankles. When he opens the door ⁴ you lean back further and cross your arms behind your head.
He laughed. “Please make yourself at home.”
“Just trying to see how the other half lives.” You smiled at him. He laughed again. “Now I hope you don’t mind, but I did some paperwork organizing while I waited.”
He pressed his lips together and flared his nostrils. “Please tell me your kidding.”
Your grimaced “I thought I was helping.” You said as you sat up.
He rushed over to his paperwork and started looking through the piles. You inhaled through your nose as he leaned in front of you, taking in his intoxicating scent of blue vetiver, sandalwood and citrusy notes. He always smelled so good.
You started laughing. “Beau, I’m just messing with you. I know better than to mess with your system.” You put air quotes on the word system.
“Hey, my desk, my process.” He finally noticed the paper sack sitting on the empty side of his desk. “Is that?” he looked at you and pointed to the bag. You nodded. “Oh, you can have whatever you want.” He said as he unwrapped his sandwich.
You smiled. “Now remember you said that.”
“Yeah, yeah. Get to it.” He said in between bites.
“I need a copy of the Goodwin report.” You gave him a big smile. He swallowed and his face went hard. “Or just the dates. Cassie has a theory, and she needs dates to confirm it.” you puckered your lips and stuck out your bottom one.” He stared at you, his face still hard as stone. “Please B.” You pleaded.
“Ya know you are putting me in a very difficult position sweetheart.”
“Nobody would know.” You turned on your puppy dog eyes.
He sighed “I can’t give you a hard copy, but I can give you dates...”
“That’s all I need.”
He leaned over you again onto his keyboard. “Look away.”
You rolled your eyes. “So paranoid.” You put your hands over your eyes. You can hear the lead on paper and he starts to hum. “Are you humming Elvis?”
“Yes. Ya know you never cease to amaze me. Not many people could recognize an Elvis song from a hum.” He stopped writing. “Alright.” He turned to face you and leaned against his desk. He held out the piece of paper but snatched it back as you reached for it. “Hold on there darlin’ he haven’t agreed on a price yet.”
Your jaw dropped. “Beaufort Arlen.” He rolled his eyes. That wasn’t his name and you knew it, but you could resist calling him that. His reaction was adorable.  “You want me to offer you a bribe?”
“No, not a bribe. More like one hell of a good cook persuading her handsome sheriff friend with her famous chicken and dumplings” He winked at you.
“Fine, but I won’t have time tonight.” You bargained. “I’ll drop them off tomorrow night.”
“Oh yeah. You’re date.” You nodded. “Maybe if you keep this one around you guys could double with me and Tiffany.” You rolled your eyes when he said her name, “Don’t be mean (y/n). She regrets what she did, and Things have been good lately.”
“Yeah, ok.” You stood up and he handed you the piece of paper. “Thanks for your help sheriff.” You head towards the door
He sighed. “Any time.”
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Reader's Pov
“How did he smell today?” Denise asked you as you walked into the office.
You smiled and took a deep breath remembering his cologne. “Dreamy.”  You sink down in the chair in front of her desk.
She smiled. “And tell me why you never asked him out again?”
“Never got the chance. Tiffany just keeps weaseling her way back in, but” you pointed your finger at her. “I am over Beau Arlen.” She raised her eyebrows. “I am Denise. I have a date tonight.”
“Oh really?”
“Yes, He’s name is Knox.”
“Oh, the new guy! He so cute.”
“I know. Which is why I said yes when he asked me out.” You turned your head as you heard the bell that hung above the door. “Speaking of cute.”
Cassie smiled. “Did you get it?”
“I got the dates. He said he couldn’t make me a copy.” You held out the paper for her.
“That will work.” She took it. “Thank you.” she started walking to her desk.
“Welcome.” You called after her.
“Well, I should probably get back to work, got a big ol’ pile of nothing to get back to.
“Hon you’ve closed 3 cases in the last 2 weeks, I’d say it’s a good time for a break.” Denise advised.
“Or you could do some digging for me and give me something to do.” You said with a smile.
“I can try, maybe you should call Beau.” She smiled and you rolled your eyes.
You made your way back over to your desk. You turn your computer on as you sit down. Drumming your finger while you watch the loading screen you decide to text him. You take your phone out of your jacket pocket and open it to your existing conversation.
Y/N: Beaufort
You opened your email while you waited for a reply. Nothing, absolutely nothing.
Your phone buzzed.
Beau: I’m all out of favors today darlin’
Y/N: Rude of you to assume I’m only texting you for a favor. I was actually gonna ask you if you needed help with anything.
Beau: Calm down. It was a joke. Not today. I’m still stuck at the office I have to get this paperwork done TODAY.
Y/N: Damnit. I need something to do.
Beau: Why don’t you go home early and get ready for this big date you have tonight.
Y/N: My big date isn’t until 7.  Are you saying I need 5 hours to pretty myself up.  🤔
Beau: You roll out of bed beautiful, and you know it. Just think you deserve to pamper yourself every once in awhile
Y/N: Nice save.
You hit the send button and turn off your screen. “Cassie!” You yelled.
“Yea?” she yelled back.
“Please tell me you need help with something!”
“Actually yes.”  You jumped out of your seat and rushed to her desk. “Are you that bored?” she asked.
“Yes, I’m freaking dying here.” She handed you the papers in her hand and started giving you the run down of the case she was working on.
“I’m right.” Cassie whispered as you finish  reading the dates that were in Beau’s handwriting to her.
“You’re right.” You reassured her.
“Holy shit. I have to go talk to Jenny.” She pulled her coat on. “See you at the bar tonight.”
“Um probably not. ”
“I’m sorry I forgot, I hope I don’t see you tonight,” she winked at you. “Can we give this one a fighting chance though?”
“Hardy har, har.”
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Beau’s Pov
He sat down at the bar and looked up at the clock. 8:55. She’d probably be getting rid of the loser and walking through the door any minute now. “Hey Pete.” He said as the bartender approached him on the other side of the bar.
“How’s it going sheriff?” Pete said as he sat on a beer and a shot glass in front of Beau.
“We may need a bigger glass.” He told Pete as he poured the whiskey.
“That bad huh?” Pete asked. Beau just shook his head. He downed the shot of whiskey.
“I don’t know Jenny. She seemed different about this one.” Cassie said as her and Jenny walked up to the bar. “Hey Beau.”
“Ladies” Beau said tipping his hat.
“You want some company?” Jenny said as she sat on the barstool beside him.
“Sure, why not?”
“Well, geez don’t get too excited.” Cassie teased sitting on the other side of him
“What’s gotcha down?” Jenny asked as she got Pete’s attention. He brought over 2 more beers and 2 shot glasses for the girls. “
“Paperwork day, Jenny”
“Oh, that’s right.” Pete began pouring their shots and a second one for Beau. “Cheers” Jenny said holding the full shot glass up. Beau and Cassie repeated. The three of them took their shots and sat the glasses on the bar.
Beau looked up at the clock again, 9:00. Come on where was she?
“Pete, can we just get a bottle?” Jenny said grabbing her beer and her glass. Pete grabbed an unopened bottle of the same whiskey and handed it to her. “Thank you. Can you put it on my tab?” Pete nodded. “Grab your glasses and bottles.” She led them over to a high top by the dart board.
“You really wanna play darts?” Beau asked sitting his beer and glass on the table.
“Well not really, but it gets you away from that clock.”
“Come on. We’ll make it fun. Every time someone gets a bullseye, we drink, every time someone misses the board, we drink.” Jenny persuaded.
“Every time someone throws a dart, we drink.” Cassie teased making Beau chuckle.
Jenny grabbed 3 darts of different colors, handing one color to Cassie and another to Beau. “Alright.” He gestured for her to go first.
They took turns throwing the darts on the board and he was actually having a decent time. After 3 shots he checked his phone. 9:30. What the hell.
“Well, I guess (y/n)’s date must be going well. 2 and a half hours. No calls, no texts, and she hasn’t shown up here yet.” Cassie said.
“Or she’s at home drinking alone.” Beau rebuttals
Jenny poured another round of shots. They clinked and downed them. “Beau, you’re up.”
As he was throwing his last dart, he heard Jenny let a whistle out. There she was finally. Beau threw his dart and turned around. His heart nearly exploded in his chest. She was wearing olive green western looking dress, low cut, very low cut. The lower hem dangle over her cowboy boots, His eyes traced up to her face, God she was just beautiful. Makeup done up all nice and her hair in curls under a cowboy hat that matched her boots. What he wouldn’t give to be the guy holding her hand right now. It should be him not this pretty country boy wannabe. Ugh he rolled his eyes. She smiled at them and mouthed the words oh my god as they made their way to the bar.
“Damn she looks good.” Jenny exclaimed.
“So does her date!” Cassie added as they sat down at their table. He purposely sat in the chair facing the opposite direction.
“He ain’t that good lookin’.” Beau sneered.
“Oh Beau. Don’t be jealous. You know we love you too.” Cassie teased.
His ears got hot as he heard her laugh. Clearly, she was interested in this guy.  He huffed and poured himself a shot.
“Hey pretty lady!” Cassie said as (y/n) walked up to the table.
She smiled. “Hey guys. This is Knox.”  She gestured towards him. “Knox. These are my best friends. Jenny,” Jenny put out her hand the Knox shook it. “Cassie.” They repeated. “And this is Beau.”
He put his hand out “Sheriff Beau Arlen. I’m sorry Knot was it” (y/n) glared at him.
Knox chuckled. “No sir, Knox” he emphasized the x on the end. “With a x”
“My bad.” Beau said with a smile.
“So, tell us Knox what do you do?” Jenny asked.
“I’m a veterinarian.” She raised her eyebrows at Cassie.
“Oh, are you going to work at Andy’s place?” Jenny asked
“Until I take it over.” Jenny and Cassie furrowed their eyebrows. “Andy is my dad. He is fixin’ to retire within the next year or so.”
Beau’s phone started to ring. “That’s probably Tiff.” He noticed (y/n)’s eye roll. “I should get going anyways. See you girls tomorrow. Box nice meeting you.” She shook her head. “Good night y’all.”
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Reader's Pov
Today was your return to the office after taking a 3-day week. You and Knox made things official after 4 weeks of dating. He took you out to his family’s lake house for the weekend to celebrate. You took a deep breath and walked through the door.
A big grin spread across Denise’s face when she looked up “How was he. I mean it? “
You chuckled. “It was good.” You turn to walk to your desk
“The weekend or the sex?” she asked.
“Both.” You said and started walking. She chuckled.
As you sat down your phone started ringing. You looked at the screen “Really?” you said out loud. It was Beau, you haven’t really seen or talked to him in about 2 or 3 weeks, only in passing. Wonder what he wants you thought to yourself.
“Beaufort. What’s wrong?”
“You busy today?”
“not sure I just got in.”
“ok well find out and let me know. I need you.”
“Ok. Let me talk to Cass and I’ll call you back.”
“Ok.” He hung up.
“Ok Beau.” You opened the door to find him pacing in his office. “what’s wrong?”
“Should I ask Tiffany to marry me?” He blurted out.
“Um excuse me?” You practically fell into the nearest chair as your legs went numb from shock.
“So, this morning as I was leaving Tiffany stopped me and told me 3 years is long enough to know whether I want to marry her or not.”
Your eyes widened as your jaw dropped. “You’re kidding me.”
“I wish I was.”
“Well, what did you tell her?”
“I told her I couldn’t do this right now. I had to get to work. And if I was gonna ask her to marry me it was going to be on my terms. Not her forcing me into it.”
You know the question you had to ask, but you didn’t want to. You didn’t want the answer. Your heart hastened as you though over what he would say. “ Do you want to marry her?” you couldn’t hid the quiver in your voice.
“I don’t know.”
You pulled on the bill of your baseball cap trying to hide the tears building in your eyes. “Do you love her?”
“ I’ve stuck by her through everything. The lying, the cheating.”
“That’s not what I asked B.” You began to blink rapidly trying everything that wasn’t too obvious to dry out your eyes.
“Why would I do all that if I didn’t.” He stopped mid step. “I think I should just do it. We’ve been together this long. And I’ll probably be with her for the rest of my life anyhow.”
“Well that’s a hell of a reason.” The words came out before you could stop them.
“Look I know you’re not here biggest fan, but I do care for her. It’s going to be hard to keep a friend that is mean to my fiancée don’t ya think.”
You shot up out of the chair. The nervousness and pain you felt turned into a white-hot rage. “Are you fucking kidding me right now Beau?!” Your hands begin to shake. You can’t hold back the things you’ve been dying to say for so long. “She cheated on you for 2 months. Several times. It’s not like it was a one-time mistake. God, I swear you’re as dumb as a box of rocks! I have absolutely no idea why you would stay with her. And if you really wanna marry someone that takes the greatest person on the face of this earth for granted, then be my freakin guest.” He just looked at you with a dumbfounded look on your face. Tears started coming back and you didn’t bother trying to stop them. “Beau you are my best friend, and I love you, but I can not and will not sit here and watch you throw your life away and marry her.” He opened his mouth; you continued not giving him a chance to argue. “I really don’t want to be this person, and I hate that I am saying this. but I can’t be your friend if you do this.” You walked out the door, not giving him the chance to tell you he was going through with it anyway. You heard him yell after you, but you couldn’t stop. You just wanted to get away from everything.
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Beau’s Pov.
He sighed as he got back into his Defender. He pulled his phone out to call (y/n) for the 17th time, straight to voicemail. “Son of a bitch.” He yell as he hit the steering wheel. He scrolled in his contracts and hit the green icon. “Cassie.”
“What’s up Beau?”
“Please tell me you’ve from (y/n)”
“I thought she was with you.”
“Are you at the office?”
“Yea? What the hell happened Beau?”
“Ill tell you when I get there.”
Denise and Cassie jumped as Beau charged through the door. “You guys really haven’t seen or talked to her?” He asked.
“No. Tell us what happened!” Cassie demanded.
“Well, I called her and told her I needed her help. I was given an ultimatum this morning.” Cassie raised her eyebrows. He went over the fight with them. “And then she stormed out.”
“Oh, Beau. I can’t believe you don’t see it” Denise realized what she had said and put her hands over her mouth.
“See what?” he asked
“Never mind. I’ll make some coffee.” Denise walked away.
“Her phone is going straight to voicemail. She’s not at the bar, not at her house. I tried the dinner, a couple parks I know she likes, I tried the gazebo by the lake, I have looked literally everywhere, Cassie, I can’t find her.” He was anxious and jittery. They have had some fights in the past. The one they got into was when he took tiffany back was especially bad, but she was always waiting at the bar for him with a beer and a shot.
“Just calm down. Give me a minute.” Cassie got up and walked to the kitchen. “What do you know Denise?”
“I shouldn’t had said anything.” She kept her back to Cassie. “It’s not my business.”
Cassie walked up to her and put her hand on Denise’s shoulder “Denise.”
“I thought it was pretty dang obvious, but I guess not. She’s in love with Beau. Has been since she’s known him. That’s why she never keeps a man around. She’s been hoping one day he would wake up and realize.”
Beau felt the air leave his lungs as he leaned on the kitchen doorframe. She was in love with him. This had to be a joke. What was so special about him? There’s no way someone like her could love him. “She’s in love with me?”
Cassie and Denise spun around. “Frick.” Denise said.
Cassie’s phone started to ring. “Hey (y/n).” His eyes shot to Cassie. She was nodding. “Alright. I understand. Take the day. I’ll see you in the morning, ok?” “If you need anything just call, ok?” ok.” Cassie hung up and walked to her desk. Beau followed. She started writing on a piece of paper.
“Are you going.”
“Go to the Strickland stables. Follow these directions.” She handed him the paper. “She’ll be there.”
“Did she tell you that?”
“Trust me.” she shook the paper at him.
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Reader’s pov.
You inhaled deeply looking out at the view as you sat on the wooden fence. You turned your head as you heard the swishing of the grass on jeans. “Cassie told you where I’d be huh?”
“She wrote me out directions.” He leaned on the fence beside you. “She told me you used to come here with your brother.”
“Yeah, Cody would bring me up here back in the day, when life got too stressful. When we were kids, he told me to throw my problems at the mountains and they would throw solutions back.” You said with a chuckled. The cold wind made the tear drop’s trails sting your skin.
“They give you anything good today?”
“Not really.”
“Can I try?”
You chuckled. “Sure.” He hopped over the fence and stood in front of you. After a minute or two he turned back to you with a big smile on his face. You hopped down. “What did they say?”.
He took a couple steps. He was close. “They told me to stop being such a chicken and do this. He pulled you into him, his hands cupping your face as he leaned in, the anticipation crackling in the air. Then, with a swift, decisive movement, he dipped you backwards, your heels lifted off the ground, his lips meeting yours in a fervent collision, as your bodies pressed tightly together, the world around you faded away.
He brought you back up and rested his forehead against yours. “Well. That was. Some. Damn. Good advice.” You said between heavy pants. He chuckled and kissed you again. You smiled with wide eyes as a thought popped into your head.
"I just realized that I have several more ways to persuade you now."
his head lifted as he let out a laugh.
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figthoughts · 3 months ago
jensen with a beard is my equivalent of greek god cause omg he looks so good with it,the dean look is fucking hot too but the beard?has me kicking my feet
also stubble dean goooood 🦅🦅🦅🦅👹👹👹
anon i am CRYINF you are so right !!!!!! lemme share my thoughts on this because oh my god
all i think about when i see S9 dean is how good it’d feel to have his face between your thighs, carelessly letting his stubble scratch at your skin as he devours you, too into it to realise until he pulls back and sees the pink rash adorning your inner thighs. he’d defs apologise profusely as he kisses at your sore skin, promising to shave in the morning, but you wouldn’t let him!!!!!! the stinging pain is worth him looking so entirely delectable UGHHHHH
and jensen — DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED !!! i cannot deal with jensen and his fucking beard!!!!! him as soldier boy and beau arlen are my roman empires (do ppl still say that omg??) but him giving you beard rash along your jaw and neck as he attacks your skin with his lips. he’d probably be so smug about it, looking at you all marked up and covered in pretty pink little patches UGH or just the feeling of his beard against your forehead as you bury your face into his neck late at night?? need him so bad it’s unfair !!!!!
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daughterofcain-67 · 4 months ago
𝑅𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝐻𝑒𝓇𝑒
(Beau Arlen x Female Reader)
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: after getting dumped by a guy you'd been talking to, you decided there wasn't much of a point in looking for love. You were better off just staying home and drinking while watching your comfort shows. well... perhaps the sheriff may be able to change your mind.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: reader gets dumped, alcohol, friends to lovers, smut MINORS DNI, Soft!Dom Beau, pet names (Sweetheart, Darlin(g) Princess, etc.) oral (fm receiving), cuffs, unprotected intimacy (reader's on birth control). Overstimulation. I think that's it???
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: hey guys, bare with me as this is my second smut. If anyone has any tips on how to better my writing when it comes to this sort of content please feel free to comment. Any advice is appreciated.
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What was the point of getting all dolled up for someone that wasn't even going to give you the time of day?
You'd been trying to go on some dates here and there since it had been a while since you'd given it a shot. Besides, everyone deserved to have a little love in their life right? Why would you be an exception? You had plenty of things to offer. You were smart, and you were at least decent looking. Granted, you were no model or anything like that, but you didn't look like a potato grew arms and legs or anything. You took care of yourself, you were educated and had a decent job that you actually enjoyed. You thought you had a pretty good sense of humor and you at least tried to get along with everyone you met.
So what was stopping you when it came to finding a long term relationship?
About two months ago you downloaded a little dating app that Jenny Hoyt was telling you about. She recommended it because she claimed it was helping her at least talk to more people before she got back onto the dating scene. Now she was in a relationship with someone who was also a Private Investigator.
If it worked for Jenny, why couldn't it work for you?
So you gave it a shot.
A few days after you had downloaded the app you had started talking to a guy. His name was Preston. You didn’t expect anything to happen so fast and you didn’t want to get attached. Quick attachment was both dangerous and a little unrealistic, but you still found yourself getting excited to message him and you smiled every time you got a notification from him. When you two called you started to grow fond of hearing his voice before you went to bed. He had an adorable southern drawl that sounded like he was from the southern part of North Carolina and it cute whenever he said your name over the phone.
The both of you had even video called on numerous occasions so you knew what he looked like and he knew what you looked like. He was handsome and you thought the two of you would make the cutest couple if he ever asked you to be his girlfriend. Honestly you thought you could even be willing to move out of state just to be closer to Preston if things ever got serious.
The past two months flew by so fast and you were growing more and more fond of Preston. When he said he was going on a road trip and Montana was one of his stops, he said he wanted to meet you in person and that there was something he wanted to tell you. That excited you even more and you couldn't wait to find out what he wanted to say!
Preston told you when he was finally in Montana that morning and he would see you in a couple of hours. You had told him which diner to meet you at and when the time came you were practically on the edge of your seat. But as the time went on, he was about ten minutes late - which was fine, you had assumed maybe he got lost.
Then ten minutes became twenty. Then thirty. Then three hours suddenly flew by and that was when you finally got a notification on your phone.
The message Preston left you was heart breaking.
"Y/N, I'm sorry to have to do this... I wanted to tell you in person but I'm not good at this kind of thing. I just don't think we can work out. I just don't think we can really be that compatible with each other. It was nice talking to you, but it's time to move on... I'm sorry"
Before you even had the chance to type out a response, Preston had blocked you on practically everything. You couldn't even ask if there was anything you could do to at least try changing his mind.
And all of this brings you to where you are now...
With slightly puffy eyes and a reddened nose, you had just entered the closest liquor store. At least now you could see since the tears had stopped for the time being. You were roaming around the aisles, trying to decide how fucked up you wanted to get that night since you didn't have anything to do tomorrow. Then you heard a familiar voice.
You glanced over and you saw one of the sweetest women known to mankind was in the liquor store with you. Denise had the biggest smile on her face as she walked over in your direction, but her smile faltered the closer she got and her brows knitted with concern. That was your sign she must've noticed you'd been crying in your car for the past thirty minutes.
"Awe, sweetie.. you look terrible! Did something happen? Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked and you shook your head a little.
"Thanks, but no ma'am. It's just some allergies." You lied, though you doubted it was a believable story.
Nevertheless, the assistant at Dewell and Hoyt Private Investigations pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose before adjusting her cardigan a little but the look of concern never left her face. You had told her you were talking with someone on the phone, so she knew you had some little app like Jenny had and Denise had been so excited for you. It had been a while since she'd seen you happy over a boy.
"Allergies... Sweetie if it's allergies, I don't think those wine coolers will do the trick if it's an allergic reaction to a fractured heart." She frowned and you could feel your eyes water again and you looked down at the wine coolers you'd been looking at when she noticed you.
"Recommend anything a little stronger?" You asked, trying not to have your voice crack.
Denise frowned a little, but she took you by the hand and the two of you walked over to a different section.
"What are you doing here anyways, Denise? I didn't take you for a drinker." You said and the woman smiled a little.
"I was just picking up wine to cook with. Then maybe another bottle to have a glass with a good book." She admitted, causing you to grin a little.
When the two of you made it to the selection of vodkas, you started looking at the different brands before you picked up a bottle of Absolut Vanilla and you looked over at Denise.
"I hope your cooking goes well. You'll have to tell me what you made next time I come over to the PI's office and see you." You said and Denise nodded.
"Just make sure you message me when you get home. The waterworks is dangerous for driving too." She warned and you chuckled a little before you nodded. Even when your heart was broken, this woman could still somehow make you smile.
"I will." You promised.
"The ache will pass, sweetie. There's plenty of people out there waiting for the right one, even some locals." She said and she gave you a soft hug, which you returned. Then when she let go, she gave your arm a little reassuring squeeze before she walked off to the wine section.
As for you, you went to the register and bought the bottle you wanted before you walked out of the store, paper bag in hand. Finally, you could go home and drink in peace and try to forget all about this disaster, forget about love altogether even.
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Beau was sitting down at is desk, gaze downcast at the paperwork he'd been filling out related to an investigation that's been closed that afternoon. It didn't help much that his back ached because he had to chase a perp on foot that afternoon since he was a suspect for a different case.
Just as he closed the file, Beau heard his phone beginning to ring. He groaned a little to himself before he took his phone and looked at the caller ID only to grin when he realized it was Denise. He answered the call and lifted the phone to his ear.
"Denise! I thought you'd be at home relaxing, what are you doing calling me so late?" Beau asked as he looked at the computer screen in front of him to look at the rest of the work he needed to do.
"Hey Beau, on your way home tonight can you do me a favor? It's about Y/N."
Once Beau heard your name slip through the speaker he stopped what he was doing so he could pay attention to Denise.
"What's going on with her? Is she alright?"
"Calm down, Cowboy. She's okay. I just need you to do a little wellness check on your way home tonight."
Beau looked at the time on the computer screen and he realized he was about to head home anyway after printing off some work he could take with him, "Looks like you caught me at a good time. I'm about to head out in a few minutes anyway. When did you last hear from Y/N?"
"Oh just a few minutes ago here at the liquor store. I was picking up some cooking wine when I saw her and Beau.. she really needs someone to talk to. She wasn't hysterical or anything, but she does seem to have an easier time talking with you about things." Beau rubbed the back of his neck at Denise's words.
"I'm not sure what gave you that idea." Beau chuckled a little but Denise scoffed.
"Oh don't give me that. You and I both know better than that." She said.
"If you say so. But I can stop by before heading home tonight." The sheriff promised with one last chuckle.
"Thanks Beau. I knew I could count on you. I'll talk to you soon, 'kay?" And with that, Denise hung up the phone.
Beau shifted his eyes at a picture on his desk. It was an image of you, him, Denise, Jenny and Cassie. The five of you had taken that after a state fair the previous year. He'd originally gone alone that year since he wanted to find something to do that night since it had been your day off. Then he ran into you since you were by yourself too. Then somewhere along the way you both had ran into Cassie, Jenny and Denise and the five of you spent that evening together.
You had always been sweet to him ever since he came into town. The both of you hit it off pretty well and he'd ended up inviting you to several movie nights whether it was with just him or if it was with Jenny, Cassie and Denise included. And all of this was while Beau was here as a temporary sheriff, but the more he was around you, the more Beau was finding a reason to stay here indefinitely.
Beau had to admit, he had a soft spot for you. Well, maybe it was more than just a little spot but he didn't think you'd be interested so it's just better if he put those feelings on a shelf. And if Denise called him to do a wellness check on you, something must've been wrong.
Beau got up from his desk after he'd started printing off whatever he needed to and he shut off the computer. Once he had everything together, he grabbed his jacket and paperwork that was now in a folder and he was out of the door before he made it to his car.
Finally, after leaving the station Beau made it to your house. He parked the car and got out before he started looking around the premises just incase something was wrong. Nothing seemed to be out of place, and there didn't seem to be any red flags when it came to the exterior of the house but he wanted to be thorough. When he walked up the porch he noticed the door was closed so it's not like anyone broke in from what he noticed. So Beau lifted a hand and gently knocked on the door.
He heard the sound of a TV going as well as a thump and Beau heard you curse from the other side of the door. A couple of seconds later the door opened up and Beau saw you rubbing your shin a little before standing upright. You were wearing nothing but a hoodie and some biker shorts, your hair was in a messy bun and he could tell you were trying to recover from crying, though you'd taken your makeup off already so the mascara wouldn't run down your face.
"You okay, Darlin?" Beau asked and he caught a whiff of some alcohol on your person.
"Yeah, just hit my shin getting up from the couch. Something I can help you with Beau?" You asked as you leaned your head against the door.
Beau noticed your cheeks were a little red but you were still able to annunciate your words. So maybe you were a little buzzed since you didn't seem to be drunk at the moment. You still had your senses about you, at least he hoped so.
"Um.. Denise asked me to check up on you. She seemed worried about you. Is... it okay if I come in?" Beau asked and you nodded a little before letting go of the door and you started walking back over to the couch.
"She really shouldn't be worried. I'm alright." Beau heard you say as he shut the door. Then he walked over and sat down beside you on the couch.
"Sweetheart, a person that's 'okay' doesn't just show up teary eyed at a liquor store intent on drinking alone." He replied and he turned the bottle around to take a look at what you were drinking.
"And drinking vanilla vodka no less. I might've gone for whisky myself." From the corner of his eye, Beau watched you shrug a little. Then he sat up again and looked at you.
"So... you gonna tell me what's going on?"
You sighed a little as you took another sip of the vodka before setting your glass down. You stared blankly at the TV that was just playing an episode of Friends since you weren't sure what else to put on.
"It's stupid. You'll think it was a waste of time for Denise to even have told you to come and check on me." You said and Beau put his hand on one of yours, covering the top of it.
"It's not a waste of time. Whatever you're going through, it matters. No matter how big or small the issue is, your feelings matter. You don't need to invalidate yourself because you think it's a waste of someone's time."
You looked at him, not sure why he felt the need to tell you something like that. But whatever the reason, you could tell Beau was being genuine with you. Then again, you couldn't exactly recall a time when he ever lied to you about anything.
You sighed a little and you looked down at your phone that was laying on the coffee table next to the bottle of Absolut. The screen was black since you'd turned it off after letting Denise know you were home. Would Beau really care if you told him everything? Might as well tell him since he was here.
"It's just... I should have known dating apps were stupid and this guy was too good to be true." You said, then you proceeded to explain why you got the app in the first place and the ordeal with Preston that evening.
"Wait, if he wasn't going to tell you in person, why bother coming to Montana at all on his road trip?" Beau asked and you shook your head.
"I don't know...."
Beau softened at the defeated tone in your voice. He reached out and wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you close to him. You didn't resist and Beau felt you relax against his touch as he placed a soft kiss on your head.
"I'm just so tired of being alone.... This isn't where I wanted to be in life right now." You said.
"And where did you think you'd be?" Beau asked as his fingers started running through your hair softly as he massaged your scalp.
"I thought that if I wasn't married by now... I'd at least be in a serious relationship with the right guy. Like yeah I'm independent, I have a great job and it's not bad living by myself. It's not like I desperately need to have a man in my life but.. being alone gets tiring. It just sucks after a while." You began.
"It gets too quiet in the house sometimes and it's just nice to have someone to come home to. It's nice to actually feel wanted by someone. I thought I'd be in a relationship with a guy that if I'm home before he is after work, I could be in the kitchen doing whatever task and he'd be the guy to surprise me out of the blue with some flowers, maybe he'd turn off the water if I'm in the middle of dishes and he'd pull me into his arms and dance with me right there in the kitchen just because we could." You continued and you could feel your eyes starting to water up and burn with tears again.
"But that shit's not in the cards for me and I get it now. I must be defective or something." You scoffed and got up from leaning against Beau, rubbing one of your eyes with the palm of one of your hands. Then you reached over to grab your glass again but then a large hand grabbed your wrist, preventing you from drinking anymore.
You turned your head to look over at Beau, who's gaze seemed to soften and he pulled your wrist softly which caused you to stop reaching over for the vodka. Then you felt him let go of your wrist and he reached up before he started wiping whatever tears you'd missed from your cheeks.
"You aren't defective. Far from it." Beau spoke with such sincerity that you almost wanted to believe it.
"You're saying that because we're friends..." You rolled your eyes and looked away at the TV screen.
Beau's jaw tensed and he cupped your face in his hands before he made you look at him again.
"I'm not just saying that. You should know by now that I wouldn't lie to you." he insisted and you looked down at the space in between you.
"Then what's wrong with me?" You whispered and closed your eyes, doing your best to stop anymore tears from forming. You were so tired of crying, tired of feeling this way.
Beau watched you divert your gaze away again but this time he didn't force your gaze to look at him. Instead, he carefully pulled you into him again and let your head go back to his shoulder.
"Nothing is wrong with you, Y/N. I hate that some random asshole on a stupid app made you feel this way. Any guy would be lucky to be with you. It would be a privilege to be with someone like you. You have so much to offer, and if what's-his-face couldn't see that then all it means is he's to ignorant to realize what he walked out on, or he's clearly incapable of seeing a good thing even when it's right in front of him like other people." Beau said as his hand rested against the back of your head.
"I just feel like whatever person I'm supposed to be with is just stuck in a different timeline. I can't find him no matter how hard I try." You sighed, but this time your voice didn't sound quite as broken which was something you were grateful for.
"Maybe.. maybe you just need to look in a couple of different places. Or maybe..." Beau trailed off, nearly hesitant.
"Maybe... the sort of person you're looking for might be closer to you than you think they are."
You slowly lifted your head from Beau's shoulder and you looked at the sheriff. Your eyes met with his and there was a lingering silence between you before you found yourself looking at his lips. Would it be wrong of you to wonder what his lips would feel like against yours?
You looked up into his eyes again and placed a soft hand on his chest, "Maybe... you could help me look in the right places for that person."
Beau nearly couldn't believe his ears, and the way you were looking at him almost made him wonder if he was dreaming this up in this head. Maybe he was at the station again slumped over sleeping at his desk or something.
The moment you started getting closer, Beau relaxed and put a hand on your cheek, "I'll show you more than that, Darlin... only if you let me."
After you nodded, Beau slowly leaned in before his lips barely grazed over yours, giving you a chance to pull away if you had second thoughts. You, on the other hand, put a hand on his cheek before deepening the kiss and let him know there wouldn't be second thoughts.
The kiss started sweet, slow and gentle. Beau was so careful with you, almost like he was scared he'd break you but he loved the way your lips felt against his own. You loved how sweet Beau was with you in this moment and you couldn't help but melt all because of a kiss. You didn't know how long you've been kissed, but this felt more right than anything you'd done before. But it wasn't long before the swirling feeling in your stomach made you want a little more.
With your lips still attached, you slowly moved to where one thigh went over Beau's lap and the next thing you knew, you were on top of him. He placed one of his large hands on your thigh while the other was behind your neck as if trying to pull you closer into the kiss. You could tell he was still trying to be careful and not push any boundaries, so you reached down and moved his hand from your thigh and pulled it up to where it was on your hip and you slid forward into him so where both your cores touched.
Beau let out a soft groan against your lips before he pulled away and he looked up at you again. You looked down at him, confusion on your face.
"Is something wrong?" You asked.
"Nothing's wrong, Sweetheart. It's just that.. you've been drinking and I don't want this to turn into something you regret later on. Are you sure this is something you want?" Beau asked.
"Beau, it takes a lot more than a glass and a half of vodka to make me delirious and incapable of making decisions with a sound mind. You caught me before I got to that point and I'm okay right now. Whatever happens tonight... I won't regret it. It'll be a sober choice so there's nothing for you to feel bad about. I promise." You reassured in a whisper, then you leaned in and kissed his cheek.
After that, Beau seemed to be a little less tense beneath your touch now that he knew you were sober enough to consent to whatever would happen next. The last thing he wanted to do was take advantage of you and make you uncomfortable. Beau leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your shoulder before he started kissing up your neck gently. He smiled against your skin at the way you'd giggle at the way his beard would tickle your neck.
"Ticklish, are we?" He asked and you blushed a little.
"Maybe just a little sensitive." You confessed and Beau hummed a little before he leaned in and kissed you again.
This time, with this kiss Beau seemed to have more certainty in his actions. He was still just as gentle as before but this time it was like he had a little more ambition. It was more than a chaste kiss to start. He tilted his head and you could feel the tip of his tongue lightly graze your bottom lip as if asking permission to slip inside. As soon as your lips parted, you felt his tongue slip past and he kissed you deeply like it was his personal mission to take your breath away.
As he kissed you, you could feel your heartbeat hasten. Goosebumps were starting to form on your arms with the adrenaline you were beginning to feel. You hadn't been kissed like this in so long that you'd practically forgotten what it felt like. Your cheeks were heating up and your hands went to the back of his neck, fingers threading through his hair at the base of his neck.
Beau loved the way your fingers felt in his hair. If he could melt in your arms he could right then and there and he didn't want this feeling to go away. You kissed him back with passion and he was glad things didn't seem to be one sided at least for tonight. You deserved to be loved, deserved to be shown just how beautiful you were.
He slowly let one of his hands slip beneath your hoodie and he realized you weren't wearing a shirt underneath. The second he felt your skin beneath his fingertips he felt like he could get lost in you. What caught him by surprise though, was when you wrapped your pretty lips around his tongue and sucked on it softly. It was like you were trying to make him lose all the self control he had.
Beau placed his hand on the small of your back and pulled you closer to him, letting your cores touch again that way you could feel exactly what you were doing to him. You moaned against his mouth and around his tongue before he pulled away from your lips.
You were just as breathless as Beau was but all it took was that simple word and you knew exactly what he wanted you to do. You slowly began to move your hips and you could feel the hardness beneath his jeans against the thin material of your biker shorts. You were already beginning to feel his affect over you but this took things to a different level as you felt him against your clothed core. He already felt so hard and so big and rocking against him like this was enough to drive you crazy.
Your thighs were already beginning to shake when Beau put both his hands on your hips and pulled you down herder against him. You moaned softly as he moved your hips and you felt even more of him and once Beau hit a certain spot, you gripped down on his covered shoulders.
"Steady now, Sweetheart. Keep going. You can do this." He said sweetly though his movements were getting faster and he started to move his hips up into you.
You were beginning to moan a little louder as you continued to let Beau rub your cunt against his bulge and your thighs were shaking a little more and you gripped down harder on his jacket. Your movements were becoming more erratic and you were so close to coming undone.
"Beau, I'm-"
"Go ahead, Princess. Don't hold back."
As soon as he said those words, you came undone in your biker shorts. You could feel the wetness soaking the clothes between your legs as your core throbbed around nothing. Your legs shook against him, but Beau let his hands gently rub over your thighs in a soothing fashion.
"I'm so sorry... that's so embarrassing." You said and hid your face in your hands, causing Beau to chuckle before he took your hands away from your face and kissed your palms.
"Don't hide from me, Y/N. And don't be sorry... that was perfect. You did amazing for me." You nodded a little but you still felt flustered.
"Where's your bedroom, Sweetheart?" He asked as he placed a soft kiss on your temple.
"U-Upstairs. First room." You stammered, though you were getting the feeling that he was far from done with you.
Beau lifted you up in his arms with little to no effort at all and he carried you up to your bedroom. He felt your soft lips against his neck and he smiled to himself. He had no clue you could be adorable in times like this, and he couldn't wait to make tonight all about you.
Once he stepped into your bedroom, he walked over to your mattress and carefully laid you down. When you let go and he got a better look at you, he swore his heart was about to leap from his chest. Your cheeks were dusted with pink and your lips were swollen from his kisses. You were so cute like this.
"Would it... be okay if I undressed you, Darlin?" Beau asked.
"Only if I get to see you too." You compromised and Beau smiled as you sat up.
You reached up and started with the sheriff's jacket. You slid it off his shoulders and Beau tossed it onto the floor somewhere. Then you started to unbutton his flannel shirt only to reveal his chest but before you could slide it off his shoulders and get a better look, Beau took your hands to stop you.
"Your turn, Sweetheart." He said and you nodded a little.
Beau reached down and carefully gripped the bottom of your hoodie before he slowly began to pull it up. Once the hoodie was over your head, you could feel your body grow cold but you quickly crossed your arms over your chest covering them up since you didn't have a bra under your hoodie. The next thing you knew, Beau held one of your hands but didn't pull them away from your chest - instead he gave you a soft gaze.
"Y/N... I told you already. Don't hide from me." He said as he let his thumb graze over your knuckles.
Your cheeks flushed again but you nodded a little before you slowly pulled your arms down from your chest so he could get a better look at you.
"God... you're so pretty, Sweetheart." Beau said when he saw you. He couldn't get enough of you when he saw you like this. You were so breathtaking and he wanted to make sure you knew that.
He leaned down and you laid down on the bed as he started to hover over you. But when Beau leaned down next to your ear, you bit your lip at the way his breath felt against your skin as he spoke.
"If you hide from me again, then I'll have to do something about those pretty little hands of yours." He said as he kissed your temple again.
That statement alone made you get butterflies in your stomach. A part of you couldn't help but be a little curious about what he would do but you wanted to comply. When he pulled away, you looked up at him and you swore you were seeing some kind of vision above you.
Beau hadn't turned the light on when he brought you into the bedroom, and the curtains of your window were opened so the moonlight was hitting him just right and he looked absolutely divine hovering over you like this.
"Fuck.." You breathed out as you took in the sight of him, just for Beau to chuckle.
Beau bit down on his bottom lip before he started to take off his flannel shirt since you'd unbuttoned it already. You're eyes widened when he slipped the material off his shoulders and tossed it somewhere with the jacket. You had no idea he would look this good. His top half was a sight to see and you couldn't believe this was real. You slowly reached up and let your fingertips touch his chest before it trailed down his abs.
"God I must be hallucinating this whole thing." You said and Beau chuckled a little before he leaned down and kissed your forehead.
"Believe me, you aren't." Beau promised before he pulled away from you and he slowly started to kiss down your neck again.
"You're so beautiful, Y/N... gorgeous in every way." Beau whispered between kisses.
You could feel his kisses grow hot and the feeling of his teeth against your skin made you feel almost ecstatic. His mouth continued to trail down your body and the next thing you knew, you felt his hot breath over one of your breasts, causing you to shiver before his lips wrapped around one of your nipples, making your breath get caught in your throat. Then, Beau's other hand glided up the skin of your stomach before it cupped your other breast in his palm. He gave your mound a little squeeze before he took your erect nipple between his fingers and pinched it softly, causing you to moan his name.
With every movement of his mouth and every pinch he gave, you could feel yourself losing your mind. You squeezed your thighs together as he switched and gave your opposite breast his attention. His tongue swirled around your nipple. Both nipples were growing hard beneath his touch because of his actions and soft little whimpers were making their way past your lips.
"Beau.. y-your mouth feels so good." You breathed out as one of your hands went to the back of his head in an attempt to bring him closer.
After a few moments, Beau moved away from your chest and his kisses trailed down your stomach before he stopped. His hands were at the waistband of your biker shorts and he looked up at you.
"You doing okay, Princess? Do you want to keep going?" He asked and you nodded instantly.
"God yes..."
Beau smirked up at you and the moment you saw it, it about killed you. Even his smirk could make you weak in the knees.
Beau found it adorable how easy it was to get you flustered. You were so adorable like this and he loved the affect he had over you. He bit down on his lip as you slowly lifted your hips and he tugged down your shorts, revealing your glistening core that was still wet from your previous high.
Before he could get a good look at it though and spread your legs, your hands flew down to cover them up again, making Beau glare up at you.
"What did I tell you about that?" He asked you and you bit your lip.
"S-Sorry, I couldn't help it." You admitted but Beau shook his head a little.
"I told you, I'd have to do something about those hands if you covered yourself like that again, Princess." He reminded as he reached behind his back.
"Give me your wrists." He said in a way that told you this wasn't up for debate and he pulled out his handcuffs that had been in the back pocket of his jeans.
Flustered and speechless, you nodded. When you offered your wrists to Beau, he took them and put the cuffs on one of your wrists, looped it around a part of your headboard before hooking the other cuff around your second wrist, leaving you helpless with both your arms above your head so you couldn't try hiding yourself from him again.
"How does that feel, Princess. Are they too tight?" He asked and you shook your head.
"N-No. They feel fine." You promised.
"Good." He nodded a little before he went back to your lower half.
Then, he parted your thighs so he could get a better look at you. Your folds seemed to drip with your arousal and release and Beau couldn't help but ache in his jeans at the sight of you like this.
"So damn stunning..." He breathed out as he slowly kissed from one of your knees down your thigh. Then, he started to nip at your skin the closer he got to your core.
Beau settled between your legs and draped your thighs over his shoulders before he let his tongue gently glide through your folds as slow as possible. He groaned at the tase of you and his length twitched in his pants because of it. He didn't think he'd ever tasted something so heavenly and your moans sounded so pretty in his ears as he continued to lick through your folds.
You were trying your damn best not to lose control of yourself, but Beau's mouth did absolute wonders on your body. His tongue went through your folds so effortlessly and it felt like pure ecstasy. Without even realizing it, you were beginning to raise your hips in an effort to get closer to his mouth. But the moment he found that special little bundle of nerves, it was over.
"Fuck, Beau." You moaned as he wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked on it.
Then, you started feeling something poking at your entrance. With a slow thrust, while Beau's mouth was working its magic, he took his finger and slipped inside of your core with ease. He curled up his finger and found your spot almost instantly.
The way he moved his finger was so blissful mixed with the work of his tongue. You could feel his beard scraping between your thighs, making them burn in the best way possible. After a while, Beau slipped a second finger into you, making your core stretch around his fingers. You moaned softly and your hands turned into fists above your head. You wished you had listened so you could run your fingers through Beau's hair.
"Beau-fuck.. please, d-don't stop." You pleaded and when you tried to raise your hips again, Beau took his free hand and pinned you down to the mattress and started to devour you as if he'd never get another chance.
Beau couldn't get enough of the way you sounded, couldn't get enough of your taste. If he could, he would absolutely drown himself in you. He slipped a third finger inside you and you moaned even louder for him. He could feel your legs beginning to shake around his head as his fingers curled and hit that sweet spot of yours again.
He pulled his lips away from your clit and he looked up at you, seeing you struggling against your restraints. Your cheeks were so red and your face looked so adorable like this when you felt good from just his fingers alone. He loved watching the way your body was squirming against him, watching the way you were moving your hips into his hand but then he started to feel your walls clench around his three fingers.
"B-Beau, I'm c-close.."
"Go ahead Princess. Relax and let it happen. Let go of yourself on my fingers." He encouraged as he kept his pace steady.
Then, Beau watched in awe at the way you came undone all over his fingers. He slowed the pace of his hand and used the other to rub your thighs soothingly before he finally pulled his fingers out of your sensitive core.
"You did so well for me, Beautiful." Beau whispered before he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your lips.
You hummed into his mouth, not caring that you could taste yourself on his lips. His kisses were so addicting and if you could, you wondered if you could kiss him forever.
Unfortunately you couldn't find that out because Beau had pulled away from your lips and when you opened your eyes, you realized he was grabbing a key from his pocket. He reached up and unlocked the cuffs, releasing your wrists and without hesitation you grabbed him by the back of his neck and pulled him down to kiss him again.
He gasped in surprise but he relaxed against your touch and closed his eyes again. He let his clean hand cup your cheek before he pulled away and he looked down at you.
You already looked so worn out in the prettiest way possible and he almost didn't want to ask if you wanted to keep going because he didn't want you to feel uncomfortable. But when Beau felt your fingers hook themselves around his belt loops to pull him closer, he knew he needed to say something.
"Y/N... if you let me do this I can't turn back." Beau warned you, but you reached your hand up and caressed his cheek.
"Who says I want you to turn back? I want you to keep going, Beau. I trust you." You whispered and moved a stray hair away from his face.
Beau smiled softly before he leaned down and let your noses nuzzle together in a little eskimo kiss before he pecked your lips before he pulled away. Then he reached down to start unbuckling his belt, but that was when he felt your smaller hands over his own.
"Let me do it." You told him as you sat up.
Beau bit down on his lip as he took his hands away and let you start to unbuckle his belt. Your hands were so delicate and he smiled to himself as he watched you start to unbutton his jeans and unzip them. Your reaction when you slid his jeans down was priceless. He didn't think you could possibly get any redder until you saw what was under his jeans.
"You're cute when you're flustered, you know that Sweetheart?" He asked and you bit your lip and looked up at him again.
"Are you sure it'll fit?" You asked.
After all, you had never seen a shape that large even if it was covered up by his boxers. You had to admit it was a little intimidating, but then you felt Beau move a strand of hair from your face.
"It it ever gets to be too much, you can always tell me to slow down or stop." Beau promised and you nodded a little.
"Lay back down for me, Princess." He said and you did so obediently before he started hovering over you.
"Do you have any protection, Sweetheart?" He asked and you shook your head a little.
"I'm on the pill. You'll be okay." You insisted and he nodded a little.
You gazed at him as he started to slide his boxers down and finally revealed himself. You gulped harshly, unsure if you'd ever seen anything quite like him. Scratch that, you were positive you hadn't seen a man quite that size.
Beau hovered over you again and you spread your legs out for him. As he lowered his hips into yours, your breath got caught in your throat again. His shaft slid between your folds and it felt so good against your clit. Your eyes fluttered shut as you focused on the feeling of him rubbing against you and your hands roamed up from his forearms up to his shoulders before you wrapped them around his back.
"Beau.. don't be a tease. Please.." You whispered your plea as you kissed his collar bone.
Beau smiled to himself when he heard your soft spoken words before he nodded a little. After that, he took his length and carefully pushed the tip against your entrance. Then he finally pushed it in and your walls wrapped around him in the best way possible. Beau let out a groan at the way you felt around him, so warm and tight despite having stretched you out.
"Fuck, Y/N... you're so damn perfect." He breathed out.
You moaned in pleasure at the stretch. He already felt so good inside you and you loved the way he sounded because of you. You didn't think you were capable of making someone feel this good, but it felt so reassuring. Rejuvenating even.
After a couple of seconds, Beau slid more of himself inside you and you bit your lip to prevent yourself from screaming at the pleasure of it all. You could already fill him so deep inside of you and you knew this was past the point of return for the both of you. You reached beside your head and gripped onto the sheets of your mattress as you tried to adjust to his size again.
The moment Beau finally pushed the rest of himself into you though, you white-knuckled the sheets and cried out his name. This feeling was so much more than you could fathom and you felt breathless with the pleasure of having Beau filling you up to the brim like this. You didn’t think you’d ever felt this stuffed in your life.
“H-Holy shit…” Beau grunted, loving the way you sounded as he filled you completely to the brim. When he looked down at you, he gulped harshly at the sight of a bulge showing in your stomach.
“Fuck, Y/N, you’re so beautiful.” He said and he lifted a hand before he pressed it down against your stomach. The both of you moaned in response to the way that pressure felt and Beau sure that if he wasn’t careful, he’d lose it right there.
Beau leaned down before he started to kiss your cheek, causing you to relax your grip on the sheets and he felt your gentle hands on his arms. Then he felt you wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to you. He placed one hand on your thigh and his other arm slid behind your back and pulled you closer into himself. Your chest was pressed against his and he could feel the way you hid your face into his neck as he stayed still inside you, letting you adjust to everything.
“Are you feeling okay, Princess?” He asked you softly, you nodded into his neck in response.
“Is it alright if I move?” Another nod came from you and he slowly began to move his hips.
Beau heard the sweetest sounds escape your lips as you whimpered softly with his slow movements. The friction between the two of you felt so good and he didn’t remember the last time he had felt so good with a woman. He continued to move slowly against you and he felt the way you started to grip at his shoulders. He hissed a little at the way your nails began to dig into his skin and he started to gradually move faster.
“Beau.. I-I need you to go faster.” You begged and Beau grunted deeply.
He paused for a moment before he parted your thighs from around his waist and pressed your knees against your chest. You screamed at the deeper angle and he started to move his hips faster. The sounds in the room were wet and lewd. When Beau looked down he could see you practically creaming around his cock. His length was covered with your slick and it was beginning to leak onto the sheets.
Your heart was racing and you felt like you were losing your mind. You walls were clenching around Beau’s length and you swore you were about to come undone again. The pit in your stomach was starting to tighten again and you felt like you were about to cum for a third time and you felt so sensitive as it is.
Beau felt beads of sweat start to roll down his temple as he continued to move. He bit down on his lip at the way your walls clenched around him so tightly. He could feel your body trembling beneath him before he started to slam himself into you again. He started thrusting even faster, deeper and Beau couldn’t restrain himself anymore.
“God, Y/N… you’re too fucking good.” Beau cursed and he took one of your hands before placing it beside your head, holding your wrist to the mattress.
“Beau, I can’t h-hold it. C-Close.” You warned and Beau nodded.
“Can’t hold it either. Give it to me, Sweetheart. Need you to come undone on me like.” Beau said though his voice was strained.
You listened to his words and you focused on the way Beau pounded into you. You focused on how deep he felt inside you, how he hit even the deepest parts of you that made you see stars. The next thing you knew, Beau had his fingers on your clit again rubbing harsh circles against those nerves. It didn’t take long after that for you to arch your back and you came harder than you had before. You screamed out his name and you swore you could even see white for a moment.
Beau watched as you came to your release. It had to be the sexiest thing he had ever seen. When your back arched he looped his arm behind you again and held you close to his chest as he rode out your high while you shook in his arms. He felt something warm spray onto his abdomen and he let out a curse. When he looked down he realized there was a clear liquid between you two and that was when Beau realized you’d squirted onto him.
“Holy shit…” He breathed out. He didn’t know he’d made you feel that good but he loved the way he could make you feel if this was the reaction he’d get.
You opened your eyes and slowly looked up at Beau through your lashes. Then you lifted a hand and caressed his cheek.
“Beau.. N-Need you to cum inside me. Please.” You begged and Beau was already so close as it is.
Beau was so hard that it physically ached and he didn’t know how much more he could take. But when he heard those words escape your lips, it was over for him. He took your hand away from his cheek and pinned it down to the bed again before he intertwined your fingers with his.
“Fuck, Y/N. You’re so perfect. Shit..” Beau cursed as he squeezed your hand tightly.
After a few more thrusts, Beau finally released into you. You shuddered against him as he filled you up with his release and you could even feel his release coming out and running down your ass onto the sheets.
Both of you stayed still while Beau was still buried deep inside of you, You carefully leaned up and started to place soft kisses on his shoulders before making your way up his neck. Your free hand was lightly scratching his back with your fingernails in a soothing manner to try and calm him down from his own high while he still held your other one beside your head.
Beau trembled beneath your touch, feeling more sensitive than he’d expected to be. Then again, it had been a while since he’d slept with someone too so maybe you both needed a night like this more than you thought you did.
“Thank you…” Your voice broke Beau from his thoughts.
He hummed a little as his brows narrowed before he looked down at you.
“What are you thanking me for?” He asked softly.
“For checking on me tonight. For making me feel like I can be worth something to someone.” You whispered and Beau softened before he took the hand that was beside your head and pulled it between you two. He flipped your hand and kissed the back of it, never breaking eye contact with you.
“I told you.. all you had to do was look in the right places.” He said and smiled down at you. Then he leaned down and kissed your lips softly. Then he started to pull away and when he was about to pull out of you, you wrapped your legs around him again.
“Don’t go just yet.” You whispered.
“Y/N, I won’t be going anywhere. But I do need to clean you up and get you into some clean sheets before you get some rest.” Beau said and you hummed softly.
“That can wait a few minutes… couldn’t it?” You asked and Beau smiled softly.
“I suppose it could.” He replied and he leaned down, placing soft kisses on your own shoulder.
“For the record… dating apps are over rated. You could do so much better than total strangers.” Beau said softly between kisses.
“I think I may have found better.” You whispered and Beau lifted his head and he smiled down at you.
He leaned down to kiss you once more and you knew that you could trust Beau with everything. You wondered if maybe he could be everything you wanted, and needed. Maybe this was the opened door to something you had always dreamed of and Beau was right. You just needed help finding where to look.
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